An AB/DL author in their 30s whose switchy. Almost everyone is welcome to follow and interact. That said, minors, ageless blogs, pedophiles and bigots, DO NOT INTERACT! Follow my main blog, Maddiethedog2 for a deeper insight into what I like. This blog is predominantly an easy place to find my stories.
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New You Gym - 19
Michael watched Kylee as her short frame waddled in front of him, large infantile diaper sagging wetly between her legs. Michael wondered to himself whether she even knew her diaper was wet.
As Michael's eyes lingered on his wife's padded ass, he could feel his member growing, making his pants tighter. Michael knew he should be concerned for his wife and maybe even disgusted by the fact that she can't keep her pants dry. However, Michael could feel a new fantasy being awaken in him.
Imagining Kylee humiliated, diapered, and treated like nothing more than a un-potty-trained toddler made him feel more aroused then he could ever remember.
However, as Kylee turned the corner towards their bedroom, Michael tried to shake off his feelings. He knew that Kylee had to be mortified by the situation, and that it was his job as her husband to support her through the struggle.
Readjusting the new pink gym bag Emily had handed him, he put on as supportive face as he could muster, suppressed his growing arousal as best he could, and followed Kylee into their bedroom.
As Michael walked in, he saw Kylee standing, legs spread, inspecting her diaper closely with both hands. As Michael looked at her, he noticed tears starting to form in her eyes.
"I… I'm… I mean… It… The diaper… It's wet?" Kylee said, turning to Michael confused.
When Kylee went to untape her diaper, she noticed for the first time that she had wet herself sometime during her trip home from the gym. The fact she was unaware she had pissed herself scared her almost more than the fact that her husband was seeing her in a wet diaper.
Michael walked up to Kylee and embraced her in a hug.
"Yeah, baby, it looks like you had another little accident today. But, I'm sure it was just from the stress of the gym. Do you want me to help you get out of… um… that?" Michael said, gesturing vaguely towards Kylee's diaper.
Kylee wanted to say no. She wanted to run away and hide in shame. She wanted to be anywhere else but here, with the man she loved, dressed like this.
But, she also wanted his attention. She craved experiencing that close, vulnerable feeling she had when Julie had changed her diaper earlier that day, with Michael. She also knew that if things kept progressing as Julie told her they would, it wouldn't be long until this was going to be a more common occurrence.
So, with her mind made up, Kylee's cheeks turned red as she answered her husband. "Yes, please," she said.
"Alright, sweetheart, why don't you lay on the floor. Do we have any wipes anywhere?" Michael asked.
Kylee blushed again. "I think you'll find everything you need in my new… uh… gym bag."
Michael grabbed the bag and looked in. It was now his turn to blush.
The pink satchel clearly wasn't the gym bag of an adult. The only thing it could be reasonably described as was a diaper bag.
Despite the warning he'd received from Emily, Michael hadn't really put together that Kylee would be required to wear diapers to the gym for the foreseeable future. The idea of his wife being forced to continue to wear diapers caused his penis to swell again.
"Oh, wow! They really, uh, set you up here," Michael said, grabbing the wipes from his wife's diaper bag while trying to hide his growing erection, "I know Emily said you'd need protection for the gym, but they really set you up with a lot of dia… I mean… protective underwear."
Kylee turned her head to the side, looking away in embarrassment.
"It's okay. Call them what they are… they're diapers," Kylee responded, trying to bravely face her predicament, "How can I call this wet thing wrapped around my ass anything else?"
"Should I grab out another one… uh… diaper? Or, do you think you can keep your panties dry?" Michael asked hesitantly.
Kylee glared at Michael, her embarrassment overtaken by her indignation.
"Can I keep my panties dry? Of course I can! I'm not a child!" Kylee growled.
Michael raised his hands defensively, then gestured towards Kylee's wet groin.
"I mean, it seems like a fair question, given the circumstances," Michael said, a little more confidence shining through in his tone, "I am not the one lying on the floor, waiting for my husband to change me out of a wet diaper."
"Fine! If you're going to act like this, I don't need your help!" Kylee said starting to sit up, face scrunched in disgust as she felt the wet padding surrounding her crotch squelch as she shifted her weight.
Michael, wipes in hand, kneeled down next to Kylee, placed a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down.
"Oh, hush! No need to throw a tantrum. Lay down so I can get you out of that wet thing then you can put your panties back on," Michael said, his assertiveness growing along with erection.
Being given this excuse to baby his wife really turned him on.
Kylee complied with his direction. As she laid down, she also found that, despite her embarrassment and anger at her situation, she was also being turned on by the "Daddy" energy her husband was starting to exhude.
"Fine," Kylee said as she laid back down with an exaggerated huff.
"Good girl," Michael responded.
Those words sent a shiver through Kylee's pussy.
Michael patted Kylee's diapered crotch twice and stated, "Let's do this."
Michael carefully ripped open the tapes of Kyle's diaper and pulled the front of the diaper open. The smell of ammonia and rash cream quickly hit his nose, causing him to briefly scrunch his face in disgust before continuing on. What he saw when he opened the diaper though, he wasn't expecting.
"Kylee! Your skin is so red and angry down here? What's going on? Is this what's causing your sudden accidents? Do we need to see a doctor?" Michael asked, staring at the diaper rash covering his wife's most intimate areas but too inexperienced in diapering to know what he was looking at.
A fresh wave of embarrassment pulsed through Kylee, who suddenly remembered the diaper rash she had from her earlier, poopy diaper. Julie's cream really worked wonders on her discomfort, Kylee thought to herself.
"No, it's, it's not causing my accidents," Kylee said, quietly. "I, I fell asleep in a diaper earlier at the gym and woke up with a… uh… rash because of it."
"A diaper rash? Seriously, Kylee?" Michael guffawed. "Let's check your bag. Ah, here it is, some rash cream," Michael said, pulling out some diaper rash cream from Kyle's gym bag. "Are you sure you don't need another diaper? How many times have you wet yourself today?"
Kylee looked up at Michael as defiantly. "Only a couple! But it was just because of stress at the gym! I don't need another, stinking diaper!"
Micheal couldn't help but laugh to himself a little. Kylee, despite her demand to the contrary, sure looked like a woman who needed a diaper. She was laying on the ground, legs splayed apart, rash covered ass laying on a wet diaper, waiting to be wiped clean by another person.
"Sure, baby," Michael said as he began to wipe Kylee's tender skin with the baby wipes.
As Michael wiped the urine off of Kylee's waist, Kylee couldn't help but be surprised from his delicate, caring touch. As Michael wiped, Kylee squirmed as it became clear she was still very sore from her diaper rash. However, Michael did a good job at both being thorough and gentle with Kylee's delicate skin.
Then Michael made his way to Kylee's slit and she started to squirm for another reason. The feeling of Michael's fingers through the wet wipe felt so good to Kylee. It brought back the recent memories of Julie's 'special' changes back at the gym. She started to buck her hips into Michael's hand.
"Oh, baby likes that, huh?" Michael said as he started to pay more attention to Kyle's vagina.
"Don't… call… me… baby!" Kylee moaned out as Michael started to rub her clit more intentionally.
"What should I call you then? Your the one laying here on the ground getting your pissy little pampers changed, aren't you?" Michael asked with a seductively dominant tone.
"Ye… yes…" Kylee moaned out.
"Then what does that make you?" Michael asked as he started to thrust his middle and index finger into Kylee's pussy, while continuing to rub her clit with his thumb.
"A… a… a…" Kylee moaned in rhythm with Michael's fingers.
"A what?" Michael demanded, his cock throbbing at his wife's humiliation and his own sense of power.
"A… a… a… BABY!" Kylee screamed as her body convulsed in pleasure with an epic orgasm.
"That's right," Michael said as he removed his fingers from Kylee and wiped them on a new baby wipe. "But, since you were a good girl and admitted it, I guess we can let you try panties again today," he continued cheekily.
"Thank you, Daddy," Kylee said as Michael finished cleaning her up, helped her stand up, and balled up her diaper.
"Of course sweetheart, why don't you go take a shower though? I got most of it off, but let's not take a risk with that rash," Michael suggested.
Kylee complied.
As Kylee showered, Michael took care of his own arousal. He laid on his bed, put his hand down his pants, and stroked himself, imagining Kylee, sitting in a crib at the end of the bed, looking at him longingly in a wet diaper and childish onesie as he fucked Emily doggy style.
It didn't take long before Michael made a sticky mess in his hand. He used another of Kylee's wipes to clean himself up.
The rest of the day went fairly normally for Kylee and Michael. Kylee put back on a pair of panties, but not before slathering her ass in rash cream. She and Michael went about their normal daily tasks.
The only changes were minimal. Michael would occasionally throw glances at her crotch suspiciously, as if he was making sure she didn't have any more accidents. Kylee also found it a little uncomfortable to sit down due to her diaper rash.
However, with normalcy overtaking her day once again, Kylee almost forgot about the events of the morning when it was time to get ready for bed.
#New you Gym#ab/dl kink#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl caption#diaper stories#humiliation kink#ab/dl couple#diaper regression#ab/dl babygirl#ab/dl daddy
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New You Gym - 18
Kylee laid back in her car seat, enjoying the post-orgasm haze as Emily drove her van ever closer to home. Kylee hoped to God that Michael would still be out running errands when they got there.
Kylee quickly realized that her wish wouldn't be granted as she felt the car slow and turn into her familiar driveway. Parked right next to Emily's van was Michael's car. Her husband was home, and she wasn't going to be able to hide her diapered state. Kylee started to panic.
"Emily! You can't bring me home dressed like this! Michael is going to find out about my arrangement with Nanny, and my life will be ruined!" Kylee pleaded. "Can't you take me back to your place to change into some more adult clothes and then drop me off?"
Emily looked at the anxiety filled face of the diapered, grown woman strapped into the car seat in the back of her van and smiled to herself mischievously.
"Now, Kylee, do you think I would let you into my van with big girl panties on? How many times have you wet your pants over the last three days?" Emily turned back in her seat to ask.
Kylee, looked down in shame and said nothing.
"That wasn't a rhetorical question Little Miss Pottypants. How many times have you wet yourself over the last three days?" Emily asked again.
"Um… Like four?" Kylee responded.
"Like four? You don't even know for certain how often you've wet yourself?" Emily responded. "No, don't answer that, of course you don't, that is why Julie is putting you through her special personal training program. But, you haven't just wet yourself, have you? Did you poop your pretty little pampers today?"
"Ye… yes," Kylee responded, defeated.
"So, why would I risk letting you make a mess in my car just so you could hide your shame from your husband for a little longer? I know Julie's rules for you. He is going to know what a little pants wetter you are soon enough. Plus, he already knows you had an accident today. You think that your Nanny didn't tell him about that back at the gym?" Emily continued.
Kylee felt her stomach drop at the realization that not only was Michael going to have to deal with her Nanny-mandated bed wetting soon, but that he also already knew about her prior accident.
"She told him that?" Kylee asked.
"Of course she did sweetie! Why do you think Michael was okay just leaving you at the gym? He wanted to make sure his precious little pants pisser had some time to decompress from her naughty little accident before she came home. Now, enough talking, let's get you out of my van. I need to get back to work."
Emily got out of her seat, walked to the back of her van, slid open the door, and began the process of unbuckling Kylee from the infant car seat she was trapped in.
Kylee did her best to ignore the humiliation she was feeling as Emily grabbed her under the armpits and helped guide her out of the van like a mother would a small child. Emily then reached into the car to grab something else out: The pink diaper bag that Julie had sent home with Kylee.
Emily slung the diaper bag over a shoulder.
"Wouldn't want to forget baby's new gym bag!" Emily declared as she grabbed Kylee's hand and started walking the diapered woman up to the front door of her house.
As they made it to the door, Emily knocked loudly, announcing their presence.
"You don't have to do that, you know?" Kylee said, "This is my house, I can just go in, and you could just take off back to work."
"Could I? I don't think your Nanny would approve of me just leaving you here without supervision…" Emily was interrupted as the door opened revealing Michael, looking more attractive than Kylee could ever remember in a tank top and his athletic shorts.
"Oh, Emily! It's great to see you again!" Michael said, his eyes instantly finding the stunningly beautiful woman rather than his wife.
"Yeah, I'm here to drop of Kylee, just like I said I would be," Emily said cheerily, her manner instantly changing from domineering to flirtatious once Michael opened the door.
