#the fish is based on a uhh
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marcelineuntitled · 6 months ago
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forgot that i never posted this woa
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clownhonkbonk · 9 days ago
slams head against wall.
i. will. not. fall. for. drawing. them. as. posts.
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yeah that went well.
CHARACTERS BELONG 2 @apleye from their delightful comic
bonus i was gonna finish but hand hurt :^))
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arttsuka · 10 months ago
for the NATM mer au what if the museum exhibits were an aquarium full of different mers in different tanks and Larry is their caretaker or smth. or maybe they just look like regular fish/sea creatures during the day but at night they transform into their true mer selves
You know what, I can see this as an au actually.
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emiqip · 3 days ago
apocalyptic ponyo au!! ft. shockweaves little menaces. @keferon
One week had passed since Skids saw the ocean swallow their city whole. 
It happened during one of those lazy days in the Dead End: with the cold season drawing near, few people roamed the dirty narrow alleys, more preoccupied scavenging for a place to settle down and spend the winter. He and his sort-of-not-really-adopted bunch of siblings had the luck to find an old gazebo made of sheets of rusted metal, basically a five star abode especially when your main concerns where a) not getting pissed on by the sky and b) find an actual place able to hold ten scruffy kids.
And even with nothing, life was good- or as good as it can get. Not having to fend and fight on the streets for yourself, having someone to bicker and argue with for the stupidest little things but still knowing everyone will have your back until the very end. The nights spent huddled together for warmth while Thundercracker, being the only one who knew how to read, dramatically re-enacting the scenes from a fairy-tale book and when storms so loud the walls of their shelter shook hit the city, you could pick out the soft humming of Damus, lulling the younger kids back to sleep. 
Yeah, life wasn't anywhere near perfect but it was enough.
But now...
The partially sunken landscape could suck all hope from one's soul. The once lively and bustling city was now a wet husk of rubble and toppled buildings. Abandoned vehicles and all sorts of trash floated on the surface, littering the water for miles. He was honestly impressed at how fast it all went down- them barely making it out only thanks to their shitty shelter, that served as a make-shift raft until they eventually reached a patch of dry concrete.
They've been walking for a few hours now, trudging between shallow water and debris, never daring to test their luck and trying to swim- they all got a taste of what lurked in the deepest parts during their little trip on their rackety raft and came to a general consensus to give those areas a very wide berth and not risk their lives more than they were already.
With a last distrustful look aimed at the water, he re-adjusted the heavy weight of the shotgun strapped on his right shoulder and walked away from shore, joining the others at their new alcove. 
Finding a place to truly call their main base of operation was surprisingly easy- the mess of destroyed and eroded buildings that titanic wave left behind made for a pretty cushy place if you ignored the smell of seaweed and moist drywall. 
They were separated from the main patch of dry land and the chance of encountering any survivors was nearly slim to none- not that he was complaining or anything, less the possibility of meeting any hostile adults and being stripped of what little resources they had. From the wrecked remains of the city they managed to find quite a few useful things, but sadly not enough for ten kids. The food was especially low, the only way was fishing and catching it themselves but they had already established it as a big fat No. 
As the evening was slowly closing in, everyone was working to start their nightly routine. The oldest kids were in charge of the fire, which usually entailed watching TC read the partially wet copy of "Little Survivalist" to a very much not interested Trailbreaker and Windcharger. At the mouth of their shelter Soundwave was meticulously arranging their sleeping mats, while Skywarp sorted their blankets. Skids was chosen to stand guard today and soon after Damus would join him to keep watch on the others while they slept. 
Main while Bluestreak and the twins where- uhm. Where were they actually?
"Yo, 'Warp! Have you seen the little goblins?" Skids approached the teen, still intent in choosing the softest blanket for himself- aft. 
"Ah-what? Uhh, i think they wanted to explore the area but it wasn't my turn babysitting them so..." The other shrugged, returning to his task. 
"I swear if they come back with another mutated crab I'm going to lose it." 
"Naaw, everyone loved Bob, why do you have to be such a grump?"
"Well, if 'Bob' had the courtesy to try and not pinch me while I was slee-" 
A shrill scream broke their conversation. 
In a second all of them were at their feet or reaching for their nearest weapon as they watched the small shapes of the twins quickly getting closer. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were sprinting towards them at full speed, and when they arrived they almost toppled Skids over, while still screaming and shouting frenetically. 
Witnessing this, Damus came swiftly forward to try and assess the situation. 
"C'mon guys, deep breaths- what's going on?" The oldest tried to sooth. 
"BLUE IS DEAD! THAT THING GOT HIM AND IT'S MY FAULT" Sideswipe screeched snatching both of Damus sleeves like a lifeline. 
"Whoa- hey 'Sides-" 
"IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD! But me and Sunny wanted to take a closer look- But turns out it was napping! And we tried to run but Blue fell and he hurt himself and that thing sNATCH HIM UP!! HE'S DEAD AND- AND IT'S MY FAULT!!"
After that the thirteen year old broke into a storm of unconsolable blubbering sobs- they all looked at each other in the eyes: 'Sides and Sunny were known for two things, being unsufferable little shits and that they never cried. Even when sad or scared they were used to put on their brave faces and endure like how they were taught. 
So a crying or upset twin meant trouble. 
Damus, understanding this quickly shifted his behavior and started barking orders to the others: he, Trailbreaker and Skids would go and find Blue the rest were to remain at the shelter and prepare in case they needed to flee as fast as possible. 
With that they braced their weapons and ran into the direction the twins came. 
He felt his heart beating in his throat as they ran towards whatever had attacked the youngest children. He couldn't help but picture small innocent Blue, laying on the shore motionless, a pool of blood beneath him- NO! Blue was okay! He had to be! And they were going to make sure of that. No one was keeping him from getting his littlest brother to safety. 
When they reached the shore, the smell of blood didn't greet them like they were all secretly dreading- but something else did. 
Something much, much worse. 
Bluestreak had always been a talkative little bugger- one of his siblings would sometimes even catch him talking to himself or inanimate objects when none of them were around. He always held conversations all by himself, jumping from topic to topic without catching a breath. 
However Blue wasn't really the type of kid to talk to strangers without getting shy and ducking behind one of the others for safety. 
Apparently, following little Blue logic- GIANT FISHMEN don't count as strangers.
"...and so I thought it would be cool, you know? but then 'Sides told me that I would get worms but I don't mind worms! They can be cute if you aren't a little baby who gets scared of everything and TC reads to me a lot so I know I won't get worms but I'm still very careful you never know..." The young boy happily ranted away as he sat snugly under the fish- man? argh! The mermaids giant flippers. 
