#so yeah nora’s never seen snow.
toomanysurveys9 · 1 year
Think back to yesterday, what were you doing around this time? Just getting home or on the way home from Jacob’s mom’s house.
What was the last thing you watched on the TV? I don’t remember. Probably Jane the Virgin.
Do you think pets can get annoying easily? No, it takes a lot to annoy me generally. At least for my pets to.
Did you know that pickles have no calories? I didn’t know that.
Do you enjoy family get togethers? I do.
In a group of three, do you often feel like the third wheel? Yup.
What color are your pants? Blue jeans.
Is there snow on the ground where you are? No. It’s almost officially summer.
What is keeping you warm right now?
It’s warm outside right now. But Nora is also sleeping on me with a blanket and she’s a little heater.
Has anyone bought you a piece of jewelry? Yeah.
How far away is your next birthday? Three-ish months.
Do you have plans for that birthday yet? No plans.
When did you last take a shower? It’s been a few days.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? I have not.
Have you ever flown somewhere alone? Nope.
Are you more serious or funny? Definitely more serious.
Is there someone that annoys you but you haven’t told them? There are a lot of people that fall into this category.
When is garbage day in your area? Friday.
Who/What was the last thing to really irritate you? All the kids yelling and screaming and fighting.
Do you think people either love or hate spongebob? I mean, I feel like there’s probably people somewhere in the middle too.
Have you seen that new “Lie To Me” show? It’s not new, but yes. I watched a couple seasons, but never finished the series.
What is something you’d rather be doing right now? I’m ready to go to sleep.
Do you find that people are too hard on you? They can be but I’m hardest on myself.
Do you take surveys often? Not as often as I used to or would like to. But I’m hoping to be able to get back into it.
Do you tend to slam things around when you’re mad? Not usually.
Do you know anyone who hates/dislikes chocolate? Probably but they’re not coming to mind right now.
Could you vote in this last election? Yup.
Have you taken a shower today? Nope.
How much sleep did you get last night? Not nearly enough.
Do you have more girl friends or guy friends? Neither. Lol.
What is your current mood? Super sleepy.
Is there anything on your mind at the moment? Just stressing out about everything I need to do and buy and take care of before the trip next week.
Are there any movies out that you’d like to see? I want to see the new Little Mermaid movie!
Have you ever been on a website called Stickam? I don’t think so.
Have you ever hated yourself? All the time.
Are you hungry? Nope.
Did your parents ever ground you? Alll the time.
Where was the last place you went out to eat? Hacienda with Nora on Saturday. Panera was the drive thru.
Have you ever felt like you needed a better life than the one you have? I guess so.
Do you own an MP3 player of some kind? I do but I don’t use it.
Do you have a moment in your life you wish you could replay over again? A few.
Have you ever been in a play? If so, did you like it? I was in a musical once.
What is one musical artist you wish wasn’t making music? I don’t care for Cardi B much. But I know there are others that like her.
When was the last time you cleaned something? I swept the floor not too long ago.
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? Yup. Several times at various ages for various things.
Do you like your smile? I hate it actually. My gums and teeth are shit because I never expected to live this long and my parents never taught us proper dental hygiene.
Do you have someone that you think truly understands you? Not really.
When was the last time you doubted yourself? Anytime I think about my upcoming internship. And I was also worried about my signature assignment for this class but ended up with a perfect score.
Is there anything currently bothering you? I have too much on my plate before next week.
Would you say that you’ve got something ‘special’ about you? Nope.
Who was the last person to cheer you up when you were down? My kids.
Are you scared of what you do not know? Sometimes, yes.
Is there anything in the next six months that you’re looking forward to? Florida. And hopefully going to Louisiana for Leslie’s wedding. And starting my internship.
Were you/are you popular in high school? Not even a little.
Do you really care what people think about you? Not really.
Do you find yourself treating others like you’d want to be treated? I try.
Are you constantly envious of others? Not really.
Are you more of a whiner with things or a do’er of things? Definitely a mix of both.
List three of your favorite TV shows: Supernatural, Criminal Minds, and Hart of Dixie tend to be my comfort shows.
Would your friends say you’re a relaxed person or stressed? Stressed for sure.
What do you find yourself worrying most about these days? Finances. My babies.
Would you say it’s hard to earn your trust? No. It’s too easy and I always get hurt.
Who was the last person to compliment you? Eliana I think. :) She’s a sweetie.
Anything interesting happen this past week? This week just started.
When was the last time you felt scared? Yesterday when Michelle and Jacob let Nora on the trampoline.
What’s on your mind this very second? I need to get to bed.
Do you know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’? I do.
Do you correct other people’s grammar/spelling when talking to them online? Nope.
Is bacon one of your favorite foods? I enjoy it on occasion, but it’s definitely not one of my favorite foods by any means.
Are you one of those people who like to sleep in on the weekends? Yes but my kids say no. Lol.
Do you like things Vampire related? I do. Although I’m super into fairies right now. :p
Have you ever cussed at a parent or teacher? Not that I can remember.
When was the last time you saw snow? Whenever it snowed last, which wasn’t as long ago as it should have been. Lol.
Have you ever felt stupid after saying something? All the time.
Do you find yourself cold at the moment? Nope.
Are your nails currently long? Longer than I like them to be. Especially with my job being with kids.
Are you the kind of person who does not like talking about their past? I talk about it too much sometimes. Especially on here.
Do you have long slender fingers or short chunky ones? Chunky. :( 
Do you think your foot size fits your body type? No. They’re too big for as short as I am.
Are you the competitive type? Noo.
Are you more of a mommy’s person or a daddy’s person? Momma’s.
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soschway-blog · 6 years
uhhh consider nora seeing snow for the first time in 2018 bc she’s from 2049 & with climate change it never gets cold enough to snow in central city.
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(Pokémon AU) How did Jaune meet his adorable little Eevee, Caramel? And what was his first interactions with Aerial and her own Eevee Mocha like?
Well... I got a bit carried away again. I just love this AU and I'm really getting into Pokemon again recently, so sorry for the long post ahead.
But I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless!
It was a beautiful day outside Beacon Academy. The sun was shining brightly and hardly any clouds were visible. Multiple flocks of Wingull, Starly, Pidgey and other bird-like Pokémon soared freely in the sky around Beacon. A few letting out some faint cries sporadically. The Wooloos were happily grazing and rolling around in their paddock. Many students and visiting trainers alike were outside, just enjoying the nice weather with their Pokémon. This nice weather gave both Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc the idea to enjoy the day with a nice picnic outside with their friends.
On several blankets spread out in a grassy portion of the academy's lavish courtyard near a tree, the group of eight friends were all eating and chatting away. All of their Pokémon were out of their pokeballs and gathered around them.
Some were just lazing about, such as Ren's Greninja sitting cross legged while dozing off with his head tilted down or Weiss's snow white Vulpix snoozing in Weiss's lap while she sat in the shade of the tree. Others were chowing down, like Nora's Shinx or Blake's Litleo, eating berries/Poké food in their own little food bowls. Or in the case of Pyrrha's Aron, he was eating some screws, nuts, bolts, and other small pieces of scrap metal. Yang was busy brushing her Growlithe's fur, and watched her Combuskin running around with Ruby's Zorua.
Jaune was happily munching on a sandwich. He put the sandwich down and moved his hand to lightly scratch Hera's head, who was laying down next to his left thigh. Normally she'd be laying in his lap, but that space was currently taken. A small glass container was resting in a space between his legs. Inside it was a Pokémon egg he'd "won" two months ago wrapped in a blanket, so Hera had settled for laying right next to him instead. She was adapting pretty well to the new circumstances with said egg. Though Jaune was still wondering how she'd react when it finally hatched
His nails lightly scratched just around the base of the tuft of white fur on her head, just where she really liked it. "Shoo-, mmm *swallow*, sorry. So Pyrrha, you're Metang actually evolved on live TV?"
Pyrrha lowered her fork with the next bit of her chicken and strawberry salad to respond with a smile. "Yes indeed. It happened during the final match of my second tournament at Sanctum. It was quite an astonishing sight."
Jaune smiled and leaned back a bit. "I bet! Man, watching a Pokémon evolve in person must be amazing."
Yang looked up from her Growlithe over at him. "You've never seen a Pokémon evolve?"
Jaune chuckled a bit. "W-well I mean I've seen it on video and stuff, just not in person."
Nora shamelessly jumped in and added her two cents. "Neither have I! It must be soooo cool!"
Pyrrha giggled happily and looked over to her Metang, who was actually on the ground for a change instead of floating, with Cubone resting on its head. "Well, watching my Beldum evolve into Metang was definitely a sight I'll never forget."
They group continued to converse, laugh, and just enjoy themselves. Their Pokémon did as well, all of them getting along pretty well. They were all so engrossed in their merriment, none of them noticed another member slowly walking towards their misshapen circle.
That was until she made her move.
Jaune felt a small tug at his hoodie but ignored it, thinking it was just Hera rolling around in her sleep. It was a pointed finger and a question from Ren that actually made him look. "Uuuh Jaune... do you know who... that is?"
"Huh?" Jaune looked down to where his friend was pointing, which was by his stomach. There, in his hoodie's pocket near his stomach, was a small little brown Pokémon with a small, furry body and a big fluffy brown tail.
And half of its body was buried inside his hoodie pocket, rummaging around in it.
"WAH!??" Jaune nearly jumped up in surprise, but he managed to stay pretty still for the most part, trying not to jostle the egg between his legs. However, he still shot back an inch or two when he threw his hands up above him and fell back, his head lightly landing on the blanket.
Hera, startled by her Papa's sudden jolt, sprang up to her feet and spun to look at him. She lowered her stance, ready to defend him if she needed to! That's when she saw the little brown Pokémon as well, now standing on top of her Papa's stomach while he was laying back, but its top half was still stuffed in her Papa's pocket! What was it doing? Was it trying to attack him?! She wouldn't let it!
"Growl! ROW! GRO-!" She had just started barking at it when someone else's yelling stopped her.
"Eevee! Stop that! That's very rude!"
The brown Pokémon stopped moving finally, and stood still for a moment on Jaune's stomach, then slowly started walking backwards. It took a little tugging, but it finally pulled itself out of Jaune's pocket. As it got free, everyone around got a good look at its top half.
The first thing they all noticed was a large collar of fluffy, cream colored fur. Then two long, thin ears on top of its head. Finally its small, soft, squarish face with two big dark eyes and a happy smile. As well as a small plastic candy wrapper hanging from said smile.
Weiss, Ruby, Yang, and Nora all let out a coo of "Awwwwww" at the same time.
"Eevee no!" The group again heard the voice call out again, and almost all at once, they looked away from the 'Eevee' and towards where it was coming from.
There they saw a young girl, running up to their group with her arms waving above her. She was quite slender, had dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She had a light blue jacket on, open in the front to show she had on a black halter top underneath it. A pair of tight black and blue pants with heeled fur boots matching in color. A simple black choker around her neck finished her outfit nicely.
Then the group noticed that a Pokémon that was just like the one on top of Jaune right now was also running alongside the girl. One this one had a small band of flowers around the base of one of its ears. It was hopping/skipping along right by her feet as they both ran towards them, its whole body arcing into the air as it followed her.
Within just a few seconds, she was right next to them, her arms still frantically waving. "Eevee you can't just jump on people you don't know like that! That's very rude! And give that candy back! You can't go stealing from peo-" The girl abruptly stopped her admonishment of the Pokémon as she finally looked at who Eevee was still standing on top of. "...JAUNE!?"
Jaune, still laying on his back, turned his head to look at the new girl that screamed his name, and quickly shot back up to a sitting position when he saw her. "Aerial!?"