"Oh yeah! Kylee!" Michael said, as his gaze drifted over to his wife for the first time. Michael's expression moved from one of slight amusement to worry as he noticed that Kylee was wearing nothing but the shirt she had put on this morning and the largest baby-style diaper he had ever seen.
"Oh, baby! Did you have another rough morning?" Michael said with the condescending tone of a father attempting to soothe his young daughter. "Come here sweetheart!"
Michael pulled Kylee into a warm embrace.
Kylee initially resisted the contact, too humiliated to feel she deserved any sort of physical affection. However, as Michael engulfed her in his arms, she let herself enjoy the bear hug, feeling protected and cared for in a way she couldn't describe. She started to cry into his chest as she felt comfortable enough to let her emotions from the day overtake her.
"Oh yes, Kylee had a very rough morning. She had another little accident, just like last time," Emily said, "Unluckily for her, all that Julie had for replacement bottoms in the daycare were the diapers."
"Oh, my poor baby!" Michael said, pulling Kylee in closer. "Let's get you in the house and changed into something more comfortable," he continued.
Michael started to let Kylee go and direct her into the house, but before he could turn around, Emily stopped him.
"Michael, before you go in, Julie wanted Kylee to have this. It's a new gym bag full of some… um… supplies she'll need when she comes back to the gym," Emily said hesitantly, handing over Kylee's new pink diaper bag. "Because of Kylee's little incidents, Julie and I think it's best that, when she comes to the gym, she wears a little protection in the future."
"Uh, okay," Michael said confused as he took the bag.
Kylee, standing next to him with his arm around her shoulder turned a deep shade of crimson.
"I guess that makes sense," Michael continued.
"Oh! But, don't worry! Julie has also taken a special interest in Kylee! She's going to start giving Kylee some personal training! Kylee is really excited about it, aren't you Kylee?" Emily said.
Kylee responded the only way she knew she could. She plastered a smile on her face and said with the cheeriest tone she could muster, "Yes! I am very excited to get some personal training!"
"Well, um… great," Michael said, confused and worried he only had half of the story, as he adjusted Kylee's bag on his shoulder. "Well, thank you again Emily for your help today, Kylee and I both really appreciate it."
"Anytime Mikey!" Emily said, pushing her way between Kylee and Michael as she gave Michael a warm hug. "I'll see you both at the gym tomorrow?" Emily asked, looking up at Michael.
Michael, who now had arousal joining his jumble of confused emotions, smiled down at Emily, enjoying the touch from the beautiful woman.
"Of course," he said to Emily before detaching from her embrace and turning back to his wife. "Alright, Kylee, let's go get you into some big kid clothes," he teased as he led his waddling, diapered wife, into their house.
Emily went back to her van, crawled in the driver seat, and watched as Michael led Kylee back into their house.
As she watched Kylee's diapered ass waddling away from her, she couldn't help but start to rub her throbbing pussy. Her growing fantasy of infantalizing and cuckolding another woman was starting to look like a reality.
Emily closed her eyes and imagined being fucked by Michael while Kylee watched from a crib in the corner, grinding her poopy diaper into a stuffed animal. The fantasy overtook her as she vigorously fingered herself over her yoga pants. Emily screamed as she came, sitting in the driver's seat of her van in Michael and Kyle's driveway.
Emily then drove off, hopeful of what the future was going to bring.
#ab/dl kink#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl caption#diaper stories#humiliation kink#ab/dl couple#diaper regression#ab/dl babygirl#ab/dl mommy#New You Gym
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Christmas Dolly - 4
Soft morning light streamed through the curtains of Callie's bedroom window as she slowly began to woke up. Groggy, she slowly opened her eyes, hoping beyond hope that the events of the last day had all been some sort of sick dream.
As she extended her arms and legs, stretching her sleepy muscles, her feet and arms all met something hard.
She looked at objects providing the unexpected resistance and knew her experiences of the prior day had been more than a dream. She wanted to cry as she looked out at her bedroom-turned-nursery through the bars of the crib that had been her bed just a night before.
Internally, Callie took a deep breath and assessed her surroundings. As she had already found, her bed had turned into an oversized crib, with tall, white wooden bars to keep her contained.
Her desk was now gone, replaced with a large, comfortable looking rocking chair. Her dresser had grown shorter and longer. The drawers replaced with open shelves that appeared to be packed to the brim with diapers of various colors and designs.
In the corner of her room occupied by her doll house, various other toys were strewn across the floor. However, instead of appearing to be meant for a small child or even a toddler, like they were yesterday, they were infant toys. Keys for chewing, soft stuffies with sewn on eyes, and a plastic ring tower were all visible from Callie's perch. Next to it all, sat a small crib, not unlike her own, where a doll that looked just like Callie lay lying in a diaper and pajamas near identical to those adorning her own body.
The sight of it all made Callie want to cry.
But, what was worse than the sight of her room was the smell assaulting her nose.
As Callie moved into a seated position on the firm padding of her crib, her worst feelings were confirmed. As she settled onto her backside, the 27-year-old research scientist could feel her ass cheeks settle into a semi-solid mass in the seat of her diaper. Callie has messed her diaper in her sleep.
Surprisingly, Callie's body did exactly what her mind wanted for once as she realized the extent of her stinky situation. The grown woman, dressed in footie pajamas and a messy diaper, began to bawl.
It didn't take long before Penelope came into the room, a look of sadistic pleasure mixing with real concern as she saw her older sister, dressed like an infant, sobbing in her crib like an actual baby.
"Oh, Baby Callie, why are you so sad? It's Christmas today, don't you want to see if Santa came?"
Callie's sobs intensified as her body picked up on the shame of her adult mind. Callie watched through her tears as Penny's nose scrunched up in disgust as she got closer to the crib.
"Oh, sissy knows just what the problem is! It smells like little Callie made already made a Christmas present for her sissy to unwrap!"
Penelope tickled Callie's sides, causing the babified woman to let out an involuntary giggle as she lowered the side of the crib.
"Isn't that right, baby girl?"
Callie's mind screamed as her sister, somehow now inhumanly strong, lifted her from the crib with ease and settled the older woman on her hip.
This was unfair! It was horrible! Callie was not a giant infant! She didn't mess her pants like a baby! She didn't deserve to be locked in a crib! And she didn't want Penny of all people, whose fault this really was, to see her like this, let alone to change her diaper!
But, just like before, Callie's adult mind was unable to change her body's behavior. She could only look on as a passenger as her sister's ministrations, bouncing and tickling her, eased her tears, and she was laid on the giant changing table to have her messy bottom wiped by her baby sister.
"Now, isn't that better?" Penelope said to Callie as she patted the front of her big sister's diaper, sending baby powder flying from the waist band. "You didn't want to open presents with a stinky load in your pants did you?"
Callie felt drool run down her chin as she sucked on her fingers and felt her body giggle at her sister's gentle tone. She shuddered internally.
"Now, why don't we finish getting you dressed, and we can see what Santa brought!" Penny continued.
Callie, sitting on her freshly diapered ass (something even Callie's adult mind had to admit felt better then being in a messy diaper), babbled back joyfully, "Agabagooba!"
"That's my silly girl!" Penelope responded as she picked Callie up, settled her on the floor, and dressed her in a green velvet dress with poofy sleeves and a lace collar and candy cane tights, to cover her bulky diaper.
"You look adorable!" Penelope said, grabbing a pacifier with a holly leaf emblazoned on the shield, popping it in Callie's mouth to complete the look. "Now come on! The family is waiting!"
Callie watched as Penelope walked out of her room---her nursery, she thought grimacing as the correction rolled through her mind--and mixed to follow, hoping to get this embarrassing day over as quickly as possible.
However, rather than standing and toddling after her younger sister as she expected, Callie's body got on all fours, exposing her diaper to the world, and crawled awkwardly after Penelope. If Callie could get her body to experience shame, she would have blushed deeply as she entered her parents' living room on hands and knees as she was cooed at by her Mommy and Daddy.
The rest of the day passed just as Callie expected. She opened her stocking and gifts with the assistance of her parents and sister.
Each gift was something appropriate for an infant she was being forced to act as, rather than for an adult woman she was. Callie ended up surrounded by rattles, teething rings, bottles, and soft dolls. Her body giggled and laughed as she opened and played with each new object, while her mind burned in embarassment inside of her.
Callie ate Christmas brunch and dinner in a highchair. She was fed soft baby food and milk rather than the rich sweet and savory foods and delicious wine the rest of her family consumed. Worse than the food, though, she wasn't allowed to feed herself. Callie made a mess of herself as her family members sloppily shoveled spoonful after spoonful of mush into her uncoordinated mouth.
Callie was actually relieved, mid-day, when she got a reprieve from her Christmas torture when her mother declared to the rest of her family it was time for her nap. That reprieve was short lived, however. Only moments after the door to her nursery was shut, Callie felt her body clench it's fists and push, letting lose a fresh load of stinky mess into the back of her diaper.
Callie moaned in her mind as she felt her body curl up into the fetal position and drift off to sleep, without any attempt to get out of her messy pants.
The day continued like that for Callie, filled with childish treatment and horrible indignities until, to her relief, and a little bit of horror, Penelope spoke up.
"Mama, I think it's time for Little Callie to go to bed. Can I tuck her in tonight?"
Callie's Mommy looked from Penelope, lounging on the couch playing with a new phone she had been gifted for Christmas, to Callie, who was sitting on the floor playing with the Fischer Price version of the same object, and nodded.
"Yes, Penny, I think that's a good idea. Thank you for being such a responsible sister!" Callie's Mommy said as she granted Penny approval to conduct bedtime operations.
Callie groaned internally as Penny got off of the couch, picked her up, and, in a sing-song voice, instructed Callie to, "Say ni-night to Mommy and Daddy!"
Callie's body stuck out its hand ungracefully, opened and closed it's fingers, and said, "Agababa!" gleefully, as a small amount of drool rolled down her chin.
Callie watched as her sister grinned at the infantile display at tickled Callie's stomach as she carried the older woman back to her nursery.
Once in the nursery, Penelope carried out her sisterly duties diligently, just as she had done the rest of the day. She brushes Callie's teeth. She got her changed into a fresh, nighttime diaper. And she dressed her big sister in a new set of fleece pajamas.
Before putting Callie in her crib, however, she set her older sister on the floor by Callie's Christmas Dolly.
"These last few days have been so fun, Callie!" Penny said as she pulled the doll out of the crib and began gathering a new set of clothes from the cardboard box the doll had came in, "And I hope you had just as fun being my little Christmas Dolly as I used to have being your little doll growing up!" She continued with a somewhat menacing tone. "But, I think it's time for you to grow back up. I mean, I do love you as an older sister."
Callie watched intently, hope blossoming in her mind, as she watched her sister undress the doll, removing everything but the diaper.
"But, I do think you need a reminder of whose the grown up in our relationship."
Callie's heart sank a little as she watched her sister dress her doll in the lab clothes she had first dressed it in, with the lone exception of the bulky diaper visibly bulging under the doll's khaki pants.
Penelope then set the doll on the nearby window sill before picking Callie up and placing her back in the giant crib.
"I really had so much fun with you these last few days, sissy," Penny said as she gave Callie a kiss on the cheek, "So much fun, in fact, I am going to hold onto your dolly. Maybe we can play like this again soon? I've always wondered what it would be like to have a real New Year's Baby!"
Callie sat in her crib, her mind racing, as her sister grabbed the doll and its accessories as walked out of the room. Hope at waking up in the morning mixed with concern at what may come next as she laid down on the firm padding of her crib mattress and drifted off to sleep. Her dreams filled with nightmares of a lifetime of bottle feedings, diaper changes, and cribs, that was potentially to come.
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Thank you @baby-kiley and everyone who got me to 1000 reblogs!
1000 reblogs of my silly little stories?!? Thank you everyone!!
Sarah's Playground - 11
As I stood, naked, with my nose in the corner of my bedroom, I could hear Lidia moving around my room and the house, moving heavy objects. My ass cheeks still burned from the ruthless spanking that I had just received.
It was taking all of my self control not to reach down and rub my sore bottom. However, the pain I was feeling didn't compare at all to my fear of what Lidia was going to have me do next.
After approximately 30 minutes, Lidia walked up behind me. She delicately placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Alright, naughty girl, corner time is over. Do you have anything to say to me?" Lidia asked as I turned around and looked up to her.
