#i love him regardless of his crimes against fashion
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monaetheworldsdestroyer · 3 months ago
rip Erik Lehnsherr you would have loved mitski and lana del rey. you'd never admit to that tho
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months ago
ok so what are some of the changes you would want in the upcoming harry potter hbo series. and since your blog is Harry centric so I'll ask how do you want him to be portrayed in the series ? what traits of him do you think the series makers should shine more light on ?
Okay, I have, like, a list of things I didn't like in the movies and could be improved upon by the show. The list I have here isn't just about things the show could improve, but also things I want to see in the show in general. I think most of my opinions are pretty common, though.
(Also I'm not sure how good the show will be, like, I'm somewhat hopeful, but also very cautious with my expectations. We should start getting casting announcements around in a few months, which could help indicate where this show is going)
Regardless, here's my list of top concerns for the upcoming show:
Harry's character
This is the one you questioned specifically and one that could make or break the show for me. I want Harry's sass and anger, I don't want him to be a self-insert for the audience the way he was in the movies. I want his actual character. The sass, anger, and tenacity that is Harry Potter combined with his kindness, compassion, and sometimes clueless awkwardness. Let him be smart, clever, and talented.
Harry in the books is so much more than "just Expeliarmos" and the fact people could think that about Harry is a legitimate crime against his character the movies committed. Truly character assassination that Harry isn't an exceptional wizard with the world's lowest self-esteem and cheeky attitude.
(Also, for the love of god, give him green eyes, please. Contacts exist for a reason and it'll be a good way to differentiate the new actor from Radcliffe)
2. Ron & Hermione's characters
I could probably just put a "make all characters like in the books" category since this is true for a lot of them.
Specifically for the other two members of the Golden Trio, I want Hermione to have her flaws, and Ron to be smart. He is talented and smart and just as skilled as Harry and Hermione. He isn't the dumb comic relief and I'm so mad the movies made him such. And Hermione isn't a perfect Mary Sue who can do no wrong. Let her put Rita in a jar. Let her show how much she actually appreciates Ron and Harry and their approach to problems, different as it is to hers.
3. Voldemort's everything
I didn't like Voldemort's design, I didn't like his characterization, I didn't like how he spoke, how he walked — none of it felt like Voldemort to me.
I want Voldemort to be scary, not some odd caricature of himself. Give me a Voldemort design that looks scary. Give him the red eyes, and make him look actually skeletal. And let him move elegantly, talk softly. He isn't shouting and throwing tantrums, usually, he is very deliberate in what he says and does.
Also, give him his weird sense of humor. In the books, he makes bad puns ("Wormtail is here to lend a hand"), I like my villains a little campy with bad puns but also terrifying.
4. Dumbledore's everything
Well, honestly, I have no complaints about Dumbledore in the first movie, my problems started after he was recast.
I want Dumbledore to speak softly. I need an actor who could say "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" and make it work. I want an actor who'd smile like he knows things you don't as his eyes fucking twinkle, but could still look intense and even intimidating for the later seasons. I also want him to look whimsical and dress in the most absurd eye-catching robes you've ever seen.
5. On the matter of robes — wizard fashion
I want wizarding fashion. I want long robes, silly hats, colors, and patterns. I want the costume designers on the show to have fun with it. I want them to go wild.
The wizarding world should look whimsical and campy — that's part of the magic. I want it to look like a foreign world. Even the most purebloods of purebloods (like the Blacks) are more like the Addams Family than any serious drama. They have a sense of campiness and whimsy. Let wizards be weird as shit and show it in their dress and interior design (I mean, the Blacks hang house elf heads and have a troll leg umbrella stand, the Ministry of Magic has paper airplanes flying all around, they're weird).
6. About the more filler-y sections of the books
I want all the silly little plots that were removed from the movies. I think some of the more filer-y things add a lot to the books and to the whimsy of being a student at Hogwarts. I want the trio to sneak out Norbert, I want to see Peeves, the deathday party, all of these things that make Hogwarts truly feel like a magic school.
7. Hogwarts Castle
I love the castle of the movies and that of Hogwarts Legacy. Honestly, I think Hogwarts Legacy did a good job of capturing the feeling of the movies castle while making it its own new unique thing. I think the TV show should do something similar and kinda create a Hogwarts castle amalgamation of all previous iterations that would feel familiar and allow them to still use some of the same merchandise but also be new and unique at the same time.
8. Time period
I think this is a pretty common opinion, but I want the muggle clothes and sets to clearly be set in the 1990s. I want the show to be a period piece. I don't want to see smartphones, or modern fashion, or modern cars — none of that.
9. Age-appropriate casting
I'm not the only one who says this, but as great as Allen Rickman was, he was too old for the role. Part of the tragedy of Snape and the Marauders is how young they actually are. I think it'll just be much more heartbreaking if the actors looked as young as they're supposed to be.
(Including James and Lily in the flashbacks!)
10. Worldbuilding & extra scenes
Since it's a TV show and not a book, which opens up more perspective options, I would like to get, maybe, some extended Pottermore facts into the show. Like, to flash out the world in a way the movies didn't.
Additionally, I wouldn't mind if some extra scenes were added to build up characters we don't get as much of in the books and it could serve the plot. Like, as long as the scenes are added in a way which is like 'they might've happened in the books, we just didn't see them cause Harry wasn't there', that sort of thing without subtracting from anything else and without retconning or contradicting anything. Like, with good writers, this could be really well done, I'm just worried about them adding anything because I don't know how much faith I have in the whole project. But it could be cool if done well.
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anthurak · 2 months ago
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So ever since Mastermind, I’ve been seeing the expected number of ‘What if Lucifer or Charlie was present at the trial?’ fics/headcanons positing that either of their presence would have had them speak out on Blitzo’s and/or Stolas’ behalf and led to the PERFECT ending where the evil schemes of Andy-the-not-actually-a-sister-fucker are foiled and both Blitzo and Stolas are acquitted and it’s all sunshine and rainbows and puppies for everyone (except those evil rich people (except the ones we like)). And like, that’s all well and good…
But let’s be real. Even with a deck not massively stacked against them, or even stacked in their favor, both Blitzo and/or Stolas could ABSOLUTELY still find a way to fuck things up for themselves. I mean we’re talking about one guy who opened his defense with “Those orphans were already sick!” and “But when is attempting a crime a crime?”, and the other guy for whom ‘throwing my life away in a big dramatic heroic sacrifice for the man I love’ was Plan A.
And I just think that sounds way more fun and interesting then Lucifer or Charlie being some author-insert to serve as a secret cheat-code for the Golden Happy Ending for the episode.
Sure, Lucifer or Charlie being present almost certainly means things would go better for Blitzo, Stolas and co. regardless, but again I feel like it’s just way more interesting and fun and honestly in-character for these two gay idiots to still find a way to fuck things up for themselves.
Like imagine if Lucifer wants to hear Blitzo out at the critical vote, not so much because he really gives a fuck, but more because he’s bored and is also just messing with Satan.
And throughout the rest of the trial Lucifer is mostly just dicking around being a bored little gremlin. With the his only real contribution being to veto outright executing Blitzo, and even then that’s only thanks to Blitzo mentioning that Loona is his daughter. Sure, he may barely give a fuck at this point, but having a man killed in front of his own daughter? That’s pretty fucked up, don’t you think?
Which probably leads to some petty bickering between Lucifer and Satan about why they can’t just send Loona out of the room and THEN kill Blitzo, which then probably escalates/tangents to some ‘petty, jilted ex’s’-esque arguing that may or may not have some of the other Sins piping in for shits and giggles that is really only stopped when Stolas bursts in with his big ‘dramatic, gay heroic sacrifice via song-number’ gambit.
And Lucifer is in fact totally okay with Stolas getting stripped of his power and position, because hey he did a whole song number for it, but he draws the line at Stolas getting separated from his daughter. Also Andrealphus doesn’t get to be regent of Stolas’s position because Lucifer doesn’t like him for extremely petty reasons.
Meanwhile, I feel like Charlie sitting in for her dad probably wouldn’t turn out much better.
Sure, Charlie would want to hear Blitzo out, and ABSOLUTELY give a fuck about his situation. But let’s not forget that this is BLITZO we’re talking about, and giving him a chance to talk is ALSO giving him a chance to dig himself into a deeper hole.
For example; what do think Charlie’s reaction is going to be to learning what Blitzo and co. were actually DOING with that grimoire they got from Stolas?
You know, the princess of Hell who’s trying to deal with the sinner-overpopulation problem learning that these imps are likely contributing to said overpopulation problem? As well as the whole ‘murder business’ thing.
Which would likely put Blitzo in the awkward and hilarious position of probably having to argue AGAINST the person arguing for his life because that person ALSO wants to shut down his business.
And of course because this is Blitzo we’re talking about, there is a VERY good chance he just makes a total ass of himself or at the very least puts his foot in his mouth in epic fashion.
And if she’s present, I can imagine Vaggie at some point is leaning over to quietly ask Charlie if they really NEED to be defending this guy?
Maybe this eventually leads to Blitzo, or Stolas or perhaps Moxxie making some big, dramatic, emotional, heartfelt plea, possibly in musical form, for them to be allowed to continue their wholesome family business… of murdering people.
And maybe that does in fact sway Charlie. Or at least tugs on her heartstrings enough to forget about the whole ‘murdering business’ thing long enough to argue for Blitzo’s life without pushing to shut down I.M.P.
Which is exactly when, again, Stolas chooses to burst in with his big self-sacrificial song number and make things even worse/wackier.
All in all, as much as people may love their ‘here’s how we could/should have gotten a perfect happy ending!’ author-tracts, I think this option is way more in-character, interesting and most importantly fun XD
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qiu-yan · 2 months ago
Love is the bane of honor, the death of duty. What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms...or the memory of a brother's smile? Winds and words. Winds and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
George R R Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire vol. 1: A Game of Thrones
Lan Xichen could restrain himself no longer. “Thirty-three lashes from the discipline whip!” he exclaimed. “All in one sitting. One per senior. You must know how painful the lashes are, and how long one must lie in bed to recover! After he stubbornly escorted you back to the Burial Mounds, he returned morosely on his own to receive his punishment. Do you know how long he kneeled before the Wall of Discipline?! When I went to check on him, I told him this: Wei-gongzi has already committed a grave crime. Why must you add to them? Yet he told me…that while he could not say whether your actions were right or wrong, he was willing to carry the burden with you, regardless.”
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, Mo Dao Zu Shi vol. 5, Seven Seas translation
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justwinginglife · 7 months ago
Partner In Crime Pt 1
Y'all I'm doing something different today. In mourning of my character.ai chats with Chuuya Nakahara that somehow got erased I am writing a Chuuya Nakahara fanfic because I'm fuckin devastated all my hard work went down the drain.
"He's in a mood again today, hurry it up, the boss wants us at that meeting stat so get him under control and do it now."
You slowly turn your head to look at the Mafia member who just spoke. Your dark red lips spread into an empty smile that pinches at the edge of your cheeks. "I'm sorry, love, did I hear you correctly? Did you just tell me what to do? That can't be right. Because if you knew who I was, surely you wouldn't be talking to me like that."
The smile instantly drops from your face, replaced by a bone-chilling glare that could scare the dead.
He gulps. "R-right. S-sorry ma'am, I just meant that the boss will have all of our heads if Nakahara isn't at that meeting."
You roll your eyes. "Oh he won't have mine, darling. He knows he needs me. So I'll damn well do what I please. Now run along and tell dear Mori that we'll be there when we'll be there." You flick your fingers at him and he scurries away.
You open the door in front of you and your heeled boots click against the marbled ground as you stride into the room. You easily step over broken glass, knocked over furniture, and scattered papers as you near the center of the room. Without looking up, you hold out a bag and open it slightly, the smell wafting in the air.
Chuuya drops from the ceiling in an instant, landing smoothly at your feet. "Is that what I think it is?"
A genuine smile spills across your face this time. "From our favorite bakery." You pull off your black gloves and pop a pastry in your mouth, seductively licking your fingers afterwards. "Still warm." You wink.
He grins widely and snatches the bag from you. "You sly bastard." He shovels the desserts into his mouth and sighs happily.
You watch him, amused. Then you know you have to get to business. "Mori wants to see us, darling."
His grin disappears, replaced by a scowl. "Mori always wants to see us. He knows I hate those damn meetings. They're always so stuffy and all the other execs are dicks."
You start to rub his shoulders, listening as he complains. "I know, I know, baby," you coo, "But it'll just be real quick and then we can have some more pastries afterwards, kay?"
He sighs. "You're one devious woman, you know that?"
You smirk at him. "Isn't that one of my better traits?" You say slyly.
He rolls his eyes and pulls you closer to him, wrapping an arm around your waist. "You know I can't resist you- let's just get this damn meeting over with so I can have my girl and my pastries to myself."
You saunter down the hallway, Chuuya draped around you, and you finally reach the conference room. You fling the doors open and say "Sorry we're late, dears!" As if you just hit bad traffic on the way to a family reunion. Some executives look up at you, some don't- they're used to you making an entrance, and a late one with Chuuya in tow at that. Some other high ranking members of the Mafia are in attendance as well and when they see Chuuya clinging to you like you're his oxygen, they smirk and chuckle to each other.
Chuuya glares at everyone in the room, regardless of if they're looking at him or not. You pull away from his embrace, grabbing his hand to rub soothing circles onto it, then giving it a good squeeze before letting go.
