#in tom and greg’s case it is
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gregmarriage · 5 months ago
no, bc see, i’m trying to make my heart! a slow burn, but like tbh, tom already being pretty down bad and the two of them having a vibe between them is just canon tomgreg anyways, so i think we’re good 👌🏻
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tomwambsgays · 1 year ago
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hi hello! i've set up a merch shop and i've put Succession character keychain charms with limited stocks up for grabs! items are available on hand and shipping is available worldwide!
you can check them out here if you're interested!
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petercushingscheekbones · 1 year ago
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gregoftom · 2 years ago
there was a post someone made talking about how shiv used absolutely the wrong technique about trying to bring greg to her side/stop him and it’s true. in fact greg gave her a clue as to how to win his favour - make him an offer. if she offered him some sugar, he might be more inclined to lay off matsson or at least keep his mouth shut when ken asked him if anything was going on. he told her how to do it. he responds to praise and/or being taken care of. the post already covered that too but i just think it’s a good thing to keep in mind when there’s a question of a tomgregtrayal or greg firing/being involved with the firing of tom or anything of that area. i think atp it’s not at all out of pocket to believe that greg will be on tom’s side/protect him if there’s a point where he’s asked to or needs to screw over tom - because tom takes care of him and he takes care of tom. it’s symbiosis [something that’s interesting considering his zoology studies which he talks about in the scripts and how often it occurs in nature with organisms], it just wouldn’t make sense for him to take down the person who keeps him safe and has kept his word in protecting him which is a rarity if not an impossibility when it comes to the roy family. 
the way tom got greg to go with him in the nero/sporus scene is reminding him who took care of him. the final nail in the coffin for shiv’s unfortunate downfall was when she threatened greg and ignored his helpful advice, opposed to greg taking tom’s advice. 
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tomwambsgans · 2 years ago
tomgreg is about the fantasy of being able to find someone who genuinely likes that you're mean and in fact thrives very well being needed in the particular kind of fucked up way that you need someone which makes it so you don't actually have to work that much to strip away your superiority complex in order to be loved for who you are
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greguette · 2 years ago
greg trying to get with girls in the latest episodes is giving john watson going on dates and every one of them leaving him because they figure his relationship with sherlock outshines them
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graphicpolicy · 8 months ago
EC Comics returns with soul-searing tales of torment in Cruel Universe #1
EC Comics returns with soul-searing tales of torment in Cruel Universe #1 #comics #comicbooks #horror #eccomics
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cheezewhis · 2 years ago
Tomgregs waiting for season 4:
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While looking highly unlikely, based on the fact that in the upcoming episode(s) the gang is at a resort (i.e. hotel) away from the city there is the possibility that
A) Shiv and Tom are still on bad terms and not sharing a room
B) Shiv and Tom fight while on the retreat
C) Tom and Greg fight at a hotel (Gone Sexual?? 😱) theory still can happen
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shivjoys · 2 years ago
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Congrats on "Tom and Greg Make a Sex Tape" becoming 50% canon 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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honeycollie · 2 years ago
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Stole this from my twitter.
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gregoftom · 2 years ago
pretty sure i’ve seen romance movies with scenes like this
#tomgreg#where do i even start with t his horseshit okay here we fucking go.#so tom's first instinct is to go to greg when he's on shaky ground with shiv. the only way  he feels safe is to have GREG with him.#who tf would want greg as an attack dog??!?!? lets be fucking real. when he says that i think he means just a dog. just someone loyal.#who loves him and won't dick him around. i think he's pretty tired of it by now.#he wants an alliance with like. ok in this show who would you pick to ally with. i love greg but he's abso useless in terms of skills that#would keep you safe. if anything TOM would keep HIM safe. in fact tom  himself says who else has taken care of you. literally spells it out.#he even says greg is a joke; will fail; will fuck up; so what use does he have for tom other than companionship. other than love?#a dog might do tricks for you but your main reason for getting one is usually love. right? at least it should be. it would be in tom's case.