#roselin belanger
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Roselin Belanger - Scholasticate drop-out, back-alley healer, and alchemist. Formerly of Ishgard, by way of Gridania, though the climate of Ul'dah seems to agree with him more. Will heal anyone free of charge, no questions asked; while his colleagues think him a soft-hearted idealist, it's a cross he's willing to bear.
#[also he is maybe wanted in ishgard on counts of suspected heresy but we don't talk about that]#ffxiv gpose#ffxiv screens#elezen#duskwight#roselin belanger#in the little AU i have where he doesn't get arrested and witchdropped after his shady mentor fled ishgard#florian's tragically dead big brother can have a little Not Tragically Dead for once. as a treat#vayne's oc yapping#vayne's screens tag
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Regering bespreekt grondconversie; verwacht voor 2024 SRD 400.000.000 aan inkomsten

Tijdens de laatst gehouden regeringsvergadering hebben de verschillende ministers en de president beslissingen genomen die naar zeggen van de regering 'belangrijk zijn voor de ontwikkelingsrichting van ons land.' De regeringsfunctionarissen hebben zich gebogen over verschillende vraagstukken, waarbij er ook presentaties hebben plaatsgevonden. Een van deze onderwerpen die zijn besproken is de grondconversie en het verloop daarvan. Elke week worden grondconversieaanvragen behandeld en goedgekeurd. Deze week zijn 109 aanvragen goedgekeurd, wat tot nu toe meer dan SRD 10.000.000 aan inkomsten oplevert. In 2024 wordt SRD 400.000.000 aan inkomsten verwacht, die teruggaat naar de samenleving in de vorm van sociale programma's. Burgers met een toegewezen grondhuur- of erfpachtperceel tot 2500 vierkante meter kunnen deze converteren naar eigendom voor SRD 25,- per vierkante meter, in plaats van het vroegere bedrag van 20 euro per vierkante meter. Dit initiatief is bedoeld om de samenleving tegemoet te komen door betaalbare grondconversie mogelijk te maken, waardoor men meer zekerheid krijgt op de grond zonder verlenging van grondtitels of betaling van grondhuur- en erfpachttarieven. Verhoogde grondhuur- en erfpachttarieven van kracht Sinds 1 januari 2024 zijn de verhoogde grondhuur- en erfpachttarieven van kracht. De regering heeft vorig jaar deze tarieven goedgekeurd, waarna de afdeling Grondregistratie de waarden voor verschillende districten heeft berekend. In de eerstvolgende regeringsvergadering zullen de ministers van GBB en Financiën en Planning een presentatie geven over de inningsprocedure van deze tarieven. De inkomsten worden onder andere weer gestopt in sociale programma’s en andere investeringen om het land verder te ontwikkelen. Financiële ondersteuning voor AZP De gezondheidszorg is een van de beleidsgebieden waar de regering hard aan zal werken om zaken op orde te krijgen. Vorige week werd tijdens de regeringsvergadering een presentatie gegeven waarin onder andere het belang van het behoud van topklinische zorg in Suriname werd benadrukt, met speciale aandacht voor hartchirurgie en kinderhartchirurgie. De regering benadrukt de prioriteit van gezondheidszorg en heeft besloten USD 2,5 miljoen beschikbaar te stellen voor het ministerie van Volksgezondheid. Dit bedrag is bestemd voor het Academisch Ziekenhuis Paramaribo (AZP) ter ondersteuning van cardiochirurgie, interventies, echocardio-apparatuur en kinderhartchirurgie en interventies. Presentatie Nationaal Museum Het ministerie van Onderwijs, Wetenschap en Cultuur (OWC) is actief betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van een Nationaal Museum. In de recente regeringsvergadering heeft de museumcommissie, onder leiding van Roseline Daan, een uitgebreide presentatie gegeven. Zij behandelde verschillende belangrijke aspecten, waaronder de definitieve locatiekeuze voor het museum, namelijk gebouw 1790. Nederland heeft zich in 2019 bereid getoond om kunstwerken en items, die tijdens de koloniale periode zijn meegenomen, terug te geven. Dit vraagstuk staat hoog op de agenda, en een Nederlandse delegatie zal in april 2024 afreizen naar Suriname om dit onderwerp te bespreken. Deze ontwikkeling markeert een belangrijke stap in de samenwerking en het streven naar culturele rechtvaardigheid tussen beide landen. Voorbereiding verkiezingen in volle gang Met betrekking tot de aankomende verkiezingen is er een presentatie gegeven over de stand van zaken en voorstellen voor efficiëntie, veiligheid, transparantie en voorlichting. Directeur van Binnenlandse Zaken, Mohamad Eskak, presenteerde verschillende modellen van aangepaste stembiljetten volgens de nieuwe kiesregeling. De regering zet zich in voor een goed georganiseerde verkiezing. Read the full article
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a crucial part of my wol florian's backstory & impetus for becoming an adventurer in the first place has always been his elder brother roselin's death. roselin (a scholasticate dropout, back-alley healer and apothecary's assistant) was arrested by the temple knights and witchdropped without trial after his shady mentor had been found to be dealing in heretical goods; florian's rage at the injustice of the system that lead to these events & guilt over not having been there to protect roselin are fundamental core aspects of his character. it's one of those fixed events in the timeline that i can barely imagine who he'd be without.
that said: sometimes i still like imagining fix-it AU sillytimes where roselin Survived Somehow & took up the adventuring life himself as a freelance healer. also he's smooching alchemist guildmaster severian.
