#strange acquaintance
differenthead · 1 year
Volume 263
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0:00:00 — "West Coast" by Sphinx (1986)
0:03:29 — "Summer Touches You" by 東北新幹線 (1982)
0:07:48 — DJ
0:11:28 — "Billie" by Cumbersome (1987)
0:14:57 — "Dokad Tak Biegniesz" by Made in Poland (1989)
0:19:20 — "Perigo" by Zizi Possi (1986)
0:24:06 — "The Trumpet Song" by The Particles (1984)
0:28:52 — "Dreams" by Shawn Pittman (1989)
0:34:15 — DJ
0:39:13 — "Tout le Monde S'amuse" by Regrets (1984)
0:43:10 — "Rock and the Rhythm" by Whadya Want? (1985)
0:47:05 — "Everybody Dance" by Strange Acquaintance (1984)
0:50:28 — "Dub with a Stranger" by Rick Clarke (1985)
0:54:36 — "Sound on Sound" by The Venetians (1983)
0:58:13 — DJ
1:02:54 — "Dime Donde" (Edit) by Rubi (1982)
1:06:49 — "Maxine" by Sharon O'Neill (1983)
1:11:11 — "In the Jungle" by Man Jumping (1984)
1:16:06 — "Love on a Funeral Pyre" by Pel Mel (1985)
1:20:18 — "New Saigon" by Pell Mell (1981)
1:28:22 — DJ
1:34:03 — "Kalatashew Waga" by Admas (1984)
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maxthesillyy · 1 month
sometimes im normal and sometimes i get violently gobsmacked by remembering all the possibilities of rachel and nathan’s dynamic
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
An Au when Sun is dead (by Nexus), Dark Sun pretends to be Sun while trying to find some way to revive him in secret. Nexus is having a mental breakdown, maybe get some redemption later. Everyone is not having a good time except Sun, that poor boy only when he is dead (temporarily) can get some rest.
Summary: In this AU, This is the time when Sun and Dark Sun start gradually becoming quite closer. They were still very wary of each other, but more or less, it was less tense than before.
Moon is busy planning to find the Nexus, and Dark Sun is still keeping a low profile.
Dark Sun still approaches Moon with annoying metaphorical warnings, but before that, he still hangs out with Sun. And although Moon was aware of Dark Sun's appearance, he did not know that Dark Sun and Sun were hanging out together behind his back like that.
Below is a typical day out for Sun and Dark Sun, the reason why they started this habit of going out, honestly no one remembers. Just on a sad day when Sun was drinking, Dark Sun appeared looking for Moon. They argued, mocked each other and like breaking ice, Dark Sun grabbed the bottle of wine that Sun threw at him and the rest is history.
I am really bad at writing, and maybe I will rewrite it again when I think more about it.
What is the value of a life? If a human life is priceless, then how much pain and suffering does Sun have to pay for his sins so he can wash all the blood off his hands?
Technically, he has never killed anyone. It's always Moon, or Eclipse, or Bloodmoon. Sun is always an 'innocent' one in everything.
And isn't it ironic that Sun, after everything, is still at the center of all the destruction, like a curse that brings death?
The reason why he used so much detergent to clean himself and everything in daycare. Or how sometimes Sun would see a red color at the edges of his eyes that wasn't there, or feel a sickly dirt like mud stuck to his metal shell.
It feels like a sign that his subconscious is trying to say something is wrong that Sun actively ignores.
"Are you always this dazed when playing games or do I myself have a special honor to see it?"
An annoying voice rang in Sun's ear, something Sun had been trying to ignore for the past 15 minutes or so but failing miserably.
Sun never thought hearing his own voice could be so unpleasant. He always felt a little bit self conscious about his voice because his voice was quite high, but being the one to hear it directly, made him feel sorry for his listeners because he used to speak very loudly in the past.
A face identical to his, with a bland smile that never reached the bottom of their eyes and empty red eyes that seemed to have given up on the world, this annoying visitor often appeared at random times and only left when they wanted.
"Why did you keep breaking into my house here? Do you have anything to do? Moon is busy in his lab, just go and put your creepy show on him." Sun asked weakly. He didn't really expect an answer, knowing that it would only lead to a metaphorical can of worms that he never wanted to open.
After the appearance of M–Nexus… Dark Sun became Moon's lower threat enemy. The priority one is Nexus. His brother was busy in the lab with Ruin and Puppet, tracking Nexus's whereabouts.