The huge being wasn't bother at all by the little morsel chatting away at him- on the contrary, it looked fond of Blue as he let the kid talk. Skids almost pulled the trigger as he looked as the fishman slightly moved his massive head to nuzzle Blue in a show of complete affection. (if Skids strained his ears he could almost hear the soft vibrations the giant fish was producing) 
Only then, as he was giggling like mad, did Bluestreak notice them as he lifted his left hand and waved frantically at them. 
He felt Trailbraker sagging beside him as his weapon almost slipped from his grip. 
"...what the actual fuck."
pt.2 :P
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cherimoyatea · 4 months ago
hello hi! ik the fandom mostly favors interactions between LIs & MCs/Readers but i was wondering if you have your own ideas between the LADS boys like friendship headcanons between them? how their dynamic works and which would be the best bros with each other or strongest siblings rivalry vibes between them (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
hopefully this is alright to request! 🙏🏻
Hi Annonie!
Thank you for your request! I saw the wonderful @irandial already sharing her thoughts on the same request, and I couldn't agree more with her on the boys! But since you asked I'll also drop some headcanons 🤭
I've always imagined what their life would be like if they happened to share a house and how their dynamics would play out, so I'll set the scenario based on your request.
Remember, these are headcanons and just for fun 🩷
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❧ The LaDs Men as Friends - Shared house edition
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He's the loudest—always getting on everyone's nerves with his antics and pouty demands. Rafayel will block the bathroom for hours with his extensive baths and beauty routines: Since he's basically a fish on land, he's super cautious about keeping his skin hydrated.
Imagine him opening the bathroom door in a bathrobe, with a face mask on and a bowknot keeping his purple bangs off his forehead, as he yells at the other guys: ''I'm gonna burn y'all in your sleep if ya don't stop knocking on the damn door!!'' Then he slams the door shut, locks it again, and puts his Airpods on full blast, while the others continue to desperately hammer against the bathroom door, needing to use the toilet.
Rafayel pretends to be annoyed by everyone in his household and murmurs''These silly humans...'' while also using his evol and wielding his dagger to protect his friends without hesitation whenever they run into trouble. Though they get on his nerves sometimes, he wouldn't want it any other way.
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Xavier is in a constant catfight with Rafayel for always eating his cheesesticks behind his back. In general, he's the one who constantly empties the fridge and eats everyone's snacks and food. Even Zayne can't help but let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in disbelief, when he finds another empty cookie package in the cabinet—for the third time this week. And its only Tuesday.
Whenever Xavier isn't busy snacking, his friends usually find him either reading a book or napping in the most unusual places around the house, giving them daily heart attacks. Once, Sylus almost spilled his drink when he tripped over Xavier's sleeping form, curled up on the soft, fluffy carpet in the dimly lit hallway. ''Uhh... I'm not quite sure how I ended up sleeping on the floor... it just looked so comfy here and the stairs to the bedroom seemed like too much effort…'' He rubs his neck sheepishly and gets up with a yawn, while Sylus taps his foot impatiently, shaking his head at the silver-blond.
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Definitely the ''mom'' of the friend group. He takes care of everyone's well-being while occasionally cracking one of his dry jokes, causing an awkward silence in the room. Surprisingly, nobody feels called out when he scolds his friends for eating too much junk food or staying up too late. ''Rafayel, where are your slippers? The floor is cold—at least wear some socks.'' And the Lemurian? He rolls his eyes and mumbles something under his breath but eventually gets up to grab some socks from his room.
Zayne always has an open ear for his friends. Whenever someone needs to get something off their chest, they approach the Doctor, and he genuinely tries to comfort them. ''Xavier… I don't think Sylus hates you for accidentally poisoning him with your tiramisu. However. Make sure to remember that dishes with raw eggs need to be refrigerated…''
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He's the one who would probably get along with everyone, giving off protective big-brother vibes. He mostly watches his friends quietly from the background with an amused smirk, shaking his head at Rafayel causing a scene over someone spilling his paint, Xavier serving a suspicious-looking tiramisu, or Zayne gathering the others laundry from the floor with a frown. ''Doc, are you sure you want to touch that? I remember seeing the fish doing... unholy things with those socks.'' Sylus says with a mischievous grin, earning a dead stare from Rafayel. ''Hold up! I did WHAT?!''
He just loves teasing these idiots.
But Sylus is also the life of the party and always up for a night out with his friends. The guys had a blast at the karaoke bar once when Sylus was drunk enough to wholeheartedly sing Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball. Of course, Rafayel recorded the whole show and teased him the next morning while the silver-haired man had the worst hangover ever. ''Listen, Fish... I'm adding a cat to this household if you don't delete that NOW!''
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scr11bles · 4 months ago
uhhhh who wants simon ghost riley normal/relationship headcanons? anyone???
✧ i think that: ghost has the softest hands known to man kind. he gets self conscious about it because he’s been a soldier for years and wishes his hands were more roughed up and reflected his gritty persona and job (i want his hands to be calloused too but c'mon and imagine soft handed simon…)
✧ i think that: ghost is sensitive to fragrant smells. ex: flowers or specific expensive perfumes, it just gives him a huge headache and makes his mood sour (he’s deathly allergic to pollen, not dust though).
✧ i think that: his ribs are sensitive (obviously iykyk) so he tends to guard them more whenever sparring or out in the field (like keeping his arms tucked close to his sides). but he lets you touch them lovingly after gaining his trust, just remember to be gentle, yeah?
✧ i think that: ghost runs extremely cold or hot, there’s no in between. if you're lounging with him, you'll either be practically one with him or on the opposite end of the furniture.
✧ i think that: he probably gets migraines a lot. with all the gunfire and flashing lights of his profession, he's prone to the horrible ache in his skulls we all know and hate. show up with some medicine and tea for him and he's smitten.
✧ i think that: he sleeps with the thinnest blanket ever and doesn’t have a duvet on his bed (he thinks it’s too soft of a luxury for him).
✧ i think that: this man can and will fall asleep anywhere and at any time to make up for the lack of it he gets. back from a rough op? nap for a couple minutes. on the heli to a new base? he says he's just resting his eyes, but everyone knows he fell asleep for real.
✧ i think that: ghost prefers sour and salty foods and doesn't have the biggest sweet tooth (as much as i want him to). though, he does like dark chocolate and gets mad when you say that doesn't really count. he can handle SOME spice but avoids it if optional.
✧ i think that: ghost's favorite animal has to be a wolf (stereotypical much?), snake, or another kind of lizard. maybe something like a kimodo dragon? if you take him to the zoo he beelines for the reptile and fish exhibits. aquarium date anyone?
