#still undecided about that
camelspit · 4 months
The winner of the 2024 Keeper Sexywoman Tournament is MASTER CADENCE!!! ty to everyone who participated :)
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demonslayedher · 2 months
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Wind down doodles while I am loopy on antibiotics, here's more Obatsune and Benmitsu
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dovewingkinnie · 4 months
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i suddenly wanted to draw that one oc story with the spider guy again so here is him and his itty bitty ant roommate he does develop a one-sided beef with his roommate (its gets insane) and its the funniest thing ever because he's just beefing with a little critter
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brawlmetaknight · 2 months
Theories you say?
WELL!!! basically i tend to be a “BOTH meta knight and kirby were nightmare’s creations” believer lol. i like to imagine nightmare wanted to create the most powerful monster, so he made meta knight in the image of a puffball (since they were the most prominent star warriors/biggest threat to him) to specifically fit in and join their ranks to destroy them from the inside. but meta knight was too intelligent and developed a sense of morality of his own. he rebelled, and so nightmare created kirby using meta knight’s DNA, to surpass his old design and be the better, more improved version of the “most powerful monster”. meta knight caught wind of this and foiled him again, sending kirby to deep space to awaken as a star warrior when the time is right.
i just think it’s a bit odd how meta knight seemed to be expecting kirby on pop star. mentioning he knows “everything, or perhaps nothing” about kirby is also kind of an unusual thing to say. in one way he knows things about kirby because kirby was made from him. in another way he DOESN'T know things about kirby because kirby was created with more unusual, all-encompassing abilities than him. plus idk, they have the same kind of starship lol. like who put kirby in that starship??
obviously monsters have a main goal of destroying kirby (i guess mostly because dedede orders them), but there are some episodes where nightmare/customer service recognize BOTH kirby and meta knight as threats that must be eliminated. it kind of mega sucks for nightmare that his escaped creation landed on the same planet as his traitorous creation and now they’re working together, but he's also mega lucky kirby awoke too young. a bit of tit for tat lol.
though to be completely honest i mostly just like this concept because in the same way you could say nightmare was mk’s father, you could say mk is kirby’s father. i'm sure there are definitely plotholes with this theory but i still enjoy it, even just as an AU lol.
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marsosims · 11 months
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wesleysniperking · 20 days
Straw Hats and their superhero counterparts 🦸
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I know not everyone is into comparing One Piece characters to superheroes, but I see some fascinating parallels:
Luffy and Superman: Both Luffy and Superman hail from a lineage destined for greatness, inheriting extraordinary power that sets them apart. Superman’s real name, Kal-El, and Luffy’s middle name, "D.," both carry significant weight in their worlds, symbolizing their roles in shaping their destinies. A key reason the Justice League was formed was because Superman tried to save everyone alone, only to realize he couldn’t be everywhere at once, leading to exhaustion and self-doubt. Luffy experienced a similar lesson—learning that his true strength comes from relying on his crew. Both heroes demonstrate that even the mightiest need support to achieve their goals. Edit: Luffy and Superman are both symbolically connected to the sun.
Zoro and Green Lantern: Samurai follow a strict code of honor, and Green Lanterns operate under a code of willpower and responsibility. Hal Jordan, like Zoro, may come off as a stickler for rules, but this stems from a deep sense of duty. Both characters wield powerful tools—Zoro with his swords and Green Lantern with his ring—that rely on their personal strength and rigorous training. Their abilities are enhanced by their unwavering commitment to their respective codes. Additionally, Green Lantern’s trust in Superman over Batman reflects Zoro’s loyalty and trust in Luffy, showcasing how both characters value leadership and vision in those they follow. Edit: Both Zoro and Hal Jordan have been described by some fans as having "no personality" because they often come across as stoic, serious, and primarily driven by their goals.
Usopp and Batman: Batman stands out in the Justice League as one of the few members without superpowers, relying instead on his intellect, gadgets, and relentless training. This is a perfect parallel to Usopp within the Straw Hat crew—often outmatched in terms of raw power, but never in resourcefulness or strategy. The comparison between Usopp and Batman is so strong that whenever Usopp’s battle with Luffy in Water 7 comes up, it’s often likened to a Batman v. Superman fight. Both characters lack traditional powers but make up for it with their smarts and sheer determination. Batman’s choice to embrace his fear of bats is similar to Usopp facing his own fears, particularly when dealing with foes like Perona and Sugar, who could easily fit into Batman’s rogues' gallery. Edit: Both Batman and Usopp face villains that are specifically designed to challenge their particular skill sets.
