#superman man of steel
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xalala · 1 year ago
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It's been a while since anyone's made the world this nervous. Black Adam. We should talk.
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kinghenryviii-i-am · 8 months ago
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Man of Steel Press Conference 2013
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nebulastarss · 7 months ago
I think I'd do really well as a background superman character because I have 6 cats, and have also cried loudly and pathetically while trying to chase down my escaped dogs
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cgbcomics · 4 months ago
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camo-wolf · 9 months ago
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evilhorse · 2 months ago
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Superman, Man of Steel Vs. System DC trading card game ad (from JSA Strange Adventures #3 circa December 2004)
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minervadashwood · 4 months ago
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he's so dreamy.
the original image looks much better but tumblr happened
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toulousewayne · 1 year ago
Batman & Superman: World’s Finest
This is a concept for a DC World’s Finest movie to take place in my DCU. This film will be apart of phase five.
Synopsis: Lex Luthor decides if he’s gonna run for President he must get rid of Superman once and for all.
Bruce Wayne/Batman…….Oliver Jackson-Cohen
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Clark Kent/Superman……..Pierson Fodé
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Lex Luthor……..Michael Fassbender
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Metallo………………..Karl Urban
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Deadshot………….Jense Ackles
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Parasite……………Wilson Bethel
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Lois Lane………….Ashley Greene
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Wonder Woman/Diana Prince…Christian Serratos
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Alfred Pennyworth……….Pierce Brosnan
Commissioner Gordon…….Stanley Tucci
Amanda Waller……….Angela Bassett
Robin/Damian Wayne…….Mystic Inscho
Rick Flagg………Richard Madden
The film opens with two parallel scenes of Batman & Robin gearing up to respond to the batsignal, as well as Superman leaving a conference at work after hearing alarms at S.T.A.R. Labs.
Superman arrives and it’s a militia of armored men who have Scientists and inters. Superman makes quick work of the main room and frees the hostages, and then progresses through the rest of the facility.
Batman & Robin arrive to a apartment in Burnley with the Commissioner where three government agents were gunned down.
Superman arrived and tells a smaller group of men to stop. They open fire on him and the leader shoots at some test tubes, and containers releasing gases and specimens. One of the goons calls out to the leader,”Rudy” who flees during the gas leaks.
Superman clears the room but Rudy got away.
Batman and Robin return later to the cave. Robin informs him he’s going to train before bed and Bruce begins examining the crime scene from earlier. Alfred arrived with dinner and the two talk and think about how the murder managed to kill three government agents without being spotted as well as without leaving a lot of clues.
The next day Clark returns to work and is greeted by a irritated Lois Lane who tells him that Perry was so pissed off he left the meeting that he spent the rest of the time nagging her about her assignments. Clark jokes with her and promises her dinner. They arrive to their floor.
Meanwhile, Rudy is in his cramps apartment in Metropolis and he has a nasty cough and doesn’t feel and good. He looks through his duffle and finds a open canister with purple goon still inside. He further looks at it and it’s from LexCorp research and development department.
Bruce enters his office at Wayne Enterprises and is met with Amanda Waller. They have a chat and she slips him a file, and tells him that this could help Batman. He warns her to stay out of Gotham and she tells him she’s only here to help and leaves with Rick Flagg.
Bruce calls Alfred and on his watch and the two browser the file on a assassin named Deadshot.
Leaving the office Clark and Lois notice a large crowd gather and see a man perched on a nearby building threading to jump. Clark blends into the sea of people to a nearby alley where he begins to change.
Bruce gets into his car and begins to drive away from Wayne Tower.
Meanwhile, Superman shoots up to the guy and begins to talk to him only to find the guy isn’t really is a dummy. A gunshot rings and Superman is shot in the chest and crashing down to the streets.
Bruce is still talking to Alfred on the phone when a breaking news flashs across his screen. He races away. He tells Alfred to have his suit and the Batwing ready.
Superman is surrounded by police and Lois pushes her way to him and tells him to stay conscious.
