#sorta lmao idk
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What Valentine-y skills does Poe possess? Is he poetic? Flowers, singing? picnic?
It's a galaxy far, far away, but a girl can dream...
Hope your day was lovely!
aaaaaah thank you so much for sending this in! i'm sorry i'm answering this a day late, i had to work late yesterday 🥲
OKAY SO. i feel like poe is the kind of person who would put in so much effort into making the ones he loves feel special on a day like valentine's day...however, i also kind of love the idea that he is kind of terrible some of the things he tries? lol. like, maybe he can sing, and he knows you love when he sings, so he tries to write you a song (he's pretty good at coming up with those inspirational speeches so, why not, right?) and maybe it's just...awful. he works so hard on it though, puts all his love for you into it, and ultimately you just can't help but appreciate his efforts. 😆
at the end of the day, i feel like he is better at showing you how much he cares for you more so than telling you. which is maybe why something like flowers and/or a picnic might work out better for him. he seems like the kind of person who pays close attention to people, especially those he cares for, so he knows all your favorite things without you having to tell him. i also think he'd love sharing something with you that's his, that means something to him, maybe a favorite place or a dish from his homeworld. he's a sentimental one, our flyboy. ❤️
i'm envisioning a picnic somewhere with just the two of you, somewhere that either is important to one or both of you (maybe it's where he likes to go to clear his head, or maybe it's where you first kissed). he'd give you your favorite flowers, prepare all the food himself, making sure to include every single one of your favorites. maybe he'd also include one of his favorite dishes from yavin iv, one his dad used to make for his mom (and later, when he got a little older, poe as well) on special occasions. maybe he also gives you a gift and maybe he made it by hand, just for you, or maybe it's just something you needed or wanted that he knows you'll never ask anyone for. whatever he ends up doing though, he'll make sure you know just how special and loved you are by him 🥹❤️
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“my daughter turned out fine” your son is a fucking faggot
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aardvaark · 24 days
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Beth Riesgraf: I just had thought before we did that take, I was like "Oh I should- she would think [kissing him] is the right thing to to do, but wait, I don't do that" and then she leaves him hanging.
— episode commentary from The Inside Job
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soranker · 1 year
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have been super busy lately so doodled some wolfies to destress ^_^
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temeyes · 4 months
*taps your shoulder*
Ghost would 100% definitely be the type to say put*ngina (heneral luna style) in any social context po
*runs away* 🏃‍♀️💨
so true (he's like me like for real)
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filurig · 4 months
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so my frend made a Cruel evil joke (joke) about my last post about kicking arvo while he's shapeshifting. Because fun fact the reason why basilisks are so vulnerable during shapeshifting and why its a big deal to do it with company is that if the "shell" that forms (basically the skin/feather husk of their previous form) suffers trauma and bursts before the process is over, the half-melted half-formed meat goo will just come out. and sometimes its conscious before it inevitably dies. which inspired the first image (not canon dw)...
but that made me sad to draw so i sketched up a small comic instead. idk if its fully canon but either way itd happen post-story, during a time when folke is feeling discomfort and some resentment towards arvo... but the dream disturbs him even so
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au where moon fills in while sun is "on vacation" and nothing bad happens
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blu-ish · 8 months
Ok so how do you think Shadow reacted when Sonic wasn’t in his arms when he arrived back in green hill
(Sonic prime)
... (Here's my idea as a sample mini-fic cuz I have no self-control.)
He couldn't help the panic that sunk deep within his broken heart. He failed. After everything, and he was still unable to save one of the only people who genuinely cared about him. That was Shadows most rational thought at the moment anyways. Almost tempted to let out a pitiful laugh at the irony of it all.
The hedgehog felt stupid, naive, and absolutely pathetic. Just like before.
What did he think would happen?
His grip loosened after he feels the almost ghostly appearance of the chaos emerald in his quills, the one he'd spent hours scouring for in the past. He doesn't even remember why...
The emerald looked way to much like his eyes, eye's he'd never get to see again.
