#tecnology destruction
pigswithwings · 2 years
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Can tech really die? Let's find out!
A stimboard for the destruction of computers, phones, televisions, and other technology.
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marvelstars · 1 year
Sometimes I believe there is a sector in the fandom that truly just don´t get Anakin but also Anakin fans, they don´t think about the fact that there are fans of Anakin who liked him as Darth Vader and is mind blowing to them why we do if it doesn´t have anything to do with the fact Vader is a very cool villain, which he is or because Anakin used to be hot, which he was.
So let me share with you, the first time I saw the old trilogy , I realized some things about Vader:
1.- He was a slave
2.- He is on life support and constant pain, almost dead inside his armor.
3.- Vader is actually serious about wanting to put Order in the galaxy. How he goes about it is what makes him the villain of the story.
4.- He called the Death Star a tecnological abomination, which I believe is the best description I have ever heard about it.
5.- He was the bad guy the heros had to fight.
6.- He is a bad guy who believes the rebellion has a point but that destructive conflict won´t solve anything. He may be speaking from experience.
7.- He´s actually loyal to the Empire, he believes in it as an institution and he is loyal to the Emperor when he isn´t trying to convince him he needs to kill his Son.
8.- He needs help.
9.- Bad guys are not helped, they are killed at the end of the story
10.- Vader is Luke´s father but his teachers are trying to convince him that he isn´t his father and that he needs to kill him.
11.- Luke loves his father but hates Vader, it´s a real problem for him that they are the same person.
12.- Vader loves Luke but is also crazy as hell from the darkside. So even if he wants his Son at his side, he´s not going to be good company for Luke as much as he wants to be.
So as a fan I decided to love him to make up for his rotten role in the story.
Imagine my surprise when I saw Luke going outside his typical hero journey role and decided to save him, because he was his father. Then as his father, Vader decides to save Luke because he is his Son and he loves him and he doesn´t care if he has to die in order to save Luke from his beloved Empire and Master.
Familiar love saved the universe in this franchise and that´s why ROTJ is my favorite Star Wars movie ever, it lives rent free on my mind.
The fact there are fans who believe familiar love in star wars is an attachment or something that leads to the darkside is mind blowing to me.
In this house we respect Star Wars as the story about how the love in the Skywalker family saved the universe.
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honestmouse20 · 1 year
my working theory for dragons rising is that Wu is dead, but will continue to sorta guide the ninja on occassion from the departed realm or whatever. And so, since he’s gone, Sora isn’t actually the master of tecnology, she’s the master of creation.  Because she has a natrual affinity towards tech, everyone Thinks it’s her power. but she isn’t really doing much but creating a new design or fixing thigns. Both things that I think the power of creation would be able to do.
And the reason Sora only gets her power from Ryu is because dragons are literally the powers of creation, right? like the Oni were destruction and dragons were the elements of creation. So what if Ryu is a baby source dragon and has the literal powers of creation to give to Sora, unlocking her true potential super early
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the-trails-we-blaze · 3 months
aaaand 30 and 34 for Wraith as well <3
30. Who do they most regret meeting? 
So far, the presence that Wraith wishes that he'd never met the most, is the IPC. He strongly believes that their assertion of authority over the planet, and the pressure on roboticists and scientists to keep pushing out new iterations of their advancements at such a nonstop pace was unsustainable and destructive; his evidence to support this blame being the rapid escalation of tension between scientists and the common man, and the emergence of radical parties who rebelled against the "new order" and maturing AI. There is a part of him that (perhaps, naively) believes that if they had continued as they had been with their slow but gradual growth, the planet would have had more time to adjust to, and grow with the AI-Droids and ever-changing advancements in tecnology -- that without the pressure of such a large influential conglomerate pushing for a Robotics-Race and planet-wide unity under foreign leadership, that they could have found a less devastating and more fruitful solution amongst themselves.
