#sorry I haven’t been posting or on much…. been struggling more than words could ever express
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#think I need to delete TikTok#been on the bad side and been getting pro life debaters on my fyp#finally decided to go up and say something cause I was getting so annoyed and upset#OH BOY that was a bad decision#never ever doing that again#and this is why I can’t go out and be around normal people#I can’t even talk to a stranger online#I’m literally shaking and bawling right now#it’s 5:43am and I meant to go to bed like 3 hours ago#wanted to post on TikTok and see if I could get any $$ cause I’m desperate#but nah that ain’t gonna happen cause people suck and I hate everyone and anything I make would be shit#and I can’t do anything right#basically I was trying to explain that mental health comes into play too… that abortion isn’t just black and white#I should have known before I even tried that first of all he’s a male and he wasn’t listening to anyone talk#I just have so many things I want to say but no one to say them#and it was a smaller live so I was like why not and fuck that fuck that fuck that nope#too mentally ill for that 🙃#gonna try and go to bed and calm down my heart#sorry I haven’t been posting or on much…. been struggling more than words could ever express#php helped and I felt a glimmer of hope for a day and a half and ever since it’s just been a downward nonstop spiral#love you all and hope you guys are doing okay 🫶#just needed to vent lol and since I have no friends y’all get to hear it 👌#shut up rosie
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hi friends, i won’t be posting or updating any of my works for an indefinite period n will be on hiatus from this blog as well.
i’ve unlisted kickoff & ihm on ao3 (haven’t deleted, they’ve just been made private) and i’ve unpinned my masterlist here on tumblr (again nothing’s been deleted so you could probably find the chapters if you searched my tags)
but the reason i did that is because i don’t want any new readers finding my works during my hiatus because i don’t want to potentially upset more people in the event that, during this hiatus, i decide that i would no longer like to write my fics
that would be an insanely sad decision to make. i put so much thought into my stories not because i am trying to make them entertaining, but it’s because they genuinely mean so much to me and are cathartic in ways i can’t describe. i have spent a great majority of my life self negating for the sake of others, and so writing was just a form of expression where i could talk about all the things i’ve suppressed over the years - anxiety, career stress, financial stress, avoidance, depression, loss, coming of age, navigating love, etc
but lately, and i do think it’s been a build up of just some careless words from a handful of people over the months, i find myself steering towards a practice of writing that is no longer asking the question “how can i put as much of myself in this piece as possible?” but rather “how can i make sure people won’t criticize this…i feel awful that it doesn’t have what they want it to have…other creators are doing xyz, should i be doing that too?…i’m just scared to share this”
not exactly sure when that shift in headspace began, but as of right now, it’s as strong as ever. and i understand that those questions may seem irrational, and i just have to try to not focus on the feeling, n i wish i was someone that could compartmentalize those thoughts better, but here’s the thing — the whole reason i started expressing myself through writing in the first place was because i’ve spent my whole life compartmentalizing. it would feel so ironic & untrue to the lessons i’ve learned in this journey if i just chose to “suck this up” and continue pushing forward until i reach a point of burnout simply because i don’t want to upset anyone
i’m really sorry i couldn’t focus on the positive. especially with all the insane n incredible amount of love n support i’ve received for my works. i’ve said this time n time again but when i started posting kickoff to ao3 back in january of this year, i had NO idea it would be this loved by so many people…i was like ok can’t wait to interact w these four readers for the rest of the year…and then BAM, i find myself fully sobbing after each chapter update because i was so touched by all the sweet n kind words. i don’t want this decision to come off in a way that makes it seems like i don’t love u guys sm or that i’m ungrateful — i’ve always taken pride in respecting my audience. even for a simple hobby, i try to put effort into my works. i proofread, i plan out, i edit in length, all because i am, well, for one, i’m a bit of a perfectionist LOL but also i think there’s a great deal of honor in respecting an audience that gives you their time n attention
but i already am struggling in my life to focus on the positive. medicine has been such an incredibly daunting career to pursue, i’m honestly only doing slightly better now because i’m just filled with relief that i got into med school to begin with lol it’s still surreal to me, so the stress has been kinda manageable so far on that sense of optimism, but dear god the shit i went through to get here…and the shit i know i still face ahead of me. i spend all of my serotonin on trying to stay positive in the face of my responsibilities. so all of this time i’ve spent trying to stay positive for the sake of my stories too has just left me with so much exhaustion — i just don’t see why posting my works should be anything less than fun and endlessly exciting when it’s a hobby that’s supposed to help me thru the actual brunt of life.
anyways, i’m getting a little carried away here. all this to say, i just need to take time away from posting my works so i can see writing as something for myself n not for others again. i don’t want the thoughts swimming in my head to be thoughts of anxiety over people potentially criticizing me n my creative decisions. i want the thoughts in my head to once again be positive, excited, and nurturing towards my stories. i don’t see how i can accomplish that at this point unless i start writing for myself once more, and not for others
i still have a great deal of passion to write, which is why i haven’t formally taken down my works. i anticipate that i may be able to come back in the future to share my writing again. but as of right now, i just want to heal the relationship that i have with this hobby, and i feel like that’s gotta happen in private (lmfao it sounds like im tryna freak my writing)
i’m sorry that i turned off my asks n my replies, i know so many of u care about me n want to support me n i just am beyond thankful. i don’t anticipate this is a forever goodbye, but i do just need some time rn away from all of this.
hope u all have a happy time!! and take care of yourselves :) much love
- ellie
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So I saw that your requests were open, and would like to ask for a Hank McCoy (Wolverine and the X-Men) x Reader short story, if that isn't too much trouble. If that's not on the table, I'm sorry for bothering you.
YES OFC, I haven’t been writing much, and instead, I’ve been posting a lot more art so it’s about time I get back in touch with my roots 🙏🏽 (sorry this took me forever omg) pls enjoy 😘
Hank x Mutant Reader Word Count: 2.7k Words
Mutant Power: Water Manipulation
You’ve been a member of the X-men for the last 3 years. Yes, that’s almost 3 years you’ve had a crush on Henry McCoy.
I mean, how could you not? He was so sweet, and always put aside time for you whenever you needed it. He’s also, like, insanely hot…
While you do have a huge soft spot for Hank, everyone had given you a warm welcome when you joined of course, this team was your family. More of a family than your parents; who called you a freak for doing ‘tricks’ with their drinks.
You’d make frequent trips to the lab, knowing all too well there would be a big blue hermit waiting for you. As you did this, Hank could never bring himself to admit the embarrassing fact- but your frequent visits were the highlights of his day.
The rest of the team were amazing family to him of course, but no one checked in or visited Hank as often as you did.
Most of the time anyone usually ever came down was if they needed something; nothing this personal. It was new, but it was nice for a change.
Your jokes with him never got old, and your smile that came with it could only make it better. The willingness you had to sit around and let him rant about the latest experiment that had him losing sleep, to even offer a hand with whatever he was struggling with. Your innocent praises glorifying how smart he was had him hiding his growing blush by looking behind a microscope.
“I’m afraid blue blushes too, my dear…” He would joke, causing you to smile and chuckle. Ugh who loves a hot, funny nerd. You’d chuckle to yourself.
Oh who was he kidding, Hank was head over heels. While he tries to use his brain to rationally sugar coat things, he knew he was helpless.
Your attention to detail was incredible, you somehow remember all of his favorite things without fail. You were just so…thoughtful.
He couldn’t help but feel a bit selfish, wanting more than your visits down to his lab, the long talks, your presence. He was going crazy.
Then, every night you’d find yourself laying awake in your thoughts, knowing he couldn’t possibly feel the same.
You’d never put your friendship on the line for something so…selfish.
The thought ate away at your conscious, the numbing sound of your fan tuned out by your busy mind. You sigh, rolling over to your side while pulling your blanket with you.
You don’t know why you were like this.
You and Hank are…friends. Which is fine- even though it hurts. You are fine with it, and you’ve been fine for the past 3 years.
…for the most part anyway.
♡ ♡ ♡
You were now hanging out with Hank in his lab, legs dangling over the edge as you talked to each other. Something about a new opera showing happening in town.
Suddenly, you hear Xavier telepathically call for the rest of the X-Men to meet him in the control room, suited up. Must be a mission.
You were informed the Jaggernaut had escaped custody, again.
All X-Men that were on stand-by were now assigned on this task. The team consisted of you, Hank, Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and of course Storm. Stacked team if you say so yourself.
Everyone was in the Blackbird with the sole goal of neutralizing the Jaggernaut before he caused severe harm.
Cyclops was put in charge, giving direct orders as he looked to you and Ororo. “I need you and Storm to direct him towards us, we need to keep him separated from civilians. Meaning I need a tall wall of water, Storm you freeze it making sure he won’t be able to get through.”
You both looked to one another with nod. Scott then turns around to Hank who was piloting the jet. “Hank you go with them and watch from above and make sure things don’t get to out of hand. If they do we need your strength to counter-attack.”
Hank replies with a “on it” before tilting the jet to left, bringing the stealth instrument closer to the designated location.
“Logan you’re taking the wheel while those three get dropped down. Everyone else is with me.” Scott said finally while Hank clicked some buttons before switching with Logan. The bottom hatch of the plane opened up, allowing you, Storm, and Beast to exit.
Storm flew to her position in the air, leaving you and Hank free falling towards the ground. Hank turned to look at you expectantly, blue hair blowing wildly in the wind.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” You chuckle. You outstretched your arms towards a nearby pond you spotted earlier. Pulling your hands back to your chest in a stream-like manner, a large funnel of water shot out towards you and Hank.
You grabbed Hank’s arm as the funnel reached you, changing the water into a shape similar to a slide with your free hand. You surfed down the water, holding onto Hank making sure he kept up- and knowing him, it was also preventing him from falling off.
As you neared the ground, you spun the water into a wide spiral to slow down your momentum for an easy landing.
“I’m still impressed you can do that with your hands.” Hank comments as you reach the ground, earning an amused huff from you. “Well it took some practice,” You trail off, your eyes now looking at his crazy wind blown hair.
“Actually, I’m more impressed your hair can take that shape…” You snort, biting on ur fist to hold in your laugh. It looked like he had an insane cowlick…well, maybe if the cow had 4 tongues.
“…what?” He said before quickly bringing up a hand to his hair. While he was busy fixing his crazed hair, you spot Storm flying over.
“I’ve located the Juggernaut, he’s down the street!” She briefly informs you before taking off, flying further down the street.
“Right right, back to business.” You say, waving an arm around yourself to recollect your water. Hank takes off, leaping after Ororo as you ride your stream of water.
You hear loud commotion around your surroundings the further you went, hopefully you arrived in time. You spot the Juggernaut on the street, wildly flipping cars as if he were in a mad rampage. One was now launched and flying in midair- towards you, specifically.
You expertly weave around it, spinning upside down in doing so. Before he can flip anymore cars you jump, using all surrounding water to form a wall as Scott instructed.
You hear a crack of thunder overhead as you land, the air chilling and the clouds growing darker. With a strong gust of wind, the walls you made froze over. You see Storm fly into view along with the rest of the X-Men behind you.
Beast jumps onto a light post, swinging on the end before propelling himself onto the large wall of ice.
The Juggernaut’s actions were now solely limited to facing the X-Men head on. Realizing this, he began charging with full force towards the rest of the team.
“Get his helmet off!!” Cyclops orders before bringing two fingers to his visor, firing off his laser beams.
Night Crawler bamfs around the brute, landing on his shoulders for brief moments, attempting to unlatch the dome.
You shape your water into a whip, ready to attack if the villain closes in. You see Storm raise her hands, calling down thunder as lightning begins to target the Jaggernaut.
You even see Jean pressing her temple with two fingers, using her telepathy with the other outstretched hand to slow down the pursuer.
He wavered just barely under her prowess, the strong bolts only slowing him down slightly before Wolverine decides it’s time he steps in.
With a growl, Logan leaps towards him with his adimantium claws extended before being swatted away by the Juggernaut’s large hand.
Not a moment later he grabs onto Nightcrawler and tosses him aside as well, throwing him on top of Wolverine.
The X-Men were losing options, and fast.
You had to do something.
You swing your water whip from underneath the Juggernaught before quickly whipping it back against his head, effectively tripping him and causing him to topple toward.
Before he could regain his footing completely, you call back all your water to blast him with as much force as you could muster.
And…It was working! He was regressing in distance.
…Until he took a step.
And then another.
And another.
It wasn't long before he began fully charging toward you.
Your concentrated expression quickly fell to one filled with fear and disbelief. “Watch out!” You heard Jean, Scott, and Cyclops warn in unison.
Their cries were all in vain, a large hand splashing out of the water had taken hold of your face. You felt your feet lift off the ground as you were directly dangling in the air, at the mercy of an unstoppable force. In this position, the Jaggernaught could easily crush your skull if he so pleased.
“I will find Xavier. And I will make him pay.” The brute speaks as his grip on your head steadily tightens, your chest burning as you screamed in sheer horror at the increasing pressure.
From above, Hank was almost hesitant to give away his position as the others before you attacked- he knew they could hold their own. But watching you face the Juggernaught head-on…Seeing how your life was in such jeopardy, hearing your screams, Hank had no second thoughts about intervening and saving you.
With a distant roar, you hear Beast come down on the Juggernaut. He releases you, but at the cost of you falling; and of course- hitting your head on the pavement.
Your head began pounding, ears ringing as the corners of your vision grew fuzzy with dark spots. All you could see was a flurry of blue viciously wrestling with a large brownish blob. More figures rushed into the picture before a redhead precluded your vision, concern written all over her face.
“Stay with me! Don’t close your eyes and just listen to my voice…“ Her words began to fade out as the black dots in your vision clouded the world around you.
Your head rolled to the side, your closing eyes finding the blue figure before your heavy eyelids inevitably shut.
♡ ♡ ♡
You slowly awoke to a steady beeping of a monitor nearby, your eyes softly fluttering open. Looking up to the ceiling, you recognized it as the flat cement ceiling of Hank’s Lab.
Before you could get up, you felt the intense throbbing pain coming from the back of your head. Had you really hit your head that hard?
Well if it had knocked you clean out it must’ve been…
“You’re awake!” You hear a familiar voice call out to your right. It wasn’t long before a blue face came into view, blocking the blinding glare of the overhead fluorescent lights.
“How are you feeling?!?” Your vision slowly focused in on the figure in front of you. “Good…I think.” You slowly sit up, rubbing the back of your head tenderly.
You notice you had an IV inserted into your right forearm. Without another thought you removed it, ready to go…to wherever you were needed.
“Woah, there- you should slow down it’s been…a bit and you're still recovering.” Hank warns, grabbing your wrist to keep you from moving any further.
You looked to his face…he was worried??? “Hank, I’m fine! See?” You said reassuringly; though, Hank himself didn’t find himself too convinced.
“Hey, what are you so worried about?” You ask, brows drawn together hoping to get a straight answer out of him.
He was worried about you, obviously. You suffered several traumatic head injuries within a short span of time! If you had not been a mutant…he didn’t even want to think of the possible outcomes of that situation.
Hank sighed heavily, organizing his racing thoughts. “I thought I’d lost you.” He managed to drag out.
That he lost...YOU?!?
“Hank, I think I’ve suffered greater injuries. You should know this.” You say with a small laugh before quickly stopping, his solemn expression instantly killing your attempt to lighten the mood.
His large hands grab your wrists firmly. “You have been out for a month.” His words shook you, so much so that you found yourself shaking your head in disbelief.
You hadn’t been out for longer than a day, right?
Hank must’ve sensed your reluctancy to believe your current situation because he started again. “You suffered several fractures to your skull, luckily, nothing broken or opposing threats to your brain. Unfortunately the stress your skull took on added with the hard contact of the ground practically split your head open.” He explained, running a hand down his tired face.
You hadn’t realized this had happened. “But I’m…I’m okay now, aren’t I?” You ask hesitantly, raising a hand up carefully to the back of your head. You felt stitches, running up the back of your head. Your stomach dropped.
“I performed an emergency medical procedure…which I won’t go into details with you so soon…” He sighed heavily once again, plopping down in his wheeled office chair.
“I hadn’t realized…” You quietly trailed off while fidgeting with your fingers out of nervous habit.
Hadn’t realized what? How bad the situation was? How worried the other X-Men must be? How much Hank went through to make sure you were well?!?
“Please, it isn’t your fault. If anything, this situation has made me realize something…” Now it was Hank’s turn to dramatically pause, his head in his large, blue hands.
“What? What is it?” You ask nervously, fearing your health was in critical condition at this point.
He grabbed you by the shoulders once again, looking into your eyes deeply, “Because…because I fear I’m falling in love with you.”
You stared in utter shock. Had you heard him correctly? He feels the same way?!?
“I-I want to come home to you, to kiss you like it’s been eons since I last saw your face. I need you safe, I don’t know how I’ll live with myself if you aren’t-” You didn’t need to hear anymore.
You grabbed him by his lab coat, pulling him into you as your lips pressed together in a flurry of passion.
He held onto you, hungrily chasing after your lips as he poured all the love he’d helplessly held in for so long.
Your hands slowly slid up his broad chest and towards his neck, finding themselves tangled in his soft hair. “Hank” You sighed against his lips, the kiss ripping all oxygen from your lungs and leaving you breathless in the process.
He groans into your mouth in response, his tongue running against your bottom lip, silently begging for access.
Your heated ‘session’ was abruptly cut short by the lab door sliding open. Hank shot up, nearly taking a tumble trying to remove himself from you- to avoid any suspicion of…previous actions of course.
Though, the scene didn’t look too convincing; seeing how Hank’s glasses laid crooked on his face and his hair was well tussled. You had to cover your giggle at his appearance.
It was Morph, Cyclops, and Logan. They all start laughing, causing the rest of the X-men to come in, groaning in defeat.
“Woah, woah- were all of you just standing outside the door?!?” Hank exclaimed.
“Pay up, daddy’s waiting.” Logan holds out a hand expectantly towards the other X-Men, a smirk displayed across his face while completely ignoring Hank.
“I knew I should’ve bet with Logan.” Rogue mumbles, fishing out money from her pockets along with the rest of the team.
Oh yes. This was only the beginning of a long, beautiful (and heavily teased) relationship with Hank.
