#start your journey to a healthier you today!
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aroundmeblog · 10 months
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1. Get your heart pumping with our cardio training program! Designed to improve heart health, our program includes a variety of exercises that will get your blood flowing and your heart rate up. 💝💝✴️🎋 / 2. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, our program can be tailored to meet your needs and fitness level. 💞💞 \ 3. With regular cardio training, you can reduce your risk of heart disease, lower your blood pressure, and improve your overall health and well-being. ⭐💫 / 4. So why wait? Start your journey to a healthier heart today with our cardio training program!✨✨
@aroundmedir Visit - https://www.aroundme.co.in/
1. Get your heart pumping with our cardio training program! Designed to improve heart health, our program includes a variety of exercises that will get your blood flowing and your heart rate up. 💝💝✴️🎋 / 2. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, our program can be tailored to meet your needs and fitness level. 💞💞 \ 3. With regular cardio training, you can reduce your risk of heart disease, lower your blood pressure, and improve your overall health and well-being. ⭐💫 / 4. So why wait? Start your journey to a healthier heart today with our cardio training program!✨✨
@aroundmedir Visit - https://www.aroundme.co.in/
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vivaciousofficiall · 7 months
Wellness Series : If you want to get prettier, get HEALTHIER.
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Holistic health is an approach to health and wellness that addresses the mind, body & soul. One of its core beliefs is that physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being all contribute to the overall health of an individual.
Therefore, it seeks to improve the WHOLE system rather than just the physical aspect.
Over the past year, I observed that as my health improved, so did my looks. I noticed I began to have a youthful glow, lost weight, toned up & achieved an overall vibrant look.
It's a beautiful journey & I am still learning everyday.
Whether you're new to this space or not, here are two holistic approaches to wellness to get healthy & sexy at the same time. Enjoy x
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This is a beginner friendly approach to living a healthier life. One struggle most people face is adjusting to the taste and texture of greens. Juicing is a great way to get your nutrients in without all the hassle.
Slowly is the fastest way- You can start 2-3 times a week & go from there. This gives your body grace to adjust to the extra fibre.
Do your research: Books, podcasts, blogs, Interviews can all be accessed easily. Learn recipes that fit your particular needs.
Be consistent & patient: Don't just try it for a week and give up. It takes time and effort.(compound effect)
Releasing Stuck Emotions In The Body.
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This is another powerful way to get healthier (prettier).
When we experience trauma as children & we are unable to process our emotions, we tend to internalise it and think there must be something wrong with us. As this continues, we begin to store negative emotions within our body.
Stuck emotions can manifest in numerous ways like : poor posture, low self esteem, anxiety, depression, poor self concept and even health conditions. As you begin releasing stuck emotions you start to look younger, vibrant, healthier and glowy.
Ways to release emotions in the body
Daily Movement
Therapy/ Coaching
Inner child healing
Cord cutting rituals
Forgiveness of self and others.
Tips for beginners: Do not try to make huge changes all at once but rather small changes everyday.
Share this with your wellness bestie today !
xoxo, Vivacious
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earthnashes · 1 year
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We interrupt this artposting program to bring you the super rare progress photos of ya homey. :)
Generally I don’t like posting photos of myself, partly cuz I just don’t wanna (not the best selfie taker, what can I say) and partly cuz this blog is almost entirely my artstuff, but since I do wanna talk about my weightlifting journey sometimes I figured I’d make an exception every now and then. ;w;
More detail under the cut, but for the TL;DRs:
Fitness goal anniversary celebration. 2 years + some change in the making. Initial goals: fatloss, strengthbuilding, repair relationship with food
RED TOP PHOTOS: 220-ish lbs, 33-36% BMI, 2021
PINK AND BACK PHOTOS: 175lbs, 27-28% BMI, 2023
Current notes: Overall healthier and happier in my own body. Food relationship vastly improved. Noticeably stronger, higher energy, and much better asthma management
This one is to essentially celebrate the progress I’ve made thus far! A little late, but last month was my fitness journey’s anniversary. It’s been roughly 2 years since I started being physically active, and 1 year + some months since I’ve  consistently weight-trained.