Moon invited him to go, but honestly, he couldn't help, with all the complicated AI and quantum physics theories that both Ruin and Moon knew so well… It would be better for Sun if he just stayed home.
And for some reason, both Moon and Puppet's machines can rarely see the Dark Sun. He is like a ghost in the eyes of the “All-Seeing One” and these geniuses, and Dark Sun shows up only to signal something is troubling, again.
"Can't I come see what I'm doing?" Dark Sun hummed, he looked at Sun and up at the television screen playing "Cult of the Lamb" in what, if Sun didn't know better, he would have considered a look of disgust but nostalgia.
"Don't make me laugh, you always want something, mister 'I don't care about anything unless it benefits me somehow'.”
Sun focused on the final boss, his hoarse voice box echoing a dull rhythm. There was no response, just a slight movement that shook the soft sofa he was sitting on. A bright yellow body chose a comfortable position right in the center of the chair, blatantly, something Sun himself would never be comfortable enough to do so. Too much open space, too few grip points. There is a feeling of being exposed and naked shaking Sun’s inexistent skin, causing Sun's system to always flash an unpleasant red warning.
Why even though the Creator hates them so much, he's still so invested in a delicate area like emotions?
What does a robot need emotions for?
Just to feel dead in the feet and hope tomorrow will not be worse than today?
There was a brief moment of depression as he thought about his hated father, before hearing a solid sound with a slight accent, almost like that British Ruin loved to show off himself with.
Is it self-awareness because Dark Sun feels like he shouldn't be too similar to Sun so he behaves more like Ruin?
Sun's AI brain weaves its way through logical thoughts, morphing and dancing in the form of 1s and 0s.
The bright light on the screen was almost a hypnotic drug, making Sun reduce the stress he felt that had been present since Dark Sun arrived.
“There's still a bit of time… I've played this game before too… Too much management and responsibility, not my taste.”
Sun suppressed his bites. 'If that's the case, why don't you just leave me alone?', but he was too tired, he no longer had the strength to care or even respond.
The space sank into silence again, with bustling electronic noise, almost like white noise, lulling Sun into a feeling of sleepiness.
“Orange juice?”
"Right?" Sun nodded confusedly. On the table top of them are just a glass of orange juice, and it's always been orange juice for the past few weeks, nothing has changed. Why does Dark Sun act like it's odd?
“Hmm.” Dark Sun hummed. “No more wine?”
"I do not drink alcohol anymore." Sun replied defensively, feeling as if he was ruffling feathers. He was so tired of these jokes from Monty and Puppet or those concerns from Earth that he is drinking too much or he is an alcoholic, he didn't need any more words from that guy.
“The other day it seemed like it was a lie.”
Things start to become awkward.
No one said anything next, neither Sun nor Dark Sun wanted to rekindle the event that caused the annual stormy evenings where Dark Sun appeared unusually with lies like this, just to hang out with Sun.
Something about Dark Sun always comes on cloudy days.
It wasn't exactly raining, as it seemed stormy and the water here almost never reached the island.
No, it was the kind of weather where the stifling oppressive heat of the sun turned everything gray, of the wind being quiet and the sunset melting on the edge of sand crumbs torn apart by the tide.
Perhaps it was dramatic, as the nature of every Sun and Moon had always been inherited from their 'dear father' in every line of code. To choose to always appear in those moments when gray shards as smooth as egg whites are whipped to the edge of the sky, like a novice chef's masterpiece blend with a child trying to beat the paper with paint. Sun just hides it better than Moon, and at the same time he has too much anxiety and lacks energy to be able to continue that ‘dramatic role’ for long.
Dark Sun appears, it's almost like looking into a distorted mirror, that never allows you to see your true self form but always in some deformed variation.
Sun's stupid thought was that Dark Sun always appeared at this time because he wanted to match the name they gave him.
“I don't really care if you drink or not.” Dark Sun hummed, stood up and casually walked into the kitchen as if he owned the place, taking out two shiny bottles of wine. Dark Sun's rays of light twisted and moved with each step of Dark Sun like the way a cat wags its tail when something stimulates its curiosity.
“But isn't trying to think about other people's words very tiring?”
The reddish brown color ripples in the glass bottle, like the enticement of the snake in the Garden of Eden. Annoyed at the way he was being read so clearly, Sun grabbed the bottle from Dark Sun's hand and gulped it down.
Then another sip.
One more sip.
And one more…
One more…
The smell of alcohol spread in the air and rippled in Sun's hands. The bell clanged against the side of the jar, perhaps a few drops of wine got on the red cloth wrapped around Sun's wrist.
