#stolas goeita
midnighttheroies · 1 year
Helluva Boss “He Can Get Hurt” Explained and In Defense Of The Newest Episode
so i was browsing on twitter after the new release of the newest episode, and alot of people where confused about blitz’s reaction to stolas being in the hospital, alot of people kept pointing out how stupid the line was, how it and how episode 4 sucks, ect, i even saw one comment about how helluva boss lost it’s charm?!!, and i’m here to show you exactly why none of that is true at all
1: “He Can Get Hurt” explanation
alot of people where confused by this line because in season 1 ep 5, blitz saved stolas by stopping striker when he was about to kill him, and in seas 1 ep 2, when he was stolas and octavia bodyguard, so the idea of stolas getting hurt shouldn’t be surprised and it was a stupid line
here’s why that’s wrong
blitz isn’t dumb, he is aware at the fact that yes demon royalty are targets for assassination and killings and such, but it’s not something that happens to often, also stolas is someone who always puts up a persona and front, he refused to break in-front of striker, and barely flinched when he was being stabbed with a holy weapons, blitz always viewed stolas an indestructible force, he’s seen was he’s capable of, and how powerful he is, stolas is an all powerful being, and because of how he always dismisses blitz’s rude taunts and remarks, blitz built an image in his head that stolas is someone who is incapable of truly getting hurt
until he did
when millie told him about how stolas got hurt badly, you can see the shock and almost denial on his face, and the “He Can Get Hurt” really sticks to you, because in that moment, when blitz found out stolas got hurt, it humanized stolas for him, it made him realize that stolas can be vulnerable, that he can get hurt, he’s not indestructible and he can die, and the possibility was higher then he thought, he could lose stolas, and that terrifies him, also the shock of something happening to someone you know, like the possibility of them getting hurt in such a way is always shocking, no matter what
2: “The R-word scene” 
if you guys remember when blitz was speaking with the drugged out goat lady, blitzo was stretching out the word and said “can’t say that anymore” some people had some issues with this, i however thought it was pretty funny, some people though were upset because the show is supposed to be offensive and they didn’t say the word so their for the show is doubling down on itself, first off the show is offensive, just because they censor or don’t say the word fully doesn’t mean it’s doubling down on itself!!, second, it was supposed to be a funny moment, to me it was supposed to be “breaking the fourth wall” kinda moment, like blitzo knows if he says that word he’s gonna get alot of hate, kinda like how brandon in real life doesn’t say the word in his most recent videos anymore like he used to, i also think it’s a little bit of a reference to that, and i think people took it way to much outta context, i think people are taking it way more seriously then it needs to honestly
3: “The show lost it’s charm, it’s like it doesn’t know the plot anymore ect”
first off, the show JUST started season 2, second, helluva boss is a slow pace, slow burn show, their isn’t supposed to be anything big major character/story development just yet, if you ask me, the show is only getting better and better, like ep 3 is by far their best episode, that episode alone changed my whole view on moxxie in the best way possible and puts season 1 ep 1 in a whole new different light
also another thing, helluva boss is a show where it goes into more depth and you have to look at things more then what your shown, the show is showing subtle hints here and their and you have to make it out, and i love that, it makes everything so much more interesting
also you can’t just judge a show when it just basically started and doesn’t even have an ending yet
2: “Blitz Defense”
alot, and i mean ALOT of people where quick to point out how much of an asshole blitz was to stolas within those text messages and just him in general, but people forget that blitz is like this as a way to protect himself, we’ve seen stolas at his most vulnerable moments, we know stolas loves blitz, but blitz himself doesn’t know that, to him, he’s stolas plaything, a sex toy, nothing more, he’s scared of loving people, he’s scared of intimacy because he’s afraid of getting hurt, so he pushes people away before they can hurt him, which is what he’s doing with stolas, because he doesn’t think stolas truly cares about him, and even though he tries to pretend he doesn’t, blitz does feel something for stolas, he cares about him, if he didn’t he wouldn’t have been worried about him over the phone and he sure as hell wouldn’t have sent a text message, i don’t know if i would say blitz loves stolas just yet, but i do think he at least likes him, i personally see this as a “stolas fell first but blitz fell harder” kinda thing
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ambrial-blog · 1 year
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Chaz: Brags about knocking up the Boss imp. Striker Bossco: I sure would like a word with you, your about a hair's breath away from becoming a side dish on a plate of Sushi. Striker Readus: Let me through, I'm going to skin him like a hell pig for what he did to Blitz. Chaz: Oh Crap! Help! Help! Moxxie! I knocked up your boss and now these two crazed fuckers are after me! Moxxie: I'm kind of busy Chaz with a client. Stolas: What does that silly creature mean when he said he knocked up my impish little one. Where is Blitzy! I demand to see him little critter. Stolas: I never thought that I'd be siding with you. Stolas quirps. Quickly he is getting away- and has anybody seen my Blitzy! perhaps he could clear this up?. Striker Bossco: Its only happening this one time feathers! one time I will allow this unholly union. cause I desperatly want to skin myself a shark. But mark my words blueblood, I'll be eating Goeita for Thanksgiving. Stolas: I would like to see you try, you couldn't even silence me back at you little run down-shack- of a getaway.... Stolas: big talk for a wittle man, with a dick complex. I bet you can't even get it up. Striker Bossco: Once I get your pretty reds, you'll stop talkin. Stolas's feathers ruffle. "We are here for Blitzy's honor. so lets focus little imp. Striker readus ignores the ruckas and chatter burning a trail through hell. there was a coldness in his eyes. He pulls out his revolver and rides tipping his body off to the side he aims the muzzle straight at Chaz's head. Blitz Buckzo: are they gone Mox?" Moxxie: what the hell sir! where did you come from?. Moxxie: Why is everyone chasing Chaz? Moxxie; where you sleeping without any pants on again sir?. Blitzo Buckzo: smiles sheepishly. Moxxie Sir! Sir explain what happened?. wait no, I don't want to know-- Wait! yes I do?. Blitz Buckzo : if Chaz ever makes it back alive, he has lost visitation rights.
