#Sometimes I remember this thing an acquaintance told me once a long time ago
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reinabeestudio · 1 year ago
Even after so many years, I still worry that when I use English, my words will come out weird because of culture differences. So I speak in a very casual way to sound friendlier (and it's faster to type ngl).
I know that barrier will never be fully lifted (languages are very nuanced after all). But it's one of the reasons I like writing, I can speak in a more natural way and it doesn't weird others out as much.
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zvdvdlvr · 8 months ago
The World We Knew
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☢️ — synopsis. Sometimes even the Ghoul got lost in thought.
When Cooper was bored and there wasn’t anything worth shooting, he would find himself thinking of the love he had, the life he had, and the world he knew. He only let himself take a blast to the past once in a blue moon. Cooper knew that you were dead, your corpse long rotted over the 200 some years after the bombs dropped.
Admittedly this was one of the times Cooper would think of her.
The first time Cooper heard of you was after hearing your name being brought by some scriptwriters. “She’s just a young thing without much experience. We need to have a bigger name in this move, not some girl!”
The other man ‘tsk’ed. “Foolish man! I know the woman personally- not in such an inappropriate way, mind- and this would do wonders for her career! Y/n is truly a lovely thing and skilled at her trade. Just let me bring her in, Randy. Make your decision after you meet her.”
Randy sucked his teeth and massaged his temple. “Fine. A quick meeting. But when that thirty minutes is over, don’t yell at me when she’s thrown out.”
The Ghoul pulled out his canteen of miraculously clean water and took a sip. He had quietly grabbed a snack during their conversation and left without a word. Little did he know just how drastically his life would change after that conversation.
“Hello! I’m y/n l/n,” a woman greeted politely. She stuck out her manicured hand and shook Cooper’s tightly. Cooper was surprised by your firm and respectful handshake- he was used to people running up and hugging him or gushing and asking him questions.
“Well,” Cooper said as he returned your handshake. “I’m Cooper Howard, darlin’. More than happy to make your acquaintance. What brings you around… here?” He gestured to the men and women running around the movie set. He remembered your name from the overheard conversation from about a month ago. 
You just laughed. “It would appear, Mr. Howard, that I will be lucky enough to work with you. I would have gone as far as to guess the production crew would have told you? It was brought to my attention that you were aware of my arrival,” you explained. Cooper was amazed at your polite and easygoing nature. It felt wonderful to be treated like just and average Joe for once. “I’m sorry you had to find out by me, Mr. Howard. I was under the impression you were already aware of this arrangement.”
“Oh, Cooper or Coop is fine, sweetheart,” Cooper told you kindly. “And it is truly no problem. Why don’t we go and see if we can get you all situated?” To Cooper’s delight, you nodded with a grateful smile. “Well have some time left until we wrap up for the day: why don’t you tell me about yourself, darlin’?”
Heaving a sigh, Cooper lets himself kick aimlessly at a large chunk of rock. What he wouldn’t do to go back in time to just have another conversation with you…
You two had gotten alone like two peas in a pod! Weeks passed quickly and soon the movie Caught on the Tides was released. To no one’s surprise, it was a smashing hit. People apparently loved the idea of a woman who was practically immune to the male charm until Walter (Cooper) caught your eye at a local festival. It was an easygoing romance/comedy that was thankfully PG-13. As a young woman, the past roles you were offered were side pieces or basically selling yourself. You took what you could get and attempted to steer clear of the nudity.
The side celebratory party was amazing. Randy and Joseph had rented out a cozy little bar/restaurant building that had enough room for about 100 people. The other castmembers, producers, and writers were there along with quite a few guests.
As the night went on, though, you found yourself growing increasingly exhausted with all the plastered smiles and arm patting and men’s eyes dropping to your assets whenever they thought you wouldn’t notice. You slipped out a side door and dug out a smoke and a light from one of the pockets you’d personally sewn into your dress.
You had just slipped out of your heels and plopped (unladylike, of course, but no one else was there to reprimand you) when the door opened. The intrusion made you want to sigh unprofessionally loudly and hide in the puffy material of your dress. Until Cooper’s smooth voice and slim body say down right beside you.
“Some producers are lookin’ for you.” Cooper’s comment doesn’t have the sharpness your manager’s would when she hollered up a storm about your tendency to wander.
In response you only click your tongue and fill your lungs up with smoke. You turn and face Cooper, who’s complexion is lit wonderfully but the light of the full moon. “Do you think the man on the moon gets lonely, Coop?”
Cooper’s eyebrows dip downwards. “I- I’d imagine so. Can’t be too fun bein’ up there by his lonesome.”
“I think so too,” you hum. Smoke seeps out of your lips as you turn to ask him another question. “Do you ever feel like the man on the moon, Coop? I’m just- I- I wonder if I’m in over my head sometimes with everyone here, Coop, and I-“ your words stumble out of your mouth and your hands shake as you bring the cigarette to your lips again. “I just feel like… you’re the only one that knows what I’m talking about, what I’m feeling.”
Cooper stares into your teary eyes with a heavy heart. You brought out such a protective part of Cooper he hasn’t felt since… since falling in love for the first time. Cooper shook his head. “I know, sweetheart,” he whispers, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. A sick part of him feels ecstatic that you are practically snuggling into his side- that you feel that he is the only one that understands. Deep down Cooper indulges himself in thinking you want him the way he wants you.
But you don’t. So Cooper is just barely content to let you lean into his side and tearfully ask for advice. “A part of that is always there, sweetheart. I feel like the man on the moon more than I’ll ever admit. But I’m also an old man who’s future is practically set in stone. You, though,” he chuckled and patted your side. You seeped into him and Cooper felt adrenaline rush through his veins. He could smell your delicately scented shampoo and matching body wash. “You could have any man on Earth you wanted, darlin’. Only a fool wouldn’t fall for you.”
You sighed and snuffed out your cigarette. Every part of you told you to leave him alone- to leave whatever relationship you have with him alone because he’s married (and you’d rather die than ruin your friendship). But being tucked under his arm and hearing the speed of his heartbeat made you think he felt the same as you. “Coop?”
Cooper looked back down at you. “Hm?”
“Are you a fool?”
Cooper’s heart raced. Your powerful gaze seemed to dig into his soul, searching for the answer he’d be damned to hell if he never gave you. “Do you take me for a fool, darlin’?”
You swallowed. “No, Cooper. Never.”
Within seconds, Cooper found his lips pressed against yours. He felt like exploding into a ton of confetti. His other hand came to cup your cheek and take dominance of your mouth. The passion Cooper felt was like none other and your breathless whimpers only encouraged him.
“Cooper…” you murmured, sitting up and grasping st the nape of Cooper’s neck. You felt perfect.
Cooper closed his eyes. He stood outside a familiar house. He figured he would stay here for the night. Cooper had already cleared, secured, and set traps around the building whenever he knew he’d be back.
Heaving a sigh, Cooper settled down on the bed and tilted his hat down over his eyes.
“I’ll see you soon, sweetheart,” Cooper muttered after wrapping a hand around your waist. “Got another birthday party and then I’m all yours, baby doll.”
The fall from fame was hard on everyone but Cooper refused to let it affect your career. He only saw you in professional settings and when no one saw you enter or leave his house. 
“Manager’s giving me the day, so I’ll be here all day if you don’t mind,” you said, scooping out cherry pie filling from the can to your mouth with a spoon. Frank Sinatra’s hauntingly low voice crackled through the radio, painting a scene Cooper wanted to commit to memory forever.
Cooper just shrugged. “Up to you,” he said. “How do I look?”
You tilted your head and slid off the counter. Your hands came up to adjust the collar of Cooper’s blue cowboy shirt. Then they slid down to his lapels to smooth back. “Perfect. Ready to roll, cowpoke,” you joked.
His soft eyes stopped you in your tracks. “Why’re you looking at me like that, Coop?”
“Like what?” Cooper asked. His tone was teasing but you noticed a hint of the seriousness that had grown on him as of late.
You shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know, Coop. Like… like you love me, I suppose.”
Laughter filled the room, drowning Sinatra’s eerie song. “‘I suppose’?”
You shook your head with laughter. “I don’t want to overstep right now, Coop.”
The mood turned quiet again at your words. Cooper took your face in his hands and rested his thumbs under your eyes. “You don’t overstep, sweetheart. Speak your mind. Always.”
“I will. Promise,” you replied solemnly. Cooper pulled your face up to his and kissed you gently.
“I’ll be home later, sweetheart. Promise.”
You grabbed your spoon and the cherry pie filling before fallowing Cooper outside. The cool grass felt good on your bare feet as you watched Cooper mount his horse. When he looked back at you, Cooper broke out into laughter at the sight of you raising our eyebrows suggestively. “I’ll be back soon, sweetheart, and then we can get busy.”
You muttered something along the lines of ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’ before nodding with a comically dejected expression. “Alright. Bye Coop. Be safe!”
Cooper tipped his hat at you. “I will, sweetheart. I’ll see you later, now.”
Cooper could have sworn he heard you call out ‘I love you’ as he rode away. In fact, Cooper would have sworn on his life that you had said you loved him. But Cooper would just come home to you and hear you say it clearly when he got home.
If he got home.
200 years later, Cooper heard Frank Sinatra singing “over and over, I keep going over the world we knew” and wished he would have told you he loved you back.
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winterlogysblog · 1 year ago
Note: I wrote this on a whim so it may not be good, but please enjoy
"Sin, what's wrong?" Nasiens asked, wondering why the small pink fox stopped walking.
Lancelot shook his head and started walking again. "It's nothing, I just remembered something, it's not anything you have to worry about."
He looks like them, the similarities are uncanny. He didn't think of too much in the looks department at first, it's just a coincidence he argued to himself but as days passed by he's sure of it... Nasiens... Nasiens is his cousin. He's the child his Uncle lost a long time ago, an event that tormented his heart and soul to this very day. Sometimes, he considers his heart reading to be a curse simply because he can hear everything, he can hear all the things that he shouldn't hear.
"Anne should calm down now." He changed the subject as quickly as he could.
"Yes, your method might be questionable but it certainly made her let out all of those feelings." Nasiens nodded. "Besides, what happened is quite unfortunate, losing his daughter like that."
Lancelot stayed silent for a while before hopping into the topic that would hopefully lead to his desired conversation.
"What about you? We're told that your grandfather found you in the Gorge, ever wonder about your real parents."
"I don't think my parents care about me anyway, they wouldn't abandon me like that if they did," Nasiens answered, glancing at Sin and wondering to himself what made the fox so chatty today.
"You're so sure about it, why is that?" Nasiens picked up a sudden shift in Sin's tone, it's like he's hurt.
"It's just... I can't help but think that they don't want anything to do with me. I mean, they left me in a forest, they probably think I'm already dead."
"Nasiens... Ever heard of a changeling."
"A changeling???"
"It's a ridiculous 'prank' that some fairies like to play where they would switch a fairy baby to a human baby, the Fairy King banned this practice, however, there are always some thick-headed miscreants who are too stupid to listen."
Nasiens gasped. "That's horrible!!"
"I know." Lancelot nodded.
"But, what does that have to do with... Do you mean to tell me that..."
"Don't jump to conclusions yet. I'm not certain, but it's a possibility."
"But, the others didn't tell me anything about this."
"They most likely didn't think of it that way," Sin answered.
"Then, why did you?"
Sin deeply sighed. "It's your magic... Mix Venom, it makes you completely immune to poisons right?" Nasiens nodded in response
"Immunity to poisons is rare in humans, it's commonly found in fairies though, and also one more thing... your scent."
"What about it?" Nasiens fiddled with his fingers, his curiosity about what Sin had been talking about turned to nervousness.
"A faint natural smell of Jasmine, quite interesting for a human."
"It's just a hunch, but you may just be a fairy, my friend." Sin chuckled. "But, what do I know!! It's your choice if you trust me or not."
Nasiens lowered his head. "The fairies in the forest also pointed that out when I was young but... I can't be a fairy!! I can't even fly or have wings!"
"Flightless fairies are surprisingly quite common, and as for the wings... I've been told that the Fairy King was once wingless."
"Sin... what exactly are you trying to say to me?"
"I dunno, like I said it's a hunch, you're found in a forest filled with fairies after all. It could be that your parents just lost you because of this stupid prank, fairy or not."
Nasiens smiled a bit, he didn't understand where it came from but he couldn't help but be glad at the idea of it. But a small thought did cross his mind.
"How do you know all this?" Nasiens asked.
"I'm acquainted with the Fairy King, he's quite knowledgeable about a lot of things."
"Really?! That's amazing!!"
While they're in the conversation of Fairies, Nasiens asks Sin a few things.
"What is he like?"
"Who?" Sin turned to Nasiens.
"The Fairy King, what is he like?" Nasiens asked.
Sin smiled warmly which Nasiens never thought was possible. The fox hopped up and rested on Nasiens' shoulder. "He's the kindest King I know." Sin started talking.
Nasiens smiles as Sin talks, seeing him like this makes Nasiens look at the creature from a different angle, Sin seems happy and cheery, Nasiens doesn't expect the ever-so-serious fox to laugh and giggle as he tells these stories.
"You seem to be more than acquainted with him you two seem to be rather close, for you to act as you do."
Sin chuckles. "I'll probably introduce you guys to him someday."
"Okay, you don't have to go that far." Nasiens sweated nervously.
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mercurygray · 2 years ago
I remembered when you wrote this crackship the other day and im ngl I kinda miss them so ... "grace" for Molly and Andy !!
He didn't think he would ever quite get the hang of the end-of-term picnic.
These had been his people, once, the proud academics of the university, but that had been a long time ago, now, and he couldn't really count himself among thier number, even if he had married one of them. Truth be told, they weren't ever quite sure what to do with him - shuffle him along with the wives while they gossiped over the desserts or ask, half-heartedly, how things were at the high school. Their wars had looked different, too, spent in back rooms running cryptanalyis on stolen enemy signals, or right here at home, held back from service by bad eyes and flat feet.
She never had this kind of trouble at his faculty picnics - or at least, they'd never talked about it. But she could be cleverer about these kinds of things than he could.
He didn't fare much better with the students, either - though that could improve upon acquaintance. Because he'd be going with them, on whatever dig she had planned for the summer, chief cook and chaperone and housefather and whatever else Molly needed him to be for the day, or the week, or the month, all rolled into one. It was necessary that the summer's students know just who was in charge of them, and that had always, always included him.
He was just circling back to the buffet when he heard someone mention his name. "Who's the man in blue?"
"Oh, that's Doctor Mahoney's husband - Andy."
"Is he a teacher, too?"
"At the high schoool, I think."
"Is that a tattoo?" It was - peeking through the sleeve of his shirt, a fouled anchor with Molly's name in the rope. He'd gotten it a few years after they were married - about as close to a grand gesture as he could go. But why, she'd asked, tracing it with tender fingers. So the next time I take my shirt off they know I'm spoken for, he'd replied, murmuring into the crook of her shoulder. She could hide things better than he could, but sometimes he wanted people to know him - that he had been a marine, that he was married, that he stood for things. "Funny, I always thought he'd be - you know. Another academic."
And then, another comment he almost laughed about. "I never thought he'd be hot. Dr. Mahoney can pick 'em."
He tried to pretend like he hadn't heard and circled back to Molly, drifting in the shade of a tree and listening, half-heartedly, to yet another discussion on program funding.
She gave him a peck on the cheek and gracefully stole a carrot off his plate in greeting. That was a word for it, grace, the quality of being able to float effortlessly between one world and another, between teacher and student, mentor and friend, Molly and Doctor Mahoney. "Hello, handsome. What's doing?"
He could feel the eyes on them, confused and jealous and everything in between. "Your students think you have good taste in men."
"And I do," she confirmed with a grin. "Didn't need them to tell me, though."
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pennyserenade · 2 years ago
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pairing: javier peña x named oc, javier peña x female oc rating: t (no explicit sex but language and content is 18+ regardless) tags: language, mentions of puking, a little bit of angst word count: 2k+ summary: a look at the day javier never made it to that chapel. a/n notes: this is the beginning of my new long fic, fade into you. i’ve been toying with the idea of something like this for a long, long, long time and i’m really happy to be sharing it with all of you now. i hope you enjoy this prologue! also, i know that gif is really random but i’m working with what tumblr is giving me lol. re-edited: 11/15/2023
prologue, fade into you
There is a chapel in Laredo that has seen and heard more than any other building in town, save maybe for the bar which sets not even ten minutes from it. It stands erect in the middle of the town, crafted by holy, dedicated hands many, many, many years ago. It probably stood there long before Texas even belonged to America. Many say that the entirety of Laredo had been built around it. On sunny days, it gleams brightly, like Kingdom has come and shun down on the very building itself.
Today is not Sunday; it’s a Saturday. Lorraine has always wanted her wedding on a Saturday so she could have that chapel. Her and Javi have both gone there as long as they’d been alive, as have most of the people in Laredo. Because Javier understands women to be strangely sentimental sometimes, he hadn’t questioned the importance of her wanting to get that chapel. He figured she liked the place so much because she had spent so much time there, and because he had, too.
He doesn't attend church much anymore - hasn't since his mother had passed - but because Lorraine wanted to get married there, they’d been made to go the past few months to prove they were devout. Just last Sunday, they had sat side by side in one of the pews, listening to the too long mass amongst people they'd known forever, and he had realized then what this chapel meant. She had told him after that it had been nice getting acquainted with the town again. It was words said passingly, full of earnest, heartbreaking innocence. What Lorraine didn’t know when she said that was that she had caused the beginning of the end for them both.
It feels harsh to think, but Javier knows it to be the truth. There’s this thing about Lorraine, a thing he has been pointedly trying to ignore since he got with her, and it’s that she’s made for Laredo. The unfortunate thing about him is that he’s always been trying to flee Laredo, ever since the moment he could form enough words to spell out the desire. He hasn't been dishonest with her about it, and she wasn’t entirely dishonest with him about her intentions with it, either. She had said they could move when they got the right funds to do so, if he still wanted it by the time they got there. It was just that last Sunday, when he sat next to her, he had realized that Lorraine was so made for Laredo that when that one day came, they’d stay in Laredo, no matter how he felt. He knew it to be true as it was cruel. So true, in fact, that he woke at five this morning to escape it.
It is noon now and he has put enough distance between him and Laredo that no one can talk him into coming back. He’s learned that he’s in a little town called Rockwall, and he won’t make it on time, not even if he speeds. It was infinitely important to him that he’d do that, go as far as possible and wait as long as he could to pick up a phone, so that no one, least of all Lorraine, could convince him that there’s still time.
He picks up the payphone outside of the gas station and dials the only number he has ever bothered to remember: his father’s. It rings once, twice, and then he hears it; the labored, worried breathing of his father.
“Mijo,” Chucho says on the other line, not like a question, but a statement.
“Yeah,” Javier says quietly. He takes a nervous glance around the parking lot, trying to see if anyone is listening. “Pop, listen--”
“Where are you?”
“I’m going to tell you.”
“You should be here.”
“I know but--”
“Everyone is worried sick. You’re supposed to be at the chapel in an hour.”
“I’m not--”
“Did you get drunk last night? Do you need me to come pick you up somewhere? I never heard you come in.”
“Lorraine has been calling, asking after you. I didn’t want to panic her and tell her that I couldn’t find you. I suggest--”
“I’m not going to marry her, Pop.” The words slur together, said so fast they’re hardly audible. Except Chucho must’ve heard them, because he’s no longer trying to talk over Javi anymore. “I know what I’m doing isn’t right. I know. I just can’t do it.” The silence on the other end makes Javier swallow harshly. His palms begin to sweat. He’d prepared this speech on the way over here, except none of it is coming out with as much confidence as he’d planned for it to. “I’m gonna be…I have this paper for the DEA. That’s where I’m going. That’s what I’m going to do.”
Still on the other line, his father says nothing.
“I’ll call you from the next town.”
Javier hangs the phone back on the hook, not bothering to wait for another answer. He takes another nervous glance around. The parking lot is nearly empty, except for the lone gas station attendant smoking at the edge of the property, and the lady working the counter inside. He feels so damn nervous he could puke.
He pulls his wallet out of his suit pants and walks inside the little store, the thrill of the bell above the door alerting the woman. She looks up at him, but seems unbothered by his presence.
“Can I have five dollars in nickels?” he asks her. He holds the bill up in front of her.
She raises her eyebrows. “That’s a lot of nickels.”
“I’ve got a long way to go,” he tells her. “Do you sell maps?”
“In the back.” She points her finger to a little rack. “Just over there. Where are you headed?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I think Virginia.” He lays the five dollar bill on the counter and she takes it. Opening the drawer of the cash register, she says, “And what’s there?”
“A job, I hope.”
He figures, by the slow way she moves, that her collecting that many nickels might take a bit, so he goes to where she pointed, and picks the first map on the rack. On his way back, he grabs a bag of chips and a Coke. “These too,” he tells her. “And a package of Marlboros.”
She glances up from where she’s counting individual nickels. “A bit young to be a smoker, aren’t you?’
“Twenty-three,” he offers.
She seems to think that is enough, for she says, “The reds?”
“Yeah," he nods.
She hands him a handful of nickels, which he places awkwardly into his slacks, before receiving another three full tubes of them. He puts these in his other pocket while she turns around and gets him the cigarettes from the display behind her.
“What’s the occasion?” She asks.
“The suit.”
Javier looks down at himself. “Oh. I was supposed to get married today.”
The lady stops what she’s doing and turns around. “What happened there?”
“I’m not quite sure," he says. The woman’s gaze seems to pierce through him after he says that, trying to figure him out. “She told me she was with child and she wasn’t,” he lies, to make her stop.
Her eyes grow sympathetic. “Oh, hon.”
He licks his lips, growing uncomfortable. “How much?” She looks at him quizzically. He nods to the stuff on the counter. “For all of it.”
She shakes her head. “Honey, you just take it all. It’s in the house, okay?”
He shakes his head. “No, really, it’s okay. Let me pay.”
“No, it’s on us today. Consider it your parting gift from all of Texas.” She takes on a matronly appearance now--with wide, sympathetic eyes--despite the fact that he doesn't imagine she's much older than himself. “You just be safe out there on the road.”
Too tired to fight it, Javier smiles politely. “Thank you.”
The woman raises her hand, looking at him like he's the saddest thing she's ever seen. “Bye now.”
When he goes back to his truck, he disposes of the nickels in the cup holder before opening a package of the cigarettes. He throws the map in the glove box, shuffles around various pieces of papers until he finds a lighter. Popping one of the cigarettes in his mouth and lighting it, Javier rests his head against the headrest. His shaky fingers find reserve in the activity of merely holding the stick of nicotine his father had warned him against. His entire body finds comfort in the act of inhaling the nicotine in.
He knew he’d need one of these before he made the next call.  
Javier flicks some ashes off the end of the cigarette into the ashtray before leaning down and to grab the phone book out of the floorboard on the passenger side. He flips it open on the seat and begins to search for Lorraine’s home-line and the chapel’s line. When he finds them both, he rips out the pages and stuffs them into his pockets. He finishes the cigarette before he finds the courage to go to the payphone again.
This time the lady inside is watching with her sympathetic eyes. He smiles at her, but it’s one of those half smiles that can’t ever reach his eyes.
The first number he calls is Lorraine’s home. It rings and rings and rings, just as Javier had expected it would. Lorraine’s mom has been a bit anal about the decorating for the wedding, so he’d figured she’d be at the chapel early to decorate. Lorraine’s father is working. He’s always working, being the Sheriff of the town and all. It’s a title Javier has always felt the man took with too much pride.
Javier grabs the other paper in his pocket, puts in the nickel, and dials the church’s line. It rings only once before Javier hears a high voice. The woman on the line delivers the little rehearsed message, telling him he’s called the chapel, and gives the usual spiel about hours.
When she pauses to ask what he wants, he says, “I was just wondering if Lorraine Perkins is there?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, she is,” the woman responds. Is she mad? He thinks she is?
