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• they/she • 18 • where i brain dump my hyperfixations (currently arcane and dead boy detectives)• ao3 masterlist!!
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lesbicosmos · 2 days ago
Dbda25 request: virus
Crystal coughs miserably again, confined in bed. Charles has fled a couple of hours ago, hollering something about going to fetch Jenny, but that is the extent of what Edwin knows.
Edwin has never found himself in such a situation before.
He knows Crystal is sick; it’s evident from the way her temperature had risen overnight and his almost incessant coughing. Edwin thinks that it might be the flu, given the symptoms—he’s read a lot about it in his books. He already knows what a doctor should prescribe, and even the exact dose of every medicine. That’s what Charles must have sauntered out to do—ask Jenny for help in getting Crystal the medical aid she needs right now, given that they cannot access a human doctor without causing mayhem.
But for all he’s read, Edwin doesn’t know how to act right now. He’s left alone with Crystal—the one human he tries to interact with as little as possible—but this version of Crystal isn’t the usual witty and bratty young girl who defies him at every chance she gets. This Crystal is pale and feverish, whimpering slightly from time to time as if she cannot stand the weight of the bedsheets on her skin.
Edwin doesn’t know how to help her, and he hates being useless. But he’s never taken care of a sick human before—the nannies were in charge of everyone who fell ill. And the night Charles died doesn’t really count—in all truth, Charles had been sick beyond saving. But Crystal is not dying. This merely a bout of flu.
Edwin flitters close to the bed, although he stays out of reach. He’s not scared of contagion, but he doesn’t want to make Crystal uncomfortable. In the end it does not matter, for Crystal opens her eyes a fraction of an inch and smiles feebly at him.
“Hi,” he says. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Nope,” she mutters, eyes closing once again. “I’m pretty sure I’ve been run over by a truck.”
“You most certainly haven’t,” Edwin reassures her. “Is there anything I can do to help? I could try to make you some soup.”
“God, no,” she is quick to say with a cracking voice. “You have never cooked, in your human life or in this one. You’d butcher a can of soup.”
Edwin huffs indignantly. “I’ll have you know I am more than capable of heating up a can of soup.” He places a hand on her forehead, feeling the fever. “Charles and Jenny will be back soon, with medicines.”
He moves to step away, but Crystal speaks up. “Don’t leave, please. I don’t want to be alone.”
At a loss of words, Edwin simply complies, sitting on a chair close to the bed. “Do you want me to read to you?” he offers in his softest.
When Crystal acquiesces with a nod, Edwin produces one of his books and begins to unravel the adventures of Detective Carrados to his friend.
send me a one-word prompt from this list by @dbda25!
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lesbicosmos · 3 days ago
thanks for the tag gen!!
last song: work song - hozier
favourite colour: dark green
last book: legends and lattes by travis baldree
last movie: shaun of the dead lmao, rewatched it for revision for my film exam next week
last tv show: dead boy detectives!! the watch parties are great and im once again missing this show like a motherfucker
last thing i googled: aqa a level physics grade boundaries (past papers are killing meeee)
current obsessions: dead boy detectives and arcane <33
tagging @makemeimmortalwithahug @ace-misplaced @ceaselesswwatch3r <3
People I'd like to know better!
Thanks for the tag @cannibalisticcorpse!
Last song: All My Friends Are Hot by Beth McCarthy
Favorite color: light blue
Last book: honestly I mostly read fanfiction these days, but the last book I read was Song of Achilles
Last movie: Titanic (aka my favorite movie of all time)
Last TV show: dead boy detectives! I've been busy hosting watch parties for it
Last thing I Googled: sword fighting techniques for my fic
Relationship status: single (for now 😉)
Looking forward to: sleeping (I have a really horrible sleep schedule)
Current obsessions: Dead Boy Detectives with a side of The Magnus Archives
tagging: @regretsofaghost, @lesbicosmos, @asidian, @handwrittenhello, @mydreamsarentrare
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lesbicosmos · 3 days ago
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"You're the only one I have left..."
