#bruna reading plroa
Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis Impressions - Pt. 4 (Spoilers)
Read a bunch more chapters of Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis
Chapter 5 - Fareed's POV
- Fareed is the vampire scientist that first appeared in Prince Lestat. I like him actually, but pretty boring chapter. More talk of the weird aliens, yawn. Still don't care about them.
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- I TOLD you lot that Lestat was basically screaming to all vampires in creation that he was going to visit his boyfriend
- 'Lestat needed his old companion, Louis, all agreed' lmao was he being all grumpy and shit and they wanted Louis to distract him or something?
Chapter 6 - Lestat's POV
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- "Did you just fucking interrupted my date night with Louis to tell me about a potentially deadly non human threat, Thorne? Do I look like I care? Fuck off"
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- Armand just got dumped. AGAIN. And Louis didn't even told him personally. Poor fellow
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- 😍
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Chapter 7 - Garekyn's POV
- Still boring
- Still don't care about the aliens
- Armand, this guy just killed a vampire, crushed his skull AND ate his brain. Why the fuck did you leave just ONE vampire guarding this non human unknown being? You're not this stupid, Armand, smh
- Poor Eleni
- At least she's still alive
Chapter 8 - Lestat's POV
- Oh god they're actually talking about Atlantis, I was afraid of this moment
- Kinda boring chapter, reminds me of those long-ass Queen of the Damned chapters were they sitted on large groups and talked and talked and TALKED
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- A wild Gabrielle appears 😍 I love my ice kitten vampire queen. And she's already bored with everyone <3 I feel you, sister.
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- Anne you JUST TOLD US that Gabrielle was sitting right THERE. Lestat is also her maker, so she can't hear him either. JFC, read your own sentences
- Lestat you idiot, Amel did literally nothing while Akasha was killed and he actually ploted Maharet's murder. Don't trust him this blindly, you fool
- On a last note, Armand is kind of confrontational about the whole thing. A bit weird but I actually love it, because he was so weirdly passive and compliant in Prince Lestat, and Armand is always a little bitchy, so I prefer this version of him
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Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis - Final Considerations (Spoilers)
Let's start with the bad things to get it out of the way
- I admit that I enjoyed this book far more than I enjoyed Prince Lestat, but the plot is considerably weaker. It's not the worst VC book ever, not even top 3 worst, but the plot is very loose. The cause is, of course, the fucking aliens
- The aliens. Welp. They turn this book in a story weird as hell. I have no problems with sci-fi - I'm a passionate and dedicated Trekker, I have been so for years and I love to spend my time reading sci-fi shit - but... I don't like my sci-fi with my vampires? Crossovers are delicate things, and this one didn't work for me, at all - the alien's tale is actually pretty interesting, but it just look out of the place in this book. The crossover with the witches was still worse, but this one is by no means a step fowards. It just seems like two stories - the aliens' story and the vampires' story - were smashed together for convenience, with little thought about how well this could work.
- I am no squeamish person. I have no problem with gore, violent imagery or fucked up shit in general, be it in movies and TV shows (I thank Hannibal for that) or be it in books. BUT!!! THAT!!! THING!!! WITH!!! DEREK'S!!! ARM!!!
- !!!
- Seriously why did I had to read that. Why. I wish I could forget, but. *sigh*
- The vamps sort of... did nothing in this book? I mean, Louis and Lestat got shit done (power couple, yay), but they're pretty much were the only ones who did useful stuff?? Everyone else is only sort of there, without really doing something relevant for the plot and this was pretty annoying
- WHY EVERYTHING IS SCIENCE NOW. WHY. I really don't mind if the answer for some vampire things is just MAGIC or shhh don't question it. I don't. I would actually prefer if it was this way. All this bullshit science talk explaining every last thing about vampires and how their bodies work is soooo frustrating.
- WHY there's so many chapters with Rhoshamandes. WHY there's so many chapters with the new aliens. I don't want them. Stop giving me chapters about them. I don't care about them.
- Really, just give me some chapters about the old gang, I'll be so happy
But not everything is bad stuff; let’s talk a little about the good things.
- The characterization of the old characters is good here, far better than it has been in the last three books. My main complaint about Prince Lestat was how flat the old characters were. Armand spent the entire book agreeing with every word Lestat said and I was soo mad about that. Most of time no one had good characterization in Prince Lestat and it was annoying as hell. But things got better in this book, and everyone is written a little better. It's still no perfect characterization but hey, baby steps. At least Armand is a lot more angrier in this book and this makes me feel better.
- I already thought this in Prince Lestat, but let's reinforce it: Gabrielle and Sevraine are dating. Gabrielle has a girlfriend. Nothing you can say can convince me otherwise. Nothing.