“Is it possible I might talk to her?”
“Let me check.”
The line is quiet for a moment. Then the lady picks the phone back up. “May I ask who’s calling?”
“Javier Peña.”
“The groom,” the woman says. Javier bites at his lip.
“The groom,” he says.
“She’ll be right with you, Mr. Peña.”
He stands still, waiting. He tries to rehearse what he prepared once more, a sad little “It’s not you, it’s me” speech. The lady in the store has stopped watching him, he notices, glancing up.
“Javi,” Lorraine says. Her voice is so full of warmth, it takes the words from him. “Jav? What are you doin’, callin’ here? Not nervous are you? I told you not to get cold feet last night!”
Suddenly, he feels violently sick.
“Javi?” Lorraine asks.
“Lorraine, I can’t do it.”
She grows silent just like his father had. Then she says, laughingly, “Jav, don’t play like that. It's not very funny.”
“I’m not. I wouldn’t--”
“That’s not very fair,” is what she responds with. He forgot how quick she is, how smart. How calculated, in the way all young women are taught to be with men. He forgot about all the reasons he never fought with her, all the reasons that made him believe being her husband was the right decision. Lorraine knows exactly where she’s going before anyone else. He can image the way she’s standing now, her small frame too rigid, with the arm not holding up the phone wrapped around her. She looks like a little girl, because that’s how she gets when she’s angry or sad. Like a defeated child no one wants to tell no. He thought it’d be easier if he couldn’t see her, but it’s not.
“I know,” is what he says in response. “Listen Lorraine, I’m really sorry. I understand this is really fucked up to do to you and you don’t deserve it. I know that but--”
Lorraine hangs up the phone before he can finish. He stands, halfway between words, unsure of what to make of it.
The man who was smoking at the edge of the property now stands by the doors of the gas station. He looks at Javier knowingly. Javi knows that he’d been listening. The lady at the counter is looking again, too. An audience.
Javier hangs the phone back on the hook, his stomach churning.
“You okay, kid?” the man asks.
Before Javier can answer, he finds himself hurrying to bend over the curb, away from the phone.
“Oh fuck,” the man says.
Javier is too distracted emptying the contents of his stomach to notice the way the woman in the store is telling the man - who is now standing with one front in the door, and one foot out - how the ‘poor boy is having a really bad day, Jerry. Don’t just stand there and watch him! Help!'
That chapel stands in the middle of Laredo, with warm April sun beating against its white paint. Tomorrow the town will hold mass there, and they’ll talk about all the things that didn’t happen the day before, and all the things that did. Javier will be out of Texas. Life will go on outside of that chapel, and inside of it, just as it has for many, many, many years. A new Laredo will form and he won't be there to see it.
But Javier Peña will think of that chapel many times in the years to come.
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myuni-moon · 2 years ago
#Growing Pains
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—Synopsis: There are many things that will remain unspoken, but maybe someday, you'll find it in yourself to love again. For now, you mourn.
—Pairing(s)/Character(s): Past!Tighnari x Reader
—Genre: Scenario, modern!au
—Word Count: 762
—Warnings: Angst, mentions of unrequited love, pining
—Note: Something to heal me. Sometimes, I miss who I was and the people in the past who I couldn't imagine not having in my life. Also, I'm alive, just busy!
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No one taught you the mourning that came from growing out of someone. No one told you that at any point in time, it'll unexpectedly occur to you the role that someone once occupied had been barren or, perhaps, even replaced. It was like a case of those sequels where the once main characters of the series were now supporting roles in the background that now served as minor plot devices and were used to draw in older fans, knowing they'd cling to something familiar and reject the prospect of something new because of their lingering emotional attachment.
The realization came to you on one autumn afternoon as you sat outside your favorite café. Gone was the usual bustle of the world, now replaced with the peaceful silence of golden hour. You quietly sipped on your drink and sneakily peeked at the people passing by on the other side of street. If you got too bored, you'd count the number of red cars passing within the hour-- perhaps you'd end up doodling on a napkin with a pen.
The chilly air nipped at your nose, and the sun had begun to set. Somewhere in the background, you could hear a child laugh from far away. It warmed your heart, made you feel as if something deep within you was healing. But from what? What were you healing from?
Then in the deep recesses of your heart, mind, and soul, an image is conjured up. Tighnari, the name felt foreign as it danced in your head-- even though you knew it wouldn't have four years ago. Honestly speaking, the very notion of him had become foreign to you. You were familiar with who he was, what he was to you, and just how important he had been. But that's all it was now, familiar. Well-acquainted but uncertainly so.
Your mind was thrust back in time, one completely different to now. It was a time that you could only say was an era given to Tighnari. After all, you characterized it as such due to him. He lived in it as much as you did. Though hazy, you could remember how your chest swelled with love, joy, and the universe. He used to take the train with you, his figure standing parallel to your own as you gripped the handle grip as tightly as you could lest you ended up tripping the moment the vehicle started moving-- but he'd always stand behind you, waiting to catch you if your grip ever loosened accidentally. You'd laugh softly as he whispered to you funny hypotheticals of other people on the ride. Afterwards, he'd walk with you to the Akademiya before you two split into your own schedules. When everything was finished, you'd head home, with him right behind you, and talk about how your day went.
You were never lovers, even if you wanted to be-- more than anything in the world. But you knew that life wasn't always how you wanted it to be because even after more than half a decade of friendship, everything would eventually change. People live their lives and start matching the pace of the world. Before you knew it, your present had long become the past.
How long had it been since you were in love? Did you even still have it in you to? And even then, why did the thought of growing up and loving someone else as much as you loved him scare you? Why did it feel like it made your heart falter? You weren't even in love with him anymore, but why did the thought of moving on from something that used to be so wonderful seem so frightening?
But just when the pain settled in your chest, threatening to constrict your ribcage and leave you feeling out of breath, it dissipated as if it were never there in the first place. Still, it sent you reeling. It took you a few minutes to settle your world that had been shaken up. As you glanced back onto the scene in front of you, you took a deep breath. You silently whispered your goodbyes, watching the sun set in the horizon. You stuffed all your lingering regrets and attachments in the last rays of sunshine, watching the sun sink and taking everything with it. You wonder if what you just felt would ever come back to remind you like how morning always came after the night. If it did, you don't know if you could handle the devastation another time.
And just like that, you mourned.
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beautifulblhell · 4 years ago
Something Better To Do
Mafia! Suna x F! Reader
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A/N: So this is for @nkogneatho​‘s FMFM collab! Thank you for letting me participate and I’m so sorry for the late posting!! My procrastinating ass couldn’t do it in June and when July came life hit me like truck-kun 😭 Typed this with one brain cell as the heat has melted my rest and not proofread, so if there’s any mistakes please let me know!! (Or just pretend you didn’t see it T_T) Not super proud of this, but lately my creativity has been 📉
Tags: smut, fluff, mafia! Suna but nothing dark, all characters are 18+, protection (be responsible) smut is at the bottom part if you are only interested in the smut lol
WC: 3177
The day had started off so well. Your parents had to leave for an abrupt business meeting abroad and left at the crack of dawn. Usually you would meet up with Suna whenever your parents were away, but he has been away for ‘work’ for the past few weeks.
You knew it was for something important for the Inarizaki gang, and Atsumu had been tasked to go on this trip. But he had an argument with Osamu a few days prior, and with the latter refusing to cook for him, Atsumu gave himself food poisoning when he tried to cook for himself.
So Kita had told Suna to attend instead.
Your finger hovered above the messaging app, wondering if you should text him. The last message he had sent was from a week ago. With a sigh, you decided not to disturb him and closed your phone.
Still, this was the longest you had been without seeing Suna.
As if your daydreams blended into reality, you heard the familiar purr of a motorcycle. At first you thought you were dreaming. However, when you looked down from your bedroom window, you saw Suna coming to a stop below your window, the morning sunlight reflecting off his motorcycle. He lifted off his helmet, and those yellow eyes raised up to meet yours, his lips curved up lazily when he caught sight of you.
He was already standing at your doorway when you opened the front door and flew into his arms.
“Rin!” You cried happily.
His name has hardly left your lips when his mouth descended upon yours. He cupped your face and pulled you towards him, your lips repeatedly met together, making up for lost time. It was only when you felt Suna’s lip against yours did you realise how much you missed him. Your head was spinning when you finally pulled apart. The comforting scent of the cologne he wore and a hint of cigarette enveloped you.
It’s been too long, you thought, looking up at his face.
One of his thumb wiped across your glistening lips.
“Somebody missed me,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your face.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming back?”
“Thought I would surprise you.”
“Well, you certainly did.” That’s when you realised.
“How did you know my parents weren’t home?” You asked in surprise. Suna never came to your house unless your parents weren’t home, and you usually told him beforehand.
The image of your parents’ initial shock was still fresh in your mind when you broke the news about you and Suna being together, which morphed into disapproval then anger when you said you won’t break it off with him when they told you.
“But he’s part of Inarizaki, the yakuza!” Your mother had said in horror. She would have been less shocked if you told her Suna smuggled pandas for a living.
It would be easier if you moved out of your house, but Suna knew how much your parents meant to you even if they didn’t approve of your relationship, so you would meet up in town whenever both of you were both free or when your parents were away.
“Hmm,” Suna only hummed as his arms encircled your waist and he nuzzled your hair, but you caught a faint glint in those narrow eyes of his.
With a sigh, Suna relaxed his whole body, and you stumbled at the sudden weight you had to bear.
“R-Rin, you are heavy!”
He leaned into your ears and whispered, “You didn’t  say that last time I had you under me.”
He sniggered seeing your red face, and stood back upright.
“Get dressed. I don’t want that nosy neighbour of yours to notice that I’m here and tell your parents once they are back.”
“Where are we going?” You asked, pulling your arms back unwillingly.
Sensing your reluctance to let him go, Suna’s lips brushed against your forehead.
“You’ll see.”
“Are we going to your place?” You asked as you wrapped your arms around his waist behind him on the motorcycle.
“Is that what you want?” Suna flashed you a teasing smirk.
You felt heat build up on your cheeks, and you buried your face behind his back.
“I don’t mean that! Just thought we could watch a movie or do something relaxing since you just came back.”
Suna did look a bit tired. And the smell of cigarettes has been stronger than usual. It was a habit of his, he tended to smoke more when he was irritated or stressed.
“If you continue to be so cute I’ll really take you to my place right now.”
“Nope, take me where you wanted to.”
“Later then,” You could hear the laughter in his words.
Then, with a twist of his wrist, the throttle thrusted the machine forward.
It was always exhilarating sitting on the back of Suna’s motorcycle. He drove fast yet with precision. Instead of driving, the term flying would be more accurate to describe what you were feeling. The familiar scenery of the city blew past as Suna expertly maneuvered between the traffic without slowing down. It was only when he started slowing down did you realize where you were going.
It was a few months ago when you made a passing remark of wanting to go to the aquarium when they finished building the underwater tunnel.
It was one of the things you love about Suna. Sometimes you would make a casual remark about a certain place that you were interested in going to, but Suna would always remember and take you there whenever he had the chance.
As you arrived closer, you noticed the long queue extending from the entrance. It didn’t come as a surprise seeing it was the opening weekend, but you were worried about how long you had to wait.
Instead, Suna simply sped past them and came to a stop at the back staff entrance.
A man in a suit and name badge stood next to a door that said ‘STAFF ONLY’. He had an anxious look on his face, which only deepened when he saw Suna.
“Ah, S-Suna-san, I’ve been waiting for your arrival.” He smiled, sweat running down his face. “I’m the manager, very pleased to make your acquaintance.” He bowed deeply, to which Suna only replied with a curt nod after he got off the motorcycle.
“This way, please.” He gestured towards the back of the entrance.
You turned towards Suna as you walked behind the manager.
“He looks so scared of you. What did you do, hold his whole family ransom?” You whispered, your eyebrows raised.
“No, I told him that I would let Atsumu cook for him for a week if he doesn’t let us into the aquarium.”
You choked back a laugh, trying to hide it since the manager turned around to hold the door open for you.
You had just stepped into the aquarium when Suna’s phone rang.
Suna took out his phone. With one look at the name displayed on the phone screen the decline button silenced the noise. Yet within half a second his phone rang again.
“Just ignore it,” Suna muttered, and turned his phone on silent.
As if knowing the calls will be ignored, your phone chimed.
Sender: Atsumu
“Shouldn’t you pick up the phone, in case it’s something important?”
With a look of resignation on his face, Suna picked up his phone. Even with the phone next to his ears, you could hear Atsumu’s excited voice on the other end.
Suna’s eyes flickered to you, and from the look of his face, you knew your date was going to end before it even started.
“Fine, but I’m bringing her with me.”
After he hung up his phone, Suna turned to you with a look of exasperation.
“Atsumu. He said it was an emergency.”
“Oh,” you could feel your heart sinking.
“I told him that you are coming with me, so afterwards we can head back here.”
“Can I?” Your eyes lit up. Suna had taken you with him to a few informal gatherings before
“Doubt it’s anything of importance, seeing who was calling,” Suna muttered.
He glanced at the manager. “We’ll be back later.”
“Ah, that’s absolutely fine, sir,” the man bowed, and you can’t help but feel he was relieved to see the back of Suna.
By the time both of you arrived at the private VIP room in one of Inarizaki's nightclubs, all of the top members have already assembled on the sofa in the middle of the room.
Atsumu had greeted you both enthusiastically when you first entered.
And unfortunately for both of you, his enthusiasm didn’t abate one bit. An hour and a half later, you were still sitting at the back of the room, with the prospect of listening to Atsumu’s voice for the rest of the day hanging gloomingly in front of you.
You looked up at your boyfriend on the sofa, the only one sitting facing you. Thin wisps of smoke rose from the cigarette dangling between his lips. He made a non-committal ‘mmh’ whenever Atsumu’s words seemed to be directed at him, but from the look on his face you knew he was hardly listening.
By now, even Osamu was heaving a sigh at Atsumu.
“Samu, what are ya sighin’ for?!”
“Just wonderin’ how that single brain cell of yours could work for so long without overheatin’.”
“Hah?! At least I got one unlike yer-”
“Osamu.” Kita’s quiet voice was enough to bring an end to the twins bickering in an instant. He nodded at Atsumu to continue, and no one dared to say anything seeing that Kita wanted Atsumu to speak.
You stared in boredom at the sudoku puzzle on your screen, wondering if you threw your phone at Atsumu’s head it would solve the puzzle. You finally get to see Suna yet the precious time you had together was ticking away, wasted here.
That’s when the idea entered your head.
You raised your arm slightly, trying to catch Suna’s attention. He glanced at you questionly.
With a teasing smile on your face, you placed a finger on your lips. Then, you ran your finger down, until you came to a stop at the button of your blouse.
Slowly, you opened it.
Suna’s eyes widened and he froze. It was rare to catch him off guard, and you suppressed a giggle. Holding his gaze, the next button fell open. His eyes darkened instantly as he realised what you were doing.
In the dim light of the room, a sharp light has entered Suna’s eyes. He leaned back, his eyes narrow, as if daring you to see how far you could go.
Your heart was hammering in your chest. If any of the men turned slightly, they would be able to see you. But seeing the burning lust swirling in Suna’s eyes, the way his sharp gaze raked down your body, as if stripping you even more bare, it was more than enough to heat you up and fuel you on.
Biting onto the collar of your blouse, you lifted your bra up.
If only you knew what you were doing to Suna. It took everything he could not just to take you there and then.
Every muscle in his body was tense. He took his cigarette and mouthed the word ‘bathroom’.
With a small smile on your face, you left the room.
The moment he walked into the bathroom, his mouth crushed against yours. One of his hands held the back of your head, and his other arm slammed on the partition of the toilet stall near your head, trapping you with nowhere to go. His hips were pushed against yours, and you could feel the hard bulge throbbing against you. The kiss was hard, furious. The taste of cigarette entered your mouth when his tongue slipped inside, exploring your mouth, twisting around yours. By the time he let you up, both of you were gasping, the sound echoed in the empty bathroom.
“What do you think you were doing?” His voice was low.
“Just thought I would give you something better to do,” you grinned at him. You looped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you.
With the partition supporting your back, Suna lifted one of your legs until it rested at the crook of his elbow. His other hand reached down between your skirt and slipped inside your wet folds. The feeling of his long finger sinking inside you so suddenly made you gasp and you tightened around them. His eyes thinned as he felt your wetness coating his hand.
“So wet. Did it excite you that much to flash yourself in front of other men? Do you want to see you like this?” His voice took on that dangerous low tone as he hissed out those words.
You shuddered, temporarily lost in the feeling of his finger reaching so deep within you. It was a good thing you already took your panties off before he arrived, because it would have been torn into shreds otherwise.
“Only you,” you whispered once you got your breath back.
Hearing that, Suna added another finger. He was stretching you hard, finger curling inside you, reaching depths where you couldn’t on nights when he wasn’t by your side.
You pushed yourself against his fingers when his movements turned languid. Suna watched you lazily as you fucked yourself on his fingers, but the heavy desires clouding his eyes betrayed his expression.
“Rin,” you whined. Because you wanted him to fill you up.
His only response was easing his fingers out of you. You whimpered, clenching around nothing.
The sound of a belt being unbuckled never sounded so glorious to your ears. You looked down. Suna’s cock stood erect, precum leaking at the tip. Just seeing the sight of it made you yearn for him.
“Hurry,” you begged.
He ripped the small foil packet with his teeth.
“Don’t think your family is gonna be even more pleased with me if you get pregnant, but is that what you want? Maybe I should just fill you up.” The sound of his low voice made the coil in your abdomen tighten. His fingers traced along your stomach. There have been so many times when he imagined just filling you up, stuffing you full of his seeds until it dribbled out, marking you as his.
But not today.
He hooked his arms underneath your knees and lifted you up easily. Your hands grabbed onto his shoulders and your legs settled around his hips. You lifted your hips up. Suna stroked his cock along your slit, teasing your entrance.
Then in a single stroke, his whole length sank into you. A strangled gasp left your lips.
“S-So big,” you choked out those words.
The stretch burned. His fingers earlier did not prepare you enough for the thick girth that forced its way into your walls, and you struggled to accommodate his huge length that was splitting you open.
Suna cursed under his breath. He rested his forehead against the crook of your neck. The feeling of your wrapped so tightly and deliciously around him made him shudder. He gritted his teeth to suppress the overwhelming urge just to fuck you and ruin you right here.
“Been wanting to do this since I saw you this morning,” Suna groaned.
His mouth ran down your neck, his hot tongue leaving a blazing trail in its wake until he reached your breasts. He sucked on your skin, leaving marks all over. Then, his hot mouth captured your nipple. He rolled it with his tongue, his teeth occasionally grazing it, earning a whimper from you.
Once you got accustomed to his length, you rolled your hips a few times, and seeing the pleasure was greater than the pain, you tried to lift up your body and move on your own seeing he wasn’t moving, but Suna grabbed your hips firmly. “Move,” you begged, close to tears. Suna simply rolled his hips, thrusting shallow thrusts that didn’t satisfy you.
A part of him knew you only wanted his attention, yet another part of him was angry that the other men almost got to see you. A sight that belonged to his eyes only.
“What do you want?” His voice was hoarse. Because he wanted you as much as you wanted him. All those nights he spent alone thinking of you, and here you were finally in his arms.
You looked at him straight in his eyes. “Fuck me, Suna Rintaro.”
The words snapped his last restraint.
Suna pulled all the way out, then slammed your hips back down, hitting the deepest part of you.
You would have screamed if it wasn’t for the fact that all the air was knocked out of your lungs by his sudden movement. Every nerve in your body was on fire. Your fingers digging into his biceps, leaving crescent marks.
The question of how you were going to walk briefly flitted through your mind, but by his next trust, your mind was empty because he had just hit that sweet spot of yours.
‘S-slow down!’
Contrary to your words, your hole was eagerly sucking him back in every time he moved, slick dripping down onto the floor.
His hips snapped to yours repeatedly as he fucked you relentlessly.
It took all you had just to hold yourself up. The pace he set was brutal. Lewd squelching sound and your moans reverberated in the enclosed space. The waves of pleasure crashing through your body threatened to drown you as Suna hit that particular spot that sent your nerves ablaze again and again.
Suna watched the way your eyes glaze over from the pleasure he gave you. The way you looked so perfect taking him all in.
You knew you weren’t going to last long.
“I-I’m coming, Rin,” you managed to say those words in between your moans.
“Then come,” his own voice was strained as he was nearing his own edge, his thrusts losing their rhythm.
It was the sight of you coming undone that led Suna over the edge. The way you arch your back, your walls spasmed around him, clenching so perfectly around him. And the way his name tumbled out of your lips as you came. Suna gripped your hips and with a few particular heavy thrusts, he came with a shudder.
For a few moments neither of you said anything. You were trembling from the high that you’ve just descended from, your heart racing in a furious double time.
Suna’s lips gently brushed against your forehead.
“You okay?” He murmured.
You nodded weakly. “Give me a minute.”
Suna nodded, his lips left light kisses across your collarbones.
“Wait, Rin, what are your hands doing?!”
Suna looked up at you with a smirk. “Time for round two.”
Masterlist | Ko-Fi | 2021.07.21
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years ago
Title: Palliate.
Pairing: Yandere!Witch/Reader.
Word Count: 3.7k.
TW: Emotional Manipulation, Amnesia, Obsessive Mindsets, Mentions of Violence, Blood and Bruising, Mentions of Death.
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Mint, to settle your nerves.
That was the first thing he’d taught you, before you were strong enough to do anything more than sit on the edge of your bed and listen. Three leaves if you were desperate, two if you weren’t, and one if you just needed something to focus on, to take your mind off your own hazy thoughts and the places they tended to lead, when you let them wander freely. He said that was normal, that it should be expected. You’d spent so long incapacitated, it was only natural you’d be a little unsteady, once you finally got back on your feet. He said that it’d get better, over time, but you’d have to fight through it. You’d have to give yourself time to let it get better, even if there were little things you both could do to help.
The mint helped. Most of the time, at least. More than most little things did.
You tried to concentrate on the flavor, now, letting it distract you from the sun beating down on the back of your neck, from small bruises forming on your knees as you kneeled between rows of rue and sage and rosemary just far enough apart to let you tug at the weeds invading his otherwise pristine garden. It was a little odd to be outside the small cottage you’d become so closely acquainted with, even if you were only a few paces away, still hesitant to venture beyond the clearing you’d spent so much time observing while you were bedridden. You were still injured, technically, and you’d been told time and time again not to test your own limits. He said you should… You were sure you should be doing something, but—
“Didn't I ask you to rest?”
Right. That made sense.
You weren't supposed to get out of bed, just yet.
A hand came to settle on your shoulder, and reflexively, you glanced towards the man now lingering behind you. You really didn’t need to, though. His voice would’ve been enough, a calm drawl strung out into something playful, fondness coming easily and anger still a long ways off. He’d never gotten mad at you before, but the threat persisted. You didn’t want to be more of a nuisance than absolutely necessary, especially after he’d been so kind to you.
“There’s only so much sleep I can take,” You replied. You didn’t want to be a nuisance, but you didn’t want to spend the rest of your life in bed, either. “I’m starting to think that’s your only trick, uh...”
“Eden, love. Just Eden.” There was a pause, his sly smile turning sympathetic. “Is your memory acting up again?”
“It’s not as bad as it used to be.” You were telling the truth. For weeks, you’d barely been able to hold onto your own name, let alone anything about your eternally patient host. But, Eden (you tried to remind yourself of that, to make a note of it, Eden) was kind enough to give you time. You needed time. You needed patience. “I found the door, didn’t I?”
“And it’s nearly been a week since the last time you wandered into the forest,” He noted as he crouched at your side, earning a small, offended noise and an elbow to his bicep, just forceful enough to warrant a hum, a slight pout, something between a whine and a chuckle. You didn’t want to stare, but you let yourself watch as his expression softened, as his gazed flickered towards the sprout of basil at your feet and a shock of white hair fell over his eyes. He looked like he was going to reach towards you, like he was going to touch you, but he stopped himself, letting his hand slip down to the satchel at his waist, instead, calloused fingers running over the well-worn leather.
