#that Apollo dedicated to Athena
my-name-is-apollo · 7 months
Not only did Apollo share his place at Delphi with Dionysus, he also dedicated it's threshold to Athena because she helped him during his purification (for killing Python)
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Aristonous, Paean to Apollo
You can conveniently imagine Athena and Dionysus making Delphic temple their "Esoteric birth club" room.
Also given how Hestia is often shown being in the temple of Delphi in her hymns, she probably also hangs out with them.
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Welcome To: The Basketball Arc (there were more jokes I was going to scribble to This Premise and Perhaps I will come back with them .... Next Year !)
Anyways I'm an Apollo 5'5 (With Hair) truther because . Because !
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motzyworships · 2 months
i may struggle with feeling gratitude and excitement (autism) but i sure as hell know that i can thank the gods for slowly learning to love and take care of myself.
because of morpheus i now have a committed night routine that i track.
because of apollo ive learned a hidden love for simple crafting.
because of apollo ive started correcting binge eating behaviors.
because of apollo ive found myself to be collected when im working, even in the most stressful moments. (daycare)
because of athena im learning to pace my goals and my projects.
because of athena i made a clearer career plan and college plan.
because of aphrodite im able to look at my reflection and think “im not ugly” more often.
sometimes i dont know which god has helped me with something, but i always thank the gods for my progress. i did it, and they provided me with the energy, the motivation, or the idea to do so.
ive learned that my worship and dedication will only flourish once ive learned to dedicate to myself.
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arheoia · 1 month
My favourite daily actions to honour the Gods 🤲🏻
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Praying Zeus when it starts raining, especially after a period of drought.
Greet Helios and say a little prayer to him when I wake up (at the first ray of sunlight in winter).
Greet Nyx and say a little prayer to her when night falls (but more often when I go to bed).
Praying to Hermes before and after a trip (I travel a lot because I'm in a long-distance relationship).
Dedicate my singing and writing sessions to Apollo.
Devote my sessions studying the Delphic maxims to Athena.
To thank Her when I act with discernment, give good advice and calm down when I'm angry.
Thanking Aphrodite when I spend time with my boyfriend.
Greeting Gaia and Demeter when I spend time in nature.
Greet Artemis when I go into the forest and when I have my period.
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sephsbat · 3 months
What is Praying in Hellenism?
Prayer was an essential part of religious practice in the polytheistic traditions of ancient Greece, known as Hellenism.
Hellenistic worshippers would direct prayers to specific gods and goddesses who were believed to have dominion over different aspects of life. Common recipients included the 12 Olympians, and many other deities.
Prayers often began with an invocation of the deity's names and titles, followed by the worshipper's requests or offerings. These might include appeals for protection, blessings, guidance, or the fulfillment of a vow.
Prayers were frequently offered before important events and activities, such as the start of a journey, a battle, a harvest, or a religious ritual. Daily household prayers were also common.
The prayers were usually delivered orally, sometimes accompanied by ritual actions like libations or burnt offerings. The language used was often formal and poetic, full of honorific epithets for the deity.
Locations for prayer included temples, shrines, sacred groves, and the home. Worshippers might pray while standing, kneeling, or prostrating themselves before an image or altar of the god or goddess.
The desired outcomes of Hellenistic prayer ranged from practical requests for prosperity, health or victory to more spiritual appeals for wisdom, justice or the favor of the divine.
Prayer was a central part of ancient Greek religious life, and even to this day, praying is very important and a big part in Hellenism or in general for every religion.
Praying in Modern Hellenism
Set Up a Home Shrine or Altar Many Hellenic polytheists maintain a home shrine or altar space dedicated to the gods. This can be as simple as a small table with statues, candles, flowers, or other symbolic objects. Establishing a consistent sacred space can help focus the mind during prayer.
Choose Your Deities Hellenism is a polytheistic tradition, so you can direct your prayers to whichever gods, goddesses, or divine beings you have the strongest connection or need to address. Common choices include Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon and many others.
Offerings Prayers are often accompanied by physical offerings like libations of wine or honey, burned incense, or small symbolic gifts. Consider what would be appropriate and meaningful for the deity you are praying to.