- Lestat and Louis' relationship in this book was actually well written. It was startling sweet and full of affection, but it was mindful of their story together. It was really good, and I loved every line about them. At first I thought it was slightly OOC how quickly Louis agreed to be with Lestat again, but then I remembered that Prince Lestat ends with a chapter in Louis' POV - a pretty good chapter actually, where he ponders about his life and his immortality, and how he's finally ready to be himself, to allow himself to be something else than just an evil creature. It's a beautiful chapter, and it ends with the words “Beloved maker, beloved Prince, I will be with you soon.”. Thinking about that, then, it becomes clear why he accepted so quickly; he had already taken this decision, months before Lestat even asked him to be with him.
- Still on the subject, I really liked how Louis was written in this book. Anne didn't write him too well after IWTV, but I really enjoyed how he was written here.
- Unlike in Prince Lestat, I didn't had to read the sentence "Uncle Lestan", not even once. I'll thank Anne Rice for that, if for nothing else. And I'll also thank her for including very few appearances by Rose and Viktor, because I really don't care for them.
- I'm also happy to see more confirmations that the newish vampires aren't straight, I'm happy to see that she is keeping this tradition
Hmm. That’s all I can think about right now. It was far from perfect, but it could also be worse? Enjoyable anyway, because I love to encounter all my fav bisexual vampires again, even if the text occasionally makes me want to pull my hair out.
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Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis Impressions - Pt. 2 (Spoilers)
Read a couple more chapters of Prince Lestat And The Realms Of Atlantis
The Lestat chapter was good, always so much better to read from the POV of an old character.
I still don't get what is the deal with these ghosts, and why Anne thought it was a good idea to bring Magnus back to life. Also... why did I had to read a handful of pages with Lestat consoling Magnus for fucking him over when he turned him? Like... Lestat was the one who got fucked over?? Why is he consoling Magnus. Why
But in this chapter, I do confess that I loved that Amel was basically inside Lestat's head yelling at him "go see Louis you need Louis you love Louis" until Lestat gave up and went to see Louis lmao
Armand, Benji - tell my beloved Louis I'm on my way.
I also appreciate so much the fact that Lestat was basically screaming telepatically to whatever vampire could hear him that he was going to New Orleans to pick up his boyfriend lmao
The Garekyn chapter... ew. Nothing against the guy (even if that last pages were gross, yikes my dude) but he's boring and I was bored with him and that whole chapter
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Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis Impressions - Pt. 8 (Spoilers)
Took me a couple of days but I finished the 100 pages long chapter telling the alien's origin story, so, the more relevant parts
- They were created by an intelligent species that evolved from birds. They were sent to Earth twelve thousand years ago to destroy Amel and to destroy the planet, because apparently the aliens were angry that the mammals evolved to the be the dominant species on Earth, instead of reptiles or birds. Apparently they sent Amel to fulfill this task centuries before but he rebelled
- ok then
- The four aliens fell in love with Earth, didn’t want to destroy it. They arrived in the city of Atalantaya, the city where Amel lives. Apparently is a tecnological paradise with the kind of tecnology that we don't have today
- Amel knows who they are and is pretty chill about it. He tells them that he wasn't an alien, he was born human and was abducted to the planet of the Angry Alien Birds and modified there.
- He doesn't believe the Angry Alien Birds wants to destroy the Earth, because he believes that they only want bloodshell and confusion. He believes that they feed on the suffering of humans, the four aliens agree with him
- This is actually a chilling idea, tho - advanced aliens making a less developed species suffers so they can feed on this suffering. Reminds me a little of the aliens from the third season of Torchwood [the ones who wanted children]
- They want to stay with Amel and desert the Angry Alien Birds plan, but the alien birds's planet apparently explodes and the wreckage of the planet hits Atalantaya [and the rest of Earth of course] and triggers its destruction
- There's also a strong implication that Memnoch is an alien??
- Wtf. Memnoch isn't my favorite book, not by far, but I prefer him being Satan wannabe than an alien pawn
- All in all is not really a bad story, it's well written and entertaining... but it looks SO out of place into a vampire's book, positively cracky. This would work so much better if it was an independent book
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Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis Impressions - Pt. 1 (Spoilers)
Since it’s taking me forever to read the Iliad, I decided to start another book alongside it. Sometimes I think I’m no good at reading two books at once, but in reality it works nicely for me
So I started the latest Vampire Chronicles book (aka Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis), just finished the first chapter and
Why there’s so many new characters. Why. I wouldn’t mind a few, but Prince Lestat already had a fuckaton of useless new characters, and now PLROA is bringing a new lot of new useless characters and this frustrates me so much, I just
Just give me more chapters with the old characters? I would like it so much better because I don’t care at all for all these new characters (and I certainly don’t give a shit about Rhosamandes after what he did with Maharet), but I would love to read what Armand or Gabrielle or Pandora are doing or how they are feeling after the trainwreck that was the last book
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