#still listening to mitski
seraph-of-the-gay · 2 years
that feeling when you wanna start a pack w/ your bf but he's offline and you also wanna mate with him but mmmmmmm
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leenfiend · 1 year
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sometimes good things take a while
(two slow dancers - mitski)
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The smiles, the holding, the kisses. Will never be over them and their love. ♥️
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sweetnnaivete · 21 days
some music discourse is SO chronically online istg. so many people saying that just because you can't relate to the original meaning of the song you can't like or relate to it in any capacity like THATS CRAZY!!!!! good music has always been up for some sort of interpretation. you may not be able to relate to it the same way as it was intentioned, but it's still okay to appreciate it and listen to it??? it's ridiculous to be like “this song isn't for you” music is for everyone. music is a way to express emotions and educate people!!!!!! let that sink in!!!!
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mielkae · 3 months
strawberry blond is so flower husbands. also I'm your man. also me and my husband. also i bet on losing dogs. also first love/late spring. also liquid smooth. also-
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holdenhandswithyou · 1 year
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i am saving the space between the breaths
i am making your place between the breaths
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plantwriting · 4 months
Rip kian stone you would have loved mitski
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whenuwishuponastar · 4 months
Travis: *realizes he's in an abusive relationship* Oh I'm my mother- OH MY GOd- this is horrible! I've been trying so hard not to be my father I didn't see this coming!
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
feeling the random need to promote my saiki kusuo playlist because the more i listen to it, the more i wholeheartedly believe that i am so fucking right
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moszeel · 1 year
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Weird girl fish time
Flipped version:
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organised-disaster · 4 days
All my Snowbird playlists! The "rumi" one is the original "snowbird," but I decided to make snowbird the general one with rumi and sera combined
Ashamed to do this but tagging @randosfandos for the attention (they're the only person who'd be interested in this lol)
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
i'm probably still gonna make it canon in mjverse that florian isn't able to beat kieran after they become the bb league champion... juliana, on the other hand—
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poptrashh · 2 months
making a saira playlist, having some thoughts. this is how i think saira first listens to (and loves) mitski
yes, in my mind saira is a mitski fan because i love them both.
Saira's at the records shop when she hears it for the first time.
This is the only place within 5 km that still sells old cassettes, the kind her sister used to listen to. Saira pops by sometimes to look through the stacks and see if she can find something that Roxy might like. Sometimes she'll play a cassette to her sister on her birthday, sitting in the grass, the familiar NME issue next to her.
The song starts playing with the jarring sound of an organ that catches her off guard. Then she hears a crystal clear, lyrical voice: "you're my number one, you're the one i want..."
Saira stops browsing, considers the song. It's not her kind of music. It's very theatrical, swelling at every juncture, and urgent lyrics full of desperation. The singer's voice is really strong and clear though, and the song keeps building to an almost unbearable crescendo.
It's not the stuff she usually listens to, but something about how powerful it is won't leave her.
"Ronnie, what's this?" she points in the vicinity of the speakers when she's at the counter.
"Something by Mitski, let me see which song." The store manager, who's become grudgingly fond of Saira since she's the only person who buys the old cassettes off him, peeks at the record sleeve that's next to him. "It's called geyser."
He looks up at Saira as the song eases out. "Not your usual scene but it's a good record. You want? I'll give you a solid discount."
Saira hesitates for a second. "Nah, i'm good. Thanks though."
She leaves the store with one Bikini Kill album on cassette and doesn't think anything about it.
Later that evening though, she finds herself humming the song. The music was undeniable, the artist definitely talented.
She looks up 'geyser mitski' on her phone and plays the music video. It begins with the same jarring organ and features a woman, mitski, at a very grey and stormy looking beach. Saira's eyes widen over the course of the video. The song is as powerful as she remembers it, and in the video, Mitski is throwing herself onto the muddy beach, thrashing around, digging as if to reach something. It's...visceral and raw and, Saira can't believe she's thinking it, kind of punk.
She looks up the lyrics of the song, which are presumably about a person. A quote at the bottom of the lyrics catches her attention. It's a snippet from an interview with Mitski: "I hesitate to say what the song is about because people may find it unromantic. I wrote it about music, or maybe a music career or just the ability to make music."
Saira blinks in suprise and stops short. Wait, she needs to go back and listen to the song again.
This time, the song hits saira squarely in her her heart. She gets it. There's goosebumps all over her arms as the song plays through its highest swell. Someone else feels the same way about making music like she does - like she may not be good enough but it's the only thing she can do and she will give up so many, many things for it. Saira gets it. She's also a geyser - pouring out words that thrash around in her head till they become lyrics, setting them to music, yelling them out loud for anyone who will listen. It's the only thing for her. She wishes she could tell Mitski that it's not unromantic at all. It's the most romantic thing she's ever heard. Music is their calling and they answered it.
As Saira loops the song to play once again, she thinks, 'I need to get that record tomorrow.'
just some ramblings about my favourite artist and my favourite fictional artist while i was in my 'thinking about saira' mode.
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eefozlab · 11 months
mitski will cure me(no she will not my disease is not-having-a-halloween-costume-itis)
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ecstarry · 8 months
top 7 on repeat (:
@buttfaceingtons tagged me so i will deliver 🫡
i had margaret on repeat while writing chapter 8 of tripping over air 💀
idk how many people i should tag but @ninety-two-bees @theicarusconstellation @drowninginthoughts27 @lexithwrites @stareggie and whoever would like to sharee < 3
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fanfictionjumbler · 3 months
We all decided Mitski's I Bet On Losing Dogs was going to be about the (found) family bond with the "baby, my baby", so I was not ready for the ending bridge that makes it very much the other kind of "baby" so it kinda gets skipped over
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