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timkontheunsure · 19 days
The clocks back theory
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Something in this zanny one is plot relevance. (Probably relevant to this season's finale, Sinsmas)
It could be a couple of things, or both. 🙂
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Emberlynn's amulet
It could be the Dhorks and cherubs related. But would be funnier if the people writing akuma no otto, the devil' husband, were just using a lot of religious stuff as backstory. (Like Hazbin hotel does. Hey offbrand Charlie).
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If Stolas' seal is all that's to summon him, I can see merchants for a show accidentally making holly protection. 😆
Dumb fanfic
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Ok, so gist is a someone who previously had a wife stands up against satan to protect their lover.
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And Satan is turning up soon, probably in Sinsmas.
Blitz and IMP look to be in trouble in the trailer.
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What if they get caught?
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We know Andrealphus is plotting something to get all of Stolas' wealth, legions and title. And 'technically' doing this for Stella, Stolas' wife, so she'll get more in the divorce. (Actually doing it so he gets it).
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Emberlynn also calls Blitz a demon prince.
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Wich makes me think it's foreshadowing Stolas being the one taking a stand for his man. Not Blitz (this time).
There's been a theme this season of Stolas learning to choose, and stand up for what he wants. After failing to do so before last
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Like going through with the divorce,
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Makeing sure Blitz can manage his business without him,
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And setting a boundary of needing space when he's hurt. Something that's really hard do with loved ones.
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These are all pieces of rebuilding you have to do after abuse.
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This part with the ars goeita, Andy and Vassago, Mammon and Satan all looks to be in the same place.
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I'm assuming this meeting is about IMP's illegal use of the grimoire. To show Stolas is too incompetent and unfit for his job.
While Blitz now has a legal method and is under Asmodeus jurisdiction, how much will that help when Ozzie's also very publicly dating an imp?
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That might make him seem to biased to help, when Blitz originally was lent the grimoire for sleeping with Stolas.
But why would Mammon be helping here?
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Blitz burned down Loo loo land, while IMP were being bodyguards for Stolas. Wonder if hell has a law about being liable for any damage that contractors do?
But I can see Stolas standing up against Satan in the ars goeita council, to keep Blitz and IMP safe.
So why do I think the amulet might come back in?
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A lot of people at assuming Andy is going to win this. (Couldn't be arsed to keep putting the full name anymore. And I get a laugh thinking it'd piss the pompous bugger off).
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That he'll take everything from Stolas. Money, home, job, grimoire, and probably even Via. 🙁 (Don't think that'll stick as Via is a real daddy's girl).
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Stolas without his grimoire would probably be vulnerable to Andy, especially if he's just been dragged by the council.
Thinking this is going to get a call back.
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A lot of us have been wondering how Blitz is defending a vulnerable Stolas.
Maybe the strangle looking knife is merchant from the akuma no otto show lol?
(NB I had to do so many double check that I didn't put Santa instead of Satan in this thing. 😅 Heh dyslexic kiddies write Christmas lists to hell lol).
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spopsalt · 7 months
Ik Rick and BoJack are random but I wanted to add on some well written characters :)
context for the character and list of some of their crimes under the cut!
Catra Applesauce Meow Meow
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Definitely my most controversial pick for this list! Catra was an abused child soldier and abused her sister Adora, she was redeemed buttt her arc wasn't really...good. Her crimes: War crimes Abuse of power Corruption Reckless endangerment Psychological abuse Assault Terrorism Attempted regicide Attempted mass murder Attempted world domination Attempted cataclysm Conspiracy Mass destruction Abduction & kidnapping Unlawful imprisonment Brainwashing Theft Torture Treason Usurpation Coercion Stalking Mutilation Aiding and abetting Illegal use of weapons Espionage Crimes against peace Crimes against Etheria Altering reality (unintentional)
Next up my personal least favorite out of this list, Stolas!
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Awww poor guy, forcing someone into having sex with you with holding what they need for their job over their head, his crimes took me a bit longer considering he's considered just a poor guy buttt here's a list I thought of from the top of my head: Child Neglect, Abuse of power (unsure if that's a crime) harrasment, r*pe
Next up Bojack the Horseman, Bojack the horse don't act like you don't know!
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One of the more sympathetic ones, he's still an asshole but he does try to change and he is well written. He's egotistical and has a huge ego, we do get a positive implied outcome in the series finale, but it's still unclear. Here's a list of his crimes: Murder via inaction Assault Attempted murder Theft Drugging Breaking and entering Harassment Stalking Drug dealing and possession Driving under the influence Supplying alcohol to minors Corruption Sabotage Fraud Identity theft Trespassing Child endangerment Bullying Destruction of property Arson Sexual misconduct with a minor Psychological abuse
Next up my favorite, but still an awful person, Rick Sanchez!
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Again, he's one of the more sympathetic ones given his past, and he is actively trying to change and does really love his grandson,the rest of his family and friends even sacrificing himself for his grandson but he is still a horrible person with a longgg list of crimes, also disclaimer ripped most of these from the villains wiki so if any info is missing or inaccurate that's why. List of crimes: Unethical experimentation Negligence Mass murder Mass genocide Mass enslavement Mass torture Mass mundicide Mass property damage Mass manslaughter Mass theoricideMass omnicide (heavily implied)Terrorism Treason Theft Trespassing Death threats Hijacking Assault and battery Psychological abuse Human trafficking Vandalism Regicide Arson Deicide Piracy Possession Hacking Kidnapping Blackmail Con artistry Drug dealing Mutilation Brainwashing Smuggling Corruption Defilement Heresy Vigilantism False imprisonment Jailbreak Sabotage Incrimination Reckless endangerment Indecent exposure Impersonation Cannibalism Aiding and abetting Disturbing the peace Child abuse Substance abuse Abuse of power Burglary War crimes Animal cruelty Forced transmutations Corpse desecrations Grand theft DUI Pollution Attempted infanticideIllicit dealings Weapons dealing Graverobbery Usurpation Public intoxication Child endangerment Evading arrest Perjury Illegal weapons development
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vivid-bluez · 10 months
Helluva Boss' Worldbuilding is Awful
This is going to be a different post than what I normally post. It will be a bit more negative than how I normally word things but I want to get my thoughts out there since it's something I've been hyper fixating on for awhile.