I hope you enjoyed this cute little one-shot! ;)
If you want more like this or want something written, please hit up my ask box! Requests are always open 💕 Until next time🫡🫡
#hank mccoy#henry mccoy#beast#x men 97#x men comics#marvel#xmen#wolverine and the x men#logan howlett#wolverine#rogue#morph#storm#jean grey#cyclops#scott summers#hank mccoy x reader#beast x reader#writers on tumblr#writerscommunity#creative writing#juggernaut#night crawler
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the tortured poets department



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Part I
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Contains/TW: depictions of autism ‘meltdowns’/panic and overstimulation, slight depictions of asthma. PSA i’m portraying amelia’s autism in similar ways to how mine works and what it does to me so if yours works differently that’s okay! ASD affects us all who have it in different ways 🖤
A/N: i will admit i struggled a bit with this one so it might not be as great. i hope you enjoy it regardless though :,) ALSO to those of you who loved Jinx and Millie’s friendship you’ll probably like this one! 🖤 (also another psa last chapter of 2024 🤭)
WC: 4.6k
Part IV
The Bolter
It felt like every inch of me was shaking as I speed-walked down the hallway towards the locker room. My arms tightly wound around myself as Vi’s words echoed in my head like an angry mantra. No, no no no… you will not victimize yourself right now. Take care of Ellie. For once just take care of someone else. It wasn’t to say I hadn’t been yelled at before, countless times I found myself on the receiving end of my parents frustrated anger or my tutors’ impatience. Even Caitlyn and I had for sure gotten into a few screaming matches before. But for some reason hearing it from Vi’s voice hurt more than anyone else’s.
I roughly wiped at my eyes before I could push my way into the locker room, momentarily forgetting about the contacts that had been shoved into them which caused me to grimace at the feeling of them shifting. I tried to blink away the blurriness as I stepped into the room. Ellie stood over the sink, already shrugged off all of her gear now clad in a simple black tank top as she carefully dabbed at the splotch underneath her eye with a wet cloth. “Ellie? A-Are you okay? How’s your head?” I questioned as I cautiously crept into the empty locker room.
“Haven’t had any complaints yet.” She joked with a shrug causing my expression to fade into a little scowl. “Relax, I’m fine. My ego’s more bruised than anything, I think.” She sighed as she whirled around to face me, cautiously pulling the cloth away from the glowing ice burn along her cheekbone.
“It’s gonna leave a sick scar, you should say ‘you should see the other guy.’” I teased, gently pressing on her shoulder to get her to sit down until she hoisted herself up on the sink.
Her lips upturned in a slight smile as she let out a little chuckle. “Except I’m pretty sure she looks a whole lot better than me.”
“Not whenever she made an ass of herself.” I spoke, eyebrows drawing together in a look of concentration as I stole the warm cloth from her hands to press to her cheekbone instead. Ellie hissed a bit in pain, curling her hands around the counter of the sink with a shuddering breath.
“Fuck, all this time out of service and it’s made my pain tolerance eat shit.” She remarked with a small cringe screwed on her face before it softened. “A-Are you okay? After what she called you? I-I don’t even know why she did it- that was so disgusting-“
“Els, I’m okay.” I confirmed, softly stroking her shoulder with my free hand. “I’ve been called worse.”
“You shouldn’t have been.” She spoke with a shake of her head, slowly and carefully the weight against my hand increasing as she leaned into my touch. “I’m sorry I- I should’ve known she was going to be an ass today after yesterday and I-I should’ve kept you from it I-”
“Ellie…” I frowned, my facial expression shifting into one that was slightly more stern as I took my other hand to hold the other side of her face with. Her green eyes were glassy, as if she was holding back an absolute avalanche of tears. So much more innocent than she would ever let herself show… except for maybe to me. “You’ve gotta stop blaming yourself for things that aren’t your fault.”
She let her eyes shift, a subtle understanding between the two of us as she peered downwards. “It’s not as if she doesn’t have a right to be angry. Her- Her dad- He was a civilian doctor on base with us.“ Her throat bobbed as she tried to recount the tale with as much strength as she could. “Some of the guys that were stationed with me were… these disgusting pigs that thought because they were in the army they had some sort of authority over civilians though and took to harassing the shit out of him basically until they were forced to move. I don’t know why she blames me… maybe I guess because I’m the only one left she can blame. Or just an easy target.” She ran a slightly shaking hand through her hair. “I’ve tried to be friends with her so many times but she just isn’t having any of it and takes so much of her anger out on me I-I don’t know what to do.”
I didn’t know what else to say, I seldom did whenever she told me some of the stories of her past. All of my own suddenly seeming to pale in comparison. She was never a fan of the narrative that it was selfish to be so depressed whenever other people ‘had it worse though. It was her who taught me that bravery came in so many different forms. Nevertheless I let my lips press to her forehead before pulling her into my arms, being propped up on the sink counter finally allowing her to snuggle her head into my shoulder as she wrapped her own arms around me.
“It’s much too difficult to not love you. I think one day she’ll see that.” I gave her another gentle squeeze, lingering there for just a second longer before I heard the swing of the door opening.
Ellie immediately slid down from the sink, moving in front of me almost protectively just before Vi stepped around the corner with that same scowl on her face, though she seemed to be trying to hide it more this time. “So, you gonna lose the eye?” She remarked with a hint of humor behind her tone as she pulled the gloves from her bruised fingers.
“Oh uhhh yeah, probably gonna have to amputate.” She teased mildly before making her way towards the lockers. “Where’s Abby?”
“Brief suspended absence… to get her shit together.” Her words seemed to hold more information than she let on. “Sevika wants you to take the rest of the day off though too since you looked pretty shaken up.”
“That’s humiliating.” Ellie huffed as she retreated back towards her locker to pull out a simple grey hoodie to pull on over her tank.
“Els, it isn’t so bad, I mean we have club rush later on today anyways, you could probably use the extra time.” I frowned once more, always trying my hardest to be positive whenever Ellie of all people couldn’t. She was always better at excelling with that kind of thing than I was.
“I guess, I just… I don’t know. How I long for ego dissolution.” She voiced with a shake of her head as she pulled a Carhartt beanie over her head. “I think I’m gonna head back to our place and hit the showers but I can meet you at club rush later on?”
“Sure, just text me.” I added just before she slung her backpack over her shoulder. Her eyes briefly glancing to mine as if she was hovering, wondering if she was safe to do our usual goodbyes. The forehead kisses and hugs, always remembering to tell each other that we loved one another. She decided against it though, just shooting me a weak smile before shuffling towards the door.
“See you, Mills.” She replied, my heart stinging in my chest as I caught my feet briefly trailing a few steps in her direction. ‘God, don’t pull away from me. Please don’t pull away from me.’
Meanwhile Vi’s presence felt like a looming ghost behind me, the burn of her eyes on my back lingering all the while. “Come here.” I heard her speak up with a clear of her throat from her spot on the bench.
My eyebrows furrowed together in frustration in response however, my arms folded across my chest as I whipped around to face her. “You know you don’t get to just tell me what to do, right? First you yell at me outside to leave you alone and now you’re actually telling me to approach you a-as if nothing happened?”
Vi started at me long and hard, eyebrows narrowing in a way that had me instantly regretting my sudden backbone. Nevertheless I tried to maintain my best Kiramman face, slanted eyebrows and darkened eyes that probably only resulted in me looking like an angry or sad puppy. “I was going to apologize.” She finally spoke up after a moment, dropping her hands to her sides as she slowly took a few steps towards me. “I just didn’t want your back towards me whenever I did.”
I drew backwards whenever her body approached mine, my breath hitching in my throat as my back suddenly hit the side of a locker even though she hadn’t even gotten that close. “I’m sorry, for raising my voice at you. I just wanted to protect you.”
“From what?” I whispered, hands shaking as I slid my arms back around my waist as if trying to give myself the illusion of someone else’s arms around me.
“From you seeing things if they went south.” Vi stated, finally dropping herself down onto one of the benches that wrapped around the lines of lockers. “Now… will you please come here?”
I probably shouldn’t have. I knew it wasn’t smart of me and I had probably well and truthfully lost the plot. Her history with my sister was enough of a reason but the addition of the other stuff, the fighting, the mysterious death that I had yet to learn about but was too afraid to ask about. It was all such a bad idea and I knew that. But every aspect of love that had ever been in my life so far had been a bad idea.
I let my feet shuffle towards her, muscular arms sliding around my waist the moment I got close and my breathing hitched in my throat once more as I felt her pulling me right onto her lap. “Does it make you uncomfortable? Me holding you like this?” She wondered, hands gently ghosting along the ends of my hoodie as if she wanted to slip them up the fabric. And I think I nearly wanted her to. “You’re always shaking.”
“No… I just- I- nobody’s ever touched me like this before.” I answered before settling my clearly trembling hands around her shoulders. I used to always shake whenever people touched me, and still did if they were new. Partially because I never knew if it was going to be a rough touch or a gentle one. The same could be said for intimacy, I had never allowed myself the graces of pleasure before. The idea of exposing myself to somebody was horrifying, being so vulnerable and laid out so bare whenever they could choose to be whichever version of themselves they wanted.
“Never?” She spoke, the smallest gasp slipping from my lips the moment I felt her hand sliding underneath the fabric of the hoodie. Calloused fingers dragging along my bare skin nearly causing me to whimper at the goosebumps that followed.
“Never.” I answered, gulping an anxious lump down my throat. My legs shook as they were practically wrapped around her waist. I wanted to tear off her jersey and feel her muscles underneath again. Trace every line of her biceps and the tattoos inked on top of them, her hands sliding up my spine nearly causing me to arch against them. “Vi- Vi, this can’t just be physical. I-It has to be more than that.”
“What makes you think it is?” She questioned, and I almost whined the moment her warm hand left my skin. “I’ve been trying to sneak into that pretty little head of yours for a while now.”
“My head isn’t a pretty place.” My eyebrows furrowed slightly as I peered downwards in what could’ve almost been interpreted as shame.
“The dark parts too then. I wanna see those too.” Vi whispered.
The look in her eyes was too soft to be insincere, and I caught myself searching her face for any sign of it. I came up empty every single time. And before I knew it I was swirling a strand of her pink hair around my finger just before brushing my lips to hers. Vi’s grip around my waist only seemed to tighten as she pressed me to her. I could’ve sworn I even heard a whimper from her lips as I entangled my fingers through her soft hair. It didn’t last nearly as long as our kiss last night had, though I still felt every bolt and zap of the electricity that seemed to connect through us. My lips pink and swollen as she lightly drug her teeth through my bottom one just before I was left breathless.
“I wanna see you tonight… not to do anything I just- I just wanna see you. C-Can I?” It was the first time I had seemed to catch her flustered as she stared up at me with red cheeks, and not just from the natural chill of the ice rink.
It was hard to say no to the look on her face, so with a delicate hand pressed to her cheek I nodded. “Okay.”
“Boo!” I heard Jinx exclaim the moment I stepped outside, suddenly feeling like the hoodie I wore wasn’t enough to beat the chill that ran through me as I only jumped the tiniest bit. “Ha! Made you jump!” She teased as she pointed a long purple nail my way. “So, did you guys kiss and make up?”
“Uhhh… I mean-“ I stammered, my own cheeks suddenly a bright red as I caught my bottom lip in between my teeth.
“Yeah, you totally did, it’s written all over your face.” She laughed once more before reaching for a bright blue bike chained up to the rack next to mine. “Relax, new girl, I’m not gonna go all guard dog on you because you’re totally into my sister.”
“How come?” I wondered, almost afraid of the answer as I shuffled up towards my own bike.
“Because no offense, you kind of don’t really look like you could hurt a fly.” She chuckled a bit as she hoisted herself up onto the seat. “Going to club rush?” She added with that same smirk-like smile she always seemed to have.
“I guess… my sister told me it was kind of, you know, mandatory unless I wanted to have a really lonely next four years.” I shrugged casually before hopping up onto my own seat and peddling off behind Jinx.
“You seem like you’d be okay with having a very lonely next four years.” Jinx remarked with another little laugh. “Not that being in the ‘esteemed Kiramman family’ could provide a lonely existence.”
“Maybe if you’re Caitlyn, no, she’s always been the one with all the social skills and the brains and brawn to boot. I mean, she’d always try and find ways to include me but whenever she went to uni it just, obviously complicated things.” I explained immediately feeling my face heat up in embarrassment as I shook my head, “Sorry, I-I don’t wanna trauma dump.”
Jinx’s bike suddenly skidded to a halt nearly causing me to jolt forward as I pressed down on my brake to not speed ahead. Her eyes seemed to peer directly into mine with a look I hadn’t really seen from her before. Was it… sympathy? Empathy? “You aren’t trauma dumping, and for future reference if you need somebody to talk to, I’m here.”
My lips slightly upturned in the corners, hands squeezing around the handlebars as I weakly nodded, “Thanks Jinx, that means a lot.”
“Of course it does.” Her typical grin stretched back across her face before she lifted herself from the seat once more to venture forward. “Now… try to keep up because I’m a fast peddler… and a meddler.”
“I could definitely see that last part.” I laughed just before quickening the pace of my own peddling to speed off alongside her. And for the most part I nearly felt like I was getting at least a small part of what was mostly a lost childhood back. Racing down the block and laughing with your friends on your bike. “So, ummm… you’ve asked a lot about me- what about you? How’d you make it to the UK?”
“Pretty epic twist of fate I guess you could say, dead parents for one.”
“O-Oh my God, I’m so-”
“Eh, it’s all good.” Jinx waved it off easily, “My brain’s blocked a good amount of it out, a ‘trauma response’ or some shit, I guess. But anyways, Vi’s always been a beast on the ice hockey rink and rich people love a good sob story so the second they found out she was an orphaned foster kid with an absolutely adorable and tiny genius little sister the sponsorships started pouring in. So- she played hockey all throughout middle school and high school, I got into robotics and then her senior year she got recruited to Oxford. Then… a few years later I come around and sweep the rug out from underneath her feet with an engineering scholarship.”
I was almost stunned into silence as we skidded to a stop at a pedestrian crosswalk. “Wow, sounds like literal inspiration porn.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” She said with a laugh almost making me sigh in relief that she wasn’t offended. Though it seemed pretty difficult to offend Jinx. “I mean, don’t get me wrong. It’s not like we didn’t go through a lot. The foster system is hardly a walk in the park but… having a super sporty older sister helps.”
“And being smart yourself too… you have to give yourself credit for that.” I suggested shyly with a casual shrug.
“Maybe… at least mildly. I’m a degenerate, but a pretty brilliant degenerate.” She grinned, causing me to let out a little laugh of my own as we continued to peddle along the path. “So, what clubs are you looking to sign up for? You should totally go for drama, the professor who runs it is a fucking lunatic.”
“I don’t know if I’m necessarily a, you know, drama club kind of girl-”
“And do I look like I’m a drama club kind of girl?” Jinx wondered with a lifted brow.
“Yeah, a bit actually.” I answered causing her to roll her eyes in a way that only proved my point. “I mean, maybe, but I’m not like… going for lead role or anything.”
“You know, isn’t it funny how the people who say that always end up being the lead in some way?” She spoke in a sing song voice as she twirled a strand of her bright hair around her finger.
“Do I even need to ask to know that ao3 is somewhere in your browsing history? Or tumblr maybe?” I teased with a snicker that faded the moment I heard the first telltale signs of Oxford’s club rush.
I’m not sure what I was expecting, I guess I should’ve expected exactly this. With over 400 clubs club rush spanned a week long and nearly took over the entirety of the main quad and then some. It felt like a weeklong party of freshers and curious and bored upperclassmen alike. I absolutely should’ve been better prepared for the boatload of people filing in and out of the massive courtyard completely taken over by white tents and set ups every club had probably spent weeks working on. For some reason though I had a feeling no amount of research or planning could’ve prepared me for it though.
“Oh shit.” I cursed, immediately skidding to a stop so fast I nearly launched myself over the handlebars this time.
“Hey, chill new girl, before we get matching concussions!” Jinx exclaimed as she pressed her foot on the ground to stop herself. Her expression softened slightly though once she took a look at my face. Probably as white as a sheet much like the knuckles that gripped my handlebars. “Hey, what’s up with you? What happened?”
“Uhhh… umm, autism?” I stammered simply as I nearly scrambled off of the bike, almost drawing blood from my bottom lip at this point. “Ummm, so- I-I can’t go in there but- don’t let me hold you from it.” My words were a shaking mess as I tried to drive the bike away from the commotion. Jinx only chased me down like the stubborn girl she was.
“Well, I’m sure as shit not leaving you out here to panic by yourself!” She voiced as she trudged off behind me to find a bench before my knees could give out from below me.
“That might actually be the best option for you in all honesty.” I answered in a shaking voice, finally giving up before I found subtle solace underneath one of the large trees to prop my bike up against.
“Okay, what would be the best option for you?” Jinx’s boots cracked underneath the fallen branches as she watched me drop the backpack from my shoulders. Every inch of me nearly felt like it was shaking as she cautiously approached me. “Because if you honestly want me to leave then I will but- don’t just say that because you’re trying to spare me from something. You aren’t a burden, Amelia.”
I tensed at first whenever I felt her cautious hand on my shoulder, it felt like every sound was getting louder and louder by the minute and I had to fight the urge to not launch myself into her arms right then and there. “C-Can we sit down?” My words shook nearly as hard as my legs did, threatening to give out any moment.
“Yeah, ‘course.” Jinx nodded quickly, already kneeling down to try and clear a spot underneath the tree even though it was already pretty clear. It was like she was trying everything she could to be helpful.
I guess you could’ve said my meltdowns were different than a lot of the ones you probably see portrayed. It was rare I ever yelled or expressed anger, I never hit anything, sometimes I would scratch at myself or pull my hair. But more often than not they were silent killers. The uncomfortable shaking, muscles giving out, the crying, oh god the crying was more exhausting than anything. If I was in public I tried my hardest not to, though most of the time that took more out of me than the actual crying did. All I knew was to retreat. Retreat, run, hide, curl up into a ball and hoped that eventually it would pass. Even though occasionally it almost felt like the aftermath was one of the worst parts. The depression that followed, the shame, the embarrassment, the apologies to everyone else even though I still didn’t know how I would’ve prevented it.
That was the worst part of all.
“What can I do to help?” Jinx asked as she placed a cautious hand on my knee that I was quickly hugging to my chest.
“C-Can you text Ellie and Caitlyn the code word, p-please? It’s pineapple. I-It shouldn’t have a passcode.” I questioned through my quivering voice, feeling like my lungs were already sealing shut in my chest much like they had last night. I could tell she was biting back one of her funny remarks as she slid my phone from my hoodie pocket, and I almost wished she would have before the tears started to fall and I became incapable of anything else.
“Inhaler- I-I need my inhaler.” I practically gasped out as I scrambled for my backpack. “P-Please tell me I brought it, f-for fuck’s sakes! H-How am I so stupid?!” I whimpered in frustration as I dug around through my backpack only to be met with no avail.