Sanji and The Flash: Both Sanji and The Flash have the meta-genetics angle locked down. Sanji, noted as the second fastest Straw Hat, can run on water, harness fire with his kicks, and is genetically enhanced—all traits that make him a natural parallel to The Flash. Depending on which Flash we’re talking about—Barry Allen or Wally West—Sanji also shares traits like compassion, moodiness, humor, and flirtatiousness. Both characters are deeply motivated by a desire to protect those they care about, and their abilities, though seemingly simple, are pushed to extraordinary limits. Just as The Flash turns his speed into a powerful force, Sanji’s leg-based combat and genetic enhancements make him a formidable fighter. Edit: Both of them have been struck by lightning, which also contributed to their abilities.
As for Nami, I’m still pondering who she might correlate with, but I’m sure there’s a fitting match out there. Just sharing some musings—it’s fun to explore these connections!
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vividblaze · 1 month
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Did the thing that's been going around. With bonus doodles of what she'd cook for the team back at the Lighthouse. [template link]
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youssefguedira · 1 year
luca marinelli character FIGHT: FINAL ROUND
it's been a fun ride. our final round is exactly what i expected it to be when this whole thing began, but truly where else could it have ended. it is, of course:
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the RULES of this hypothetical fight are as follows:
weapons are BANNED.
re: nicky's immortality, within the constrains of the fight if primo managed to kill him then the fight would end and primo would win, even if nicky got better. essentially i want the immortality factor to have as little effect as possible (but he retains the 900 years of experience
outside help is not allowed. this is a one on one luca character only cage match.
take the above as guidelines only if you have a funnier hypothetical scenario but to keep this fair please vote based on who would win the fight. i think this is more evenly matched than one may think instinctually
ARGUMENTS can be found below the cut
i'll be honest these are difficult to divide into pro nicky vs pro primo arguments so here they are anyway and you can decide
"Nicky arguably wouldn't kill you unless you're a threat/have done something seriously bad, while Primo would probably kill you for cutting him off in traffic. He's killed people out of sheer annoyance and spite which is a thousand times more dangerous." - @goldheartedsky
"Nicky would not have needed two shots to stop Bertollini's car. Just saying." - @astrabear
"Primo junkies tend to dwell most on his physicality and malice (for good damn reason). But his cunning is what ultimately makes for winning ways. And yet, …how could he outmaneuver Nicky’s near millennia of sheer experience. That priestly powerhouse has seen it all. And yet, …Primo’s drive seems able to overrun every possible obstacle. Can he win on that white hot will? Or will another left hook like bicycles or phone phobias scupper his schemes? The only possible way to win this all is if he could manage to sway another Old Guardian to betrayal. To get the jump on Nicky (not that kind of jumping on) the surprise must come from within. No way Primo has that level of science or magic or whatever to sway one now. Nicky takes it and doesn't feel the least bit sad about it." - anon (really appreciate the level of thought put into this submission)
primo may strike first but nicky would retaliate and that would be the end of it
primo may have killed a lot of people but nicky has killed significantly more over the course of like 1000 years
and MY argument: i think primo could do it. i think primo could react with enough sheer speed and surprise factor that nicky would be caught off guard. but then again. this is nicolo di genova we're talking about here. ultimately i think they're fairly well matched under the above constraints. so.
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being-of-rain · 3 months
I thought I might remake and tweak a post of mine from a few Pride Months ago.
Being queer in fandom often means enjoying and finding meaning in your own interpretations of characters, but it can still be nice to see bits of yourself reflected in official media. So for my own entertainment I tried compiling a list of Doctor Who companions who were established as or intentionally implied to be queer in licensed stories. In a franchise as long-lived, wide-reaching, and beloved by queer people as Doctor Who, that criteria can be flexible and subjective, but here’s what I came up with anyway.
I’ve given references to the stories where the companions’ sexuality is confirmed or implied (I haven’t included Time Lords even though their own relationship to gender and sexuality is automatically queer compared to humans). I included specific sexualities only when I remember it being specified enough to warrant it, but obviously this could easily be debated endlessly.