That first pair of photos was me I thiiiiiink like 2 months into the start of all this, back in 2021? I weighed roughly 220-ish lbs at the time, BMI roughly 33-35% and I only note this because fatloss was very much a part of my overarching goals. I won’t lie, some of it was because of aesthetics, but a lot of it was because I felt like shit. As someone who was very sporty as a kid up til college, the change was very noticeable. I was ALWAYS tired no matter how much I slept. I had constant back pain and headaches. My biggest tipoff was the fact that my asthma management got worse. All that plus other factors is what really kicked my butt into gear into this journey.
The 2nd and 3rd sets of photos are from this year (2nd set was today, 3rd set was like 2 weeks ago), nearly 50lbs lighter and at a rough BMI of 27-28%. And I can’t lie I feel fuckin’ good. I can do pullups (couldn’t even do 1 back in the day). Pushups are fucking easy now. I can bench my own bodyweight. I can deadlift almost twice that. I don’t wheeze when I walk up the stairs, I take regular walks, I sleep better, my energy levels are far higher, my moods are overall far better, I have no backpain anymore... MY AFRO GREW AND I GOTS A TATTOO! :D
This is probably the strongest and healthiest I’ve ever been and that’s saying something in my eyes, all things considering. And it was fuckin’ hard for a variety of reasons I won’t talk your ears off about. Sometimes still is, but I feel more prepared and even eager at times to deal with the obstacles.
But yeah! Apologies for breaking from the arts and headcanons, I just wanted to be a lil proud of myself for a sec. :) Whatever journey ya’ll are on I hope you find it in yourself to be proud of the progress you’ve made as well, even with all the ups and downs! :>
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hangmanbradshaw · 2 months
Rare personal post, under the cut (trigger warning re: death and grief and complicated family dynamics and a lot of sentimentality haha)
Today would’ve been my dad’s 60th bday. It’s only two years fresh so I never know what feelings to expect, but I was looking through old pics because of my cousin and smiling, and that’s good? He struggled with addition, and caused more scars than I’ll ever be able to talk about no matter how much therapy and EMDR I do, but as complicated as our family was, I love and miss him. There were so many good rays of moments in it, especially when I was younger. My teenage years were hell. The end wasn’t good. It’s all true. I never thought I’d be in my 20s being next of kin- making decisions about life support and planning funerals and burials and giving eulogies and writing obituaries and taking care of my grandparents, but I think I’ve found my peace with it. It hurts, but it’s bearable.
I keep thinking about the eulogy I wrote and gave, what I believe in my heart about loss after losing my best friend, my dad, other friends. They really stick with us? In so many ways we don’t always see. It’s not about moving on, truly it’s about just finding space for the rest of life too. Widening your heart to it. I watch Star Wars and I think of Andrew. I talk to his mom and we laugh. I get excited for football or hiking or going on an adventure and that’s my dad. All these pictures of him younger, healthier, playing football and bringing us to games, teaching my brother and me how to play, taking us white water rafting and horseback riding and hiking and camping over and over. Pictures of him doing it himself when he was younger. And it’s just like. I’m his daughter. He lives on in my life because I see those things in my life, and for that, I’m so grateful. I look at my life and that lyric is so true- There wouldn’t be this if there hadn’t been you.
My writing journey started about a year after he passed as art therapy. I realized I loved it. I met all of you, wrote IWTBY, wrote my novel now. I took myself to the Super Bowl and watched the team he taught me to love win. I took myself to a movie premiere, to Europe, to all these things he never got to do. To national parks he did visit. To parks he took us to. My brother and I are going to Austin this fall and staying out on a ranch like we did as kids. I live in a peaceful little apartment with a job that helps people and wonderful friends and all that pain and hurt led to it. Anyways, just a long, ridiculously sentimental rant to say I’m grateful for this little community. For my little life. It’s simple, and it’s mine, and I am forever thankful for it. For all of you and the love you show me, whether it be for my stories which truly have changed my life, or in general. I wrote that one shot last night, and immediately was blown away by the love y’all give it and me. If my little stories have made you smile, or feel something, it’s all I can hope for. I hope everyone who sees this finds their own peace, no matter how impossible it seems, truly. Keep your head up, keep finding the beauty and joy in the little things. In the sun shining and laughter with a friend and movies that make you inspired. With love, Steph 💙
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damsel-to-daddy · 3 months
Your most recent set of photos are peak. Manly, sexy, and leaning into it in all the best ways. Anyone seeing you out in public would definitely think to themselves "Damn that guy is balding" and you know you love that. Keep it up so they never have to wonder again.