Use Formal, Poetic Language When crafting your prayers, aim for a formal, reverential tone. Use the full names and titles of the deities, and include honorific epithets if possible. Poetic, metaphorical language is common in Hellenic prayer.
Perform Ritual Gestures You may choose to incorporate ritual movements like standing, kneeling, bowing, or making specific hand gestures during your prayer. These physical actions can help focus the mind and honor the divine.
Establish Regular Prayer Times Many Hellenic polytheists pray daily, either at set times like sunrise/sunset or in response to specific events or needs.
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thealtoduck · 3 months
Being the Son of Calliope, headcanons…
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PJO x Male Reader (No romantic pairing)
Warnings: None…
Summary: You’re the son of the goddesss of epic poetry and eloquence and One of the Nine Muses…
(A/n: I know I was meant to work on other stuff but I got distracted.)
(Song is unrelated to the story but it felt Muses coded so…)
You were the only half-blood at camp related to one of the Muses, specifically Calliope, the Goddesss of Epic Poetry and Eloquence.
When you had gotten to camp you used to stay in Cabin 11, even though you’d been claimed, there was no cabin for you. So you ended up bunking with Travis Stoll.
But after the war with the titans and Percy’s demands to Zeus to the gods, a cabin dedicated to the Nine Muses had been built.
You being made the counsler… not that there were any other options…
The cabin was great tho, it was decorated with statues and carvings of the muses and their symbols. There were paintings hung of their famous demigods too such as Orpheus, Hyacinthus and Linus
The cabin had a big book case with novels, plays, comedies, tradgedies, poetry. A soundproof dance studio, a spundproof music room with a bunch of instruments, a sky window to study the stars.
Basically everything associated with the Muses.
If you had a nickel for everytime someone had tried to pick you by saying ”you were their muse” or that ”you had inspired” the poem, song or novel they wrote… you’d be richer than Hades.
You were particullarly popular amongst the Apollo cabin who seemed to think you were some kind of key to overcome creative blocks. Will Solace, their counselor, needed to keep them in check since they all seemed interested in you in one way or the other.
Athena’s and Hephaestus’s cabins were also drawn to you for your creativety.
You would however end up being paired with the Apollo cabin to lead the campfire sing-alongs, you usually end up with a solo song telling the dramatic story of some greek hero.
Imagine something like ”The Gosphel Truth” from ”Hercules”, with the Apollo cabin acting as you back up singers.
As for your powers, you were far from the strongest of demigods, but you were by no means weak.
You had a natrual talent for the arts, singing, dancing, poetry, instruments, etc…
As the son of the goddess of Eloquence you could cast minor short lasting curses on people that would effect their speaking, that could for example cause them to only speak in rhymes and limericks or make them unable to finish long sentences before drifting off.
Your swordfighting style would be noted by the other campers to be quite different, while they fought normally with their swords, Percy described your style more as a ”VERY deadly and sharp dance”.
Being related to the muses you also had an aura that could induce inspiration and creativity in someone (so maybe the Apollo cabin was on to something with their interest in you).
Though that power worked both ways as you could also curse someone with creative block.
Unlike most demigods, you’re mother showed up quite often to advice you whenever you had a problem… and she didn’t come alone.
Let’s say you’re in your cabin and you’re sad after having an argument with a friend.
Well… then all the 9 statues of the Muses in the cabin come to life and start singing a pop-soul number about why friendship is important and you should make up with your friend.
It’s was quite terrifying the first few times it happened but you get used to it after a while.
Being one of the Muse’s son is pretty much like being all of their son.
(A/n 2: Sorry, this is shorter than i usually write and is more so a collection of small headcanons for a Son of Calliope!Reader than a full on fic.)
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mistress-of-vos · 5 months
I'd make a longer post (and maybe one day I will) but since Lore Olympus, the story that introduced me to webtoons is coming to an end I'd like to say something:
I can't believe it is considered problematic. It has to be one of the sweetest, fluffiest, simplest stories I have read (hence why I still like it, it's a relaxing read before bed) and somehow it got too "kinky" for mainstream. It's laughable.
