#thanksgiving girls
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georgia-scotts · 4 months ago
Thanksgiving Turkey Face Heavy Cotton Tee Women Girls Leopard Print Glasses
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This Thanksgiving Turkey Face Leopard Print Glasses Tee is a fun and festive addition to any fall wardrobe. It exudes a playful and quirky vibe that can be worn by women and girls during Thanksgiving celebrations or simply as a casual everyday statement piece. The unique design adds a touch of personality and humor to the wearer's outfit, making it a great conversation starter.
Get it now from here
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biblicallyaccuratemoth · 3 months ago
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It’s important to savor the little things. Happy Thanksgiving to all my Stateside peeps!
Obligatory shoutout to @degenerate-mystery-inc-whore , who cameos in the last page. Also present but not on this website is my twin, the disgruntled Catboy, and one of my oldest friends.
Before anyone asks, I collect the plushie forms of diseases. It brings me joy.
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somnoir · 2 months ago
As a prompt Danny after he enters Gotham for any suddenly starts growing again for the first time since the portal incident and his body instead of slowly again decides to catch up all the missing years of growing at once so Danny goes from still looking 14 to suddenly having his father's height and looking his actual age.
Growing pains.... Literally
Since his death, Danny hasn't really... Grown. His parents think he's a late bloomer, that he'll grow later in life. But it's been four years since he's died and he hasn't grown a single inch in that time.
Frostbite is kind enough to tell me that... Well... He's stuck.
He's stuck in this form until something affects his physical form. Amity, even though it's considered the most haunted place in earth, doesn't have enough ambient ectoplasm for Danny. There are too many ghosts from the realm that feed of it, too many nevermores that need it to exist. Amity feeds it's ghosts but it doesn't have enough for a halfa like him.
When he moved to Gotham for the aerospace program (plus the scholarship) he doesn't expect much from it. People still question him about his age, it almost ends with him flinging his ID and birth certificate on people and cussing them out on his height.
He had even started exploring the city. There was this one cafe he found and the owner, Lily, was an absolute angel! With a shotgun. And he met a lot of people in Lily's Eden Cafe, like this weird kid that apparently dropped out of high school. Now, Danny ain't one to judge, so he's pretty okay with Tim. Except for the fact that he was so cool and smooth on a skateboard. Danny wanted one too.
Almost a week after moving, he's suffering. His body hurts, everything aches. It's as if something inside of him was trying to break out and it's making his bones strain. Everything about it hurts.
Many days passed of Danny being delirious from the pain, barely able to register what he was doing. A week and it's like he spent a coma walking around while his consciousness was asleep, practically dead by the lack of his memories.
The next time he woke up, it's been a week since he blacked out from the pain.
There's music in the background, almost familiar. The beat is something he heard Ember compose before his eighteenth birthday, then it was practically blasted through our the Ghost Zone when the day actually came.
"Shhh! Turn that racket down!"
"Hell nah! He likes it, see?"
"The little king seems.... To......change... Gotham..."
His eyes snapped open, gasping when he saw multiple pairs of eyes looking down at him.
"He's alive!"
Danny's instincts took over in that second and he's sending a blast of ecto towards the sudden scream. More screaming. Too much screaming. His head hurt.
"Holy shit, baby pop!"
He takes a moment before he's recognizing Ember... And the hole on his wall... And his glowing hand. Shit.
"Woah, woah! Calm down."
In Danny's confused state, he could barely register Kitty and Johnny in the room. Oh, and Shadow too. But still...
"I— What happened?" He groaned, blinking slowly. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
His voice... OH MY GOD HIS VOICE! Why was it so deep?! What was wrong with his voice? Did he have a cold or something? Or maybe it's just his morning voice—
"Congrats on your dawning!" Johnny congratulated, grinning like a madman.
"What?" ooh, that was weird, "What the heck is an dawning?"
"Ooh, baby pop!" Ember cooed, "Forgot that our little king is still pretty new to being all ghost. C'mon now, baby. Mama Ember will teach you all about ghost puberty."
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Ghost puberty was a thing apparently. He had hauled himself into the Far Frozen after yelling at the four ghosts to steal him some clothes that would actually fit him. Because his entire body felt wrong... So wrong.
He was taller now. Having shot up from 5'4" to a whopping 6'2". Everything still hurt and now all his clothes didn't even fit! Nothing looked right when he'd looked at the mirror. He was almost as tall a shis dad now—he looked almost exactly like his dad now actually. It was almost terrifying how much he resembled his dad. If he went to visit now, he's sure that his mother would have a heart attack from how quickly he had grown.
"Frostbite!" Danny practically growled and oooh... Yeah, now it sounded differently to whenever he'd end up snarling. The deepness of his voice almost intimidated him.