You wondered what he kept in it, sometimes. You’d never seen him without it, not willingly, and he spent so long in the forest every day, he kept himself so busy with so many traps and snares and spots of ink littered across hand-drawn maps, it would’ve been impossibly to guess what he thought was worth keeping by his side. He brought enough of it back, bundles of assorted feathers and glass jars full of golden pollen and other things, stranger things, things you could barely catch a glimpse of before they were shoved to the backs of cabinets and forgotten about, on your end, at least. Eden didn’t forget about such important things as quickly as you did.
“It’ll get better,” He went on, finally, just when you thought he’d stopped talking altogether. “And, if it doesn’t, we’ll find a way to make it better.”
He sounded so sure of himself. You wanted to believe him, when he sounded like that. You did believe him.
You couldn’t remember a time when you hadn’t.
Ginger, to alleviate migraines.
It wasn’t for you, luckily. Of all the ailments you suffered from, you’d been left mercifully exempt from headaches and vertigo and all those minor, awful things that would make your life just a little harder than it had to be. If anything, your head was always a little too light, a little too empty, especially after so many hours of following the same unpaved road with nothing to think about but the passing scenery and Eden’s vague instructions, little more than a list of names and goods. Little to go off of, despite his insistence that you be the one to go.
You’d asked why he didn’t just go himself the first time he sent you on your way with a basket of herbs and roots, but Eden had only frowned, shaking his head. He said he wasn’t welcome, not in the marketplace, not in a village that’d already come to know him by name. He said that, if you cared for him at all, you wouldn’t subject him to a full day of haggling in hushed tones with women who refuse to sell mediocre incense for anything less than a small fortune.
And since you did (foolishly) care for him, you went. Not that you were anymore wanted in the marketplace than he was.
You hated it, compared to the cozy isolation of Eden’s home. You hated how crowded it was, how alien it felt to have to navigate the cramped stalls, how the merchant in front of you scowled as he weighed small bags of the exotic, colorful spices Eden was so fond of, the ones that you could never seem to taste the way you were supposed to, judgingly by how liberally Eden used them. He didn’t try to hide the disdain in his voice as he spoke, aged weariness mixed with a self-righteous reluctant. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t used to it, that constant trepidation from people who didn't understand you, from people who didn't care for Eden. At least he was kind enough not to hide it. “Running errands for the witch hermit, again?”
“Eden’s not a hermit.” You tried to smile, to brush it off as if was just another misconception. He wasn’t. You weren’t sure what he was, but he liked people, he liked having someone else around. Or, he liked having you around, at least. He didn’t seem to care much about company, beyond that. “He just enjoys his privacy. We both do.”
“Only a witch, then.” There was a pause, a gruff laugh that didn’t match his grim disposition. Something in the back of your throat tightened, and silently, you wished he’d be a bit more wary of you. Just enough to keep him from speaking so openly. “I’d take what you can and go, if I were you. He takes after his father, and that man spent his whole life makin’ a monster of himself, playing with things no one should. His son ain’t much different.”
It was your turn to laugh, now. “He cries whenever he finds fawns separated from their mothers. He takes in tadpoles he finds puddles. I don’t think Eden is capable of cruelty.” He was a kind man. You’d never seen him be anything but kind. If he had an ulterior motive, if he had a single sadistic bone in his body, you had yet to find it. “He took me in, too, when I was injured. He might be the only reason I have a roof over my head, now. That’s not a kindness I can say very many people have showed me.”
His lips pursed, the barest hints of confusion crossing his expression. It was gone in an instant, and you tried not to linger on it. He thought poorly of Eden, but the mere fact that you were alive – walking and breathing and alive – was enough to earn him your gratitude. Regardless of what a merchant and a marketplace worth of gossip thought. You knew what you believed, you knew what was true, and you wouldn’t let a few rumors convince you otherwise.
Although, you’d be lying if you said that belief didn’t waver, as he went on. “Cruelty isn’t all you have to worry about.”
You opened your mouth. Then, you closed it again, keeping your eyes on the basket still hanging limply on your arm. He wasn’t done yet, not with the spices, not with his poorly veiled warnings, but you didn’t want to listen. You could listen, you would listen, but you didn’t want to. You didn’t want to believe anything you heard in such a crowded place, in such an awful place.
You just wanted to get back to Eden.
Willow bark, to take the pain away.
It’s more of a comfort than a necessity, by now. You used to need it, rely on it, and you still liked to keep a bundle nearby, just in case, for days where the soreness was worse than it should be and you needed something to take the edge off, to suppress that overwhelming ache back into a steady throb. But, you never needed it, not like you used to. Not like you had when your injury was a defining feature rather than an afterthought and Eden’s medical expertise was more of a experimental artform than a practiced skill.
His hands didn’t shake, anymore, as his fingers skirted over your bare skin, following along the outline of your wound, the trail of stitches that stretched from the bottom of your shoulder bone to the center of your rib cage and repeated itself, carrying over again and again and again, forming neat rows of tender flesh and scar tissue that refused to stop any higher than your hip bone. He wasn’t hesitant, not with the needle, not as he pushed it through the long-suffering spots where he’d first messily laid your stitches months ago, and he didn’t have to look at you to recognize the way you shifted, the soft string of expletives you let out, to notice your little attempts to turn your head at just the right angle, flinch at just the right time to—
“Eyes on the ceiling,” He demanded. With a small huff, you obeyed, turning back towards the furthest wall. “It’ll only get worse, if you look.”
You knew that. He’d said as much as thousand times before, once for every day he'd tended to your lasting wounds. You were tempted to try, to insist it was only fair that you got to know what was going on with your own body, but you trusted Eden, and it was easier to tilt your head back than to argue, to search the cluttered room for something more interesting than the boy sitting at your side and your own, nagging discomfort.
You were in his workshop, now, an area separated from the rest of the cottage and filled to the brim with the tools of Eden’s trade – blooming flowers permanently encased in blocks of amber, the shells of insects hollowed out and ground into a fine powder, pots, everywhere, some empty and some not, the largest placed over a smoldering hearth that never seemed to grow dimmer, despite how often Eden forgot to tend to it. There was something inside, a substance you didn’t recognize, bubbling and black as a starless sky. It was already solidifying around the edges of its cauldron, crystallizing into rows of jagged, silvery edges slowly creeping along the coaction's surface like an infection. Like a parasite. Like something that shouldn’t have existed but continued to, regardless.
Eden must’ve caught you staring. The needle stilled, and instead, he took to dabbing something cool and smooth around the edges of your scars. A rag, or a balm, or a dozen other possible remedies. You didn't try to look. “It’s for you,” He explained, as if that made it any better. “One of my father’s incomplete recipes. He never figured out how to stop it from hardening once it’s exposed to open air.” Eden clicked his tongue, pulling the thread he was working with taut, and you cringed, tying to ignore the slight pinch. It didn’t hurt, not really, not like it used to. It didn’t hurt at all, if you were being honest, but it felt like it should’ve. “The color isn’t right, either. And I’ve already fed enough dye into the damn thing to poison a small village.”
You should’ve laughed. You wanted to, you knew it was the reaction he was looking for, but it was all you could do to avert your stare, to let your fingers curl around the edge of the table he’d perched you on. "They really don’t like you.”
“I’ve noticed.” A blunt response, not abrasive, but not encouraging, either. Not as dismissive as you would’ve preferred. “And yet, they manage to stomach my cures regardless. It’s funny how quickly pain softens the heart, isn’t it?”
“They say it’s unnatural.” You were pushing, now. You should know better than to push. You never found out anything good, when you tried to push. “They say your father used to dabble in things that shouldn’t be.”
Eden sighed, pushing himself to his feet. There was a short silence, interrupted only by the sound of glass knocking against glass before he dropped what he was holding, stepping in front of you and cupping your face with both hands, instead, forcing you to face him, to meet his dark eyes. Black eyes. Lightless eyes. A contradiction when compared his tanned skin and warm smile. A contradiction you tried to overlook as he bent down, kissing the top of your head so gently, you could almost bring yourself to ignore it altogether.
“My father was a toymaker and a healer. My mother died in childbirth. He did what he could to take care of me, and there is nothing unnatural about that.” He took a moment to laugh, to hold you, and you couldn’t be help but be thankful for it. Only weeks ago, he’d been afraid to touch you, afraid to watch you break all over again. Now, it was all he could do to let you go long enough for his arms to fall to your waist, for your face to find his chest, his tunic, a place to hide yourself away from the rest of the world. You didn’t want to go back, not to the village, not to the marketplace, not to the lonely, hurtful, desolate world outside his cottage. You didn’t want to go back to a place filled with so many people so determined to separate you from Eden. You didn’t want to return to a life you couldn’t remember, one where you wouldn’t have the man who’d saved you by your side. “He loved his family, just as I love you.”
For once, you didn’t have to convince yourself to believe him.
Witch hazel, to stop the bleeding.
You’d need it. You’d need a lot of it, more than you should for such a small cut, a jagged line drawn from the corner of your eye to your opposite check, thin but deep and bleeding, pouring out, washing over your hands as you tried to clutch at your face and rub away the damage, like a child trying to blink away a bad dream. Your legs might’ve been bleeding, too, the sides of your ankles, the backs of your thighs, your skin scraped raw in all the places you’d hit the ground as you tripped, falling over your own feet at your stumbled backward, but you didn’t check, you didn’t want to check, you didn’t want to see how bad it was. You didn’t want to take your eyes off the man in front of you, his towering stature, his grim expression.
His sword, silver and unsheathed and pointed at your heart, as it had been from the moment he first caught sight of you.
He wasn’t supposed to be here. No one was supposed to be here, in Eden’s forest, only minutes away from the cottage you’d come to think of as your safe haven. He hadn’t asked for your name, he hadn’t mentioned Eden, he hadn’t said a word to you, not before there was a dagger flashing across your line of sight, a weapon quickly discarded for something more intimidating, something that’d let him stay at arm’s length while he approached you, his stare holding yours, his lips pulled into a thin frown. “I—” You tried, but your voice gave out quickly. You couldn’t remember the last time someone had threatened your life. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been so scared. “Please, I didn’t mean to get in your—”
“Stop talking.” His tone was flat, apathetic, the barest hints of rage seeping through a weathered veil of neutrality. Immediately, you fell silent. “Who said you had the right to use that voice?”
You opened your mouth, but you thought better of it, biting down on the inside of your cheek as you bowed your head. You wanted to get back to Eden, back to his cottage. You wanted to be anywhere but here. You wanted to run, but you wanted to get out of this with your head on your shoulders, too. “Are you going to kill me?”
“It will not be a true death.” There was a pause, a reluctant hesitation. You pulled your knees into your chest, your hand still pressed to your wound, but the gesture didn’t seem to earn you any pity. “But, I am going to make this—”
He stopped, abruptly, his head attention towards something behind you. You heard it a moment later – measured footsteps, barely making a sound against the dead leaves and branches that littered the forest floor. You didn’t turn around. You didn’t have to.
Not when there was only one person who’d ever bother to save you.
“Adam,” Eden called, already positioning himself at your side. His hand was already on his satchel, toying with the buckle. Like he’d done this, before. Like he already knew it wouldn’t resolve itself peacefully. “There are easier ways to introduce yourself. If you put that sword away, I’m sure (Y/n) could still find a way to forgive—”
“Do not call it by that name.” He was focused on Eden, now, leaving you to fade into the background, to observe as his hands began to shake and he glared, baring his teeth, as Eden had done more than try to play peacekeeper. “That is not (Y/n). It doesn’t deserve to pretend it is, none of your abominations do. It won't bring— It can't—” He trailed off, his sword falling back to his side, his eyes clenching shut. You almost felt bad for him, your would-be murderer, but Eden’s expression remained cold, unbothered. Slowly, almost idly, he reached down, taking you by the arm and helping you to your feet, letting you tuck yourself against him as Adam finally found his voice.
“(Y/n) is dead. Nothing you do can change that.”
A moment passed in silence, still, deathly, frigid silence.
Then, Eden spoke.
“I can handle this on my own.” He didn’t deny it. He wasn’t denying it. Why wasn’t he denying it? “I need you to brew tea, Chamomile. Gather as much lavender as you can on your way home, until your pockets are full and you can’t carry anymore. Can you do that for me, love?”
You nodded, but you were still shaking, still unsure, still so, so confused. You weren’t dead. You could breathe, and you could think, and you ate and you slept and you weren’t dead. “I’m not.” You didn’t know who you were talking to – Adam, still clutching his sword, still ready to behead whoever his blade could reach or Eden, your Eden, the gentle protector who hadn’t looked at you once since his arrival. You just wanted someone to say it wasn’t true. You just needed someone to say it wasn’t true. “I’m not. I’m alive. I’m not de—”
“I’m in love,” Eden said, his voice soft. As if he hadn’t heard you at all. “Why does everyone act as if that’s so monstrous?”
You didn’t want to hear Adam’s response. You didn’t want to hear anything, not from him, not from Eden, and certainly not from your own frenzied thoughts, racing and only growing louder as you ran, sprinting, stumbling through the forest in any direction your legs would carry you. A crooked sob racked over your chest, and reflexively, you moved to brush away the tears blurring your vision, but you couldn’t feel yourself when you should’ve, it wasn’t flesh that met your cheek. Your eyes darted to your hand, a sneer already playing at your lips for whatever mud or decaying foliage had plastered itself against your skin, but…
But, you found a small trail of crystals, instead, silvery-glass that coated your palm, rows of jagged edges that hadn’t been there before, that shouldn’t have been there, where your blood had stained your skin only minutes ago. Or, where you thought your blood should’ve stained your skin. You hadn’t looked.
You hadn’t looked.
You froze dead in your tracks.
Slowly, our raised a hand to your face, to the cut carved into it, to what should’ve been a bloody, bloody wound. Something jagged met your fingertips, but you ignored the slight sting. It didn’t hurt. Not as much as it should’ve. Not as much as you wanted it to.
By the time you pulled away, your hand was covered with it. Thick, cool, forming webs between your fingers as you spread them apart. Dark. A kind of dark you’d only seen once.
As black as a starless sky.
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smallrainclouds · 4 years ago
And part b to part six.
Warning:.some spicness, like kissing and stuff.
*Reader's pov*
You were bone tired but pleased with your process. You pushed your hair out your face. Lately you had taken to wearing it down, it was nice not to have to fuss with fixing a bun or the headache that came with it sometimes
You hummed a song as you began collecting the next round of scrolls. You
You heard the door open and your eyes widened, "Hypnos! Here for a second time?"
You waved him in with a smile. He gives a smile in return, "Yeah, I got done early so I decided to stop by to check in."
You noticed there was a tension in his body that you haven't seen before but you decided to hold your tongue for now.
"It's going well. Come on, I got the backroom nearly done. I'll give you a tour."
You motioned to Hypnos to follow you, eager to show off your work. You didn't notice how his eyes stayed on you the whole time.
"So I got the history area set up, and I got it broken down by the time period followed by the area…" you chatted as Hypnos floated behind you. He was mostly quiet except for a quick question here or there.
"And that is it for now." You said, fingers brushing across the wooden shelves.
You looked at Hypnos, candle light was always good to Hypnos. It has taken some time to admit to yourself that You did like the strange handsome look of your husband. Now it was something you couldn't stop thinking about.
"Impressive. Do you enjoy doing this?" He asked.
You tilted your head, not expecting that question. "I do. I like the stories and even the non fiction can help give context to what a story is about."
Hypnos smiled, and damn it, you could feel a blush forming.
"Is this what you would do if you had a choice?"
"I…" You bit your lips, not quite sure what to say. "Maybe. I think I would, but I could be happy doing something else."
"Are you unhappy with your work?" You tried to keep your tone casual. It was already unusual for Hypnos to visit twice in one day and ask questions like these. It was silly but you didn't want to scare him off. Even if he was your husband, he was more like an acquaintance right now.
"That would be putting it mildly." Hypnos shrugged. "Not exactly the type of guy you would want doing paperwork, but that's all I do."
"Why do it then?" You frowned, "I mean being the god of sleep would have to be a full time job on its own."
Hypnos didn't say anything for a few moments, and you feared you may have pushed too much.
"What exactly did your family tell you? About the war, I mean?" Hypnos asked, his voice soft.
You crossed your arms and shifted on your feet. This wasn't what you expected. You still didn't like to think about it. That war had cost so much more problems than it fixed.
"My mother told me some things but not what you did. She did say you were the only reason she didn't lose a war. Which is huge if you know what my mother is like." You locked eyes with Hypnos. You could see the guilt on his face, another thing that surprised you tonight.
"Well, Aphrodite helped some. Even if she didn't realize it." Hypnos matched your gaze.
He grinned a little, and held up two fingers."I…put Zeus to sleep. Twice. I don't think he found out the second time, I was much more careful the second time around."
You gasped at him, "How in the world did you even get close enough to do that?"
This time Hypnos laughed and you tried to ignore the warmth in your body.
"I was a determined and a very stupid child back then. I thought I needed to prove I was worthy of being called a god." Hypnos looked amused at the thought of his younger self. "I saw Zeus had a hard time saying no to a pretty face and gave your mother the idea to trick Zeus by using his own ego against him."
You shook your head with a laugh, "No wonder my mother didn't say much, she probably was mad she didn't think of it first."
"After that, my mother wasn't exactly pleased that I was getting involved with the Olympians so much. She talked Hades into keeping me here until I grew up some. So now I'm here, listing off the dead. I think Mom was trying to show me the cost of that war."
"Oh, it's been so long since that war though. Surely she must have forgiven you by now." You had been a child yourself, just on the cusp of becoming a woman. Those hazy days of youth seem so long ago.
"I suspect if it wasn't for the current war right now, I would probably be out of the house."
A moment of silence then Hypnos floated closer, "Actually, could I confess something? You're probably not going to like me much afterwards though. But I need to tell you."
"Hypnos, I doubt that very much." You watched him stop his floating and stand. You noticed that he could block you from the door, but you felt comfortable enough with Hypnos. And you were sure he wouldn't do anything. Honestly, you weren't sure if you would say no if he did try something.
His face turned serious, "I really hope so."
You frowned at him, "Hypnos, just tell me. I don't like these kinds of games." You couldn't help the nervousness in your voice. If this was some joke…
"I helped your mother for a reason. I… I did it for you." Hypnos said quietly.
You stared, not quite understanding. "But we never even met…"
"No, we have once,Y/N. I don't think you noticed me the other times." Hypnos respond desperately.
You shook your head and took a step backwards, the shelves pressed against your back.
Hypnos grabbed your shoulders, firm but not bruising. He got close enough that you could feel his body heat and you looked away from him. You hated how your heart flip flopped between wanting to push him away and pulling him closer.
"This isn't funny, Hypnos." You snapped at him.
"No, it's not." Hypnos grabbed your chin. "Hey, Y/N look at me. Hey."
You gave in the gentle pressure and allowed Hypnos to pull your face up. You realized you were trembling as you met his light golden eyes.
"You really don't remember me, do you?" He whispered. You shook your head, unable to speak.
"I remember. Each time I saw you. The first time, you didn't see me I think. It was a party, you were dancing with one of your sisters. I was there because I wanted to see what the big deal was about the Olympians."
His thumb brushed your face, a small smile on his. "The second time was when I first tricked Zeus, you were in the hallways and I had to hide so no one would see me. I almost got caught anyway since I couldn't take my eyes away from you."
You couldn't look away, you almost felt like you were in a trance, only able to listen to Hypnos' voice. "The third time… I was in your mother's living room, and I could see you in the garden. I sneaked off so I could get a closer look, and that when I found you trying to listen in. You looked like a painting to me, this beautiful little goddess hidden among flowers. I had to send you off before I could even talk to you."
Your eyes widen, an old memory rushing back.
"The red poppies." You murmured and Hypnos' face lit up.
"She tried to offer me anything. Wealth, boons or strength, anything a young god could want. But… I wanted you. My mother tried to stop it, to save you from my foolishness, but Hera had already swore to the river Styx."
"Hypnos- I - this is too much." You shook your head. You placed your hands on his chest, but you were trembling too much to push him away. Your hand just curled into his tunic, shaking in a mix of anger and stock. And hurt, you thought maybe you could trust him.
"How- I can't even talk to you. My sisters-" you pulled your face away from him. Your voice cracked, "my sisters. My home."
Hypnos used both hands to hold your face as he bent down to look at you. "I know. I shouldn't have kept it from you. I would have thought your family would have told you."
You took a deep breath, "I-i thought you were a friend. I thought you were in the same boat as me. I thought maybe you were helpful in a battle or something and my mother saw a chance for some dumb political move and that Nyx was in on it."
You glared up at him, "I didn't know you traded for me, like -like I was some dumb cattle!" You stepped away from the side, back facing Hypnos; trying to get air into your lungs. You hated the fact the only reason you were able to get away was because Hypnos allowed you.
"First of all, you will not talk about yourself like that." Hypnos' voice went hard but you just scoffed at him, too upset at him.
He got close to you again, tone a little softer "And second, it wasn't like that. I honestly didn't think she would offer her own daughter up. I-"
You whirled around to face him, finger in his face. "You didn't have to take her up on it though!"
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him. His face is a mixture of anger and desperation. He wrapped his arm around your waist and held you flushed against him. You raised your hand to his chest to push off but the fire in his eyes stopped you.
"I knew I would never get another chance to have you, Y/N. By blood and darkness,it was my only chance and I took it! I know what the almighty Olympians really think of us. I know I would never get to see you again if I didn't take up on her offer."
Hypnos lean down, almost close enough to kiss. "I would have done anything for you. I still would."
You tighten your hand on his chest, unable to move away, not wanting to move away. "You barely know me, Hypnos. Why? Why me?"
"Because I do know you, in the way that matters. I see how hard you try to please your family, how you get lost in the words of a story."
You shook your head, unable to deal with emotions that were building up in you. But Hypnos just kept talking.
"I know you have a soft spot for everybody, even the outcasts, how smart you are and how you always try to make sure to help anyone who needs it."
"I- Hypnos." You whispered.
He let go of your wrist to wrap his other arm around you. "Y/N, I don't know everything, not yet. But I would like to. Will you let me?" He asked softly, desperately.
You couldn't speak if you wanted to. You cupped his face and pulled his lips to yours in a chaste kiss.
Hypnos tighten his hold on you. Gently, he pressed a little more into the kiss. You gasped against his lips and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and just tried to hold on.
You didn't know how long or short the kiss went on when both you and Hypnos both took a breath. He pressed his forehead against yours, his golden eyes on your eyes.
"I'm still mad at you." You murmured, fingers caressing his cheek. He smiled, "If this is how good you are when mad, I can't wait to kiss you when you're happy."
"Oh, for goodness sake." You rolled your eyes, not able to hide your smile. Hypnos pressed a kiss against your cheek and then another one, slowly working his way to your neck.
You tugged him back up to face you before he could continue because if you didn't, you were to make some very foolish decisions.
"Can I kiss you again?" Hypnos asked, his hand cupped the back of your head and you nodded as you pulled him down for another one.
Suddenly the doors bang open, "Hey Y/N! I got past- oh." Zagreus' voice halted. You hid your face in Hypnos' chest, wishing for a pit to open up and swallow you whole.
"Zagreus, buddy. Ever heard of knocking?" Hypnos snarled, "Let me help, it when you use your head and-"
"You know what, I will come back later. Much later." Zagreus slammed the door shut.
Then opened it again.
"Congratulations you two!"
And slammed close again.
"I'm going to kill him." Hypnos murmured into your hair.
"Be nice, he is your best friend." You murmured into his chest.
"But he gotten used to dying." Hypnos brushed a kiss against your head. You sighed and looked up at him, "I said no, Hypnos. You said anything for me."
