#stealing other people’s tags
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babyspacebatclone · 2 years ago
Totes agree with loving how in-universe the harpy forms are regularly considered positives for both sisters - including as physically attractive to appropriate people.
It is explicitly a curse, something that has caused both of them so much pain.
But Lilith’s embracing of her inner self is key to her happiness.
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And for Eda, well, yes, this comic is basically just rehashing canon.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
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auction results done for @ouchpotatoex as a part of the 2024 @marveltrumpshate charity event: thank you so much for your generosity and donations !!!!
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bishy437 · 2 years ago
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I should have read this sooner--
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anemonet · 5 months ago
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Hey guys we should all read @kociamieta s story heart of the planet and form a fandom and be normal about it hear me out
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residentialhomeowner · 1 year ago
a lot of people are using nex as a queer talking point without even mentioning they were choctaw and 2S. without even mentioning that this - harassment, assault, murder, disappearances, lies/indifference/denial about the circumstances of our death - is typical of the violence we face. not once have i seen non-native people address that we, as natives, face this same treatment within queer communities. that queer institutions use our land while declining to offer native-inclusive and -sensitive care. we suffer at the hands of white lgbt+ people just as much as we do at the hands of people outside the community.
nex is not your NB pariah. nex was a 2S, NB, choctaw child. thousands of native people go missing and are killed and no one cares. many are two-spirit. many are LGBTQIA+. many are "queer" in ways only defined and recognised by our closed cultures, that you may never hear of and may never understand.
if you are going to flock to nex, you are not going to take them from us post-mortem. they were choctaw. they were native. their tribal affiliation has already been falsely reported on. if you are talking about nex, you will talk about how unwelcoming and dangerous your communities are for us, too. you will talk about how natives face this violence constantly, everywhere. you will not remove nex from the context of them being choctaw, ever - or you won't say their name at all.
even when we die, you don't care about us. i am telling you to care about us if you want us to stop dying.
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einsatzzz · 2 months ago
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Happy Holidays!!! ft. HibaKana, YuiHiyo, TsunaRumi and ReboApp 🥰🥰🥰 I wanted to draw something for the holidays and remembered that @butterrdream sent me a wonderful set of art bases a few weeks ago, talked a bit on which of our ships suit which base. Anyway, I thought it was perfect for this bc of the cold weather setting + Christmas being more of a "couples" season in JP 👀✨
Art Base Source: aniforceus (울산 애니포스)
I'll also use this post to thank everyone who supported me and interacted with any of my works this year. And yes, even if it's just once! A lot of stressful things happened to me this year, but I'm still thankful for the year because I got to meet a whole lot of wonderful people who share the similar brainrots for OCs as me, whether ur a friend, mutual, follower, anon or any other user at all. Of course, I'm also thankful for the friends that I also already have from previous years (thank you for still being friends with me ueueueue 😭😭💖✨)
Thank you for interacting/talking with me, for sharing your OCs with me and for being patient with me whenever I'm having irl struggles. I hope ya'll have a wonderful holiday season (or a wonderful next few days if you don't celebrate!) 🥳🥳🥳 Wishing everyone even more bountiful brainrots for each of our interests hehehe