Love how you are getting some gains too. How does it feel? Do you like it, and where are you feeling the gains the most? Bigger is better in my book so just keep on building up that butch image you can't deny yourself from anymore.
Thank you for the encouragement. It’s definitely needed, especially when progress seems to occasionally stall or plateau. You’re right though, I do love that. And I also didn’t know until it finally happened recently is that I rather enjoy when someone makes a joke or sly comment about me balding, which is probably the opposite of their intended effect.
The gains, however unimpressive they may be, are very noticeable to me, and others have also started noticing within the last 2-3weeks. I noticed a month into my (as of now) three month fitness/supplement/nutrition journey that my arms and face had filled out more, and of course my body hair and beard has been noticeably increasing almost daily for me. I had to gain 20ish lbs to actually elicit responses from people that they noticed I looked “healthier” or more filled out. My pants are tighter for sure, and I predict new additions to my wardrobe are unavoidable in the near future.
Took this pic today… you can see how thick my face & neck have gotten recently.
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 8 months
Hi girls!! Today, we are gonna list some reasons why you may have goals in your life that may seem impossible… Remember that these are only SOME reasons, there could be more personal variables to your struggles as well!!
The key to achieving your goals is repetition. You need to program your brain in a way that the path to your goals becomes routine, something natural. For example, if your goal is to workout more, working out for 20 minutes each day is much better than working once a week for an hour. Keep at it and results will come!
You know yourself and your body… Don’t force yourself to do something impossible, that will only lead to a self-destructive pattern that will result in you feeling worst in yourself. Give yourself time to acclimate to your changing lifestyle. Let’s say my goal is to study more; I’m not gonna challenge myself to study 4 hours each day… A reasonable challenge would be to study an hour 4 days a week.
I’ve seen a lot of my friends attempt the 75 hard and fail and let it ruin their days. I find that ridiculous, I know discipline is important, but discipline is not all there is in life. Challenging yourself should be fun, it shouldn’t be a task you despise doing. If you fail at your goal, that’s okay!! Simply try again.
This 4th reason is especially prominent when it comes to setting goals to “workout more”. A lot of times, we workout more to see desired results on our bodies. Although desiring a certain body is totally fine, the point of getting healthier shouldn’t be to look a certain way, it’s to feel stronger. Having a healthy body, but a rotting mind is just as bad as being “happy”, but dying due to poor health conditions. Do your affirmations, remind yourself that you are loved in all bodies.
Nowadays, I see a lot of teens start their health journeys because of social media and when they fail, they wonder why. A start to self-healing needs to stem from YOUR needs and desires. You need to have some sort of fuel to succeed. Whether that be an insecurity or a need to be better, other people are simply not motivation enough in my opinion.
so much love,
a girl unfiltered 💋
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creativemind1987 · 24 days
How Crochet Can Mend the Mind: Crafting Your Way to Joy and Healing
In a world where mental health awareness is gaining ground, crochet emerges as a serene escape with profound therapeutic benefits, especially for women over 30. This age-old craft is more than just a hobby; it's a form of meditation, a creative expression, and a soothing companion that helps many navigate challenging times. In this post, we explore how crochet's rhythmic, repetitive motions can alleviate depression and foster an optimistic view of the world.
The Therapeutic Power of Crochet
Crochet offers a unique combination of calmness and accomplishment that can be particularly therapeutic for those with depression. As you loop and stitch, each movement helps focus the mind away from negative thought patterns and towards a state of mindfulness. The act of creating something from a simple strand of yarn provides a tangible sense of progress and control, which are often lacking in those experiencing depression.