As much as Shadow was willing to give into the pain, the urge to scream his lunges out, he remembered the mountain-- the prism.
What if...?
Hope burns like a small uncertain ember in his heart, one where the slightest breeze would extinguish it forever. Shadow races up the mountain, emerald in hand, unsure of what he might see--or what he wanted to see. Who he wished to see.
Ruby meets emerald green, and Shadow can breathe again.
Shadow tries to ignore the emotional whiplash he had just experienced. He really does. But, he can't help but occasionally stare- no, examine the cobalt hedgehog who sat next to him.
He's here.
He's alive.
His gloved hand twitches, unbeknownst to its owner, it slowly inches its way closer to the hero. Stopping at an invisible barrier, Shadow clears his throat.
"I hope you've at least tried to learn something from all of this."
Sonic's laughter almost makes the agent jump, almost.
"Yeah, yeah. No more smashing super colorful rocks for me, that's for sure!" Sonic played the events they both just endured like another adventure, just another day for Sonic T. Hedgehog. Or so he assumed the blue hedgehog was trying to do.
"I think that would be for the best. For everyone." Shadow concluded, gripping the grass below him a little harder then he meant too. An action that didn't go unnoticed by the hedgehog next to him.
"I'm really gonna miss everyone though, seems kinda silly after everything but..." Sonic sighed, "I'm really glad the guy I ended up getting stuck with was you, Shads."
Turning to face the hedgehog fully. Shadow scanned Sonics face for any indication of sarcasm, only to be met by the most brightest smile he'd ever seen. The warm hues of the sunset didn't help either.
He'd seen Sonic smile, the guy seemed to do it whenever he could. But now, this... felt different, personal. It didn't feel unpleasant either. That scared him, not like he'd ever admit that though.
"And what exactly does that mean?" The darker hedgehog ignored the flush that was most likely on his face right now. Narrowing his brow at the other. He could unpack what he was feeling, later.
"Does grumpy want a list?" Sonic replied playfully. Since when did he start to lean on his side? The blue hero continued, listing his reasons on his fingers.
"Not to mention you've saved my life, more than once, all in practically the same day."
"You saved mine as well, that makes us even." Shadow reminded. It was getting harder and harder to keep eye contact with Sonic. He crossed his arms in mild frustration at himself more than anything.
"We had a bonding moment! You cradled me in your arms, dude!" Sonic exclaimed, moving in even closer somehow to wrap an arm around the flustered hybird.
His mind going blank to find a proper response, he resorted to grumbling. Sonics laughter filled the air again, taking another breath out of Shadows in the process.
"Anyone would've done the same, your life was in immediate danger, I was simply the fastest mode of transportation, simple."
"But it wasn't just anyone Shads... it was you." Shadow had rarely heard the hedgehog sound so serious, but gentle at the same time. As if he was talking to a frightened woodland creature, one that was only mere moments away from fleeing.
He didn't know when they started looking at each others eyes, he also came to the conclusion that Sonics eyes--while similar, shined way brighter than his emerald.
It was Sonics turn to clear his throat, accompanied by a chuckle. "So, yeah... thanks."
What Sonic wasn't expecting was dark arms wrapping themselves around his back. Bringing him close to his rival. Or the soft patch of white fur to tickle so much.
"Don't get used to it.." Was all Shadow said, burying his face unapologetically into his peach shoulder.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Sonic smiled, hugging Shadow tight. The pair stayed like that until the night covered them in a blanket of stars.
It was good to be home.
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bluebunnysart · 1 month
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Negidrill (Miku x Teto) chart by me!! :D (My own headcanons)
This isn't any of the drawings I promised earlier but LOL, I drew this during work today and I wanted to color and line it. Time elapsed: about 4.5 hours (for the coloring/lining/adding text) and maybe 30 mins - 1 hour for the traditional drawing under the cut.
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I took like 15 pictures trying to get a good pic but I wasn't satisfied with any of them 'cuz of the angle and how they're supposed to be in a line, so redrawing it digitally was fun....
