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thegreatstudentfanme-blog · 6 years ago
“Maria Ressa’s Case”
Maria Ressa’s arrest
These are some basic information regarding on Maria Ressa’s arrest:
 Maria Ressa, Rappler CEO was arrested on February 13, 2019, Wednesday over a cyber libel case. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) agents served the arrest warrant at Maria Ressa’s office in Pasig City but the NBI agents did not use handcuffs while arresting her.
Maria Ressa’s arrest was streamed online by Rappler
Maria Resa and Rappler was formally charged by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for cyber libel regarding to 2012 published articles were said to be defamatory.
The arrest warrant against her was released February 12, 2019, Tuesday of the Manila Regional Trial Court Branch 46.
 The Constitutional Grounds of her arrest
 Maria Ressa’s arrest was so sudden and wasn’t expecting by her party.
According to Chay Hofileña, "This is something that is both expected and unexpected. We just didn’t expect it today. And we were all caught by surprise. We, of course, were upset by this arrest because we’ve long held that this case really has no basis," she told ANC.
"We continue reporting on major events. Of course, we know these cases are intended to intimidate us precisely because we know that’s the intent. We’re not buckling down. We continue with operations," she added.  -ABSCBN NEWS ONLINE
A businessman, William Keng filed a complaint report about Maria Ressa’s defamatory publication, aside from cyber libel case Maria Ressa and Rappler also had tax evasion charges.
 If “press freedom” were truly an issue relevant to ordinary Filipinos, then it would have been a cornerstone of many a politicians’ campaign platform today. But it isn’t, and the reason it isn’t doesn’t come across as much of a surprise.
Ordinary Filipinos wouldn’t have the time nor the brain space to critically evaluate “journalism” — because “press freedom” has nothing to do with where their next meal or next paycheck comes from. On the other hand, crime, drugs, and peace and order do. It so happens that the messaging and actions of Rodrigo Duterte the candidate then the President remained consistent to those things important to Filipinos throughout. This is why he won an important election and remains powerful, influential, and popular to this day.
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