hellsmayflower · 2 months
"I'm tired of hearing excuses. Let me show you how I feel." 💋
🔥🦌 @the-hart-radiohost-666 🦌🔥
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"Shut Up" Kiss starters
"....Okay then. Go ahead." *Mayleene had the guts to ask just looking up at him with her eyes.*
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hellsmayflower · 1 month
🔥🐴 @murderous-rodeo-imp666 🔥🐴
After finally having to wait for the day to come that they got to go to the beach, blitz and the others got together in the van for the trip to the area.. Luckily blitz found the best beach for them and especially for the two blitz and may. As they arrived to the beach, Blitz wasted no time in first helping may out of the van and went to the back of the van to grab the stuff for the vacation. “Alright! I got the cum squirter 300 right here with me and a bunch of them and the umbrellas and towels! We got—“ “Sir, Is called water guns, Not cu-.. What you just called them…” Moxxie spoke with a blush while rolling his eyes with a face palm, earning a small chuckle from millie while loona was in her phone. Blitz just shrugs with a wide grin “Well, Water guns whatever… We got the most importantly sun block cream as well! Anything That I am missing?” He asks with a grin
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*Mayleene got herself out of the van thanks to Blitz's help and she smiled down at him after getting herself out while she had a shawl around her waist from wearing a two piece bikini that is purple based on her aura like color. She smiled down at him and she walked over to look at the back of the van to help Blitz getting some tanning lotions and she grabbed also a cooler from the van and she looked for anything missing and she smiled over at her boyfriend.* "Well we do got to take out some snacks from the van since we do have to eat first before getting in the water. I wouldn't want to risk anyone of us here cramping."
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hellsmayflower · 4 months
In the next morning may will be the only one up outside of the bedroom, But suddenly has a text message from blitz. A message saying ‘Betroon rite no, I hafv somtin to shoe u.’ He sent with his usual bad spelling, but what she wouldn’t expect when she comes in, He will be in the bed wrapped up in a bow just making himself as like a present all naked to surprise her. With his satchel of potions all in the bed while he just poses in the bed
🐴🔥 @murderous-rodeo-imp666 🐴🔥
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*Mayleene only just woke up on the couch and a blanket over her since she had fallen a sleep on his chest and she figured Blitz also was responsible for those two. She looked at her phone from that text message he sent. she blinked a bit getting up and she walked to the bedroom to outright see after opening the door...that there was Blitz just laying on the bed for her. She smirked at the pose and she crossed her arms leaning against the door way* "...It's past my birthday." *She mused but she did like what she sees*
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hellsmayflower · 6 months
💛🩸🔥🐴 @murderous-rodeo-imp666 🐴🔥🩸💛
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Send “💋” for my character’s reaction to being kissed awake by your character
"Mmmmmm...now that's a hello."
*Mayleene smirked and picked up her imp boyfriend in her arms to then kiss him back deeply with her eyes closed*
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hellsmayflower · 2 months
Alastor then one time was leaning against the wall while may was with him as he just looks at her with a soft gaze and cup her cheeks, he all of a sudden move over to bite against her neck softly and nibbles against it as his other claw hold against her waist
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*Mayleene for a while since then hasn't let Alastor near close to her like this...until now since she felt she warmed up a bit again from him giving her some reasons to trust him again lately. She now was feeling his nibble up against her neck as that made her eyes widen a bit from the closeness of him against her as she gasped softly feeling his claw just around her waist like this.*
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hellsmayflower · 3 months
Alastor Thought he could return the kiss, he moves to kiss her on the lips also in a way for an apology as well. He gently press his lips against hers while he met her height level and cupping her cheek as he were just visiting her room.
🦌📻 @the-hart-radiohost-666 📻🦌
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*Mayleene just came out of the bathroom and she was surprised seeing Alastor there in the middle of her room. She was about to ask why he was here but she stopped herself seeing him just walking to her and she had her eyes widen in surprise from his sudden kiss to her lips...she closed her eyes just moving her hands onto his waist while she was kind of slowly giving in.*
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hellsmayflower · 7 months
”I still think that bird demon was hot..” He grins cheekily…
(Just a little rp ask for funny gag :3 Xd ^^’)
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"I think birds are more your type than of humans." *She smirked from aside of the sink cleaning up dishes from the dinner they have just had not too long ago. She cooked some meat balls for the both of them*
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hellsmayflower · 3 months
After they had finally made an appointment and the day has come for it, blitz was driving with may towards where the hospitals are. The sloth ring. He looks over at her direction to see how she is doing and then looks to the front just parking in the lot now, he then groans frustratedly remembering something.... "....Fucking hell.. I forgot how obnoxious the doctors are here..." He sighs looking up just trying to get himself prepared before they go inside, but atleast he knows they can do there job good.. he just they don't like to listen.