At first, I didn't understand what she meant. What would I have to say to the woman who beat me and forced me to stand naked in the corner like a child? My confusion must have been plain on my face. Lidia raised her eyebrow sternly.
"Do you need more time to think, Sarah?" Lidia asked me.
Suddenly, it hit me. Lidia was treating me like a kid, not an adult. After coming out of timeout, kids were supposed to apologize.
Having to apologize for refusing to let Lidia diaper me was painful, but not as painful as the spanking I was sure I'd get it I refused to do what Lidia asked again.
I looked down past my naked body to my feet. Then, like the chastised little girl I'd been demoted to, I apologized.
"I'm sorry, Miss Lidia," I said.
"For what?" My sadistic babysitter responded.
"For not doing what my babysitter says," I responded.
"Good girl, thank you for apologizing," Lidia said. She then placed her hand on the side of my head, running her fingers through my hair slightly.
Lidia stepped back from me, giving me my first good look at my room. I gasped as I realized that Lidia has been busy during my time in the corner.
My bed was in the same place with the same childish bedspread that Lidia had dressed it in while I showered. The same toys meant for an older girl remained scattered across the room. But, now, there were some notable new additions that transformed my room from that of a 10-year-old girl, to that of a 10-year-old girl who was letting her infant cousin stay with her while her family visited.
A large, mesh sided playpen clearly designed for demoted adults was set up against the end of my bed. Soft stuffed animals, wooden blocks, and teething rings were scattered in it.
Next to the playpen what could only be described as a baby changing station was set up on the floor. A padded, pastel pink changing mat large enough for me to easily lay on was spread out. Next to it was everything someone would need to change a diaper: wipes; lotion; powder; and, of course a stack of diapers.
"That's so many diapers!" I said, unable to contain my shock.
Where there had just been one diaper laid on my bed before, there were now clearly enough diapers to last the whole weekend stacked next to the changing mat.
I felt Lidia place her had on my bare shoulder.
"Of course it is, baby! With your little outburst, I decided that we should play house for the WHOLE weekend to help you adjust to your new… uh… position," Lidia said, too cheerily for my liking.
"Now, be a good baby and lay on your changing mat for Mommy! We are going to have a GREAT weekend together!"
I groaned inwardly at the words, but I still wasn't going to fight back. My bright red ass was still warm from the spanking I had just received. I knew I couldn't handle another one. So, I did as my sadistic babysitter asked without question.
I walked over to the changing pad and laid down with my legs spread, waiting for her to swaddle me in the first of what I knew would be many diapers I'd be wearing under her care.
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Sarah's Playground - 11
As I stood, naked, with my nose in the corner of my bedroom, I could hear Lidia moving around my room and the house, moving heavy objects. My ass cheeks still burned from the ruthless spanking that I had just received.
It was taking all of my self control not to reach down and rub my sore bottom. However, the pain I was feeling didn't compare at all to my fear of what Lidia was going to have me do next.
After approximately 30 minutes, Lidia walked up behind me. She delicately placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Alright, naughty girl, corner time is over. Do you have anything to say to me?" Lidia asked as I turned around and looked up to her.
At first, I didn't understand what she meant. What would I have to say to the woman who beat me and forced me to stand naked in the corner like a child? My confusion must have been plain on my face. Lidia raised her eyebrow sternly.
"Do you need more time to think, Sarah?" Lidia asked me.
Suddenly, it hit me. Lidia was treating me like a kid, not an adult. After coming out of timeout, kids were supposed to apologize.
Having to apologize for refusing to let Lidia diaper me was painful, but not as painful as the spanking I was sure I'd get it I refused to do what Lidia asked again.
I looked down past my naked body to my feet. Then, like the chastised little girl I'd been demoted to, I apologized.
"I'm sorry, Miss Lidia," I said.
"For what?" My sadistic babysitter responded.
"For not doing what my babysitter says," I responded.
"Good girl, thank you for apologizing," Lidia said. She then placed her hand on the side of my head, running her fingers through my hair slightly.
Lidia stepped back from me, giving me my first good look at my room. I gasped as I realized that Lidia has been busy during my time in the corner.
My bed was in the same place with the same childish bedspread that Lidia had dressed it in while I showered. The same toys meant for an older girl remained scattered across the room. But, now, there were some notable new additions that transformed my room from that of a 10-year-old girl, to that of a 10-year-old girl who was letting her infant cousin stay with her while her family visited.
A large, mesh sided playpen clearly designed for demoted adults was set up against the end of my bed. Soft stuffed animals, wooden blocks, and teething rings were scattered in it.
Next to the playpen what could only be described as a baby changing station was set up on the floor. A padded, pastel pink changing mat large enough for me to easily lay on was spread out. Next to it was everything someone would need to change a diaper: wipes; lotion; powder; and, of course a stack of diapers.
"That's so many diapers!" I said, unable to contain my shock.
Where there had just been one diaper laid on my bed before, there were now clearly enough diapers to last the whole weekend stacked next to the changing mat.
I felt Lidia place her had on my bare shoulder.
"Of course it is, baby! With your little outburst, I decided that we should play house for the WHOLE weekend to help you adjust to your new… uh… position," Lidia said, too cheerily for my liking.
"Now, be a good baby and lay on your changing mat for Mommy! We are going to have a GREAT weekend together!"
I groaned inwardly at the words, but I still wasn't going to fight back. My bright red ass was still warm from the spanking I had just received. I knew I couldn't handle another one. So, I did as my sadistic babysitter asked without question.
I walked over to the changing pad and laid down with my legs spread, waiting for her to swaddle me in the first of what I knew would be many diapers I'd be wearing under her care.
#ab/dl kink#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl caption#diaper stories#humiliation kink#ab/dl couple#diaper regression#ab/dl mommy#ab/dl babygirl#Sarah's Playground
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The Holiday Party
Everything was going so well! You were dressed in an amazing dress, drawing the eyes of everyone in the room. The partners at your firm were impressed with not just your skills as an attorney, but also at your ability to network.
You could feel it happening. You were going to make partner after this party.
Then, the clock struck 8:00 pm.
You were dazzling the managing partner with your in depth knowledge of case law related to torts, when, you were interrupted mid-sentence with a rubber bulb being shoved into your mouth.
You looked back, first in indignation and then in shock, as you saw your husband standing there, smiling at your boss.
"I'm so sorry, sir. Is my little one bothering you? When she loses her paci, she can be quite the babbler."
Your face turned red with embarrassment and then with rage as your husband talked over your head. How dare he condescend to you like this in front of your boss!
Your boss laughed boisteriously as you pulled your pacifier out and turned to lecture your husband.
"What do you think you are..." you started before you were interrupted by your husband's firm hand.
"Baby, did you just take your pacifier out? Naughty girl! Excuse me, sir, I am so sorry," your husband said as he dragged you to the nearest chair and threw you over his lap, flipping your dress up and exposing your ass, barely covered by a thong, to the entire room.
"Baby, you know the rules! You are *mine* after 8:00 pm. That means paci, diapers, and *no* talking back."
Your husband--no, your Daddy, he was right it was after 8:00 pm--began raining blows on your exposed rear end as your entire office watched. Tears filled your eyes and you cried out as paralegals, junior attorneys, and your partners watched you get disciplined like a naughty child.
Eventually, the spanking stopped. Tears ran down your face and your ass cheeks burned. Your daddy called out to Susan, your paralegal.
"Susan, would you mind going to the coat check and grabbing my princess's diaper bag? I need to get her padded before she has an accident in her big-girl panties!"
Susan grinned as she eagerly complied with your husband's request, even offering to change you herself when she returned. Daddy, always protective, politely declined her offer, before stripping you naked, diapering you, and dressing you in nothing but a pastel pink onesie.
You spent the rest of the party sitting on a blanket on the floor in the corner of the room, being doted on and played with by your coworkers while your husband chatted with your bosses.
It was the most mortifying experience of your life, but you dared not complain for fear of a worse punishment.
When you returned to the office on Monday, you were prepared for things to be awkward, and you were righ to be. Paralegals, secretaries, and junior attorneys who had once looked up to you, now gave you condescending grins as they asked if you needed a diaper change or wanted your baba. It was mortifying.
You had tried convince your husband that you couldn't go back to work after the party, but he reassured you that, after his conversations with your bosses, you would be fine returning to the firm.
Only an hour into the day, you were called into a partners' meeting, a meeting that, at the start of that cursed party you had been excited about. You dreaded it now.
The managing partner looked at you with a soft smile as you entered the room.
"I know you were expecting a promotion today," he began, "But, after that party, everyone agrees that another shift in title is in order."
And that's how you found yourself here, sitting in your newly minted "corner office"--a playpen tucked away in the corner of the office near the restrooms--playing with dolls while waiting on Susan, the woman who you once supervised, to come change your messy diaper.
You weren't a partner at the firm. You were no longer even an associate. You were now the firm's adorable, diapered mascot, only good for filling diapers and boosting morale. All because you lost track of time at that horrible holiday party.
#ab/dl#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl caption#diaper stories#ab/dl kink#humiliation kink#ab/dl couple#diaper regression#ab/dl babygirl#The Holiday Party
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Christmas at his Family's House
"The Thanksgiving Incident."
As you drove to your boyfriend's house for Christmas, you couldn't help but feel nervous after what you have not-so-lovingly dubbed "the Thanksgiving Incident." How were you going to spend three days with his family after accidentally messing yourself in a highchair and spending the rest of holiday diapered?
Maybe they forgot or were willing to ignore the incident, you thought to yourself. Brandon's mom and sister had clearly never told Brandon about what had happened. Or, at least if they had, he had never brought it up.
Regardless, you steeled yourself as you approached their front door with your bags, ready to endure whatever humiliation necessary to make a better impression on the family of the love of your life.
"You're finally here!" Brandon's mother said as she wrapped you up in a big hug, "I'm so glad that you're back! Oh, and look at all of those bags! Why don't you go put them in Cindy's room. We've got a bed set up for you in there."
"Cindy's room?" Brandon asked, a hint of protest in his voice, "Mom, we're adults! Can't she sleep in my room?"
Brandon's mother just shook her head and rebuffed her son's complaints. It was her house, and you were going to follow her rules. That meant not sleeping in the same room until you were married.
You couldn't help but blush as you walked into Brandon's older sister's room and saw the bed you would be sleeping in this weekend. Clearly a toddler bed brought down from the attic, the undersized bed was painted pink and made up with a unicorn bedspread.
Worse, when you set your bags on it, you could hear the tell-tale crinkle of a plastic sheet covering the mattress underneath. Before you had much time to ruminate on your sleeping arrangements, however, you were accosted from behind.
"You're finally here! Sorry about the bed, it was all we had. It should work fine for you though!" Cindy said as she enveloped you in a hug. "I'm just so excited you came with my brother to spend time with us again!"
You couldn't help but blush as the larger woman smothered you in her embrace. However, you also couldn't help but feel comforted by her exuberance at seeing you, and the fact she didn't bring up your humiliating Thanksgiving experience.
You also couldn't help but feel more relieved as the rest of the day went normally. Brandon's parents had picked up an extra chair for you for meals, keeping you out of the dreaded highchair. No one mentioned your messy incident earlier in the year. And, just like at the last holiday you attended, everyone was incredibly friendly and welcoming.
So, it took you by surprise when you went to Cindy's room to sleep to find a childish night-shirt and large diaper laid on top of the toddler bed that was yours for the weekend. You picked up the babyish article of clothing clearly meant for you in one hand and looked at it in disgust as Cindy walked into the room.
"Do you need help getting it on, sweetie?" She asked kindly, watching you examine the dreaded reminder of your last visit here.
"Um, no, I'm fine. I'll just wear my normal panties and pajamas," you responded, unable to hide the notes of timidity and fear in your voice.
Cindy walked up behind you and placed her hand gently on your back.
"Oh, baby, that's just not an option. Mom and I don't want to embarrass you, but, after what happened last time, we both agreed a little extra protection was in order, at least at night, until you could prove it wasn't necessary."
You looked up at the taller, older woman with desperate eyes.
"Please," you pleaded.
"Well," she said, taking a step back, "I could go explain the situation to my brother. He probably would have some sympathy for you. You could get a hotel room with him and wear whatever you want to bed! Mom and Dad would be sad, but I'm sure they'd understand."
