#teen Titans: Fireworks
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aulysoldacc · 11 months ago
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"A hot cocoa."
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blogjhm · 2 years ago
When they saw the finale of the fireworks everything was amazing
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suffocating-is-bad · 2 years ago
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The fireworks are loud and so are the car alarms. Today is the Fourth of July, so I'll be typing about Revolution. Revolution is the seventh episode of season three and the overall 33rd episode of the Teen Titans series. It is so goofy. "King Moddy the First" brainwashed everyone in the city. The city looks so weird and trippy. For example, the sky is the British Flag. Honestly, just some good fun, especially if you want to see some British butt be kicked. It isn't as good for the historical facts though. Also... GO STARFIRE!! My girl understands democracy even if she's an alien who comes from a warrior race that has a single ruler.
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pinkiemachine · 20 days ago
Hi- it's the anon who asked about potential Dami love interests. I'd LOVE to hear more!!!
*cracks knuckles*
Dear little Damian is a troubled soul, and sadly he takes after both his parents. A travesty, I know. When trying to root around the comics and surrounding media for that one perfect love interest that everyone agrees on, I didn’t find anything except maybe Flatline, but even that’s not unanimous, and I myself am part of the reason it’s not unanimous. When I thought about it reeeally hard, I realised why the idea of putting Damian in a relationship at all has felt so tricky up until now. In short: kid’s messed up and probably shouldn’t be dating at all. A travesty, I know.
But I didn’t let that stop me!
I’m just kidding, I did, BUT THEN I had a BETTER idea!
Ahem, ahem…
Chapter 1:
In my AU, the story goes like this: Damian had never given love a second thought. He was told that one day he would need to marry to continue the Al Ghul bloodline, but nothing more. Actually, it was entirely possible that he would wind up in an arranged marriage, so it was something he really, really hadn’t bothered to think about. Then, when he turned 14, he joined the Teen Titans as their leader and met Princess Amethyst. Heir to the throne of Gemworld, temporarily on Earth due to story shenanigans, but must go back home eventually to reclaim her kingdom.
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Amethyst (or Amy) became a member of the TT shortly after arriving on Earth, and at first, Damian purely saw her as an underling, but Amethyst, oh, she didn’t stand for that. See, she was raised in the courts of the Gem Palace. She had received the best education money could buy, she had been personally tutored in magic since the age of four, and she was a well-bred young lady. Whenever Damian wanted to, he got lippy and snarky and smarter-than-you toward just about anyone, but when he did it to Amy, he got back what he served and then some. Amy didn’t shrink from his angry, snide tone, she didn’t hesitate when he got philosophical or witty, she could spit facts and wax poetically as fast as he could, and she didn’t take any of his insults lying down. The other Teen Titans would often stand on the sidelines in fear and morbid entertainment as they watched the two of them go back and forth, arguing for hours sometimes. Honestly, if you asked any of them if Damian and Amy got along, they’d probably tell you they were mortal enemies. And yet, both of them found themselves willingly plunging into each argument as if they had been eagerly awaiting it. As if this other person was the first person in a long time who could actually stand on their intellectual level and not bat en eye.
Well, a few missions go by and this remains the status quo. No major relationship changes of any kind, just lots of back and forth banter.
The TT were on one mission in particular and it involved a shapeshifter. It’s nighttime, the team is in this big old abandoned building, they know this shapeshifter character is around somewhere, then they get attacked, and the group is split. Damian and Amethyst wind up alone. Together. In a section of the building. Amy suddenly appears distraught. She turns to Damian, blinking her big eyes, and while no one else is around to hear her she asks if he’s ever… felt for another person before. Damian… stares blankly at her. “Uh…” (Internally, warning bells are blaring, and he doesn’t know what to do.) Amy comes closer to him, and asks him if he’s ever felt… like he wanted to kiss someone before. Damian continues to stare blankly. “Uh…” (Inwardly, there are no more thoughts, only panic and melt down! He was never trained for this!) Amy hesitates, feeling sure that he wouldn’t understand, and for a moment, Damian thinks he’s in the clear, but then Amy changes her mind, musters her courage, and kisses him! Goosebumps. Hair standing on end. Fireworks. The whole shebang! …And then Damian falls unconscious. Yeah, that wasn’t Amethyst. That was the shapeshifter! It’s Nobody, by the way 👇 Yeah, I wanted to give her shapeshifting, because I think it would be cool for her character and other plot related reasons… see previous.
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Anyway, so Damian wakes up after the mission, having been totally blindsided by Nobody, tricking him into kissing who he thought was Amy, and now he doesn’t know what to do with all that! So he pretends it never happened. No one else needs to know. And yet, he can’t help but feel some type of way whenever Amy walks by. He can’t even argue with her anymore—it makes him feel too weird! So he starts avoiding her like the plague. He doesn’t talk to her, he doesn’t look at her, she might as well not exist to him! And this… was not the smartest idea.
