#so you don't think i didn't get your ask or I'm ignoring it
lowkeycasanova · 3 days
In exchange
ace x afab!reader
Plot: doing ace's skincare mixed in with some c0ckwarming
(idk how i feel about this)
slight smut
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"Oh come on! Please!"
Following Ace into the bedroom, you give him a pouty look. He tries to ignore you but miserably fails.
"Why do you wanna do it so badly?" he sighed.
"I think it would be fun and a way for you to relax. Plus, you'll look extra handsome when I'm finished." You've been trying to get him to let you do some sort of skincare routine on him for the longest, especially since he really doesn't have one.
"And what do I get in exchange?" he cockily smirks at you, tilting his head to the side.
You shrug. "I don't know. What do you want?" He pauses as he thinks for a moment and then his grin widens and walks closer to you.
"I'll let you do it...if you let me put it in."
He lowers his voice on that last part, being cheeky.
Your lips slightly part upon hearing his proposal. Ace had become pretty fond of cockwarming recently and wanted to do it often. It doesn't always end up with sex. He just likes to be inside you, close and warm and you can never say no to that.
"Fine." you agreed.
He plops himself down on the edge of the bed. You join him after filling your hands with the essentials from the bathroom, setting it all down next to him. He grabs you by your waist, pulling you on top of him. When your crotch meets his, you can already feel how hard he is through his black shorts and he gives your ass a gentle smack.
"Got everything?" he asks.
"Yeah." you nod.
"Alright, you know what to do." he says, as if he was waiting for you to take the initiative. He smirks, so full of himself.
You reach down and move your underwear to the side as he tugs his hard cock from out of his pants and you take him by the base, guiding and slowly sinking down on him. His erection filling you up completely. You let out a satisfied moan and he bites his bottom lip, humming in content. He presses a kiss to your cheek before leaning back with his weight on his arms, allowing you to do whatever.
As you go through your products, his hands gently massage your bare thighs and ass, patiently waiting. Grabbing a headband, you put it over his forehead to keep his hair back. While putting the cleanser on, his eyes flutter shut and you take a second to notice how long his lashes are. So natural and honestly unfair. You try to focus on putting on the moisturizer under his eyes, but now you can't seem to ignore the urge to start grinding on him. The way he casually fills you up like this should be a crime.
When you lean closer to work on his eyebrows, you accidently buck your hips. A soft grunt escapes your lips at the friction you created.
"You okay?" he asks with an innocent smile but you know all too well he's being the biggest tease ever.
"Yeah," you breathe out, gripping his shoulders to steady yourself. "I'm good."
"Cool." he smiles before closing his eyes again.
You manage to finish the routine without losing your self-control.
"Okay, I'm finished." you say, and the next moment, his eyes appear once more as you take the headband off and his hair falls in his face. He looks breathtaking. His skin is shiny, glowy, and just absolutely stunning. The hottest man ever if you didn't know that already.
"My face feels clean. How do you like it?" He simply asks.
You wanna say something, but have no idea what. Instead, you lean down and give him a hard kiss. That'll let him know your answer.
Forget self control. Immediately, you start rolling your hips, doing what you've been wanting to do for the past twenty minutes. Ace doesn't seem to be against it. His fingers grab a hold of your lower waist, urging you to keep going as your kisses get more heated.
"Fuck." you breathe out, laying your eyes on Ace. His eyes were glossy already and his chest heaved in an attempt to catch his breath for a moment.
"That feel good babe?" he pants, leaning in to kiss the crook of your neck.
"Yes, you feel so fucking good." you moan out, feeling your orgasm build up.
To add, he slightly lifts you up and starts to thrust up.
"Cum for me. Cum on the cock your riding so well."
His words plus the sound of skin slapping was pushing you towards to edge even more.
You grab ahold of the back of his neck before you smash your lips on his again and your release washes over you. His name rolls of your tongue over and over along with breathy groans. He follows a few moments later, gripping your ass with satisfaction as he comes inside you.
After slowing down, you remain on his lap as his cock softens inside. Caressing his cheeks, you admire his newly hydrated face and can't help but smile at how he looks.
That cocky grin returns. "Maybe I should let you do my skincare more often if it ends like this."
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reaperexe · 14 hours
Darling ♡
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summary : when a run in with your ex makes things sour but at least your lover is here.
warnings : mentions of previous trauma.
Grocery shopping wasn't really a fun activity but grocery shopping with him was a whole new activity now. The unnecessary items he would throw into the cart acting like it was normal for you to have two giant family packs of cereal in your house before scolding him to put them away.
And he would put them away but just act like a kicked puppy on his way to do so. So when you steered the cart away from him and into the other aisle's to get away from the doe eyes and begging you didn't expect to run into someone.
That someone being your ex boyfriend. the ex boyfriend you swore to never interact with again. Your eyes widen and so does his when he sees you.
He says your name softly, you try not to cringe at the way your name rolls off his tongue and you don't even want to take his name.
"Been a while..." he says his tone already condescending like it had been all those years ago and your grip tightens around the cart.
Meanwhile your lover strolls through the aisles putting back the boxes of cereal and gathering more unnecessary items.
"You cut your hair?" he asks obviously ignoring your discomfort
"You know I've been meaning to reach out to you....." He says "wondered how you've been doing without me" He scoffs.
"I've been fine, better even" You say clenching your jaw.
"Really?" He says with a mocking look. "And here i thought you would come to your senses" He laughs.
The audacity of this man you think but your mouth dries when he slowly begins to approach you.
A strong voices pulls you out from your thought and stills the man in front of you "Darling?" Your lover calls coming up behind you as you breathe a sigh of relief.
He immediately recognizes the man in front of you from having to hold you all those years ago from all the nightmares and tears 'never again' he had sworn to himself.
He moves to stand defensively in front of you eyeing the guy, looking down on him.
"Hey man" Your ex says smirking "You are?.." He asks your lover trying to keep up his smugness despite your boyfriends intimidating gaze.
"Her boyfriend" He says his tone still dominating and he looks down on the guy.
"Oh yeah, we were just talking" he says "Right sweets?" He says peering over at you over your boyfriends shoulder.
You grip your lovers arm out of anger, not wanting to hear that voice or nickname.
"Well i think she's done talking man" Your boyfriend says firmly.
"Look mate-" Your ex begins stepping closer causing your boyfriend to cover you more and step towards him.
"I advise you leave" You speak up as your ex looks at you then back at your lover.
If looks could kill your ex would be dead by now, sensing the tense atmosphere your ex mutters a "Whatever, your loss" raising his hands in mock surrender and stepping back.
Your lover raises an arm but stills when he feels your hand on him, as much as you would love to see your ex get punched, a grocery store was not the place.
"Let it go baby" You say to your lover softly as your ex walks away.
"He better count his blessings" Your lover sighs relaxing and putting an arm around you.
You laugh at his words kissing his arm.
"You handled that so well baby I'm so proud of you" Your boyfriend says kissing the top of your head.
"You handled most of it" You say as he smiles, kissing you again
"Shall we check out?" He asks.
"Yes but only after you put back that giant bag of coffee beans, don't think i didn't notice" You say crossing your arms as he smiles sheepishly.
"But darlinggg" He whines but puts the bag back anyways as you smile.
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just-a-ghost00 · 23 hours
Do you know them? What do they admire about you? (possibly 18+)
This is part 2 of the secret admirer PAC. To check part 1, click here. You can either choose the same group as for the first part or choose another. It's completely up to you. For the first question, I will only be drawing one card to get a simple yes or no answer.
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Group 1
Do you know them ? - The Star
That's a yes. You possibly interact with this person online and/or they live at a distance from you. They could have Aquarius influence in their chart.
What do they admire about you ? - 2 of pentacles, ace of cups, 9 of pentacles, page of pentacles
They admire your youthfulness and your giving nature. They like that you try to remain impartial and never judge a book based on its cover. They like your independent thinking but also your independance in general. You work very well on your own and you're not needy, which they value. You can think for yourself. They like your analytical mind, your curiosity and your ability to learn in any circumstance. They like how honest you can be about your feelings, your experience and difficulties. You wear your heart on your sleeve and are easy to be around. You're very laid back which gives them space and security. You make them feel safe and cared for. They like your enthusiasm and openness to life. You have a good balance and your heart is pure. They admire how you're always in a good mood and seeing the glass half full. This gives me Dean/Castiel dynamic vibes. In this person's eyes, you are a Castiel.
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Song : (You're the) Devil in disguise - Elvis
Group 2
Do you know them? - Knight of pentacles
That's also a yes for you. You either know them through work or your studies. This person could be an earth sign. They like horses. They may have recently made an offer or given you a gift. They walk slowly.
What do they admire about you? - 5 of pentacles, 8 of cups, 3 of swords, 2 of cups
Okay this may be a bit weird but they like your clinginess and also when you complain to them about things that upset you. They admire your ability to ignore what doesn't serve you or would only bring you down. They admire that you're still standing strong despite all that you've been through. They admire your kindness and ability to connect with all people, to love them unconditionally. They like when you ask them for help or rely on them when you're feeling down. They like to see you sad. They think you're beautiful when in pain or crying. This may be a little triggering, I'm sorry. They like that you also don't deny your help and guidance to people in need. You're a good samaritan. You can't say no. They admire your resilience. Also your ability to know when to give up or to delegate. Your ability to rely on your peers or know who to find when in trouble. They like your moodiness and your bad temper. They like to see you upset. It's entertaining to them. They admire the emotional responses they can get from you because it's something they fail to understand or are unfamiliar with. This energy is rather disturbing. This gives me Crowley/Aziraphale dynamic vibes. In this person's eyes, you're an Aziraphale.
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Song : I wish I didn't love you so - Betty Hutton
Group 3
Do you know them? - 10 of wands
You don't know them on a personal level. You are aware of their existence but it would be very hard for you to figure out who they are. You wouldn't suspect this person to admire you. You know them either from a time of your life when you were in trouble or through a common responsibility you share. So this could be worked related, but not just that.
What do they admire about you? - 9 of wands, 8 of swords, knight of swords, 7 of cups
They admire your ability to get out of any situation and slither your way through obstacles and people's BS. They admire your feisty nature and your honesty. They think you are brave. They admire how you always keep your options open and stay alert, ready to strike at any given moment. How you never stay stuck in one spot. This person would like to tie you down so they can pick your brain apart. You're a mistery to them. This gives me Will Graham/Hannibal dynamic vibes. In this person's eyes, you're a Will Graham. Constantly thinking, constantly moving, unstoppable, impossible to get a hold of or manipulate. Hard to read. Always one step ahead. Too clever for this world. They admire how stubborn and reckless you can be at times. You're unpredictable and never boring.
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Song : Eye of the tiger - Survivor
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Ready, pretty?
Pairing: Minchan
Word Count: 2564
Summary: One night, after sharing a few drinks, Minho feels safe enough to overshare a little, thinking Chan is too drunk to remember the next day. He doesn't know that Chan remembers every word and is more than willing to help him with his little issue.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, late-night confessions, drunk confessions, friends to lovers (sort of), virgin!min, first time
A/N: Oh well, another audio that rotted azzy's and my brain😂 Based on this audio by my dear miu, hope you like it love @slutforchanlix 🖤
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©writingforstraykids 2024-
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Minho and Chan found a quiet spot away from the bustling crowd at the party, nestled under the comforting canopy of a sprawling tree. A soft blanket spread beneath them provided a makeshift sanctuary from the noise and distractions. The night sky above them was a tapestry of stars, twinkling faintly amidst the velvet darkness.
They sat side by side, shoulders brushing occasionally as they sipped from their drinks, the clinking of glasses a gentle background to their conversation. Minho, already feeling a bit lightheaded from the alcohol, couldn't help but notice Chan's relaxed demeanor and chuckled inwardly, convinced his friend was also a few drinks past sobriety.
"You look like you're in another world, Channie hyung," Minho teased lightly, nudging him playfully. "What's on your mind?"
Chan chuckled, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Just enjoying the peace, I guess. It's rare to have moments like this."
"Yeah," Minho agreed, taking another sip. "Life's been hectic lately, huh?"
Chan nodded, his gaze drifting upwards towards the stars. "Tell me about it. Sometimes I just need to escape from all the noise and expectations."
Minho nodded sympathetically, feeling a wave of empathy wash over him. "I get that. So, how do you relax best, then?"
“There's only been one thing that actually helped lately,” Chan grinned mischievously, a glint in his eyes as he glanced at Minho. "By relieving some tension…you know?"
Minho snorted, caught off guard by the unexpected response. He leaned his head on Chan's shoulder, his own laughter bubbling up. "I should've guessed."
Chan chuckled, patting Minho's knee affectionately. "You're not too bad at it yourself, Minho."
“What's that supposed to mean?” he asked with a snort.
“Your room's right below mine, I'm insomniac, so no, not everyone's asleep when you touch yourself,” he told him, taking another sip. “You're not exactly quiet sometimes and the vent carries it all the way up.”
“Oh,” he whispered, making Chan laugh. “Can't help it sometimes,” he said.
“Yeah, I get that,” Chan agreed, smirking to himself. There hasn't only been one time when Minho's soft moans and quiet whimpers kept him up, too sweet of a symphony to ignore.
Feeling emboldened by the alcohol and the already happening oversharing, Minho decided to share a bit more than he probably should have. "Yeah, well, I tried my fingers once, but it didn't feel nice. I didn't really know what I was doing, so I gave that up again."