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Everytime I dare to click on their tag or look for the # on Twitter or FB I see people clutching their pearls as if Lore Olympus were brainwashing teenagers into marrying a non existent God of the dead and have babies with him. What the hell?
The fact that people think LO is too dark makes me laugh. A single episode of Rick&Morty, BoJack Horseman or HQS has way more explicit content and dialogue. In fact!!! If it were up to me LO would have gotten genuinely kinky!!! All it does is have some surface spicy tropes that get sugar coated to not make puritans awkward and tbh that's sad. LO and the author get terribly hated anyway for daring to portray the most common female fantasy.
And this all makes me laugh but also mad because you'd think LO at least has some genuine dark themes but no? At most we have Persephone's trauma due to Apollo's abuse and yet that topic is treated as a therapy pamphlet because people couldn't handle an imperfect victim. Hades is a wife guy who shows little to no anger. Hera was re written to be sort of a feminist so that people stopped being annoying about women having emotions.
LO is a sweet, simple story with tiny spicy things here and there that were eventually pushed aside because people couldn't handle it. I wonder how Rachel feels about this, because at the beginning the story was extremely spicy and the only crime was being published in a platform as webtoon, full of people who can't differentiate reality from fiction.
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Is LO a masterpiece? Idk! I enjoy the story, it's very self indulgent for me, but I won't go and analyze every detail to see how it should be labeled as it's not meant to be a perfect media. It's meant to be an entertaining, nice story of romance and it does that job very well. This need to demand perfect writing while also crucifying authors over "dark" themes is ridiculous and contradictory.
And I keep wondering, if these people loathe LO so much, why dedicate all that time to the infinte posts they make about how they would have told the story? And all those re tellings are boring! It's always "So Persephone and Hades won't ever kiss here because she's a lesbian. Also he doesn't appear at all. And Demeter isn't an abusive mom! Oh and everyone is ugly because gods shouldn't be beautiful! And Apollo isn't evil he's uwu baby. And no toxic relationships here, Zeus is a good husband!"
Sweet Gaia, you guys wouldn't handle Saint Seiya having Athena in the body of a teenage girl with big tits and who's constantly in the edge of breaking her virginity vows. This attitude screams of jealousy and puritanism and both are disgusting.
TLDR: LO being too problematic for people is both funny and annoying. I wished it actually were as kinky and dark as people insist it is. I'd pay for a toxic romance, but that being said, I LOVE it very much as it is and it's nice to have a re telling that, while not pretending to be loyal to mythology, didn't go for a route of sanitizing all the myths. I hope that once it ends haters will move on and let real fans and the author alone. 🙏
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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Hellenic Polytheism or Hellenismos is the traditional, polytheistic (multiple gods) religious belief system of Ancient Greece. Modern people who believe in pre-Christian and polytheistic belief systems often refer to themselves as pagans. Let’s look at some of the general practices of typical Hellenic worship.
         Hellenic Polytheists use altars or shrines to worship specific Gods within the Greek Pantheon. For example, an altar for Apollo may contain an image or sculpture bust of the god, as well as a side table, called a trapezōmata, which holds offerings of incense and flowers or food and drink such as wine, honey, milk, or olive oil. Another tripod incense holder was called a Thymiateria.
Before engaging in a ceremony, the practitioner will employ purification methods with lustral water (ritually cleansed). They may recite hymns or prayers in honor of the god, using the Homeric hymns for example. The practitioner may use a divination practice to seek guidance or gain insight from a god through methods like casting lots, reading signs from nature, oracle prophecies, and dream interpretations. In their ceremonies, ancient Greeks would perform rites in respect to their Ta Patria, (ancestral homeland heritage), and they would take pride in their reverence with Hos Kallista, or the highest level of beauty.
         Hellenic Polytheism follows annual calendar festivals commemorating Gods or famous mythological events such as the Panathenaia in Athens (commemorating Athena), the Anthesteria and City Dionysia; (festivals celebrating Dionysus) The Olympics (a physical competition in honor of Zeus) and the Thargelia, (dedicated to Apollo and Artemis), and the Thesmophoria, (a festival exclusive to women in honor of Demeter), among many others. 
