#some ppl have multiple? some are platonic? like
Everytime I face a new character limit on a website that didn't have them before/used to have really long ones... AUGHHhhh the modern social media world was not made for people like me (lovers of details, rambling, elaboration, thorough explanation, and nuance)
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#twitter and other short form shit and everything being a Phone App On Small Screen instead of a Proper#Computer Website i feel like has just ruined the format of literally everything for me. Thoughts just keep getting more and more condensed#with detail and nuance taken away. everything over simplified into only the basics. blah blah blah. I've already probably rambled about thi#all before but it's just SO frustrating. I literally just CAN NOT talk that way!!! even if I try!!! I took multiple advanced placement#english & language arts classes in school and I literally never made below an A on any assignment EVER except for ESSAYS#where I would legit get almost failing grades just because I cannt express myself concisely. I took an english placement test thats made to#like evaluate your competency in a subject and out of the 102 multiple choice questions I only missed TWO of them. almost a perfect#score. But for the 5 open response questions (about articulating thoughts succinctly) I did not get a single one of them lol#I only got partial credit on 3. It's like I OBVIOUSLY understand the material and I know how Words Work and how to analyze and interpret#meaning and etc. etc. But it's just when I have to express myself CLEANLY I can't. It's always ''well you have very good points and you#get around to the idea eventually and I think it's very insightful - but it just needs to be shorter/the side tangent needs to be removed/#etc.'' I've always wondered if it has something to do with being on the schizophrenia spectrum and how that can cause disorganized#speech sometimes hmm..ANYWAY.. But I just naturally express myself in a very particular way which is lengthy and I can't rea#ly seem to control it. So it's basically like just.. being gradually pushed out of every place that won't accomodate people with different#ways of like perceiving and expressing or etc. Everything cannot ALWAYS be 100% 'Short and Snappy and To The Point' or a quippy one#liner or the Bare Minimum of information being provided or etc. Some peoples brains just do not work like that!!!!! Sorry I operate#in detail and elaboration lol. ANYWAY.. I still sometimes use random ''dating sites'' like OKCupid to look for platonic friends since#I never leave the house so it's hard for me to just meet friends naturally. And I just realized today that they added a RIDICULOUSLY small#character limit to their messaging system (2000 words?? augh). And also took away answer explanations (when you answer a compatibility#question you used to have a space to give detail and explain why you answered the way you did) and removed a few other features and it's ju#t like.. how the fuck is any of this actually helpful in terms of judging compatibility? take away ALL nuance and anyting that actually#is meant to tell you anything about a person? Bumble's character limits for your profile description are even more fucking insane and so#is every other disgustingly minimalistic place I've seen like.. OKC used to be superior BECAUSE it allowed for a TON of detail. like back i#2016 or something there was SO much data you could look at. long form question answers. personality trait summaries. etc. Now you have#SOO little to judge off of when evaluating compatibiility it's like. You'd have better luck just throwing a dart in a crowded street and#talking to whoever it hits. Why are people so fucking allergic to reading anything longer than 3 words and providing DETAILS!! It just seem#harder and harder to find any place to meet platonic friends where you have any amount of actual data to go off of and it isnt basically#just random 'speed dating' set up shit. AARGH. &I know 'oh just join a club& meet ppl irl' 1. erm..covid. 2.I mostly want to meet ppl#in places I'd like to move so I already know ppl when I get there. You kind of HAVE to do that online. bc I am not there yet.. WISHING for#Complexity.Com where ppl can upload full 900 page psychological files of themselves. MINIMUM profile character limit 30k words lol
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ukiyowi · 1 year
Note: These are my observations if it doesn't resonate scroll xx
Masterlist || Tip 🍯
𐂲 I've recently noticed, whatever sign your mars is in and whichever body part that sign rules, can often result in getting accidentally hurt or random in that part. (Example, Mars in gemini = getting hurt on arms/hands, in Capricorn = scalp/knees/teeth, in Aries = head/sometimes cheekbones, etc)
𐂲 One thing I've noticed about Virgo risings is how much they underestimate themselves, they also usually have trouble with anxiety and overthinking
𐂲 Mystic rectangles give a lot of balance to a person but it can also come with multiple internal hardships and conflicts (in forms of insomnia or mental illnesses) and they often need external help to reach their full potential
𐂲 Pluto - Neptune hard aspects especially squares bring into consideration the back and forth between transformation versus illusion, what I mean by that is they have trouble distinguishing patterns in their cycles and may think they're imagining changes rather than believing that it's real (I hope this makes sense I've been trying to word it for the past 5 mins)
𐂲 I know we talk a lot about Leo Risings having great hair but imo Pisces rising have such luscious hair, like they have sm volume and shine to them?? They also look like a waterfall, just flowing, it's so pretty <//3
𐂲 Saturn in 4th/5th/11th house can overshare on the internet about everything going on with their lives
𐂲 Pluto in 6th house feel powerful only when they're working, so they never stop and even when they feel burnt out, they feel their sense of self and self worth is only tied to what they can give, therefore they may face guilt when they try to rest.
𐂲 This is simply a personal observation/theory but I have noticed that people who have a lot of degrees that are higher in number like 20+ often feel more comfortable with people older than them especially if those degrees sit in Pluto or Saturn
𐂲 I've noticed Aries mercuries also have very heavy footsteps, you can hear the thump 😭
𐂲 12th house Pluto are their own best friend and worst enemy, they may enable bad habits for others and justify the same for themselves, HOWEVER once the natives know how to harness the power of Pluto and understand it better, they can be really influential because a lot of people may be subconsciously attracted to the power they possess.
𐂲 Can we talk about Leo risings and how good their self concept is? Like... Please teach me tysm
𐂲 LIBRA PLACEMENTS IN GENERAL HAVE SUCH A HARD TIME WITH HEALTHY BOUNDARIES I'LL CRY- I have a friend with Libra venus and she can never say no to someone especially if she starts liking them :// and it's so hard to see ppl just take advantage of her, I also have friends and relatives with Libra in the big 3 and not only are they complete givers, they also have such a hard time taking, they feel guilty.
