#the cryptid crew
aithusarosekiller · 2 months
The emeralds are definitely the group that everyone fearfully avoids as much as possible
And not because they're popular or violent, they're just weird to the point of it being unsettling to anyone who knows them. They're just sort of scary and it's not because they try to be, they just are. They're so used to each other that they don't even realise.
People won't think twice about them at first because they're just like any other random friend group but the second you've sat and actually paid attention to them you're avoiding them like the plague. They don't typically have many other close friends outside of their group because people are too wary of them so they've sort of become one group so close-knit that seem to be on the same brainlength permanently.
Like you've got-
Dorcas: who can modify almost any spell to be ten times as powerful as usual. She won't use them against people but she'll make her talent known by practicing and performing spells with her friends where others can see. To her she's just practicing her skill and to her friends it's just 'normal cassie' but it scares the shit out of most people who see it. Even teachers are startled at her skill and power levels. She is also fiercely protective of her group and her younger sister. Not that anyone would dare try anything after seeing his strong her channeling of magic is. She has all the potential to be a popular girl but everyone's fear of her power and her loyalty to her existing friends hold her back from that.
Barty: who is so much of a genius he could outsmart the minister if he wanted. He's clever and a little intimidating but also really good at hiding information about himself. Ask ten different people what he's like and you'll get ten different answers. Nobody ever knows what he's really thinking except apparently his own group. He has ways of having an hour long conversation and extracting your entire life story while sharing nothing in return. He'll sometimes get a small glint in his eye that only his friends seem to understand as a strange mix between inspiration and anger. To an outsider it just looks strange.
Evan: has on multiple occasions set people's essays on fire for talking shit about his friends and always gets away with it through the word of one of his groups. He managed to get an in with snape's gang, the popular Ravenclaws in the year below and the entire Hufflepuff quidditch team. Everyone knows he doesn't actually like any of them- he only truly likes his main group (the emeralds)- but nobody can figure out why he likes to float around and watch others. In reality he just likes knowing how people's minds and dynamics work. Getting people to defend him is he faces trouble is just a bonus
Regulus: he is the confusing one. He's quiet and isn't easily noticed if you aren't paying close attention. But he's smart. Not Barty's level of academic genius, he's a very logical person. He can be given one small piece of information and do almost anything with it, draw any conclusion. He can seemingly communicate a train of thought with his friends just by looking at them to the point where there are rumours of him being a legilimens. He gives the feeling of knowing more than he lets on. To his friends, despite his quietness he is warm and sensitive but where they get that impression from is anybody's guess.
Pandora: who's just on such another level of morbid that people will be scared to whisper about her behind her back incase she or one of the other's hear them. She carries small, probably haunted porcelain dolls with her at all times, which are apparently gifts to her from some of the forest-folk during one of her many visits to the forbidden forest. She is also known to dabble in necromancy, particularly regarding animals. She meddles a lot with whatever niche types of magic she can find with little guidance, which many find scary. She's very empathetic but her curiosity in the morbid only scares people off. She's usually kind to anybody she comes across but that won't stop them from being wary and staying away.
And in their heads they're just another normal group who hang out a lot, understand each other, are liked by the teachers, and help new first years when they get lost. But to the rest of the people in their year as well as the year above and below, they're insane.
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ofmdrecaps · 16 days
09/02-03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad; Leslie Jones; Lindsey Cantrell; Connor Barrett; Dominic Burgess; Sept 2: OFMD Marmalade Day; Trends; Articles; TellTaleTV Final Round; WWDITS 10th Anniversary Blurays; FanSpotlight: FanWeeks: OFMD Sequel Week; Stede Whump Week; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;
== David Jenkins ==
David's out at the US Open with Kinga!
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram Stories
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is EVERYWHERE this week, jeez. He really is causing a stir on every single platform, let me tell you. Below he's having a bit of a drink with some friends, out and about with Rosie!
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Source: Facebook
Next up-- there's a new Indy Dramedy that just wrapped called "Song Of The Bigfoot" and Deadline has some new info on it!