"Darling, I see Koyo, I'm going to go say hi real quick okay?"
He tenses up, not wanting to let you go but then he scowls and says, "Yeah okay fine, do what you want." He slumps into a nearby chair, already waiting for you to return.
You approach Koyo at the end of the room.
"Better late than never, dear." She throws her arms out to give you a hug.
You greet her warmly. "Ah, you know me, always fashionably late." You wink. "Besides, Mori's not even here yet, all is well."
"I see you got the man-child to grace us with his grumpy presence. What would we do without you to soothe his temper?" She teases.
You roll your eyes. "He'd probably flatten you all in a matter of seconds."
She scoffs, offended at that. She glares at him from across the room and he must feel her watching him because he turns to face the two of you, his cold eyes fixed on her just as intensely. Then she smiles a poisonous smile and calls to him mockingly, "Oh Chuuya darling! How does it feel to be without your owner? Are you just wagging your tail over there waiting for her to come back to you?"
He stands up suddenly, eyes burning and fists clenched.
Oh now she's done it.
"Koyo, dearest," You say in a stern voice, "I think you'd better watch your mouth, love, or I'll have to rethink this relationship of ours."
She scoffs for a moment and then holds up her hands in surrender. "Go to him then." She waves you away.
You roll your eyes and walk back down the length of the room to where Chuuya is standing. He's breathing heavy and his eyes are still trained on her, glaring daggers through her skull. You sigh and grab one of his arms, holding it with one hand, and rubbing up and down with the other. He's still tense but he's stopped looking at her now, his gaze turning towards you as it slowly softens.
"I hate that damn woman." He scowls.
"I know, I know, baby." You coo again as you continue to trace the length of his arm. He starts to relax against you but he quickly clenches up again as members of the Mafia start to nudge each other, laughing and pointing while they watch you try and pacify him. Your usually calm demeanor is starting to slip away as you begin to feel quite irked by everyone in the room undoing all the hard work it takes for you to soothe Chuuya.
"Let's just finish this meeting and then we can get out of here, okay baby?" You whisper in his ear, and the feeling of your breath against his skin draws his focus back to you. He nods once.
You both take a seat at the conference table and as if on cue, Mori walks in and starts to commence the meeting. You listen intently, but you can feel Chuuya's leg bouncing up and down, occasionally knocking against your knee. You reach a hand under the table and rest it on his knee, rubbing in slow circular motions. The bouncing slowly recedes and he places a hand over yours, giving it a squeeze. He doesn't let go of your hand the entire meeting.
Then Mori starts to conclude his business and Chuuya finally starts to relax, letting go of his tight hold on you. The executives start to get up but then you stand and clear your throat, causing Chuuya to freeze as you draw the attention of everyone in the room.
"Thanks for the lovely chat Mori, I'm sure we'll all do our best to do our part for the Port Mafia. Now before everyone goes, if I could please have your attention." You say sweetly, though your intentions are nothing but sweet.
Mori smirks and leans back in his chair, but he's intrigued so he nods at you to continue.
You get on top of the conference table, and slam a foot down loudly, your heel clanging hard against the solid surface, ensuring no one is looking away from you now. "I'm so glad I have all of your attention, I really really don't want you to miss this," You purr.
Then you clench your fists and everyone around you but Mori and Chuuya start to choke. Mori raises an eyebrow in amusement but he doesn't react much besides that. Chuuya however is shocked, his eyes widening at the sight. He has no idea what you're up to.
"I'm sure you all remember what my gift is right? I was thinking you might have forgotten because otherwise you wouldn't dare to gossip so freely in front of me. Need I remind you all that Chuuya and I are the strongest executives in this room? I'm sure Chuuya could've gotten the message across much quicker than I could with his powers, but you know me, I like a good, slow, torturous death. Anyway," You say, releasing your hold on their lungs, allowing them all to breathe again, "I was just hoping that in the future we could all play nice with one another and you could all stop giving my dear Chuuya such a hard time, yeah? Great. Good chat, can't wait to see you all at the next meeting if you're still alive by then." You wink and hop down from the table.
Then you turn towards Mori and hand him a stack of cash. Now it's his turn to be surprised. "And what's this for?" He asks.
"For the damage to your window, of course." You say matter-of-factly.
He tilts his head to the side, peering at the window behind you that appears to be in one piece. "What damage to my window?"
You stride over to it and kick it hard, shattering the glass. "This damage. Chuuya, baby, catch me will you?" You lean back and let gravity take hold of you, dropping out of the window and plummeting through the air.
He smirks and then flies after you.
The wind rustles your hair as you freefall down the length of the building and you laugh, spreading your arms as though you're flying. Then you feel strong arms wrapping around you and your fall slows.
"You really are some woman." He chuckles, pulling you closer to him and kissing your forehead.
"You looked like you wanted out of there fast, and the window seemed like the fastest option." You shrug.
He laughs again, shaking his head. "Damn you're crazy, you know that?"
You poke his nose. "But it's kinda hot don't you think?"
He smirks.
Before you have time to continue with your flirting, your cell phone beeps. You pull it out and read the message. Then you groan.
"I guess if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Be a dear and drop me off at the harbor will you, love?"
Part two to come!
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supurman-a · 3 months ago
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+ TOPIC : // the dismissal of aged superman phrases + brief touches on superman belongs to the world ( and a mention of identity ...)
notes: this meta sprung out of no where, i do think the focus of it gets lost at some point as i express more points about superman in relation to the main topic. i wish to make a more specific meta on clarks identity issues + how superman belongs to the world...there is also a brief talk of how clarks parents affected the man he is that deserves so much more brushing on. the panels i use need a shout out to jonathan kent as he is a big influence on clark's person. with that being said, i still hope you all can understand me clearing up superman's misunderstood character and what he represents regardless of how this is written.
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the obsolete superman phrase " truth, justice, and the american way " has done so much damage to him. it gives the idea that he champions america and american ideals, giving him a biased opinion on one way of life and that he belongs to one nation. originally this was a phrase given to him for propaganda reasons back in the Olden past. clark is not the first comic character to be a victim of propaganda. there are many covers of him with eagles, or holding the american flag all in out of date fashion. i am very against superman ever having bias to any nation in the world over another. most of the time, when American identity is put on clark its always in old fashioned obsolete writing.
though, there is a proper way to put american identity on clark, and thats how it was a form of assimilation him ... before clark ever knew he was adopted and an alien he would be every identity that made sense of him. then comes a day he is aware he is no of this world nor human. when he finds this out he realizes all the identities ( american and human ) he has known are false then he enters a intense identity searching mission to find his true origins similar to how many adopted children of other countries feel. ( i do not fault the kents for anything, they did the best they could. )
as clark ages he comes to realize he is more than what he ever thought he was. he becomes a man of the people seeing that there is oppression, evil, and crime throughout the globe. superman becomes an icon for the entire world, a beacon of hope to inspire anyone who need to look to something believe in. it would be selfish for a man who heralds hope to align himself with a country or natio when the things he stands for belong to everyone. truth, justice, and hope.
his care lies within the entire world, every beating heart. i highly doubt clark considers himself american, merely american on paper but not by heart. clarks identity will always be a very complex topic, but i did want to touch upon how americaness seems so unfair to his character and to the people in the world who look up to him as a symbol of hope.
ultimately, the new and improved phrase will always have it right: ❝ truth, justice, and a better tomorrow. ❞
clarks love for the people can be found from not just seeing first hand that others need something to be loved by, but his parents. the lessons from his mother and values of his father created a person that has a UNCONDITIONAL amount of love for the world. his mother cared for him. his father calling him special. his parents helping him take his first steps. being told nothing that he is loved. the man that grew out of these lessons only says the same to those that live on every corner of earth. everyone is special to superman.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years ago
The Fashionable Date
Jaune walked to a dorm room used by one of his upperclassmates. He knocked on the door with a hint of hesitation. He wasn’t worried about talking with her, but considering the nature of what they were about to talk about he couldn’t help, but be a little worried.
The quickly door opened, and he was face to face with one roughish smirk from one hell of a beautiful gal. The one, and only, Coco Adel.
Coco: Well, well, well, look at who we have here? Hello handsome, what can I do for you~?
Jaune: Hey, Coco, are you busy today?
Coco: I’m free as can be. Why do you ask?
Jaune: Well, after recent events I need to buy some new clothes. And, since I’m more, or less a fashion slob, I thought I should ask, Beacons fashionista for some advice. So what do you say, Coco; Want to see how well you can dress up a dragon?
Coco: Oh hell yeah I do! This is going to be so much fun! Now, how can I dress up a handsome blond like you? Oh so many choices, so many decisions… Well, regardless of whatever choices I make, I will have to factor in those horns of yours. Can’t wear anything like a teeshirt anymore; You would probably tear it up trying to put it on…
Coco: …
Coco: Wait… Horns…? When the hell did you get those?! They’re quite fetching~!
Jaune: Oh thanks… I got them yesterday after we did some tests to see how effective my fire breath can be.
Coco: And, how did those tests go?
Jaune: Well… considering how… devastating my flame can be… honestly I’m hesitant to use it on, Grimm.
Coco: So since you were testing your ability to breath fire, does that explain why you were walking around, Beacon with nothing but your breast plate, giving everyone such a tantalizing view of your body~? Because I must say, you really filled out~!
Jaune: O-Oh… T-Thank you… But, uhh… It’s, Weiss’s fault all my clothes go incinerated.
Coco: Oh, really?
Jaune: She helped test my ability to withstand fire, and extreme heats. So, she set me on fire…
Coco: She did?
Jaune: Yeah, she incinerated all the clothes I had on during the test. All that survived is my armour, but all the leather straps have burned up as well, so I might as well replace my armour while I’m at it. So… you know anywhere I can find some, Fire Dust fused clothing so that doesn’t happen again?
Coco: I do, but it’s gonna cost you.
Jaune: I’m one of the richest men in the world; So long as they’re functional, I’m good.
Coco: Oh yes, you mentioned you were a rich dragon when you showed off all those gems of yours. Tell me, Love, how rich are you? I want to know what our spending range is.
Jaune: Ehh… I’ve never looked to see how much money is in my account. But, I know my, Net Worth is an estimated 787.5 Billion.
Coco: 7-787.5 B-Billion?!
Jaune: You can make a lot mining raw metals, gems, and dust. Also, constructing infrastructure, military bases, machinery, aircraft, armour…
Coco: Y-You’re rich! You’re filthy stinking rich! You can but anything you want, and you dress like a country bumpkin?! WHY?!
Jaune: Comfort over style?
Coco: This is a crime against fashion! Come on, Arc! It’s time to get you some style!
Jaune: Whoa, HEY?!
Jaune was standing in the open doorway to a changing booth, giving, Coco a spin as he showed off the apparel she recommended to him.
Coco: Oh yeah… Mama likey~!
Jaune: It’s pretty nice, but it’s rather tight.
Coco: Just like, Mama likes~!
Coco raised her hand up, and brought it crashing down upon, Jaune’s tight butt.
Jaune: AHH! Hey?!
Coco: Gotta say you got one hell of a nice ass~!
Jaune: Only because these pants are so tight…
Coco: Why do you think I told you to wear it?
Jaune: To check out my ass?
Coco: And, loving it~!
Jaune: Haa… They’re nice… Everything looks great. But, my hair… Did they really have to cut my hair like this? I didn’t invite you out to get a hair cut.
Coco: What’s wrong with it? It’s a shaggy brush cut, simple, stylistic, and really fits you. Plus it really shows off your horns.
Jaune: It does show off my horns… Glad the sash I found matches them.
Coco: You know, I’m usually against sashes, but that white, with golden fringe really blends together nicely.
Jaune: And, you said I didn’t have any style.
Coco: And, I stand by those words! You were dressed like an absolute slob!
Jaune: But, now?
Coco: But, now after some proper guidance from yours truly you look ready to slay ‘em with your handsome looks, and winning smile~!
Jaune: I don’t think my looks will help me kill, Grimm, Coco.
Coco: I wasn’t talking about, Grimm.
Jaune: Then what are you talking about?
Coco: Haa… Still as dense as ever, Handsome.
Jaune: What?
Coco: So armour, any plans for that upgrade you mentioned?
Jaune: Something more form fitting, that covers more of my body. Something I can put on without worrying about my horns. Going to get some gauntlets, but they’ll probably be fingerless so I can retract my claws. I probably should get some measurements done for that soon…
Coco: Most likely, you’re not your lanky self you were when you first came here. Hence the tight pants.
Jaune: No, that’s so you can stare at my butt.
Coco: Still loving the view.
Jaune: You’re just jealous you don’t have a butt like mine.
Coco: Excuse me?! I have a great ass!
Jaune: No, pretty flat looking.
Coco: You wanna go bud!
Jaune: As in go into a arena for a fight, or go into a supply closet like you did with, Pyrrha?
Though most couldn’t see it, Jaune’s enhanced eyes could easily see the brief moment of shock that flashed in, Coco’s eyes. Just as easily as he saw the lighest of blushes that was spreading across her face.
Coco: What are you talking about?
Jaune: Don’t play coy with me, Coco it’s not going to work.
Coco: I’m not playing coy, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Jaune: Oh, so nothing happened between you, and Pyrrha in the supply closet outside the biology classroom then?
Coco: Wait?! How did you know he had sex there?
Jaune: You had sex? I thought you said nothing happened.’ Does that mean something did happen?