Ever since joining the team and meeting Damian, Amy’s felt the full sting of his insults and attacks. She’d never admit it, of course, and she tries her best to not let him get to her, but after weeks and weeks and weeks of this, she’d be lying if she said his words didn’t chip away at her heart just a little bit, wearing down her self esteem. And now, with Damian ignoring her, it only made things worse. He hated her. She was sure of it. He hated her and he wished she had never joined the team, and maybe it would better if she’d never come at all. Again, she locked these feelings away, trying her best to ignore them, but they were still there, waiting for their opportunity to make a mess, and make a mess they did.
It all came to a head after the TT came back from a botched mission. Damian was in a particularly bad mood and was tearing into some of his teammates, lecturing them about what they did wrong, and then Amy stepped up to defend them. That was the first time in weeks Damian acknowledged her, and he was savage. He didn’t pull any punches—he said aloud every single thing Amy most dreaded to hear. “You’re a burden to this team! You don’t know what you’re doing! It would be better if you’d never come to Earth at all!” Everything short of saying “I hate you.” And Amy… usually so resilient and proud and strong… finally broke. Tears slipped out before she could stop them, and she ran from the room, embarrassed. The other Titans were furious with Damian, and went to go console Amy. Even Jon, who tried his best to be patient with his friend because he knew about his awful upbringing, couldn’t defend him this time. He’d gone too far and been unnecessarily mean to someone who had only ever tried to be his friend. Jon was going to go join the others consoling her.
Damian flew back to Gotham in a rage. He spent three hours on the training course, then went up to his room and slammed the door shut. Alfred could see what was wrong the moment he set foot in the house, so he called Nightwing, hoping that the two of them could have a little chat. And chat they did. They snuck out on patrol together and Dick prodded the truth out of Damian, but he insisted that he hadn’t done anything wrong! Amy overreacted! It wasn’t his fault! Dick had to have a very long talk with him that night, and what Damian took away from it was this: Amy was his teammate, but more than that she was his friend. He can’t go around insulting her and making her cry, and the only way to stop being mean to her is to learn how to care about her and her feelings. This is a difficult concept for Damian to grasp.
The next day, Damian goes to Jon and asks him about “caring.” How does one do it? Jon does his best to explain, though he doesn’t put it quite so eloquently, and then he asks why Damian wants to know. Is this about Amy? Hmm? Does he want to care about Amy? Does he secretly like Amy? HMMM???
Damian reacts with nothing but hostility at first, rejecting such an utterly ridiculous idea, but then… he remembers the night he thought he had kissed Amy… and then he started recalling so many other things about Amy… things he admired about her… and he had to take a step back. Holy cow. He did like her. He made Jon swear to never, ever tell anyone about this under any circumstances, ever. This was a secret he would take to his grave. Especially since… Amy would leave one day, anyway. She had her kingdom to go home to. Rule as queen…
So following that conversation, Damian then goes to find Amy and apologise to her, but it doesn’t go well. Amy wants the truth out of him. No more insults or arguments or beating around the bush, she wanted to know exactly what Damian really thought of her. The truth! But Damian couldn’t tell her. She asked again. And again, he just couldn’t tell her. She left him, saying “I’ll think about accepting your apology.”
For a while, nothing more was said about it. An uneasy peace had been negotiated between the two, and while their constant ignoring of one another left the rest of the team feeling uneasy, it was at least a small improvement from constant arguing.
Finally, something came along to help set things right. During one of the big season finales, Amethyst is in mortal danger. Damian, seeing no other alternative, dives headfirst into danger, taking a bullet for her and saving her life. Amethyst refused to leave his bedside while he recovered, but once he did wake up, she made herself scarce. She was beyond grateful to him, but she couldn’t tell him that. To his face, anyway. Damian knew she was just beyond the med room door, though. He understood how she felt, and he knew the flowers by his bed were from her. He’d never appreciated flowers more in his life. But he couldn’t tell her that. Not to her face, anyway.
From that day on, Damian and Amy were on continuously improving terms, and every once in a while it wasn’t unusual for one or the other to find a gift left for them in their room or their Titans locker. Small things, usually. Get-well-soon gifts after getting injured in battle for example. They argued less, but they still never spoke to one another. Casually, that is. During missions, it was a necessity, but now they found themselves agreeing on battle strategies instead of butting heads all the time. The rest of the team was speechless.
However, all good things must come to an end. By the end of the Ultimate Teen Titans run, Amethyst’s kingdom is saved, and it’s time for her to go home and become queen. She can no longer be a Teen Titan. As she stands by the portal, waiting to take her home, she says one final goodbye to all her friends she’s come to love over the course of her stay. Lorena and Jenny… Jon, Jaime, and Virgil… and then there’s Damian. Team Captain. She gave hugs to all the others, but when she gets to Damian, she falters. In the end, all she can muster is a handshake, and all Damian can think to do is accept it. She says goodbye. He says goodbye. Even though there’s much more they wanted to say… it almost felt too cruel to say it now, on the verge of her leaving. So, Amy turns and starts walking… but that’s when Damian felt his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he’d regret not saying something now while he could—he needed to say something quickly!
She turned around at once, hoping desperately that he would say the words they had both left hanging in the air. She wanted him to tell her not to go… he wanted to beg her to stay… but…
“…I… take care of yourself…”
At once, Amy’s spirits fell so low, it was just unbearable. With a quivering lip, she gave him a smile, said, “You too,” and then vanished into the portal.