🐴🔥 @murderous-rodeo-imp666 🔥🐴
*Well...today was it. To see if there are more than one baby in her gut since it was kind of obvious she looked to be showing to be carrying more than one thanks to Blitz's gene of being a twin. She was a bit anxious while in the van on the drive but it helped that Blitz was there with her during this time. Here they are in the Sloth Ring and her eyes widen a bit seeing how she had never been here before and it...kind of suits well for the color based on how it looks medical. She ran her hand over her middle to keep herself calm and kept focused on the color and the sighs and she looked at the parking lot looking at Blitz with a smirk.* "Or if you just don't want to follow some of their orders when it involves your own health?" *She asked to make the lightness of the situation but she hoped some of the doctors can be nice here at least.*
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hellsmayflower · 6 months
He silently stares at her and then at the direction she said connected the pieces as he frowns a little and looks back at her as she was just staring at her mark and he looks back at the place, but pauses as he thinks for a moment.. he doesn’t want to waste a moment just by meowing all day as he just gets off of her shoulder and then he looks up at her and signals her to go to a backstreet alley way as he just wants to talk to her as he gives her a worried expression..
(For a new reblog line since it was getting too long haha..)
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*Mayleene looks down at Blitz from meowing at her knowing that he wants to talk with her from where they can't be seen and she looks to see an alley way. She looks to the museum again and she then walked over to where they alley way is so that Blitz would follow her and she leaned back against the wall with a soft sigh and she slowly moved herself down to the floor just looking at the concrete floor* "I'm...sorry. I'm sorry. Seeing that museum again....and with my mark...I'm just...kind of wondering if the stone artifact is even there."
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hellsmayflower · 5 months
After driving towards the big office building that flares mentioned before, blitz parked hidden on the side of the area while his angelic weapons are prepared with enough strong bullets to help with. Blitz look over at the building while they are hidden away in the darkness since Is night. He studies the area as he looks over from the van window. “…Alright what were gonna do, Is that when the overlord guards move away from the back door, we make a quick run to the door. But making it as quiet as possible. Any questions before we can start?” Blitz says in seriousness as he looks back at the 2, while flares was on the back seat and she was staring at the office with a small fear coming to her.. she silently looks down and then at them.. “…I think I am ready.. but… Seeing this place again.. my anxiety is starting to creep up inside of me…” she says while her fearhered hands twiddling in each other with her fingers. Blitz frowns softly but smiles in reassurance as he looks at her “Don’t worry, You have us this time. We won’t let anything happen to you or won’t let them take you from us.” He grins softly in confidence, flares looks down and smiles a bit and looks at the building and sighs, but then looks at them with a soft smile as she nodded feeling slowly getting calm. Blitz looks over at may as well making sure if she is ready as well
🔥🐴 @murderous-rodeo-imp666 🐴🔥
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*Mayleene had gotten her outfit on together for kicking ass as it was just in all black since it was most of a gear up with Blitz in his own style too. She looked at Flares to see her being scared but at least she tried to look brave as she smiled assuringly at her. Mayleene had no questions at all as this plan would be something to go smoothly with and she trusted in Blitz with all of his confidence in this. She then looked over at Blitz taking his hand into his and she looked at him with having to be trained with him from enough combat experience and with guns ever since that she and him had dated* "I'm ready too. Let's...just try not to get killed. All of us." *She looked at Flares with a smile taking her hand too to let her know that things will be okay. She looked over at Blitz and she gave a nod* "Let's do this."
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hellsmayflower · 6 months
🖤☘️💵 @the-knolastname-family676 💵☘️🖤
He smirks back at her leaning closer to her, But suddenly got startled as well and jolted by the sudden sound of the door and he then growls hearing that It’s his workers. He looks back at her and then at the door as he rubs her arms in comfort “Get back In duty, I am doing fine!!” He growls “I am just here torturing physically someone who was doing horrible on there job I sent them to do, So fucking leave I am doing fine here!” He yells towards the door and then he looks back at her the ‘One that’s doing a horrible job’, As he winks at her. Since they always obbey him they surely would be easy for them to leave.. He then leans close to her and kisses her very deeply
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*Mayleene smiled at him kissing him with her arms wrapped around him once they both back into being alone with one another. She pulled back with a grin and she tilted her head looking up at him while she felt a bit turned on by his yells* "I kinda like it when you boss around your men like that."
