#sunday writing update
lola-theshowgrl · 1 year
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W/C: 14/08/2023 Words Written: 3,298
Thought it might be fun to start doing a Sunday writing update post each week! Not sure how interested anyone is really, but it might help keep me accountable since I currently have so many different projects running!
So, first things first, I edited and posted chapter four of "The Prince and The Botanist" which is the first chapter written from Lucien's POV. I also decided to start posting "All's Fair" again, and moved the first four chapters to public view, then edited and posted chapter five!
All's Fair is a bit of a weird one, because it is still a queer story, it's a less obvious one until later in the book. It's very close to my heart though, and I really hope folks will enjoy it!
I've decided that I'm going to alternate chapters posted for these two stories, so rather than weekly, they will be fortnightly. Next week I'll post chapter 5 of TPATB, then the following week chapter six of All's Fair, and so on.
To be honest, this is mostly to buy myself some time while I decide what I want to work on, as I'm still pretty unsure. I have so many options just now, and I'm absolutely RUBBISH at making decisions even at the best of times!
Sound off if you have any thoughts or feedback on this dilemma for me, always grateful for feedback!
Lola xx
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
It is done
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starlightkun · 1 year
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❧ these are all separate, independent works! you don’t need to read all of them or read them in any particular order to understand the others. they're all set in the same universe, listed in the order they were written
❧ modern magical creatures au, modern fantasy au, college au
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⤷ strawberry sunday - fairy jungwoo, slow burn, one (1) idiot and one (1) tease to lovers, ft. magical ilichils & human johnny; 28.4k
in which you, all your friends, and your stupid massive crush on jungwoo go stay in one beach house together for spring break. you’re determined to make it out with your secret in tact. but… has jungwoo always looked at you like that? touched you this much? like that? he can’t be… flirting with you?
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── read here
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⤷ romance is dead - vampire kun, strangers to lovers, ft. magical weishens; 19.4k + 10.3k sequel
in which there’s a mix-up with a love potion, and you suddenly find yourself being courted by a several-hundred-year-old vampire. it's not all sonnets and bouquets, though, as you're keenly aware that kun's love could turn to thirst. and maybe you wouldn't mind if it did
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── read here | sequel :・゚✧。・:・*
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⤷ pupsick - werewolf jeno, bakery au, friends to lovers, ft. werewolf sungchan, magical dreamies, & human renjun; 11.8k + 8.8k sequel
in which jeno’s sick, and insists that you’re the only one who can take care of him. but according to your only other werewolf friend, you're what's making him sick, too
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── read here | sequel :・゚✧。・:・*
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⤷ the dragon's happily ever after - dragon jisung, fake not dating/secret dating trope, ft. magical dreamies & human renjun; 17.4k
in which you and jisung sort of forgot to tell your nosy friends that you're dating, but realize it's the perfect opportunity to give them a little taste of their own medicine. they're trying to set you two up, while you're trying to see how long it takes them to notice that you're already dating. cue the shenanigans
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── read here
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⤷ changer - werewolf sungchan, blind date, slow(ish) burn, strangers to friends to lovers, ft. siren shotaro & various magical neos; 22.3k + 25.5k sequel
in which you and sungchan are set up on a blind date, and it goes terribly. you don't plan on ever seeing him again, but a chance second meeting could reignite the spark of... friendship? well shit.
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── read here | sequel :・゚✧。・:・*
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⤷ dr_magic2303 - human renjun, siren reader, academic rivals to lovers, ft. siren ten; 18.3k
in which a mysterious user by the pseudonym of dr_magic2303 starts popping up on your university’s online forums curing everyone’s magical ailments, and you’re determined to get to the bottom of their identity. that is, before you graduate in the spring and lose your access to said forums, of course. the clock is ticking, so you finally decide to enlist the help of your classmate and academic rival for the past four years, huang renjun
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── read here
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⤷ baby fangs - basilisk mark, sphinx reader, age gap (older reader), strangers to lovers, ft. various magical neos & human johnny (and other special guest appearances); 26.7k
in which mark desperately knocks on your door one night when he gets locked out of his friends' apartment, and you get way more than you bargained for in return. you hardly expect that the cute infatuation he displays for you immediately would be anything more— nor that you'd ever find yourself falling for the basilisk and his baby fangs too
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── read here
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seeminglydark · 1 month
large unnamed web comic website spam-mailing me every single day for a week with those 'you haven't updated Mil-Liminal in a while' emails I KNOW IM SORRY YOU THINK I DONT KNOW? they sound like they're sending out a wellness check any day now. guess i better get on that.
