#ten years down the line
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gregmarriage · 5 months ago
no, bc see, i’m trying to make my heart! a slow burn, but like tbh, tom already being pretty down bad and the two of them having a vibe between them is just canon tomgreg anyways, so i think we’re good 👌🏻
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months ago
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rafyki · 3 months ago
I don't know if you expect me to stop talking nonstop about Jack and Joker now that it's over, but that's not gonna happen, at this point I'm too dedicated to let it go 🫡
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kazoo-goddess · 1 year ago
So, I've wanted to make a post like this for some time, but I only just got the motivation because of an ask I got recently. I want to give a piece of advice to everyone, in general, to keep in mind when using any social media platform--advice that I wish someone had given me way back when, that I feel is important to pass on:
Not every post you see is for you. Not every post is about you.
This is not meant to be a negative thing, or a put-down! It is not meant to dismiss anyone. It's really what it says on the tin: When you see a post cross your feed, and you disagree with the post or it upsets you because you disagree with the message it has, try and keep in mind that you may not be the target audience for the post. In particular, take this into account for advice and positivity posts--The OP doesn't have anything against you personally when they share words that are meant to be uplifting that you don't agree with. A post that says "Keep going! You can do it, even if you think you can't!" probably isn't meant to put down people who are in a position where they very literally cannot do it or think their way out of their situations. Like this post, it's more likely that the OP is sharing positivity or advice that they themselves would have liked to hear.
Even this post, the one I'm writing now, might not be for you or about you! If you disagree with my viewpoint, that's okay, and there's nothing wrong with that! But I, personally, am writing this post for people who might need to hear it--people like me, who are easily upset or hurt by things they see or hear in passing, whether on the internet or real life. I'm not writing it because I want to spark an argument, I promise.
Posts aren't always meant to spread outside the OP's original circle of followers and friends. But that's a hazard of posting to public social media websites--a joke originally meant to have an audience of 12 people close to you can suddenly explode, getting thousands and thousands of views and reposts and going completely out of the OP's control overnight! It's no one's fault; it's not done maliciously. Sometimes a post or joke just resonates with others. But maybe it doesn't resonate with you--that really is okay! Just try and remember, if it gets under your skin, that it isn't for you. And if it's not for you, it's okay to just ignore it and move on! It can definitely get annoying when it's something you keep seeing over and over from friends and acquaintances reposting it, and I'd never fault anyone for losing their temper over it--but sometimes, just taking a second to remind yourself that you weren't the audience for something can really help calm you down and help you feel better and move on with your day.
While this goes for advice/positivity posts, it also goes for opinion posts! And in this case, to be completely, perfectly clear: I mean harmless opinions. A ship they like that you don't; a tv show they enjoyed that you didn't; a character they really love that you absolutely cannot stand. The kind of opinion you disagree with so much that makes you feel absolutely steaming mad. (Again: This does NOT extend to these things when they go into a genuinely harmful category. No homophobia, no pedophilia, nothing like that. I am talking about harmless, mundane disagreements.)
Maybe you see a post talking positively about a manga that makes you feel ick. The OP more than likely didn't write that post with the hopes that it would reach you specifically just to make you upset! (And if they did, that's rude, and an entirely different can of worms that this post is not about! >_>;) But the post upsets you anyway, even if it wasn't MEANT to. It's understandable, it happens! But the thing is: You don't need to engage with that post if it makes you feel bad! If you have a post blocker, you can block the post or blacklist the tag; if you don't, you may just have to scroll past. It can be so, so, so tempting to try and get in a biting comment in the replies to snap at the OP and tell them, "No, you're wrong, your opinion makes me mad and I don't want to hear it!" Trust me. I know. I get it, because I've been there! But in the grand scheme of things, it's not worth it or healthy to burn yourself out over it. It wasn't for you, and it wasn't about you! And you're better off doing what you can to take care of yourself, and preserving your health and happiness where you can.
