#teleri are great
Elrond, talking to erestor: i would love to find lake cuivinen and see the place our ancestors first awakened at.
Legolas, just here for a quick visit: would-would you like directions? Cuivienen was never lost, idk why you think it is-
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In the country where your cousins live, the head of state of an ethnic minority has been assassinated and his people’s greatest assets stolen or destroyed. They are forced to beg your cousins for help, who refuse, and they fall to fighting and a pyrrhic victory.
They are exiled and seek asylum, coming through political turmoil in two separate and suffering hosts to your country. Do you a) offer them aid and unite against a common threat, or b) bar many entrance to your realm (the only politically stable area), restrict the places they’re allowed to go, and ban their native language?
Thingol wants to make Doriath great again.
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lordgrimwing · 10 months
sometimes I think about how
The Vanyar and Noldor must celebrate when Oromë returns from his other duties to lead them again toward Valinor. Because, sure, they don't want the journey to end but they love Oromë and seeing what's beyond the horizon.
They sing. They dance. They paint each other's skin with every color under the stars.
They are full of joy.
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southfarthing · 2 years
crazy that elrond is just walking around in his garden with his hobbit friend reading books and eating dinner or something and then you remember he's. the great grandson of THEEE LUTHIEN. the luthien of legend!!! and then the great grandson of TURGON! literal KING OF GONDOLIN. and then you calm down a bit and then immediately stop again because now you've remembered that if we go back another generation we've reached THINGOL and FINGOLFIN – the merging of elwë and finwë's folk. you know, the OGs?? he could (theoretically) be king of both the sindar (and all the teleri tbh) and the noldor......... that's like 2/3 of the big three groups of elves? he's one of the only living descendants of the high kings of the past, and not in a ridiculously distant way like aragorn is. he... he could be the king of the whole world honestly. and he isn't. he doesn't want to be.......he wants to be the lord of a haven where people can rest and heal and grow and learn and talk and love.......he chooses peace and serenity and safety over glory. he's his ancestors but actually successful. he's the sun. he's beautiful. he's as strong as a warrior. he's as wise as a wizard. he's as kind as summer. he's the bestest boy in the whole world. I'm eating my hat
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polutrope · 2 months
To be clear. This blog is pro-Elves. All Elves. Fëanorians, yes, but Nolofinwëans, Arafinweans, even Un-finweans. Teleri, Sindar (but how can you be pro-Feanorian and-- *bites you*), Nandor, Avari. Half-elves and Elf-man, too. All Elves are great, and all Elves did *something* wrong.
Love them for that.
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shrikeseams · 2 days
Now I love a counter-textual interpretation as much as the next bitch, but textually, when Feanor approached the Teleri during the flight,
He invited them to go with the Noldor, rather than just asked to borrow their boats (I had fully forgotten this and it's honestly so under-used): "He resolved now therefore to persuade the Teleri, ever friends to the Noldor, to join with them[...]"
The Valar's stated policy is given as an explicit reason the Teleri chose against the Noldor. I don't read it as that being the only reason, but unless you're going against the published text that is part of their decision: "But the Teleri were unmoved by aught that he could say. They were grieved indeed at the going of their kinsfolk and long friends, but would rather dissuade them than aid them; and no ship would they lend, nor help in the building, against the will of the Valar."
As stated in the quote above: the Teleri wouldn't even teach the Noldor to build boats. This is not just natural reluctance to give away prized possessions. This is actively gatekeeping essential knowledge for the Noldor to depart Aman in any degree of physical safety, specifically because of the Valar.
"And [Olwe] had never lent ear to Morgoth, nor welcomed him to his land, and he trusted still that Ulmo and the other great among the Valar would redress the hurts of Morgoth, and that the night would pass yet to a new dawn." I do wonder how long that confidence lasted. Did it survive the kinslaying? Did it survive centuries of the valar's idleness, with a slow but steady stream of reimbodied sindar reporting on Morgoth's efforts, wholly unchecked by the valar and only erratically checked by the Noldor and their allies? Did it survive the drowning of Numenor?
