#thank you for changing my life i guess
pardonmydelays · 27 days
clancy is literally three months old and i still can't tell what's my favourite song from the album
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frankingsteinery · 10 days
walton is a stronger man than me because if i found the man who was the culmination of my lifelong dreams of true connection and everything i could possibly want in a friend, who talked to me about my interests at length and encouraged me and told me i would be successful in my endeavors, who wept for me after i confided my deepest desires and ambitions to him, who used the language of my heart, who sympathized with and loved me, and who told me all of his greatest flaws and mistakes and his harrowing several-hundred-pages long life story including the murders of his entire family, upon which i treated him with nothing but understanding and kindness and would do anything to return him to happiness and shoulder his woes, all while tenderly nursing back him from the brink of death while expecting nothing in return, even despite my growing concerns of a mutiny going on, and after all this he told me "I thank you, Walton [...] but think you that any can replace those who are gone? Can any man be to me as Clerval was?" i would just walk off the boat
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shock-micro · 2 months
the practice of taking multiple names... i do wish it was a bit more supported in places like the united states. i love my family name, my family means the world to me,
but there's also the last name of berri that i'd love to take. it was the second name that stuck with me after "mira", and i've nicknamed myself "miraberri" in a lot of things over the past year i've had it...
...i suppose the other trouble is that i've already changed my legal name once, and so now i'd have to pay for it to be changed again... ahh, the wonders of capitalism and rigid social systems.
wouldn't it be nice if we lived in a society that embraced Change?
that freely allowed, even encouraged changing oneself? embracing the fact that everything will change eventually, and must do so for things to not become stagnant?
that some things might not be right as they are, despite the state of things being comfortable for many people? that the status quo, or our time-honored traditions, aren't infallible, perfect concepts?
i guess the idea is too much for some people to understand.
maybe some day, that'll change, too.
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dreadful-luck · 21 days
so I was playing club penguin journey, and uhm. I encountered lobie5!? One of my biggest inspirations? Whose style has influenced not only my own artistic works, but the other medias I enjoy that have similar artsyles? What?
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They even sent this postcard to me after! Honestly, my mind was so blown lmao.
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via-fm · 1 month
I have about 4 memes for when they DO announce mirador so brace yourselves for that
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spitfirerose · 30 days
Uh oh, gang! (Personal life shit)
Looks like mom just realized how shitty her marriage is with my father and what a terrible partner he is!
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dimdiamond · 6 months
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Some sketches of Chang throughout childhood to adulthood (according to my headcanons anyway, more in the cut if you're interested)
Chang as a kid preferred to play alone and he loved to pick up rocks from the shore and take them home (his collection only gets bigger and bigger through the years). The Chang family was poor and both parents had to work so the one who stayed with the kid was the grandfather till he died from old age. Chang was still very young though when he lost him and from then on alone. His parents tried to spend more time with him but they still had to work or bring their kid with them as Chang being quiet and not demanding was seen as him being an easy and mature kid.
After losing his parents and going to an orphanage, Chang is still quiet and polite but becomes indifferent to many things and prefers to be alone, spending most of his time reading any book he can find, learning French and English by overhearing the foreigners, wandering around, and mostly at the river. Meeting Tintin changes everything as he makes his first friend and gets a new family but mostly makes him see things differently, finally looking at the world with interest and confidence.
Chang is a top student in high school but his rebellious phase doesn't let either the school or his family rest assured. He no longer obeys or stays quiet, he needs to be heard and most of all to be understood and accepted. His dream is to see the world and hopes to meet Tintin again as he many times still lingers to the past, despite the fact he has new friends and a new life (as well as Tintin). Thankfully, his rebellious phase quiets down in the final year and he manages to become more open and direct to his loved ones.
Chang after being rescued by Tintin and Haddock in Tibet, he returns to Shangai, needing to deal with his traumatic experience in his home and with his family. He's underweight, he feels cold all the time and his mind is stuck to the plane and the mountains. In addition, he tries to deal with the fact that Tintin has changed and that their friendship can never be as it was.
Almost a year after the Tibet incident, Chang manages to go to his uncles in London, where he stays for about 4-5 years, studying archaeology (Professor Tarragon comes and goes at the university and Chang has the luck to be in his class and friend). His friendship with Tintin remains strong and they keep in touch more regularly but Chang doesn't depend only on this friendship and makes new friends.
After university, Chang joins Tarragon's team, and from then on he travels around the world, from one archaeological site to the other, always eager to learn and see more. He frequently visits his family in Shangai and his uncles in London and, whenever he gets the chance, his friends, including first and foremost the Marlinespike family. Close to his thirties, his eyesight shows issues and he starts to wear glasses (he wasn't a fan of this at first but he soon got used to it).
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ofgentleresolve · 11 months
the way i think moving blogs might help with my enthusiasm on here but also not knowing if it would actually help....