#khr#khre#khr oc#khr ocs#oc#hibari kyoya#ninomiya kanako#yorimitsu yui#tenma hiyori#sawada tsunayoshi#ninomiya kurumi#khr reborn#khr apple#hibakana#yuihiyo#tsunarumi#reboapp#einart#i'll be running to do some stuff irl after posting this but i'll be back 🫡 BUT B4 THAT rambling in the tags!!!#in my brain the latter three pairings are having a winter xmas date in a park while hbkn is on winter training in the mountains or smth hah#the vibes for no. 1 really fit them *chef kiss* not as touchy as the others but u can still feel the 😳😳😳 (well for me at least hahahaha)#no. 2 base is perfect for yuihiyo bc theyre the height difference couple for me (i think their diff is just slightly higher than reboapp's!#no. 3 base is perfect for tsunarumi bc its the most fluffy 😳😳😳 and these two have idealistic-leaning povs in romance#no. 4 is perfect for reboapp bc as butter told me reborn loves stealing food (i so agree lmaooo tsuna can testify)#---reborn why would u do that when apple can just spoonfeed it to u if u just asked hahahaha he's in it for the thrill ig 🤣🤣🤣#i know the drawings are all fuwafuwa but my brain can't help but meme this#“m/? couple? m/m couple? another m/? couple? m/f couple? i see no difference; love is love 😁👍✨”#my ?/f couple rep is rumi/deko (<-dont want it to appear in their tag since the ship isnt exactly depicted here....in another set perhaps👀)#now i just need an f/f couple rep for my brain to go brrrrrr about but i just need to wait for it to go pop up out of nowhere#(ok this is buried in the tags now---im too shy to tag people in the post but i hope you all know who you are that im most thankful too 😊)
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ganondoodle · 11 months ago
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so, instead of working on what i actually wanted to work on ... i did some rough mock up and UI stuff for the pixel game i dream of making
(some sprites are done and copied over, like the basic player character- most are super rough -throw some color in vageuly the shape you need -)
my dream idea (probably impossible espeiclaly for a noob gamedev like me lol) is like a mix of minecraft and stardew with a bit of botw and ww, but set in my OCs world- with a heavy focus on customization and environment/exploration more than making money or something (you might collect celestial silver bits- which are toxic to demons and thus better collected by you in an effort to heal their world and you get rewards for turning it in?)
the Hud? UI? you see here is well .. health and energy in the upper left corner plus some controls which are also in the upper right corner, the idea is to mimic windwakers style of button mapping- meaning that you can put any item on any button you want (only inventory is locked bc it contains all the options)- that extends to the jump, interact and sit actions too, theyd be in your inventory like an item you get from the start, so if you never wanna sit down, put sth else there, dont want to interact with anything and just run around? sure do, never jump? no problem
in the lower right corner is the info thingy, with the big wheel being time of day, the second the health of the environment (the main mechanic in restricting you- if you cut down trees or introduce plants from other, later unlockable, areas it will go down, if you reach critical level too many times Eadrya (blue rough sprite there) will show up whereever you are and kill you (bc the whole idea is that you are a demon hunter who wanted to leave the organization but was hunted down by them for it- so you are rescued by Shargon and put into one of the bubbles around travel gates meant to protect humans from the otherwise toxic-to-humans atmosphere in the demon world, but since you are a hunter, and they cant be sure you can be trusted, you are tasked with helping their world recover from the damage your former allies caused- so if you do more damage than heal it and you do it on purpose they will see it as proof you have not actually left the hunters, which means if Eadrya is the one watching the area you will be eaten/smashed/etc- if its someone else thrown back into the human realm)
below that is the temperature- and on the side is the current and coming weather
(edit: as sidenote, i always got a color filter layer ready for grayscale to check if everythings still readable without color- its an effort to make it more accessible for people with color vision impairment, but i dont think i can test for every single one? theres alot of levels of color blindness right? >o<)
,,,,,,,, this got long too huh
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hookedwayfinder · 9 days ago
Fandom Etiquette
Some unspoken rules of fandom communities on Tumblr (aka fandom etiquette) for people new to Tumblr.
If you post AI on your blog, prepare to be blocked by a TON of people. Why? AI shits on artists. The majority of people on Tumblr respect artists. If you share AI art on your blog, a lot of people are going to block you, which is probably not what you want. So don't post AI! (Same goes for reblogging AI shit).
Do not steal art from artists. Reposting art is usually frowned upon and if you wish to do this without people getting mad at you, credit the artist by name and link. For example, "This is drawn by Bob on Instagram - link to instagram here" If the artist if already on Tumblr, just reblog their work, don't repost it!