Helluva Boss is a web series on YouTube currently in its 2nd season created by Vivienne Medrano, it serves as a spin-off of her other creative property Hazbin Hotel which was recently picked up by A24 and will air its first season on Prime next month. I wanted to discuss the worldbuilding of Helluva Boss, how and why I think it doesn't work, and why that hurts it's storytelling. This essay isn't meant to be only dunking on Viv or people who still love the show, I'm not writing this to be mean. I'm writing this because I do have a soft spot for these shows, Helluva Boss S1 is a comfort show to me and Hazbin was my first foyer into indie animation. I respect Medrano for what she was able to accomplish with her shows and I write this as my own form of a love letter to the show that I want so badly to improve and be the best it can be.
The Hierarchy
Both Hazbin and Helluva take place in the same universe and are set in the same location, Hell. Hell is a concept that's been around for a long time and has had several stories written about it, it has multiple different interpretations and depictions throughout the years. Medrano's version of Hell seems to be based on Dante's Inferno version of Hell, a story that depicts Hell as having multiple layers with the sins being condensed to their own rings. Medrano's version only has 7 rings as opposed to Dante's 9 rings, one ring for each of the 7 deadly sins.
Medrano's Hell is depicted as a hierarchical society with very strict rules that those within the hierarchy must obey. Those at the bottom of the hierarchy are treated like garbage by those above them, with very little one can do to transcend the position they were born into. Furthermore, dating someone underneath you in the hierarchy, especially if you're higher on it like in the Ars Goeita, is seen as disgraceful and disgusting. The hierarchy is depicted below:
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This hierarchy, as confirmed by Medrano in an interview and further established in Helluva, is the official ranking of the denizens of Hell. It seems fine until you realize that the Sinners, former humans who sinned in life and got themselves into Hell, are above all of the Hellborn in status. The reason it doesn't really make sense is because Hell is meant to be a place where sinners are tortured for eternity for their sins, with the Hellborn usually being the ones doing the torturing. So why are they above the Hellborn? Why do mortal souls outrank those of actual demons? We're never given an answer for this, it's really odd.
My other problem with the hierarchy is that its established rules are often broken and bent when the writers feel like it. The most prominent example is when it comes to Higher Demons having relationships with Lower Demons. In the first season; Blitz, an Imp, someone at the bottom of the hierarchy, and Stolas, a member of the Ars Goeita and a Prince, being in a sexual relationship with each other is seen as disgusting and shocking by those around them.
When Stella is calling Stolas out for cheating on her she seems more upset that it was with an imp, with most of her insults being based around that.
"Do you want to fuck this one (referring to their imp butler) too?!" - Stella (S1E2 LooLoo Land) "Fucking IMP SUCKER!" - Stella (S2E4 Western Energy)
When Stolas and Blitz are called out in Ozzie's for their relationship, the characters don't seem to point out that he's cheating but again, who he's cheating with.
"ARE YOU SLEEPIN' WITH AN IMP?!" - Wally Wackford (S1E7 Ozzie's) "Whew! My dark lord, how the mighty do fall." - Asmodeus (S1E7 Ozzie's)
All of these moments make it clear that having a relationship with someone outside of your social class, especially those at the literal bottom of the barrel, is frowned upon heavily in Hell's society.
So why are Ozzie and Fizz, and also Bee and Tex, able to be so public about their relationships and nobody cares?
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Tex, a hellhound on the same level of status as the imps arguably even lower, is dating Beezlebub, a Deadly Sin and queen of the Gluttony Ring. They don't hide their relationship at all, with Tex introducing her as his girlfriend at a public event and Bee acting very lovey-dovey to him in public. Shouldn't there be a scandal about this? The class difference is arguably more than Blitz and Stolas, with Stolas only being a demon Prince, Bee is a Queen and she's dating someone whom most of Hell considers to be little more than actual pets. No one looks at them weird or even makes a comment about it?
Fizz and Ozzie are in the same boat, a deadly sin, the King of Lust is dating an imp. They at least somewhat point this out in the universe (Newspaper articles of Ozzie being a hypocrite and characters calling their relationship the worst-kept secret in Hell) but they don't get nearly the same amount of venom and societal ridicule that Stolas and Blitz got. When Asmodeus confirms in front of an entire crowd of Hellborns at Mammon's Clown Pageant in S2E7 MAMON'S MAGNIFICENT MIDSEASON SPECIAL, the crowd is... extremely accepting of it. With all of them cheering for Fizz and Ozzie and Mammon seemingly being the odd one out when it comes to ridiculing them for their supposedly forbidden love.
So what's the deal? Are higher demons and lower demons forbidden from dating each other or not? Because of how the show is written, it seems like it's only a problem when it's Stolas and Blitz. It's one example but still a glaring inconsistency in the worldbuilding that leaves several fans confused.
Hell not feeling like Hell
So outside of the hierarchy posing its own issues the actual setting also poses its own issues. A common criticism I've seen of Helluva and Hazbin is that Hell is just "Earth but red" and I'd have to agree with that honestly. You could replace the setting of Helluva as a group of assassins running a business in a major city like Los Angeles and change Stolas to being just a shady rich corporate backer and very little about the plot would change.
I'll just rapid fire some things that Hell has that make no sense in a place that's supposed to be evil, lawless, and a place of eternal suffering:
Fire Fighters
Hospitals that even lower classes can use.
Jails and Cops?? (What the fuck)
A fucking priest, officiating a wedding with a bible which implies there's a Hell Christianity?
Weddings and marriages that seem identical to Earth ones or Christian marriages (wouldn't Hell hate marriages for how they're tied to religion and God?)
Fucking Courts.
