#charlie dalton series
ash5monster01 · 7 months
hii!! could you write something for charlie dalton and an insecure reader (they are already dating)? ive been feeling kind of ugly lately😭😭 tysm
I’m so sorry this has taken me so long, I hope everything has been going okay. Insecurities can really suck sometimes, but we just have to remember we’re all beautiful in our own way <3
Perfectly Me
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, self doubt, insecurities, anxiety
Summary: Dating cool and confident Charlie is proven to be hard when most of the time you’re insecure about everything about yourself.
word count: 1.1k
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Charlie had always been Charlie. You weren’t entirely sure where he got it from. Somehow after all these years in boarding school he had found a confidence that set him apart from the others. You had never met anyone else that had lived life with their chin so high and smile so wide. He was confident, fun, popular, and you felt everything but. When he had chosen you it was shocking. How could daring and brave Charlie seek out the only girl that kept her head ducked and mouth shut. Yet somehow he did and everyday since you had been questioning why.
Especially on days like today. Days where Charlie’s laugh bellowed loudly through the lunch room as you sat quiet as a mouse beside him. Girls looked on with adoring looks and boys laughed after every sentence that left his mouth. His presence was large, everyone saw him, everyone liked him. It was so intense that as you sat beside the boy you loved you felt more invisible then ever, especially to him. He didn’t see you, there is no way he could have. You were nothing but an inanimate object beside him and you had only ended up in this position from a cruel trick of fate. Not only were you now invisible but humiliated because you couldn’t compare to him. You never could.
When the bell sounds you’re the first out the door. You didn’t want to wait and see if Charlie even acknowledged you, it would hurt too much if he didn’t. You barely went noticed as you left anyway so it would be no surprise if he didn’t notice either. But he did. His proud look turning into one of confusion as he spotted your form rushing away. He had wanted to kiss you, stare into your pretty eyes for a moment longer, but you were gone in the blink of an eye. He wondered why, it almost feeling like you were trying to escape him. This very thought plagued him the rest of the day as he awaited a moment to see you again.
Once classes were over it took him forever to find you. He felt like he had turned Welton upside down in search of you until he finally found you curled up on a window seat in the library. Your eyes were cast downward at the book in your hands, your forehead pressed against the cool glass of the window where you sat. You were so beautiful and his heart yearned deeply for you in that very moment. He wished you didn’t feel so far away. He just wanted you two to be okay. As much as he talked about always having a girlfriend he never thought he’d be lucky enough to have one, especially you.
“Found you” you jump slightly at the sound of his husky voice. He’s lifting your feet and sliding beside you before you can react. He doesn’t make any notion that the window is cold against his back as he finally looks at you.
“I wasn’t hiding” you finally say, a bit nervous in his presence which you hated.
“Felt like it” the sad way he drops his gaze from you makes your heart clench. You hadn’t meant to hurt him but he had unintentionally been hurting you.
“I know” you whisper and Charlie looks up to see the sad expression you wear, one that matched his own.
“Can you tell me why?” he asks and you notice how small he seems here. He isn’t loud and proud Charlie, he’s your boyfriend who’s afraid you’re going to say something that hurts him and even worse you know what you have to say is going too.
“I don’t know why you’re with me Charlie” you say, officially closing your book and giving him your full attention.
“What do you mean?” he asks and you bring your hands to your face, sighing into them before looking up again.
“I’m not like you Charlie. You’re good looking, popular, outgoing. I’m just not” you say, exasperated and tired of not only being insecure about everything else in your life but about this too.
“Yes you are!” and this has you chuckling dryly, so tired of being lied to.
“No Charlie, I know it, you know it, and the rest of these imbeciles do too” you say, arms crossing over you chest and Charlie sighs as he presses a hand to his forehead.
“You are to me” he says calmly and you feel your heart rate accelerate at the confession. Charlie dares a glance at you to see your face flooded with sadness and confusion. He had never meant to make you feel small. “You’re the only girl for me. Maybe you’re not all that outgoing but that’s okay. I need someone who is going to bring me down to earth. I wanted to kiss my girlfriend today before she left after lunch and instead I watched her run away from me. I don’t try to make you feel worthless, I’m just so used to being loud and bold to hide the fact that I’m terrified my life won’t turn out the way I want it to. The only thing I’m sure of is you”
“Is that true?” you ask and Charlie chuckles even though none of this conversation is meant to be funny.
“It’s the most true thing I’ve said all week” he tells you and finally you take a good look at your doe eyed boyfriend. His floppy brown hair hangs in his eyes and the crooked smile on his face is still only ever directed at you. He loves you the way you love him, for all the things neither of you are. So you scoot forward and wrap your arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry I assumed the worst of you” you tell him and he gives you a tight lipped smile that you happily lean forward and kiss.
“I’m sorry I expected too much of you” Charlie apologizes in return and you smile before locking your lips with his own again. Pulling yourself closer to him your book slides from your lap and lands with a loud thud that has you both giggling quietly in the back corner of the library. Charlie doesn’t care about the attention it might’ve brought and kisses you good and hard again.
The best thing about Charlie is no matter how insecure you are, at least he will always be there for you. You balanced each other out and balance was the most important key to life. Balance love, balance work and art, and you shall be free.
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lesbicosmos · 6 months
bringing this back bc i haven't done one in literally months
dps as random stuff i found on pinterest part who's even counting
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cimacally · 3 months
Quick dead poets headcanons without context pt. 1
What's their favourite season?