Damian was left standing there, still in shock.
Over the course of the next few weeks, Bruce would routinely go looking for Damian and find him in his room, curled up on the floor by his fireplace. Titus the Great Dane was usually close by. Damian would never admit it in a million years, but Bruce knew he had been crying, at least the first time, right after Amy had left. After that… he was in a deep depression and barely ate, barely slept, and barely went outside. He would get back into the swing of things eventually—he was the son of Batman and Talia Al Ghul for pity’s sake—but for those few weeks… while he was alone… he was just a 14-year-old boy who was beating himself up over missing his last shot to tell Amy… he loved her. And now she was gone forever.
End of Chapter 1.
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v1deo-etiquette · 4 months ago
ao3 master list ˚ · .
i write and stuff. i also have probably like 8 accounts floating around with this same post. this will be my final account i swear… hopefully
also, just to clarify, I’m formerly known as bismvthspearl to clear up confusion 💘
Droplets - https://archiveofourown.org/works/55386169
• Mature | One-Shot | Robin/Starfire (2003)
• After the events of Tokyo, all is well for Robin and Starfire's relationship until an unwelcome guest comes into play. Nothing an adorably awkward boyfriend and a shower can't fix!
The Red Dead End - https://archiveofourown.org/works/59147314/chapters/150813613
• Explicit | Ongoing | Jason Todd/Koriand’r & Dick Grayson/Koriand’r
• Starfire loves Dick Grayson and Dick Grayson loves Starfire. But, there's an old friend back in town. He sets her soul aflame. To Starfire, he's different than Dick Grayson in every way. Turns out, the boys have more in common than Dick would've ever thought. This is going to cause problems. (Red X is revealed in this mix of Jason Todd's story and the 2003 Teen Titans timeline.)
Dreaming Of You - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26671420
• Explicit | One-Shot | Bismuth/Pearl
• Bismuth walks in on Pearl sleeping, and sees something she doesn't expect.
Pleasant Surprise - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25863847
• Teen | 8/8 | Bismuth/Pearl
• When Bismuth and Pearl accidentally conceive with gemlings, it's Pearl's job to deal with the fact that there might be someone entirely new.
No One - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29866716
• General | One-Shot | Bismuth/Pearl
• Bismuth and Pearl flirt, admire each other, dance, and rest in each other's arms. What else could you ask for?
Midnight - https://archiveofourown.org/works/28446102
• General | One-Shot | Bismuth/Pearl
• Pearl is desperate to kiss her girlfriend at midnight.
She’s a Catch - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25864258
• General | One-Shot | Bismuth/Pearl
• The Crystal Gem's go on a mission to catch Bluebird, but our favorite blacksmith has a little distraction.
Beautiful - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25997311
• General | One-Shot | Bismuth/Pearl
• Pearl and Bismuth spend the night watching fireworks.
SHE-RA 2018
Lipgloss - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29165550
• General | One-Shot | Adora/Glimmer
• Adora puts on makeup for the first time. Glimmer lends her a hand, or both hands.. or both lips.
Showing Off - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36781474
• General | One-Shot | Rich/Patterson
• Reade has a small get-together with the tattoo squad at his place. So, Rich decides to brandish his natural hairstyle, which takes Patterson by surprise. A.K.A. Patterson is crushing big time.
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months ago
Do you think Mona Lisa would act like Starfire when she came to live on Earth? (their personalities are pretty similar)
Fun fact! That scene in Teen Titans where Starfire asks Robin if Earth is being attacked when they were watching fireworks is what inspired me to write my RaMona oneshot Fireworks
I even incorporated the line into the fic in my own personal way! ;)
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So to answer your question, yes! Mona Lisa would definitely be like Starfire when it comes to Earth, curious, cautious, and excited all at once.
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ravenroth-grayson · 2 months ago
Just a sparkle of RobRae New Year fireworks… best enjoyed with some hot chocolate or if you’re a billionaire Gotham playboy, champagne.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 🥳
Summary: A RobRae moment at the first ever Teen Titans New Year Party.
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dove00 · 10 months ago
Running (Only Gets You So Far)
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(Hi! Been a while but here’s another Bad Things Happen Bingo from @badthingshappenbingo ! This finishes Hostage Video
Warnings: hostage video, kidnapping, near death experience
Stay safe and enjoy!
Summary: The five Teen Titans are taken and put in a containment cell. Their mentors and the rest of the Justice League save them, but one of the Titans takes it the hardest.
All of his friends around him are starting to breathe slower. Wally is used to doing everything faster but he never wanted to be faster than them at breathing.
He nudged Roy, who was closest to him. “Hey, man. You have to stay awake.”
Roy barely moved but said softly, “I’m sorry.”
“Shut up.” Wally said with no heat. “Apologize when we’re not in some trap used to get the League here.”
“Never say I didn’t try.” Roy joked because truly only Roy Harper could try and make someone smile as he slowly—
“Shut up.” Wally said again.
Roy tried to sit up a little. “Where’s Dick?”