Coco’s face was flushed red as she looked around for an excuse to draw his attention away. But, finding none she finally relented, and told him the truth.
Coco: Okay… After you left, Pyrrha asked if I wanted in on your little harem thing, and I asked if I joined if that meant I could also sleep with her… So we went into that supply closet… and, had some fun. There, happy?
Jaune: I’m surprised you were so hesitant to tell me. I thought you would brag that you banged the, Invincible Girl.
Coco: I’m a kiss, and don’t tell kind of gal. Spoils the mood if you go about bragging about it.
Jaune: Plus it’s polite. Though, every faunas I’ve met knows we did it… Faunas stuff.
Coco: Yeah, I remember, Velvet glaring daggers at her. But, how did you know we did it? Did, Pyrrha brag about us having sex?
Jaune: No, Pyrrha likes her privacy more so than you do.
Coco: Hold on; if, Pyrrha never told you about us, then how did you find out about us?
Jaune: Oh, that? Quite simple really.
In a flash, Jaune reached out, and grabbed, Coco’s ass, pulling her close to him until their bodies were flush with one another. Coco yelped as he grabbed her ass, and was about to yell at him, to slap him, but his grip tightened upon her ass as she stifled a moan at his touch. But, before she could make another sound, Jaune’s head dipped lower until he growled softly in her ear, and simply said:
Jaune: I knew you two had sex, because I can still smell her on you.
A wildfire being propelled by a strong breeze was slower than the deep blush that quickly spread across, Coco’s face.
Coco Adel was the one whose teased others into a blushing mess. She could flirt one into a stubor. She new how to make anyone, man, or woman utterly flatfooted with her seductive teasing. But, she had never been put on the backfoot like, Jaune had done with that simple sentence.
Coco: Y-You could smell us?!
Jaune: Shhh… You don’t want others to hear us now do you?
Coco could only stifle a moan as, Jaune pulled her closer, giving her ass a tight squeeze in the process.
Coco: S-Sorry… B-But, you can really smell her on me? We did that a week ago?!
Jaune just smiled, showing off his fangs as he chuckled as, Coco’s composure was swiftly crumbling.
Jaune: Don’t worry, only I can smell it. No one else’s sense of smell is strong enough to pick up such subtle smells. But, I can easily pick up, Pyrrha’s sent from all the time we’ve spent together. And, there is only one person I know that smells like mocha, and gunpowder~!
Coco’s face was flush red as her voice fled her. He mouth hung agape as his voice echoed in her mind.
Coco: T-That’s what I smelt like to you; Mocha, and gunpowder?
Jaune: It’s quite the tantalizing smell. However, you’ve recently acquired an all the more intoxicating smell upon you.
Coco: Oh, that’s just some perfume I put on earlier…
Jaune: No, not that. That barely has any noticeable scent to it.
Coco: Then… was is it… what do you smell?
Jaune’s eyes look around behind her, before he pushed her inside the changing booth, he quickly shut, and locked the door behind him. As, Coco righted herself she felt, Jaune’s hand grab her, and turned her to face him as he pushed her against the wall. His hands holding her tenderly, one along her waist, while the other cupped her cheek, forcing her to stare directly at, Jaune’s predatory expression.
Before she could utter a word, Jaune used his finger to pull of her glasses, letting them gently fall to the floor with a dull thud. Her face was red, her breathing was heavy, and her eyes were lost in his. All she could do was stare on as, Jaune smiled at her, and spoke those few simple words she never wanted to hear.
Jaune: I smell desire, hunger, and lust… It’s such a tantalizing smell~!
Coco knew, Jaune; If she said the word, just one word, he would pull off of her apologizing all the while for what he did. Just because he had a throng of woman willing to throw themselves at him at the drop of a hat did not mean he would just bed any woman. He would treat them with respect, and he wanted to know if they truly wanted this. So if she said the word, just one word he would back away, no questions, no pleas, no begging. He would just leave her be, and that would be that.
Those were the thoughts running through her mind as she grabbed his golden locks and pulled him into a deep, searing kiss.
Coco had fun with someone in a changing room before. They we’re usually girls insecure about their sexuality, or curious what it would be like. So since she was up for a little tumble now, and then she helped them find the answers to these burning questions of theirs. However, when these little escapades happened, she was in control; she set the pace, she set the mood, she was the one in control. And yet, she was completely helpless under the onslaught, Jaune wrought upon her. And, she was loving every second of it.
Jaune grabbed, Coco by her waist, and pulled her in for a hungry kiss that dominated her lips causing her to moan in wanton lust as her fingers intertwined with his hair as she pulled him closer, deepening their kiss.
Jaune soon pried her mouth open with his tongue, shoving his tongue into her mouth, and her in turn. Their tongues swirled around one another as they duelled for control. Coco relished in the icy cold flavour that hung about his mouth, while, Jaune in turned savoured the sweet taste of coffee that hung about hers. The duo were falling into a drunken stupor as the drowned in the pleasure of one another’s mouths, but it was soon brought to an end as, Coco remember something very, very important about, Jaune’s tongue.
It was long, incredibly long at that.
In order to stake his claim, Jaune pushed his long tongue deeper into, Coco’s mouth, at first she gave a squeak in shock as she felt his tongue seemingly coil around hers, and push deeper into her mouth as a guttural moan escaped her lips between baited breaths of air. Sadly their fun was brought to a swift end when, Jaune’s tongue had pushed just a little too far, and, Coco started to gag from it.
Jaune quickly removed his tongue from the depths of her mouth as, Coco reeled back, and coughed almost roughly from having the invading organ within her.
Coco: “Cough, cough!” Holy hell… Did you literally shove your tongue down my throat?
Jaune: Haha… Sworry…
Jaune’s tongue was hanging several inches from the bottom of his mouth before slurping back inside. Coco could only wonder in shock how he hid such a massive appendage.
Jaune: Pyrrha likes it when I do that to her, I got so into the kiss I forgot I wasn’t with, Pyrrha. Or, you for that matter. I just fell into the moment of it all.
Coco: Well… If I didn’t start gagging on it I don’t think I would have minded really. But, you better be careful with that thing; you’ll break a girl if you’re not careful.
Jaune: Oh really now~?
Jaune licked his lips with a predatory gaze as he moved closer to, Coco.
Jaune: In that case, lets see how hard it is to break you then~!
His hands reached for her belt, and undid the buckles, the buttons, and lastly the zipper before kneeling down before her as he dragged her pants, and her underwear down in one swift motion until she was bare before him.
Coco’s heart was racing, her breathing heavy, and quick. She knew what was going to happen, and just like before she knew how to stop it, and as she looked down at those deep blue eyes staring back at her she said the words she had to say.
Coco: Please… Please break me…
Jaune chuckled as he got to work. Coco’s hand immediately cover her mouth to stifle the yell that threatened to escape her lips. A yell that swiftly gave way to deep, gasping moans of pleasure as he began to eat her out.
Coco could barely contain the guttural moans that escaped her body as she bucked against his face. She bit her lips to hold them back as her hands grabbed a hold of his horns to steady herself, and pull him deeper into her welcoming opening.
Coco: MmmMMM~! How… Ahh~! How are you…?! Mmm~! So…! Ahhh! Good at this~?!
Jaune laughed softly as he pulled away, licking his lips with his long tongue before smiling up at, Coco’s blushing face.
Jaune: Most people don’t know this, but Pyrrha wasn’t my first time.
Coco: S-She wasn’t?
Jaune: Nope~! Case in point…
Jaune drove his head back, and went to town on, Coco. Her hands quickly cover her mouth as, Jaune attacked every her lower lips, basking her in unending pleasure of the body.
Coco: Fuckfuckfuckfuckfucyk~! Who taught you how to eat out a girl like this, a lesbian? Only girls are this good at eating out other girls! MmmmH~! I should know, I’ve… Ahhh~! Done it myself~!
Jaune: Actually yes, a lesbian did teach me. Well, she wasn’t a lesbian by the time we were done.
Coco: You turned a lesbian straight with your tongue?!
Jaune: She was more of a bisexual than a lesbian, I just made it a fact. Now, if you’ll excuse me; my meals getting cold.
Coco really shouldn’t interrupt him anymore, every time she interrupted him only denied him that exquisite tongue of his from caressing her body. And, to emphasize that he picked up his speed, and ravenously ate her out.
A hand clamped over her mouth while the other held him by one of his horns keeping him in place. Behind a flush face she looked down at him to see his deep cerulean eyes giving her a dangerous, and mischievous glint to his eyes.
She would swiftly learn how dangerous that glint in his eyes is.
Both of her hands were on her mouth covering up the guttural moan that if she removed her hands would be a moaning scream for all to hear, and all to be envious off as she felt him insert his long tongue into her precious depths. There are things in life you never expect to experience; the mind numbing pleasure of a faunas with a long tongue have a meal with you was something profound to experience.
She could feel his tongue swirling around her depths, mapping her insides out with his tongue for minutes that felt like they lasted for millennia’s. At long last she felt a quack in her hips, and she would relish it’s arrival. And, when it did she awoke with her butt on the ground, staring at, Jaune’s cocky smile as he licked his lips.
Jaune: Well, looks like I broke you.
Coco panted heavily as her mind raced to find where it had fallen off. And, she knew precisely where; At her peak, as soon as she had her mind numbing orgasm she blacked out, and was left here in a dazed state, but thoroughly satisfied state of mind.
She told him to break her, and good gods, he broke her.
Coco: I said that tongue of yours would break a girl… But, gods… You can break a girl…
Jaune: I aim to please~!
Coco: That’s an understatement if I ever heard one… H-How long was I out?
Jaune: Not long, about a minute, or two.
Coco: And, while I was out, you didn’t decide to keep on having fun?
Jaune: You wouldn’t be around to enjoy it; where’s the fun if you’re not enjoying it too?
Coco: Well, in that case…
Coco slowly rose on shaky legs, shaking from the unbridled pleasure, Jaune just assaulted her with. As she stood up, she turned around, and pressed her body to the wall, shaking her tantalizing round butt towards him, inviting him in.
Coco: Shall we continue~?
Jaune laughed softly to himself as he stood up, and stood behind, Coco’s plump rear, caressing it softly with his hand.
Jaune: We shall, butnot here.
Coco: What?! Why?!
Coco nearly shouted, but this time she remembered where they were. She look over to, Jaune, and saw him giving her an amused smile.
Jaune: Because, as nice it was hearing you trying to stifle a moan like you did, but what I really want to hear… Is you screaming my name~!
Jaune grabbed, Coco by her neck, and pulled him flush against her hotly whispering into her ear those few words that brought her over the edge again in seconds.
Coco: T-T-Then what are we waiting for; come on, make me scream~!
And, that is what she did, scream his name until she could scream no more. And, she loved every agonizing, intoxicating second of it.
Juniper: You’ve got to tell her to reel it in; Jaune doesn’t like a girl who screams at him to give her his babies, he finds that extremely off putting.
Kali: I’ve been trying to tell, Blake. But, does she listen? Noooo… She all about him pinning her down, and knocking her up on the spot. Where is the fun in that? I blame her choice in literature, there’s nothing romantic in her books, it’s just kinky self indulgence for inexperienced lovers.
Juniper: That’s my daughter’s target audience after all. You have to go with the easy marks.
Kali: Yes, but their not, Jaune’s type. I sear, if I could I would chase after him myself.
Juniper: What’s stopping you?
Kali: I’m a happily married woman, but if I wasn’t, I would be pregnant with his first child right now~!
Juniper: Second actually.
Kali: He’s already a father?!
Juniper: He’s the donor actually, they say it wasn’t him, but I know it was him. It’s cute they think I don’t know, but I…
Juniper: Hmmm…?
Kali: Juni? Is something wrong?
Juniper: My grandmother senses are tingling…
Kali: Well my aren’t! Ahhh! That means it’s not, Blake getting any! Haa… Best get, Sienna to get his kids then. One of my kids is going to give me adorable grandchildren, I don’t care which, but I damn well will get them!
Juniper: I know in mixed faunas families the baby’s faunas traits are a roulette wheel of possibilities, but I really want blond cat eared grandchildren.
Kali: Me too! Oh they would be so adorable~!
Juniper: I know right~?
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ritzcuit · 5 days ago
I saw people talking about Datz headcanons, and I was like hey…me too. Because I think I think about him too much BUT
I’ve been thinking a lot about how Datz and Dhurke would have met pre SoJ, and I’ve seen a lot of ideas that I like a lot, but I cannot for some reason get the idea out of my head that Dhurke defended Datz in a case, and that’s how they met. I’m for some reason basing this off of the fact that nobody liked Datz even before coming a rebel, maybe after he left the military he was a thief or something, I don’t know, but he already didn’t have a great reputation before meeting Dhurke.
So like…I don’t know, Datz gets caught up in a murder that paints him as like the only guilty party and even though literally nobody likes him and everybody already thinks he’s guilty, Dhurke is like “why not. Why the hell not” and boom.
It might be Dhurke’s first ever case or maybe after he’s already been a lawyer for some time, but I feel like it already sets up their relationship for SoJ, making it more like…sincere and stuff, plus that would make it so Datz knows Amara, and has actual reasoning for being such a standout part in the revolution, because why would Datz not? Dhurke literally saved his ass, it only makes sense for him to stand by Dhurke and believe him regardless, because that’s what Dhurke did for him. It’s also kinda a reason why Datz would be there when Apollo and Nahyuta were kids, because Dhurke and Datz were already friends even before Dhurke adopted Apollo.