Bruce rushes downstairs into the cave where Alfred had a live feed playing from Metropolis news channel. He presses a button on the computer and Martian Manhunter appears on screen. He tells him he’ll need his help.
Lois is still trying to keep Superman awake as EMTs gather around him but his flash is trying to heal around the bullet,one of the Swat team walks to him and kneels and transforms into Martian Manhunter. He tells him help is on the way to stay alert.
Meanwhile, Deadshot from three rooftops away loads his rifle with one last Kryptonite bullet. He sims it at Superman’s lifeless body and before he can fire it a Batarang disarms him. Batman looms over him on a a/c unit. And descends towards him and the two fight.
Martian Manhunter turns his head to the side of the fight and tells Lois to have the EMTs prep him for the bullet extraction. She rushs to get them as J’onn presses on his earpiece and calls for the device.
Batman and Deadshot fight across the rooftops and Batman uses a disruptor to jam his wrist guns. And knocks him out.
J’onn received a black briefcase from a red and yellow blur and opens it to a kryptonite scalpel.
Having Deadshot cuffed Batman glides down to the scene and pulls a small vial from his belt. He tells Superman to hold on and pours the iodine on him, he takes the scalpel and J’onn morphs his fingers and pulls out the bullet allowing the wound to close. The crowd cheers and Lois helps Superman sit up.
Later that night Superman and the police chief integrate Deadshot. Seeing as their not getting anything from Batman glares at the door and enters, a moment later he returns and tells them it was private hit, they supplied the gun and rounds and all he had to do is kill him.
Lex Luthor exits his limo and enters his company. Lex is having a phone call with Mercy about Superman still being alive. She tells him not to worry as she just left Iron Heights and their backup plan is go. Upon entering his office Luthor find Rudy who’s looks worse and is spastic.
He demands Lex give him an antidote or he’ll expose what his research is really about. Calmly Lex tells he figured this would happen and lures the man to his desk where he pulls out a vial, He tells if wants it it’s his. Rudy takes it and ask him what’s the catch. Smugly Luthor tells him there isn’t one just take the vial and all will be fixed.
Still unsure and without much choice Rudy tells him he’ll leave,and Lex tells him if he has any questions to call,and Rudy leaves with a smug Lex watching.
Batman and Superman arrive at warehouse in downtown Metropolis, it’s where Deadshot had set up shop. Superman questions why someone wants to kill him, more than normal and Batman hacks into Lawton’s computer to decrypt the secure messages.
Luthor has cameras planted inside and tells Mercy to active plan B.
Batman has the data sent to the Batcomputer where Alfred tells him he’ll have it decoded in just a few moments, a large object crashes through the wall knock Batman back and Superman turns to see Metallo free from prison with upgrades making him more robot. He and Superman fight out of the warehouse and Batman gets to his feet.
Rudy doubled over in pain drinks the vial from Lex and for a brief moment he feels fine before he screams in pain and violently trashes his apartment before follow over and purple light eliminates the apartment from outside.
It’s a fight through the streets and rooftops of Metropolis and Superman is still weak from his wound from Deadshot.
Metallo nearly stabs Superman with a Kryptonite blade but Batman uses his Arsenal of gadgets to distract him and lure him away from Superman. Metallo attempts to grab Batman but missed everytime.
He manages to throw the Bat into a water tower and Batman is injured. Before Metallo can strike Superman quickly throws a car at him knocking him into a nearby building. He grabs Batman and flies but his knocked back by Metallo blast of Kryptonite.
Batman assists Superman to a kneeling position and Metallo stocks toward the but his restrainted by the Lasso of Truth. Wonder Woman is flying above the men. Batman helps Superman stand and Alfred chimes in to tell him the source of the payment as well as the message ping back to an off shores account. That belongs to Lex Luthor. Wonder Woman commands Metallo to tell her the truth of who sent him and tells them Luthor wanted him to finish the job.
Superman gets up and tells them it ends tonight and knock Metallo out. Wonder Woman descends to the rooftop and tells them she saw the news and wanted to make sure they were okay. Batman tells her timing needs work and she tells him they’re both welcome. Superman is angry and flies toward LexCorp.Wonder Woman grabs and tells them they have to back him up.