“Millie, Millie don’t.” Jinx gently slipped her hands into mine before I could start lashing out at myself. “We’ll find it, I promise we’ll find it.”
“I’m sorry.” I spoke through the sobs, apologizing prematurely before I could get any worse.
I clutched her hands for dear life it seemed. The sounds of various students passing by only got louder, the levels of shame coursing through my body causing me to squeeze myself into the same little ball I always did. Retreat, make yourself as small as possible. My breath came out in wheezes, a slow rattling beginning to increase in my chest until it felt impossible to talk. Stupid, stupid, stupid Amelia.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” Jinx spoke, sliding a firm arm around my shoulders until she was able to pull me closer. “Lean on me, I’ve got you.” A sob broke through the cacophony of wheezes as I burrowed my face into the crook of her arm. “Caitlyn and Ellie are on their way, just keep taking deep breaths for me, okay?” I forced a nod as I held onto her arm and let the tears soak into the fabric of her jacket.
It seemed like only a few moments later I heard the rushed sound of feet on the surrounding ground. My lungs only getting tighter and tighter by the second as Caitlyn nearly tripped over her own two feet rushing to the space underneath the tree. “I’m here! Mills, I’m here, I’ve got your backup.” She spoke in an out of breath voice as if she had sprinted the entire way here.
Immediately I forced my hands out to grip the inhaler and shove it in between my lips, sending a blast of the medicated air through my lungs. Afterwards I still held the device in my hands like it was the only thing providing me comfort. Caitlyn gently smoothed out my hair with a soft hand. “You can do a second one, if you need to.” She spoke as I sat there still, holding the device in between my lips even afterwards.
Sometimes I think the person who had supposedly ‘knitted me in my mother’s womb’ actually hated me. Autism wasn’t enough, so we had had to complicate things with severe hypersensitivity in my airways that could’ve been correlated to a development of asthma. Every time I thought I was moving forward and not becoming such a medical nightmare however it was usually squandered by an incident such as this one.
“Thank you for taking care of her, Jinx.” I could tell Caitlyn was biting back her pride as she promptly took me into her arms. For some reason the familiar feeling of my sister’s embrace making me want to cry a hundred times harder. She was always such a quick way to get me to calm down. I always felt bad whenever she had to drop everything and come running. Now for the second day in a row. “My place is pretty close if you want me to take you there. Get you out of here.”
I nodded against Caitlyn’s shirt before trying to pry my face from where it was hidden in her chest. “Jinx, can you text Ellie the address?” I asked, grateful for the stability that was somewhat creeping back into my voice.
“Sure- do- do you want me to come too?” She wondered almost hesitantly as she pushed herself up to her feet. Her usually playful eyes now softened as she still cautiously held onto my phone.
“If it isn’t too much trouble… s-sure.” I nodded with a tearful and weak smile.
Caitlyn hoisted me up onto my still shaking legs where I leaned most of my weight against her. I could tell part of her wanted to carry me like she had done in the past. Like she started doing the moment she hit her growth spurt claiming she wanted me to ‘see what it’s like up there.’ I almost even wanted her to myself, but not here. Not around so many people. I couldn’t make things even worse for myself.
“No, it’s not any trouble at all.” Jinx said sincerely before going to scoop up my backpack for me. “I’ll get all of our things.”
#fanfic#arcane fanfic#arcane fanfiction#fanfiction#vi x you#vi from arcane#vi arcane#vi x oc#ttpd vi x reader#vi fanfiction#vi x y/n#vi x reader#vi and jinx#league of legends vi#vi and caitlyn#vi fanfic#vi fluff#caitlyn kiramman#caitlyn arcane#league of legends caitlyn#ellie willams x reader#ellie williams x oc#ellie x reader#ellie the last of us#ellie williams#ellie tlou
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୨୧ untitled ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 crying, major deppression
summary: ʚ you go through a depressive episode and Johnnie helps ɞ
Words: 1777
An: so this was horrible for me to write and I'm so so sorry
Guilt was racking through your body. You don't have any energy left in your body nowadays, it's the reason you haven't posted in almost two months. It's the reason your room and subsequent house are filthy. It's the reason why no matter how hard you try you never ever seem to fit in.
Your cheeks are tear-stained, and you haven’t washed your face in god knows how long. You've showered sure, but you haven't done your proper skincare in weeks.
Your depression has been a part of your life for as long as you can remember. It gets better, sometimes, other times it drains you of everything you have. Every day felt like a battle for you. You sigh looking at your phone it is almost 4 pm.
Your boyfriend, Johnnie, had texted you almost 2 hours ago. The rough nights you experienced led you to wake up late in the afternoon, so the plan usually involved Johnnie heading over whenever you woke up or after he was done filming.
He has wished you a good ‘morning’ and to let him know when he could head over. You wanted to indulge, truly you did, but Johnnie didn't deserve that. He had enough in his life to worry about. There was no need to worry him with your pathetic life.
The issue is you couldn't keep him on the hook like this. You sighed picking up your phone, you numbly typed out a plain excuse, telling him today wouldn't work. You put the phone down and roll over in your bed again.
You sat curled in a little ball staring out your window. There were crows sitting on top of the next-door building. You sat and quietly observed the birds, watching them move side to side. You wish life were that simple, all you had to worry about was eating and flying around.
You didn't have to worry about the eternally crushing depression that sucks your life form. Your face heated up again with the thought of Johnnies, tears pooling in your eyes.
You missed him so much. He was such a caring loving person, it wasn't always easy for him to show that. He had his ways though. Always make sure you eat, get decent sleep, etc.
Your relationship was usually the opposite way, you know just how much he struggled. You were going to be there for absolutely all of it no matter what. Nothing was going to stop you from loving him. He shouldn't have to worry about you.
But he did, it was the reason why when he saw your texting while editing he immediately called you. You were always such a beacon of positivity for him. He knew the signs, from himself and his friends. You had stopped eating unless he forced you to.
You were wearing long sleeves and sweatpants only. You never went out, just stayed in your room. He can't even remember the last time you said more than a few words to him in a single conversation. He placed the phone next to his ear and nervously tapped his foot on the floor of his room.
“Hello?” you answered with a croak. Johnnie never called you unless he really really missed your voice. Which for him was usually the case when it was nighttime. Those were extreme cases, he hated talking on the phone and absolutely despised it. Too many nerves for him.
He didn't speak for a second, half expecting you not to answer for some reason. “Hey,” he starts. You hold your breath for a second knowing what the conversation was about before he even started to speak.
“Can I please come over? I'm worried about you.”Johnnie says over the phone, fiddling with the zipper of his jacket. You inhaled with a shaky breath. “You can. It won't be a lot of fun though,” you mumbled back to him fiddling with your piercing.
“Well- when can I come over?” he asked. This awkward tension filled the phone line, the systematic white noise causing your heart to beat heavily. “Whenever you want Johnnie I'm not leaving the house anytime ever,” you reply sarcastically earning an annoyed grunt from Johnnie.
“I can be over soon, I'll let you know when my Uber shows up and I'm on my way ok?” He knew your bad attitude was because of something, and no matter how much it was upsetting him he needed to be here for you.
You on the other hand could cry from guilt. How dare you be a pathetic sack all day, cancel on your boyfriend only for him to kindly offer to be there for you and you are rude to him? On top of that, he has to pay to drive to YOUR house! “No Johnnie don't call an Uber I will come pick you up.” you offered, standing up and searching for your keys.
“I thought you weren't leaving.” he rebutted. You took a deep breath, “but I love you, so I'm not gonna make you pay to cheer me up ok?” you spoke finally finding your keys. “I don't want to stress you out.” you heard over the phone.
You tried to fight his kindness but after a minute it was clear he wasn't going to let you drive. Today was a relaxing day for you, at least it was supposed to be.
You were a protector, it's what made Johnnie fall so in love with you. You were so kind and caring for him, constantly taking care of him when he had those days when he just couldn't take it anymore.
You never did it with the intention to receive it though. So when Johnnie knocked on your door and you trudged to open it for him it shocked you how much he did care.
You tried to make yourself look strong but as your eyes locked tears pooled crowding your vision. You turned away from the door and him as you covered your face with your hands.
You couldn't stop the pull of dread that filled your heart. You felt your knees touch the floor as you collapsed onto the ground. You could hear the door close and Johnnie rushed to your side. He was speaking about something, maybe he was saying how you were going to be ok.
Maybe he was begging you to tell him what was going on. You weren't sure. All you could focus on was ringing in your ears, the thumping of your heart, and the crocodile tears that leaped from your face.
His hands ran against your back and shoulders. Eventually, you were able to look up at him. He wasn't wearing any makeup, just a hat with a button-up and skinny jeans. All you could mutter out was a broken “I'm sorry.”
Your voice cracked and shattered as you spoke. Your boyfriend and the love of your life stared at you back, his face heating up his own tears forming. He sat with you behind your couch on the floor.
“Let's move to the couch,” he said his voice coming out falsely confident, you shook your head, yes taking his hand that helped you up. He wasn't used to helping people like this, he would try his best and maybe give advice.
But he tried to do what you did with him. He sat you down on the couch, taking note of your appearance. You had dulled messy hair, dark almost permanent circles under your eyes, you looked pale and gaunt your face seemingly shrunk.
He rushed away from you, getting you a cup of water, something you did for him without fail. He set it in your hands knowing the coolness would ground you. He moved to your side sitting down next to you. He hesitantly placed his hand on your chest feeling your heartbeat.
It was rapid and intense as he pulled you close to him, wrapping his other arm around you and tilting his head on your shoulder. As you slowly sipped the water between hiccups he felt your heartbeat slow and your breath wasn't so rapid. You were calming down.
Once you finished your cup you set it down and shifted so your head was resting on his almost bare chest. He moved his hat off and sat normally on the couch as you cuddled up to him. He wasn't sure what he should say that could help.
After all, he wasn't very good at this but he so desperately wanted to be. “I don't know when this really started for me. As long as I can remember I was different. Things that seemed so small for other people worried me so much,” you spoke, finally breaking the silence.
He knew some of your past and struggles but nothing too deep. He wanted to hear them from you. This was the best way to do that. He didn't say anything yet, he just looked down and observed you as you played against him.
“I felt this feeling when I was all alone and it was cold and rainy outside. It was almost like a shiver up my spine. I was feeling so safe and protected all alone like that, if I hadn't frozen I could have stayed in the rain forever.” he wasn't sure where exactly your story was going but he knew you and he also knew it was important.
“I was so comfortable with being alone, that stayed with me. There are days more often than not when I cannot do anything. I sit and rot in my bed all day, I don't sleep, I don't eat, I don't do anything.” Johnnie did not know that. He knew since he was busy with filming you often just stayed home.
It doesn't sound like that was a good thing, however. “I am drowning but I've pretended to stay afloat for so long. I'm so fucking tired Johnnie I don't know what I'm going to do anymore.” Your voice was calm but powerful.
You didn't move but you could hear Johnnie's heartbeat increase. “I haven't taken care of myself in so long.” this was whispered, for a second you weren't sure if you had said it out loud. You suppose you did when Johnnie pulled you away from you, your confession hung on the air like wet clothes.
He took a second before he nearly engulfed you with a hug. He squeezed your whole body tight, “Please don't leave.” was all he whispered in your ear. He cradled your body tightly. He slowly started to rock you back and forth. The lull of his body slowly sent you to sleep.
#jake and johnnie#johnnie guilbert#johnnie guilbert fluff#johnnie guilbert x reader#johnnie guilbert x you#johnnie x you
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Firstly I wanted to say thanks so much for all the love on my first post! I enjoyed writing it a lot and hope you all had a fun time reading it! I hope you all enjoy this one just the same! ☺️☺️ Not going to lie I really struggled to incorporate two head cannons I had into a one shot fic, so apologies if the writing is super mangled. ): As always feedback and constructive criticism is appreciated!! (I haven’t caught up with JJK in a minute so sorry if my memory is hazy causing me to use incorrect info.)
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x fem!Reader x Geto Suguru
Summary: Satoru seeing you before him and Suguru leave for a mission. (written from multiple POV's) ( I like to think that along with Satoru's lack of spacial awareness he lacks emotional awareness when it comes to himself while Suguru is like okay I feel this way now wtf do I do, which both of them can bond on once Suguru helps Satoru realize he’s not dying and that he is in fact in love with reader.)
word count: 1,149
“Gojo-san!” You say with that airy smile you always have. You go on even more missions than them yet how do you always manage to have a smile on your face? You run up to him still all smiles and giggles. Why is it that you’re always running? And why did you look so beautiful running towards him? Your hair was flowing heedlessly down your shoulders as you came to a stop. Both of you sitting on the grass as he rests his head in your lap. (It became routine ever since he had spotted you one day reading a book lying on the grass mindlessly munching on whatever snack it was that you were eating that day.)
He looks up only to be met with those encapsulating doe eyes of yours. Many would argue that his eyes were the ones full of prowess but how could that be true when one look from your glistening eyes had him falling to his knees. He was having the worst of worst days about…wait what was it about again?
Ha- See what he means?
“Ahh Gojo-san are you listening?” Your voice jolts him out of his spiral. How long had you been speaking for? He scratches the back of his neck letting out a light laugh. Your face mere inches away from his. The words had come out of his mouth before he had time to stop them.
“You have pretty eyes Y/N.”
He feels heat rush to his face as the words pored out of him.
You feel as if the world around you both has been silenced. No not silenced you think, it’s almost like it has decided that just the two of you are allowed to bask in its beauty. You slowly blink at the notion of his words, beginning to come back to your senses. Has he gone mad? The Satoru Gojo, complimenting the likes of you. You wanted to hear it more, hear him more. He probably—no he deffinetly didn’t mean it like that. Gojo-san is known for his outbursts and this was just one of them. You make attempts to ease the fast paced thoughts. If there truly was no meaning behind his words, why did his voice sound so sultry so—
“hahaaha jeez Y/N you take everything so seriously.”
You notice him hide his face in his hands and you think it’s just to mask his laughter so you dismiss his words all together.
“Ah my apologies Gojo-san didn’t you have a mission to attend to with Geto-san?”
Why did you ignore his comment? He knew he dismissed it first. He knew it was unwarranted but still— did you just not take it, take him, seriously— why is he so angry right now? Why does he feel as though his heart has been ripped out of his chest? Why does he feel dejected? Why? Why? Why?
The furrow in his brows is uncommon to you and before you can question it, you feel a hand gently graze the top of your hair. You look up to see the one and only Suguru covering the glaring sun from your field of view as you peered up to look at him. "Ah Geto-san, hello!"
Satoru's voice is whiney while he speaks his distaste for the mission. “Ugghhh do I really have to go? I would much rather stay here.” Suguru sighs in contrast to Satoru it's almost foreign to hear him complain. “Yes, Satoru we unfortunately do also the auxiliary manager is going to get mad if we don’t show up soon.” Oh that's when you’re reminded you almost forgot the main reason you approached Gojo-san in the first place.
“Geto-san before you leave take these!” As you pull out the coffee-caramel flavored hard candies from your pocket and into his hand, he looks at you with the most quizzical expression.
“You don’t like the taste of curses, do you?”
He looks at you wide eyed, you take that as a sign to continue.
“I know these won’t change the taste also that your not much of a fan for sweets hence the coffee flavor, but I hope that it makes you forget even if it’s just for a little while. Please eat them after your missions! I hope you find them useful!” Your explanation (that wasn't really an explanation) still has him stunned. You had only went on one mission with them. Was he that terrible at masking it? No he was sure he did well as Satoru never questioned him for it.
For an airhead you sure are observant.
And that's when it hit him the realization crashing down on him all at once. How could he not have seen it sooner? The way he would smile at the mere thought of getting to see you in class. The way his cheeks would heat up whenever it was just the two of you alone. The way he would always go out of his way to make you smile. Oh your breathtaking smile. It was contagious, motivating others on the most depressing of days. He could internally beat him self up right now for being so dumb.
He was in love with you.
And with the way his best friend looked at you he was sure that he felt the same way too.
He's pulled out of his trance when he hears you about to apologize. “I’m sor-"
“Thank you Y/N.”
He says with a smile so sincere, it's then and only then you finally understand why people would go to the end's of the earth for their loved ones. You would go to the ends of the earth for your friends even if it meant killing yourself in the process. It would have all been worth while-- His smile was so precious— so welcoming you couldn’t help but return it hoping to reciprocate even a sliver of the energy back. Is it selfish to wish for this moment to last forever? You three in this moment without the fear of curses? Was that really such a selfish ask?
Satoru laying in your lap while Suguru is on your side shoulders almost touching. Satoru makes a loud pout. “Hey… where’s my candy.” You can’t help but let out a deep belly laugh, sometimes he is just so predictable. You couldn't decipher his face when he heard you laugh since he had quickly gone back to pouting. “What are you laughin fo-“ He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before you peel a birthday cake flavored toffee and slip it into his mouth. “ Haha I’m sorry Gojo-san, sometimes you really are just so predictable.” Suguru also can’t help but laugh at the spectacle before him. Satoru keeps his head in your lap for the duration of your time together. As all your laughing dies down, you can’t help but feel content in this moment. Continuing to selfishly wish it would last a lifetime…
Jeez im super tired after writing this. It takes way longer than one would expect. This took like 9 hour's to write with no breaks and it could still use some tweaks ( I'm just super lazy haha) Props to all writers out there because this shit is so draining. Again feedback and constructive criticism is alway appreciated love you all!! Oh wait I would love to make readers strength contrast with her personality like she's super clueless in every other sense but smart in battle and before Gojo or Geto she becomes the first special grade but I'm not too sure. Im just tired of seeing the weak Y/N trope lol.
#jujutsu kaisen#gojo x reader#gojo satoru#jjk fanfic#jjk fluff#geto suguru#geto x reader#jjk x reader#reader is oblivious#gojo x reader x geto
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Nobody's Fool (Astarion x GN! Reader)
Synopsis: You and Astarion couldn't be happier, but unfortunately, other undead are not very considerate.
CW: Mentions of sex, gore, violence, mentions of Astarion's past (Dead Dove), brief character death
Author Note: Hi! I am sorry that it has taken me so long to post. I have been struggling with some health issues, but I am excited to be writing again. This is short and somewhat unedited because I didn't want to chicken out on posting lol.
Also I don’t care what anyone says- Gale is THE sassiest next to Astarion
Thank you for your likes, comments, and reblogs! They are always appreciated!
Part 5 : Part 7
The crèche has been genuinely one of the worst experiences of Astarion’s entire life.
Okay- maybe that isn’t true- but it was stuffier than a Vampire’s den in there and he would know.
There wasn’t a single friendly or charismatic person there, but he did find out that Lae’zel is somehow considered Charismatic amongst her people.