Want to own my Illustrated Greek myth book jam packed with over 130 illustrations like this? Support my kickstarter for my book "lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in October.You can also sign up for my free email newsletter. please check my LINKTREE:
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herballwitch · 15 days
Altars For The Greek Gods
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Hello, My name is Alva Tauri! I am an herbalist, spirit worker, tarot and oracle reader, and lunar and herbal witch dedicated to closing the education gap when it comes to herbalism and witch practices!
Today, I wanted to talk about ways in which I connect with the Gods and deities I worship in my life via my altar, as well as some of those Greek gods that I do not have a direct connection with to help those who are just starting!
NOTE: I did already say this above but I am going to say it again, I only work with (as far as Greek gods go) Hades, Apollo, and Dionysus. However, I have been working with spirits, Gods, and deities for nine years now, so the information found in this post will be a compilation of everything I have learned in those nine years from my own experiences and the experiences of friends. If you have any information you feel should be added to this post please feel free to message me!
With that being said, let's get into altar work with Greek gods...
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Ares is the God of war and the spirit of battle and was typically associated with:
ANIMALS: eagle owl, barn owl, poisonous snakes, boar, vulture
COLORS: red and purple
CRYSTALS: bloodstone, garnet, red jasper, smokey quartz, black tourmaline, hematite, metals, obsidian, carnelian
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): spicy things, chocolate, basil, cinnamon, weapons
Artemis was the goddess of chastity, hunting, and the moon. She is often associated with:
ANIMALS: deer, wolf, wild boar, hunting dogs
COLORS: white, blue, black, brown and green
CRYSTALS: morganite, moonstone, celestite, moss/tree agate, amethyst
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): anything moon shaped, frankincense, cypress, mugwort, amaranth
Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty. She is typically associate with:
ANIMALS: swan, dove, sparrow
COLORS: red and pink for love/sexuality. white and blue, and gold.
CRYSTALS: rose quartz, pearl, opal, aquamarine, rhodonite, ocean jasper, moonstone
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): roses, chocolate, shells, myrrh, gold
Apollo is the God of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases and, mostly commonly known as, the God of the Sun. He is commonly associated with:
ANIMALS: deer, hawk, crow/raven, cicada, swan, bees, wolf, fox
COLORS: yellow, white, red, orange. purple and green for the Oracle.
CRYSTALS: sunstone, amber, calcite (specifically honey and yellow), citrine, sapphire
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): sun shaped anything, bay leaves, laurel, cypress, playing music (especially the lyre), poetry
Athena was the goddess of wisdom, war, and the crafts and is normally associated with:
ANIMALS: snakes and owls
COLORS: white, grey/silver, red
CRYSTALS: metals, celestite, fluorite, bloodstone, obsidian, iolite, azurite, and lapis lazuli
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): anything to do with olives, snake shed, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, weapons
Demeter is the goddess of the harvest, grains, and agriculture. She is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: serpent, farm animals (especially pig), lizards, turtle-dove, crane, owl
COLORS: green, brown, yellow, and black
CRYSTALS: jade, tree/moss agate, carnelian, amber, aventurine, rutilated quartz, pyrope, and almandine
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): oats and grain, anything baked, flowers, spices (like cinnamon or cloves, allspice is good too), leaves that have begun to change colors for fall, mint, poppy
Dionysus is the God of wine, pleasure, and festivity and he is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: panther/leopard, tiger, bull, serpent
COLORS: purple and green for association with grapes/wine, leopard/tiger print for his holy animals
CRYSTALS: amethyst is largely associated with Dionysus, as well as grape agate, garnet, and rose or rutilated quartz
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): grapes (or any derivative), alcohol, cinnamon, ivy, pinecones, playing music, partying, sex/masturbation
Hades is the God of the underworld. However, Hades also rules over wealth and finances. He is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: naturally, dogs are frequently associated with Hades, as well as owls, sheep, and cattle
COLORS: black, red, and white are typically used in association with death. purple and metallics are used in association with riches/wealth
CRYSTALS: hematite, onyx, black crystals (like obsidian), jet
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): narcissus, mint, asphodel, white poplar, pomegranate, coffee, cinnamon, elm, money, chocolate, keys, shells
Hephaestus is the Greek god of fire, volcanoes, blacksmithing, and metalworking. He is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: donkey, dog, crane
COLORS: red, orange, and yellow, metallics.