You could feel your cheeks turn bright red at the just the thought of asking your boyfriend to get a hotel room for the night to avoid having to avoid wearing a diaper to bed because you had messed yourself at his parent's house just a month ago. Not wanting to make a fuss and determined to keep your secret, you took a deep breath and handed the diaper to Cindy.
"Yes, a little help with the diaper would be nice. I've never, um, diapered myself," you said as you began to strip away your adult clothes, and dignity, in front of the other women.
Cindy, for her part, only let one small, victorious grin cross her face before she agreed to help get you ready for the night.
When you woke up in the morning, something felt wrong. Not just the wrong of waking up in a small bed in a strange room. Something else was wrong, something worse. The padding between your legs felt bulky. Bulkier than last night. It also felt cold and clammy.
"No," you whispered as your reached down and pressed your hand to the crotch of your diaper, finding it soaked.
"No!" You said a little bit louder, trying not to cry.
You hadn't wet the bed since you were a little girl. Why was this happening here and now? What was wrong with you? Maybe the internet had answers.
Desperate to find a little bit of reassurance, and maybe to slip out of the room and change before anyone else noticed your soggy predicament, you started quietly searching your boyfriend's sister's room for your cellphone. For some reason, it wasn't where you left it. Before you could locate it though, Cindy woke up.
"Hey, are you ok? What's going on?" She asked kindly when she saw you on all fours on the floor, looking under your bed for your phone, your wet bottom on perfect display to her.
"Oh, sweetie, did you have another little accident? Just potty or did you make stinkies again?" She asked as if she were talking to a child.
Her voice and unexpected accusation caused you to jump, banging your head on the bed. Tears started to form in your eyes as you sat on the floor, immediately regretting your choice as you settled into the cool, soggy padding taped around your waist.
Cindy quickly got out of bed and started rubbing your back, comforting you.
"Don't worry, sweetie! It's ok! You're dating my brother. We're like family now! Your big sister's got you!" She said as she helped you stand up, discreetly checking your diaper for a messy load.
"Oh, wonderful, you're just wet! How about this," Cindy said, dropping to her knees in front of you, "I'll get this soggy thing off of you, then you can go shower? I'll help you change when you get feeling all clean. Doesn't that sound nice?"
Without waiting for your response, Cindy ripped the tapes of your diaper free, letting it fall between your legs with a wet plop. Desperate to escape your shame, you executed the older woman's plan without question, practically running to the bathroom to shower.
When you returned to the room draped in a towel and feeling much better, you immediately found yourself blushing again. The small bed you had just slept in was completely made. On the unicorn bedspread, next to your missing phone sat a clean diaper. Cindy, still in the room, looked at you with sympathy.
"I know, I know! It's embarrassing," your boyfriend's sister started, "But, sweetie, you have to agree it's for the best. We don't want a repeat of Thanksgiving, but, if we do have one, it's best to be prepared."
You sighed in resignation, not wanting to make a fuss. With almost no resistance, you assumed the now all-to-familiar diapering position on the floor and closed your eyes as Cindy diapered you for the third time in as many days spent with her.
After you were diapered, Cindy left the room to give you privacy as you finished getting ready. As you did, you noticed a large plastic bowl with water in it on her nightstand. It was curious to you, but you didn't give it much thought, as you spent most of your mental energy trying to figure out how to keep Brandon's hands off your ass for the rest of the day.
The rest of the morning and early afternoon went uneventfully, just like the day before. Brandon's family continued to treat you wonderfully, and, aside from occasionally having to remind your handsy boyfriend that you were in his parent's house, the diaper turned out not to be much of an issue.
At around 2:00 pm, Cindy went to the dining room to set the family table for Christmas dinner. At 2:03 pm, you heard a crash and swearing from the other room. Everyone jumped up to see what had happened.
"Shit, fuck, what the hell," Cindy said as you all walked in the room, finding her standing in front of a chair that had somehow completely fallen apart in front of her. "The damn thing just fell apart! I don't know what happened!"
She exclaimed as everyone looked at her with concern. As the debris was cleaned up, Cindy looked at her mother with concern.
"Mom," she said, "do you know what this means? We're short a chair again!"
Your boyfriend's mother immediately looked at you, blushing a bit herself as she made the next suggestion.
"Well, I think… I think we'll be ok," she then turned to you, "Baby, I hate to ask you to do this again, but, without an extra chair, I don't have much of a choice. Would you mind sitting in the highchair again? We know you fit."
"Of course she doesn't mind," your doofus of a boyfriend responded from behind you, clearly trying to appease his mom and earn you some brownie points with her. However, he was also completely unaware of your current situation with his family.
"Wonderful!" Brandon's mother said, embracing you in a hug before scampering to the attic to pull back down the dreaded highchair.
And that's how you found yourself yet again, strapped into a highchair at yet another of your boyfriend's family's holiday dinners, sat between your boyfriend and his big sister.
As you ate and conversed, you couldn't help but feel nervous. Those nerves sent butterflies to your stomach that were soon causing an all-to-familiar desperate feeling.
"Hey, Brandon," you whispered to your boyfriend, "do you think you could let me out of this thing? I need to use the restroom."
Brandon smiled as he got up and began to move your chair, ready to aide your escape from your childish confines. However, before he could unlock your chair's tray, Cindy called out.
"Brandon, get over here! I need help with the dishes!"
Brandon gave you an apologetic look as he stopped what he was doing and moved towards the kitchen.
"Sorry, babe! You know how needy Cindy is! I'll get dishes done quick and be right back."
You started to wiggle wildly as he turned his back to you, giving you all-to-familiar flashbacks to Thanksgiving. You looked for anyone that could help you, but your body was wracked by a cramp before you can call for help.
"Brandon!" You chirped out weakly as, suddenly, you lost control again.
You bent forward and grunted as, for the second time as an adult, you loaded your pants with a warm, brown mess while sitting in a cursed highchair.
Not wanting to make a scene, you just sat in your mess until your boyfriend came back with his sister.
"Babe, what's that smell?" He asked as he approached you.
"Sweetie, you didn't? Again?" Cindy asked as she walked over. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised after your little message last night."
"Didn't what? Little message?" Brandon asked, just as confused as you felt.
"She messed her pants, again," Cindi said, somewhat exasperated, "At least this time, you were wearing a diaper, right sweetie?"
You tried to move your head away from Cindy's light touch as she stroked your cheek like a child's.
"But, this is what you wanted, isn't it? You told me as much last night when you texted me about wanting to be my baby sister? My ~real~ baby sister. The family baby, really."
"I did what?" You yelled out stunned, Brandon's family starting to form an audience in the room.
"You know what you did. It's all right here," Cindy said, handing her phone to her brother.
After a few minutes if scrolling, he looked up at you with big, caring eyes.
"I didn't know, baby. I'm sorry, but I didn't know. This is definitely something I can give to you though," he said, way too supportively in your book, given the context of the conversation.
"I knew you'd be on board, and so are Mom and Dad," Cindy said, looking at her parents, who, in turn, were looking at you and nodding their heads supportively.
"No!" You yelled out, "I don't know what this is, but, no!"
Your protests were useless, however. After Cindy whispered quietly in his ear, Brandon pulled you from the chair, lifted you onto his hip, and began to carry you to another bedroom in the house.
You thrashed in his arms, but he held you firmly.
"I know you're going to fight this. I know you want to fight it. It was in your text to Cindy. But, I want you to know, I love you, and I know this is what you really want. Your messy butt here proves it."
Brandon patted your poopy diaper for emphasis.
"I just want you to know. I'm committed, my whole family is committed, to giving you what you want completely, even if that means 'convincing' you it's okay to let yourself give in."
"Put! Me! Down!" You screamed as you unsuccessfully tried to force your way out of his strong arms.
Your struggles stopped temporarily as he opened the door to the new room--a fully stocked nursery.
"Mom never could bring herself to change this room. Good thing for you, huh?"
"Noooo!!" You yelled, even more desperate to get away.
You weren't a baby. You wouldn't be treated like a baby. This wasn't right.
"You were real honest in that text, hm? You're going to make this hard. Oh, well!" Brandon said as he carried you to a rocking recliner in the room and threw you over his lap, messy diaper thrust up into the air. "Have it your way. Just remember, I'm just doing this because I love you. My whole family loves you."
Tears began to flow down your face as, for what felt like forever, your boyfriend ruthlessly spanked your upper thighs and padded ass until you let your body go limp in complete and utter submission.
Brandon then popped a pacifier in your mouth and proceeded to change your diaper and dress you in suspiciously large baby clothes, all at the direction of Cindy. You couldn't bring yourself to fight back, humiliated, and literally beaten, battered, and bruised as you were.
You spent the rest of the evening acting like a perfect infant for your boyfriend's family. Letting them hold, coddle, bottle feed, and burp you.
Eventually, your torment came to an end when Cindy decided to pick you up and carry you to the nursery for bed. As she changed your well-used diaper, you pulled out your pacifier and spoke just one word.
Cindy smiled, patting the front of your fresh diaper, causing powder to shoot out of the waistband.
"I already told you at Thanksgiving, sweetie, I've always wanted a baby sister. And now I have one!"
Cindy popped the pacifier back in your mouth as she lowered you into your crib.
"Don't worry, baby sis, I'm sure you'll come to love it as much as I do! Ni-night!"
The taller woman, ~your~ big sister, kissed your forehead before turning out the lights in the room and closing the door, leaving you alone to ponder what your life had just become.
#ab/dl kink#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl caption#diaper stories#humiliation kink#ab/dl couple#diaper regression#ab/dl babygirl#Christmas at his Parent's House
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Christmas Dolly - 3
"Oh, my, gosh! You look absolutely ~adorable~ Callie! Are you excited about your big performance today?" Penelope's voice rang out as Callie entered the living room of her family's house.
Callie wanted to blush. She wanted to bury her face in her hands. She wanted to scream out that something was wrong. Instead, she felt herself compelled to let out a big beaming smile, bounce excitedly on her toes, and run over to her sister and give her a big hug.
"Penny! Thank you! I'm so, so, so, so, so excited! I love singing!" Callie said with horrifyingly childlike exuberance as she embraced her sister.
"That's wonderful, sweetie," Penelope said as she released the hug, looking down at Callie with a knowing smile.
That smile--that Cheshire Cat grin--Penelope knew what was going on. That little bitch knew and was just playing along! Callie was practically screaming inside of her head as she continued to hold tightly to her sister like a young child.
"And what's this? Are you and your dolly matching today? Callie, that is extra adorable! You are just the cutest," Penelope continued as, involuntarily, Callie continued to beam at the praise. "I love your cuddles, ~baby~ sister, but we really do have to get going," Callie's younger sister continued, taking Callie's hand and leading her to their parents' car where a booster seat, clearly meant for Callie, was set up in the back seat.
Callie crawled into the booster seat and let her little sister buckle her in, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. As she was being buckled in by her sister, Callie marvelled at Penelope's church outfit. While appropriately conservative, it hugged her body tightly, making the 19-year-old woman look much more 'adult' than Callie had ever seen her before.
Callie couldn't help but cringe internally (not externally as she still couldn't get her body to show any signs of embarrassment or displeasure in her situation) when she compared Penny's mature, beautiful outfit, to her own childish and, admittedly, adorable one.
After buckling her older sister in, Penelope climbed into the seat next to her and engaged in small talk with Callie as they were driven to church.
"Callie, can I see your dolly? I want to look at it's cute little outfit!" Penny said reaching out for the doll.
Callie smiled as she handed the doll over to her sister excitedly.
"Uh huh! Isn't she so beeeeaaauuuutiful! Just like me!"
Callie watched as Penny took the doll and began examining every inch of it. Eventually, the younger woman flipped up the doll's skirt, revealing the panties underneath.
"Well, this can't be right?" Penelope said, pinching the doll's tiny cotton panties that were nearly identical to those currently wrapped around Callie's bum.
For once, Callie's internal confusion matched her external expression.
"What, sissy?" Callie asked, genuinely not seeing the problem.
"Well, Callie, this dolly is wearing panties! But, she is so much smaller than you, like a little Baby Callie! Don't you think she should be wearing a cute little diapy, like a baby, instead of these silly big-girl panties?"
Penelope, mysteriously, pulled out one of the diapers from the doll's box out of a pocket as she spoke.
Callie screamed out in her head at the phrase, "Baby Callie," now almost certain at what Penelope was trying to do. Her body, controlled by the elementary school version of herself, squealed out in glee.