Oh- he also graffitied a painting of Vlaakith. That was very fun- in spite of the earful he got from Lae’zel and then he had to sit in the prisons for a solid 30 minutes before you were able to convince them to release him.
However, it seems worth it when he tracks you to the river and finds you in your underwear- talking to Karlach as she cools off and simultaneously warms up the water.
Astarion wouldn’t say he is in love with you- that seems like a gross exaggeration- but he certainly likes you more than he has ever liked anyone before and that is a really big deal for him.
He also really, really enjoys kissing you and having sex with you.
Maybe it’s because he had to wait for so long or because he had actually felt like a nervous virgin when he silently asked you if he could.
You make him feel pure- you make him feel like the sun.
“You seem exceptionally chirpy and you haven’t heard a single word I have said, have you?”
Astarion feels himself melt at your coy smile and the blush that colors your cheeks is positively delicious.
You are positively delicious.
“I- no, sorry, K,” you scratch the back of your head sheepishly, “I guess I am a bit distracted.”
“It wouldn’t happen to be because of a very sexy vampire staying in your tent lately, would it?”
Something about Karlach’s face seems to upset you and he feels himself freeze.
Are you unhappy? Do you not want to be with him? Are you thinking about something or someone else entirely?
“It’s not like that,” you say firmly, “and while he is indeed very sexy, that’s not why I like him as much as I do.
“He’s very smart, silly, and sweet. I could probably listen to him talk for hours about law and crime- some of the fancier words I don’t understand, but it is so fun to watch Astarion talk about something he is passionate about. He lights up like the full moon!
“I trust him and I feel safe with him,” you are even more red now, “I really enjoy his company and think the world of him.”
If Astarion had a beating heart, it would be racing right now. He feels lightheaded from the praise and he wants to race out from his hiding spot. He wants to tell Karlach to beat it and then he wants to kiss you, touch you, savor you- as much as you will allow him to.
He has never ever been praised like this before. It disgusts him and exhilarates him. He distrusts it and believes it all in the same breath- much like how he feels towards you. Not that you disgust him, more so his growing affections towards you.
Astarion never wanted to be in this position with anyone and he didn’t think it would ever happen- especially not with you. You are far too sweet, kind, and empathetic for him. Certainly far, far too good for a bloodthirsty monster such as himself.
“Hmmm okay, but you had to have done something.”
You almost blush even harder at her question- crossing your arms and staring up at the sky.
“We did end up… making love,” Karlach shrieks and claps with excitement, “it was wonderful and magical.”
Astarion doesn’t stop the goofy grin that breaks open his face.
It was wonderful AND magical!
Not two things he would associate with having sex with him. Usually he would associate it with a death sentence. That first kiss seals his victims’ fate, but this time it seals his future getting to enjoy more intimacy with you.
And you are picky and you want to be with him. He wonders what your idea of special is. A bed? A nice spot with a blanket and some wine? Maybe sprawled out in front of a warm fireplace?
Sex in public? What about on a Selune altar? Your orgasm could be your offering and- if Astarion is feeling generous- he may even give the Goddess a bit of credit for bringing you together.
“Is he as good as he says!?” She exclaims, “was it gentle? Soft? Rough?”
You look like you are going to explode from embarrassment alone. He is very, very curious to hear what you have to say.
Was he good? Did you enjoy yourself? Was he too aggressive?
“It wa-was very sweet,” you stutter, “and soft and just perfect. He is perfect.”
And that is the adjective that seems to strike him with loads of guilt. His initial intentions were not positive and he had meant to use you. He is not perfect- he is a manipulative, horrid monster and he doesn’t deserve you.
Or maybe he does? Maybe he doesn’t have to be a monster- maybe he doesn’t have to tell you about his initial intentions at all. As long as you are both happy- does it really matter how it began?
No, he decides, I won’t hurt them anymore. I- I still have my desires to have their help killing Cazador, but my own feelings…
He hates to admit they have changed from something coy and disingenuine to puppy love sick and he’s tripping over himself to talk to you again. He doesn’t not like it. It’s just a feeling he has never had before.
You and Karlach are suddenly walking towards his hiding spot- dry and in your clothes. You will probably be heading back to pull your hair back, but he has had an idea. A silly little gesture really.
Astarion makes it back to the tent before you do and he opens a book- pretending he’s been here the entire time.
“I’mmmmm backkkkk,” you sing and do a gentle spin, ending it with a curtsey, “and I am re-beautified! I no longer smell like a crèche.
“For the rest of today at least.”
Astarion's smile threatens to split apart his face. You look radiant as ever and while he just saw you, he still feels like it’s been hours instead of merely seconds.
He puts his book down and gives you a disgustingly adoring kiss on your forehead, then your nose, and then kissing your lips deeply. Astarion read that in a romance novel recently and the recipient seemed to enjoy it in the book. He is very grateful that you seem to enjoy it too.
You have your arms thrown lazily around his neck and he holds you close to him, his hands threaten to undo the all the hard work you put into getting redressed. He is starving and he needs you- he wants to touch you- provide you with more wonderfulness and-
“TAV!” Gale’s voice pierces through the air outside of your tent, “dinner is in five and I got that bread you like!”
You look so annoyed and while Gale can’t see you, you still put on your sweetest most appreciative face.
“Thank you, Gale! We’ll be there in a second!”
Astarion huffs in annoyance- realizing that he isn’t even going to have time to do your hair as nicely as you would probably like. He can’t be all that mad though- your stomach does announce it’s desperation for sustenance with a loud growl.
“Heh,” you scratch the back of your head, “I suppose all it needed to know is we have good bread.”
“I am very happy for you to have your ‘good bread’, my Dear,” he teases, “but first, I wanted to do something for you- if you would allow me.”
You tilt your head curiously- an adorable smile on your face- and you allow him to guide you to the front of the mirror.
His lithe fingers go to work, braiding your hair and enjoying the happy humming that leaves your lips as he works. It’s not perfect, but it will do for now.
“There,” he says shyly, “we don’t need our fearless leader catching a cold because their wet hair wasn’t properly put back.”
Your hands find the braid and you look over your shoulder- the brightest, biggest smile on your face.
You lean forward and kiss him- it’s far too short for his liking, but he knows it’s time for food.
“Thank you, Astarion. I love it,” one more kiss, “now, let’s go eat some good bread!”
Dinner had been wonderful and he is pretty sure he made love to you afterwards (he’s never been so mind numbingly passionate with another before), but he has begun to face the reality that his feelings for you are very real, very strong, and very terrifying. They are a bit exhilarating too, but in a good way. You are the eye of his storm, but he doesn’t deserve you. His initial intentions were cruel and those feelings were false.
You would likely kick him to the curb if you ever found out so he is determined for you to never find out. Only, that makes him almost feel dirtier. He hates lying to you- he hates the idea of it so much it makes him feel ill.
The heavy feeling in his heart and the silence is probably not great for Astarion’s mental health, but it does allow him to catch the sound of something lurking in camp.
Gently untangling himself from you- he peers out towards the now dim camp fire and is met with the sight of two Death Shepards and a plethora of Ghouls.
“Tav,” he whispers your name, panicking, “Tav, Darling, you need to wake up now.”
They had all thought the path was entirely clear of problems so they all decided to rest after the horrifying events of the day.
The ruin they found had seemed perfect and sheltered from this type of nonsense too. He supposes this is what they get for letting their guard down.
“Darling,” you finally begin to wake up, “we have a problem on our hands.”
You stretch and rub your eyes, crawling after him to peek out of the opening of the tent. He hears your heart stop before it begins to gallop. Your worry only seems to amplify his- Astarion wants you to feel safe in his presence and to be confident that he can protect you.
“Shit,” you whisper, “we can’t take the entire group by ourselves, but I am not sure how to wake the others without alerting them to our presence.”
You and Astarion can’t- but he certainly can.
“I am going to sneak out the back,” he whispers, your eyes turn as wide as saucers, “do not leave until I come back for you.”
He is already ducking out from behind the tent- using one of his two rings to cast invisibility. First, he sneaks into Gale’s tent- poking the wizard in the cheek and covering his mouth before he can scream in fear. Astarion’s spell wore off and well, he’s a vampire. Not necessarily the most welcome sight in the middle of the night.
Unless it’s you, but he is exceptionally worried about you and him right now and not dying painful deaths. It would be your first and his second- it’s certainly not on either of your bucket lists.
“I need you to keep me invisible,” he whispers, “there are a few unwelcome, undead beasties outside.”
“Shouldn’t you join them?” Gale hisses in his tiredness.
Astarion’s response? Pinching his nose.
“Okay-okay- WILL YOU CUT THAT OUT!?” his voice almost breaks out of his whisper. “I will keep you invisible! Just don’t get me killed.”
“No promises.”
He manages to get everyone up- even Lae’zel- without being stabbed through. Everyone had begun to put on as much of their armor as they could and he headed back towards your tent.
He doesn’t see the Death Sheperd in time and it lunges for him, but he isn’t ever hit. Instead, he is suddenly tumbling to the ground- barely catching himself in time.
His adrenaline kicks up and he kills the Ghoul nearby that attempts to take him by surprise. The rush of gore and the fight makes him feel invigorated- alive.
Your scream of pain slows time down entirely. The sound of metal leaving skin and your shield clanking to the ground makes his stomach turn.
All he can do is watch as the massive greatsword is shoved through your chest and Ghouls begin to leap towards your crumpled form.
Astarion has fought hard before- not frequently, but he would say Nere was a bit difficult considering they were surrounded by a pool of death. However, nothing could compare to how much blood lust and rage he feels right now.
Karlach is right by him- both of them going blow for blow and the others are taking care of the rest of them. You haven’t moved at all.
Even worse- your heart isn’t beating and the smell of your blood is so pungent he could choke. Usually he loves the smell, but it’s making him violently ill right now.
He cries through the fight- infuriated and heartbroken. He knows you will be back here soon, but this wasn’t supposed to happen. Astarion was supposed to protect you.
The others are taking care of the fight when he finally decides he can’t take it anymore and he goes racing towards you.
Your eyes are wide open and your face is frozen in shock. He sobs- pulling you towards him and shielding you from the gore until someone can save you.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, so so sorry,” he gasps into your neck, his hands are stained with your blood and so is his white shirt, “please wake up, please Tav- I am begging you.”
He doesn’t know why he is trying- he knows it’s no use, but right now he needs you so horribly. He needs to know you are alive and that you are here- that you aren’t gone forever.
That the best person to happen to him in a very long time hasn’t been lost entirely.
“Astarion?” Shadowheart’s soft voice sounds miles away, “I need to look at their wounds and revive them.”
“Then do it,” he snaps.
He hears her take a sharp inhale, “I can’t do that while you are holding them.”
Astarion is afraid to let you go, but he does. He gently sets you down on the ground and he closes your eyes- not able to see you in despair a moment longer.
His patience wears more and more thin as Shadowheart takes her time healing your wounds. He is trying to extend the patience you would be extending her- he knows hurting Shadowheart’s feelings won’t help you recover from this devastation.
He chokes out a laugh of relief when your heart begins to beat again and color begins to fill your face. Your eyes open wide and you begin choking and coughing- blood coming out of your mouth. You don’t stop until you are able to breathe again.
Karlach is cheering- everyone is saying how relieved they are and how brave you are. Wyll says that you really took one for the team.
That’s how he finds out it’s his fault this happened to you.
You had seen the Death Shepherd when he hadn’t. You had been keeping watch from the tent.
You proceeded to misty step in time to push him out of harm’s way, but not yourself. First, your lungs popped. Second, you felt your heart burst in your chest. Third?
Well, you don’t seem all that keen on talking about it- eventually just walking back to your tent. The two of you have been laying in silence since.
Everyone else may not have noticed, but he sees your trembling hands and he can hear how tight your chest is when you breathe. You don’t sound like you can catch your own breath.
Everytime it seems like you are going to say something, you seem to choke on your sentence.
“Darling?” He says softly, “I’m here- what do you need?”
You break down sobbing, your face pressed into his chest and your hands clutching at the front of his shirt. Astarion wraps his arms around you- between him and the blanket, the world cannot find you.
It can’t- no, it won’t- hurt you here. Not in this little sanctuary you have created together.
You are quite simply a mess. He doesn’t blame you. He can remember dying for the first time and then coming back. Granted, the experience is probably not quite the same, but it is surely jarring nonetheless.
“I’m sorry,” you say, your voice almost a whine, “I should just be happy-“
“Fuck that,” he says with far more heat than he meant to, “you experienced the single worst experience any mortal person could have. You have nothing to apologize for.”
You seem surprised- blinking away your tears and smiling up at him.
“Thank you, Star.”
“You know how you can truly thank me?”
“Never sacrifice yourself like that for me again.”
The obnoxious parasite in his brain wriggles behind his eyes and he can feel your request for access. You are confused and you don’t understand why he is so upset.
Simply put, and he shows you, he is not worthy of you or your kindness- your sacrifice. He would rather have been the one experiencing the agony of the Death Shepherd’s brutality than watch you die ever again.
“I can’t promise you that,” you whisper, your fingers wipe away the tears he didn’t realize he was shedding, “I like you too much to watch you get hurt like that.”
“My Dear,” he whines and your heart speeds up, “it hurts me even more to see you hurt. I would prefer to be stabbed through- if I am being entirely honest.”
“I suppose we are at a crossroads then.”
He huffs in frustration- he knows he won’t be able to win this battle against you and that you won’t stop trying to protect him. It just means he will have to double his own efforts to protect you.
“Fine, but you need to wait a very, very long time before dying again,” he says sternly, “or actually- you need to avoid dying all together. That would be preferable.”
You laugh weakly, “don’t worry, I agree. I’m in no rush to do that again.
“But I did see my parents for a bit,” your voice is so soft it’s almost a whisper, “they are happy and safe so I suppose I am grateful for that.”
On a normal day, he may have some quip or tease you for it, but he recognizes that this is something you are sharing with him and only him- it’s his to keep safe.
“I am very happy for you, my Love,” he presses a kiss to the top of your head, “I am glad you were able to get some closure.”
You nod happily and the silence is not uncomfortable. He was almost certain you had fallen asleep until you speak up again.
“They like you,” your voice is nervous, “they think you are pretty neat.”
Astarion snorts- releasing a short laugh. The reality is that that scares the piss out of him, but hey- at least he won the parents’ over in whatever hypothetical land death took you to within your brain.
“Neat is a new one,” he smiles, “I may keep that one.”
“You should,” you murmured into his neck, “it suits you.”
Your idle chatter settles eventually- only the sound of your snores can be heard throughout the tent. Astarion rubs circles into your back, counts every single one of your breaths, and listens carefully to the sound of your heart beating in your chest.
No matter what happens in the future- Astarion will never allow that to happen to you again.
Tags: @preciouslittlebhaalbae @xxgrimripp3rxx @alice4wonderland2812 @therobishow @m1ster1e @tragicdruid @katsutoria @aristenfromwarsaw @avabjorna36 @frankie-mercury @golden-baby
#baldurs gate 3#astarion#baldurs gate astarion#astarion x tav#astarion x reader#bg3#astarion romance#bg3 spoilers#astarion x you#karlach is a bestie#astarion ancunin#astarion angst#astarion baldurs gate#astarion fanfiction#astarion x f! reader#astarion x female tav#bg3 astarion#bg3 tav#spawn astarion
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i hold it like a grudge - ch. 2
I forgot to mention, the chapter titles/series name comes from the song, “the grudge.” I’d highly recommend listening to it at least once to get the feel I was going for in this fic, or at least what influenced parts of it.
table of contents try to be tough
It’s raining, not completely unusual for early August, and it feels like a reset. The air smells clean and fresh, and you know that it’s going to be a slow workday. You pull out your computer and check up on your online orders and update some posts on social media. You’re gaining serious traction, with reposts and likes from some American celebrities. Shit, with the way things are going, you could sell your flat and buy an actual house.
The grudge you hold against Jamie doesn’t seem so huge at the moment. It’s still there, but it no longer feels as though he pulled the rug out from under your feet. For the first time, you’re allowed to think about other things than the struggle he left you with. For example, why did he leave you in the first place? You hadn’t considered about it since cutting up everything he ever gave you, too busy with the all-consuming thought how will I survive?
It hurts, hurts much more than you think it still should.
The two of you grew up together in the same council estate, right next to each other. You terrorized the neighbors while your mothers discussed money and shared food and scrounged together what they could to support both of you.
When you got older and he was scouted for footie and headed for the academy, you still called him almost every day. He’d listened when you cried about your mum and watched her fade away right in front of you.
He’d gotten leave and come home for her funeral, and helped you pack everything up to either sell or to move next door with Georgie.
Jamie had been there for every part of your life, just as you’d been there for him when his dad came around, or he got yelled at by his teachers.
He knew you, knew how much it meant that he stayed. Knew how much the support meant, and the way you both had clawed your way to get at least close to the top.
This plagues you as you wrap pickup orders for the day and place them in their spots behind the counter.
You’re coming to the conclusion that he did it on purpose, that he must have known exactly what he was doing and somehow decided you deserved it, when a customer comes in out of the rain.
“Morning!” you say. “I have your order all ready for you. And it’s all paid for, so nothing else is needed on your end.”
Keeley says “Thanks,” with far less energy than she showed the other day with Jamie.
You ask, “You alright?” before you can stop yourself.
She huffs out half a laugh. “Yeah, fucking great. Life’s just peachy at the moment, as I’m sure you’ve read in The Sun.”
You hadn’t, but you’ve a good guess what it has to say.
“I’m sorry,” you say as she takes the earrings.
She just laughs again, short and grating. “Yeah. Y’know, I’ve been on all your socials. Read your website about empowering yourself and all that. Part of the reason why I wanted to come here, actually, y’know, fucking… girls supporting girls.”
You nod, unsure of what to say.
“I’m glad you’re getting the success you deserve, babes. Your bio said you went through a lot of shit to get here. Guess I’m still in my ‘lot of shit,’ part of life, you know? Anyway.” She goes to leave, jewelry tucked safely into her purse.
You think, fuck it.
“Keeley?” you ask hesitantly. She turns back around to face you.
“I just- I’ve been with someone who didn’t value me. Who didn’t hold himself accountable. It didn’t start that way at first, it was a lot of fun, but it ended up hurting me. I haven’t been able to trust anyone like that since, and I don’t want you to end up like me. You don’t have to stay with him. You can have a whole life all on your own, you know?”
Keeley gives you a small smile, says, “Thank you,” and heads out the door.
I deserved it.
Those words ring in your head as you walk home. You don’t bother to open your umbrella, opting to let the rain fall as it will in some form of absolution.