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imagineitdearies · 5 months
Me: *Checks current word count of ch36, it's already at 6.5k*
Also me: *Still has a whole ass scene to flesh out*
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kiwiana-writes · 11 months
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Thanks @rmd-writes and @sherryvalli for the tags! Words are hard this week but I managed to at least write the intro to a little spicy something…
“Never have I ever… had a threesome.” The look Alex cuts at Henry as he says this leaves Liam with no doubt that Alex is being as much of a little shit as always; he’s proven right a moment later when Henry huffs, rolling his eyes even as he takes a long swig of his drink. “If you want to get me liquored up, darling, you can just say so rather than bringing up all my uni exploits.” If you’d asked Liam two years ago, he’s honestly not sure what he’d find more surprising: that he’d be sitting on the floor of an obscenely large brownstone in Brooklyn while Prince Henry of England confesses easily to having a threesome while at Oxford, or that he and Alex would have found their way back to the kind of friendship that kept him tethered in high school. He turns to Spencer, trying to anchor himself in the one part of his life that still feels a little bit attached to reality, only to find Spencer with his drink halfway to his mouth, staring down into it like it contains a particularly wordy math problem. “Spence, babe.” Liam grins, delighted. “Have you had a threesome I don’t know about?”
As always feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to so tagging @affectionatelyrs @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @lilythesilly @maxbegone @myheartalivewrites @nontoxic-writes @orchidscript @smc-27 @stereopticons @suseagull04 @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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fruitybashir · 6 months
The Holidate (Spet me k tebi vleče) - Chapter 13
“Why did you hate me?” Bojan suddenly asks, tearing Kris from his thoughts and leaving him momentarily disoriented, thinking he must have missed some context for the question.
“What?” he asks.
“You used to hate me, before we started this whole …” Bojan waves his hand between them awkwardly. “Thing. Why?”
“I didn’t hate you, Bojan.” Kris says and cringes at himself.
Read chapter 13 here!
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whumblr · 10 months
A terrible price
Hello, I had a very awful thought and I'll let you all suffer with me :) Pls don't hate me.
Home is where the hurt is: Part 1
TW: Character death :)
So, what if Zayne had won. What if he’d managed to 'convince' Jay to give up his research. Maybe after a particular nasty evening, with Jay covered in blood just sobbing and shouting "Fine! Okay! You win!” And he actually does as Zayne says. No more trying to nail Emery. Just letting things play out to let Zayne clear his debt and walk away.
Zayne is satisfied.
And over the next couple of weeks, his mood improves with every passing day.
Even Jay can’t resist to go along with Zayne’s bright mood. Everything feels lighter, even Zayne’s visits. Sure, Zayne still torments him, but not as much as when he wanted to break him, and Jay finds himself, just like Zayne, looking forward to when Zayne can finally say he is debt-free and breaks free from Emery.
He’s practically counting down the days, sure that after Zayne’s life improves, so will his.
But one day, Zayne suddenly stops visiting.
Jay is relieved at first. Pretty sure that, well, this was it. But something is gnawing at him. Surely Zayne would drop by to ‘celebrate’ his freedom and maybe tell Jay that he was packing up and leaving. Or drop hints that his last job was going to be soon. This is strange. And something’s not right. But his new-found freedom makes it somewhat impossible to focus on anything but the fact that he can finally try to take the first few steps to closure.
Then a couple days later when he arrives at work in the morning, Dennis is waiting for him in the lobby. Wearing a grave and somewhat unreadable expression on his face. Jay remembers he received a phone call the day before, shot Jay a sharp glance, but just grabbed his things to rush out of the building.
He now leads Jay into a meeting room, fiddling with a paper file in his hands.
“I’m not sure how you’re going to take this,” he starts, a meek gesture to them alone in the room.
Jay doesn’t respond, doesn’t know how to respond and Dennis continues after a deep breath:
“They found Zayne's body in the river.”
Jay just gives him a blank stare. Merely blinks. Everything, from his thoughts to his expression, just stops moving. Until the gravity of those words fully hits him and he realises what’s going on.