Neil - spring
Todd - autumn
Charlie - summer & winter
Cameron - winter
Meeks - winter
Pitts - spring
Knox - summer
Stick - autumn
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ilovehimbos · 2 years
roommate hcs for the poets
when he wakes up in the morning, charlie makes sure to crack all his bones as loud as possible bc he knows it freaks cam out
meeks and pitts's room is a literal landmine. there's wires and bits and pieces everywhere and it should be considered a warzone
knox just has like. a road sign in his room. just under his bed.
todd and neil have most of their clothes mixed up between their too wardrobes, but they already share their clothes so who cares.
charlie started printing out pictures of random fish and hanging them up in their room and after a while, cameron just started adding sticky notes to them with the scientific name of the fish and the name they were christened.
it's a complex system.
knox bought so many of those spiderman wall art/stickers, yk the ones for like toddler's bedrooms, and has them all over his wardrobe.
neil gave todd a shiny rock one day and then charlie stuck googly eyes on it. his name is finnick.
meeks and pitts put glow in the dark stars on their ceiling.
cam rlly loves to draw, and if he leaves his doodles lying around, charlie will steal them and put them in his desk. no, he doesn't think they're cool, why do you ask?
todd has so many books just overflowing on his desk and now there's some book piles on the ground but they look pretty so they can stay!
knox has lots of candles but with rlly obscure scents? none of the poets know where he gets them from.
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I have this really old series, of where I spun the wheel to pick an unpopular dps ship/house x wilson and took a lyrics from the song I was listening to, gave it that title and then wrote a very short scene based on it-
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wordssricochet · 4 days
Hello, 🌹🇵🇸🍉
I hope you are well.
Could you please help me reblog the post on my account to save my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏
I am new to Tumblr and also to GoFundMe.🙏
I hope you can support and stand by me at the beginning .
Thank you ♥️ .
it's the least i can do:))
eyadsami's go fund me ‼️
sorry for the random tags, i'm trying to get this post as much attention as possible!!
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godriots · 9 months
dead poets society . . !
todd anderson.
neil perry.
charlie dalton.
knox overstreet.
steven meeks.
harry potter . . !
cedric diggory.
sirius black.
james potter.
remus lupin.
the grisha verse . . !
nikolai lantsov.
kaz brekker.
nina zenik.
stranger things . . !
steve harrington.
robin buckley.
misc . . !
paul atreides.
viscount tewkesbury.
spencer reid.
more to be added . . .
!!! i will not write smut and neither will i write for real people, as i don't feel comfortable doing so !!!
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sallymareeq · 8 months
Under the Willow Tree
⚠️18+ [Minors DNI]⚠️
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"He moved a hand to your face, caressing your smooth cheek, and in that moment the world disappeared." A picnic under the willow tree with your "best friend" Todd. sappy lovey romantic poetic smut ok this will def become a series
reader can be any race and weight as long as they are not bald :) comments are highly appreciated
It had been a year since the Welton Henley Hall merge and you had been living on the new west wing of the ‘strictly girls’ boarding houses for a while. Through classes you had finally made friends with boys you found respectable. You had your little group, Neil, Knox, Poppy, Charlie, Meeks and Pitts, Cameron, you and Todd.
You and Poppy had been the first to join Mr Keatings english class and she, being the extrovert she is, immediately connected with the horniest boy in the room, Dalton. Through being dragged along on awkward dates you did get to know Charlie and thankfully also his wingman Neil. Through Neil and Charlie you were introduced to the rest of the poets.
You began forming a connection with all of them, helping Neil rehearse for his plays because you loved to watch him act, working on a radio with Meeks and Pitts, going on walks with Knox to pick flowers, and getting study tips from Cameron.
But the time you cherished the most was the time you spent reading and writing and talking with Todd. Todd, like you, had a shy exterior, you had to be introduced by friends and at first your conversations were awkward and stilted, punctuated by furtive glances and blushed cheeks but eventually you just clicked. Todd soon became your best friend and you each saw a side of each other no one else had.
Late afternoons you would read Whitman under a willow tree in a hidden patch of the forest, sometimes Todd would get up and start dancing and laughing as he read, grabbing you by the hands to spin you around until you both tumbled over. One of Todd's favorite activities though was listening to you sing. Once he found out you could, he spent a week begging you to sing him something, even a little, until you finally agreed, under the condition that you got to play with his smooth, dirty blonde hair.
You had always wondered what it felt like, it always looked so soft and clean. So one warm Saturday afternoon, sitting on a blanket under the willow, Todd slowly lay his head in your skirt as you began to sing. An old gospel song you had learnt in sunday school, years ago,
As I went down in the river to pray Studying about that good old way And who shall wear the robe and crown Good Lord, show me the way.
Todds eyelashes fluttered shut as you ran your fingers back through his hair, reveling in its softness,
O brothers let's go down Let's go down, come on down Come on brothers let's go down Down in the river to pray
A soft smile crossed his rosy lips and you began to notice the light dusting of freckles against his alabaster skin.
As I went down in the river to pray Studying about that good old way And who shall wear the starry crown Good Lord, show me the way.
You stopped singing as Todd sat up, twisting so you faces were inches apart, his hair was messy, his lips slightly parted and his blue eyes were clouded with love. His hands were either side of you against the tree in an almost protective position and in a slow, dream-like trance you raised your hand to feel his cheek with your thumb. His skin was soft and warm and connecting to it like this stirred something inside you. He continued to breathe, staring longingly into your eyes as you moved your fingers across to his lips, so soft and inviting, his warm breath brushing your fingers. He moved a hand to your face, caressing your smooth cheek, and in that moment the world disappeared. You saw, as if from a bird's-eye view, two young lovers under a willow tree, body’s so close they shared the same air. A boy with his blue sweater, unbuttoned collar peeking out the top and khaki pants. A girl, her hair tied with a bow, wearing the boy's oversized cable knit sweater and a small skirt. You watched for a moment, admiring how perfect they looked together until you heard, or rather felt your name whispered against your lips.
‘Y/N’ the poet breathed ‘can i’ he glanced down at your rosy lips ‘may i kiss you?’
Your lips met fully as you fell into his warmth, he tasted like sunset and home. You lifted your chin as he pulled you in, gently placing a hand on the small of your back, pressing you as close as possible. You arched into him as you deepened the kiss longing to feel more of him, your hands moving from his warm chest to his soft hair. It felt like flying, kissing Todd Anderson, so gentle and yet so firm, so sweet and so lustful, a dance in perfect time. You broke the kiss, only to catch your breath and Todd rested his forehead against yours breathing, his now glossy lips revealing a row of perfect white teeth.