Fuck, Callie thought to herself, as she remembered just how much the younger version of herself loved baby dolls.
With joyful enthusiasm, Callie's body plucked her doll and the diaper offered by her little sister out of Penelope's hands. Sticking her tongue out in concentration, she flipped up the doll's skirt, pulled off the tiny panties, and replaced them with the diaper.
Callie grinned almost maniacally as she cradled the newly minted baby doll in her arms and rocked it.
"Aw," said Penny, "I bet all of your little friends at Sunday School are going to be so jealous of your new little baby!"
The remaining drive to church passed uneventfully. Once at the beautiful, white building, Callie's Mommy ushered her to the Sunday School room.
"Now you be a good girl, and listen to Mrs. Henderson, ok?" her Mommy said, before walking out to the church proper.
Callie looked around the colorful, childish room nervously once her mom left, feverishly clutching her doll. The room was filled with children, from toddlers to high schoolers, dressed in their best church clothes. Walking around the room and towering over everyone but Callie, was a middle-aged woman who had to be the Mrs. Henderson Callie's Mommy was talking about.
Feeling a nervous pang in her bladder, Callie's adult mind, understanding the potential ramifications of diapering her doll, became concerned. Luckily for Callie, her younger mind was worried about her need to go potty, as well.
With her little and big sides in concert for once, Callie walked up to Mrs. Henderson and tugged on her skirt.
"Um, ma'am," Callie chirped out timidly, "I gotta go potty."
The older woman looked at Callie, her face showing no signs of recognition that she was talking to an adult rather than a child.
"Oh, sweet Callie, we don't have time! The Christmas program starts soon, and you are first! Let's get you to the stage."
Callie, to her chagrin, found herself being led out to a stage, decorated for Christmas, in front of all of the church's parishioners. The pressure in her bladder was growing along with her nerves. Callie couldn't help but do a potty dance while clutching her doll as the priest introduce her.
"Now, for the first part of our program, Little Callie here is performing a solo rendition of Silent Night!"
Callie blushed as Mrs. Henderson pushed her to the center of the stage, thrusting a microphone in her hand. The 27-year-old who was on the verge of wetting her comically childish panties, began to sing quietly to the crowd.
"Siiiiiiiilent Night, Hooooolllly Night," she belted out timidly. With each word, the pressure in her bladder grew.
Callie's adult mind, able to tell she was on the verge of disaster, screamed at her body to move. To abandon the stage. To find a bathroom.
Once again, her body refused to listen.
Callie just stood there on stage, singing and doing a little potty dance until the song ended and the dam broke.
A deep blush formed on Callie's cheeks as she felt sudden relief from the pressure on her bladder as well as a warm, wet trickle running down her legs. She looked out into the crowd to find her family. Her Mommy was shaking her head in disappointment, moving back towards the Sunday School room while Penelope, in her beautiful church outfit, was giggling into her hand.
Callie, having finished her song, was quickly ushered off the stage by Mrs. Henderson as tears started to form in her eyes.
"Oh, sweetie, did your Mommy forget to diaper you today? Don't cry, don't cry! You did so good! Let's go get you cleaned up!" The older woman soothed Callie like an actual child.
As Mrs. Henderson herded her away from the judging eyes of the audience, Callie tried to make her way to the Sunday School classroom. As she put her hand on the room's doorknob, her fingers were brushed away.
"Oh, baby, you are a bit too little for this room yet! Let's go find your Mommy!"
As Callie let herself be directed to the Nursery the next door down, trying her best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of urine cooling on her skin, she felt her heart drop. Callie's adult mind shuddered. This wasn't good.
As Callie entered the pastel room that smelled of urine, baby powder, and messy diapers, she was immediately greeted by her Mommy.
"Oh, princess," Callie's Mommy said, taking her adult daughter's face in her hands, "What was Mommy thinking? You clearly aren't ready for big girl undies! Let's get you all dry and comfy, baby girl."
Callie's adult and childish mind were once again in sync. The shame that Callie's "big girl" brain felt at having wet herself was shared equally by the infantile side that was controlling her actions.
"Mama, I'm so sorry! I… I… I tried…" Callie sniffled out, tears starting to run down her face.
Her Mommy let out a soft, gentle sigh, and caressed her cheek.
"Oh, sweetie, you're not in trouble. This is Mommy's fault, not yours. I should have known you were too little. Now you just hold onto that little Dolly while we get you in a nice, dry diapy!"
Callie stopped crying and smiled while, internally, she screamed. She was an adult. She didn't belong in this childish dress. She definitely didn't belong in a diaper.
But, once again, she couldn't stop herself. She was like a passenger in her own body as she meekly followed her Mommy to the changing table, climbed up, and let her mother, for the first time in over two decades, strip urine soaked clothes off her body and pin her into a gigantic cloth diaper.
Once back on the ground, Callie couldn't help but be amazed at the thickness of the garment between her legs. Despite her best efforts, she could only stand with her legs at an awkwardly wide angle. Each step she took became more like a waddle, and she felt the need to hold her Mommy's hand to keep from falling on her padded backside.
More embarrassing than that for Callie's adult mind, while she was on the changing table, it appeared as if the skirt of her dress had magically shrunk. The skirt had been somewhat modest before being changed into a diaper. Now, however, no matter how she moved, the fluffy white padding between her legs peaked out for all to see.
Outwardly, though, Callie appeared to be content with her evolving situation. She clung to her Mommy's hand with one hand and her dolly with the other. A small dribble of pee slowly entered her thirsty diaper as she was led back out to the church's vestibule, where parishioners were gathering now that the holiday program had ended.
For the next hour, Callie clung to her mother like the shy toddler she was dressed as, as she was praised for her singing and teased for her accident. Callie wanted to die as old women pinched her cheeks and called her a cutie, before turning to her mother and chastising her for letting such a young thing run around unpadded.
The trip to church ended, blessedly, uneventfully, and Callie's whole family loaded back in the car to head home. Callie's adult mind was less than shocked to find the booster she had rode in on had been replaced with a full-blown child seat.
Once back home, the rest of the day went well enough. Callie endured the light teasing of her sister and babying from her parents. A couple of diapers changes left Callie mortified, however. So, Callie was relieved when Penelope, of all people, announced it was Callie's bed time.
Now I'm nothing but a festive sweater, tights, and her not-so-dry diaper, Callie let Penelope lead her back to her room, that now more resembled a toddler's room than the elementary schooler's room it was earlier today.
Callie let Penelope change her diaper and dress her in a set of cute, two piece Christmas jammies.
Callie became concerned, however, when Penelope picked up her new doll and grinned at her.
"Callie, sweetie, don't you think we should get your baby ready for bed too? You don't want Santa to think you don't care for your toys."
Internally, adult Callie was screaming. She didn't know what Penny was up to, but anything involving the doll had proven to be disastrous for her on this trip.
Externally, however, Callie exclaimed in shock.
"No, no, no! Santa's gotta knows I'm a good girl! Let's get baby all tucked in safe!"
Penelope smiled as Callie, once again driven by her newly minted childish instincts, dug through the doll's box and pulled out a onesie and crib.
"This?" Callie asked, holding up her finds to her little sister.
Penelope smiled, "Those look perfect baby! Why don't you get your baby dressed and all tucked into her cribby!"
Callie giggled and did exactly as her sister said, although she did it slowly, with the dexterity of a toddler.
In her mind, Callie was screaming at herself to stop. Yelling that there would be consequences for this. But her body just wouldn't listen. Her toddler brain loved to baby her toys and putting her dolly to sleep in a crib just felt natural.
"Perfect, Callie! Now let's get you tucked in!" Penelope helped her diapered big sister into her bed, tucking the sheets in around her before giving her a tender kiss on the forehead.
"Sleep tight, baby girl! I bet Santa is going to have plenty of surprises in-store for you in the morning!"
As Penelope flipped the light switch, leaving the room illuminated by nothing but the bright nightlight plugged into the wall, Callie flooded her diapers involuntarily and shuddered, worried at what horrible 'gifts' tomorrow might actually bring.
#ab/dl kink#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl caption#diaper stories#humiliation kink#ab/dl couple#ab/dl mommy#ab/dl babygirl#Reality change#Christmas Dolly
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Mommy's Fashion Show
"But, Mommy," Kristen, the 24-year-old fashion school drop out, whined, "That onesie makes me look like a ~baby~! I don't want to wear it!"
Candace, Kristen's slightly older girlfriend-turned-mommy, sighed, onesie in hand, as she stared at the smaller woman, clad only in the fresh diaper Candace had just taped her into.
"Princess, it's not the clothes that make you look like a baby. You look like a baby, because you are one, you silly goose!"
"Nuh uh! That's not true! I only look like a baby because ~you~ put me in baby clothes! It's not fair!" Kristen stomped her foot, a tantrum beginning to boil in her gut.
Candace thought for a moment as her adorable, tiny girlfriend, began to throw a tantrum. She could punish the cute little adult tot for disobedience, but she had a better idea. She could prove to her precocious girlfriend that it wasn't the clothes that make the baby.
Candace walked up to Kristen, so close her large breasts nearly brushed up against the other woman's face, put her finger under Kristen's chin, and tilted the smaller woman's head up so they were making eye contact.
"Little One, Mommy is going to prove to you that it's not the clothes that make you look like such little baby," she said with a soft, matronly tone.
Kristen shivered. She could never say no to Mommy when she got so… Mommy.
The smaller woman nodded her head up and down in acquiescence, "Ok, Mommy."
"Good girl," Candace said, leading the other woman to a large stuffed bear lying on the floor, and positioning Kristen so that she was straddling it. "Now stay here, Mommy is going to put on a little fashion show for you! Won't that be fun? Just like when you went to that silly big girl school?"
Kristen blushed bright red at the reminder of her previous failure to be a successful adult, but did as she was told. As much as she whined, protested, and complained, she loved being Mommy's obedient little plaything. She would do anything the beautiful, large, busty woman asked.
Kristen didn't have to wait long on her stuffed perch before her Mommy re-emerged from her bedroom. Kristen lost her breathe as one of Mommy's beautiful manicured hands ran it's way seductively down the outside of the door before the door opened fully, revealing Candace in all of her glory.
The tall, curvy woman walked out of the room with all of the charisma and swagger of a runway model. The blue gingham baby doll dress she wore, that looked childish and frumpy on Kristen, looked amazing on her.
Given their size differences, the same dress that hid all of the curves on Kristen's body, except those caused by her bulky diaper, emphasized them on Candace. The same skirt that was just short enough to give others a peak of the smaller woman's diapers, was so short on her Mommy that it gave Kristen an incredible view of the sexy lingerie her Mommy wore underneath the dress. The same bodice that hid Kristen's tiny breasts from the world, seemed to be straining against the mass of Candace's full, luscious tits.
Kristen couldn't help but pop her thumb in her mouth and start to lightly grind her hips on the plush bear beneath her. Her diaper covered pussy throbbed just looking at Candace in the 'babyish' outfit.
Candace threw Kristen a knowing wink before she ducked back into their bedroom for an outfit change.
Kristen took advantage of her Mommy's momentary absence to press her hand to the front of her diaper and 'play' a little more aggressively with her teddy bear. She jumped and blushed a little, broken out of her revelry, when the bedroom door flung open revealing Candace yet again.
This time, the large woman was wearing a set of pink, one-piece, fleece pajamas, adorned with images of rainbows and smiling unicorns. The pajamas that always seemed to unnecessarily emphasize Kristen's padded rear-end end had a similar effect on her Mommy. However, instead of showing off a diaper, the pajamas hugged the soft curves of Candance's incredible ass tightly.
Like the dress before it, the pajamas that were almost baggy on Kristen, were too small for her Mommy. Kristen stared at Candace's chest, where the large woman seemed to have been unable to close the zipper that ran from the ankle of the garment to the neck all the way, leaving Candace's impressive cleavage on display.
Kristen couldn't help but drool a little as her Mommy walked the imaginary runway in front of her, thinking about nursing the other woman's beautiful breasts.
As Candace walked back into the bedroom for a last time, she gave her ass a hard spank and blew a kiss to her baby. Kristen whimpered behind her thumb in response, humping the stuffy beneath her even more furiously once the other woman was out of sight.
How was Candace making those clothes, the clothes she despised, the clothes that marked her as an overgrown infant, so fucking hot?