✓✓✓ Going to be mean to some of my placements/aspects now
𐂲 Venus conjunct Mars are so fucking clingy but ALSO so flighty🤨🤨choose ??? Do you want to be in this relationship (platonic/romantic) or do you not, stop being so hot and cold (it may help if I tell you both of these are in gemini for me)
𐂲 Chiron - moon placements have mommy issues or wounds related to their mothers/maternal figures in their lives
𐂲 Jupiter virgos can be such doormats at times, just because you want to help people doesn't mean you keep emptying your cup to fill others'.
𐂲 Mercury in 1st have their self worth TIED to their intelligence, like stop flaunting your knowledge, low-key looks insecure.
𐂲 Jupiter opposition Uranus has such rebel without a cause energy, what are you going to "rebel" against now, please sit down for a second
𐂲 Mars Square Ascendant, people with this aspect are always ready to fight, feel like everything is a personal attack, and are terrible at being alone
✓✓✓ Back to your regularly scheduled programme
𐂲 Something I've wanted to say to each stellium I've met so far:
𐂲 Aries: You have a lot of life in you, hand some over🤲🤲🤲, seriously though you guys look at everything with such wonder and curiosity, you're also kinda impatient but that's fine with me :")
𐂲 Sagittarius: You're so cool, I want to be like you, introspective, self aware, your humour is a little concerning at times but you teach me so much all the time, you're the guide I've always wished for
𐂲 Leo: You're a born entertainer and at times I can be a bit envious because of how bright you shine, leaving me in the shadows, but I love you and your love for life regardless, you're a star
𐂲 Gemini: You are so stealthy in everything you do, sometimes you slip through the cracks, a trickster (affectionate), I love how you can be mischievous one second and completely serious the next
𐂲 2nd house: You're just so understanding and make me feel like home, it's like you are home personified, very warm and comforting, also so abundant in everything it's crazy
𐂲 8th house: Stop making me talk about my feelings I'll cry >:(( no but seriously, you guys have something about you that just makes people face what they're avoiding, and you are so good at empathising with them.
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betelgo0ze · 7 months
PSA for new transformer fans
Cybertronions can’t have sex
they don’t reproduce
they are not humans
The reason you see so many NSFW and smut content in this fandom is bc humans do have sex, humans do reproduce, and humans are human(who would have known)
fanfiction is fanfiction made by FANS. They are not canon, and the filth people make would have the creators clutching there pearls. I’m not gonna sit here and act like I haven’t written multiple smut fics and use fanon terms lmao but I’ve seen so many people use fanon terms as if they were canon and I can only assume that they either don’t know or don’t care, and if you don’t care that’s fine! Ppl can do whatever they want. But for the new fans, just so you are aware, here are some FANON terms that(some)would cause multiple lawsuits if ever used in canon
Mech and Femme are never used. Mech *maybe* but I’ve never heard/seen femme
Cybertronions don’t have a concept of gender. There are trans bots but their gender is something beyond human gender, and the bots using she/he or they is just so readers can understand in human terms. We are reading these comics in English/an earth language, but they are speaking cybertronion, a made up language that can’t exactly translate to any earth language.
valve and spike. My asexual ass is NOT getting into this but they don’t reproduce, and they don’t have sex. Their all asexual basically and only have platonic or romantic relationships
in some continuities the following words are used, but are originally fanon: Servo, pede, helm, exc. They use human words, and bulkheads name is bulkHEAD. Not bulkhelm.
also sparklings aren’t a thing. Young bots, ofc. They mentally mature and their physical form can be altered but not to the extent of a human.
Just realized I’m coming off as “Holier than thou” lmao this is for educational purposes I’m just passionate
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sun-stricken · 10 months
intended platonic, but romantic is also *chefs kiss*
when the team first formed they didnt hang out one on one very often; but when they started they just,,, clicked???
they ARE each others ride or dies
They are mutually very protective of one another
theyd rather die than let the other go through something alone
Lucy is the first person to actually realize and take action against juvias harassment
while he knows Lucy can take care of herself, Gray has and will again put a man thrice his size in his place for her
random deep lore drops
dead silence between them , then out of nowhere—
“this reminds me of when i almost went to prison”
“pris-WH— HUH?????”
“oh yeah, dw tho i was framed”
their contacts for each other are impressively humiliating for both of them
* babe, sweetheart, honey (condescending) cunt, bitch, whore (affectionate)
ppl who dont know them think theyre dating
or they hate eachother
which is funny to the ppl who DO know them bc they’re literally two of the only ppl who you fr cant hate
theyre the type to just know each other
they also cant take each other seriously
theyll be on opposite side of the guild and catch one look at each other and deadass can NOT hold in their laughter
also, their drama debriefs are EVERYTHING
Gray is the only one in the team to have a key to Lucys apartment
like an actual, physical key
she went through the trouble of copying one for him even though she knew he could make his own whenever he wants
it was a very important moment in their friendship
Lucy will back him up in a lie on instinct
wont ask questions, just does it
(this has gotten them in trouble multiple times)
if one of them hates someone, the other will also, regardless of reasoning
bonding over mutual hatred is their love language
if one threatens the other they will respond with some variation of “promises, promises”, “kinky”, or “oh, please do”
they love flirting with each other in public
theyre both very pretty and they know it, and they will use it to their advantage
“i need to make someone jealous, be my bf for a couple pics”
“if im gonna do this, we’re gonna really sell it”
(they made fake accounts and backstories that day (and multiple others))
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noangeleither · 11 months
"fixing" the panic attack scene to be more platonic ™
im extremely active on twt and have been noticing a sydcarmy tweet go viral multiple times a week (like w thousands of interactions its crazy), and its really great to see how much people love and see it for this ship. recently carmys panic attack scene went viral again, and naturally, some ppl gave their piece about how we are all dumb for interpreting it as romantic. that sydney represents his love for his job or his duty to the restaurant (*sigh*).
this scene imo, is the most concrete proof of this ship. i can excuse (not really) interpreting every interaction between them thus far as platonic but this scene....i just refuse. this is gonna be a long post, not analyzing the scene per se because i can't possibly say anything that hasn't already been said but more "fixing" the scene to fit the narrative of antis, and i hope in doing so really shows there's no other way to interpret this scene as other than romantic. again its gonna be a long post bc im just ranting and i think i will lose my mind if i dont type this out.
lets go.