I feel like I'm writing this with sort of childish language, and it might feel like I'm talking down to others. But really, I think I'm just writing it in a way that a younger me would have understood and taken to heart if she'd seen it. I hope that, if you read this, you can see it that way too! There's a part of me that feels scared that this post in itself could explode with notes that will be very upset with me for my thoughts on this, whatever their reasons may be, but I wouldn't be making it if I weren't prepared for that possibility. If the message I intend to get out can reach even one person who it can help, then I think that's worth writing it for. Because, I want to reiterate it one more time, because it can be so easy to forget it and get yourself furious in a self-destructive way, sometimes you have to remember:
Not every post you see is for you! Not every post is about you!
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stormyoceans · 27 days ago
im sorry im literally so sorry i thought i could deal with this like a mentally stable and well balanced human being but unfortunately i've never been normal about anything ever and junpo has officially become my roman empire nobody look at me
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mctwinkdom · 2 years ago
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they have that timeless look
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year ago
Chapter 2: Arrival In which the gang arrives safely--mostly--in Baldur's Gate, and Ar'nel starts to meet his family. Including his Aunt Karlach.
MASSIVE Act III spoiler warnings from here on out! This is a postgame-by-about-ten-years reunion fic; turn around if you don't want detailed endgame spoilers for the routes that I, personally, find most consistent and compelling for various characters.
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kacchanbiased · 7 months ago
I love seeing fanart of bakugou and deka being in love or tender with each other knowing in canon that despite the improvements to their relationship they're doomed to always keep a safe distance apart
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year ago
My problem is that I think of really great plot twists/reveals/gut wrenching horrible moments full of pain that happen like waaaaaay down the line of a story and nothing for the beginning middle or end and I want nothing more than to talk about it because it’s literally so wonderful but also it’s literally the biggest spoiler for when I actually write it.
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silkhy-john · 1 year ago
[on a random online forum]
Green: hey idiots. Noticed that when I stare at my rival too long he starts to sparkle and my heart starts beating faster. Also happens when I think of him. Has my hate for him and sense of competition reached a new level?
Silver: same question
Cheren: ditto except for the ‘hate’ bit
Gladion: .
Lucas: hey everyone, hate to be the one to tell you this but…
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starrynyxa · 9 months ago
sometimes the only way out is through 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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oelendil · 8 days ago
it's wild that when l.o.t.r came out i disliked eo.wyn so much ... LIKE younger me never understood that a.ragorn realized that she had been through PRETTY much the same loss and loss of self that he had been through ; she was displaced and very much lonely. also not for nothing in the extended version there are moments he's , well ... he's so polite / acts like he doesn't know what to do but that's actually worse (lol) , but they were also more alike than i thought. pile on top of that, that not every day is promised and there's a WAR going on and --- also perhaps him being uh - 87; he's lived and seen enough cruelness so he's not going to be unkind, he will always choose good and has a good heart. he's given up love a million times for the greater cause. he admired her strength , her bravery , and that meant more to him than anything else. so seeing this now being older i'm like 'i get that whole storyline now' - basically eo.wyn has become a favorite of mine and (!!!) - this is how i feel.
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hazardsoflove · 7 months ago
i do really love how your choices from other da games affect inquisition so much because it turned my warden and alistair’s love story into a horrible tragedy against my will
#alistair didnt want to be king so i made sure he stayed a warden like he wanted > i let him kill loghain > i wanted us both to live#so we could be together so we went through with morrigans ritual and both live > alistair is the warden friend of hawkes > the sacrifice is#between hawke and alistair which to me is an impossible choice that took me like. a good amount of time to decide and i eventually decided#to sacrifice alistair because i spent all of da2 with hawke and shaping him and i didnt want to lose him. so my warden lost alistair instead#and its soooo tragic bc i was abt to ask him about her and he talked abt her w so much love#*able not abt#and you can get a letter from the hero of fereldan and she says to take care of him and shes not going through all this just to lose him to#the inquisition. and its down to me to decide and i make her worst nightmare come true by having him stay behind#when talking abt my warden alistair had a line that was like when im done here we’ll be together forever this time and looking back it makes#me sooooo sick and sad bc they went through w morrigans ritual so they could both live and be together but one of them ends up dying young#anyway. the only comfort i get from that is that instead of the year they wouldve gotten if they didnt go through with morrigans ritual#they got ten so at least they had some time but i wish they had more but i couldnt bring myself to sacrifice hawke bc that felt too personal#and i didnt want to do it in front of varric bc he was in my party and i didnt want him to lose him in general and i couldnt leave anders#alone bc thats my baby and i went through so much to keep him safe and i will continue to do that#anyway its just so interesting how everything plays out depending on how you choose to play the other games#like im doing a full replay and im specifically making alistair king so he survives#and my warden is a human noble so theyll be married#r.txt
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inpursuitofnunchi · 10 months ago
Doctor who - the quantum mechanics of the sci-fi genre - it's as absurd as it is relevant.