Creating Connections
Beyond the stitches, crochet creates social bonds. Many crocheters join clubs or online communities, such as YourCrochet.com, where they share experiences and patterns. This sense of community can be vital for someone struggling with isolation, providing support and a sense of belonging.
A Dose of Dopamine
Every stitch you make contributes to an overall project, and completing a crochet piece can substantially boost dopamine, the 'feel-good' neurotransmitter. This natural mood enhancer is crucial for combating depression and can lead to a more joyful, optimistic outlook on life. The pride in creating something beautiful can be a powerful antidote to feelings of worthlessness and sadness.
Learning to Crochet
For those new to the craft or looking to improve their skills, YourCrochet.com offers a comprehensive guide perfect for beginners. With easy-to-follow tutorials and a wealth of patterns, it's an excellent resource for anyone looking to start their crochet journey.
Mindfulness and Crochet
Crochet requires a level of focus that brings the mind into the present moment, much like meditation. This mindfulness can decrease stress and anxiety, providing a mental break from the concerns of daily life. Over time, these moments of calm can significantly alter one's cognitive landscape, offering a more peaceful and positive outlook.
Crochet is more than just a hobby—it's a lifeline for many who find in its loops and patterns a way to ease the mind, heal the heart, and look at the world with renewed optimism. Whether battling depression or simply looking for a stress-relieving activity, crochet might be your soul's soothing balm.
Call to Action
Ready to start your crochet journey and experience the joy and therapeutic benefits yourself? Visit YourCrochet.com today to find all the resources you need to get started. Embrace the yarn, embrace the joy—because every stitch is a step towards a happier, healthier you.
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awesomehealth · 5 months
Unlocking the Power of Mindful Eating
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, often leading us to neglect one of the most fundamental aspects of our well-being: our relationship with food. In a culture that glorifies quick fixes and instant gratification, it's no wonder that many of us struggle with issues such as overeating, emotional eating, and poor dietary choices.
But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle and cultivate a healthier, more mindful approach to eating? Enter mindful eating – a practice rooted in ancient wisdom that has gained popularity in recent years for its ability to transform the way we relate to food and nourish our bodies.
So, what exactly is mindful eating? At its core, mindful eating is about bringing awareness and attention to the present moment while eating, tuning into the sensations of hunger and fullness, and savoring each bite with all of our senses. It's about slowing down, being fully present, and cultivating a deeper connection to the food we eat and the experience of eating itself.
But mindful eating goes beyond just the act of chewing and swallowing – it's also about exploring the emotional and psychological aspects of our relationship with food. It encourages us to examine our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about food, uncovering the underlying patterns and triggers that may be driving our eating behaviors.
One of the key principles of mindful eating is non-judgmental awareness – approaching our eating experiences with curiosity, compassion, and acceptance, rather than guilt, shame, or criticism. By cultivating this attitude of self-compassion and kindness, we can begin to break free from the cycle of guilt and restriction that often accompanies dieting and instead embrace a more balanced and intuitive approach to eating.
So, how can you incorporate mindful eating into your daily life? Here are a few simple practices to get you started:
1. Pause before you eat: Before diving into your meal, take a moment to pause and check in with yourself. Notice your hunger and fullness levels, as well as any emotions or sensations that may be present.
2. Eat slowly and mindfully: Instead of rushing through your meal, take your time to savor each bite, paying attention to the flavors, textures, and aromas of the food. Chew slowly and thoroughly, and put your fork down between bites to give yourself time to fully experience the food.
3. Practice gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude for the food on your plate and the nourishment it provides. Cultivating a sense of gratitude can help foster a deeper appreciation for the abundance and richness of life.
4. Listen to your body: Tune into your body's signals of hunger and fullness, and honor them without judgment or resistance. Trust your body's wisdom to guide you in making choices that support your health and well-being.
5. Cultivate self-compassion: Be gentle and kind with yourself as you navigate your journey with food and eating. Remember that mindful eating is not about perfection, but rather about progress and growth.
By incorporating mindful eating practices into your daily life, you can cultivate a healthier, more balanced relationship with food and nourish your body, mind, and spirit from the inside out. So why not give it a try and see how it can transform your eating experience and enhance your overall well-being?