The two looked at each other for a moment, then both smiled widely and started to laugh. Aerial started talking first. "Hey! What are the odds of running into you like this!"
"Me? What are you doing here haha?!"
Aerial leaned over a bit, smiling down at him. "Aunt Juniper said you'd gone off to Beacon, but I wasn't expecting to see you so soon!"
Jaune, still sitting, smiled brightly back up at her. "Yeah hahaha, it's always been my dream to go to a professional Pokémon academy after all haha. Hera's here too!" As Jaune finished, he pointed towards the Fire-Type.
Aerial shifted her gaze to her and her eyes brightened even more. She got down on her knees and hunched forward, getting close to Hera's height. "Heeeera~ hi! It's been such a long time! How are you?"
Hera's earlier confidence seemed to wane a bit as she started to look a little nervous. Papa seemed to know this woman and was happy to see her, so she shouldn't be worried, but she still pulled back a bit from Aerial. She seemed a little familiar to her as well, but she wasn't sure...
Jaune chuckled. "She might not remember you, Aerial. It was a couple years ago now."
Aerial pouted childishly and straightened her back, "Awwww that's a shame. I definitely remember her!"
"I don't doubt that. You loved her as a kid."
"Uuuummm... hello?"
Jaune and Aerial turned their heads in unison to look at who spoke.
Yang was holding a hand up, like she was waiting to get noticed or called upon. "Uuuh yeah, we're still here. Mind uuuuh, filling us in on what's happening Jaune?"
Jaune sweatdropped a little, slightly embarrassed that he'd completely forgotten about the others present for a minute there. "He he, sorry guys." With one hand, he gestured to Aerial. "Everyone, this is my cousin, Aerial Yeager. She's from Atlas actually, so that's why I was so surprised to see her."
Aerial waved at the group, still with a smile on her lips. "Hi everyone! I trust Jaune's been good to all of you."
A lot of them nodded at that, and many of their Pokémon had stopped in their activities and gathered around as well, looking at the new arrival.
Aerial's eyes scanned over all of them and began to sparkle. "Awwww you all have such amazing Pokémon!"
"Speeeeaking of which... Aerial, are these Pokémon yours?"
Aerial turned away from the group and back to Jaune. He was pointing down right beside him. There, the Eevee from earlier that jumped on Jaune was licking away at the now unwrapped candy that it got from his pocket, looking completely carefree. Meanwhile, it looked like the Eevee with flowers that ran up with Aerial around its ears was admonishing it.
"Y-yeah, they are. H-hey Eevee what did I say! That isn't yours!" Eevee stopped licking and looked up at her with a head tilt, then just went back to licking the candy happily. "Hooooh." Aerial sighed and bowed her head, feeling defeated at being ignored.
"Hey it's no big deal Aerial, I have plenty of these caramel candies. I was just caught off guard when Eevee just appeared out of nowhere."
"Yeah sorry about her. She's kind of a handful sometimes. She likes doing what she likes when she likes. Oh, everyone," Aerial gestured in front of her towards the two small Eevees. "This is Mocha and Eevee, their sisters."
Blake was the first to catch what she said. "Mocha?"
"Ah yeah, that's what I call my Eevee, the one with the flowers. The other Eevee... Well, no matter what name I try, she doesn't respond to it. Coca, Ginger, Toffee, Hazel... she doesn't seem to like anything I pick out for her."
The group all turned to the Eevee still licking away at the candy, not noticing or caring about all the eyes on her. Mocha seemed a little annoyed at her sister's actions still, but had stopped reprimanding her as she didn't seem to care too much.
Jaune looked down at the Eevee right next to him, then slowly reached a hand over and gently rubbed his index finger on its head. "You sure do like that candy huh? Did you smell it and that's why you came over to me?"
Eevee didn't seem to mind the light petting. In fact she seemed to like it as she enjoyed her treat. She stopped her licking for just a moment and looked up at the person petting her. "Vee vee vi!"
Jaune chuckled at its happy cries.
A very familiar voice on his other side made Jaune turn his head to see a begging Hera standing next to him. "Oh sorry Hera, you probably want some pets too." Jaune reached his free hand over and gently began petting Hera's white floof on top of her head. That immediately put a smile on the Growlithe's face and she happily nuzzled Jaune's hand back.
Aerial shook her head in slight disbelief. "Same old Jaune. Always a whizz with Pokémon."
Now that the excitement had fully died down, the group went back to lounging about like they were, now with an extra member as Aerial sat down and joined them at Jaune's invitation.
They all talked and got to know each other more. Aerial explained how she was indeed from Atlas, but had come with a few friends on a trip to Vale and Beacon to explore what kinds of Pokémon were here. Aerial told them about her friends, her school, and of course also her Pokémon. They were all surprised by how many she already had. A Braviary, a Ludicolo, and a Munchlax. Plus her two Eevee's as her companions, that made five Pokémon in total! There were teachers at Beacon that didn't have that many!
After about another two to three hours of talking, laughing, bonding, and snacking (Jaune offered some of his food to Aerial which she gratefully accepted), the sun was beginning to set and Aerial said she had to go. She stood up; brushed some crumbs off of her pants; said her goodbyes to everyone, giving Jaune her scroll number and promising that they'd talk again soon; and called for Mocha and Eevee to come along. Only that's not what they did.
Mocha stood up with her no problem and was ready to go, but Eevee didn't. She just kept laying down next to Jaune where she'd been for the past hour getting pets and even , licking a second caramel candy that Jaune had given her. She didn't move at all at Aerial's call.
"Eevee? Come on, it's time for us to go."
Again, Eevee didn't move.
"Eevee." This time Aerial's voice was a little more stern. "We need to go. Now come on." Aerial walked over to the Eevee and bent over to pick her up. Before she even touched her, Eevee had snatched up her treat and jumped into Jaune's lap, getting a surprised "Ooph!" from him. She set her treat down and turned to look at Aerial. Then for the first time all day, it let out a cry. "Eev! Ve ve Eevee!"
Aerial pulled back. She was surprised to hear Eevee talk back directly to her. Sure she didn't listen sometimes, but never out right talked back at her. "Eevee! What's gotten into you?"
Eevee didn't respond this time, just curled up in Jaune's lap and hunkered down.
Everyone watched this unfold, but only Ren spoke up. "I think Eevee is trying to say that she'd like to stay with Jaune."
Aerial looked over at the stoic boy, wide eyed. "W-wha? Wait really?" Aerial looked back at the tiny curled up Pokémon in Jaune's lap, happily laying down with her eyes closed, her treat finished in a hurried bite. "B-but... Eevee really? Y-you wanna stay with Jaune?"
Eevee looked up to Aerial, smiled easily, and nodded. "Ve ve!" It definitely seemed to be happy.
Aerial kept looking down at Eevee, and Eevee kept looking up at her. After a few seconds, Aerial's expression shifted from being slightly sad, to understanding. "Okay. Well then, let's see what Jaune thinks." Aerial looked down to cousin, his confused face making her almost giggle. "Jaune, it looks like Eevee has taken a liking to you. Would you like to keep her around with you? I know you'd take amazing care of her, so I'd be comfortable with you taking her with you if you want."
Jaune's mind nearly exploded from hearing that! His cousin was asking him if he'd like to have another Pokémon!? For real?! Jaune felt his lips twitch upwards before he even said anything. He looked down at the Eevee in his lap. She seemed very happy there, and she'd wanted to stay with him first. Jaune looked back up to Aerial and nodded once. "I'd love to. And I promise that I'll give her the best care that I possibly can!"
Aerial knew he'd say that. He loved Pokémon, so being offered one by a family member was probably like a dream for him. "Well alright then. I have to say... I-I'm sad to see you go, Eevee." Eevee looked up at Aerial when she said her name. "But... if this is what you want, then I can accept it. I know Jaune will take great care of you, and I can call to see you anytime I want. So... you take care of yourself and Jaune alright? Your sister and I will see you again, sometime real soon, I promise."
Eevee smiled and leaped out of Jaune's lap, landing close to Aerial's feet. The little Pokémon nuzzled her head against Aerial's leg and let out faint coos. Aerial quickly dropped down and scooped Eevee into a tight hug. She held it for at least 10 seconds before she let her go, setting her softly back down on the grass. When she did, Mocha bounced over to her sister and they started talking by themselves, most likely saying their own goodbyes while Aerial stood back up. "Okay, I guess this is goodbye for now Eevee. Jaune, I'll definitely be expecting some video calls from you now. Oh, and maybe you'll be able to think of a good name for her too."
Jaune, now no longer having a Pokemon in his lap, stood up. He was careful not to bump the container with the egg in front of him as he did so. He stood up straight, showing off just how much taller he was than his cousin. "You got it Aerial. I hope we meet again sometime soon as well. This was fun." He took a step forward and embraced her in a hug, which she returned.
When they separated, Aerial stepped back. "Okay, well... we really have to head out now. My friends are all probably waiting for me back in Vale and I need to catch a Bullhead before they stop for the night. It was nice meeting you all! I hope to meet you all again someday!" Aerial started to leave, and Mocha, having finished her goodbye to her sister with a loving nuzzle, followed her.
Eevee watched as they left. Eevee suddenly bounced forward a few feet in their direction and let out a loud "Eeeeveeeee! Eeeeeveee!", saying goodbye for now to her family.
Aerial stopped and turned her head back to look at her after her cry. She smiled back at her and waved before continuing. As the pair got farther and farther away, Eevee returned back to the group, stopping in front of Jaune.
Jaune smiled and knelt down to be closer to her. "Eevee, I'm touched that you wanted to stay with me. I promise that we'll have some amazing adventures together! Oh, there's someone that I want you to officially meet now! This is Hera." As Jaune said her name, the red Growlithe walked up next to her Papa and stood next to him proudly. "She's my best friend and has been with me since I was a kid. I hope you two can be friends."
Hera padded forward and stopped right in front of Eevee. She looked down at the smaller Pokemon with a big smile. She leant forward and gave Eevee a big lick on her head, which Eevee started to laugh at. The two then began to talk to each other in their out cries, and Jaune could already tell they'd get along fine.
"Well... that was sure something huh?" Jaune looked behind him and saw Nora holding her Shinx in her arms, and all his other friends smiling at him.
"Haha yeah, I guess so. Aerial's always been super trusting of family, but this shocked even me."
Yang walked forward and lightly punched his arm in a friendly way. "So... got any names for your new friend Vomit Boy?"
Jaune, while he was rubbing his now sore arm, looked down at Eevee again. As he did, he noticed a wrapper from the caramel candies he'd given to the Eevee earlier. "Huh..." Jaune knelt down and picked up the wrapper, then looked at it in his hand. "Maybe I do. Hey Eevee?"
The Pokemon stopped speaking with Hera and looked over to the kneeling Jaune. She quickly skipped over to sit right in front of him. "I was thinking, since Aerial couldn't think of a name you liked, yet you liked these candies so much, how about I just call you Caramel?"
Eevee looked up to him curiously with her big doughy eyes. Slowly those eyes began to shine with joy and she jumped up at him. Thankfully Jaune was used to this sort of thing thanks to Hera, so he caught her easily since she was a lot lighter.
"Whoa haha! Okay then, I guess that's a winner huh? Well, welcome to the team Caramel!"
Aerial Yeager is an OC created by my good friend @jace-the-writer-guy, who is also Jaune's cousin on her mom's side. I owe him a big thanks for helping me write this because I constantly was asking for specific info on his OC and him giving me ideas for stuff.
I'd been planning this out bit by bit for so long, so I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed this origins ask for Caramel, Jaune's Eevee!