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Source: Rhys' Instagram Stories
Rhys is also looking to help raise some funds for the Kitten Rescue we all remember well from earlier this year! You can bid on this signed OFMD picture of the cast! To bid, visit here.
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Source: Rhys' Twitter
Rhys also shared an older video of him discussing wanting to be Earths Ambassador!
Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram
Annnnnd more shots are becoming available from the 100th episode of the Cryptid Factor, Live in London!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Instagram
And finally, Last But CERTAINLY not least, there's a new The Cryptid Factor special episode for the $10 / Tier on Patreon!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Patreon
== Taika Waititi ==
Some more shots of Taika while he was out and about! Also a recipe for the Pispili that he and Andy Hearnden shared on instagram a while back!
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Source: Instagram
and lastly a quick little tiktok of the Forever Young Rita & Taika!
Source: Rita Ora's Tiktok
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's out at Nickelodeon studios doing some voice over work!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== Kristian Nairn / WJW ==
Surprise #WeeJohnWednesday! 9pm BST (4pm EST, 1pm PST) tomorrow-- Sept 4!
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Source: Kristian's Twitter
A huge thank you to @adoptourcrew for getting us the Kristian Nairn OFMD blurb from the latest Popverse Article (it is behind a sign up, but here's the article!)
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Con O'Neill ==
Con taking a nap with Cooper now that he's back from Mexico <3 (and David Fane was a sweetheart and popped his head in as well).
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Source: Con's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan back at the bedroom selfies again!
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Source: Nathan's Instagram Stories
== Linds Cantrell ==
Linds Cantrell did an Ask Me Anything on Instagram today while she was waiting for a plane! She answered several questions, including something regarding OFMD BTS which may be completely out, but she'll be going to LA Comic Con in October! I'm planning on making a post with all her answers when I get a moment, but here's a few!
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram Stories
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie is out here rocking a workout, and looking bad ass <3
Source: Leslie Jones Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Our dear Jeffrey Fettering, Dominic, blessed us today with some kitties as well as a shot.. of well him getting a shot!
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Source: Dominic's Twitter
== September 2, Marmalade Day ==
Several of our crew members continued the September festivities with Marmalade Day on Sept 2!
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Source: HSavernake's Twitter
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Source: Astroglide Twitter
== Articles ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing another article talking about OFMD!
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== More Trends ==
Heyyy guess who was trending on Sept 2 on TUMBLR! (I believe it was because of the Sept 1 Dickfuck/Lighthouse day, but could be have been more! let me know if you know something else happened! Thank you to the badass @poison-into-positivity for catching it <3
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Source: @poison-into-positivity's Tumblr
== Tell Tale TV Voting Reminders ==
Reminder! Stede and Ed are in the final round of Ship of the Year! Please visit TellTale TV! Thank you @ofmd-ann for the reminder dear!
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Source: Ofmd-Ann's Tumblr
== What We Do In The Shadows Bluray ==
Okay so WWDITS is not OFMD but it has Rhys and Taika so gonna send a boost out of this! Thank you to the absolutely spectacular @ jimjim531969 over on twitter for always bringing the latest cool news regarding the cast. You truly are a gem <3
Also per Jim:
Links to pre-order the WWDITS 10th anniversary blu-ray:
Australia & NZ (16 October, 2024)
USA & Canada (November 1st, 2024): Amazon or Barnes & Noble
UK (01/11/2024)
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Source: @ jimjim531969 on Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Upcoming Fan Weeks =
* OFMD Sequel Week *
There's a new Fan-Week been announced for Nov 17 - 23, OFMD Sequel Week! Check them out on Twitter and give them a follow to keep up with the latest news!
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Source: OFMDSequelWeek Twitter
* Stede Whump Week *
Stede Whump Week will be happening 28 Oct - 3rd Nov, and the bingo cards for that week are now available on Twitter!