Do not redraw art from fanartists without their permission first! And if you do get permission, credit the original artist in your post, if not, people will think you are a thief and you will once again get blocked by fandom regulars. (redrawing official art from the fandom you're in is usually ok and a great way to learn. Learn to differentiate official art from fanart.)
Pinterest is the den of thieves. Great for finding a ton of lovely artworks with no way to get back to the original artist. Do not follow their example. That's not what anyone wants Tumblr to be. If you've got 50 fanarts saved on your pc and wish to share them with tumblr while you don't know the original artists? Then don't. That's the answer. Don't share art if you don't know who the artist is. Or learn to reverse image search.
Tagging is a way to communicate with the fandom about what you post on your blog without it afterwards showing up in reblogs. You can tag with character names, fandom names, ship names, and also personal tags such as "my fic" or "my art" - so that people checking your post can verify that it's made by you and not just stolen from someone else. Use tags to clarify if art or fic is yours when you post it.
Posting fanfic recommendations is usually a good way to make friends and earn yourself respect if you're not very creative yourself. Drawing fanarts or making edits for said fanfics will earn you god-status. Answering asks or posting meta or headcanons are other things you can do if you're not very creative otherwise.
Be careful sharing gifs and edits that you did not make yourself, even in-between your essays. Once again, it is technically theft, though I think most people view it as a lighter form of theft than art-theft. Crediting is still usually appreciated. Sadly a lot of photoshoppers accept this type of theft as part of the deal.
No matter which rule you broke in the past, you can always learn to do better. When in doubt, ask around in the fandom what you should do with a specific thing you want to post. Making a mistake does not get you kicked out of the fandom necessarily, so don't sweat it, just do better.
Even if you try to be a perfect fan, you will at some point break a little fandom etiquette here and there. You might reblog an AI art by accident... Share an image that was edited without you realizing it... Use someone else's gif without credit... It's ok. We all make mistakes. As long as you respect the fandom in 99% of your posts, nobody's going to cancel you for that.
This is by no means a conclusive list.
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lemony-snickers · 7 days ago
thanks for the tag @akamikazae <3
idk who has or hasn't been tagged at this point so i will just say: TAG YOU'RE ALL IT (do it if you wanna <3)!
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yujeong · 6 months ago
Okk. I don't want to compare or anything but I don't get the people who's getting mad on Korn Tonkla scenes saying they had more screen time? Or shit. I mean tbh, I am understanding the plot of the series better because of the two of them because they are somehow related to all of the events. And Tonkla's situation is...... he somehow senses the other timeline which I think is an important role. And also, Korn! Like what you've said he knows Dome is dead, and at the same time he's with his brother who ’saved’ Dome. Both of the characters are pivotal in the series.
Also, I think that they are more talked about because a Bas and Fuaiz couple was not expected in the series, and at the same time their plot line is really good as well as the build up of their characters. And I've seen more & more people are falling in love with Fuaiz & Bas (as an actor) in this series.