Remember, every bite is an opportunity to nourish yourself and cultivate a deeper sense of connection and awareness. Here's to savoring each moment and embracing the power of mindful eating!
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unsoundedcomic · 9 months
Some curiosity about Duane personality ; you mentioned in some QA that it would be much healthier if he managed to let go of his past, but even if he managed to change enough to accept he won't ever be Rector Duane Adelier again, is he the kind of guy that could just give up on the ones he love ? Obviously he can't ever be with them, but completely abandoning his familly sound like against what he is at his core. And would it even be healthy ? Your kids are your kids, even if you can't see them. Sorry if it's a spoilery question ! Just discovered the comics and devoured it in like 5 days, absolutly loving it (thanks for your work btw !) so questions are burning my brain.
Well, Duane did abandon his family, didn't he? Before the Frummagems wrested him from his copy shop in Sharteshane he was six years alone, with the Adeliers well in his wake. Of course he wasn't happy with it and he hadn't made any kind of peace with the fact, but he had abandoned them. He lived with the assumption that Mikaila was dead, Leysa hated him, Simon had forgotten him, and Lemuel? Well, Lemuel had never really needed his wretched older brother, had he?
But now, today, all of that has been turned on its head. Mikaila is NOT dead, Lemuel DOES seem to be in some terrible turmoil. Duane knows (or thinks he knows) that the Silver is threatening Alderode. Everything is serving to call out Duane's selfishness; the knot he tied himself into and stuffed deep inside his old bones.
So at the end of last chapter he told Sette he was going back to Alderode, and invited Quigley to come. Doesn't sound like he'll be abandoning anyone anymore.
But... is this the right thing to do? From a certain perspective it looks like a fat dangled carrot, and he's sinking his teeth into it. From the very start of this journey, the fates have been trying to pull him back west, first towards Cresce and now towards... frigging Alderode. But they don't even have to pull now! He's volunteering to go!
To do what though? What can he do for Mikaila and Lemuel? He can't even keep his legs or head on, or his eyeballs in his head. He's saddled with a needy little street rat who doesn't know what in the hell she wants. And every time he indulges in his past, it seems to get someone hurt. He was not his best self in the shrine.
Duane's on a journey. He's come a long way. But it wouldn't be much of a trip if he winds up back where he started. I don't think this will end with his wife and children in his arms and Lemuel's hand clasped in his. It cannot. But maybe it will end at a different sort of peace for all of them, and Duane able to shelter his wandering soul in a different sort of home.
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akvaryumtrs · 5 months
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Exploring the Effects of Drinking: A Journey through HowDrinking.com
HowDrinking.com is your ultimate destination for unraveling the intricate relationship between alcohol consumption and its impacts on mental health. Delving into topics ranging from casual drinking to its profound effects on anxiety and life outcomes, this platform offers insightful resources and firsthand accounts to guide individuals through their personal journeys with alcohol.
Understanding "How Drinking" Works
At How drinking, we recognize that alcohol consumption is a multifaceted issue, influencing various aspects of individuals' lives. Through informative articles and personal narratives, we shed light on the complexities of drinking culture, its psychological implications, and its repercussions on overall well-being.
Exploring the Link Between Drinking and Anxiety
One of the critical areas of focus on HowDrinking.com is understanding how drinking habits intersect with mental health, How drinking affects anxiety. Through expert analyses and real-life stories, we delve deep into the intricate relationship between alcohol consumption and anxiety disorders. From exploring the short-term relief alcohol may provide to unraveling its long-term exacerbation of anxiety symptoms, we provide invaluable insights to help individuals navigate this complex terrain.
Personal Testimonies: How Drinking Impacted Lives
At HowDrinking.com, we believe in the power of personal narratives. Our platform features compelling stories from individuals who have experienced firsthand the profound impact of drinking on their lives. From heart-wrenching tales of how alcohol consumption led to detrimental life outcomes to inspiring accounts of recovery and resilience, these stories offer hope, empathy, and invaluable lessons for those grappling with similar challenges.