‘Wow’ he sighed
‘Wow’ you looked into his adoring eyes.
And as Todd opened his mouth to speak again a sudden need rushed through your body and you kissed him passionately. He was taken aback for a moment but quickly tightened his grip on your waist, holding your body's flush, together you rose to your knees as you leaned back into his hands. Todd kissed you hungrily, in a way you couldn't expect from him, and as your tongues met you felt yourself grow increasingly aroused at the closeness.
Todd slowly began kissing down your jaw to your neck eliciting soft moans as you began to tug at the hem of his sweater. He leaned back and removed it with a cat-like grin that you had never seen before but that made you want him more than possible. You lifted your arms as he removed your (well his) sweater and began feverishly unbuttoning your tight, white tshirt. His long fingers made quick work of your shirt as he pushed it down your shoulders, still kissing you hotly. He leaned back, hands on your waist, to admire your flawless skin. He ran a light hand over your collar bone as you melted to his touch, his hand traveled down your side, carefully avoiding your breast, to your stomach where he rubbed his thumb over the skin. He looked up at you through his long lashes then down at your low cut, blue floral bra, and more importantly your soft round breasts.
He glanced up again questioningly,
‘Please Todd’ you whispered ‘Touch me’
That confirmation was all he needed to cup his large hand around one of your breasts, kneading it softly and groaning at the feeling. He moved his head down toward them and glanced up a final time before his wet mouth connected with the skin covering your sternum. Slowly he traveled down your cleavage before moving to your left breast leaving small love bites in his wake. You hummed in pleasure as he pulled away the fabric, his hot breath hitting your exposed nipple. He sucked it into his mouth, tongue circling the sensitive skin causing you to whine breathily. Once he was satisfied with the left he moved on to the right still groping the left as he did. Once he had you leaning back on your arms, squirming and moaning his name he pulled away, you whined at the loss of connection until you saw him begin to unbutton his white shirt. You sat up staring longingly as more of his pale, lightly freckled chest was revealed, his muscles were taught and clearly visible, he looked as if he was carved from stone and as he shrugged off his shirt you felt your mouth begin to water. You sat up fully, holding him by the shoulders, cheeks touching as you breathed in his scent, distinctly masculine, like freshly washed sheets or a newly opened book, it filled your chest and stomach and back as you shut your eyes and basked in it. You moved together, not kissing, but breathing, feeling the pull of each other's energy.
You ran your hands down his freckled shoulders observing the rise and fall of his muscles, down his forearms covered in light blonde hairs, to his hands, silky and veined. You brought his hand to your mouth kissing the pads of his fingers and slowly inviting his pointer and middle into your mouth, you licked and sucked sensuously as he stared at the lustful sight. Drawing back, you licked saliva from your lips and continued your exploration. As you began kissing down his chest, feeling his warm skin you caught a glimpse of his bulge, straining against the front of his pants. He lowered himself onto his elbows as you savoured the feeling of his abs on your lips, you felt his hand brush through your hair to your cheek as he lifted your face and looked lovingly into your eyes.
‘hey, you know you don't have to do anything you don't want to right?’ Todd said earnestly
“Little you know” you began to quote as you sensually crawled up his body, ‘the subtle electric fire for your sake playing within me.’ you finished with a soft kiss to his lips.
‘Whitman’ He smiled
‘i fear i am in love’ you mused
‘And i quite the same’ he whispered hot against your lips ‘O to draw you to me, O to be yielded to you, coming naked to me at night,'
'And you to be yielded to me, in defiance of the world’ he spoke as if kissing, moving and breathing and teasing.
‘Your body to me is sweet, clean, loving, strong,’ you spoke kissing his jaw
‘Your eyes are more to me than poems,’ you began traveling back down his neck
‘Your lips do better than play music,’ down his hot chest
‘The lines of your cheeks, the lashes of your eyes, are eloquent to me,’ over the hills and valleys of his toned abdomen
‘This face is flavor’d fruit ready for eating.’ you unbuttoned his trousers
‘You give me the pleasure of your eyes, face, flesh,’ unzipping them slowly
‘You take of my hair, breast, hands, in return,’ kissing his hip bones
‘Our flesh, and even a part of our flesh,’you lock eyes with the sandy haired poet, light eyes now dark with lust,
‘seems more than senses and life.’ he finishes for you as you remove his trousers and boxers in one fluid motion, freeing his throbbing member.
Todd sucked in a breath, cock twitching at the sudden cold as it sprung from his boxers. You stared in awe at his glistening member, already dripping with precum, it was large, more than 6 inches, and erect. You looked up at him unsure.
‘I have never done this before’
‘Its ok’ Todd assured ‘I'll tell you what feels good and what doesn't’
And you trusted him to do so.
You leaned forward, taking the tip into your mouth as you tasted him, warm and slightly salty, but knowing it was Todds made it taste like lust. You lowered, taking as much into your mouth as you could, Todd hummed with pleasure and let out a low moan when you felt the tip hit the back of your throat.
‘Mm yes, perfect’
His praise swallowed you whole as you began acting on instinct, taking what couldn’t fit into your mouth in hand, you began to bob your head up and down, slowly hitting the back of your throat every time. Your mouth filled with saliva and precum, dripping out onto your chin. Todd lovingly used his free arm to hold back your hair as you worked. His head fell back as he continued to groan and whisper your name like a prayer. You felt him guide your head faster and you swirled your tongue slightly causing his hips to buck. This involuntary show of desire caused you to moan around his cock, sending vibration through his body, his lips came together to stifle a moan and he whispered breathlessly.
‘Fuck Y/N im getting close, should i-’
But his words were cut off by a long, drawn out ‘fuck-’ as you took his entire length into your hot, wet mouth. He gripped your hair tightly and you felt his cock twitch as hot salty liquid shot down your throat, you swallowed as much as you could, longing to be filled with his love, and as you pulled back, come and spit dripping from your chin to your breasts, he stared, open mouthed.