Truly, he cannot stand how the IPC continues to "stick their arrogant noses" into the business of the entire galaxy simply because they have the money and following to do so. Wraith remains steadfast in his assertion that they are "little more than a sorry band of rich bullies in big spaceships".
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
Simple! He doesn't.
Wraith internalizes guilt HARD. More often than not, once he gets in his head that he has done wrong by somebody or committed a transgression that he cannot rectify, he will carry that guilt with him -- until another, stronger sense of guilt comes along, anyway. He can try and make up for it, to pay back his mistake with a tenfold of good deeds. But even if he has 'made things right' in the eyes of onlookers or those he wronged in the first place, that guilt still hangs over him like an encroaching storm.
Now, that isn't to say that he's going to be messed up by telling a white lie or two, or a misunderstanding in the street over who bumped into who, that'd be ridiculous! The things that haunt him are promises he wasn't able to keep, or life-changing events that he could have prevented. The heart he carries still manages to bleed through the seams of the box it's locked in, much to his chagrin.
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t-t-t-trasher · 2 years
since i havent seen anything on this yet ima do it myself
(this is my first time doing smth like this so im basically throwing pasta at the wall here seeing what sticks n what not so be nice n if u have smth to add or say please do!)
sorting n basics
• dream is ravenclaw (obviously) with lucienne!
• hob is hufflepuff (obviously well actually he could be gryffindor too but hes literal sunshine boy so)
• rose n jed are gryffindor
• constantine is slytherin
• MERVYN IS A GHOST pumpkin headed ghost w many opinnions n cuss words harassing the younger students n so on
• matthew is still dreams raven (obviously) n can still speak bc magic!
• i wana add the endless siblings here too bc the absolute shenanigans they would be up to
• they are in their own way like the weasleys ig? everyone knows the big old n powerful endless family n they r all kinda weird n unique in their own way n dress all black (exept desire) but yeah recognizeble if u know what to look for
• they r all in different years n ages
• desire n despair r slytherin n absolute menaces there :D
• destiny is the oldest n ravenclaw
• always w his book n prolly graduated already or maybe became a teacher/TA there?
• absolute legend at divination
• death is gryffindor! social, nice n well liked by all
• delirium is also ravenclaw kinda aloof n v much like luna. doing her own thing n living her best life
• destruction in not in hogwarts but in durmstrang
• calliope is hufflepuff but chages to beauxbaton in 4th year
• twins being tricksters. despair is calmer than his brother but is ride or die w desire who is unhinged
• lucienne ja dream r v good friends n often break into library to read forbidden books
• in fact by 5th year lucienne has read every book in hogwarts
• is dream a bit bratty about this? we will never know
• hob n death r v good friends n also v popular bc who doesnt like them ???
• also death, desire n despair know all the rumors n wich of them r true n not
• death is still not a gossip tho she just listens n is good judge of character
• desire also loves to make rumors (about dream n his crushes)
• constantine n dream r friends
• she sometimes warns dream about twins next prank but only when she thinks they r going too far
• actually there is no bad shit so everone gets to be magical teens in peace but ofc theres drama n what not cuz its hogwarts
• delirium is just vibin n having the best time w fairies n what not
• she is considerd bit weird but if anyone was ever going to be ass about would they face the absolute wrath of endless family
• i wana say that the endless D theme is like a family tradition n actually they all go their second names aka the D theme n everyone just call them by those names or by endless
• for example morpheus dream endless aka dream
• why? bc names r poweful n hold power n also they r the endless so they get a pass on that by staff
• do ppl even know their first names? no but al least hob is determinated to find out (he does)
• dream n hob meet in their first year n like in the TV show hob says smth stupid n to prove him (n death) wrong dream makes a bet w hob
• death is playing the long game for dream to have friends basically but dream doesnt have to know that
• bet goes accordingly n they talk basically once a year
• maybe the bet was about test results or house cup? no one remembers anymore (hob, death n dream do)
• anyway they they become friends like in year 4 over some magic drama
• maybe more later wink wink
• hob n rose bond over being muggleborn n tecnology nerds
• they make a competition of who can bring muggle stuff to hogwarts n make it work there too
• despair knows n chats w every ghost in hogwards its her own rumormill
• so does delirium but she doesnt care about gossip at all they r her friends :)!