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valinorianyears · 5 months
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Day 3: Gondolin | House of the Golden Flower | Nobility | Friendship
A sunny afternoon in one of the many stairways near Glorfindels gardens, Glorfindel and Duilin enjoying a cup of tea. They're both such gossips: Glorfindel having grown up in the courts of Tirion, loving discovering the secrets of the other nobles, and later even spying for Elenwe, has great fun chatting with Gondolins own spymaster. Duilin, Lord of the House of the swallow, a half teleri who was elevated into lordship only in Gondolin, chief of the swallows, the spies of the city, knows exactly what happened when and where. They're sadly also a bit impulsive and start fights easily with each other, sharp tongues and cheeky, but they share a deep friendship none the less.
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tanoraqui · 7 months
the Kinslaying at Alqualondë is sooo interesting because it is both the Noldor's original sin (everything before that was just family drama and/or dramatic, if binding, rhetoric) and the LEAST of their great crimes. Eonwë literally does not name it when saying why the House of Fëanor has lost their right to the Silmarils; he highlights the other two Kinslayings - "and most of all because of their slaying of Dior and their assault upon the Havens" - but not Alqualondë. It is a BLATANTLY obvious parallel to Morgoth coming in the Darkness, killing Finwë and stealing the Silmarils, for "these [ships] are to us as are the gems of the Noldor; the work of our hearts, whose like we shall not make again." The Noldor did NOT plan to start killing: "[Fëanor] went to the Haven of the Swans and began to man the ships that were anchored there and to take them away by force. But the Teleri withstood him, and cast many of the Noldor into the sea. Then swords were drawn, and a bitter fight was fought upon the ships..." [emphasis mine] It's not clear who made the first killing blow, but actual weapons were clearly drawn only AFTER the Teleri proved themselves willing and able to fight. Did Fëanor mean to simply intimidate them into giving him the ships? Did he think Olwë only refused because he was cowed by the Valar, and would surely give aid with a nod and a wink if he had an excuse? Every single one of these people had grown up in blessed peace, except those who had Journeyed, who still (so far as we know) had no experience of battle. The only person other than Fëanor named as playing a key part in the whole mess is Fingon, "rush[ing] in before they knew rightly the cause of the quarrel", portrayed in all the rest of the text as the closest the Silmarillion gets to an archetypal hero. It was the greatest loss of peace and collective innocence that Aman ever faced, and it was such a MESS.
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cilil · 6 months
I like to hc that, much like us (the fandom), the Valar also have their blorbos and special little guys.
Manwë is (canonically) besties with the Vanyar, Ulmo with the Teleri, Aulë with the Noldor, plus of course his Dwarves. Varda is the fan favorite of all Elves and loves them (she got so excited about them in Lost Tales, it was so cute).
Oromë brought the Mearas as a gift and got super excited that an entire kingdom of horse girls was formed. He loves the Rohirrim and sometimes disguises himself as one of them to sneak into their hunting parties. Vána is in on it too.
Yavanna and Irmo absolutely adore Hobbits and blessed them with a great love for quiet countrysides and the charming ability to just enjoy life and its good things. Irmo also visited them in disguise and brought pipeweed to make friends. Aulë and Yavanna ship Bagginshield.
Nienna, as usual, loves everyone, but has a special soft spot for Orcs because they need someone on their side. She probably adopted them already and forced Námo to go along with it and let her have them whether he wanted to or not.
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Guys, guys!
Do you think that, via elven eye sight, elves can still see the stars even during the day?
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meluiloth · 5 months
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My drawing for @silmarillionepistolary day 4, Friendship and Alliance!
It has been a long time since Finwë drew anything … it didn’t feel right without his muse. Besides, he has been too busy raising his son, Fëanáro, whose tumultuous temperament lives up to his name - though, despite being still very young, he has shown great intelligence and creativity. Finwë’s duties as High King of the Noldor have also filled up his time, but it has also opened up so many opportunities for learning more about the world and people around him.