✧ i think that: he hates when people mock his accent, he can't help it so whats the problem? maybe hate is a strong word but he definitely doesn't care for it. if you're close to him relationship wise he'll just scoff and pretend to be annoyed, but the accent on you does sound cute....
omg whats up guys... its been a sec im sorry college is a bitch and a half. uhh im slowly getting back into cod after a few other phases have died down. if you liked this check out my menu to request a short fic! thank you!!!! - emile :3
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autumnbrambleagain · 1 year ago
It's like, you go up to Baldur's Gate 3 and you're like, hey, you're a fantasy game. Can I play as something weird? Like maybe a centaur? That's a fantasy race, right?
And Baldur's Gate 3 says, uhm, no. You can play as a human. If you really must be different you can play as a dragonborn.
And it's like. oh, neat! That's like, a dragon?
And they're like, well, it looks more like some kind of fish... maybe like, you know those shrink-wrapped dinosaurs from the earlier days of paleontology?
And it's like... oh. Okay. What about modded races? Did someone mod in a centaur?
And BG3 is like, buddy. Buddy. Do you know how hard that would be for fans to animate? We don't even have a modding toolkit for you to use. Of course not. You can't play as a centaur. You play as a human.
And it's like... no, sure, of course, I'm sorry for bothering you.
You go to Caves of Qud and ask if you can play as a centaur.
CoQ says oh, sure, one of the first npcs you run into is a taur! The extra legs let you outspeed enemies and also give you a carry weight bonus! But what's that over there is that your fursona
and i'm like, oh, what, uhh
and CoQ is like, yeah! What is that, two-headed, four-armed foxthing? Why don't you play as that instead?
and i'm like, I'm sorry, what?
and CoQ is like, yeah, having two heads lets you wear two kinds of helmets for different bonuses, and also lets you use mental abilities quicker AND helps you shake off mental effects faster! the extra arms lets you stack up a whole bunch of weapons at once, it's a really powerful base to build your character around!
And I'm like... well... what about the visual representation of it?
and CoQ goes, we use sprites with 2 colors and negative space, so you don't need to relearn 3D modeling and animation to have your guy represented in the game with the same fidelity as everything else that already exists in it! no problem!
and like... of course, the Thing You Can Play As isn't the only factor that makes a game good! but after experiencing this, it's so hard to enjoy games like BG3. Like yeah the story and its writing and your ability to affect it are unmatched in BG3 it especially makes Bethesda look like hot steaming garbage!
but i have to either play as a human or a shrink wrapped fish dinosaur from 60s paleontology to do it? and every game makes me just play as a human. the most fantastical games with the craziest settings all mostly moderate themselves to "medieval europe... with a little bit of weirdness"
meanwhile in CoQ turning a locked door sapient, recruiting it, and giving it a chaingun so i have a literal metal door wielding a chaingun is a perfectly viable answer to getting through a locked door
anyway that's why i think the developers of CoQ should be given the budget of BG3 tyvmia
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luiluvr · 17 days ago
ok disclaimer this request is based off tiktok comments which we don't know are true 😭 but you and college!luigi are part of the same friend group and you all go on a camping trip together, you *thought* you'd be sharing a tent with one of your best girl friends but turns out she's brought her bf last minute leaving you without one so you tent up with luigi. but that. mother. FUCKER!! cannot stop snoring and you can't fall asleep at all so eventually you wake him up and are like bro please 😭 but he's so sweet about it and a lil embarrassed and offers to stay up while you fall asleep so he doesn't bug you cause he's a cutie
oh boy oh boy i have been ACHING to write something about his snoring ☹️☹️
WARNINGS: none! just lu being sweet to you and snoring.. a lot, and uses of Y/N.. this is also shorter i'm working on another request that'll be longer <333
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“Should I kill her now or later?” You thought, as your best friend broke news you both would not be sharing a tent. When this camping trip was planned, you specifically wanted to share a tent with her. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing, it was the fact you had always shared a tent with her in the past — so you were naturally used to her presence when your friend group had these little trips. That was a lost cause now. Unbeknownst to you, she invited her boyfriend last minute and decided they would be sharing a tent.
You stare at her blankly as her boyfriend smiles, “So…What am I supposed to do?” You ask her.
“Uhh, I don’t know.” She says quietly, clearly she didn’t think it through either. It was a few minutes of silence before her boyfriend spoke up and responded, “Luigi’s not sharing a tent with anyone. you may ask him. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind it.”
Luigi Mangione. One of the more loved people at college, you had ended up in a bigger friend group with him; so you knew him but only so much. He was a typical person that all the girls were always crushing on, sneaking pictures of, there was even a rumored group chat where they’d talk and send pictures of him. Sure, he was handsome but was it that serious?
You nod. Luigi was a really nice person, so you didn’t doubt he would tell you no. It’s the fact your best friend should’ve mentioned it two hours ago when you all originally left for the trip. “Alright.” You said quietly, by now everyone was arranging their tents and Luigi — he was busy watching the stream. He always enjoyed the little things and admired nature. He was- from what you knew- fairly shy. For someone always so out there, so smart and always up for going places besides campus; he was incredibly introverted.
He had plenty of friends, but he never bonded on a deep level, you knew that much from other people who knew him better.
You shove your hands in your pocket and sigh, walking over to him, smiling awkwardly as you watch the current rush and wash over the rocks inside. Occasionally a small fish would wiggle and swim in the crystal colored waters. You clear your throat and speak up finally, “Hey, Luigi?”
His head turns — his jawline dotted with stubble, and a warm smile welcomes you. “Hey, Y/N, what’s up?” You’d be lying if you said you didn’t get caught up in his gaze, his hazel eyes are so entrancing. You can’t help but look away as you ask, “Would you be alright if I stay in your tent? Riri brought her boyfriend and decided at the last minute to tell me they’re bunking together so I don’t have anywhere to sleep now.” He chuckles, nodding to you. “Yeah, of course. I don’t mind.”
You breathe a sigh of relief, “Thank you so much, Luigi.”
“Of course.”
You and your friends spent most of the afternoon setting up, you’d spend the rest of the weekend hiking, exploring and enjoying each other’s company. Luigi had taken your sleeping bag and set up the inside of the tent, he didn’t make you do anything, you were “his” guest—as he put it.
By evening, the campfire was lit, lighting up the smiles of your friends; the mix of conversation and laughs filled the air. You sat comfortably on your favorite lawn chair, a maroon rackety-old thing that held up like a warrior. Luigi moved closer beside you, quietly and shimmied comfortably in his chair.
“Oh yeah, Y/N, heads up, Luigi snores a lot, so good luck.” You tilt your head, Luigi? Snores? You highly doubted that. But oh, was Riri’s boyfriend right.