Kristen's thumb fell out of her mouth as her Mommy re-emerged from the bedroom for a last time. Striking a pose, the larger woman looked incredible wearing nothing but the baby blue onesie she had tried to dress Kristen in just moments earlier.
The cotton garment hugged Kristen's Mommy in all of the right ways. The curves of her stomach, her hips, and her ass were all on marvelous display. The tight fabric around the chest, rather than hiding Candace's breasts like it did Kristen's, pushed them up and, somehow, seemed to make the woman's cleavage more impressive.
Most notable of all, from Kristen's perspective, was how the bottom of the onesie looked on her Mommy. The strips of fabric connected by buttons that served to hold the smaller woman's humiliatingly wet and messy diapers against her skin, was so tight on Candace that the fabric acted as a thong. The tight fabric rode up between the tall woman's ass cheeks, revealing the beautiful smooth skin of the larger woman's crotch and buttocks to the world.
As her Mommy spun, Kristen could no longer contain her arousal. Rather than babyish, Candace looked sexy in Kristen's outfits. With reckless abandon, the diapered woman went to work on her stuffed bear, riding it to mind-numbingly incredible completion, humiliation be damned.
When Kristen opened her eyes, her body still shuddering with waves of pleasure from her cringe-inducing 'play time,' she found Mommy sitting next to her, still wearing the incredibly revealing onesie.
Candace put her hand to her baby's cheek and pulled her in for a soft, sensual kiss.
"I don't look so little, now do I, baby girl?"
Kristen blushed and nodded her head back and forth.
Candace smiled and grabbed the small woman's hand, helping her up, before gently guiding her into their bedroom.
"Now, let's get ~you~ dressed for the day," she said softly as Kristen, both defeated and content, followed her meekly.
#ab/dl kink#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl caption#diaper stories#humiliation kink#ab/dl couple#ab/dl mommy#ab/dl babygirl#diaper regression
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Maintenance Post
Someone kindly let me know that all of the links on my table of contents were broken!
I went through and fixed those all so they work now.
The internal links in my story are broken for now too. Sorry about that! I'll get them fixed as soon as I can, but that is more of a process.
Thanks for reading!
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Hello. Do you have a favorite diaper story or a few diaper stories you would recommend? I luv the new gym membership one! I luv stories like this that make me feel like it is me in the story!❤️��� You are a great writer!📚 I just wish it was me in the story 🙈🙊🙉 Any recommendations are appreciated. I luv reading stories that simulate real events that could of happened. Thank you for sharing your talents!🩷🤍🩷🤍😊
Thanks for the ask! I'm glad you like my stories!
As far as diaper stories I love, I have to say I enjoy every story I have written, of course. My two personal favorites that are short stories are Accidental Regression and Her Own Worst Enemy.
But, if you are looking for other stories, I'd suggest looking at some of these authors:
Also, @thecommunityfridge has some amazing stories from a bunch of authors ( @pinkducttape has two absolutely incredible stories in there, among others).
Not on Tumblr, I enjoy Lady Lucia's stories, they are a mix of ABDL, Ageplay, and various other kinks.
Then there is the absolute master of ABDL stories, Princess Pottypants. I would (and have) go read all of her stories on her website. I aspire to be as prolific as her some day.
I'm certain I missed some amazing authors, so if anyone else has suggestions, please drop them in the comments or as a reblog!
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Christmas Dolly - 2
Weeks passed, and Callie completely forgot about the new addition to her house. The cute little doll sat on her mantel, untouched. Similarly, the box with outfits and furniture was moved into her bedroom, where it laid undisturbed.
At least, it did until December 23rd, when Callie, about to walk out the door with her bags to make the two hour drive to her parent's house for the holiday, saw the face of her tiny doppelganger and had an epiphany. She had to bring the doll and it's accompanying accoutrements to Christmas with her.
Penny had obviously spent most of her meager savings on the toy. It would be rude not to show her adorable little sister how much she appreciated the gift, even if she hadn't touched it for weeks.
Quickly, Callie packed the doll in its original box and carried it to the car before undertaking her long drive home for Christmas.
Once at her parents house, Callie was immediately greeted by her parents and baby sister, Penny.
"Penny! I missed you so much! How're you doing, sweetie?" Callie greeted the younger woman with a saccharine sweet, caring yet condescending tone.
Penny rolled her eyes at her sister's belittling words.
"Callie! I told you, it's Penelope now! And, I'm fine. Did you get my present?" Callie's sister responded, giving her older sibling a strangely assessing look as she asked the last question.
Callie ignored her sister's strange behavior, plowing ahead with the holiday niceties.
"I did! It's in my car. Maybe we can play with it together when I get all unpacked? You love playing dollies!"
Strangely, given Penny's earlier protests at being talked to like a child, the young woman lit up at the idea of playing with dolls with her big sister.
"Yes, Callie! That would be amazing!"
Callie just smiled at her baby sister's childlike exuberance and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. Penny's excitement over something as infantile as playing with dolls met Callie's expectations for her younger sister perfectly.
Callie then turned to their parents and exchanged their normal pleasantries before grabbing her luggage and heading to her old bedroom--a room that had remained untouched since she moved out after highschool.
Exhausted from her drive, Callie immediately collapsed onto the small twin bed in the room. Staring at the walls and ceiling, she marveled at how perfectly preserved her parents had kept this room for all of the years since she moved out.
The pastel pink walls were still adorned with posters of boy bands and Taylor Swift. In one corner, a large doll house sat under a hanging net, overflowing with stuffed animals, toys that even as an older teen she couldn't bring herself to part with. Her white desk, worn from years of homework, sat against another wall, stationary and a small lamp decorating it's top. Her white dresser stood against the other wall, packed, she knew, with clothes reflective of fashions nearly a decade out of date.
Callie just took it all in and smiled. The nostalgia hit her hard. Despite not living in this room for years, it still felt strongly of home to her.
After a few minutes, a light knock on the door interrupted Callie's nostalgic revelry.
"Callie?" Penny's voice came hesitantly from outside of the room.
Callie smiled. Penny interrupting her to ask to play felt right when she was lying on this bed.
"Come on in, sweetie! Did you want to see my new dolly?" Callie said with the condescending tone that was ever present when she spoke with her sister.
Penelope walked in, a grimace quickly replaced by a large, innocent grin.
"Of course, sissy! I was so excited when I found it for you! I knew you would love it. You do love it, right?!" Penny looked at her older sister with puppy dog eyes that melted Callie's heart.
"Of course, I do! Here, let's look at her together. Maybe we can introduce her to my doll house," Callie responded as she got out of bed and pulled out the large cardboard box containing the doll and it's accessories.
Penny quickly dove into the box, pulling out the tiny simulacrum of her older sister.
"Aw! She's a scientist like you, Callie! Adorable!"
Callie couldn't help but smile at her sister's excitement.
"She is! But, she has so many other clothes too! See?"
Callie began pulling outfit after outfit out of the box, laying them on the floor in front of Penny. The younger woman fingered each piece of clothing reverently. Eventually, her attention fell on a beautiful red dress that looked like a dress a Callie could remember wearing to church as a small girl.
Penny picked the dress up and handed it to Callie.
"Isn't this dress just precious, Callie? Can you dress her in it? Pleeeaaase?" The 19-year-old girl was bouncing with excitement as she begged her older sister to change her dolls clothes. It melted Callie's heart.
"Of course, that dress is adorable!" Callie said as she been undressing the tiny version of herself in her hands.
As she changed out the lab coat and slacks for the childish dress, Callie couldn't help but marvel at how the doll seemed to transform as well. With just the change of clothes, the doll seemed to suddenly be 20 years younger.
Callie held the doll up to her sister.
"Isn't she adorable?"
Penny laughed and delight and agreed.
"She really is!"
After that, the two women's conversation turned from the doll to more adult topics. The talked about work, school, their dating life, and the latest family drama--Callie consistently offering condescending comments and advise to her little sister.
After that, the rest of the night proceeded uneventfully. Callie spent time with her family, eating dinner and watching a holiday movie, before returning to her old bedroom, throwing on her red, satin pajamas, and crawling into bed.
She sighed to herself as she fell asleep, content to be back home with family for the holidays.
When Callie woke up the next morning; however, she immediately noticed something was wrong.
"Callie, little Callie Bear, it's time to get up, baby girl! It's time for church!" The sweet voice of Callie's mother sang out in her ear as Callie felt a hand gently rock her shoulder.
"Mommy? Why're you in my… church? We haven't gone to church in years?" Callie opened her eyes as she protested her mom's sudden childish treatment of her.
"What do you mean, sweetie? We go every weekend, and it's Christmas Eve! Now, hurry and get out of bed so Mommy can get you dressed!"
Despite herself, Callie suddenly felt a childish urge she couldn't resist to comply with her mother's, no, mommy's, commands. She threw back her sheets and sat up, smiling at her mother's beaming face before shock caused her mouth to drop open and her to pull a drool covered thumb she didn't realize she had been sucking on, out of her mouth.
Her room has transformed. The pink walls and twin bed remained the same, but everything else seemed different. The once tidy floor was covered in dolls, stuffed animals, and plastic toy horses.
Her desk, that had a lamp and stationary on it just last night, was covered with crayons, colored pencils, and various drawings that looked like they had been completed by an elementary schooler.
Similarly, where photos of herself and her friends in highschool and posters of Taylor Swift and One Direction once hung on the walls, there were posters depicting Barbies, My Little Pony, and poorly drawn artwork.
Callie looked down at herself and realized her clothes had changed too. Instead of the sexy red satin nightie and thong she had worn to bed, she was wearing a cotton, Barbie-themed nightshirt and pink cotton panties with a childish bow on the front.
Callie didn't get to long to process the changes to her world, however. As soon as she sat up, her mommy, no mom (Callie couldn't understand why she suddenly had such a strong desire to call her mother such a childish term), pulled her nightshirt over her head and began dressing her 27-year-old daughter like she was 7 years old instead.
Callie, much to her surprise, found herself allowing her Mommy to dress her. She put her arms up when asked, stepped into clothes when directed, and sat still while the older woman styled her hair.
At the end of the process, Callie's Mommy stood her up next to the full-length mirror attached to the back of the Callie's bedroom door. Callie's reflection beamed back of her, the spitting image of an overgrown second grader, excited to go to church.
Internally, however, Callie screamed. Something was wrong. Horribly wrong. This wasn't right. She shouldn't be wearing these clothes. She shouldn't have let her Mommy dress her. She shouldn't be excited to go to church. She shouldn't be calling Mommy, Mommy!
Callie felt like a passenger in her own body.
Callie watched as her Mommy approached her from behind with something in her hand.
"Well, if this isn't just the most adorable thing ever, you're twinning!"
Mommy held out the doll Penny had gifted Callie earlier in the month, and the 27-year-old research scientist grimaced internally. The outfit she was currently wearing matched the doll's perfectly. Callie wanted to cry.
Instead, she giggled, grabbed the doll from her mother's hands greedily, and hugged it tightly.
"Matchy!" Callie heard her own voice call out cheerfully.
Her Mommy laughed and grabbed her hand.
"Well, let's go, Callie Bear! We don't want to be late for church on Christmas Eve!"
Callie let her mother lead her out of her room by the hand, as, in her head, she sat horrified at what might come next.
#ab/dl kink#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl caption#diaper stories#humiliation kink#diaper regression#ab/dl mommy#ab/dl babygirl#reality change#Christmas Dolly
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 5000 likes!
Seriously? My stories don't feel like they deserve this much attention! Thank you all!
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New You Gym - 17
"Yes, baby girl, Emily," Julie told the stunned Kylee. "Someone has to take you home with Michael gone, and Emily very kindly volunteered, despite her busy schedule. Wasn't that nice of her?" Kylee's new nanny said with a sternness that implied there was only one right answer.
Sitting on her diapered ass in a giant highchair, clutching a bottle with a mysterious milky liquid that Julie would only call 'Nanny's special milk,' Kylee knew she was in no position to question anything Nanny told her to do. "Yes, that's very nice of her," Kylee said with the flat, performative tone of a teenager being forced to say something polite by their parents.
"Great! I knew it wouldn't be a problem! Plus, you don't have to worry your pretty little head about having to hide anything from Emily. I've filled her in on EVERYTHING regarding your situation," Julie said cheerily.