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sysig · 2 years ago
Hm ok what's your favorite or a really cool worlbuilding thing you've done? For any fandom or original or even an unimplemented idea
Hmm well at least in the past decade, my big worldbuilding projects have mostly come down to three-ish stories: Other Side of the Gun, Adventures of Gæilo and Ethon, and Just Desserts
OSG was an Invader ZiM fancomic concept I started around 2013 to justify every single Irken headcanon I ever came up with lol - I never finished it, or even really started it, but I put a lot of time and energy into its roughs back in the day :)
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^A stick figure recap of Ch. 1, inspired by - what else - the Vargas stick figure recaps lol
One that you can see over here is all the work I did for my DnD campaign, AGE! (Though its sideblog hasn't been updated in a while haha - the AGE tag over here works just as well) I basically homebrewed a pantheon and had an absolute blast designing all the gods and their forms before they became gods and even things like architectural differences in their churches and the BBEG and his motivations and just ah <3 Such a fun project :D
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It also laid the groundwork for things like Pokemon Homestyle, specifically all my papercrafts! You can really see how I leveled up haha
And my latest has been Just Desserts! Even with less time under its belt, it's still pretty expansive, as evidenced by my icon and theme and the backlog lol, and it's the one I have the most AUs of! (Though OSG does come close actually haha) There are still some thorny details I'm trying to iron out, especially to do with the magic system, but all the characters and creatures and the fact that I made my own fighting minigame, ah, pleased! I've never been so happy with a sona before Charm! ♥ From the very beginning it's been so fun to work on and I still want to improve!
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#Long post#There have been others of course - things like BunBonBop and TMatM and quite a handful of original species lol#I was also involved in an IZRP that got very in depth which is where Bar comes from actually!#As well as my brief stint into being a TGWDLM askblog lol soz to everyone over there ouq#And little stories like Karera no Kotogara and Yanderapy but those mostly set in cartoon-reality y'know?#No magic or sci fi there haha#Man looking back through the OSG stuff kinda makes me wanna unstore Ch. 0 - I've grown a lot since then!#To the point where it almost doesn't feel ''mine'' anymore haha - it has been almost ten years! Maybe to celebrate its anniversary :)#Also yeah if you look hard enough I've been in love with and inspired by Vargas for as long as I've known about it haha#AGE was so much fun <3 I would like to get back to it someday but picking back up after so long is hard!#I still hold all of them fondly of course ♥ Mar especially since they were the tipping point for me loving spiders :D#It's hard to believe Just Desserts is already four years deep! It still feels so new to me haha#I know I big up Charm and her design a lot lol but for me it really is exactly what I want <3 It's my perfect :)#I still really want to get into 3D modeling to make her as I originally envisioned her!#If I had the funds I'd absolutely commission someone but tbh I don't know many names on that side of art haha#I've also heard about people who give advice/brainstorming sessions for magic systems and I've been intrigued ever since :0#I'd love to sit down with someone and hash out Exactly how their magic works! It feels like it just needs a few more pushes!#Then again that's what I said about the TVAU outfits too haha ♪ Maybe it would all fall into place!#To the base question tho: I never know how to qualify ''implemented'' - does just putting it out there as a concept count?#Writing a story? Making a comic? A series? Polished? Completed?? Where's the line haha#I'm always so full of ideas but focusing on anything long enough to make it ''pretty'' is so hard for me still#I just keep creating never stopping haha
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saltwukong · 1 year ago
RWBY is the kind of fandom where you see anything posted in the "incorrect quotes" format and you just want to log off.
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