CRYSTALS: metals, fire opal, honey calcite, smoky quartz, black quartz, rock crystal, amethyst, chloritized quartz, and rutilated quartz
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): spicy things, hot beverages, anything handmade (especially if made by you), dragon's blood incense, seashells, anything on fire
Hera is the goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth and is frequently associated with:
ANIMALS: peacock, cuckoo, cow
COLORS: red, pink and white for association with love and marriage. gold because she's the Queen of the Gods.
CRYSTALS: pearls, diamonds, topaz, opal, moonstone, malachite, tourmalinated quartz
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS: iris, rose, patchouli, coconut, cypress, maple, peacock feathers, pomegranate
Hermes is the messenger of the gods and the mediator between the realm of the dead and the kingdom of the living. He is commonly associated with:
ANIMALS: tortoise, ram, goat, hawk, pig
COLORS: green, red, gold, white and brown
CRYSTALS: theres actually not a lot of evidance that crystals and stones were used in the past for altar work for Hermes. however citrine, alexandrite, and tigers eye are used frequently today
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): money, crocus/saffron, strawberries
Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, home, and hospitality. She is normally associated with:
ANIMALS: donkey, pig, crane, cow
COLORS: red, orange, and yellow, brown or white
CRYSTALS: amber, jade, red garnet, ruby, sunstone, amethyst, honey calcite
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): tea/coffee (drink with her), pine, bread, cider, apples, anything on fire, cinnamon, anything that feels like home to you
Persephone is the goddess of the dead and queen of the underworld in ancient Greek religion and myth and is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: deer and ram
COLORS: purple, pink, yellow, green - any spring colors. (Hades colors can be used as well)
CRYSTALS: the garnet is the most commonly associated with Persephone, but amethyst, moss/tree agate, milk quartz, and jade can also be used
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): pomegranate, flowers, grains, lavender, rosemary, Spring
Poseidon is the god of the sea, earthquakes, horses, and water. He is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: horse, bull, dolphin, hippocampus
COLORS: blue and white, gray, brown and green
CRYSTALS: coral, opal (especially water opal), blue calcite, aquamarine
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): coffee, mint, ocean water, salt, seashells
Zeus is the god of the sky and is considered the ruler, protector, and father of all gods and humans. He is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: eagle, bull
COLORS: white, blue, gold, grey, yellow and black
CRYSTALS: opals are said to have come from Zeus' tears of joy after defeating the Titans, so they are heavily linked to Zeus. diamonds, gold, turquoise, lapis lazuli, celestite, iron/steel, any quartz
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): rain water, oak, olives/olive branches/olive leaves, vervain. images of himself or anything with lightning bolts or shaped like a lighting bolt
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That's all for altar connections with Greek Gods! I hope that you found this helpful in your spiritual journey and I hope that you are able to apply this information to your practice.
if you have any questions regarding anything discussed here or anything you feel that I have missed, please send an ask to my ask box! I appreciate all comments and questions!
For more information on my practice, witchcraft, herbalism, spirit work, and divination please check out the guide on my page (linked here)! Everything I have ever posted can be found there!
I wish you all a blessed day filled with peace, endless wealth, and eternal health! Until the next time we meet!
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ihhfhonao3 · 11 months
Headcanon: the WAA has “employee of the day” awards, dedicated to each member for a specific day. So Phoenix gets the award on mondays, Maya on tuesdays, Trucy on Wednesdays, Apollo on Thursdays, and Athena on fridays. They each get a little picture of them hung up on the wall each time it’s their specific day. Trucy is in charge of putting up the pictures each day, so every now and then for a little tomfoolery, she’ll make widget, ema, or one of the prosecutors the employee of the day instead of an actual employee (especially on their specific birthdays) (and birthdays override the award, so if Phoenix’s birthday was on a Friday, he and Athena would swap days that week).