• corinthian is slytherin n has self-proclaimed to be dreams rival
• big flirt n know for it
• dream thinks hes annoying but they r childhood friends so dream tolerates him or at least he says its only that
• hob knows all the secret tunnels n shortcuts n is trying his damn best to find n figure out all the secrets of hogwarts
am i forgetting someone? would ppl like to hear more 👁👄👁? i would love to talk about more hogwarts AU bc i literally cant stop thinkin about it
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laura-a-bordo · 11 months
.˚˖ 11/10, língua inglesa: gramática contextualizada ˚₊‧
Continuando a atividade da semana anterior, feita no Padlet, o foco dessa aula foi na construção de enunciados, visto que muitas vezes professores tem dificuldade em desenvolver com clareza. Os enunciados precisam ser claros no que estão solicitando, além de seguir uma ordem para a construção linear de reflexões e atividades.
Os enunciados foram feitos em inglês, retomando a sequencia didática da aula anterior. Segue o texto feito:
Contextualization: After watching the movie “Wall-E”, and being introduced to the concepts of ODS, a series of discussions and activities happened. Prática situada: "Watch the movie and identify the topics related to sustentability presented earlier." Instrução explícita: “Now, read the selected parts of the articles about the environment and global warming. After that, discuss with a friend how they relate to the movie seen earlier/last class. Associate sustentability and the ODS topic.” Enquadramento crítico: “Based on the discussion, write an essay about how they imagine the movie "Wall-E" continues, as the humans come back to a destroyed Earth. Use these questions as a guide: Will the humans be more sustainable? How will they be more sustainable? Will the Earth heal from teh destruction caused by pollution, trashing and global warming? How do you imagine a sustainable community? Do you think tecnology would help with sustentability? If so, how will humanity and robots/tecnology work together?” *HOMEWORK “For next class, in pairs, make a “Arranjo multimodal” with 4 images of how you imagine a sustentable city, based on what was studied in class and identifies in the movie and articles. The “arranjos” will be shared with the classmates on the next class.” Prática transformada: “To review and reflect on the environmental topics studied in the preview lessons, such as global warming, the future of Earth, sustentability, follow the instructions: Form a big circle in the classroom. Listen to the teacher call a student randomly, they will say a quote to be completed. Complete the sentence with your personal opinion. Ex: When I think about the environment future, I see... (your answer)”
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kuji-rawwr · 1 year
3 million years agao the great old ones controlled the earth within there dark powers
the cetaceans seeking a new home world came to the earth in their pod ship Mu
and engage the great old ones in a war of time altering proportion but were facing destruction as the great old ones were to powerful
thus they created a living weapon in there under sea city of orcus a colosal beast capable of fighting the great old ones on there level …
Kuji-Rah battled the great old ones to a stand still and bagean tuurninhg the tides of the war
but the great old ones had a secret weapon a viral bio weapon known as a bio curse (sublore 2) that they released upon the the cetaceans
the Horn Virus drove the cetaceans into an uncontrollable lust that saw no limits causing mass inbreeding an a population explosion , the resulting rampant incestous breeding caused the the once vast IQ of the cetaceans to plummit turning them in to the idiotic sub race known as "the dolphin"
but the old ones victory was short lived the alingment of the stars had changed and forced them to take refuge in there city of RLYEH
the last intelegent remants of the cetaceans used the last of the advanced tecnology to sink the city of RLYEH and seal away the great old ones
the last cetaceans placed Kuji-Rah in to a deep stasis in the hopes that if the great old ones should re surface from the tombs that he would be a able to destroy them once and for all
and so kuji-Rah waited and slept for aeons gaurding the seas
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watchmenanon · 2 years
In Watchmen, the Nuclear Doomsday Clock "is a symbolic representation of how close the world is to catastrophic destruction by nuclear war. It is based on the real-world Doomsday Clock, which performs a similar function. The closer the clock stands to midnight, the nearer the world is to Armageddon."