Chan burst into laughter, the sound echoing softly in the quiet night. "Noted," he managed between laughs, shaking his head fondly at Minho's confession. Yeah, he'd remember that.
Realizing what he had just admitted, Minho blushed furiously, hoping the darkness hid his embarrassment. "Just don't tell anyone."
Chan sobered slightly, a warm smile on his face as he nudged Minho gently. "Hey, I'll keep your secrets safe, don't worry."
Minho hummed softly before glancing at Chan. “Did you ever try it?” 
“Yeah, a few times,” Chan nodded, seemingly unfazed. 
“Any…any advice?” he asked, ears burning up.
“Well, you should be able to relax, give yourself time and don't get too eager too fast. Also use enough lube and be careful so you don't hurt yourself,” he told him.
Grateful for Chan's understanding, Minho shifted the topic to something less potentially embarrassing. "Speaking of secrets, what do you think of our new album? You excited about it?"
Chan's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, his earlier humor returning. "Definitely. Also, you've been working so hard on those English lines, Minho. I'm impressed."
Minho pouted playfully, leaning back against the tree trunk. "I get tired of them sometimes, you know?"
Chan nodded sympathetically. "I can imagine. But seriously, you sound amazing singing them. Fans are gonna love it."
A small smile tugged at Minho's lips, grateful for Chan's praise. "Thanks, Channie. Means a lot coming from you."
They fell into a comfortable silence, content to simply be in each other's company, enjoying the tranquility of the moment. The night breeze rustled the leaves above them, a gentle reminder of the world beyond their secluded spot. For Minho and Chan, this brief respite from the demands of their careers was a precious gift—a chance to unwind, to share laughter and confessions under the starlit sky.
As the party's noise gradually seeped back into their awareness, they exchanged a knowing glance, both silently agreeing to cherish this memory. With a final clink of their glasses, they toasted to friendship, to music, and to the simple joy of finding peace beneath the stars.
After a tiring and long day at the company, Chan and Minho finally collapsed onto Chan's bed, the soft mattress providing a welcomed respite from their demanding schedules. They had stayed longer than the others, Chan meticulously fine-tuning tracks for their upcoming album and Minho patiently walking him through the new choreography after.
Chan couldn't help but notice Minho's restlessness as they settled in. The room was bathed in a gentle lilac hue, casting a serene glow that accentuated Minho's features. He looked almost ethereal in that light, but Chan sensed a tension in him that hadn't dissipated since earlier.
"You alright, Minho?" Chan asked softly, his concern evident as he propped himself up on one elbow to look at his friend.
Minho sighed, running a hand through his hair before meeting Chan's gaze. "Yeah, just... I don't know. Can't seem to relax tonight…Long day."
Chan nodded understandingly, his eyes scanning Minho's face with a mixture of affection and curiosity. "Ever wish someone could help you with that? Release some tension after a long day?"
Minho's breath caught slightly at Chan's question, his heart beating a little faster as he processed the implication behind those words. He searched Chan's eyes for a long moment, finding sincerity and a hint of something more—something he had quietly wondered about but never dared to voice.
"Yeah," Minho admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I do."
Chan's expression softened, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he remembered their conversation from a few nights ago—the one where Minho had confessed his clumsy attempt at doing just that. "Remember when you told me about trying with your fingers? Didn't quite like it?"
Minho blushed deeply, embarrassed that Chan remembered and seemed unfazed by his earlier awkwardness. "Yeah," he murmured, unable to meet Chan's gaze directly. “I took your advice but it doesn't feel as good as Felix and Jisung said it would.”
Chan chuckled softly, reaching out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind Minho's ear. "It's okay, Minho. You can tell me what you need. That's what I'm here for, yeah?”
Minho swallowed nervously, his heart racing as he leaned closer to Chan, their faces now only inches apart. "I... I need..." He hesitated, unsure if he could voice his desires aloud.
Chan's hand found Minho's, fingers intertwining in a silent gesture of reassurance. "You can trust me, Min. Whatever it is."
With a shaky breath, Minho closed the gap between them, pressing his lips tentatively against Chan's. The kiss was hesitant at first, a mixture of nerves and longing, but soon it deepened, fueled by months of unspoken attraction and the intimacy of their shared moments.
Chan responded eagerly, pulling Minho closer until their bodies were flush against each other. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the soft sound of their breaths mingling and the gentle rustling of sheets beneath them.
As they broke apart for air, Chan brushed his thumb over Minho's cheek, his eyes filled with tenderness. "I've wanted this, Minho," he confessed softly. "More than I've let myself admit."
Minho smiled shyly, a weight lifted off his shoulders now that his feelings were out in the open. "Me too," he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of relief and joy.
“Can I take care of you?” Chan asked softly and Minho's breath hitched.
“Please,” he nodded gently, rolling onto his back and glancing up at Chan as he sat up. Minho watched him as he gently pushed his legs apart and got seated between them, gently rubbing up his thighs. 
“Want me show you how good it can feel?” he asked and Minho bit his lower lip, nodding quickly. Chan reached into the drawer of his bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube. 
As Chan settled back between Minho's legs, he held up the bottle of lube with a reassuring smile. Minho's heart raced with anticipation, his body tingling in anticipation of Chan's touch. The soft lilac light cast a gentle glow over them, adding to the intimate atmosphere.
Chan leaned down to kiss Minho softly, their lips meeting in a tender exchange that conveyed both desire and tenderness. Breaking the kiss, Chan whispered against Minho's lips, "Relax, Min. I've got you." Minho hummed softly in response. “May I?” he asked gently, waiting for a nod before removing his pants and boxers.
Minho blushed softly at Chan's admiring expression, feeling a little exposed. “Channie,” he whined softly.
Chan giggled softly. “Ready, pretty?”
Minho nodded, his breath coming in shallow gasps as Chan squeezed a generous amount of lube onto his fingers. He gently trailed his fingertips down Minho's thighs, causing him to shiver at the sensation. Chan's touch was gentle and deliberate, each movement aimed at building trust and pleasure.
"Let me know if anything feels uncomfortable," Chan murmured, his voice a soothing presence in the quiet room.
Minho nodded again, his eyes locked on Chan's as he slowly began to circle his fingers around Minho's entrance. He applied light pressure, testing Minho's response before gradually easing a finger inside. Minho gasped at the initial intrusion, but Chan didn't move further until he felt Minho relax around him.
"That's it," Chan encouraged softly, his other hand stroking Minho's thigh in a comforting gesture. He continued to move his finger in and out slowly, allowing Minho to adjust to the sensation.
As Minho relaxed further, Chan added a second finger, stretching him carefully and watching closely for any signs of discomfort. Minho's breath hitched, but he didn't flinch away. Instead, he arched his back slightly, silently asking for more.
Minho was a little overwhelmed by how good it felt, panting softly at the feeling. A shaky moan escaped him and he quickly bit his lip, not wanting to fall apart right there during the first time someone touched him.
"You're doing great, Min," Chan praised, his voice filled with admiration and desire. He curled his fingers inside, searching for that spot that would make Minho gasp and moan.
The pleasure began to build, Minho's body responding eagerly to Chan's touch. Chan moved his fingers in a rhythm that was both tender and insistent, coaxing soft sounds of pleasure from Minho's lips. Each movement sent waves of pleasure through Minho's body, heightening his arousal with every stroke.
"Chan..." Minho whispered, his voice strained with need. He reached for Chan's hand, urging him to go deeper, to give him more.
Chan complied, adding a third finger carefully and gauging Minho's reaction. Minho tensed briefly, but as Chan massaged that sensitive spot inside him, pleasure quickly replaced any discomfort. Chan's fingers moved with practiced skill, pushing Minho closer to the edge of ecstasy. Minho's head fell back, jaw growing slack as Chan lovingly worked his prostate. “Oh shit,” he whispered.
Feeling Minho's body respond eagerly, Chan leaned down to kiss him again, their mouths melding in a desperate, passionate kiss. Minho whimpered into Chan's mouth, his hips lifting off the bed to meet Chan's movements.
"Channie hyung," Minho gasped when they finally parted for air, his voice raw with desire.
“I'm here,” Chan whispered gently. “What do you need, baby?”
Minho moaned softly. “Need more, please. Can you - I'm…I never did that before,” he admitted, ears burning up fiercely.
Chan soothingly rubbed his thigh. “Are you sure you want it to be me?” he asked gently, searching his eyes observantly. 
“Please,” Minho nodded, vulnerability lacing his features. “I trust you.”
Chan nodded, his own arousal evident as he reached for a condom and quickly prepared himself. He positioned himself between Minho's legs, gazing down at him with a mix of tenderness and hunger.
"You're sure?" Chan asked softly, seeking Minho's consent.
Minho nodded eagerly, his eyes locked with Chan's as he guided himself into Minho's heat. Chan took his time, making sure to give Minho enough room to adjust to the feeling. They both groaned at the sensation of being joined so intimately, their bodies moving together in a rhythm that spoke of longing and mutual need.
With each careful thrust, Chan focused on Minho's reactions, ensuring he moved at a pace that allowed Minho to adjust and enjoy every moment. Minho's soft moans and gasps filled the room, driving Chan further into a state of controlled desire. He kept one hand firmly planted beside Minho's head for support while the other stroked gently at Minho's cheek.
Minho's body responded eagerly, meeting Chan's movements with an increasing urgency that mirrored Chan's own rising desire. Their eyes locked in a silent conversation of trust and need, each moment deepening their connection beyond physical intimacy.
As Chan moved inside him, Minho's fingers clawed at Chan's back, his breath hitching with each deep thrust. Pleasure coiled tightly within him, building to a crescendo that threatened to overwhelm his senses. Chan's movements grew more insistent, driven by the raw need to bring Minho to the peak of ecstasy.
"Chan," Minho gasped, his voice a desperate plea mingled with pleasure.
Chan's heart swelled with affection and desire as he pressed his forehead against Minho's, their breaths mingling in a heated exchange. "I'm here, Minho," he murmured, his voice husky with longing. "Let go. I've got you."
With a final, deep thrust, Chan sent Minho spiraling into euphoria. Minho's body trembled beneath him as waves of pleasure washed over him, his moans filling the room with unrestrained ecstasy. Chan held him close, his own release imminent as he buried his face in Minho's neck, his breath hot against Minho's skin.
Moments later, they lay tangled together, their bodies slick with sweat, hearts racing in the aftermath of their shared passion. Chan pressed gentle kisses against Minho's temple, his touch reverent and tender.
"You okay?" Chan asked softly, his fingers tracing soothing patterns along Minho's back.
Minho nodded, a blissful smile spreading across his face. "More than okay," he whispered, his voice filled with contentment.
Chan smiled back, his heart overflowing with love and tenderness for the man in his arms. He gently withdrew from Minho, disposing of the condom, cleaning Minho up and then pulling him close again, cradling him against his chest. They lay together in the quiet of Chan's room, their breathing slowly synchronizing as they savored the intimacy of their shared moment.
"Thank you, Channie," Minho murmured after a while, breaking the peaceful silence. “For being so gentle and always looking out for me.”
Chan kissed the top of Minho's head, his voice a soft murmur against Minho's hair. "Always, Min. I'm always here for you."
They drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, the soft lilac light still casting a gentle glow over their entwined bodies. For Minho and Chan, this night marked not only a physical union but also a deeper understanding of their feelings and a bond strengthened by trust and love.
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Taglist (Please let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist):
@atinyniki @galaxycatdrawz @silverstarburst @aaa-sia @lilmisssona @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @rebecca-johnson-28 @lixie-phoria @kibs-and-bits @xxstrayland @ihrtlix @pheonixfire777 @mellhwang @palindrome969 @harshaaaaa @rylea08 @heeyboooo @manuosorioh @gisaerlleri @andassortedkpop @bbokari711 @kazuuuaaa @rssamj @wolfyychan @stellasays45 @chrizzztopherbang @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @silentreadersthings @myforevermelody143 @sapphirewaves @james-is-here
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coolprettyleo · 3 days
everything has changed - jack hughes
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wc: 1.5k
tw: first dates, cringe?, falling, doubts, chessiness.
jack hughes x oc
so highschool au
marley thought she was going borderline mad.
the brunette stared into the mirror, finally feeling okay-ish with the outfit she chose for her very first date, ever.
jack had been very adamant that the date would be a surprise so the girl had no idea what the hockey player had in store. they had been texting on snapchat ever since he confronted her a couple days ago, and she wasn't in any way complaining.
she had been having doubts about accepting his date offer due to the fact she realized she was a busy girl and she didn't know if she even had time for a boyfriend.
but of course, jack was there to soothe her worries away, and let her know that he, too, was always busy, and if they were meant to be, they'd make it work.
she smoothed down her skirt as she heard the doorbell ring. not thinking jack would actually get out of the car, she ignored it, thinking it was one of her father's friends. only realizing it was him till she heard jack's voice. her eyes went wide as she reached for her bag and basically sprinted down the stairs.
only to get down and see her father smiling at jack, who held a bouquet of daises.
"you didn't tell me you had a date," her father teased once he noticed she had come down.
her father was never the crazy overprotective father unless he needed to be. surprising many people due to the fact it had only been the two of them growing up. her mother had left the picture when she was about three, leaving the two of them to figure it out. the father-daughter bond between them was a close one, so he trusted her and her decisions.