‘If I am to have so much, let me have more, Drunken and crazy with love, swing in its plummetless sea.’ he recited
You bashfully wiped your mouth as you sat back on your heels.
‘Oh my- that was perfect’ Todd spoke
His eyes scanned your body
‘i have never bared witness to something so breathtakingly beautiful’ he started, holding you with a loving gentleness, ‘so sweet, so lovely’ he smiled as he began to lay you down,’so kind and fulfilling’ he removed your skirt exposing your matching floral panties, now soaked, ‘and sensual’ he mouthed at your navel, ‘something i want’ he breathed pressing a kiss to your hip bone, ‘something i need’ kissing the other, he moved to face your hot core, leaving wet kisses up your thighs ‘bid away matters of the mind, and think only with your heart’ Your head falls back, mouth open wide as you arch into the feeling of Todd's wet tongue running over your panties, but before you can moan out his name he captures your lips in a wet, sensuous kiss, the friction of his tongue being replaced by his long, capable fingers. He hooks his fingers under the waist of the garment and looks to you for permission before slowly pulling them down.
‘I have never done this before either’ Todd admitted as he leaned forward to kiss you
‘I trust you Todd’ you felt him grow harder at your words.
With newfound confidence he tentatively swiped two fingers through your folds, stopping when he felt you shudder at contact with your sensitive bundle of nerves. He quickly glanced back up at you,
‘Good or bad?’ he questioned,
‘Good… really good’ you breathed as he began to circle your clit.
You stared lovingly into his face as he slowly widened his circles until he stopped at your entrance,
‘Todd’ you said softly,
‘Hm?’ he looked up at you in that Todd way, mouth slightly open, blue eyes innocently questioning, dirty blond hair parted to one side.
‘Im a virgin’ you breathed against his lips,
The thought had never crossed your mind since you came to Welton, Poppy had always talked about sex and how great Charlie was in bed but you had never met anyone you thought you could trust with your body, so open and vulnerable, until you met Todd. With him everything just felt so right, a perfect boy, a handsome man, a lover.
‘I want you to be the one’ you whispered,
He kissed you softly, much slower than before but something felt different, like he had transferred part of his soul with that kiss and just as slowly and with as much care, he pressed his warm finger into you. You both shut your eyes, enjoying the sensation, he groaned at the feeling of you clenching around his long nimble finger, growing almost unbearably hard. You moaned loudly as he curled his finger hitting a spot that sent a rush through you.
‘Please Todd- Please’ you whined biting your lip
‘Please what petal, please what?’ Todd urged, eager to please
‘Faster’ you panted.
Todd was a fast learner as he soon found a pace that had you heaving for breath and begging for more all at once, he slowed slightly but before you could complain he added a second finger, pumping them into your throbbing core.
You bit your lip as a mix of pain and pleasure rocked through your body
‘Is that o-’ you swallowed Todd's question in a kiss that neither of you could ever forget, hot and wet and sweet, your tongues working in harmony, both of you making obscene noises as you felt the knot in your stomach grow tighter.
‘Todd i need you’
‘Im here, i'm here whatever you need’ he breathed still pumping in and out of you
‘I need all of you please’ you whined needily.
‘Ok’ he removed his fingers from your warmth and smoothed your lust onto his already hardened cock.
Kneeling in front of you he teased your entrance with his tip as you gazed dreamily up at his figure, the gold afternoon sun peaking through the branches left his pale skin gleaming with sweat. He looked down at you, laying sprawled on the blanket, had it been only this morning you considered each other friends, no, you had been much more from the moment your eyes met. Love. love was the only word to describe how you felt as Todd leaned his forehead against yours and slowly, slowly pressed his way inside of you. The world disappeared inch by inch as his length filled you up, you felt no pain this time, only an all-encompassing sense of wholeness. Your thoughts, feelings, memories became one as he slowly began thrusting into you, nuzzling into your soft hair and breathing heavily. It was just the two of you, breathing and moaning as you moved closer toward a shared bliss. You sucked at his neck, nibbling on a spot behind his ear that made him let out an almost whimper. He raised the hand that wasn't supporting him to your neck, not to choke but to feel your pulse. The feeling of his strong, smooth hand at your neck sent you reeling as you whispered his name frantically.
‘yes, Todd, Please, I love you, i love you, fuck, fuck’
With every thrust he lightly kissed your face, your cheeks, nose, eyelids, running his fingers through your hair. This moment was nothing like how Poppy had described it, not hot and dirty and rough and loud and forbidden, it was warm and sweet and kind and lovely and true. A moment of connection between two fated souls, under the shade of a willow tree.
The feeling was beyond words, beyond feeling, it was poetic. The passion in his movements pushed you to the edge of what you knew to be true, staring into his deep blue eyes, you knew you were close, you both knew. His movements slowed, becoming more sloppy as you both teetered on the edge of release. Your lips connected as you felt a wave of pleasure crash over you both, the feeling so great you moaned into each other's mouths. You rode out your orgasms, panting between kisses, Todds face buried in your neck. He rolled onto his back and you snuggled into his warm chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“I would quote whitman but right now i can only think of you” he sighed
You giggled as you passed him his pants.
He redressed clumsily as you gathered your clothes and jumpers.
You sat together talking quietly as he buttoned your shirt and you fixed up his hair.
“You're so good to me Todd” you smiled as he fixed your collar.
‘Well i just love you’ he said so casually he even took himself by surprise,
‘Where ever did I find you’ you shook your head smiling contently.
You lay with your head in his lap this time, reading Whitman while he picked the surrounding wildflowers, as you put the book down Todd blushed, he had made you a flower crown. You sat up and turned so he could place it on your head.
He smiled ‘you look like a woodland nymph’
You picked a small white flower- a spring beauty- and stuck it in his still slightly messy hair.