I deserved it.
You shut the door to your flat and drop your clothes on the way to the shower. You turn the knob to scalding, and let the suffocating steam fill the bathroom.
I deserved it.
The rain hits the roof with more force as you drink half a bottle of wine in lieu of dinner. It’ll hurt you tomorrow, but you don’t work tomorrow.
No. It’s 3am, and you’re awoken from vivid dreams of your mum and Georgie and Simon, of Keeley, and of fucking Jamie.
No. You didn’t- you don’t deserve it.
“No,” you say aloud. “I know how to swim. I made it.”
With that pronouncement, you pull your blankets tighter around you, slipping easily into a dream where your mum holds you and whispers, “I’m so proud of you.”
It’s another rainy day in Richmond. The sky is dark and cloudy, and you can hear the sound of drops hitting the pavement as soft music plays in the shop. You haven’t seen Jamie or Keeley in a while, but his face is stuck all over Richmond, just like you predicted.
Every time you see it, you think a calm, fuck you and continue walking. You didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve you.
You’re working on an order when the door chimes and Keeley Jones breezes in.
“Hi, welcome back! Jamie buying you more jewelry?”
Keeley grimaces. “Broke up with him a bit ago, actually. Thought a lot about what you said about accountability, then a friend of mine used the exact same word. It’s a little bit shit, but like you said. I can have a whole life all on my own, yeah?”
“Yeah!” you hastily reassure. “I promise you, it’s fucking brill without him. Hard at first, but you have to know your value.”
She grins a little half-grin and places the Keeley earrings on the counter.
That’s not unexpected, people often want to get rid of gifts from their ex, but you do still have a business.
“I’m so sorry about your breakup, but we can’t really do returns. Everything’s custom, so…” you trail off.
“Oh!” Keeley says. “No, I actually came back because I really fucking love these earrings, and I want something else to go with it. What d’you recommend?”
“Oh!” you parrot. “Well, we have necklaces. The charms are the same style, I can make a mockup for you if you give me a minute.” You turn around to pull out some boxes, and hear the door jingle. The air in the room changes ever so slightly and you know without looking who has just stepped in.
Jamie looks back and forth between you and Keeley, like he didn’t expect to see either of you there.
That fucking drowning feeling, the one you worked so hard to get over, comes back in full force.
“Hey,” Jamie says hesitantly, “um, I’ll just-”
He leaves as quick as he came.
Keeley gives you a strange look. “What the fuck?” she laughs. “Was he looking for me? How the fuck did he know where I was?”
You tear your eyes away from the space Jamie just occupied. It’s been what, a month since the first time he came into your shop? Longer? It feels right and wrong somehow, like it’s both at once; you and him, in the same room, just like it’s always been. Like no time has passed.
But time has passed, and more importantly the time for you to respond to Keeley has passed. You’ve been quiet a beat longer than normal, and she catches it. Keeley’s a smart girl, smarter than she’s given credit for. She’s puzzling out all the information she has, and you can practically hear it all bouncing around in her mind.
Something clicks into place. You see it in the way Keeley’s entire expression changes. She claps a hand over her mouth and exclaims, “Oh shit!”
You don’t have a a chance to say anything because she looks at you with horror in her eyes and says, “It was Jamie.”
“What do you mean?” you ask carefully.
Keeley’s still processing. “It was Jamie,” she repeats. “That’s your ex. The one who didn’t hold himself accountable, the one you said cheated on you. Oh my god, I’m the other woman! How could I do that to you?”
Keeley is having an epiphany mixed with a heart attack.
“You didn’t know!” you argue. “You didn’t know, and you never would have done it if you had.”
“I’m so fucking sorry,” she moans.
You grab her arm. “Keeley. You. Didn’t. Know. It’s been over a year. I’m fine.”
She snaps out of it a little bit, but still looks dazed as she says, “Why the fuck have you been so sweet? You knew exactly who I was.”
You lift a shoulder. “Jamie… he’s like a magnet. I dunno. I get what it’s like when he looks at you, it’s like you can’t believe that someone that wonderful even notices you. And I guess I understand why he dumped me, you know? We’ve known each other since we were kids and it’s fine if you have a regular job, but if you’re a fucking Premier League footballer… probably best to stick with models.”
Keeley walks over to the door and flips the sign to “closed.”
You look at her quizzically, but she just leans against the door and whispers, “I didn’t know you knew each other that long.”
There’s no good response to that statement, so you chew on your lip. For a long moment, you two just stare at each other.
Finally you say, “Okay. Fuck this. We’re going to my flat and we’re going to eat a shit ton of food and get absolutely smashed.”
table of contents
#jamie tartt x reader#jamie tartt fanfiction#jamie tartt imagine#jamie tartt x y/n#jamie tartt x you#jamie tartt#ted lasso
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second chances
synopsis: after 3 years, diluc finally returns to mondstadt.
word count: 608
c/w: angst sorta… hurt/comfort
a/n: yet another repost from ao3 because i do not have the time to write anything these days… didnt expect my last post to get so many notes THANK YOU!!!! thank u for reading :3 (ps might open reqs soon. idk im working on a lot of stuff for tumblr)
It was dead silent. In a small alley in Mondstadt stood you and Diluc, standing parallel to each other as your face burned, tears sliding down your cheeks. No words have been exchanged ever since tears started welling up in your eyes. The lack of words was awkward and almost deafening, yet it didn’t matter to you. You were furious and you hadn’t even a clue as to why. The man that stood in front of you was clearly frustrated as well, but his frustration didn’t seem to be directed towards you. Rather, it was a frustration directed towards himself. Why? Why couldn't he say anything?
Biting your lips, you start, “Seriously, what…what is wrong with you?” Your voice is trembling, almost as if your words are struggling to escape. Whenever you got angry, you could never put your thoughts into words. Your only reaction to anger was to cry. To cry, and to never stop crying until you had sorted out these thoughts. Knowing you for so long, Diluc has taken note of this peculiar habit of yours. Even if he could say anything about the current situation, he would know best to not do so.
Words were practically stuck in your throat. You didn’t want to say anything to hurt him, yet you can’t help but be upset with him. That’s only natural, right? You inhale. “You leave Mondstadt for so long and—and you come back just to not be able to say anything.” Your voice is breaking in between each word. “Say something!” Your voice was hoarse, despite not having said much at all. Your attempt at a shout was more of a meek yelp. Diluc didn’t say anything, nothing at all. He just…stood there. You wipe your eyes quickly, your breath hitched, and attempt to regain your composure.
After a few minutes of absolutely nothing, you manage to regain your composure. You knew it wasn’t his fault. You knew that leaving Mondstadt wasn’t something he wanted to do. So why couldn't you forgive him?
“I hate that you left us. I hate that you left me. But I hate myself for wanting to hate you, too.” Diluc looks up at you, surprised. “I know you didn’t have a choice to leave. I couldn’t even imagine what you went through when Crepus died.” You sigh. Crepus was more of a dad to you than your actual parents were. You know how much worse Diluc had it. “So why do I feel this way?” Diluc clenched his fists. What is he going to say? Was he even going to say anything at all? You shut your eyes.
Finally, Diluc opens his mouth to say something. “I’m sorry.”
You held your breath, not knowing what to say. “…Huh?”
“You have every right to hate me.”
With this, your eyes started pouring again. Though, the tears felt much lighter this time. What is he talking about? You let out a small laugh at the stupidity of this situation. How is it that both of you feel sorry? You step closer to him, ignoring his apology. “Do you understand how much I missed you?” You look him in the eyes for the first time in three years. Three years. “I can’t bring myself to hate you, even after this. There wasn’t a day that went by where I haven’t thought of you.” You grit your teeth, clenching your fist slightly before relaxing your body. With that one statement, Diluc’s eyes widened. It’s a rare sight, really. “Promise me you wont leave me ever again. Please.”
Diluc pulls you to his chest and gives you a tight embrace. “I promise.”
#diluc ragnivindr x reader#diluc ragnvindr#diluc x reader#diluc x you#genshin diluc#genshin fanfic#genshin impact#genshin x reader#diluc angst#genshin angst
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Can I request vampire! Billy? You have to to feed him to get his strength back and he’s always refused to bite you (it won’t turn you) but he has no choice and he’s just so gentle you’re not even uncomfortable with it and it’s a really bonding experience
blood tw, injury tw this prompt is so cute and i feel like the result is not great but!! i hope you like it anyway
When you step into your cabin, you are reminded, in a sharp, sudden second, like a twig snapping underfoot, that humans are only animals in more fragile skins.
You freeze with the instincts of a prey animal, putting your back to the door. You press your lips together as your eyes pry at the shadows pooling in your front room, trying to find proof for the wordless certainty that slithered snakelike into your mind the moment you entered the front door. You aren’t alone in here. Your fingers grope blindly for the doorknob, preparing yourself to throw it open and dash back to the hitching post where you left your horse, when you hear a low groan.
All the pent-up breath rushes from your body. “Billy?” you whisper. “Is that you?”
Another soft groan, the sound of a throat being cleared with great effort. “Yeah.”
Now that you’re capable of greater understanding than a rabbit being harried by a fox, you reach for the lantern you keep on a peg by the door. There are matches in a bowl on the table underneath, and you use one to light the wick. The harsh rasp of the match-head scrapes against your still-frazzled nerves, and your fingers are trembling so badly that it takes you a couple of tries to get the lantern lit.
“Sorry,” Billy mutters, sounding no better than the match.
He can tell that you’re struggling to light the lantern, even before the warm glow of the flame fills the room. The feeble light of a sickle moon is more than enough for him to see by. He’s never gone into much detail with you about all that he’s capable of doing, because of what he is. He doesn’t even like to use the word, so you tend to avoid it, too, even thinking to yourself. But you do know his eyesight is much sharper than yours — in fact, compared to his, all of your senses may as well be like rocks buried in a riverbed, blunted and dull.
His superior abilities extend to his physical strength, too, which is why you’re especially stunned to see him like this. He’s sprawled out on your bed, not in a pose of relaxation, as if he’s waiting for you to come home; he looks more like a marionette whose strings have been cut, landing in a crumpled, broken posture that he can’t rouse himself from.
“Billy,” you breathe, rushing over to him and setting the lantern on the bedside table, holding his face between your hands. “Oh my God — what happened?”
He smiles weakly, reaching up to gently — always so gently — grip your wrist. “Jesse,” is all he says, but it’s all he has to say. You clench your jaw, wishing you could go hunt that son-of-a-bitch down right now.
Jesse and his gang are some of the most ruthless trackers out there, and they’ve always been obsessed with Billy in particular. Billy has hinted to a past with Jesse that he hasn’t told you about yet; all you know is their relationship goes back years, before Billy changed. You have to wonder if Jesse resents him for shedding his humanity, essentially leaving him behind — a part of you understands this ache, because you’ve felt it yourself.
Billy has told you over and over again that he’s never going to turn you, although you haven’t asked so much as hinted, hopefully. You don’t ever want to leave him, even if what separates you is the simple passage of time, age and illness wearing away at your body until it fails. He wants better for you, he told you, than doing whatever it takes to survive; and being turned, for him, was just a matter of survival. He, as always, will do whatever it takes to endure. His fight for justice in Lincoln simply isn’t done yet; now, at least, he’ll be able to pursue defending what is right for the rest of time.
Apart from being with him, it’s what you would do with your immortality, too. He’s insistent, though, just like he’s always been determined never to feed on you. You offered, once or twice, when being on the run made it difficult for him to hunt. He would simply scowl at you — or, at least, at the idea — and hunch his shoulders, saying he would make do.
Once, in the velvet depth of night, when he was holding you as you drifted off to sleep, he admitted something to you that you aren’t sure he actually meant for you to hear. “I just don’t know if I could stop…”
Looking at him like this, though, you realize that he may not have a choice. His skin look as thin and translucent as wax paper, deep purple shadows visible beneath his eyes, and you swear his cheeks are more sunken than they were when you saw him just yesterday. His gaze is dull and unfocused, his lips pressed together as though bracing against pain. You take a deep breath, and Billy summons enough energy to shake his head. The effort makes his eyes roll back into his head for a moment, before he can focus on you again.
“No,” he croaks. “No.”
“Billy, you have to,” you say, and you’re already rolling up your sleeve. “Look at you. You look like you could be taken out by a squirrel.” He manages a weak chuckle, but that doesn’t deter you. “Just take a little from my wrist to get a little strength back.”
He hesitates, still clearly torn. “Baby — what…what if…”
Well, you think, if — then it won’t really matter to you, will it? You’ll be beyond caring. But you know it would haunt him for the rest of his days, which, as far as you know, will stretch into eternity.
“I’m not afraid,” you tell him, which is true. The only thing that frightens you is the thought of losing him, especially when you have the power to save him. “Billy, please. If you don’t trust yourself, trust me. I’ll be okay. You need this.”
Billy swallows. You take this lack of protest as agreement, and you reach into your sewing basket, stowed under the bed, and bring up the tiny pair of scissors that you use for cutting thread. Without looking away from Billy, you cut into your arm, drawing the tip of a blade from one edge of your wrist to the other.
As soon as the line of red lifts away from your skin, a scarlet sunrise, you hold your hand out to Billy. You watch as his pupils bloom in his eyes, two obsidian moons that nearly obscure the blue of his irises. His upper lip skims back from his teeth, revealing a glint of white, and he takes hold of your wrist carefully, gingerly, like he’s afraid the slightest pressure will snap your arm in two.
He lifts your bleeding wrist to his mouth.
Your eyes slip closed as he begins to drink. It doesn’t hurt. If anything, it’s blissful, a warmth spreading through your body, starting where his mouth makes contact with your skin and spreading outward, sinking into your muscles and loosening them. Your head drifts back, all your breath pooling in the bottom of your lungs, making its way slowly in and out of your parted lips. You can feel your mind start to come apart, a cloud breaking up as it passes the moon, and your last coherent thought is that you can’t imagine giving this up.
Billy’s free hand cups the back of your head and lifts it back up, and you manage to open your eyes again. He draws you closer, your arm folding between you. His gaze is feverish, but as you watch, the dusky bruises under his eyes disappear, his face becoming full and glowing with health again. His thumb moves in soothing circles over the back of your hand, his fingers curling around yours. You feel entirely, utterly safe, not that you expected any differently. You can feel his adoration in every pass of his thumb against your skin, can feel the weight of it in his gaze, in his grasp.
And you hope he can feel yours, in your explicitly given yet unspoken trust, in the way you have not once flinched away from him, in every drop of your blood that passes his lips.
When he finally draws your hand away from his mouth, you feel a little pang of disappointment.
He cradles your hand between both of us, lifting your knuckles to his lips and pressing a kiss there. “Thank you,” he says, and now his voice is steadier, warmer, the way you’re used to it being.
It takes you a moment to find your voice. You feel like you’ve just woken up from a deep sleep, where it takes one a moment to return fully to the earth. “You don’t have to thank me,” you say. “Do you feel better?”
He reaches for you, pulling you into his lap. In the same fluid motion, so quickly you barely even catch it, he’s reached his hand into your sewing basket and torn a strip from a scrap of cloth, wrapping it around your wrist to staunch the trickle of blood still coming from the cut. You smile as you lean back against his chest. You’re sure of his answer just by the way he’s moving now, lithe and too graceful to be human, that he’s feeling better — and feeling more like he can be himself with you.
It doesn’t surprise you when he gives voice to your own thoughts. “I told you about what I am a long time ago, cause I knew from the start that I wanted to keep you,” he says. “But I…I always held back, cause I didn’t want to scare you off. Now…” He presses his lips to your temple. “I haven’t felt this much like myself in a long time,” he says against your hair. “I always felt like I had to hide, little bits and pieces, really, but…those add up, y’know? Especially over so many years, with so many people…”
You dig an elbow into his side. “How many of those people were women?”
Billy cups your jaw with one hand, turning your face toward his. You giggle when you see that he’s smiling. “Not that many,” he says. “And I never...”
As the silence lingers, and he smiles with a shy duck of his head, you realize that if he could blush, he would be right now. You elbow him again, gently. “Don’t go getting bashful on me now,” you tease, and he laughs quietly. “You never what?”
“I never fed from any of ’em,” he admits, and you feel a rush of pride and pleasure so intense that it makes your head swim for a moment.
“Why?” you ask softly. You settle back against his chest, and his arms tighten around you before he answers.
“It just felt so — so intimate,” he admits. Now you’re blushing, and he chuckles softly in your ear. “More intimate than anythin’ else. The way you put your life in my hands without a second thought, how you fed me from your own vein. You didn’t hafta do that.” He lifts your bandaged wrist to his mouth and presses his lips to the material wrapped over the cut. “But you did. Cause you knew I needed you. Not many people would be so selfless, or so brave.”
You smile a little, shrugging your shoulders. “I love you,” you say. “Of course I’m selfless with you. I didn’t think of it was brave to let you take my blood, I just…” You turn onto your side, snuggling closer. Billy kisses the top of your head. “I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you, Billy. I always want me with you.”
Holding you closer, scooping you against his chest, Billy buries his face against the nape of your neck. “Honey, I promise, I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he says, and you hear the smile in his voice. The love. “Thanks to you.”
#billy the kid 2022#billy the kid x reader#billy the kid fanfiction#william h bonney fanfiction#tom blyth
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Getaway Camp : Eight



Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!Fem
Warnings: 18+, mentions of abuse, neglect, mentions of infertility, alcohol use, language, foreplay, sexual innuendos, physical attraction, illusions of smut.
Summary: After spending a day with Ezra, Charlie finds himself in an unlikely place with Valerie but it turns out to be one of the best nights of his life.
word count: 3.1k
Seven ←→ Nine
June 30th 1961
It’s a cool morning, colder than normal, more than likely considering the storm from the night before. Charlie didn’t even make it a step out his cabin before pulling on a sweatshirt. His rowers had gotten good enough he had started to join them and for the first time in his life he actually looked forward to sport than viewing it as a chore. Best part was he got to see Valerie on her lifeguard post every time he passed the dock. It was the best way to spend his mornings. Nothing could make his day better. Other than when he was actually with her.
“Gosh, you haven’t lost that dopey grin once since that girl kissed you” Ezra says from his easy chair. Since it was a chillier day, Charlie somehow found himself in the man’s cabin, helping build a puzzle to pass the time.
“Sorry Ezra, just been a long time since I was happy about something” Charlie tells him earnestly and the older man gives him a sad smile, feeling awful for the hectic life he already had lived. So young and so hurt by the world already.