Also, it sets up for Datz to be Dhurke’s patented weird girl. I don’t know that just makes sense to me. I honestly don’t know how I came up with that and like…I don’t know man….what do you think!!! I love your Datz headcanons so it would be great to hear your opinion!! Thank you and sorry for the long rant😖😖
hiii YESSS that is 100% my headcanon too!!! its just so goddamn cute and sweet if it's the case 😭😭
i've seen people make them childhood friends or something, which is soooo cuuuute but feels a touch too much "they spent their entire lives together" and idk just doesnt suit me perfectly. i love it though!
one thing i'm very sure of is that datz was friends with dhurke before the revolution bc he had to be he hAD TO BEEEE. Because he was there. looking for apollo's mother...right after the fire...he said "we" were looking ‼️so it's not like datz met up with dhurke because he liked the cause or anything. no, he likes DHURKE bc theyre FRIENDS
i always imagine that datz is just a Suspicious Character even if he's not doing anything wrong at all. just a combination disregard for authority/being in places he really shouldnt be/adhd sort of deal... even without being a rebel and escaped convict and all that... even better if he's like, a deserter from the air force or something LMAO just already has everything stacked against him...
so when he's trespassing (again) one night it makes him a perfect scapegoat for a Le Murder being committed but he's like WAWAWAWAIT I WOULDNT *KILL* A GUY HEY CMON GUYS....GUYS...????? and in true aa fashion its like, "literally no one else could have committed this crime"... and maybe datz is just planning on running away 😭bc no one's gonna take up his case obviously
honestly i'm equally happy if it's dhurke's first case or dhurke's 50th case both are so cute. if dhurke is relatively well known for picking up lost causes and doing miracles then ofc datz is gonna seek him out... or if it's dhurke's first case, then there's already that mutual exchange of trust and by trust i mean "datz joking that it's fine if dhurke doesn't prove his innocence because datz'll just ditch khura'in anyway har har har!" and dhurke's like ... gee thanks 😭butlike no. it could be so cute. dhurke looking at datz who's so used to being scapegoated and accused of things and he's like,... of course i believe you're innocent. you're my client right :) and datz is like oH
it just makes sense. bc. do you know how much datz glazes dhurke as a lawyer!! "he'd fight for the accused no matter how the odds were stacked against them" he says... oh i know he was watching dhurke with shining eyes fight for his innocence And Prove It.LIEK WAAAHHH. it means the world to datz... ofc it's just a case to dhurke, but he gets a bestie out of it :-) i'm also equally happy if datz weirdgirls out and assists dhurke vs if he fucks off only to show up randomly every so often... but again, since datz knows So Much about dhurke's time as a lawyer, i feel like he definitely saw more than one case... enough to see the chemistry between amara and dhurke blossoming.. Girl...
ANDSO THEN *SNIFFLE*SO THEN WHEN EVERYONE'S TURNED AGAINST DHURKE *WHIMPERING*THE WHOLE COUNTRY AND HIS WIFE IS DEAD AND EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE*WAAH*DATZ IS STILL THEREE E EEEE EE E EBC DHURKE TRUSTED HIM WHEN NO ONE ELSE WOULD SO OFC DATZ WILL STAND BY HIM THROUGH THIS!!! WAAAHHHH!!!!!! not only is the entire country against dhurke, but they're slowly turning Against All Defense Attorneys so for datz to specifically cite him being a defense attorney as to why he trusts him...liek...oh its beautiful. capcom did a good thing by not explaining how they met bc i don't think i'd accept another explanation besides this
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darklotuspublishing · 6 months ago
Stitched in Shadows: A Love Bound by Obsession Chapter Two
The next morning came too quickly for my taste. I had been up all night despite drinking enough whiskey to kill a horse. My head was pounding but, surprisingly enough, I didn’t have the urge to throw up. Hangovers for me were different than they were for other people. Despite the pounding in my head that would have brought a grown man to his knees, I was still able to function.
My intercom chimed and the security guard’s voice came over the speaker, “Miss Nakamura, there’s a Mister Hayashi here to see you.” He spoke.
I groaned and hit the button, “Send him up.” I responded before flopping back against the couch. I heard “Yes ma’am” over the intercom within a few seconds. What could Ryusei possibly want from me at this hour? He was supposed to be at Hajime’s place, did plans change? Before I could even begin to process what was going on, Ryusei burst through my front door looking like he had just watched his mother die. The look on his face told me that something was wrong.
“What’s the problem Ryusei? Surely, you’re not here to talk.” I said, the tone of my voice giving away that I wasn’t in the mood to be friendly.
“You need to turn on channel eight,” Ryusei responded, his voice breaking as he spoke. My face dropped upon hearing that. Ryusei was normally very level-headed; if he was nearly in tears, I knew I needed to be concerned. Nothing ever really bothered him, so his demeanor was always calm. Whenever something bothered Ryusei, he tried not to show any reaction. I knew this time it was different, he seemed distraught. What happened to make him react this way?
Grabbing the remote, I turned on the TV and switched it to channel eight. The news story that was being reported on got my attention. Sitting up, I stared intently at the screen, waiting for the headline. The crime scene behind the reporter looked familiar but I couldn’t place it until the reporter began to speak and I felt my heart drop. What was going on? This had to be some kind of joke.
“Hajime Nishiyama was found deceased in his Shinjuku apartment this morning by a neighbor who claimed to have heard screaming coming from the unit late last night.” The reporter said while the EMTs brought Hajime’s body out in a black body bag. It was as if everything crashed around me in an instant. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Hajime, my assistant but most importantly, my best friend, was dead? Who would be so heartless and take the life of someone who had never done anything wrong?
“Haji’s dead Sora. My boyfriend is dead and now I’m alone. Who would do something like this? Hajime wouldn’t hurt a fly Sora. Why him? Why not someone who would be better off dead? I don’t get it. I just don’t get it Sora. Hajime didn’t deserve this.” Ryusei said, finally breaking down in tears. Just the sight of him crying like that broke my heart. Ryusei and Hajime had been together since High School and now that all went down the drain. I was the one who introduced Ryusei to Hajime back then. It was a match made in Heaven when they started dating. That was the first time Hajime had genuinely smiled since coming out to me as transgender. Since he was my best friend, I had embraced him with open arms and complete acceptance. Regardless of his identity, Hajime was my best friend and was always going to be my twin flame. Now, that flame has been snuffed out all too soon, leaving me feeling empty inside.
“Did you go see Hajime last night?” I asked, my voice breaking. Ryusei could only shake his head in response. Sobs racked his body, and he was on the verge of collapsing. With every sob that escaped Ryusei’s throat, I felt my heart break even more. Ryusei was beyond heartbroken. He had just lost the love of his life. The poor man probably felt lost without Hajime. It took everything I had in me not to cry. I was never the best at comforting people so all I could do was sit there and let Ryusei cry and scream. Ryusei left shortly after calming down, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Who would target Hajime like this? He never made any enemies out of anyone. Hajime was the sweetest man I knew.
My day was spent at home, racking my brain, and trying not to cry. I made it known to the security guard that any visitors to my penthouse were to be turned away. Every time I tried to think of who would want Hajime dead, I came up empty. Hajime didn’t deserve to die, especially after everything he had been through. My entire world felt like it was crashing down. Nothing would be the same without Hajime.
I remember it like it was yesterday. School had been closed because of a massive snowstorm and I was at home enjoying the warmth of the fireplace. My time alone was interrupted by a knock at the door and when I opened it, Hajime was standing there, eyes red and puffy from crying and his entire body trembling. I had let him into the house and listened as he talked about being kicked out by his parents because he came out as transgender, the other students at school bullying him for the same reason, and his fear of losing me as a friend over it. All I could do at that time was laugh and reassure him that he wouldn’t lose me as a friend. From that day on, we were truly inseparable.
Once the sun went down, I found myself sitting on the balcony, staring off into the distance. While I was out there, the familiar flash of a camera caught my attention. Someone was watching me, and they knew I was alone. My anxiety spiked to an extreme level, and I began to panic. Within seconds I was rushing inside and locking the balcony door. Why was I the one being watched? What was so special about me?
Hastily, I ran to my bedroom, slamming the door shut and locking it. It felt like I was having a nightmare that I just couldn’t wake up from. Whoever was watching me must have known that I had seen the flash of their camera. Hopefully, that fact was enough to scare them away. I just didn’t have the energy to confront my stalker.
The night was spent hidden in my bedroom, hopefully away from the prying eyes of my stalker. Whoever it was had a sick sense of humor. Throughout the night, I kept hearing someone tapping at my bedroom window. The curtains were closed, and I kept the lights off so that whoever was outside couldn’t see my silhouette through the curtains. This was all some sick game to them and my mental and emotional distress was their reward. My stalker wanted me to know that they were there.
Sleep would be foreign to me tonight. Between the incessant tapping at my window and the silent sobs that finally broke free, I understood I wouldn’t be sleeping tonight. I would have to break the news to the rest of my employees in the morning if they hadn’t already heard about Hajime. Tomorrow will be a grim day, and I know that nobody will want to work. Unfortunately, with my upcoming clothing line releases, I’ll have to make everyone work while grieving.
Throughout the night I could hear the tapping grow louder. Sometimes it would come in threes, like how paranormal investigators in those American horror movies would describe demonic activity. Other times, the tapping would have a pattern to it. Tap tap, pause, tap tap tap, the noise just wouldn’t stop. No matter how much I silently prayed and pleaded to have the tapping stop, it wouldn’t.
The morning came slowly with the rise of the sun and the light coming through the curtains. I must have fallen asleep at some point because despite the sunlight being muted but the curtains, I couldn’t help but squint at the brightness. Whoever was at my window last night wasn’t there anymore because the tapping had finally stopped. Work today would be long and tiring, especially considering the news that I would have to deliver to the rest of my employees. I was dreading it already and the day had just barely started. No amount of coffee or nicotine would be able to get me through the day.
I got up from the floor and slowly made my way to the bathroom to assess just how bad I looked after staying awake and crying most of the night. The sight of my reflection in the mirror wasn’t pretty. My eyes were still red and swollen from crying and my face was extremely pale. It was likely because I had been awake most of the night and hadn’t taken care of myself after finding out about Hajime’s death. Turning on the water, I bent over the sink, splashing cold water on my face to try and shock some of the color back into my complexion. After a few moments of splashing water in my face, I looked in the mirror again. The swelling around my eyes had gone down and my skin was back to its normal pale ivory color.
My normal Yves Saint Laurent suit was traded for a simple Chanel dress with a matching blazer and a pair of black Louboutin heels. I didn’t want to put much effort into my appearance today but, I still had to look presentable since I am the head of a fashion design company. My makeup was simple, with just a bit of foundation and concealer to even out my complexion, a quick swipe over my waterline with some eyeliner, mascara, and a nude lip gloss. This was vastly different from the makeup looks I would normally go for on a day-to-day basis.
Time seemed to move even slower today. The minutes were dragging on as I prepared for my walk to work. As I walked out of my bedroom, the doorbell rang and a small stack of what appeared to be papers slid underneath the door. Despite my feelings of despair, my curiosity was piqued. What were those papers? Some kind of letter addressed to me? More photographs from my stalker?
Going over to the front door, I picked up the stack of papers and immediately felt sick to my stomach. These were more photos, but they weren’t of me. The photos were of Hajime in his final moments of life. In each one, Hajime was gagged, bound, and completely naked. Did the sick creep who killed him go as far as raping him first? Tears threatened to spill over the more I looked at the sickening final moments of my best friend's life. The papers at the bottom of the stack caught my attention. What was it? Some kind of letter but written in the form of a poem?
I started reading it, “I did it for you. I did it for us. He was corrupting my sweet cherry blossom. A thorn in my side that needed to be plucked. Hair as dark as the night sky. Eyes crystalline like precious gems. You’re already mine. You just don’t know it yet.” The words echoed in my mind. Was this an admission of guilt to the crime of killing Hajime? Even reading this note made me feel sick to my stomach. I threw the note on the coffee table along with the pictures and rushed out the front door, making my way to the office. The walk felt like it had taken several hours when it had only been five minutes.
Walking into the building, I told the receptionist to call for an emergency staff meeting and went to the conference room. The conference room was large enough that everyone would fit inside of it. My employees filed into the room one by one, their expressions laced with concern and confusion. On a typical day, I would not call a staff meeting unless it was to discuss plans for a new clothing line. It was as if they knew that this time was different.
“Thank you all for coming. I have some news regarding a member of our team. My assistant, Hajime Nishiyama, passed away the other night. He will no longer be with us in person at the international exhibition. Please stop by my office with any questions that you may have. We have deadlines to meet so please get back to work.” I announced, trying to keep my emotions in check. Everyone knew how close Hajime and I were, so it came as a shock when I announced his death. My employees remained silent and simply nodded, filing out of the room one after the other.
The room was silent after everyone left. I was alone and in a matter of seconds, the tears that I had been holding back broke free. Sobs racked my body, causing me to tremble and my makeup to run down my face. Even though I spent most of last night crying over Hajime’s death, I still had more tears to shed. Crying was not something that I did very often but when I did, people knew that I was hurting.
My receptionist came back into the room, “Miss Nakamura, it’s alright if you need to go home for the day. We can always call you if something happens.” She said, trying to sound as sincere as possible. I nodded and grabbed a tissue from the box on the table. Wiping the now-ruined makeup from my face, I left the room. It was obvious that I was in no condition to work today. Making my way out of the building, I glanced over at Hajime’s empty desk, the void in my heart growing even more as I remembered that he wouldn’t be coming back.