If these were one-off gags or something mentioned only once, I could let it slide. (Like Millie and Moxxie being married or Stolas and Stella getting a divorce) but when you drag out these plot points or repeatedly show things that make your world just feel like Earth but with a new coat of paint on it, It begins to feel like your world is just Earth but with a new coat of paint on it.
The worldbuilding in Helluva Boss feels like the worldbuilding in Cars where it just leaves more questions than it answers. (Why are sidewalks a thing in a world of sentient cars? They show an American flag so does that mean that the Car Civil War happened? THE POPE IS HERE IS THERE A CAR JESUS THAT DIED ON THE CAR CROSS FOR OUR CAR SINS??)
What is Demonic Law?
In Helluva Boss, the business the characters run is stated by multiple characters to be illegal. There are demons permitted to access the human world and imps are not one of them, making their business illegal. I.M.P's use of Stolas' grimoire is illegal it is not meant to be lent out to anyone, especially not to imps, Stolas even says so himself in S1E5 Harvest Moon. Stolas later affirms that the Imps need to be careful because if they get caught it could land all of them in trouble in S1E6 Truth Seekers:
"How the fuck did you get caught!? Were you not being careful? If you get in trouble I get in trouble!" - Stolas (S1E6 Truth Seekers)
So what's the deal with Stolas in S2E6 waltzing up to a DEADLY SIN and basically admitting that Blitz's running an ILLEGAL BUSINESS AND HE'S AN ACOMPLIS TO IT?? Asmodeus just... doesn't care that this demon prince just admitted to breaking demon law? Also, Blitz can advertise his business without worry that it could bite him in the ass, no one else at I.M.P. is concerned that they're running an illegal business that could land all of them in hot water? No one questions why a bunch of imps have access to the living world even though they're not supposed to?
Another thing they set up is Human Disguises, in S1E3 where Loona calls them out for going to the human world without using human disguises, making a big deal out of it. Whenever Loona goes to the human world she wears a human disguise as well as Verosika, her squad, and Stolas in S2E2.
"A human called me a possum! I am NOT a possum!" - Moxxie (S1E3 Spring Broken)
The human disguise rule is so inconsistent, why do Loona and Stolas wear theirs in Seeing Stars when Octavia is wandering around without one and the most people do is give her weird looks. The imps run around fine without them and no one cares or can see through their bad disguises The humans in the Hellverse are too stupid to notice the literal demons so why even bring up disguises at all? Why have human disguises be apart of Demon Law if it doesn't matter?
Demons being ...Nice?
A common response to criticism of this show is usually "It's Hell.". While I've already gone over why it sure don't feel like it but what's weirder still is yes, it's hell. Why are some people so fucking nice?
Moxxie doesn't want to kill an innocent mother and seems pretty soft, Millie and Moxxie are incredibly loving and caring to each other, when Blitz is younger, he has qualms against stealing, then we've got Beezlebub and Asmodeus who, by all accounts, are just nice people.
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Bee becomes concerned for Blitz when he begins binge drinking (Aka, engaging in her sin) at one of her parties and Asmodeus has an entire speech about why consent matters and how lust shouldn't be forced. I'm not advocating for Ozzie to be a rapist or for Bee to be a one dimensional bitch but, it really doesn't make sense for the literal embodiments of sins to be so nice.
On that same note, there are villians in this show that we're mostly supposed to hate because they're.. mean?
Glitz and Glam, we hate them because they're hyper-competitive and mean to Fizz, but they're demons? Shouldn't we expect them to be mean? Stella is an abusive screaming harpy and awful to Stolas and we hate her for it, but she's a demon princess? Shouldn't that behavior be normal in Hell?
Certain demons being nice is fine, and it can give them depth, but when every 'good guy' is nice and chill and only the evil or villainousxczxc characters are cartoonishly evil it starts to become apparent that it's writer's bias.
While this isn't all of the worldbuilding issues that exist within Medrano's Hellverse, it's the big ones that I have the most problems with. For a show that's supposed to be made as a way to further build upon the world of Hell, Helluva does a very poor job at that and at points is even detrimental to Hazbin.
What I mean is, if Charlie needs a backer to the hotel, why doesn't she ask Ozzie or Bee? They seem like they'd be down for it since they're surprisingly anti-sin. Charlie no longer feels special because she isn't the only nice demon, she isn't the odd one out anymore since a lot of Hell's leaders also seem to be pretty chill and nice.
Again, this isn't a rant or something that I made to dunk on these shows, I love both of them still and I want them to be better. For Hazbin and Helluva to live up to their potential and be the best they can be, no work is above being critiqued, it comes with the territory and I wish more of the fandom was normal about someone having negative feelings towards parts of the show's writing and to stop putting good faith and bad faith criticism in the same boot and backing that shit into the Hudson.
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stolasgoeita · 3 months
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“Hello there! Welcome to my blog! I am Prince Stolas of the Ars Goeita. I am looking to interacting with all of you! I saw a bunch of my associates were already on here and decided to join in the fun! Feel free to ask me anything!”
Circle of Role Players:
@fizzie-froggie-lustful-ozzie-Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, Blitz’ Best Friend and King of Lust.
@rodeoblitz-Blitzy, Complicated.
@starfireowlette-Octavia, Daughter.
@silveryquillz-Silver, Friend from the future.
@exorcisticlute -Lute, Lieutenant of Heaven’s Army
Other account:
@fizzie-froggie-lustful-ozzie: Fizz and Ozzie roleplay/ask account.
I’m okay doing role plays where Stolas is with other characters. With this being said, I’m a big Stoliz shipper so I prefer to role play Stolas shipped with Blitz, but I’m cool with shipping him with others.
Rules (I really don’t have a lot of them. I’m pretty chill):
-I’m role play friendly.
-I’m 26 years old.
-No spamming please. I always respond when I have chance.
-There will be NSFW language and themes.
-I’m okay with private message role plays as well.
-I’m okay with NSFW role play. If you’re a minor, do not interact with NSFW posts.
-OCs Friendly.
-I will use parentheses when speaking out of character.
-Let’s have fun!
