qwertzze · 50 minutes
Temporary return to answer this, on my secondary blog, because I'm going to ramble a lot and this isn't art related
Last song (I'm assuming the last one I listened to): VS. Yinu from the NSR ost, though the song I'm thinking about rn is Fear & Delight by the Correspondents. For more of my music taste, all my playlists are public
Favorite color: Same as the theme on my main blog, a uhh rose pink on the darker end
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: Love me some sweet, but spicy is good. Bottle of orange sauce in my fridge that I put on most everything speaking
Currently watching: right now, it's a two hour video analysis of a thing I've never read. I'm guessing more Rotten Mango is next for the algorithm
Relationship status: single & fine that way, just cleared up a situationship with my best friend
Current fixation: Algebraliens mostly, though the OSC as a whole works too. My brain loves just getting real into shipping with each fandom, so the main ones for me rn are AnimatiClock and 4x, but 1415 and meatpie are lovely in my peripheral, as with MintyMath which I wish I had more motivation to add to
Also trying to work on world building for my non fandom ocs
Tags,, feel free to ignore these if you're someone I tagged, just curious
@heartsfortwotpot @animaticlock @goldenstrwbrry
Nine people i'd like to get to know better:
Tagged by: @bell-of-indecision, thank you so much for tagging me <3
Last Song: Gmfu by Odetari,6arelyhuman
Favourite colour: Dark red, violet, pink
Currently watching: Death note, ep6
Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: Spicy
Relationship status: Single
Current Obsession: Mbti types and cognitive functions.
Tagging: @somin-yin @a-cloud-for-dreams @axepen @hinsaa-paramo-dharma @basic-bitch-alkali @rhysaka @blackknight-100 @squishywizardd @reykalot
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qwertzze · 1 day
Every day that thhing inside of me gets closer to snapping
Its like a very thin bit of wood or rope?? I think it used to be less weak n stuff but
I don't know if it's a good or bad thing if it breaks
Um, but looking at yalls awesome art widdles it down more so I'm going to take a small ittt bitty break from Tumblr
I might still post stuff but I prolly won't reblog stuff/interact with anyone here for a bit ☆
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qwertzze · 1 day
I just start to
I get closer to exploding every day
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[click on the photo for better quality! tumblr likes to make images crunchy..]
the self shipping is consuming me,,, ouhghghooughh
anyways more about them !!! there's a bit of oc lore sprinkled here and there too so... yeah ^__^ !!!
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qwertzze · 2 days
Can someone send me a very tall image
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qwertzze · 2 days
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What is going on here
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qwertzze · 2 days
I have that heavy autism right now (negative ramble)
I don't know how else to describe it but like I feel n the jitters and my neck is making that sand sound again and I keep saying things and worrying I sound childish but that's the anxiety clashing WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!
Me umm me when the blue and yellow . I physically can not take another piece of 4x art into my eyes today. I will die.
Am I medicated right now??? I don't remember last night, what do you want!!! I think I am like hols on i need to delete that reblog I made
Dooonnee now that one artist I like won't think I'm a weird stalker or something because I reblogged their art twice today I think I I forget. My mind is not working well rn
Ok so I think I'm crashing now
What wait I was hyper 🙁
This is what I get for being a hormonal teen on the internet I have no idea how to express my feelings and I feel watched. 57/62 might recommend!!!
If I could go back in time and stop my like 8 yr old self from reading all those torture fics on wattpad I might but like. Also that made me what I am today??? If I hadn't been exposed to nsfw so early on I wouldn't have cranked out (admittedly shitty lewd) drawings for a year after and I might not have progressed in art as much as I did
I don't think I really NEEDED to have that a lot of stuff, it could've waited, but it's hard to imagine me as someone other than who I am today
Which, weird, because I can't even define WHO I am??
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qwertzze · 2 days
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all of my whiteboard doodlws...
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qwertzze · 2 days
Uh I crashed when I tried opening this notif whoops. On my phone rn, just here to say I LOVE RAMBLING!!!!!!! I was made to be a living image ID for everyday conversation <♡3
I don't know how to say this is probably the end of the conversation, and you don't need to acknowledge this I'll just assume you've read it as soon as I post it so here's a fun
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Good day/eat, good night/sleep well, good morning/get HYPED FOR THE DAY!!, and lots of hydration be upon you
Dear you,
Me with your when you and the uh the your art with the clock and and animaticlock when it has to be eaten so wunderbar
I love the joyous godly gravy and butter cubes you produce it will sustain my family for many winters to come amen amen may every middle aged man named Joe bless you in unison tonight at uhh 10:43 PM
Love you, mate. Keep on producing the linework placed together strung into gay hallucinations.