Zayne is…
His lips slowly part as his jaw drops. His thoughts go from zero to full speed in a matter of seconds. His mouth moves, stuttering out fragments of words, unable to fully form even a single word.
“You need prove,” Dennis’ voice breaks through his thoughts. It wasn’t a question.
“Yes.” His mouth feels dry and he eyes the file in Dennis’ hands.
“It’s not pretty.”
“I need to see it.”
Dennis hands him the file. A police report. Autopsy report.
And on the first page he is immediately greeted by a headshot of… something that resembles Zayne.
His face is all bloated. His eyes are closed, skin discoloured, hair flat on his head. Everything that made Zayne ‘Zayne’ is just… gone; his expression, his smile, his swiped back hair. Now it’s just… a body. With his eyes closed he could almost look peaceful and while the water erased most signs of violence, there’s still something eerie about certain spots on his face that don’t a complete picture, as if parts have been erased. Black and blue parts.
With every page he turns, he quickly swipes his hand over the pictures, not wanting to see. Just reading the cold, medical terms on what happened is hard enough. The words blur together and he only sees things like stabbed several times, lacerations, bruises, breaks, collarbone, ribs, wrists—
“I thought I’d be relieved…” he finally says, over the hand covering his mouth.
“Me too.”
He’s just too late covering a picture on the next page of Zayne’s torso, covered in stab wounds. The lines are clean, but something about them still makes his stomach churn. Something about the placement of the wounds that betrays a precision to avoid any fatal harm. He notices the old scar on his abdomen and for some reason that really hammers home that this puffed up body on a slab really is - was - Zayne.
“What was the fatal one?” He hears his own voice, brittle.
Dennis turns a few pages back and points at the picture. That’s when Jay notices the line over Zayne's throat. There’s a sharp intake of breath.
A little voice in the back of his head manages to make things even worse: did they use Zayne’s own knife?
“I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Every bit of relief is squashed by something heavy. His heart is racing. His hand is shaking and just doesn’t want to leave his mouth, as if he’s gonna throw up immediately once he removes it.
And he feels something wet against his fingertips.
“No I... why...?!” He takes his glasses off and furiously swipes his sleeve over his cheekbones. “Why am I upset about… about Zayne?!” he cries out, brushing tears away as soon as they appear, as if he can erase any evidence of the bitterness swirling inside.
“You don’t have to cry for the man who did those awful things to you…” Dennis says, voice soft. “It’s okay to cry for the man they dragged out of the water.”
Something doesn’t quite break but Jay feels something crack. Tears seep through it and he finally just slumps down on a chair, catching his head in his hands.
“This is too cruel. He… he didn’t deserve this. Not like this.”
Nor do I! This isn’t the happy ending he wanted! Everything, going back to his old life, his freedom, his recovery, is going to be overshadowed by this. How could he ever be relieved that he was going to be left alone now, happy that Zayne would never visit again, when he knows—
And Zayne… he was so happy these last few days. So sure that his freedom was near. And everything was ripped away. Cruelly punished for doing just as he was asked to do, for making it to the end, for merely existing. For meeting the wrong man.
“I was going to say… call in sick and go home but—”
“But home is no longer safe,” Jay finishes. It wouldn’t take long before Emery would tie up the last loose end. “When was he killed?”
“About five days ago.”
“You’d think Emery would be on my doorstep four days ago then…”
“I’m not going to take any risks. I’m going to finish up, talk to Luke to see if we can arrange some protection and you’re staying with me.”
Finally free. It cost a terrible price. And even now he still isn't free at all. A bigger threat still looms over them all. And it wouldn’t be satisfied with just its first victim.
Things might actually take a turn for the worse.