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theinfernalsanctuary · 10 months
Prince Stolas:
More often than not the use of other names for deities and demons are regional, almost like using a different pronunciation. The name that I am using for their introduction and title is the one used in the Ars Goeita.
Legions Commanded: 26
If we do the math, that's anywhere between 78,000 and 156,000 individual devils.
Favored Summoning Elements
Blue Candles
Patchouli Incense
These are all items that can be used for summonings, offerings, or other rituals. This is more than likely not all of the things you can use, use common sense and don’t stress yourself out over not being able to afford something.
Teaching Astronomy and Science
Teaching Scrying and Star Reading
Teaching Herbalism and Occult Arts
Amplifying Magical Practices
Offering Secrets of Gods and Devils
Once again, probably not the whole list, but this is what we know for sure.
Stolas is widely known as an honest devil with a highly astute nature. All of his blessings regard the secrets of the void, and the disciple that wishes for the fruits of omniscient knowledge will find all of that and more in Stolas’ presence. If you spend ANY length of time in Stolas' presence you will be better for it, finding yourself wiser as a result. Stolas is a bottomless well of knowledge and isn’t one to gatekeep it.
Ave Satanas!
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one-helluva-rewrite · 1 month
Gotta love that there are just 1 thing about the full moon deal that need to change to make it from "S/A deal" to what the fans claim it is / want it to be (At least in my opinion)
This isn't really gonna happen in my rewrite since I'm making Blitz Aromantic and I might just write the Goeitas out of the main plot entirely, but still, as a shipper/ former shipper / Stolas please recognize you probably hurt Blitz more in this and apologize at least (Although a performance of 'Problematic' by Bo Burnham would be greatly appreciated) truther, I feel as if it's my duty to provide a way to fix this deal
Don't make it a sex deal!
What I mean is that, don't make the deal about 'passionate fornication', make it a simple hangout deal or just make Stolas let I.M.P use it for free. To go along with this, make Blitz make it about sex, it will fit so much more with what the original was going for! With Stolas loving him for him, but Blitz thinking it's all about sex and always making it about sex when it never was originally.
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“Hiya folks!” “Hello everyone!” “Welcome to our account!” “I am the one and only Fizzarolli.” “And I am Asmodeus, the King of Lust.” “We are very excited to chat with everyone and answer all of your questions.” “Feel free to ask Fizz, myself, or both of us anything!” “We look forward to chatting with you all soon!”
Circle of Role Players:
@barbie-on-a-wire- Barbie, Blitzø’s Sis and Fizz’ Friend.
@rodeoblitz- Blitz, Fizz’ Best Friend.
@stolasgoeita -Prince Stolas, Goeita Prince and Blitz’ love interest.
@mammon-money-maker- Mammon, Greed Sin.
@moxxies-wife- Millie, Moxxie’s Wife and Blitz’ Coworker.
@angsty-hound/@hellhound-loony - Loona, Blitz’ Daughter.
@helluvaoutlaw-Striker, Scary Cowboy.
@popstarverosikamayday- Verosika, Popstar.
@the-bee-queen- Bee, Queen of Gluttony.
@tex-the-hellhound -Tex, Bee’s Boyfriend.
@siempreminta-Dove and Freya, Friends.
@zestialmordetheoverlord-Zestial, Overlord.
@demonicneapolitan-Sarvente, Friend.
@enigmaincrimson-Aveline, Friend.
Other account:
@stolasgoeita- Prince Stolas roleplay/ask account
Rules (I really don’t have a lot of them. I’m pretty chill):
-I’m role play friendly.
-I’m 26 years old.
-No spamming please. I always respond when I have chance.
-There will be NSFW language and themes.
-I’m okay with private message role plays as well.
-I’m okay with NSFW role play. If you’re a minor, do not interact with NSFW posts.
-OCs friendly.
-Below is color coated information so know who is talking when.
-I will use parentheses when speaking out of character.
-Let’s have fun!
Color Coding:
Ozzie will be Blue.
Fizz will be Green.
Both will be Purple.
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cibeeorsomeshit · 4 months
Day Seven: Sun Moon Stars/Magic (Ao3)
Your sort-of boyfriend was going to do his full moon magic shit and he didn’t sound very enthusiastic about it. So you said you would be there to take care of him when he was done. And so you did.
There was a craze in Stolas’ eyes he wasn’t used to during the first time he was allowed — maybe more precisely, allowed himself — to see what Stolas actually needed the book on the full moon for. Blitzø thought it would be like Stolas’ usual works, looking through the giant telescope, mumbling to himself and taking notes. Grinding herbs into paste and straining them through oil, putting this one in glass tubes and that one in brass jars or another one in cast iron pots, before sending them off to different royals for who knew what. Blitzø joked about Stolas being a witch, and Stolas gleefully conjured an accurate witch hat and a not so accurate slutty witch outfit. That was fun and all, but seeing Stolas during his full moon duty made it extremely clear how instead of the witch, Stolas was the kind of demon that witches worshiped for. 
Blitzø never stayed past the set up stage. He never had reasons to. The whole thing took hours at an unholy time and Blitzø wasn’t about to drive his ass home himself when he was dead tired. Now, though, he could slip into Stolas’ bed without feeling like he was a discarded dildo, he could stay as long as he wanted. 
Stolas was hesitant, and told Blitzø not to push himself, please don’t feel like he needed to stay.
“I won’t disturb your weird ritual, don’t worry.” Blitzø curled up on the small (for Goeita’s standard) settee up against the cold stonewall of the astronomy tower. Stolas stood under the oculus that saw the night sky, waiting for the moon to reach the top. 
Stolas raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t think you would.”
“So what’s the deal?”
“I just think you might be more comfortable in our bed, that’s all.”
Our bed. It was a wonder Blitzø didn’t die on the spot with how hard his heart jumped at that. It had been three weeks since it became their bed. Just like the balcony was their spot, and Silkworm was their horse.
“Whatever, I want to be here,” Blitzø said. “I said I was gonna take you back to bed after you're done so I’m gonna.”