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Source: Stede Whump Week Twitter
= Never Left Podcast =
There's a new episode of Never Left out, and it's Part 2 of the discussion on Birds! Wanna check it out? Visit their linktr.ee!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Hoping your week is progressing in an upward direction. I hopefully get to finally talk to my dad tomorrow after over a week of everything going on, so I'll be in and out of things again. I know everyone is dealing with their own level of craziness right now, and I want to remind you that you're doing great no matter what you're dealing with. It could be little, it could be huge, it could be life-changing, or could be making you regress further back than you'd like-- whatever it is, you are getting through the best way you can, and you never have to feel bad about that.
I know it can feel like there's never an end to the chaos-- but remember that there are pockets of joy and love there in this life too, and however you need to cope with your daily struggles, don't feel bad in taking solace in that. Enjoy the little things, no matter how small. Rest up lovelies, breathe in, breathe out, drink some water, and keep going. Below is a very appropriate love note (for me personally but for so many others as well), courtesy of the amazing The Latest Kate. Not everything is clear right now, but it'll get there, just stay with us, and don't give up. Sending you so much love, crew <3
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Samba Schutte; Kay Buchanan; Rachel House; OurFlagMeansDaddy; Ruibo Qian; LubeAsACrew; New SOFMD Event Calendar; MerMay Prompts; Watch Party Reminders; Schadenfreude; Trends; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Tonight Rhys dropped a new Cryptid Factor video on Tiktok! If you have access to Tiktok, please head over there and give it some love! If you don't have access to Tiktok, the video is available down below.
Source: The Cryptid Factor Tiktok
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba was out here today sending us some BTS but also this adorable picture with Con's water bottle.
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The lovely @soapbubbles511 was kind enough to bring over the BTS that Samba posted on instagram. Tumblr only lets me post one video at a time so I'm linking to their tumblr! Check it out below!
Sources: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Kay Buchanan ==
Kay was kind enough to bless us with MULTIPLE BTS posts today! The first was a video of an attempt by Con to use his horsey leg.
Then she was kind enough to show us some more leather work she did, including the holder for Ed's alcohol in the Gravy Basket. "Before and after breakdown 🏴‍☠️ #ofmd #ourflagmeansdeath"
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Source: Kay Buchanan's Instagram
= Rachel House =
Our Mary Reed, Rachel House featured The Moon Is Upside Down on her IG which she starred in, and shouted out to another talented director - Loren Taylor! If you're in AoNZ check out 'The Moon Is Upside Down' in cinemas starting May 2nd!
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Source: Rachel House's Instagram
== Our Flag Means Daddy ==
You have probably seen Chaos Dad donning one of these jackets before, gifted by the lovely group @/ourflagmeansdaddy on instagram and various other platforms. They've done it again for our Pirate Queen! Check our their linktr.ee.
= Ruibo Qian =
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Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
= Astroglide =
The #OurFlagMeansDaddy crew also gifted our awesome crewmate from Astroglide a jacket!
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== New SOFMD Crew Event Calendar ==
Remember to take a load off tomorrow lovelies! It's a vacation day!
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
= Palm Royale =
Palm Royale WP May 2 via @LCWebsXOXO with the lovely @/dominicburgess approx. 4pm EDT/9pm BST/1pm PST!
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= Wrecked Season 1 =
Another week of Wrecked Season 1 is on the docket! Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
Days: Apr 29 - May 3
Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm ET / 11:30 pm BST
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== MerMay Reminder ==
Reminder all -- there's multiple MerMay Prompts going around! Feel free to dive into any prompts that tickle your fins!
= @bizarrelittlemew =
@bizarrelittlemew was kind enough to provide us with some MerMay Bingo! Head on over to her blog post below for more info!
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= @saveofmdcrewmates =
The Save OFMD Crew has daily prompts for MerMay!
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Visit any of their socials for more details!
== Fan Spotlight ==
Yet another English Seaman tonight-- Iain Morris! by @melvisik! And look at that, he worked on WWDITS!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
Thank you @patchworkpiratebear for yet another fun colouring page! Mmmm, 40 orange glaze!