Suffer List Tag list: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hurtmebeautifully @rougenoirofthepurpleterror @susiequaz12 @whump-me-all-night-long @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @im-just-here-for-the-whump @restrainthenmaime @freefallingup13 @whatwasmyprevioususername @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @firewheeesky @redstainedsocks @hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @break-so-beautifully @approach-me-and-ill-cry @painsandconfusion @afabulousmrtake @wormwriting @soopytime @whumpedydump @pickleking8 @itsmyworld98 @whumpifi @painless-and-colourful
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Love in 6/8
90 Day Fiancé AU! - For this season of 90 Day Fiancé, we will follow Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin on their journey to the altar. Watch as our beloved characters explore the sprawling New York City, discover the thrilling ups and downs of living with a romantic partner, and so much more. - T • 15k • screenplay
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9 | Episode 10
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chaotic-orphan · 14 days
The next part of Stranger and Supervillain’s brand are in the works!!!! [so expect them in the next week or two]
Also, Heroic betrayal and Defiant Leader x confident Villain are halfway through their next chapters. {expect within the week}
Vendetta is basically written in my head I just need it written down first ((if my brain would stop starting new projects that would be wonderful, but here we are🙃))
Also more Alphabet of whump is coming it’s just taking time
Sorry it’s taken so long, thank you for being patient XD I really appreciate it 🫶🫶🫶
More rants below, I’m sorry for so many rants this week, I am a very loquacious person
I usually write the next part in the ask box and then publish it, so I don’t respond to asks until it’s written — except the semantics ask where I published it by accident😅 but yes!! Just a lil update for you all!!! And if you like a series, no matter how small [@me with Immortal Hunter and Benignant mischief ] you can ask for a second part if you enjoyed it, and I am happy to oblige!!! Though it may take a while, usually one-two weeks
[[Except twisted love, which has left me writer’s block like I’ve never felt before so I think that will be re-written and changed a bit storywise so I can actually write it because I love the idea, BUT SEMANTICS— it’s like royal whump, male whumper, lady whumpee, kind of same ish vibes if you want more — BUT OKAY RANT OVER THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK ]]
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jichanxo · 3 months
is it that time already? sunday six ✨
tagging @passthroughtime @four-white-trees @phantasy14 @skysquid22 @overdevelopedglasses
after spending a bunch of time away from senseific, i'm feeling refreshed and ready to start chipping away at it again. here's something old i've touched up and made a little more presentable
“I shouldn’t have let you.”
“Not into it?”
“You weren’t sober.”
“That’s all? I was sober enough.”
“You wouldn’t have done it if you hadn’t been drinking.”
“Maybe not.” Kitakata conceded. “But I’m sober and I’d still kiss you now, so what’s the difference?”
Yagami froze.
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acourtofladydeath · 5 months
Sunday Funday!!
Hello loves, I'm here with an update for y'all.
🔥 Right now I'm spending most of my time finishing "Welcome to the Family" for @secret-third-thing's birthday. If you want to learn more, you can catch the intro post here and extra sneak peak here!
🤒 I'm about halfway done with my Sariel Sic Fic for day 2 of Azris week! I love this little shadow, and I hope you all will too.
🤔 Next on my list is to decide which Azris week fic idea I want to prioritize drafting. So I'm sending the question off to you:
If you're unfamiliar with any of those fics, they can all be found in my masterlist here!
Feel free to add any questions or comments below or in the tags!
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the-feels-assassin · 6 months
Weekly Writing Update
Still plugging away at my Phlint Christmas fic.
For those following along, this fic takes place Dec 22, 2005 - Jan 2, 2006, in which Phil Coulson goes home to Manitowoc and his family of origin, which consists of his mom, two older siblings, their spouses, and a myriad of kids. Then Clint and Nat show up. Family trauma and drama! Plus Phil and Clint getting together.
So in this scene there are two characters "Ashley" and "Tim" who are Phil's 20 year old niece and 18 year old nephew, respectively. Ashley attends Harvard; Tim is still in high school. The "Chris" mentioned in passing is Phil's older sister.
“I needed this,” Clint said, pushing himself into a head stand. He held it for a moment, and then walked on his hands towards Natasha and the kids. It wasn’t as easy to do on the uneven ground or in the snow, the wetness was starting to seep through his gloves, but Clint had done it on worse terrain in the circus. Tim and Ashley were both watching him with wide eyes. If they thought these easy tumbles were impressive, they must not know many gymnasts or acrobats. Clint supposed his sort of people may not be common at Harvard. “You should have worked out with me this morning instead of canoodling,” Natasha said. She stepped forward and pushed his feet. He fell over backwards into the snow. “Ugh, you know I hate working out first thing,” Clint said, hopping up. “Plus the canoodling was with Phil.” A goofy smile came over his face. Phil with his broad hands mapping Clint’s back. Phil, his warm mouth as thorough and competent as he was. “It was too good to pass up.” “You’re really like with Uncle Phil?” Ashley asked, her face and voice filled with puzzlement. She stood next to Natasha, her arms crossed in front of her as she studied him. Her expression was analytical—a cross between the dissecting gaze of Chris and the considering gaze of Phil. “Like, you’re his boyfriend?” “Hell yeah,” Clint said with a big grin. Boyfriend. He was Phil Coulson’s boyfriend. He knew Phil hated that word, but Clint didn’t. He hated partner because it made them still seem like coworkers. He liked boyfriend, because everyone knew what it meant. He was Phil’s. “It’s just…” Ashley shook her head. “I don’t get it.” “What’s there to get?” Clint asked. “I love him. He loves me.” “But you’re so…” Her face scrunched and she motioned at all of him. “Cool. And Uncle Phil is…” She looked to Tim for help. “Not,” the boy said with a shrug. “Uncle Phil is a dork.” “The secret is that they are both dorks,” Natasha said.