"it must have slipped my mind. i'm sorry," she apologized, honestly feeling bad about not telling him.
"you're fine," he said, shaking his head as he walked into the kitchen, leaving her to focus back on jack, who had a goofy smile on his face.
"you look really pretty," he said as he handed her the flowers
"thank you, you bought me flowers?" she asked surprised.
"what kind of gentlemen would it make me if I didn't?" he asked as he heard her father chuckle from the other room. before he came in holding a camera probably recording.
"smile for the camera," he ushered them to pose.
"dad," she said, a bit embarrassed as jack giggled.
"you're the only one complaining; jack's ready!" he said as she looked back at jack, who was already posing.
she sighed before posing for the picture, flowers in hand.
"alright. i'll let you two get going. don't have her out too late son" he said as jack said 'of course sir'
the two teens walked out of the house, and jack opened the door for her and let out a goofy "m'lady" as she smiled.
"i'm sorry about my dad-"
"don't apologize; now we have a picture to recreate on our wedding day," he casually said as her head whipped around to the boy.
"wedding day?" she asked with raised eyebrows as he drove
"i'm in this for the long run," he told her as she looked at him like he had three heads.
"you're one of a kind, jack hughes," she chuckled, shaking her head. he smiled at her before giving her aux,
"here, play me something"
"which song?" she said scrolling through his playlist
"no, something from your playlist," he said as she thought about a song. she typed in her name, clicked on her Spotify profile, scrolling through her playlist.
she clicked on, 'everything has changed' by taylor swift as jack smiled.
"a taylor swift girl?" he asked her
"yeah. if you don't like it i'll change it-"
"no. I like it, I never really listen to her, but I like it," he said, turning it up as she smiled. the two listened to the song really taking in the lyrics and relating in every way possible.
"i really liked that song. send it to me" he said as they pulled into the side of the road. they were in a place that overlooked plymouth, and the city lights shined as bright and beautiful as ever.
"what is this place?" she asked as she looked at the lights
"one time my mom took my brothers and I for a ride and we found this place, I come here often," he told her as she listened
"It's beautiful," she said, reaching for the door as he stopped her.
"you're gonna have to get used to not opening your own doors when I'm around," he said before running around the hood and opening it for her as she shook her head.
"it's going to go to my head if you keep doing that,"
"that's fine with me. I can handle it," he teased as she stepped closer to the edge. to see stairs leading to a small picnic table. jack opened the trunk and picked up a picnic basket.
"my mom made us sandwiches," he said with a pink blush as they walked to the bench.
"that's so thoughtful; tell her I said thank you," she said.
"marnie told me you don't like ham, so that's a turkey sandwich," he said as she furrowed her eyebrows.
"you've talked to marnie?" she said, not believing he had really put this much thought into their date.
"yeah, she was way more intimidating than your dad," he said as she laughed.
"that's marnie for you," she told him as he nodded.
"just wait till you meet overprotective trevor" he told her
"is that what he was doing at practice?" she asked as she remembered how the boy kept making 'im watching you' gestures at her.
"he's an idiot" he chuckled as she took a bite out of the sandwich.
"so are you from plymouth?" the boy asked
"no, I was born in chicago, but my dad and I moved here when I was three. but it's all I've ever known, so basically. what about you?" she said
"well, i was born in florida, but we moved around a lot. like luke was born in new hampshire. but when I was about five, my dad got a job in toronto, and we stayed there up until quinn entered the program," he told the girl.
"you had a brother in the program?" she asked
"yeah, his name's quinn. he was drafted last year. he plays for umich right now though" he told her as her eyes went wide
"oh my gosh what did your mom feed the two of you" she chuckled
"three of us. i have a younger brother too, he should be joining the program next year" he told her as she raised her eyebrows
"hockey has to be in your genetics at that point," she said
"basically. but in all honestly we just work really hard it" he told her
"is this a bad time to tell you I don't know a thing about hockey?" she said sheepishly
"i figured. it's okay, we'll work on it" he said smiling at the girl
"trying to change me?" she teased
"just that little flaw. i like everything else" he told her as she blushed and looked down.
the two continued to talk about anything and everything as the time slipped through the cracks. only realized the time when she saw jack begin to pack up.
"we should head back before it gets too late," he said as she nodded, remembering the promise he had made to her dad earlier.
the two teens climbed into the car as jack played 'everything has changed' again, as marley side eyed him.
"what! I really liked the song," he said as she giggled. they drove as jack told her more about his family. she honestly loved hearing about his family. don't get her wrong, she was so grateful for what she had, but she longed for the feeling of having siblings or even having a mother sometimes.
they pulled into marley's driveway, and jack made it his mission to make sure she wouldn't open a door for herself.
"i really had fun with you tonight," she nervously told him as they stood on her porch. her anxiety was skyrocketing through the roof due to the fact in the movies, this was about the time she had to kiss the guy. it's not like she didn't want to, but this would be her first kiss.
"I did, too; I want to do this again," he told her
"me too," she said, smiling as she nervously stared at him, waiting for him to lean in.
"I should get going, goodnight pretty," he told her as he began to walk away. leaving the girl dumbfounded. no kiss, no hug, nothing.
maybe he didn't have as much fun as she thought he did. making the girl feel like an idiot because she had the absolutely best time.
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hylkun · 2 days
★ cheating on you ateez
ot8 x fem!reader . angst . non-idol!au . lower case intended . strong language. mentions of intercourse.
you were beginning to get worried now. seonghwa told you he'd be home in an hour. that was at 8:00pm. it's nearly midnight and your boyfriend hasn't returned home yet. you decide to call one of his colleagues, hongjoong to see if he knows where seonghwa is.
"hi hongjoong, this is (name). did seonghwa leave yet?"
"oh, seonghwa? well, no, but I don't think you should come. he's really busy with work right now." hongjoong said, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"why not? don't worry, i'm on my way there now."
"no, wait--"
but it was too late. you'd already locked your door and made it to your car to drive and retrieve your boyfriend.
when you arrived hongjoong was already at the front door waiting for you. "look, you can't go up there. if you disturb him he'll get really angry."
"why are you stopping me from seeing my boyfriend? look, i'm going inside."
you ignore hongjoong's pleads to leave and open the door to seonghwa's office. and you wished you'd listened to him and just left then and there.
he was at his desk, between another woman's thighs, making out with her. is this is what had him so occupied?
"what the fuck, seonghwa?" you say softly, interrupting them and allowing them to finally acknowledge your presence.
"shit, this isn't what it looks like, i swear." seonghwa says but you're having none of it.
"fuck you, seonghwa," you say, removing the promise ring he gifted you and throwing it on the ground.
"i hope she's better."
finally, your 8 hour shift was over and you could return home to your boyfriend, hongjoong. to say you were tired was a understatement, as soon as your head hit the pillow you would fall asleep almost immediately.
you open the door to your apartment and it's deadly silent. wasn't hongjoong home today? maybe he's asleep, you think. you close the door behind you, take off your shoes and search for hongjoong.
you see your bedroom door is open by a crack and open it to see if hongjoong was asleep like you thought he was. but he certainly wasn't asleep, and neither was he alone.
in fact, he was in your bed, getting it on with some random girl you've never seen before.
hongjoong flinched at the sound of the door opening and quickly hid himself under the sheets, along with the girl.
"shit! i didn't know you were home already, babe," hongjoong said awkwardly as if he wasn't just caught in the act with another woman, by his own girlfriend. you were furious.
"is this what you do when you're not with me?"
you ask, your self control being held up by a thread. and that thread was close to snapping.
"answer me, hongjoong!" you yell, knocking a vase off of the coffee table and it shatters into countless shards. "how long have you been seeing her?" this time, the girl speaks up.
"3 months." that just made your blood boil even more.
"get the fuck out. both of you. i never wanna see you again."
today was you and yunho's anniversary, and you'd prepared a fancy dinner and a bubble bath for yunho when he'd got off of work, but he hasn't returned yet.
in a state of worry, you call him to make sure all is well and he's still on his way home.
"hey baby, where are you? the food is starting to get cold." you joke, waiting for him to answer.
but he doesn't respond. all you can hear are gasps and whines. "babe? you there?" but your internal questions were answered when a girl's voice moans out
your heart drops. he's not here because he's with someone else. no wonder. yunho finally realizes you're on the line and picks up the phone hastily. "umm, hey babe! were you on the line all this time?" he says, laughing awkwardly.
"it's fine. be with your girl." you tell him, before hanging up and throwing your phone across the room.
you were in a local cafe waiting for your order when you heard a chime, signaling that someone had entered the cafe. you turn your head on instinct, and you're surprised to see yeosang. he told you he was working today, so why would he be here now?
"yeosang? why are you here?" you ask him, but he looks at you and doesn't answer? is he okay? were your eyes deceiving you and it was actually someone really similar to your boyfriend?
turns out that wasn't the case. he was waiting on someone. a girl. she runs up to him and hugs him, then kisses him on his lips.
on. his. fucking. lips.
"babe, missed you so much!" she says before she notices you staring at both of them. "excuse me, can i help you or is there a problem?" she says, immediately switching her lovey-dovey personality to one of disgust.
"um, no. sorry." you say quickly and leave before you could even collect your coffee.
yeosang fucked up. and badly.
— SAN.
you two are on the couch, making out. things were getting steamy, until - san gets a phone call. you look at the contact name, and it reads 'naeun'. "who's naeun?" you ask, separating your lips from his.
"just a friend," he mutters before clicking accept on the call.
"i'm home, yeah."
"alright, on my way. i'll be there in half an hour."
is all he says before getting up to leave without telling you anything.
"where are you going, sannie?" you ask twiddling with the waistband of your sweatpants. "my friend needs me, sorry." is all he says before closing the door without a kiss or a hug goodbye.
your eyes tear up, knowing well who naeun is and what they were going to do.
but you love him, you can't leave him. so maybe it's okay.
you'd been on a business trip for 2 weeks, and you'd finally returned.
you were nothing but elated to finally see your boyfriend mingi in person instead of on facetime. he'd promised to meet you at the airport after you landed but he wasn't there.
maybe he is running late, you think. you sit on a nearby bench awaiting his arrival.
but, that was a bad idea, and you'd been there for nearly an hour.
you take out your phone and dial his number. however, to your surprise, instead of mingi picking up the phone, a girl did.
"sorry, (name), but your boyfriend is a little busy right now. with me."
she says, before hanging up and leaving you in the dark, lonely and heartbroken.
love is a scary thing, especially for you. you've had your heart broken multiple times, but wooyoung was there to help you heal. although it was a difficult process, he made you forget about all those losers in the past who took your love for granted.
and that's why your at his door right now. to appreciate him. you knock on the door to his apartment with gifts in both hands. however, a girl opens the door, covered in a towel as if she was in the shower.
"hello, can i help you?" she says, smiling sweetly unknown to the fact that you were wooyoung's girlfriend. or at least, supposed to be.
"um, i'm looking for someone named wooyoung. is he here?" you ask suspiciously, internally hoping that somehow you knocked on the wrong door.
"oh, my boyfriend!"
you heart dropped.
her boyfriend?
"wooyoung-ie, someone's here for you!" she yells out and you wish you would've just ran away. wooyoung comes by the doorway, in only his boxers and not expecting to see you.
"(name)? why didn't you tell me you were coming?" he asks quietly, as he can see your heart break in your eyes from the nth time.
he did it. he did what he promised he wouldn't do.
jongho had taken you to a party as his plus one, and it was easy to say you weren't exactly enjoying yourself.
it was loud and chaotic. two things you hated with a passion. you just hope that jongho would soon be ready to go home.
right now, they were playing truth or dare. you didn't want to play, so you just sat on the sidelines and spectated.
"jongho, truth or dare?" mark asks. jongho was a little tipsy, so he chose dare. "hmm, i dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room." jongho looks at you, and butterflies swarm in your stomach. you'd never kissed before, so needless to say you were nervous but also excited.
but, instead of kissing you jongho walks up to another girl and kisses her passionately on the lips.
in front you.
no wonder he never wants to initiate affection.
because he's doing it with somebody else.
— END. —
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ckret2 · 1 day
So just a thought or a mini theory. I don't remember if you mentioned this in the chapter or not because I was reading it half awake and a second away from completely disconnecting from the world Biden style (don't ask).
Bill knew about the execution. He can also see into the future and knowing him probably good at reading people, especially Ford. I agree with Ford on that. He knew he was getting executed from the start too. So that would give him a lot of time to plan ahead. What if he somehow found out how they were planning to kill him, and since he's hella smart, figured out a way to prevent it or trick them into thinking they killed him when they actually didn't. That or he just stuffed a pillow in his hoodie and hid elsewhere.
I don't remember a lot since my memory is about as big and fragile as a potato chip, but from what I at least I THINK I remember is: Bill can walk through doors.
So maybe that's how he managed to escape, but then I started to question how he would be able to get that dazzling outfit and prevent it from not getting ruined in the rain. So then (okay I admit, now) I remembered he had an umbrella. So now I'm just questioning how he got that, again, dazzling outfit. And I'm still thinking about other possibilities (I already have a few in mind).
Also please help I can't turn off the 'Ask anonymously' option idfk why 😭😭
tumblr is a functional website. if you can't come off anon but you want me to know who's sending the ask you can just like sign it with your username or something.