But somehow, I get them because the main couple is GreatTyme but why does it feel like they are becoming more of a side couple. Also saw people saying that their ’plot line’ or how they were introduced to eo /wasn't it./
Thank you for giving me the incentive to speak about this issue, anon. I'm going to do it now because the new episode will come out in a few hours and hopefully I won't have to do this ever again - which I honestly doubt but anyway. Since I haven't seen this type of discourse pop up on Tumblr (thank GOD), I'd like to inform everyone that over on Twitter, there have been massive complaints about Tonkla, aka Fuaiz, getting more screentime than the main characters, aka JesBible, to the point of people tagging BOC in posts and demanding they give them more scenes with TymeGreat - as if BOC can just pull footage they haven't filmed out of their ass or something. It got so bad that Sammon herself saw them and AGREED with these people, further explaining how it was important for some plot elements to be explored now, in order for the rest of the series to make sense. Now, with all due respect to her position as a screenwriter: she's factually wrong here. Someone on Twitter actually sat down and counted the minutes each character is on screen and came out with these results:
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It's not in English, but I believe the results are clear: Tonkla doesn't even come close to Great's screentime. He's a little closer to Tyme's, but the main character is Great, so he's the one we should be looking at. Also, in case it hasn't been fucking obvious, Tonkla is an essential character in 4 Minutes, which is why we're getting many scenes with him. The reason I mentioned the actors is pretty self-explanatory - people are mad their favourite actors are shown a specific amount of time, giving space to other plot lines and characters, instead of being there for the whole episode, as if the point of 4 Minutes is the romance between Tyme and Great and nothing else. Meanwhile, Bible himself was laughing and clapping and enjoying the flashback scene between Korn and Tonkla when they had their first time, because Bible wanted to be part of a good production, which he is and he recognizes it. But no, God forbid we get more context over KornTonkla, which is one of the most important relationships in the show, which guides Tonkla's actions, which moves the fucking PLOT of the SHOW. I could give the benefit of the doubt to people being upset Tonkla was shown for not even half of episode 4, but I won't, and the reason for that is because I'm sick and fucking tired of people getting their panties in a twist because a character who loves getting fucked is actually getting fucked in almost every episode. Good for him honestly, even if it's making him worse. (I've already ranted about this whole thing here, I'm not going to repeat myself) I don't know how your social media feeds are like anon, but mine are flooded with BibleJes + GreatTyme content and I rarely see anything about KornTonkla or Bas and Fuaiz or anything of the sort, so I can't agree with you that they're more talked about than the main actors/characters. (That's not the case on Tumblr though: I have a very varied feed + my lovely anon asks which give me the chance to talk about my boys and I'm thankful for that.) And I'm sorry, anon, but I'm going to have to disagree with you in the end: Great and Tyme do NOT feel like the side couple at all. They are and they feel very much like the main couple and they've had multiple scenes together in every single episode so far (at the hospital, in Great's garage, at the park, at the university, at the arcade, inside Great's car, at the rooftop of the hospital, at the warehouse, inside the tent etc). We've gotten plenty of fucking content for them AND also BOC has made sure to give Bible and Jes the chance to do a million interviews together + magazine photoshoots, with only half of the show being done, so fans have zero fucking reason to complain about anything. That's all. Rant over.
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absolutely zero regrets for bringing back that one photo XD y'all's tag game is strongggg
@ #1 the healing power of reece's tits!! that's adorable, i'd love to hear more <3
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pilonciillo · 2 months ago
lol didn’t think someone giving money would give me anxiety
#to the judge that’s gonna see this case next year and the lawyer that is representing it assuming the state idk how this all works#why has the person to say the least get to go a whole year without consequence? a known criminal who after stealing from me and being#released and again getting arrest now for gang violence or some shit she was let go? she maybe associated to the group that killed that boy#last year. and here i am panicking because im afraid to carry cash. im paranoid that imma go outside and my car will be missing. i’m get#panic attacks when i drive to close to that gym and tired going back but physically cannot get out of my car and i start to cry in the#parking lot. i’m not sitting at work shaking forcing myself not to cry because someone handed me cash and i’m afraid someone is going to#steal my purse again. you think that’s not a big deal and honestly i didn’t think it was until my purse was gone. my cards stolen and used.