Stolas did not mention how rough Blitzø’s voice sounded, but he did walk over to kiss Blitzø’s horns, and then his lips, because they couldn't help it.
“It’s almost time.” Stolas said when they parted. No shit, Blitzø didn’t say, the tinge of mania in Stolas’ eyes and the red glow to his talons said it all. 
“Go do your thing.” Blitzø waved him away like someone would a child refusing school. Stolas seemed to find it amusing, and Blitzø quickly realized why he was gently warned he could leave if he wanted to.
The chalk-written runes and sigils beneath Stolas glowed from the moonlight shining in through the oculus. The grimoire unraveled itself, pages split from the spin with sickening tearing noise, rearranging themselves around Stolas as though he was the eye in a storm. 
Weird, but who was weirded out by these shits anymore? Certainly not Blitzø. No, what made him realize he might be out of his element was when he had to check if his head was still attached to his body, then also checking if his hands were still attached to his arms, because he felt like he was coming apart at the seams too, and he was seeing Stolas from everywhere, the front, the back the sides. A droning silence enveloped the tower. A pulsating void that messed with Blitzø’s brain in the way he would never admit to Stolas later that yeah, he probably should have just fucking gone to bed.
“Satan’s rotting anus,” Blitzø said out loud and yet somehow no noise hit the air even though he could feel his throat muscles move. He burrowed underneath the settee cushions and thought really hard  about the fat joint he was going to need after all of this.
He didn’t know how long it lasted, but he did know the exact moment it ended. Sounds that normally Blitzø never registered (the faint buzzing of city lights, airflow going in and out of gaps in the wall, his own breathing) was all at once alarmingly present. But there was only one sound he cared about: the clicks of talons finally resting on the stone floor, and the slump of a hollow-boned body. 
Blitzø disentangled himself from the cushions and was at Stolas’ side in a second. The whole reason Blitzø insisted on staying was because of this. Because weeks ago Stolas made a throwaway remark about how “dreadful” he always felt after the ritual. “Dreadful” was Stolas-speak for “fucking shit out of whack,” so sue him if Blitzø was feeling too tenderhearted after sleeping without nightmares for weeks straight, and just couldn’t stand the thought of Stolas alone and miserable. 
And Stolas did look miserable, laying there like he wanted to rot into the ground. At least he wasn’t alone. 
“Hey,” Blitzø called. Moving Stolas now would probably cause him to throw up, so their bed would have to wait. Instead he gently placed Stolas’ head on his knees, claws running through head feathers that still crackled with electricity. “Hey, pretty bird.”
Stolas mumbled at the pet name, one in four eyes blinking open slightly. “You’re here.” 
“I said I was gonna stay.”
“I thought it might be too uncomfortable for you.” Stolas was slurring his words like how Blitzø texted.
“You saying I’m weak or some shit?”
Stolas chuckled. “No. Though I suppose I should have known better.” 
“Damn right you should.”
Stolas finally managed to peel open all his eyes, and they immediately focused on Blitzø. The mania was still there, faintly, but pushed to the side by the L-word Stolas somehow knew how to say through gazes alone. 
“It’s so easy.” Stolas said, apropos of nothing.
“This has never been easy for me.” Stolas continued. He turned and snuggled into Blitzø’s stomach. “But you’re here, and suddenly it’s easy. Even — fulfilling, like being rewarded after a job well done.”
Blitzø’s movement nearly halted at that. He never made something easy for someone. He never was a reward for a tired lover. If he was scared of love before, he had no idea how much more terrible it would feel to be scared of losing it. 
It was a good feeling. 
Blitzø gathered Stolas in his arms, tucking all of him in like they were already in bed, like how Stolas tucked him in when Blitzø showed up all those full moons ago and slept in what was now their bed for the first time without sex. It was his turn now.
“Let me take you to bed.” Blitzø said. 
And Stolas knew, Blitzø was really saying the L-word.
(Day Five&Six) ←
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baobhanlore-art · 1 year
TW: Domestic Abuse
As someone who heavily critiques the writing of Stella, I don't have a problem with her being an abusive woman that does evil things. I feel like people try to pin the double standard excuse on us critics to dismiss our arguments. My problem is that she's comedically inconsistent and has bewildering motivations that make little sense.
To compare the two main abusive antagonists of the series, I'll compare her to Crimson Crim is a mafia boss who's clearly trying to uphold their family legacy. He abuses Moxxie to achieve that and would kill him to protect himself. Clear, understandable though clearly evil motivations.
Stella was first introduced as an aristocratic person who hated the humiliation that came with being publicly cheated on with an imp, resulting in violet domestic outbursts. So you'd think she'd aim for damage control and upholding a reputation, perhaps polite in public but a nightmare in the home (as domestic abusers often are) and maybe try to manipulate the Goeita to make herself seem like an honest victim with a degenerative husband who deserves his money, power and child.
But she doesn't, she just tried to make Stolas's life a living hell, she even admits it in "The Circus". Her motivations are to hurt him, which isn't an accurate representation of abuse or abusers yet it's upheld as a perfect example. This even happens BEFORE the cheating so it's not like she became unhinged from that.
If you personally relate to Stolas's struggles, then power to you. But from a writing standpoint, Stella feels stupid and pure evil in a situation that requires more nuance.
As someone who hasn't suffered domestic abuse but definitely abuse from friends, the ones that care about reputation tend to only show their ugly colours to you and when you call them out they turn all your mutual friends against you until you're left either forced to forgive them for the millionth time or abandoned.
"But it's Hell and all people there are awful"
I'd say it's probably more evil to be deceptive and manipulative about your abuse. Hell is literally built by the most powerful deceiver. Not to mention characters do show morals throughout the show, like Moxxie feeling bad about killing a family or his healthy relationship with Millie.
She reminds me a lot of the one note antagonists from Brandon Rogers sketches, except terribly misplaced in a story that tries to take itself seriously at times. Like if they tried to use Helen in a serious drama about being abused by school staff. It wouldn't work.
In short, Stella isn't badly written because she's evil. She's badly written because she's (unintentionally) stupid.