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The real-world Doomsday Clock is considered to be a metaphor that represents how close humanity is to self-destruction due to nuclear weapons, climate change and emerging tecnologies.
A hypothetical global catastrophe is represented by midnight on the clock, with the Bulletin's opinion on how close the world is to one represented by a certain number of minutes or seconds to midnight, assessed in January of each year.
The clock was created and is still maintained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a group founded in 1945 by Manhattan Project scientists.
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I assume this is Henry Creel's version of the Doomsday Clock, then.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Okay so I have this unorganized notes of my fanon version of Batman characthers interacting with different versions of Gothan in media (not even of themselfs just any cannon universe as whole) and I just created the most stupid convoluted boderline Silver Age excuse for they to make some kindda of logical sense and it is so ridiculous I have to share:
- After discovering Superman's weakness to magic, Lex Luthor decides to study and fibd magic users and or objects as a way to finally win against the Man of Steel.
- In his search he finds a young Lori Zechlin years before she would discover her powers and become the Black Alice. And after secretly testing the kid and realizing what her powers are he considers she is perfect for his plans.
- Luthor, master of manipulation, can EASILY convince a scared child to do his binding. His plan being to make Lori absorve Superman powers and as she lacked control cause destruction putting the blame in the hero. As the hero went to solve the problem, he would make her absorve some of his magical artifacts as to actually be able to defeat him. After Lex would use his beta tecnology to stop the kid and say that it was the hero's impulsive antics that trigered Lori who was a scared child acting in self defence, painting him as the hero.
- Now the problem was: it was a very unstable plan and any mistake could cause serius damage to Metropolis and Lex very costly properties and projects were there. So not very ideal. And in typical evil metropolis fashion he decided that the best move was to involve Joker and make the plan take place in Gotham.
- Batman and his army of vigilantes would try to stop it but even he would have to recognize this as a League mission at some point.
- Besides saving Gotham would do wonders to Lex philantropist image because honestly who cares about Gotham and also Bruce Wayne isn't doing it, now, is him?
- The plan is stupid and Lex did not studied all of his artifacts as much as he think he did. So it ends in a explosion. Except that instead of like killing everyone. Ever single person in the city plus Superman disappeared (except Joker because he was with Lex watching the view and yes Lex did pin the plan on Joker and yes Joker is pissed).
- Lori is in the hospital and the League is trying to discover what happened, find and if possible rescue the missing people and prove to the world that Luthor is behind it all.
- What actually happened was that every single person in Gotham was trown in a mix of different universes and now there is at least one person in each universe and everyone is lost and confused.
- The League is also having a bad time because things can never be easy for heros.
- Joker and Lex are having a fucked up version of a queercoded friends to enemys arc in the background and to be honest if not for his ego Lex would be hoping the League catches him cause the Joker is coming for his soul.
- Black Alice is actually having a way happier arc than her cannon one, so at least one person is just chill.
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kitten-solari · 4 years
Meeko, the Warforged
Running from a military base, a Warforged finds itself lost into uncharted territory, what seems to be a forest, filled with wildlife and diversed flora, something he never saw while on duty, being that the only things he saw were war and destruction. Being trained on combat against every sort of beast, he killed an animal on his first few days on that forest, using that animals hide to make a cape for him, and clothes that resembled the clothes of a traveler he saw while he was being hunted by the Order. He wandered and wandered on that forest until the day he saw a girl wandering on some ruins of an Order Fort, cataloging everything she found of buried tecnology on her voice recorder. Curious to why she was walking around that destroyed place that brought back to him terrible memories of an once forgotten time for him, he got closer to her to ask why she was cataloging all that junk on her device. Upon looking at the 6'1" warforged, she excitedly started moving her feet up and down, as like she was running in place, the warforged, a little taken aback by her sudden reaction, started backing up, his eyes turning a light shade of yellow. Upon seeing him backing up from her, she started saying "no no no no no no please I dont want to hurt you, is just that... seeing a warforged still in action... and on the same place as me makes me super excited. I need to study you", while giving him a smile that turned his eyes from yellow back to white. "What are you doing here, why would you be on these ru- WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING, THAT'S MY BACK PLATE YOU DUMBASS"
"Oh, this?" she asks to the now red eyed warforged "Don't worry, I'll give it back to you once I... put this signal pod... onto your... there! Now let me just uhhh... put this back on your back". The warforged, calming down a bit, now noticing that she didn't mean any harm, said, while his eyes turned into a light purple color "Oh, I thought you were going to steal part of my body, sorry for the... uhm... inconvenience I caused you..."
