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overthinking abt shows with homosexual tension
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babybluebae-933 · 21 hours ago
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introducing a new project called dyke nails because i really want to bring back/revamp the femmicure for aesthetic rather than practical purposes. this one is for all my lesbian sisters who prefer keeping all of their nails short but still want gay looking hands. cheers. i probably take pictures like 1 out of every 5 times i paint my nails but whatever, here are some of the best with many more to come.
what i have named these sets in my mind (top to bottom) :
⭐️ pretty algae
⭐️ outer space sparkle
⭐️ dead poets society
⭐️ tropical skittles
⭐️ kirk and spock among the stars
happy to be on my own in this but also would lowkey die if anyone did it and used the tags 🥹 please + thanks love u
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babybluebae-933 · 3 days ago
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i'm so normal about this !!!!!!!
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babybluebae-933 · 5 days ago
straight people think gay people make being gay their whole personality the same way you think you’ve never seen someone with good lip filler.
because when you don’t see it, you don’t see it. you’re mistaking not noticing something as proof of it’s absence.
“i have no problem with gay people as long as they don’t shove it in my face” well, you see the problem with that is you just assume everyone not shoving it in your face is straight so…
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babybluebae-933 · 11 days ago
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manifesting a trailer and something like “you didn’t think we’d forget, did you?” on march 22nd
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babybluebae-933 · 11 days ago
has anyone ever actually fake dated in real life? is that a real thing that happens outside of ao3?
and does anyone wanna like try it? promise we won’t fall in love or anything haha. haha. hahahahahahahah.
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babybluebae-933 · 13 days ago
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what if i said
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babybluebae-933 · 13 days ago
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please dont let this flop i was cackling as i wrote these lolol
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babybluebae-933 · 17 days ago
When I actually think about it, the idea that most celebrities-- who are often just the world's most successful theater kids-- are primarily monogamous and straight is patently absurd.
You've got some of the most attractive people in the world, who often have significant access to wealth and substances, and their jobs very often involve congregating together while scantily clad (and under the influence). Many are paid to convincingly feign falling in love with one another, and often, the line between showmance and romance is incredibly thin.
Many of these celebrities can and do make enough money that they do not need to marry someone to keep a stable roof over their head.
Many of these celebrities also do eventually write tell all autobiographies, where they detail lives that include multiple lovers, often same gender ones.
And every time someone comes out of the closet, they tell a shockingly similar tale: at at least one juncture they have been told they need to present as straight and monogamous to continue having a career. Their management recommended arranging a pr or lavender relationship, and very often, they did participate in at least one pr relationship. Many also admit that they've had a number of famous same gender partners who they can't disclose the names of because those partners are still in the closet.
And realistically, if you've read even one book about the sewing circle or scotty bowers or hollywood's queer history, the patterns become impossible to ignore.
I also need so many more people to understand that Whitney Houston's close friends believe she would still be alive today if she would'nt have been forced to break up with her longtime companion Robyn Crawford. That allowed Bobby Brown and all the terrible harm he caused Whitney into her life.
I think about what Chely Wright said, too; about how many closeted celebrities end up as suicides, where no one ever figures out the motive. I also think about how common it is for closeted people to turn to substances to self medicate, and how common that is in celebrities too.
We are oh-so-quick to blame a celebrity's lack of willpower or addictive personality or familial propensity for why they struggle with substances or end their own life, but rarely do we stop and think: how many more beloved celebrities would still be with us today if they didn't have to pretend to be someone they're not? If they could freely and openly be with the person or persons they loved (or just play the field if commitment isn't their thing), how much shorter would the list of famous suicides and famous drug-related deaths be? How many fewer cases of alcohol-linked cancer, or accidents where alcohol was a key contributing factor?
How many queer heroes have we been denied, both by never knowing they were part of our community, and by having their life terminated prematurely?
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babybluebae-933 · 21 days ago
when the trope is survivors guilt character finally realizes how badly they want to live once facing certain death
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babybluebae-933 · 26 days ago
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these beautiful specimen.
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babybluebae-933 · 26 days ago
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literally them
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babybluebae-933 · 27 days ago
okay but hang on does mike not know that will is lying about the painting? It’s one of the first things eleven tells him in s4; Will is painting something special and she thinks he must like a girl and that’s who it’s for. whyyyyyy would she tell him that if it’s a painting she commissioned for him?
