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naristayfine021 · 1 year ago
Best sanitary Pad in thane east
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yoshi-finswim · 4 years ago
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【2020年泳ぎおさめ🙃】  泳ぎ納めといえば100m×108本とか 煩悩の数"108"に ちなんだメニューが多いのが水泳界なのですが コロナ時代に合わせて  『みんなで協力して108本泳ごう❗️』  ということをテーマに 2×100SF/2×50BF/2×50MFを リレー形式で18人(9人×2チーム)で計6本ずつ泳ぎ トータル108本というメニューにしてみました🙂  リレーだし 本数もそんなにないし 楽しく健やかに終わるかな〜と思ったら フツーにキツくて気持ち悪い練習でした🤣  人数がひとり足りなくなったところも それぞれ補いながら苦しんでくれました笑笑 お陰様でとっても楽しい&高強度なトレーニングになりました! ありがとう😆😆本当にお疲れ様でした☠️   2020の練習を振り返ると… いつも通り私の誕生日1/4からスタートして たくさん練習をしてきましたが コロナの影響で3月末からはプールが閉鎖してしまい 練習の機会を失うことに😿  自粛期間にはいろんな陸トレをしたり みんなで動画を作ったり 新しい生活様式の中でいろんなことを乗り越えて ついに6/18から練習再開❗️ なんとか高地トレーニング合宿にも行けました✨  それからはなんとか途切れることなく 本日無事に2020年最後の練習を迎えることができました🙃  泳ぎに来てくれたみんなありがとうございました(^ω^)  史上初の大会が1度もない1年間となりましたが 夢や目標に向かって前進し続ける 成長し続ける 努力し続ける それを諦めなかったみんなのおかげで こうして素敵な1年の締めくくりをすることができました😿  2021年もまだまだ不安はたくさんある中ですが より一層  『フィンスイミングを通して夢を目指す』 そしてそのお手伝いができるよう 全力で頑張っていきたいと思いますので どうぞよろしくお願いいたします🙃🙃  新年の練習は恒例のMy Birthday1月4日からですので たくさんのご参加お待ちしております(^ω^)  それでは良いお年を〜😆😆   #StayFINe #泳ぎおさめ #フィンスイミング #水泳 #Finswimming #AQUAFinD #まだダメージ残ってる #酸欠 #気持ち悪い #良いお年を (東京辰巳国際水泳場) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJaw1-EB81q/?igshid=oipf2z1166xo
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digitalkyahai · 5 years ago
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Stay positive always. Don't take tension. Just focus continuously. #motivation #mondaymotivation #staypositive #motivationalquotes #motivationmonday #motivationquote #bepositive✌ #stayfocused #dontworrybehappy #stayfit #stayraw #stayfine #positivevibes #somethingisbetterthannothing #digitalkyahai #digitalmarketing #happiness #earlymorming #postforeveryone #covid19 #pandemic #lostjob #butdontworry #everythingwillbefine #goodopportunities #willcome #2020 #toughyear #staymotivated #perfectpost (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBcAahFBI2a/?igshid=eheazp00t7nz
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melanatedmoney · 7 years ago
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Check out another #podcast for #QueerWOC! @finewinepodcast Cat and Karen talk all things black culture and throw stealth shade. I got a shoutout on their latest episode, so I'm feelin myself *flips hair* Go sing along with them and tell them I sent ya 😘 lol #stayFine
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thelotusloveproject · 7 years ago
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I've been known to a few as "HoneyDew"!!! Its not melon season...but you know what that honey do!!!! 🍯💚😏 Happy Venus Day, Lovers!! ••••••••• #beSweet #myFavoriteMelon #honeydewmelon #honeydew #alias #missHoneyDew #wintersolstice #lightenUp #lightBody #godbody #goddessSelf #elevate #eliminate #heal #nourish #detoxSeason #detox #cleanse #chargeUp #vibrateHigher #juicyFruit #dontBeDry #juiceUp #hydrate #eatFruit #stayFine #livegood #tastegood #LUNATICS
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nchauthien · 7 years ago
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Giọt nắng chiều trong tim, in đậm sâu ký ức, cũng đã nhạt nhoà, cũng đã trôi xa, thỉnh thoảng làm tim đau nhói, suối lệ chảy ngược :) ... em đẹp khi mắt em cười ... khẽ nói, xa nhau mới thấu chân tình #dailywriting #anyen #stayfine #oneday #aterallthistime #forever
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joy-ou · 6 years ago
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StayFine 樂凡健身工作室|品牌視覺形象設計
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naristayfine021 · 1 year ago
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Elevate your feminine care routine with Nari Protect Anion Stayfine Pads – where comfort meets confidence! 🌼💖 Feminine care Sanitary pads Buy sanitary pads at best price Best sanitary pads Best comfortable best for periods best comfortable pads in thane east best comfort pads in thane best leakage protection pads in thane sanitary napkin in thane east Best sanitary Pad in thane east best sanitary napkins online Buy sanitary napkins online sanitary pads best distributors pads in thane
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yoshi-finswim · 5 years ago
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たくさんの #おうち時間 を紹介していきます🏠