Before you initially got in the tent, you had spent a few minutes talking to your other friends about things you all may do tomorrow, you heard some noises but passed it off. That was, until you climbed into the tent, Luigi was already passed out, softly snoring. It’s not that bad. You thought. It was rather chilly, but he still slept shirtless, comfortably curled up in the sleeping bag. His curls were the only sight from this angle.
You got comfortable in your own sleeping bag and exhaled, relieved to finally get to rest after the long trip. Inevitably, as your eyes began to flutter shut, Luigi let out this snore. It scared you back awake. You realized it was just him; and nothing of actual worry — you slightly peered over at him, although the tent was dark, the tiny bits of moonlight that managed its way through freckled his calm, handsome complexion.
He had stopped for the moment, so you assume he only does it every so often and you could stand sleeping with his snores beside you.
Alas, you huddled down, zipped the sleeping bag and nuzzled into the soft cushioning. Your eyes closed, body relaxed. The quiet buzzes of nature make it feel more realistic and comforting.
Then he snored.
It wasn’t that bad, so you let him snore on; and continued to try and pursue slumber, but as the night progressed, it got deeper and louder. You had managed to fall asleep but were woken right away by his snores, it was honestly annoying but simultaneously endearing. He was so sweet you couldn’t be mad at him for it, though anyone else you would have woken and told to go sleep somewhere else — it was different with Lu.
After some time though, you realized how late it had gotten, almost 4AM, you needed to sleep or you wouldn’t want to do anything tomorrow with the group. Gently, you grasp his shoulder and shake him. It only elicits a bigger snore, and a flinch from yourself. You give it a moment, not wanting to scare him awake.
“Luigi.” You whispered, nudging him a little harder this time. He groans, shifting ever so slightly and slowly coming to.
“Y/N?” His tone was so sleepy, mumbled and kind of cute.
“Hey…I’m not trying to be rude, but you’re snoring a lot.” You chuckle, quietly.
“I’m so sorry,” He says as he sits up, his muscles flexed as he stretched a bit. “I know I snore pretty roughly, my older sister hated sharing a room with me when we were younger.”
You can’t help but laugh a little, “I get it, I didn’t want to seem like an asshole about it or act like it’s a world-ending thing that you’re snoring…”
“No, no. You’re fine Y/N, thanks for waking me up. I had a lot of signs of sleep apnea when I was younger, I struggled with it for a while. When I snore all night it makes my throat hurt.” He states, rubbing his arm. You nod, he was too nice about it. Whenever you confronted a sibling or roommate about snoring they told you to ignore it or get earplugs. Not Luigi.
“How about this,” He says, staying quiet so as to not wake everyone sleeping in the tents beside yours. “I’ll stay awake until you fall asleep and you’re good — then I’ll go back to sleep too so I won’t disturb you. Is that okay?”
He was offering such a sweet little thing, it wasn’t that big of a deal but for you it meant everything.
You agreed, it seemed the only logical conclusion and he was willing to lack his own sleep just so you could rest comfortably without his snoring. “That’s really nice of you, Luigi, thank you.”
“Of course.” Even in the dim light, his smile lines carved and dimples became more prominent, somehow his face lit the darkness alone.
And that’s exactly what you did, he shared a blanket he brought, covered you and as you tucked yourself in, he stayed sitting up and relaxed, he wouldn’t admit it but he did watch you for a bit just to make sure you were comfortable and you were able to fall asleep — which you were; and you did.
The next morning — almost afternoon, the group was buzzing as they snacked on granola bars and sipped on water or coffee they kept in thermal cups. Luigi had exchanged into a blue tank top with a Lion King reference on the front and those lousy basketball shorts all the boys seemed to enjoy wearing, despite them looking goofy.
As you managed around, got changed in your tent for a day of exploring and probable hiking, Lu approached you with a sly smile.
“Good morning.” He hums.
“Morning, Luigi.” You replied.
“Did you sleep well last night?”
“Yes, I actually did. Thank you, again by the way.” You said cheerfully.
“Yeah, it’s no problem! I guess that’ll be our routine while we’re tenting up together.” He laughs, leaning against a small tree nearby.
“Suppose so.” You nod.
“Oh and by the way, Y/N?”
“Yes, Luigi?”
“You snore. A lot.”
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katshelluvacritic · 1 year ago
So…. Glitz and Glam huh… y’know what that means my fellow artists and critics…
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REDESIGN TIME!!!! + (A bit of critics/opinions on the characters and the og design :-] )
To start it out a lil’ positive, If I gotta be honest I actually kinda liked these two characters from the mid-season special, even though they were just the bitchy woman character your supposed to hate (as if we needed any more of those characters than we already got viv), they were still really fun as characters in my opinion!
I feel like bitchy esc kind of character very much works for these two coupled with them being very competitive towards fizz in the episode, I feel like those two things were like the bread and butter for these characters and if I wanna be honest… I kinda wanna see these two again but wouldn’t be surprised if that didn’t happened bc c’mon this helluva boss we’re talking about after all!
The only thing I would have to say negatively about these two is that they literally got crushed by a rock in the end, like I get it viv hates writing characters who are woman but COME ONNN, you had these two characters that seem really interesting and the only climax you could’a think for them in the ep was to crush them with a rock? That’s literally lame.
But other than that, I think overall these characters were alright! At least writing wise….
Now for the redesign + critic thing on the og designs
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I decided to change her outfit bc although I loved the character’s personality, the outfit viv gave them not fit them at all. The jester esc outfit personally I think doesn’t really work for these two because 1. The jester theme Fizzarolli’s thing and 2. It doesn’t really work well with their personality, the song they sang in my opinion shows that.
So I thought I’d base their outfits off of the bratz outfits and also any outfits similar to that, to try to fit their characters more!
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That and I’m just getting real sick and tired of the jester/clown theming that’s going on in hb because oh my god it feels so out of place, especially with the theme of greed ring being a trashy polluted city. And even if, EVEN IF viv wanted to give them clown esc themed outfits, I feel like it would’ve made more sense if she gave them outfit that were similar to mimes because technically those guys are like elegant clowns! While jesters aren’t even the same as clowns at all.
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I also kept the green ish’ tones while also giving them a bit off red and purple colors to compliment the identical twin duo thing they have going on! Because like… do I even have to say why I did it? Their colors are literally just black and the same exact hues of green, it was literally hard to focus on them when watching the episode because of much they blended in with the background.
I also took inspiration from this fish when designing them because from as far as I can tell (and do correct if I’m wrong), they’re supposed to be fish demons??? So I tried to add more fish motifs for them!
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I also made them half succubus from the horns looking similar to that and also because I thought it’d be fitting for them!