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Rosegarden Week- Day 1: Cuddles
Hello friends!! First day of Rosegarden Week, let’s keep this sweet week going!
“Don’t worry lil sis, you’ll be able to come when you grow up big and strong like me!” Yang yelled from the door, one arm wrapped around Blake’s shoulder and the other wrapped around Weiss.
“Yeah, Ruby. Don’t worry, you’ll get there soon.” Enthused Weiss, continuing to tease Ruby.
The girl in question only shot daggers at her friends and burrowed deeper in her cocoon of blankets.
Blake regarded her leader with a look of sympathy but decided against saying anything. She herself had been at that age that she wanted to be more independent, do grown up things, but then landed herself in Adam’s clutches. Rookie mistake of burning stages when time is your best ally.
Checking her scroll, Blake announced the time, and tugged on the blonde’s arm lightly. Burn as she might have been, Blake decided that being in Yang’s clutches was way better.
“Kay, Rubes! We´re leaving!” Weiss nudged Yang’s side and pulled, rolling her eyes.
No answer.
Ruby wrapped herself in a blanket, grumbling at her sister’s farewell from the door, too engrossed in her musings to truly care for a goodbye. The door closed mutedly, a gust of wind shuddered the windowpanes, and still Ruby fumed silently.
It had finally happened. Ruby’s most embarrassing moment of her life, one that no one would let her live down.
Even after all this time of fighting Grimm and being promoted to Huntress status, Ruby still got thrown out of a nightclub, planting her butt on a bank of snow, because she was 17 and thus, still considered a minor.
‘It’s just so unfair!’, Ruby thought after brooding a bit more in furious quiet. ‘I risk my butt out there every day, and I can’t have fun!’. While very true, it was the middle of winter, and her coming of age birthday would not come for another year.
A few minutes passed before her mood lifted a bit. She had been putting off exploring the Atlas Academy kitchens, as well as their rec room. She was free to do as she pleased. Sighing softly, she shook the remaining grumpiness from her shoulders and rolled out of bed. She still had on the clubbing clothes Weiss had chosen for her: red shimmery top and black leather coupled with soggy tights after being pushed down a snowbank twice.
Peeling off her street wear, Ruby clad herself in her favorite long-sleeved pajama set, and wrapped a gray fleece blanket around her shoulders as she walked out the door.
She was gonna have some fun tonight, even if it were by her lonesome.
Oscar hummed as he worked on incorporating the eggs into the sugary butter mixture in his bowl. He was in such a good mood, even after all his friends had gone out to party like hooligans. He was sure that the coming tales from the partying teens would make his breakfast much more interesting.
The academy kitchens were at his full disposition and Oscar was too much of a homebody to care that he was alone. He had dressed in his Nora-Issued Pumpkin Pete patterned pajama set (all members of team JNPR just had to match!) and a fluffy brown robe loosely tied to his waist. His shoulders were relaxed and with ease he found himself whisking away in his own world of warmth and coziness. He had forgone the bandages for the night, as his teammates would be long before they come back to their dorm and had applied some scarring salve to his neck.
He felt at ease, with his neck scars uncovered and airing out. They itched like they normally did after so long under bandages, but he avoided touching his itchy neck while he was cooking.
He threw in a handful of chocolate chips to the mixture as he fell back to his thoughts.
Nora and Yang would for sure bring the funniest anecdotes of the night, seconded only with Jaune’s string of guys and girls that would surely go after his “earnest and boyish allure”, as one of the Mantle moms had put it. Oscar chuckled at the thought of Jaune not understanding how he got a fanclub in the first place as he measured the cup of flour.
Slowly, so as to not overwhelm the cookie dough with the Atlesian flour (he preferred the one that his neighbors manufactured at their mill), he spooned a bit of the flour as he felt relaxing again. He imagined that each spoonful was one individual problem or obstacle of his day, and as he released it into the bowl, he felt letting go of his daily troubles. He inhaled deeply through his nostrils like Maria had taught him and was about to release slowly through his mouth.
“Whatcha doing, Oscar?”, an inquisitive voice startled him into a surprised gasp as a cloud of flour filled his field of vision. Both teens spluttered and coughed as flour got into their airways.
“M-milk!” groaned Oscar, his eyes stinging as his throat constricted painfully. Through the massive hacking, Ruby found the milk and uncapped it fast, and delivered it with a slap to Oscar’s chest.
Oscar took one gulp of milk and slammed the carton on the counter, his coughing fit reduced but not contained. Ruby took the carton then and had a swig herself before slamming it back on the counter, Oscar taking it then, and so on and so forth.
After the milk had been drank, the two teens slumped on the counter as evil (in the form of non glutinous Atlesian flour) had tried to take them to an early grave.
Winded out and cheeks planted on the cold countertop, they looked at each other and gave a giggly sigh.
“So…what were you doing before almost dying at age fourteen?”, Ruby asked as she booped him on the cheek.
He blushed lightly and sat back up as he slid the bowl of cookie dough to Ruby.
“Chocolate chip cookies.” He answered simply as he watched the black-haired girl taste a spoonful of dough. She wiggled in her seat.
“Man, this is good!” She said enthusiastically before a deadpan Oscar plopped a whole cup of flour into the bowl Ruby was digging her spoon back in. She pouted as he resumed his whisking around.
Oscar worked in silence, as Ruby watched his every move. He made baking look like a meditative process and looked so in the zone that she dared not to speak.
It was only as he planted the last of the dough using an ice cream scoop that he spoke up again.
“And I’m fifteen, by the way.”
The way that Ruby screeched her surprise made him stumble a bit, as he looked bewildered at her.
Ruby paced back and forth in front of Oscar as he held a jar of freshly baked cookies in his lap. This particular rec room they were in had been loaned specifically for their group, seeing as General Ironwood in true Atlesian fashion, liked to play favourites and offered a ‘special housing arrangement for such a special group’.
The girl finished the last bite of her cookie, and as she gulped down, she turned to look at Oscar.
“March. The. Twentieth.” He shrank slightly as he passed another cookie to the fuming teen in front of him.
“A whole month passed!” He just looked at her as she inhaled the cookie in her hand. She turned back to him and shook his shoulders slightly, “Why didn’t you tell us!?”, he just shrugged.
“I lost track of time; I swear! We were all just so busy training, and going to missions, and stuff…”
“But you didn’t go to any missions you just trained with the General!”
Oscar just rubbed his arm, looking at a cookie as he seemingly inspected it for imperfections. He sat silently as he willed his face to not heat up under such strong scrutiny.
Ruby bit her lip as she realized that he had not gone to any missions, but she and the rest did.
“Ah.” She said, suddenly feeling quite lame as she wrapped herself tighter in her blanket. Ruby watched as Oscar nibbled on a cookie, collecting his thoughts. She sat down on the couch with him shoulder to shoulder, her bravado gone.
They sat in silence munching on cookies for a bit, before Ruby jumped up and dashed away in a flurry of red petals, leaving Oscar mulling the past minutes over and over again.
Sitting there alone he thought about how silly it became to him that he halfheartedly hoped for Ruby to come back. Just as he was dusting himself off, Ruby reappeared in front of him carrying bulks of blankets under both arms.
“Meet me in my dorm in like ten, kay?” she said hurriedly as she tucked the sofa cushion under her chin and bolted back to her dorm.
Oscar felt a flurry of nervousness, and giddiness at the pit of his stomach, which he tried to stomp with yet another cookie.
Deciding to get the rest of the cookies, he walked back to the kitchen and prepared a basket with whatever he could find.
“Woah.” Oscar had been caught unaware and surprised many times over since he joined the ragtag group of hunstmen rookies, he had seen horrors beyond his imagination, and his fate revealed cruelly in front of his very eyes. He had also seen bouts of astounding magic and impossible things. He had done impossible things.
But he had never been surprised silly by the simplest of things. Like this. Oscar felt a special type of warmth in his heart as he watched as Ruby applied the last touches to the most spectacular pillow fort he had seen in his life.
Somehow, she had found fairy lights and attached them to a canopy of blankets over the nest of pillows and sofa cushions that lay arranged in a very cozy manner on the floor. It looked comfy as hell and knowing Atlas’ penchant for luxurious materials for the tiniest of things, he had no doubt that the pillows were heavenly soft and plush.
He swept his gaze to Ruby as she set her scroll on top of some books, the camera facing a wall and in projector mode as it displayed a frozen still from a movie (or something). He sniffled a bit, touched by the barest of details, and his eyes pricked ever so lightly.
Hearing the quiet sniffle, Ruby whirled around and caught him misty eyed. In a panic, she rushed to him and squished his cheeks as she shushed him.
“Not! No crying today, Oscar. We´re gonna watch comedies and gorge ourselves in food till we enter a food coma.” Oscar nodded, his cheeks and ears heating up as Ruby continued to press her palms to his face.
Oscar had felt the rush of blood to his veins before, but it was always under perilious circumstances. Never before had a friend (definitely not a crush!) done something so touching and…homey. Like this.
“Mm mwot gwon cwa, boh plis rewt me gwo.” Ruby blinked at the unintelligible string of sounds that left Oscar’s pinched lips. Realizing she had squeezed his cheeks for too long, she let go immediately.
“Oh! He-hee. Oops, my bad.” She stammered, suddenly embarrassed.
“It’s ok. I got some of the fancy stuff that Winter keeps sending Weiss but that she doesn’t actually like.” He said, lifting the basket up for Ruby to inspect.
After accepting his offer of cold meat cuts and fancy-difficult- to-pronounce cheeses, Oscar and Ruby settled on the nest of soft blankets and plush pillows on the floor.
“Kay,” Ruby began as she went over tonight’s movie selection, “I got The Yuletide, about a girl living in a cottage in Mistral and another lady in a mansion in Atlas who swap homes for the holiday. I also got Huntsman Trap, about two estranged huntress trainees who get into the same Academy, discover they are twins and set up their big-name Huntsmen parents who got divorced. Or! The Pink Manticore, a crazy detective from Vacuo joins forces with experts to find the fabled Pink Manticore, a huge pink diamond that is rumoured to be possessed.”
Oscar scratched his chin deep in thought as he hugged a pillow to his chest.
“Mhm… How about the twin movie?”
Ruby grinned. She had already selected the movie.
After watching two of Ruby’s movie selections and eating sweet and savory foods until they could no longer accept one more crumb, both teens plopped down the pillows and burrowed in the fluffy blankets contentedly.
Ruby had turned off the fairy lights, and her scroll was projecting on their canopy of blankets overhead the pinpricks of the night sky.
Oscar was looking at the soft flecks of lights, flickering like they would under the winter night. His hands rested lazily on his full stomach, his left hand every so often pointing at the makeshift heavens.
“What’s that… smoky section of the sky?” Ruby asked, her right hand pointing at the general direction of the splattering of spots above.
Oscar narrowed his eyes a bit, pulling a memory not his own, but soon to become, out of the recesses of his soul.
“That’s the Seafoam River, we can’t really see it because of pollution, but many years ago it was brighter than the Moon.” He explained.
Ruby ‘aah-ed’ and looked at the stripe of stars and nebulae. She turned her body slightly to look at him, her palm under her chin.
“I have a question.” She said simply, her stare was hot platinum, intense and burning into his very soul.
Oscar turned his body to mirror hers and noticed her steadfast gaze. Feeling blood rush to his neck, he realized with a jolt that his scars were visible and had been for the entirety of the night. His hand flew fast to the side of his neck, shielding as much as he could the reminder of his childhood trauma.
