#spiritual creativepreneur
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limapuluhrebuan · 8 years ago
Resensi Buku: Spiritual Creativepreneur (M.Arief Budiman, 2012)
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Spiritual Creativepreneur by M. Arief Budiman My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"Jangan hanya jadi orang Islam, jadilah orang baik. Jadilah orang islam yang baik dan kreatif."
Saya harus bilang, buku ini adalah salah satu buku yang membangkitkan kembali semangat saya untuk beragama secara baik, untuk terus berusaha dan yakin bahwa kesuksesan haruslah diiringi dengan tanggung jawab dan keyakinan secara spiritual. Buku yang ditulis oleh M. Arief Budiman, CEO dari PT. Petakumpet Creative Network & juga delegasi Indonesia pada acara Cebu Creative Programme, British Council, Filipina pada tahun 2009 silam ini berusaha untuk mensinergiskan hubungan antara kekuatan kreativitas dalam berbisnis dengan ibadah secara spiritual. Tujuan buku ini ditulis beliau di halaman 30:
"Buku ini akan mengajak Anda untuk memikirkan ulang apa itu konsep tentang Islam, bagaimana implementasi Tauhid, bagaimana menerapkan konsep Taqwa dalam operasional bisnis sehari-hari. Buku ini akan menarik pemikiran Anda kembali ke garis start, mundur kembali ke belakang untuk bercermin dan bertanya pada diri sendiri: sudah islamikah bisnis saya, sudah kreatifkah bisnis saya? Selanjutnya, akan membawa Anda untuk melihat ke depan dan mengajak Anda untuk mempraktikkan konsep-konsep yang mungkin tidak logis, tapi harus dijalankan."
Sampai disini mungkin kita bertanya, apa sih yang dimaksud dengan Islami dalam berbisnis? Pengertian Islami dalam buku ini adalah ruh, jiwa Islam sebagai nilai-nilai penggerak dan inspirasi kehidupan yang luas sifat dan penerapannya, atau dalam bahasa buku ini, sebagai what to say yang untuk penerapannya perlu strategi how to say yang kontekstual dan cerdas. Setelah kita memahami tujuan, kita akan langsung beranjak menuju pembahasan mengenai ekonomi kreatif beserta tantangannya. Tapi sebelumnya, apa sih ekonomi kreatif itu? Ekonomi kreatif adalah basis dari apa yang disebut dengan bisnis kreatif. Bisnis kreatif sendiri adalah usaha yang digerakkan oleh ide atau kreativitas sebagai modal. Bisnis ini bisa bermacam-macam jenisnya. Mencakup banyak bidang mulai dari literasi, musik, kuliner, TV, radio, film, video, fotografi, piranti lunak, layanan komputer, permainan interaktif, seni, desain, fesyen, arsitektur, kerajinan, hingga penelitian & pengembangan. Bisnis kreatif sebenarnya mengandung potensi yang sangat besar sebagai salah satu penggerak perekonomian Indonesia. Walaupun begitu, terdapat beberapa masalah yang masih menghinggapi industri kreatif di Indonsia. Buku ini memaparkan tiga tantangan bagi ekonomi kreatif Indonesia: 1. Rendahnya penghargaan terhadap produk industri kreatif 2. Permodalan 3. Hak cipta Tiga tantangan tersebut adalah pekerjaan rumah yang harus dihadapi bersama bagi setiap pegiat industri kreatif di Indonesia. Tetapi dengan adanya tantangan seperti ini, tidak berarti bahwa masa depan industri kreatif di Indonesia