“Hmm… How long has it been since you drank? And I'm not talking about 'last time'.” Dark Sun took a sip.
The person in front of him was indifferent, calmly took the controller in Sun's hand and chose to sacrifice instead of killing the boss like Sun was trying to do. That fucker even killed Sun's first apostle without hesitation.
“Weeks… Months? Before that Moo–n… Nexus… They, Earth didn't like me doing this very much. So I switched to soda.”
“But soda is horrible.”
“Yeah… It tastes really bad.” The alcohol made Sun laugh.
“I don't understand why they are so worried. Aren't we all robots?”
“That's exactly what I said, and the bottle, it's just this small…”
“It's not enough to make me dizzy anymore…”
Sun's voice sounded like he was shouting, he leaned back in his chair, wondering why everything seemed so normal.
Why did he let Dark Sun in, why did he only warn Moon about Dark Sun's appearance, but never about the moments when they sat down to play games and drink together.
A song and dance Sun and Dark Sun, forcefully have played with each other so damn countless times, with Dark Sun’s words always lurking menace behind them, and his clichés about tentative plans for an uncertain future, entangled in the webs of lies like the strings of a puppeteer, that Sun cannot understand and does not want to understand.
As always, Dark Sun will appear suddenly when Sun is alone, asking random questions about someone who is not there as if hoping that Sun has the answer before they both sit down and play games or just drink together.
How did their relationship become like this? Sun really didn't know.
About how it started or why it continued, even though he knew Dark Sun had a hidden agenda and was only taking advantage of him, even though both of them know they can never be friends, when Dark Sun is still actively a threat to Sun's family.
Perhaps it was the feeling of being understood without being wanted that drew them together. Both are like two sides of the same coin, over time they have been destroyed in different ways that cannot be repaired or came back.
Like trying to pour water into a broken vase, a meaningless action that only crazy people and idiots would continue to do.
If Sun fills that void in his chest with family, with cleaning, with giving himself a purpose to live for. Then Dark Sun just tries by himself to escape from everything. He surrounds himself with a layer of armor full of spikes, blocking anyone who wants to enter, numbing all his feelings until the days they become too hard to crack.
It was a strange thing that Sun wanted to say he understood that feeling, and sometimes, sometimes, he longed for it.
Not like M-New Old Moon, Nexus tearing down and throwing away everything, heading down a path of destruction without even caring how much it affects everyone. A liar, a liar, a liar. Words mumbling in Sun’s head like there is still someone in there. A bitter and sick to his stomach whenever Sun thinks about this... brother.
No, what Sun wants to talk about here is about just being alone and normal, where you just live and don’t have to care or need to care about anyone.
Why did Sun say that? Such ungrateful things about his family, who care deeply about him?
Maybe because that love and care that his family gave Sun sometimes felt like a burning fire, that made him burn when he touched.
Maybe because he just wants to look and care from afar, but doesn't want to touch or be close to them?
Sun loved Earth, she was the best sister he could ask for.
Sun also cherishes Lunar, his mischievous, sometimes crazy younger brother, who acts innocent and childish but actually a cold stone brat from the inside due to the trauma and manipulation that Eclipse caused, sometimes make Sun feels like looking at a twisted combination of him and Moon with sharp words and intelligence hidden in Lunar’s starry eyes.
Despite all the miserable things his brothers put him through and even now, despite the smoldering bitterness still gnawing at his heart, Sun also loves Moon with all his heart, both old and new.
But sometimes, Sun just wants to stay away. It's confusing to say, but Sun is fine with the occasional game together and these terrible jokes, but when stepping into the boundary of care and love, Sun just wants to stay away or cower like a maggot.
It is not worth it.
Sun is not worth it.
Sun doesn't deserve that love and attention.
Why are people always so close, so demanding, so caring to him?
Why does the way Moon tries to make amends, or Earth visits him more and more often, or Lunar gives him a touch or a knowing look, make him sicker than this evil version of himself sitting here? .
Dark Sun doesn't care. Dark Sun never cared. He was just using Sun as a distraction. Or a backup of a backup of a backup of some… he doesn't know, maybe some of his evil plans.
But strangely, Sun feels so comfortable. It's like breathing fresh air. A collar that has been taken out, making Sun easy to breathe. They are not even the same, with totally completely different personalities and intelligence. Heck, even Dark Sun doesn't like “Cult of the Lamb” or he is being too manipulative and indifferent to Sun's liking.