‘You're so very pretty Todd’
As the sun grew orange in the sky you began making your way back to the courtyard, probably looking like a pair of strays, hair full of flowers and clothes a mess, holding hands and smiling blissfully.
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prettyyoungandbored · 1 month
Memory Lane - Charlie Dalton
Pairing: Adult!Charlie Dalton x Fem!Reader
Author’s Note: I accidentally created a mini series in which Charlie and Y/N get engaged and have no peace. Oh well.
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The party was Charlie’s mother’s idea - not his father’s, not Y/N’s parents, and certainly not Y/N’s nor Charlie’s.
The woman began planning it the moment Charlie told her Y/N had said, “Yes.”
The Dalton mansion was packed with Charlie’s relatives and his dad’s colleagues. Y/N and Charlie’s mothers became thick as thieves and went around mingling with everyone to discuss how excited they were for the wedding.
They did all this while toting Y/N around like a trophy. It felt like a dance number to her - smile, shake hands, show the ring, and say, “I’m very excited.”
And each time she finished, she stood there silently.
By the seventh go around, she wanted to jump out of the window.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you ladies,” Charlie interjected, flashing the classic Charlie Dalton grin. His eyes met Y/N’s. “Honey, there are some people I’d like to introduce you to.”
He curled his arm around Y/N’s waist and led her away from the group.
“Alright, who am I meeting?” she inquired with a tired but persevering sigh.
“No one. I just thought we needed a break from this thing. I set up a little picnic for us in my bedroom.”
She cupped his face in her hands. “Have I told you how much I love you?”
“Not yet but the night’s still young.”
He leaned down to kiss her lips, eliciting butterflies in her stomach. When he pulled back, he smiled at adoringly. “C’mon, the longer we stay in here, the more people will try to talk to us.”
He grabbed her hand and led her through the crowd and up the stairs.
They entered his room where a flannel blanket was laid out on the hardwood floor with two plates filled with food from inside. Beside the plates were two empty champagne flutes and one of the champagne bottles in an ice bucket.
“Pretty nice, right?” he asked.
“It’s perfect.”
She sat down beside him as he knelt down beside her to pour the champagne into the flutes. Once the glasses were filled, he turned to her and raised his.
“To us,” he toasted.
“To us.” Y/N clinked her glass with his before taking a sip.
She hummed in delight at the light, fizzy taste of the champagne. If the Daltons were gonna be the ringmasters of the wedding, at least they brought fantastic champagne.
She then eyed Charlie’s room. It wasn’t much, but it was extremely organized. She imagined it was a chaotic mess when Charlie lived in it, or at least when he was home for breaks and summer.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Charlie asked.
“Just looking at your bedroom and wondering how many girls you brought in here,” she responded cooly, taking another sip of champagne.
Charlie smirked. “I don’t kiss and tell.”
“Yes you do, Charlie. I’ve heard you on the phone with Knox talking about our sex life.”
“I never said I don’t have sex and tell.”
She snorted as she leaned her head against Charlie’s shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her.
“And for the record,” he began, “I only brought two girls in here.”
Y/N snickered as Charlie kissed her temple. “Also, you’re the only girl I’ve gone steady with that’s been in here.”
She lifted her head up. “We’re engaged but I’ll take it.”
“Someone’s a little jealous,” he teased.
She rolled her eyes. “Ok, Charlie.”
“You don’t need to be, you know. None of those girls-.”
“Are those your Welton yearbooks?”
Charlie’s smile fell as he saw Y/N staring at the bookcase. The twinkle in her eyes made it clear he was gonna have a trip down memory lane.
“Honey-.” He was too late. Y/N stood up and grabbed one of yearbooks from the shelf.
“Oh my god, Charlie!” she beamed.
He sighed. “This is gonna be painful.”
She sat back down beside him and turned the pages, searching for his photo. When she landed on it, her entire face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“You were so cute!” she squealed. “Look at you! You must’ve been very popular with the ladies.”
“I did ok,” he said with a proud smirk.
She made a face, snorting. “You did ‘ok.’”
“What? I did!”
“Hmm, ok. I’ll get the truth from the boys.” Her eyes lit up. “Ooh, show me the guys’ photos!”
“Hand it over,” Charlie said. She handed him the text book. “Now, this was the year before I got expelled so Todd wasn’t at Welton yet.”
He scanned the pages and stopped. “Ok here’s Meeks.”
Y/N glanced down and pouted her lips. “He looks so adorable,” she remarked. “Good to know he’s always been so sweet-looking.”
Charlie scanned again. “Oh, here’s Knox.”
“Another lady killer,” she said.
“And then Pitts.”
“Had you guys gone to my high school, you all would’ve done very well with the ladies,” she said. “My friend Kendra would’ve gone for Pitts. She was big into tall guys.”
He smirked. “What about you? Would you have gone for me?”
She tilted her head. “I would’ve had a crush on you for sure, but I don’t think you would’ve gone for me.”
“I think you’re wrong.”
He knew for a fact she was wrong. The first time he went over to her parents’ home, he saw a photo of her from high school on their mantle above the fire place.
Teenage Charlie would’ve done anything to get her to go out with him.
Charlie returned to the book when his smile faded. Y/N looked to see his finger on Neil’s photo. Guilt bubbled inside her. She didn’t consider this when she saw the yearbooks.
But there was no turning back. The photo and the painful reminder was smiling at both Charlie and Y/N.
Neil had the perfect, friendliest smile. Anyone who didn’t know him would’ve thought he was the golden boy who had it all figured out.
It broke Y/N’s heart when Charlie told her everything, how the poor boy had been suffering at the hands of his father who pushed him into a life that he didn’t want any part of.
“That’s a nice photo of Neil,” she remarked softly.
“It is,” Charlie agreed.
She’d always wondered if she and Neil would have gotten along. She got along very well with the boys, but Charlie knew Neil since there were little kids.
“He’s always with you, you know,” she told him. “I know that doesn’t fix his absence, but I hope it’s at least a nice thought.”
He gave her a small smile before kissing her forehead. “It is. I just wish he was here.”