Lex is drinking scotch on his balcony when Superman with red eyed lowers in front of him and demands to know why. Lex sips his drink and tells him his plans for Presidency but that can’t happen with the Boy Scout around. And on cue a large form jumps onto the balcony and before them is Parasite. Luthor tells him if he really wants to stop the pain he’ll kill Superman.
Parasite attacks Superman and the two crash down to the streets. Wonder Woman lands Batman on the ground and rushes towards LexCorp he tells Diana to buy him time.
Lex unstable and enrage watches the fight from the balcony and marches inside and calls for Mercy.
Batman arrives at the entrance of LexCorp and guards with military equipment are deployed to secure the lobby and Batman enters through the door with smoke and quickly disarms all the guards and takes them out. He calls to Alfred to scan the building and Alfred tells him Lex is fleeing down southwest staircase and Batman rushes after him.
Superman is struggle to handle Parasite in his current state, Wonder Woman reminds that weather or not he’s at full strength he’s more than capable to stop Parasite who is enraged with powers and vows to kill them both in order to avenge what he’s become, and they two fight him again.
Lex calls for Mercy but his line isn’t working and finds one of his car’s and attempts to flee, the Batmobile begins to chase after him. The two are engaged in a high speed pursuit in the city while the other members of the Trinity battle Parasite.
Batman is able to hack into lack’s database is slowly draining his files and experiments. He tells Lex that he has the evidence he needs and their no where he can run to where Batman won’t find him, and slide swipe Lex’s car cashing him to crash. Lex crawls out and is confronted by the Dark Knight.
Superman is sent through a Department Store and Wonder Woman uses her bracelets and it dents Parasite flying. Superman shoots throw the air and begins to beat up Parasite, who throws several punches back. Batman arrived and holds a device he tells Wonder Woman to help Superman restrain Parasite to Batman can inject the antidote. On cue Parasite crashes into a nearby car. Wonder Woman flies towards Superman tells him they need to by Batman time.
Together the work together to get Parasite in a clear open space and using the Lasso of Truth their able to restrain him and Batman injects the antidote. Parasite slowly returns to his human form and falls unconscious. Superman thanks them both but ask for Luthor. Batman presses a button on his belt and the Batmoblie opens to reveal an unconscious Lex Luthor. Superman stocks toward the car and Lex wakes up to Superman’s looming figure. He tells him he isn’t scared and Superman grabs him, tells him prison isn’t like anything he’s seen before.
In the finale scene we skip to a month later and Lex Luthor is being sent to Ryker’s Penitentiary and is awaiting trial and sentencing for his crimes against Metropolis and his unethical actions. Lois tells him if he keeps grinning like that his face will free like that. And Clark says he’s just glad Justice will be served and Luthor can’t by his way out of this one.
She tells him that she’ll see him at home later as she and Jimmy have an assignment down by the park and Perry wants the scoop.
Superman flies up through the clouds and lands on a rooftop in Gotham and asks him is he always this gloomy. Batman emerges from the shadows and looks at the city. He asks him did the drive help and Superman smiles. Batman tells him people like Luthor will always exist. And Superman places a hand on his shoulder and tells that it’s a good that they have Batman to scare them off. And Batman grins slyly at the comment. Superman lifts off and tells him they’ll have to work together and Batman tells to not press his luck and Superman flies off. Batman sees the Batsignal and grapples towards it.
Post Credit:
- Floyd Lawton is working out in his cell when the buzzer sounds and heavy footsteps are heard. He asks his being let out for good behavior and standing before him is Rick Flag who drops a duffel bag in front of him. He tells him to gear up the Boss wants to hire him for a job. And he leaves his cell, on the bag is a large red X.
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comics-at-dawn · 5 months ago
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live love laugh superman
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How successful would Smallville Clark Kent/Superman…
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Would you like to submit a character? Click this link if you do!