"Great one!" The yeti greeted, looking utterly ecstatic to see him. "Ah, I see you've finished your dawning. I offer my sincerest congrats, your majesty."
"Yeah, yeah. The fuck is a Dawning?"
Frostbite blinked, before his expression morphed into a grim one. "Oh dear... I had thought that the Observants would have deigned to explain this too you upon your coronation... Well, let us sit then, great one. This will be a long one."
To summarize it all, Ghost puberty.
A Dawning was a time every ghost went through, so long as there was enough ambient ectoplasm around them to help their forms morph into their preferred appearances. Usually, a ghosts appearance to their own mentality. Their maturity.
Apparently, Young Blood already went through a Dawning but remained in his child-like form due to his own mental age. He was a child in heart, mind, soul, and body.
Meanwhile... Danny who was still alive yet also dead, had followed on with his mental maturity. His body morphed, it changed, it adapted to how he saw himself, how he desperately wanted to become deep down in his core.
And this Danny Fenton was a 6'2" giant trying to control all his limbs that were suddenly too long, too heavy. Everything felt strange....
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Tim Drake's favorite cafe was known for being neutral ground for both rogues and vigilantes. You don't fuck around Lilian's cafe or else she'll pull out a rifle and shoot you dead. So if course, Tim fucking loved the place.
Actually, many people frequented it.
He's familiarised himself with the faces of a lot of people by then. Even that scrawny new kid that arrived three weeks ago. Tim remembers Danny for how enthusiastic he was about going to collage, not even minding the madness of Gotham itself. It was like he thrived in it.
He waves at Lilian after ordering his usual, taking a seat in the corner before he's whipping out his laptop. Duke and Steph arrive soon after, immediately ordering before going off to join Tim.
Mundane things, something they all seemed to appreciate more.
The bell rings, more customers arrive and—
"Danny! Holy hell, what happened?"
Tim paused, immediately snapping his eyes towards— WHAT THE FUCK?!
Steph whistled, "Hot damn..."
Danny Fenton was a scrawny young man, shorter than Tim. Even more slim.
But whoever the hell entered the cafe was 6'2", almost as muscled as Jason, and slouching like Clark—as if he was in the wrong body. He almost dropped his drink if not for Duke gently guiding his hand down.
"Hey, Lils..."
God, what the fuck was that? What was happening? Who the hell was this awkward adonis with a voice as deep as the fucking ocean?
"Tim?" Duke waved his hand over his eyes, "Timothy? Timbers?"
"Duke, leave him alone. He's gone, never coming back." Steph snickered, shaking her head before her eyes went back to Danny, who was stuttering as he tried to order what he wanted. "But damn if I wouldn't act the same. Shoot your shot—"
Shoot his fucking shot he did.
"Hey Danny..." Tim slid up to him with a smile.
Danny blinked—woah was he tall and practically built like a fucking fridge—before his eyes brightened and a smile joined his expression.
"Hi Tim!"
Was this how Bruce felt like when he saw Clark?
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saydesole · 3 months ago
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Thanksgiving 🤎
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everyones-bean19 · 3 months ago
I feel like I'm gonna burst after Thanksgiving dinner my goodness. So full
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marandaright1 · 3 months ago
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Pumpkin Spice!
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Wishing a warm and cozy day!
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maddie-dog-story-blog · 3 months ago
Thanksgiving at his Family's House
"Sorry, sweetie! Brandon didn't tell us he was bringing a guest! This is the only chair we have left! I'm just so happy that you're such a tiny little thing, that you fit!" Your boyfriend's mom told you as she slid the tray of the high chair in place.
At least you got to sit next to Brandon, you thought to yourself as you looked at the crowded room filled with the unfamiliar faces of your boyfriend's relatives.
It would have been nice if Brandon could have warned his family he was bringing you. It would have been nice if he would have had the time of dinner right. Maybe if you had been on time or his mom was forewarned, you wouldn't be dressed in your holiday best, locked in a high chair, waiting for Brandon to make you a plate like a toddler.
But, you weren't going to make a fuss and risk a bad impression the first time meeting his family. And you were glad you didn't.
As dinner went on, you found yourself happily chatting with all of Brandon's family members. They were all so kind and interesting that you totally forgot your childish seating arrangement.
As you chatted away with Brandon's sister, a 27-year-old woman just a few years your senior, you didn't even mind when he left, saying he was going to play football in the backyard.
At least, you didn't mind until all of the delicious food you had been eating started to make its way through your body.
"Hey, do you think you could let me out so I can help clean up?" You asked your boyfriend's sister timidly as you started to notice mother nature running it's course through your bladder and bowels.
"Of course not, sweetie! You're our guest! Make yourself comfortable! No cleaning for you," she said as she cleared your plate and utensils off the tray of your highchair.