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lesbicosmos · 3 days ago
arcane as tumblr posts / tweets
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lesbicosmos · 3 days ago
Relationships: Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland Characters: Charles Rowland (DCU), Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Cat King (Dead Boy Detectives) Additional Tags: Feelings Realization, Post-Canon, Love Confessions, First Kiss, the cat king speedrunning charles’s issues
“I just keep thinking about how it could go wrong. I like to think I can roll with the punches, nothing’s so bad I can’t come back from it, but I think if this- if we fell apart, I don’t know how well I could come back from that.”
“I know that this may make me a hypocrite, but you could have told me.”
“What, that you’re my best mate, and I love you, and I think about kissing you sometimes, but I don’t know if that’s because I want to or because I know you want to and I want to make you happy?”
a @dbda-gift-exchange gift for @lesbicosmos! i had an absolute blast writing this, and i’m glad you enjoy it :]
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lesbicosmos · 9 days ago
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mel portrait, also from a week or two ago! i love mel and her character so so much, im so exited to see her in the next show! also the flowers in the background are a sunflower and moonflowers... i feel like she is a little bit of both <3 shes complex ok!!!
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lesbicosmos · 10 days ago
charles can't get drunk like a living person anymore, but when he's kissing edwin it feels like he can. his mind narrows down to one focus, his sense of touch is magnified, he's nearly dizzy with elation and want, he's unstable on his feet and prone to dropping onto the nearest semi-flat surface - but there's no unpleasant burn down his throat from liquor he doesn't like, there's no underlying nausea, waiting for the other shoe to drop when he gets too drunk, when his giggles slow down and he just wants to be held; there's none of that, because this drunkeness is something altogether different. altogether more lovely and loving and addicting than anything he'd experienced while alive. edwin's lips on his, his hands in charles' hair, on his waist and hips, pulling him closer, closer, closer, and holding him there. edwin's mouth leaving marks on him that scream he is wanted, loved, and entirely belonging to the boy he loves. he knows he tends to kiss edwin back a bit frantically, a bit desperately, but he can't ever bring himself to hold back when he's drunk on edwin's kisses like this, and the sounds edwin makes when charles shows him how much he wants him back, loves him back, ensure that he doesn't have any reason to stop. they're ghosts drunk on each other
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lesbicosmos · 13 days ago
For the dialogue asks, 8?
8. "I couldn't hold it in any longer."
It’s mumbled, in a way Charles never speaks—in half words and whispered hushes, which coming from the mostly obnoxious ghost Edwin has ever met—making it almost impossible to discern what has been uttered. And it comes after a shocking event such as him dropping a kiss on top of Edwin’s head, nonchalant and almost like an afterthought.
But Edwin has a very fine ear, and he is pretty sure of what he has heard. Still, being sure does not mean he is right, so he pauses the menial task he has been doing—research of ancient runes for a new case—and lifts his head, enunciating carefully. “Did you just say that you love me?”
Charles stills, his features frozen. He does not say anything at first, so Edwin must insist. However, he is not keen on repeating himself, so he just looks up at his partner and asks, with a quirked eyebrow, “Charles?”
But Charles is not saying anything. His silence is beginning to trouble Edwin; Charles is not known for being quiet—he is the most talkative ghost Edwin has ever met—and him not replying is more than a little worrisome.
He stands up, his book long forgotten as he manoeuvres in the limited space left between the desk and Charles’s incorporeal body—and isn’t it a contradiction, Edwin muses, although he files it away to reflect on it much, much later. He longs for touching, but he does not initiate it yet, far too self-conscious to even think about it.
“Charles,” he says in what he hopes is a soothing voice. His partner tries to hide away; Edwin reaches out to him, a hand landing on Charles’s shoulder effectively stopping him.
“Forget about it,” Charles mutters. He is still looking away, but Edwin’s touch is keeping him in place. “It’s nothing.”
“It is evidently not nothing,” Edwin assures him. “You do not get so worked up about nothing. I am not upset,” he continues, as though the idea has just come to his mind, “if that is what you are worried about. How could I be? I know you love me.”