"No prob, bob"
"Bob, who is this "Bob" you're talking about?"
"No, there's no- wait a second, do you have a name?"
"A name, like my serial number?" asked the warforged, his eyes starting to turn green out of confusion.
"No like, a way that people call you..."
"Oh, no I dont have one, people back in the order always called me either by junk or by my serial number" He said, while memories of his past in the order turned his eyes into a blue-ish color.
She gasped, and with stars in her eyes asked "Can I give you a name??? It would be easier to call you by a name, other than a number or something"
"Sure... go ahead"
She thought about a name for some minutes and then said "How about... Meeko? Its a nice name isn't it?"
"A- Alright then, now I shall be called Meeko, the Warforged"
She giggled and asked "So... being a warforged, you sure had a weapon right? Which kind of weapon it was? Was it a magical crossbow? A set of incredibly sharp daggers?? A greatsword so heavy no human could wield it???"
"I- I had a..." he looks down in embarassment "I had just a quarterstaff, they said I needed only a staff, that I had skill with it but..." his eyes start becoming a blue-ish tone of purple "But they never respected me, calling me junk and... and..."
She puts his head on her lap "Shhh... shhh... its ok, its ok, whats on the past stays in the past"
"You're right, its the past, I shouldn't care about it"
The two of them stayed like that, talking for hours until they noticed that it was getting dark
"Meeko, do you have a home?"
"No... I usually power off near a tree or something that can hide me from the sun or rain..."
"Y- You can stay with me... You look like someone good to have around"
"Won't it get you in trouble for bringing a giant robot to your house, wouldn't your parents be mad at you for doing that?"
She looked up to the now cintilant sky and said, with a shaky voice and teared up eyes "I'm... I'm s- sure they wouldn't mind"
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sea-catt-blog · 5 years
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papers, phones, internet
Our way to connect and store various information lest we forget.
They're examples of technology
vaccines, medicines, tablets
Things that help us in a way that they cure and prevent diseases.
They're products of technology
guns, swords, bombs
Things that reaped the lives of many.
They too are technology
technology, technology, oh technology
It is the sweet fruit of man's wisdom and also its hidden debauchery.
The relationship of man and technology is akin to that of a rich child in a rich household : we are being spoilt by technology. We may not take note of it but with technology's power we are able to reach luxury and comfort with minimum effort leading us to unknowingly 'indulge'in it.
To be able to provide people with different amenities easily, that's what technology do. It enables people to grasp a somewhat sumptuous and comfortable life, leading people to adore it, thus, making the relationship of man and technology, close and almost insseperable.
We overly rely on technology and we do that unbeknownst even to ourselves. Its synonymous to that of drugs, or perhaps sex, once you dip your hand to the pool we call technology, there's no going back, you can only keep using it on and on, forever.
It's a labyrinth of desires, a neverending cycle of creation, indulgement and self-destruction. We make technology, yet we are being consumed by it. Its quite the irony.
You say you do not rely on technology? What a liar. Technlogy is everywhere,each little thing you do, in some way or another, whether you like it or not, may lead to technology. Does that make us 'slaves to technology'? Nay, that's a bit overpraising it. Why? Because we are but whores to tecnology.