"I did." Hydnos agreed easily. He dipped his head down to met you in another kiss.
"Anything for you, Y/N."
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twiddle-dee-twiddle-dumb · 4 years ago
A/N: Ohohohoho word vomit, Toshi was really nagging in the back of my brain. So here it is... along with Mr. Hey Hey Hey Kotaro. I don't really know whether I've gotten better at writing. Still, I hope you enjoy though.
Wakatoshi Ushijima
It’s rare for Ushijima to be silent whenever he really has something to say. He’s always been upfront. He always says what’s on his mind even if you may or may not like it. Of course, honesty and being genuine really helped you all through out your relationship. Yet, it’s different this time. He’s awfully quiet (like really, really, really quiet). He’s not even sparing you a glance across the living room. It looked like something’s brewing inside him and you can’t figure out what.
“Love, come on. Talk.”, you told him while standing on the doorway. You are wearing your work clothes except for the doctor’s coat that’s on your arm. Your shift’s about to start in two hours but you need to be at the hospital an hour before for the endorsements and other stuffs. “Babe…” you pleaded once more as you try to coax him to say something. But no avail. He just shifted on his seat, his eyes focusing on the tv screen. You sighed.
“Toshi, I’m really sorry about this. I didn’t know this would happen, that I would replace another doctor’s shift—” you mumbled on his neck as you hugged him in his seat. "Because you forgot to block your schedule for the next day." He said, cutting you off. It felt like cold water was splashed down on you. You can’t help but sigh in resignation. “I’m sorry.” That’s all you can say because it really is your fault this time.
Wakatoshi told you to clear your schedule a week ago before you shuffle shifts for the week. He knew that a doctor’s working schedule is erratic. That there some days and nights that you’re not going to be home and you’ll rarely see each other. There are some days that you and Toshi can spend more time together. He knew, that is why he asked you beforehand. “Yeah, sure babe.”, you agreed. You saw his rare boyish grin. However, you had a busy day at work and it slipped your mind.
“I’m really sorry, babe. I promise I’ll be there. I’ll really, really try hard to be there tomorrow. But I got to go. Love you.” You reassured him one last time then gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek. You rushed out the door. As much as you hate to leave your sulking husband, you have to. You pledge to do everything with chosen profession. Honestly, you felt terrible but you know better than to bring personal problems at work. Wakatoshi heard the door closed as you went out. He doesn’t know if he’s disappointed or frustrated. He’s really looking forward that Sunday brunch because your parents are going to be there.
You arrived at work but your mind seems to fling back to the look you last saw on Ushijima. You can’t help but internally berate yourself for absolutely forgetting. You shrugged the thoughts off as you finished reading/studying the patient’s chart. You’ll make your morning rounds in a few hours and you’re starting to get dizzy from all the hospital buzz. You found it unusual so you decided to get it checked.
Your shift ended 30 minutes before the brunch so you just texted Toshi that you’ll just meet him there and that the both of you have things to discuss. He just replied “ok”. O-K, two letters. As much as it frustrates you, you cannot do anything about it since you’re kind of at fault here. Now you got to make it up to him and you just know the perfect thing to do.
You arrived at the venue, both of your parents and Toshi are already there. You went to place a chaste kiss to your husband and greeted your parents after. In the middle of the small gathering, your parents pointed out that both you look awkward and seems to be having a problem. There is no point denying it since your parents already saw it through. They gave you guidance and advices, as you admit that it was your mistake. To make it up for everyone especially Toshi, you handed them white envelops.
Your lips pursed in anticipation and preventing a grin. You witnessed how their reactions changed from confusion to surprised to elation. Your mother was crying. Both of your dads are teary eyed. Your darling husband, oh the man’s got stuck on his seat, his left hand tightly holding the paper.
“Are you serious?” he asked you, still trying to wrap the information in his head. “Oh, so you know how to talk?” you teased him which earned you a grunt from him. “Of course! Laboratory tests results don’t lie. I was thinking of using peed on tests but I figured laboratory tests would be more reliable plus it’s free since I work there.” You quickly supplied as you gobble up the fruits on your plate.
Wakatoshi pulled you for a kiss and a hug along with the murmurs of ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m gonna be a dad.’.
Indeed, it was a great make up gift to your then disappointed husband.
Kotaru Bokuto
All through out your relationship with Bokuto is nothing but perfect. Perfect in a sense that you are equal in everything, he has been a reliable and responsible partner to you as you are to him. You balance out each other. Since the beginning of your relationship—when you first met and become acquainted—to the whole marriage and building a home with you, he has been a stable partner despite his ‘antics’. Bokuto has his tendency to mess up but he always gets back up. He has these weaknesses (per Akaashi) but he always comes around to make up for it. You know all these things about him and you love him no less.
There is no perfect relationship and couple fights are not uncommon especially to the two of you. The only catch is that the both of you are willing not to sleep on it until you’ve come up to a resolution. The biggest fight you had is when Bokuto tried to act up because your schedules didn’t permit you to see him before he left for a game—this way back before you had your first child. You almost call everything off. You were just so overwhelmed with the marriage, the pregnancy (which Kou didn’t know about yet), and work. So, it ended in a huge fight that was resolved three days later. Since then, the both of you are trying to not make disagreements into arguments. But not this time…
You just arrived from the business trip. You had a long day and receiving the news from the teacher that Bokuto didn’t show up for the meeting just makes you want to pull your hair out in frustration. Bokuto met up with you in the doorway and tried to kiss you but you moved away. You went to your bedroom and changed. Bokuto followed you with a pout.
“Not now, Kou. I’m not happy with you right now.” you said as you do your nightly routine. ���Baby why? Did I do something? You just got back from work. I took care of the house and our son. What did I do wrong?” Bokuto was utterly confused.
“Really now, Kou?” you spat, crossing your hands on your chest. “No, baby, I really have no idea.” Bokuto insisted calmly.
“Kou! You told me you’d attend the teacher’s meeting today but you didn’t! I found because the teacher texted me and I have to freaking call her just to apologize and to be informed what went on with the meeting. Ugh…! You… I just can’t with you right now.” you groaned in frustration. You recalled the moment you read the teacher’s message as you drive your way home. It turns out that that meeting was for the parents of the kids that’s going to finish the school term with special distinction and your husband was no show. You also recalled how tight you gripped the steering wheel that your knuckles turned white.
Kou’s expression changed like he remembered something he forgot about which fueled your anger more.
“You forgot?! You freaking forgot?! What the crap!” your voice went an octave higher and scoffed in disbelief. “Kou, I can’t believe you!” you said before Kotarou could retort because at the moment he’s at loss for words. He indeed forgot.
You are fuming. Despite how busy you were, you reminded him and he still forgot. You just controlled your urge to throw the lotion bottle at him. You groaned in frustration, a bit calmer now. Your husband sat down on your bed, head bowed down like a little kid being reprimanded.
“The meeting was that important, Kou. The teacher said that the attendees of that meeting are the parents of the children who has a special distinction this end of the school term. Our son was one of them.” Bokuto looked at you, eyes shone with pride but that was only for a brief moment the second you glared at him. “And you missed it.” You continued. Bokuto knew he can never argue with you on this, clearly, he’s at fault. “Babe, I’m very sorry.” He mumbled. You sigh. It already happened. You already forgave him before he apologized but it doesn’t mean you’re gonna let him go that easily. “Whatever, Kou. I’m sleeping.”
This was the last conversation you have, days ago. Until today you still ignored Bokuto not because you’re still mad at him—you already forgave him the morning after when he made you breakfast, but you like to see him grovel. The thing is, you want Bokuto to understand that there are responsibilities that goes beyond than providing comfort and stuffs for the family and sometimes he forgets that.
“Baby owl, look at our son. I can’t believe he’s up going up there to receive his first award in kindergarten.” He whispered, still a little wary, because you still haven’t talked to him properly. You hummed in answer. Bokuto looked at you with pleading eyes, “Babe, please. You haven’t talked to me properly in days. I miss you.” You looked at him, one brow raised. “I promise to be better. I promise not to forget things anymore especially if it concerns our son, just forgive me and talk to me.” He continued, with a subtle pout. You want to laugh, his expressions never changed. “Yes, Kou. I already forgave you.” Just as you finished saying those words and before Kou could answer, your son appeared in front of you. “Mommy forgive dada? Mommy kiss dada now?” You and Bokuto looked at each other and then laughed. “Yes, yes, yes, little owl. Mommy forgave me. Dada can kiss her now.” Your husband answer while winking at your son. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” your son gleefully cheered.
Kou kissed the top of your head while whispering 'I love you'. Kou then whispered praises to your son as you walked out of the venue hand in hand, off to your home where you’re going to celebrate all the milestones in life.
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thatonegaytheaterkid · 4 years ago
Confession Under the Stars
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 Pairing- Zhongli x male reader
⚠️Warnings⚠️- none
Requests are: OPEN
Proofread: nope
A/n: ok, so just to make sure that ya’ll don’t think I’m dead I wrote this for ya’ll to know i’m still alive ✊😌 also this was written at 1am so it probably has some mistakes 😪
You were on your way to complete a commission from the Adventurers guild to take out a guard near Lingju Pass, while on your way there, you stopped for a minute just to take in the tranquility in the air surrounding you, not like you were any rush. It’s not like you were in Liyue every day, usually you’d be doing commissions for the guild in Mondstadt, so whenever you were in Liyue you’d make sure to take in most of the scenery that it had to offer.  
While exhaling some of the fresh air, all of a sudden you see a meteorite falling from the sky at an alarmingly fast rate. It wasn’t just everyday you saw a whole meteor just casually falling from the sky, right? So what’s the harm in taking a closer look, you thought.
After following where you saw it fall to, you ended up into what looked like it used to be a hilichurl camp. However, instead of finding a meteorite like you had expected, you ended up seeing a tall man with long hair and crossed-arms standing in the middle of all the decay, no meteor in sight.
You were trying to figure out where the over-sized rock could have possibly gone, it’s not like it could be anywhere else, you knew for a fact that it had to be somewhere around the camp. 
Your best chance of finding out where it could have fallen was by asking the man who most likely knew exactly where it would be since it basically fell directly where he was standing. So that’s exactly what you did, tapping lightly on one of his shoulders you asked him where it had fallen. 
And that’s when he turned around. 
Wow, just wow, he had looks of a god. His long black-to-gold fading hair flowing in the wind along with the black and gold suit that he seemed to be dressed head to toe in, and his facial features were just- damn, he looked as if he were chiseled from the finest stone in all of Teyvat. After seeing him for more than two seconds you ended up just spacing out while admiring his tantalizing facial features, and if that wasn’t enough, his voice, his voice, it was just so deep and soothing it was all you could think about, completely disregarding everything he said to you in that moment, all you ended up processing in that moment was something to do with geo and something else about his elemental burst but you couldn’t really make it out. 
 “So what might your name be?” he asked 
“Huh, o-oh!, my name’s (Y/n)!” you sputtered out while breaking out of your little trance. “And, um, yours?” you tilted your head in a questioning manner.
“Zhongli, a pleasure to meet you, (Y/n) was it?” 
“Y-yep, that’s it!” you answered. 
“Well, it was a pleasure to meet your acquaintance (Y/n), however, I must be on my way now, I do hope we meet again in the future” Zhongli said in a polite tone while walking away with an elegant wave and a small smile plastered on his face. 
All you could do was just wave back at him as you saw him walking away, nearly forgetting about completing your commission then heading on your way to the ruins. 
It had only been a few days since your little encounter with Zhongli, he was all you could think about for the past few days afterwards meeting him, you could have sworn you’ve hear his name be thrown around here and there, it usually always involved the Wangshen Funeral Parlor. “Maybe that’s where he works?” you thought. You had a few friends in Liyue, maybe you could ask them about him? 
“Mr Zhongli? I know him” Childe stated “What about him?”, “I met him a few days ago and I wanna know more about him. So, what’s he like?” you asked. “Curious as always I see, hmn, well, he works at Wangsheng Funeral Parlour, he’s really calm and patient with people, Ooo and he’s really smart too, you can ask him about literally anything and he could go on and on about it for hours until you stop him, but no matter how smart he may seem, he’s always forgetting to bring his Mora anywhere he goes, it’s always a hassle going anywhere with him” “And that’s pretty much all you need to know about him” 
“Yeah that sounds like about enough, thanks Tartag!”  “No problem comrade! I still owe you for when you paid for my lunch last week so guess now we’re even” Childe grinned as you both said your goodbyes and headed in opposite directions. 
“Hm, so he’s level-headed and forgetful when it comes to Mora, noted” you mumbled to yourself while in deep thought. Walking around Liyue Harbour you accidentally bumped into someone while concentrating and forgetting to pay attention to your surroundings. 
“Gah, I’m sorry! I wasn’t paying attention to where I was go...ing, it- it’s you again!”  
“Ah, (Y/n), good bumping into you again, I do hope you’re alright?”
“You remembered my name, I’m kind of surprised” you chuckled. “Yeah I’m alright, no need to worry” you went on. 
“That’s good to hear, say, I was just on my way to a nearby tea house, would you care to come along with me?”
“I- are you sure? Wouldn’t I just be disrupting you?”
“No, on the contrary, you would be doing quite the opposite, I’d like to chat with you over a cup of tea if you’re not already busy.”
“I-uh, sure, why not?” 
“Wonderful, now follow me, we must be on our way” He said with a smile.
The walk the two of you had while heading to the tea house was silent but it was a comfortable silence, like the two of you were already quite fond of each other, which you were. 
“It seems as though we have arrived at our destination, after you” He said as he opened the door for you. “Thank you” you said as you entered. 
The smell of freshly brewed tea was now hitting your senses making you feel more at ease. “The scent in here is wonderful” you said while taking a seat facing Zhongli’s. “Indeed, now, how about we order some tea, I’ve been told that the ingredients that they use here are gathered fresh everyday.” He stated in a ‘matter-of-fact’ tone. 
It didn’t take long for both of you to start up a conversation. Of course, Zhongli was the first to start talking and it didn’t take long for you to follow in suit. You both had ended up talking to one another for hours on end and had already become good friends in such a short time. It was only when you both realised that the sun was no longer up was when you both decided that it was now time to leave.
“Ah, it seems that the sun has set, I think it may be time we be on our way.” He said in a slightly disappointed tone. ”I didn’t even realise that the sun went down” you chuckled. “You’re right, it does seem like it’s time to leave” you said also trying to hide your slight disappointment. 
“Now time to pay for th-” he paused reaching into his pocket. “Ahem” clearing his voice. “It seems as though I may have forgotten to bring my Mora.” He said trying to hide his embarrassment.
“It’s fine, I’ll pay” you said with a slight chuckle remembering that this is exactly what Childe had described. “Thank you (Y/n), I must apologise about forgetting to remember to bring my Mora with me, it always seems to slip past my memory” he said with a hand covering his face.
“No, no, don’t worry about it, it happens every once in a while” you brushed it off. “Yes, ‘every once in a while’” He said in an almost inaudible mumble to himself. 
“Well, as it has already gotten late I suppose this is where we part ways, I hope to see you next time then” He indicated as he shook your hand as a farewell. “Yeah, until next time” you said with a smile then parted ways. 
Did he just say next time?
‘So, then that means that there’s gonna be a next time’ you thought, as a smile silently ushered its way onto your lips. 
It had been a few months after both you and Zhongli had this small interaction. It didn’t take long after you both had started to meet up every once in a while.
 It started off with just walking into each other more often in certain parts of Liyue and having small conversations with one another while walking to whatever place either of you were headed, then eventually you both started to meet up at the docks and would just spend the rest of both your evenings in each others presence while striking up conversations about Rex Lapis and the other archons. Safe to say you ended up staying in Liyue for longer than you had originally anticipated.
It didn’t take long before you both turned into close friends, you were both fascinated by each other and kept wanting to be around one another any chance you got. 
You liked listening to him talk, and not just because of his soothing voice, you thoroughly enjoyed hearing him go on and on about every and anything, both his and your knowledge was quite vast so you never had a dull conversation.
 Conversations would range from topics like where the name from a specific flower originated from, to both of your opinions on the Liyue Quixing. Talking with him never got boring, there was always something that either one of you would say that would strike up a whole new topic to uncover. The more you both spoke the more intrigued you would become in one another, it was always interesting hearing about what both your opinions were on certain things, even if you both would sometimes see things in an entirely different light, but that was the fun in it, uncovering more and more small hidden details about each other.
Being in his presence always made you feel more relaxed, he gave off this aura in which you felt safe and at peace in, it reminded you of a piece of silk flowing in the breeze. It was calming. 
Now cut to the present time you’re both in.
Both you and Zhongli are watching over Liyue Harbour in the moonlight enjoying the sight of the lantern light illuminating the docks off the top of Mount Tienhung while dangling your feet off the edge of the mountain. 
For once, neither of you were talking. You were both just sitting in a peaceful silence basking in the breathtaking view of the harbor. However, it wasn’t the harbor that Zhongli seemed to be looking at, no, he was far more interested in you. 
All he could be focused on in that moment was how all your features seemed to light up under the moonlit sky, the luminescent lighting made you look almost as if you were glowing. You looked divine. All he could think about was how handsome it made you look. For the first time, Zhongli was at loss for words. Looking at you in this moment made it seem like time was no longer existent, as if everything just...stopped. All that was on his mind was just you. There was nothing else that wanted to enter his mind other than you. Your laugh, your smile, your thoughts, just everything. 
This wasn’t the first time he’s caught himself thinking of you at such an extent. It had been happening for the past couple of weeks and he hadn’t a clue on why. All that happened was that he’d see you and suddenly everything around him just seemed to stop, like you were the only being in the universe. The only thing moving. 
He started to question himself when he wasn’t with you. Why did he have such strong emotions when it came to you? Why didn’t he feel this way towards anyone else? Why did his stomach do backflips when he was with you? Why did he now feel the need to impress you more? 
He had so many questions and yet he didn’t have a single answer. It was only when he was walking through the streets of Liyue when he accidentally overheard a couple telling each other “I love you” to one another when the answer had hit him like a dendro slime on the back of the head. 
That. That  was the answer he was looking for. Was he...in love?
 At first he was in denial, “No, no, that couldn’t possibly be it” he thought. But the more he thought about it, the more and more it finally made sense. The backflips you would cause his stomach to make every time he was around you, the way the world would just stop, it was all because of this simple reason. 
Zhongli was in love with you. 
He knew he had to come clean about his feelings towards you eventually, so what was a better time than now? 
Breaking out from his trance, he cleared his throat and began speaking.
“(Y/n), there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about lately” he said with a bit of nervousness creeping up on him. 
“Of course, what is it? You know you can tell me anything, right?” you told him with a reassuring  smile. 
Just you giving him a small smile was enough to give him the confidence he greatly needed. 
With a deep breath in and out he then began to speak once more, “As of late, I’ve been having these.. feelings towards you... feelings that I can’t really explain” “They are like an extremely strong, admiration? No, that’s not it, that’s not it at all” he gulped swallowing all of his pride. 
“(Y/n), I’m in love with you”
“I know that you may not feel the same towards me, howeve-” he said as he got cut off by you, as you used all the courage you could muster in that moment, and grabbed his chin and began to kiss him.
It had seemed like the world had stopped right then and there, All he could feel was just pure bliss, it felt amazing, his heart was beating so fast it felt as if it was going to pop out from his chest. He was a blushing mess. This was the first time you had ever seen him so vulnerable before.
As he eased in to the kiss he began to feel more at peace, Everything was perfect. 
After a bit you both stopped to finally grasp some air. Breathing in and out you looked at him and said, “Y’know what’s funny? I’ve felt the same about you ever since we first met” giving out a small chuckle. 
Eyes wide with surprise Zhongli felt like he had just been slapped in the face. How did he not know?! It was only that since you told him that it had now been obvious from the start. 
The way your gaze would linger on him and all your expressions would just soften a bit or how you’d always blush when he would compliment you, it made so much sense now. How in Rex Lapis’ name could he not have realised sooner? 
It made him wish he could get striked by his meteor because of his utter obliviousness, while groaning to himself he heard a laugh from you right next to him. 
“Hahaha! Sorry, sorry, I think it’s funny how you’re just now realising” you said trying to control your laughter. “You look cute when your oblivious” saying while rubbing a small tear from your eye. 
 Seeing you laugh was was like euphoria to him, it made him feel so warm inside.
And then that was until he reminded himself why you were laughing and went back to his frowning, which made you laugh even more...great.
“Hey, hey, there’s no need to feel like that” you told him in a sing-song voice while still trying to keep your composure. “It doesn’t matter anymore so best not think about it right?” you said while resting your head on his shoulder to try and calm him down. 
The rest of the night was absolutely perfect. The two of you ended up just snuggling up next to each other for the rest of the night, staying in each others arms until you fell asleep and he had to take you home bridal style.
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Taglist- @aizawaslovebot @mizunetzu​​ @anormalguyreader​ If you wanna be added just ask or dm me and I’ll be sure to add you!~
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jamestrmtx · 4 years ago
Wish Upon a Night Sky - [Beastars | Various x Reader]
[Female, Sheep Reader | Slow Burn]
After calling upon the decision to test the waters between carnivores and herbivores, things at Cherryton Academy turn far more tense than they already were. Unsurprisingly, there are those who poke fun at the decision, both with good and bad reasons at hand. Calling the academy out on such high of a risk's understandable, but mocking carnivores for making friends with their opposites isn't.
Having been sheltered through seventeen years of homeschooling and the rigid rule of never going out at night, you far from expect being allowed to attend there after your eighteenth birthday. Regardless, you don't plan on cowering back. Your want to expose yourself to the real world, meet new people, and live through new experiences outweighs that fear, transforming it into strength.
Act One | Man's Best Friend
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Already messy files almost end up scattered on the floor, yet you manage to salvage them right on time. Your hands and legs shake just as fast as your heart beats; even breathing is a challenge with how stressed your mind is. Being around a large number of people wasn't the norm in your home; you'd been used to being a close family of six since you were born, and nothing more. Spending time with others beyond relatives was a rarity, as was the idea and agreement of having you study your final year in Cherryton -- far outside the safety of your home. Now that you're eighteen and near to graduating, your family's given you three simple rules to follow: never step out of campus at night, never join acting, and never show daintiness. All three of them emphasize the word 'never'; not a single space for protest or bargain is left in those rules. You knew the consequences of going out at night, as well as the risks of calling forth unwanted attention by choosing not to dress how you were told and letting any sort of bubbly nature out. Being forbidden to join acting was by far the only thing they hadn't explained to you by full.
"Your dorm is through here," Jack says, pointing with his eyes and snout over to a busy hallway.
While the person giving you the tour isn't exactly the type you were warned of before being admitted into this school, he isn't exactly of your type either, but more of a happy medium between the two: a dog. Not quite a carnivore and not quite a herbivore, he's what you learned to be an omnivore -- a kind you were taught to be wary of just as much as a wolf or a lion. Even then, his presence is about as warm and welcoming as sun rays on a cold, winter day, and you find it hard not to smile when he continues to show you around the place. He only ever stops when he sees he's left you far behind, a product of you losing yourself in your thoughts and the new world around you. 
His excitement is one you wish you could manifest just as much as him, though the reminder of how you had to behave at this school leads you to brush and bury those ideas away and hold yourself back.
"Are you okay?"
Jack's question paired up with his careful tone help pull you out of your daydreaming. How concerned he looks makes you take note of the expression you're carrying. Oftentimes, you scrunched up your snout and furrowed your brow -- whenever you became lost in thought, mostly. To any outsider like him, it would seem as if though you're bothered by something, so you hurry in your reply, words leaving you in a rush, "I'm okay." Your smile returns as you meet his eyes. "I just… I got caught up with something else."
"Nervous about staying here?"
"About everything, honestly."
He lets out a laugh at that, and his gaze brightens as he motions for you to follow him once more.