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== Schadenfreude / Articles ==
Thanks to @/Seven_Sugars on twitter for sharing the article and providing commentary on the latest WBD Stock drop from today. Article here
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== Trends ==
The latest trend pic I could find of #SaveOFMD was by our friend @fightingsaravo on twitter. Thanks so much for capturing it hon.
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. Hope your Taika Tuesday turned out well. It certainly was an eventful day. Seeing SaveOFMD trending again really made me smile. It's so nice to see so many folks feeling the hype again. I'm running on fumes at the moment so I'll leave you with some love notes/affirmations from others today-- I hope you have a wonderful night and a great hump-day tomorrow! Merry May!
Img Src: @thelatestkate's Tumblr
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Img Src: @/carolinemiddelsdorf's Instagram
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is laughter! Cause we can always use a good laugh from these two!
Taika gif courtesy of our darling Al, @agaywithcoffee!
Rhys gif courtesy of our fantastical Tina, @funforahermit!
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rubyroboticalt · 7 months
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i rambled a lil previously on the normal morning crew with funky eyes, and finally got around to drawing it out. fit has a third eyelid, pac has yellow sclera and vertical pupils, tubbo has tapetum lucidum, and bagi has compound eyes! 28.02.2024
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thinkin about all the ways that xenk and edgin parallel/complement each other
like. theyve both suffered terrible loss. edgin's is what drove him away from the harpers and 'doing the right thing'. xenk's is what drove him towards that very thing. edgin found a family despite his loss. every time we see xenk, he is doing his work alone. edgin and his family defeated the same evil that tore xenk from his. xenk brings to justice the man who nearly tore edgin's family apart. they are different sides of the same coin do you see
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hellishgayliath · 21 days
Oooooooooohhhh im gonna feel bad for saying this and it kills me cuz i love epic with my whole heart but
Wisdom Saga did not hit right :v
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ibrithir-was-here · 11 months
Been thinking about the children that Lucy bit and wondering, were there any lingering effects of their experience?
Seemingly none of them were fed on enough times to worry about being turned into child vampires, and with Lucy and Dracula killed they assumedly wouldn't be at risk even if they were.
But beyond strange nightmares and muddled memories of their abduction by 'The Bloofer Lady', and the faint scars on their necks, do any of the children start being able to maybe See things they couldn't before? Are any of them just a little stronger or faster?
If it could happen to Jonathan after all...
And do they somehow find each other later? The other children who were taken and had this strange experience none of them were ever able to make sense of? And try to work out together just what happened to all of them that left them slightly Off?
Do the Crew of Light ever go back to check on any of them?
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denizbevan · 1 month
My favourite fics that I've written!
I've got 100 public OFMD fics, and one each for LOTR and Deadloch!
LOTR: Sam puts two and two together about the Entwives… https://archiveofourown.org/works/54009796
Deadloch: Season 1, Eddie spends a night alone in the tent… https://archiveofourown.org/works/49077442
...and my favourite for OFMD? How can I choose?
I closed my eyes and pointed at the screen, and got this one, which was inspired by art by @ofmderapolag!
Ed wakes up earlier than everyone else and spends some time alone every morning at the bow of Queen Anne's Revenge. One day, he catches a glimpse of a beautiful creature, like and unlike the fabled giant squid. Not half so giant, but much more elegant. Only, what is it doing? For it's risen from the water and is...walking on the edge of the dry sand, stirring it up as it goes along, a lantern held aloft in one hand...
I was tagged by @dracothelizard! Tagging @theyellowestmustard and @whatthefoucault and anyone who wants to play!
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mon-ster-chen · 7 months
💫 Rhys: Anton and Stede, as well as secret about the cryptid factor🤫🤫
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piece-of-hweat · 8 months
They're both idiots
Like... I mean that in a affectionate way.
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Dipper got the magdonal demon picture from Mabel.