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The simplest form of technology is the development and use of basic tools. The prehistoric discovery of how to control fire and the later Neolithic Revolutionincreased the available sources of food, and the invention of the wheel helped humans to travel in and control their environment. Developments in historic times, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. The steady progress of military technology has brought weapons of ever-increasing destructive power, from clubs to nuclear weapons.
Technology has many effects. It has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products known as pollution and deplete natural resources to the detriment of Earth's environment. Innovations have always influenced the values of a society and raised new questions of the ethics of technology. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, and the challenges of bioethics.
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marvelstars · 1 year
Anakin Skywalker & Darth Vader politics
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One of the first things that got my attention when I started seeing star wars for the first time, was the way the story flowed so easily between action, politics and warfare and just like every other story of its kind, no hero or group of heros get to shine if their villain isnt something of a challenge for them, physical, moral or political and this is where Vader proves to be such a good antagonist.
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Vader is someone who isn´t just strong in the force, he´s physicaly strong, he´s terrifiyng, he´s someone who in a New Hope is a highter up of the Empire and in ESB and ROTJ he´s clearly the second in comand of the Empire, Rogue One shows other Grand Moffs, with the exception of Tarkin, wanting to get his approval to get close to the Emperor and in that way obtain greater political power.
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We get a glimpse of Vader´s politics in a New Hope, along with his martial role in the Empire as part of the Order of the Sith/former Jedi and his role as enforcer of the Empire, being one of the few highter ups if not the only one, to engage in open warfare with the rebel alliance.
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But it´s on ESB when we get to hear his appeal to Luke towards his main motives, we get a sort of "motives of the wolf" Vader´s pov is to rule the galaxy with his Son to put "Order in the Galaxy" and "Stop the destructive conflict between the rebel alliance and the Empire" this is an actually compelling argument, because since a New Hope we could see Vader didn´t cosider the DS necccesary for the Empire, he defended it because it was part of his role within the Empire and didn´t have the power to overrule the Emperor or Takin on it´s use and creation but it isn´t something Vader himself approves personally and actually looks at it as source for greater trouble within the Empire. He after all called it " A Tecnological terror" this coming from Vader who is himself a cyborg used for bloodshed is a very definitive description. Vader hates the Death Star because he thinks it´s a real abomination, to the galaxy in general and to the force in particular.
So we get a character who´s definitely a villain but whose pov comes from a place of wanting to bring stability to the galaxy, this isn´t a character only interested in power for power sake like Tarkin or The Emperor or who wants more personal power for himself for it´s own sake, he suggests to Luke to take on the Emperor once it became clear the Emperor would not allow Luke to live if he didn´t fell to the darkside and this compliments quite nicely the story when it´s revealed Vader used to be a "good guy" the father of Luke and Leia, a Jedi who believed in peace and justice for the galaxy but whose vision was twisted by the darkside and the Emperor, we know how this story ends, with Vader chosing Luke, his family and justice once again at the cost of his own life and the defeat of the Empire an institution in which Vader/Anakin actually believed so it can´t be said Vader didn´t sacrifice everything he had to save the life of his Son and give the galaxy a chance without the Empire ruling it.
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The prequel trilogy presents a very interesting reason to the source of Vader´s political ideology, his history was already interesting if he was just a character interested in politics, who became dissapointed in the Jedi Order, Like Count Dooku but what we find the the PT is even more visceral than that, say what you want about Anakin´s political ideology but as a former slave in a lawless world, ignored by a corrupt republic whose check and balances where only there to keep the status quo in which the interest of the banking clan and the corporations were more important than everybody else and not address the different challenges of the wider galaxy, I could see a young Jedi like Anakin thinking
1.- The System doesn´t work
2.- This system is actively hurting for the people of the republic and for my people in particular.
3.- The republic doesn´t care for the slavery being run on it´s very own underworld, it´s happy to ignore it.
4.- The Jedi Order are the guardians or peace and justice but they are not interested in changing the status quo, they are there to keep it.