Walking out the doors, I headed back towards my apartment complex. This was one perk of living in the city, there were several apartment complexes within walking distance of my office and each one had a penthouse suite that occupied the entire top floor. I was lucky enough to be able to afford the nicest one in the city. As I entered the apartment complex, I was greeted by the security guard. The elevator dinged and I stepped inside, hitting the button for the top floor.
Once I reached the top floor, I stepped out of the elevator only to be met with my front door wide open. I could have sworn that I had closed it on my way out. Did someone break into my penthouse? Was I robbed while I was out of my home? Did building maintenance stop by while I was gone and forget to close the door on the way out?
Slowly, I entered my penthouse, trying to keep my steps silent. Nothing had been stolen or even broken in the penthouse. Quietly, I walked through the hall, checking each room for missing or out-of-place items and a possible hidden intruder. My investigation came up empty and it became evident that I must have forgotten to close the front door when I left. This discovery allowed me to breathe a sigh of relief as I shut the front door and went to my bedroom to change out of my dress and into something more comfortable.
Stripping out of my work clothes, I put on my silk night dress and lay in bed. My eyes were glued to the ceiling as my thoughts drifted back to Hajime. I tried to remember all the good times we had together but my mind always drifted back to those grotesque pictures of his final moments. Just the thought of how Hajime was treated in those final moments made me sick to my stomach. Who would do such a thing? Wasn’t Hajime humiliated enough in his life? The questions continued to be unanswered as I drifted off into a restless sleep. I wanted to know what Hajime felt during those final moments of his life. Was he afraid? Did he beg for his life?
  I could only hope that Ryusei was finding some form of comfort after losing Hajime. His heart was shattered when he found out that Hajime was dead. The way he screamed and cried on my living room floor was heartbreaking. I wanted to comfort him at that time, but I just didn't know how to do it. Those two were soul mates and now Ryusei was alone. Most people were afraid of Ryusei because of his appearance but Hajime found him more attractive than intimidating. Even though Hajime was fully convinced that he didn't want children, there was a part of him that wanted to start a family with Ryusei even though that meant that they would have to adopt. Now, Hajime wouldn't get to fulfill that dream of being a parent.
 My time sleeping was spent tossing and turning. If anyone looked inside, they would see that I was restless all night. Dreams about Hajime and the things that could have been done to him during his final moments plagued my mind. I felt useless while I slept. If only I had just convinced Hajime to stay with me that night, maybe, just maybe, he would still be alive right now. I felt responsible for his death because I didn't try to convince him to spend the night with me instead of going home the night he was killed. I was in and out of sleep, waking up briefly every so often and then immediately going back to sleep every time I realized that I was dreaming. The guilt that I felt was so strong that I would be surprised if I didn't have a complete breakdown tomorrow morning. I didn't want to wake up tomorrow morning, but I knew that I would since I hadn't made any attempts on my own life. 
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years ago
The GOM + Light & Shadow Pair: A Foreign S/o headcanon
A/N: Usually I design my headcanons around one character and something I feel like they have going on, something about their character to be explored, etc. But now I'm making this one in a more 'traditional' sense.
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-How he would handle having a foreign girlfriend depends on wether she's from the US. Because if she does, then they have a whole lot of things to bond over.   If you're from the US: -If you're a basketball-fan, be prepared for NBA analysis' and Kagami fangirling over his favourite players. -If you're into different sports, he'll still talk to you about them and local teams. -I can see the two of you discussing your states, especially if you're from a different one.  If you're from Europe. -Kagami's American culture shock continues on when he learns basic differences like that Europeans call eggplants auburgines. I can really picture him struggling with pronouncing auburgine, tbh.  If you're a foreigner in general -He'll definitely try and learn your language and customs, but we're talking about Dummygami right here. Expect him to have offended one of your aunties at least once.
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-Best shoulder to cry onto whenever you're homesick. Period. -Has an adorable accent when tryong to speak in your language. Like, cheek-pinching levels of cute. -Once he's familiar enough with your culture and language, expect him to be your partner in crime when trolling the Japanese. -For examle: he's the one you can rely on when you want the entire school to say embarrassing things in your language with them thinking it means something totally different. -Definitely one of the KNB characters who'd save memes from your country in his phone and bombards you with the latest viral joke you haven't even been able to catch up on yet (I can see Takao and perhaps Kiyoshi doing it too).
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-As a model, he's probably most familiar with brands from your country. -If you know things about traditional clothing from your country and/or your local fashion history, he'd low-key be interested. -Wouldn't be against learning your language and customs, its just your country itself is way more intriguing to him. -He wants to know what the climate is like where you're from, your country's relationship with its neighboring countries (if it has any), what sights are worth to see and which are greatly exaggerated, etc. -Most interested in hacks from your country. What I mean by this is, for example, how people in cold climates will put jelly-based salves like Vaseline on their noses because it has this kind of windshield-effect. -Don't underestimate this guy's love for travel. He's first in line when you're going back home for a vacation to visit relatives and/or friends. He wants to see everything, and luckily he has the cutest guide in the world to show him everything, right?
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-You'll have won his heart for the rest of eternity if you give him a supply of candy and snacks from your country. If you have a relative who keeps sending you, he won't just be over the moon, no, his happiness is skyrocketing somewhere around Jupiter. -Cute sessions in which the two of you attempt to bake things from your country? Guaranteed. Be prepared for Murasakibara licking your cheek clean. -Whilst he's not making the biggest effort to learn your language and customs, he tries and your family just thinks he's adorable. Especially if you're from a country where the average height is bigger and Murasakibara isn't a giant to them in the way he is to the Japanese. Just imagine his surprise if he finds out your dad or an uncle is even taller then he is. -Before the two of you ever go on a couple's vacation to your country, I can imagine Murasakibara and you already having created a list of your favourite dining places back home. -When eating at those, Murasakibara listens to your nostalgic childhood stories with deep interest as he tries foreign dishes and to gather a nice view of where you grew up. -Regardless of wether you have talent or not, I can see him liking to hear you sing in your native language. The way he would lurk around when Akashi and Midorima would spend time in the music room just gives me this conviction he likes relaxing with the people close to him supplying him with music (as well as candy).
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-Like with Kagami, in the case of this dude it depends on where you're from. In Midorima's case, there would be a difference if you're from North-west Europe or not.    If you're from North-west Europe: -As I mentioned in my headcanon about Aomine's future, Midorima is other then Aomine, the only one stated to have a favourite actress of European descent (Elizabeth Taylor), there's also the various hints to Brittain like the fact he's going to play for the Boston team and Midorima definitely screams 'Old world' to me. Old World is the term for Europe, Asia and Africa and there's definitely a difference between the view of the Old World on certain things in general vs the New World, and Midorima is definitely a type that prefers the Old World's view if you ask me. Because of North-west Europe's importance including medically, he's actually the likeliest KNB character to move to North-west Europe after his NBA career with his sweetheart if you ask me. English, Dutch, German, Finnish and Scandinavian girls are lucky. -Even if he meets you in Japan, he's the date to marry type. So I can see the two of you planning how long you want to stay in the US for his career, and set up the general plan and necessary details for immigration to your country before you've even set a foot in Boston.       If you're a foreign girl in general. -He's very eager to learn your language and customs actually. I can even see him (if you're friendly enough), express interest in your language and ask you to teach him as a way to get closer to you. -Another one with an adorable accent over here, but Midorima's is slightly sillier. (and its HOT too, somehow...Damn his deep voice). -Always tries to be respectful towars your family and honors your customs when interacting with them to 100%. -You'll definitely have an auntie saying you choose a good man.
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-With this guy, like the aforementioned headcanon and Kagami, it depends with this guy.    If you're from the US. -Just like with Kagami, if you're into basketball, prepare for conversations about the NBA. But with Aomine, this will be from a foreigners perspective on the NBA asking for more information. So they'll be a little bit more informative based. -Just wants to know everything, considering he wants to live there and go to the NBA.                     If you're a foreigner in general -I'm sorry, but this guy is the least interested in learning your language and customs. I mean, we're talking about a guy who shows 0% effort at learning the language of the country he wants to immigrate too and instead practises on writing different forms of Japanes. Except for Murasakibara, the rest of the GOM are implied to have at least some English speaking skills and Murasakibara at least has a sidekick fluent in English. -Linguistically, Aomine doesn't cares for any other language then his own, so you're definitely going to be needed as his sidekick in the US to translate. -He'll learn things, eventually. -He'll never say it, but part of his reluctance to learn the language is because he's too busy drooling over how sexy you are for having more knowledge then him. (I low-key see him somewhat attracted to sexy nerds). -Some of your relatives might be questioning why you're dating him sometimes.
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-Has started studying your language as soon as he realized he had a crush on you (if he doesn't know your native tongue already). -Once you start dating, he'll actually convince his father to buy a vacation house in your country so he can go to your country whenever you go. If you start dating as adults however, he'll just buy the place together with you. -He's fascinated by you and your cultural differences. -The guy telling you that your accent is adorable. -He leaves you things like notes in your language when you start dating. He actually likes the idea he can communicate with you in a way that other people couldn't understand. Like it's a secret thing between you and him. -Another guy I see really into eating your self-baked goods from your country's cuisine. I see him having this weakness for a s/o that bakes or cooks for him considering that's what his momma used to do. So family recipes? Bring it! -Knows how to be a perfect gentleman by any culture's standards. No, scratch that, this guy is fucking prince charming by any culture's standards. And this one counts for all: Whoever makes fun of you for being a foreigner, is a dead man.
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years ago
dating sangwoo headcanons ༄
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content: gn reader, nsfw, unhealthy relationship, possible murder-suicide
yoonbum ver.
— unfaithful. at the beginning of your relationship, he didn’t think you guys would last; thus, cheating. as his feelings deepened, he stopped, only seducing people to kill. why would he need anyone else when he has you to fullfilll his needs?
— possessive. he’s like a dog, territorial. should anything or anyone disrupt your feelings for him, sangwoo is quick to dispose of that. you’re for him only. not above acting petty if people approach you with lustful intentions. this is one of the reasons he agrees to tie the knot. he’s seen too much of you to let you go
— protective. sangwoo can be very dismissive of you at times; partly because he’s an asshole and doesn’t consider other’s feelings. however, if anyone else makes hurtful remarks towards you, he’s onto their ass. no one but him, is allowed to cause you pain. also, he’s your man and it would reflect badly on him if douchebags insulted his weak partner.
— jealous. if he thinks you’re even staring at someone else he will say “whore” like damn you can’t even daydream because he thinks you’re fantasizing about the ugly ass cashier. he blames you too tf. in his warped mind, you belong to him. you should only have eyes for him. fights the urge to take you in front of them, to claim you publicly. basically, he can’t handle the thought of you being with someone else
— surprisingly accepting of your flaws. he’s not completely delusional; sangwoo knows you deal with a lot of shit from him, so he thinks it’s fair to accept you for who you are. even if you turn out to be a killer or something. obviously, he will use it against you but only if you threaten to leave. actually kinda glad since he doesn’t have to feel morally inferior. it’s a secret that only you two share; a bonding moment.
— high libido. wants to do it always and everywhere. he really can’t have enough of you; he’s young so he has the stamina and strength to keep fucking for a good while. is it his fault your cute little ass gives him a hard on?
— dominant. if he’s feeling particularly playful he might let you think you’re about to top and then bam! he will never be the bottom, so sorry. sangwoo loves to be in control.
— sadist. something about him and inflicting pain on others, especially you. don’t ask him why but it get him going. maybe it’s the erotic faces you make when he sets a brutal pace. he likes to see you like that and be the only one to do so.
— probably into s&m. it depends on his mood. sometimes he doesn’t feel like using chains and just wants it to be you two. having you at his mercy always does it. sangwoo also prioritizes his pleasure. once you’re married (perhaps before), he will make the effort to make you cum and please you, which is like the bare minimum but go off I guess.
— occasionally thoughtful. yes, sangwoo’s a fucking psycho, but not completely heartless. when he’s feeling particularly soft, he will take you out on dates. nothing too fancy, maybe like a coffee shop, a movie, shopping or to the carnival. he’ll take you on trips and act frisky; I say it’s the adrenaline of doing naughty stuff in public.
— won’t admit it, but he’s one of those couples that like to match. sangwoo wants people to see you’re together, it’s his way of marking territory and also because he refuses to be with someone who doesn’t dress well. he might choose your clothes depending on the occasion.
— if you have a uterus, children are a no go. trauma. hates the idea of sharing you with someone; a baby growing in your womb will definitely take away time from you. wouldn’t want to have sex with a pregnant person and won’t wait for 9months. sangwoo probably got a vasectomy to prevent this; or will want his partner to be sterile. also, he doesn’t like to use protection and has a breeding kink
— will absolutely charm your family. they will be wrapped around his finger. sangwoo is anything but stupid. if they’re important to you, he will find a way to get on their good side, which isn’t hard. he’s a good looking young man. your parents may even love him more than you.
— has very… old fashioned ideals. regardless of your gender, sangwoo will want you to take on the role of the ‘wife’ which means cooking, cleaning, and servicing him. sangwoo helps; he’s excellent at cleaning evidence away and he had to cook for himself prior to you. if you don’t know, he’ll teach you,, but mostly he’s the breadwinner and does the heavy lifting.