Current Total Word Count: 88,823
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intrepidacious · 4 months
seven sentence drabbles are back baby, send in your prompts <3
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updated request rules here and in my pinned post!!
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“Miss Luthor, your two o’clock is here,” Jess’s voice chimes from the phone's speaker on her desk, “Should I send her in?”
Lena smiles and presses the intercom button, “Please let Miss Arias know that I am sending security to escort her off the premises.”
The line is quiet for a moment until Sam’s voice chirps up, “Let me in, you beautiful bitch or I’ll send Jess home. We both know who does all the heavy lifting around here.”
Lena rolls her eyes and cuts off the call as Sam pushes through the double doors of her office, “Slut!” her friend chides, playfully, “You are on the cover of every major publication in the country.” 
Lena lifts her eyes from her computer screen, narrowing them at Sam and cutting them towards Jess, who is trailing (and maybe cowering just a little) behind the CFO.
“Excuse me?” Lena asks, arching an eyebrow
Sam takes a seat across from Lena’s desk, and lifts her messenger bag to her lap before rummaging through it to retrieve her iPad.
“Miss Luthor, I assure you that we have a PR team on stand-by to spin this any way you’d like.” Jess raises placating hands as though Lena is going to hurdle the desk and throttle whomever comes close enough.
“What are you talking abo-..” but Lena snaps her mouth shut as Sam turns her iPad towards her, showing the photo of Lena bathed in blue and red light outside the CatCo gala, tucked and fitting perfectly in a bridal hold in Supergirl’s arms
And they look completely enamored; certainly not like Lena had just thwarted another assassination attempt.
No, they look like stupid teenagers in love.
“Luthor and a Super? The Sapphic CEO and Superhero appear cozy after a disastrous CatCo Correspondents Dinner” the headline reads and Lena squeezes her eyes shut and pinches the bridge of her nose before pulling in a deep breath.
“The story itself is pretty benign,” Jess cuts in, “They’re really just trying to sell it with the photo. It’s tabloid fodder.”
“It’s on the front page of the Washington Post,” Sam says out the side of her mouth, “and on the homepage of TMZ and D-Listed and Perez Hilton.”
“Perez Hilton? Is he even still a thing?” Lena waves off their concern. “There is nothing to spin, Jess. Tell the PR team to stand down. Supergirl rescued me and brought me back here. She was professional and cordial. That can be the press release.  Nothing more, nothing less.”
Jess nods and turns on her heels towards the door, “Yes, Miss Luthor.”
“Professional and cordial?” Sam says flatly, her eyes narrowing towards Lena as the double doors click shut behind her.
“Mhm,” Lena hums noncommittally, sliding the iPad back across her desk towards Sam, but she can feel her friend’s eyes on her.
“She just dropped you off.”
“Yup,” Lena pops, and suddenly becomes very interested in rearranging a stack of papers, and one pen in particular on her desk. Lena trains her eyes back to the computer screen in front of her and absolutely ignores how her friend stands slowly and presses the palms of her hands onto the edge of her desk, towering over Lena.
“Was it tragically sexy, again?” Sam nearly purrs.
A small smile pinches at the corner of Lena’s mouth. Oh, quite the opposite actually.
“I knew it!”
(Oh shit, she said that out loud.)
Lena can feel the flush that creeps under skin, and she is hot. Very hot, and when she finally dares to look in her friend's direction she can tell by Sam’s face that she is absolutely the darkest shade of red. There is a smile just itching to break across Sam’s face and Lena opens and shuts her mouth, trying to remember the finer mechanics of speaking, but the line between her brain and mouth seems to have been severed.
“We have these quarterly fiscal reports to go ove-..”
