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manic-exposure · 6 years ago
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TENEMENT IN OSLO, at the squat bar. 
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thedemclothes · 7 years ago
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@mad_scientist_duffin ・・・ The only bar in the world that you can adjust the loading about the hip joint and change spinal mechanics. I truly believe that the Transformer Bar is one of the most versatile and functional pieces of strength equipment in the industry. The incredibly positive feedback we get from top athletes/coaches/clinicians as well as new applications for use reinforces this belief. We can now load movements such as goblet squats without having shoulder strength become the limiting factor. Or improve spinal uprighting by changing the load point. Fine tune your bar to the athletes individual biomechanics or your specific training objectives! ••••• Thanks for supporting Kabuki Strength, and helping make the world a better place through strength! ••••• www.kabuki.ms www.kabukistrength.com ••••• #ChrisDuffin #kabukistrength #kabukistrengthlab #kabukimovementsystems #MoveBetter #Powerlifting #barbell #bar #powerbar #MadScientist #ShouldeRok #Duffalo #SquatBar #AntiFragile #elitefts @elitefts #shoulderhealth #shoulder #powerbuilding #strength #strengthtraining #squat #bench #deadlift #rehab #evidencebased #boomstick @kabukistrengthlab #acumobility @acumobility @ks_virtualcoaching •••••
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maternalmentalhealthmom · 6 years ago
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Working on Emory Continuing education unit credits! I’ve enrolled in some really interesting ones that I’m looking forward to. This one is all about how to function the labor bed at Emory hospitals. #continuingeducation #credits #ce #birthingbed #positioning #labor #birth #calfsupports #squatbar #siderails #functions #attachments #affinity #emory https://www.instagram.com/p/BtedU8OAUod/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7q14v4p9u0eu
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mdaburaihan · 4 years ago
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years ago
i love your content!!! ur characterizations are so on point you can tell how much thought you really put into your work. I just wanted to share smth funny bc ik u have a lot of requests. So much of the mista content on this site (not yours) mentions him being ~soo much bigger than you which is funny bc he’s got 1 cm on me then finding out he weighs like 150lbs,,? forget the sweeping off the feet thing i could bench this fool 💅🏻💪🏻 squatbar mista supremacy
;-; thank you so much, anon!!
also, lolol, i know, right? all things considered, he’s a not a huge lad. he’s kind of a pocket-sized himbo.
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sarcasticarepa · 6 years ago
Idk what this #squatbar is called but it makes #squatting extra hard. The bar itself I think is like 100lbs so I could only add 90 to it. Regardless, I really felt this one and it's just another exercise to try and get better at. #legday #squatday #bootyday #gains #fitness https://www.instagram.com/p/BqdRi7ygXex/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1z0rymfk4xd7
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First training video in while since I was studying for my #nasm test. 300x5 #squat followed by a #dropset of 240x8 with a @roguefitness 55lb #squatbar. If you're bit pushing or challenging yourself then you're doing it wrong. Fuck, just think of someone you want to murder so bad (I know plenty!!), keep that thought in your head and get ready for one fucking hell,of an adrenaline rush! Listening to @theblackdahliamurder_official helps too! Lift With Hatred. #confessionsofanangrymetalhead #metalhead #metalheadlifters #liftwithrage #liftwithhatred #extrememetal #heavymetal #theblackdahliamurder #deathmetal #igpowerlifting #powerlifting #roguefitness #powerbodybuilding #strongandshapelygym #ihateyou #cptfromhell #nasmcpt #nasmcptfromhell (at "Strong and Shapely Gym Inc.") https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmtjh5gB-HT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r2jga2isfr4y
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coldasice33 · 7 years ago
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I've had this Squat bar for like a year and change, used it maybe 3 time. I decided to get into it today. Get a little squat work out on after my jump rope. Let me tell you the only reason I even posted the last pic is because I thought i was cute and caught the one and only f'n cramp in my hammy. Lol #Squats #SquatBar #motivationneeded #workoutMode #trainingforthenextrace #havingfunworkingout #suchaCornball #gettingthesilliesout #tryingnottobelazy #tryingtobeahealthymommy #slowandsteady #turtlepaceismysexypace
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deadlifttillimdead · 8 years ago
Deadlift Madness from @mad_scientist_duffin ・・・ 675lb RDLs for 8 reps with some @realworld_tactical motivation. Not bad considering 3rd Deadlift session of the Week while working up to 900lbs with accommodating resistance for reps on each of the other sessions. And that little bit (couple hours) of conditioning work in the sun with @realworld_tactical yesterday. Now to see what's on the plate for the rest of he session.  Full YouTube videos coming next week! ••••• Thanks for supporting Kabuki Strength, and helping make the world a better place through strength! ••••• www.kabuki.ms www.kabukistrength.com @kabukistrengthlab #kabukistrength #kabukistrengthlab #kabukimovementsystems ••••• #ChrisDuffin #MoveBetter #Powerlifting #barbell #bar #powerbar #MadScientist #ShouldeRok #Duffalo #SquatBar #AntiFragile #BarbellClub @usplabs #usplabs #elitefts @elitefts #shoulderhealth #shoulder #powerbuilding #strength #strengthtraining #squat #bench #deadlift #rehab #evidencebased #boomstick @kabukistrengthlab #acumobility @acumobility @ks_virtualcoaching •••••