— attachment issues. doesn’t want you to leave him. ever. would go as far as involving you in his life of crime, making you his accomplice, to have you with him forever because he can’t ask for marriage like a regular person.
— separation anxiety. having you with him is a must. you’re the only person on earth who will see him vulnerable. he also panics internally when he thinks about death; he wants you to die together. like if he finds out either of you have a terminal illness, he might just take you for a ride, crash the car and end it all.
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x-infernhoes-x · 4 years ago
Dangerous Game- Dominic x Reader [SMUT]
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Dominic aka Hot Aswang Leader, Abswang, Zadddy Aswang x Reader
Warnings (?):  Smut, Blood, Biting, Implied Relationship, Implied Consent, Dominic being slightly possessive? M A R K I N G S, Oral (female receiving), THEY BE GOING AT IT NON-STOP
Genre: Good Ol’ Fashioned Forbidden Love (if there’s a genre like that LMAO)
Description: I wrote this at 3:40 am last night while listening to Dangerous Game from the Broadway Musical, Jeykll and Hyde and my brain immediately went, why not coconut? So have this little brain fart I just got when I’m supposed to be sleeping. Come get y’alls juice Dominic simps. Also, reader is AFAB but I’ll try my hand at a gender-neutral one if ever I get possessed by the spirits of determination, diligence and inspiration. Also included a Bridgerton reference there and maybe an Ang Darling Kong Aswang reference too kasi why the fuck not.
PS. I’ve managed to finish this up sometime around 2:45 am today and yes I did sleep last night/yesterday and no, I didn’t spend my whole weekend writing this fic. Maybe.
He knew this was all sorts of wrong from the start and yet here he was, standing within the bed chambers of the woman he burns for more than anything in this world and a strong and almost otherworldly desire that only could be satiated by being with her. Dominic knew that his kind and his lover’s kind would be at odds due to how their nature was as a creature of the night to prey on humans. Although despite this, he was feeling hopeful that his relationship with his beloved would last. As the Aswang Prince, he was well aware that was happening around the clans he ruled over and he also knew of the union of Elisa who happened to be one of his people and her now husband, Victor. He also knew about the bloodshed that had taken place during that time and how it led to the civil unrest and rebellion within the tribes of his kind that rages on up until this day.
The wind from the open window where he had come from seemed to rage on and about outside as if there was a storm brewing. There before him stood (y/n) clad in her sleepwear with her back facing him, dark eyes wide in disbelief and brows furrowed in uncertainty and the Aswang Prince could tell from the way she stood and presented herself that she was thinking about the same thing as him. Shrugging off his coat, he then took a step forward towards his beloved who seemed to be unmoving before him, strong arms wrapped around her shoulders, his sharp nails gently running down the tense woman’s arms, back before halting to a stop on her neck and stomach with a gentle yet vice-like grip, his face gently nuzzling against her warm skin, breathing in her scent like a drug.
I feel your fingers- Brushing my shoulder- Your tempting touch, As it tingles my spine- Watching your eyes As they invade my soul- Forbidden pleasures I'm afraid to make mine.
“D-Dominic, what are you doing…?” His lover would ask, trying her best to pull herself away from the prince, breath hitched in her throat, soft lips trapped in between her teeth. “Hindi natin tong pwedeng ipagpatuloy….delikado na.” Tilting her head towards him, Dominic responded to her, breath ghosting over her lips, “I know…Pero wala na akong pakilam kung mahuli pa tayong dalawa.” Before he would bestow his lover a searing and passionate kiss hotter than the flames of hell and the santelmo could ever conjure, his hands relinquishing their hold upon her throat as they made their way down past her shoulders, breasts and stomach only to disappear between the valley of her thighs where his fingers would make quick work of her folds, already dripping wet with her arousal, making his lover groan out in pleasure, his hips bucking against her backside.
At the touch of your hand- At the sound of your voice- At the moment your eyes meet mine- I am out of my mind- I am out of control- Full of feelings I can't define!
With Dominic’s left hand still relentlessly working upon his lover’s heat, he could feel (Y/N)’s hands attempt to push him away once more, her chest heaving and skin flushed a deep red, letting out a fragile keen of his name escape her lips before he took a step back once he felt her tug on his jeans, a hint for him to take off what was left of his clothing, the thick plume of desire that once clouded his mind seemed to dissipate when he felt his own arousal escape the confines of his now discarded garments as he let out a moan of his own once he saw (Y/N) drop her night dress to the ground, awakening something primal within him, eyes drinking in every single curve, dip and imperfections that his lover had. To him, (Y/N) was the most beautiful woman he had set his sights on regardless of what she would say and it was pretty ironic to say that an Aswang like him was starting to believe that God was real and that God was definitely a woman that took the form of his lover who was perfect in every way.
It's a sin with no name- Like a tiger to tame And my senses proclaim It's a dangerous game!
With their lips pressed together in a heated kiss that seemed to drive them both wild, the raven haired Prince of the night drew back with a low snarl, his teeth trapping her lips between his enough to draw blood as he pulled away with a smirk, the dark red liquid staining both of their lips as he spoke, voice raspy and deep, “I’ll make sure that you’ll only feel me and only me tonight and leave marks on your skin as a symbol of my love. Sa akin ka lang at ako sayo, naiintindihan mo ba?” his words seemed to send chills down the quivering woman’s spine as he dragged his sharp nails down against her soft flesh, his lips and occasionally his tongue and fangs would trail lower and lower, his face disappearing between her legs, eating her out like a starved beast, his nose brushing against the soft bundle of nerves, hands gripping her thighs and hips tightly with his unnatural strength, his nails dug into her flesh, which left miniscule bleeding marks where Dominic held her, his eyes boring into hers, drinking in the sounds (Y/N) made like fine wine.
It's a sin with no name- Like a tiger to tame And my senses proclaim It's a dangerous game! A darker dream That has no ending Something unreal That you want to be true.
They’ve done this a million of times but Dominic would never get tired of hearing his lover’s needy pleas for him whenever they made love like this, his fingers would tease her entrance relentlessly, watching her squirm and thrash upon her mattress with an almost sadistic delight. He loved how she would beg for him, how her body reacted to his fervent touches and how breathless she would get after he would kiss her. He loved every second of it and it was safe to say that Dominic was proud of himself to be able to make his beloved to become like this and all for his eyes only. After a few more flicks of his devilishly talented tongue, Dominic then pulled away a grin plastered on his face while his partner mewled rather pathetically, almost as if to ask him why he ceased his relentless teasing just as she was this close on reaching her much needed release and was surprised to feel two of his fingers enter her, curling and twisting inside of her clenching walls that made Dominic groan the same time his love had yelped and screamed his name out like a desperate prayer and all at once his fingers came out of her with a satisfying ‘pop’, admiring how her juices coated his fingers and glistened in the dim lighting of her room like ambrosia.
A strange romance Out of a mystery tale The frightened princess Doesn't know what to do!
Does she just run away? Does she risk it and stay? Either way, there's no way to win! All I know is, I'm lost And I'm counting the cost My emotions are in a spin! And though no one's to blame...
“Here, have a taste of yourself.” Dominic stated, pressing his fingers against (Y/N)’s lips, which of course the overstimulated woman took in with such eagerness, sucking on his digits like how she would suck on a lollipop, her gaze hazy and pupils blown, almost turning themselves as dark as the night and that was enough for Dominic to enter her without warning but had enough preparation for him, her moans silenced by the fingers that were still in her mouth, her tongue now swirling around them making him growl against the junction of her shoulder and neck, his fangs piercing the skin there as well before he pulled his fingers away from her mouth, replacing it with his own, not minding the slight metallic taste from the incisions he had left a few moments ago.
It's a crime and a shame! But it's true, all the same It's a dangerous game!
No one speaks- Not one word- All the words are in our eyes Silence speaks Loud and clear- All the words we want to hear! It was an all lips, tongue and teeth type of kiss that seemed to flare both of their senses up into overdrive and making the lovers both drunk and high off of the euphoria they were sharing. Both of their bodies rocking against each other, their hands grasping whatever their fingers could touch, grab and tug at. Dominic could feel (Y/N)’s nails run down from his shoulders and down to his back, edging him to go as fast as he could on her, his hair sticking haphazardly onto his now sweaty skin, hips furiously slamming into her with no breaks at all. Dominic was living for it and this action alone made him hoist (Y/N)’s leg up to rest upon his shoulder while the other one snuck behind her, reeling the woman in closer by her haunches, both of them moaning in delight. At that moment they both couldn’t care less about the sounds they made, the important thing was that they were both here together, regardless of what the consequences that would soon bestow upon them.
What happened next between them was all a blur save for the things they’ve done in one whole night. Dominic took (Y/N) to great heights with him making love to her continuously, he had her pressed against the wall with him taking her from behind, on the floor, on her dresser, on every possible surface and position he could think of down to the point where the two of them did it in front of the mirror where he would watch his length disappear within her and the way her breasts would bounce every single time he would thrust into her, his hand would grip on her throat and would tighten slightly, lips would ghost over her ear whispering a string of curses and words that would give Satan himself a run for his money and his lover would respond to every word he would say with a moan or a mantra of his name and it was a sign that she was close, coming for whatever time that night and he was nearing his climax too from the way he was holding her against him.
I am losing my mind- I am losing control- Full of feelings I can't define! It's a sin with no name Like a tiger to tame and though no one's to blame It's a crime and a shame And the angels proclaim It's a dangerous game!
“D-dom, I-I’m close!!” (Y/N) cried out with tears in her eyes the moment Dominic had thrown her upon her bed, her toes curling and hands balled up into fists, . “Then come with me, my love. I w-want to see you break.” The prince would respond as he pulled her into a tight embrace, still rocking against her like there was no tomorrow and soon enough, they both came together leaving (Y/N) mumbling out his name like a babbling child, her insides coated with his own juices as she shakily held into her, both trembling from the extreme ecstasy they both felt.
Once they both had come down from their respective highs, the Aswang Leader could only pull his face back from its previous position from (Y/N)’s shoulder, his touch soft and light as he brushed away some strands away from her face with a soft smile as the two basked in the afterglow of their passionate love making, the two would merely hold entwine each other’s hands as a silent promise to never let go of each other before Dominic pressed a sweet kiss upon it. “Mahal kita.” He spoke firmly, eyes full of love, warmth and vulnerability that only she was allowed to see as the female responded with a kiss and a soft smile before saying, “Mahal din kita, Dominic.”  And soon the two lovers fell asleep, with their bodies pressed up against each other.
It's a dangerous game! Such a dangerous game...
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robininthelabyrinth · 5 years ago
how do you think things would have went if lwj had confessed to wwx in the cave that they go stuck at
Yu Ziyuan was not going to start laughing, and neither was Jiang Fengmian, no matter how much he was clearly being tempted to.
She gave him a dirty look to remind him when it looked like he was weakening.
The Lan boy – they called him the Second Jade of Lan, and he certainly seemed very admirable – was being very earnest at the moment, after all, and it would undoubtedly ruin relations between their two sects if they were to laugh in his face.
And, yes, Yu Ziyuan will admit in the privacy of her own mind – she also finds this solemn little monologue absolutely adorable.
It was as if a pure white rabbit encountering its first springtime had abruptly taken human form and come to petition them for permission to frolic in the fields.
Wei Wuxian’s fields, to be specific.
Lan Wangji’s confession – it could really only be described that way – was a little oblique, but the facts of the matter were still fairly clear: he believed that he had taken advantage of Wei Wuxian during their time during the Xuanwu cave, at a time when the latter individual was not in sound mind, a matter that was causing him some great distress. He wished to make clear his faults and would accept any punishment they wished to bestow upon him, while at the same time seeking to make clear that his feelings were no less real because of the ungentlemanly way he had gone about expressing them.
Really, it was a well-fashioned apology in every way, shape, and form.
The only problem was that the “taking advantage” to which Lan Wangji referred was, apparently, a love confession and a single stolen kiss.
Not even fully on the lips, no less.
Wei Wuxian had apparently responded with, “Cool,” before promptly fainting from blood loss.
That sounded very much like the ridiculous head disciple Yu Ziyuan was familiar with.
The one who’d been talking their ears off about Lan Wangji for – she didn’t want to know how long.
Lan Wangji, of course, had taken it as a devastating rejection, but was soldiering on regardless.
He’d gotten to the part of the speech where he emphasized once again that he was willing to take responsibility –
“What if responsibility meant marrying the person you have dishonored?” Yu Ziyuan wondered aloud, and this time it was Jiang Fengmian’s turn to give her the dirty look.
Lan Wangji was now the color of a tomato, but again, very earnestly, indicated that he would be more than willing, but that he would never go against Wei Wuxian’s wishes, no matter what the situation.
“Don’t worry,” Jiang Fengmian said. “It –”
“Tell me he hasn’t gone –” Wei Wuxian burst through the door shouting, only the immediately change to “Oh, Lan Zhan! You’re still here! Good!” as if he thought that was in any way smooth.
Yu Ziyuan was not going to laugh.