I feel like I'm becoming disillusioned with this franchise. So many other critics' have covered this better but I'm fearful for Hazbin Now. Especially with how Valentino is written in comparison to how fans interpret him in fanfiction (basically a terrible person but still somewhat human. Not in a sympathetic way but in a way that feels real).
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ambrial-blog · 5 months
Surrender at the Harvest Moon Festival: Lawliet meets Stella for the first time (Rough draft)
The little hell spawns/carrier half dead and being relocated to a hospital. While nurses/doctors are coming in to tell striker that he might have to choose) Stolas may try to find a spell that can either remove/block the bond. Inflicting pain and suffering upon Blitz. While occupied with research, Octavia could help him escape. Q) How would she help him escape? She isn't that strong and determining what condition Blitz is in it may not be feasible. Stella may even stumble upon them, sending her daughter away. But as she stares at Blitz writhing in pain while trying to break his bonds. She notices an electrical current in the air. Static fizzes and crackles. The metal bows but does not break. She turns to look at Blitz and stumbles backwards noticing a wicked look in his obsidian black eyes that spark with a sadistic glee. It's unnerving. But even Lawliet is having trouble breaking the steel bonds keeping him in place. If Blitz kept this up, he'd not only destroy the room but exert himself to the point of exhaustion. His inkwell eyes shift to the window. Boring into Ars Goetia. Whose mouth slacked. She quickly recovered, the brass keys hung from her delicate fingertips. She could gloat, the imp was restrained and whatever Stolas had planned there wouldn't be much left of the Boss imp after he was finished. And she doubted this newer version had the same vision as she did. But the look/ a flash of pain struck her in her icy heart. Her throat swelled as she noticed a light bulge. “Don't tell me... she snaps. “trust me, as soon as I am done here, I'll get rid of this little abomination. His voice was dark and thick like honey: a rich timber that reverberated right through her. “You can't be serious...” she thought. “Your husband promised me his head on a pike, now I have a fuckin wrathain breathing down my neck. “you can either stand there gawking at me or you can untie me” “Who the hell are you?” “I can be an ally, or your worst enemy,” Lawliet says. “I'll even gut your husband for you, but It will cost extra” “and as for who I am, I'm the man fucking your husband, cause he is a lousy at everything else” he rises his voice a nonactive getting the owlet's attention. Stella grips Blitz's chin and turns his neck her eyes landing upon a claim mark. But as she narrows her eyes: she could see the faded imprint of something else. Blitz snaps at her fingers with his teeth. She is furious at Stolas who was trying to break up a bonded pair. She flick Blitz's nose. “If you want my help, little one then you'll want to cooperate with me” “He is trying to destroy your mind, or is it simply you don't care. Look, you little—- shit!. Her eyes raked over his body, his chiseled chest, strong back and those burning eyes. “Lawliet quirked  an eyebrow... as her eyes landed on a pewter seahorse and a sterling chain. Where was his mother's choker?... something didn't feel right. But she couldn't dwell on it now her husband would be returning soon. In a haste, she knelt beside him quickly working on freeing the imp. Once free, Lawliet leaped up grimacing in pain as he made his way to the open window. His eyes locked on Stella as he jumped: the last thing she saw of him was his eyes: shifting back to amber. Without hesitation Stella hid in the closet: seeing the encroaching shadow of her husband. As the prince returned: finding the room empty. His eyes darkened as he shattered a mirror. Stella cringes. Listening while Stolas through a tantrum. Redemption Stella, Meanwhile Striker returns in a blood-rage. He makes his way to the estate to finish off Stolas. Alongside he has the aide of Stella and Octavia. While Blitz and his unborn children hang in limbo. Striker is deemed a loose canon. All he can think about is Blitz lying motionless on that stiff bed. The only sound coming from his room was the respirator he was on. 
The rage will cool, once he eliminates the threat to his mate. Q) what if the threat is his own mate?. How would Striker deal with Lawliet?. He will calm down once he finds out the Truth about Blitz's unique condition. 
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timkontheunsure · 5 months
Theory about why might Blitz need to apologise to Stolas
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Ok so Apologise Tour appears to be Blitz trying to make amends for his relationship mistakes.
But Stolas is pretty chilled guy, who we've only seen angery a handful of time.
And those have mostly been about his love ones being in trouble. IMP getting caught by the DHORKS, Striker threatening Via, and Blitz's incompetents helping Via run away.
So Blitz hasn't yet do much big to get Stolas mad at him.
He's gotten upset at the end of Ozzie's (which Stolas blames himself for), chosen to take his kid to a doctors appointment but sent M&M to help (Stolas is dad and would get it if Blitz talks to him), been bad at texts, and not visited in the hospital (it made Stolas cry, not cross).
We're not in the same league as accidental blow him up, or stole his credit cards, car and dumped him is what I'm saying.
But Blitz has a pattern of pushing people away when he feels vulnerable.
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He's likely going going to be very upset if he thinks Stolas want to end what they have.
And Vassago wants to summon Stolas. What if he does while Stolas is trying to explain and gets Blitz too?
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"How the FUCK... did you get caught by humans?! Are you little creatures not being careful up here?! You know, if you *boops Blitzo's nose* get in trouble, I get in trouble! WE don't want that!"
If Blitz yells about the grimoire deal in front of Vassago and Andrealphus it could blow up Stolas life.
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This looks like a meeting most of the goeita are summoned too.
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Next we have Blitz angrily yelling in a red room that:
"You fucks think you can do this every time. Like you can play with our feelings because we're smaller and not as important".
That doesn't sound like Stolas; but that does sound like the other goeitas.
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Then we get this bit. Blitz reachs for Stolas in a red room with crowns inside shells wallpaper(1), and is shoved through a red edged portal(2) back to imp city(3). He looks distraught.
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It's not Stolas' place or Stolas' portal. His are purple and his crown wallpaper is different, surrounded by the shape of his top hat's brim.
We know Andrealphus' want Stolas' job, title, home and assets. And doesn't mind Stolas dieing if he can stop Via inheriting.