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Those ideas didn´t came just from Obi-Wan´s discourse over his dislike of politicians or Palpatine´s grooming tactics, those ideas come from the person, the kid who once dreamed to "free all of the slaves" and who grew quickly dissapointed when he learned of the reality far away from his homeworld, just like Padme grew dissapointed in the Republic ignoring the plight of her world but unlike her, Anakin had even less tools to bring to the political debate. As a Jedi he could talk and discuss his beliefs with Padme or Palpatine or even Bail Ordana but he knew neither had any oblitation to give much thought about his ideas, especially when they thought it came from a naive boy unfamiliar with politics, he may have been so but he was certainly familiar with the failures of the republic and it´s consequences.
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I can easily see a character like this developing the idea the galaxy needed a stronger force to help put order in the galaxy and while he´s made fun of for thinking this way, I don´t think his idea was Palpatine´s Empire or the "Benevolent Dictatorship" like Vader believed in, Anakin´s idea about someone making people agree most probably came from the way he saw the Jedi Order Operate, with Yoda at it´s head, obviously in the Council they all took votes but Yoda´s influence there when there wasn´t an agreetment was clear and I could see this as Anakin´s vision for the republic, which even has some reflections in the real world, on institutions whose main function is to help open debate when the congress is blocked given it´s disagrements.
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Anakin´s tragedy, when it comes to his original political beliefs, comes from the fact that he felt the need to forget his own ideals of freeing slaves, to fit himself into the chosen one the Jedi said they needed, even if they weren´t sure about that prophecy and sometimes put it in doubt and Anakin himself often thought it was just a myth, he broke himself up into different pieces to try to appeal to the people important to him or had expectations on him, he tried to be the Jedi the Order needed in times of war, the teacher Ahsoka needed, he tried to be the friend Palpatine expected, believing he genuinely cared for him, he tried to be a representative of the republic by caring for the well being of people around the galaxy and he did all of this no matter the damage to his mind. He tried to be the husband Padme needed him to become once she became pregnant and their marriage was no longer something that could be hidden so he decided to abandon his Jedi identity to be true to his responsibilities as Padme´s husband and father of their children or at least that was his idea before he had the dream of Padme dying.
So when he has his final breakdown, falls to the darkside and his very vision is twisted by the darkside, Padme no longer recognizes her husband because he effectively isn´t thinking like her husband did, Anakin agreed the Republic needed reform and order but not at the cost of an iron fist like Vader believed. So when he told her he wanted to name her Empress and do everything they always wanted to do, she knew those were not the words of her beloved husband but of a broken man led to madness by all the forces around him and by Palpatine in particular, she saw the signs but didn´t expect it to end like this. I believe this is the reason why Padme and not Obi-Wan understood better what happened to Anakin and hence why she insisted he could be brought back, he just was closer to him, knew him in his home on Tatootine and his closenes with Palpatine.
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Padme was right, because while Vader´s mind was certainly twisted by madness and the supernatural influence of the darkside and Palpatine´s grooming, his vision of a galaxy in order came from Anakin´s original innocent/idealistic idea of justice and freedom, of a galaxy that could be more fair than it was before. Vader never truly turned to the darkside despite Palpatine´s best efforts, because there was a part of the person Anakin was that stubornly refused to die and his past and identity were a big part of that. This identity is what Luke calls to life on ROTJ, the identity of the person who believed in compassion as unlimited love, who believed in helping each other to lead to a more fair galaxy.
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I enjoy a lot all of Anakin´s and Vader´s relationships, I believe all of them have their charm and bring something to the characters involved but I believe his identity or the importance of his political beliefs in both his fall from grace and his redemption are sorely ignored or worse reduced to a meme or a joke and is such a shame because I don´t think Anakin/Vader´s character and story can be fully understood without bringing this part of the him to the discussion.