“…yes, he’s still here,” Jiang Fengmian said dryly. “As I was saying, Lan Wangji, stealing a kiss and confessing your affections does not count as a transgression so severe that it requires marriage –”
“It totally does,” Wei Wuxian interrupted, his eyes suddenly very bright. “Sorry, Lan Zhan. It’s the rules. And we all know how the Lan sect feels about rules –”
“Wei Wuxian,” Yu Ziyuan said, making a sincere effort to sound stern. She folded her hands together in front of her. Willpower, Ziyuan, you can do this without breaking into giggles. “One man’s punishment cannot be another’s, whereas a marriage is a mutual pact. For a marriage to be a suitable punishment, it would be necessary for the crime to be committed by both parties, while here the only person who has done anything is Lan Wangji.”
Wei Wuxian had always been a bright boy; he understood her meaning immediately.
He immediately turned to Lan Wangji, grabbed his hands, and said, “Lan Zhan, I like you,” and then he kissed him right on the lips.
At least he had better aim than the Lan boy did.
Jiang Fengmian looked at Yu Ziyuan with an amused expression, which she returned – no matter how much they fought, they had been married for the better part of two decades – and they politely waited a few minutes for the blushing and staring into each other’s eyes and sweet whispering to subside.
“Lan Wangji,” Jiang Fengmian said after a while, “while I know that you are eager to return to your family, perhaps you should consider either staying a little longer –”
“Or going and returning with an elder of your family as soon as reasonably possible,” Yu Ziyuan said dryly. The Cloud Recesses had been burned, but the Lan sect was far from depleted. “Someone suitable to arrange a marriage.”
It might be wartime, yes, but certain matters should be arranged at once.
(Jiang Fengmian might need to put off that shopping trip he’d been planning, but that would be fine. They could send Jiang Yanli on her own, while he stayed behind…)
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impalementation · 4 years ago
spike, angel, buffy & romanticism: part 1
I said a long ways back that I thought the switch from Angel to Spike as Buffy’s primary love interest represented an interesting evolution in the show’s attitude towards—and interrogation of—romanticism, and I finally felt like expanding on what I meant by that. This is very long, very meandering, and not terribly academic or well-edited, but I hope there’s something of interest in it nonetheless. It is about 20,000 words in total, and will discuss, in more or less chronological order, the arc of the show’s attitude towards romanticism as it is embodied in Spike, Angel, Buffy and Buffy’s relationships with both of them. I was going to release it as one long post, but because it’s so long, I figured a series of posts might be more readable. Here’s the first one.
“When you kiss me I want to die”: Angel and the high school seasons
Both Spike and Angel are at once capital-R Romantic figures, and lower-case romantic interests, and in both cases that Romantic/romantic duality is what makes them such effective avatars for ideas around romanticism. In the case of Angel, the show is aware from the beginning that he is very much a Romantic idea of something. In “Welcome to the Hellmouth” Buffy describes him as “dark” and “gorgeous”, evoking the “tall, dark and handsome” cliche. He’s mysterious. He gives her a necklace and his coat, gestures out of high school romance fiction.* In “Out of Mind, Out of Sight” Giles lampshades the romance of him: “A vampire in love with a Slayer. It’s rather poetic, in a maudlin sort of way.” Initially, Angel is basically designed to be a teenage girl fantasy, and it’s no coincidence that his successors like Edward Cullen or Stefan Salvatore conform to similar tropes.
*(Think of how five seasons later, a vampire will give Dawn his letterman jacket in “All the Way”. It’s hard not to read as a deliberate echo of Angel’s gift in season one. Once again, a vampire makes romantic gestures towards a high school version of “Buffy”, and later turns on her. But more on this much later in the series.)
The difference between Angel and those other, more typical Supernatural Romance love interests however, is that the show ultimately attempts to subvert the romance of him. As part of its commentary on Gothic themes, season two makes Angel more Romantic than ever (the Claddagh, the tormented past), and makes the romance between him and Buffy central to the story in a way it wasn’t in season one. And then, of course, the season tears it all apart. The first time we learn what Angel did to Drusilla it’s horrifying, but still somehow abstract. Something that seems more like it’s meant to contribute to Angel’s dangerous, Byronic image. As in, something to make him more Romantic. And then suddenly it becomes real. Suddenly, it’s something that Angel could do to Buffy, or the people Buffy cares about. It turns out that his darkly romantic aura was not just an aura, but genuinely dark all along.
In turn, Angel’s devastating transformation is a metaphor for broader disillusionment about romantic ideas. It’s less to me about a “guy going bad after sex”, and more about what it means and feels like to have the scales fall from one’s eyes in that sort of situation. As Buffy copes with the fallout of Angel’s transformation, and later is forced to kill him, I see it as being about the tragedy of having to see the world in ways that are less simple, easy, or pretty as one gets older. As Buffy and Giles say in “Lie To Me”:
BUFFY: Nothing's ever simple anymore. I'm constantly trying to work it out. Who to love or hate. Who to trust. It's just, like, the more I know, the more confused I get. 
GILES: I believe that's called growing up. 
For more on this, I recommend this livejournal post on “Lie To Me”, which goes into great depth on the way season two frames stories as pretty lies that one needs to look beneath, and how Buffy’s romanticization of Angel symbolizes that.
The whole arc of the season is Buffy’s failure to see the danger presented by Angel. In this opening scene that danger is foreshadowed. More to the point for this essay, Angel goes on to lie to Buffy about having encountered Drusilla. He doesn’t want Buffy to know about the nature of Angelus – which means that his first inclination is to mask the danger he presents to Buffy. This is one episode after Halloween, where Buffy’s romantic fantasies about what Angel wants (a damsel) nearly get her killed. Nor is she completely over those fantasies, as she notes that the mystery woman talking to Angel had a pretty old-fashioned dress. So against the backdrop of Buffy’s fantasies about her dark and mysterious boyfriend we have the truth about what he is, which is quite horrifying.
Season three then takes this to another level, by not just pointing out the darkness of the romance of Angel, but in fact puncturing his romantic image. Instead of emphasizing his dangerousness, as season two did, season three emphasizes his adulthood. It emphasizes the way that Angel is someone Buffy sees in secret, or away from her friends. He’s not integrated with her teenage, high school life, and doesn’t fit with the peppy, high school movie aesthetic that characterizes a lot of season three. By doing this, the writing indicates that at this point in their lives, Buffy and Angel are ultimately incompatible and holding each other back. Regardless of however much they might care for each other, Angel can’t fully appreciate her teenage longings like dances, and college, and having a boyfriend. And Buffy can’t fully appreciate his adult need to find himself on his own terms. By the end of season three, Angel is less of a shadowy, tragic figure, and more just an adult man who needs to finally grow up a bit.
Season three also starts making jokes where the punchline is that Angel isn’t living up to the romantic aesthetic he embodied in seasons one and two. In “Helpless”, for example, he and Buffy have an exchange where he waxes sincerely about wanting to “keep [her heart] safe, to warm it with [his own]” and although Buffy says the sentiment is beautiful, a second later she deadpans: “Or taken literally, incredibly gross.” To which Angel replies, “I was just thinking that, too.” Or in “Graduation Day, Part 1”, Angel trips on a doorway instead of making a silent entrance and Buffy again deadpans: “Stealthy.” Angel’s romance slips at moments when Buffy herself is feeling weak, either because she has lost her Slayer powers, or she’s investigating the scene of her sister Slayer’s crime. Her Romantic Slayer half is betraying her, and her romantic girlish half is feeling insecure. This is echoed by the reminder that Angel is no longer a straightforward fantasy man--or a terrifying, larger-than-life villain--but a guy who is sometimes both verbally and physically inelegant. 
(Notice how one of the few times season two makes similar jokes about Angel it’s in “Lie to Me”, the very same episode that begins to peel off the layers of deceptions and unknowns about him. Angel slumps around Willow’s bedroom and jokes about “honing [his] brooding skills”, he insists that the vampire wannabes know nothing about vampires right before a guy walks by wearing his exact outfit, and Xander runs color commentary, saying “you’re not wrong” after each of Ford’s observations. In “Lie to Me” one of Angel’s hidden faces is his dangerousness, yes. But another hidden face is simply his human awkwardness.)
There’s an interesting Slayage piece by Elizabeth Gilliland that discusses the idea of Angel as a Gothic double for Buffy, specifically connecting him to the story of Jekyll and Hyde. It argues that Angel’s split identities represent Buffy’s fears that her human and Slayer halves are irreconcilable, and she cannot fully control either half. In season three, the fact that Buffy and Angel must continuously resist a loss of control with each other, and are treated as romantically incompatible, reflects this fear. 
In Season Three, replete with various factors in Buffy’s life that threaten to put her role as Slayer and girl into imbalance once more [...] Angel once again returns [...]. The season culminates in an attempted attack on Buffy’s classmates during graduation, which essentially forces her to “out” herself to her community and combine her roles as Slayer and daughter, classmate, and friend for the first time publicly (“Graduation Day: Part 2” 3.22). The worst has happened: her secret has been revealed, the entire school knows about both of her personas, and she has not only survived, but emerged with a stronger sense of self [...] Buffy has conquered her first Gothic fear, and proven to herself that she can not only exercise control over both dualities of her persona, but allow them to peacefully co-exist. Thus, Angel’s continuing struggle with Angelus can no longer act as her shadow, and he literally and metaphorically leaves her to continue the rest of her journey.
It’s an interpretation I mostly agree with, and see a lot of evidence for. But in keeping with the focus of this series, I think you could also read Angel as embodying a duality between the romantic and the unromantic. In this view, Buffy’s struggle between her human and her Slayer halves is not just a struggle between personas, but a struggle to see the world correctly. In season one, it’s not Angel that revives Buffy in “Prophecy Girl”, because Angel is a vampire trope just like the Master. He cannot help her, because he is exactly the kind of traditional romantic concept--like a candle-lit cavern, an ancient Nosferatu-looking vampire, or a Chosen Hero duty--that Buffy is trying to escape. In season two, loss of control is specifically associated with passion, romance, and romanticism. Buffy’s human half longs for the romantic, but her Slayer half, and Angel’s vampire half, prove that sometimes the romantic is something dangerous and violent. The fact that Buffy’s Slayer identity and Angel’s Angelus identity both end up being outed by the end of the season (especially to Joyce, a figure of Buffy’s human home life), echoes Buffy’s loss of innocence. Season three then continues this suspicion of passion. Buffy fears that like Faith, enjoying the violence and power and desire of being a Slayer, means that she will go down a dark path. She also fears that indulging in her sexual and romantic desire for Angel will unleash Angelus. To some extent, these fears are even borne out, given that her love for Angel results in her attempted murder of Faith, and near death at Angel’s hands. But to some extent they also aren’t, given that she, Faith and Angel all live. 
To me, what really gets resolved at the end of season three is not quite the issue of Buffy’s human and Slayer halves, given that Buffy will continue to struggle with that duality until the end of the show. Rather, what gets resolved is the need for binaries. Binaries are romantic things. When Giles gives his speech to Buffy at the end of “Lie To Me”, it is the language of binaries that he uses:
GILES: Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after. 
BUFFY: Liar.
In season three, Buffy thinks she must resist both Faith and Angel. She thinks she can only be either a human girl or a Slayer leader. Many plots in season three have to do with the danger of binaries, whether that’s the witch-hunting parents in “Gingerbread”, Willow dealing with her vampire self in “Doppelgangland”, the various alter-egos in “Beauty and the Beasts”, or Cordy choosing a Buffy-less world in “The Wish”. And no character in the Buffyverse embodies the concept of binaries so starkly as Angel does. Thus by the end of season three, Buffy collapses the binaries within herself by merging the human and Slayer parts of her life, as Gilliland observes, and taking on Faith’s traits. She acknowledges her shadow by kissing her tenderly on the forehead, and bids farewell to the illusions and binaries that Angel embodies. Buffy is leaving that part of her life behind, and starting a new chapter where she can no longer split either the world, or herself, into any one thing or another.
part 2: “Love isn’t brains, children”: Enter Spike as the id
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moonbeam-writing · 4 years ago
♡ Day Three: Stupid Cupid ♡
❥ Character: Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)
❥ Prompt: Enemies/Rivals to Lovers (+ a hint of Mutual Pining)!
❥ Quick Note: I don't even know how to explain how much fun I had writing this and I'm so excited for the other drabbles to be posted!!
❥ Warnings: None!
❥ Word Count: 2,012
— ♡ —
(Y/N) left out a long sigh as she sat on the balcony of the girl's hotel room. The Kyoto trip had been far more exhausting than she anticipated, though that was partially her fault. With Koro-Sensei as a teacher and Karma back from suspension, she should have known better.
(Y/N) and Karma grew up together, and despite being civil enough to each other, their personalities seemed to clash just enough for something of a rivalry to be formed. Neither of them even knew what they were fighting with the other about. It wasn't who was stronger or more violent, nor was it about who was smarter. They just seemed to need to be better than the other and that was that.
Rio Nakamura, on the other hand, was convinced that she knew the reason. According to her, their little competition was based on who could hide their feelings better. Rio and Koro-Sensei were so sure that the two had feelings for each other, though, obviously, neither of them wanted to admit it.
(Y/N)’s best friend and their teacher came up with a bunch of reasons as to why the two wouldn't admit things. Some of the most likely reasons they had come up with was that Karma just flat out wasn't the type who knew how to deal with his feelings, (Y/N) would be too anxious to make the first move and would rather die, the two were just intimidated by the possible change that it could bring.
As much as (Y/N) hated to admit it, they were right on some level. She liked him, but was horrified by the changes it could bring. The two had spent so long arguing with each other that she wasn't sure what they’d do otherwise. She didn't know where she’d be without Karma’s snarky remarks.