"Well it's good at your age to be happy about a girl, it's healthy even. Sounds like you got a good one too" Ezra points out as he places another puzzle piece where it belongs. Charlie smiles and nods, already counting down the minutes until she finished her shift and he could snuggle up in his cabin with her. Especially on this cool and rainy day. Yet he wouldn't be surprised if she had some sort of party in mind, enough kisses from her pouty lips and big sad eyes, and he would cave.
"I did, actually surprised I got so lucky" Charlie says, a soft blush on his cheeks. Sixteen year old Charlie viewed woman as objects, something to obtain, and now it was so different. He appreciated Valerie, adored her even. If he ever dared disrespect her he's not sure he could live with himself.
“I’m not, good young men like you always deserve a kind young woman by their side” Ezra tells him with an earnest look, an honesty and strength behind his words.
“I’m not that good” Charlie mutters and Ezra snorts.
“Is anyone boy? We just do our best, it’s the ones who learn from their mistakes that make them good” he says with the point of his finger and Charlie thinks of his father. The man he should be free from and yet there was still that part of him that worked diligently to make him proud and still came up short.
Ezra sees the forlorn look on the boys face, the crease in his brow as he struggles with his emotions. He didn’t know much about the boy, just that he had a hard home life and had been kicked out of school. It wasn’t hard to tell he battled something so much deeper and that was a hard thing to do on your own. So he dared a change of topic. “You hear from your folks at all?”
Charlie flashes a look of surprise, not expecting the question. It takes a few moments for his brain to catch up with what he had just asked. “Just my Mom, I called the day I got here and a few more times after that. I figure I won’t ever hear from my Father again”
“You will, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear. He’s hard on you because he cares, you know that right?” Charlie feels immediately defensive, almost angry this man in front of him is defending his father’s actions. The man who had emotionally abused him his entire life, gave him a sense of worthlessness he still couldn’t shake.
“If he cared he’d call” Charlie sneers, slamming a puzzle piece into place and feeling an anger boil inside him that he hadn’t had in a long time.
“Look, I don’t know him personally, but if I had to guess he’s probably afraid to call in fear of rejection” Charlie scoffs at the notion, damn right amused by the suggestion. His father, king of stocks, afraid.
“Afraid of me, rejecting him? All he’s ever done is reject me. Ship me off to boarding schools, forget me on Holidays, refuse to comfort me when my best friend died. He don’t give a shit that he hasn’t heard from me” Ezra freezes at his words, not knowing all of this. Not knowing the boy probably lost the one person who loved him as he was.
“If I were to guess he probably didn’t know how to face all of that, face you. Angry fathers were once forgotten young men too” Charlie sighs with the shake of his head, dropping his eye line to salmon colored carpet in the living room.
“Yeah well, me and my Dad may never agree and I’ve accepted that. No use fighting for something I finally got to leave behind" Charlie mutters and Ezra takes his defiance as a suggestion to leave it alone for now. After all he never had a chance to be a father but he couldn't gurantee he wouldn't of screwed up just like Charlie's father did. Maybe not as bad and in a world where he did have kids, he hoped that didn't deem him a bad one.
"I just hope you don't come to regret that decision" Ezra says before taking a sip from his cup of coffee and picking up a fresh puzzle piece to hopefully find a place for. Much like Charlie just looking for somewhre to belong, a stray piece to a puzzle, hoping he might fit in the world. Charlie stays silent, reeling in his words and trying to fight the anger he feels. Especially the anger towards the older man who clearly just had good intentions. He wanted more control of his emotions especially since they were the very thing that turned his life upside down when Neil had died. The very thing that led him to hit Cameron with all his might.
“Hey what do you say to me meeting this girl sometime though, I’m sick and tired of watching you blush over her. Might as well make her dinner?” Ezra says after a while and Charlie can’t help the smile that cracks across his face.
“Yeah okay, I’ll see if she wants to do dinner” Charlie agrees and Ezra gives a wide smile, hand reaching to clap over his shoulder before focusing his attention back on the puzzle in front of him. This one much easier to figure out than Charlie.
When Charlie makes the trek back to staff camp the heavy clouds begin to drizzle rain. When he’s safe in his cabin it’s finally coming down, dampening the entire camp, and justifying the drop in temperature from the day. Andy is no where to be found, probably in Alice’s cabin and already drinking for the night. A party lifestyle Charlie never thought he’d struggle to keep up with. Either way he hoped Valerie wouldn’t drag him to some campfire he had to get soaked at.
“Ah that came from no where!” the girls squeals, barreling through his cabin door and dripping water. Charlie laughs from his bed, until he spots the denim dress on her form. She so beautiful he’s sure he’ll never get used to it.
“Oh Val, you don’t seriously want to hang out in the rain tonight do you?” he asks and she rolls her eyes, pushing the wet hair away from her face before sliding off her sandals.
“Not exactly” she says, sauntering towards him slowly and making sure he had a perfect view of the cleavage she had on display. It would come in her favor for what she was about to say next.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks as she plops beside him, leaning forward with a mischievous smile. Taking her time as she presses a soft and sweet kiss against his lips.
“What do you say to going to the Hideout tonight?” she asks and Charlie’s so lost in the taste of her it takes him a moment to process. When the question finally hits him his eyes widen, hands reaching to squeeze at her waist.
“And why would you want to do that? You said the Hideout was for lonely people looking for a dance and someone to take home” Charlie says and Valerie giggles, leaning against him.
“Yes but other campers can still go too. Besides I only want to dance with you tonight and take you home. Plus I’m all dolled up, would be a waste if I didn’t get to show it off” Charlie blushes at her suggestion, the image of keeping her in this cabin tonight entirely too taunting.
“Fine but you really should only be showing off for me” Charlie fake pouts and Valerie kisses it away, making the boy roll his eyes. He gives a soft squeeze to her waist, indicating for her to stand which she complies. On his way up he lands a soft smack to her butt before walking to the tall dresser in search of a different shirt.
“Wear that sexy black one again” Valerie coos, snaking her arms around his waist from behind as he digs through the drawer. Charlie snorts but finds the T-shirt anyway. Who would he be to say no to her?
“You gonna take it off this time?” Charlie asks, mostly teasing and Valerie breaks away from him, smirking as he changes the shirt.
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see Ace” she winks and the boy laughs before reaching for the liquor bottle on the desk. Andy must’ve taken the other one so Charlie settles for a long swig before passing it to the gorgeous girl.
“The only way I’ll survive this is with a buzz so drink up V” he tells her and Valerie furrows her eyebrows as she swigs the bottle anyway. Charlie’s tolerance had become much better since the first day of camp.
“Plan on forgetting it all?” she asks, hoping the boy actually looked forward to spending the night with her and not wiping it away with an excessive amount of alcohol and no recollection of her tomorrow.
“Absolutely not, any moment with you I want to remember forever. This is more for the sting of embarrassment I feel every time I see Nate trying to flirt with other women and Chrissy cry about it” Valerie snorts, loving him even more for this answer. How he had picked up on everything so quickly she didn’t understand but she appreciated having someone other than Levi to finally share this all with.
“Fair, now let’s go I want to dance!” she cheers, tucking the liquor bottle under her arm and hand reaching out for his own. Charlie just laughs as he takes it and allows the girl to drag him out of the cabin. The closer they get to the Hideout the easier it is to hear the loud music from inside. Flickers and pink and blue lights flash outside the gaps of the cabin. The outside itself was already intimidating enough but when Valerie has already started to shake her hips, and her hand squeezes his own, he follows her inside without question.
“No shit, Valerie in the Hideout” Nate greets them loudly over the music the second they come through the door. Valerie rolls her eyes and tugs Charlie a bit closer.
“I wanted to dance” she tells her friend, looking for any excuse because the last time she had been in the Hideout she made a decision she regretted immediately. The fact it all turned out okay would never not shock her. Now no mistakes could be made, she could dirty dance with her camp boyfriend and pretend the big question wasn’t looming overhead. The desire to know what would happen to them once camp was over.
“Isn’t that always the excuse?” Nate leans down and asks and based on the way Valerie’s jaw clenches Charlie knows Nate just struck a nerve. Suddenly her hand tightens against his own and starts to drag him towards the center of the dance floor.
“Bye Nate” she mutters, hazel eyes fading into a dark brown. Charlie glances between to two but decides it’s better not to ask. When they reach the center of the crowd Valerie is quick to weave her hand around Charlie’s neck and take another sip from the liquor bottle she had smuggled in.
“You okay?” Charlie asks and Valerie gives a curt nod, moving to set the bottle upon a table nearby before weaving her other hand around him.
“Yes now let’s dance, I wanna see what kind of moves you got Dalton” she says, that same teasing smile finally back on her face and Charlie laughs, his hands settling on her waist.
“I have to warn you, I’m not much of a dancer. Going to an all boys school didn’t provide many dancing opportunities” he tells her and Valerie giggles, the image of a younger Charlie having to dance with another boy amusing her to no end.
“Even if you had, it wouldn’t have been this kind of dancing” she says, head tipping to the crowd and Charlie finally glances around the room. Recognizing the faces of some staff and others not so much, huddled close to their partners, bodies flush together. Charlie can’t help the way his ears tint pink, suddenly feeling like he’s accidentally seen an intimate moment between two other people.
“You’re right, Nolan would’ve never let this fly” and even though Valerie doesn’t know who Nolan is she can only assume it’s someone from his school that had left a strong enough impression. One strict enough that it was his first thought.
“Well what do you say, few more drinks and some dancing?” and even if Charlie isn’t sure the kind of dancing she’s referring to is much like the dirty one he was seeing now, he agrees anyway just for the chance it might be.
As the night progresses and the drinks flow, Charlie comes to find that Valerie isn’t shy on the dance floor at all. He had to count to ten, and try to remember the Presidents in order, just to avoid a hard on at least six times so far. Yet her once wild and damp hair was now wild and curly, soft against his neck while her body was flush against his. She smelled like strawberries and was so warm, it was hard not to imagine her different ways. When she turns and presses her ass straight against his crotch, he’s sure he’s done for.
“You need to relax” Valerie tells him, guiding his hands to her stomach and rib cage. Charlie tries to loosen up, but now with him holding her steady she grinds herself softly back into him, and no amount of presidents or numbers could get him to calm down. Not even the image of Nolan in his underwear.
“I can’t, in fact you might have to walk in front of me on the way out of here” Charlie whispers into her ear and Valerie smiles wide, continuing her movements, knowing exactly what she was doing.
“I don’t mind” Valerie whispers back, voice heavy with lust, and Charlie knows she can feel exactly what’s happening to him right now. Yet instead of shying away Valerie grinds her ass against his length, enjoying to way he stiffens behind her. If there was a version of both heaven and hell, this would be it.
“I should’ve known” Charlie says, a soft growl into her neck and suddenly Valerie feels like a weak mess. Not expecting the possessiveness from him. The way his large hands grasp her body and pull her back into him, how he softly and slowly grinds his hard on against her. She can’t help how her thighs clench together, trying to hide how badly she needs him too. Trying to distract herself she settles into the music, finding a rhythm with his hips, hands lifting behind her and sliding into his hair as his lips find her neck in a hot kiss.
For the first time all night the pair are on the same page, drunk off of each other and the liquor flowing through their veins. There’s no worries about the future or the past. It’s just the two of them, falling in love, and coming to understand one another’s bodies. So when Valerie turns to face him, Charlie pulls her close, mostly to hide his situation, and press his lips against her own. Charlie shamelessly kisses the girl, tongue curling against her own, and memorizing the taste of her. She pulls gently at his hair and suddenly regrets even coming here tonight with the fire so strong between them. They should be alone.
“God where have you been all my life” Charlie breathlessly chuckles when her lips find his neck and she smiles against his skin, knowing she felt the exact same way.
“Waiting for the right moment” is the only response she gives and Charlie smiles, arms coiling around her waist and holding her close in a tight hug.
“What do you say to eating dinner some time with a favorite camper of mine, he’s dying to meet you?” Charlie finds the courage to ask and Valerie giggles, knowing this is quite possibly a version of Charlie wanting her to meet his parents. Show off the girl to someone special, make it more serious.
“I’d be happy too, just give me a day and time” she tells him and Charlie kisses her again, a happiness swelling in his chest that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. The old him climbing the surface and feeling safe again. Charlie couldn’t help but hope this would never change, that the bubble would never burst, and he could stay in this moment forever. Comfortable and happy with someone all over again. It was scary, undoubtedly, but it was also familiar. Like coming home after a long time and knowing that for one moment everything would be okay.
For Charlie he never really had a home and until this moment he never realized for him, home had always been the people he loved. He hadn’t been home ever since Neil died and he got kicked out school. Yet at this very moment, tucked in Valerie’s arms and dancing without a care in a world, he was home again and it didn’t feel as empty. This time, it felt like no matter what happened he would turn out okay. He wasn’t broken, at least not anymore.
Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc @linmichea1
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You never will
Carlos Sainz Jr x Reader
Summary: Carlos has to come to terms with the fact that you don’t always get what you want.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, drinking.
Words count: 2526
Authors note: Sorry guys, we’re here for some angsty writing, and a lot of the stories coming are going to be similar I think. I’ve also been struggling to be creative but I refuse to let myself fall into that hole so I know it isn’t the best but I’d rather create something bad than nothing at all. I hope you guys like it and sorry for the angsty angst 😊
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You Never Will: Part 2
“No, but you don’t understand!” A very drunk Carlos was getting tired of over explaining himself and the alcohol wasn’t helping in the least.
“Mate, sometimes that’s just life, we don’t always get what we want” Charles tried to comfort him, kind of disappointed that this is where the night ended up, but not entirely surprised.
“But I do, we always get what we want” and he couldn’t handle the fact that the one thing he wanted the most was the one thing he wasn’t getting.
Carlos had been enthusiastically talking about the woman he loved for months now, but as they dredged on, Carlos began to realise more and more the reality of you liking him back was next to nothing and that had suddenly become everyone else’s problem too.
And Charles was sick of it. They all were, yourself included.
Albeit, you were the only one who didn’t know he was talking about you.
You and Carlos were best friends, meeting one evening as you by mistake had bumped into him and the other drivers one very early morning in the hotel hallways as you all came back from the post-race party. The boys all beyond excited having found out you actually worked for F1 and you mortified the next morning when flashbacks of belting out ABBA with them came back to you in your haze of a hangover.
Since then, you and Carlos had became inseparable.
And Carlos had become insufferable.
Which had lead you all to this exact situation, an impromptu party to try and cheer a very drunk and sad Carlos up.
“God, Carlos, like, this is life, sometimes the girl you like doesn’t like you back, you just get over it” Max was getting tired of repeating himself, this entire conversation was getting very old very quickly and all this lying right to your face was starting to annoy him too.
The fact that they all sat there talking about you like you weren’t there, just with secret codes names so you never caught on always felt a bit underhanded to him, to most of them truly, but they had to come up with something, especially since Carlos was becoming more and more vocal about the entire fiasco.
“She’s in love with someone else” Carlos suddenly blurted out.
Now this all made sense. The drivers had yet to see Carlos so plagued by the whole situation and now it made sense.
“How did you find out?” Lando was significantly gentler than all the other drivers had been, but he’d been in this situation before and knew the strange mixture of desperation and despair you felt all at once.
“I looked over at her phone and she there was a contact with hearts and was called crush or something” Carlos knew he was rambling and wasn’t even sure if he had made any sense but he didn’t care. His entire world was crumbling around him.
“Are we sure it’s a good idea that she comes over tonight?” Charles was the first to suggest, wary of how this could all shake down with a very drunk Carlos mixed with your ever thinning patience over the entire matter.
“She has to come over! I haven’t seen her in a week!” Carlos knew it might not be the best idea but truly he couldn’t be away from you for much longer, you becoming an integral part of his life and going a week without seeing each other was almost unheard of for the two of you.
“Mate, I really don’t think it’s a good idea” Charles knew it was a lost cause arguing over this, but Carlos wasn’t the only one involved here, you were too, and with how protective Max was over you already considering all the lying, he didn’t want to deal with any potential backlash.
“Carlos, you’re drunk, this isn’t a good idea” Max became insistent, almost reading Charles mind, anticipating the worst.
“No! This is unfair. This is all unfair” Carlos knew he sounded like a child, but he didn’t care, he was drunk and sad and he just wanted to throw his temper tantrum.
“She’s already on the way with food, should be here any minute really” Lando opted to ignore his friend as he threw his own pity party, knowing Carlos wasn’t himself right now and directing the comment to the other two drivers instead.
“We could always get him a little drunker and make him pass out so he doesn’t say or do anything stupid?” Max knew it wasn’t the best plan, it wasn’t even a good plan but it was a plan.
“We can’t give our friend alcohol poisoning because we don’t want him to do something dumb?” Charles couldn’t admit that he didn’t hate the plan, but he knew he had to do the right thing.
“Why not?” Silence proceeded Max’s question, Lando and Charles both racking their brain for a good enough answer but coming up blank.
“Because I said so” is all Charles instructed, quickly noticing that Carlos was no longer in the room, “Jesus this is getting really tiresome” he dropped his head in his hands, exhausted with all the emotional energy he was using for this one situation.
“Is he ever going to get over her” Even Lando, who normally had an infinite amount of energy to help his friends was slowly running out of steam over this situation.
“Someone is going to have to give him some tough love eventually we know that right?” Max was willing but he also knew he could be a bit harsh when it came to matters of the heart so decided to leave this particular conversation up to Lando and Charles instead.
“He’s just had his heart shattered man, let’s cut him some slack” Lando really didn’t want ‘to hurt his friend anymore than he already was, but knew they were eventually going to have to push for him to move on and he was scared that was going to include shattering any hope Carlos might have, “Does anyone know who y/n likes anyway?”
“Honestly, I thought she liked him just as much as he liked her” Charles was surprised, he really did think that you are Carlos already had something going so the news that you were apparently in love with someone else was shocking information. He understands why Carlos was so hurt.
“Yeah, but we don’t always get what we want man” Max was sounding slightly more adamant about this entire, pushing more and more for Charles to just let it go.
A silence settled between the three drivers, the weight of their friend’s heartache settling over the room.
“Max” Lando was suddenly eyeing hi suspiciously, Charles quickly catching on.
“Oh my God Max, no” Charles was praying that it wasn’t what both Lando and him had suddenly caught on to.
“What?” Max voiced his confusion at the sudden serious tone thrown his way, “Oh! No no! no, there is nothing happening between me and Y/n” he began defending himself.
“Then what do you know” Lando knew Max knew more than he was letting on and was determined to get to the bottom of it.
Max debated whether or not to share the very minimal information he did happen to have, knowing that you’d kill him if he told, but also knowing neither Charles nor Lando would let it go until he told them.