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Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis Impressions - Pt. 8 (Spoilers)
Took me a couple of days but I finished the 100 pages long chapter telling the alien's origin story, so, the more relevant parts
- They were created by an intelligent species that evolved from birds. They were sent to Earth twelve thousand years ago to destroy Amel and to destroy the planet, because apparently the aliens were angry that the mammals evolved to the be the dominant species on Earth, instead of reptiles or birds. Apparently they sent Amel to fulfill this task centuries before but he rebelled
- ok then
- The four aliens fell in love with Earth, didn’t want to destroy it. They arrived in the city of Atalantaya, the city where Amel lives. Apparently is a tecnological paradise with the kind of tecnology that we don't have today
- Amel knows who they are and is pretty chill about it. He tells them that he wasn't an alien, he was born human and was abducted to the planet of the Angry Alien Birds and modified there.
- He doesn't believe the Angry Alien Birds wants to destroy the Earth, because he believes that they only want bloodshell and confusion. He believes that they feed on the suffering of humans, the four aliens agree with him
- This is actually a chilling idea, tho - advanced aliens making a less developed species suffers so they can feed on this suffering. Reminds me a little of the aliens from the third season of Torchwood [the ones who wanted children]
- They want to stay with Amel and desert the Angry Alien Birds plan, but the alien birds's planet apparently explodes and the wreckage of the planet hits Atalantaya [and the rest of Earth of course] and triggers its destruction
- There's also a strong implication that Memnoch is an alien??
- Wtf. Memnoch isn't my favorite book, not by far, but I prefer him being Satan wannabe than an alien pawn
- All in all is not really a bad story, it's well written and entertaining... but it looks SO out of place into a vampire's book, positively cracky. This would work so much better if it was an independent book
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mayfuji · 7 years
Fanfics masterpost
Utau Sentai Otoranger (Not even started)
Kamen Rider Constellation (Not even started)
Kamen Rider W: The Dopant side /Completed
You can read in English and Portuguese on Wattpad
Kamen Rider Wizard vs Mahou Sentai Magiranger: Magi Magi Time / Completed
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Kamen Rider vs Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen Destruction World / Completed
featuring: Kamen Rider Decade, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, Tensou Sentai Goseiger
You can read in English and Portuguese on Wattpad
Kamen Rider vs Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen Silver no Zeronos / Completed
featuring: Kamen Rider Zeronos, Kamen Rider Kiva, Go Go Sentai Boukenger, Shuriken Sentai Ninninger
You can read in English and Portuguese on Wattpad
Kamen Rider vs Super Sentai: Super Hero Chou Renascence Dai Taisen / On going
featuring Shuriken Sentai Ninninger, Kamen Rider Ghost, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.
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Kamen Rider vs Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen ImaginatiOOOn key / Completed
featuring Ressha Sentai ToQger, Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, Kamen Rider OOO.
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CSI Miami vs CSI Cyber  Tecnology Party//Beach hack  / On going
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Sasuke ~~ The Last~~/ Completed
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Hi everyone... I have a friend of mine, let's call her "Futoshi Maeda" (she chose the name) and she wanted to write some fanfic. As she would only write a small amount she asked me to post for her so enjoy!!
Olá pessoal... Eu tenho uma amiga, vamos chama-la de "Futoshi Maeda" (ela escolheu o nome) e ela queria escrever algumas fanfics. Como ela iria escrever poucas ela me pediu para postar para ela, então divirtam-se!!
Wizardess Heart+ - Two prefect and a Mirror/ Completed
with Elias, Randy and Joel (Mainly)
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Wizardess Heart+ - Faker/ Completed
with Elias⇌Luca, Randy⇌Klaus.
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Guard me Sherlock - Sherlock Holmes Case File: Erlock The Phantom Thief/ Completed
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Blood in Roses+ Serenade by the Moonlight/ Completed
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Diabolik Lovers ~~ Bloddy D.I.A.B.L.O~~/ Completed
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Diabolik Lovers ~~ Yui: The vampire hunter~~/ Completed
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If you want more cool fanfics please check TroeiCompany!!
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