This list is limited by what I remember and can find out, and if you want to reblog and add on to it feel free! It’s in order from the Doctor’s point of view, for the sake of my sanity (though I believe in order of publication, the first companion to be explicitly queer is Chris Cwej).
-Oliver Harper (gay, audio The Cold Equations) -Liz Shaw (the BBV spin-off P.R.O.B.E.) -Mike Yates (implied in novel Happy Endings) -Adric (bi, audio A Full Life) -Nyssa (webcast Farewell, Sarah Jane) -Tegan Jovanka (webcast Farewell, Sarah Jane) -Ace McShane (bi, implied in Survival and the audio The Grey Man of the Mountain) -Bernice Summerfield (bi, novel Genius Loci etc) -Chris Cwej (novel Damaged Goods) -Izzy Sinclair (lesbian, comic Oblivion) -Fey Truscott-Sade (comic Oblivion) -Sam Jones (bi, novel Seeing I) -Fitz Kreiner (bi, novel The Taint etc) -Liv Chenka (audio Wild Animals etc) -Helen Sinclair (lesbian, audio The Love Vampires) -Tania Bell (transgender lesbian, audio Wild Animals etc) -Jack Harkness (pan, The Doctor Dances etc) -Cindy Wu (bi, comic Breakfast at Tyranny's etc) -River Song (pan, The Husbands of River Song) -Valarie Lockwood (bi, audio All of Time and Space etc) -Clara Oswald (bi, implied in The Magician’s Apprentice, Face the Raven) -Bill Potts (lesbian, The Pilot etc) -Yasmin Khan (Eve of the Daleks etc) -Rose Noble (transgender, The Star Beast etc)
Shoutout to all the companions I missed, to companions who almost make the list, to recurring characters, and of course to all our headcanons.
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wyvernne · 10 months
see you through til the day’s end (rewrite) teaser
taking a quick study break to post this for y’all. i have not read over it again nor has it been edited, so forgive me for any errors. i know a lot of you are also dealing with final exams, so good luck, and remember to take care of yourselves!!
It was a stupid way to get caught. You’re not sure if it was the cold that dumbed you down, dulled your senses so gravely.
You slipped. That’s all it took. A single misstep is going to cost you your life.
What was supposed to be a simple reconnaissance on the growing Fatui encampments has quickly become the site of the last moments of your life.
You sigh. What a pathetic way to die. The soldiers did quite a number on you, too. You’re sure you have at least a concussion. Maybe a few broken ribs.
You tug halfheartedly on your restraints. The Fatui are no strangers to taking captives. Of course they know how to keep one tied down.
“Oh? What little mouse fell into the trap?” You freeze. It’s a voice you’ve only heard once before.
Your heart thumps sickeningly in your chest for a beat before you raise your head. It’s… a different one. A little older, but still a young man.
Dottore smiles at you. His face is entirely obscured by his mask, save for his eerie, chilling grin.
“I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of officially meeting before,” you offer. You try not to sound afraid. Your heartbeat gives you away, certainly. You’re fucked. You’re so fucked.
Dottore’s smile never changes. “Is that so? You seem quite familiar.” He tilts his head. “Ah. Perhaps it’s the scent of the Abyss. It does quite remind me of that young man.”
He must be talking about the eleventh. You grit your teeth. “You must be mistaken.”
“Surely not,” Dottore replies pleasantly. He’s taking his sweet time getting to the point, really.
“Ah, that’s it!” He snaps his fingers dramatically, as if he’s suddenly remembered a particularly amusing factoid. “You’ve been in the company of a certain young winery owner before, too.”
A chill slips down your spine. You maintain your smile. “I’m merely a distant associate.”
Dottore’s doesn’t even grace you with a response, and the silence makes your heart beat faster.
You continue speaking, struggling to keep your voice steady. “I’m flattered that a lord harbinger himself is even gratifying me with his time.”
Dottore guffaws, doubling over in laughter. “Ah! So much spunk. It’s refreshing to have a subject who isn’t cowering in fear. How exciting.”
His laughter dies down abruptly. It’s just as chilling as when it began.
“Shall we run a little impromptu experiment?” he asks. Bile rises in your throat. You’d rather just have a swift end, really. Who knows what kind of circumstances Dottore will keep you alive under.
He draws a knife from his belt. It’s… it’s far more mundane than you thought. At the very least, it seems like he won’t be injecting you with some strange substance. “It’s a pity I don’t have my laboratory equipment with me here… but I supposed we’ll just need to make do. After all, the process is the fun of it.”