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so first off i like to think of this scene as an equation/experiment. simply a problem that needs to be solved.
problem/reason of panic = ...we will discuss this...
solution # 1 = claire -> failed
solution # 2 = sydney -> worked.
s02e09 opens up with carmy and claire finally consummating their relationship, with an interesting song choice might i add and carmy dissociating, looking sad, or broken (???) after. because many have said carmy pulling memories of sydney from his psyche to calm down have to do with work i always remember that, it really doesnt make any sense?
carmy is clearly having a panic attack due to him not being "fixed" as soon as he made it official with claire. he felt pressure from his family both currently and in the past to date claire because she is amazing and perfect. add mikey also being a part of that crowd, and carmy so desperately trying to connect with him when he cannot, is why i think he looks so despondent after that scene. i truly think he thought he would be a changed person after everything with claire and when that didn't happen he flipped...
we know this is the reason bc his panic attack starts with their sex scene and the lyric "I dont know" from strange currencies by REM.
this isn't to say that he isn't nervous or stressed about the soft open but its clear that he's not having a panic attack about work nor have we ever seen him have a work-related panic attack (correct me if I'm wrong). in s1 he has one or two due to him greiving his brother.
platonic fix: To make it about work I would have added scenes like when Carmy started that stove fire in braciole, his meltdown in review, some scenes of his horrible time at EMP, and him grieving his brother. i think these would represent his fear of failure, falling back into old toxic habits pertaining his career, the fear of fostering a toxic work environment like the ny chef and also the idea of "failing" mikey
but theres a reason why none of this occurs bc its not about his job or the opening of the bear. this is explicitly about his personal and romantic love life.
Solution # 1 : Claire
carmy proceeds to try and calm down by thinking of claire through literal rose-coloured glasses...
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the music is distorted, he's thinking of his abusive family, he remembers every one pushing him to date claire bc shes a #goodthing.
again...this is not about his job and wouldnt make sense to think of sydneys place in his work life as a soultion to his clear personal problem....
platonic fix: in the story of carmys love life claire and sydney act as narrative foils. they have been compared and contrasted for all of s2. my platonic fix for this would be making the NY chef this first "solution" of a work-related panic attack. he represents a horrible time in his life but also represents a time when carmy was at the height of his career. when carmy gets locked in the walk in and has his monologue, its alluded to that he will revert back to that mind set in order to not let everyone down.
NY chef abused him for so long, it makes sense that carmys psyche would readily go back to his insults and the time he himself was an isolated 'psycho' bc it yielded results.
nothing is black and white and i DO think sydney represents a healthier approach to the toxic mess that is the culinary world and does represent that for carmy. if the show was invested in that, sydney and the NY chef could be overtly contrasted like sydney and claire have been.
BUT again this isnt about his job and dedication as a chef...thus why he tries to think of claire to solve his personal problem, and it fails.
Solution # 2: Sydney
carmy then in a crazy plot twist starts thinking of his platonic work bestie sydney adamu....the love song dedicated by the show to his relationship with his girlfriend is then made clear highlighting some pretty damning lyrics about desire and love.....all platonic btw. yes you are dumb if you think otherwise (*wink*)
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I actually have two platonic fixes for this...
platonic fix # 1: if we only wanted to focus on sydney as a person who calms carmy down because shes his work bestie who represents his responsibilty to the bear and the postive change they are trying effect in the culinary world, i would add scenes where they are...you know actually cooking???
i think its pretty crazy how the memories carmys immediately jump to are ones that have little to do with their jobs. when they first meet (would also like to note that when carmy first laid eyes on Sydney, he forgot she was there for a job, so this is his raw reaction to seeing a pretty girl lol) and when she comes back after she quit and their break up fight.
i would add their scenes in carmys kitchen (even tho this is extremely damning bc they were flirting DOWN - they don't make this easy at all). this represents their collaboration skills and the way they WORK and bounce ideas off of each other seamlessly. specifically the scene about him wanting to give her a star, representing his duty to her and the restaurant.
*and no shade to carmy but if his responsibility to the bear/syd as a co-worker was bothering him this much and calmed him down wouldn't he have just immediately called the fridge guy.....anyways*
platonic fix # 2 (the best one): if i was chris storer and joanna calo and i REALLY wanted to sell it that carmy isnt in love with sydney then i would put every single member of the OG beef crew + Nat to calm him down not just Sydney.
im talking to them laughing at family, carmy giving tina his chefs knife, richie in his new suit, carmys one on one w Marcus/trying his donut, nat telling carmy shes pregnant (signifing rebirth/wanting to rid all the toxic abuse from his family), carmy trying sydney risotto, and her face when he said it was tremendous etc etc...you get the gist
and honestly?
even as i type this out im tearing up a little bit bc that would have been really beautiful. carmy is changing. he can and is getting rid of old toxic habits from his family and the mess that is the culinary industry. things are changing for the better....that would be beautiful....IF his panic attack was about any of these things lol.
and to even look at this scene without this need for symmetry and we entertain the idea of carmy thinking about his job as a solution for his personal problem...carmy has said himself (s02e01) that this isnt fun for him. i dont think that means he hates cooking i kinda disagree with the ppl who think he isnt passionate about it. i just think currently its something that doesnt bring him joy but i do think its something hes starting to or at least could have started to enjoy if he just committed to working with syd...
theres a lot of....delusion? denial? straight up bias? yes all of that, going on.
idk what is happening bc this show is really great at being subtle. but i dont know whats more in your face, dumbed down, even a toddler could understand, than this scene. if you dont come out of this understanding that carmy is falling in love/currently in love with Sydney...and i hate using this term..but you just arent media literate.
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bonus: bc it makes me laugh and connects the purpose and solutions.
i think we need a Snyder Sydcarmy Cut™ of bolognese and omelette.
the start of the episode is when sydney and carmy fight over claires inclusion in the menu, and also when sydney randomly asks him to define his relationship with Claire. the episode would continue until we get to the table scene.
i think its WILD how as soon as Sydney asks him to define their relationship, carmy starts calling claire his girlfriend. then the show proceeds to insert sydney in their romantic montage, shows her tattoo about heartbreak and someone getting in the way of your relationship...THEN proceeds to have carmy compare these two women in his mind and only calms down after seeing Sydney.
i could talk about this scene for AGES. wheres the straitjacket....