“Would he have thrown you the best bachelor party?”
The idea lit up Charlie’s eyes. “Oh, without a doubt,” he said. “He would’ve gone all out. There was one time…I think there’s a photo of it in the yearbook. Hold on.”
He turned the pages when he froze on one. Nestled inside one of the pages was a piece of lined paper torn out from a notebook. On said paper was a drawing of boobs.
Charlie’s mouth hung open. He wasn’t sure how the hell that had gotten in there. He turned to Y/N, whose dumbfounded expression melted quickly into laughter.
She threw her head back. “Oh my god!” she mustered out in her laugh. She covered her mouth as she fell forward.
The site of her laughter brought a smile to his face. “It is not that funny,” he said chuckling.
“Oh no, this is hilarious!” she continued laughing.
She leaned and grabbed the paper, holding it up photo for further inspection. “Are these supposed to be nipples? Charlie, why did you draw them like that?”
“They’re not that bad,” he replied, trying to defend himself and his drawing. “Besides, they’re just doodles I did in class. I wasn’t really thinking when I drew them.”
“Baby, you were a teenage boy. You weren’t thinking, period.”
His mouth hung open, a laugh escaping. “You’re the worst.”
She tossed the yearbook and picture onto his bed. She placed the plate of finger food that had been on his lap and put it on his bed as well. She threw her leg over his lap, straddling him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“And yet, you still love me and I still love you even though you draw boobs weird,” she remarked.
He threw his head back. “I love you even though you make fun of my art skills.”
“The good news is that there’s room for an improvement.”
“Oh yeah? Can I use yours for reference?”
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unhappycylinder · 1 year
Top Gun
One Shots
Saunter (Nick ‘Goose’ Bradshaw x Fem!Reader)
Gonna Be Trouble (Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Fem!Reader) - you meet Hangman at an airshow while on a break from college. Will your careers draw you apart or will your love for each other bring you together? ONGOING
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Dead Poets Society
One Shots
Sonorous (Charlie Dalton x Fem!Overstreet!Reader)
No Unreturned Love (Charlie Dalton x Male!Reader)
Paddle (Charlie Dalton x Reader)
Stranger Things
Hellfire’s Newest Member (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader) - the new girl at Hawkin’s high catches the eye of Eddie, and her affinity for DnD makes her the girl of his dreams. ONGOING
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
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c0smopolitan · 7 months
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Harry Potter:
Harry potter
Sea, Swallow Me
Marauders Era
James Potter
Is It Better To Speak Or To Die? blurb!
Idiot in love
Kiss of Life blurb!
Sirius Black
Welcome and Goodbye (and Welcome again) Mini series
part 1
Regulus black
Always forever blurb!
Dead Poets Society
Charlie Dalton
Chemtrails over the hills
Paper flower
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ash5monster01 · 7 months
You’ll Be Okay
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: self doubt, language, mentions of trauma, established relationship, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of suicide
Summary: Charlie absolutely breaking down when you tell him you’re pregnant which is the complete opposite of the reaction you had expected.
word count: 1.8k
a/n: for my Charlie girlies, I know it’s been a while but hopefully this holds you over <3
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The bundle of nerves in your stomach was becoming too much to bear. This was visible as you nervously bounced your leg in the waiting room of the doctors office. Everything was so white and your heart rate was starting to pick up. You weren’t normally a fan of doctors but you felt you had justified reasons for your visit. Considering you period was late, you woke up queasy every morning, and your emotions seemed to be heightened, so it gave you all the excuses in the world. It also made sense because you and Charlie had agreed to stop using protection a few months ago. You had discussed being ready for kids and not wanting to rush into pregnancy, so you stopped using protection, and prepared for it to happen when it happens.
“Take a breath” Chris whispered, the small baby boy held to her chest. You had called her the minute you put the context clues together and she agreed to accompany you since she had already been through this twice now.
“I know, I’m trying” you forced a smile, your hand instinctively moving to twist your wedding band around your finger. It was a habit you had picked up since it became a permanent part of yourself.
“Remember, you and Charlie are ready for this. You should be excited” her soft smile radiated towards you and you felt comforted by her the same way you did the day you met. Without Chris you never would’ve met her boyfriend, now husband Knox, and Knox would’ve never introduced you to your now husband Charlie.
“I am, it’s just scary to think about. I’m already so attached and maybe I’m not even pregnant” you voiced your fears, admiring how she cradled her 10 month old baby as her 2 year old girl slept against her side. She was a super Mom, taking it all in perfect strides, the same way she mastered everything. Where she thrived, you struggled, and you worried motherhood would be the same.
“A mother’s intuition is never wrong, and you are going to be a great one” Chris’ hand moved to cover your stomach and you felt butterflies erupt because everything in you believed that a tiny piece of life, that you and the man you loved created, was growing in there.
“Mrs. Dalton” you nearly jumped out of your seat as the doctor called your name and you quickly stood, following him to an exam room.
“Good luck” Chris called out after you.
“We’re gonna do a blood test and then an ultrasound to see if we can find anything” you nodded, trying to numb yourself to feeling because you didn’t want to be disappointed. You’d rather not be heartbroken if he told you, you weren’t pregnant. So you tried to lessen your hopes as you let them take the blood test.
You could’ve sworn your heart was about to bust out of your chest as he prepped you for the ultrasound. Too scared to find there was absolutely nothing in there. Your eyes flicked nervously across the small, fuzzy, black and white screen as you waited.
“Would you look at that” the doctors voice nearly stopped your heart as a small blob appeared on the screen. A small thumping sound filled the room and you felt tears begin to form behind your eyes. “Judging by the size and the heart beat you’re about 6 weeks along. Congratulations Momma”
“Are you serious?” the dam broke as tears flowed freely down your face and the doctor smiled.
“Very serious” you leaned over and hugged him, him taken aback as he let out a chuckle. You couldn’t wait to tell Chris as you quickly got yourself back together to rush out to the waiting room.