I also made their hair look like fish fins because oh my god their hair in the canon design was probably the worst part about their designs, not only did it have too many details that it was too distracting when I was trying to pay attention to the characters but also I just trying to figure out how the hair works in general, because it honestly their hair kinda looked like paper instead of fish fins or even actual hair.
But other than that uhh…
TLDR: I love these guys sm, they deserved much better and uhhh I love women /hj
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verrixstudios · 9 months ago
Okie dokie, if you wanna draw her, my OC is a Seawing named Seaglass and she’s kinda just a chill lil guy. Just kinda there in the corner. She’s green- not quite dark or light, maybe in the middle. Leaning into dark I guess. She’s got yellowish undertones and pale orange uhh. Lighter upper scale thingamajigs. The glow ones. Yeah. Her top frill is dark green and the bottom ones match her belly. Hope this isn’t too confusing lmao. Your art is delicious btw
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Fun fact I drew this on a plane!
[ID: A long dragon based on the describing text, In a pose with its head down and its body curving into one long S as if it were a snake or a fish swimming. Its wings are half open on either side and its head is a side profile to the left. END ID]
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msbarrybeeson · 7 months ago
In This Episode of "Mad Dogs Love Reader" : Mystic Library
A/N: This lowkey feels like crack-fiction. Then I remember the premise is the actual, released episode itself. I did my utmost trying to adhere with the characters' personalities when it came to non-canonical dialogue.
I am aware of your comments about my Donnie X Reader shots and feel really happy to hear them! After a year or so of not writing, though, I apologize for my rough return. I still love Rise of TMNT with my heart and hope to see a single glimpse of the show's possible continuation.
Constructive criticism is much appreciated! Especially for character-writing! Leave some comments about it if you will.
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Summary: While searching for something to help your project, you found yourself jammed into a fiasco of a book find with the Mad Dogs in the Mystic Library.
Episode Base: Episode 20A "Mystic Library"
Implied Pairings: Rise! Donnie X Reader • Rise! Leo X Reader • Rise! Raph X Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral. Human.
Word Count: ~2070
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You whipped your head. "What the hell was that?" you muttered to yourself, cautious of the "Hush Bats" hanging from above.
Your hand flipped through pages of a book, yet nothing remarkable piqued you. You sighed. You needed to get a project done as soon as possible before you could hit the weekend concert in Central Park. "Where are all the books on the anatomy of frogs. . .?" You picked out another book, this time with a fish-like Yōkai on the cover page.
"What are they doing here?" Your ears perked at recognizing that coarse, scratchy voice. "Can't we enjoy a nice peaceful Sunday without those clowns showing up?"
April and the others showed up? Here?
"I got an idea," Foot Brute gestured a "knuckle-sandwich." "Since they're always messing up whatever we're doing, why don't we mess up whatever they're doing?"
Under their breaths, they snickered evilly.
You frowned. Not on my watch, bozos.
⇨ ⇨ ⇨
"Loom 16." Donnie slid, rocking into his rhythm as he busted out singing. "Take Corridor B. Down-the-stairs past the Ibis tapestry."
"Uhh. . . Donnie?" Raph whispered, feeling uneasy when even Leo decided to join in with his beatboxing. "We're still in the library." Yet his warning went ignored.
"Sliding bookcase after bookcase shows the way to the hall– up a pole through a hole to the waterfall." He rhymed with every line. Raph hushed him, "Keep it down Donnie!"
Aimlessly, Raph glimpsed up the library, careful of the Hush Bats. He did not want to be taken to the kiddie room. He was expecting one to come right out of the endless ceiling, flying straight for him and his ridiculously noisy brothers.
He heard nothing. He saw nothing. His back faced his brothers as Raph kept his eyes out for those bats. He quirked an "eyebrow" when the silence settled in.
"Gee Donnie. Didn't think you'd be the one to listen." Curious, the snapping turtle finally spun around to face his brothers.
What he truly did not expect was bumping right into Leo's shell. A relatively low "oomph" emitted. Now, he felt confused. "Guys?" Raph tried calling. "What's the big idea? Why are we stoppin' out of nowhere? We got Mayhem to save!" He glimpsed at his phone to April's frantic texts.
Looking back up, he noticed Leo wrapping his hands over Donnie's mouth. Their heads were blocking his view of something. Or rather, someone. Raph leaned his head to the side and found–.
In a whisper, of course.
You would hope so.
He nearly yelled for the world to hear.
The Hush Bats above dilated their pupils in great suspicion.
From your end, you watched the wide-eyes and shocked looks plastered on their faces. Leo covering Donnie's mouth before he could scream at seeing you pop out of the blue. A deep fluster evident on Donnie's features. You did kind of jump from behind a ledge.
That wasn't what mattered, though.
"Why hello." You somehow dropped the whole warning-spiel to give a quick greeting, hand on your hip.
But it wasn't quick.
"(Name)!?" Raph quietly exclaimed. Perfect timing for an oxymoron. "What on Earth are you doing here!?" He rushed to you, giant hands on your shoulder and lightly shook you. "Were you trapped here?!"
"Raph, Raphie." You lightly knocked off his grip. "I'm fine. I was looking for a book to finish my biology project. I would really love to get to this concert coming this weekend, but I can't dance my soul out when my grade hangs on the balance of Mr. Racataian." You waved dramatically.
Donnie yanked off his twin-brother's hands. "I had an excellent cadence going before you ruined it, Leo!" He scrunched his face. "Keep your germs off. Who knows where your hands have been?" Donnie sanitized the area around his mouth. He faced you, the disgust wiped off in an instant. He raised an eyebrow, obviously judging the decision you just made.
"Allow me to digest this." He repeated slowly, "You are looking for a book."
"To help you with a school project."
"From the human world."
"And you're not searching in any of New York's public libraries, but in the Mystic Library?"
"Sums it up."
"'Sums it up?' That is downright absurd!" His eye twitched. "Why?"
"Yeah. No offense, (Name)," Leo intercepted. "This lowkey doesn't feel like the right place for you to be searching for human books. You should try one of the higher stories." He quirkily pointed up.
"Oh, you're right! They'd–."
"You should neither be endorsing this nor encouraging them, Leonardo!" Donnie hissed and went to pinch between his brows. "Dear Darwin, you have access to the Internet, (Name)!"
"I'm well aware, Don."
He blinked incredulously. "Oh Bohr. What have they done to you, my brightest pupil? My intelligent (Name)! Has New York decided to reduce state funding on public education as of late?" He suddenly hugged you, garnering shock from Leo and Raph. Donnie rarely– much emphasis on rarely– touched anyone out of his will. So this said a lot. "We shall fix this. An old fashion petition won't do. They never listen to those–."