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bluestarjay · 4 months
After being on Tumblr for I think nearly a year, and making a fuck ton of posts and gaining mild popularity on certain posts and gaining a whopping 21 followers, I've never made a Hinata Harem post. So yall are finally lucky enough to hear my takes on it ❤️❤️❤️
So first of all, I kinda love the hinata harem thing bc it's actually so funny, but strangely, in a way, it's realistic. Not very well written most of the time, but realistic as a concept.
Bc like he gets along with basically the entire cast, and he sometimes compliments characters who are not used to being complimented, and that character may blush of embarrassment, and then the fandom takes that as shipping material, like with Goshihina. And it makes sense! Imagine you're rarely complimented, and you strive for validation from your peers, especially upperclassmen, and then suddenly, the cutest boy you've ever seen compliments you like you're the only person on the planet. And so then you purposely try as hard as you possibly can to make said boy continue to compliment you. Take this, then multiply it by 100, because I think that's how the harem trope, in Hinata's case, works.
This isn't meant to be in the way that he can be shipped with every single character because truly, he can't. Shipping Hinata with 3rd years, in a typical high school setting, is, at least imo (and not bc of the age gap itself), weird bc of the maturity difference. You shouldn't date a senior as a freshman bc you're on two separate maturity levels. And regarding all of the many 3rd years (tendou, daichi, suga, bokuto, etc), it's really the same exact thing just platonically. Bokuto is literally Hinata's older brother!! He adopted him as a student *and* sibling, bc he felt the same things everybody does, just in a *different* way.
The hinata harem, to me, is the display of hinata's character in reference to every other character, yk? To me, these select few people are actually in love with him, and these people have a "crush," which is more so a platonic feeling, and these people find a true, deep *friendship* with him, one that they've probably never experienced before, and therefore may look like a crush or love to an outside viewer. And, in these different relationships between hinata and other characters, they all love him. They all feel a loving connection with him, like how people would think in a harem, but it's not quite so because all of the people who love hinata love him in different ways.
Now, with how this harem is portrayed in fanfiction actually scares me bc half the people there are much older and mature than him (gen question why do ppl ship him with 3rd years /in high school/, like, I love Brazil Oihina sooooo much but hs Oihina is 😧😧😧) , and tbh it just gets out of control.
And alot of times I see Hinata reciprocate?? With multiple people?? Which is fine to an extent, imo like I love poly ships, I've seen a lot of really cute ones and some more interesting ones, and it's totally normal to have a crush on a few people at once but istg some people make him a goddamn player,,,
I recently read a harem-ish fic, which was much more similar to how I personally find it to be like, it was essentially people having a crush on hinata, or realizing it, and it was cute, but at the same time, Hinata asked one of them on a date, cuddled with like two other guys (which, normalize cuddling platonically but in the context of the fic it wasn't suuuuper platonic but wasn't suuuuuper romantic either iykwim), and the part of that that kinda icked me was just that he was getting on with so many people at once (the fic took place in the span of like a week, and there were like 5 people i think??). And a lot of other fics that are post time skip are just Hinata hooking up with the entire cast at some point???
Idk tbh but I do really like fics where everybody LOVES hinata, but only a few people are IN love with him. Just the balance of like ~5 people having a crush on him, half of the rest of them have adopted him in one way or another, and the other half have just found their new bff.
Btw I think that second to last paragraph is worded a bit poorly I just don't really know else to describe the fic so sorry if it offends anyone I'm free to edit it n if anyone wants more ship related stuff I got you (ALSO GIVE ME GOOD "HAREM" FIC RECS AS LONG AS THEYRE SFW AND COMPLETED!!) 💪💪💪
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pinklikeroses · 1 year
I really don’t like how one demential Stella is from helluva boss. She has the potential to be a really interesting complex character but is watered down to be a mean wife with zero development
I also don’t like how the show and the fans justify stolas’s cheating.
It’s terrible that he was forced to take part in an arranged marriage and that even though he made an effort to at least have a platonic or cordial relationship with Stella—
That she rebuffed his efforts and was a total asshole to him.
But no one deserves to be cheated on. I really hate how with a lot of media these days….characters both in canon and fandoms are written as black and white and aren’t given proper layers. And I think fandoms have ruined that. Like, you can still like a terrible character while acknowledging that they’re a terrible person without making shitty excuses for them
You can hate/ dislike a bad character without justifying all the terrible things that happened to them. I think the problem is ppl will give their faves or protagonist the benefit of the doubt or give them grace but characters we’re supposed to hate, that are written as bad, don’t deserve grace and patience and understanding
For some characters that’s true….some characters don’t deserve sympathy some characters don’t deserve redemption
But there’s a proper way to write it and I feel like creators and fans are missing that
Some of y’all already know how I feel about lore Olympus
It does a bad job of writing complex characters and holding the “bad” ones to a higher standard. So much so it backfires.
Minthe is one of the characters that was done SO dirty and was only put there to be an obstacle for hxp same as Demeter.
Minthe cheating on hades? Bad! Persephone persuing hades even after discovering he was already in an official relationship? That’s okay!
Because she’s our main protagonist! She’s nice! And not mean like that b*tch minthe!
Zeus cheating on Hera multiple times, with different women for decades? Bad! Zeus is a womanizing jerk who ditched his kids and mistreats his wife!
Hera cheats on Zeus by having an on again off again affair for freaking decades!?! That’s okay! Bc we love Hera! She supports hxp! She’s trying to set them up! She feels bad for poor poor hades! She’s constantly mistreated by her husband so that’s okay
Stolas was mistreated by Stella who was and is a terrible spouse but that doesn’t justify his cheating. I do feel bad for him sometimes. It sucks that the physical relationship he had for blitzo turned emotional and that he started having romantic feelings for him,only to get rejected time and time again. Stolas isn’t an entirely bad character we see multiple sides of him, he loves his daughter, he cares about blitzo he tried to do right by Stella. But even good characters can still do bad things.