#my key missing EVERYTHING in my purse GONE. so many things in there plus the purse i had money and all that is stuff i paid for now im out#all that cash i’m out 500$ for a key replacement i stopped feeling safe leaving my house all my non replaceable things gone and everyone#spoke to me like it was my fault and had to stand their crying while adults told me not to use a gym locker ??? but in the same breath telli#telling me this isn’t the first time she’s done this she has a warrant for her arrest she’s known to steal cars i’m the problem and there’s#nothing they can do to help me. so while i cry because all the money i had lost and never got back i had to do ALL the work to call my bank#track where my cards were being spent at call the jpay line she transferred money to look up the person she cashapped money to call the#business she was actively spending money at ask the manger if she is currently there and if they could give the police all the receipts and#video of her there for them to act like the hero’s for my brother and i tracking her down while you all belittled me#FUCK YOU AND FUCK HER i can’t be fucking normal about STUPID mundane shit i’m stuck here shaking and crying and what you tell me later it’s#not a big deal? give me all the content of your car and wallet or purse or backpack take nothing out and see what you’re left with and how m#much you need to spend to drive your car again and to tow your car home let a stranger have all your cards and address and tell me you feel#safe#OH and for the gym to tell me they know about her she used to be an employee there she doesn’t have a membership so they don’t know how she#got in and they can’t help but she did steal from another girl that night and an employee last month and who knows how many more ppl like#that’s convenient you pos sounds like she has friends that still work at the gym and open the back door for her or just let her in that’s#crazy no ? and this is all alleged because when if i lost all these things i can’t speak on what did or didn’t happen that’s some crazy bull#shit anyways the towing company felt bad for me maybe because i hadn’t stopped crying they gave me the key replacement number and told me to#mention he referred me so i could get a discount and the layman felt back for me because when i called him i started to cry and when he told#me the price i cried harder so 500$ was the cheapest but pretty much my whole check#key man*#bad** LET ME FIX TAGS#allegedly all these ppl are privileged kids from a privileged background that grew up in a sheltered community and thing there’s no#consequences to their actions because of the lack of accountability from their parents who willing pay for people to look the other way
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duckingwriting · 2 months ago
9 Sentences, 9 People
I was tagged by @aquadestinyswriting right here and @mrbexwrites here,
This is from a "short" story I'm working on where I shamelessly stole a character from @sharkielord to use for torment well meaning fun.
No pressure tagging: @oh-no-another-idea, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @rachaellawrites, @winterandwords, @willtheweaver, and leaving an open tag
A/B/O dynamics. My lines bellow the cut.
He had moved into Oliver's neighbors as one of their foster children. He had lived with them for a little over a year. Through Oliver's presentation as an alpha. The two had planned to be together when Harper presented. If Oliver claimed him Harper then he wouldn't be in the system any more.
They could stay together.
But Harper never showed up.
Weeks passed without seeing his wolf.
Later Oliver would learn that his foster parents had given him up.
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fourfoldfires · 4 months ago
a crucial part of my wol florian's backstory & impetus for becoming an adventurer in the first place has always been his elder brother roselin's death. roselin (a scholasticate dropout, back-alley healer and apothecary's assistant) was arrested by the temple knights and witchdropped without trial after his shady mentor had been found to be dealing in heretical goods; florian's rage at the injustice of the system that lead to these events & guilt over not having been there to protect roselin are fundamental core aspects of his character. it's one of those fixed events in the timeline that i can barely imagine who he'd be without.
that said: sometimes i still like imagining fix-it AU sillytimes where roselin Survived Somehow & took up the adventuring life himself as a freelance healer. also he's smooching alchemist guildmaster severian.
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quatregats · 3 months ago
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I love going on the TTTE Wiki, you learn something new every day <3
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months ago
So how would Ganondorf fit into the whole hdw/imprisoning war thing? Like how does he act and stuff
Well, given that me throwing Power into @skyward-floored’s HDW AU is literally just for fun (also Peggy’s fault, she started it LOL, I’m saying this lightheartedly and lovingly XD), I’d preface that it doesn’t really matter.
I imagine Peggy is just utilizing Ganondorf as he is in canon for her AU, as the focus is on Link, Impa, and Volga, not our favorite pig dude, i.e. Mr. Foaming-at-the-Mouth-Evil-because-He’s-Eeeeeevil. In Golden Mercy, however, he gets a redemption arc, bred from crushing guilt and regret. So I suppose the happy medium if we’re talking our silly mixture of the two is that he’s more akin to Wind Waker Ganondorf: somber, remorseful, but still 100% willing to kill children to get what he wants.
But I imagine he’d do anything to hold Power and protect him. So make of that what you will. But in the end, it doesn’t really matter as this is just a silly mix of AUs ;)
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