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This bit kept bugging me. Stolas is a powerful prince, why is Blitz defending him when he's not bound with blessid rope? And why is Andrealphus attacking Stolas' palace?
What if the "trouble" Stolas can get in for lending out the grimoire is his powers sealed till a trial , and his job temporarily filled by Andrealphus?
Putting both Stolas' and Via positions in jeopardy.
Via's only 17 and doesn't know how to do alot of what Stolas does yet, so wouldn't be able to fill in for her dad.
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ducknotinarow · 10 months
@questionablemuses side : "I've always been second-best or not an option at all. So, what makes this any different? ( surprise me - BlitzStolas or BlitzFizz! )
Stolas was for lack of a better term lonely. Just a lonely prince sat on throne he couldn't fully say he was proud to have. The crown on his head heavey with all that came with being born with it. So he had done some wrong things when the chance for companionship arose. In that he hurt someone who became dear to him. Blitzy. Er well Blitz as he was trying to restrain himself into only referring to then as.
Ever since that whole debacle at Ozzie's it's left Stolas to reconsider things. He did Generally car3 for the Imp and losing them? Well he just couldn't have thar not at all. Which is why he invited to meet. The deal with the book had been in a bit of an awkward state at the moment. He still handed the book over to Blitz for his little assassin bussniess after all.
The word of a Goeita should never be taken nor given lightly. But the deal they made for the exchange? That needed to change. Stolas set the crystal down before Blitz before speaking.
"You are aware of how the succbi under Asmodeus rule get to the human relam correct?" Stolas asks, he was aware they dated someone who worked for them after all so there was a good chance they had some idea about it. "It'll allow you to contuine your work but we don't need to exchange the book anymore. No strings attached. Asmodeus was more than happy to give this after all you saved his best act and bussniess partner." Stolas went to explain hoping this was a step in the right direction. But the Imp didn't look too happy here.
Oh darn what had Stolas done wrong now?
"I only figured this be for the best after all lettingnuse my book isn't very well legal in the end?" He tries to explain with logic reasons would suly make this seem not such a big deal in the end. "It'll prevent any trouble on your end as well as mine of course." Stolas adds with hoping his point is being made clear. "And you can have more free use with a crystal over my book. Is it a far better option, see?" He felt beyound nervous, but he felt he was covering it well. "Do you not agree Blitz?"
"I've always been second-best or not an option at all. So, what makes this any different?
Stolas quirked his beak a moment mulling that thought over before trying to speak up again. "Oh no Blitz this has nothing todo with any of that I assure you. I just" He drops his gaze a moment "think we need to fix this whole situation between us." Yes that worked, he knew the Imp he loved didn't return those feelings after all. How could he with two Stolas treated them as no more than a plaything.
"I still wish to see you just in a different way." Stolas offers "and if we have nothing frocing thst then I feel we can have a really friendship or in the least be acquaintances?" The owl offers. "Besides you may need someone in a higher status to claim your bussniess under their name to keep anyone from trying to shut you down. Despite the fact you are helping with the population of sinners." Stolas throws out "just a favor between maybe friends?" He offers hoping blitz was willing to be that at least. He was the only realt friend the owl ever had after all.
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g-on-ef · 1 year
@melody-pearl gave me a new idea so get ready for some more Striker adopts Octavia headcanons part 3 ^^
Striker sneaks into Liliths home and steals her spell books.
Okay he didn't sneak in he asked her if he can come to visit her
Lilith missing her son agrees to it and invites him to her house
Striker than asks to borrow some spell books which she happily agrees to thinking he wants to learn how to do spells like her
In all honesty he just wants them so Octavia can study magic and learn more about her powers
Being an imp it's difficult for him to get books from the library or any bookstore so he settles for stealing them
Octavia loves reading whether it's spell books or just plain books she enjoys reading
My own personal head canon Striker is someone who can travel to earth using his own spell {it's a spell his mother taught him and it's the only one he uses the most}
He tends to travel there with Octavia and "buys" her books.
Octavia loves each one and takes really good care of it
Her favorite are fantasy books
Striker makes sure he steals plenty of those
Striker also steals some books that will help her learn more history, science, math, hell he even stole some that revolved around plants.
Striker teaches her what he know and what he doesn't he stays up as late as he could learning it so he can help her as much as he could
When Octavia gets hurt striker takes care of her himself
He knows a lot about medicine and anything involving the body and how to take care of it as well as destroy it
He teaches her how to do stitches, tourniquets, etc.
Octavia is grateful for each lesson
Sometimes striker pretends to get hurt so Octavia can "heal" him.
She's always proud of her job well done and Striker praises her for it.
It makes her happy to hear his praises and it encourages her to learn more
Striker teaches her how to fight
She's a Goeita but she's also associated with him and since not many people know she's a Goeita but know she's his daughter Striker makes sure she knows how to defend herself
He gives her her first gun at the age of 10 for her quinceñera he gives her her first angelic weapon
I head canon Striker made those angelic weapons hence why he has a bunch of them
It's knife and he teaches her how to use it and to be careful with it
He hopes she never uses it but he tells her to keep it with her at all costs
Octavias birthdays are the best
Her dad makes sure that she's having a grand time.
She's more sociable and has some friends
Vortex is her best friend who's always there to help her and listen to her
Long gone were the memories of Stolas and Stella and replaced with happy ones with her dad.
She's not blind to the mistreatment her dad faces.
He tries to shield her from it but she sees it
How people sneer at him, call him names when he's not looking
Hell someone even questioned if he kidnapped her
Technically he did but no one has to know that
She defends him whenever she can
Striker has to intervene and by that kill whoever starts insulting his daughter by calling her degrading names
Striker and Octavia being there for one another whenever they need each other
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stolasgoeita · 3 months
Stolas, buddy lets take a walk i believe we needed this talk so come with me come with me *Lucifer dragged Stolas along*
The Goeita Prince was a little concerned hearing this. “Oh, okay.” They walked for along for a few moments. “Is everything okay, your highness?”
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