And yes the order is by who has been working there the longest
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little-cereal-draws · 2 months
The younger Olympians being siblings because I love them
Ares: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly." -
Apollo: So, what’s the plan? Ares: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at Artemis* she's mean, come up with something. -
Apollo: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Athena: Killed without hesitation. -
Artemis: You guys worried about Apollo? Hermes: Totally! Ares: Yeah, he called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?" Artemis: And what'd you say? Ares: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno." Hermes: Artemis: He's lucky to have you as a friend. -
Hephaestus, skipping rocks on a lake with Ares: It’s such a beautiful evening. Ares: Yeah, it is. Ares: *whispering* Take that you fucking lake. -
Artemis: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river. Aphrodite: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference. -
Artemis: Am I going too far? Apollo: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison. -
Hephaestus: What do people in relationships even do? Dionysus: Care about someone with your whole heart and dedicate your life to making them happy. Hephaestus: Okay. Didn't ask. Aphrodite: Asks question Aphrodite: "Didn't ask" Hephaestus: Thanks for the play by play, Captain Fuck. -
Aphrodite: Athena, we're hungry! Hermes: Athena! What's for dinner? Hephaestus: We're hungry, Athena! Athena, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams* -
Hephaestus: So, did everyone learn their lesson? Hermes: No. Apollo: I did not. Ares: I may have actually forgotten one. Artemis: Also no. Hephaestus: Oh good, neither did I. Athena: *Exhausted sigh* -
Aphrodite, texting: Answer your phone Dionysus, texting back: Wait a minute, I can’t find my phone Aphrodite: Understood Aphrodite, 5 minutes later: You’re a terrible person. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing me, Dionysus. -
Athena, having a breakdown: I’m gonna die alone! Aphrodite: Athena, you’re not gonna die alone. Athena: Pallas was my safety net, okay? She died before I could ask if she wanted to get married and now I have to get a snake. Aphrodite: ...Why is that? Athena: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face. Athena: So, I figured I’ll be “Crazy Lady With A Snake.” You know? Crazy snake lady. Athena: Then I’ll get more snakes and call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM THE CRAZY SNAKE LADY!
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alneedssleep · 1 month
Headcannons about Apollo pt.1 
PSA: This is mythology Apollo stuff but most of this applies to Percy Jackson Apollo as well. 
Apollo loves no sibling more than Artemis, but he is closer to Athena. They bonded over being the favourite siblings, gods of knowledge/wisdom and the fact Athena was somewhat in charge of teaching/raising him when he first came to Olympus. 
Apollo is the only other god besides Zeus to have the epithet ‘Moiragetes’ meaning ‘Leader of the Fates’. There are also only two moments of fate being averted in the entire mythos – once when Zeus swallows Metis and then again when Apollo tricks/convinces the Fates to extend Admetus’s lifespan. I imagine this means they are both capable of altering fate, it is just usually not worth the trouble. 
Adding on to the previous hc, I also imagine Apollo has pure white eyes. As in, no pupils or irises. This is a trait I imagine the Fates share as well. Zeus would as well if he had gift of prophecy, but he doesn’t. 
Apollo has the epithet ‘Lycegenes’ meaning ‘born of wolf’ or ‘born of Lycia’. Both work since his mother spent some time in a form of a wolf while pregnant in some versions and she is also a prominent goddess in Lycia. Lycia is in modern day Turkey, so I imagine Leto, Apollo and Artemis have some Turkish features. Specifically, they all have an aquiline nose (though you also see that in Greece), darker skin and (in the PJ universe aka the modern day) all three occasionally wear head scarfs. Not hijabs obviously since those are religious, but sheer fabric with a bunch of different designs relating to their sacred symbols wrapped around their head and hair. 
Apollo was less of an older brother and more of a parent to Hermes, Dionysus and even Hebe when they were young. It was only once they were much older that Apollo started treating than more like siblings but will occasionally fall back into old habits. 
Hera and Apollo have a better relationship than expected. They, along with Athena, mostly bonded over their shared woes of dealing with Zeus (who is not as bad as PJ Zeus but is still, you know, a king. And kings are rarely great.) 
Apollo is the most all-knowing of the non-primordial gods. He has the domains of truth, prophecy and knowledge and, once he gains the sun in roman times, can also see anything that happens during the day. This makes him stupidly well informed. Even his cousin Hecate, Aunt Asteria, Grandmother Phoebe and Grandfather Koios are not as well informed since they only have the domain of prophecy and, even then, only have a specific kind while Apollo, seemingly, has access to every kind of prophecy. 