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episodicnostalgia · 10 months ago
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Reading Break: “Retiring” from comic book collecting
The Reading Break continues, mainly because work is still hindering my ability to write structured reviews with any regularity.  It’s a bit of a bummer, because I genuinely enjoy writing them, and it’s made blogging fun for me, but doing so requires more mental energy than I can currently afford to spend.  Sometimes you just gotta prioritize payin’ them bills, and staying alive. In the meantime, I don’t want to sacrifice writing altogether, because I value this platform as an outlet, and since it is MY flippin’ blog, I figure I’ll just relax the structure a bit and write about other shit; less episodic, and more nostalgic, I suppose.
So anyways.  Comic Books.
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More of my leisure time has been spent reading comics these days, and if you’ve been tuning into any of my most recent posts, then you already know that I’ve been on something of a Spider-man kick for a while, and that’s unlikely to change in the immediate future.  Obviously, the fact that I’ve been reviewing the 90’s cartoon has fanned the flames of my current fixation, but it’s been a long time coming.  Over the past few years I’ve been casually focused on completing my ideal Spidey-Comics-collection, and I’m very nearly finished.
Incidentally, that also means that I will also be, by-and-large, finished actively collecting comic books altogether.
Technically I kind of “stopped collecting” (heavy on the quotations there) shortly after DC’s ‘New 52’ reboot kicked off.  It wasn’t that I particularly disliked the changes, but I found myself lacking the energy to maintain my interest.  Since Marvel wasn't exactly doing anything more appealing (and the MCU was still scratching that itch), I just stopped altogether. To this day, I haven’t really felt that I’ve been missing out. 
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I’m still prone to casually glancing at subreddits, Wikipedia blogs, and the occasional review/pop-culture think piece, just to check in on all my old fictional friends, and see how they’re doing.  Superman and Lois have a kid who grew up, and also became another Superman. Batman and Catwoman got married, and then unmarried, I think?  I know it resulted a in a bunch of fans getting angry. I understand Miles Morales has been transported to the 616 universe (after his was destroyed), and I seem to recall that Wolverine was dead for a while. Maybe he still is?
I admittedly I did start reading the new Ultimate Spider-man, and intend to continue doing so, but I’ll drop it in a heartbeat if I get bored, meanwhile the other books in the new ‘Ultimate’ line don’t really appeal at all. I’m not trying be pretentious either; All the new stuff being published today looks like it’s probably reasonably entertaining, and there are some fantastic new artists working in the industry, but I’ve just mostly had my fill.
That said, there were a decent number of older issues that I’d always wanted to read when I was a kid, but never got to.  So, shortly after I stopped buying any of the new books coming out (a little over a decade ago), I began removing the issues that I had no intention of re-reading, to make room for the various ‘missing’ issues I needed to complete my "essential" collection once and for all.
After all, is any reading list complete without Super-merman?
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During my comic-hunt, there are two characters who I predominantly focused on: Superman (Merman or otherwise) & Spider-man (there are no Spider-mermen. Because that would be stupid.)
Two-or-three years ago, I successfully completed my collection of Superman comics ranging between late 1986 to early 1995.  That’s the era that includes, among other things:
Lex faking his death, swapping his brain into an enhanced clone body, and returning with a full head of hair as his own super hot, Secret, Australian-raised son, aka Lex Luthor II.  I’m not making any of that up, but it’s actually a great Lex Luthor arc, and I mean that unapologetically.
Lois getting engaged to Clark, and being trusted with his super-secret. (And also, hilariously, in that order.)
The artificial protoplasmic lifeform aka ‘Matrix-Supergirl’ from “the pocket dimension,” who easily ranks as my favourite iteration of the Supergirl property.
The evil Kryptonian AI aka “The Eradicator,” and of course…
The world-famous ‘Death of Superman’
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As ridiculously 90’s as that all sounds (and was), it was a truly solid 8-year run that has (in my millennial opinion) never been matched for its combined quality, diverse-and-dynamic supporting cast (which no other set of writers have ever come close to utilizing as effectively), and tight continuity. Most importantly, by the beginning of ‘95, the story sort-of comes to a natural close that leaves our characters happy, with most of the major arcs and plotlines resolved. 