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cryptids-of-spielzeit · 5 months
Epilogue: And A Cherry On Top
(A Sun Dog Story)
3 months had passed. The found family had grown ever closer, never leaving each other's side. Wherever the Dog crawled, his crew would follow suit.
Ever since the 4 of them had come together, there had been a noticable change within the forest. The once barren woods were now brimming with life, and while nature would take its course, as it always does, coexistance between all creatures was somewhat of a possibility.
To the wildlife, the Dog was like an angel, sent to save those who had been preyed upon or abandoned. They no longer had to fear the men with guns, for the Dog would always come after them.
The town of Spielzeit had noticed this change, and many locals saw it as a blessing. Throughout those 3 months, many within the town had reported seeing many strange and bizarre creatures, most of whom frightened the town, even being blamed for strings of disappearances, the accusations of which were true.
The townsfolk believed the same would be true for their wildlife. It had been in a decline for some time, mainly due to illegal hunting. Yet, the wildlife thrived, and hunters have since been dwindling. And when they kept spotting a giant, orange dog in the woods, they assumed correctly that it was the reason. They eventually christened it:
The Sun Dog
It was night time. Dogday and the Sundae crew had set up camp. It was a busy day, Dogday had helped Ranger Angelo with an injured bear cub. It had been attacked by a small group of the Fae, bite marks had been covered all around it. It was lucky it survived.
He was the only one awake. He sat by the fire, humming a tune he heard a while back on a radio. It was a calm night, clear skies, crickets chirping. It was as picturesque as you could imagine.
The smell of lavender filled the air.
"Oh, hiya, Catnap! Finally awake from your nap, huh?"
NO. No. This wasn't some "friendly reunion", it couldn't be, as much as that voice wanted it to be. That thing killed his friends, it very nearly killed him. Whatever it wanted, it wouldn't be anything good.
"...I see you managed to escape as well. I applaud you. In all honesty, I hoped you would."
"What do you want? To finish me off properly? To finally catch your prey?"
"Oh, no. Nothing of the sort, heretic. I came to give you a warning."
"Oh, so now you care about my safety? I thought heretics were meant to suffer?"
"That's what I thought. But no just God would prolong the torture of one whose will is as great as yours. You earned your freedom, dog."
"....good to hear....so what are you here for?"
"You know full well that if I am here, so is he. And he doesn't take kindly to anyone who encroaches upon his territory. We have already given all of you what you want. Freedom. And all we ask now is to leave us be."
"...you just want to be left alone?"
"Yes. Leave us alone. Or there will be consequences."
"Understood. But I'd like to make a request, even if it isn't heard."
"Don't hurt them. Or else."
They stared at each other for what felt like hours, the only sound being the crickets and wolves. And like smoke, the Cat disappeared.
The Dog layed down, staring at the stars, the three animals he called a family right beside him. And even then, the only company he had was himself. And while that night may have grown darker, he knew that a brighter morning was just around the corner.
(Story: Sundae. COMPLETE. Up Next: Purpureo Sub Caelo)
"...I'm sorry."
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ofmdrecaps · 2 months
07/08/2024 - 07/09/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby: AfterMidnight; TheCryptidFactor; Taika Waititi; Time Bandits; Con O'Neill; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Kristian Nairn: Beyond The Throne and Surprise Wee John Wednesday; Madeleine Sami: Deadloch S2!; Astra TV Awards Nominations; YouBearFineThingsWell Day 1; Gold Derby Voting Reminders!; Fan Spotlight: YouBearFineThingsWell; Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; Sea God Ed; Non-Binary Awareness Week; Love Notes;
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys was on AfterMidnight last night, and boy did he deliver! You've probably seen gifs, and images everywhere, and the list of links to youtube below are courtesy of the Rhys-Archiver Extraordinaire @wastingyourgum!