Dick sounded out of breath. “Here.” Donna moves them closer to Wally, Roy, and Garth.
“We tried everything.” Garth said.
“The League will come.” Dick said. “I heard the guy make a call. Wally, I never heard Barry swear so much.”
Wally snorted but it turned into a cough. “He’s protective.”
“Yeah…” Donna trailed. “Do you guys know I love you?”
“Love you, too.” Dick said, like it was as easy as breathing. “But sorry to break it to you. We won’t be dying here.”
Wally sometimes hates his powers. His body is dying and healing at the same time but he knows even he will have to lose this battle. He just doesn’t know why his friends have to die, too.
They sit in silence for another 30 minutes. Then, Dick sighed. “Do you think people will miss us?”
Wally wants to say: Totally. All the ladies will be in mourning.
What he does say is: “I’ll miss you all.”
“Yeah.” Roy agreed. “Plus, I’ll haunt Bruce if he tries to say he doesn’t miss you.”
Dick chuckled and then fell silent.
Aunt Iris, Wally thinks as his mind starts to fade, I love you and I’m sorry.
After the call, Bruce has the video on repeat and Barry is wondering how he can stomach it.
“I want my brother freed from prison or the Teen Titans are dead.”
This is gonna haunt Barry but he powered through for Wally and the others. He’s a CSI. He knows how to look for evidence. Speed helps, too.
“I wonder how long your beloved sidekicks will last.”
Except when he can’t find the guy. The guy is smirking and then a quiet boom that Bruce has decided is not a gun but can’t think of anything else it could be. Maybe…
Barry paused the video. Before Bruce could open his mouth to say who knows what, Barry points at the abandoned warehouse roof. There’s a hole in it and the tiniest hints of a firework could be seen.
“It’s a firework.” There’s no holiday that has fireworks right now.
“Gotham has a parade.” Bruce said and Barry looked back at the screen. “It’s still going on.” He tells the parade route and Barry runs as Bruce goes to inform the others.
Please, he begs…to who knows. He just begs. Let him be on time.
Wally won’t wake up. They got everyone out and breathing. Wally should be waking up. His speed healing should’ve made him the first to wake up.
The others had to be stopped from hurting themselves to go check on Wally.
Jay comes into the room and Iris gives him a hug.
“I think it may be the fact that his powers were in use the whole time.”
“You should get some sleep.” Barry told Iris.
“So should you, but we both know you won’t.”
Wally started to groan and then sat up quickly. “Guys!”
Barry and Iris were on either side of him.
Iris told him, “All safe and all worried about you.”
“Oh.” Wally said and then smiled at them.
Barry and Iris felt a weight lift off them as he hugged them. Jay smiled at them.
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culpepper-pals · 1 year ago
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(Haley, Oli & Cass Goth)
Oli Goth (née Titan-Ojo) is the shyer, calmer twin of David Titan-Ojo. They were born in Autumn 1 to Norah Titan and Miko Ojo. Oli has always liked to keep his social circle small, and surprised everyone when he began dating Cassandra Goth. The pair of them got married in Spring 3 and had eldest Ella the same season. Ana was born in Summer 3, after an alien abduction. Youngest child Haley was born in Winter 3.
Autumn 4 for the Goths:
The season began with a trip to school with Ana, who found herself at the centre of insults once again. After school, Ana struggled to think of a reason, but came to the conclusion she was going to try disguising her alien heritage and see if that helped. Haley became a teenager, grew into her spellcaster powers and immediately began duelling other teens. She also got detention on her first day of high school, upset Wolfgang Munch and tried summoning spirits - Haley is not a girl to be messed with! Meanwhile Oli found himself in a midlife crisis, which led to the pursuit of adventures - camping, late night strolls, sleeping in dumpsters, breaking into the Forgotten Grotto, visiting the Realm of Magic and snowboarding. Cass tried to be supportive, but Haley was actually the one who most enjoyed accompanying him. The pair of them now share an adventurous streak. The family threw a large gathering for Bonfire Night, as per tradition, but an accident with a firework ended up killing Marnie Villareal. She was brought back as a ghost, and stayed with the Goth for the rest of the season, unsuccessfully trying to use the wishing well to turn back into a human. Ana became a young adult at the end of the season and moved into her own place, ready to start university in the winter.
Oli, Cass and Haley still live at Hillside Highlands in Newcrest, meanwhile Ana has moved to 1313 21 Chic Street in San Myshuno.
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clouds-of-wings · 3 months ago
This book (link from the replies) is fireworks! I read the first two chapters, here are some of my favourite lines:
No one knew where the human-esque immortal Titans with razor-sharp teeth, black veins, long claws, and superspeed came from, or why they tore humans apart for fun. Their existence was unfortunate, if you wanted to live (I didn’t). Father John said the Titans had appeared to “teach humans a lesson.” Since we did nothing but perish dramatically and gruesomely… strange lesson.
The bad news: He needed fancy Spartan Federation medication—preferably death—but he couldn’t afford it.
Father and Mother were making their “special drink” in the bathtub again to deal with hunger—a combination of cleaning supplies, water, and moldy bread yeast—and their behavior had become increasingly erratic.