You turned to Brandon's mother, hoping for help from her as a cramp rocked your body.
"Um, ma'am, could you let me out? I'd like to keep getting to know you all and don't want to be stuck at the table," you asked politely.
Your boyfriend's mother grinned.
"Oh, sweetie! You don't have to get out of your seat for that! I'll just roll you into the kitchen so you can talk with us while we clean!"
You blushed as the larger woman easily tipped the high chair back on its small wheels and rolled you into the kitchen.
You gripped your stomach and squeezed your thighs together as best you could as his mother and sister spoke with you while doing dishes.
However, after a little time, the sound of running water in the sink and the pressure of the large dinner you ate became too much. With zero fanfare, your bladder and bowels released at once, destroying your panties and cute holiday skirt.
Tears immediately pooled in your eyes at the humiliation of what had just happened. You were trying to plan a way out of the situation when Brandon's sister turned from the sink, and her gaze fell on you.
"What's wrong?" She asked just as the smell hit her. "Oh! Oh, no! Why didn't you tell us you needed to?" She asked rhetorically, letting the last words of her question drop off.
Tears began to roll down your cheeks in earnest.
The slightly older woman leaped into action immediately at your obvious distress. She whispered in her mom's ear then rescued you from your plastic prison. She easily lifted you onto her hip like an infant, embarrassingly smushing the mess in your panties into you, and carried you to an upstairs bedroom, decorated for a young girl.
"Don't worry, sweetie, we'll get you all fixed up and know one will be the wiser!"
Your boyfriend's sister expertly stripped you of your clothes and produced another holiday outfit, this time a red dress that looked a little big for you. She also pulled a large, white diaper out of a dresser.
You were too embarrassed to protest or ask questions as she had you lay on the bed and diapered you. You then meekly raised your arms as she pulled the dress over your head.
You spun for her at her command. She clapped her hands together, satisfied.
"Perfect! And no one else has to know! If anyone asks, I just thought you would look amazing in this cute little dress I used to wear to Thanksgiving in middle school, and you agreed to change!"
You nodded your head obediently, ready to agree to any story other than the truth.
"And, if you have any other little, um, accidents," your boyfriend's sister said conspiratorially, "just let me know, and your new big sister will be more than happy to take care of you again."
You blushed, but nodded your head in affirmation meekly, not ready to piss off the woman who just helped you after watching you mess yourself in a highchair.
She led you back into the rest of the house, where the rest of the family was now gathered together watching football. Brandon's mom gave you an empathetic look as you carefully walked over to your boyfriend and sat next to him.
"Hey, baby," he said, making your face turn as red as your dress, "Cute outfit! My sis is letting you borrow her clothes? I told you that she'd love you!"
You just snuggled into him and made a non-committal noise.
The rest of the night went blessedly smoothly. Everyone socialized amiably, updating each other on the happenings in their lives before it was time to leave. You were only reminded of the events earlier in the day twice, when Brandon's sister asked if you needed any more 'help.'
As you left for the night, his sister made sure to give you the last hug. She let her hand drift down your back and onto your padded rear-end, squeezing it before announcing to the rest of the family, "I've always wanted a baby sister, and I'm so happy my little brother has seemed to find me the perfect one! I can't wait to see you at Christmas!"
The rest of the family cheered in agreement as you walked out the door to the car, your boyfriend beaming at how much everyone loved you. You, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel like you were going to learn to dread holidays with his family as you let a little trickle of urine into the diaper wrapped between your legs.
"The Christmas Debacle."
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kingjasnah · 2 months ago
insane that taravangian had some of my absolute favorite moments in wind and truth. "hey jasnah was it girl power when you used your radiant abilities to straight up MURDER three darkeyed men in the back alleys of my city in book one because a 17 yr old asked you an ethics question you didn't like?" BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭🗣️📢📢📢📢‼️‼️‼️
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newwavesylviaplath · 6 months ago
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sept 01
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czl4t · 3 months ago
Happy thanksgiving,
I’m grateful for Patti Lupone. 😩
(and for everyone feeding me with those scrumptious fics)
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 1 year ago
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brandontheoutcast · 3 months ago
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Gobble Gobble
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just-a-forest-nymph · 3 months ago
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🍂🦃🥧🍁🍗 Gobble me up 🍗🍁🥧🦃🍂
Happy thanksgiving to those celebrating and a happy Thursday to those that aren’t!!
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ari-biri · 3 months ago
i am contractually obligated as a birb artist to draw a piece for today
(happy thanksgiving)
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enidtendo64 · 3 months ago
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the ‘Shauna gets Yolked’ saga
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cloudidoodles · 3 months ago
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What's a foxes favorite food? Chicken.
What's a foxes second favorite food? Turkey.
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