But their essence was still Sun, and even though Sun was stupid, he could still see the core features still there, behind the worn and distorted exterior of a person named Dark Sun. And isn't it disgusting, to feel more comfortable with a version so different and so similar to yourself than with your loved one?
Self-destruction is a curse. A realization lit up in Sun's head, realizing how in the way Eclipses all hated Moon but still wanted his approval, how Solar was scared of Moon but still supported him like a workaholic, how Ruin hated Moon’s guts so much but he still appreciated Moon’s intelligence.
Something about them all have things in common. They all hate, if not hate, then blatantly looking down at Sun, or consider Sun to be too dumb to consist as a threat.
Once may be a coincidence, but two or three people agree on the same opinion, then it’s not their fault, but him. Perhaps, it's just the truth that Sun hates himself so much that his code is passed on to others that are embedded in their subconscious hatred for Sun.
That's the hard truth. Sun just despises himself.
And Dark Sun even hated Sun, and his hatred and critics caused Sun more discomfort than others.
But surprisingly, it's also more comfortable…
Maybe it's because Dark Sun hates him, not because he's stupid or helpless.
Dark Sun hates him because he was once Sun, because he knows Sun can do better...
And because this hate is as familiar as an old blanket. A phantom pain, like the way his body twitched slightly and his fan ran a little too fast when he was in a closed space or he saw something red in the corner of Sun’s eyes.
Though, this hatred goes both in the same places.
Sun hates how Dark Sun can look straight in Sun’s soul to determine how much he is worth. He also hates how Dark Sun shows how bad Sun can become.
He also hated Dark Sun because actually he was just Sun, it was just circumstances that made that person change, that makes Dark Sun different. 
This is sick, disgusting even..
There must be something wrong that happened with Sun, which could cause Sun to have thoughts of sympathizing with this person's actions and thoughts, like Dark Sun deserves sympathy.
Their hate draws each other closer like a fragile chain, an unhealthy relationship, a deceitful friendship of one side covering their eyes and the other covering their ears.
“I wish if you hated me so much, you could just kill me instead of approaching me like this.”
It was dark outside. With only the buzzing sound of the game console and his cats in the basement.
“You… You guys… are all the same… Why can't I have a normal day…”
Sun didn't know if it was him talking or the bottle of wine talking. That's strange... Sun shouldn't be drunk, the bottle is really too small.
“Maybe if I close my eyes and then open them again, all this… crazy stuff will go away… I'll just be me, a regular Sun…”
“And you would die like that, right? It's so tiring, seeing every Sun just this… naive?”
A silence responded. Sun raised his eyes... Red electronic light flashed behind the milky white shell seemingly annoyed.
“Just keep chewing like that day after day. Crying and moaning like that, Sun, do you think it would solve anything?"
“I just don't know what to do…” Sun mumbled, his hand wrapped tightly around the bottle of wine, hugging it to his chest as if he wanted it to protect him.
“You will die soon in the future if you stay like this.”
The words were indifferent and cold, as if reflecting a truth, a truth that Sun had witnessed many times in different dimensions, and in the dimensions that Dark Sun showed Sun.
“Like I don't know.” Sun's shadow shines in front of the piece of glass, revealing a sad and exhausted face. The eyes, once bright blue, had turned white since the day Sun used magic to expel Eclipse from Sun's head.
A silence, nearly peaceful silence, between their two, like hands in hand in the drawing sea.
“Oh… Hmm… By the way, I accidentally killed Narinder.”
There was silence. And then the scream that followed almost alarmed the other side of the island.
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fluentisonus · 1 year
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he's right and furthermore I think she should have a lesbian affair in the meantime
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hotmess-exe · 2 months
it's been soooo long since i was forced to endure some dude condescending to me about hip hop i don't care about in the passenger seat of his car omfgODDD
i accidentally called Lupe Fiasco "mainstream" before I immediately clarified and used the word "known" and this dude harped on it for so fuckin long jfCHRIST. that sort of "Not only do you not know what you're talking about, but now you're getting your ignorance on ME" kinda harping on it.
apparently Lupe Fiasco doesn't count as anything even approaching mainstream because he "doesn't sell" and when I looked at him, fucking incredulous, I asked idk how many times "Are you saying people don't know Lupe Fiasco? Hip-hop doesn't know Lupe Fiasco???" for him to finally STFU and at that point it wasn't even a conversation I wanted to be in anymore lmao
all this because he just had to talk about how Eminem is a more culturally appropriate rapper than Drake because he wrote the song White America (me summarizing but I don't really care for his opinion anymore lol), like it's some revelation that I would never have connected the dots on 😂 all this because he just needed to know I was paying attention to his music
....anyway, I need a new ride to and from rehearsals 😅
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on-stolen-sunbeams · 7 days
I think I may have made a friend today. Possibly two.