What would Emmy Noether and Carl Gauss do in this situation ? Sadly, I was not sure how my heroes—brilliant historical mathematicians—would act. Sleep would be nice. So would death.
“Stay still,” the male medic snapped as he squeezed my cheeks and dabbed at my left eye. He’s probably never taken math above calculus. Carl Gauss would never speak to me like this.
A middle-aged man with deep mouth wrinkles stood outside in the snow. “The federation—” In a display of pure class, he spat out a thick wad of mucus. “—has identified this trailer as a crime scene and thus uninhabitable.”
I love the bratty, sarcastic, dramatic tone. I had a friend in my teens who wrote self-insert stories where she and her bestie were secretly princesses and dated their favourite fictional characters in the astral realm and were Satan's and Snape's daughters etc., and it was just like this, just total nonsense but very entertaining.
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Look at the blurb of this book my friend sent me I'm losing my mind
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squiddybeifong · 7 years ago
The way you said “I love you:” Through a song - Damirae
Number 23: Through a song
Couple: Damirae (DC, Teen Titans)
They had somehow gotten roped into babysitting duty. Now, Raven would never refer to it as something she was “roped into.” No, the mage had absolutely fallen for Tommy’s chubby cheeks and squeaky babbles. But, try as he might to keep his fondness off his face, Damian had to admit that the baby did have the power to tug at his heartstrings. He would never admit it out loud, it seemed like Grayson and Gordon did something right in terms of cuteness, if Tommy’s bright blue eyes and freckled limbs meant anything.
The son of Batman sighed as he set about fixing their tea. To his side, Tommy’s bottle was soaking in a bowl of warm water. Glancing at the timer, Damian quickly placed the teabags into the cups -- Earl Grey for him, Peppermint for her -- and placed everything on a tray. His nose wrinkled as he fought back the need to snort at the messy stick figures carved near the handle; Grayson’s work, no doubt.
He heard his nephew start to fuss and Raven’s quiet hums quickly followed. The swordsman made his way back to the baby’s room only to stop in the doorway when he heard singing.
“Wise… men… say,” Her voice was slow and languid in the dark of the room. Damian watched, transfixed, as Raven swung in soft circles, leisurely dancing with Tommy propped up in her arms. His tiny fingers were bunched on the fabric covering her biceps; they softly clenched and unclenched as the half-demon ran her fingers through his wispy hair.  
Something odd fluttered in Damian’s chest at the sight of the two. She hadn’t noticed his arrival yet and continued to sing, “Only fools...rush...in,” They looked like they belonged together, as if they were a scene plucked out of some Romantic painting. Tommy, in his pajama onesie, seemed content enough but Raven…
She looked maternal.
Damian leaned against the door, the creak drawing her violet eyes to him, and he smiled at her. Her eyes were half lidded as she sung, “But I… can’t help… falling in love… with you…” Tommy softly cooed out and she bounced him as Damian handed her the bottle, crooning out, “Shall… I… stay?”
Raven paused and pressed a kiss to Tommy’s forehead, relief flooding her when he seemed to be calming down, “Would it be… a… sin?” She felt a surge of fondness and held Tommy a little closer, incredibly cognizant of and urged on by Damian’s presence.
The smell of tea was filling the room. She forced her amethyst eyes away from the baby and landed on Damian. Some unknown emotion was hovering around him, just out of reach. He looked at her, his expression unreadable sans the slight blush that burned his ears and dusted his cheeks.
Their eyes met and Raven felt the words slip off her tongue as she sang to him, “If I… can’t help… falling in love... with… you?”
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kasieli · 8 years ago
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HEY GUYS! So I’ve been collaborating with the fantastic @teentitansfireworks to create a cover for his fanfic, Teen Titans: Fireworks. And without further ado, here it finally is! Go check it out if you haven’t already, it’s an excellent read, especially for all you Damian x Raven fans out there.
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teentitansblackbird · 8 years ago
Chapter 4
The Watchtower. April 24th, 2028. 2:40 PM EST.
Damian entered the computer room and pulled his cowl off, letting a worn sigh pass his lips as he approached the seated figure currently still unaware of his presence. He didn’t think too much on it, but he and Drake hadn’t talked much since Damian became Batman. After Tim earned his Master’s in Forensics, he and Stephanie were in and out of Gotham rather frequently. Of course they saw each other every November, but they hadn’t actually sat down and had a proper conversation since… well, since Damian had been Robin.
“You certainly seem to enjoy monitor duty,” the Batman said as he leaned over the other cowled figure’s shoulder.
The Red Robin smiled as he looked back to meet his younger brother’s eyes. “Well, Stephanie always says I’m good with computers.”
“How are they, by the way?” Damian asked, taking the open seat beside Tim and running his eyes over the swarm of displays before him.
“Good,” Tim smirked. “Ryan’s about ready to start walking.”
“That’s big,” The younger man remarked, his eyebrows raised.
“Well… not as big as your news,” Tim said with a wink. “Congratulations, man.”
“Thank you,” Damian replied, rolling his eyes. He wasn’t surprised; Tim had a way of finding things out.