That statement stunned Kylee. Emily, the most beautiful person, let alone woman, Kylee had ever seen, her gym crush, KNEW she was being reduced to acting like a horny little toddler. Kylee didn't think she could feel more humiliated than she had when humping a stuffed bear in a poopy diaper earlier in the day, but the wave of shame that hit her on learning Emily knew about it threatened to overwhelm her. Kylee dropped her bottle.
"Emily… Emily knows… EVERYTHING?" Kylee stuttered out. Her half full baby bottle started to roll on her tray towards the floor. Julie adroitly caught it and handed it back to her charge.
"Yes, baby, everything. She particularly enjoyed watching the show you put on for me with Mr. Bear," Julie responded nonchalantly.
Kylee's jaw dropped and her face turned beet red as her nanny confirmed her worst fear.
"Oh, don't act so surprised! You know she already knew that you had to wear protection to the gym after your last visit. She was the one to check if you were wearing a pull-up today. Also, taking care of you is going to be a difficult job. I am going to need some help. Emily has also agreed to provide that help," Julie continued. "Isn't that so sweet of her?"
"She's going to HELP you?" Kylee sputtered, outraged at this new information.
"Really, she is going to help YOU sweetie. YOU are the naughty little girl who can't control her pee-pees and poo-poos. YOU are the naughty little girl who gets off at wearing poopy diapers and letting another woman wipe her ass and puss-puss. YOU should be ecstatic that a woman as wonderful as Emily would even consider offering to help me with someone as pathetic as you," Julie lectured Kylee.
"Now, I won't hear another peep out of you about this. Finish your bottle and know that I expect you to obey Emily as well as, if not better than, you obey me. If I hear a single breath from Emily that you weren't a perfectly behaved little angel for her, what you went through today will seem like child's play compared to what it will take to convince me not to share the videos I have of you with Michael."
With the stern warning, Kylee pressed the nipple of her bottle back up to her mouth and started suckling down the sweet milk again, all the while glowering at Julie.
"Good choice baby. Now, finish that bottle. Emily will be down here to sign you out of daycare soon," Julie said.
Kylee finished her bottle without further incident while Julie went about the mundane tasks of cleaning the daycare. After Kylee finished her bottle, Julie left the diapered woman sitting in the highchair with nothing to do but reflect on her own thoughts.
Kylee didn't have to sit long, however, because just a few minutes after she finished her bottle, the door to the daycare opened and Emily walked through with broad, mischievous smile on her face.
"Julie, I'm here! Is our little stinker ready to head home?" Emily said sweetly, ignoring Kylee's face turning red at her words.
"Oh, yes! Little Kylee napped like a champ after her playtime. I got her changed out of her poopy diaper, and she's had a bottle of my special milk. She's all ready for you to take her home," Julie said, clinically recapping Kyle's morning to Emily like she would to the parent of an actual baby left in her care.
"Wonderful! Is there anything she needs to take home with her?" Emily asked, still ignoring Kylee as of she were a toddler.
"Yes! Here!" Julie approached Emily carrying what Kylee could very clearly tell was a diaper bag, "I put together this special 'gym' bag for our little princess. It has enough changing supplies, diapies, and pull-ups to get her through to tomorrow. She'll need to bring it when she comes everyday to get a restock though."
Kylee groaned internally. Of course she would have to start carrying around a diaper bag. Julie had proven nothing if not adept at torturing Kylee with her thorough attention to detail.
"Wonderful, I am sure little Kylee will remember to bring this back," Emily said, throwing the pastel pink diaper bag over her shoulder. "Well, then, I guess I have everything I need. It's time to go home, Kylee!" Emily said with a saccharine sweet tone as she walked over and helped Kylee out of the giant highchair.
Kylee looked down at her feet as Emily placed her hands in Kylee's armpits and lifted her out of the chair. Kylee couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with the attractive young personal trainer. Being treated like a toddler by Emily, plus the physical contact with her was causing Kylee to flash back to her most recent dream where Emily was a main character. The whole situation was causing Kylee's pussy to throb with arousal again.
Emily, seemingly unaware of the aroused state of the pathetic woman standing next to her, gave Kylee an appraising stare. "Oh, Kylee! You look SOOOOO cute in your little pampers!" Emily squealed in delight. Her words sent a fresh wave of horniness through Kylee's body.
"Now, sweetie, why don't you go give your Nanny a nice big hug and tell her thank you for taking such good care of you today, even though you were pretty naughty. Then, Ms. Emily will give you a drive home," Emily ordered Kylee.
"Oh, and Kylee, make sure we both believe you mean it," Emily followed-up with a much more menacing tone.
Kylee, based on her previous conversation with Julie, knew she couldn't disobey Emily. So, with all of the exuberance she could muster, Kylee waddled over to Julie, her Nanny, and embraced her in a big, clumsy hug. Julie's height forced Kylee to bury her face in her Nanny's breasts as she hugged the woman, which confused Kylee for a second. For some reason, Julie's breasts smelled a little bit like the milk she had just drank tasted. Shaking off the thought, Kylee focused on finishing the task assigned to her by Emily.
"Tank you Nanny for the fun day!" Kylee lisped out in her best impression of a toddler saying good bye to her favorite babysitter. "I'm sorry I was a bad girl today! I pwomise to be better tomorrow."
"Oh, sweetheart, it was my pleasure. I am sure you will get your behavior turned around tomorrow. Don't forget to send me those pictures you promised!" Julie said, wrapping her arms around Kylee and pulling her even more deeply into the embrace.
Kylee shuddered slightly at the reminder that she was now expected to wet the bed. However, her concern passed quickly as she let herself be pulled into Julie's body. Kylee had to admit to herself, being held like this felt oddly comforting and, dare she even think it, right?
Emily walked up behind Kylee, rubbing the diapered woman's back as a subtle signal it was time to let the hug go.
"Alright sweetie, I am glad you love Nanny so much, but we really have to get going. Grab my hand, and I'll show you to my car," Emily directed Kylee.
Kylee let go of Julie, unburying herself from the large woman's gigantic, sweet-smelling breasts, and let Emily lead her out of the daycare by her hand.
As Kylee waddled out of the room hand-in-hand with the woman she had just had a graphic sex dream about, Julie called out to her, "Bye-bye Kylee! Be a good girl! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!"
Kylee turned red yet again, but continued to let Emily lead her like a small child out of the daycare and through the gym. During the walk, Kylee kept her head down. She was aware that her childish diaper, labeling her a "Potty Pants," was on display to everyone else in the gym. She could feel the eyes of everyone on her. But, Kylee also knew that all she could do was keep her head down, swallow her embarrassment, and hope that maybe the other members of the gym would forget this incident quickly.
Emily and Kylee made it to Emily's vehicle relatively quickly. Kylee looked up as Emily slid open the back door to, what Kylee was surprised to discovered, was Emily's minivan. Kylee looked into the pristine vehicle and noticed four open seats in the back. She did see one had a very large, rear facing car seat strapped in place. Upon seeing that, Kylee immediately became concerned.
"Um, Emily, do I have to sit in the back? I'm big enough to sit in the front with you," Kylee said, hesitantly.
"Oh, Kylee, we both know you aren't BIG enough to sit in a normal car seat, let alone up front. I saw what you did to your last diaper while you were sleeping. There is no way I am letting you sit directly on my upholstery and ruin it," Emily said, causing Kylee to turn red yet again. "But, I am sure you are plenty small enough to fit in this car seat. Nanny helped me install it special for you! Wasn't that nice of her."
"But…" Kylee tried to protest. However, before she could get another word out, Emily had produced a pacifier from the pocket of Kyle's new 'gym' bag and popped it in Kylee's mouth. Kylee accepted the pacifier and began suckling it indignantly, remembering Nanny's rules regarding pacifiers.
"No 'buts,' stinker! Climb up into your car seat now, or there WILL be consequences," Emily said, smacking Kylee on the diaper for emphasis.
Kylee furrowed her brow, but complied, climbing into the giant, rear facing car seat. As Kylee settled into the seat, she was amazed to find that she fit in it, if just barely. Regardless, the seat wasn't comfortable. Because of how it was positioned, Kylee was forced to spread her bend her legs sharply and spread her knees wide to have enough leg room. Beyond being a little uncomfortable, that position also forced Kylee to expose the front of her giant diaper.
Once Kylee was settled in the seat, Emily leaned into the van, placing the pink diaper bag next to Kylee's seat and leaned over Kylee. Emily then quickly thrust her hand between Kylee's legs, under Kylee's diaper, and pulled out the car seats crotch strap.
The sudden, unexpected pressure in her groin, being caused by Emily, of all people, sent an immediate waive of pleasure through Kylee's body. Involuntarily, Kylee's eyes rolled back in her head and she let out a low moan from behind her pacifier. Emily, her face incredibly close to Kylee's because of her position over Kylee's car seat, looked at the other woman and raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, you ARE a dirty little baby, aren't you? Your Nanny warned me you were sensitive, but this is impressive," Emily said as she placed her palm on Kylee's diaper and rubbed it a few times, teasing Kylee. "I'll have to remember this," Emily continued as Kylee moaned again.
Emily stopped teasing Kylee and quickly finished buckling Kylee in. She made sure to synch the straps tight, ensuring the crotch strap pressed firmly into Kylee's padded pussy.
"Looks good!" Emily said as she stepped back admiring her work. As she looked on, she noticed that Kylee had started lightly grinding on the crotch strap. That gave her an idea. She took the pacifier out of Kylee's mouth.
Holding the pacifier in her hand, Emily asked Kylee, "Now, baby, do you want your paci for the car ride or do you want to be able to talk?"
"Um, talk," Kylee said.
"Good, I'll allow it, but you need to promise to be a good girl and do exactly as I say. Can you do that?" Emily continued.
Sensing a trap, but wanting to avoid the added humiliation of sucking a pacifier while wearing a diaper and being strapped into a car seat, Kylee responded, "Yes."
"Good girl," Emily said as she closed the sliding door to her van and climbed into the driver's seat. Emily then turned on her van and adjusted her mirrors. Due to a well positioned mirror on the headrest of the seat Kylee's car seat occupied, Emily could clearly see the diapered woman's crotch rubbing against the strap of her car seat.
Emily turned on her radio and switched the station quickly. Kylee groaned as Emily settled on a station that seemed to only be playing children's nursery rhymes.
"Perfect," Emily said to herself as she pulled out of her parking spot and began driving Kylee home.
Emily had previously gotten Kylee's address from Michael, so she knew where the other woman lived. She also knew there were two ways to get to Kylee's house. One, the more direct way, involved taking a smooth, paved road with little difficulties. The other way involved taking gravel roads, roads under construction, and roads that crossed train tracks for a much more bumpy ride. Given the humping motion she was still seeing from Kylee in the back, she knew the other woman, and Emily herself, would get a lot more enjoyment from the bumpier ride. So, she proceeded to take that path.
Emily was right. As she drove down the various bumpy, unpaved roads, with nursery rhymes blaring in the car, Emily could see Kylee's diapered crotch rubbing more and more furiously against the strap of her car seat. Emily could hear Kylee's breathing accelerating punctuated only by soft moans.
About halfway through the drive, Emily decided to amp up the humiliation and pressure. The Wheels on the Bus started playing on the radio at about the same time the van hit a large bump, causing Kylee to admit a particularly loud moan. Emily could tell Kylee was close.
"Baby! This is one of your favorite songs! Why don't you show Ms. Emily what a good little singer you are and sing along!" Emily yelled back to Kylee.
Singing along to a baby song was the last thing Kylee wanted to do right now. Being treated like a toddler by Emily, just like in her dream, already had Kylee in a heightened state of arousal. Each bump of the van forcing her diapered crotch against the car seat strap, was providing her more than enough stimulation to cum. It was taking all of her concentration to not orgasm while sitting in the car with Emily. However, when Emily ordered her to sing along, so knew she had to comply. So, as the song continued, she knew she had no choice but to sing.
"The WHEELS on the bus go round A… AND round," Kylee belted out with all of the enthusiasm of a toddler, unintentionally emphasizing words wear bumps caused her pussy to rub against her diaper. "Round and ROUND, round and ROUND," she continued as Emily giggled at Kylee's moans.
As the song continued the road got bumpier, and Kylee started to lose her battle to keep her dignity. She was finally pushed over the edge just a half mile from her home when Emily drove over a street that was crossed by four different train lines. The vibration of the tracks combined with her humiliation, the arousal of being around Emily, and the divided focus of having to sing while fighting off an orgasm pushed her over the edge.