“Process,” you repeat, stupidly. It’s too cold, and your head was hit too hard. Your brain isn’t working like it should. You— you should be planning some grand escape. Instead you can barely follow the conversation happening between you.
“Do you know how much blood is in the human body?” he asks, spinning the knife carelessly in his palm.
You manage a dry laugh. “I haven’t measured. Don’t tell me you treat all your hostages with such hospitality?”
“How arrogant,” he scoffs. “You’re merely the delicious morsel of cheese. The real prize has yet to show itself.”
What the fuck is he on about?
He pulls something out of his pocket with his free hand. You spoke too soon.
You jerk against the restraints reflexively at the sight. A small vial. He pops the stopper with practiced ease, dribbling the viscous liquid over the length of the blade.
He pulls you up against him, sliding an arm around you. It’s like you’ve been already been drugged, your mind slow to comprehend what’s happening. His words keep ringing in your head. “You’ve a little more blood in you than… say, six and a half bottles of wine.”
And then there’s a sharp blow to your back, sending white hot pain jolting through your body.
You gasp, as if the air has been knocked from your lungs. The wheezing, wet sobs that rip from your lungs shake your body, but it hardly compares to the searing ache in your back. Dottore smiles. “I wouldn’t move so much, dear. Unless you’d like me to sever your spinal cord.”
He jerks his arm up, lifting you with the sheer force of his movement. He’s playing a dangerous game, cutting into you so blindly, so close to your spine—
You choke on the thought. He doesn’t care.
You don’t scream. Can’t. It’s like the air around you has been sucked away, and you can’t seem to get a single breath down. The only thing that comes from your mouth is a horrible, strangled gurgle.
He laughs, pulling the dagger out with ease. You sag, eyes wide. Move. Do something. Fight back.
You’re still gasping, choking on nothing. What is the point? Of this? Of any of it?
Dottore chuckles, wiping the dagger haphazardly on your shirt. “I guess you do bleed like we do. Shall we continue?”
You’re bleeding too much too fast. You can see it starting to pool around your feet, blossoming out in the snow.
You jerk against your restraints, throwing your knee up with a shout. You catch Dottore in the stomach, but he hardly reacts to your blow. He leans closer, so close you can feel his breath on your face.
“How impudent,” he mutters, smashing the hilt of the knife into your temple. A shock of pain shoots through your head, and you bite down to silence a sob.
Why is he wasting his time on you? Your thoughts feel hazy. Maybe it’s just pain for the sake of it.
Pain for the sake of it.
Why can’t you catch your breath? You’re teary, but still, no sound can form in your throat. You feel like you’re suffocating.
An agent materializes behind him, kneeling obediently.
“Didn’t I say to leave me to my work?” Dottore huffs, exasperated. He’s speaking so flippantly, like someone just interrupted his daily newspaper reading.
You can’t tell how deep the wound is like this. It’s— it’s long.
You have… minutes, maybe, until you’ve lost too much. There’s no fighting your way out of this. There’s no winning here.
You barely catch the last wisps of conversation.
“…Forgive me, lord harbinger. The Tsaritsa has sent a message.”
Dottore clicks his tongue in annoyance, tossing the dagger into the snow as he turns away. “Well, I’ve lost interest, regardless. Lucky little you.”
The agent slices the restraints down with a swift movement. You crumple to the ground, gasping desperately for air. Dottore starts away from you, but then stops and smiles over his shoulder. “Your life is ticking away, you know.”
You barely register his words. Every second matters, now. You clamber unsteadily to your feet. Despite the freezing snow you’ve started to sweat, your muscles trembling with the effort of holding yourself up.
You take a stumbling step backwards. Not a single Fatuus makes a move to stop you. They watch you with their robotic, empty gazes. You take another, and then turn on your heel and run.
It hurts. It hurts like death. But you won’t win a fight here, and Dottore is bitterly right. Five minutes, at most. Five minutes before you’ve lost too much blood.
Your movements are sluggish and stilted, and the world seems to teeter on your vision. Like hell you’ll let yourself die without putting up a fight.
It’s only a few yards to the cliff side. Water rushes past you and you sway for a moment, nearly losing your balance.
You feel ill. This rush of adrenaline won’t last you much longer, not with how badly he’s cut you. Not with how much this hurts.