On the top left is Círdan, a Telerin mariner and good friend of Finwë’s. Though his people came to Valinor later, Finwë was the first to welcome them - and since then the Noldor and the Teleri have been friends. The Teleri’s beaches are rich with jewels and pearls which they gladly trade with the Noldor.
What really inspired him to draw again is the Vanyar princess, Indis, a gentle and outgoing woman with hair like spun gold. Finwë tries to avoid her - and the feelings for her that have gradually been growing in him - but there is something in her smile that makes him want to smile too, in the way that only his late wife could before.
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edennill · 10 months
1st age Beleriand dashboard Simulator
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🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Yeah, Thingol kind of flew off the handle with banning Quenya and all that, but why on Arda are people now justifying the Kinslaying in response?? have some nuance and also, that's just plain horrible.
✨ btw-this-is-hopeless following
hope it's fine to copy your tags, mithrim, because they're great:
#I mean I know this is probably because they've taken part in the kinslaying themselves #but #can't you just admit you did wrong and move on? #in so far as it is possible because of course forgetting would be disrespectful and unwise #because the consequences are with us still #but it should be way more comfortable than being on your defences all the time #always ready to rationalize or deny #with a conscience you cannot silence
✴️ eightpointedstar83
I am tired of typing this out again and again but Alqualondë could have been averted had the teleri been less self-centred and readier to cooperate. Thingol is just another example of this attitude. But of course, please deny that the third clan is what it is and pin the blame on the people who saved everyone's skins.
We have done nothing wrong and yet our own people are turning on us. One day you will rue this.
Long live the house of Fëanor!
💝 heart-in-a-box
This is just the sort of behaviour OP was talking about.🤦‍♀️
🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Admittedly, this seems to be a fanatical Fëanorian and more committed than the average apologist of his/her own actions - but yes.
#current events #thingol's quenya ban #my post
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🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
finished another canto of the noldolante today
🌖 hunters-moon
you have a tumblr account??!
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
do I know you?
🌖 hunters-moon
yes :)
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
wait - yeah, I do...
which of the twins are you?
🌖 hunters-moon
how did you know😮???
he looked through your blog, nitwit :)
🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find you two out of all possible people on here...
so - which is which?
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🌸 a-flower-in-the-snow following
himring winters are horrible and I hate my parents for bringing me to middle-earth
#rant #children of exilse #i meant #children of exiles #coe
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🏞️ the-wide-earth-unexplored following
Y'all weren't joking when y'all said the Sirion is impressive...
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(more photos under cut)
read more
#photography #nature photography #nature #sirion #falls of sirion
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🖼️ wonder-the-earth
is it still a secret city when everyone is talking about it?
👰🏼‍♀️ celebrin following
that's a good question
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👤 incessant-leaves following
It makes me sick to see all those positive nostalgic posts about the Mereth Aderthad. How pretty the pools of Ivrin were or weren't doesn't change the fact that THE NOLDOR WERE HIDING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE KINSLAYING THE WHOLE TIME. Yeah "everyone was kind" back then. You were feasting together with people whose cousins you had killed and have the audacity to complain they don't like you as much anymore. I don't care if you're a Sinda or a Noldo who "didn't take part in it" - if you say anything positive about it I'm blocking you.
#mereth aderthad #the truth about ivrin
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💎 lord-maedhros-is-the-true-king
Things they don't want you to know about Fëanaro:
read more
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🏹 huntingprincess following
with all due respect, gondolin is the most boring place in the world.
🌼 golden-flower
it's not. but you're entitled to your opinion.
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
if only all debates on here were as civil...
👤 incessant-leaves
OP is a kinslayer apologist. Didn't you check that out before you started praising them?
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
*throws hands up*
I was admiring that one exchange.
(and this was actually more about @golden-flower's response than about OP)
#this site...
2009 notes
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image used for Sirion: link
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niennawept · 5 months
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Warning(s): None Rating: Gen Summary: The origins of moon dumplings, shared amongst all branches of elven kindred, are a source of frequent arguments, both culinary and scholarly.