Your next destination is what appears to be the rooms you were informed of at the beginning of your visit -- judging by the rows of doors laid around, along with one of them left open, displaying a bunk bed in the background. There's a student by the dresser, combing her fur without so much as bothering to look at you or Jack. She's far too focused on her brushing to acknowledge she's left the room visible to those wandering outside, though -- with her being a wolf -- you assume she's confident in herself. Or you believe so, at the very least, as based on the rumours your parents and every other family member taught you.
You halt when you notice Jack stops right by that door and see him gesture over with his head for you to step inside. 
"Is this allowed?" you blurt out, rushing to cover up not a minute after that question leaves your mouth. "O- Oh gosh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that."
"It's alright," he says, chuckling. "I know you're homeschooled, so if you have any questions about how things work here, feel free to ask me!" He stops for a moment and seems to recall something along the way. "And you can come over to my place, too, if you need more help with showing you around."
"How bold of you to invite a girl into the boys' dorm, Jack." 
A feminine voice comes from behind him, and -- soon after -- the wolf from earlier appears next to the dog. She directs a cheeky grin at him, then a friendlier smile at you. "You're my roommate, aren't you?" she says, nodding her head in the direction of your dorm. "What are you standing there for? I want to get to know you!" She sounds about twice as cheerful as Jack acts. "I was told about your arrival almost three whole months ago, so the wait has been long enough."
"...You're Juno?" you ask, making memory of the list handed over to you just a few hours ago. 
She nods, eyes softening. "(Y/N), right? It's... nice to have a herbivore who won't look for a change of dorms the second she sees me."
Already feeling guilty, you can only hope she hadn't heard you earlier ago. It was a known fact you tended to speak without thinking sometimes (if not, most of the time), so you make a mental note out of it and set up a goal to improve on that throughout the rest of the year. You thank Jack and say your goodbyes before following her into the room.
At the sound of the door closing, you breathe a sigh of relief with the knowledge you've made it this far without screwing up too badly. The next thing in mind is to try sparking up some conversation, but only when you make enough mental preparation for it -- aware your thoughts might run haywire and tactless again. "But... Why would they do that? Isn't it normal at this school?"
Juno shows you around the room and stops next to one of the beds, bottom one being the only one out of all the others around to have some of her possessions settled down on it. "It's allowed," she replies and continues with, "And though it's not too uncommon for both carnivores and herbivores to be placed together... Things got a lot more tense after a student's passing." Her ears droop along with her tail, and a hint of gloom clashes with her friendly demeanor. "That's why you're the only other woman in this room, and why I…" Her body shudders as she lets out a breath. "Why I try not to walk alone in the halls anymore." She takes another breath and lets it out with a huff. A hushed swoon then seems to take her over, replacing her sadness about as quickly as her ears go back up. "Although... I guess I wouldn't have met someone wonderful, if some students hadn't cornered me for being a carnivore not long after I arrived here."
The wolf sighs, then faces you with droopy eyelids and a softer smile. "Tell me, (Y/N)... Have you ever fallen in love? It's the most incredible feeling I can describe!" She sits down on the bottom bed, though she scoots aside, leaving you some space next to her. "They say your last year at school's the last chance you have for experiencing an emotion so strong, but I like to believe it will carry on as long as your love is powerful enough for it!"
While you're a bit lost as to what point she's trying to make, you smile and nod along as you wait for her to continue speaking. 
After all, having two friends at the beginning of your final school year didn't sound like a bad idea. Hopefully, your lonely days would start to change; your conversation with Jack and your current one with Juno have been -- without much exaggeration -- the most interaction you've had during all your eighteen years of living. Knowing you were finally free to meet as many people as you'd want as well as study over brand-new things and the relationships between both kinds made your worries and doubts more than worthwhile. No matter how often your family and distant acquaintances warned you otherwise, you needed to grow, learn, explore, and see more outside what was taught to you at home. 
You hear Juno out until she asks if you have a special someone yourself; the question turns out to be a bit of a difficult one to answer with how little people you knew to this day. So far, the only experience you remember similar to that of having a crush on someone was by reading stories of adventure and challenge when you were younger. All of these were confiscated by your family whenever you gained too many ideas, fell for a character, or whenever a book so much as mentioned the word carnivore between its pages -- in a light aside from that of hostile and negative.
Although it feels like nothing short of wishful thinking, you hope your current circumstances change soon with the new path being offered out to you; in that, you carry a strong and unshakable desire over.
And, who knows? 
Maybe one day you'd be able to sneak out and watch the night sky, too -- and with a friend or two by your side, preferably.
"I don't, but…" You trail off to consider her question; overwhelmed by the changes and influenced by her energetic self, you find it hard not to follow along with her. "I wouldn't mind having one -- if that opportunity ever came around!"
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drxwsyni · 4 years ago
Always, and Forever
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Pairing: Yandere Koushi Sugawara x f!Reader
Synopsis: Koushi has taken care of you for so long, by now it’s something you’ve come to find solace in. And so it pains you to have to part from him on purge night, forced into the outside world in hopes of quelling your lingering embers of desired independence, however that may happen.
a/n: This is my fic for the Yandere Purge AU writing collab, hosted by the Lovesick Discord server! Here’s the link to the m.list where you can read the other fics members have written for this collab! I really didn’t mean for my part to get this long, but alas I have zero self control. 
Thanks you so so so much to @yanderart​ for beta-ing this fic, you literally always work wonders for me while also being the sweetest human being ever. Many kithes for you my dear friend.
9.7k words
Warnings: Dubcon, heavy stockholm syndrome, infantilization, attempted assault (when Daichi makes a brief appearance), injury, depictions of violence, gaslighting, manipulation.
He felt like home.
Koushi’s embrace, his words, his smell―the stability he surrounded you with.
The love he surrounded you with.
You felt light around him. Mind in another place, floating off into feelings of quietude. A swell of comfort bloomed in your chest at the sight of him. His warm and familiar smile, adoration for you shining in his hazel brown eyes. The way his fingers ghosted across your skin, gentle, as if you were made of the most delicate glass, and any move too unintentionally harsh would break you.
It’s why he took such good care of you. Making sure you were safe, out of harm from the dangers of the outside world. Tucked away in his home a small ways away from the outskirts of the city. He held a certain pride to it all―the knowledge that you were protected from all that could ail you, and all because of him.
You doubted that there was anyone else on the planet who would do the same. Who would learn every single little thing about you, know you better than you knew yourself. Nobody else existed that would dedicate so much to making sure you never had to worry your pretty little head over the stresses of everyday life.
There was nobody but Koushi.
As he held you close, your back pressed into his as the two of you lay in bed, it was obvious that he was all that you needed.
His arms wrapped around you, and with the lulling sensation of sleep slowly washing over you like a rising tide, it was easy to melt into his embrace. If you relaxed enough, let your inhibitions escape you, just how he always urged you to do, you might just feel like all is right in your small world with him.
“...You know what day tomorrow is, right?”
But that was why you couldn’t relax.
Koushi keeps you on your toes, biding his time for you to step out of line. He waits patiently, observing, but not compelling you more than normal on any given day. Your lover keeps with routine, fearful that changes will be too much for you to handle. Only, you wish there was a change, anything to stave off the mental consequences that repetitive actions brought.
You couldn’t relax, because even if he felt like home, it was still not your home. You lost that a year ago tomorrow.
...Purge night.
Free reign given to those like Koushi, and for those such as yourself. To have and to hold, or to run free. Two opposing forces in a race against the clock to fulfill their desires.
But you didn’t even make it past the first five minutes.
• • •
Seated on his couch, TV mantled above the fireplace, a warm glow dancing across the room.
You were nervous―painfully so.
That dreaded letter came in the mail. You were selected to be a participant, the government mandated notice read. Unfortunately for you, it didn’t read who you were selected by. It was why you were scared out of your mind, and why you went to the only person who could calm you down.
At his side, his arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer, Koushi soothingly reassured you that everything would be alright. With his words, low and gentle, softly spoken in your ear. Or with his actions, a welcomingness that you could never refuse. His home being a safe haven, his touch coaxing you to let yourself accept that you had not a single thing to fret about with him.
He offered protection for the night. And you knew that you wouldn’t make it out there by yourself, so of course you obliged.
You obliged when he said to make yourself comfortable, when he offered to put on some music to ease the tension, whatever could assist your shaken soul. Your nerves were quite clearly running rampant― “Nothing a good cup of tea can’t fix.”
Koushi was right, it did wonders for your state, subdued more and more by the second.
Soon, the announcement played across the screen. Words in bold urging caution for some, and sparking adrenaline for many.
For you, things felt...strange.
The task of placing who had signed you up for this dreadful night was mind boggling. You thought to your coworkers, childhood friends, even lingering acquaintances that had entered and left your life in the span of a single day.
Still, nobody came to mind…
Not until the announcement ended.
Or the sirens outside ceased their countrywide alerts.
It wasn’t until you lost the feeling in your limbs, did you know where your mistake lay.
Taking the form of your always caring friend, never the one to leave you unguarded. Constantly checking up on you, ensuring you were looking after yourself. Doing everything he could to take responsibility for all those little things you couldn’t handle, just to lift that extra weight off you.
But really, Koushi didn’t think you could handle anything. Not like he could. Your struggles weren’t something you, a fragile and vulnerable thing, could ever possibly manage. In his eyes, you just weren’t made to take care of yourself.
That’s what he told you as he shut the television off, and as he laid you down on the couch.
He spoke so lovingly, “It’s alright, my sweet girl.”
By then it was too late. You were reduced to being completely defenceless, at risk of quite literally everything.
...That’s not how he saw it, though.
To Koushi, you’d never been safer.
That was the reality―you in his home away from modern dangers. Then, and now still.
• • •
A year had just about gone by. You no longer thought for yourself, for the most part. Koushi tried to force you into a state of complete dependence, and you couldn’t deny that he did a good job of it. You knew this because mostly, your memory was in shambles. From days upon days upon weeks where you let him do all the work, things didn’t really stick. And what significant thing was there to remember in the same laid out and unfaltering routine?
He would always dote on you, not once have you needed to ask him to do so. “It’s my responsibility,” he would repeatedly tell you. It wasn’t your place to fend for yourself―that was his job.
With how thorough he was with that agenda, not letting you slip up for a second without reprimanding you, Koushi had molded your mindset to fit his ideals. A year of reminders, of insisting submission upon you―all serving one purpose.
To make you see, make you understand that he was the only one for you.
But he knew just as much, if not more than you, that still there remained the flickering flames of autonomy. The need for it dim, but its light still a beacon of strength that fueled you to resist him.
Koushi waited for an answer, an acknowledgement to his question that no doubt stirred conflict in your mind.
Your hands gripped the bedsheets, a seed of dread planted in your chest. Just slightly, you nodded your head in confirmation. Of course you knew what tomorrow was.
The day where, only because it’s illegal not to do so, those like you were given a chance at freedom. To make up for failing last year, and to obtain that independence you once held.
You didn’t even know if you completely wanted it though...
Behind you, Koushi pulled you closer into him. Carefully, he leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss against your temple. His hand intertwined with yours, giving it a small squeeze.
And nothing more was said on the matter.
You woke up in his arms, a safe cocoon under the sheets with the morning daylight seeping through the cracks of the closed blinds. Of course, Koushi was already awake.
Sometime throughout the night, you shifted into your current position―head resting on his chest, arm thrown over his torso. You sighed happily as you were met in your waking state with the feeling of his hand on your waist, holding you against him as he thumbed the soft and nightgown clothed skin soothingly, a repeated back and forth.
His morning voice always made you feel different. A little raspy, but still coated in his loving tone, creating butterflies in your stomach. “Mornin’, pretty girl.”
Still wrapped in the comfort of a post sleep haze, you nuzzled your face into his chest. “Mmmn...mornin’.”
If you were looking at him, you’d be able to see his expression that was practically dripping in admiration. You might find his tiredly intimate words and motions endearing, but he found that of yours to be nearly enough to stop his heart.
Really, everything you did had that effect.
...It was a shame he’d have to go without it later tonight.
For now however, he’d let you sleep in. It was the weekend after all, and you needed your beauty rest. That, and he wasn’t about to ruin this moment by discussing the inevitable.
Neither of you had yet to speak of what was soon to come, but that didn’t matter. Not when, even from the moment he got you out of bed, that reality was already having an influence on your day.
Normally, Koushi would opt to dress you in something a little more delicate. He liked the sight of you in a silken nightgown, an earthy pale pink, or pastel blues. Something to represent how fragile he thought you to be. Of course, it was never a practical outfit. But you had nowhere you needed to be, remaining inside his home your only job.
This morning's upgrade of a real dress, one with pockets, double lined and long sleeve, was the first reminder of tonight’s main event. All in all, it was pretty. You liked it, you were grateful for it.
But it only made your chest tighten, an indescribable hint of trepidation taking hold of your being.
The day goes on, you once again settling into routine. It wasn’t hard doing so, especially since now you’ve grown used to how unwavering it is. You actually find it quite nice.
If you forced yourself to step outside of your adopted headspace, it was just barely possible to pinpoint when you became this docile. When the rules Koushi had both mentally and physically beat into you became automatic actions. Or, when they didn’t seem like rules, but more so guidelines for a healthy routine that you genuinely wanted to complete.
Because you did feel healthy. You got plenty of sleep, since you always went to bed when he told you to. You had a balanced diet, because even though Koushi was busy with work, he always managed to prepare you a proper meal. You felt at peace, because you forgot why you were here in the first place.
So, separating from that compliance, and forcing yourself to remember your reality―you’d say it’s been roughly three months since you started to enjoy living with Koushi. And now that you’ve memorized the routine he’s set up for you, you know that when he sits you down on the couch, while he remains standing in front of you before speaking―these are special circumstances.
It’s just after dinner, a little past 5 o’clock. He has yet to help you switch into your evening routine, which normally consists of giving you a task such as reading or drawing to pass the time, until you have to get ready for bed.
You know that he’s looking down at you, but you can’t bring yourself to return his gaze. When you caught a glimpse of it, it only stirred anxiety inside of you. He wasn’t tense. He wasn’t upset. He seemed...casual.
Too casual for the conversation you were about to have.
“I know this is stressful for you, sweetheart. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
Your hands are folded on your lap, nails digging into the skin in an attempt to distract you from the developing worry encasing you.
Much to your dismay, Koushi crouches down in front of you, a hand placed gently atop your knee. Like an adult trying to get on the level of a child, which honestly is what he makes you feel like sometimes when he speaks in such a soft tone. It forces you to look him in the eyes.
He’s right―you could always say no.
Mandatory by law, those like you who are bound to your ‘lover’ by their legal ownership over you must be given a chance to regain independence. However, you’re completely within your rights to deny the offer. Of course, this would mean that for another year you would be stuck with them.
The problem is, many of the individuals who deny the offer no longer find it as being stuck.
You don’t know what you would define it as.
What you do know is that if you go, the odds of making it out with that sense of freedom aren’t very encouraging. Your stamina is all but entirely depleted, given how the most activity you get is by walking throughout the house to either the bathroom, living room or kitchen.
On top of that, you have zero clue where you’d go. Being in the same spot for a year hasn’t exactly done anything for your sense of direction, or your understanding of the city’s layout. And the last time you went outside, the most you saw was the same view from the living room’s window.
Because you only got about ten feet from the back door before Koushi caught you.
That experience didn’t give you anything to help you in trying your hand at tonight’s offer. In fact, it only made things more difficult. The mere thought of what had ensued after he dragged you back inside his home was immobilizing.
It was likely the very reason as to why deciding if you wanted to attempt to leave Koushi was so debilitating. When even thinking of taking a single step outside struck fear into your core.
You should say no.
But of course, things would never be that simple. Not now at least.
Those embers of resistance still burned inside of you. Albeit dangerously fleeting, you could just barely recall the indulgences of your past life. A time where you still held that independence, when you could choose to do things for yourself. Small things you took for granted, like fast food or staying up late and binging shows―while the memories were clouded, you could still recognize the feeling they gave you.
Of warmth, or of the mindless pleasure that you used to never think twice about seeking.
A pang of guilt shot through you, realizing how selfish you were for wanting to leave Koushi over that. He’d been so good to you, making sure you barely had to lift a finger. Yet here you were, yearning for things that would only do you harm, a fact he’d repeated countless times in the early days of living with you.
But, tonight was the only night of the year when you got to be a little selfish. The prospect of earning those little independent privileges was strangely like fuel to the nearly burnt out fire of your lingering resistance.
You looked back at the grey haired man, still calmly awaiting an answer.
“N-no, no...I want to do this, I think…”
And there was that smile again, all too soft and gentle for what you could only guess was some well contained detestment for your words. He looked understanding, and to anyone else the way he regarded you would be endearing.
What a loving boyfriend….
If only they knew.
With that, he let you remain on the couch, waiting patiently for his return while he moved momentarily into another room. Soon he returned, and for the first time in a whole year, he let you watch television that wasn’t dumbed down animated shows, or wholesome animal documentaries.
Koushi put on the news, or more specifically, the countdown broadcast to the purge.
You could almost laugh at how rattled simply watching the news made you. It would be amusing, accept your heart was beating too fast, mind racing with worrying thoughts to realize the irony of the situation.
This night was supposed to be your only chance of gaining legal custody of your own independence. You should be beaming. Yet here you were, anxiously bouncing your leg, bottom lip between your teeth as the announcer went on with scripts of how people across the country were preparing for when 6 pm hit.
And Koushi, the one who should be stressed with the possibility of you slipping out of his grasp―he was doing fine.
For the most part, at least.
Sure, a small hint of dread for the highly, and he means highly, unlikely was present in the back of his mind. But Koushi knew you. He knew every single little thing that made you who you were.
Of course he did, he loved you after all.
So that flicker of dread remained almost nonexistent. Because he also knew how this night would end, and that was more than enough to calm his nerves.
Unconsciously, you leaned into Koushi’s side. He was seated right next to you on the middle of the couch. An arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. Your left hand in his and placed on his lap, his fingers not so absentmindedly drawing soothing circles into your skin.
You didn’t see, but his eyes never left your troubled and practically shaking form.
He felt bad for taking pride in the sight.
It meant that you were terrified of leaving him. And you should be, it was so dangerous out there. You didn’t know how to take care of yourself, it’s why he did it for you. So, seeing this proof that in less than ten minutes, you’d be going out into the night alone, had you shivering in fear―it only told him that what he was doing was right.
Yes, it did hurt him to see you so distressed, but you needed to learn your place.
Which was next to him, always.
And when he thought about it, this is how his lessons always went. Koushi would never hurt you unless you deserved it. Unfortunately for you, you tended to do a lot of things that warranted punishment. And he was eager to help you see things his way. Tonight was no different.
You’d never be in any real danger.
He’d never go as far as to permanently damage you in any way.
If you deserved the punishment, then he should be allowed to have a little fun with it.
Both of you were brought out of your respective intense thoughts as the room was bathed in red. The television screen, now vibrantly pigmented in the colour, began playing the annual emergency broadcast, alarms blaring from the speakers.
Koushi saw how you flinched, and like the loving person he was, he reached for the remote to turn down the volume. You were still shaking like a leaf, stare fixated on the bolded words rolling across the screen.
In an attempt to console you, Koushi gently moved a hand onto your shoulder, urging you to lean back into him. Your heart skipped a beat as he placed a kiss on the crown of your head, lingering there for a moment.
He spoke in a delicate whisper, just loud enough that it would drown out the automated announcer from the last broadcast to be had tonight. “...Shhh, you’re alright sweetheart.”
Unconsciously, you nodded with his affirmation, trying to convince yourself of the same thing.
Information continued to dance across the screen. You would have twelve hours, starting at 6 pm, which was in two minutes, to do whatever you needed to obtain your ideal outcome. So would those opposite of you in nature, which didn’t exactly help your chances of fighting for your freedom.
A myriad of other rules and such were listed, most of them being useless to you. It was more so meant for those of the bolder type. What weapons you could use, who you could injure, and how far you could take things.
You didn’t want to hurt anybody. You just wanted to go back to how things were before naively falling for Koushi’s trap―or at least that’s what you thought. The whole decision still felt a little cloudy in your mind, even now.
Abruptly, the television stopped it’s recount of the mandatory notice. The red returned to black, because for one, there was nothing more to and. And, because Koushi had turned off the TV, the resounding click bringing you back to reality.
Neither of you moved as the countrywide sirens rang out. The fixed speakers outside sounded off, letting everyone who wasn’t tuning into the news segment that finally, the purge had begun.
Your gaze remained fixed on the floor, feeling like it was taking an eternity for the roaring noises to cease. Eventually they did, leaving you and Koushi with the silence of the living room, the hushed sounds of a crackling fireplace being the only thing to meet your ears.
Naturally, he has to do everything for you. And, naturally, he doesn’t mind.
“C’mon, sweet girl.”
Carefully, so as not to scare you more than you already clearly were, Koushi pulled you off the couch. Not moving too quickly, he kept your hand held firmly in his as he led you to the front door.
You couldn’t remember the last time you got this close to the entrance. His various methods of reprimand doing wonders to keep you from drawing near it. Sometimes, even looking at the door was something you feared.
But now, here you were, standing right in front of it.
You followed Koushi’s movements, your hand falling at your side as he released it to begin undoing the excessive amount of locks.
Not excessive to him of course, anything to keep his perfect little girl safe.
The quiet beeping of the door’s alarm was the only thing to be heard aside from the noise of your heart beating in your chest, the sound reverberating in your skull. Then came the manual locks, Koushi’s hand reaching into his pocket to grab the keyring.
With each lock coming undone, your mindset continued to spiral.
You can’t do this. It’s too much to handle. You have no clue where to go, or where to hide.
And the comfort that he provides―you really do like it.
How he touches you, tender and lovingly, able to feel with every movement how much he cares for you. When he wraps you in his arms, that familiar and comforting smell that’s so undeniably Koushi sedating those thoughts at unease. He speaks to you, always saying the right things, so softly.
You realized that lately, there was nothing to worry about with him.
But you would lose all you earned the second you stepped out of his home.
Yet, as he finishes with the locks and turns back to you, it doesn’t feel like you’ll lose anything.
Not as in, once you leave, his presence will be gone, and that you’ll never have to experience it after you make it out of this night with your freedom.
Rather, once you fail, he’ll be waiting, ready to snuff out those pangs of anguish you’re feeling right now, just like he always does. That kind of comfort didn’t seem to be going anywhere.
The thought alone was enough to quell many of your concerns.
Koushi stepped towards you, his hands reaching for you, finding their destination in gingerly cupping your face. Nervously, your eyes flitted from his frame to the door’s handle.
The man in front of you sighed slightly, taking in the details of your expression. The furrow of your brows, how you had trouble focusing on any one thing while a plethora of thoughts raced through your mind.
He liked knowing how much this was bothering you. Showing that at the end of the day, you were more dependent on him than you realized.
Koushi was the first to speak, you tensing at the startling noise.
“I’m not forcing you to do this, sweetheart. You know you don’t have to go out there.”
He studied you intently, and you felt the urge to shrink from his focused gaze. It would be so easy to just stay home. To curl up with Koushi in front of the fireplace, relax into his arms as the night went by.
But as you looked back to the unlocked door once more, you knew that wasn’t an option.
“I do have to, I’m sorry…”
You didn’t know if you were apologizing to him, or to yourself.
Koushi smiled, a thumb momentarily caressing your cheekbone before pulling away.
“Well, then―I’ve got something for you.” His hand once again fished around in his pocket before pulling out the object in question.
Your eyes landed on it immediately―a burner phone.
It was simple, a black flip phone, old model and with little use aside from calls and texts that took far too long to type out on its inconvenient keyboard.
Koushi stood next to you, a hand resting on the small of your back as he flipped the device open. The artificial glow of the screen illuminated your face while he held it open for you to observe.
“My number is on speed dial, just press here―” he went through the motions slowly, letting you follow the steps he was taking, “―and you’ll be able to call whenever you need me.”