“I… This is from the day my parents died.” He confessed. Ruby made a sound at the back of her throat, confused. “Can’t remember well, but a Grimm-“
“That wasn’t it!” Ruby interrupted as she grabbed his hand in hers, shaking Oscar out of his memories. “Just wanted to ask what type of farm you had, that’s all!” Oscar let a soft ‘oh?’, surprised. “But if you feel ready to tell me about it, I am here.”
Oscar shook his head.
“Sorry! I just thought… I didn’t want to scare you off with this.” He pointed at the cris-crossed scarred pattern in his neck.
Ruby giggled softly as she squeezed his hand.
“Oscar, my sister lost her arm and Weiss and Blake all have scars. We all do. We just gotta… accept them for the gift of a second chance that they are.”
Slowly, Oscar laid back down on his back. His long mile stare bore holes on the piece of fabric over their heads as he just laid there pensive.
“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to… I can put on another movie from our selection, its fine!” Ruby sat up quickly to select the Pink Manticore, the funny Vacuoan noir comedy, when she felt Oscar tug at their still joined hands. She squeezed his hand softly.
“Actually, I always dreamed about getting sheep so I could collect their wool and make dyed yarn and maybe sell it down by the town square.”
Smiling softly, Ruby settled back down and tuned to Oscar as he explained the process of shearing and dying wool.
Over time, the conversation petered out in between yawns and strenuous effort to keep awake. The last thing Ruby saw was Oscar’s eyelashes brushing his cheeks as he finally fell asleep, his face relaxed and content.
Looking at their held hands between their bodies, she felt happier than she had been in a very long time. She had finally gotten to learn more about her friend, and feeling particularly close and placid, she let sleep wash over her.
“Aw man, look at this!” Whisper-yelled Yang from the doorway to their dorm before she got loudly shushed by a barely sober Weiss.
The white-haired huntress was standing impossibly slanted, forty-five degrees to her right as she tried (in vain) to regain her composure, while Yang looked on the scene before her from the door.
“They. Are. Sleeping!” Weiss complained to her blonde teammate, who shushed her back sarcastically.
Irritated, Weiss began shushing Yang as she mimicked the white-haired girl back, initiating an argument expressed in overly dramatic shushing.
Blake and Ren shared a long-time suffering look, peeking out close enough to the door but not too much, avoiding Nora who fell asleep in the middle of the hallway, standing straight up, holding on to a stop-sign she had nicked from Mantle.
Jaune looked at Ruby and Oscar, both looking impossibly cozy as they cuddled in their pillow nest. They hugged lightly in their sleep, snoring softly and unaware of their friends looking at their snuggle.
“Look at them!” Jaune exclaimed softly, blue eyes soft and fond as he regarded his younger teammates. “They are headbutting their foreheads together!”
Blake poked her head into the room to see better and hummed.
“I get what they are trying to say. Headbutting is a whole declaration.” She said sagely, her ears twitching over her head. Blinking, she turned to the hallway as she heard someone approaching. She cocked her head when she saw who it was.
“Hey, Penny.”
“Salutations my friends!” The red-haired android girl exclaimed happily.
Weiss stopped her shushing match with Yang and slowly turned to Penny.
“Penny! Hush! Look at them they are sleeping!” she slurred.
Penny engaged her lock-on optics to scan Weiss quickly.
“Oh! It seems that you have been inebriated!”
Weiss spluttered indignantly.
Deciding to leave the dorm for the time being, Jaune pushed his way out of the dorm and closed the door.
“Hey guys, maybe we should simmer down a little bit.” Jaune said, pointing at the closed door as he tried to her the group further down the corridor.
Yang chuckled.
“Yeah! Looks like Ruby and Oscar need to catch up on their sleep to grow big and strong.” A chorus of giggles echoed as the group tried to stifle their laughter while Penny looked on confused.
“Sleep? But if I came here to wait exactly forty-five minutes until your usual waking time?”
Weiss snapped out of it suddenly.
“Are you telling me its already five a.m.?!”
Later that day Marrow noticed that the kids from Beacon all seemed lethargic and whiny, compared to their usual selves. Their reaction times were off and seemed confused. Frankly, it was like herding cats that day.
Marrow decided to take Ruby and Oscar, who were spry and looking fresh, on a stake out with him by the Solitas’ mines instead. During the entire mission, Oscar and Ruby seemed to have a new spring on their steps, and in Marrow’s opinion, he had once again stuck babysitting more lovesick fools.
Hope you enjoyed this tiny drabble! Cross posted on AO3, you can find me as ClaraLaClarividente 😗
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Was planning on making this my own post, but I thought you would be more suited to discussing this sort of topic. Something I've noticed when it comes to the more prominent/important/strong female characters (Nora, Pyrrha, Penny, Robyn, Emerald, Sienna) is that RT often has the tendency of giving them masculine allusions (Thor, Achilles, Pinocchio, Robin Hood, Aladdin, Shere Khan) as if they are unable to stand on their own as characters unless they have that connection to a male character. 1/3
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It is worth discussing! Yeah, I hesitate to call it a pattern just because, as you say, Team RWBY themselves are an exception to the rule  — and as the title characters of the story, they’re a pretty big exception. We also have good women allusions turned into good women characters (Glynda with The Good Witch, May with Maid Marian) and bad women allusions turned into good women characters (Winter with The Snow Queen — I don’t think she was ever meant to enter full antagonist territory, but that’s another post). So it’s not just a matter of saying, “RWBY models their strong women after male inspirations and turns all female inspirations into male characters.” It’s not that simple. But the fact that it’s not simple doesn’t mean there’s nothing there to unpack because I definitely understand the feeling you’re pointing to, anon. Team RWBY feels like it has the most thought put into it in terms of changing up these allusions, specifically when it comes to subversion: the little girl in a red hood who previously needed a hunter’s protection has become the hunter herself, Belle overcomes both her Gaston and the now evil Beast, Snow White extracts herself from her own abusive situation (with a little help from the Dwarves still), and Goldilocks is no longer lost and in need of basic necessities, but can rather punch her way out of any establishment  — like, say, a club. The execution of these themes aside (how Adam was handled, turning Jacques’ arrest into a joke, etc.), there’s a commonality here that works. Or at least, it works for me. Yet when we expand the allusions past our title team, things get... very messy. That’s when we start to hit on these concerns. 
I’d say the problem stems primarily from that lack of thought, not the act itself of turning women characters into men or vice versa. Meaning, as I’ve said in the past, RWBY’s use of allusions is terribly unreliable nowadays, and that’s not just in terms of plot expectations like, “Why did Penny have to become a flesh girl because Pinocchio, but Ironwood didn’t stay good because Tin Man?” It also includes these questions of why these changes were made and what sort of messages they send. As you lay out, why are so many of our heavy hitters  — the most talented huntress, the lightning-immune smasher, the Maiden android, etc.  — based on men? Why are many of the effeminate and “weaker” men  — Jaune the untrained, Ren the emotional councilor, Oscar the kid who wants to talk it all out  — based on women? Again, I don’t intend to sling any hard accusations, but rather to point out what’s likely a subtle, unconscious bias. To provide another example, I’ve seen talk recently about how RT (again, unconsciously) depicts the faunus, where all the good characters have culturally established “good” animal features and all the bad character have culturally established “bad” features. It’s cat ears, rabbit ears, sheep ears, monkey tails, dog tails, and beautifully changing skin color vs. scorpion tails, spiderwebs, bull horns, tiger ears, bat wings, and crocodile scales. Is it a perfect 1:1 divide? No, Ghira has panther claws and Fennec has fox ears, but there’s enough there for us to go, “RT tends to give the good guys cute features and/or features we associate with safe animals, whereas the bad guys tend to get ugly features and/or features we associate with dangerous animals.” I feel the same way here, that there’s a bit of a trend at play, with the caveat that there are more complications simply by virtue of these allusions being, well, complicated. But there’s enough there to make us stop and think, “What were RT’s intentions with this? If they just chose something based on the rule of cool, what might those inclinations tell us about gender norms in America?” Meaning, when someone goes, “Idk, we just thought it would be cool to change this up” there’s a lifetime of media consumption driving that choice. It’s not actually random, but based on whatever has been normalized  — unless you actively counteract that by thinking through what you want the change to do. 
Unconscious biases are always at work. When we analyze something like this it’s often not a matter of saying, “The author is [insert accusatory term here]” but rather just, “The author is falling into expectations, patterns, and normalized decisions based on the culture they’ve grown up in.” Which includes things like thinking, “Well, if this character is based on a male god, she must be crazy strong. If this character is based on a woman fighter, he’s probably more emotional.” Such biases may be driving a lot of decisions because, as said in the past, I really don’t think RT is putting much thought into these allusions, if any at this point. For me, Penny was proof of that  — the inability to see how following her allusion utterly destroyed her character growth  — but even if we don’t agree about Penny, what about Salem? Far from just using her name, this volume gave us a blatant reference to the events of Salem Trails in the 1690s. Namely, the burning of the witch. 
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Except references like this can’t just look cool. This isn’t a video game Easter egg with no real connection to the story, it’s a cinematography/plot choice that carries meaning. So what is that meaning? Well, the thing about the women on trail at Salem is that they were innocent. This is what that reference says: “Hey, remember that real life event where women who weren’t witches were horrifically killed because others thought they were evil? None were actually burned, but culturally we tend to think they were. So that’s the image in our collective mind: innocent women on fire.” Except... Salem is actually a witch. Salem is evil. Salem is guilty. Or at least, the questions surrounding the extent of her guilt  — How much responsibility does she hold in comparison to the Gods? How much agency does she still have after the grimm pool?  — has not been acknowledged by the text. Yang just yelled at Salem for killing her mom and Oscar is about to blow her up. This is not a “Question Salem’s humanity” scene, it’s a “Kill the witch” scene... yet it uses an allusion that is contrary to what the moment is trying to achieve. So what are we supposed to take away from this? Do we adhere to the subtext and believe that Salem is innocent somehow, ignoring what the actual text says, or do we uphold the text and in doing so undermine the reliability of every other allusion in the show? If we can’t trust Salem’s, why would we trust, say, Penny’s? 
RWBY’s allusions are all over the place and yes, I think that lack of consideration extends to who they randomly decided to genderbend. There’s no acknowledgment of  — let alone engagement with  — how many of these characters and historical figures were trying to pass themselves off as another gender, nor does RWBY acknowledge how the need to do so feeds into our current and historic assumptions about gender as a whole. Why does the man dress as a woman? To keep himself safe and seen as a non-threat. Why does the woman dress as a man? To gain access to places previously barred from her and to gain the respect she otherwise wouldn’t be afforded. And, of course, in 2021 there’s the expectation that media will include trans characters, GNC characters, non-binary characters, cis characters uninterested in practicing traditional femininity/masculinity, etc. None of which RWBY tackles outside of May, a woman who references a systematic transphobia we otherwise never see in the show. May, as a minor character, is great and I am in all honesty thrilled that she exists in the RWBY canon. However, the rest of the show is built on an anime conception of gender  — combat skirts and bare midriffs in the snow  — while nevertheless engaging with the very complicated question of how you re-imagine canonically/historically gendered people. As a “girl power” show, RWBY has opened itself up to questions like, “Okay, it’s great that you made these four fairy tale girls kickass, but can we talk about making Joan of Arc into a bumbling guy whose presence as a blonde, blue-eyed, sword-wielding man taking up lots of important screen time has generated accusations about this being a male-centered show?” It’s not a “RWBY is horrible for doing this!” issue, but a “RWBY is deliberately playing with gender and marketing itself as a progressive show, so... let’s figure out what these individual choices are actually implying and whether or not we consider that progressive.” 