And I don’t wanna hear “well they’re In hell lol 🤪” especially since we’ve seen multiple how monogamy and marriage are treated in this show. If the show is addressing how important it is..then it matters. If it didn’t it wouldn’t…..
It would’ve been nice to see that development and care be put into Stella instead of the classic hateful wife/spouse….
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so idk if ppl are ever gonna see this but are the kotlc books worth it? (If you don't want to read the long rant just stop here but if you don't mind you're welcome to give me feedback on my opinions)
I'm on lodestar rn and the writing honestly feels so repetitive and childish - just like sth I would've written when I was 11 (like Fitz tugging on Sophie's ponytail, Keefe's jokes that do not match with his age, etc.)
everything is also so dragged out like so much of the nearly-700-page book is about the characters arguing but I feel like it's just pointless arguing SM put to lengthen the book. also an unreasonable amount is about the love triangle and how Sophie's heart flutters every time she sees Fitz.
I also feel like SM added too many characters and is struggling to give them enough page time. like in the first book Dex literally was the person who went on the adventure with Sophie and now it feels like he's just the technopath whenever they need something and it's such a shame considering Dex is one of my favorite characters. (but also idk if Dex likes Sophie or not because we've already got a love triangle and so much of the book is already fluff and talking about romance that i honestly just want a male character to have a platonic relationship w/Sophie)
not to mention the characters just do not feel fleshed out to me. they say stuff that teenagers don't say, the elven species are literally all gorgeous but there really isn't much elaboration or development on that aspect, and let's just take Sophie and Fitz for example.
personally, I think Sophie is a terrible friend. the thing that stood out most to me was how she left Dex out multiple times and keeps saying stuff like "please don't hate me." combined with other factors it just seems like she's pretty self-centered. not to mention the fact that she literally does not know how to follow orders and I'm not saying the black swan or the councillors come up with good plans I'm just saying the formula of the book is literally just "various plot points get introduced and a problem surfaces -> everyone tells Sophie to stay put -> Sophie disobeys them -> whatever chaos ensues after that." this just makes her unlikable as a character.
Fitz is just... that absolutely gorgeous guy who the main character has a crush on. he barely gets any character development (like most of the other characters.) and yes there was some form of development when Alden was crippled by guilt and fell unconscious but there was literally no development or elaboration on how he handles his guilt from that point on. like even in lodestar Sophie mentions multiple times that anger was Fitz's way of concealing or dealing with problems but that's it.
I do think that kotlc has an incredible and compelling plot, which is why I am so reluctant to give up this series. i used to devour these books in less than a week. and the first books were good. everything felt more authentic (I'm saying that as someone who read the first book when I was fifteen and am now sixteen, and yes, I am aware that this is a middle grade book, but the age difference when I read the books is so little I feel it's unlikely that my opinion of the writing has changed so much)
I'd like to emphasize that this is not a hate post. I still love the series very much, but I'm just questioning whether I should keep on reading. these are just my opinions on this book after reading five books of the series. you're welcome to give me your opinions, and many thanks to anyone who gives a reply!
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the aromantic is confuesed
☆ Aromantic culture is just genuenly not understanding the difference between romantic relationships and platonic friendships.
☆ Fyi: apologies for the plethora of "like," statments, it just feels more natural for some reason. I expect this to possibly get hated on? I dont know, couldnt care less if it dose tho 🤷🏻‍♂️
☆ Like, I just dont understand the concept of cheating. I get its considered bad. I get why its considered bad as its a breach of trust/boundaries/etc, but i dont understand why people prefer to be monogamous as i genuinely just dont see a difference between friends and romantic partners, I get that there is a difference, i respect that differece where people draw it themselves, I just can't see it.
☆ Like, I see the difference between queerplatonic relashionships & friendship, but I just can't distinguish any other type of relashionship & romance for some reason.
☆ And i just dont get why theres a distinction between monogamy & polyamory either? Like, were people? Why not be open to the possibility of feelings not following the preset mold of a random relashionship Hiarchy? Like ofc you can have your own rules in a relashionship, but I just dont get why monogamy with the 1 perfect "other half of you" is the priority vs fulfillment? Like, I don't expect 1 person to be my "other half" for the rest of my life, nor do I want someone to expect that of me cause that just feels like dumping way to many expectations onto 1 person. And like, you can devide yourself amoung multiple friends why not multiple romantic partners?
☆ And i dont get wanting a lifelong relashionship like that? I mean i do get wantinv 1 but expecting 1 i feel is just throwing alot of expectations on anither person, people change, feelings change, alot changes in life. It reminds me of how people are expected to choose what they want to do for the rest of your life as a teenager.
☆ Why r y'all bringing the government into your relashionship? And why do y'all STRIVE for that? Like, "lets officially legaly combine ourselves into a unit and make it real damn difficult if we end up seperating." Why should having a romantic partner logustically help you in life?? Like "hey, these 2 ppl said i do infront of an officiant, lets see if we can improve theyre taxes." How is they're logistically a "making this relashionship official" outside of- consenting parties deciding they're in a relashionship????
☆ Like, everyone was assigned to make a different venn diagram and label it with arbitrary concepts and they're relation/similarities/lack thereof, and its graded on participation; But everyone still argued over the non answer because they just can't fathom they're being no wrong answer.
☆ This isn't really meant to change anyones mind on romance, do whatever tf you want with your relashionships its your life; This is just me being real fucking confused at why people arbitrarily made these catagories lol.
☆ This was origonally gonna be an ask on an aromantic culture is blog but I quickly realized this was gonna be way too long for that.
☆ I may or may not add more mini rants to this in future reblogs this is just what I could think of as I was writing. Thanks if you actually read all of this
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nhaaauyen · 28 days
You shouldn't have killed off grayson.. Writers always making her alone with no love interest and then killing her off, this shit ain't fair We can barely find any fics for her
I want to start by saying I don’t really read arcane fics unless they’re from @ archangeldyke-all so I didn’t know it was a common occurrence for Grayson to die. I would say treat my fic like you're watching The Walking Dead, it's brutal and heartbreaking - people will die and suffer but everyone is making or finding a reason to keep living.