#and don't even fucking get me STARTED on ''do you wanna come with me? ...sporus?" like girl.#you know what you told him about nero and sporus right. and now you're saying to him; yeah i was talking about you.#you and me. you're my favourite and i wasn't joking when i said i'd marry you.#the whole while tom is asking greg to be his attack dog his fuckin. eyes and expression we get it you're in love with  him. like it's ridic.#and all this coming with phrasing it sounds like they're fucking ELOPING. I HATE IT!!!!!! SHUT UP! stop saying that fucking shit god. god#they are so annoying. anyway#the way tom's voice breaks as he says he has things to do [what things. will i find out later.] and the deal and!!#what am i gonna do with a soul anyways... i have you what do i need it for. and as that paragraph said somewhere. he castrates his soul.#then they giggle and are fucking annoying and greg'S HANDS LOOK LIK EHE'S ABOUT TO IDK. HUG TOM? AROUND THE MIDDLE MAYBE#or do something else. and then they just hug instead and i fucking. ugh. i've had enough tbh good fucking bye
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tomwambsgans · 10 months ago
some sick and twisted part of me wants to read a succession fic that features taylor swift as a character. i just know she'd fit right in
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graphicpolicy · 9 months ago
RISE! Charlie Adlard, Christopher Cantwell, Javier Fernandez, David Lapham, Riley Rossmo and more Join EC Comics Vengeful Resurrection
RISE! Charlie Adlard, Christopher Cantwell, Javier Fernandez, David Lapham, Riley Rossmo and more Join EC Comics Vengeful Resurrection #comics #comicbooks
EC COMICS IS BACK FROM THE GRAVE … AND NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING NEXT! Oni Press has revealed the all-new cast of vile visionaries at the helm of September 2024’s two gargantuan releases pumping new blood into the iconic legacy of the immortal EC Comics: Epitaphs From the Abyss #3 and Cruel Universe #2! In anticipation of September’s frightful festivities, book your therapy appointment NOW…
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vintagelasvegas · 4 months ago
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Silver Palace to Mermaid's, 1956-2016
Silver Palace (1956), 32 Fremont St, Las Vegas. The casino was built in place of the W. R. Thomas building and had six different casinos names over its 60 years, aka Carousel Club, Gambler's Hall of Fame, Sundance West, Sally Sally's, and Mermaid's.
Silver Palace ('56-'64)
'54-55: The casino is planned in ’54. The W.R. Thomas building on this corner is deemed unsafe by the city and demolished in Jan. ’55. The casino also takes the place of Silver Cafe, closed Jan. ’55 after being sold to the casino group by owners Sui Mong Fong and Kim Fong.
'56: Silver Palace premiere opening is 5/25/56, with grand opening 6/8/56. Spinning Wheel Corp is the owner with over 20 licensees. Earl Snyder, president. Zick & Sharp, architect; Lee Linton, interior design. The casino is modern, with the city’s first escalator, casino, restaurant, and slot machines designed to resemble medieval castles. Signs by Heath Sign Co of Los Angeles. The casino is open only six months, closed by IRS, Nov. 30.
'58: Silver Palace reopens, 5/20/58, operated by Marion Hicks and parters of the Thunderbird. The restaurant is Louigi's Broiler.
'59: Silver Palace and Louigi's Broiler closed 6/30/59.
'61: Silver Palace reopened by Myron Lewis, 5/5/61.
'63: Lewis remains property landlord as Melvin Axler group takes over Silver Palace business in Oct.
Carousel Club ('64-'74)
'64: Renamed Carousel Club in Aug; Whiskey A' Go-Go in the basement floor. Carousel Club closed 9/23/64.
'65: Carousel Club reopened by B. Mclaney group in Jun. Carou-Cellar discotheque in the basement in Jul. Building sign changed to “McLaney’s Carousel.”
'67: Carousel Club licensees change to Salvator A Rizzo, Robert Ayoub, Rocco Paravia in Apr. American Federation of Casino and Gaming Employees leader Tom Hanley accuses the casino of taking orders from hidden owners, prompting Gaming Board investigation; AFCGE pickets the club in Aug-Sep. Owners close on 11/19/67 citing IRS charges.
'68: YESCO sues Carousel owners for unpaid sign lease in Jul. Marty Kutzen as Marlee Inc. buys the club with a Teamsters loan, reopens 8/30/68. “McLaney’s” removed from the sign.
'69: Al Garbian buys Marlee Inc, Carousel Club.
'73: Deil Gustafson buys Marlee Inc., Carousel Club.
Gambler's Hall of Fame ('74-'76) Sundance West ('76-'79)
'74: Carousel’s name changed Gamblers Hall of Fame in summer; remodeled by architect Lee Linton, and Ad-Art designer Charles Barnard.
'76: Gambler’s Hall closed 2/4/76 after bankruptcy petition is filed against the casino by a lender. Al Sachs buys the casino out of bankruptcy in May. Sachs reopens as Sundance West, 7/1/76. Facade updated, signs by Ad-Art.
'78: Cosmo's Underground restaurant opened by Tony Calabrese in the lower level of the building.
'79: Sundance West sold to Herb Pastor, closes for remodeling in Dec. Facade updated, signs by Ad-Art.
Sassy Sally's ('80-'99) Mermaid's ('99-'16)
'80: Reopened as Sassy Sally's, 4/1/80. Sally was the name of Pastor's babysitter.