Anyway, I drew this today 'cuz I've always liked flat colors (I was aiming for more of a flat color look but ended up adding some shadows anyway lol) and I saw a chart someone else made about their Miku and their Teto, and I really liked it and wanted to make one too! :D (Technically after I finished lining them, I could've done one more final lineart pass but I wanted to make it quick and get to the coloring already, so haha.)
I've been wanting to push out a "full drawing" for a while now, so take this! I have comic ideas and whatnot planned (all of that, all mostly yuri too lol), so I won't give you too much information about this chart, but I wanted to make it for fun, and also to practice some coloring. Each new drawing I make will become more rendered, maybe... My posting of things is all out of order but oh well hahahaha. Mesmerizer sometime eventually too. xD (And Neru ofc!)
Whenever I make something for Mikuteto, I do it to the exclusion of everything else, so I really can't make a huge habit of this hahahaha (I really want to and will eventually tho 😤)
[You may use/repost my art anywhere not on tumblr (unless it's RP) as long as you credit. No to AI though, please. Thanks!]
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swanoel-art · 3 months
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oh benefactor~
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velvet-games · 4 months
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QPR where neither person knows wtf a QPR is
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inluvwcaitvi · 8 days
okay guys be honest… do u think vi could have a praise kink
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weebowe · 2 years
"Stanley? Stanley, what's the matter? Why are you making that face?"
"Mnm..." [You.]
"Me? I do hope your expression isn't one of disgust, then, Stanley. What have I done to make you sneer like that?"
[Your eyes are too bright. I can't look at them for long.]
"Well! I'm sorry that my eyes are 'too bri'– wait, my eyes? You were staring at my eyes? What for? Did you need something from me?"
[No, I just like looking at them. They remind me of something... I don't remember. It's sitting in the back of my mind, but I can't place what exactly...]
"... Oh. Well, Stanley, I have to wonder if that something is a good thing–"
[Of course it is. Wouldn't be anything else.]
"I-I–.... mh. I, er... a-appreciate the compliment, Stanley."
"Wipe that grin off your face. You caught me off guard, that's all."
"...." [I think I remember what they remind me of.]
"Uhuh? And what do my eyes remind you of? That you just happened to recall at this very moment?"
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suckishima · 9 months
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okay this is so small but makes me really happy. taketora just got done talking about how much he admires tanaka and how cool and "manly" he is, which like makes sense right, both tanaka and taketora are always being shown as these like loud "boy's boys" archetypes who do everything with power, talk about girls, and emphasize "guts" and "manliness," so obviously taketora would respect tanaka
but then he immediately turns to also think about how much he admires fukunaga in the same way—fukunaga who doesn't display any of those same qualities that taketora was just admiring about tanaka. fukunaga is quiet, fairly low-key and doesn't flaunt anything ever. dude just goes around making weird puns that 1 people often barely even hear and 2 apparently seem to baffle everyone. but taketora sees all of that and sees how fukunaga still shows up and gets the job done more than successfully—he's one of the top point getters on the team—and taketora respects him for all of that, still calls him a "man's man" and tbh more than respects him, he admires him and sees him as a rival
and idk that just makes me happy, like 1 it's a nice small way of furudate saying that yeah "manly" is a thing that's important to taketora but it doesn't just mean one stereotypical thing—like it's showing that taketora isn't as one dimensional as we would have thought and that he sees things from multiple perspectives (we also saw this from him back during the whole "guts" thing with kenma and how he respects him too)—and it's also an example of seeing fukunaga from another perspective too. it's because he's so low-key that even we as readers have probably barely noticed how much of a rock he is for the team, but if you got back through their matches you can see how often he does score—he's quiet but he's always there. and i just like that furudate takes a moment to not only acknowledge fukunaga but to do it from taketora's pov in order to really hit it home to us how true it must be
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rocketbirdie · 6 months
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destiny intersects with the ruined reactor...
little details!
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khaotunq · 8 months
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i dial drunk, i'll die a drunk, i'd die for you
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