"Donnie!" You shoved the mutant off, ignoring his endearing title for you. "Did you seriously believe I hadn't visited the public libraries?"
"I'm afraid you are not making any sense, (Name). To come here implies there weren't any books at all relating to your topic–!"
"Of course, there are!" You ruffled your hair. "But my teacher begged everyone to put in forty sources– all of them as books– or else he'd drop our grades by two whole letters! I don't know what's his deal with bringing in physical work! It's been decades! Can he please catch up to today's technology!?"
Yes, you were in fact whispering still.
"Sheesh." Leo crossed his arms and muttered, "And here I thought high school's all about the sports. Y'know, the better stuff."
"Why are you guys even here?"
In a blink of an eye, Raph tensed up. Hands on his head, he panicked as he snatched his phone out of you-don't-know-where. He frantically tapped his thumbs on the screen, texting. You looked around. "And where's Mikey and April?"
"Mikey. . . kinda got taken to the kiddie room." Leo rubbed his nape. "He did that to himself though, so I wouldn't really worry 'bout him that much."
"Oh." You snickered. "So he's the one I heard that loud echo from." You would have laughed real hard at that.
"Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna do the same thing. But those bats up there are giving me the heebie-jeebies."
"And so where's April? Isn't she usually with you guys too?"
"Mayhem. . . got stuck in her mirror."
". . ."
Leo twiddled with his fingers.
You freaked out, your one spare hand wiggling and everything. "Why are you guys even chatting with me!?" Your eye twitched. "Are you lost or something? There's some Magic 8 Ball thing down that hall. You could've found the book by now–!"
"Which I would've found if it weren't for my annoying colleague interupting my memory rhythm." Donnie gritted his teeth. "But fret you shall not, (Name). Everything is handled without flaw as long as my intellect is around. Nothing is necessary except for your mind."
Ah. Your daily dose of Donnie's wisdom. You didn't even have to ask.
"Woah-ho. Now you're blaming me, mi hermano?" The latter had his hands up defensively. "You're the only one with directions inside your head. I was only trying to stop you from getting snatched by bats. Did you get that?" He spelled each letter, "B-A-T-S."
"You!" Robotic arms from Donnie's Battle Shell snatched Leo and shook him like an earthquake. "I won medalions from the National Spelling Bee, you simpleton! You can't even spell 'soldier' without replacing the letter 'd' with a 'j'! Who are you to quest–!?
Oh Bohr."
He did in fact yell.
You and Leo gaped with wide-open jaws as your friend with a big ego dramatically floated away by bats.
"Donnie!" Raph nearly screeched.
⇨ ⇨ ⇨
"I know Donnie has once again messed up our mission as he does on virtually every mission." Leo glanced between April's panicked messages on his brother's phone and you. His sights lingering on you each time.
"Are you trying to impress (Name) by putting down Donnie?"
"Wha–What? Of course not." Leo nervously chuckled. "W-Where did you get that idea from?" He looked at you yet again. The moment you made direct eye-contact, he tried putting up his nonchalant facade. Instead, he looked kind of goofy.
You wouldn't tell him that though.
Raph pointed at him, narrowing his eyes. "Are you trying to get Donnie fired?" Before his brother's hand slammed his face.
"We'll discuss that later." He swung to change the subject. "Let's just focus on getting that book, so we can save Mayhem." Leo held his chin, pondering. "We need to remember the song. How did it go? Something about a Loom."
"Loom 16." You heard it briefly when you had gone off in search of your buddies. You were sure if you could catch onto the beat again, you could remember all the lyrics– directions.
"That's right!" Raph snapped his fingers softly. "Take Corridor B. . . Uhhh. And then where'd it go?"
"Oh my God." You clasped your mouth. The other two whipped their heads. "What happened, (Name)?"
"I forgot to tell you guys!" said you in a hushed voice. "Those two guys from the Foot Clan are here to mess things up again!"
"You said who!?" Raph crashed into another body.
"Us." There they were, Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant, right in the flesh. "How thoughtful of you to let us make our own welcoming, instead of spoiling it for others." The Lieutenant signaled in your direction with a sneer.
"Hey! Step aside, chump! We're on a crucial mission!"
"Which is why we're going to throw a little monkey wrench into your plans."
"We'll see about that." Raph charged to land an attack, but meeting the Brute's palm. Everyone quickly remembered the Hush Bats hanging patiently along a beam. The two backed off. Blue hopped on his brother's back. "We can't fight these guys! We have to be quiet, or we'll never get the book to free Mayhem!"
"So we fight them as quietly as the quietest lions in the jungle of silence!" Raph grunted. "Like a boss!"
"Oh dear me. Where's your other partner?" The Lieutenant pointed. Without a thought, the two mutants whipped their heads behind another time. Figuratively, your missing figure left a flashing dotted outline. Raph shrieked, "(Name)'s been kidnapped! What have you–?"
Book dust puffed out into his face. He nearly bursted into a sneeze if not for Leo's quick reaction.
"Oh, it's so on." Blue's competitive spirit tingled.
Raph stomped on the Brute's foot. Leo gave a real disgusting wet willy to the Lieutenant's ear. Things quickly escalated to making one another laugh as hard and loud as possible. Even the other visitors looked disturbed, either wheeling back their squeaking chairs or simply turning away.
Leo and Raph froze in the middle of their shenanigans as two heavy books struck the heads of the Feet. What an odd name, you would have thought. The impact created loud sounds that resonated throughout the library.
Two more victims for the kiddie room were claimed that day.
"Hey guys. Sorry, I went off for a mome–. Why is there a book in your mouth, Leo?"
He spat out the book, its spine drenched saliva.
"Oh. . ."
"You. . . did not see anything."
You slid down the bookcase. The one book with the fish-like Yōkai remained in your grasp. Raph practically teared up upon your sight. "Y-You weren't kidnapped after all. . .!"
"Thank you for the concern, but why would I be. . .?" You blinked amusingly before waving it off. "Nevermind." You pointed in a specific direction. "Let's head this way. There's Corridor B right there. Someone told me where this 'waterfall' is."
♪ Up the pole through the hole to the waterfall. ♫
"Oh-ho! So he did mention a waterfall." Leo snapped his fingers. "You're a life-saver, (Name). Up high!" You lightly high-five– or is it high-three– his hand.
Raph exhaled, patting your back– a usual sign of either appreciation or reassurance you came to learn. "Like a boss."
"See?" Blue nudged Red. "Like I said, who needs Donnie when–."
"Don't even think about it, Leo."
A sudden low ring of Raph's phone vibrated. The snapping turtle proceeded to take it out, but your hands were quick to stop him. "Shh! Don't you dare answer that. We don't know how loud whoever's calling is!"