Part 1 - Intro
Part 2 - Tokbuster
Part 3 - Talk Show
Part 4 - Pop or Unpop
Part 5 - Hashtag Wars
Part 6 - Final
Please Note: That is a Great Big Cow Band T-Shirt he's wearing, talk about a Proud Dad <3
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Source: AfterMidnight Instagram / Rhys Darby's Instagram
= The Cryptid Factor =
Video version of the new Cryptid Factor Episode is up their Patreon! Here's a preview on Dan's Schreiberland Instagram!
Source: Schreiberland Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Looks like the promotions for Time Bandits are finally here! First off is an adorable photo of Taika and the main kid of Time Bandits, Kal-El Tuck!
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Source: Kal_El.Tuck Instagram
Apple TV released their full Promo Poster!
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Source: Taika's Instagram
Next we have an interview with ScreenRant, Taika, and Jemaine!
ANNNND this article from Variety + more BTS Info from ScreenRant if you're interested.
Also, apparently I'm late to the game as Con has announced this before on WJW a while back-- so his won't be news to everyone-- but for those who didn't know-- Con will be in Time Bandits as well!
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And last but not least, the full trailer with some amazing shots of Taika as the Supreme Being:
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Side Note: There were some trolls out there on the Time Bandits trailer trying to spread some grump, and sassy Taika came out to play! Thank you so much to IBrokeCharacter on twitter for capturing this!
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Source: IBrokeCharacter on Twitter
== Samba Schutte ==
Just a quick update from Samba in his Voice Acting adventures: "Sacré booth!🎙️✨🙏🏾"
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan out with friends looking cute AF!
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
== Madeleine Sami ==
FANTASTIC news! Mads is getting a season 2 of Deadloch!!
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Source: Madeleine Sami's Instagram Stories
== Kristian Nairn ==
Can you believe it? Kristian's doing a signed version of his book that's coming out in September! It's even got a chapter about OFMD in it! Wanna get in on it? You can preorder them in the US/UK on his Linktr.ee!
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AND THEN -- Last Minute Wee John Wednesday July 10, 2024 at 9 PM BST! Kristian and Nathan will be chatting about all things Beyond The Throne, Our Flag, catching up & answering questions!
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Source: Kristian & Nathan's Instagram
== 2024 Astra TV Awards Nominations! ==
Our friends over @adoptourcrew were kind enough to share that Our Captain has been nominated for "Best Actor in a Streaming Comedy Series!" at TheAstraAwards! Visit the article below!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Twitter
== REMINDER!: Gold Derby Voting ==
Be sure to get your nominations in by July 10, 2024 9pm PST!Rhys, Taika, and Our Flag Means Death are up for some more nominations-- this time the Gold Derby for best Comedy Series / Comedy Actors! It does require you to sign up, but if you'd like to add to the nominations you can follow this handy guide: Voting in Gold Derby | OFMD Renewal Repository
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Thank you again to @adoptourcrew for sharing the GoldDerby information!
Source: AdoptOurCrew's Twitter
== YouBearFineThingsWell ==
As you've probably heard, @adoptourcrew has started up celebrating the upcoming #HungryGames! Check out the daily plans! Fan contributions will be highlighted in the fan-spotlight below!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Twitter
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Twitter
== Sprizzy 'Arts & Crafts' Week ==
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For all you Sprizzy fans out there, 16th-23rd July is Sprizzy Week! You can join the celebration by creating things with a general theme of Arts and Crafts (fic, art, craft, edits, music, cake… whatever you would like to make!) If you're interested, please follow the Sprizzy Week accounts below! Twitter / @xoxosprizzy on Tumblr!
Source: Sprizzy Week Twitter
== Gotcha For Gaza Updates==
The sign up period for Gotcha For Gaza has ended! Starting July 9 through Aug 9 you can donate to help raise money for Palestine (they must be to the specific causes listed on their Carrd) and submit a prompt to the artists and writers! Visit OFMD Action's Gotcha For Gaza Cardd for more details!
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Source: ofmdaction's Tumblr
== Fan Spotlight ==
Starting off the fan contributions of #YouBearFineThingsWell is our glorious crewmate Meaghan! Aka @ theMeaghan on twitter! I was seriously thinking about Paddington when this whole week as announced.