“Boy or girl?” The older brother leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, his eyes moving back to the screens.
“We don’t know yet,” Damian leaned back, looking at the photograph Tim had placed on the console. In it he could see Stephanie smiling back at him, holding young Ryan in her arms. The boy had her hair and Tim’s eyes. Ryan was rather soft-spoken, not quick to warm up to new people. Still, the baby took to Damian well enough, much to his relief.
“You got names picked out?”
“Yeah.” Damian smiled. “Thaddeus if it’s a boy. Angela if it’s a girl.”
“Thaddeus…” Tim turned to look back at Damian. “Like Alfred.”
“Mhmm,” Damian replied. “And Angela for Arella, Raven’s mother.”
“Where is she, by the way?” Tim reached for his coffee as he asked.
“She’s gone to see Zatanna, tell her the news…” Damian paused for a moment before looking back to Tim. “Is Superman around?”
“The big one? Yeah, he’s here talking to some of the new guys,” the other replied. “Haven’t seen yours around, though. Sorry.”
“Ah well. Thanks anyways…” Damian sighed as he looked past the displays out at the planet below. He’d seen the Earth from orbit countless times during his time as Batman, being in and out of the Watchtower periodically. But even so, the sight of the world from so far away still seemed to mesmerize him every time.
“You hear anything from Jason lately?” Tim asked, casting his gaze out at the planet as well.
“No, not in awhile…” Damian was a bit slow to reply, thinking to himself. “Pretty sure he’s still on the road with Harper and Starfire.”
“Hmm…” Tim leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. “I should probably give him a call. Make sure he’s not in jail or anything.” Damian stifled a laugh at the idea. Wouldn’t surprise him one bit; Todd was as dependable as they come, but that didn’t make him reasonable. He was still a loose cannon, and rarely did he ever do things by the book. That pattern of behavior evidently had rubbed off on Kori and Roy as well, earning their little triad a new moniker: “The Outlaws”. Damian thought it was a bit concerning, but he knew Jason meant well.
“Oracle to Batman. Dame, you there?” Damian jolted back to the present as Barbara’s voice came over his communicator. He quickly slid his cowl back on and engaged the suit’s HUD to see his sister-in-law looking back at him.
“Batman here,” the Dark Knight replied. “Go ahead, Oracle.”
“You need to get back to Gotham, now. Quinn says she’s going after Joker, and she needs you to come with her.”
“For God’s sake, I told her not to…” the Bat let out an irritated groan. “Fine, I’m on my way.” Damian looked back over his shoulder at Tim with a smile. “Drop by the Manor sometime. Dad’d probably like to hear from you.”
“We will,” Tim waved back at him. “See you soon, Little D.”
John Constantine’s apartment. Paddington, London. April 24th, 2028. 7:45 PM BST.
A light splash of water spilled into the doorway as the sorcerer stumbled through the doorway, his coat drenched from a walk in the rain. Cursing himself for not bringing an umbrella, Constantine stared back at his reflection in the mirror as the door slid closed behind him. He ran a hand roughly through his greying hair, studying the subtle lines of age beginning to show beneath his light beard. Time was beginning to catch up to him, it seemed. He smiled weakly, wondering why time had been so much kinder to his partner. Zatanna had hardly changed in the past ten years, he thought. Or maybe he just didn’t notice because they were always around each other. Despite the occasional fighting and butting heads, Zatanna Zatara was the only person John could always come back to at the end of the day. She just got him, better than anybody. Sure it sucked a little not living in the House anymore, but he didn’t mind. He hardly used all the space to begin with.
“Z, I’m back,” he called into the apartment as he stepped away from the mirror. “Knocked of early tonight, everybody was ‘eaded on home an account of all the…”
Constantine trailed off when he discovered that Zatanna had company over, locking eyes with Raven as he walked into the room.
“Hey John,” the younger mage spoke gently, leaned back into the sofa next to her sister. “How’s work?”
The detective chuckled. “Crap as always,” he replied. “Good to see ya, Sunshine.” Constantine shuffled further into the room, planting a quick peck on Zatanna’s forehead as he walked by her before dropping into his recliner.
“You hear the news?” Zatanna looked over at John as she took Raven’s hand. “You’re gonna be an uncle, pal.”
“I hadn’t heard,” John answered, peeking up as he did so, “but I could feel somethin’ comin’ off ya when I walked in. Kid’s got a strong spirit, an’ that energy comes off ya real strong if ya know how to sense it.”
“I know what you mean,” Raven said, looking down at her abdomen. “I could feel it almost as soon as it happened. I didn’t realize then what it was, but…”
“It?” John piped up curiosity. “What ya mean 'it’? Can’t ya… can’t ya tell what…”
Raven’s eyes widened. “Wait… you can??”
Zatanna turned back to Raven, one eyebrow cocked. “You really can’t? I thought you knew, what have you been doing up in that penthouse if you can’t tell?”
Constantine let out a laugh. “Boy, are you outta practice, aren’t ya kiddo?” He smirked as he began to pull off his tie. “You wanna know?”
“No!” Raven threw her hands up as she spat the word out, almost frantically. “I mean, not yet. Damian and I said we want to find out together.”