You also said that writers make Grayson lonely and with no love interest, and to that I implore you to reread my fic. Love is a theme I explore in this fic and how it manifests itself in different ways; romantic, platonic, and familial. Everyone in Zaun loves Grayson and she’s the core of the community and this is shown multiple times throughout the fic. Grayson was never lonely, she had reader, ren, sevika, and everyone. She was satisfied with taking care of ppl (ex. She trained Reader and Caitlyn when there was no reason for her to) and she found love in her own way - ex. at the hill she said that Ren taught her what love was like, her love for Ren gave her purpose. I also love Grayson, she’s one of my favorite characters so I did not kill her off for the sake of killing her off. This is an angsty fic and it will continue exploring themes of love and grief, especially in an apocalyptic AU where dealing with this is frequent. And to be honest I was not shy about the direction of where this fic is headed with the titles + quotes. I tend to foreshadow and leave easter eggs about what will happen in the future (I adore making connections between chapters and world-building) But I understand that people don’t want to read angst so I will put a disclaimer about the last few chapters. Also if you want a Grayson fic go support this one, the writing is great + Grayson is written so well!
also yall dont give up on me i know the ghost of you is angsty as fuck but i have another series on the back burner that has a unique premise but with more comfort/fluff! (i was going to wait till chapter 6 to post previews about my new series but I want to give some hope for anyone thinking I only write angst)
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gunkbaby · 1 month
rambling abt how i used to feel abt shuu in TG’s ending and why i think i was wrong (+ part of what he means 2 me)
I remember back in 2021, i was into this idea that Shuu didn’t get a happy ending at the end of tg:re, because the characters that got ‘happy’ endings were shown to be in heteronormative relationships - married, with a child or multiple - whilst characters like Shuu didn’t have that.
I think at the time, myself - maybe other ppl - took this as being kind of queerphobic, or at least unsatisfactory to the queer characters. The ‘Shuu Tsukiyama deserved better’ of it all.
And whilst yes, Shuu Tsukiyama did indeed deserve better; in hindsight I do so strongly disagree with this idea I had. I think it relies on a particular interpretation of the story, which I don’t think I agree with. I think maybe, some of this idea did come from people who maybe didn’t like TouKen being canon - and whilst I don’t necessarily like how TouKen became canon, I think maybe I got swept up in this interpretation too.
It wasn’t so much that I wanted Shuuneki to be canon or anything - it was much the opposite. I thought that Shuu should not have been so unwillingly faithful to Kaneki after the Tsukiyama Extermination, that he had earned a moment of scorn, he had earned the right to ‘split’, you could say. This isn’t necessarily an idea I wholly disagree with, but I was going about it in the wrongly. I thought about the ending in a very black and white way - Shuu not having that moment, to me, meant the ending was void. He was living in false happiness - forced to watch the man he loved be happy whilst he was still a glorified dog. I thought he needed to be away from Kaneki to be truly happy, and I think that was the issue with my idea.
I think the reason I so strongly resonated with this interpretation of the ending as being subpar and Shuu not getting his flowers was also very much my projection onto Shuu. I think my anger was still very much aimed at how the ending came, but I misplaced it.
At the time, I myself was experiencing my first ’BPD moment’ I suppose? I’d come online and actively engaged with a fandom for the first time in my life outside of Wattpad. I didn’t know what I was doing or what was happening, my social skills were (and are) nonexistent - I left school at 13 and the only person I’d really interacted with since was my abuser and doctors. I was awful at it all. When I started to get mutuals and the like, I was really quite inappropriate - clingy and unaware, unstable and nuclear. I fucked up a lot of myself because of it, and I still have to recover from it even now. So, with that in mind, as someone with BPD, who was that inappropriately co-dependant person - and who is now aware of that fact - nowadays, I look at Shuu’s ending with less comtempt, and a lot more optimism.
I think now that Shuu’s happy ending would never have been to be with Kaneki - only in an ideal world that serves our illnesses. Him learning to grow past this limerence, to see Kaneki in a way that isn’t so ride or die, and to maintain a healthy, platonic relationship with him, feels perfect. It gives me hope as someone with BPD, that I might not be doomed to always be quite a toxic person in regards to having any kind of relationship. You can argue that I’m arguing abt the ‘single is better’ trope or whatever terminally online thing it is now, but I don’t see it like that.
When I think about it now, I think Shuu’s ending was perfect for him. Now, I look at him through my ‘BPD gaze’ (eurgh) and see this ending as something very hopeful. The idea of being able to exist with this person you’ve been so obsessed with, in a way that does not create a detriment to yourself, and to exist and have a seemingly normal, healthy friendship with that person - it’s kind of the dream. For me, at least - personally I dream to have relationships that don’t lead to me embarrassing myself on the internet and in public and ending up relapsed and on a ward. Just me, maybe.
I take his ending nowadays as something quite hopeful.
Shuu’s arc in :re, to me, has always been symbolic of recovery. When I first read it, I was in therapy, specifically in an eating disorder clinic - Shuu’s own recovery from anorexia meant I could do it too. His softening of his depression meant I stood a chance too. His seeming abandonment of his ‘Gourmet’ persona I compared to myself, in learning to let go of my idea of myself as an anorexic. Him learning to possess and lean into his own empathy, to embrace feelings and ideas of himself that contradicted this idea of a civilised, ferocious man-eating predator, to love with less shame - to me it appeared as a story of learning to embrace that possessing humanity is not a weakness. To be human is so confusing, but it can be so ethereally freeing.
Shuu’s story has felt like a lot of things to me. It’s learning to abandon the adoration one possesses for the idea of the self, understanding that to continue living in such a way leads to self-destruction. But also, that to self-destruct is to rebirth. We are constantly self-annihilating and rebuilding ourselves from our ashes.
I’m reminded of the Fire lily - a flower that exists in fire-prone areas of the cape of South Africa. The lily is unique, lying dormant for many, many years, and particularly difficult to cultivate; as it relies on smoke from surrounding wildfires to bloom. So it requires a level of destruction and ravage to bloom, and it is so, so beautiful. In the process, the lily becomes the only source of pollen in the area, so it becomes crucial for the other species in the area. As the other plants in the area return, the lily dies, and returns underground, until the next fire.