Raph looked unsure. "It's April. I hafta take this or she's gonna go berserk! Don't want her to think we've forgotten about Mayhem!"
"Hey, I'd love talk to my best friend too, but right now, if any loud noise–."
Much to your damned misfortune, however, a heavy– extra heavy– book fell onto the floor beside the snapping turtle.
He did not realize he was leaning on the bookcase.
And on the cover, there existed the title: How to Not Drop Anything.
The Hush Bats, in a single second, clouded your vision like a fog. A vein popped on Raph's forehead, gritting his teeth. He groaned exasperately. "Okay, I've had just about enough of this jumble! Forget being quiet, we got our buddy Mayhem to save!" His tonfās glowed red.
You frantically waved your arms. "Hold on a second, Raph–!"
"Power smash-a-roni!"
It was too late. You and the red-eared slider were tightly shoved against each other, being held in a gigantic holographic hand as Raph activated his energy construct. "You're seriously going to wreck the entire library!?" Leo shouted. "OW. Watch the grip, King Kong! You're squeezing the very life out of us!"
♪ Down the stairs past the Ibis Tapestry. ♫
Raph's eyes lit up at the banner with a long-beaked bird on it. "Ibis Tapestry!" The Hush Bats swarmed around you once again.
You screamed, "To your left!"
The sliding bookshelves were found. Raph simply smashed his way past them. "To think I was gonna apply here as an assistant too!" You wailed. "I'm never going to be able to come back here as long as I'm associated with you guys!"
The Hush Bats began to charge right at you three. But Leo yanked out his ōdachi. With a swipe, a portal opened up, sending all the bats right into the bookshelves opposite.
"Can someone tell me if we're almost there?" Leo had been waving and brandishing his ōdachi. The repetitive high-pitched squeaks were heard when the blade struck something. "Ughh. These bats are getting on my nerves! My arms are getting sore!"
♪ Up the pole through the hole to the waterfall. ♫
"Up the pole!" Raph yelled until he broke through the fountain. The book, Complete Compendium of Escape Rituals, glimmered in the center of a large podium. One of the shiniest covers you could ever witness glowing.
"Don't worry I got it!" Leo portal'ed himself right over and snatched the book. But the Hush Bats rushed in as well. He grinned, "Oh yeah! Hero of the day!"
"Leo! Hand over the book!" Raph urged. "While you're at it, portal (Name) out of here!"
Your eyes widened. "What are you do–!?" Raph used his energy construct and flung you and himself over. You shrieked, "You little! You forgot I'm a humaaannn!" Leo passed the book to his brother, and swung his ōdachi. The portal that appeared behind you teleported you away from getting a concussion and five weeks of a coma on a bookshelf.
As two brothers exploded through the walls, crashing through the glass, the Bat Librarian– busy stamping books– instantly painted her face across in horror when she looked up. Her wide yellow eyes as she watched the destruction unfold right above the main chamber.
Oh boy did she herself explode into rage. "You! I'll pummel you into papyrus!" she hissed. Her normal Yōkai form mutated into something larger, expanding her wings and all of her six limbs.
Leo gulped thickly.
"Err. . .
. . .Is it too late to be pardoned?"
So much for being the "Face."
She soared up, seizing the two mutants, and body-slammed them down into another room. The debris scattering across the puzzle-tiled floor and unicorn-themed carpet. The book was still safe in Raph's grasp.
Hold on.
Puzzles and unicorns?
"Oh my God. It's about time you showed up! Why the hell would you teleport me here of all places, Leo!?"
They groaned, recovering from the brutal impact. Only to discover you were tied in jumpropes and about to be sacrificed to. . . Mikey?!
They had crashed into the kiddie room.
Their box turtle of a younger brother, covered in glow-in-the-dark marker and his head crowned with feathers, sat high and mighty on a stack of giant books like a throne. The armrests were made with alphabet blocks. Donnie sat on the side, fanning him with leaves. The Foot Brute and Lieutenant were also tied in jumpropes and hung like cocoons. The other Yōkai chanted and beated the drums.
He swayed his attention from you to the huge raging bat climbing up the rubble, hissing at the turtles.
Mikey, as if declared the king of the jungle, pointed at the Bat Librarian with crazed eyes.
"N E W T O Y!"
April would refuse to believe their fiasco if it weren't for you having a broken rib and bruises on your limbs.
At least your ancient teacher handed you that perfect score.
➵ ➵ ➵
A/N: Fish consume frogs. You wanted to learn about frog anatomy, and it ended up being a cookbook surrounding frogs.
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qwertzze · 8 months ago
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Solid 8 hours yessss
I should really work on Art Fight but yesterday's (uhh two days ago now as it's 1am whoops) itft vid really made me joyous
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Soap with wings is a side effect of me trying to incorporate her rag in the design, and it looked enough like a wing to make it so. Really only drew Soap because I feel like it's a waste to just not draw a character from an object show I draw for so often
That's kind of a mini Fourteen gijinka as well, a more fem spin on it ig. Whimsy ♡
Star, Heart and Bottle Cap are one-off characters, I just wanted to draw the two things I always doodle with one of my fav concepts for an object ☆
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Tau and Pi are kind of just representing the two sides of who I am right now. I feel shitty and have no idea what my gender is, and I am so fed up with my own whining about it.
Irrationals as a whole for me have aquatic features added to them. It started with me adding whiskers on Tau to match Pi's little antenna things. From there, it just reminded me of a cat fish, so..
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Example of how I doodle the other Irrationals. And 9 + 6.
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Kind of a 360 of my objectsona. I didn't use the actual clipboard they're based on for this, just my memory. Mm I'm tired but I'll still try to type out some of the ideas somewhat showcased
Drawn on face, it doesn't move. That's just a thing I do in sketches for ease of expression. When he (I?) want to change it out, just draw another one in place
Arms come from inside the compartment paper is kept in. That's another thing I'll have to sketch out to esplain, but the clipboard opens, and I guess that's where the organs would be
I drew that Zero because I would not be 37 in a bfb world. I would be a Zero, as someone has to be, statistically
No other notes. I just uhh I love hourglass itft
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forsaken-headcanons · 17 days ago
What type of games I think every survivor would play because uhh I thought about this at school! Noob - I think they'd love farm simulations or relaxing games in general. Probably would enjoy Animal Crossing and Stardew valley. Elliot - I think he'd like rhythm and and adventure games, something he'd like to play after a long shift at work. Great God Grove, Rhythm Heaven, and Rhythm Doctor I think would be his favs. Two Time - Dating sim/Visual novels, but they keep it secret. Shedletsky - ANYTHING fast paced and where you get to murder stuff! He has the attention span of a gold fish, and she would love horror games. Probably plays ULTRAKILL, Pizza Tower, and Lethal Company. Builderman - He'd love monster management sims and strategy games. He likes handling a ton of different things at once methinks, so games where you need to multitask is his forte. Oxygen Not Included, Lobotomy Corporation, and Library of Ruina would be some of his favorites. Guest 1337 - Probably likes turn based strategies, most likely I got this because I hc he used to play chess a lot. Games I think he'd like are Library of Ruina(again), Pokemon, etc.(I don't know much turn based strategies) 007n7 - Monkeytype sweat. He beats 12 year olds in those typing games for fun. Chance - GACHA GAMES. Anything with gambling elements he is attracted to like a moth to a flame. He's spending EVERYONE'S MONEY on them. Games include Genshin Impact, Limbus Company, and literally any games with crates or skins or weapon skins etc. - :]
Of course you just included a bunch of your own favorite games here. /lh But yeah real.