“I honestly don’t know much, like, 2% of the situation” Max opted to give the bare minimum, hoping they would drop it afterwards.
“Well then share the 2% of knowledge you do have” He knew they wouldn’t drop it.
“Look, okay, all I know is there is someone she’s super interested in and it’s kind of driving her insane because he is in love with someone else and she’s just been trying to get over him and just she doesn’t need Carlos giving her grief while she’s trying to do that” Max rambled through all the information he did know.
“Whose the guy Max” Charles insisted on knowing, wanting to figure out who had managed to swoop in and get you while he watched his teammate pine over you day in and day out.
“That I honestly don’t know, she refused to tell me” He was met with sceptical looks, but a silence as they other two had accepted that he was telling the truth.
“Well, I was really hoping Carlos was wrong” Lando knew that when it came to you, Carlos could be a little dramatic.
“Yeah, this fucking sucks for him” Charles was met with hums of agreement.
“Isn’t this little get together for you?” You giggled as you snuck into the kitchen before any of the boys heard you, finding Carlos sitting on the kitchen counter nursing a drink, “what you doing moping about in here?”
“She loves someone else” He couldn’t even look you in the eye, his drunk self probably too in charge of the situation.
“Oh, Sugs, I am so sorry” you immediately moved over to him, surprised when he stopped you from hugging him.
“Not like you actually care” Carlos knew it was wrong, at least the sober part of him did, but the drunk side, well, he needed to have this out with you.
“Excuse me what?” you hadn’t seen this side of Carlos before and you were at a loss for why you were on the receiving end of his foul mood.
“You heard me, it’s not like you actually care,” Carlos spat out at you, “not about my situation, not about my heart, not about me”.
He knew he was getting louder and knew the rest of the boys were bound to come and find out what was happening so if this was his only opportunity he needed to do it fast.
“Oh my god, please don’t pretend like I haven’t been here for you the entire time with this bullshit issue Carlos, she doesn’t feel the same, I am sorry and it sucks, but its life, sometimes we just don’t get what we want” You shouted back at him, beyond hurt that you were on the receiving end of this treatment.
“Hey, what’s happening?” you felt Max tugging you back, choosing to shrug him off and ignore the other three drivers that had now entered the room.
“No Y/n! That’s the thing! I do get what I want! And I cannot handle the fact that the one thing I want most in the world I can’t have!” Carlos was now standing, both of you ready to have this fight, be damned that it was in front of all your friends, “and plus, what do you know about not getting what you want, the princess gets everything doesn’t she” Carlos felt gross saying it, he knew it was a low blow, but he couldn’t help the anger he was feeling.
“I don’t know what it’s like to not get what I want? You are so fucking self-centred Carlos! Believe it or not but you’re not the only one with your own shit going on! Guess what! I’m in love with someone too and guess what, he doesn’t fucking love me either, so I understand, better than anyone but I’ve at least come to terms with the fact that I don’t always get what I want bud! It just is what it is, you accept it and move on because what other fucking option do you have when your best friend is pining over some girl who clearly doesn’t fucking deserve him, and you know you are madly in love with him and don’t want to lose him! You support him and move the fuck on!” You weren’t sure how this had divulged into you confessing everything to him, but it had, and now it existed and you were suddenly feeling claustrophobic and you just needed to get out of there.
Before any of them could utter a word, you began to gather your things, not wanting to be involved in the argument anymore, none of the other drivers stopping you, truthfully, despite you suddenly running away from the admission, none of them had even registered it. Carlos especially.
“Yeah, run, like you do, like you always do, at least I’m willing to fight for what I want” Carlos was going to be sick at how he was treating you, the alcohol not helping, but he couldn’t get himself to be kind.
How was he unable to get himself to be kind to the woman he loves?
Instead, he stood, motionless, watching you leave. They all did.
“Fuck you” and with that you were gone, leaving the boys in thick silence, Carlos’s heavy breathes the only other noise to break through it.
None of them knew what to say and Max had to fight himself not to run after you to make sure you were okay.
“Carlos” Charles began, not sure where to start really, whether to comfort or admonish him for what just happened.
“Please, just don’t, I know” he wasn’t drunk enough to realise how badly he fucked up. He thought it would make him feel better, instead he just felt like he was disgusting, like he needed to take a shower to get off whatever residue was left after possibly the shortest and worst argument he had ever had.
“I know this is a really bad time, but can we just go back to what she said for a second?” Lando couldn’t shake what you had shouted at Carlos.
“And what did she say?” Max truly hadn’t even been listening, only waiting to see if he needed to get involved.
“She said she was madly in love with her best friend and supports him while he’s in love withs someone else and she’s just got to get over it” Lando tried to remember word for word but paraphrased as best he could with the small amounts he did remember.
Slowly but surely, it dawned on them all at once, Carlos most of all, eyes wide darting between his three friends.
“You fucked up” Charles was the first to speak, directed towards Carlos the irrefutable truth of the matter.
“How do I fix this?” Carlos was suddenly frantic, desperately needing to know how to salvage even just a friendship between you two.
“Mate, after how you treated her – “ Max began, unable to say the words he thought he’d so easily be able to, but looking at Carlos now, he wasn’t able to break that hope.
The silence was heavy.
“I could have had her, I could have had everything, and I fucked it all up” He knew it, he knew he had ruined everything and there was no one else to blame but himself.
Charles wishes he knew the right words to say, he wanted to keep his friends hope up, but he had never seen you so hurt and the reality was you weren’t going to want any of them in your life after what he just had to witness, let alone Carlos, and so he settled for the truth.
“And now you never will”.
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#carlos sainz junior#f1#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#monaco#charles leclerc#max verstappen#carlos sainz jr#f1 x reader#carlos sainz imagine#carlos sainz x reader#scuderia ferrari#Carlos sainz Jr x You#Lando Norris#Carlos Sainz Jr angst
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Throwing Punches (Reader x Boxer!Austin Butler)
Hi guys! This is my first ever fanfic and I’m not going to lie I’m shit scared about posting it but I want to thank @adoresbutlers for helping me out with this (i love you very much thank you). Feedback is appreciated but please be gentle lmao. Other than that let me know if I’ve made any grammatical errors or any of that.
Warnings: ANGST!!! Domestic violence, swearing, lowkey toxic relationship, mentions of blood (I think that’s it please let me know if I missed any!)
Word Count: 1128
Okay yes you knew he had a boxing match coming up this weekend, but he had promised to be home by 6 tonight so you guys could go out for a much overdue date night. But no. It was now 9:30 and there’s no sign of your boyfriend, Austin. You felt like a fool sitting all dolled up in the living room staring at the front door, waiting for it to open. You were seething with rage at this point. The punching bag hanging in the corner of the room did not help your mood. Rather, it served as a reminder of what your boyfriend was doing instead of being with you.
Eventually you heard the familiar jingling of the keys. The door opened and you raised your head to see Austin enter the shared apartment wearing sweatpants and a hoodie with his gym bag in one hand and the keys in the other. He walked over to where you were sitting on the sofa taking in your appearance.
“Hey baby,” he leaned over to give you a quick peck on the cheek and you turned your head away from him.
“What’s the matter? Why are you all dressed u- oh fuck,” he curses as realization of the forgotten date night finally dawns on him. You get up and quickly try to make your way to your room so you can slam the door in his face. But before you can walk past him he drops his bag and pulls you back by the elbows.
“I’m so so sorry baby. I forgot about date night. It’s just that the match is coming up and coach-”
“Cut the shit, Austin. I don’t want to hear it.” You roughly release yourself from his grip and turn around to walk away again, not wanting to see his face.
This time he pulls you by the waist and hugs you so that your back is against is chest and his mouth is against your ear as he mutters, “I know baby I’m the worst,” then his voice drops lower and he uses a tone you know all too well, “Let me make it up to you.”
Usually, this is your kryptonite and you forget whatever it is you are upset about but tonight was different. You struggle against him for a second but somehow manage to turn around and roughly push him away from you towards the corner of your quaint apartment. He was now standing closer to the punching bag than he was to you.
“Goddamn it, Austin, you can’t just fuck your way out of everything. I’ve been waiting here for 4 hours for you and you forgot? Do you even care about this relationship anymore? About us? Fuck, lately I’ve been questioning whether you even love me anymore. We haven’t had a fucking meal together in weeks because of your stupid boxing obsession and you know what I’m done. I am done!”
As you spoke, Austin could feel the anger rising in him. He thought he had been patient with you so far and had even apologised to you. What more did you want?
“What the hell is the matter with you, Y/N? Do I love you? Do I care about you? Everything I fucking do is for you. It’s my ‘stupid boxing obsession’ that puts food on the table, that keeps a roof over our heads, that pays for that slutty fucking dress you’re wearing.” He scoffs and puts his hands on his hips, “No, I don’t expect you to understand of course. You’re the most unsupportive, selfish girlfriend anyone could ever have.”
You had never felt hurt and anger like you did in this moment. The emotions were so strong that your entire body was trembling. Without a second thought you walked up to him and slapped him across the face, “Fuck you, Austin.”
He stood still for a second with his head turned to the left because of the force of the slap. Suddenly, he made a sound, like a growl, and in an instant his hand shot up and gripped your hair painfully, tilting your head up to look him in the eyes. His blue eyes had turned almost black in anger and his jaw was clenched so tight that you thought you heard a tooth crack. Then, as quickly as his hand had come up, he released the tight grip, turned around and hit the punching bag behind him so hard that it flew off its hook on the ceiling and slammed against the opposite wall.
Austin let out a little grunt from his throat, “Hmph!”
Your hands flew up to your mouth as you gasped in shock. In a flash, you were at his side and took his hand in both of yours. For the first time that night, your eyes filled with tears when you saw his split and bloodied knuckles because of throwing a punch without any protection. Because he didn’t want to hurt you. And you had hurt him. The words spilled out of your mouth when you realised the gravity of what you had done.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I love you so much. Please forgive me. I love you. More than life itself. I’m so fucking sorry,” your voice kept trembling and the tears fell down your face. You continuously kissed his knuckles, not caring about the blood.
Eventually, you pulled him to the bathroom and sat him on the edge of the bathtub. With shaky hands you brought the first aid kit, kneeling on the floor in front of him and cleaning up the wound.
Overwhelmed with guilt, you say, “I can’t tell you how sorry I am, Aus. I shouldn’t have hit you and I shouldn’t have said all those things. I hope you can forgive me. You’re right, I am selfish and unsupportive. I’m so sorry, baby.” Fresh tears flow down your cheeks.
Finally, Austin puts his uninjured hand under your chin and gently pulls your gaze up to his face, “Hey, hey, hey it’s okay. I was wrong. You are the best girl I could ask for. You’re like an angel sent from the heavens just for me. I don’t know where I would be without you. I’m sorry too. I can’t believe I forgot about tonight, I never meant to hurt you.”
Wiping your tears away, he leaned down and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss. He pulled you up so you were sitting in his lap.
“How about tomorrow we go to that diner you love and have a breakfast date? Waffles and a cold coffee?”
You nodded enthusiastically and nuzzled your nose in his neck while your thumb gently stroked the gauze you had tied around his knuckles.
@adoresbutlers @butler-on-beale-street @vividstilinski @she-is-juniper @eu-whoria @austinbutlerr @sassy-ahsoka-tano @mamaspresley @enchantinglyjade @stargiirl27 @emmymaehereeeeee @neverasfarawayasitmayseemxo
#austin#butler#austin butler#fanfic#fanfiction#x reader#elvis presley#boxer!austin butler#angst#angst with a happy ending#austin fans#austin butler fans#throwing punches
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pretend || j.ww x reader
Summary: reading thirst tweets with your co-star/boyfriend’s best friend makes things a little tense
Warnings: swearing, smut mentions (18+)
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n: originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
The sound of Mingyu cracking his knuckles next to you sent a shiver down your spine, making you cringe instinctively. You turned to glare at him and leaned away from the noise.
“I hate when you do that!” you groaned.
He smirked. “I know, that’s why I like doing it.”
You looked over at Wonwoo, who was sitting across the room with the crew, and pointed to Gyu.
“Can you tell your best friend to stop being annoying?”
“Can you tell your girlfriend to stop being dramatic?” Mingyu retaliated.
“I’m not picking sides!” Wonwoo shouted back and held up his hands in surrender.
You let your jaw drop. “I’ll remember that, Jeon.”
“Baby, I-” Wonwoo started to defend himself, but fell silent when the producer got up from her chair and approached you and Mingyu who were sitting behind the camera.
“Which one of you wants to take this?” she asked, holding up a large insulated jug full of paper strips.
“I’ll take it,” Mingyu offered and set the cup in his lap.
“What a gentleman,” you said, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty,” he muttered, “because you’re so fucking annoying.”
“Thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
The producer gave you both a sideways look. “Are you guys alright? Should we take a minute before starting?”
“No, we’re fine,” you assured her.
“We don’t actually hate each other,” Mingyu added, “this is just how... we are.”
She didn’t look any less concerned, but nodded anyway. “Okay, well remember what your director said about playing up your chemistry to promote the show. And when we call action just give a quick slate and start reading the tweets.”
She walked back over to her spot next to the cameraman and took a seat before looking over a checklist that had been handed to her and writing some notes on it.
“Nervous?” Mingyu whispered to you as you both waited for your cue.
“A little,” you admitted. “You?”
“I’m a bit on edge,” he concurred. “Mostly because your boyfriend is about to watch me read filthy comments about you on-camera.”
You glanced over at Wonwoo who gave you an encouraging smile and a thumbs-up. “He’ll be fine. How bad can they be?”
From a distance, the producer you had just spoken to called for everyone to be quiet on set and signaled the cameras to start rolling. You perked up and straightened your dress, waiting for Mingyu to take the lead.
“Hi guys, I’m Kim Mingyu.”
“And I’m y/n y/l/n.”
“You might recognize us from our new Netflix series, Breaking Curfew, where we play opposite each other in what you might call a... complicated romantic relationship.”
“We’re enemies with benefits,” you summarized. “And today we’re here with Buzzfeed to read thirst tweets about each other.”
“Ladies first,” Mingyu said and held the cup out to you.
You closed your eyes and sifted through the strips of paper with one hand, selecting one at random.
“Okay, this one’s about you. ‘Kim Mingyu has the prettiest eyes’.” You grinned as you watched your co-star’s cheeks turn pink. “He’s totally blushing right now! We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff!”
“Thank you very much to whoever tweeted that,” Mingyu said and cleared his throat.
“I agree with this person,” you continued, “you do have really pretty eyes.”
“Aw, thank you, y/n.”
“You’re welcome.”
“My turn.” Mingyu closed his eyes and rummaged around the cup before picking one. “‘Someone tell y/n y/l/n that I’m single and I get a discount at Olive Garden if she ever wants to let me take her out on a date’.”
You chuckled. “I do like Olive Garden.”
“She’ll get back to you on that one, mate,” Mingyu said quickly and let the crumpled piece of paper fall to the floor.
You took that as a sign to move on so you reached into the jug and pulled out another tweet.
“Oh, this one’s about me again. ‘Y/n y/l/n scissor me challenge’.” You clapped a hand over your mouth in shock and thrust the slip of paper towards Mingyu.
“You know what, props for being so bold. What do you think, y/n? Are you going to take them up on the offer?”
“I’ll think about it,” you managed to choke out, sending Mingyu into a laughing fit. You fanned yourself with your hand as you tried to recover and motioned for your co-star to read another one. “Your turn.”
“‘Kim Mingyu and y/n y/l/n are my dream celebrity threesome,’” he read. “What a compliment, don’t you think?”
“Oh, for sure,” you agreed and winked as you held your hand to your ear in a call me motion.
“These are just getting more and more vulgar, aren’t they?” Mingyu asked.
“I don’t know that anything can beat the scissoring one,” you pointed out as you fished another tweet from the bucket. “Another one about Mingyu, okay. ‘I wanna suck Kim Mingyu’s soul through his dick then spit it back in his face’.” You blinked at the piece of paper in front of you in shock, scanning back over it to make sure you had read it right the first time. “Jesus... christ.”
Mingyu smirked and nudged your shoulder with his.
You ignored him and pointed a finger at the camera in disgust. “I cannot believe you made me read this with my own two eyes. I could have lived my entire life without seeing those words in a sentence together!”
“I think that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received,” Mingyu countered, running a thumb along his jawline cockily.
“No, I have beef with whoever tweeted that now.”
“You’re just jealous that I like this tweet better than the threesome one.”
You sighed. “This interview was a bad idea. Your head is already so god damn big.”
Mingyu opened his mouth to retaliate, but paused like he had thought better of it and took a deep breath to compose himself.
“Anyway, moving on.”
You watched as he sifted through the tweets and chose one from the bottom, reading it to himself and grinning slightly before reading it aloud.
“‘Petition for y/n y/l/n to start an OnlyFans because I just know her tits are incredible. I can feel it in my bones’.”
You brought your hands up to your boobs self-consciously and laughed. “I don’t know about that, but thank you.”
“I’ve seen them,” Mingyu added nonchalantly, “and I can confirm that twitter user ‘geminisuns’ is correct.”
“What? Do you know how many sex scenes we had to shoot? We’ve seen each other naked plenty of times.”
You looked back over to the crew and made eye contact with the producer. “Do you see what I have to deal with?”
“Maybe we should take a quick break,” she suggested and motioned for the cameras to stop rolling. “Get a drink, freshen up and be back here in five.”
“Do you think they’re going to use that part?” Mingyu asked as he followed you over to the water cooler.
“I don’t know, dude,” you sighed in annoyance, “but great fucking job. The whole world already thinks we’re boning.”
“I don’t know about the whole world.” You glared at him. “Wonwoo knows we’re not.”
Wonwoo. You had nearly forgotten that your boyfriend was there on set with you. You looked around for him, and saw him still sitting in his designated guest chair looking at his phone. You could only imagine what he must be thinking of all of this. You should probably say something to him.
You told Mingyu that you’d be back and made your way across the room to Wonwoo. Even from a distance you could tell that he was upset.
His knuckles were pale and his jaw was tight. He didn’t look up at you when you approached him.
“Sorry this is taking longer than expected,” you said, brushing a stray curl out of his eyes.
“Don’t worry about it,” he murmured in response, still not looking at you.
You sighed and draped yourself across him, slinging your arms loosely across his shoulders as you leaned down to see what he was doing on his phone. He was scrolling aimlessly on Instagram, not even liking any of the posts.
“If you’re bored you can leave,” you said curtly and stood back up.
“I’m not bored.”
“You’re not even paying attention to the shoot.”
“Trust me, it’s impossible not to. I’ve been trying to tune it out for the past ten minutes with no luck.”