Apollo (and Artemis) are Gods of Youth and, in Apollo’s case, he even has an epithet explicitly denoting him as an eternal child: ‘Acersecomes’ meaning one with unshorn hair. Boys in ancient Greece grew out their hair and generally cut and dedicated their hair to Apollo after reaching adulthood. As a result, Apollo not only has long curly golden hair, but is also unable to age any older than 15 since 16 was the age of adulthood back then. I imagine this would be the same for Artemis as well. (If we are including the PJ universe here, then they would be able to age up to 17). 
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spineless-lobster · 23 days
Fuck me okay it’s 12:50 and I have to wake up early for work tomorrow but I don’t give a shit HERE ARE MY INCOHERENT THOUGHTS ABOUT THE WISDOM SAGA
- bro just wants to see his dad is that so bad?
Little wolf:
- Antinous is such an asshole I love him “your mom’s a slut your dad left you and I’m gonna beat the shit out of you now”
- TELEMACHUS IS SO CUTE!!! Athena does quick thought and he’s like “WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING????” and when athena explains it all he’s oh “wait this is sick as hell!!!!” I love him your honour
- Rip telemachus still got your ass beat womp womp
We’ll be fine:
- “I had a friend like you once” that reminds of how in the odyssey EVERYONE is like “wow telemachus you look just like your dad lol”
- they’re such cute besties I sure hope nothing bad happens to either of them! 😁
Love in paradise: (what the fuck)
- “Who’s penelope? 🥰” “my wife 😔” “😐”
- You can’t kill a goddess! *stream fucking dies*
- “I’m not your man” as “I’m just a man” what if I threw up
- y’know if calypso didn’t imprison odysseus on his island and harass him all the time I think I would like her
- also her voice is beautiful!
- ody at the edge of the cliff… this part fucked me up
- POLITES!!!!!! 😭😭😭
- what if I killed myself then what
- jay when I find you it’s on sight
- straight up if I imagine ody’s pain for too long I get so incredibly sad it’s not even funny
God games:
- APOLLO!!!!! <333
- I love songs with clanky bits like heph’s part it makes me :DDD
- Aphrodite’s voice is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- Ares’ flow is so insane I have it stuck in my head I love it
- beat the shit out of your brother athena lets goooo!!!!!
- HERA!!!!!! 🪩🕺🪩🕺🪩🕺🪩🕺
- GROOVY!!!!!!!
- “He never once cheated on his wife!” “…release him.”
…anyways so if you guys don’t hear from me it’s because I’ve run away to an isolated convent and have dedicated my life to god
Fuck what a good saga this was
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melandrops · 11 months
The Magnus Archives Entities as Greek Gods
The Vast - Zeus
The all powerful, infinite cosmic force that is both the king of the gods and the fear of insignificance. The fear of falling, and of openness. Pray that when lightning strikes, you will not taste ozone on your tongue.
The Buried - Poseidon
The ocean could very well be a part of the Vast, but they are fundamentally opposed. The same sides of a coin, one side pewter the other side copper. Two kings that rule next to each other yet are complete opposites. Pray that his brutal storms do not swallow you whole, crushing you under the weight of his world.
The End - Hades
He is the one inevitability of the world. He waits, passive, for victims. The other gods squabble and bicker and play their games while he looks on from the Underworld and knows that he is the ultimate winner. It is pointless to hope that he will not claim you eventually. Pray that you will be contented when he does.
The Web - Athena
The goddess of strategy, of weaving and trickery and cunning. She once cursed a girl to become a spider for her insolence. Pray that she does not lay her marionette strings over you, for then you will never know free will again.
The Slaughter - Ares
The god of war, and the gleam of bloodshed in your eyes and the eyes of the person on the other end of the battlefield. Pray that the blood streaking your hands and face is not your own.
The Corruption - Aphrodite
She is love, and the unbecoming of it all. The deadly force that eats away at your soul and changes you into someone you don't recognize anymore. She whispers that she is the most good and right form of the world, but her kiss is made of rot. Pray that her love will not break you apart piece by piece.
