#the buckley diaz family of it all
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mid-knight-black · 2 months ago
Does it ever drive you crazy…
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…just how fast the night changes 🥹
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treasurehuntbuck · 7 months ago
i love that maddie asks chimney "wait, are we the only people we know who don't have kids?" they simultaneously say "buck!" and then it immediately cuts to buck being forced from his nest of sadness by his husband to take care of his stepkid.
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warpedpuppeteer · 10 months ago
The Buckley-Diaz family Conundrum:
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caroandcats · 5 months ago
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But I think we see in the first episode that it's painful for Buck for Christopher to not be there, as well. He's a huge part of Buck's life. It's not Buck's biological child, but it certainly hits him really hard as well. It's something that he is missing from his life in these immediate episodes, absolutely. (X)
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jdorian · 6 months ago
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9-1-1 • S3E03 ↳ “The Searchers” + bonus
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stolenkissesdiaz · 4 months ago
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i’m actually sooooo normal about this lolllll <- lying
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bilosan · 1 year ago
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dangerpronebuddie · 9 months ago
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We've still got each other, which means we're gonna be okay.
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emolionsrawr · 9 months ago
*at a grant nash BBQ*
buck: *staring off into space*
eddie: he's about to say something really funny or absolutely horrifying
tommy: what?
hen: just wait
buck: did you know these two orcas trained other orcas to kill sharks by taking out their liver and testicles?
eddie: yep horrifying
tommy: wait, really?
buck: yup, off the coast of africa there's these two orcas called port and starboard and they hunt sharks to eat their liver and testicles, they tag team them, one goes for their fins while the other takes out the liver, so far they've taken down five great whites, they even killed khaleesi, who was being tracked and traced for research purposes
tommy: oh my god really?
hen: *looks at tommy and smiles*
eddie: *whispers to hen* he's perfect for him
hen: *whispers back* i know!
buck: yeah! port and starboard have even started teaching other orcas to do the same! so far port and starboards record of how many sharks killed in a day is seventeen!
tommy: oh my god, that's insane baby, what else have port and starboard done?
buck: well they also hunt copper sharks and some fish, they even chased the great whites away from africa for seven weeks! but this isn't even the first time orcas have done something like this, in the early 1900's there was this orca called old tom who would help whalers hunt baleen whales, he even tugged the boats into the right position to get the whales, this happened in the port of eden new south whales in australia, you can actually go and see old tom's skeleton in eden killer whale meuseum, and on his teeth you can see marks from where he would pull the roaps! and old tom even has missing teeth because the whalers had this thing called "law of tounge" where they would strap the dead whales down so old tom and his pod could eat the lips and tongues, on the night where he lost his teeth logan, one of the davidson whaler friends tried to bring the whale in instead of pinning it down for old tom to eat, and old tom was pissed and tried to stop him, and he lost teeth, old tom died from starvation, when old tom died they thought he was 35, but the davidson family swore old tom helped three generations of their family with whaling, old tom was actually in his 90's when he died, they called old toms pod the killers of eden which-
tommy: would make an amazing true crime shark podcast name
buck: *tears up* you get me
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hisbucky · 9 months ago
*Buck on a video call with Chris in Texas* Eddie, sadly: Can you tell Chris I love him for me? He still won't pick up my calls. Buck: Of course, Eddie. Chris, your dad loves you very much and he's going to buy us the newest Star Wars Lego set. Eddie: Wait, that's not — Chris: New Lego set?! I'll be back home next week! Eddie: ...Huh? Buck: You're welcome.
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gaygardner · 4 months ago
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The family we chose (1/∞) -> Core 4 in season 8
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mid-knight-black · 4 months ago
Eddie was basically like “so when can i have my husband back?” 😭😭😭
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[the doctors & nurses totally think these two are married atp 🤭]
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mazzystar24 · 10 months ago
So let me get this straight in exactly ONE night these mfs wore matching costumes,sang What I like about you by the romantics (a song with lines like “keep on whispering in my ear tell me all the things I wanna hear” and “what I like about you? You hold me tight”) AT EACHOTHER WHILE POINTING AT EACHOTHER, Eddie poured drinks into bucks open waiting mouth (in a very obscene way- and at one point the angle meant he was hovering over him on the couch), Buck ripped Eddie’s shirt off, spent most/ if not all of the time tied at the hip or basically ontop of eachother with their arms around eachother
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Unhinged feral behaviour
Nurse they didn’t get out from the asylum they escaped from the WHOREHOUSE
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The Buckley siblings’ endgame relationships both being best friends to lovers is soooo fitting.
These two siblings who grew up really only having each other as a support system. Who were beaten down literally, verbally, or neglectfully for so much of their lives. Who never had anyone fight for them the way they do for each other.
And then they find these two men. These two men who are part of their growing L.A. family. Who welcome them into their lives, who are as desperate for connection and for someone to see them as the Buckley siblings are. Who are unendingly gentle and supportive of the people they love, would never hurt the people they care about more than anything. These two men weasel their way into the Buckley siblings’ hearts until they can’t remember life without them by their side. Their family becomes the Buckleys’ family, and their sibling becomes these two men’s family too. They become a unit unto themselves, and their other family thinks of them as such. They’re partners in every sense of the word, but they were friends first. They have a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and joy, and their relationships can withstand any test.
There’s plenty of arguments for these two relationships never being just best friends, but Madney and Buddie certainly have spent time building their friendships into a relationship, and I adore that. Maddie and Buck having their best friends as their endgame makes so much sense because who could understand them better than their best friend? Who else could see every part of them, every hurting piece, and still love them so completely?
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winchester27 · 5 months ago
I’m curious to see what our demographics are. I’m an oldie I’ve been here since S1 🥲
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jdorian · 9 months ago
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9-1-1 • S7E09 || S7E10 // Buck’s “worried about my Diaz boys” face // ↳ for anonymous
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