Join Our Community
Whether you're seeking to understand the nuances of drinking culture, grappling with anxiety, or reflecting on the role of alcohol in your life, HowDrinking.com welcomes you with open arms. Join our community of individuals on similar journeys, engage with informative content, and embark on a path towards self-discovery, understanding, and growth.
How drinking ruined my life - We're empowering individuals to make informed choices, cultivate healthier relationships with alcohol, and prioritize their mental and emotional well-being. Start your journey with us today!
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swabian-princess · 1 year
Domestic engineer tales - cooking 101
Hey girlies, todays topic is cooking. I know many girls that are scared to start their cooking journey and I know girls that simply don't want to cook.
Well, I believe that being able to cook and to alter recipes to your liking are so so important! It saves money in the long run, is healthier than take out and men are impressed!
I remember one instance: my bf and I were together for around 1,5 years at that time and I surprised him with a simple meal - chickenbreast with mushroom-cream-sauce on Tagliatelle. Everything but the Tagliatelle was made from scratch. He was so impressed - he literally told me a few months later, that he fell even more in love with me on that day.
I had professional cooking lessons for the majority of my schooltime and I like to believe that I'm a good cook! That's why I thought it would be nice to have some tips and tricks for you all!
1. If you want a meal to taste more like garlic do this: don't add the garlic in the beginning, instead just right before your meal is finished cooking. That adds way more garlic flavour!
2. Never overstir your pancake or cookie dough batter! It makes the finished products dense and a little bit stale - everything we don't like! Stir your batter just long enough, you shouldn't be able to see big patches of flour (a little is fine) and that's usually the perfect mixture!
3. Always let your dough rest! Especially yeast dough but also pasta and dumpling dough. This makes the dough more tender and easier to work with. If your recipe states a specific rest time - always follow the instructions!
4. If you want to make hot lemon water for health benefits make sure that your water is not boiling. If it's to hot for too long it will destroy all the nutrients and vitamins in the lemon!
5. If you're working with yeast - make sure that your liquids aren't too hot! This will kill the yeast (doesn't matter if instant or not) and your dough won't rise!
6. Don't use normal olive oil for cooking. Olive oil easily burns at a still low temperature and this can lead to a bitter taste. It's better for cold salad dressings or as a seasoning!
7. Your stove has different settings on purpose! You don't need to blast the highest setting all the time - this often leads to food that's burned on the outside and raw in the middle. I'm gonna take pancakes as an example: put your stove on middle heat, put a little bit oil in your non stick pan and wait 3-5min for your pan to heat up. Once your pan is hot enough (test it with your hands above the pan), take some kitchen towels and take off all the excess oil in the pan. Lastly, pour in your pancake batter and watch how your pancakes will cook to perfection instead of being burned and still full of liquid on the inside!
Lots of love
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readersmagnet · 5 days
After receiving messages from psychics encouraging them to write, David Tuttle joined an online book-writing class. They soon discovered their guides wanted more and began writing Soul Licensed: Tips and Tales, sharing personal experiences with spirits, energy, and psychic mediumship readings. This book offers valuable insights for creating a healthier, more peaceful life.
Discover profound wisdom from the spirit world. Soul Licensed: Tips and Tales offers real-life experiences with psychics and spiritual guides to help you find peace, balance, and a deeper connection to your inner self. Visit https://www.soullicensedtipsandtales.com/ and get your copy today and start your transformative journey!
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investmentassistant · 2 months
Small steps for major changes
Change can often seem like a monumental task, especially when our aspirations involve significant improvements in our personal or professional lives. However, big changes are usually the result of many small, manageable steps. In this article, we explore several straightforward strategies that can help anyone initiate meaningful changes through simple, everyday actions.
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Set clear, attainable goals
The journey to big changes starts with setting precise, achievable goals. General desires like «become healthier» or «increase happiness» are too vague and hard to measure. Instead, frame these goals in actionable terms that offer clear direction. For instance, if you aim to improve health, a specific goal could be «to walk 10,000 steps daily» or «to meditate for 15 minutes each day.» Such specificity provides a concrete path to follow, making the overall goal less daunting and more attainable.