A detail to aid in your theorization: Bill can only walk through swinging doors that don't latch. His curse still prevents him from thinking of a way to open doors; so the only way for him to get into another room is to go "well then i'll just ignore the door," shut his eyes, walk through the doorway, and hope the door takes care of itself. If it's a loose swinging door, it'll get pushed open by his body when he walks into it. But if it's a latching door, he just smacks his face on it, looks stupid, and doesn't understand why the trick works sometimes but not others.
Soos repaired the attic bedroom door last chapter so it can't swing freely anymore. The only free-swinging door in the shack is from the living room into the gift shop.
Keep that in mind when theorizing 😉
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 days
Adding on to my previous ask, what do you think the others reaction to finding out about why Tim cut his hair and/or what it meant to him?
I feel like dick would feel so sad for ti and what he lost
Jason would feel even more regretful about the tower for the hair
Damian and Bruce I'm not sure
Cass would try to convince to grow his hair back again
(he never grew it out cause he didn't feel safe enough to do so)
Sorry if it's incomprehensible, I wrote with my face half squished into my pillow cause I had to get the thought out before I could fall asleep
For anyone wanting to read the OG post, here
Tim, in this AU, usually kept his hair up. Therefore, it's not a stretch to say he didn't tell the others how vital his hair was to his self-worth, connection to his parents, or reassurance that he's loved. Perhaps, in their ignorance, they even made comments on how Tim keeps his hair so long or seems to spend longer getting ready. It was meant as light-hearted teasing because they didn't know just how important his hair is to him.
The reveal for this AU depends on how much drama, tension, and angst you want.
Does it happen immediately after? If so, it might take awhile for Jason or Damian to care (just cause they don't like Tim at this point). There might be a wee bit of "damn" in their minds, but they have the realization much latter of how fucked up it was.
Does it happen after Tim has already forgiven Jason? Jason may not realize it's something he needs to apologize for and goes through the angst of thinking they aren't doing as good as he thought. Tim doesn't blame Jason because Tim made the choice to cut his hair. He was upset, which he's over by this point, but he never blamed Jason. However, Jason now blames himself and will need to work to forgive himself.
Now. How do the Bats respond/feel about this reveal?
As far as Dick and Damian, have you read the fic "Mama Bird (but its your big brother ready to fight god)" by Yellow_sprouts? The fic is by a Tumblr account I adore on here @batfambrainrotbeloved. Anyways, I love their concepts for chapter 4 here. It examines how Dick and Damian, due to their cultures and upbringing, see hair as something to cherish and spend time taking care of.
While in this hc/au I didn't tie Tim's feelings about his hair to cultural/spiritual beliefs, feel free to hc that. On the other hand, I feel like Damian and Dick might understand more or differently due to their own cultural thoughts about hair. Even if Tim's treatment and care of his hair isn't related to cultural beliefs, they might still understand just how important it is (especially if they grew up with their own loved ones [Mary and John Grayson and Talia] washing their hair, taking time to teach them about different products/treatment, and making the entire process a bonding/loving moment). It would be a huge deal if, after Damian and Tim start getting along, Damian offers to help Tim with his hair (which has grown quite a bit by this time).
Jason can also be tied into the cultural understanding if you'd like, or he could just process it as taking another thing from Tim he didn't realize was precious. If Jason also comes from a culture that cherishes hair, lots of angst to be explored there (maybe his feelings about commiting such a taboo but originally justifying it because hair probably doesn't mean the same thing to Tim). Jason having cultural or spiritual ties to hair could also fuck with his mental state and that white stripe. How can he do his self-care routines to the reminder of all that he's suffered through?
Cass has known from the beginning how much Tim's hair means to him. For timeline sake, let's say she appeared to the Bats after TT (otherwise, she would have hunted Jason down to beat his ass up). The two of them from the start use hair as a way to bond.
David Cain probably never taught Cass to value herself in that way. It's nice for Tim and Cass because no words are needed. They can feel the love and comfort through the actions and soft touches. Cass is taught to value herself, that even something like her hair is worthy of time and dedication. She is human, even down to her hair follicles.
This act has nothing to do with her abilities. While she should feel pride and accomplishment for the strength it took to utilize abilities given to her through pain/abuse into something for herself, this activity is about Cass being herself. Tim cares about her and wants to show her that no matter what she can and can't do. Cass is gone often like Tim's parents, but this moment of hair care is a constant reassurance of theirs.
Steph and Babs find out later. Maybe they are told about it by Cass sooner than the big reveal, but they don't tie it to what happened at TT. They also don't want to intrude on the intimate familial bonding of Tim and Cass during this moment, so they never try to invite themselves to it. After the reveal, Barbara invites Tim, Cass, and Steph over for a self-care day. It's not necessarily about hair (so as to not pressure Tim to share), but Tim appreciates the gesture.
Bruce depends on if he's a good dad or not in this.
For good dad Bruce, he is the definition of "doesn't really understand but trying." He stalks the Drakes' old finance records to find out what products they used to keep some in stock at the Manor. He does a ton of research on hair care and cultures (and ends up learning about how it might be important to Dick and Damian). He may be a bit overbearing and cross boundaries (by inserting himself into Tim's routine), but he is trying. After Tim tells him to back off, he does.
For Bad Dad Bruce, he's an asshole about it. Maybe he makes some comment about how Tim shouldn't keep his hair long anyways since it's a liability >:(
Tim probably can't get himself to allow it to grow long again until Bruce gets lost in the timestream. By virtue of simply not having enough time to cut it properly, it grows out. He almost cuts it off before he returns to Gotham, but he remembers how happy Cass was for him that it was long again.
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d1s1ntegrated · 22 hours
shigaraki x reader oneshot
includes: angst, pent up feelings, tomura being emo af, reader being soft, pretty sfw just some kissin :3
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
tomura isn't good with his emotions.
he's clingy, angsty, childish. he wants to win everything and he ignores whatever makes him human.
so when he realizes that having you around makes him feel things, he feels sick. he wonders if he's cursed, he wonders if his past is finally coming to haunt him. they way you laugh at his jokes, the softness to your voice when you speak with him, the scent of your hair as you walk past him. he's so fucking angry with you, he's so confused and hurt and doesn't understand why.
he sits across the room from you and stares. he can't peel his eyes from you. he ignores you when you ask if he's feeling alright, he just gets up and storms off. when you knock on his door a few minutes later, he slowly cracks the door and rolls his eyes. it's the last thing he needs, to see you when all he wants to do is forget you exist.
"shiggy, are you okay? you've been staring off all night. did one of us do something?" you ask him in that same pleasantly soft voice, and it hurts his head.
"i'm fine." he avoids your eyes, but stares daggers into your socks. he picks at his nails from his sides and shrugs. you can hear everyone else from the other room, laughing and yelling at each other, and wonder if you should just go back out and give tomura his space.
"i can leave, if you want. you don't seem to want company. i didn't mean to bother." you propose, but he looks you dead in the eyes now, and in the smallest voice, replies,
"okay." you nod and close the door behind you.
"do you want to talk about it?" you ask, and he shakes his head.
"just shut up and sit." he points to his messy bed, before shoving his piles of clothes off and fixing the duvet slightly. good enough.
"...okay." you comply, and sit. you go to speak but he cuts you off.
"y/n, do you think I'm sick?" he asks, and you look at him.
"what? that's the last thing i expected you to ask." you blink at him, confused.
"aren't you scared of me?" he asks another equally as odd question. you frown.
"if i was, do you think I'd be here?" he grits his teeth.
"yes, because you're reckless and impulsive and an idiot and i hate that." he starts, his tone annoyed.
"i mean you aren't wrong, but wh-" you try to reply, but he cuts you off.
"I'm not finished. don't cut me off." he snaps, but you nod and let him continue,
"i hate that you don't care. i hate that you laugh. i hate how you clean me up and you care for us and you're always here. every time i walk out the door i expect to come back and you're gone, but you're. always. here. you just don't leave! what is wrong with you, y/n, for you to be so stupid and naive, to care for people like us. like me. you're too soft. you're too...good. to be here." his voice cracks at the end, but his words are sharp as he speaks.
you stand and face him. his breathing is heavy, his hands shaking at his sides.
"im no better than you." your answer is simple, but it gets him to look you in the eye.
"why do you stay?" he is quieter now, like what he said before drained him.
you reach out and grab his gloved hand. he doesn't protest, but he winces. you squeeze his hand twice for reassurance, and you feel his hand untense slightly.
"because i want to." he looks to your hand touching his.
"why are you touching me?" he asks shakily.
"because i want to." you rub his hand with your thumb, feeling the roughness of his palm and the soft material of the glove.
"you aren't afraid?" he asks, his sanguine eyes blown wide from the contact. its not a new thing for you to touch him, but you don't do it often. usually only to path him up, or shove him playfully. never this...intimately.
you bring yourself closer to him and brush a strand of his soft hair out of his face. he shivers at the contact and clenches his jaw.
"are you?" you ask, and he scoffs.
"it feels like slow torture." he answers, and you're close enough to feel his breath on you.
"why's that?" you look up at him, your voice low, as if you're keeping a secret.
"because i know it's gonna end." he admits. your eyebrows raise, and you lock eyes.
"it doesn't have to, tomura." the sound of you saying his name makes him swallow hard.
"don't. don't say things like that, it pisses me off, i know it's a lie, i know you'll leave eventually and i don't want to deal with that." he pleads, his hand shaking in yours. you shake your head.
"i'm not leaving. i'm not afraid of you." you whisper now, but you release his hand and just hold your gaze on him.
"y/n. don't." he hushes, as if someone's watching. but the door is closed, everyone else is drinking and shouting still, too distracted with themselves to notice either of them are gone.
"i don't think you're a monster." you say, and it's enough for him to stop caring. his anger for you, his disdain for your stubbornness, his frustrations, all fizzle out into force, and he presses himself against you, his rough lips meet yours hastily, messily. he throws all of his preconceptions out the window as he grabs your face and kisses you. the tension that stood the few inches between you before, is swallowed up in the moment, and neither of you care. the air is heavy, your mind spinning. he tastes like sour apples and smoke, and suddenly it's all you can focus on. he smells subtly of the ocean, and you feel like you're drowning. you refuse to pull away, instead, you wrap your arms around the back of his neck and allow him to consume you. his kisses are hungry, desperate even, and uncoordinated. your teeth clash together and you laugh, but he still doesn't pull away. his hands move down to wrap around your waist, his fingers trailing down your sides and grabbing and tugging whatever he can.
finally, you both pull away for a breath, and you meet his eyes. they're wide, unsure. he opens his mouth to speak, but can't find the words, so you answer his unasked question before he finds the words.
"I'm not leaving still. if that wasn't confirmation enough, we can do that again, if you aren't sure" you smile as you say it, and he nods.
"i might need to double check" he smirks, and you allow him to pull you back in, smiling to yourself as his lips plant back onto yours.
if this is how it feels to be sick, tomura never wants to recover.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
my first one-shot! be nice i lowkey suck at proof reading :3 but anyways ye enjoy some soft angsty tomu and reader, and lmk if yall want either MORE of this or others!
also im working on a full-blown fic!
i won't go into detail, but its online to irl, slow burn, kinda not enemies but two angry ppl to lovers, and its obv shiggy x reader. :) ill prob post at least snippets here, and prob on my ao3 once i have a few chapters ready to go. so stay tuned!!
thanks yall <3
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mrsbarnesxxx · 2 days
Either poly!marauders x fem!reader or remus lupin for characters!<3
Reader talks back in public to them/him and gets told off or yelled at or punished(😏😏😏)
Hope your day goes swell love!
A/N: I absolutely loved this request! I'm always a bit lost on how to write actual smut, so I'm sorry!
Warnings: Suggestive content, hints at poly! relationship, cursing?
His brow quirked at your words, "You wanna say that again love?"
"I said I don't have to listen to you." You repeat. You don't know why you were acting this way. It's not like the request he made was unreasonable. It wasn't like he asked you to stand on your head and juggle.
He nods, jaw clenching and unclenching. "Love, I'm only going to ask you one more time."
"I already told you, I don't need a jacket." You say crossing your arms. You hadn't chosen the best place to have this argument either. The two of you were currently standing in the middle of the common room, his friends standing behind him. It wasn't like you were being quiet either. For some reason his request infuriated you, it was like he thought if he said jump you were supposed to jump right then.
"Love, it's 30 degrees outside. You need a jacket or else you'll get sick." You ignored him. You wouldn't even look at him. His jaw tightened once again before he turned around smiling at his friends. "Why don't you guys go along without us. We'll meet you there." He said through tight lips and even his friends knew not to ignore him.
That got your attention. You were in trouble now, you felt the blood rush from your face, you got dizzy at what those implications could be.
They nodded and headed through the portrait hole, muttering quietly to themselves.
"Let's go find you a jumper, love." He says grabbing your wrist and guiding you upstairs. His grip wasn't tight, he didn't want to hurt you.
"Which one do you want love?" He asks holding up two jumpers. You point to a tan and brown patterned one. He helps you slip it over your head before pressing a kiss to your head and pulling you back downstairs. The two of you walk to Hogsmeade in silence. You're honestly shocked you're still going. Usually by now, he'd have you bent over his lap, ass covered in handprints, but instead, he guides you gently into the three broomsticks and over to a table with his friends.