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cosmosbunni · 5 days
I thought I was fine after being diagnosed recently with autism and adhd, after spending all my life begging to be heard and believed and understood. It was kind of weird how I didn't feel much about it at all after it was done with
Then I just listened to changeling by PhemieC and I cried. A lot. And a lot more than usual. Which was already a lot
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stormofdefiance · 19 days
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An incredibly lazy wee doodle of barn swallows since I'm struggling to sleep and going back to my teenage ritual of drawing birds far too late into the night. Where I live, it will soon be time for the swallows to leave and make their bi-annual 8000 mile migration all the way to South Africa. Summer goes with them, and already my late North European nights seem to be turning dark so soon. A couple of months ago the night would just be a muted blue until dawn would crack with a skylark's song at 3am, and from now it will just be a couple of months until the black sets in before the afternoon ends.
It genuinely makes me want to cry thinking about these matchbox sized little beings throwing themselves into that endless blue all in pursuit of airborne insects, those small bodies making their way over the widening, waterless Sahara, that 40 day excursion that, by mid-October, will be over. How long a journey that seems, how short for a being smaller than my hand.
I'll miss them as much as I'll miss the sun until my late-March birthday comes along again and the spring sky is briefly interrupted by their sudden return, their tumbling bodies celebrating the world waking up again, back - somehow, dare I project a sense of sentiment, remembering - to the very same nests they'd left behind just months ago.
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
hi your writing is so cool and your aesthetic is so pretty i am nervous ksnsmzls you're one of my favorite writers!!
if its not a bother, may i ask how you got the confidence to write? any hints or something? thank you so much for the hard work you put into the blog, remember to stay hydrated and rest
have a nice day or night
MMMMMMMM it's not so much about confidence for me as it is about Need honestly. i've always been a creative person i just never had the right outlet for it but now that i've discovered writing it just changed my world lmao i know that sounds very dramatic but it really is very important to me to express myself through art and writing is just the perfect way for me to do it. i want to write.
plus i have so many ideas in my head and tbh sometimes it's just about getting them out of there lmao but mm ofc there are times where i feel like my ideas are shit or that the writings are shit but then i think abt how mean that is. i liked writing it didn't i? so why am i putting myself down for it????? i try to be very patient with myself (it's a new thing i'm still getting the hang of it) and i try to just do whatever feels right.
and i know how discouraging tumblr might be sometimes,, like when the things you put hours into, blood sweat and tears and whatsoever, don't get the attention is very upsetting but i just... genuinely try to ignore it. i'm not saying it's easy it really fucking isn't but i just want to be selfish. and i want to write. so i will write more no matter whether it gets the love it deserves or not. i don't wanna stop and i don't wanna quit. think of it as spite if you will lmao like oh you didn't like that? well guess what. here's more>:333333 qhdhshdhsjjsjsj this is how my brain works okay i'm not saying that will work for everybody...
but yeah in the end just do it for yourself. you want to write, so write for yourself. the others are secondary – you have to love it first and then the others get to do the same.
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eye-of-yelough · 6 months
oh no the shame goblins have finally caught up with me
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maiteo · 6 months
also!!! I hope you’re doing well!!! always wishing the best for you 🫶🏽🫶🏽
you’re the sweetest, muito obrigada amor🥹I’m like a sponge rn sucking up all the positive energy I can get🤭💘
I hope life’s being kind to you and the beginning of spring brings you nothing but blessings!!🫂🫶🏽
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lonesome-pear · 2 months
So I saw a video about the epic of Gilgamesh, saying that it contains the phrase in those distant days. Well, I thought that could be a good theme for a poem so I decided to write one. I turned on some Minecraft music (not sure why but it ended up working out) and got writing. It ended up being about missing the past. I kind of wanted to share it so here it is
In those days, those distant days
I would sit there for hours, placing things in new ways
Stuck in a creative haze, in those distant days
In those distant days, I would be with friends
People I loved, people I no longer know
Sitting in the basement, by a warm fire glow
In those distant days, I would find a new thing
Something that was little, but also somehow big
A planet of sorts, where it seemed like I had wings
Flying through the memories of those distant days
In those distant days, I had childlike wonder
Before all I knew was torn asunder
Little me, scared of thunder, was comforted in the moments of those distant days
How I miss those distant days, where there was joy and whimsy
A time where memories made were of good quality
But I cant go back to those distant days
I must relive them in different ways
Find whimsy with new people, in new places
Find joy in new games, with new faces
But I will enjoy this days now
The present can be pleasant anyhow
But even when it's not, I keep going somehow
Those distant days are far away
But I carry on, I find a way
Because I might be looking towards them, those distant days
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raazberry · 8 months
i've been trying to read any books etherane has mentioned in hc that i haven't read already and it's been so fun
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Quick question for all my Dungeons and Daddies homies out there—
Is season 2 as funny as season 1? What are the best things about season 2? How easy or difficult has it been for you to reconcile the season 1 versions of the sons versus the season 2 versions of the sons grown up? (Or in other words, how have you been able to handle the characterization differences/changes/developments that occurred in between seasons?)
I’d love to hear people’s personal experiences (especially any listening differences!) between seasons 1 and 2 :)
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