“But not like that,” Charles says, voice small in a way Edwin has only heard once before—back in Hell. “I’m sorry.”
“Please do not be sorry,” Edwin replies softly. “It is me who should be sorry for having placed such a burden on your shoulders with my—confession. I hope you know I do not expect you to reciprocate in any—”
Charles huffs, shaking his head, and he finally looks back at Edwin. The sheer force he sees in those chocolate eyes makes Edwin’s non-existent heartbeat stutter, his words faltering, and then Charles does something completely unexpected.
He lunges forward and kisses Edwin, soft and sweet and everything.
“I couldn’t hold it in any longer,” Charles mumbles against Edwin’s lips before kissing him again, and again, and again. “Please never hold out on me again,” Edwin whispers back, drunk on love.
send me a dialogue response prompt!
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lesbicosmos · 13 days ago
This is a LIGHTHEARTED POLL! No answer is right or wrong, all these are cool things to look forward to and all options are valid!
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lesbicosmos · 16 days ago
do people know that the tma ttrpg comes with a little cute audio clip of one archivist telling the new archival assistants what to do? i think people should know that
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lesbicosmos · 17 days ago
Jayvik edit ? Whaaat who said that
Was just thinking abt how well this brilliant song fits Jayce and the awful man he's obsessed with
I'm too embarassed to post this on tiktok but i think i kind of ate with it so here you go
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lesbicosmos · 17 days ago
Thomas: I’m passing the phone to someone who’s addicted to Dragon Soop.
Niko: I’m passing the phone to a ginger.
Night Nurse: I’m passing the phone who’s mean to everyone.
Edwin: First of all, that was a lie, second of all, I’m passing the phone to someone to the person with the whitest eyes you have ever seen in your whole life ever.
Crystal: I’m passing the phone to someone who’s really annoying in the morning because they have to much energy.
Charles: Hello! I am passing the phone to the biggest undercover party animal!!
Jenny: I am passing the phone to the person who’s most likely to go home early from a party because it’s past his bedtime.
Mick: I was once a mighty walrus we didn’t have parties.
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lesbicosmos · 18 days ago
Part 2 of this sequence of
Incorrect Dead Poets Society Quotes:
(from my classes at college)
Charlie: Thank you.
Cameron: That... didn't sound very sincere.
Charlie: Oh! It wasn't. :)
Pitts: BEEP. BEEP. It's the freak scale going up.
Charlie, pointing to his trousers: Are these grey or blue?
Meeks: Quail egg.
Charlie: QUEER LEG?!?!?
Keating: We might need to kick someone out of the class...
Charlie and Pitts: *silently point at Knox*
Keating: Yeah, that's what I was thinking too.
Knox: ????
Todd: Wait, so what did this guy actually do then?
Cameron: Well, ☝️🤓 there is a theory-
Keating: Mr Perry, do you know the answer?
Neil: I'm a bit busy having a crisis at the moment, sorry, sir.
Keating: Mr Anderson?
Todd: Yeah, I'm too distracted by Neil's crisis to answer.
Keating: *sigh* ...Mr Pitts?
Pitts: ...
Pitts: Sorry, what??
Keating: This seems like bullying but it's too funny to not allow it.
Knox: Would you go to the party if there was a boofay?
Todd: ...A what?
Knox: A boofay.
Meeks: What are you saying right now.
Todd: Are you trying to say 'buffet'?
Knox: Yeah, yeah, boofay.
Todd: ...Get away from me.
Keating: But this poet had other interests...
Neil: Men :)
Neil: I think we should stop bullying Cameron.
Meeks: Yeah, sorry, Cameron.
*15 seconds later*
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lesbicosmos · 19 days ago
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lesbicosmos · 19 days ago
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i have returned with more pirate au melvika
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lesbicosmos · 19 days ago
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this is based on the artwork of rhaenicent by tcn_tancha on x. please see the replies for the link!
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lesbicosmos · 19 days ago
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i am normal and can be trusted with the transgenderification beam
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