Slowly you nodded, amazed at the prospect of using an electronic, even an ancient one. You hadn’t touched a phone in so long.
Koushi slipped the device into the pocket of your dress, choosing to face you once again. This time he gripped your shoulders, giving them a firm squeeze to grab your attention. “If you can’t handle being out there, promise that you’ll call me.”
For the first time this night, you looked him in the eyes. Those full of compassion and care, you not knowing the feelings they hid from you.
“...I will, Koushi.”
A moment of silence lingered in between the two of you, and before you could make any first move, his lips were softly connecting with yours.
An action full of devotion, you had no choice but to melt into it. Because now, it no longer caused discomfort to eat away at your system, but the exact opposite.
When his lips parted from yours, instead of immediately letting go, Koushi pulled you into his embrace. His arms wrapped around your waist, your head settling into the crook of his neck.
You finally realized that there had been tears slipping down your cheeks this whole time.
His voice sent shivers down your spine, spoken against the shell of your ear. “I love you, so much…”
Your hands gripped his shirt tightly in response.
“...But, you won’t stand a chance out there.”
An odd choice of words, while although it did send an icy fear throughout your body, it still made you want to go out there and prove him wrong.
Whether or not he realized that fact was beyond you.
Koushi pulled away, not before pressing a final kiss on your cheek. His hand reached for the doorknob, turning, and swinging it open.
The cold air of the evening hit your body, the sun rapidly setting on the horizon. It brought about a new sense of coldness to go along with that which was stirred by your anxieties. Breaking your attention away from the outdoors that lay just a few feet away, Koushi voiced his plans.
“Alright, pretty girl. I’ll give you an hour as a head start, sound good?”
Silently, because you couldn’t form the words to make a response with an impossible lump in your throat, you nodded. But you still remained in place.
Waiting for his permission.
He smiled at your expectant behaviour.
Koushi waved a hand, gesturing to the outdoors. “...Go on, now.”
Hesitantly, still greatly unsure of your own decision, you did as he said. Feeling almost light, with your body seemingly moving on its own, you stepped through what, up until now, was a forbidden threshold.
The breeze in the air made your dress flow, the feeling of the forceful chill against the bare skin of your legs a foreign sensation after all this time. You could hear the sounds of crickets chirping in the grass, many living past the tree-line of the forest surrounding his home.
The sun was what you were least expecting.
Just barely managing to peek through the mostly overcast sky, its intense rays landed upon your skin. You could feel its heat, a warmth contrasting the fall temperatures. Tilting your head up slightly, you closed your eyes to bask in its natural gift.
But as soon as it came, the sensation was gone.
The sky fully clouded over, leaving you in the cold, and in a darkness threatening to grow worse as each second ticked by. Still battling an inner turmoil to go through with your wants, you turned around to face Koushi one last time.
Still at the front entrance, he was bathed in the inviting warm light coming from inside the house. He made no more moves to sway you in any which direction. Instead, he simply stood in the doorway, casually leaning against it with his hands in his pockets.
That’s when it dawned on you.
You were wasting time.
No wonder he was so calm. Letting you spend precious seconds getting nowhere.
Your eyes met his. Koushi gave you that signature smile that suddenly wasn’t so comforting.
And then, you were gone.
Your heart was thudding loudly in your chest, desperate gulps of air entering and exiting your already exhausted system. Previous calculations on the few strengths you’d have going for you, and the many weaknesses holding you back were correct.
After less than two minutes of running, you already had to reduce yourself to a walking pace.
Your limbs felt increasingly strained at the sudden exertion, calves aching and lungs burning. Once you slowed down and your wits returned, you noticed the particularly painful sensation in your feet.
Koushi failed to give you proper shoes for the night's events, instead leaving you in your fairly thin lined slippers that now weren’t even good enough to keep out the chill.
Or perhaps, he did that on purpose?
Those facts didn’t quite matter at the moment. You had finally reached the edge of the city, making good time as you didn’t have the need to make it there under the cover of the forest. A quick glance at your burner phone would tell you that you still had fifteen minutes of free time, so there was no problem being out in the open as you took to the road to reach your destination.
The stretches of trees were replaced with encroaching buildings, starting out small and changing into impressive structures as you ventured further into the city.
Overall, it was quiet. Aside from a few stray pieces of litter blowing in the wind, there was nobody out on the streets aside from yourself. Really, many people didn’t have a reason to be out. Not everyone had someone to be running from, or oppositely, had someone to be running after. If you didn’t fall into either of those two categories, then you had no reason not to stay inside.
After all, getting in someone’s way could mean risking your life.
This constant and looming reality, that the only reason why you were out was because of these special circumstances―it didn’t exactly make you feel any better.
Even as you caught your breath, your heart remained beating rapidly inside your chest. Your feet stumbled awkwardly along the sidewalk, wincing with each shot of pain that ran up your legs.
You only paused when your eyes landed on red and bolded graffiti on the side of a boarded up shop.
However, you failed to understand what that was anymore.
The sudden noise of a shrill scream sounding from some indiscernible place brought you startlingly out of your focus on the graffiti. The noise bounced off of the brick walls of buildings around you. Your head whipped from side to side, trying to understand where it was coming from.
Only, it felt like the screams were all around you.
Your hands were clenched into tight fists, nails indenting crescent moons into the skin of your palms. The wails lasted for a mere five or so seconds, but it felt like minutes with how your distress was only amplifying your panicked reaction.
In that state of immense internal torment, you unable to think of any one decision for yourself, your body once again acted on it’s own. Fight or flight senses kicking in, favouring the latter, you bolted away from what you were most sure was the best direction away from the screaming.
Really it was all you could do. Staying in one spot, frozen with fear that wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, wouldn’t do a single thing for you. Even if you didn’t know the exact destination of your travels, all you knew was that you had to put as much distance as possible between you and Koushi’s home.
So you ran, only to once again forget just how ill equipped you were.
The street lights went by in a blur, wind whipping past you. The first bead of sweat trickled down your face as you willed yourself to keep moving. Not even a minute in and you were slowing to a stop, leaning against the side of a building.
You could’ve passed out right then and there, with the weight of your exhaustion, and your weakening mindset crashing down on you. But if you stopped, you knew that you’d likely never be on the winning side of this night.
Still trying to catch your breath, you used this time to pull out your burner phone. Flipping the small device open, you winced at the bright and artificial glow that you were so unaccustomed to, especially in the darkening light of the evening.
Your eyes landed on the clock, front and center of the compact screen.
7:00 pm.
The head start was up.
A quiet playing of jazz music lingered in the background of the kitchen, the pinks and oranges of a setting sun behind the clouds casting part of the room in a warm hue. Methodically, and humming to himself, Koushi was drying the dishes from the dinner he had with you, fondly recalling how breathtaking you looked in your new dress.
He took a quick glance at the clock after putting the last cleaned dish in the cupboard, making sure to lock the small door shut. The device mounted on the wall told him it was nearing quarter to eight.
Expectantly, his phone rang in his pocket, him not even needing to look at the caller ID before answering. Especially not when the voice on the other line spoke before he could even get a word out.
“You still need me for tonight?”
Koushi slung the cup towel over his shoulder, leaning against the granite countertop. “Daichi, I’d really appreciate the help if you’re still up for it. I understand if you can’t though―”
“You had my back last year, the least I can do is return the favour.”
Softly, Koushi laughed a little to himself, remembering how frustrated his friend was, unable to control his other half.
He nodded, gazing out the window as he spoke. “Well then, do you remember what I said or should we go through it again?”
On the other line, he heard some indistinct rustling, paying to mind to it. “That’s alright, I know how important this is to you. Couldn’t forget it even if I tried.”
That brought a chuckle out of both of them, Daichi continuing soon after.
“I’ll get going then, gotta handle a few things first.”
This time, Koushi could make out the distinct noise of a car trunk slamming shut. Meaning his friend was already on his way to set up.
“...Of course. Thanks again, by the way.”
He heard what sounded like keys jingling, “No problem, talk to you later.”
With that, Koushi ended the call. Phone still on, he was left to look at the last app he had open, the screen still giving him live information by the second. Satisfied with what he saw, he excited the tracking software, swiftly pocketing the phone.          
Grabbing the still somewhat full wine glass on the countertop, Koushi made his way to the living room. Relaxing into the couch with a relieved sigh, he resigned himself to a waiting game, knowing it’d only be so long until he had you back, safe and wrapped in his arms.
Just where you should be.
There weren’t many options: either hide in the shadows, and be at risk for unsuspected attacks, or remain in the safety of the street lights, exposed to any and all onlookers. Looking over your shoulder, not quite eyeing any one thing that meant certain danger, you chose the latter.
When the screams around you finally died down, fading into the background as you left it in the dust behind you, the sound of a distant rumbling came to the forefront. With a quick glance up, you could see that, even in the dimming light of the evening, the clouds above were growing thicker. Darkening and swirling in the sky, you knew that soon a storm would be upon you.
As the earthy aroma of approaching rain permeated your senses, your heart longed for the comfort back home. If it weren’t for that nearly indescribable need to keep moving away from Koushi, you’d be back there. Probably relaxing on the couch, a sedating melody coming from the record player. Another perfect Saturday night spent in your lovers presence.
You could practically feel the heat of the fireplace on your face if you focused hard enough.
However, that heat wasn’t coming from such a sanctuary, one who knows how many kilometers away by now. Rather, from the burning building in front of you.
Snapping out of that reminiscent trance, you came to an abrupt stop. Squinting a bit at the bright and flaming scene, you could just barely discern that the building was a police station.
The sight only brought a small quirk to your lips, knowing how useless they were to those like you.
Turning away from the building, you trained your goals on moving in the same direction, fearful of getting turned around and accidentally heading back towards home. Things once again fell into silence, only the sound of a looming and encroaching storm meeting your ears every ten minutes or so. Fatigue had set in long ago, leaving your steps sluggish, fighting every muscle in your body to keep up a consistent pace. Even if you weren’t moving fast, you were still moving.
Except, that too grew nearly impossible to reasonably manage.
The further you walked, the more disturbing sights you came upon. It seemed like all at once, things were hitting the fan. Corrupt scenes unfolding around you being horrifying to no ends.
Exiting an alleyway, the first thing you saw was a man stuffing a body into the trunk of a car. You couldn’t tell who the person was, or whether they were even alive. But those details weren’t remotely feasible, as the perpetrator caught you in his gaze.
Seeing your frozen stature, face riddled with fear, he only laughed to himself.
You were no threat to the claims of the night, so he dismissed you with ease. Leaving you in his wake as he drove off, you stayed put for an unknown amount of minutes.
The terrifying truth of what you were was unavoidable, and damn near immobilizing. Weak in everyone’s eyes, often your own included.
At some point you found the will to start moving again, only to soon pause for a breather. Mostly to ground yourself, you checked the time on your temporary phone.
It read just half past nine. In normal circumstances, you’d be in bed; or getting ready for bed, at the least. As a few droplets began falling from the now pitch black sky, you longed for safety under the covers of your bed. Bundled in soft blankets, a dry nightgown, and the soothingly mellow voice of Koushi next to you. Every night, without fail, he’d always remind you of how much he loved you, helping you fall fast asleep under the calmness he provided.
A shiver wracked your body, heart aching for his safety. Your finger hovered over the call button, one movement away from being scooped up by your saviour.
Your body was jolted out of the thought before you could bother with such a surrender.
Someone―a young girl, maybe in her early twenties, desperately clutched the sleeves of your dress. She looked up at you, expression riddled with a bone chilling dread. “Please help me! He’s...he’s trying to―”
Yet, just as she was about to finish, another set of hands painfully grasped your shoulders. A split second later and you were being thrown into the side of a building.
A man was yelling at you, quite loudly at that. Or maybe he was yelling at the girl―with the way you were sobbing, panic shutting down your better senses, it was too hard to tell. You couldn’t quite hear any one thing, the world falling into silence as the anxieties resting in your system spiked violently.
Your brain didn’t even register that you had bolted into a sprint. Not until, sheerly because your body couldn’t handle taking another step until you gave it at least a little break, you stopped, almost falling to your knees with how drained you were. Barely, you managed to keep yourself upright by leaning against a lamp post.
In that moment, there was only one thing going through your mind.
You wanted to go home.
Koushi’s home, which just as much belonged to you as it did him. That’s where you were meant to be. Not out here, by yourself in the middle of the night, rain coming down around you. Even if it was light, the slight dampness in your clothing had you convulsing in cold bodied trembles.
The phone was still clutched tightly in your hand. You knew what you needed to do.
And as the noise of gunshots rang out in the direction you came from, your plans shifted to do just that.
Shaken to your core, you shuffled into an alleyway. Seeking the refuge of a shelter to make that fated call, you blindly ventured deeper into the narrow passage. The saving grace that were streetlamp lights disappeared behind you, remnants of its glow doing little to help you see where you were going.
Doing nothing to help you see the trap you were walking directly into.
All at once, your knees buckled under you, a net you had stepped into lurching upwards. A shriek escaped your being as the intertwined rope cased around you, hoisting you into the air. Suspended only five five or so feet off the ground, the height wasn’t what sent terror coursing through your veins.
It was the fact that you were trapped, no amount of struggling enough to free you. And, because your phone had slipped out of your hand, through the holes of the net, and onto the pavement beneath you.
Out of reach, leaving you helpless to the whims of your sudden captor.
Just like that, the repeated calling for your lover spilled from your lips. Petrified in every sense, you wailed for Koushi to come and save you. Pleading cries for help were repeated until your throat grew hoarse. You only stopped when you physically couldn’t catch your breath.
But even that ceased as well, when a tall figure came into view.
You blearily wiped away the wetness pooling in your eyes, body uncomfortably folded by the sinch of the net as what looked to be a man stalked towards you.
“...Little things like you really shouldn’t be out on a night like this.”
As he drew closer, you could make out the short cut of his hazelnut hair, chiseled features, a broad frame shielded from the downpour by a waterproof jacket. Slowly, the stranger leaned down, picking up your fallen burner phone.
A small whimper escaped you, “Please…”
The deep baritone of his voice shook you as he spoke, “What, looking for this?” Mockingly, he waved the flimsy device back and forth, just out of arm's reach from you. He lowly chuckled to himself at the severely distraught look you gave him, and at the lifeline that was your phone.
The phone that, taking it in both hands, he snapped in half with ease.
Eyes blown wide, you watched in silent horror as the man tossed the unusable device aside, the noise of it clattering to the ground bouncing off the walls of the alleyway. Before you could even register what had happened, what was going to happen, the man was right in front of you.
You couldn’t even think of what to do or say as his hand reached through an opening in the net, harshly gripping your jaw and forcing you to face him.
His lips were pulled into a small and menacing grin, unspoken notions of his intentions laced into the way he regarded you as prey. A quiet hum resonated from him, scanning your features intently. Not before turning your head to the side ever so slightly, seemingly confirming what he already knew, he spoke up once again.
“...No wonder he loves you.”
The glint of a pocket knife flashed before your eyes, and a second later you were crashing to the ground. With the ropes holding you up now severed, the net fell down around you. As soon as you could stretch out your limbs, you were mindlessly scrambling away.
Your better intuitions were completely clouded over, escape once again being the only thing your body could try to achieve.
“Stop fucking struggling.” The words met your ears as an iron grasp wrapped around your ankle, roughly dragging you back to that spot a few feet away from your position, where you’d only just crawled from.
The assailant flipped you onto your back, “What the hell are you gonna do anyways? You’re not made to fight people like me off.” Strangled sobs left your system as he settled in between your legs, his hand gripping your throat. “I could snap your bones like a fucking twig, and you wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it.”
You attempted to sputter out a response, anything to deter the man who was unashamedly handling your much weaker body. Yet, the second your lips parted, a sharp sting bled across your cheek.
“What a dumb little girl you are―dumb enough to walk right into an obvious trap.”
As the glint of a blade returned, you could do nothing but lay there as the sharp edge ripped through the fabric of your dress. The front of it fell open, leaving your bare chest exposed to his eyes, save for the bra being the only thing to defend you.
You didn’t see the knife disappear, only knowing it had gone somewhere when his now free hand groped your breast.
“I mean, what the fuck did you think was going to happen coming out tonight?” The man above you laughed to himself, knowing you were too scared out of your mind to respond.
Meaning his orders were playing out as expected.
The grip on your throat tightened, leading you to space out as he continued the one sided and condescending conversation. “I bet you could’ve avoided this too. Poor thing―too stupid to get out of her own way.”
The pleading request repeated over and over in your mind, but you couldn’t force yourself to speak it. As another smack collided with your cheek, hearing going out in the ear that was affected by the force, those spiralling thoughts got worse, a nauseating feeling rolling in your stomach.
Pleasepleaseplease just stop.
All you wanted was to go home. You should’ve never left. You should’ve never tried to leave Koushi.
Why would you ever want to do that?
Finding yourself growing lightheaded, unable to take in enough oxygen to keep yourself conscious, you felt something inside of you disappear.
If you could describe it, the sensation would be like a sudden dislodge. Relieving, a weight on your body, one that wasn’t caused by a man pressing into you, vanishing entirely.
You still didn’t feel calm, system remaining corrupted with a near crushing fright in your drifting state. But whatever familiar sense of trepidation you once suffered from was now gone.
Hands falling limp at your sides, exhaustion finally getting the better of you as you no longer had it in you to fight off the stranger choking you out, your eyelids fluttered shut. You didn’t want to stop struggling, to give up against this seemingly unstoppable force, but you didn’t have much choice, did you?
Only, a violent and haggard fit of coughs spewed from you as the suffocating force pinning you down disappeared.
Breath quick, your intake and outtake of much needed air stuttering, you heaved weakly against the wet pavement. The first thing that flooded your senses was the patter of the rain hitting the ground around you. Then, it was the feeling of that rain landing on the skin of your face. Cold and cooling, easing the burning ache of your cheeks that had been repeatedly battered just moments ago.
As your eyes closed to bask in the relieving sensation, the droplets against you left, yet still the sound of rain falling down around you remained.
Upon opening your eyes, a swell of emotions ran over you. Tufts of grey hair hung above you, a deeply worried expression of the man you loved regarding your worn out and still shaking form.
If it weren’t for the rain, both of you would know full well that the water streaming down your face wasn’t from the night’s downpour. But the hitch in your voice, the tremble in your lower lip―both served as clear displays of the anguish you experienced.
His hands cupped your face, gentle as always, especially now so as not to put pressure on the tender skin. Even with the commotion of the storm beating down around the two of you, his voice was as clear as day.
“I’m right here, pretty girl.”
The silence that the sanctuary of Koushi’s home, your home, brought about was like balm to your oversensitive state. It wasn’t a deafening silence, per se. Because here and there, it still carried symphonies of the outside world, while the world right at your fingertips brought ones of safety inside such sturdy walls. Whether it be the muffled noises of overhead thunder, or the soothing sounds of rippling water as your fingers danced mindlessly underneath its surface.
The heat of the freshly drawn bath was doing wonders for your strained muscles, now feeling limp in Koushi’s arms as he held you from behind. With a deep sigh, lungs still burning from previous exertion, you leaned into him. It was easy to melt into the secondary warmth he provided, your partially bruised back pressing into his chest.
With the night’s activities washed from your bodies, you needed only to bask in the presence of the man you once feared you lost. The shift from one extreme to another, immobilizing terror to heart wrenching relief―nothing had ever made your head spin faster.
Now, while you let the humidity of the bathroom seep into your skin, the sweet scent of body wash meeting your senses, the invisible weight of guilt remained burning. Your eyebrows stayed knitted, a look of worry that Koushi couldn’t see.
But little did you know, he knew it’s what you felt. He knew everything about you, right down to the last little detail. So he wasn’t surprised in the slightest when your meek voice broke through the silence, spoken in a volume just barely above a whisper, purely because your vocal cords were shot from when he heard you calling for him only an hour ago.
“...I really am sorry, Koushi.”
He wrapped his arms around you tighter, thumb running back and forth against the bare skin of your arm. “If you’re sorry, then you’ll let me take care of you. No more messing around.”
It’s not that you didn’t want to let Koushi do as he pleased, it was that you didn’t know why he wished to do it in the first place. Even after all the time he’d spent devoted to tending to your every last need, the reasons as to why he did so could never quite stick.
You never asked him for any of this. He just assumed the role of your caretaker without batting an eye. It was obvious he cared about you, but still you had issues accepting his motivation for it.
Letting out a shaky breath, you spoke once again. “I just...I don’t understand why you want to so badly. It doesn’t make any sense, and―”
“I do it because I’m in love with you, isn’t it obvious?”
The playfulness in his questioning tone didn’t go unnoticed, but it still didn’t exactly calm all of your anxieties. At least, not until he continued with his speech, his actions following up with affirmations.
Your head rested against his shoulder as his hands wandered, mapping out the sensitivities of your body, starting where they rested near your chest.
“I have been since the moment I laid eyes on you, sweetheart…”
When his hands found purchase on your waist, tenderly squeezing the plush skin, you harshly sucked in a breath of air. He kneaded the tense muscles of your body, speaking low, but still sending shivers down your spine at it’s proximity.
“All of your little quirks, your gentleness, how delicate you are...You’re so impossibly perfect.”
Pausing, Koushi pressed a light kiss against your temple, “...Of course I want to take care of you.”
With each word spoken, every syllable filled with innate devotion, your mind of worrying thoughts surrendered to him. Not given much choice in the matter, and not wanting to choose any alternative if there was one, you let his admiration slowly consume you whole.
“I wanna make sure nobody can hurt you, make sure you get what you deserve…”
Koushi’s hands drifted lower, deft fingers lightly trailing your body, teasing touches only serving to stir another type of heat inside you. Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt him cup your heat, middle finger gently pressing in between your folds.
“...And, that you get what you need.”
You softly whimpered as the pads of his fingers came into contact with your clit, the exhaustion you felt amplifying your sensitive nerves. Applying just the right amount of pressure, and in the perfect spot that had you yearning for more, Koushi skilfully circled the puffy nub.
He smiled to himself as you weakly squirmed in his hold, knowing that in your state, this was the finishing touch to his game. One that he’d been playing since the day he met you, and that now was about to reach its end. Where he’d finally have you right where he wanted you, and you’d both be happy for a long time to come.
Removing the pressure from his ministrations, he bowed his head so that his lips were just ghosting the shell of your ear.
“Tell me what you need, pretty girl.”
Tears pricking in your eyes at the carnal desire you felt from even the slightest of touches, you found yourself near immediately calling for him, begging for his help without a hint of recollection from the memory that held resemblance.
“Please Koushi...I need you.”
With those small and desperate pleas, Koushi found that there was nothing he wanted to hear more in that moment. The desperation laced in your tone was the sweetest thing he’d ever listened to, and so he vowed to himself that he’d make you repeat those wanton admissions time and time again. As often as he needed them, and as often as you needed him. Which would be in your every waking second from now on, finally.
He couldn’t help but encourage you even more, the sound of your whimpers as his fingers worked you over being the most addictive drug.
“That’s it...I’ll give you everything you need. All you have to do is let me―you can do that, right?”
Only wanting to please him more, full body acceptance gripping your being, you responded by quickly nodding, incoherent words escaping you without thought.
Koushi could only laugh at your reaction, adorable in every sense. But, he wanted to hear you say it, ever the demanding one, and always wanting you to play by his rules.
Knowing you were teetering on the edge of release, his fingers slowed their pace, relenting to an achingly teasing method of feathered touches. He spoke one last question, something to finalize his long maintained agenda, goals set on crystallizing your reality for the both of you.
“Promise that you’ll let me care for you, no matter what.”
At his question, the only thing more powerful than the feelings burning inside of you from his sinfully skilled movements was how you felt about him.
The way he made you feel safe, even on the darkest of nights. How he wrapped you in an embrace that would snuff out the flames of self-doubt without fail, each and every time. He never missed a single thing about you, from the obvious outward traits, to the hidden emotions that suddenly didn’t seem like things you needed to conceal―not with him.