He stays like this for the afternoon. It's almost like he's forgotten about your attitude...almost. You know he'd never let it slide, but for now, you soak in his attention and kind touches.
By the time you make it back to the common room, you've forgotten about your argument with Remus this morning. That is until you bid them goodnight, kissing Remus on the cheek and heading for the stairs. Remus's hand encircles your wrist as you walk away.
He tuts softly, hand combing through your hair gently, "Didn't think I'd forgot, did you poppet?" He whispers into your ear causing goosebumps to arise across your body. "Can't let you get away that easily. Come on."
He pulls you up to the dorms, the others had already headed up there. You couldn't even imagine what he had planned. You guys reach the dorm and he pulls you into a passionate kiss. You melt into him, shocked at how soft he's being with you. It only causes your anxiety to build at what he has planned.
He drags you to the bed and pulls you so you're on top of him. Your back resting against his chest. He spreads your legs over his own. Your skirt riding up exposing your panties to everyone. You frantically try to cover yourself, but Remus catches your hands holding them down.
"No love. Let them see. Let them watch as I tease you. As I bring you to the edge of pleasure only to deny you. As your pussy flutters around nothing, desperate to be filled." He says loud enough for them to hear, his hand coming tom trace lazily over your clothed cunt.
"Get comfortable boys, it's going to be a long night." He says addressing his friends. The others didn't know who they wanted to be more. Remus as he started kissing down your neck, or you as you sat there, being tortured by Remus.
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livesworthlivingau · 2 days
Lives Worth Living Chapter 18
ISAT/Two Hats Spoilers below. CW: Suicidal Ideation/Mention, Intrusive Self-Depricating Thoughts, Verbal Abuse, Hacking up blood, just very emotionally painful themes and tones.
(The lightless void... You're back here... You kneel and hold yourself close, shaking. Tears streak down the right side of your face again. No no no no no no! Not here! Not now!! You have to get out, you have to wake up, you have to get away! You look around frantically, trying desperately to find an exit, some sign of difference, anything but- oh no...)
(You run in the lightless void, even darker with your eye closed, just sprinting in whatever direction you faced. You can't manage to keep up the pace for long, but you think hopefully you lost it somehow. Just as you begin to slow to a stop you feel a hand suddenly grip your shoulder, clenching down like a vice as you cry out in shocked pain.)
(You spot it in the distance, the dark cloaked and hatted figure, approaching with silent footsteps. The dark reflection of yourself, here to replace the bright one you had lost.)
(You stumble back, staring in absolute horror as it keeps growing closer. Nonononono... Not you, not again... You shut your eye tight and turn the other way, starting to run as fast as you can manage. It can't get you if you can't see it, right? It's not real, just ignore it!)
(Your eye shoots open at that voice, immediately getting blurry from more tears forming.)
"Loop..." (You whisper out, unable to stop yourself from turning to face it. You're met face to face with that horrid sadness. Its wide, unblinking eye staring deep into your very soul, darkless and lightless in all the wrong places. It opens its mouth as loop's voice flows out of it.)
["Stardust... You only needed to help me with one simple thing. Get us out of the loops. That's all I wanted from you. And you couldn't even manage that~."]
(Their voice tears into your heart like the knife that once entered it. You choke out a few sobs before falling to your knees, collapsing against the figure and hugging its lower half.)
"Loop... Loop I'm so sorry..."
["Honestly, Stardust, it's a wonder I made it as long as I did~."]
["I did it because of you, you know! You drove me to it, teehee~. I could barely stand a two day loop with you, how could I bear thirty years? You're terrible, terrible, terrible, stardust~! Imagine having to be stuck watching you crawl your way through the decades, just to watch you repeat a cycle..."]
-"Of erasing my change."- (Mira...)
<"Of never letting me grow up."> (Bonbon...)
|"Of breaking my heart."| (Isa...)
="Of letting me die."= (Odile...)
(The tears flow down your face and soak into the figures cloak, just shaking and sobbing.)
"I-I'm so sorry I couldn't help you..."
[""Oh, stardust... You already have. Don't you see? It's your fault I'm gone. There's no longer a Loop in this universe, and I couldn't be happier about it! All you had to do was love me, and accommodate me, and include me in your lurid little life until I wanted to kill myself~."]
"N-No... No that's not true!" (You cry out, pulling away, starting to stand and walk back away from it.)
["Of course it is~! You were so gracious too, ready to hand me the Fighter's heart without so much as asking him. Aren't you the worst, Stardust~? Only one loop in and you're already back to treating your family like playthings, teehee~!"]
<"You'd know, Frin... You lie all the time!!! You lied about our super duper wish promise!!! You said you wouldn't make yourself loop and you CRABBING LIED!!!">
(The cold sensation in your body grows even colder at that.)
"B-Bonnie... N-No, I-I didn't! I-I couldn't, I swear!"
["It wouldn't be the first promise you broke, stardust. Remember when you promised not to tell anyone about our past? And then you went right to the Researcher and spilled your withered little heart out~."]
"SHUT UP!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!" (You scream, making a scissors sign and swiping frantically at it. It doesn't react in the slightest as a flash of craft slices through it.)
="I'm glad you would trust me with those kinds of secrets, Siffrin. Researching your predicament is going to be the only thing I enjoy about your company for the next thirty years."=
-"When can we move on, Siffrin? You're not going to put our lives on hold just so you can figure out these new loops, are you?"-
"I CAN'T- I-I- IT'S NOT MY FAULT! I-I'M SORRY!" (You scream, gripping your hair and pulling on it, falling to your knees again as you feel the tears continue to pour down the right side of your face.)
["Oh, but it is, stardust! You made that wish, after all! You wished to stay with them! You wished to trap them together with you until they had no choice but to love you and stay with you!"]
"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!" (You cry out, slashing out with your scissor sign again and again and again, the most you manage is to blow their cloak around the slightest bit...)
|"You keep playing with my heart, Sif. You had your dagger ready, why didn't you use it? Were you just waiting for me to come through the door? So you could make me pity you more than I already do?"|
"SHUT IT YOU BLINDING MONSTER!!!!" (You have to get out of here, you have to escape! YOU HAVE TO GET FREE! You look around for something, anything, there has to be a way out of here! You turn around and start running again, just hoping for some time to think.)
(You feel around for your dagger, you can't find it anywhere. Isa took it from you. He took your way out. He trapped you in here because he cared about you. You run yet again, but everywhere you turn, you see it again, slowly getting closer each time you double back.)
(With one last turn, it's hand lurches forward, gripping your throat again as you choke out, struggling and kicking. You're quickly slammed to the ground, knocking the wind out of you, gasping violently to try and recover.)
["Maybe us Siffrins should stick together, stardust. Why don't you join me?"]
(You fall limp under it... Maybe it was right... maybe you should just put an end to all of this...)
"L-Loop..." (You let out in a pained whisper.)
["It's better being dead, Stardust. Take it from Loop, helpful Loop~ The life of Siffrin isn't worth living. Your little family will be better off without you taking up so much space in their lives~."]
(... It's true... you've consumed so much of their lives in the past 30 years, and this time it's only going to get worse... Maybe they would be better off...)
["Isn't that so much easier? To just accept you'll never truly be worth loving~. I don't know why that silly Fighter of yours bothers so much. You must have done quite a number on that poor man to make him so obsessed with you~."]
(... Isa... You grip at its wrist as its hand remains around your throat. The figure tilts its head some at this.)
["Awww, is my little Stardust getting a second wind? You're so pathetic~."]
(It grips your throat tighter. You choke out, struggling and squirming in it's grasp. You have to get out of here, you have to find a way, you have to make it back... You have to make it, for Isa, for all of them...)
["You were soooo close~. Just one little wish away, so why fight it now? You're so much cuter with that sad, defeated look plastered across your face~."]
(It remarks, lifting you up and slamming you back to the ground again, hacking up some blood. You wheeze and choke for air, kicking about frantically. Get out get out get out get out get out!!! Your mind races, digging for something, anything to help you get out of here... and then you remember it, that visceral shade. The one that lit up the sky on that last loop, the one that flashed in your mind when you said it's name...)
["You better get comfortable Stardust, because I'm going to enjoy killing you over and over and over again! No escape this time~!"]
(Before it can manage to lift you up again, you shout the name of your home. Everything goes to that color as it fills your mind and vision. Once it fades you can hear your own screams, hacking up the same shade across the floor, looking up to see the figure stumbling back in a daze. It's working... it hurts like hell but it's working.)
(You shout it again with another flash. Your senses slowly return again, shaking violently, hacking up more of that bright blood. You weakly look towards the figure as it had fallen to it's knees, the air around it like static, buzzing and glitching, like the house reacted on your last loop. One more time... that has to do it...)
"---------!!!" (Your senses fade again, for much longer this time. When they finally return to you, you're screaming out, on your hands and knees on your bed. You hack up more, staining the sheets with the horrible tint.)
"SIF?!" (You turn to see Isa practically having kicked the door down. You weakly reach your hand out for them, gasping and choking for air, still hacking up more and more of that horrid shade.)
"S-Siffrin!" (Mira shouts as she rushes in as well, Odile is standing at the door still, holding back a struggling Bonnie.)
"Let me see Frin!!"
"Not now Boniface, let them help first."
"FRIIIIN! IT'S OKAY WE'RE HERE!!" (Odile shuts the door behind her as she exits the room. Isa is tightly gripping your hand in his, Mirabelle is pumping as much healing craft as she can into you. You did it... you made it out... you escaped, thanks to the love they have for you...)
"Isa... Mira..." (Is all you can manage to choke out, laying somewhat limp against him.)
"Shhh, shhh, save your strength buddy. We're here, we're here for you..." (You let him hold you gently, just enjoying his warm embrace again. You slowly close your eyes to rest once more, feeling safe from the sadness locked within you, at least for now.)
Huge thanks to @tactical-shrubbery for helping me with the dialogue for MDP, she is SIMPLY TOO GOOD AT IT! I actually had to change the ending because Sif would have literally give up if she kept going ^^;
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strayseraphine · 12 hours
I regret saying that I love you | one shot
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pairing: choi san x fem!reader
summary: Being in a "more than friends less than a couple" relationship is hard for you, especially when the person you're with is one of the most wonderful you've ever met. Despite your best efforts, you can't handle it, so you make a heartbreaking decision. mostly angst, a bit of fluff in the end, hurt/comfort
3 426 words
the one shot is also avaliable on ao3
This might not be the best what I have written, but I had to. I did it for myself to have a happy ending that I might not have in real life, I just had to get some tings off my chest.
choi san masterlist | general masterlist | stranger things masterlist
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"What's up, dear?" San's voice broke the silence. His warm hand gently glided up and down your arm, fingertips barely touching it yet you felt as if they were leaving a burning trail behind. It burned as much as your throat tightened from the lump that grew and caused tears to fill your eyes. Despite how hard you tried to bear it all, despite how hard you tried to push your feelings aside...you couldn't handle it anymore. It was too strong.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go now." You stood up and started picking up clothes from the floor. "I feel sick."
"Hey, in that case, you should stay, let me take care of you." he said grabbing your wrist. Although the room was dark, you could see the gentle pout on his face, which squeezed your heart even tighter. You snatched your wrist from his hand, dressed quickly, and left his apartment saying only a weak "sorry" goodbye.
Your phone didn't stop buzzing in the cab, you knew it was him, but you didn't dare answer it. When you entered your apartment, you saw 7 missed calls and even more messages you didn't read.
you: just entered the house, I'm going to bed. Good night.
After sending the message, you turned off the phone and immediately moved towards your bed, where you felt safe enough to finally let out the emotions that were tearing you apart from the inside. 
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You sat on the big leather couch listening to the samples that Hongjoong planned to add to the new songs, you knew each other since childhood, he knew he could trust you, so before and during the debut and long after it you were always present in his life, you were like siblings to each other. This is how you met San. San, whose name appeared on your phone screen for the tenth time today. The memory of last night was still fresh and painful. You locked your phone and put it face down. Hongjoong stopped the music and looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"Have you suddenly become a billionaire or do these constant phone calls have to do with the San asking everyone if they know what you're doing and where you are?" he asked.
You didn't answer.
"y/n... we've known each other since forever, do you think I'm that stupid and blind not to notice that there's something between you two?" he didn't let go.
"I don't know what to tell you..." you said quietly looking at the floor. You knew that what was between you and a member of his group would not please him, because both you and San were like family to him. You didn't want to put him between a hammer and an anvil.
"I really don't want to pressure you, but-"
Hongjoong didn't have time to finish his sentence when San appeared in the doorway.
"y/n please talk to me," he said, ignoring the leader.
"I'll leave you two alone."
As the door closed behind your friend the atmosphere started to get too tense. Your heart was pounding like crazy and starting to hurt. The pain you felt was connected to the realization that this is the end. Everything is going to end right here and now.
San sat next to you on the couch, but did not look in your direction. He too was aware that today would not have its happy ending.
"What do you want to know?" you asked quietly.
"What's going on? Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" the questions came from his mouth awfully fast, you knew he had been thinking about them since the night before, you knew that, like you, he hadn't slept a wink through it, you knew he was worried, and that was killing you even more.
"I can't take it anymore San..." you said, interrupting his verbosity. "It's already too much for me. I thought I could handle it, that I was strong enough, but I can't. I can't do this anymore."