menjadi suram. Justru sebaliknya, semakin banyak para pebisnis kreatif di Indonesia yang bersedia berjibaku dengan tantangan tersebut, semakin besar pula kemungkinan tantangan tersebut segera teratasi! Setelah membahas mengenai industri kreatif, buku ini mengajak kita untuk melihat kembali kedalam bisnis kita, kedalam dasar atau fondasi dari bisnis kita. Darimana kita mendapatkan fondasi ini? Jawabannya satu: ilmu yang ditopang oleh kepercayaan atau iman. Nah sekarang, apakah fondasi yang kita rancang dan kita bangun sudah cukup kuat untuk menopang bisnis saat ini? Kukuhkan fondasi terlebih dahulu, luruskan niat dalam berusaha, percaya dengan ide kita, jadilah autentik dengan itu, perhatikan kepuasan konsumen, sederhanakan, bangun pendekatan heart sale dan jangan pernah berhenti berinovasi. Ilmu-ilmu diatas perlu dilengkapi dengan logika langit. Logika yang berlandaskan iman dan kepercayaan kita akan kekuatan dari Yang Maha Kuasa sebagai pemilik dan penguasa segala yang ada. Bagaimana agar kita membiasakan logika langit? Jawabannya adalah sekaligus dari kunci sukses bisnis yang ditawarkan oleh buku ini, yaitu dengan menjalankan lima Rukun Islam! Lho kok bisa? Bisa! Tetapi hanya apabila kita benar-benar memahami dan mengerti maksud atau pesan dari lima Rukun Islam, yaitu: 1. Syahadat (Keyakinan) 2. Shalat (Manajemen waktu) 3. Zakat (Berbagi) 4. Puasa (Menahan diri) 5. Haji (Ikhlas) Pemahaman dan pelaksanaan lima Rukun Islam tersebut sekaligus dapat menjadi jawaban agama untuk menjadi solusi riil atas permasalahan masyarakat. Tingkatan ini harus dibawa lebih jauh lagi sampai di posisi dimana para pendakwah, para dai, para ustadz - menurut penulis - harus dapat menjawab permasalahan seperti hubungan ibadah dengan hutang yang ditanggung saat ini, konsep Islam untuk melenyapkan korupsi, hubungan sedekah dengan hidup berkecukupan, dan lain-lainnya.
"Tanpa kemampuan menjawab persoalan sehari-hari seperti itu, maka dakwah akan makin kehilangan korelasinya dengan jamaahnya. Sehingga, kegiatan dakwah dan pengajian hanya akan dimaknai sebagai seremoni, bukan sebagai forum yang mencerdaskan dan menginspirasi jamaah untuk berlomba-lomba dalam kebaikan, balapan menjadi rahmat bagi seluruh alam."
Masih banyak sebernarnya inspirasi dan pandangan bernilai tinggi yang ditawarkan oleh buku ini. Untuk kalian yang mencari-cari buku yang dapat menarik hubungan antara kegiatan spiritual dengan produktivitas (yang dalam hal ini dimaknai dengan sebuah kegiatan bisnis), saya rekomendasikan untuk menjadikan buku ini menjadi bahan bacaan kalian. Empat bintang! View all my reviews
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rubahlicik · 5 years ago
Preloved : Kuras Rak Buku final
Makasih loh yang uda nampung buku-buku aink kemarin. Mereka beberapa minggu terakhir ini homeless. Wkwkwk
Buat yang nanya nanya kemarin maaf uda sold bukunya. First come first serve. Kecuali yang order ga konfirmasi lagi baru autocancel.
Ini sisa 6 buku lagi, siapa tahu ada yang masih pengen. Selain 6 ini dan serial cantik, yang postingan preloved sebelumnya uda sold ya. Semoga bermanfaat buat yang uda ngambil.