The Eye - Apollo
The god of the sun, who sees all the occurs in the daylight. Prophecy, truth, and the goings on of the world are the way he idles his time away. Pray that you are not intriguing enough to catch his vicious interest.
The Lonely - Hestia
She is the goddess of the hearth, of warmth and of family. Yet it was she who was foisted out of Olympus to make way for Dionysus. She tends to a hearth with no visitors to warm themselves by it. Pray that she does not beckon you to join her by the empty fire.
The Stranger - Dionysus
His parties are the raucous screams in the night, and people who walk in will never walk out the same person. There will always be something a little bit off about them. Pray that when the wine touches your lips you will still recognize yourself the next morning.
The Desolation - Hephaestus
Ugly, marred and disfigured. His wife refuses to look at him. He burns with a rage that he cannot distinguish as self hatred or as loathing for the world he lives in. He toys with the fire in his forge and the burns are the only thing that bring him joy anymore. Pray that he does not look at you with that fiery hatred in his eyes.
The Hunt - Artemis
She hunts in the dead of night, armed by the protection of the moon. Occasionally she enlists help. But always, she will dedicate herself to the next hunt. Pray you are not next.
The Flesh - Prometheus
He built humans out of clay. He built them with imperfections they would see in the mirror and insecurities that feel like a gaping pit in their chest. The god of innovation is also a god who wants their passions to hurt. Pray that when he creates you, your imperfections do not swallow you whole.
The Spiral - Janus
Doors and transitions and new beginnings but also endings all rolled into one. Everything and anything but also nothing and no one. He is a two faced god of deception and lies, and you can never trust what either face tells you. Pray for truth, but there is no point.
The Dark - Nyx
She's always there. Waiting for Apollo to leave. You're not safe from her. No matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise, the most animal part of your brain will always fear her. Pray that she smiles at you without teeth as she watches while you sleep.
The Extinction - Pan
He is the god of nature, and there is no length he will not go to in order to protect it. Mankind is but a blemish on the world. The wild, untamable forces of nature will conquer it eventually. Pray that you will be overlooked when it floods the cities and burns the crops.
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within-the-water · 2 months
Fellow e-temples
As this list is getting excitingly long, I have decided to remove it from my personal intro and dedicate a post to it.
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Other amazing Tumblr Temples to check out:
Temple of Hypnos @to-hypnos-we-dream
Temple of Hycinthus @hyakinthou-naos
Temple of Dionysus @templeofdionysus Note: A non-profit organization as well as a community
Temple of Aphrodite @temple-of-her-love
Temple of Hermes! (had problems @/ing wwhere theyre new)
Temple of Zeus @childrenofzeus
Temple of Gaia @temple-of-gaia
Temple of Apollo @temple-of-apollon
Temple to the Sun Theoi @the-suns-temple
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e-Shrine to Hestia @hearthfireandhome
e-Shrine to Hades @of-asphodel-and-autumn
e-Shrine to Athena @athenais-99
e-shrine to Aphrodite @beautyofaphrodite
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eddieisashifter · 6 months
Headcanons that are canon in my PJO dr!
While gods tend to look very human, the chthonic deities (Hades, Persephone, Charon, Hypnos, Thanatos, etc...) are the ones that actually look and dress like gods. Funnily enough, they also tend to be the most helpful and kind towards heroes
The gods have absolutely no idea how humans work and the fact the demigods are still kids doesn't compute in their heads
All the main cast (including me!) have subreddits dedicated to us (like buzzfeed unsolved type cases [think The Jackson Files on ao3])
After the events of HoO and the battle with Gaia, Camp Half-Blood takes a page from Camp Jupiter's book and builds a "New Athens" for adult Greek demigods like New Rome
The Athena Cabin as a pet owl mascot named Daedowlus
Clarisse is 80% responsible for Camp peace because she doesn't tolerate bullshit (she has no idea though and we've all made a pact not to tell her)
There is a Cabin 0 at Camp for Hestia and all the unclaimed demigods stay there :D
There's campfire singalongs led by the Apollo cabin (with help from the Dionysus theatre kids)
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