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
The Way You Held Me Up
“Sure,” Kelly says, in acknowledgement, pulling Tracey's own vocabulary out with none of the blades.
Tracey's on an edge. Kelly keeps her away from it.
a/n: Tracey x Kelly. Casey Novak is in it too, implied Novelly. Implied redhead/redhead relationship.
Warning for suicidal ideation, depression, and eating disorders; though I did my very best to write in a sensitive way. It's more about the relationship than the struggles. Title from "This Will Be Our Year" by Dear Nora.
“I’m always worried,” Tracey says. She’s trying to wrap it up in sarcasm, tuck it between layers of professional dedication and personal concern. Yes, all of that is there, Kelly knows this, and she feels the same way. Every case she tries lodges itself in her chest, spine, the back of her tongue while they’re trying it, after all. Some stick longer. Don’t I know it, she wants to say. She wants to. Kelly isn’t just talking about this case, she’s not just talking about cases. Tracey’s always worried. More than Jack or Arthur, though the jury’s still out on Casey.
“I know,” Kelly offers, trying to be supportive. “You don’t have to knock yourself down like this all the time.” She feels the room get colder. The window isn’t open.
“Sure,” Tracey replies, and it could cut someone else. She always tries, doesn’t she.
“Don’t you think you should eat something?” Kelly says as she takes her coat off, already resigned to the response.
“I’m fine.” There it is. She expects it, still, she doesn’t want to hear it. Tracey isn’t fine. Kelly can’t tell if she doesn’t know that or if she’s unwilling to say it. Probably a bit of both.
“OK,” Kelly says, not trying to hide her disbelief. “I got you some Pad Thai anyway.” She watches Tracey go through a few reactions, ones she knows well from careful study. Eyes wide, then narrowed. “Extra lime, no sprouts,” Kelly continues, “I’m not stupid.”
“I said I didn’t want anything before you left,” Tracey says, almost wounded, and Kelly’s baser instincts want to crush the styrofoam cup of iced coffee she’s holding because can’t she accept something for once?
Kelly sticks to the facts. “That’s true,” she says, as she hands her the box and a fork. Tracey doesn’t touch it.
“I’m begging you to pass this one to Jack,” Kelly says. Begging is her last resort. She’s struggling to keep the frustration out of her voice. She knows antagonizing Tracey isn’t going to help her. It’s last minute, and late evening, they’re the only ones in the office, she doesn’t have many options, and this case feels far too relevant.
“What, you don’t think I can handle it because it’s sad?” Kelly knows Tracey knows that isn’t what she meant. The frustration builds, but melts just as fast. Kelly also knows this isn’t her fault.
“At the very least, let me take the lead on it,” Kelly says in a softer voice. Tracey blinks, but Kelly sees the tears. She always sees them.
“I’m not going to shatter,” Tracey says, but she actually looks more breakable than Kelly’s ever seen her, eyes downcast, wearing a sweater she's gotten too small for.
“I didn’t say you would,” Kelly says, and yeah, she thinks, Tracey won’t. She’s tough. She still doesn’t deserve this.
“What gives?” Tracey asks, trying to squeeze a justification out of her.
Kelly considers her words and sighs, looking in her eyes, speaking quietly. “I just wish you’d make things easier on yourself.”
"You need to drop this," Tracey had said, the same edge to the words. Kelly had wanted to defend herself, but every word coming to her mind, she knows, was going to make things worse. She'd only sighed, pulled her coat on with a bit more force than usual. It pays, sometimes, to be the calm one.
She doesn't need to drop it. She's right. But sure, screw her for wanting Tracey to still be alive by the end of this case. The thought sends a wave of fear, regret through her. Maybe she should've stayed, what if-- she doesn't let herself finish that thought.
She's taking her time walking to the subway, the scenic route, as it were. A newsstand; a pack of gum, resisting the cigarettes she doesn’t smoke anymore. Some scenery.
Kelly’s sure Tracey’s still upset, and, for her part, It doesn’t always feel good to be right. It’s loud in the station. The snow melting off boots turns to steam quickly in the heat. The crowd is a comfort, she’s invisible as she slips onto the subway.
So much for anonymity. She’s confronted by Tracey in a bright red coat. Messy curls and big brown eyes. Red eyes.
“Was there only one car?”
“Have you been crying?”
She looks away. Kelly doesn’t think before taking her in her arms.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Kelly holds tighter.
"Are you alright?" Casey asks her over coffee, in front of the courthouse, before a meeting. She isn't. "You look possessed."
Kelly scoffs. She always had a way with words. "I'm fine."
"No you're not." She also doesn't take well to bullshit.
"I didn't sleep well," Kelly says, which isn't a lie. Casey sees right through it.
"Why?" she asks. Kelly doesn't have to answer. Tracey walks past them, holding a cup. Kelly tears the edge of her coffee sleeve and watches her all the way up the steps. "Oh," Casey says. "My advice?" she says, "let it go. Dating the boss is never worth it." Kelly files that comment away for later, because she and Elizabeth hadn’t been as secret as Casey seems to think. She wants to tell her that she's misread the situation, that there's nothing to let go. Casey would know she's lying.
"I can't," Kelly whispers, her voice tired, and it's the truth. Casey realizes she's misread this.
"I'm sorry," she's softened her tone. She looks at her watch, she has to be somewhere. "I gotta go," she pats Kelly's shoulder, a bit awkwardly, "You'll figure it out."
“You know that you could die, right?” Kelly says. Tracey tenses. She knows she shouldn't be here, but she's so scared. Tracey didn't answer when she called. They've been talking around this for an hour outside her building as the sun goes down, on the step, in their coats; but after a longer silence than the others, she can't keep herself from saying it.
“Everybody dies.” Tracey's voice is quiet, like she doesn't want her to hear it, really.
“Most don’t kill themselves.”
“I’m not suicidal,” she replies. Kelly picks up a trace of uncertainty that makes her blood run cold.
“You have a problem,” Kelly says, even though she knows it's not what Tracey wants to hear.
“Everyone has problems.”
“Sure,” Kelly says, in acknowledgement, pulling Tracey's own vocabulary out with none of the blades. She can't keep her composure anymore. “I can't,” she says, stops herself as it comes out high pitched, hurting. She swallows it down. Tracey takes her hand, pulls her in, insistent, as she wraps herself around her.
"It's not a good time." Tracey's words come muffled through the door. Kelly's sure it isn't a good time, but she left her files in there and she needs them.
"I left my files in there and I need them," she says.
Tracey lets her come in. She looks tiny. She's barely meeting Kelly's gaze. Kelly wishes she knew what happened, today or in general.
Kelly shuffles through the papers on the desk, finding her own quickly. As she looks up, she catches Tracey watching her.
"What?" she asks, hoping that nothing about her appearance is wrong.
"Just watching you," Tracey says, unguarded, genuine, like she didn't think about what she was going to say. If she blushes, Kelly doesn't see it. It's unexpected-- not unwelcome.
“I, um,” Tracey says. Tracey, who is standing, pale, rosy, at her doorstep at 12:30 AM, says. “I’m sorry, I woke you up, I shouldn’t’ve, I’ll go,” Kelly looks at Tracey in a way that stops her mouth.
“You’re not going anywhere,” she says as she opens the door wider. Tracey nods, biting a nail. Kelly guides her inside, then onto the couch, a gentle hand against her shoulder blades. She takes her coat. Tracey is wearing street clothes, jeans and a t-shirt. She feels almost naked in her shorts and camisole, her robe. Tracey did wake her up. She can wake her up whenever she needs her, whenever she wants her.
“I was going to,” Tracey starts. She tries again, “I couldn’t sleep, and then, I, I caught myself--”
Kelly’s sure she can’t hear whatever’s coming next. Tracey doesn’t think she can get it out. A hand on her arm and Tracey doesn’t keep trying. “Tea?” she asks. Tracey accepts. Mint? she nods. Kelly can’t tell if she’s more comfortable or spaced out. She puts water on to boil and they sit there, listening to the street, the sounds the stove makes, the sounds the water makes as it starts to boil. There are no lights on in her apartment, but the curtains are open. Kelly watches the lights outside reflect over Tracey’s eyes. Neither of them says a word. The kettle whistles.
They stay wordless as the teapot is emptied. Kelly thinks, anyway. She falls asleep with Tracey’s head against her chest, with her arm around her shoulders, safe, with her, for now. She wakes up in the same place at dawn with no sign of Tracey except two more mugs on the drying rack.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Kelly says when she sees Tracey walk in, her words coming out more nervous than she intends. Her mind has been racing since she woke up alone; what-ifs that she tried to cut off before she imagined them. Tracey is here and she proves all those scenarios wrong. She seems astonishingly normal in her sweater, like nothing happened. But the grateful, exhausted, fierce, defiant look that Kelly is met with as soon as they’re alone in her office is enough to reassure her.
It’s sharp. The way it makes her smile is exhilaratingly familiar.
It’s the way she’d felt the day Arthur Branch had introduced the two of them. Tracey had given her seemingly endless difficult tasks, to see if she could handle it. Kelly told her about halfway through the day that, while she could finish it all, she felt it would be more efficient to have some help; and Tracey had given her an impressed, mischievous smile.
It’s the way she felt the first time they were together outside of work, drinks on a Friday, only the two of them, in a bar that played jazz over the speakers.
So, she thinks. That’s what she’s been trying to tell herself.
“I’m cold,” Tracey says, “Are you cold?”They’re sitting in the office right around 5 and the temperature is quite tolerable.
“Not particularly,” Kelly says, not looking up from the law journal she’s reading.
“Why am I so cold? I’m freezing,” Tracey says to nobody in particular, releasing the words into the space. Tracey genuinely seems not to know why she’s cold. Or why she’s been complaining of headaches for weeks.
“I could make a case,” Kelly says, teasing, closing the book. “Though it may be circumstantial.”
Tracey wiggles her nose at her. It’s unreasonably cute. Maybe she’s putting some pieces together, here.
“I’m done with this,” Kelly says, “and you haven’t turned a page in ten minutes. Will you come get some dinner with me?”
This is the kind of invitation that could open the door to impropriety, Tracey thinks; but she certainly doesn’t mind that, even if it comes right after the slightest bit of pushing. As they step into the elevator, Tracey thinks she catches Kelly looking at her, not with the protectiveness and fear she’s developed over the past few months, but something else, heated, deep. Desire, she lets herself hope.
“Hey,” Tracey says when Kelly walks in the door, sounding OK, for once. She can’t believe she’s this happy to see yogurt.
“Breakfast!” Kelly says, because it’s all she can do to exclaim. She can’t believe how happy she is to be on the receiving end of rolling eyes, but the flutters from the smirk are to be expected.
“Coconut,” Tracey says, wielding the little cup like a trophy. Kelly thinks she deserves it, among other things.
"Is it good?" Kelly asks. She doesn't expect Tracey to hold out the spoon for her. It is good.
“Good morning, Casey,” Kelly says as she walks past her, just a hair late, carrying two coffees.
“Morning.” Casey hasn’t seen her look this normal in weeks. Not run down. She wonders if maybe whatever was going on with Kibre has blown over. Casey knows Kelly gets about up to contented, not beyond; so if she’s reached “good morning” levels, it’s a good sign. Tracey walks up just a moment later. Too curious not to watch, she sees her place a hand on Kelly’s shoulder, then she sees the way they both smile to see one another. Tracey takes a coffee out of Kelly’s hand.