Hearing your breaking voice, his heart slowly began to break as well. He thought that what was between you gave you joy, but now he realized that he was also hurting you, and that was the last thing he wanted to do to you. "Talk to me please, we've always been able to talk about problems, it's something that makes us strong, remember? Our strength." He turned to face you. His eyes were filled with tears.
"Do you remember when we started to be much closer with each other?" you asked.
"Of course."
"Back then I thought a relationship was the last thing I wanted. I didn't feel ready, the very thought of letting someone close made me scared and uncomfortable. But then suddenly something changed between us. You showed me that not every guy in the world is a complete asshole. You made me feel accepted, not judged, appreciated, you made me feel loved, San. You were an amazing friend to me, and when we started spending more time together...when we listened to music together, played games together, watched anime and dramas, the way you devoted your free time to me made me feel important. Even when you were on the tour and we were hundreds of miles apart, our online conversations, falling asleep together with the stupid cam on, the way you started calling me all those pet names, writing good morning and good night messages, the way you didn't hide it and reminded me that you were thinking of me, that you liked looking at my pictures, when you reminded me that I was important to you..." You didn't know if each word brought you relief or more pain. "I don't even remember when our innocent hugging turned into all those kisses, and it went even further, it all happened so terribly fast, but I wanted it so badly... The worst part is that it wasn't just because of that that I fell in love with you, I fell in love with you seeing what a wonderful person you are, and that hurts me even more."
"Y/n... I thought we already talked about this..."
"I know we talked about it, but you wanted to hear everything."
"Okay, go on."
"You have a heart of gold, San. Sometimes too good, and in truth you deserve the best of everything. The goodness you have in you is huge, and I feel damn grateful to have you in my life, but there is one thing I regret."
"What?" He, too, was no longer able to hold back tears.
"I regret saying that I love you."
This sentence was like a powerful punch to his stomach. 
"Before I said anything you never held back your affection toward me, and since I did, I've noticed that it's much less, less often, and I can't stand how it hurts anymore. You gave me something beautiful, and then it was less and less..."
"No. Maybe it's stupid but do you remember what bedtime messages from you looked like in the beginning? As time went on, you stopped using even silly hearts, and later you didn't even let me know if you were going to bed at all anymore. You know me San, you know that I pay attention to details, you know that I notice changes in behavior and you know how it affects me, so you know perfectly well that in your case, especially in your case, I won't miss it either."
"I'm sorry..."
"When I confessed to you how I felt and asked you who you thought we were, you said more than friends but less than a couple. And I agreed with you because that's what we are, but I can't do it anymore. Especially since I did it there are times when you don't respond to my affection. It hurts San, it hurts more than the rejection because I don't know what's going on, I feel lost at that point. I feel like the closer you get to know me the less you like me just don't know how to tell me. I feel like you were driven by a momentary fascination with me in the beginning and now it's slowly disappearing, but still, sometimes there are flashes. These flashes every time make me forget this awful feeling and I am happy again, I cling so terribly to these moments of closeness and warmth that you are able to give me... I understand your situation and I understand that you don't want to be in a relationship with me, but I can no longer maintain the kind of relationship we are in." San looked at you with pain in his eyes. His silence spoke more than a thousand words. "Y/n, I never wanted you to feel hurt," he said.
"That's not the point, San, I just can't live in uncertainty any longer. Sooner or later you'll find someone, and I won't be able to stand by and watch if I don't get rid of the feelings I have for you right now."
He lowered his gaze, and his shoulders slumped inertly. "I understand," he whispered. "I didn't want to hurt you. I always wanted to be a support for you, someone you could count on."
"I appreciate that, I really do, and you were that person for me. You were a wonderful friend, but that's what happens when friends start acting like a couple without being one. You're a great person, San, and to be clear... I don't regret what happened between us, because you really opened my eyes in some aspects. The only thing I regret is that I wasn't able to keep my feelings secret, if it wasn't for that, your behavior wouldn't have changed and maybe somehow things would have turned out differently, maybe I would have been able to hold out longer, but the fact that you are aware of my feelings and we can't do anything about it is too hard for me to bear."
The silence between you was long and heavy. San finally raised his eyes "Can we still be just friends? I need you in my life y/n." he asked quietly. "I still have you in my heart."
"For this moment, no. I'm sorry."
"y/n, please don't leave-"
"I'm sorry." You said running out of the studio.
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Days passed, and he felt increasingly lonely. He recalled every moment spent with you, your laughs together, your conversations, the nights spent on the webcam when you were far away from each other. He would give up a lot now to be able to call you and fall asleep seeing each other on the small cell phone screen. Every day without you was a void he couldn't fill. Your absence was like a wound that refused to heal. He tried to focus on his work, on his music, but everything seemed pointless. Every song he tried to write, every note he played, reminded him of you. He began to realize that his world was incomplete without you. He missed your presence, your smile, your voice, your warmth. 
He was sitting in his room, going through your old messages and shared photos. You were right - the further he scrolled, the fewer of them there were. 
San: You deserve someone who hugs you when you're down, who reciprocate your love language, who brushes your hair and appreciates you
San: I appreciate you so so much and you deserve every good thing coming your way
San: Communicating with you is really easy, being able to communicate and being understanding makes us strong 🩷 Overall I'm very happy with u and appreciate your personality a lot
San: Just know that you are loved, your feelings are valid, I appreciate you a lot and you get all the affection I could give 🩷 sleep tight and nice dreams only tonight!
San: Okay but since we gotta go I really want to finish this on a positive note, you're such a beautiful person with a pretty personality. I'm glad we got closer like this, I appreciate you so so much, you've become a comfort person for me, stay how you are 🩷 Good night and sleep tight, much love!
San: I’m thinking of you all the time 24/7, every day of the week
Why did he stop?
His feelings for you never changed, so why did he limit showing how important you are to him from the moment you confessed your feelings to him? The further he went, the more apparent it became that the effort put into your relationship appeared mostly on your part. His were sporadic, sudden, definitely not as frequent as in the beginning.  He could not understand it. After all, the realization that someone loved and missed him was filled with positive feelings, it was not scary for him, not when he thought of you. Maybe it was because he knew he couldn't give you what you wanted? That he couldn't give you more? But actually why couldn't he? After all, he wanted to. He wanted you to be his, he wanted to be yours, he wanted to remind you without restraint how important you were to him and hold you in his arms whenever he had the chance to do so.
Why couldn't he see earlier how much he loved you?
Slowly he began to analyze your entire relationship. With each memory, he began to realize that his feelings for you were deeper than he ever wanted to admit. All those moments when he thought he was just protecting you were actually moments when he was hiding his true feelings. You never had a problem reminding him that, according to you, he was a wonderful person, and ironically you couldn't see that wonderfulness in yourself.
You were always there for him when he needed you. When others turned away from him, you were always ready to listen to him and wipe away his tears. At times when disagreements arose between you, you were always able to talk about everything and clarify. He remembered how your words were able to comfort him, how your messages were something that made him feel not alone on the other side of the world.
you: I hope you are having sweet dreams right now, remember that you are a wonderful person with a heart of gold, you deserve to be happy, you deserve the best. You are loved and you are not alone, when you read this in the morning... have a happy Friday Sannie 🩷
you: remember that you are loved and you deserve everything what's best, nasty mood happens but it will pass, it is not permanent, I am here for you
Simple words. However, he knew that they always came straight from your heart, that they were sincere and genuine. They were the ones that always made his heart wrap itself in pleasant warmth. You also deserved such messages, and the fact that he stopped writing them to you even when you needed them made him feel even worse. He let you down, somewhere along the way he stopped showing how he felt thinking it was obvious, but even if it was obvious, that was no reason to stop showing it. 
Now that he lost you, he couldn't stop thinking about how your laughter filled his heart with joy. Every small gesture, every warm word - all of it reminded him how special you were and how much it hurt him not to have you.
He realized that his fears and anxieties were irrational. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to give you what you wanted, but in reality, it was you who gave him more than he could ever imagine. Your love and devotion were priceless. However, sometimes we fail to appreciate the treasure we have unless we lose it.
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San sat in his room, looking at his phone, which still lay idle in his hand. He stared at the black screen hoping that your name would immediately appear on the screen. He felt overwhelmed with emotion and helplessness. 
"San, you need to pull yourself together," Hongjoong said one evening as they sat in the studio. "It can't keep going on like this."
He shrugged his shoulders without raising his eyes. "It's okay, I just need some time." Pretending to handle the situation was becoming increasingly difficult for him.
"It's not just 'some time,'" Wooyoung said. "You're shutting yourself away, avoiding everyone, and it's clear that this situation is wearing you down."
San finally raised his gaze, and his eyes were full of pain. "It's too late now. I have destroyed everything. I wanted the best for her, and instead I broke her heart."
Yunho, who was always a good listener, put his hand on his shoulder. "Maybe it's not too late. You need to talk to her. If you love her, you have to give yourself one last chance, everything can be fixed."
"I failed her." he whispered.
Jongho interjected firmly. "Everyone makes mistakes, San. But true love deserves to be fought for. Think about how much y/n means to you. Do you really want to lose her because you're afraid? Do you remember how many times she fought for you? When you were having worse times and she sensed that you might be drifting apart? Then she always fought to make sure it didn't happen, now it's your turn."
"Now the situation is different..."
"Bullshit." Hongjoong interjected. "I didn't like the idea of you two together, but what happens when you're apart is even worse. Y/n doesn't deserve a part of your heart, she deserves it and you in full, if you know you are able to give it to her, if you want to give it to her, do something about it. Do something before it's too late."
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A few days later, San gathered his courage. He went to your apartment, ready to be honest. When he stood in front of your door, his heart was beating like crazy. He pressed the bell and waited, feeling how every second seemed like an eternity. You opened the door, and your surprise was obvious. "San? What are you doing here?"
"We need to talk, y/n," he said, looking you straight in the eye. "Please, give me a moment to explain."
You invited him inside, and he sat down on the couch, feeling the tension rising. "I realized that I love you, but I was afraid of this feeling. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to give you everything you wanted. But now I know that I want to be with you. I want to give you everything I have. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you. Please give me one more chance."
"I am so sorry, y/n."
"San, I need to know that you can be honest and open about our feelings. I need to know that you are sure of what you are saying."
He took your hands in his, looking deeply into your eyes. "I promise I will be. I want us to build our future together. I love you, y/n, and I never want to lose you again. I know it won't be easy, but I want to try. I am more than sure of it, y/n, you are worth it, you are worth everything."
You were silent for a moment, listening to him with mixed emotions in your heart. His words sounded sincere however, you could not forget the pain you had experienced, but at the same time you saw and appreciated how hard San was trying to explain his feelings.
"San... It was very difficult for me. I thought I had lost you forever."
"I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't want you to suffer. I was a coward because I was afraid I wasn't ready for the kind of relationship you deserve."
You nodded, trying to deal with your emotions. "I still love you, Sannie." you whispered after a moment.
He lifted your hands to his lips and kissed them gently. "I promise to try to be better for you."
You took his face in your hands and wiped the tears from your cheeks with your thumbs, then moved closer to him and rested your forehead against his. "Just be yourself."
A slight smile appeared on his face, and a moment later his lips found yours. Finally, everything was in the right place.
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lover-of-mine · 1 day
I was actually the anon that did blame Tommy for leaving Buck behind. You did correct me and I admitted yeah OK I see your point and have forever left that subject alone because you were right. I try to employ that technique all the time now.
But I will say this. I can't tell if I'm just hating on that last dinner scene and your thoughts.
I love cooking Buck for his Diaz boys. It's a love language. He likes to ease one burden foe Eddie a bit you know. You know he sends left overs home. Spends time bonding with Chris in the kitchen. It's like love, it's doesn't bother me to watch.
But I cringed at the implications of you just had an emotional roller coaster but still I need to make my apartment romantic and make you dinner because I am baby gurling you. I was just like yuck.
I would have to confess, though, when I was 20, I dated someone who was 31. Yeah, no, I get it now. Trust me. But I was so eager to impress and seem older. These are yes, the things I would do. No matter the situation, exhausted from mid terms, clean, light candles make the meal, clean up, no you relax, want a massage after sexy time. Like I look back at who I was, and I know why Taylor Swift wrote All To Well. Because even when I broke up with him, he was like peace out. So I could be projecting here!
I feel like the whole I didn't agree with you, but you explained you point, I realize where you are coming from and changed my beliefs around new information or perspective, is something that a lot of people just... ignore. There's this necessity to be louder lately and that's exhausting oaksasokasas I'm glad I could provide a different view on that scene.
