#source of happiness and joy in life
amelia-yap · 2 months
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theyre so stupid help
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strangerwheelerthings · 8 months
I don't know if it's because it's been too long since I last watched Stranger Things, but I genuinely don't remember a happy Nancy scene post Barb...
This is such an interesting thing to think about because it's not as if Nancy looks miserable in most scenes of the show. In fact, she often looks determined and occasionally excited even. She has smiled before, but excitement about progress in a case, something she's passionate about because of Barb, isn't necessarily happiness. So this is something you have to look beyond face value for.
Nancy suffers quite plainly with survivors guilt and with a lot of trauma. She isn't healed from what happened in Season One, and I don't think she even let herself really start until after season three. Not with so much unresolved. She also hasn't had the help she really needs either. However, Nancy has experienced happiness since Barb's death. There are moments she forgets. It’s only healthy that she's not so obessively mired in her misery that she can't have moments to breathe.
It's been a while since I've watched the show, too, so I can't say if there's a Jancy scene where she's just happy. Their get-together scene was very in the middle of Barb trauma, the wake up together scene is very stressed and rushed. Jonathan has been good to her, but all their scenes are a very mixed bag of emotions with happiness not really being the predominant one.
There are three small scenes from season four that come to mind. The first is Lucas's game. Nancy is quite genuinely proud and happy for Lucas in that moment of success. It's such a small shot, but it's one of a few scenes that show us that Nancy cares a whole lot more about Mike’s friends than she ever says.
The second is the scene with the dog, right before the plot plummets Nancy right back into her guilt complex. She's starting to live, and she lets herself be, for just a second, when she steps away from a murder investigation to just play with a dog. This is the first real evidence that her passion for her work is not just about Barb anymore.
The last scene is the officially friends scene with Robin. It's simply a moment of establishing connection, and both girls are just so warm in that moment. It's another sign of Nancy starting to actually heal. She's happy to have a new girl friend, not scared or guilty like she would have been before.
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goldkirk · 8 months
When did the latest 1,000 of you follow me??? good lord hi and welcome, I should maybe pay attention to my notifications and activity page more 😭
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cherriko-art · 6 months
I just want to thank the Tumblr community from the bottom of my heart for helping me find joy in drawing again. For helping me find art a little less scary with every comment I get. And to remind people, once again, how much of an impact positive engagement has for creators, no matter how small or big.
Long, midnight ramble on my struggles with art below.
Late night thoughts, but lately my motivation for drawing has been rekindled as a way to release the brain rot on the fandoms and games I've loved recently. I lost my love for art for a really, really long time and for someone who's been drawing since I could pick up a pencil, and has identified as an artist my entire life, literally witnessing myself lose my love for art and drawing has been a really painful process. Especially since it happened over a relatively short period of time. Over 20 years of loving and creating art, only to be extinguished in just a small period of 2 years. When I came to a sudden realization that I hated drawing, I mourned over it for a really long time. I missed the joy I got from drawing, the pride in my art, the passion to learn and hone my skills. I used to think I could never imagine a future where I wasn't constantly thinking about the next thing I wanted to draw, but now I am living that future. Art is never on my mind anymore. I try to draw and I become filled with anxiety and dread. There's not a single thought about picking up my pencil and creating. The only things I had drawn in the last 4 years were for zines and it felt like work, not joy. Drawing felt like a job, and it stopped being the center of my universe. I stopped being active on social media, bc I was only on here for art. But even looking at other people's art left a bitter taste, and I didn't want to look at any of it anymore. Several times over the last few years I've tried to rekindle my love for art, tried starting small again. But it always fizzled out quickly, and I'd abandon it again. Sometimes I scroll through my Instagram and it hurts to look at, because I distinctly remember how much joy I got from drawing every single piece, what my thought process was, and how excited I felt in creating. It's been so long since I've felt happiness in drawing.
Lately, I've drawn some things bc my emotions for the brain rots in my head were Too Big and I couldn't think of releasing these big emotions in anything other than what I know. In art. I just drew something, didn't think too hard abt it, and posted them. Like barfing your overwhelming feelings on paper then throwing it away. But the engagement I've gotten on these emotional-dump drawings have been so wonderful, no matter how small or big, and it's made me so happy. Very specifically from Tumblr. Tumblr has reminded me what it's like to actually interact with fandoms again. Instagram/Twitter/etc has become such a competitive platform for content creators, that any sense of (the minimal) community and fandom interactions have been completely wiped out. But Tumblr has stayed true to it's roots through all these years and never have I been more grateful.