Casey guesses that their whole bureau must have set their alarm clocks slow because that tall redheaded junior is rushing up after them. She thinks she remembers Kelly mentioning that one. Said she was talented, Casey might think about poaching her to Sex Crimes if the opportunity came up. She probably won’t, for her own sake. Though apparently she’s in the minority on this one, she’s had enough of office romances. She makes a mental note to ask about her.
“That’s beautiful,” Tracey says, regarding an orchid Kelly keeps on her mantle. Kelly wonders, only briefly, if she’s making the right choice here. Tracey’s her boss, and she’s just gone through a lot, and she’d seen all of it and they’re so close, that she worries. She knows, though, that she crossed that bridge a long time ago, then crossed it again having Tracey in her apartment, cooking for her, playing music she knows they both like instead of taking her out somewhere that could possibly be construed as platonic. Since then, it’s been a question of when.
“Nun’s hood. Very hard to cultivate with the amount of sun I get.”
“It looks like,” Tracey says, her trademark grin that comes before a joke starting to shine. Kelly doesn’t give her the satisfaction, however tempting it is. She nods.
“Doesn’t it?” she says, hovering on the edge of a laugh, setting down her glass of wine. “It’s beautiful.” She inches closer to Tracey on the couch, puts her feet on the floor instead of curling them under herself; so as to ensure less of a barrier should that gap be closed. She has to let Tracey make this move first. Tracey may have more professional power, but Kelly already knows she wields a formidable amount of interpersonal power.
Tracey rolls her eyes and smirks, looks, somehow, more like herself than she ever has before. She closes the remaining couple of inches. Kelly tastes like wine and cherries and salt; and Tracey can feel her world narrowing in that moment. There is nothing else, Tracey thinks. Hopes there’ll never be.
“Yes” is the only word that Kelly can possibly say, even now that she’s stopped counting the times Tracey’s had her like this. It’s the only word in her mind, it’s the only thing that feels right on her lips, that feels right against Tracey’s. Yes please, yes there, yes again. Tracey is in her arms, solid and grounded and warm and breathing, heavy against her neck, collarbone, wrist. Here. Alive.
Kelly prefers this kind of embrace; desperate, hungry, closer and closer.
Every time they touch doesn’t have to be for reassurance from fear. Security can be Tracey’s fingers pressing into her hips, can be soft sheets and light from the street in her room. She isn’t scared.
She doesn’t realize that she’s started to cry. Tracey looks up, panicked, stops what she’s doing. She sniffles, disoriented at the absence of touch.
“Are you OK? Is, did, what happened?”
“I’m,” Kelly says as she raises herself up on her elbows, her voice quiet with want and with tears, tone colored by the smile raising her cheeks, “so happy.” The look of relief, affection in Tracey’s eyes makes her dizzy. A hand on her cheek, she looks into her eyes. “You’re here,” she says, thinks; alive, with me.
Tracey sticks to the perfect, inevitable, unbelievable facts. “I’m here.”
I'm tagging all the people I know who care about TBJ-- if you would rather not be tagged, please let me know! @1000spices, @commasplice27, @jesterofrohan there's not enough Casey to tag my Casey list :)
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Fav Rwby ship & why???
Oh, gosh! First, thanks for the ask!
I feel like it’s changed a lot recently. It used to be Nuts and Dolts, but volume 8 has kinda made me ship it less somehow? It was my first ever RWBY ship! V7 had Penny standing up for herself and being strong and independent, which only made me ship it more. V8 carried on with that plot in the case of Ironwood and Pietro telling her what to do, but I really thought based on the setup that they’d address Ruby kind of doing the same? (Or the fact that Ruby lied to Penny about Salem for months, that could’ve been interesting to see her react to/see them discuss) It feels like Penny’s development has kinda regressed back to doing what someone (Ruby) says is best for her. But it seems they were just trying to show Ruby supporting Penny, and that’s fine too! I just wish they felt more like equals these days after all she’s been through... still adore them though! <3
When I like ships they’re usually hypothetical and not “this is what I want to be endgame” so me liking certain ships isn’t meant to demean any other ones, ya feel? Multishipping is fun!
Freezerburn had me in volume 5, not gonna lie XD I liked checkmate and whiterose a lot in early volumes, too! Of course Bumbleby is up there as well, especially looking back at v1-3 and how happy they are with each other now, and I’m glad that’s the one that became canon! They’re so cute and I’m GAY. Blake’s coming out of her shell and Yang is recovering, and while I’m not the biggest fan of how Yang’s PTSD arc was handled (personally! This isn’t discourse!), I’m glad Blake’s helping her embrace the parts of herself she felt she’d lost. Good shit.
Oh yeah, snowpines is also cute! Country boy and city boy, prince and pauper, all those fun things :) Loads of potential there, I wish we got to see them interact at all :P Renora is sweet and lovely of course, but that goes without saying. That scene in ch11 was SO WELL WRITTEN and healthy and the BOOP!!!! My heart can’t take it, I’m SO glad Nora’s taking time for herself. OH AND SNOWSTJORM! I know it’s called nordic winter but come ON! Weiss is snow and Nora is storm it’s RIGHT THERE. Also platonic brighteyes is the cutest fcking thing, I wanna see Ruby, Penny, and Oscar interact as a trio, they’re so wholesome and I think they should all be friends :) Also Penny-Pine Parallels are STRONG and I think they would get along and could help each other a lot (platonic Data Farms has rights)
Tbh I’m currently just. LOVING the platonic ships. Platonic whiterose gives me Dopamine <3 
I’m really appreciating the gngrbrd friendship, especially with all of Oscar’s development showing why they click so well! It feels like they each pick up what the other struggles with, have enough similarities and differences to be a great balance, and they’re constantly supporting and learning from each other. They’re just so... believable. Their interactions never feel fake or forced or empty. There’s an understanding between them, and they get to disagree at times while still being supportive and trusting of the other’s judgment. It’s nice to see friendships have that nuance, y’know? V7 made it clear that they view one another as equals now (especially after Oscar helped calm Ironwood in ch9 when Ruby didn’t know what to do -- that moment marked a big shift for them), and that’s an important foundation for any sort of relationship! 
Seeing how Ruby’s grown to see Oscar as a capable teammate in his own right, not needing to rely on her but able to stand on his own, has made me enjoy the progression of the two. Meanwhile Oscar’s always seen Ruby as a great leader, and speaks up when he has a differing opinion or concerns, but has now grown to feel on a more even ground with her. Obviously he still looks up to her, but not in an imbalanced way. They’re teammates, both contributing, both their own person separate from each other, as well as working well together to provide emotional support. They’ve always confided in each other, even back in v5. Ruby’s only ever opened up to that level with him and now Yang, and it’s clear watching the dojo scene that she needed to get that off her chest as much as he needed to hear it. They have a really genuine connection as characters, and as Oscar’s come into his own the dynamic has moved forward in a way that’s really healthy and interesting.
Knowing me and how demiromantic I am, I can potentially see myself winding up shipping it down the line depending on where their friendship goes. At the moment, though, I just think they should get to hug and talk more. Gods know they both need it.
I guess that’s my final answer - gngrbrd! I know it’s a platonic ship so that’s probably not what you were looking for, but their development both on their own and with one another is well done and I’m enjoying the direction it’s going :D
Update: I ship Rosegarden now
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pilot-boi · 4 years
Snowed In
The first snow of the school year was shaping up to be quite the storm. Not the blow your house down kind of storm, but definitely the bury your house in mountains of frozen water kind of storm.
Ren just wants to get some studying done if he can, and then stay in before the snow buries the whole campus. But he might not be getting buried alone, which might be less irritating than he thinks.
(Secret Santa for @katmotif )
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. And since we’ve no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
The sky was growing dark outside, and stars would be twinkling into view if it weren’t for the thick blanket of clouds cushioning the sky. The air was crisp and cold, warning of frost and even colder weather to come.
After days of threatening, and warnings from the campus weather service that nobody heeded, the clouds that had been looming all week were finally fulfilling every student’s wish. Flakes of snow drifted silently from the heavens, dusting the roofs of buildings and cars alike.
While it was getting dark, it was not quite late enough for the streets to be abandoned. So occasionally a car would trundle past, making spotlights in the snow with its headlights. Or a particularly unlucky student would be seen trudging back to their dorm room through the gathering drifts.
One such student was Lie Ren, who was shuffling back to his dorm after a day of studying at the local coffee joint. As soon as the flakes started actually accumulating, he’d waved goodbye to his roommate Jaune, who was one of the unlucky employees, and had headed out the door.
Ren didn’t have a car, and he usually elected to walk around campus instead of employing some sort of transportation. So if he wanted to make it back to his room before the streets became completely un-navigable, he unfortunately had to leave much sooner than normal.
Jaune was not going to have fun biking back through all of this, poor guy.
So there Ren was, messenger bag slung over one shoulder, scarf wrapped tightly around his face, and water soaking through his shoes and into his socks. His breath fogged up the air in front of his face, and, more annoyingly, also fogged up his glasses.
Who needed eyesight anyway? He was seriously debating just taking them off, if only so he could freaking see.
Reaching his building, he swiped his card at the door, waved at the desk attendant, and hiked up all the flights of stairs to his room. He should have the room to himself for the rest of the evening, since Jaune was likely to be occupied at his job for the remainder of the night.
Ren wanted nothing more than to just sit at his desk with a cup of tea and let his mind relax into the comforting haze of schoolwork he already knew the answers to.
All his hopes were dashed when he got nearly tackled to the ground by what looked at first glance like a high-speed ball of cotton candy.
“Reeeeennnn!!” yelled the cotton candy ball, who revealed herself to be Nora Valkyrie. “You’re back already?” she demanded, already dragging him back into his dorm room.
“Nora? How are you here?” he asked, allowing himself to be dragged out of the hallway, through the common area, and into his room. “Did you bully Jaune into giving you his key? Again?” he continued, sighing slightly as he shrugged his scarf off his shoulders.
Nora pouted and plopped herself on his bed, kicking her legs petulantly. “Ren, do you have so little faith in me? I would never! Such baseless accusations, how could you?”
“Nora.” He wasn’t even looking at her as he took off his coat, but he could feel her rolling her eyes at him.
“Okay fine, yeah I did,” she replied, grinning cheekily. “But I promise it’s the last time!”
“Really?” he commented, grabbing his electric kettle and leaving Nora alone in the room to fill it with the water he needed. He didn’t believe her in the slightest. “I don’t believe you in the slightest.”
“Weeeeellll...” he heard Nora trail off noncommittally, in a way that didn’t get Ren’s hopes up at all. “I promise it’s the last time I steal Jaune’s room key!” Ren leveled an unconvinced look at her as he came back into the room. “No really, it is! I’m gonna get Ruby to 3D print me a copy in her next lab!”
She seemed extremely proud of her solution to the problem of how she was going to continue to break into his room. “Nora, I don’t think that’s allowed,” he reminded her, settling the kettle back onto its stand and setting it to boil.
Nora waved him off. “Pffft! Sure it’s not allowed! But it was either this, or breaking out the lock-picking kit Sun got me for my birthday.” Ren reminded himself to remind Jaune to complain to Neptune to yell at his boyfriend for giving Nora the disastrous present. “Besides, you never answered my first question!”
“Which question was that, exactly?” he asked, pulling out a couple of mugs, green tea for him, and specifically the box of non-caffeinated hot chocolate for Nora. Ren’s chances of getting any actual work done were lowered drastically by Nora being here, but they would be non-existent if she managed to get her hands on caffeine.
“Why you’re back so early!” she reminded him, stealing the container of marshmallows before he could stop her. Popping a few in her mouth, she commented, “I thought I’d be waiting around for-EV-er for you!”