#ok by smooching i mostly mean having a years-long slow-burn situationship & enabling each other's terrible grief coping mechanisms#& roselin accidentally winding up as alchemists' guild 2IC mostly by way of possessing a modicum of actual social skills#(& also not being above drugging the guildmaster's tea to ensure he actually gets a few hours' sleep every now and again)#(roselin is uhhh. at heart he just wants to Help People but well he's a very “the ends justify the means” sort of guy.)#(also florian is almost certainly dead in this au and it made rosie Worse but we are not talking about that right now <3)#vayne's art tag#vayne's oc yapping#roselin belanger#severian lyctor#oh god do i need a ship tag for these bastards now#severose#florian belanger#<-not pictured but stealing the show anyway as usual
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Entre la nuit La nuit et l'aurore Entre le royaume Des vivants et des morts
If this is heaven I need something more Just a place to be alone 'Cause you're my home
#self indulgent au ship bs let's fucking GOOOOOOOO#ffxiv gpose#severian lyctor#roselin belanger#elezen#duskwight#severose#proper face reveal for roselin eventually but for now you get uhhhh. ul'dah inn room kabedon while arcade fire plays softly in the distance#today i am posting content that caters solely to my interests and tomorrow? more of the same brother#vayne's edits#vayne oc yapping#sort of
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9, 10, 14 and 25 for Florian and Roselin both ;-)
the brothers!!! ;A; lmao the irony of you giving me these two when they're both dead in each other's verses. thanks satan <3! (affectionate.) (oc questions from here! answering for main WoL!verse Florian & adventurer!AU Roselin.)
9) How does your OC handle their physical health? Do they take care of themselves?
Florian: For a long time Florian viewed himself and consequently his body as a Weapon and not much more; something to keep honed and sharp and ready for combat, not to take care of for its own sake. He's reckless when it comes to risking injury because at some base level he kind of believes he's indestructible (and has not been proven wrong yet). He's gotten better about these things since late ShB, but that base assumption of "I can brute force my way through anything with sheer force of will" has yet to be challenged.
Roselin: He's a bit less durable than Florian (asthmatic, generally rubbish immune system, emphatically Not a Fighter) and not as able to push himself to the limits while neglecting his own wellbeing; nonetheless he is doing his damnedest to do so. (Yes, he's a healer. Yes, he knows better.)
10) How does your OC handle their mental health? Do they take care of themselves?
Florian: [gestures vaguely at DRK quests] hahaha oh man. Not really. Things have kind of worked out for him anyway via a combination of Therapy Sword Time & soul-merging with Ardbert. (Life hack: finding and joining with the missing piece of your soul who's a whole other guy whom you've grown to love like a brother. Self-loathing gets a lot harder after that.)
Roselin: Poster boy for good ol' Ishgardian emotional repression. "I'll keep all my emotions right here [slaps chest] and then one day I'll die"-ass bitch. Preferred coping strat is to go all in on taking care of the people around him so he doesn't have to think about being Not Okay (this works for him, up to a point).
14) Who's a character your OC cannot stand! It's on sight when they see them!
Florian: As far as characters who are still alive go, he wouldn't piss on Gaius van Baelsar if the man were on fire. The only thing that stopped Florian throwing hands last time they met was the fact that the literal apocalypse was happening at the time. Bigger priorities. You know how it is.
Roselin: In his adventurer!verse, Roselin's most recent and enduring beef is with the entire Conjurers' Guild of Gridania (having been expelled from said guild for healing anybody who came to him even after elementals said no). He's since set up shop in Ul'dah, dealing mainly in alchemy; Guildmaster Severian has no intention of letting him go.
25) Are they the kind of person who can't resist a good song? Can I catch your OC singing to themselves while they do the dishes?
Florian: Despite never having taken up archery or the musical arts in any serious capacity, Florian takes after their bard dad a lot. He's got near-perfect auditory memory and can replicate almost any tune after hearing it once; he often hums to himself or taps out a rhythm while doing menial tasks, and has a lovely deep singing voice.
Roselin: Can't carry a tune in a bucket. Got dad's charm but (unlike his two siblings) absolutely none of the musical ability. (it's okay Rosie we love you anyway)
#thank youuuu <333 !!!#vayne's oc yapping#ask games#florian belanger#roselin belanger#shadowbringers spoilers#just in case#wild shrieks.txt
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