There wasn’t a single think about Koushi that you could bring yourself to hate.
Because right then, you loved him, just as much as he loved you.
Koushi felt like home. He was your home.
A home you never had until now. And one you never wanted to leave.
Resigning yourself to him completely, leaving not a single thing that would keep you from submitting to his passion, you held nothing back. Forever and always, you would give yourself up to him, content at the knowledge that you hadn’t a thing to fret over so as long as you were with him
“...I promise.”
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tetsurobunni · 4 years ago
The Final Battle
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☞ harry potter x jjk crossover au // 3.9k words
☽ the battle of hogwarts: jjk style, remnants of satosugu friendship, pain, hurt, more pain…sigh… pure angst with a magical twist for flavor
☽ warnings : major character death
☽ pairing : satoru gojo x suguru getou
☞ my inner harry potter geek really came out full force with this one…so did my sad writer juices i apologize beforehand :)
“satoru….hey, professor nanami cast the spell to defend the school. it won’t be long…”
“i know. i’ll join you when it’s time.”
the illuminating sheen of the dome rose high over the towers of hogwarts. gojo could hear the hum radiating from it, the power from the spell glowing against the overcast sky.
this is it.
should he count his blessings? pray? to what deity, or god, or higher being should he speak to before his world comes crushing down?
gojo’s wand feels heavy in the palm of his hand, thumb gently grazing over the smooth spruce. he imagines the dragon heartstring at its core, the beast he knew lived inside.
he had seen it himself, his peers had too. how even before traveling to hogwarts in his first year just how powerful a wizard he was-and would grow up to be.
if only he knew where he would be in his seventh year. standing in front of the large oak doors leading to the great hall, his fellow students young and old rushing into place all around him, wiping their brows and preparing for a war.
a war that would cost gojo everything.
he knew who he would see on the other side of the battle. the image of his face made gojo’s stomach churn and his chest ache.
his best friend.
his only friend.
he felt a hand rest atop his left shoulder, the scuffed toes of professor nanami’s boots coming into view beside him. he met his professor’s eyes, receiving a small nod of acknowledgment. gojo had grown quite close to his professor throughout his years at hogwarts. he was one of the only people that had garnered gojo’s appreciation and trust.
nanami knew. he had watched all of them grow up, after all. he was the one who informed gojo of the news that sent him spiraling.
that was two years ago.
now, as voldemort rallied his followers and dark creatures of the forest, gojo knew he would face him again.
“the spell is weakening.”
“it was only a matter of time.”
“are you prepared?”
“neither am i. but we must.”
with a pat on his shoulder the professor left his side, sheathing the oak wand in his sleeve.
“strength. endurance. tolerance. balance. practicality. that is what my wand stands for. each of you have your own unique wand that chose you; yes, the core of your wand does hold great power and meaning, but so does the wood that keeps it intact. it is a vessel. and it is strong.”
gojo remembers listening to his professor and thinking he was absurd. but his friend had watched on with glimmering eyes, thirsty for new knowledge, and he had decided that maybe the idea wasn’t all that abhorring.
“hawthorn. somewhat arrogant, reflection, intelligence, vigor, new beginnings or endings. feels most at home with a wizard of natural talent. wicked, eh satoru? what about yours?”
“ah, mines spruce. quick-witted, adaptable, flamboyant, strength, resistance, is known for its unusually fast reactions and somewhat stubborn nature in the hands of a nervous or untrained wizard or witch. good thing i’m not that, eh?”
“your wand is supposed to be stubborn? you’ve had no problems!”
“well of course i haven’t! i don’t remember a moment in my life where i’ve ever been nervous. no wonder…”
the conversation had drifted away in a few minutes, the flickering of the lantern lulling gojo to sleep. when he came to, the weight of a second robe rested on his shoulders. he had ignored the blush that rose on his cheeks and wiped drool from the corner of his mouth
gojo had looked down at the book that ended up as his makeshift pillow and found himself mindlessly reading more information. gojo had failed to mention the extra research he had done; it was innocent, just an extra flip of a page. what he read he never told.
‘although hawthorn is a very powerful wood, it is adept to curses. many of those who practise dark magic have been affiliated with wands made from hawthorn. they are not to be taken lightly in the wrong hands.’
he didn’t regret it then, but after he had gotten the news from nanami about what his friend did, the guilt ate him alive.
now as he looks out the castle doors to the cracks spindling in luminescence revealing the murky darkness of the stormy sky, gojo realizes that this might be his last day at hogwarts.
the realization is fleeting. he can’t afford to be thinking that way. not now. he feels the eyes of his classmates pouring into his being. they’re looking to him to save them.
you should just try to save yourselves.
itadori comes to stand to his right, fushiguro to his left. maki and nobara flank behind him.
this is is family. they all know their tie to one another. they’ve been training together for almost a year on their combat skills. itadori had been experiencing some difficulties, but nonetheless proved to be the closest match to gojo himself.
“holly. with a phoenix feather core. why?”
“just curious. look up what your wood means sometime, will ya?”
“yea…sure. not sure what that has to do with anything…”
gojo and professor nanami both had thought his wand would be made of dogwood- it matched itadori’s personality-the holly was a surprise. paired along with a phoenix feather core was practically unheard of.
but as the dark magic started to rise, itadori started to blossom. he was an amazing wizard.
gojo had his own hypotheses, but as always kept them to himself. no need to cause any further turmoil in his life.
“you can call me satoru, y’know.”
“…yes itadori”
“i’m scared.”
gojo felt his heart clench. the boy beside him might be powerful, but still just that- a boy. he didn’t deserve this. none of them did.
“you can always back away. you know that, right?”
he watched as itadori looked across the bridge towards the darkness, then to his friends and classmates surrounding them.
“are you scared?”
“no.” yes.
despite what lay ahead of them, itadori cracked a smile. “same as ever, eh?”
gojo forced the corners of his lips into a smirk. “you know it.”
as soon as the remaining bits of professor nanami’s spell wore off, the fighting commenced. the huge stone knights began at the putrid giants that shook the ground as they walked, but, as expected, they didn’t hold for long.
there were hundreds of death eaters that immediately swarmed the entrance to the castle. gojo and the others had already gotten separated. he found himself looking for glimpses of them as he fought, power rushing through his veins as flashes of light shot through his vision.
one death eater after another fell to his wand. a goblin here. an enormous arachnid there. a shield spell shot itself from his wand to catch a pillar that threatened to fall on a young girl. gojo didn’t spare a second to marvel at how his wand seemed to act on its own.
itadori was nowhere to be found. nobara was matched against a witch he swore he had seen on the cover of a newspaper. she had been locked up in Azkaban for upwards of ten years.
a patronus he knew belonged to megumi weaved itself through the dust and dirt of the fight, closely followed by its darker counterpart. he made the mistake of watching the white wolf too closely in its decent over one of the towers and felt the breath get knocked from his chest as he flew backwards into a wall.
he coughed weakly into his hand, rubbing the blood that surfaced there onto his pants. the wall he flew into crumbled around him. he wasn’t sure who had landed a blow on him, but whoever it was had to be powerful.
only three people had ever managed to conquer such a thing, and two of them were currently fighting for hogwarts.
gojo petrified a lone death eater that had tried to sneak up on his left. he quickly ran over to the frozen body to lift the mask, though he knew it wasn’t who he was searching for.
“gojo, on the bridge!”
the yell had come from megumi, whom he saw battling three death eaters at once. after quickly disarming one them, gojo turned towards the bridge.
a flash of pink hair caught his attention. he watched as itadori seemingly chased after someone and raised his wand to cast his patronus to follow him. he stopped in his tracks when he saw a figure across the ravine.
it was him.
gojo’s hands shook with a ferocity no one had seen before. his wand illuminated the battlefield so bright many had to shield their eyes. the fighting ceased for only a moment as everyone turned to look at the being that stood in place of gojo satoru.
the short silence was broken when a death eater sent a curse flying towards nobara. a flick of gojo’s wrist was all it took for the death eater to fall in a heap on the ground, dead.
gojo’s entire being felt laced with ice. he knew he would see him. he knew. so why…
why did it hurt so badly?
screams and cries fell on deaf ears as gojo made his way across the crumbling bridge towards the forest. his hands trembled at his sides, legs weak as they carried the weight of this moment.
the figure had seen him and immediately dissipated into thick black smoke.
the forbidden forest had never scared gojo. he actually found comfort in the deep hollows and twisted roots that overcame the dense woods. he spent a lot of time here throughout the years even though students weren’t allowed.
his feet led him along the familiar pathway he had taken numerous times before. a lone centaur raced towards the castle, not sparing gojo a second glance. he had long since become acquaintances with the creatures of the forest.
“itadori? what in the- what are you doing out here? you’re going to get yourself killed!”
“i saw voldemort go into the forest so i-“
“well, what a sight.”
gojo’s eyes widened as he registered the voice that came from behind him. itadori looked over his shoulder in confusion; when he saw who the voice belonged to, his face morphed into a look of pure rage.
“itadori. this is my battle.”
“you need to leave.”
“no, no i’m not just going to leave you here-“
“yuuji? wow, it’s been a while… you’ve grown.”
gojo turned to face the voice, visibly wincing as his eyes landed on his old best friend.
getou had gotten taller since he last saw him. a scar ran across the length of his forehead and his hair had grown longer.
i always said his hair would look good long.
“i can feel the power radiating from you, satoru…it’s delicious. my lord will be quite pleased to meet you”
“your ‘lord’ can kiss my ass.”
getou chuckled, “no need to be vulgar”
gojo’s hand clenched around his wand. one spell and this could be over, but it would be irreversible. even though gojo knew getou wasn’t the same person he was a year ago, he still trembled at the thought of his old friend not being alive.
“no, let him stay awhile satoru! it’ll be so much more fun”
itadori sneered at getou before pointing his wand towards him. gojo could see the slight shaking of his hand. he was terrified.
getou laughed, his arms opening wide as if welcoming the two into his home.
“so much more bite than when i last saw you, hm? the dark lord spoke highly of you…”
gojo’s head whipped around in a flash just in time to see itadori’s body fall to the forest floor. a man with long gray hair skipped towards them, giggling maniacally.
“ah mahito, just in time!” the man bowed in getou’s direction, inching closer to itadori’s paralyzed body. “master informed me that yuuji itadori had followed him here and sent me to fetch him…who is this handsome fellow, hm?”
gojo stood tall, senses on high alert. he was almost okay dealing with getou alone- but now there was an unknown wizard present. if voldemort sent him to do his biddings, then he must be strong…
“this is my old friend from hogwarts…satoru, meet mahito.”
“i’d rather not.”
mahito licked his lips in response to gojo’s remark, sending an unpleasant shiver down his spine. every aspect of this man screamed lunatic…and he was here for itadori.
a grunt escaped itadori from his position on the ground. gojo could see him trying to regulate his breathing, but it was obvious the younger boy was panicking.
“oh satoru, don’t be crass. the dark lord has been yearning to meet the young boy for a long while.”
“a long while? what the hell are you talking about?”
getou chuckled, brandishing his wand from the dark cloak that hung around his shoulders. gojo’s hand instinctively tightened around his wand as he watched his old friend walk towards itadori.
mahito tapped his fingers rhythmically against the handle of his own wand, seemingly awaiting orders. getou kneeled down closer to itadori’s face.
“yes, a long while.”
gojo still didn’t understand what that meant. itadori hadn’t met getou when he was at hogwarts, so how did his presence suddenly become voldemort’s pentacle of fascination?
“take him.”
before gojo could even move to cast a spell, itadori’s scream was cut off as mahito apparated them both away.
“he’s just a boy!”
“maybe so…but a very powerful boy indeed.”
“his power doesn’t justify voldemort’s infatuation with him! i don’t understand why his involvement is needed-“
“they are tethered, satoru. remember?”
gojo’s body turned ice cold.
“…no, you…you…it was just-“
“just a suspicion, yes, that is what you told me, wasn’t it?”
no. no. it couldn’t be.
“the dark lord was very delighted with the information, so, i have you to thank, satoru. whatever may happen to the boy will be because of you.”
gojo’s mind went stark. he didn’t think, just moved with no purpose; he just let his rage pull his limbs into action like a puppet.
unspoken spells flew from both wands, the two wizards trapped in their last battle. the two were evenly matched. this didn’t surprise him.
after all, getou was one of the three people who had been able to land a jinx on him.
it was nonstop. gojo couldn’t stop himself if he tried. he was seething with anger not just towards getou, but towards himself. there was such a sinking feeling in the air, like they were dancing on cracking ice.
for an instant the two locked eyes. gojo felt his footing slightly tip, and that was all it took for getou to find an opening and send him flying backwards through the air. he landed hard on his back, wincing as a jolt of pain went through his head.
he knew he should get up. continue the fight. run and find itadori.
but he didn’t.
“you didn’t kill me.”
he didn’t see getou’s reaction to his comment. a patch of night sky that had broken through the clouds caught his attention.
for a moment he wished getou had killed him.
“get up.”
“i don’t want to.”
“satoru, get up and fight me.”
getou snarled and grabbed gojo by the collar of his jacket, pulling him up to meet his face.
“don’t you hate me?”
“why not! you…you should despise me! i betrayed everyone-including you!”
“i don’t.”
and it was the truth. gojo had spent hours in his dormitory stuffing his leaking eyes into his pillow, trying to be revolted by his best friend. he still had scars on his hands from punching the stone walls of the dungeons, trying to force his own physical pain into hatred.
it never worked.
“…i still don’t understand why you did it.”
that seemed to catch getou off guard. he slackened the grip he had on gojo’s collar, backing away with his head hung low.
“…he found my father.”
gojo’s eyes widened at the statement.
“i…i thought your father was-“
“dead? me too…” he paused for a moment, scoffing before continuing, “but he wasn’t. all that time we spent searching for letters, newspaper articles, headlines on the news- hell even muggle police reports- was for nothing.”
“so you went with him.”
“what other choice did i have, satoru?”
the atmosphere that had engulfed the two snapped.
what did he mean? ‘what other choice did he have’? gojo felt the anger from before start to trickle back into his veins.
“you could have stayed.”
getou met his eyes. they stood in unison, gaze never faltering.
“i had no reason to stay.”
“that’s bullshit and you know it, suguru.”
“what reason then? i was a horrid student, i didn’t care about grades, our so-called friends loathed me satoru! i had no family, no home to call my own i-“
“you had me, suguru!”
getou went silent. the only noises that could be heard were their heavy breaths and muffled yells from the castle. the wind sent a chill straight to gojo’s bones and he shivered, suddenly realizing there were tears trailing down his cheeks.
“i betrayed you satoru. without a second thought.”
“i don’t believe you.”
“i pushed you to investigate itadori’s powers. voldemort told me he would reveal my father’s whereabouts if i gave him information on the boy,”
“i broke your trust! i didn’t even try to warn you of what i was planning, or that my father was alive-“
“don’t you see!”
gojo stared at the look of pure exasperation and pain on getou’s face. he had a feeling it mirrored his own.
he watched as getou pulled the sleeve of his cloak above his forearm, placing the mark of the death eaters etched into his skin on display.
“this is what i am now, satoru.”
“and i’m just supposed to…what? hate you? was i supposed to hate you then? because i didn’t, and don’t.”
“that’s- that’s exactly what you should do! i would hate me-“
“well guess what suguru!” gojo was yelling by now, the words clawing their way from within his chest, “you don’t get to decide how your decisions make others feel!”
he ignored the fact he was moving steadily towards getou as he yelled. when he got close enough, gojo realized they both were shedding tears.
“i don’t understand why you care so much about me-“ gojo let out an unhumourous laugh, “what’s that supposed to mean, huh? you think i stayed up all those hours searching for your father out of what- obligation? pity?”
getou searched for an answer, stammering over the thoughts running through his head.
“i don’t understand why-“
“because i loved you!”
no more skirting around thin fractures, or waiting with baited breath to discover to truth. it was done.
and it broke him.
gojo had done well hiding his pain the past two years. the signature smirk was automatic-it appeared on his face without effort. conversation passed through his mouth without falter. he had trained himself to be the perfect student.
but this…this he couldn’t pretend to recover from.
“it doesn’t matter now. what’s done is done.”
“were you ever going to tell me?”
“…i don’t know.”
when did his wand become so heavy? was his chest supposed to hurt this bad?
“oh god…satoru…”
he didn’t want to feel this way anymore. the sorrow was eating him alive, peeling back layers and layers of his soul.
he repressed the urge to comfort getou as he watched his past love fall to his knees.
“i’m so sorry, satoru.”
“sorry can’t fix everything, suguru,”
if only you had said it then…
“not now. not ever.”
please make this pain stop.
“…i know.”
“so let’s finish this.”
every fiber of his being was screaming at him to stop. a tiny voice yelled ‘you can help him!’. he forced the thoughts from his mind, they would only get in the way.
he had made his decision.
getou didn’t falter from his position on the ground. his wand stayed by his side. the only movement he made was to lift his head towards the night sky as gojo himself had done before.
i love you, suguru. forgive me.
the walk back to the castle was torture. the weight of getou’s body was heavy in his arms. it was worse than he ever could have imagined.
the silence that had encompassed him the forest was shattered the moment he stepped foot onto school grounds. the battle was over, it seemed.
the carnage left behind was gut-wrenching.
gojo ignored the gazes of his peers as he wandered into the great hall. he knew this was where they had planned to house all of the wounded, and despite the hollow feeling in his gut, he needed to find his family.
he turned to see who had called his name and felt relieved when he saw it was itadori. the relief was short-lived, however, when he noticed the sobs wracking the young boys’ body.
gojo retrieved a lone bedsheet and carefully placed getou’s body down, taking one last look at his past love’s face before he covered it. he left getou there and made his way over to where itadori was crouched over a figure lying on the floor. megumi and maki were both there too.
where was nobara?
“it happened right before you went after itadori…”
gojo’s gut wrenched when he saw who the figure was.
“i assume you saw getou…you didn’t even realize what had happened…” the memory of the battle flashed before his eyes.
“i killed that death eater. the woman. i- i could have sworn…no i know i killed her-“
“it was too late.”
he kneeled down and took one of nobara’s bloody hands in his own.
“yes, it’s me, i’m here now nobara.”
“you found getou…didn’t you?”
“…yes. i did.”
this wasn’t supposed to happen. gojo swore he had done everything to prepare them… butit wasn’t enough.
nobara wheezed as a chuckle tried to escape her body, the action causing her to cough uncontrollably as air tried to seep into her lungs.
“i can’t believe…out of all of us…that i’m the one dying…could have sworn it…would have been yuuji…ha!” itadori offered a small laugh, more tears escaping his eyes.
“wow, even on your deathbed you’re still fighting with me…”
gojo met the eyes of maki, who he could tell was choosing not to say anything. megumi refused to look at nobara’s face. instead he stared at the floor, silently crying, not bothering to wipe the tears away.
they’re so young.
gojo felt a sob lurch in his throat but he refused to let it free. he had to be strong. or, at least, act strong. it wasn’t time for his facade to break.
for their sake.
“you ok, nobara?”
“yea…i’m ok.”
gojo watched as she took her final breath.
“gojo…gojo she’s… she’s dead, gojo…”
he pulled itadori’s smaller body into his own, holding him there as the boy sobbed openly. megumi took ahold of maki’s hand, the latter turning her head into the boys’ shoulder as she let her own cries break free.
i’m sorry… i’m so sorry…
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years ago
drivers license
Summary: based on this request. i kind of changed it a bit and made it the ‘story behind drivers license’ if that makes sense. the events that lead up to her writing this song in the future.
TW: fluff/angst, a bit of kissing, sad ending, i think that’s it?
WC: 4,349
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there was always a certain kind of tenderness when you would return home to visit your dad. you rarely got to do so, especially being on your first national tour. so when any opportunity arose to see him, you took it as a blessing. 
your dad had told you about a guy your age he had taken under his wing and began to mentor, you had just never met him. sebastian? samuel? his name escaped you. your dad had just mentioned how he was a little older than you, and a bit different than most people you would meet at the fbi academy. 
because of knowing how much your dad liked this boy, it was no surprise that when you were dropped off by the taxi cab you took you saw a guy matching the description your father had given you a while ago. 
there he stood, a book in hand as he leaned against the post of your dad’s porch, completely unaware of the world around him. he was engrossed in the book, lost in another place you wondered if he would ever want to show you. 
“y/n!” your dad began making his way down the steps of his cabin to greet you. “spencer, why don’t you help her out a bit?” 
“oh-uh, ri-right. yes, of course,” he stuttered out before making his way to help you get the remaining bag out of the trunk. 
“hi, spencer i assume?” you squinted, extending your had to shake his before remembering what your dad had told you. “oh wait, i’m sorry. you don’t like hand shakes,” you laughed off, retreating your hand and opting to just wipe your palm on your pants. 
you finally got a good look at him.  his hair was slicked back neatly, almost too neatly for someone in the fbi. his eyes were a bit sunken in, but not in a worrisome way, more in a way that made you wonder what those eyes had seen to make them that way. his nose, an adorable button nose that was a bit upturned at anything beneath him. lips, the doors of breath, the plump pinkness of them as he softly bit the inside of it from... nerves? habit. what words would fall out of them that would engross your being entirely. 
he was attractive. maybe in a bit of an unconventional way, but in a way nonetheless. 
“th-that’s alright,” he smiled softly as he took both bags from you and began taking them inside of the cabin to the room he knew to be yours. 
“dad,” you smiled as you wrapped your arms around him, him returning the favor. “i’ve missed you,” you hummed against his shoulder.
“me too, sweetie. i’m glad your back,” he pulled back, grasping your shoulders firmly. “how long are you staying this time?”
“1 1/2 months,” you smiled. “that’s why there’s so much stuff,” you huffed out a laugh as you motioned to the rest of the taxi, grabbing the remaining two bags only for him to grab them from your hands. “i can carry my own things, y’know.”
“and i want to do something sweet for my daughter. let me live, why don’t ya?” he teased as you both went into your room, spencer following behind after you made it past the living room. 
it was similar to how you left it before college. there were pictures of your high school friends you weren’t in touch with anymore, some of you in the marching band and others of you at the lake with a group of people. there were banners of the college you had once wanted to go, now overshadowed by your dreams coming true. your old paintings were displayed on the wall along with some family photos you had taken with stephen. there was your guitar in the corner, along with a keyboard and ukulele you had learned to play when you were little. 
“i’m so sorry i’ve deprived you of being sweet to your daughter,” you raised your hands in feigned defeat. “how’ve you been?” you asked, plopping down on the familiar bed. 
“i’ve been good. spencer being around has been helping with you not being here,” he replied as he took the seat beside you. 
“wow, already replacing me, huh?” you chuckled as you nudged jason with your shoulder gently. 
“i’ll let you two get acquainted,” he pat your leg gently before he stood up and left you and spencer in your childhood room.
“i-i would never want to do that. if i’m overstepping i can tota-” spencer got cut off.
“don’t worry, spencer. i was just... playing around, y’know?” you smiled. “i’m glad you’re here to help out with this old man,” you laughed. “i’ve heard a lot about you. you’re pretty impressive, i hope you know that.”
“oh uhm, th-thank you. i think?” he smiled again, taking a seat in the chair at your vanity after turning it towards you. 
“you’re welcome, it’s not everyday i meet a doctor that’s under 20,” you chuckled once again. “sorry, i make terrible jokes when i’m nervous,” you looked back down at your hands. 
“i think i’ve caught on to that, yes,” he agreed. “why, if i may ask, are you nervous?” 
“um, i guess because i’m intimidated by you?” you phrased as a question.
“you’re intimidated by me? ho-wha-why would you be intimidated by me?” he questioned, leaning in closer to your bed in interest. 
“well for one, three phds. two, eidetic memory. three, have you looked in the mirror?” you returned the questioning, leaning in to mirror his body language. 