“Have you been here that long already?” Ren asked, raising a fond eyebrow at her. He casually pulled the box of marshmallows back out of her hands and ignored her when she pouted. “If you eat all of these, there won’t be any left for your cocoa.”
“So what? They’re still ending up in my belly where they rightfully belong.”
“Now you’re ignoring my question.”
“Hmm? Oh right!” She bounced on his bed, kicking her shoes off to join Ren’s pair placed neatly at the foot of his bed. “But yeah my construction class got cancelled so I got done early. But you usually don’t get back until like freaking midnight!”
It was true. As much as the coffee shop was rarely quiet and he tended to get less work done than he would like, even there he still managed to get sucked into his work and not notice how much time was passing.
More times than not one of the employees would have to usher him out with a sheepish and apologetic smile because he was keeping them from closing up.
“So what’s the deal with that?” she asked, flopping onto her back to stare at him upside down. “Why’re you back already?”
“It’s snowing,” Ren replied simply, nodding at the darkening sky outside his window and the flakes that drifted past. “I wanted to get back before the roads disappeared,” he explained, lifting the whistling kettle off its stand and pouring twin streams of hot water into their mugs.
“What?!” Nora exclaimed, tumbling off his bed and somehow miraculously landing on her feet in a show of nimbleness that definitely would’ve eluded his roommate. “It’s snowing and you didn’t tell me?!”
Ren rolled his eyes at her mock display of offense, hand pressed to her chest and everything. “How was I supposed to know it was going to snow today specifically?” He set his tea to steep in one mug and poured a spoonful of cocoa mix into the other. “You’re the one who’s been waiting all week for this.”
He passed Nora her mug, who had to stop her bouncing to save herself from the burns the sugary drink would definitely give her despite her love of it.
Finally settling down at his desk with his bag and his books and a mountain of papers to finish, Ren got to work on his work. Not his work for work, of course, but damn if his psych professor didn’t make that class feel like a full time job anyway.
Nora started telling him about her day, and his mouth tilted up into a smile in spite of himself. After about a minute her mug was already empty, refilled twice more, and then abandoned. She set it next to his, and without thinking he removed it from the paper she’d set it on, and rotated it so that it faced the same way as his own mug.
Out of the corner of his eye, Ren could see her pacing back and forth and making huge gestures with her arms as she explained some disaster that a fellow stage hand got into. Ren knew that Nora knew that he was only half-listening, but he loved hearing about her day more than he was ready to acknowledge.
He’d comment every so often, and her eyes would light up every time he responded. Even the glimpses he got of her bright-eyed freckle-faced smile were enough to warm him more than the tea ever could.
After about a half an hour of no interruptions, filled with blissful quiet, productive work, and no cocoa refills, he started to get suspicious. Nora not babbling extensively was… oddly off-putting.
It was like when a canary suddenly went silent in a coal mine. You knew something had gone terribly wrong with the universe.
But honestly what was most strange was that he missed her rambling. Ren would’ve thought that she would distract him, but somehow the silence of his room was more deafening than she ever could have been.
He didn’t know how, but he’d gotten used to her stream of consciousness. And now with it gone, when normally he wouldn’t have even noticed that it was happening, its absence was louder than her actual speaking.
Unable to focus on working now, for reasons that eluded him, he sighed and tilted back into his chair. It was really coming down out there, he would barely see the sidewalk outside. And judging by the sky that he couldn’t see, night had well and truly fallen.
And then his eyes landed on Nora.
She was laying sprawled on his bed, one arm looped around his pillow and one hanging over the edge. Still fully clothed, red hair falling like a halo around her head, and completely and utterly asleep.
Well that explained the quiet.
Ren just stared at her for a moment, struck dumb for reasons he couldn’t quite articulate. Something about how he was just now realizing that he’d never seen her quite this peaceful before.
Still fully mobile off course, not even sleep could down Nora Valkyrie completely. Even as he watched she rolled over, pushed the pillow she was holding off the bed, and grumbled something about pancakes under her breath at now finding the pillow missing. Or maybe it was at the missing pancakes, who could say.
But she seemed calm. And exhausted, now that she was keeping still enough for him to really look at her. Dark circles painted the pale skin beneath her eyes, and her naturally frizzy hair stuck up more than even it normally did.
Ren stood up, took one step towards her, and hesitated.
Should he wake her up?
No. He couldn’t wake her up, especially not now that he saw how much she needed the sleep. And, he glanced out the window again, especially not now that the snow was making it dangerous nigh impossible for her to walk back to her own dorm. Even if she wasn’t exhausted Ren didn’t know if he’d be comfortable with her walking back alone in this weather.
And she looked so comfortable, so who was he to move her, really?
Sighing, Ren resolved to let her stay sleeping in his bed and also resolved to bunk on the floor. Or maybe he’d borrow Jaune’s room, as it looked like his roommate had given up on returning home.
After one final sip of tea, he pulled the drawstring to close the blinds and clicked off his lamp. Now the room was lit only by the cool light of the moon. Nora’s hair shone like fire.
He pulled his sweater off, determined that at least one of them would be going to sleep tonight in the correct attire, and folded it neatly. He climbed up onto the bed, intending to pull the blanket more firmly around Nora’s shoulders before leaving, but instead he yelped when she grabbed him and pulled him down.
Lacking the pillow she’d been holding, it looked like she’d made do with him.
Ren froze in her grasp, only remembering to breathe when he saw that she was in fact still asleep. Freckles like a million constellations layered on top of each other speckled their way across her nose and cheeks. Her eyelashes were long and a paler orange than her hair.
Without thinking, Ren wriggled one arm out of her tight grasp and brushed a stray lock of hair off her face.
He froze again, flushed as deep a pink as his eyes, his arm hovering in the air above them. Why the hell did he do that? What if she woke up, what would he do then? What if-
Nora mumbled something else under her breath, and Ren calmed down. He willed the flush out of his face and in froze. Good. Still asleep.
And he was still trapped, but there wasn’t much he could do about that now. Actually...
One arm was pinned to his side, but the other was now free, and having already decided to not wake her up, he instead pulled the blanket up the rest off the way to cover them both.
Shifting as much as he could, he got comfortable and resigned himself to a long night of probably no sleep.
Nora’s grip relaxed, and she nuzzled into his chest. Maybe she somehow knew that he wasn’t going anywhere. This warmed Ren more than the blanket was, and a soft smile spread on his face for a person who was too asleep to notice.
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
The snow fell outside, blanketing the world in white flakes. Ren would normally have watched them drift past his window, but he was already fast asleep.
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sixx02 · 4 years
New Things
Lie had never been one to open up to others so easily, the Arc’s could attest as such.  So when a new girl had joined their ranks, Nora’s new bosom buddy as she called her, it had been an interesting experience.  He had nothing against the girl, but it was odd, he was so used to it always being the three of them, always Jaune, Nora and Lie.  But now?  Now it was more than that, it was Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Lie. 
He wasn’t sure how he felt about it, things had changed so quickly and he felt like he’d been awashed full of new emotions he wasn’t ready for.  Though, with all of that said he was happy for the other two, Nora had finally found another person she could relate too.  Her and Pyrrha were peas in a pod, except one of those peas was an eccentric and the other a girl who seemed to desire closeness.  
He wasn’t sure if it would work at first, he didn’t know if Pyrrha could handle Nora’s energy.  But he’d been proven wrong, apparently she saw it as a challenge, one she met with gusto.  And the strangest part was that she seemed to enjoy it.  The two of them were practically tied at the hip.  
Then there was Jaune, he saw how he looked at Pyrrha, his eyes full of an unknown longing.  He knew that his brother had wanted ‘companionship’.  He was the type who was amorous with his feelings, he always liked to hold those he cared about close.  And he ahd yearned to find someone to love, but well his last experience had greatly hurt him, had damaged the way he looked.  But Pyrrha was kind, gentle, she wasn’t out to use someone.  Quite the opposite, she did her best to fit in, possibly tried too hard.  But she was doing her best, and she really wanted them to be close.
Then there was him, he didn’t know how to feel.  The two of them had hardly interacted, they had barely even spoke.  He supposed part of that was his fault, he wasn’t really one to go out of his way to talk to a stranger.  Then his siblings had an idea, he knew they did, there was no way this was on accident.
They had told him, told them really, that they had to do something they’d forgotten something at school.  Pyrrha had offered to go back with them, told her not to worry about it, and that they’d catch up.  Lie knew they were liars, he knew what this was about.  So, as they left, thus began the awkward walk home, Pyrrha on his right.  
He eyed her, watched as she began to fidget, unsure of how to speak to him, he was the same though he didn’t show it.  Instead he opted to be cold and uncaring, that proved to be the wrong move.
“I… I’m sorry.”
He cocked his left eyebrow, turning his attention towards the girl to his right.  “For?”  He was genuinely confused, as far as he was aware she had done nothing to apologize for.  
“I’m sorry… I know you mustn’t like me much, I don’t mean you harm I just never really had friends and I… I’m sorry that I’m taking their time and I don’t mean to be in your way I just…”  She didn't finish, instead she stared downwards.  
His movement stopped, the crunching of snow beneath his feat coming to a halt as he turned his attention towards the crimson haired girl in front of him.  “I…”  He hadn’t been the only one with these thoughts, or at least he hadn’t really thought what she had thought… right?  
Sometimes he didn’t know his own emotions, had he been passively avoiding her, did he feel like she was stealing his time with his siblings?  Taking a moment to ponder he realized… he had been, he hadn’t done it on purpose nor had it even been an active thought.  No it had been something that he just let happen.  Biting his lip he stared downwards, that wasn’t right of him.  He thought he’d let go of these feelings, of the feeling that he was alone and needed to cling so tightly onto things.  
Sucking in air he let the cold wind invade his lungs, “I’m sorry.”  She hadn’t needed to apologize, he’d picked up on her small little ticks, he was good at that, but apparently he was bad at reading himself.  “I… I admit… I was probably jealous?”  Yes, yes he was.
“You!  You don’t need to be!  I promise, I’m not trying to…”  He silenced her placing a hand up.
“I know… it’s not you… It’s… I’m not comfortable with talking about it yet.  But, I love Nora, I love Jaune.  They mean the world to me… I’m… I’m not the best at showing my emotions, i’ve gotten better at it.  But then… then you showed up.  They grew attached to you so fast, and I felt that our little trio was broken.”  
“I didn’t mean to!”  
He simply nodded along, “I know, that’s why I’m sorry.  I’m being silly, really I am.  It’s just hard for me to accept new people.  But… but you’re right, I’ve seen the way you talk to them.  I’ve noticed the little ticks you have, like how when you speak to Jaune, you always use a cordial tone, trying to be polite.  As if you’re holding yourself back from something, or how you try your best to keep up with Nora’s energy.  It’s like you're trying hard.”
Pyrrha bit her lip, she really was trying harder than she wanted to admit.  These were her first friends, she felt like she had to, or she may lose them.  
“You don’t have to… they’re… they’re far more accepting than you think they may be.  They have big hearts, Jaune especially is willing to accept anyone if they want to give the time and effort.”  Lie smiled, “Maybe that’s what was bothering me, maybe I felt you were trying to hard, maybe I felt like you were trying to take my place.”  He shook his head as Pyrrha eyed him.  “I’m sorry… I really am.”  
Pyrrha watched as he pulled his hand up, she smiled.  “I promise I won’t be that way anymore, or at least I’ll try.  But you should relax more yourself, be more you.  They’ll accept you, I promise.”  
He watched as Pyrrha nodded quickly, practically vibrating in place.  Pyrrha took his hand and shook it, “I hope we can become friends as well.”  