I don’t think the disappointment in the van scene is because he thinks the painting was actually commissioned by el, I think he knows it’s from will, for him. And his wildest dreams have told him that it meant something special. That he means something special to will. It would be crazy for him to say it out loud because they’re best friends. They’re just friends. And he has a girlfriend, who he… cares about.
But somewhere deep inside of him, he was hoping that will would be the brave one. That he would be the one to do it, to say what’s unsaid, to make mike feel better like he always does. Find a way to explain what’s been happening between them the last two years. He wants to talk to him so bad; he calls all the time, but the line is always busy. Is it normal to be this upset over a best friend? He doesn’t know but he can’t think about it, not really.
He thought will would be brave, the one to admit it. I’m not joking, unless you are. I would be with you forever if you just asked, but if you don’t then I never will either and we’ll just stay like this. The only thing worse than loving you would be losing your friendship. Have you ever felt guilty about how much you cared about a friend that was actually just a friend?
He has just realized what he wanted. It came the closest to the surface that it ever has, he was as hopeful as he ever has been. But it turns out its from el. Or at least that’s what will wants him to think, and why would he lie about that? Friends don’t lie. Will won’t say anything; it was stupid to think that he would anyways.
If mike wheeler had one fucking brain cell to spare, he would figure out that will lied about the painting because he loves him. He made it for him because he loves him, and he lied about who it’s from because he loves him. But that sounds too good to be true, so he concedes within himself and says okay, maybe will made this for me because he cares about me but more important than that, he wants me to be with eleven. It doesn’t even occur to him that will could want to be with him but would rather mike stay with el and never find out the truth if that’s what would make him happiest.
He’s smart enough to figure out what’s really going on in the van scene, he’s just not confident enough to believe that it could be real. It is too good to be true, so it must not be.
Mike is realizing in this moment that he is upset that the painting is from his girlfriend not will. It’s obvious if he did have any feelings for mike, he doesn’t want to share them. And he wants mike to be with el. And because mike cares about will more than anything, that’s what he’ll do. Will told him to say the thing to el? He’ll say it. Will told him el loves him and needs him? That’s where he’ll be.
It’s the same look at the end of s3 after el kissed him and said she loves him back.
Wasn’t that exactly what I wanted?
Why does it feel like this?
Why doesn’t it feel good?
Why am I thinking about will?
There are some desires held so deep within us, you can’t even acknowledge the possibility of it until it’s actually physically happening, it would be too devastating otherwise. To admit even to yourself, that you want this thing that is so stupid and so impossible and so weird and so unacceptable. It’s better to never acknowledge what you want than it is to really really want something that you can’t have. Especially about this stuff. Because it doesn’t end at feelings for will, if this happens it means the entire rest of his life is different. And that sounds dramatic but really it’s not, what if I acknowledge my feelings for this person and what they really are, and what if I can’t have it? My world is shattered, the bubble is burst. And I don’t even get what I wanted. Especially in the 80s. he would be ostracized, judged. Different for life, weird for life. If he can’t have what he really truly wants, why shouldn’t he have the next best thing? A normal easy uncomplicated life with eleven. With a girl.
Mike is smart we’ve seen that. I think he knows el didn’t commission the painting. He's upset that will said the painting is from el, and he’s upset that deep down he really wanted it to be from will. But he doesn’t know WHY he wants that or why will lied to him. he doesn’t know what this kind of upset means, and he definitely doesn’t know what to do with it.
mark my words s5 will be PACKED full of anxious overthinking overanalyzing mike wheeler and i cannot fucking wait.
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babybluebae-933 · 27 days ago
mike when eleven gets her s1 makeover: yea you look pretty. i mean pretty good ha. for a gross girl or whatever.
mike when eleven ditches the wig and looks like a BOY and WILL according to multiple other characters: woahhhh pretty. yea REALLY pretty. u wanna like kiss? maybe? idk.
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babybluebae-933 · 2 months ago
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he's right behind me isn't he
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babybluebae-933 · 2 months ago
half of my evidence for mike being gay is i was exactly like him. idc if it convinces anyone else it’s enough for me.
“he loves her he just can’t say it!” - yuuuup i said that too.
“it’s not cause he’s gay just- “ mmmhmm yea me too.
“they’re just super close friends!” how many times fr.
Some anti-byler really strikes me as people being anti-sexuality. like, seeing that those boys are into each other. I was making glances like that all my damn life, and you better believe a fellow gay notices, and makes the same ones
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babybluebae-933 · 2 months ago
god i need mike wheeler wielding a sword in season five so fucking bad. i’m ill.
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babybluebae-933 · 2 months ago
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