“Penny for your thoughts, sunshine?” A relatively fitting and oftenly used term for Karma Akabane: Speak of the Devil and he shall appear.
Suppressing an smile and instead, rolling her eyes, (Y/N) turned to Karma. The usual smug and teasing smirk he normally wore was plastered onto his lips and all she could do was look back out ahead of herself again before answering.
“Maybe if you were someone else.” She quietly chuckled to herself, moving her eyes to look at him again. “What are you doing here, anyway? Isn't Koro-Sensei still on the loose?”
“Probably.” The redhead shrugged, mirroring the girl beside him. He had to admit, the girls had a nice view.
Karma’s answer took (Y/N) by surprise. “What do you mean? Normally you’re first in line to go after him.” Her shock sounded in her voice and Karma couldn't keep his smirk from widening. “Also, what are you doing here? The room you would have needed to go into to get here is for the girls.”
“Aw, come on, (Y/N)!” Karma heaved a dramatic sigh. “Can’t I just come talk to my favorite girl?”
Though he posed the question like he were kidding, Karma was being completely honest. Despite how the two would often bicker like children, Karma really did feel somewhat close to the girl. After all, wouldn't it be rather difficult not to feel close to someone you've argued, bantered with, and competed against since you were little?
Granted, aside from the rival status that had been bestowed upon them, he recognized that his rivalry with (Y/N) was far different from his rivalry with Asano. He couldn't possibly convey how grateful he was for that. He wasn’t sure that he could cope if (Y/N) hated him.
This rivalry was much more positive and the two of them knew it. They were always secretly proud of whoever came out on top, outwardly giving a sarcastic comment or childish gesture. The two of them also always had the other’s back, despite not always outwardly showing it. That being said, (Y/N) has always blamed Karma for that, due to the fact that he could always seem to take care of himself.
“There’s no way I’m your favorite girl, Akabane. Your favorite girl to annoy? Sure. However, Okuda’s actually your favorite girl.” (Y/N) responded, keeping her tone witty and joking, however there was a slightly bitter edge to it.
(Y/N) would have loved to believe that she was Karma’s favorite girl like he had said, but she couldn’t bring herself to admit it. With Okuda’s brain power, specifically in regards to science, Karma could find quite the partner in crime inside of her after finding her wild side. After all, that was one of the things that Karma did best, at least in (Y/N)’s eyes. He was always so good at helping people let go. 
“Ha ha, I can understand where your mind is probably at, but you’re wrong.” Karma pointed out, turning himself to look at (Y/N) once again. “I barely know her. You, on the other hand, are someone I know. I’ve been bickering with you for years, (Y/N). If you didn’t amuse me in some way, we wouldn’t talk anymore, and I talk to you the most.”
Karma’s words left (Y/N) feeling conflicted. Was he being honest with her? He normally always was, but for some reason she just couldn't find herself believing it. What he said might have been true under normal circumstances, but (Y/N) couldn't see herself as someone who would fall under “normal circumstances”.
Despite her thoughts, (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh a little, though once again, it was more bitter than she anticipated. Regardless, the devilish boy beside her loved the sound.
“I’m sure. Just go back, Karma. Everyone’s probably going to come back soon, you wouldn’t want any of the questions that would follow if you were seen here with me.”
“Okay, and? Half the time they don't question my motives for things, and even then, I don't care.”
(Y/N) mentally swore to herself. She should have known that he would have a way to counter anything she said. Karma always did and it didn't sit right with her sometimes.
Despite how much she secretly adored the sadist, their rivalry absolutely wasn’t good in terms of how (Y/N) would occasionally see herself. To (Y/N), Karma would always be better than her, he would always be right. She had to admit that. It made her proud of him, sure, but it was also frustrating. She couldn’t help but get into her own head about it. (Y/N) always tried her best to get ahead of him, and though she’s supposedly had a few victories, (Y/N) knew that Karma was always going to be better than her. It was just an unspoken fact at this point.
“Right,” (Y/N) relented with a sigh. “Sorry.”
“You should be!” Karma answered as though he were stating the obvious. The girl beside him flinched slightly as though she had done something wrong.
Though Karma wasn't always the best with his own feelings, he could read others like a book. Even more so the girl he has always considered to be his best friend and one-and-only. Karma knew exactly what’s been going on in her head and it bums him out every time. So, with all of that said, the boy decided that tonight he’d put all of his thoughts about her out into the open. She seemed as though she needed to hear something nice about herself.
“You need to think more of yourself, (Y/N)!” Karma couldn't help but smile at the slight widening of (Y/N)’s eyes. Her reactions were some of his favorites.
“What?” (Y/N) almost immediately felt guilt pooling in her stomach. It were as though she were a little kid again and she was caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to and (Y/N) knew Karma noticed. He was too observant to miss it.
Karma’s smirk was as lively as ever. As nice as he wanted to be to the girl beside him, he couldn't help but tease her a little. If anything, he was sure it might cheer her up a little.
“You're so mean to yourself! You spend so much time worrying about whether or not you can actually compete against me, you've been destroying yourself.” He noticed (Y/N)’s grip on the rail in front of her tighten. “If you worry so much about something you’re already succeeding in, you’ll get wrinkles. The smile lines by your eyes are cute, but do you really want more?” He chuckled out, noticing the slight slack in her grip on the railing and the genuine, amused laugh that left her. It was small, but there.
“Getting kind words of caution from you? I never would have thought. To what do I owe the pleasure of those words, Akabane?”
Karma mentally celebrated his win in his head as amused and playful sarcasm laced itself in her words.
He gave a false hum as though he were in thought. “Do you really want to know?”
“You literally just dug yourself into a hole. You know I hate it when people hide things from me.” Karma just laughed as (Y/N) sat there with a pout. “Karma!” She whined. “Tell me!”
“You really wanna know?”
The two could feel the anticipation in the air. It sat heavily between them, but it wasn’t necessarily negative.
“Of course I do! You know I do.”
Once again, Karma found himself snickering at (Y/N). She could just be too cute at times.
“Okay. In that case...” In a very fitting fashion, Karma sat quietly for a moment, adding to (Y/N)’s suspense. “I love you. You’re my favorite rival, my best friend, and somewhere along the way I realized that I love you. You’re the best, (Y/N), and honestly better than me at most things unless it’s math or torture.” He threw a mildly flirty wink her way, taking in the way she averted her gaze away from him, the barely noticeable tint to her cheeks and ears. Karma knew he made the right move.
The two found themselves engulfed in silence again, still full of anticipation, though this time was different. It hinged entirely on (Y/N).
“Really?” Her voice was soft as she looked at Karma in surprise. He nodded at her with a shockingly soft smile. “I love you too.”
Karma grinned widely at her. “I'm not entirely sure on what to do next, I'm going to be completely honest with you.”
The pair laughed together and (Y/N) reached out to take his hand. It was all so new for her and it genuinely made her nervous, but she couldn't help it.
Using their connected hands, Karma pulled (Y/N) closer to him. Nothing big happened, just the two holding hands and being close together.
Until, they heard some noise, that is.
(Y/N) and Karma weren’t sure just how they hadn’t noticed before, probably from being so wrapped up in each other, but nearly right in their line of sight was Koro-Sensei, scribbling away in his little notebook.
The shock of their teacher seemingly coming out of nowhere faded quickly though, as Karma pulled out one of the specially made guns from the pocket of his pants and shot at Koro-Sensei. Unfortunately for the new couple, none of them hit, however it got him to stop writing about them, so they didn't exactly lose.
“You know, I always knew this day would come!” Koro-Sensei exclaimed in his usually theatrical way. “I knew it as soon as Karma was let off of his suspension.”
“Um, okay?”
“Ah, young love. Well, I’ll let you kids get back to it! Though, the girls are back, so good luck!” And just like that, their teacher blasted himself away from the situation at Mach 20.
“Okay, Karma.” (Y/N) sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. “We have two options. You can either help me sneak away, or we can face the music.”
“We'll just see what happens first.”
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years ago
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I love how this conversation is bringing out the homophobia in y'all's eyes😌
'Yall are scared Jimin will stop looking like a submissive gay man if he builds muscles'
So y'all think Jimin looks like a submissive gay man without his muscles????????
Isn't this the very thing I'm ranting over in these posts? That people think he looks gay and a sub/bottom and that he doesn't look like a real man because of the way he looks??
Isn't that why they are fixing him to look more masculine in these ads????
Y'all think him building muscles will change his sexual orientation if he is in deed gay and a sub???
There is nothing wrong with being gay or sub or bottom or whatever any gay queer person might be into. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! Omg!
Muscle building is not for men only.
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This is Namjoon's cousin. What about her makes her less feminine??????????????
Should she get longer nails? Bigger hoops? May be a Brazilian butt lift? Botox? Fillers? In order to look more traditionally feminine?
If she decides to stop working out or drink stuff to lose muscles so she can be seen as more feminine do y'all not think that would be ??? because she is feminine regardless?
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What about these women make them less feminine????? They build up too and they are women.
Jimin with or without muscles is still an androgynous man. Building muscles does not erase his androgynousity. That is Jimin.
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He is an androgynous MAN not woman. Looking skinny is not what makes him androgynous. Putting on make up and wearing feminine clothes is not what makes him androgynous.
We've been calling him androgynous from day one when he debuted and it's not because he didn't have muscles. He had them in abundance. so I find it weird that you will think we gay people are worried he is leaning into his masculinity- when the question we are asking is WHAT AT ALL IS MASCULINITY?
Didn't he ask the same questions when he asked his band mates, man man man- what the heck is man- when they said men shouldn't wear rings on their pinkie?
That was an iconic moment and I wish I could write a dissertation on it. Super iconic.
Is he a sex icon? Absolutely. Is he a queer icon? Yes. But he is not a gay God. No body is looking up to him to liberate them from no damn queer oppression- love how you trivialize and make fun of LGBTQ issues.
Really sista? You had to go there? And you say you are a Jikook supporter?? Interesting.
I think Tae put it best when he said Jimin may look cute and pretty on the outside but when he takes off his clothes that's when you see he's more masculine. I think for some of us, we've always seen Jimin as very masculine in his expressions and very experimental in his expressions of femininity. I've always seen him as grounded in his masculinity than feminity- although he does suffer from toxic masculinity every now.
I'm simply saying this may be one of those times. Emphasis on may be. I'm over it. Just took note of it.
When it comes to exercising, the members have said he used to be the one who trained the hardest in dance rehearsals. Didn't RM say he and Jin used to look up to him and learn from him because he is well disciplined?
He's always exercised. Y'all think him flipping through the air and defying gravity comes from a lack of exercise?????
This is the few times he's talked about exercising as a social male bonding activity with his members and even encouraged Hobi to join them. If you think he will look more masculine climbing rocks and building muscles then you are part of the problem I am trying to address here.
Do y'all not watch Bon Voyage and Run and Winter package? Do y'all not see him "be manly" and "lean into his masculinity" in those contents? Did he not say he wanted to go do yoga with the others but chose instead to go to the brewery with Yoonkook?
Out of curiosity, let me ask- which is the two options was the least masculine activity? I'm genuinely curious.
And no, I am not uncomfortable seeing him lean into his masculinity. I am uncomfortable watching him straddle the line of toxic masculinity and it's not limited to him. I think I have expressed similar sentiments with regards to JK and RM and Suga and the rest.
And no. It's not toxic that he is exercising or wants to exercise. I question that he wants to build muscles and look a certain way as a man especially if that way is the only way he and y'all think a man should look like.
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I don't know about you but this looks pretty masculine and feminine to me.
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As does this. He can look like the incredible hulk and I'll still see him as androgynous.
Now don't get me started on his upper lips and BigHit constantly concealing his upper lips with make up. Don't get me started on that! 😡
They are always erasing and tweaking something when it comes to Jimin! Always! I HATE IT HERE.
Jimin is not the first androgynous man in Kpop nor is he the only androgynous man in kpop. He doesn't have to be gay or queer to participate in social discourse.
And I understand that queer and gender issues may not be of importance to y'all cis straight folks but it is important nonetheless and BTS have dabbled in the discussions and voiced out their opinions on it. They are advocates for the youth and that includes gay queer folks.
How many times have they talked about same love? That their BT21 characters are genderless, that clothing shouldn't be restricted to specific genders? Jk have said he hates oppression and Jimin talks about self love and acceptance for all- you think gay people are not included?
They don't have to be gay to be gay representatives and "Gay Gods." Heard of Allies?
And when you say BTS are human not representatives- you kidding right???
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Have you seen BTS issue statements on Black lives matter, on Racism and Asian hate crimes etc?
Yes, they human beings.... who care about other human beings and their oppressions. Y'all praise these men for wearing unisex brands and genderless fashion and praise them for when they voice out on certain issues... except when it comes to gay issues? I see y'all's colors.
Also you ship Jikook but it pisses you off that we say Jimin is gay??? 👀
Jimin gay. Jungkook gay. Jikook gay. Does this annoy you? 👀
They are fucking eachother. Do you wanna block me? 👀
JK fucks Jimin. Jimin fucks JK. Are you dead yet? 👀 Do you wanna kill me? 👀
I don't see them as straight honestly. If I did and I thought they were facing straight issues I'd be talking about those too. I see them as gay dealing with gay issues that we all deal with and I talk about that.
Credit to the artist. I think that photo of Jimin from On MV is one of my favorites.
I might have to frame it and hang it on my wall.
Don't have any hard feelings against you but I thought I would address certain problematic statements you made.
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