An annotated copy of a recipe book from Nargothrond before its fall
To make moon dumplings:
A short time before moonrise, take a good amount of ground corn (as was the gift of the Valar for the Great Journey) and by gradations, add to it enough water to make a fine dough. Knead this with your hands until it is well combined. Allow the dough to rest under the light of Tilion’s full face for a time.[1] Knead the dough afterward until it is smooth. Allow this to rest again until the moon’s face is the breadth of one finger above the horizon and the dough feels as soft as a fawn’s ear. Divide the dough into four parts. Keeping one out, cover the others with a dark cloth so that they absorb no more light.
Pluck a piece of dough from the ball that is as wide as a thumb from tip to first joint. Flatten this to a disc and then, roll it flat with a pin using more ground corn to prevent the moon dough sticking. Place a good amount of filling[2] on top and carefully pleat the edges shut, using water if necessary to seal. The finished dumpling should be the shape of a crescent moon.
[1] The amount of time for the first resting of the dough is a matter of heated debate among the various branches of elvenkind. While the Exilic Noldor say that it can rest no longer than seven minutes, Vanyar sources claim that precisely fourteen minutes is optimal, in honor of the Valar themselves. The Teleri and Sindar agree that the dough can rest for up to ten minutes, but disagree on the manner by which the time to knead again is decided. The Teleri say that it should be done once the surface of the dough has a pearlescent sheen to it; the Sindar say it must be done when a cloud breaks the moon’s gaze or the full time has elapsed, whichever comes first. The Nandor are an outlier, who claim that dough for moon dumplings is only ready after twenty full minutes at rest. Notably, all of the other groups agree that this is too long of an exposure and produces a tough dough with an overwhelming flavor.
[2] The source declines to describe what manner of filling should be used, and consequently, the original filling is also a matter of intense research. During the early part of the Second Age, the scholar, Díril of Lindon, undertook a lengthy project, traveling across Middle-earth and even into the East to interview elves who could remember when moon dumplings first arose within their communities. This undertaking did not result in consensus.
For @silmarillionepistolary week
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echo-bleu · 1 year
Noldor hair headcanons (1/4)
With AO3 down, it seems like a good time for some good old tumblr bullet-point pseudo-fic (I'll post it on AO3 eventually).
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | On AO3
Note: Inspiration for some parts of this came from @mynameisjessejk's wonderful Otter Mayhem series which you should go read when it's possible again.
The Noldor wear their hair in elaborate braids.
Hairstyle is a status thing, so noble Noldor have the most complex styles. They’re meant to show off craft, so there’s a lot of jewellery and gemstones involved, and the nobles’ hairstyles purposefully can’t be self-braided.
But touching hair is a very intimate thing and it’s never done by servants, always by family (spouse, siblings, parents or children). It’s a show of love and respect, if someone has a particularly complex hairstyle it’s supposed to mean that they’re well-loved.
Now Finwë as the king must have the most complex hairstyle of all. Míriel was of course very good at it, she’d weave and sew beads into his hair every morning, making each hairstyle a work of art.
When she fades, Fëanor is still really young, and he has to learn real quick to do his father’s hair, which he of course takes as a challenge. He starts making all of Finwë’s hair jewellery himself, he experiments with dozens of braiding styles. In the early months/years of their grief Finwë finds a lot of comfort in having his hair braided and they’ll both spend entire days beside Míriel’s body, with Fëanor braiding his father’s hair over and over.
Then Indis comes along, and hair braiding is traditionally the spouse’s work. It’s very hard for Fëanor not to feel like he’s been replaced (and not just his mother), especially since Indis has zero interest in it and Finwë’s hairstyles grow markedly simpler. Which is also not great for his reputation.
Nerdanel and Fëanor, once they marry, are extremely competitive and keep trying to outdo each other’s braids. It’s highly entertaining to outsiders, especially since it’s the only remnant of the Crown Prince’s more playful side. When little Maitimo comes out with red hair like Nerdanel’s, Fëanor bitches about having to make even more copper jewellery (he’s secretly overjoyed because he loves Nerdanel’s hair).
Fëanor is also careful to always have better braids than his half brothers, though Findis starts braiding Fingolfin and Finarfin’s hair as soon as she’s old enough, and she’s pretty good at it, unlike Indis.
