#mannnn i aint gonna pretend im some fuckin hip hop historian
hotmess-exe ยท 2 months
it's been soooo long since i was forced to endure some dude condescending to me about hip hop i don't care about in the passenger seat of his car omfgODDD
i accidentally called Lupe Fiasco "mainstream" before I immediately clarified and used the word "known" and this dude harped on it for so fuckin long jfCHRIST. that sort of "Not only do you not know what you're talking about, but now you're getting your ignorance on ME" kinda harping on it.
apparently Lupe Fiasco doesn't count as anything even approaching mainstream because he "doesn't sell" and when I looked at him, fucking incredulous, I asked idk how many times "Are you saying people don't know Lupe Fiasco? Hip-hop doesn't know Lupe Fiasco???" for him to finally STFU and at that point it wasn't even a conversation I wanted to be in anymore lmao
all this because he just had to talk about how Eminem is a more culturally appropriate rapper than Drake because he wrote the song White America (me summarizing but I don't really care for his opinion anymore lol), like it's some revelation that I would never have connected the dots on ๐Ÿ˜‚ all this because he just needed to know I was paying attention to his music
....anyway, I need a new ride to and from rehearsals ๐Ÿ˜…
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