For the first time in years, I'm excited to draw again. I actually want to draw. I finished multiple drawings in the last 2 weeks, more than I have in years. Instead of feeling numb and exhausted after drawing like I had been, I'm actually filled with adrenaline and excitement to draw more. I'm excited to participate in fandoms again, engage in communities. This is all because other people's positive engagements on my little drawings have motivated me to draw more.
Drawing has become a very daunting, anxiety-filled, unpleasant experience for me. I lost my love for art years ago. But the positive engagement in my recent art has pushed away some of that anxiety, and it's becoming increasingly easier for me to pick up that pencil again. Drawing is starting to feel fun again. I don't know how long this will last, if it will fizzle out like it has time and time again. I don't know if art will turn back into the Big, Bad Monster again. But for now, I'm just relishing in the feeling of art feeling like freedom again. And I have the Tumblr community to thank for that.
So for everyone on here, thank you.
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lunetual · 2 years
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happy happy birthday to you, milloved (millie beloved) ♡  ↳ junseo for @berryjaellie​
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ashtcnirwin · 1 year
#sometimes you gotta use your tumblr blog to monologue🧡 or often if you're me#one of the interesting things about going from being a young adult to just a straight up adult is how in a matter of 3-4-5 years---#---the foundation of your daily life can and usually will change so drastically#i think back five years and except for my boyfriend. none of the cornerstones of my day-to-day existence back then exist anymore#the friends i saw on a regular basis no longer live here. they've all moved to other parts of the country#work friends aside i now have...four friends left here. as opposed to the 10-12 i had back then#they're scattered all over the country and i'm lucky if i get to see most of them once a year#the job i loved and adored is no longer one i'm working#it actually doesn't exist at all anymore. the building was torn down and the patients scattered all over town#the path i'd gotten started on in life in terms of education and work is no longer one i'm pursuing#the lifestyle i led is a far cry from the one i'm currently leading#and it's funny is all cos you don't realise that all of these changes are happening in the moment#you just look up one day and realise that a whole part of your life is over#this is starting to sound very sad but that's not it at all#cos truth be told youth is no guarantee for happiness. not in my experience anyway#is there a part of me that looks back and feels a little wistful about the carefree existence i had back then? absolutely#but do i wish to be in my early 20s again? no i do not cos at the time i was fighting battles that i've now overcome#and i have far healthier and more fulfilling sources of joy and happiness in my life now than i did back then#i do think 2018 me would have been lowkey horrified to hear that 2020 me got back into the fangirl lifestyle and that 2023 me is still there#cos i'm fairly certain 2018 me thought that was a past chapter#and that i should've long since grown out of it#but i'd never wanna be without all the good things that faceplanting into the 5sos fandom has brought me#like...even not counting 5sos themselves and everything they are and everything they do---#---i'd NEVER wanna be without all the amazing experiences and encounters that being a fan of theirs have brought me#now i'm just sidetracking cos i'm getting a lil emo#point is that the passage of time is very welcome but also very odd when you take a step back and look at the bigger picture of things
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frootyrooties · 1 year
having an anniversary date for when you got into a band, more specifically a certain member of that band, almost feels like you’re celebrating your wedding anniversary with a rockstar
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rustinged · 1 year
you will continue to find happiness. it might not always be in the same form, but as you live life, happiness will transform and i think the best thing we can do is accept that what makes us happy in the form it does
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aro-aizawa · 1 year
i swear the absolute HEIGHT of total happiness is when a long fic wraps up with a wonderfully happy ending
#shut up danni's talking#it is literally the pure unrestrained delight of wish fulfillment#you've gone on this big huge long journey with these characters through all the struggles and hardships#you've seen every time these characters stumble and you've seen them doubt themselves#and yet. and yet there is always happiness. there will always be happiness.#it makes my heart so overwhelmingly light with joy and it tints my world view with such wonderful shades of roses#my face aches with how much i'm smiling as the story wraps up and how light and free my whole body feels#i want to jump up and skip with how happy i feel#even if usually whenever i do end up finishing these long fics/series/whatever i'm always so tired#because i'd've stayed up and powered through to the very end so i could lay in bed and just... soak in the bliss#i think. it's my life goal to make something that inspires the same thing in others.#i cannot begin to even emphasize how much love i feel in my heart right now for so many things#i want to speak long flowery words of praise for hours because of how overjoyed i feel#and i know its just a shadow of a thing. the biggest escape possible but by god i will take whatever pockets of sheer joy i experience#i'll hold them so tight and i will defend these with great passion because no matter how insignificant the source#i want to bask in this feeling for as long and as often as i like#so here's my recommendation: if you're the kind of person who can get completely absorbed by something like i do#and you have a long thing that you've been eyeing but the length intimidates you then absorb it anyway#take that chance that the thing you're slightly iffy on will be worth it because ohhh chase that feeling whenever you can#that is hopefully my final nugget of words that i give you otherwise i can and will go on forever
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re; anon assumptions
I'm going to make an assumption that you are considered a very good friend to people...one of those people who just has it in them to be the kind of person people adore and hugely appreciate even if it's not said aloud regularly enough
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princeyoon14 · 2 years
just got done watching be the sun in tokyo.