Anairë’s hair texture is very different from anyone Fingolfin knows. He’s never been that into hair before, but he learns to do her braids with his tongue poking out. Once she figures out what to do with straight hair, she braids his into brand new styles that Fëanor is terribly jealous of.
Fingon has extremely thick kinky hair that takes a ridiculously long time to braid, and he’s very proud of it, thank you very much.
Thankfully for Fingolfin and Anairë, none of their other children have hair quite as thick.
Eärwen is Teleri and keeps her hair mostly loose. She wants none of that nonsense, especially not gems in her hair, come on. If she puts anything in her hair it’s gonna be pearls. She’ll do Finarfin’s hair if he really insists on it but if he wants the children to follow Noldor rites so much, he’ll have to take care of it himself. (He’s pretty good at it, actually.)
Maedhros and Fingon start doing each other’s hair in secret before Fëanor’s exile.
Celegorm switches from Noldor style to hunting braids when he joins Oromë’s hunt. They’re more practical and involve a lot less metal.
People have whole legends about how great it must be to braid Artanis’s hair, but it’s actually really fine and fragile and a nightmare. She insists that the only one who can do it right is Finrod. He tries to foist that chore on others a lot.
Aredhel and Curufin bond over hating to have their hair touched (sensory issues). Eventually they start doing each other’s hair because they know what to avoid.
Fëanor asking Galadriel for her hair is an Actual Taboo given that they’re not close (by the time Gimli asks, Galadriel has adopted Sindarin hair practices, but it’s also a fuck-you to Fëanor that she accepts).
At Losgar, (lightly-toasted) Amrod has part of his hair burned off. He is, after that, the very first elf to sport a side-cut, as hair won’t grow back over the scars. He never let anyone but his twin do his hair again.
Crossing the Helcaraxë, Fingolfin’s people try to keep up with tradition, but hair-braiding is hard when your fingers are constantly frozen stiff.
Still, Fingon insists on doing his father’s hair every day, even when he nearly loses fingers to frostbite.
He refuses to let anyone do the same for him, though, and he’s the first to start braiding his own hair. That’s when he starts braiding in golden ribbons, because they’re easier to do than beads, and frozen metal can burn skin.
Gradually they move away from long flowing braids and start making up crown-braid styles that protect their ears. As they progress, braiding becomes less and less about status and more and more practical.
Turgon and Elenwë (who adopted the Noldor style upon marrying) still keep to the tradition and braid each other’s hair and Idril’s right up until Elenwë dies. After that Turgon doesn’t let anyone touch his hair again until Gondolin (and then only Idril).
Finrod and Galadriel do each other’s hair. Galadriel’s fine, brittle hair suffers a lot in the cold, and for a long time she’s afraid that it will never go back to its former glory. It does eventually, but it takes decades.
In Beleriand, Maglor’s main contribution as King Regent is the invention of Mourning Braids (and also a slightly unhealthy number of laments).
Let’s be honest, he’s wearing them more for Maedhros than for Fëanor or Finwë, even though Maedhros is demonstrably still alive.
(No one thinks that will last.)
(Maglor can’t go save his brother and the guilt is staggering.)
(For some reason, Curufin is the one who does Maglor’s impossibly complex Kingly Mourning Braids.)
Then Helcaraxë Team arrives with their frozen fingers and their crown braids and It’s A Mess, Actually.
The Sun has just risen and Fingon’s golden ribbons are really blinding, no one can even look at him.
Listen, they haven’t had proper light in about forty years, they’re really light-sensitive now.
Everyone argues, Fingon makes at least two attempts to sneak out to Thangorodrim but he’s caught because he’s just way too shiny.
Third time’s the charm.
The only reason Maedhros doesn’t see him before he hears him is that he’s even more light-sensitive and just keeps his eyes closed. Also he’s tired. So very tired.
In Angband, Sauron took great pleasure in hacking Maedhros’s hair off and messing with it. When he’s rescued, what has regrown is a tangled, discoloured mess and they have to cut it all off.