To me, Shuu’s story feels like a cycle of nature and destruction. He goes from this idea of the apex predator, through an annihilation, to a rebirth.
His story - his character - despite itself, has felt painfully human. The fear of aligning yourself with humanity, the pain of existing within a species that has become little but an arrogant pest. Which feels so ironic. It’s hard to speak on this, maybe I’m not smart enough, and though I don’t feel like one, I have only ever lived as a human, and that is my only perspective. So maybe him feeling so human is major projection, and I’m wrong, but I see it in Shuu. How he denies things like friendship and kinship with humans, how he tries to put himself on a pedestal - I read this as a side-effect of alienation and loneliness. He doesn’t quite fit in with ghouls where he should, but to accept that you do not fit in because you are strange - there is something wrong with you - is very painful, so it’s much easier to become arrogant. He feels so in denial of his loneliness, of a need for companionship; and that, to me, feels very human. He wants to fit in, maybe he wants to be something other than othered, but he’s in denial of this, and he’s in denial of his flaws - the flaws that alienate him - so he remains stagnant, waiting for the inevitably of self-destruction. Shuu was never going to stay as he was, if Kaneki hadn’t threw him off course, he would’ve fallen anyway.
Living things need to experience a pain or discomfort to grow back stronger. Winter is a necessary season of life that none are spared. Shuu’s story feels like that - a season cycle.
There’s a lot more I could say about him, his story and what it means to me, but I am rambling and getting all purple prose-y.
Again, I stress that I do still feel dissatisfied by Shuu’s arc in re - he did indeed, ‘deserve better’. Much like myself at 17, I do wish this journey of limerence to a healthy, platonic relationship had been better expanded upon. Shuu questioning Kaneki, experiencing a moment of scorn - I do think of that idea often, just not like I used to. His ‘deserved better’ isn’t the ending, but the progression to it. My problem with Shuu’s writing is post-Tsukiyama extermination arc - so it links into my problem with most of the Tsukiyama Family characters, and Chiehori - there is very little attention given to Shuu post this arc. When there is, it’s good on paper, but this aspect of his arc is not shown consistently strongly enough. We don’t see this sort of ‘journey of self-improvement’. Shuu kind of comes back and he’s just, better. Personally, I think there should have been more nuance to this arc - and I think I thought that back in 2021 too, but I was angry at the wrong thing.
I think Tokyo Ghoul’s flaws often come from the fact that the idea behind it is so huge - there is so much stuff you can do with it. For worldbuilding and character ideas alone. The plot it considers sometimes feels too small to be satisfying for the world it exists in. The characters are so often written too richly, and there are too many of them - this is both a highlight and a hinderence of it. It has too much stuff, implied and not. I do believe a lot of the dissatisfaction I was experiencing with TG in 2021 was because I didn’t quite understand that fact. I think I kind of resented the series, and Ishida, for it. Nowadays, I don’t really care. I’ll just pose my own ideas and write what I would’ve - fanfiction is wonderful in that. Maybe I understood what my issue with TG truly was, finally, or maybe I’m just not 17 anymore.
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myobsessionsspace · 6 months
tiktok anon here. i agree that i dont have a problem with people acknowledging them as friends than smth more because truthfully i am not particularly a shipper, theyre just my favorite dynamic and i dont mind (some) shipping spaces. its just the tone of the comments is so different to other ships and hard agree on them being ignored a lot too. i seen a compilation of jungkook reacting to bts members coming to his lives that just so happened to ignore the times jimin showed up (and jungkook proceeds to beg him to meet up lol).
non shippers want the pairings to be all treated similarly but the way they interact (or dont) with jikook content sets them apart immediately.
and i for sure think theres more secret shippers who just do not want to be attacked. many years ago i was in some GCs with ppl who actively talked against shipping on their accounts but secretly were into it and to go back to tiktok, i noticed a jikook video where there was 1 lone jikooker defending themselves against multiple people but the jikookers comments were the one getting more hearts. meaning people were silently agreeing but didnt want to step in.
Follow up to this anon
Hi Lovely,
You’re not wrong. I see it too😪
It’s sad that those opposed to people celebrating Jikook’s bond are so loud and scary, that they come in masses to overshadow, co-opt and strong arm off people. It’s sad that there are widely accepted duos that aren’t seen as untouchable like VMin, Sope, Namjoon and others but people have to appreciate Jikook in secret, even just as a platonic best friend duo. The sad thing is it’s not one subsection in the fandom but from all sides (I won’t get into that here).
When it comes to those that supposedly don’t ship at all there’s still this weird selective blindness.
I saw a TikTok the other day that I sent to my friend to see if she noticed the same thing I noticed:
Credit: TikTok
The tiktoker said she watched the live several times and if you don’t know which live she’s talking about, it’s a live where Jungkook not only watched Jimin’s Suchwita episode but also other Jimin content.
How the tiktoker perceived Jungkook’s live was different to how I perceived it and how other jikookers did.
It’s baffling how it works, just baffling.
Thank you for adding to the conversation and chatting with me.
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yonpote · 8 months
I don't think d or p are ace, but they were really important to me and a lot of other ace and aro phannies. They were out there mentioning ace people in the context of LGBT discussions earlier than most. They (or the view of then they presented to the world) brought up the idea of having a long term platonic relationship where you can live together.
Like in the same way a lot of gay people looked at Phan dnp and said goals, a lot of aro people looked at Friends dnp and said goals. And that's so special to me.
oh absolutely!! it's so funny cuz i figured out that i'm prob aro/arospec when the whole swingers debate was happening, cuz i was like "oh some people don't think that sex and romance can exist as two separate values? some people think you can't have multiple sexual partners without it affecting a romantic relationship? i did not realize the whole world doesnt think like this" (and ofc non-ace/non-aro ppl can have these thoughts too its just that they made smth click in my head lmao)
also like yes yes theyre soul-turtle-husband-enemies and not "Just Friends" but i do think considering them friendship goals is completely valid cuz it's just about being able to trust someone so fully and having a kind of bond that can't ever be replicated, and that's something that 100% can exist in platonic relationships. having these kinds of bonds with someone regardless if the exact feeling is romance is a very common queer experience!