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Source: TheMeaghan's Twitter
Next up is our fabulous crewmate Kate! aka @ Kaddele over on twitter! Never stop Kate! These are so much fun!
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Source: @ Kaddele's Twitter
And how could we pass up an entry from one of our Gif-Master Generals @ofmd-ann!
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Source: @ofmd-ann's Twitter
We even had a a fine video with the description: "This gentlebeard gentlebear 🐻 was SHOCKED" made by the spectacular Ashley aka @ Seven_Sugars on Twitter!
Source: @ seven_sugars Twitter
And last but certainly not least is the magnificent Sarah, aka @ chaotickraken91 on twitter! The bear family between the cake toppers really got me in the feels!
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Source: ChaoticKracken91 Twitter
There were so many amazing submissions! I was only able to get permission for some but feel free to check out the hashtag on your favorite platforms for more! Great job starting off #YouBearFineThingsWell everyone!
= Sea God Ed =
As you can imagine, our fellow crewmates have begun to draw parallels between Time Bandits and our beloved OFMD! Another fabulous edit by the one and only Ashley aka @ Seven_Sugars on Twitter!
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Source: Seven_Sugars Twitter
= Cast Cards =
@melvisik's back with Marcelo Olivas! Another frequenter to Spanish Jackie's in the Republic of Pirates!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
= Never Left Podcast =
New episode of Never Left Podcast! This week is focused on micro motifs! Listen in on your favorite platform by visiting their https://linktr.ee/neverleftpodcast!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
== Non-Binary Awareness Week ==
Happy Non-Binary Awareness Week friends! Sending so much love to all our Enby crewmates out there! This week is about celebrating the identity and experiences of all our non-binary friends, so as I find them I'll try to include some relevant articles as they roll in!
28 non-binary stars and activists making the world a better place
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Source: Pink News Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey there Lovelies! Holy Moly! What a week it's been, and it's only Tuesday!! I cannot tell you how nice it is to see so many folks so excited! It's like we got an injection of pure dopamine from all the news, and I'm so happy it's helping everyone feel a little levity!
And you know what?
You deserve a break!
You deserve to feel happy!
It's been a lot lately, and some people might try to shame you for being happy about something while there's so much not so happy going on in the world, but please oh please remember, that you deserve to have happiness too.
Even if it's just a little here or there, or bounds of happiness -- you deserve a break from all the things you have to deal with every day. You deserve a chance to smile, and to laugh, and to enjoy this crazy life we live, and bask in the warm sun, or the cold wind.
You do not need to feel bad for enjoying yourself once in a while. No matter what it is-- even if its unrelated to the fandom, or anything that's happened the last couple days, please go out today or tomorrow and enjoy something.
Do you like tea? Drink a cup of your favorite tea!
Do you like going for walks? Get on out there and move those legs!
Do you like animals? Find a random neighborhood cat (not a wild one) and give it some much needed pets if it's friendly!
Do something that brings YOU joy, not anyone else. Take a moment to savor that feeling, hold it deep down in your chest where you can feel your breath coming in and out, and remember that you deserve to feel that joy, and you don't have to do anything different, or be any different to deserve it. 💖 Sending so many good vibes lovelies-- may your day be filled with excitement and wonder, or calm and love, whatever it is that will brings you joy. 💖
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
06/23-24/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby: Cryptid Factor; Madeleine Sami; Vote for Logies!; Con O'Neill; Kristian Nairn; Anapela Polataivao; Damien Gerard; Samba Schutte; Jes Tom; Hugo Pierre Martin; AdoptOurCrew Raffle; AdoptOurCrew Basingstoke Comic Con Clips; FiberArts Brigade: New Auction Items; FanSpotlight: Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Big Gay Energy Pod; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
Hey friends, sorry it's been a lot over here and probably will be over the next couple days. I'll do my best to keep up with the recap but it may be some two dayers for a while depending on my availability. Thank you to all the sweet people sending me messages/asks, I'm so sorry I haven't responded! I will soon I promise!