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hellsmayflower · 5 months
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Send ☕️ for your muse to ask mine for a date in a cafe
{{ Making this a prequel to their love story since I'm a sucker for slow burns. <3 }}
*Mayleene slaps her hand against the coffee maker that suddenly quit working on her. She sighed and she slammed her hand against it even more to get it to work* "Come on,you piece of shit! I didn't convince Charlie to let me buy you for nothing!" *She then slammed it again but she gasped in pain and she held onto her hand with a frustrated growl and she picked up a cloth so that she can get some ice inside for her hand*
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hellsmayflower · 3 months
"Excuse for hasty time for last night, I know you only just wanted to ravish yourself.." he let out his usual grins and acted like nothing happened last night, or he just forgotten how vulnerable he has gotten that time
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"...It's honestly no problem." *She was also hoping he wouldn't bring up to where he bit off on her shoulder to cause her to almost bleed to death if not for her calling Lucifer as an emergency and him healing her at the same time while she shrug and drank some coffee that she had recently made while looking at another direction.*
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hellsmayflower · 2 months
One night after a month passed, They were in their room late at night sleeping peacefully. Not expecting anything to happen at all but… Blitz felt… Liquid.. Alot of a liquid in the bed as he woke up from the feeling trying to figure what is going on, as he slowly process what’s happening, where may was It was damped in liquid as his eyes got big realizing what is happening and in a panic he tries to wake may up since this felt too early.. way too early for them to come.. “M-may, May wake up!” He was about to cry wondering what the fuck is going to happen.
🔥🐴 @murderous-rodeo-imp666 🐴🔥
(I am sorry, I love to do angst when it comes to created characters… :,D)
*Mayleene slowly woke up feeling...something liquid against her legs from Blitz waking her up. She looked down as she gasped seeing it looked....like it's damp She turned on the light as she screamed freaking the fuck out with what is happening with her hands over to her middle while panicking as she was on the verge of crying that this was what she thinks it is.* "Oh my god! Blitz! Blitz-wha-what's happening! OH MY GOD!" *The babies aren't coming,are they? She's seriously freaking the fuck out!*
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hellsmayflower · 7 months
In the bedroom blitz was there.. Somehow he was turned into a female imp by some magic as he was sitting there looking confused, he looks around the corner and blushes as he- she sees may as she bit her lips “I-I don’t know how this happen..” he chuckles a little pressing her legs to herself and chuckles a little with a blush. Thank god he has extra redo potions yesterday
🐴🔥 @murderous-rodeo-imp666 🐴🔥
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*Mayleene blinked with what the fuck is happening to her boyfriend now that...turned him into this fucking hot Imp chick that made her blush but is so confused to...how this actually happen. She would want to know what the hell kind of magic he fucked around this time since it can be annoying at times if it's with a big shot* "Not that I'm complaining...but how?" *She then frowned at him* "And you better not have ripped off a magic royal."
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hellsmayflower · 16 days
🔥🐾 @wild-hell-wolf69 🐾🔥
Right around the corner in the middle of the night of pride ring, There was some rowdy noises coming out of a corner from the streets as it was a door to an underground place. One would not have thought it could be possible, But it was real. Inside the place, It was an fighting place for hell canines and be placed in a bet for money. The one running the place; An overlord canine, Demanding for the fights and earning the money that was lost to the owners of the canines. But. Something was wrong. Very wrong. There was some yelling coming from the owners seemingly shouting of how of an unfair fight it was as three hellhounds were passed out including a young red wolf with red markings over her face that was laying on the ground as they were fighting over the money and not aiding the hounds after the fight.
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*Mayleene had no idea why Charlie wanted to come into a place like this with her and Vaggie just to get new recruits but they were there and Mayleene just didn't like the way this looks as this was clearly a betting ring for Hellhounds to fight for money. Mayleene had on her sinner like disguise as for anyone not to see her as human thankfully by Charlie and Vaggie as Charlie tried to pass down flyers with Vaggie telling Mayleene to stand close. She looked over and she frowned with disgust with how these hellhounds are treated just as the same as other animals up on Earth for being forced to fight like this for money. It's disgusting.*
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