Sincerest admiration, me
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HELLO .? LMFAOO I have no idea what you said but i will take this as a good thing so yaayyy 💗
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qwertzze · 2 days
Me being sane 💖
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qwertzze · 2 days
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qwertzze · 2 days
Lipztick >:3
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qwertzze · 2 days
Dear my uhh random thoughts blog,
My thought process when writing this ask, step by step breakdown
Uhh we start of with "Dear you," this is so I can sign the letter off with a clarification that this was written in admiration
The next bit of me going "the uh" and trying to articulate was my first draft and what I said in my head, trying to explain how the animaticlock art makes me feel
Saying "it has to be eaten" is important to the rest of it, wunderbar for a little fun and stuff
That next bit is a texture/flavor profile of the artist art style. Butter with brown sugar and very cat-like gravy (I call one of my cats gravy as a nickname, saying it's like gravy is referencing pretty Mr. Zero, who has all the traits of a russian blue but was not bred specifically to be one. This encompasses several things- russian blues are also called 'mona lisa' cats because they have a permanent smile, something the art makes me feel, and the art itself shows (animatic and other smiling sillies)
Sustaining my family for generations just means I'll revisit your profile every so often for a while in like,,, to eat new art. Basically it's another play on 'eating art' where uhh it there's enough to last a while. It's a silly compliment,, makes sense in my head but hard to articulate without just sayjng "heehheeh me when the art is a stockpile heeeehhe I must feed"
Middle-aged men named Joe. Uh. I said Amen, tried to think of a basic kind of name I think would have a lot of religious people with that name without using my father's name. Middle-aged because I think it would just be like. Kindd of to specify? Imagine if every Middle-aged man named joe had a vision and went to stand in the backyard of their house (which is in a cultesac idfk how to spell that ok just imagine common white neighborhood that hosts barbecues every Sunday) and held their arms out to their side and prayed in unison for your health and safety
10:43 PM I was originally going to write in military time but I uhh thought that was too odd. It's basically the first time that came to mind, I hadd to think of a time because 1. Clock itft 2. For extra pizzazzfull spice oh also PM because it was nighttime already when I wrote that
As for the last bit, drawings are weird, man. It's just a collection of lines put together in such a way that it reminds you of a place or animal, and tricks your brain into pattern recognition. Over time, we've taken this to the extreme where you can draw a circle with two little half moons on top on either side and a little T in the middle and people will say "oh thats a clock". I fucking LOVE how crazy wild the human mind goes to fill in the blanks, it's the main reason we're afraid of the dark, because we'll see faces where there aren't any because we're looking for them. I was thinking a lot about dreams when I originally wrote that ask, as I always am, so "hallucinations" was the best way to susinctly hold on sesinctly? Sisinctly what the hell is that word I've only ever said it in spoken conversation. What are you a combination of, oh beautiful, tantalizing syllables. Suuhh sync t ly Susinctly was that actually how you spell it. It sounds like how it should be spelled give me a minute
SUCCINCTLY??? That is NOT how that should be spelled. That looks like suck ink t ly. I'm disappointed in you, English. Learn how to sound out your own words before you come thoroughly crying throughout the tough, troubled, academically disastrous, truancy filled times. ENGLISHM, I WILL GET YOU!!!! I WILL!!!!!!! GGRGGRGHHH
Slightly succinct sobs sought-after, me
Dear you,
Me with your when you and the uh the your art with the clock and and animaticlock when it has to be eaten so wunderbar
I love the joyous godly gravy and butter cubes you produce it will sustain my family for many winters to come amen amen may every middle aged man named Joe bless you in unison tonight at uhh 10:43 PM
Love you, mate. Keep on producing the linework placed together strung into gay hallucinations.
Sincerest admiration, me
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HELLO .? LMFAOO I have no idea what you said but i will take this as a good thing so yaayyy 💗
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qwertzze · 2 days
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itft x Bee & Puppycat!!
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qwertzze · 4 days
I forgot, yes I forgot
The day today, the day today
It’s a Tuesday
Of course, it’s a Twosday
It’s like they always planned it
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The numbers are amounting! So why even bother counting?
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qwertzze · 4 days
I don't know if you still do submissions but can you draw 37 ? :3
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- 🎉
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They are very silly lol
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qwertzze · 5 days
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What the hell was I ON
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qwertzze · 5 days
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thank you for watching the show!
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og art ^
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