== Rhys Darby ==
The video for the latest episode of The Cryptid Factor is up on Patreon!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Patreon
== Madeline Sami ==
Our beloved Mads, aka Eddie Redcliffe in Deadloch, aka The Baddest MF in Tasmania, has been nominated for a 2024 Logie for Best Lead Actress! So was Kate Box, her costar, and Deadloch was nominated for Best Scripted Comedy Program! -- and guess what? It's done by vote! If you feel so inclined, please take a moment to go and vote for our dear Archie/Deadloch (or Dulcie whomever you'd like)!
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Source: Madeline Sami's Instagram
== Con O' Neill ==
Con's fundraiser for Mermaids and True Colors United is still going on over at Stands! You can sign up for his class on how to verbally flip people off, or pick up some Izzy shirts! Visit Shop Stands
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Source: Shop Stands
== Kristian Nairn ==
Kristian was out and about at the Yorkshire Comic Con this past weekend! Definitely had some sightings of our dear Wee John/Hodor!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
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Source: Zhawl's Instagram
== Jes Tom ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew managed to surprise Jes Tom!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Anapela Polataivao ==
Opening night picture from Anapela's "Red White and Brass" Play!
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Source: tama_ulu_kafilo's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Some shots of Samba's new movie Advanced Chemistry that comes out June 26th!
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Source: colinohdp's Instagram
== Damien Gerard ==
Our dear friend Damien Gerard is up to something in the Fox Studio Lot!
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Source: Damien Gerard's Instagram
== Hugo Pierre Martin ==
I almost forgot! Hugo gave a couple more BTS pictures of him in his outfit in that tweet thread he did! He is indeed purty!
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Source: Hugo's Twitter
== Adopt Our Crew Charity Raffle ==
Reminder! Last few days of the Adopt Our Crew Raffle! Want to enter? Be sure to send your entry here! As of yesterday everyone has donated $3,392 to 84 charities! That's amazing! Great job everyone! They're hoping to make $4000 by the end of the 28th!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Tumblr
== Basingstoke Comic Con Clips ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew were also kind enough to upload a video of the interviews with Vico, Con, and Kristian at Basingstoke Comic Con! Check them out on their post below:
== Fiber Arts Brigade - Auctions ==
New week-- new amazing hand made items from your fellow fans! All proceeds from this auction go to Sage USA! For more info on the auction feel free to visit their FAQs.
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Source: FiberArtsBrigade's Ebay
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card, by our beloved @melvisik is none other than the AMAZING Production and Set designer, Ra Vincent!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
New episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This time, the Astroholery Episode! Feel free to listen on your favorite podcast platform here!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Big Gay Energy Podcast ==
Our amazing crewmates over at Big Gay Energy Pod are discussing OFMD S2 episodes 3-4! Check them out on your favorite podcast platform over on their linktree!
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Source: Big Gay Energy Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies, I really hope the end of the weekend and start of the week hasn't been too hard on you. I'm sorry I've been so swamped and haven't been able to send much love, but I hope you know I'm thinking of you all <3 Remember to drink some water and get some good sleep lovelies. Sending love <3
Source: bethdraws Instagram
== Daily Darby/Today's Taika ==
Happy Murray Monday to all who celebrate! And Happy Murray Monday to these two FOTC managers and their bullshit. Today's gifs courtesy of the badass @celluloidbroomcloset and @fandomsmeantheworldtome!
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mastersoftheair · 8 months
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episode 3 promo (from the instagram stories of spike white, george smale, nitai levi, andrew whyment, and freddy carter)
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lavellenchanted · 2 years
replaying alibi in ashes and the fact that ned does not physically appear in it is a crime against me, specifically
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thatweirdocryptid · 3 months
"God help me" -(New)Moon
"there is no god saving us right now Moon..." -Solar
Hfhddjidfjdjj please I am board and want to do somethin while I make part 5 ;-;
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