unit 85 and 86 specialist practice
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Final Project - Zine
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For my final project, I decided to create a zine.
I had initially planned on creating a digital painting and had even created a mood board and had started planning out how it would look.
I had started off by looking at some pictures of the Legend of Zelda game, Minish Cap and I thought that it would be interesting to try and create a digital painting based on that game. I then decided against it due to wanting to do something inspired by the Breath of the Wild game and also by Studio Ghibli movies and started drawing different birds and a couple of silly doodles, I then started looking at pictures of frogs and eventually decided that I liked the thought of doing a piece involving frogs.
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I found various pictures, from both Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and also Studio Ghibli movies, that I felt captured the kind of feel that I had in mind for the painting.
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And because I knew that I wanted to include frogs, I sketched up different frogs with different possible rolls.
In the center of the sketch, there is a frog king that I decided would be similar in size, both in height and in weight, to Jabba the Hutt from the Star Wars franchise and would be rather lazy and if it was game, the hero would be expected to run a variety of errands for him.
To his right, there is a frog chef who I envisioned to work in a ramen shop like Teuchi from the Naruto anime, who ran the Ichiraku Ramen shop. I wanted him to be kind-hearted but also rather thick-skinned, not accepting anyone trying to ruin his business or let anyone play him off as a fool.
To the left of the frog king, there is a frog sitting on a toadstool, I had the idea that he could be the character that gives the hero advice during the time that the hero spends in this area and that he could be quite funny and also quite annoying to other characters like the frog chef.
I also doodled a frog medic who has a high collar and big goggles, I imagined them perhaps being confident in their work but also quite shy and quirky.
I also made notes of some of my inspirations for these characters and the colour schemes at the bottom, so when I came back to it, I would know exactly what the plan was in case I forgot.
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I then had the idea to create digital paintings of food, similar to the dishes seen on the right-hand side of the food-mood board and so I also included some references for real-life food.
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I then decided to try sketching out and practising how the food might look in a digital painting style.
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I then remembered my small collection of vintage cookbooks and thought it would be good to perhaps try and create a vintage-style advertisement for either some dishes from the early 20th-century or create vintage adverts for dishes that are well-known now.
I then decided that because I was short on time and still had yet to find a final idea for this project, I should come up with an idea that is able to be good quality but can also be completed on time and that’s when I had decided to create a zine, but so all my research didn’t go to waste, I decided to create a food zine.
This zine became about foods that I love, hence the title which also made this a fun idea as well.
I had also decided that I was going to incorporate what I had learned during GCSE Art and the earlier part of this year and create images of the food, based on the work of the Dada artist Hannah Höch.
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If I was to re-do this project, I would make sure that I was much better at time management and making a decision on what I actually wanted to do.
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John Tenniel
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John Tenniel was an English Illustrator and political cartoonist, most prominent during the second half of the 19th century. He was known for working as a political cartoonist in the Punch magazine for 50 years and for his illustrative work in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There”.
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As you can see in this picture from “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, Tenniel used a lot of slanted lines and cross-hatching in order to make it look like there is a light source and some texture in the scene.
Other examples of artists that have used similar techniques would be, Gordon Browne, Kim Jung gi and Keiichi Tanaami.
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Illustration is the creation of an image to communicate a message or an idea.
An illustration can be done in any medium. However, it is commonly made digitally these days.
An Illustrator will often work with a client to create illustrations for a book, storyboard, print, etc.
The origin of illustration dates back to the cave painting in Chauvet, Lascaux and Altamira, when paleolithic artists used charcoal and ochre to illustrate what they saw around them. (c. 30,000 - 10,000 BCE)
Examples of illustrators would be Ilya Kuvshinov, Osamu Yezuka, Kim Jung gi and Loish.
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Hannah Höch
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Hannah Höch was born in Gotha, Germany in 1889.
She was born into an upper-middle-class family where her father was a supervisor for an insurance company and her mother was an amateur painter. Höch was the eldest of five children. Hannah Höch had to leave school early to help raise her younger siblings and later returned to study glass design at the School of Applied Arts in Berlin until it was closed down at the beginning of the First World War. She returned home to join the Red Cross in 1914, then returned to Berlin in 1915 to study graphic arts under Emil Orlik at the School of the Royal Museum of Applied Arts. In that same year, she met fellow Dada artists, Kurt Schwitters and Raoul Hausmann who she had a intense and stormy romantic relationship with.
Höch created her artworks by cutting out pieces from magazines and newspapers and placing them on the canvas. She was one of many artists that incorporated pop culture into art and she was renowned for challenging the status of women and society, something that was popular in the Dada style.
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American mcgees alice asylum . Here is all the concept art for Alice’s new dresses aside from her original blue and the inferno which is on a earlier post . Each dress is so beautiful in it’s own unique way the game is set to focus on the time she spent in the asylum and knowing the twisted beauty of wonderland and how it gets corrupted to the point it was. I love alice madness returns as do I love the original American mcgees alice. The story is great and the lore is fantastic . Here’s to hoping this game becomes part of our reality soon.
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Illustrators that I like
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John Tenniel (Illustrator for Alice in Wonderland books)
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Bunpei Yorifuji
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Gordon Browne
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Osamu Tezuka (creator of Princess Knight and Astro Boy)
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Victo Ngai
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Eleanor Vere Boyle
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Ilya Kuvshinov
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Georg Dionysius Ehret
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Mary Blair
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Keiichi Tanaami
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Tadanori Yokoo
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Kim Jung gi
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Yusaku Kamekura
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Arthur Rackham
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Kay Nielsen
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Aubrey Beardsley
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