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Man shabara Zhafira 25rb
With you, Christian simamora 20rb
Illusion 15rb
Spiritual creativepreneur 10rb
Spiritual problem solving 10rb
It's my startup 10rb
Buat yang berminat bisa PM yak
Thank you
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msranerose · 4 years ago
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Let’s do this together, Growth is the goal For me For the people around me For my professional goals And my spiritual growth In everything -Your Monday morning reminder -@ceoschool Ms Rane Rose is wearing Saint Benedict Charm by SERAPHIM bracelet Trinity and Locked by SERAPHIM necklaces : Sophia by SERAPHIM : Doll 17 & Angel 20 #linkincomments OOTD: Shop your screenshot of this pic with the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app. Follow me @msranerose! . South Street Seaport, NYC . . #cityliving #manhattannyc #seraphimwatches #sophisticationinsimplicity #newyorkcity #manhattan #nyc #minimalist #minimalism #brandingidentity #contentcreation #corporateslave #corporatelifestyle #digitalmarketing #creativemarketing #creativepreneur #womeninbusiness #socialselling #influencermarketing #dreamersanddoers #hersuccess #goalgetters #intentionalbusiness #herbusiness #sheo #selfgrowth #liveyourdreams #buildanempire #femalelead #womenempowerment #femaleentrepreneur
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rebecca-s-taylor · 4 years ago
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📸You ready to have some fun with me? ����There's nothing more radiant, inspiring and magnetic (think dream clients, authentic connections and incredible biz opportunities) than seeing a woman light up from the inside out✨. ❤️Life is too short to waste it in hiding and not having fun, don't you think? And when we authentically connect to another human in this way, our hearts opens and this puts us on a path to REAL growth and transformation. OK, what am I going on about?? Sometimes I don't even know!! 🤣😅😳 But I do know this - You want to succeed in life, like really succeed? Then you've got to put FUN back on your agenda. You've got to embrace ALL of YOU, follow the FEEL GOOD and keep doing the things that LIGHT you up. If you're a spirit junkie like @gabbybernstein then you know already, that following what feels good is the most spiritual thing you can do on this planet.🙏 💃You ready? Join our next INSPIRED LEADERS photo event 1 Hr of photo fun where we get to play in front of the camera (don't worry, you WILL have fun) and we capture incredible, editorial styled photographs of you that show your true, radiant, unique self to the world. These photographs will allow your biz audience to get to know you on a genuine, mission driven level and will shine a light on your expertise and talent. SWIPE ➡️These are just a sample of what we'll create on set. I can't wait to dive in and get this party started💃💃💃. ✨ONLY TWO MORE SESSIONS left for 12 FEB NEWSTEAD, BRISBANE. DM ASAP for the details. Special bonus for the first person who DMs and books! The next photoshoot date in Brisbane is not until Mid March (I'm off to Melbourne for 3 massive inspired Leaders days in between time). 💖✨💖✨💋💋💋 #inspiredleaders #newstead #camerapro #lovemyclients #lovemyjob #corporatemakeover #lovewhatyoudo #brandingphotographer #rebeccataylor #creativeleaders #creative_portraits #creativepreneur #brisbane (at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK-T-wkrMW1/?igshid=1mlxzqz4xqkxq
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gwynstone · 4 years ago
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⁠ While Black Tourmaline may seem stripped of any color, it’s a hugely powerful stone for those who want to wear a constant cloak of protection. Potent, inky black, and with strong grounding forces, this jet colored stone is known for being a swallower of negative energies. It effectively helps the wearer be absolved of dark feelings, turning these anxious vibrations into a positive spin that nurtures the soul.⁠ ⁠ Black Tourmaline is deeply connected to the base chakras, those earthly roots that help you to feel safe and secure in your place upon this earth. When your root chakras are beautifully balanced and in check, this grants you that deep-seated self-confidence to embrace who you are, speak your truth, and set upon your own path to spiritual healing. And Black Tourmaline can pave the way.⁠ ⁠ #craftbuzz #handmadelove #craftstagram #makingart #doitfortheprocess #makearteveryday #creativeliving #creativelife #artsandcrafts #handcrafted #makersgonnamake #makersmovement #mycreativebiz #handmadebyme #whatimade #creatorslane #handmadeisbetter #craftsposure #creativelifehappylife #helloimhandmade #supporthandmade #makersvillage #thehandmadeparade #makersofinstagram #gwynstone #craftaholic #creativepreneur #creativedaily #handsandheart #handsandhustle — view on Instagram https://bit.ly/2X2DACz
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firefoxmedia · 7 years ago