“Well, what did he say?” Chris jumped to her feet as you returned to the waiting room. You tried to keep your composure but as soon as she asked you began to cry again.
“I’m 6 weeks along” shock flooded Chris’ features as she heard this.
“Oh my, you’re having a baby!” she squealed before hugging you as tight as she could with her son in her arms.
“I can’t wait to tell Charlie!” you spoke as you pulled away, already excited to cook the two of you dinner and tell him the good news. After that you and Chris wasted no time getting back home so you could prepare to tell your husband.
You nearly burned the chicken cutlet about five times as you prepared it, bursting with excitement and anticipation of Charlie coming home. You were going to have a baby, you had wanted this for so long. It was the whole reason you had stopped using protection, you were ready. So when you heard the door knob turn you realized you wouldn’t be able to wait until dinner was served to share the news.
“Hey baby” Charlie smiled at you, abandoning the brief case at the door as he loosened his tie. You couldn’t help but smile wider at the name baby.
"Hey sweetheart, how was work?" you asked as he walked over, wrapping you up slowly in his arms as he began to kiss the side of your head.
"Long and tiring, I couldn't wait to come home and see you" Charlie had ended up a Bank Managaer despite his best efforts not too. You admired that he was able to strip the work away the minute he stepped into the home. He still read and wrote poetry and played the saxophone every once in a while. You admired that he made an effort to continue doing the things he loved. Life was about work, of course, but it was also about the good, enjoyable things.
"I've been dying to see you too" you told him, finally pressing your lips to his in a soft kiss. He hummed in relief, as if the action just removed all of the stress from his entire day.
"You seem extra happy today, what's got you all smiley?" Charlie asked as he pulled back from the kiss, searching your eyes as he looked at you with adoration.
"I got some good news" you grinned and Charlie rose his eyebrows, curious as to what could have you with this wide a smile on your face.
"News? Well hit me with it sugar, don't leave a man hanging" he told you and you chcukled, excitment and nerves bubbling over as he continued to hold your waist.
"So me and Chris went to the Doctor today?" Charlie furrowed his eyebrows, confused that good news could come from a doctors visit instead of bad. "I wanted to get checked out.
"But you’ve been fine, you haven't even had a cold?" Charlie was still confused, unsure where any of this story could be going. He didn't need to worry and going to the doctor without telling him worried him.
"Not cold symptoms, but pregancy symptoms" you explained and suddenly all the color seemed to drain from his face.
"You're pregnant?" you nodded, the huge smile still painted perfectly on your face and he felt his heart begin to quicken. Suddenly his arms loosened their grip around you and he took a step back, the smile instantly falling from your face.
"Charlie? What’re you thinking?" you nervously asked as he backed to the dining room table and calmbered into a seat. He stayed silent, looking anywhere but your eyes, and suddenly you felt the tears begin to burn behind them. "We talked about this, you we're ready. We stopped using protection"
The tears started to fall and Charlie finally looked to you, a hand over his mouth as he sat there stunned. Yet between your tears you saw he had tears in his eyes as well. You wished you could read every thought going through his head as he looked at you, a broken look across his face.
"Charlie, tell me what's wrong?" you begged as you moved towards hm, grasping his hands in your own.
"I thought I was ready" he muttered, tears now falling down his cheeks as well. He shook his head, removing his hands to brush his tears away.
"So you don't want to do this?" you asked and he sighed heavily, his heart clenching from his thoughts.
"Of course I do, I just don't want to hurt our kid" it was your turn to furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Bending to your knees in front of him you grabbed his thighs, practically pleading with him to look at you.
"Baby, how could you ever hurt our kid?" you ask and he sighs, his fingers running through his hair, leaving it a mess compared to his perfectly combed look.
"We could make them feel trapped, like they don't have a future, they could decide to leave us" and then it hit you. Charlie was scared to raise a kid, do it wrong, and lose them exactly how he lost Neil.
"Charlie that could absolutely never happen. You are not Neil's father, in fact you are the furthest thing from it. I know I can trust that you will keep our childrens happiness before anything else" you tell him, trying to reassure him of this and he sighs, tears still staining his face as he lifts you up to sit in his lap.
"I know I'm just scared, I didn’t think it would happen this soon" he says and you smile as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him close.
"We've been trying for month Char, I think we are just on time" you tell him and he nods against you, a hand reaching over to press against your stomach.
"There's really a baby in there?" he asks and you smile, happy this didn't mean he didn't care.
"Yeah, 6 weeks old. Only the size of a pea" you tell him, a hand running through his already disheveled hair.
"If it's a boy can we name him Neil?" Charlie asks and you smile, brushing your own tears away.
"Of course baby" you tell him and he finally lifts his head from your chest to look at you.
"And if it's a girl, can we name her Nuwanda?" you laughed at this question, head tipping back in amusement, unsurprised that he said it. He was still the same guy you fell in love with.
"Absolutley not, but I don't hate Wanda" you tell him, your hand tucking under his chin to lift his head and look at you.
"Wanda is perfect" he said before leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours. You smiled as he kissed you hard and good, more than likely trying to erase the mess he just made. He knew he should've been excited but the fear was suffocating the minute he heard the word pregnancy.
"I promise you'll be a good father Charlie, I just know it" Charlie smiles softly, holding his girl that was carrying his baby. The baby he would make sure didn’t grow up with the same fears of life like he did. Like Neil did. The exact fears that killed him.
"I'm going to do everything I can to gurantee that"
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lesbicosmos · 1 year
dps but it's the sims part im not even gonna bother counting anymore
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thank god neil saved him 😭
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meeks logic:
is fire scary? no
is being outside in the dark to escape the fire scary? FUCKING TERRIFYING
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this sentiment is so inexplicably them and i can't explain it
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science boy is sciencing
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so glad i bought them the jukebox, every days a dance party
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neils calling ginny!! they're so besties
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neil. this is the third time now my guy. im sorry but what ur asking is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE 😭
there is no other stuff because i made note of it all in a post then the original draft disappeared and i've forgotten :')
i do remember that todds writing another poetry book tho!!