“Seems fair,” the older magician grunted as he propped his feet up on the coffee table. Before Zatanna could open her mouth with a “get your feet off the table, you moron”, a quick alert tone sounded from Raven’s communicator.
“Crap, I gotta take this, it’s from… huh.” Raven looked down in surprise at the ID displayed on her communicator. “That’s… wow, after all this time… I’ll be just a second.” Without another word, Raven quickly stood up and walked into the kitchen. Just as she left the room, John and Zatanna both looked right at each other, their faces both beaming.
“Ohhhhh ho ho, boy,” Constantine whispered. “Little Batsy’s gonna 'ave his 'ands full!”
“Right?” Zatanna replied, grinning wildly. “Can you even picture that punk with a kid?”
“Swear to god, we HAVE to get over to visit sometime,” the detective began to scheme, “even if i’s just to catch the freakin’ Batman at a little tea party in makeup for his princess!”
“You shut your mouth, John Constantine,” the older mage-girl snipped playfully, “there’s no way that little girl is gonna be the princess type. Have you SEEN her parents?”
“Z, I’ve 'eard the stories about that wank Raven 'ooked up with! They called 'im 'Prince Damian’! The girl’s already a prin–”
Both of them froze upon hearing the thump of Raven’s communicator hitting the floor, turning to see her walk back into the room.
“… cess.”
Raven’s eyes widened. “… you’re messing with me.”
Zatanna quickly stood up, walking quickly to Raven’s side. “Sis, I’m so sorry. We didn’t mean for you to– oof!” The words cut off as Raven’s arms slung around Zatanna’s neck, holding her tight.
“It’s fine,” Raven assured, a smile forming on her face as her cheek pressed into her sister’s. “This is… this is just… oh my god, it’s a girl, isn’t it?”
Constantine rose to his feet, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Heh, sorry kid. But 'ey, at least now namin’ the kid’ll be easier!”
Raven beamed back at John contently. “Actually, we already have a name picked out…” her cheeks began to redden slightly as she looked down. “… her name is Angela.”
CADMUS Headquarters, Washington DC. April 24, 2028. 11:36 PM EST.
“Welcome back to the real Project CADMUS, Mr. Wayne.”
The glass elevator doors swiveled back as Bruce walked alongside Director Waller into the dimly lit corridor. Aside from the hum of electricity, the hall of massive marked doorways was eerily quiet, save for the rhythmic clatter of the two elders’ footsteps, accompanied by the tap of Bruce’s cane. The old billionaire scanned his eyes over each doorway carefully, taking mental note of each door’s designation. He’d have to enter these into the Batcomputer when this whole ordeal was done… Bruce never trusted Cadmus. Not when he was the Batman, not they first came to into the public eye, and certainly not now. They made a habit of meddling in affairs that they had no business meddling in.
The two of them stopped abruptly at the end of the hallway and turned to the door on the left. PROJECT: KR, the door read.
“Mr. Wayne, before I show you what’s behind this door, I need to know you trust me, and that I can trust you. No more secrets here…” Waller peered over at Bruce from the corner of her eye. “… so you can go ahead and ditch that two-bit walking stick. I’m not buying your old cripple act.” Bruce looked back at the woman for a moment, before a faint smirk appeared on his wrinkled face. Chuckling low in his chest, the old Bat stood up straight, collapsing his cane and tucking it away in his coat. Waller shook her head subtly as she pressed her thumb to the print scanner on the wall. A puff of steam emitted from the doorway as the enormous metal door rose out of sight, and the two of them stepped forward into the room.
What stood before Bruce shook him to his core: at the very back of the room was a stasis pod, with the shield of the House of El emblazoned on the glass. Inside the pod was a boy, who looked about the age of sixteen, who bore a striking resemblance to…
“Dear god, Amanda…” Bruce muttered. “… what have you done?”
The old woman stepped forward, making her way to the console beside the boy. “Bruce Wayne, I’d like you to meet the Superboy.” Upon entering a few commands into the console, the pod erupted with a billow of steam as the glass case began to rise. As the fog dissipated, the boy opened his eyes slowly, revealing the same electric blue irises that Bruce had looked back into time and again throughout the years. Waller smiled. “Superboy, come greet our guest.” Immediately, the boy dropped to the floor from his pod, and walked up to the old man.
“Hello, Mr. Wayne,” the creature said quietly. “I am Superboy.”
Bruce’s brow furrowed as he thought hard about the situation he was in. The kid even sounded like the Boyscout. But his tone, the way he looked at him, the slight tremble in the boy’s knees… something was off.
“Waller, you need to start explaining exactly who and what this is, and why he’s here.”
Waller cocked an eyebrow. “Go ahead, child.”
The boy looked down at his feet for a moment before looking back up and meeting Bruce’s eyes. “I am a genetic replication of the hero called Superman. My purpose is to supplant the Superman should he fall in battle, or to destroy him should his behavior become contradictory to the interests and survival of the human race.”
Bruce crossed his arms, still processing this information. “You’re a clone of Superman.”