My thing with the dinner is that the dinner makes sense but it is just two steps to the left from actually being cute, following the pattern with most bt scenes. Buck likes to cook, so I see him wanting to cook to unwind after a stressful day. I also respect the decision to unwind with the person he's dating at his own home because he had a rollercoaster of a day and probably wouldn't want to go to a restaurant or something, because that would require a level of effort from him that can be remedied with that being a home date, dude didn't even change. As someone who stress bakes, I understand if Buck stress cooks, and insisted on cooking. Tommy does notice Buck is having feelings, he asks if Buck is okay, and Buck opens up, but then the feeling of the scene takes a turn with the jealousy comment that leads to the "God, I hope so" and makes the scene feel very 😬😬. My opinion with that scene is that it could still have the same minute of runtime and build on their emotional connection without major changes. Having Tommy reach for Buck's hand on top of the table, not starting the part where Tommy talks about his own father "I have to admit, I'm a little bit jealous", he could've said that with something going like "I can't really understand how you're feeling, my dad and I don't really talk, and when I was at the 118, I had Gerrard. Which did not make me a better person." It's the same information, it reminds the audience how bad Gerrard is, and doesn't give that "huh" feeling to the scene. I can't tell you that the way I feel that scene lacks effort from Tommy is just based on my expectations of the level of effort I want from one of Buck's love interests tho. Because we know Tommy is not opposed to a higher level of effort, see the Vegas fight with Eddie (I don't seriously think he was wooing Eddie, they have similar interests and that makes the effort easier, that's my takeaway). But the thing is, since that is the thing we first see, Tommy flying Eddie to Vegas, I keep waiting for him to fly Buck to Vegas, yk? Not literally, obviously, but it bugs me that he didn't dress up, that he didn't tell Buck about the soot (I will forever say there's a ridiculously cute scene where Tommy cleans Buck's face at the hospital that was RIGHT THERE, and they didn't do), he's at Buck's house and Buck cooked. It makes him seem passive in the relationship in a sense, I guess. Like he's still figuring out why he's there at all. And it bothers me.
But I'm with you with the personal bias, my age gap was the traditionally problematic type since I was 15 and he was 20, and there are a lot of differences with the way I was still a teenager, but that feeling of I need to look older, act older, I am frustrating him if I don't do this, it does exist a lot I understand why you would see this aspect on the way Buck acts, especially when you've been a relationship like that, and Buck is a very eager to please person, it's easy to see that people taking advantage of the situation. I guess even if considering they are both over 30 with their lives in place, so the age gap is not really going to be a problem unless they make it a problem. That's an aspect of them I also have complicated feelings for.
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CW: Gender dysphoria and unexpected periods
Remus didn't feel well. It hadn't happened in months. And Remus thought that he had finally got rid of that horrible torture. But when he went to take a piss during the night, he was surprised to see his trousers stained with red.
Remus was too shocked to move and stayed in the loo for a while as tears dropped down his face silently. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair! Remus had been three months on T.
When he was able to move again, he sneaked out of the dorm in search for Poppy. She was the only was who he trusted with something like that. Even though it was still very embarrassing.
Poppy was very comprehensive providing Remus with tampons and pain killers.
Remus didn't know how he managed to return back to bed without waking up the boys. He shared dorm with the most cool three boys he had met. It was thanks to his old friendship with Sirius that gave him access their friend group. They were truly amazing. And Remus was just so embarrassed to even think about them finding out. Of course Sirius knew he was trans since he met his old self. But Remus didn't want anyone else in that school to know. He just wanted to pass as a cis boy and fit in.
The next morning, as the boys woke up and started to get ready for school, Remus stayed in bed hiding under the covers, ignoring James's insistant calls. It got to the point where James got irritated for being ignored. But Remus wasn't planning of getting out of bed anytime soon.
"Care to wake your sleepy stubborn friend, Pads?" James groaned as Sirius finally came out of the shower "We're missing breakfast"
Remus's eyes filled with tears. He felt guilty and sad but he couldn't move. This awful thing was painful.
"Don't worry, Prongsie" Remus heard Sirius’s voice with amusement "I'll take care of the sleepy head. You go ahead"
"I'm sorry but I'm starving!" James exclaimed with a sigh. Remus heard footsteps towards the door.
"Oi! Wait for me, Prongs!" Peter called out as he jogged after James "Hurry up, I won't save you breakfast again, pretty boy!" he added quickly as he closed the door behind him.
It had become a routine for Sirius and Remus to stay behind every morning. Sirius took ages in the shower, and took his time getting ready, and  Remus was a sleepy head who struggled to get on his feet. Plus, James and Peter didn't have the patience to wait for them. Sometimes they did and they all got late for breakfast. Most times they didn't and they saved Remus and Sirius something to eat.
Though today, Remus wished Sirius had gone with the other boys. He was too ashamed to face Sirius right now. Sirius, the boy Remus had a big crush on. Sirius, the boy he might be falling in love with. Again.
Sirius was so gorgeous and perfect. So manly and sexy. Remus was so pathetic. He hated his stupid feminine body. He hated that he was born a girl.
Remus closed his eyes wishing that way Sirius would disappear.
"Come on, handsome. We are really late"
Remus's nostrils felt Sirius’s fresh shampoo giving him a strange desire to get closer and sniff harder. It was bloody delicious.
"Nut guin' " Remus mumbled under the covers.
"What was that?"
Remus took a deep breath "I said I am not going!" he snapped "Tell the teachers I feel sick or something"
"Are you really sick, Moony? Want me to get Pomfrey?" Remus heard the concern on Sirius’s voice. And Remus hated him for it.
"Just go, Sirius! Leave me alone"
Remus could feel Sirius’s presence leaning towards him.
"Can you at least tell me what's wrong with you?"
"Told you, I'm sick"
"But with what?" Sirius asked "Flue? Headache? Bellyache?"
It felt worse than those maladies. Remus knew girls went through it every month without a problem. But Remus was not a girl.
"Just fuck off, Sirius!!"
Remus felt guilty by the irritated way he sounded.
"Right" Sirius sighed, and Remus was relieved when he started backing away "I'll go, but can you please come out to do my tie? You know I suck at doing it myself"
Sirius didn't have the patience to fix his own tie. Whereas Remus had begged his father to teach him. Wearing a tie was a men's thing. And Remus wanted to be a man. When Remus got to Hogwarts, and discovered that Sirius was always with a messy tie, he volunteered to help him. Remus hadn't mind. Any excuse to be close to Sirius, breathe his cologne and feel his sweet toothpaste breath was enough. Although not today. Not when Remus probably smelled like shit.
"Do it yourself" Remus mumbled.
"Noo! We have Chemistry today and Slughorn is not going to leave me alone about my tie. You know that twat" Sirius said with a whine. "Moony, help!"
Remus was feeling more and more the neccesity of punching Sirius’s face.
Remus didn't answer. But he was clenching his teeth.
"Fine!" Sirius sighed "I guess I won't go as well. I can't possibly go out of this room without my tie perfectly done..."
It happened in the matter of seconds. Remus jumped out of bed like a cat, groaning and cursing like a sailor, and grabbing Sirius’s tie as he pulled him closer.
"If I fucking do this would you fuck off and leave me alone?? Jesus Christ!! You're so annoying!!"
Sirius blinked at him in surprise. He looked concerned that Remus might strangle him with the tie.
"I'm sorry" Remus said, feeling guilt.
Sirius showed him a comforting smile. God! Could anyone be this beautiful with their hair wet and sleepy eyes? Remus was dizzy with such beauty. Or maybe he was just dizzy. He got out of bed very quickly.
"I really feel like shit today"
"I don't want to bother you, Moony" Sirius said as Remus fixed his tie "But I am worried. Should I get you something? Some medicine? Some food? Pomfrey?"
Remus couldn't face Sirius’s intense eyes on him so he fixed his gaze on Sirius’s tie.
"I'll be fine, Padfoot..." he was trying that nickname out and what a better way to do it than show Sirius he was fine, with a smile "I just need some..."
Remus stopped talking and even thinking when he saw it. Just on the shirt's collar. Pink and clear. A stain of lipstick. Actually several marks across the white fabric of Sirius’s shirt.
Remus knew Sirius was popular amongst girls. Apparently he had dated an older girl last term. And that gave him a reputation. Now, Sirius was seen with a different girl each week. Of course, he was bloody beautiful. Who wouldn't want him?
But that lipstick mark made Remus sick. He thought about a girl sitting on Sirius’s lap, kissing his neck with her pink lips. Her breasts pressed against his chest. Sirius panting and moaning, pulling her closer to his crotch...
"You have lipstick on your shirt" Remus confirmed out loud. He wanted for Sirius to say it was misunderstanding. That it wasn't lipstick but paint or grape juice, something.
Though Sirius’s reaction was of amusement.
"Oh, God!" Sirius said as he took a look at his shirt "I didn't even notice it was there"
It was lipstick then. Meaning a girl had kissed his neck.
Sirius giggled "Imagine Slughorn's face noticing I have more action than him. Bet he and his wife have the most boring sex life ever"
Remus couldn't even bring himself to fake a smile.
"Good thing Vanessa only left a lipstick mark and not a hickey...." Sirius said with a frown "Wait, was it Vanessa?"
Remus had to face once and for all that he would never have a chance with Sirius. Remus was so common. Who would want a freak like him? A boy who wasn't even a real boy because boys didn't have bloody periods. Plus, it was crystal clear that Sirius was straight. He could have anyone.
But it hurt. It hurt everytime some other girl flirted with Sirius, kissed him or worse.... He didn't even want to imagine how they touched him and made him feel good.
Remus was now so dizzy that he also felt nausea. He couldn't take it anymore. The pain was so strong and the nausea was so awful that he ran to the bathroom to puke.
He was so pathetic. God! What was wrong with him? It was truly embarrassing to be this lame and uncool in front of his crush.
Remus let out a few sobs as he emptied his stomach. He felt Sirius’s presence behind him. But he couldn't face him. He just stared as his own sick as tears filled his eyes.
"Hell no!" Sirius snapped angrily "I am not going anywhere, Moony. You're not okay. And I am staying with you. Whether you want it or not"
Remus felt how Sirius sat next to him on the floor. And stroked his back gently.
Remus couldn't take it no more. He bursted down crying. He covered his face in embarrassment.
Sirius pulled him into a hug. Remus couldn't believe how someone who smelled so good, fresh out of the shower, could hug someone who smelled like vomit and probably period blood. Remus was so disgusting. Though Sirius didn't seem to care. And that thought made Remus cry even more.
The next hour or so passed in a blur full of tears, messy hugs and stupid attempts to make Sirius go. But Sirius was stubborn. He stayed. He even texted James saying none of them would go to class and help them make an excuse for the teachers.
Sirius also convinced Remus to take a shower which probably was for the best since Remus was stinky. And Sirius gave him some privacy while he went to get them some food.
Remus bathed, changed into comfy clothes and by the time he got back to bed with a sad expression, Sirius was back with a tray of what seemed like a delicious breakfast.
"When Manolo knew you were sick, he thought you should be fed like a king" Sirius smirked as he put the tray in front of Remus "You should get sick more often" he added as he put a strawberry on his mouth "It suits me"
Unfortunately strawberries reminded Remus of the girl's lipstick. Vanessa, was it? He wondered what flavor her lipstick was. He bet it was strawberry flavored.
"I'm not hungry" Remus replied. "And you should really go to class"
"Go to boring class when I can have breakfast like a king and have your sweet, and not grumpy at all, company?" Sirius asked as he took a seat next to Remus, took a sip of the glass of juice and smiled "Guess what my decision would be"
Remus swallowed "I'm not grumpy"
"You're pouting, Moony" Sirius said "It's so adorable"
Remus stopped making the pout he didn't even know he was making.
"I even got you a piece of chocolate cake" Sirius pointed to the tray.
Eggs and bacon with toasts. Strawberries, orange juice, a cup of black tea and a piece of chocolate cake.
It all suddenly looked tasty if Remus thought about the effort Sirius had made for him. He probably told Manolo exactly what Remus liked for breakfast and that he usually ate a lot. It was sweet to think about how much Sirius cared.
Remus smiled slightly as he took a bite of the chocolate cake and oh damn... He hadn't had food as delicious as the one Manolo prepared.. And he really craved something sweet at the moment. Chocolate was always a good idea.
"I can see you're enjoying it"
Sirius watched in amusement as Remus finished his cake in two bites.
Remus swallowed and twisted his mouth in a smile.
"You should eat as well" Remus pushed the tray towards Sirius’s side.
Sirius gave him a sweet smile and grabbed the fork "I was planning to" he said as he stuffed some eggs in his mouth.
Remus watched him chew, swallow and lick his lips afterwards. It wasn't fair that Sirius was so gorgeous it was annoying. He couldn't look this perfect while doing something so mundane like eating.
"What?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.
He took a large bite of a piece of toast as well.
"I will need the energy if I am babysitting your grumpy ass all day" Sirius said with his mouth full.
Remus took the toast from Sirius’s hand and took a bite as well.
"I thought you said you weren't hungry!" Sirius protested.
"Wanker" Remus mumbled with his mouth full making Sirius laugh.
Remus knew if he had been left alone, he would have stayed in bed, cried until he fell asleep and repeat. But Sirius’s presence made him distract himself from the pain and actually have a good time.
After eating they talked about random stuff while sharing a cigarette. They used Remus's ipod to play songs to each other. It was a game to prove who had better taste. Remus always won.
Later on, Remus forced Sirius to read a book while he finished the one he was reading currently. But damn, Sirius got easily bored. He was trying to tickle Remus or bother him for attention.
"Read your own book, Sirius, and fuck off!" he rolled his eyes.
"But it's boring!!!"
Sirius put his chin on Remus's shoulder, giving him a shot of sparks on his tummy. He smelled so good that it gave Remus lots of desires.
"Fifty shades of Grey?" Sirius said as he read the cover of the book he was reading "Moony what is this? Soft porn?" he added as he read its contents raising an eyebrow "How come your book is better than mine"
Remus blushed. "Lily said it was good!" he spat as he took the book back. "And Mobby Dick is also good"
"Mmm... I didn't know Evans was so kinky. Don't you think Prongs needs to know?"