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The advantage of being a Saturday school teacher you get to create masterpieces with the children. In Arabic I have written Mohammed. #fatimasumar #creativityforlife #paintingaday #givingback #givingbacktothecommunity #stressrelease #funmoment #creativepreneur #healthysoul #healthymind #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #socialmediamanagement #spirituality #fashiondesigner #jewerlydesigner #healthybody #poet #vancitynow #vancitystyle #vancity #socialmediamanager #residualincome #contentcreator #contentmarketing #blogger #bloggerlifestyle #contentcreation
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howmuchistoomuchgsw · 5 years ago
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*TOGETHER* The best hack to lead a happy life is only & only by maintaining balance. A stable mind, body & soul only can let you focus on your goals & attain them. I believe it is necessary to be spiritual, fun loving, enlightening as well as rigid when necessary. You have to learn, revise along with unlearn every time. Bringing together your thoughts, emotions & actions is a big task & your only task if you want to be happy & peaceful always. ❤ ❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ #GSW #graciouslysassywords #dailydoseofcolor #creativepreneur #photosinbetween #shootandshare #bloggerlife #colorfullife #colormehappy #happycolors #ihavethisthingwithcolor #ilovecolor #seeingthepretty #awesomeearth #nature #nature_perfection #naturelover #writerslife #writinginspiration #picturestory #_wfp_ #wfpprompts #😘🌹👀🔥🔥😴💋💋👌💦💯💯🔙👑👏👏💫💫💥💗 #🌙⭐️💫🌟✨💓⭐️👑 (at Chicago O'Hare International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nLtURpIgL/?igshid=1oz39jw8tqvwn
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lexicolaura · 5 years ago
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So following on from my fascination with the chakra and my recent yoga experience (see my stories) I will be stocking these beautiful chakra charms that you can either get as it is on its own or add it to a chain or if you’d prefer, even buy the whole set with a chain so you can swap depending on the chakra you want to channel on. As always I can personalise with a crystal to match the chakra too. #wellness #wellnessfitness #wellnessjourney #healing #healingvibes #chakras #chakra #chakrasymbols #chakrabalancing #chakrahealing #yoga #yogapractice #yogajourney #charms #handmadejewellery #handmadeisbest #lexicolaura #crystals #crystalhealing #spirituality #mindfullness #loveyourself #iamenough #iamworthit #shebelievedshecouldsoshedid #mumpreneur #creativepreneur #supportsmallbusiness #shoplocal (at Nottingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2uqAlYlspK/?igshid=3hnrwqpjw8rs
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rosemarynonnyknight · 7 years ago
#Affirm with me : I am the Magic I seek #ChurchofRNK 💥 Heya. Are you a spiritual person called to make a difference in a bigger way and ready now to do what it takes to create an income online while living out your calling?  Not sure if you spotted this but I am giving away my Amazon Bestseller - 'The Deliberate Millionaire FREEDOM book - Live Free, Wealthy and on purpose: Stop Living for the Weekend and Start Doing What You Want, When You Want' and you can download your free digital copy at link in bio  ☺  #businesscoaching #findyourpath #passionpreneur #findyourpurpose #preaching #empoweryourself #financialindependence #homebusiness #spiritualjourney #entrepreneurialmindset #businessstrategy #bizcoach #entrepreneurial #creativepreneur #soulpreneur #spiritualentrepreneur #spiritdriven #dailythought #takemassiveaction #lifecoach #marketingstrategy #spiritualgangster #businessmen #businesswomen #dontsettle #spiritualteacher #followme #successmindset #selfreflect
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angelondelune-blog · 8 years ago
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"L'arbre rose aux reflets bleus labradorite" • huile et feuille d'or sur toile • 65x54 cm • Une peinture personnalisée réalisée sur commande pour une jeune femme 👩🏼🌳✨💗💙 . . . #art #arbredevie #peinture #artistepeintre #rose #labradorite #frenchartist #oilpainting #treeoflife #tree #commission #creation #creativepreneur #creativehappylife #calledtobecreative #fineart #conscience #madewithlove #spirituality #artist #instaart
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nevaticca · 5 years ago
Sigh when you need to. Meditate as you need to. Scream if you need to. Whatever you need, just breathe.🙏💕 . . . . . #spiritjunkie #highvibetribe #selfgrowth #inspire #innerpeace #theuniversehasyourback #spiritualgangsta #lifelessons #manifest #selftalk #highvibes #spirituality #nothingisordinary #dreamersandoers #manifestyourlife #calledtobecreative #nevaticca #healthymindset #raiseyourvibration #createyourhappy #creativepreneur #chooselovely #zen #enjoythelittlethings #ipreview via @preview.app (at Paradise Lake and Campground) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0h6J5_HuV5/?igshid=10yyfj4puk84o
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flawlessgurlonthemove · 6 years ago