“Why would you not want to pay attention?” you demanded even though the answer was sitting right in front of you. “This is a big deal for me.”
Wonwoo swallowed and finally looked up at you. “I know, baby. It’s just- do you know how hard it is to listen to my best friend talk about doing all of these dirty things to you-”
“He’s my best friend too,” you pointed out in a quiet hiss. “The only reason we’re together is because of him.”
Sometimes you felt the need to remind Wonwoo that you had known Mingyu longer than you had known him. If Gyu hadn’t brought him to set all those times back when you were filming in the fall, you wouldn’t even know about each other’s existence.
“I know that.”
“You’ve done interviews like this before,” you argued.
“I know,” he repeated.
“Then why are you being like this?” He didn’t answer, so you kept going. “You know my bare ass has been on tv, right-”
“Don’t,” Wonwoo warned and grabbed your wrist.
You gasped and flexed your fingers gingerly in his grasp, challenging him. “Don’t what?”
“Don’t... act like I want to fuck your best friend?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “You’re enjoying this.” It wasn’t a question.
“Don’t pretend like I’d rather fulfill those tweets with him instead of you? Give the people what they want?”
You had to bite your tongue before you went any further and said something you might regret. Your words had already had the desired effect. You didn’t even have to look at Wonwoo’s lap to know that he was struggling not to get hard.
You could see it in his eyes. The arousal that had turned the warm brown into black. The way he was looking at you told you everything you needed to know. You wondered if you would even make it back home before he’d break, if he would pull the car over on the side of the road and take you then and there.
Your knees were weak at the mere thought of what you were in for later that night. Making Wonwoo jealous was admittedly one of your favorite pastimes, purely for selfish reasons. Possessive sex was arguably the best sex. The teasing, the hair-pulling, the choking, the face-fucking, all hit different when Wonwoo was reminding you who you belonged to.
Wonwoo released your wrist from his grip and raised his eyebrows expectantly. “Are you finished?”
You shook your head and grinned. “Just getting started.”
lmk what you thought; i always appreciate feedback!!
wonwoo tags: @wonw00t
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I Gave You All (Pt. 1)
Characters: Peter Parker x You
Summary: You weren’t supposed to remember him. And you didn’t. For three years. But you always remembered… something. Little things, every now and again. Now, you have a new neighbor, that honestly..? Doesn’t seem all that new to you.
(Post NWH, could technically be read for any Peters if your head-canon is that 2 & 3 were wiped from their universes memory too, but it is being written for adult Tom Holland Peter Parker)
Word Count: 956
Warnings: Like, one cuss word and mentions of alcohol/drunkenness
Author Note: Hi everyone! I’m a long-time reader, but haven’t ever posted my own content. This hasn’t been read by anyone other than myself, so the only editing that’s been done has been by Grammarly. Sorry for any mistakes, and sorry if it’s trash. Just thought it would be fun to give writing another shot after 10 years out of the fandom writing sphere. Hope you enjoy it, understand if you don’t! :) -Meg
You think you met him freshman year. In all honesty, you don’t think the two of you paid much attention to one another. As far as you knew? No one paid much attention to him… He disappeared halfway through the school year.
No, he didn’t.
Yes. He disappeared. You don’t even remember his name. Just… a blur. A dark silhouette in a flurry of otherwise clear memories. Some days, the silhouette became more focused, and along with it came a tightening in your chest. A brick in your stomach, a heat spreading across your cheeks. As soon as it came, it disappeared again. Like him. The nameless, faceless figure in the back of your head that no one else seemed to think ever even existed.
He existed.
It had been years since you had seen him in freshman biology. You were well out of high school now, living your life as a young adult. You had no reason to even think of him, yet here you were. Alone on your couch, vision swirling, the 24-hour news cycle spinning violently across your television. Spider-Man and Daredevil saved a bus full of middle schoolers on the George Washington Bridge this afternoon, from what you’re hoping isn’t actually an 8-foot-tall lizard.
The brick in your stomach grows as you stare at the rippling image of the masked vigilante. You blame it on the empty bottle of New Amsterdam sitting on the table in front of you, but your mind continues to wander to the student that you remember forgetting. Tonight, he isn’t just a silhouette. You see curly brown hair. This time though, a new image flashes across your eyelids. Chocolate brown eyes, smile lines obvious on an otherwise smooth face. You’ve never remembered that before. Three knocks. One, two, three, in quick succession.
This breaks you from your reverie. You slowly stand, making sure your drunken state won’t be too obvious to whoever decided to knock on your door at the ungodly hour of…
You shuffle to the door and struggle with the locks before pulling it open, covertly using it as a crutch to keep yourself upright. You look up at the mystery knocker, and all at once, every ounce of oxygen in your body abandons you. Curly brown hair. Chocolate brown eyes. Smile lines on an otherwise smooth face…. It’s just a coincidence. Right? “Hey, so sorry to bother you, but I’m moving in next door and managed to-” The stranger stops for only a moment when he lays eyes on you, but recovers quickly. Too quickly for you to notice his own shock. “-to dump a gallon of water on my kitchen floor before buying a mop… Any chance I could borrow yours?” You stare at the man, who is donned in an oversized “I Survived My Trip to NYC” Tee and sweatpants. You don’t realize that you’re silent for longer than any normal neighbor would be before shaking out of your own state. “Oh- uh- right. Yeah, ‘fcourse. Come on in…” You step out of his way and immediately turn toward your own kitchen, trying with every ounce of your being to not drunkenly stumble and embarrass yourself in front of your handsome (familiar?) new neighbor.
“I’m Peter, by the way. Peter Parker.” He states as you awkwardly search the crack between your fridge and wall for your mop. Your hand finds the cool metal and pulls it from the abyss, and you glance over your shoulder at him.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you, Peter Parker.” You then bury yourself under the sink, wrestling a bucket and a bottle of cleaner from under the poorly placed pipes.
“So... how’d you manage to dump a gallon of water on your floor?” Your voice is muffled by the cabinetry.
“Oh, you know… Had a bit of an incident with a fallen bar of soap. Classic cartoon slip and fall. Only I was lucky, and was carrying groceries to the fridge when it happened.” Your snort rings out through the small kitchen and you turn bright pink as you stand.
“Sounds like an unfortunate series of events.”
“I prefer to call it a comedy of errors.”
“Is it a comedy, or a tragedy? That is, considering no one else was there to see it.” You give him a small, sly smile as you pass him the mop and bucket. He gives you a cheeky grin in return, and you’re nearly knocked off your feet.
You’ve seen that grin before. More times than you can count. But you don’t know where. Or when. Or why… It seems as though the smile belonged to a lover from a different lifetime. A smile that transcended universes and demons and death, only to find your eyes once more. You feel the color drain from your face, but your brain can’t force your eyes to look away. Peter notices. The grin falters, and so does your absent stare.
“I should, uh… I should get that water taken care of. Make sure it doesn’t cause any damage. I don’t want to lose my deposit on day one.” He gives a weak chuckle, but you can feel how hollow it is. You nod in agreement, and walk him to the front door, growing dizzy from the mere two-minute interaction. “I’ll get your mop back to you soon.” You nod, absolutely incapable of caring less about a mop.
“No rush. Hope to see you around, Peter Parker.” Your voice is hoarse and more confused than it ever should have been. “You too, Y/N Y/L/N.” And Peter Parker has disappeared into the next apartment before you can even process that you never told him your last name.
#peter parker#peter parker imagine#peter parker oneshot#tom holland#andrew garfield#tobey maguire#tom!spiderman#tom!peter parker#tom!peter x reader#marvel#peter parker series#wip#fanfic
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Cuts to Cope
Angst, fluff Pairing: Severus Snape and Student!Reader (platonic) Warning: talk of self-harm, mentions of character's death Word Count: 2348 A/N: This is a little piece I wrote a while ago but didn't know if I should post or not. After re-doing certain bits, I decided to upload it. Hope it's not too difficult to read. As always, the ending is a little abrupt and not too detailed, leaving it sort of up to y'all as well :) Sorry if there are any typos (I only ever get the time to write when it's quite late nowadays)
Yet another day at Hogwarts - waking up at 6:30 am, showering, getting dressed in your robes, and heading to breakfast. Wishing everyone you passed a good morning, wearing your signature smile as you did.
You were a 7th year, one of the few returning ones after last year's incident with Cedric Diggory. He'd been your best friend, or at least that's what people thought. Cedric Diggory and you had been dating for the last 7 months before his death. You didn't want anyone knowing because being star students meant eyes prying into every aspect of your relationship.
People praised you, a model student and now, prefect, who set an example. An example of how to be strong and cope no matter what life threw at you. Little did they know, you harboured a little secret. A dark, horrifying, and disturbing secret that would never let anyone look at you the same way if they ever found out.
Your first class for the day was Potions. You were a brilliant student, especially at Potions, yet Snape still had something against you. You didn't take it personally, though; he wasn't really fond of anyone. You walked into class, taking your regular seat at the front. Snape walked into class a little while later, slamming the door behind him, commanding everyone's attention.
"Turn to page 420," he drawled. You opened the book to find the recipe for Amortentia. Your heart felt a tug at the name of the love potion, never having been able to find out the answers with Cedric.
Snape's deep voice brought your focus back to class as he said, "Since it takes a week to brew, I've already completed most of the process. All you need to do is the last day's work," making the class sigh with relief. "However," he continued, "The last day of brewing is crucial and not easy. So, I expect your attention to be fully on the task at hand."
You began brewing the potion, following the steps perfectly. Snape sat down to grade papers as the class worked. He looked at you and said, "Ms. [L/N], roll up your sleeves while you work. I'd hate for there to be mishaps in my class because of one student's carelessness."
You hesitated, but then did as asked. You weren't the best at wandless magic but had made sure to perfect this spell solely for such instances. As you rolled your sleeves, you subtly waved your hand over your forearms, mumbling, "Illusiont," and casting the disillusionment charm.
You saw Snape narrow his eyes at you and panicked for a second before you saw him shake his head and return to grading. Breathing a sigh of relief, you returned to the task at hand and continued brewing.
After a while, you'd finished, and were the first one to have done so. Snape walked over to your desk and took a whiff of the potion, raising an eyebrow before giving you a single nod of approval, letting you know that it was perfect. Once everyone was done, he walked around, starting at the back, and asked everyone to announce what they smelled. You hadn't smelled your Amortentia yet and hadn't planned on doing so either, feeling quite relieved when Snape hadn't asked that question earlier.
Your heart rate quickened as you began to worry about how your body and mind would react to smelling it. You couldn't do it last year, since the Triwizard tournament had led to a bunch of classes being cancelled. As you thought about how excited you had been at the prospect of sharing the experience with Cedric, Snape's voice pulled you back to your potions class.
"Ms. [L/N]."
"Yes, sir?"
He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "What. Do. You. Smell," he spoke, irritation evident in every word.
You swallowed hard as you leaned forward to inhale the scent. Your pupils dilated, your heartbeat quickened and your knees threatened to give out at the all-too-familiar fragrance. Your throat went dry as you stopped the tears from forming.
"Well? We haven't got all day, class is to be dismissed soon." He raised an eyebrow at you, asking you to hurry up since you were the last one.
With every ounce of energy, you calmed yourself and stopped your voice from wavering. "Old books, butterscotch and... vanilla," you sighed. Your breathing was erratic and you knew you needed to get out of class and get to the abandoned girls' washroom.
As if on cue, the bell rang, dismissing the class. Snape gave you an odd look and was about to ask you what was wrong but you had already gathered your belongings and were marching out the door. He decided to follow you since he'd never seen you act like that before and was wondering what had happened to you all of a sudden.
You made your way up the stairs, hurrying before you had a breakdown in the middle of the hallway. As you reached the washroom, you started rummaging through your bag since the hallway was empty. You took the small blade that you carried around out, pushing the door to the bathroom open.
Snape's POV
I followed her out of the classroom. Though not my favourite, [Y/N] was an incredible witch and this wasn't normal behaviour for her. She'd marched out before I had even dismissed class which concerned me even more, given her usually 'perfect' behaviour. She paced through the hallways and up the stairs so fast that I could've sworn she was moving around faster than I did on a normal basis. There was an urgency in her stride and I don't know why, but it concerned me.
She finally turned into the hallway leading to the girls' washroom on the third floor, which was odd. No one used this, as far as I was aware. I was a little embarrassed, considering I'd just followed a young girl to a washroom. In an isolated area, at that. I swear I never would've imagined myself going even further and following her in, but what I'd seen had shocked and concerned me enough to do just that.
End of Snape's POV
As you entered the bathroom, you had missed Snape, whose eyes were wide with shock. He couldn't believe what he'd seen. [Y/N] [L/N], the golden girl of Hogwarts, had just walked into an abandoned washroom after pulling out a blade from her bag. Not wanting to jump to any conclusions, he rushed in, wanting to confirm what his eyes had just seen.
As you were about to enter a stall, the door to the bathroom, swung open, making you jump. You hid the blade by making a fist, unintentionally cutting into your palm. You winced at the unexpected pain but didn't let it show.
You turned to face Professor Snape, and he was eyeing your hand. 'There's no way he saw it, is there?' you thought.
"Ms. [L/N], care to show me your hands?"
You panicked. He knew. You tried to divert his attention. "Sir, this is the girls' washroom."
"I'm aware," he stated. "Now... Hands," he said as he glared at you, letting you know that he wouldn't fall for any attempts to change the subject.
You sighed and opened your hands, and saw his gaze soften. He walked to you taking your hand in his as he gently pulled the razor out. You winced as it came out, knowing this would impair you for the rest of your classes.
"What were you thinking?!" He scolded, startling you. He reached for your arm, rolling up your sleeves once again and muttered, "Finite."
The scars on your arms started showing up and you couldn't do anything but look away, your eyes resting anywhere but his gaze.
"So that was the Disillusionment Charm I heard you use, earlier."
You stayed silent, still refusing to meet his eyes. Of all the professors, it had to be him. Sure, he wasn't fond of you, but you had immense respect for the man, and to let him see you in this light... it took every bit of you to not lose your composure.
"Look at me," he said.
You turned to face him. His usually cold eyes showed too much concern and the uncharacteristic response from the potions master was proving to be a lot to handle. Tears stung your eyes as he stared at you.
"Why?" He asked, his voice so genuine that you couldn't help but let your emotions spill, creating a mess that you couldn't be bothered to care about anymore.
"I can't do this anymore," you sniffled. "I don't want to. He was everything to me and it just hurts so much."
"Ah, yes. I'm aware you and Mr. Diggory were best friends. I'm sorry, [Y/N]."
"No," you said, finally being able to talk to someone about it. "He was my boyfriend. And... I never got to tell him I loved him... because I wasn't sure. Today just made it worse when I smelled him in my Amortentia. It confirmed that I did and I never got to say it." You were sobbing now, not caring what you looked like, what a mess you probably were, or what Snape was thinking of you and your confession.
You felt him awkwardly wrap his arms around you as he pulled your head to his chest. Your cries got louder and your wails of agony echoed in the empty washroom as your hands clutched the fabric of his robes. The feeling of someone comforting you was overwhelming. You'd always had to keep up this image of a perfect student, reliable friend, someone who could never have such horrifying tendencies.
Even then, as you cried out loud, your instinct made you bury your face in his chest, muffling the 'ugly' sobs. Snape's heart broke as your thoughts flooded his mind. As you struggled to breathe, he turned your head slightly, making you audible again. He didn't hush you; just stroked your hair as your tears soaked his robes.
It took a while, but you finally calmed down, your sobs reducing to soft whimpers before they died out entirely. Your throat was sore, and lips, chapped from all the crying. Your eyes were red and puffy, and the reality of the situation finally came crashing down on you.
Your secret was out. More than one, at that. One of the professors knew, and the strictest one too. You had just spent Merlin knows how long crying into his chest, which was now soaked with your tears.
"I'm sorry," you mumbled, your voice, hoarse. "Your robes are all wet now," you said, trying to move away.
"That's the least of my worries right now," he said, keeping your head in place as he continued, "I understand what you're going through. Better than you'd know." It sounded like it was painful for him to talk about it, the tone of his voice giving the vulnerability away. "But this is not the way to deal with it," he said as rubbed your back.
"Does it go away?"
"I'll be honest," he sighed. "It does get lesser with time if you allow yourself to heal. However, it never goes away entirely. A part of you will always love and miss him. I'm sorry," he said.
"No, I'm glad. I don't want to forget him. Or my love for him. Cedric Diggory was and will always be - my first love."
You finally pulled away from his chest and looked him in the eyes as he gave you a gentle smile. You managed to muster a somber one and sighed.
"Do any of your friends know?"
"Merlin, no!"
"Why not? They're your friends. They could-"
"I can't have this getting out. Everyone will-"
"Who cares what people think?" He raised his voice. It was silent for a while before he sighed and spoke again.
"[Y/N], I want you to promise me something."
You knew what was coming. You gulped and nodded softly.
"I want you to promise me that you'll stop this. Cedric wouldn't want this for you."
"I know, and I've tried before. It's not that simple-"
"I know," he said, cutting you off. "Which is why, the next time you get the urge to do this, you'll come to me. No matter what the situation might be."
You were surprised at his words. It was incredibly nice of him to offer this to you, and you nodded, accepting his generosity.
"Also," he continued, "Please stop going to such great lengths to please others and worrying about what others think. It's not healthy."
"But nothing. Your health is suffering and you can't even bring yourself to tell anyone because you're so busy keeping up this little charade of 'everything is fine'."
You stayed silent. There was truth in his words and you couldn't refute his accusations. You just looked up at him, once again, finding the uncharacteristic concerned look meeting your gaze. Nodding softly, you agreed. How could you not when someone had shown you such consideration and compassion?
A small smile graced his usually stoic face as he helped you up, and you both made your way out of the bathroom. He escorted you back to your dormitories, ensuring you were alright before the two of you parted ways.
The rest of the school year passed and Snape stayed true to his word, and you to yours. Every time you felt the urge to hurt yourself to relieve the pain, you'd find Snape. He was patient and helped you every step of the way. Slowly, but surely, you were able to overcome your urges and also found yourself living for yourself, rather than up to others' expectations.
By the time you graduated, you had overcome the habit and thanked Snape in your graduation speech, never giving away the details as to why. A lot of people had assumed there was something between the two of you, especially since you went to meet him all through the school year, but you didn't let it bother you, because... Who cares what people think, right?
P.S. - Sorry I've been a little slow with the writing. My college assignments have started rolling in and I'm currently swamped. Also, I'm working on a little something (announcing it in 2-3 days so make sure to check in lol). Rest assured, I'm slowly and steadily making my way through requests. Thank you for understanding <3
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