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xlamplightx · 2 years
Some thoughts. The reason why Tyler is so accepting of Wednesday is not that he cares about her. It's that he doesn't. Everything he does throughout Season 1 of the show is motivated by deception. He seeks to distract Wednesday and prevent her from finding the truth. Wednesday doesn't need to appreciate or even like him for him to succeed. What little chemistry they have is pure fabrication on his part and the product of emotional manipulation on Wednesday's. His acceptance isn't romantic. It's a lie to placate her. There isn't a bone in his body that sees her as something of value, she's a target like every other outcast. She just also happens to be the tool. Now compare this to Enid, who challenges her. She doesn't allow Wednesday to play games with her life or her feelings and she does that because she cares. Putting a cut so I don't clog up anything.
Like Tyler, she actively seeks out Wednesday's admiration, approval, and attention multiple times throughout Season 1. She requests her support during the Poe Cup even if it's an uncomfortable stare, she asks if Wednesday is joining the Black Cats because they're friends, and she looks for Wednesday to compliment her ability to fool her with a surprise birthday party. Enid asks Wednesday to spend time with her, gives her a birthday gift that would provide physical evidence of their growing friendship, and returns multiple times even when angry with Wednesday just to check on her. It's clear from early on Enid wants to, at least, impress Wednesday. But unlike Tyler, Enid is not willing to sacrifice herself in the process. While Tyler practically crawls into Wednesday's lap when she is with her Uncle at the coffee shop, Enid storms out of the room when Wednesday pushes her away and sets her own boundaries when she does return out of fear for Wednesday's safety. Enid seeing herself as equally valuable in her relationship with Wednesday (platonic or otherwise) shows her only goal is to be with Wednesday. She has nothing to hide under a false front. There's no motivation to lie or twist herself into a placating image. Wednesday is someone she genuinely likes and respects. All she wants in return is for Wednesday to genuinely like and respect her back, as she is. Unless it turns out she's the stalker in Season 2 and tries to kill Wednesday, then she's just like Tyler. But that would be so fucking funny bc I'd love to see ppl jump thru hoops tryna act like we can't ship them now bc Enid lied.
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inkbagel · 2 months
Hey man I don’t mean to be an ass but as an aroace person I find it really weird how you can’t accept that things such as kissing can’t be platonic? It very much can. Have you never seen a parent kiss their kids injured knee so it can heal faster? Regardless it’s still not cool and disrespectful for you to insist someone else’s art HAS to be something because you personally like it. And artist can make whatever they want, regardless on your opinions about it’s not cool to disrespect that. If someone made a post and asked me not to post a photo of spiders under it, I would be an ass for posting spiders under it. It’s not any different here. You’re not entitled to someone art like that. If you don’t agree with them just block and move on.
For the last time anon since I’ve answered this multiple times, my issue is not with kissing. IT IS WITH MAKING OUT SLOPPY STYLE. WITH TONGUE. ON THE MOUTH. NOBODY DOES THAT PLATONICALLY.
I used to identify as aroace! I still identify as greyromantic ace, so yeah I’m aroace too!! Even if I wasn’t, I know very well what platonic affection is, and making out really is not platonic.
I’m not trying to police your relationships. I’m not saying this is problematic. I’m saying. MAKING OUT PLATONICALLY IS KINDA WEIRD. NOT PROBLEMATIC. JUST WEIRD.
I asked a few friends who I actually trust to be sane (and some are aroace since you’re weaponizing your identity) what they think about platonically kissing on the lips and these are their responses.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I asked some irls too, but I don’t have screenshots bc it’s real life. They all think this is a silly arguement in the first place and I agree with them.
Llorumi is not my favorite ship. I’ve been very clear about this since day one. Tbh my personal headcanons are that they dated for a bit and both ended up realizing they weren’t really attracted to each other. I think Lloyd is aroace and harumi is a lesbian (although I hc Lloyd as genderfluid so that one is less important) HOWEVER the people who viscerally hate them and tell other people it’s a problematic ship and draw them making out before saying it’s not romantic are weird.
I also do block ppl bc believe it or not this is a personal art blog. Go ahead and look at my page and you’ll find zero reblogs where ppl said don’t tag as a ship and I tagged a ship. I’m fully aware I’m allowed to disagree with people which is why I’m complaining HERE instead of sending THEM hate in THEIR reblogs and asks. Not you tho. Thx for the anon hate ask. ❤️
Also anon, it’s really weird of you to tell me to block ppl and move on after sending me an anonymous hate message. You’re being a hypocrite. “Not to be an ass” my ass.
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gregoftom · 1 year
you know something we as a tg society don't talk about enough? how much Greg hates Shiv and how there's absolutely no reason for it besides her relationship with Tom (how she treats him or the fact that she's in a relationship with him in the first place). and you could say, "oh she's awful to him", but so is everyone else in the show (excluding Roman because they openly hate *each other* for some reason), and yet Greg doesn't seem to have this profound resentment towards anyone else does he. hmmmmn.
i can think of a reason ppl don’t talk about it lol they don’t wanna be decimated BUT. you are right! i mean after that alt poster was revealed, the one where greg is like half climbing over the table to where tom and shiv are, there’s like. multiple instances of him being portrayed as reaching for tom. he’s a little homewrecker!!! lmao. and like, that’s the shows doing, none of us came up with it. it was showing us itself that greg was gonna be a person who would drop into tom’s life and throw a wrench in it. like my opinion is that i don’t think ts would face the breaks it did if greg weren’t around, like.
to me, tom had the strength to stand up for himself and to not fold in america decides bc of greg. i’m not saying ts would never fight or he wouldn’t be miserable i’m just saying. the sequence of events and his feelings for greg absolutely influenced it all. greg doesn’t like her bc she hurts tom! and that’s his best friend! like, even taking out shipping, even if we look at it platonically [lol] greg is defensive of tom because they’re besties. i think many of us can relate, like. if our loved ones get hurt we get mad! we don’t like people who do that to them! so it can’t e denied that he would specifically dislike her because of tom. but it is definitely more Inch Resting considering all the factors between the three and i think there’s definitely jealousy/possessiveness/frustration involved lol.
he wants tom for himself!
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