Remus couldn't avoid but laughing.
"It's all about the romance"
"You find lashing someone romantic?" Sirius asked trying to reach the book again. But this time Remus was too quick "Let me read that again!"
"No!" Remus laughed as he put it over his head and Sirius tried to reach it "Watch it is not my copy"
"Evans's, ha?" Sirius grinned "I want to know what Mr. Grey does later on, are you into that?"
Sirius began tickling Remus, making him giggle like a kid. "Stop! Sirius, Stoop!! Ahaha...."
It was all fun and games until Sirius ended up on top of Remus in bed.
Suddenly, Remus was aware of Sirius’s warmth covering Remus. His hard chest. The muscles of his arms. His thick legs. God, his crotch was touching Remus's belly. Just by acknowledging that, Remus's body temperature rose quickly. It was fast how Remus's body ached in desire. It got worse for the hormones that the period brought.
His face burned as well as the rest of his body. Especially when Sirius stared at him like that. His gray eyes flickered through Remus's face as if he was some sort of piece of art. Remus noticed how Sirius's cheeks were adoringly pink. And he liked to think he provoked that.
But maybe he wasn't the only one.
"Vanessa, ha?" Remus spat, pushing Sirius away from his body.
Sirius blinked "Ha?"
Remus stared at the book on his lap "Maybe you should read this and practice all of it with Vanessa"
Damn, he sounded more jealous than he intended.
Sirius raised an eyebrow "Vanessa is so over. You know I don't repeat girls, Moony"
"Oh sorry, my bad" Remus rolled his eyes.
Sirius smirked "Are you jealous?"
Remus snorted in response. But that said it all for Sirius.
"Bloody hell, you are jealous!"
Remus blushed immediately, internally cursing himself for being so obvious. Friends weren't supposed to act all possessive about other friends. But God, this was the boy of Remus's dreams. He was the boy that had owned his heart since he was ten. The boy whose name Remus had written inside hearts, the boy who he pictured while listening to love songs. And definitely the boy he wanted to live a romantic fantasies with. Like Fifty shades of Grey, for example. But that was his horny ass talking.
"Don't worry, Moony" Sirius smiled as he stroked his curls "No girl is going to take me away from you... They come and go, Moons. But our friendship is forever"
Remus smiled at those words. Best friends forever. They had sworn it with Moon wishes and saliva promises.
"Plus, do you think I would be in a random girl's bed if she were sick?"
Remus chuckled "Oh I bet you would"
Sirius laughed "Okay, maybe... But for selfish reasons. Not because I care about her...." and he stared into Remus's eyes as he said the next thing "Not like I care for you. You are my favorite person, Remus"
Remus cursed his swing moods and the fact that his eyes were filled with tears again. To hide his face, he hugged Sirius’s waist like a child. He pressed his forehead on Sirius’s chest, smelling him in.
Sirius was surprised at first. But then Remus felt his body relax and started caressing his hair.
Sirius’s beauty wasn't the only thing that Remus liked about him. He was a golden friend. He cared about Remus like no one else. He made Remus feel special and safe.
They had been close back when they were kids. But now, just in a short time, they had gotten even closer. Everything was easy when they were together. They laughed until their tummies hurt. They understood each other with just one look. They gave each other peace. They were comfortable around each other even if they gave each other physical affection.
The best part was that Sirius had accepted Remus as well as Rosie. Remus could just be himself around him. What a better way to love than that one?
It didn't matter if Sirius randomly snogged girls or let them kiss his neck leaving lipstick marks on his clothes. Remus had the satisfaction that they weren't important for his horny teenager best friend. Remus was.
Remus was just glad to have his best friend back. Life had been torture without him.
"Thank you" Remus said trying to swallow his tears. He couldn't cry again.
"For what?"
"For staying, for being, for bloody existing" Remus let out a soft chuckle and then sniffed. Remus couldn't see it but he knew Sirius was smiling beautifully "I would do anything for you, Moony"
Remus believed him.
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seramilla · 3 days
I was so excited I don’t think I actually finished the sentence in my first ask. Ignore that.
Please can I have more SeraMille adopted daughter Vaggie?!?!?
Idk if this is a new au but this is immaculate. Gimme.
You don’t have to include it but can you imagine
“she was my daughter first!”
“How was she your daughter you weren’t even there?”
Amazingly this works no matter who is saying what.
Carmilla and Sera just stand there dumbstruck for a few moments after Vaggie exits, looking for all the world like fluffed up, crumpled cats who'd been startled by a loud noise. Then, after the fog of confusion has lifted, they both stand there looking at each other, pointing their fingers and/or claws in accusation and bewilderment.
"YOU KNOW VAGGIE?!" both women shout in unison. Then a pause, followed by a "HOW? WHEN? WHY?" They both need to stop reading each other's minds.
After calming down with a few deep breaths, Sera asks in a more measured voice, "How do you know Vaggie?!"
"I'm her mentor!" Carmilla shouts, finding it a little more difficult to understand how the High Seraphim of Heaven knows a former Exorcist in the first place. Especially this one in particular. "Who do you think supplied the Hotel with holy arms? I'm her benefactor now! How do you know her?!"
Sera stands in silence for a minute, then finally admits, "I...I met her during my annual audit of the Exorcist barracks. She was so...private and small. Always off by herself, not training with the others. I wanted to make sure she was okay, and we started talking every year. She started coming out of her shell after that, but I didn't see her again until the Morningstar's daughter showed up at my doorstep!"
Carmilla doesn't seem satisfied with that answer. What business does the High Seraphim of Heaven have mingling with the Exorcists in the first place? Sera had told Carmilla she hadn't wanted anything to do with Adam's (now Lute's) army since the first man fell. But it seems like some of Sera's actions from those times are coming back to haunt her.
And then Vaggie walking right into the room just as Sera had been so thoroughly sucking Carmilla's face...Carmilla wonders if her ego will ever recover from this. How had she not noticed the other angel coming toward her office? She's usually much more aware of her surroundings than this! She's getting slow on the uptake.
"Just so we're clear," Carmilla starts, shooting the Seraphim a glare that's full of more heat than Sera had been expecting, "I am her mentor now. Whatever Adam and Lute did to her, I am the one who's spent the last several months trying to undo all that damage they inflicted on her psyche. I taught her how to fight against her own kind. I'm the one she has sought guidance from. I do not need you interfering and bringing back traumatic memories of that time for her. I love you, but please, if you would...keep your distance from Vaggie."
Sera is absolutely gobsmacked. Her lower jaw literally hangs open at Carmilla's words, unable to believe that the overlord is really asking this of her.
"What...what are you talking about? You don't have any claim to that girl! Who do you think protected her and the other Exorcists in Heaven?! If not for me, Adam may have done so much worse to her, long ago. You know how he treated any soldiers that he deemed weak! I saved her! She was my ward, first!"
Carmilla moves away from Sera. She wants to say so much in response, but what good comes from arguing right now? She hadn't wanted to fight with the Seraphim today. She'd thought they'd moved past so many of their misgivings about each other, but apparently...there is still a lot of baggage there. They will have to deal with it, eventually, if they intend to move forward in this little secret relationship of theirs. But right now...
Vaggie needs comfort. Carmilla needs to find her, explain everything, and make sure she is all right. So instead of arguing, Carmilla turns on her heels, heading for the door to her office. When Sera tries to stop her, Carmilla shoots her a glance. One that beseeches Haven't you caused enough damage today? Sera looks so...meek and disarmed by that glare of hers.
Sera pulls back, and doesn't say anything. Instead, she simply looks at Carmilla in disappointment, opens a portal, and then makes her way back to Heaven, where Carmilla thinks she belongs right now.
It doesn't take long for Carmilla to find Vaggie. Anytime the fallen angel is distressed, her first and primary source of comfort is Charlie, so Carmilla makes her way to the hotel, not ready for the stares from the patrons, or to have to start answering questions for why an overlord is there. Not many in Hell know Carmilla is one of Charlie's greatest allies now, given how fond Carmilla has become of Vaggie.
Her alliances and power are tedious, and her strength lies more in what her enemies don't know, rather than what they do. Vaggie can defend herself just fine, but Carmilla doesn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to the angel, if she can help it.
Carmilla manages to dodge a few patrons in the lobby. Thankfully, most of Charlie's lessons have concluded for the long weekend ahead, so it's not difficult for the overlord to sneak by. She's light on her feet, so making her way up the stairs only manages to alert Alastor, who's been watching her carefully through his shadows. He won't harm her or alert anyone to her presence, though. He knows better than that, with Lucifer around.
Vaggie had confided to Carmilla that she loves the library. She'd spent a lot of time in there after Charlie found her, using it as a sanctuary and an opportunity to learn about her new home here in Hell. That's where Carmilla ultimately finds her, bent over on the floor crying, as Charlie kneels beside her, patting her back and stroking her hair.
Charlie doesn't say anything to the overlord when she notices her...just sort of glares up at her with that same disappointment that Sera had given her before she fucked off back to Heaven. Carmilla decides right then and there that she absolutely despises that look. She's getting it from all sides today!
That's when Vaggie notices Carmilla, too. She looks like she might protest Carmilla's presence here, but Charlie gives the angel a quick peck on her cheek, saying "It's all right, sweetie, I'll be right outside," before shooting Carmilla that fucking disappointed glare again, and leaving to give the two their privacy in the library.
"What do you want, Carmilla?" Vaggie asks, voice all nasally and congested from crying. Vaggie wipes a string of stray snot from her nose. She's trying to hide her face, not quite successfully, hoping that Carmilla won't see her in such a state. Carmilla can't help that sudden sinking feeling of her heart falling into her guts. It's awful. She wants to throw up.
"I wanted to check on you. Make sure you're okay. Vaggie...I'm so sorry you had to witness such a sight. I didn't...I didn't mean for you to see that."
"See what?" Vaggie's tone is a little mocking at this point. She seems done with any explanations Carmilla might give, but still demands answers from her, anyway. "See my mo--mentor fucking kissing an angel?! And Sera of all people?! My first mentor? What the fuck were you thinking, Carmilla?!"
Carmilla's own anger and frustration starts to flare, just a little. Just enough to feel the heat creep up the back of her neck and into her face. She knows Vaggie is confused, but she doesn't have to talk to her like that. She doesn't have the right...
"I was thinking that I love that angel, Vaggie. Which you might know, had you bothered to ask me instead of running away. Mine and Sera's relationship is tenuous, but it goes back much farther than you think. It's complicated. I had no idea of your history with her. If I had, I would have explained myself sooner."
"How can you love her?" Vaggie asks, completely dumbfounded by this revelation from the overlord. She stands up, finally facing Carmilla on her own terms. "Didn't you know she betrayed me and Charlie? She let Adam and his fucking army lay waste to our old hotel! She's sold her fucking soul to Heaven! What is there left to love?!"
"Stop it," Carmilla barks, claws fisting together so tightly, they almost pierce the skin of her palms. Vaggie doesn't know...can't possibly know the history she and the High Seraphim share. Can't possibly comprehend all the invisible strings and power plays at work in Heaven that had forced Sera's hand when it came to Adam. Maybe someday Vaggie will...Carmilla needs to have that conversation with her. Someday. But right now, she's too frazzled.
Every word that Vaggie utters about her lover is like an angelic weapon directly speared through her own heart. Every single one is like a sleight against her personally, in ways Vaggie can't possibly understand. Carmilla's heart is wrenched open like a raw, infected thing. Vaggie can't know all the ways in which her words are physically, emotionally painful. So Carmilla goes easy on her...she doesn't need to know all the details right now. She can still protect Vaggie from that...for a while.
Carmilla moves toward Vaggie, noticing how the little angel flinches and almost pulls back from her, before Carmilla places her hand on Vaggie's cheek. She wipes away the salt and moisture from the stray tears that continue to fall from Vaggie's eye. Her huge claw makes the fallen angel look so small. Vaggie looks up at her then, beseeching Carmilla for answers; desperately seeking realness from one of the few people who bothered to care about her and Charlie down here.
"There is so much I want to tell you," Carmilla explains, but that's as far as that explanation gets. "I will tell you. I promise. You have my word. But for now, just know that Sera's control in Heaven isn't absolute. She and I have a complicated history. But I...I can't help my feelings for her. I'm very sorry you had to find out about it this way. But please...if you can trust me...I won't keep something like that from you again."
Vaggie still doesn't seem to find this explanation adequate, but she nods. She looks off into the middle distance, past Carmilla's shoulder, still visibly frustrated, but her face going softer now.
"...You promise?"
"I promise, mija."
Carmilla pulls Vaggie in for a tight hug, just then. Carmilla is worried Vaggie might pull away, but the fallen angel doesn't.
She actually hugs Carmilla tighter. Carmilla allows herself to let out the relieved, quiet sigh she'd been holding in the last several minutes, and lets her body go slack, as Vaggie buries her face deeper in Carmilla's front.
Thank fuck, Carmilla thinks, that her adopted daughter doesn't hate her.
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toastedjeans · 6 days
Oh also @alextydaisuda123 I'm going to answer your ask a bit later if that's okay! I currently can't draw, or at least i don't like what i draw, and i want to wait until i can give you a good drawing in response! I would feel bad if i drew something bad for you...
Hope that's okay ✨
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