#Finswimming 🐬
#stayhome #stayhealthy 


☀️☀️ #stayFINe ( #元気でいよう )☀️☀️




“Stay fine"のキーワードとともに









#thanks #stayhome #stayhealthy
#AQUAFinD #finswimming (Tokyo)
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doubleeord · 4 years ago
'The Bachelorette' finale recap: Katie gets engaged in the aftermath of losing two frontrunners
She may have mourned the possible exit of her "person" a couple weeks prior, but "Bachelorette" star Katie Thurston has moved on to an engagement.  สล็อตโรม่า สล็อต The end of her season turned rocky with back-to-back self-eliminations from frontrunners Michael A., the widowed father who cared for Katie but struggled being away from his young son, and Greg, who got the first impression rose but reached his breaking point last week when he expressed love for Katie but didn't feel validated enough. Greg's self-elimination had Katie so distraught, she begged for a plane ticket home."In that moment, I completely blamed myself," Katie reflected during the season finale's "After The Final Rose." "You start to question yourself and your worth and you have what felt like back-to-back men that I was falling for leave. You start to wonder 'what if?' and do you leave to go chase them?" Story from Philipsสล็อตjdb Using technology to bridge maternal health dividePopular Pregnancy+ app delivers accessible resources to under-resourced, expectant families.See More →Despite struggling to process it all, Katie sticks around for this week's finale, where she has two men to choose from: Blake, a latecomer originally from last season who she has obvious chemistry with, and Justin, who sneakily made his way to the finale after not making many waves this season beyond his memorable facial reactions. (He later notes in "ATFR" that a lot of his moments with Katie didn't make it on camera.) Katie Thurston picks her winner in the season finale of "The Bachelorette."Last week's recap:'The Bachelorette' recap: Katie dubs Greg her 'frontrunner,' but it isn't enough for him to stayFinal dates: Katie says 'I love you' for the first timeNews of Greg's departure rocks Blake and Justin, who both worry it'll impact Katie's final decision. Blake tells Katie he loves her and vows not to leave after making such a declaration (@ Greg next time, buddy).สล็อตcq9
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naristayfine021 · 1 year ago
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Elevate your feminine care routine with Nari Protect Anion Stayfine Pads – where comfort meets confidence! 🌼💖 Feminine care Sanitary pads Buy sanitary pads at best price Best sanitary pads Best comfortable best for periods best comfortable pads in thane east best comfort pads in thane best leakage protection pads in thane sanitary napkin in thane east Best sanitary Pad in thane east best sanitary napkins online Buy sanitary napkins online sanitary pads best distributors pads in thane
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yoshi-finswim · 5 years ago
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fitlifewithchyana · 12 years ago
Working them legs today !!! #legworkout #anytimefitness #trainhard #squatbar #stayfine
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doubleeord · 4 years ago
'The Bachelorette' finale recap: Katiฟe gets engaged in the aftermath of losing two frontrunners
She may have mourned the possible exit of her "person" a couple weeks prior, but "Bachelorette" star Katie Thurston has moved on to an engagement.  SAGAME1688 SEXYGAME66The end of her season turned rocky with back-to-back self-eliminations from frontrunners Michael A., the widowed father who cared for Katie but struggled being away from his young son, and Greg, who got the first impression rose but reached his breaking point last week when he expressed love for Katie but didn't feel validated enough. Greg's self-elimination had Katie so distraught, she begged for a plane ticket home."In that moment, I completely blamed myself," Katie reflected during the season finale's "After The Final Rose." "You start to question yourself and your worth and you have what felt like back-to-back men that I was falling for leave. You start to wonder 'what if?' and do you leave to go chase them?" Story from PhilipsSAGAME66 Using technology to bridge maternal health dividePopular Pregnancy+ app delivers accessible resources to under-resourced, expectant families.See More →Despite struggling to process it all, Katie sticks around for this week's finale, where she has two men to choose from: Blake, a latecomer originally from last season who she has obvious chemistry with, and Justin, who sneakily made his way to the finale after not making many waves this season beyond his memorable facial reactions. (He later notes in "ATFR" that a lot of his moments with Katie didn't make it on camera.) Katie Thurston picks her winner in the season finale of "The Bachelorette."Last week's recap:'The Bachelorette' recap: Katie dubs Greg her 'frontrunner,' but it isn't enough for him to stayFinal dates: Katie says 'I love you' for the first timeSEXYGAME1688News of Greg's departure rocks Blake and Justin, who both worry it'll impact Katie's final decision. Blake tells Katie he loves her and vows not to leave after making such a declaration (@ Greg next time, buddy).
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