“I can’t believe you kissed Supergirl,” Sam cuts in, “did you slide immediately off the couch? Did she put up a ‘slippery when wet’ sign in the center of your office to save you from yourself?”
Lena barrels on, unsure how to keep the very sexy thoughts in her head from slipping out of her mouth, “R and D have some amazing new project in the pipeline that we could be launching in the next eighteen months-..”
And Lena must be doing a terrible job rambling, because suddenly Sam’s expression shifts from cheshire cat to full on shit-eating grin as her eyes widen and she nearly dives across Lena’s desk, swiping at the air in front of her face.
“Oh my god,” Sam nearly chokes on air, “you fucked Supergirl.”
“Miss Luthor, your mother is on line two,” Jess’s voice chirps up the intercom on her desk, and Lena isn’t sure she has ever been as grateful as she is at this moment to speak to Lillian.
“Where did you do it?” Sam is nearly giddy now, and Lena cuts her gaze down to her desk where her friend's hands are, fingers tapping impatiently and then back up to Sam with an arched eyebrow. Sam pulls back her hands with a huffed ‘ew’ as Lena picks up the phone and sinks back into her seat.
“Hello, mother,” she says cooly.
“You and that alien are plastered all over the news.”
“On the desk?!” Sam mouths and Lena shoots up a middle finger, pressing it against her lips in a plea to table the conversation until she is off the phone, or until they are interrupted by some CADMUS drone strike called in by her mother because every morning talk show across the country is running the photo of her in Supergirl’s arms. Lillian must have been climbing the bars of her cell this morning.
“So what now. Are you and the Kryptonian in love?” 
Lena clears her throat and shakes her head. “Wha-..? No. We’re not in love. Just another run of the mill Luthor assassination attempt. Thank you for that.”
Across from her Sam rolls her eyes and makes a jerk off motion with her hand, “You’re in love.” she mouths, and Lena presses her hand over the receiver.
“I’m not!” she hisses, leaning forward in her chair.
(She’s not, but she is absolutely teetering on the edge of Cupid's warm abyss.)
“Oh please. You’re never going to be able to part with this desk now that your betrothed railed you on it,” Sam whispers back.
Lillian tsks over the phone, “Don’t be so dramatic. They weren’t going to kill you. And besides, I was bored. Just keeping you on your toes.”
Lena bares her teeth at her friend and sits back in her seat, “Well, you should be. You’re in jail.”
“Yes. Thirty to life. Thank you for reminding me, dear.”
Lena hums, “Did you get the chess set I sent?”
“I did. Not that it matters, none of the ingrates in here know how to play anyway.” 
Lena can hear the disgust in her mother’s voice, “Well, perhaps you can do some community restitution and teach them.”
Lena can hear some commotion over the line and an officer shout “TWO MINUTES, LUTHOR.”
“Anyway, I’m calling to ask if you can replenish my commissary account a little early. I’m low on funds.”
Lena flips over her hand, and curls her fingers, examining her nails, “Your account automatically renews the first of the month.”
“I’m asking nicely, Lena.”
“And I’m telling you nicely, mother. Your account balance will renew on the first of the month.”
Lena glances up at Sam, whose eyes are wide, “She’s going to kill you.”
Lena waves off her friend's concern, and covers the receiver, “I’ll be fine. I’m two for two now with this Luthor civil war bullshit. Plus, I have a Supergirl,” Lena adds coyly and winks.
Sam shrugs her shoulders and relents at that. The line is quiet for a moment before Lillian speaks again, “You could be a little more grateful.”
Lena rolls her eyes, dropping her hand from over the receiver, “Oh, here we go.”
“I could have had you killed. But I didn’t.”
“How considerate of you. And how brave of you to admit on a federally recorded line,” Lena snaps back, “Anyway, as much as I love our chats, I do have some glass to chew on so I won't be able to finish the next forty-five seconds of this conversation.”
“You better not be fucking that ali-” Lena drops the phone back the phone into its cradle, and looks up at Sam.
read the first chapter here 
or continue chapter two on ao3
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vicsbasement · 8 months
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can't wait to soar (charlos, model!actor au)
chapter 1 - something we can build
chapter 2 - hey i'm just like you (a little messed up and blue)
chapter 3 - we could be so good
chapter 4 - a wandering heart
Charles didn’t cook, as Carlos would soon discover.
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