Break your goals into smaller, manageable tasks
Large goals can be overwhelming and may lead to procrastination. To combat this, break down your major goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This approach not only simplifies what you need to do but also allows for frequent assessment of progress. Each small success fuels motivation, building momentum towards the larger objective. Example: If your goal is to save a certain amount of money, start by saving a small amount each day or week. This breaks the larger goal into achievable daily actions and makes the task less intimidating.
Establish and stick to a routine
Consistency is the backbone of successful change. Embed your small tasks into a daily routine. This could mean integrating a morning workout into your day, setting aside time after dinner for reading, or dedicating an hour over the weekend to review personal finances. When actions become part of a routine, they evolve into habits, reducing the mental effort needed to get them done.
Reflect regularly on your progress
Reflection is crucial for sustained change. It helps you recognize your achievements, understand what’s working, and identify what isn’t. Make it a habit to reflect on your progress weekly or monthly. This not only helps adjust your strategies as needed but also keeps you accountable and dedicated to your long-term goals.
Cultivate small habits with big impacts
Small habits, when maintained consistently, can lead to significant changes over time. Here's a list of simple habits that can make a big difference in your life:
Daily Planning. Spend 10 minutes every morning to plan your day. This helps prioritize tasks and manage your time more effectively.
Exercise. A short daily workout can improve both physical and mental health.
Healthy Eating. Incorporate one serving of vegetables into every meal to enhance diet quality.
Mindfulness. Practice mindfulness or meditation for five minutes each day to reduce stress and increase concentration.
Gratitude. Write down three things you’re grateful for each evening to foster positivity.
Leverage technology for support
In today’s digital age, numerous apps and tools are available to help track and manage your progress towards any goal. Whether it’s fitness trackers, budgeting apps, or productivity tools, technology can provide valuable data and insights, helping you stay on track and motivated.
Build a support system
Changes are easier when supported by others. Share your aspirations with family and friends, join groups with similar interests, or seek a mentor. Supportive relationships can offer encouragement, share insights, and provide accountability, which is essential for long-term success.
Celebrate every small win
Acknowledging and celebrating every small achievement is vital. It helps maintain motivation and reaffirms your commitment to your goals. Remember, each small step forward is a component of the larger journey towards significant change.
Achieving significant life improvements doesn't require drastic actions all at once. By focusing on small, manageable steps and setting achievable goals, you can effectively foster substantial changes. Remember, every significant journey begins with a single, small step. Keep moving forward, and gradually, you will see your efforts accumulate into the big changes you aspire to achieve.
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art-of-manliness · 29 days
Odds & Ends: August 23, 2024
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. We recently finished reading this book aloud as a family (nothing relaxes kids before bed like a tale of serial murder). Having sold over 100 million copies, And Then They Were None is not only Christie’s most popular novel but one of the bestselling books of all time, and it lived up to its renown. Christie manages to make a plot that might seem ridiculous — ten people are invited to an island and killed off one by one — not seem ridiculous, and keeps you guessing whodunit til the very end. Huckberry Icons of Style. Fall is just around the corner, so it’s a good time to start thinking about picking up some new items for your wardrobe. Huckberry has published “30 Icons of Timeless Men’s Style,” which offers short profiles of figures from Steve McQueen to Johnny Cash describing what made their signature styles distinct. They’ve also put together a shop of modern smart casual clothes that draws inspiration from these icons to help today’s men put together some classic-looking outfits of their own. “Ladyfingers” by Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass. My dad was a big Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass fan back in the day. He owned all the albums, including the iconic Whip Cream and Other Delights, which featured a pretty gal seemingly dressed only in whip cream. Lots of great songs on that album, but my favorite is “Ladyfingers.” This song features Herb Albert’s signature trumpet playing that blends cool jazz with Latin flair. Surprisingly, my 13-year-old son Gus is a big fan of this song. He loves to cue it up during sunset drives.  