ugh. these men are so important to me. i watch them with a smile. every. got. damn. time. they have honestly kept me alive and i owe them my life.
one of their ments tonight was one of my, if not my most favorite i’ve ever seen from them. them just forgetting they’re in front of thousands of people is so lovely and heartwarming to me. they enjoy each other so much and being a witness of that is one of my favorite things in the world.
i am so honored to be a witness of them.
seventeen, i promise you this, i’ll always look out for you.
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huda-yousef · 14 days
Save What’s Left of My Family in Gaza
Donation Link
In the heart of Gaza, where daily life has become a constant challenge amidst the siege and continuous bombing, we experienced unforgettable moments, filled with love and hope despite the pain. This is my story, and the story of my family, which may not differ from hundreds of other families in Gaza, but it holds special memories that will forever be etched in our minds.
Yazan, my dear nephew, was always a symbol of courage and joy in our family. Since childhood, he loved to wear his elegant blue suit, always made sure his hair was neatly styled, and smiled at the world as if to tell us that tomorrow would be better. On the day of a family member’s wedding, Yazan stood proudly beside us, radiating happiness, sharing his smiles with everyone, as if he knew that these moments would be among the last memories we would have of him. Just a few days later, in a merciless airstrike, we lost Yazan. He left us while dreaming of a tomorrow filled with peace and joy, leaving behind a void and indescribable pain.
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As for Suheir, my beloved niece, she is the sun that rises in our lives every day. Suheir is still with us, full of life and hope, dreaming of wearing her white dress on her special day and living a life filled with joy and success. Despite the harsh circumstances, Suheir carries the spirit of childhood and is the source of hope that we cling to amidst all this pain. Every time I see her, I feel that life still offers us a chance to witness its beauty and happiness.
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We lost Yazan, but we thank God that Suheir is still with us. She is a symbol of hope and resilience. Although life has become more difficult and harsh, I believe there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We have endured these bitter experiences together as a family, but we still carry in our hearts a passion for life, seeking safety and the opportunities that can grant us a new beginning.
For this reason, I have launched a fundraising campaign to help my family escape this harsh reality. My goal is to secure a better future for those of us who remain, especially the children who deserve to live their lives without fear of bombings and airstrikes. All I ask for is a chance to give them a future filled with peace and opportunities, far from wars and destruction.
With hope and faith, I ask everyone who reads these words to contribute to our cause. Together, we can build a better future for our children, keep Yazan’s memory alive as a symbol of courage and hope, and continue to support Suheir so that she can live the life she dreams of, filled with safety and happiness.
Sorry for mention you
@claudiasescapesubmarine@neptunerings @malcriada@timetravellingkitty @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @northgazaupdates2 @rhubarbspring @watermotif @kyra45-helping-others @gaza-evacuation-funds @appsa @emathystg @transmutationisms @lonniemachin @retvolution @rairikka @a1m3v @bookn3rd-cartoons
@chronicschmonic @feluka @halalchampagnesocialist @ihavenoideashelp @irhabiya @jezior @kordeliiius
@komsomolka @kit-today @laurapalmerss @mushroomjar@mahoushojoe@mothblossoms
@orchidvioletindigo @pcktknife @planetgraves @vetted-gaza-funds @turtletoria @the-bastard-king @three-croissants @tortiefrancis @sleevesareforlosers @grapejuicedragoon @girlinafairytale @lovewontfindherwayhome @rooh-afza
@unfortunatelyuncreative @vakarians-babe @wellwaterhysteria @xinakwans @hametsukaishi
@appsa @a-shade-of-blue @a1m3v
@transmutationisms @nightydraws@mimiqyu
@grapejuicedragoon @boostpOwer @ohwarnette
@mothblossoms@zigcarnivorous @xzbat-loverzx
@degenderates @briarhips @bunnie-the-idiot
@brutaliakhoa @claudiasescapesubmarine
@commissions4aid-international @doug-dimmadumb
@deepspaceboytoy @feluka @flower-tea-fairies
@girlinafairytale @halalchampagnesocialist
@hametsukaishi @irhabiya @kordeliiius @killaltrock
@kyra45-helping-others @kit-today @laurapalmerss
@lovewontfindherwayhome @malcriada
@mushroomjar @neptunerings @planetgraves
@pocketsizedquasar-2 @queerstudiesnatural
@rhubarbspring @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @s8n66
@strawberrysnipes @schoolhater@sawasawako
@the-bastard-king @three-croissants @tortiefrancis
@wellwaterhysteria @xinakwans @postanagramgenerator @appsa @ethanscrocs @gryficowa @bilal-salah0 @ot3 @prinnay @ethanscrocs @schoolhater @kpiva
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mentagenesis · 7 months
How to Attract Unexpected Miracles!