“Yes sir,” the creature replied, “however, I am not a perfect replication. Due to the limitations of modern human science, CADMUS was unable to produce a full Kryptonian. Instead, I am a human-Kryptonian hybrid, engineered to have as many of Superman’s traits and abilities as possible.”
“And I suspect you’ve never left this facility?” The old vigilante asked.
“No sir,” the boy answered. “The risk of Superman discovering my existence was deemed to great to permit my exposure to the outside world. Instead, I have lived here for the past year since my creation, developing my abilities and replenishing my strength through exposure to microscopic yellow suns kept within this facility.”
“Smart…” Bruce looked back to Waller, his expression grim. “So why are you showing me this?”
“Because I need some things from you. Three things, to be exact.” Amanda walked back from the console to join the two others in the room. “First and foremost, I need a favor…”
“A favor?”
“Yes…” Waller put her hand on Superboy’s shoulder. “I’ve had a change of heart after seeing how well the other Superman has been doing. What was his name? Jonathan?”
Bruce remained silent.
“Well, either way…” Waller looked to Superboy, then back to the old man. “Superboy has expressed a few times that he wants to see the rest of the world. He wants to know what it’s like out there, and… honestly, there’s not much left for him here. Doesn’t seem right to keep the boy locked away anymore.”
“This is rather out of character for you, isn’t it?” Bruce asked.
“Maybe so, but I stand by my decision. And I need your help.” Waller took another step towards Bruce. “I need you to take Superboy with you. Bring him to Superman, let him have a chance at a real life.”
“Why didn’t you just call Superman?” The Batman inquired, his eyes squinting with suspicion.
A twinge of a smirk appeared on Waller’s face. “Because you’re easier to reach, Mr. Wayne.” Bruce shook his head before looking back at the clone.
Superboy reached out, placing a hand gently on Bruce's arm. “Please.”
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aquaaquila · 1 year ago
Ultimate battle for the title of Elemental Master of the Earth
Gina Porter (feat. Ricky Bowen according to Ollie) vs Seb Matthew-Smith
On the side of Gina, we have:
her being headstrong, assertive, tough, in the beginning rather rough as she takes BS from no one
She's actually pretty strong
Her fashion choices also remind me of earth elementals, like the outfit she picked on a puppy date with Ricky, her premiere outfit, her disco outfit, and her receiving chocolate outfit.
Her arc is about getting grounded, finding stability and her place in the world, and rather than continuously moving onward, she finds her footing in Salt Lake and stays there
Thanks to her relationship with Ricky, she became more than just a scary girl, as Ricky broke her walls (there would also be metaphors about her eroding her like water erodes canyons and he "enriched" her, but they're too dirty even for Earth Elemental)
Her kiss with Ricky is in the rain on the asphalt road
Her Christmas song (well Sofia's song, but still) is in the middle of a desert which would be Earth Elemental's domain
She can go both high like a thrown rock and get back down to Earth.
On the side of Seb, we have:
him being naturally strong as he's a farmer and a boxer, but necessarily a body-builder so he's not "polished"
His song The Climb is earth-coded (while also wearing Earthy colors on its cover)
Him being simple, straightforward, dense, patient, brutal. This rather fits Earth elemental. He also shows to be firm and tough when he needs to, but for the most part he is pretty soft (so like he can be either your rock or your soil)
He and Carlos make lava together and for the most part, Seb can handle the heat, though at times he can scorch because of this (essentially imitating his boyfriend as drama queen) but the moment Seb does something, Carlos is pretty much dead (earth beats fire). You either have that or fireworks. Or perhaps glowing rocks if Carlos is supposed to be light.
However, he's not part of the core 8 of season 1, which contains of main elementals (fire, metal, earth, flora, ice, water, wind, and lightning I consider main elements as they're more than often put in that position even when at times interchangeable; Seb as the ninth member of the teen cast gets the element of light as the "sixth ranger" so to speak)
And here comes Ricky with a steel chair brick
The Brichard "Brick" you came up with
Him being rather stuck in the past early on and was a bit stubborn about it
Had 2 outfits in season 1 that were composed of oranges/brown and grey, which are earth colors
Maybe not as strong as E.J. or Seb, but I think he does alright
The metaphor of him slowly changing while also being drastic like when the rock formations form or the planet keeps on turning and how it took Gina (the water in this scenario) to push him forward and Nini (the air) to realise he does damage to her and himself
He craves stability in his life and provides it to Gina who needs it as much if not more
"Early draft of E.J." funny metaphor when you remember E.J. is an elemental master of metal and metals come from Earth, which would happen to be Ricky here
Granted Ricky has an issue of being non-confrontational and having hard time controlling his emotions, which would result in Terra from Teen Titans (2003) all over again.
For Elemental Masters AU I need your help: are you up to making tough decisions?
im currently playing dnd but ask away anyways !!!
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arctic4life · 3 years ago
I have a problem- I CANT STOP DRAWING THEM
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jasonrae117 · 4 years ago
Started a sketch right before the new year and was gonna dump it but I decided to just finish it real quick today, not exactly what I wanted but oh well, let's add it to the collection of others' awesome artwork of damirae and fireworks.
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