'94: Cosmo's Underground closes.
'99: Casino remodeled as Mermaid's.
'06: Pastor sells Mermaid's, along with Glitter Gulch and La Bayou, to son Steve Burnstine (Granite Gaming Group).
'16: Burnstine sells Mermaid's, along with Glitter Gulch and La Bayou, to Derek and Greg Stevens. The property was demolished in 2017.
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Casino to Replace Oldest Building Erected Here. Review-Journal, 12/29/54; Songs May Open New Cafe. Review-Journal, 1/4/55; Appeals Group Told to Study Building Case. Review-Journal, 1/20/55; At Long Last. Review-Journal, 2/1/55; Silver Palace to Open Friday. Review-Journal, 5/24/56; Silver Palace Opens Doors on Fremont Street Friday. Review-Journal, 5/25/56; T-Men Close Silver Palace Doors. Review-Journal, 11/30/56; New Group Negotiates for Casino. RJ 7/1/59; Casino Center to Use Silver Palace for Meets. Review-Journal, 11/20/60; Carousel Padlocked by Owner. Review-Journal, 9/24/64; City Approves Carousel Licenses. Review-Journal, 4/6/67; Roy Vanett. Hidden Casino Owners Block Talks - Union. Review-Journal, 8/10/67; Gaming Pickets Hit LV Carousel. Review-Journal, 8/25/67; State Eyes LV Casino. Review-Journal, 9/26/67; Carousel Club Closes: IRS Demand Blamed. Review-Journal, 11/20/67; Carousel Wins Okay. Review-Journal, 8/30/68; Associated Press. Board OKs Nugget, Carousel stock sales. Review-Journal, 7/12/73; Garbian to be active in casino activities. Review-Journal, 12/27/74; Al Sachs hold keys to Gamblers Hall. Review-Journal, 5/3/76; Closed Down. Review-Journal, 12/7/79; Opening. Review-Journal, 3/9/80; Charles F. Barnard. The Magic Sign. ST Publications, '93.
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richeeduvie · 4 months ago
Yes to baby playing baseball with the roys, but in logan!wins au please (baby jr cheering her on)
You know this woman full on dashes to the bases like she’s in the Major Leagues 😭 to the point where it’s kinda embarrassing but also impressive. The Roys are not athletic whatsoever, they can play baseball, doesn’t mean they’re good at it. You can make a case for Shiv because my headcanon is that she did ballet until she was like 13. Baby’s just extremely competitive.
Maybe she could’ve been a ball player in another life, she’s actually very good. But we’ll never know.
“Go, Mommy!”
Baby Jr has no idea what’s going on, but that her mommy’s winning, maybe - going from second base to third so easily. Tom doesn’t even have a chance of tagging her out. He’s ass at being a shortstop.
Baby Jr’s on the grass next to Logan.
“Tom, come on!”
“Honey - I didn’t know my semi-employee-buddy was speedy Gonzalez. Speedy honorary Roy. Damn it.”
“You’re not playing for the Mets, love.”
It’s Logan sitting down. He knows what he’s doing by mentioning the New York Mets to Baby. She’s got her hands on her hips.
“You had a perfectly successful New York team to mention and you choose the Mets. How dare you.”
She smiles. Logan smiles. Roman’s out of view.
“Ow! What the fuck, man?”
Greg’s hit in the face with a ball. Roman shrugs at him.
“That’s not even how you play the game, man - I think-“
“Out, Eggy!”
Baby Jr giggles, it makes Roman happy, but it drips off his face when he sees Logan smiling down at her.
“Come on, Frank! Get a hit! That’s all I need!”
Baby claps. She’s so competitive that she’ll yell at her not-father.
Frank swings and misses, strike one.
“You can do it, grandpa!”
That gets people silent. Logan stares down at his little daughter.
Frank does not swing. It’s a ball. 1 ball, 1 strike. Then he swings, gets a hit. People sorta cheer, his knees might give out, but Baby is getting to home plate with ease.
Tom tried throwing the ball to first baseman Shiv to tag Frank out, which was the stupidest idea he could have thought in that moment.
Baby Jr jumps with her little legs.
“Yay, Mommy!”
A point is scored, Baby screams like a man, stiffly moving her arms in what looks like a rage - but it’s all complete, aggressive joy.
Logan blinks. Roman scratches his head.
Baby comes up to kiss one of them.
“I did it for you, are you proud of me?”
“I think it’s safe to say you did that entirely for yourself.”
Logan accepts the kiss on the cheek. Baby Jr hugs her mommy’s leg.
“Our very own Babe Roy.”
Tom catches Roman’s mutter, but he’ll act like he didn’t.
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