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slvtforoldermen · 6 months
Fluff February 2024
29 Days Of Fluffy Drabbles
Navigation List
Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
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Coming Very Soon…
Day One: Tangerine x GN!Reader
- Finding The Other Wearing Their Clothes -
Day Two: Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader
- Accidentally Falling Asleep Together -
Day Three: Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader
- Patching Up A Wound -
Day Four: Clay Sandford x GN!Reader
- Having Their Hair Washed By The Other -
Day Five: Arthur Harrow x GN!Reader
- One Falling Asleep With Their Head In The Other’s Lap -
Day Six: Josh Hutcherson x GN!Reader
- One’s Reaction To The Other’s Tiredness -
Day Seven: Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader
- Shoulder Rubs -
Day Eight: Luke Castellan x GN!Reader
- Comparing Hand Sizes -
Day Nine: Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader
- Kissing The Others Scars -
Day Ten: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
- Embracing Each Other After A Long Separation -
Day Eleven: Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader
- Spooning -
Day Twelve: Clay Sandford x GN!Reader
- Lying On The Couch Together, One Between The Other’s Legs, The Other Combing One’s Hair With Their Fingers -
Day Thirteen: Arthur Harrow x GN!Reader
- One Is Sick, The Other Takes Care Of Them -
Day Fourteen:
- Valentines Day With Tangerine -
Day Fifteen: Sam Wilson x GN!Reader
- Slow Dancing In The Kitchen -
Day Sixteen: Tangerine x GN!Reader
- Getting Ready For Bed Together -
Day Seventeen: Chef Luca x GN!Reader
- Baking Together -
Day Eighteen: Luke Castellan x GN!Reader
- Both waking up in the middle of the night and then going on an adventure to find the perfect snack -
Day Nineteen: Gally x Fem!Reader
- Childhood (Glade) Sweethearts -
Day Twenty: Ladybug x GN!Reader
- Moving In Together -
Day Twenty One: Clay Sandford x GN!Reader
- The Other Finds One Crying -
Day Twenty Two: Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader
- Play Fighting -
Day Twenty Three: Tangerine x Fem!Reader
- The Kids Aspire To Be Like One, The Other Stands Near And Watches Happily -
Day Twenty Four: Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader
- Stargazing -
Day Twenty Five: Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader
- Unusually, One Wakes Up Before The Other And Makes Them Coffee -
Day Twenty Six: Ethan Hawke x Fem!Reader
- They Have To Film An Explicit Scene, One Is Extremely Nervous But The Other Comforts Them -
Day Twenty Seven: Charlie Dalton x GN!Reader
- One Is Extremely Overprotective Of The Other -
Day Twenty Eight: Adam Warlock x GN!Reader
- Height Difference -
Day Twenty Nine: Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader
- One Is Touch Starved, The Other Has Just The Cure -
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
MCU Masterlist | Last Updated: 8/13/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵 | Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋| Character on hold = 🔒 
Augustus “Pug” Pugliese (Josh Segarra)
Coming soon... 
Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)
Coming soon...
Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner)
The New Guy 🥰(🥵) | 📘 | 💙
Dane Whitman (Kit Harington)
Coming soon...
Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj)
Coming soon...
Druig (Barry Keoghan)
Coming soon...
Frank Castel (Jon Bernthal) | 🔒
Coming soon...
Grant Ward (Brett Dalton)
Coming soon...
Helmut Zemo (Daniel Brühl)
Coming soon..
Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)
Coming soon...
Ikaris (Richard Madden)
Coming soon...
Jack Russell (Gael García Bernal)
Coming soon...
Joaquín Torres (Danny Ramirez)
Coming soon...
Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani)
Coming soon...
Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)
Coming soon...
Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac)
He Won’t Have You 🥵🩹 | 📘 | 💙
Solace 🩹 | 📘 | 💙
Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) | 🔒
Coming soon...
Namor (Tenoch Huerta Mejía)
Coming soon...
N’Jadaka (Killmonger) (Michael B. Jordan)
Coming soon...
Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire | Andrew Garfield | Tom Holland)
Coming soon...
Peter Quill (Chris Pratt)
Coming soon...
Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Coming soon...
Quentin Beck (Jake Gyllenhaal)
Coming soon...
Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie)
Coming soon...
Scott Lang (Paul Rudd)
Coming soon...
Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Coming soon...
Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)
Coming soon...
Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac)
Coming soon...
T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman)
Coming soon...
Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth)
Coming soon...
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)
Coming soon...
Xu Shang-Chi (Simu Liu)
Coming soon...
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bracketsoffear · 10 days
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Johnny Got His Gun (Dalton Trumbo) "It follows a young man named Joe Bonham, who, after becoming grievously injured during World War I, is left deaf, blind, dumb, and without any limbs. Throughout the novel, Joe reminisces about the life that he's lost, waxes philosophical about war and conscription, and tries desperately to communicate with the doctors keeping him alive.
The novel is heavily about the horrors of war, which would make it Slaughter, but in Joe's plight there's also another sort of horror: He can't move, he can't see, he can't speak. He is effectively trapped in his own body, a torment that could be but it's not quite Buried. There's also some argument for the Spiral to be there as well, as his condition makes it hard for him and the reader to know when he's awake or when he's dreaming, to say nothing on how the horrible situation he's in affects his sanity.
"I don't know whether I'm alive and dreaming or dead and remembering.""
Five Nights At Freddy's: The Silver Eyes (Kira Breed-Wrisley and Scott Cawthon) "From the creator of the bestselling horror video game series Five Nights at Freddy's.Ten years after the horrific murders at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza that ripped their town apart, Charlie, whose father owned the restaurant, and her childhood friends reunite on the anniversary of the tragedy and find themselves at the old pizza place which had been locked up and abandoned for years. After they discover a way inside, they realize that things are not as they used to be. The four adult-sized animatronic mascots that once entertained patrons have changed. They now have a dark secret . . . and a murderous agenda."
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