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hella1975 · 10 months
i have such a reputation that four separate people incorporated pringles into my birthday gifts. be that girl
#to the point my one mate today (the one i almost ditched in that seminar LMAO) ((WAIT I NEED TO TELL YOUSE ABOUT HIM))#anyway! he was like 'oh i actually got you something!' which given our dynamic despite RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AHEM#is so unusual like he was NOT required to get me a gift. but then i immediately was like 'it's pringles isn't it'#and he was just like 'sigh. yeah' LMFAOOOOO#and you know what? chuffed to utter bits. ive already eaten half of them in 24 hours. scranning even more as i type this#anyway back to that guy. so you know i sometimes mention my flatmate from first year who also happens to be on my course#so off the bat we've got a weird friendship bc he's not just a coursemate bc i also lived with him#but also first year halls were assigned not chosen so it's not like we were actually FRIENDS#especially bc my flat did NOTTT get on lmfao so me and him were mainly just. acquaintances who lived and studied together?#very strange foundation to have with someone. but we went all of second year barely staying in contact#and then this year we live in the same area and for the LIFE of me i cant remember how we got back in contact#but all of a sudden we were messaging every day and meeting up before lectures and sitting together in them and stuyding together etc#and we get on REALLY well like he has my exact sense of humour i know ive posted about him several times#over the past three years being like 'me and this guy are the funniest people i know' 'he would do bits on tumblr' etc#AND THE OTHER WEEK HE ADMITTED THAT HE LIKES ME AND WE WENT ON A DATE#AND IT WENT REALLY WELL BUT I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME FIGURE OUT HOW I FEEL ABOUT HIM#SO IM TRYING NOT TO PUT PRESSURE ON ANYTHING and i was super clear w him also that im not actively searching for anything#so if smthn happens organically then it happens but if not it's my final year and that will always take priority and he was super chill#so i dont feel like i HAVE to make a decision just yet but we're going out again tomorrow#and it's like. even if it doesnt become smthn romantic i just really click with him?? like we get on so well??? IT'S SO FUN#AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS! WOOHOO! pringles post derailed by a MAN. awful#hella goes to uni
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bbbbbbbbbballgag · 10 months
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why is satan acting like this, i feel like we skipped over 4 chapters of development here
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sickly-victorian-boy · 2 months
Sometimes I wonder why all of the characters I relate to the most are eccentric little detectives (often with vaguely childish quirks) and then I remember that I have autism and ADHD
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eriecanal · 24 days
i love move in because i can finagle my various friends and acquaintances whose parents are for some reason still helping them move in to sophomore or junior year into buying us lunch or dinner. However this can also be very awkward
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goawaygoongit · 6 months
it makes me SO MAD that my ONE socially inappropriate behaviour means that I am like largely socially rejected no matter how often I am normal :( womp womp
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goldenpinof · 1 year
if Colleen thinks it's time for a roast yourself video then she is mistaken
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magicdyke · 2 years
tbh i do not understand any of the ships with dimple at all.like i do not get it + dont rlly like them. even looking past the fact that dimple canonically has zero romantic/sexual urges, none of the pairings seem even slightly interesting or viable to me. like the idea of a spirit and a person being in a relationship is fun like i enjoy that concept a lot, but dimple is quite frankly the worst one to pair with anyone. he's way too emotionally distant and in general his personality does not match w reigen or serizawa's at all beyond friendship
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starpros-sunshine · 9 months
My knowledge on culturally significant media is like. The only thing I have going for myself who am I if not the guy that knows fun little references about things...
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reinabeestudio · 10 months
Even after so many years, I still worry that when I use English, my words will come out weird because of culture differences. So I speak in a very casual way to sound friendlier (and it's faster to type ngl).
I know that barrier will never be fully lifted (languages are very nuanced after all). But it's one of the reasons I like writing, I can speak in a more natural way and it doesn't weird others out as much.
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choropilled · 11 months
having gay ass thoughts about choro in dbd . but mostly this one idea in my head where choro steps in a trap or something and gets Very badly injured and shes about to scream but jake comes over and just tells her to bite down really hard on his scarf while he gets her out of the trap. i dont know
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