"The BABIES on the BUS go…. ahhhh, Ahhhhhhh, AHHHHHHHHH!" Kylee screamed as she came in her diaper for the second time that day.
"Great enthusiasm baby! Such a beautiful singer!" Emily said smugly as she felt her own pussy throb in pleasure from watching the diapered woman in her backseat debase herself so thoroughly. "Very good girl," she said, moaning slightly, as she let her right hand drift to her clit and rubbed herself slightly, enjoying Kylee's slowing fading gasps of pleasure.
#New You Gym#ab/dl#ab/dl kink#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#humiliation kink#ab/dl caption#ab/dl mommy#ab/dl babygirl#ab/dl couple#ab/dl girl#diaper regression#diaper stories#ab/dl lifestyle
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Christmas Dolly - 1
Callie looked at the name on the return address on the package she had just found outside of her door and smiled. Penelope, her adorable little sister who she still thought of as a child despite being 19 years old, had sent her a Christmas present!
With a little extra pep in her step, the 27-year-old research scientist opened her front door and walked directly to her kitchen, looking for a knife to open the box with.
Growing up, Callie had been almost a comically stereotypical little girl. She loved stuffed animals, tea parties, and all things pink and cute. Most of all though, Callie loved baby dolls.
All of her dolls and stuffies eventually found themselves stuffed into diapers and lodged in a bassinet, crib, or tiny stroller. Callie cared for each of them deeply, dutifully feeding them, playing with them, and changing their imaginary wet and messy diapers.
When Penelope, or Baby Penny, as Callie always called her, was born, it was the best day of Callie's life. Her mommy, in all of her wisdom and kindness had brought her home a real-life baby doll to play with! And play with her she did.
Callie doted over her younger sister her entire life, treating her as an infant well beyond when her sister should have been or wanted to be treated that way. Even after their parents had made Callie stop babying Penelope, the older girl never was able to fully stop condescending to her younger sister who was still functionally a toddler in her eyes.
Given that background, it didn't surprise Callie when she opened the box to find her adorably immature little sister hand gotten her a doll for her birthday. She smiled at the childish gift as she wrapped her fingers around the small figure and pulled it out of its cardboard packaging.
The doll in Callie's hands seemed somewhat plain at first. The small doll, proportioned like one of her old baby dolls, was completely nude. It's skin, a pristine pink, was devoid of coloring, except for painted big blue eyes and red lips that seemed pursed ready to accept a bottle or pacifier. The doll's hair, long and soft, was blonde, and hung loose over the figure's tiny shoulders.
However, as Callie examined the doll more closely, she found the attention to detail by whoever crafted the doll to be exquisite. The shape of the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the cheeks, and, really, everything, left no doubt that the doll was supposed to look like her, despite the lack of any other detail. Callie marveled at the doll maker's ability to make such a beautiful facsimile with so few overt details.
Callie finished her inspection of the doll, setting the toy on the counter by the box, before digging deeper into the contents of container. Callie couldn't help but grin as she started to pull item after item out of the box.
The box contained multiple wardrobes for the doll. Interestingly, the clothes seemed to run the gamet of ages. Pants suits, mature dresses, jeans and T-shirts in the doll's size were packed in the box along with onesies, diapers, and childish dresses, all clearly meant for the doll as well.
Similarly, the box contained a large amount of furniture sized for the doll. A normal, twin sized bed and dining table set were pulled out of the box along with a crib and highchair, all still obviously sized for the doll.
As Callie removed each item from the box, she marveled at the quality. Penny must have spent hundreds of dollars on this gift. She smiled at both the thoughtfulness and lack of responsibility the gift showed. It was so typical of Baby Penny to spend more than she could afford on a doll of all things.
After unpacking the box, and staring at the naked doll made in her image, Callie couldn't resist dressing her little doppelganger up. Grabbing the T-shirt, jeans, and lab jacket that resembled what she wore every day to work, Callie quickly dressed the doll before putting it on her mantel, packing the rest of the doll's accessories away, and continuing her evening, forgetting about the thoughtful gift.
It was only as Callie laid in bed, about to fall asleep, that she thought about her sister's gift again. She smiled and then groaned. She was really going to have to go all out on her sister's Christmas gift this year to make things even. At least she had a few weeks before her families Christmas celebration to come up with something.
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Sarah's Playground - 10
I was stunned. I was just coming to grips with being reduced to a 10-year-old. I did NOT want to be reduced further. However, once again, I was in a horrible situation.
Lidia was now my designated babysitter. If she complained to my mom about anything I did, I could easily find myself in a worse situation.
That being said, I knew if I gave her enough evidence, like a used diaper, mom would reduce me anyway. I had heard too many stories about that happening. So, with the friendliest, cheeriest tone I could muster, I responded to Lidia's proclamation.
"Oh, Miss Lidia, house sounds like such a fun game, but I really don't feel like playing that right now, could we do something else? Like a tea party?"
By presenting another childish option, I hoped that Lidia would be satisfied and drop the issue. Unfortunately, she was not that easily knocked off her path.
"Oh, Sarah, that DOES sound fun, but your Mommy didn't leave you a tea party set! I really think house is the best game we can play. Plus, won't it be so fun just to act like a baby for the weekend?" Lidia said, steamrolling my suggestion. Before I could interject, she continued, "Now, little missy, why don't you lay down, so I can get you into your costume!"
I watched in horror as Sarah opened the huge, adult-sized baby diaper, spread it out on the bed, and patted it expectantly. Panic started to fill every part of my being. I was NOT going to put on that diaper. Being demoted to a 10-year-old was demeaning enough, but, being forced to act like a pants-filling, drooling toddler was fulfilling my worst nightmares. Still wearing nothing under the towel Lidia has draped over me earlier, I took a step back from the bed and the horrible, thirsty undergarment lying on it.
"No, I won't…" I choked out.
A flash of rage crossed Lidia's eyes. I shuddered as the larger, older woman stepped towards me.
"What did you just say, Little Sarah? I am sure I didn't just hear you tell your babysitter 'No,'" Lidia growled out menacingly.
She continued to walk towards me, looming over me with her larger frame. I shrank back from her as she approached.
"I… I said, 'No,' Miss Lidia. I'm still 10. That's still a big girl. I can choose not to play house or wear a… a… diaper," I said with what little confidence was left to me.
At my continued words of defiance, Lidia crossed the room even quicker and ripped the towel I was clutching around me away, leaving me completely naked. My small, but clearly fully formed adult body left on clear display. I suddenly felt more vulnerable than I had in years.
Lidia grabbed me by the wrist and started dragging me to the bed. I tried to pull away, but I just was not physically strong enough to resist. Despite us both being adults, my small, frame and lack of any athletic training left me with no defense to Lidia's much stronger athletic body.
"You wet the bed like a child," Lidia lectured as she dragged me across the room. "You were demoted to 10 years old by your Mommy because of it," she continued as I twisted my wrist and tried to pull away. "You don't DESERVE to get to make your own choices anymore!"
I screamed and tried to pull harder. We were too close to the bed and the dreaded diaper for my comfort.
"I am your babysitter. I make the decisions for you now!" Lidia said as, with a forceful tug, she sat on the bed and expertly threw me over her lap, ass pointed straight up in the air.
Fearing what was coming, I struggled to try and get free. I flailed my legs and tried to roll off her lap and away. In response, Lidia used one of her legs to pin my ankles down, she then twisted one arm into an arm bar, pinning me to her lap, and leaving one of her hands free. I growled like the trapped animal I was as she continued.
"Sarah, you are acting like an entitled little brat. You will do what I say, or you WILL suffer the consequences!" Lidia said, emphasizing her point by slapping my exposed butt cheeks with her free hand. "And," she continued, leaning over to whisper the next statement into my ear, "unlike when I watched you when you were a real 10-year-old, I am allowed to punish you HOWEVER I deem appropriate given you are just a pathetic…" She slapped my ass again, harder. "Little…" Tears formed in my eyes at the third smack. "Demotee!" The fourth impact of hand to ass put me over the edge, I started to cry.
I bawled, releasing all of the fear, shame, embarrassment, rage, and pain of the situation through my tears. Lidia rained down blows on my vulnerable rear end for what felt like hours, but was actually just a few minutes. She only stopped when I stopped fighting, going slack and accepting my situation. As she ended her assault, she asked me a question.
"Are you going to be a good girl now, Little Sarah?"
I sniffled, trying to regain some composure as a snot and tears rolled down my face to the floor.
"Yes, Miss Lidia," I gave in.
"And are you going to do exactly what I say, when I say?" Lidia continued.
"Yes, Miss Lidia," I responded.
"Are you going to play house with me like a good girl?" Lidia finally asked.
"Yes, Miss Lidia," I acquiesced.
"Good, now, go stand with your hands on you head and nose in the corner until I let you out," Lidia said, finally letting me up off of her lap.
Feeling broken and beaten, literally, I did as asked. I walked to the corner, put my hands on my head, and touched my nose to the wall.
Staring at the paint of my bedroom wall, I was left nothing but the dark thoughts about what would come next for me in this horrible situation.
#Sarah's Playground#ab/dl#ab/dl kink#ab/dl story time#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl caption#diaper stories#humiliation kink#diaper regression#ab/dl babygirl#ab/dl mommy#ab/dl girl
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Love Story (Destined's Version)
Destined is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very rotten day.
Why, you ask?
Well, it has everything to do with Destined adorable little grunts as he is squatting down and filling his already soggy little diaper. Or, more over, it is because of who he is filling that soggy diaper in front of.
You see, Destined has always had a love/hate relationship with his cousin Lena. Born only a few months apart, they had grown up together more like siblings than cousins. This meant, while they loved each other deeply, they spent most of their time bickering and trying to get the upper hand on each other.
Things only got worse when Lena and Destined went to college. Continuing their childhood rivalry, the two newly minted adults decided to attend rival schools. Their text messages to each other, once filled with insults about who had the cooler clothes, better grades, or more popular friends, became filled with vitriolic memes regarding whose school had the better football team, basketball team, or superior academic prowess.
The competition between the two cousins got so bad that Destined even removed Lena's number from his phone. Although, that didn't matter, because he could always tell from the messages themselves when his conceited cousin was talking with him.
Up until a week ago, however, Destined had felt he had gotten the last laugh in his and Lena's lifelong competition. He had graduated from school with a prestigious degree, went on to get a post-graduated degree in a high paying field, gotten married to a beautiful woman, and was living the good life.
In contrast, Lena's English degree hadn't proven nearly as advantageous for her. Not able to get her career as the next great American novelist off the ground, she had been forced to support herself by working as a receptionist and supplimenting her income with the occasional odd babysitting and house-sitting job.
Of course, as with all sibling-like relationships, that sense of superiority could only last for so long.
You see, beyond being a huge success in both his professional and home life, Destined had a deep secret that no one in his family knew. Destined was not in charge of his own life.
Destined's beautiful wife, the love of his life, was more than that to him. After confessing his decade long struggle with incontinence to her, she decided to take a dual-role in his life of both wife and mother.
At home, Destined's wife treated him exactly like her child. She dressed him, fed him, bathed him, and, notably, diapered him. She set rules for his behavior and subjected him to both rewards and punishments as she saw fit. She monitored his device usage and made sure he was acting like her perfect little baby boy at all times.
So, Destined shouldn't have been surprised when his wife-turned-Mama became outraged when she discovered his texts to Lena after his alma mater had thrashed his cousin's at football a week ago. And, to be honest, he wasn't. What he was surprised by, however, was the punishment.
"Lena, thank you so much for coming and watching my little man, I know he can be a handful, but I really need a night out!" Destined heard his wife say from the front door as he sat in his playpen wearing nothing but a T-shirt and soggy diaper--his typical Saturday evening ensemble.
Before he could say or do anything, he turned to see his cousin walking into the room, face full of glee at seeing her bratty, conceited cousin reduced to the status of an infant. Destined's wife had hired Lena, his cousin and rival, as his babysitter.
And, that's how Destined found himself here, loading his pants while his cousin looked on, giggling and recording his shame on her phone to ensure neither of them forgot this night. As Destined felt his mess slide out of his backside, he felt any chance of ever getting the upper hand on Lena again slide away as well.
The only peace Destined could find in his situation was that at least Lena was his cousin. As she put it, she would always love him, if not as an equal, then as the cute baby cousin he had become in her eyes.
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