An Ode to Old Bay, the Great American Condiment. In a previous edition of Odds & Ends, we highlighted one of the McKay’s favorite seasonings: Old Bay. We put it on eggs, meat, and sandwiches. I like to use it when I make this healthier, at-home version of the classic crispy chicken sandwich. Well, Old Bay recently got the hagiographical treatment in The New Yorker. Casey Cep takes us on a historical tour of this Maryland staple and why you, too, should make Old Bay a standby in your spice rack. Long live Old Bay!  Quote of the Week To find one’s work in the world and do it honorably, to keep one’s record clean so that nothing clandestine, furtive, surreptitious can ever leap out upon one from ambush and spoil one’s life, to be able, therefore, unafraid to look the world in the face, to live honorably also with one’s own soul, to walk life’s journey unhaunted by the ghosts of people from whose ruin one has stolen pleasure, and so at last to be a gentleman, one, that is, who puts a little more into life than one takes out—gather up the significance of such character, forty years old, sixty years old, eighty years old—one may well celebrate the solid satisfactions of such a life. —Henry Emerson Fosdick Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/TCJ9F6
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hempimp · 28 days
Rediscover Wellness with Pure Canna Organics: Nature’s Best for Your Health
In today's fast-paced world, taking care of our physical and mental well-being has never been more important. With endless stressors and hectic schedules, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and out of balance. But what if the key to restoring harmony in your life could be found in nature? Enter Pure Canna Organics—your gateway to holistic wellness through the power of premium CBD products.
Why Choose Pure Canna Organics?
Pure Canna Organics isn't just another CBD brand. They are committed to quality, transparency, and sustainability. Their products are made with natural, organic ingredients sourced from the finest hemp plants, ensuring that you're getting the best nature has to offer.
Whether you're dealing with stress, pain, or trouble sleeping, Pure Canna Organics has a product to help. From CBD oils and gummies to topicals and creams, each product is designed with your wellness in mind.
The Science of CBD: How It Works
CBD (cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring compound found in hemp plants. Unlike THC, it doesn’t cause a high, making it perfect for those who seek the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without the psychoactive effects. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a key role in regulating mood, sleep, pain, and immune response. This is why many people find CBD helpful for a range of issues, from managing anxiety to relieving chronic pain.
Pure Canna Organics Product Spotlight
Let’s take a closer look at some of the bestsellers from Pure Canna Organics:
CBD Gummies: These tasty, bite-sized treats are perfect for on-the-go relaxation. Infused with just the right amount of CBD, they help take the edge off without feeling overpowering.
CBD Oil: Pure Canna Organics’ CBD oil is a versatile option. Whether you’re adding it to your morning smoothie or taking it sublingually, this oil helps promote overall well-being and balance.
CBD Topicals: Suffering from muscle soreness or skin irritation? Pure Canna Organics' topicals offer targeted relief, making them a must-have in your self-care toolkit.
Ready to experience the magic of these products for yourself? Click here to explore Pure Canna Organics and start your journey to better health today!
Real-Life Benefits of CBD
Curious about the real-world benefits of CBD? Here are some common ways people use Pure Canna Organics products:
Pain Relief: Whether it's from a workout, arthritis, or everyday wear and tear, CBD has shown promise in reducing inflammation and pain. Pure Canna Organics' CBD topicals are perfect for localized relief.
Improved Sleep: Struggling to get a good night’s rest? CBD may help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality by calming the mind and body.
Stress Management: In a world full of pressure, managing stress is crucial. Pure Canna Organics’ CBD gummies offer a convenient and delicious way to take the edge off after a long day.
If you're ready to feel the difference that CBD can make, click here to check out Pure Canna Organics.
The Pure Canna Organics Promise
Pure Canna Organics is dedicated to providing high-quality, lab-tested products you can trust. Each batch is carefully crafted to ensure potency and purity, so you know exactly what you're getting. They also value sustainability, ensuring that their practices are eco-friendly and aligned with protecting our planet.
How to Get Started
Taking the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life is easy with Pure Canna Organics. Whether you’re new to CBD or a seasoned user, there’s something for everyone. Explore their range of products and find what works best for your unique needs.
Don’t wait—your journey to wellness begins now! Shop Pure Canna Organics today and experience the natural benefits of CBD for yourself.
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