“what’s wrong? why would i need to look in the mirror?” he leaned back a bit, looking in the mirror at your vanity and furrowing his brows before you stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. 
“nothing wrong, spencer. you’re just... attractive, okay?” you chuckled as he settled into your touch. “oh shoot, i’m sorry,” you grimaced as you retracted your hand, surprised when he grasped it firmly.
there was a brief moment, one that made it seem as though maybe he had that same attraction to you. that brief moment held an impact on you. he wasn’t just looking at you. he was looking at you. it seemed like he was committing this moment to his everlasting eidetic memory. 
and just like that, it was over. in the blink of an eye that moment was gone. 
“s-sorry,” he let go of your hand quickly, you pulled it back to your side, not forgetting the touch of his soft hand, his fingers encasing around gently. 
“don’t be, spencer,” you smiled before your dad came back into the room.
you had talked with him throughout the entire night, both your dad and spencer. there were times when you were almost positive he had felt that spark. you thought maybe even your dad noticed it, but nothing was said or done. 
after your dad had gone to bed around 2:30 a.m., you had all decided it was too late for spencer to drive back to the academy. so, he would stay the night.
you had wanted to continue your discussion with him about popular study methods, being yet again entranced by his ramblings and the way his hands would motion about nearly anything he could. you were both on the couch, sharing a blanket as you began to doze off to the soothing sound of spencer’s voice. 
“sorry, i should stop talking,” he chuckled, his hand moving to the back of his neck to rub it awkwardly before you grasped his hand with yours.
“no, no it’s not that. please, keep talking,” you smiled before releasing his hand. “your voice is really nice, is all,” you shrugged.
“re-really?” his voice raised three octaves.
“yea, really,” you chuckled. “can you just... keep talking?”
“uhm, y-yea. sure. i can do that,” he smiled as you curled in closer to him. your head rested on his chest as your hand wrapped around his side before your head shot up.
“i’m sorry, i-is this okay? you don’t even like shaking hands and here i am curling into you like i’m a koala. koala’s do that, right? yea sure they do that,” you rambled on.
“it’s alright. there’s more warmth, i think it’s nice,” he said as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling your body closer to his.
“alright, i just wanted to make sure,” you complied, your head resting fully on his chest with no reservations. 
“so there were many studies done in the 80s about how writing things multiple times helps the brain with muscle...” spencer trailed on talking, noticing the way your breathing steadied out with the welcoming of sleep.
you didn’t feel the kiss he pressed to your hairline once he was sure you were asleep. you didn’t know that’s the best he’d slept in weeks. you would never know. 
the week went on very similar. you would spend most of your time with your dad, and when able to spencer would tag along after he got out of the academy. you found yourself yearning for the times he would come over, and realized that he was the closest friend you’ve had since high school. and it only took two weeks. 
two weeks for the bit of attraction to develop into a crush. two weeks for you to realize how sweet and caring and boyfriendy he would be if he was officially yours. but you couldn’t say anything about it yet.  
unbeknownst to you, sometime before you had arrived your dad had told spencer about your driving issue, or more like the lack thereof. 
“so...” he smiled mischievously. “i heard that you don’t know how to drive yet,” he revealed as you chuckled humorlessly.
“nope. not gonna happen, sir,” you laughed as you rose from the bed, placing your notebook away on your shelf. 
“what? why not?!” he argued, remaining on the bed. 
“because, spence,” you huffed, turning back around to face him, pressing your back against your shelf. “it’s just... it makes me really anxious.”
“you? scared of something?” he incredulously replied. “no way,” he chuckled.
“hahaha, very funny,” you mocked him as you threw yourself down on the bed beside him. “i’m scared of a lot of things, y’know. i just don’t let people know about it,” you shrugged as you began playing with your fingers. 
“why not? it’s normal to be afraid of things,” he replied, laying all the way down beside you. 
“really? what’re you scared of then, doctor?” you replied sassily. 
“the dark,” he revealed quickly.
“the dark?” you turned your head to face him in confusion.
“mhmm, the dark,” he nodded as he looked down at you, staring into your eyes. “before you ask, it’s because of the inherent absence of light,” he smiled as you rolled your eyes. “but i still go into the dark all the time. metaphorically and physically.”
“it’s easier said than done,” you huffed out as you broke eye contact. 
“i’ll be there to help you through it all, y/n,” he reached for your hand and held it in his own. “i promise.”
there’s that feeling again.
“fine!” you groaned. “you win.”
“as i always do,” he grinned smugly before you pressed your palm against his face, shoving it away with a chuckle from the both of you. 
the next day, you were both in your dad’s car in the driveway. you were in the driver’s seat, spencer in the passenger side. you pressed on the brake as you switched gears to drive. 
“alright, slowly ease off the brake gently,” he guided softly. 
“the brakes are really sensitive on most cars, so you don’t need to be too aggressive with it.”
“slow down, jeez!” 
“okay, that was a really good stop.”
“not so sharp-” you hit the curb. “...on the turns” 
“okay, now pull in... just like that.”
“reverse, brake,”
“put it in park, perfect!”
“how’d i do, coach?” you smiled widely as you removed your hands from the wheel.
“not the worst, but you still need a lot of improvement,” he laughed.
“whatever you say,” you rolled your eyes as you removed the keys from the ignition. 
the next few days, you had driven around 20 times. you made simple trips to the grocery store, around the block, and to get food. you and spencer now had a road trip playlist, courtesy of you.
you also had a song you wanted to show him, one that wasn’t out on the radio yet. 
so the plan waited. and waited. and waited. 
“why don’t you sing us something?” your dad suggested while playing poker yet again, spencer clearly winning so far. 
“well that’s a bit random, dad,” you chuckled as you put down your card to fold.
“you should!” spencer agreed eagerly. “please?” he gave you puppy dog eyes. 
“fine!” you sighed, getting up to grab your guitar from your room. “just, don’t laugh. it’s a piece i’ve been working on since i got here. i haven’t found the right lyrics yet so bare with me,” you chuckled before beginning to strum.
you didn’t bother playing the lyrics, you knew they would reveal way too much far too fast. for now, the melody would have to do.
“wow, that sounds pretty good, y/n,” your dad applauded along with spencer. 
“thank you, thank you all,” you chuckled, taking a bow before returning your guitar to its respective place.
the next day you were driving, you decided to turn the radio on as a change of pace. you sighed as you rested your head on the back of the headrest, just listening to the music play until you heard a familiar sound. 
your head shot up, you looked at spencer with wide eyes before turning the radio up just to be sure. sure enough, it was your voice coming from the car radio speakers. your mouth dropped in awe as you froze in your seat, looking at spencer in the eyes.
“wait, this sounds like...” it took him a minute to realize. “this is your voice?!” he asked, his head shooting up with a look similar to yours as you nodded your head eagerly. 
he reached over the center console, wrapping his arms around you snugly. you embraced his arms, returning the favor gladly as you swayed to the song.
“that’s the first time i’ve heard it on the radio, spence,” you cheered into his shoulder.
“oh my god, that’s so amazing, y/n,” he pulled back. “i’m so proud of you.”
“thank you,” you smiled. 
you were still wrapped in each other’s arms, neither of you wanting to let go of the other, just gazing into your eyes. suddenly, he was leaning in. his hand moved from behind your back to the side of your face, cupping it gently. you leaned in a bit in return.
suddenly, the door to your dad’s cabin shot open as he was shouting:
“you’re on the radio! you’re on the radio!” 
you both shot back to your respective places, you gave spencer a small smile before getting out of the car to go celebrate with your dad.
“y/n, i’m so proud of you!” your dad wrapped you in his arms. “congratulations.”
“thank you,” you huffed into his shoulder, breathing in the calming scent of home. 
you couldn’t help but wonder what might’ve happened if your dad hadn’t come outside. would he have actually kissed you? you would never know.
the week before you had to leave, you decided to finish writing the song. it wasn’t very hard, you’d written love songs before. but this one had actual meaning behind it. this one was for someone. it was for spencer.
a week before you had to leave your dad had gotten called out on a case, spencer had volunteered to keep you company for the next couple of days. spencer had called you ahead of time to tell you he was on his way.
when he arrived, he seemed a bit off. he wasn’t as... spencer as he normally was. his eyes didn’t light up, his smile was fake and only took up a small portion of his face. 
“are you alright?” you asked, closing the door behind him as he entered the house. 
“what? oh-yea, yea. i’m fine,” he pulled another fake smile.
“spencer, growing up with a father as a profile taught me a few things. what’s actually wrong?” you pressed as you sat down on the couch, spencer following suit.
“it’s really stupid,” he shrugged. 
“i don’t think it’s that stupid if it’s upsetting you,” you replied, scooting closer to him on the couch.
“fine,” he took a deep breath. “so... i’m clearly not as fit or muscular as most of the people in the academy. and i know i’ll be exempt from most of those physical attributes on account of my mind. but-well,” he sighed once more. “the guys there are just so rude about it. th-they laugh at me when we do our workouts. they don’t ever let me finish a thought. they call me chicken legs. it’s just... i’m tired of it. i thought that once i left high school i wouldn’t have to deal with people like them but i’m starting to think there will always be someone with something backhanded or rude to say about me,” he finished.
you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, allowing him to rest his head in the crevice by your shoulder and neck. his arms flew around your waist as you began rubbing light circles on his upper back.
“you’re right,” you broke the silence, not letting him out of your grasp. “there will always be someone with something to say, whether it’s good or bad. but what matters is how you hold yourself after they say something. you could hide away, which may seem like a good idea at the time, or you could ignore them, which seems really hard to do. and it is. but it’s easier as you learn to accept things they say.”
“what does that mean?” he questioned.
“it means, as cliché as it sounds, embrace your differences. if a guy calls you chicken legs say ‘yea, i have chicken legs. but at least my brain isn’t the size of a chicken’s.’” you countered, feeling a laugh against your shoulder. “and you know how much i love it when you talk. your mind amazes me every time i see you, spence. so don’t, please don’t, let them ruin you. you are perfect, just how you are.”
“thank you, y/n,” he pulled back to look you in the eyes. “i-i really needed to hear that.”
“anytime, doctor,” you smiled. “want me to play with your hair?” he nodded enthusiastically, plopping his head down in your lap as you began twirling and twisting his strands in your fingers.
you had managed to finish the song two nights before you had to leave. your dad still hadn’t gotten back from the case, so spencer was still going to hang out with you alone that night. you were going to play it for him. 
so when he got back from the academy, you grabbed his hands and led him into the living room.
“alright, i wrote this song, and i wanted to play it for you,” you smiled, playing with your fingers as you sat him down on the couch once more. 
“a-alright...” he said with a smile, his brows furrowing in confusion. 
“alright,” you ran to your bedroom to get your guitar, racing back to begin playing.
*i actually wrote this song so please be nice lol*
“i wasn’t looking for much
i just came back,
and then i felt your touch
and the way you smiled, 
made me think that maybe
this would be worth my while.
because i’m driving off the deep end
swear to god this isn’t right
you should be mine, 
i should be yours.
i heard your voice on that night,
the way that you held me tight
in your arms
and i never wanna leave
if it means i have to let you go
i don’t wanna let go.
the next day we were in the car
you made me feel safe inside
then i showed you my guitar
i let you inside my mind
but i’m scared you’ll be the one to say no
the one to go
because i’m driving off the deep end
swear to god this isn’t right
you should be mine,
i should be yours.
i heard your voice on that night,
the way that you held me tight
in your arms
and i never wanna leave
if it means i have to let you go
i don’t wanna let go.
i don’t wanna see you go
don’t wanna be the one 
to tell you so
because i can’t take the stress
of whether or not you’ll say yes
i’ve driven off the deep end
swear to god this isn’t right
you should be mine,
i should be yours.
i heard your voice on that night,
the way that you held me tight
in your arms
and i never wanna leave
if it means i have to let you go
i don’t wanna let go.”
you bit your lip as you set the guitar down, taking a seat beside him on the couch slowly.
“that sounded great, y/n! you said you just wrote this? it’s really good!” he replied, a bright smile on his face, clearly unaware of the gravity of the song.
he didn’t understand the song was for him. about him. 
“spencer... do you not get it?” you asked, closing your eyes in fear. 
“get what? the song was really good, what’s there to get?” he replied.
“it was... the song... nevermind,” you smiled, finally opening your eyes to face him “thank you.”
if he didn’t understand it, you could always tell him later, perhaps.
the last night of your visit, your dad had gotten back from the case and joined you and spencer for dinner.
“so, have you finished that song you were working on, y/n?” your dad asked curiously.
“uhm...” you trailed off, the subject still a bit rocky for you.
“she has! it’s really good, she played it for me the other night,” spencer divulged. 
“oh. that’s nice. care to play it once more?” he requested.
“right,” you took a deep breath. “sure, of course i can.”
so, you played it once more. you stayed focused on your strum patterns and the notes as you played.
“wow that was really good! are you thinking of releasing it?” your dad asked. 
“well i’d have to talk to my manager about it, but i might,” you shrugged as you took your seat back at the table. 
“what’s it about, if you don’t mind me asking,” you dad asked once more. “or... who’s it about?”
“why does it have to be about someone? maybe it’s just abut a feeling,” you sassed.
“well normally you don’t tell a feeling you should be theirs’,” spencer added.
“yea, yea, yea,” you rolled your eyes. 
that night, you and spencer fell asleep yet again watching another movie in your bedroom. part of you was surprised your dad allowed spencer and you to get this close... but maybe he knew that he didn’t feel the same for you and your dad knew.
the next morning you finished packing so you could leave. it was a bittersweet moment, truly. you wanted to stay with your dad and spencer but you also wanted to follow your dreams. 
you had already bid your goodbyes to your dad before he had to go into work. packing up the last of your bags in your car, because now you felt comfortable driving, you closed the trunk once more.
“y/n?” spencer called you back inside the house.
“yea, spence?” 
“i’m going to miss you,” he smiled fondly. “i uhm, i wrote you this letter. and i just... can you read it once you’re on the plane?” he asked as he hadned you the letter, tears filling his eyes at the thought of you leaving. 
“of course i can,” you smiled back. “don’t cry, doc. then i’ll cry,” you huffed out a laugh. 
“i just, i don’t want you to go,” he replied, not realizing the irony of him saying that.
“i don’t want to go, but i need to do this,” you bit your lip. “i need to follow my dreams. but... i did say goodbye. that song? it was about you, spencer,” you felt the tear leave your eye, drip down your cheek. “i like you a lot, and i just didn’t really know how else to tell you other than writing a song.”
“y/n, i... the song... you want to be with me?” he asked in confusion. 
“yea, i do. i really do,” you nodded sorrowfully. “but now i’m leaving and-”
his lips were on yours in an instant. his hands cradled your face like they once were as you sat in the car with him. you hesitated for a second before your arms flew around his neck, welcoming his lips once more. your tongue traced his bottom lip, seeking entrance which he eagerly allowed. it was harmonious, much like the song that brought you two to this moment.
until it was over. you pulled back slowly.
“wow,” you swallowed.
“yea... wow,” he replied not moving his eyes off of yours. “i just... i couldn’t let you leave without doing that at least once.”
“i’m glad you didn’t wait,” you smiled before removing your arms. 
“but you’re still leaving...” he remembered, quietly announcing it as though you had forgotten.
“mmhmm,” you nodded your head. “i am...”
“and we can’t be together. because i’m about to graduate from the academy. and be a member of the bau. and i won’t have time for...” he realized with a look of sadness.
“you’re right. i’ll be touring and i barely have time for my dad,” you shrugged.
“so we agree?” spencer added. “this would never work?”
“we agree,” you turned around and started walking towards your car. “this would never work.”
you boarded the plane, fresh tears piercing your eyes as you sat in your seat.
he didn’t want you. he didn’t think you were worth fighting for. he didn’t think you were enough for him. he would rather face death than be with you, want you. he kissed you only to want to leave. 
you felt terrible about yourself. part of you hated him. but every part of you couldn’t help but... love him.
but now it’s too late.
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luvlyrv · 4 years ago
A Promise Under the Stars | Irene x F!Reader
Genre: fluff, idol au-ish but not really(?), romance is not extremely explicit
Summary: When you get to meet Joohyun again, you think back about a promise you two made long ago.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Whew. First Irene writing that I’m posting as a stand-alone rather than a part of a series. Also can I say thank you for two of my posts reaching 100 notes within the same week? My very first fic, ‘Second Place’ and ‘Troublemaker’ seem to be very popular, thank you so much fhksadjhfk,
Date: 2/19/21
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You collapse on the ground, all your energy expended during several hours of practice. Lying down you can feel the wooden floor under you, your heart pounding as loud as your breathing. As much as you physically feel pain, there was a greater pain building in your heart and mind. Will you ever make it? You've been waiting so long now, how much longer?
With nobody around tears threaten to emerge from your eyes, but the moment is lost when you hear a soft creak. Quickly, you compose yourself just enough to make sure no tears fall. You don't bother turning your head to look at who it was, instead staring at the ceiling as you hear footsteps growing nearer and nearer to your body. Finally, a familiar face emerges from the corner of your eyes. The girl leans over your face, smiling at the sight of you exhausted and sweaty.
"I figured you'd be here." She says teasingly.
"When am I not?" You say as your breathing starts to become steady again.
The girl offers you her small hands and you accept. She helps you on your feet, and when you're finally standing up on your own she doesn't let one of your hands go.
"Wanna cool down with a walk?" She asks you. You lazily nod your head, following behind as your friend, Joohyun.
She takes you outside the building, continuing to walk hand in hand on the sidewalk. You don't know where you're going, but frankly you don't care. Joohyun's mere presence is enough for you to calm down, to feel comfortable and safe. So you take the time to enjoy the feeling of her hand in yours, the night air passing by your skin, and the sound of your footsteps against the pavement. The silence between the two of you making you feel happy.
Eventually the two of you reach a swing set. She let's go of your hand and sits on one, tilting her head to tell you to sit on the one next to her. You go ahead and sit down, gently kicking the ground to create a soft sway. Joohyun does the same with her two hands holding onto the chains holding up the seat. You stare at your feet until Joohyun speaks up again.
"Look up at the sky. It's beautiful, isn't it?" You listen to her command and turn your head up.
You're quite literally star-struck for a moment, a smile appearing on your face as you admire the sky. You've seen the sky and the stars nearly every day of your life. It's the same sky as always, yet somehow on this night it stir something inside you.
"Sometimes I forget how good it is to be living, I let all the beautiful things pass me by." You admit to your friend. You stop looking at the sky, instead turning to face Joohyun. Your eyes follow the outline her side profile as you admire the amazement glazing over her eyes, the curve of her nose, the way her lips pursed together. The nighttime casts her in darkness but the moon gives her an ethereal glow. She stops looking at the stars to give you a smile similar to yours, a smile filled with endearment.
"It's nice isn't it? I come here a lot, just to recollect myself most of the time. It's my space. One where I can exist without worry, without trying to change myself." She says it as she recalls the many nights where she wanted to cry, the nights where she found herself walking here without thinking about it. "I wanted to share it with you though. You seem more stressed recently..." Her soft voice suddenly became laced with worry. You sigh before you start talking again.
"I guess I'm getting bad at hiding it." You try to joke. "I've been training for so long, you know? I've seen so many people leave. So many switch companies, so many debut. Sometimes I wonder if the last several years have been a waste. I don't wanna grow up with this kind of regret." Joohyun looks down dejectedly for a bit at your response.
"I know." She whispers. "I've been feeling the same thing. Sometimes I doubt I even belong. I don't know if this dream is achievable anymore."
You look down, not quite sure what you could possibly say to comfort the both of you. As another wave of silence envelopes the conversation, you kick a nearby pebble, watching it skid as you begin to launch yourself off the ground harder. You feel weightless as you get higher and higher, a little free even, from this restrictive life you live.
Joohyun sticks to the ground, not enjoying the idea of being at such a high height. Still, she begins to smile at the sight of you having at least some sort of fun. Things continue like this, the both of you contemplating different things in the silence under the same worries.
"Hey Y/N." Joohyun breaks the silence by calling for you. You're still staring at the stars as you swing in the air.
"Slow down for a minute." You listen to your friend and start to slow down your momentum. When you're finally settled, Joohyun leans over from her swing with her hand out. She has her pinky finger raised while you look at her in confusion. "How about we do it?"
"Do what?"
"Let's complete our dreams. Together." You chuckle a bit at her sudden childish-ness that was different from her mature nature. Despite how out of character it was though, you couldn't help but feel appreciative for the act anyways. You stick out your hand and wrap your pinky around hers.
"Alright. Our little promise, between just the two of us."
"I know I can do it if I have you by my side." A pink hue paints itself on Joohyun's cheeks, complimenting the adorable smirk she gave you. Your heart pounds a little and you laugh at her.
"Since when were you so childish and greasy?"
"I don't know, since whenever it could make you smile like that?" You look away, feeling warmth flood your face.
"Whatever." You scoff light-heartedly.
For the past several weeks you felt like you were in a rut. Motivation draining away from you. Your promise with Joohyun though, her words, her loving voice, everything about her made you want to stay. Perhaps now you can complete your dream.
You're waiting in line, a smile is plastered on your face that you can't seem to wipe off. Finally, you can see her again.
You can still remember the day she told you she would debut. There was a part of your heart that hurt, but otherwise you were ecstatic for her. Of course out of consideration she tried not to talk about it much, but you assured her it was something that was worth celebrating. That it was an event and feeling you wanted to share between the two of you.
Things didn't turn out as planned. You kept training, but seeing Joohyun debut with seemingly no results for another year was disheartening enough to make you quit. It also didn't help that as Joohyun got busier, the two of you got to talk and hang out less and less. Everyday you would compulsively check your phone, only to be gifted a response on a rare occasion.
After your trainee years you moved on in your life, getting a higher education and joining a career that you found pleasure in. As you focused on your career though, you also found yourself with less and less time. It seemed like at some point Joohyun changed her number and forgot to tell you. For some reason it left you feeling a bit heartbroken. Although she wasn't really a part of your life anymore your memories with her graced your thoughts often.
Now though, as time has passed, your work life has settled down more. You've earned some money and took some vacation time to attend a very, very important event.
The person in front of you finally moves and you're face to face with Yerim, a girl you spent a lot of time with under the same company. She looks up at you with a smile and a face filled with both surprise and recognition. She signs your album before gently nudging the member next to her.
You move on in the line to meet Seulgi. She's happy that Yerim caught her attention to tell her you were here. She gives you a familiar smile and thanks you for coming to see the group. You get your album signed by her and two other members who you didn't get acquainted with during training until you reach the end of the table.
There she was, Bae Joohyun, the person you were closest with during those grueling years training. As soon as you're standing in front of her your heart threatens to jump out of your throat. When your eyes meet you almost feel like crying.
"Hey." You barely get the word to leave your mouth. The sound could hardly escape the tightening of your throat. Judging by the look on her face, it seemed like Joohyun was overwhelmed with feelings too, nearly wanting to cry. Instead she gives a light laugh.
"I've missed you." She says. Maybe it's in your imagination, but she's staring at you so dreamily. You don't know what to say, so you decide to just be honest.
"I've missed you too. I've been waiting for this day." You pause for a second before continuing. "I'm sorry I didn't make it." Joohyun shakes her head at your apology.
"Don't be. As long as you're happy with where you are now then I'm happy too." She gives you her signature smile that had always managed to comfort you.
"Let's make a new promise." Once again she sticks out her pinky finger at you. You take it without hesitation. "Let's talk. Like old times." Even though you haven't talked to each other properly in years, the feeling of her pinky and yours made you feel just as close as you were back in those days.
The staff are ushering you to go, the moment the two of you were sharing was holding up the line for too long. Quickly, Joohyun signs your album and you notice that she opens it and scribbles something inside. Could she have possibly written a message for you?
When go arrive home you admire the album with signatures strewn across it. The question that you had for the entire day though was what Joohyun wrote inside of it. Within the privacy of your home you finally felt safe to open and check.
let's stay together this time ♥
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