That itself is nothing short of a small miracle for an ongoing comic book series to achieve, and so I’ve always privately considered that to be "the end" of MY definitive Superman story. That respective collection begins with ‘Man of Steel’ #1, spans across the four Superman books of-the-time (plus select mini-series, annuals, and crossovers), and ends with ‘Action Comics’ #706, some 350-odd issues later. 
It's an impressive achievement in storytelling that seems to finally be getting more recognition (from what I’ve seen on various forums and subreddits), but I still don’t think it gets enough credit for allowing our beloved Kryptonian’s story to move forward for (arguably) the first time in the character’s then-50+ years of existence. Suffice to say, while it was no small feat tracking down each of the necessary back-issues, it was relatively simple process to figure out WHICH issues I needed to buy, since it was all part of one consecutive run.
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Finishing my Spider-man Collection was a little trickier.
Technically, the Spider-man books have never broken their continuity (with some room for debate, but I don’t feel like getting into that), and as such, any truly complete collection of the 616* Spider-man would span several thousand issues, many of which I don't consider essential reading.  So it’s been a longer, more meticulous process of figuring out which artists, writers, and story arcs I actually want to sink money into. 
[*616 = The OG Marvel universe from the comics]
With a few exceptions (and where I’ve had to accept trade paperback collections as a vital alternative to spending at LEAST several tens-of-thousands of dollars), I’ve now collected nearly all of the main eras throughout Spidey’s career that interest me.  I’ve very nearly completed the Roger Stern run,  along with a healthy sampling of Tom Defalco’s work, leaving me roughly 10 issues away from my goal.
If you care to know, it comes to the equivalent of some 420+ issues from the various 616 Spidey books, between Amazing Fantasy #15, to The Amazing Spider-man #508. 
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Why stop there? Because much of what has come out beyond that point feels either like a departure from, or a retread of, the character I grew up with. I don’t begrudge anyone who enjoys the current Spidey books, but he seems to have been stuck in a holding pattern that TPTB have decided the writers aren't permitted to move beyond. I imagine that’s also why the new ‘Ultimate Spider-man’ has captured my interest, at least for the time being, by letting him grow up and raise a family. Still, I won’t be surprised if/when even that version of the character ends up getting caught in his own version of an editorially-mandated limbo.
In the end, that’s what it really boils down to, the lack of endings.  I won’t pretend I’m making a new observation in this regard, since most ongoing series are tailor made to reset every few years, and that’s unlikely to change any time soon.  Even so, knowing when to end a story is as important to me as the plot itself, and since the writers aren’t ever granted the power to offer definitive endings to major proprietary characters, I decided to pick one that I can be content with.  I find doing so makes going back and re-reading these stories from the beginning more enjoyable, since I know it will eventually end on my terms.
Speaking of ending things, It’s probably time I wrapped up this post.  It’s possible I might come back with more specific observations about the Spidey books, depending on how long my “reading break" continues.  Or maybe by the time I’m back, I’ll be able to focus on the reviews again.
Guess we'll see.
Thanks for Reading.
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jo-marvel-grimm · 2 years ago
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frownyalfred · 5 months ago
hc that Kryptonian names are kind of like true names so even though Clark grew up never hearing Kal-El until he was an adult, the second someone uses it on him he twitches and instinctively leans in a little. over time, the response gets easier to ignore, but there’s still times when Bruce (or someone else?) uses it and it just kind of. snaps his attention back over to them, Clark falling away from Kal as instinct fires at the back of his mind, hey that’s my name, why are you using it?
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sctvita1988 · 1 year ago
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I did it! Scott Keeney buying the Laser Superman and Power Flight Superman from Superman (1995) in EBay and Kenner in 1995!
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andstuffsketches · 6 months ago
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finally watched Reign of the Supermen
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sahind · 2 months ago
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SUPERMAN Actors over the years (1948-2025)
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