Fingon stays with Maedhros a lot throughout his (physical) recovery, which in my mind takes at least the 55 years between his rescue and Dagor Aglareb, and he braids Maedhros’s hair every day, even at the start when it’s barely past his ear. Eventually Maedhros stops fighting and crying when someone touches his hair.
Fingon does tone down the golden ribbons eventually. Mostly because he runs out of Valinorian gold and has to do with Beleriand gold, which just isn’t the same.
To be continued.
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serene-faerie · 3 days
A list of Thingol’s most unlikely friendships in Aman:
Celebrimbor: I’ve spoken about this before, but thanks to his sincere repentance and his efforts in helping Lúthien escape captivity, Celebrimbor is the only Fëanorian to earn Thingol’s respect and friendship. It also helps that Celebrimbor is genuinely interested in learning more about Lúthien, and Thingol is more than happy to share stories about his daughter with him. He also encourages Celebrimbor to meet with Melian so she can help him come to terms with the trauma of his betrayal by Sauron. Thanks to this, their unlikely friendship becomes quite strong.
Turgon: Even though Turgon is younger than Thingol, they’re able to bond over the fact that their daughters both fell in love with and married mortal Men. Thingol is occasionally envious of Turgon, since Idril is still alive, but Turgon helps him and Melian work through the lingering grief of losing Lúthien and Beren, which eases those feelings of jealousy. Plus, they both like to trade stories about their daughters and realms, and they also bond over their shared grudge for most of the Fëanorians.
Finarfin: Since Thingol already has a high opinion of Finrod, he most definitely gets along with Finrod's own father; that is, after he apologizes to him for inadvertently getting Finrod killed on the Quest for the Silmaril. Finarfin is also very grateful for Thingol's friendship, since Thingol lets him vent about his messed-up family; much like how Olwë used to back when he was first courting Eärwen. He also makes sure to apologize to Thingol for the Kinslaying at Alqualondë, since the Teleri are kindred with Thingol, who really appreciates the apology. Basically, Finarfin also becomes a regular guest at New Doriath, and because of his genuine interest in the Sindar and their way of living, he's able to have a strong friendship with the Sindarin king.
Idril: Despite how different she is from Lúthien, there's something about Idril that still reminds Thingol very much of his own daughter. Maybe it's her courage. Or maybe he just misses Lúthien a lot. Regardless, Thingol becomes very fond of Idril, who is also very curious to learn about her daughter-in-law's great-grandfather. Idril is also eager to learn about Lúthien, the first Elleth to fall in love with a mortal Man, and Thingol is more than happy to share his stories with her.
Legolas: When Legolas shows up to Aman, he quickly becomes one of Thingol's most favorite people. After all, he was part of the Fellowship of the Ring, and he's the son of Thranduil, who had been a young elfling back in Doriath. Legolas is also really excited to meet Thingol, having heard many stories about him and the realm of Doriath from his grandfather Oropher. They spend a lot of time together, sharing stories about their respective Elven realms. Legolas shares stories about the Woodland Realm, about what it was like being raised by Thranduil, and Thingol is more than happy to share stories about the beauty of Doriath as well. He's also quite curious about Legolas's friendship with Gimli, who is also just as curious to meet Thingol. Despite an awkward start, Thingol and Gimli warm up to one another, so he also becomes one of Thingol's new friends in Aman.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 5 days
i want to know what happened to thingol's parents. clearly they were alive at the beginning of the great journey since elmo was born during it, but if i have my timeline straight, by the time thingol vanishes for years in nan elmoth, he's become one of the principal leaders of the teleri. does that mean his parents died sometime between those events? was full kingship and responsibility suddenly thrust on thingol with their demise? or was he already in that position even while they were still alive? we can extrapolate that he indubitably had a role of considerable influence and respect even before his parents' deaths, since he along with ingwe and finwe are the ones chosen to act as ambassadors for the valar -- which would have happened during a time when his parents were definitively still alive. on top of all that, when do they die? definitely by the time doriath is established thingol does not in the least seem to be someone whose mother and father are still living. hmmmm
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