It’s a long drop. You know better than anyone. Still, you launch yourself forward, feet slipping on the last rock, and plummet into the raging water below. If you’re going to lose your life, you’ll lose it to the torrents of nature. Not to some damned harbinger’s passing fancies.
You’ve broken… something. It’s hard to tell at this point, even as you drag yourself onto the snowy banks of the river. Everything fucking hurts. It’s a miracle you didn’t split your skull in half on the rocks below, although the intense throb in your right ankle says you didn’t make it out entirely unscathed. Thankfully it’s cold enough, and you’ve lost enough blood. The bitter ache of any broken bones seems dulled entirely.
You can see the fading lights of Dawn Winery in the distance, but you’ve lost your gamble. You have minutes left, at most. You close your eyes.
You’re going to die here, bleeding out in the snow. Pathetic. To survive the Abyss only to die like a drowned rat.
You’re tired. So, so tired.
Even in this unbearable cold you feel sleep calling you, soothing you from your wounds and fatigue.
It would be so easy, just to let go.
You open your mouth, but all that comes out is a drawn, shrill gasp, drowned out by the sound of the waterfall behind you. Fucking hell.
One chance. That’s all you have.
It takes tremendous effort to get your tongue in the right position. You suck in air desperately, flinching at the shock that travels up from your ribs, and blow.
It’s a weak sound, at first, but it’s all you have.
Luckily, her hearing is better than any human’s.
It takes… twenty seconds, maybe. Thirty at most. You hear her shrieks overhead, having spotted her prey. But she’s no ordinary bird. You’re thankful for that, at least.
She vanishes again, and you’re left alone in the snow.
You jolt, startled. You nearly fell asleep. But you can’t. Not now. Just a little longer.
It feels like an eternity. You can’t feel your hands or feet anymore. All that’s left is a dull ache, and each breath you take feels like an enormous amount of effort.
In. Out. In. Out. Stay awake. Stay awake.
Finally, there’s a murmur of voices, the thumping of feet along the ground. Hands coming up to lift you from the snowy bank. You can’t focus well. Spots dance beneath your eyelids, and your breathing feels fluttery and faint.
“Stay awake, now,” One of the voices whispers. You’d know it anywhere. The warmth, the scent. Diluc.
‘Sorry’ you want to say. The words don’t come. Nothing comes, after that. Just darkness.
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if u. follow me for my art. i am very sorry. because 90% of the time, if i did not spend 3 hours doing it, it will probably be nothing more than a snip tool screenshot & not a properly saved .png file
anyways i pizazzed up the watermark from astral duo euri. i thought the flowers would be cute n funny. now every drawing will be given flowers against their will ✿. here is a peek into some of the headcanons i want on quincy
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cmentary-drive · 3 months
Victor with his theraphy horse :)
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cw: mentions of suicide
Victor was studying to become a doctor, deja vu of the racing college life and academic pressure led to his attempt of taking his own life.
After the failed attempt, he was reccomended to change his enviroment, reconect with nature - have some peace and calm, take his time to heal. He settled in dundull and even tho he dropped out of college - he's working as Dr. Eiren's assistant. Quiet, peacfull slow life - little pressure and doing something useful for those in need. Mistfall offered him all he needed.
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detectiveneve · 1 year
minthara is so possessive.................................. [twirls hair]
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orcelito · 1 year
minor details, but in chapter 68 of trimax we do see this bit:
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the items that vash kept in his coat.
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a "funbari doll" (which i cant find anything definite online about what that is with just a cursory look, so im going to run under the assumption that theyre some kind of collectable in-universe) & it's a red one, which is apparently rare. he still has the same pen radio that connects to his earring that's used waaay back on the sandsteamer. a swiss army knife, a random key, a used tissue (?), and...
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a lighter? blow torch? i still cant tell what that last bar thing is tho. & i guess he had some kind of (normal) coin too? but Only One.
love the characterization implications for this lol. definitely the kind of pocket contents i'd expect from a silly immortal with a big coat
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sevarix-blogs · 7 months
the warring thoughts of
never post a fic publicly again and only write for myself (safe, comfortable, no fear, no pressure)
post again bc i will probably get at least 1 nice comment (unsafe, anxiety, lots of pressure, but a little bit of joy)
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maraune · 8 months
Genuinely, how are the Alastor takes from the finale SO. BAD.???
media literacy is truly dead y'all
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