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tristinrupp · 7 years ago
Day 24 of my 100 squats a day for 30 days challenge! I added what I believe was about 70lbs with the squat bar and weights. I didn't know that's how much it was until I asked afterwards so that was a fun surprise! #100squatsadaychallenge #100squatsaday #100squatsadayfor30days #100squatsadayfor30dayschallenge #workout #challenge #day24 #70lbsadded #squatbar
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deadlifttillimdead · 8 years ago
Zaaaang @mad_scientist_duffin @powerliftingmotivation ・・・ @mad_scientist_duffin Are you getting out lifted due to shitty leverages… or shitty technique? . This IG clips is SIGNIFICANTLY shortened with lots of content cut out. See the full video (link in profile) where I walk through move in depth discussion on leverages and deadlifting. . A lot of people assume if there is less apparent bar movement that the lifter has some phenomenal leverages allowing them to lift the bar less. Oftentimes this appearance is a result of refined technique and not leverages. . This is not always the case but simple math of looking at height and the ape index would let you know. Being that I am both average height with perfectly average ape index, and with refined technique I am a good example to use. . In the video and discussion I review these points and also overlay two videos. . It shows one of those people that wants to blame their poor technique and how much others lift on leverages. Focusing on excuses instead of their own technique is leaving performance potential on the table for them. As well as putting them at significant risk for injury. https://kabukistrength.com/deadlift_technique_vs_leverages/ ----- Thanks for supporting Kabuki Strength, and helping make the world a better place through strength! ----- www.kabuki.ms www.kabukistrength.com #kabukistrength #kabukistrengthlab #kabukimovementsystems =================================== #ChrisDuffin #MoveBetter #Powerlifting #MadScientist #ShouldeRok #Duffalo #SquatBar #AntiFragile #BarbellClub #slingshot @usplabs #usplabs #barbellclub #elitefts @elitefts #shoulderhealth #shoulder #powerbuilding #strength #strengthtraining #squat #bench #deadlift @wolfbrigadegym #rehab #evidencebased #boomstick @kabukistrengthlab #acumobility @acumobility ==================================
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bosshernandez39 · 9 years ago
This isn't the first time Duffin has pushed me out of the way! Lol @steviiejay @colbystrunk @arissapls @cassandra_rae_ @andreimiclea Take some time to laugh at yourself each day. You need to take yourself seriously when on the platform or in the moment…. but not the rest of the time. We just lift weights for fun and some people carry that a little to far into the persona of who they are. The practice of getting in the zone and being in the moment will make you better at life but it won’t do so if you take that mentality around with you all the time. People often ask my why I post comedy skits on my channel… for this exact reason to poke fun at myself, not take things to seriously, and add a lighter balance to the more intense video’s posted. Here is an excerpt from one of the last ones we did in the Outer-Portlandia series. Full video on my youtube. If you like it share it around. Link in profile: https://youtu.be/1hDnSj8ICdY ===================================⠀ Check out our line of equipment and methods to improve your lifting and your LIFE!!! =================================== http://www.kabukistrength.net/ =================================== #KabukiStrength #ChrisDuffin #MoveBetter #Powerlifting #MadScientist #ShouldeRok #Duffalo #SquatBar #AntiFragile #BarbellClub #shouldeRok #slingshot #Vision #Consistency #Hardwork @usplabs #elitefts @elitefts #DuffinMovementSystems #slingshot @marksmellybell #shoulderhealth #shoulder #gymrat #powerbuilding #strength #strengthtraining #inspiration #squat #bench #deadlift #FreedomPowerTeam #kahveology #bonersandbarbells #45saintgotshit #powerlifting #bodybuilding #crossfit #strongman #supertraining #70sbig #healthy #motivation #training #flagnorfail #cleaneating #aesthetics #portland #oregon #503strength #jackedandtans
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fitlifewithchyana · 12 years ago
Working them legs today !!! #legworkout #anytimefitness #trainhard #squatbar #stayfine
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deadlifttillimdead · 7 years ago
80 YEARS OLD?!?! 😳😳 @mad_scientist_duffin ・・・ Filmed Paul Hailey deadlifting 301 at 80 years old yesterday at our meet. What’s your excuse again? ••••• Thanks for supporting Kabuki Strength, and helping make the world a better place through strength! ••••• www.kabuki.ms www.kabukistrength.com @kabukistrengthlab #kabukistrength #kabukistrengthlab #kabukimovementsystems ••••• #ChrisDuffin #MoveBetter #Powerlifting #barbell #bar #powerbar #MadScientist #ShouldeRok #Duffalo #SquatBar #AntiFragile #BarbellClub @usplabs #usplabs #elitefts @elitefts #shoulderhealth #shoulder #powerbuilding #strength #strengthtraining #squat #bench #deadlift #rehab #evidencebased #boomstick @kabukistrengthlab #acumobility @acumobility @ks_virtualcoaching
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