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atlasas45 · 3 months ago
I kinda want to make a may be a long post of my headcanons that other creatures / animals also exists in the world of sky other than already existing creatures (such as manta, fish, crabs, etc) but I kind of a bad explainer in English ahaha- but here is what I am thinking about anyway-
Like for example, a cow or goat. Perhaps that can explains how the spirits (like belonging grandma and tip toeing brewer) can make cakes and breads because they have MILK as one of the main ingredients? (as for other thing like eggs and flours, eggs are probably from birds or there are also chickens in Sky and flour uhh I think I will explain this one while also explaining the farm and environment in my Sky AU or my fan-season concept) And I kind of remembered that there is a spirit who is lactose intolerant and other spirit that really loves milkshake in some spirits hint announcement ?? I forgot which spirits again were those but these also gives me hint that MILK exists in Sky and helped me with the idea of other creatures may exists (not really counting Nine-Colored Deer here since it's a 'magical' creature and a season collaboration with Sky) Other animals like a bear and a sheep and other animals with fur and wools may also exists since that helped the spirits to make fur-based accessories, clothes, capes, etc. Some of the masks from spirits also represents animals like yknow, something like bull mask, because they KNOWS the look of those animals as they exists.
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thelunarsystemwrites · 5 months ago
anyways Minecraft OC time
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So, the story behind them is a witch was in the lush caves, doing magic stuff, and accidently turned an axolotl humanoid. Which as you can probably tell, Witchlet isn't happy about, they liked being an axolotl. 🤷‍♂️
The reason I picked this combo, is because Witch huts live in the swamp. So do frogs (or atleast in mangrove ones) and frogs and axolotls are amphibians. So since the watch and axolotl are my favourite mobs, I decided to combine them!
Their hat is moss, with some glow lichen. And a spore blossom!
They have some glow berries and glow lichen wrapped around their waist, which holds their regen potions. Their "wand" is a trident! Though the first image was an amethyst rod, because I thought the breeze rod was an amethyst rod ^^"
They're a mix between a witch and axolotl. So their powers are regeneration, and they can brew potions by using their crafting bar instead of a brewing stand. They can breathe under water and land, but have slowness and fatigue on land. They have fourteen hearts, (from what I looked up. Witches have 13 and Axolotls have seven, so I took one from the axolotl and added it to a witches health to decide.) Take extra fire damage. Can't sleep at night but can at day.
And yeah, their name is Witchlet! They're they/them because uhh all my ocs are /j
I feel like they'd live in an amethyst geo, and it's opened to a small lush cave. They prefer dark and wet areas, they have a ehh relationship with drowned, and mostly eat fish and mushroom stews!
Also they have an Alley named Fae, based off my own Minecraft pet! And Fae helps Witchlet do witchy stuff lol. I feel like they'd also have a skeleton horse, since it can go under water.
Uhhh other thing about themmm....
Their trident has loyalty and channeling, they also carry a fully enchanted fishing rod. They prefer colder biomes, their "mother" is the witch that transformed them. The witch tries, she really does, but they dislike her alot.
They'd be a neutral mob, and attack the player if they're attacked first. They're neutral to drowned and guardians mostly, but randomly attack them sometimes.
Their favourite potions to use are weaknesses and slowness on people.
And uh... yeah. I think that they can't talk, but squeak/chirp alot like an axolotl to chat!
Hey tend to lurk in very deep, dark parts of oceans if they aren't home.
Would drop glow berries, bottles, amethyst, and even their trident or fishing rod if killed!
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lordichamo · 4 months ago
Back again with another ask.....don't mind meeee
For your Survive!Mine AU....how do you think the Daigo and Mine reunion would go?
OOO . okay i've been thinking abt this A LOT (its... honestly what i've been pondering the most w/ regards to Survive AU as of late) so I'll put my thoughts under the cut here.
Light IW Finale Spoilers ahead!
SO. We don't know exactly what happened to the 3jimas after being left on that roof which leaves ... a few questions to say the least ASHGJKEWT . I need to figure out how to get them to actually meet (seeing as Daigo's somewhere in the middle of nowhere up north while Mine's in Yokohama) and if I don't know where Daigo went after the finale fight its... kinda hard to do that. My assumption thus far has been that he went back to the fishing village eventually (most likely not to stay this time, but it's not like he moved out of there for the finale fight. He's probably got belongings to pack up and all that if he wants to leave for good.)
ANYWAY all that to say that I'm still working on figuring out the actual logistics of how their reunion happens. Part of me feels it's best for Mine to be the one to reach out? He's been running from the situation the whole time so I feel that the next step he'd need to make if he wants to improve himself would be reaching out lol. (+ Its not like Daigo's gonna search for a guy he thinks has been dead for over a decade all of a sudden. and them meeting on accident is... it can be funny! but it doesn't hit the same.....)
What I do know though is that the reunion itself probably doesn't go? great? initially? Considering its been ~15 years (if we're calculating based off 2024) there's bound to be some tension. Plus I don't think Mine is being super clear about the whole situation initially (I think it takes him a while to bring up the whole coma thing) which only serves to add fuel to the fire. Like idk if some guy who jumped off a roof in front of you sending your life into a downward spiral showed up alive after 15 years and acted like nothing happened & like things should just return to 'normal' (how they were 15 years ago) i think you'd be a little annoyed ASDJHKGHKEWT . On top of that uhh idk if Daigo's been doing all that well mentally... All that just kinda combines for a very messy reunion imo. I'd say they need to fight it out on a roof or something but uh..... maybe not GJHKDSJKG
I do believe it works out eventually though! If only because i need a bit of comfort after all that hurt. It just uh. takes a hot minute to unpack everything that went down between them & work through it all. Petition to get these guys couples therapy. (...therapy in general, actually)
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