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🎉Happy New Year! Thanking God for the blessing to see another year healthy and happy. If I can speak over your life right I pray that you have financial increase, healing in the physical and spiritual, that you have creativity, that your kids are covered that you let go of fear and walk fully in faith this year. This is the year that you will elevate and go about it boldly and unapologetically. 2018 was my year of tests but 2019 is my year of movement and bold action. I can't wait to reveal some of the projects that I have in store for you. Enjoy your day and be safe. Stay tuned... #happynewyear #2019 #elevation #bebold #nomorefear #noexcused #entrepreneurship #femaleprenuer #lovewhatyoudo #becreative #takeaction #impact #theyearofimpact #creativepreneur #beautypreneur #confidencecoach #girlboss #bossbabe #letitgo #mentorship #prayer #believe #healthy #happy #loveagain #opportunity #femininepower https://www.instagram.com/p/BsFIpCYlQcV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gs64txr30nju
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lucyfarmer · 6 years ago
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We created the #InspireToGive line to give you something to offer when someone gives you a compliment, need to be lifted or just because. ⠀ ⠀ With each piece sold we will donate to a specific non-profit. With the Necklace Set we donate to @the.wellhouse. They provide a safe residential environment to women, offering spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical support services. They welcome all women who have been sexually exploited through human trafficking. Regardless of race, color, creed, or religion, women in pain can be assured they will find love and acceptance at The Well House. ⠀ ⠀ The WellHouse began when a survivor of human trafficking determined that there needed to be a place of safety and trust for victims not yet rescued. Her outreach, and that of others, to women in the Woodlawn area, close to the I-20 corridor, led her to realize that there were no shelters solely for trafficked victims. She then conceived the idea of a home with no prerequisites or requirements that often hinder victims from obtaining needed assistance. ⠀ ⠀ The WellHouse was born from this vision.⠀ ⠀ To find out more about the Well House, go to thewell-house.org. ⠀ ⠀ #lucysinspired #lucysinspiredjewelry #wearoneshareone #thewellhouse #endhumantrafficking #fightforfreedom⠀ ⠀ #communityovercompetition #risingtidesociety #craftsposure #flashesofdelight #makersvillage #calledtobecreative #chasinglight #creativepreneur #creativityfound #designisinthedetails #dowhatyoulove #exploretocreate #liveauthentic #lucydigsdesign #makersgonnamake #makersbiz #makersmovement #thehappynow #southernmakers #tilinsiders #theinstagramlab #shoplucysinspired https://www.instagram.com/p/BpN3QPbHIi5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ozwwbv5ut7gm
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alignandtrust · 7 years ago
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Pisces New Moon Vibes Pisces is all about boundaries. As a water sign, the lesson here is creating a structure in which to experience your dreams, emotions, and spiritual insights. Use the Pisces New Moon to journal, create art, move, and manifest around these ideas. No matter how you go about doing this, remember that your feelings are valid and allow yourselves to feel them without shame. Here’s to celebrating the most magnificent you, always. 📜 @hellogiggles . . . . . . . #minimalist #creativityfound #beyourownboss #pursuepretty #mycreativebiz #femaleentrepreneurs #thiscreativelife #beyourownboss #creativepreneur #thenativecreative #makersmovement #creativehappylife #ownyourwhy #theeverydayproject #TNCHustler #squarespace #pisces #moon #journal #dreamer
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firefoxmedia · 7 years ago
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Let the colours shine through with this sketch art. Ready for an activity with my students. #fatimasumar #sketchart #creativelifehappylife #creativepreneur #creativeart #instaartistic . . . . . #healthysoul #healthymind #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #socialmediamanagement #spirituality #fashiondesigner #jewerlydesigner #healthybody #poet #realestatemarketing #residualincome #usanalifestyle #contentcreator #contentmarketing #blogger #bloggerlifestyle #contentcreation (at 4000 May Drive)
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spiritualbaetribe · 7 years ago
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issa  cyber sale bih  💻📱🛒 Ends at 11:59pm AZT Staple Statement Tees $20 Accessories $7 Get it while ya can 👏🏾🔥 Perfect gifts for the radical free-spirit,mystic,and/or spiritually LIT Folx in ya life. . . . . . . #spiritualbae #maker #etsy #cybermonday . . . . #creativepreneur #enlightenment #feministkilljoy #highvibration #lightworker #etsyshop #womenwithambition #tumblraesthetic #lgoodvibetribe #visualscollective #flair #plantmagic #madewithlove #afrocentric #pinstagram #liveyourtruth #goddessrising #lapelpins #pingamestrong #womanowned #blackowned #smallbizlove #customersppreciation #makersgonemake #witchesofinstagram #spiritjunkie (at Vision Quest Metaphysical Bookstore)
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