This week I’ve been dealing with a snow storm and heavily cloudy skies that went on and on for days. As some of you know I live off-grid in North Central Arizona in a cabin I built with my own two hands and which relies on solar energy for electricity. Even though I’m always upgrading my system with more reserve capacity (batteries) this lack of sunshine for days on end left me with a serious…
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4suitedplayingcard · 1 year
so i just finished listening to The Champion of Ennui today. my suspicions abt hylics being a secretly depressing game were right.
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osamam2 · 1 month
Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive😢🍉
Hello, I am Osama Majed. I am 30 years old, I live in Palestine, in Gaza. My wife, Sondos, and my daughters (Lana, Amal),Our life before the war was full of joy and happiness. I was working hard to provide a decent life for my daughter, but the war came and destroyed everything. We now lived in a tent and struggled to obtain the simplest necessities of life.🙏🍉
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lost my job and source of income in Gaza as a result of the occupation bombing of the clothing store I owned.I also lost my home and now I live in shelter camps in a tent and I suffer a lot in providing the necessities of life for my family and milk and food for my children.😭💔🍉
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I suffer from a severe disability in my right hand that prevents me from practicing my normal life
I have lost my ability to continue to live and provide for my young family. Help me so that I can leave the Gaza Strip to complete treatment so that I can work again. Find a safe place for my family. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🙏
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Your donation, no matter how small, will make a difference in my early life🙏🙏🙏🍉
@sayruq @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @nabulsi @commissions4aid-international @kibumkim @wellwaterhysteria @deepspaceboytoy @neechees @kyri45 @mangocheesecakes @marnota @7biases @tortiefrancis @fromjannah@dirhwangdaseul @mahoushojoe @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @khanger @vague-humanoid @lacecap @yugiohz @nibeul
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neil-gaiman · 3 months
hi neil. i've held off on writing this message for a bit because i didn't know if i could get it out or not.
i work in a senior healthcare facility. not a nurse or anything, i actually just serve food to the residents, but it's given me the ability to get to know a lot of the people that live there. because of this, i was able to befriend a wonderful lady named sally. she would always come talk to me while i served up the meals, and we'd have nice chats. she spent most of her time reading books, since she didn't like to do many of the activities with the other residents, and since she loved books with mystery and suspense, i loaned her my copy of american gods, thinking that she'd enjoy it. and she did! i loved it when she'd come talk to me about the chapter she'd just read, our little chats about wednesday, just everything. i was happy that she liked the book.
our chats kind of tapered off after awhile, and we didn't talk as much. she's had my book for well over a year now, which i hadn't minded, but she eventually started picking up our chats again, about the book. but she was talking about how she had just started reading it and that she was really interested in it so far. i came to realize some time later that sally was actually just finally showing signs of dementia, which was saddening for me to hear, but it's one of the heavy realities of working in a facility like this. she had always struggled with some memory and speech issues, but i'd always chalked it up to her older age.
anyway. i am saddened by this onset, but at the same time, i am also finding some strange comfort in knowing that she will come up to me at breakfast, wanting to talk to me about american gods, because she's forgotten that she's already read most of it, and she just reads the first few chapters over and over. she doesn't leave her room without it, she brings it to the table with her every day. when she leaves the facility with her family for an outing, she brings it with her. i am just. so comforted knowing that your book i loaned her a year ago is a source of joy and delight for her, and continues to be so over and over. i know i'll never get that book back, and i won't ever try to get it back from her, even if she stops reading it. i want her to keep it.
i now have a streak regarding losing my books that you've written, i'm two for two now, haha
idk. i'm just really kind of overwhelmed today by all the emotions surrounding it and i'm just happy that you wrote something that she likes so much, and that we talk about it even though she doesn't remember that we've talked about it a dozen times before. i love each and every chat with her so much, and i want to keep having them with her for as long as i can. thank you for your work.
Some of the happiest hours of my life were spent with a friend with advanced Parkinson's dementia, sitting on his porch with him, both of us reading. And he read the same few pages over and over and it was okay.
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