Lie nodded a smile on his face, yeah he thought they probably could.  “Yeah… yeah I think we can.”
“HEEEEEY!  We said you guys could go ahead!”  The duo turned towards Nora running towards them Jaune being dragged along by his little sister.
The two couldn’t help themselves, small giggles escaping their lips.  Things would be fine after all.
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joaquinwhorres · 4 years
Boxes (Lee Jordan x OC)
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SUMMARY ››››› Nora finds Lee sitting alone out in the snow and goes to check on him.
WORD COUNT ››››› 1,578
A/N ››››› I wrote this in like three different ways, but I’m happy with how it turned out. It gives a little more insight into Nora’s soft side and also is not just Lee cheering up Nora. 
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She had never seen Lee Jordan alone before. 
Sure, she'd seen him without his friends, but always walking through a crowded hall or sitting in the Quidditch stands or trailing a professor asking questions. Never so completely and utterly alone. 
The thought caused her stomach to twist, and she slowed to a stop keeping her eyes focused on him. Maybe it wasn't the fact that he was alone. Maybe it was the fact that he was still. 
In the classes they'd had together he'd always been turning in his seat or busying himself with something on his parchment. He was a dynamic announcer, talking with his hands and dodging McGonagall's attempts to grab the megaphone. But here he was sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around them, staring into space.
Something wasn't right.
Nora stepped out from the covered walkway and into the snow, wrapping her arms around herself as if that could protect her from the cold of the little white flakes that settled onto her coat sleeves and tangled themselves in her hair. "Lee?" 
His head swiveled to her, and she was a bit surprised that he'd heard her the first time she'd called his name. 
"Are you alright?" Nora asked, rubbing her mittened hands gently up and down her arms. 
His smile was soft--not the electric grin she was used to. "Perfectly fine," he answered in a voice that was probably  meant to reassure her. And it might have if it weren't for the fact that there was still that little twist in her gut telling her to stay.
"Really?" Nora asked, stepping closer, bits of snow jumping up from under her feet to avoid being packed down in the shape of her shoeprint. "Is that way you're sitting all by yourself out in the snow instead of coming in for dinner?" 
He exhaled what might have been an attempt at a laugh through his nose. "I'll be in soon."
"Ok." The word came out airly, as if she believed him, and Lee must have thought she did because he turned back around to stare out into the middle of the courtyard. But, instead of retreating, she moved forward. "Do you mind if I sit out here with you until then?"
He shook his head but didn't look at her again. 
Nora nodded, mostly for her own benefit, before tucking her coat under her bum and settling down into the snow. She wiggled a bit, smoothing out a nice little divet to sit in before chancing a glance over at Lee who hadn't moved. She turned her attention up to the sky, tipping her head back so that the snowflakes drifted down onto her face and caught in her lashes. For a moment, she felt entirely at peace in the muted world of the courtyard. She could understand why Lee chose to escape out here to avoid the raucousness of the castle. Except… Her eyes drifted back to Lee once more. He didn't seem to be escaping much if the look on his face was any indication.
"It's beautiful out here," Nora mused, leaning back onto her hands and fighting back the urge to shiver without her arms wrapped around herself.
"Yeah," Lee breathed out in agreement. 
Nora bit the inside of her lip, trying to settle back into the moment. She looked back up at the snowflakes and attempted to count them. She tried picking one and following its progress all the way down to the ground. She tried naming the specific colors of everything she saw around her: pearl, cotton, mist, slate, slate-blue. But her fingers twitched in her mitten, itching for her to do something. 
So, she scooted to the left, narrowing the gap between her and Lee. Nora bit off her mitten, digging her hand into her pockets, fingers searching for the familiar smoothness of plastic wrapping. Instead they bumped against a quill tip and then a crumpled piece of parchment and then her small supply of tissues. And then, finally, they found it.
Nora withdrew her hand from her pocket, presenting three pieces of butterscotch to Lee on her open palm. He looked at her with eyebrows raised, and she smiled. "Whatever it is, I've always found a bit of sweets help." 
He exhaled another laugh--this one more real, and his shoulders dropped some. "Thanks, Nora." There was a fondness in his voice that hadn't been there before, and her smile grew just a bit bigger. 
"Take two," she urged, and Lee hesitated for just a second before taking another sweet. 
The two unwrapped their butterscotches in silence, each popping them into their mouth and then pulling mittens and gloves back on. 
It was easier to sit in silence now. Listening to the sweet clack against teeth and sitting just a bit closer together. 
"Can I ask you something?" Lee asked, and she startled a little before turning to face him. 
"Of course." 
"What do you think of me?" 
Her head tilted a bit to the side as she considered him. He was still staring forward as if didn't want to meet her eyes when he asked this. She had the distinct feeling that she could say something very wrong if she wasn't careful.
"How do you mean?" 
Lee's jaw worked as he sat in her question for a moment, and she wondered if he hadn't heard her or if this was the wrong thing to say before he spoke again. 
"I overheard someone in class today…" he shook his head, not wanting to finish the rest of the story. "People here, they just think I'm a laugh. That I don't take anything seriously. I'm just...entertainment." 
Nora frowned. 
"You're not entertainment. Entertaining sometimes, but you're more than that Lee. Much more." 
"I know, it just-- " he cut himself off again with a sigh, resting his chin on top of his knees. "I don't know why it's bothering me this much. I like performing and making people laugh." 
He didn't say anything else after that, staring back out into the snow. Nora adopted his position, drawing her own knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "People like to put other people in boxes," Nora offered, shrugging her shoulders. "You're the entertainment, I'm that happy girl, someone else is the pretty one, and the smart one, and whatnot. I think it helps them feel like they can make sense of everyone--they just need to find the right box to fit them in. But it's absolute shite being put in a box because there isn't a single one big enough to fit every part of you." 
This earned her half a laugh. "'ts a bit of a convoluted metaphor," Lee remarked. 
"I'm doing my best," Nora looked back at him, a smile tugging up at her lips. The two held each other's gaze for a second before Lee looked away. 
"What box did you put me in? Before we were friends?" 
"There wasn't a box really," Nora shook her head. "To me you've always been the boy who wanted to find the Giant Squid with me on our first day of Hogwarts." 
Lee turned back to look at her, his cheerlessness dissipating the way ice did on a frozen pond. His lips parted like a sharp crack in the ice before fissuring out into a smile and dimples and melting away into a look of small wonder. "I'd forgotten about that." 
"I never have," Nora shook her head, giving him a half smile. "I was so nervous on that boat ride. I'd never left my family for more than a week or two, and even though Wren was with me, I didn't think we'd be sorted into the same house. And then you came along chatting about the Giant Squid and trying to make the boat go over to where you were sure you'd seen him, and you let me help--more than that, you actually listened to my ideas…" Nora trailed off, realizing she was rambling. "I thought you were very clever and good fun and truly kind. I thought 'this is someone I could be friends with if Wren leaves me.' But then you went and got sorted into the wrong house too, and I promptly never spoke to you again." 
Lee let out a burst of laughter, and a warming sensation flooded Nora's chest seeing him genuinely smile. "Well," Lee said, his laughter dying down. "At least we're friends now."
Nora nodded. "All this to say, if people want to put you in a box, they're missing out, Lee. Really, truly, we should pity them, missing out." 
His gentle smile returned once more, but unlike the first one he'd given her, this one was as warm as  laughter that shone in his eyes. "Thank you, Nora." 
"Anytime at all," Nora said, returning his smile with one she hoped reflected all that he gave to her.
Lee took in a deep breath before letting it out through his nose. "I guess we should go to dinner then." 
"My stomach would like that very much," Nora agreed. 
Lee chuckled, standing up from the snow and brushing himself off before offering a hand down to Nora. She accepted it, taking hold of his gloved hand and letting him pull her up onto her feet. He squeezed her hand once before letting it go and two walked side by side back into the castle.
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pawprintsmoon · 3 years
You and me, Part III
The proposal
After a shower and clean pajamas, Alex finished packing his suitcase, tucking the ring safely inside. The next morning, he was so focused on not losing it again that he ended up misplacing his coffee filled travel mug. He had put it down for one second, and suddenly it was nowhere to be seen. Henry found it in minutes and they left for the airport. Distracted beyond reason, Alex had to hop out of the car to race back inside to grab his wallet. Then he had to hop out of the car again to run inside and get his phone.
After speeding to the JFK airport, they crossed the Atlantic and spent one night in Kensington recovering from jet lag. They spent their first full day at a trans* equity conference. The English press greeted their visiting prince with union jacks and rainbows. Naturally, they responded with charming comments and smiling photos. Alex took the opportunity to livestream a message to his followers: ‘of course transgender high schoolers should be allowed on the sports team that aligns with their gender, and here’s why…’
Privately, in the car back to the palace, Henry expressed the opinion that public schools ought to have polo teams, because it’s a coed sport and ideal for nonbinary teens who don’t like to rock the boat. Alex responded with similar sentiments about quidditch. The rest of the drive they shared a familiar rant about how Harry Potter belongs to the fans (including the trans* fans) and not only to JKR.
That night, just past 2am, Alex turned over in bed to ask, “You awake?”
“Good. We’re going on a fieldtrip. Come on.” Alex pulled them both out of bed, and they got dressed, Alex swinging on his Gucci jacket. He would have worn a hoodie, the incognito uniform of the internationally recognizable, but tonight he didn’t want to hide himself. It was worth the risk. Besides, they didn’t really need to sneak around anymore, did they? Old habits.
He led them out of the palace, down Prince Consort Road. He stopped for a selfie with the sign, because he really had wanted to last time. A second selfie included them both, looking goofy and not caring. When they reached the back entrance of the Victoria and Albert Museum, they kissed lazily against the wall. Once Henry’s lips melted Alex’s nerves, he drew back to take the next step.
“Thing about dating the prince,” he said, holding up keys, “is that you can borrow pretty much anything he owns. And he can get the keys to anywhere if he asks nicely.”
“You’re a thief,” snarked Henry, walking through the door that Alex held open for him. “And a knave, and a scoundrel.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Alex gave the security guard a wad of cash. “Thanks, Gavin. It’ll be Renaissance City.”
They walked past sculptures, artifacts, and paintings, surrounded by the history that they were a part of. They got to the piazza, Henry’s sacred place. Just like last time, the first statue, Samson Slaying a Philistine took away what little breath Alex had, and he had to lean on Henry for support. Like windswept magnets, their lips met, for no reason at all.
Most of the time, Alex had a strong sense of Henry and himself being part of the current moment of history, changing the world in the here and now. But right then, time seemed to melt, and they were surrounded by historical sculptures telling timeless stories. Zephyr the Greek god of the west wind, Proserpina in the underworld, and Jason and his golden fleece. Archetypical and expansive.
And then there was Henry: the national gay landmark, prince charming, an obtuse fucking asshole. Hopefully his future husband. Sticking with his plan, he pulled away from Henry and got out his phone to open Spotify. Taking a deep breath, he pressed play. “Your Song” came from the tinny speakers.
“It’s a little bit funny, these feelings inside. I’m not one of those who can easily hide.”
“Why am I getting deja vu?” Henry asked, as Alex wrapped his arms around Henry’s waist.
“No clue.”
They began to sway, slow and intimate, cheek to cheek. He recognized the swelling in his chest as the same ache he’d felt when Henry first played this song for him years ago in the music parlor. Back then, he’d been trying so hard to repress his love for Henry, gripping the settee and wondering how long they would fly across the world to touch each other without talking about it. Now they let love dance around them, unbridled and openly declared in front of the world.
Other memories stirred up unbidden. Henry ghosting him after their first kiss, leaving him out in the snow and questioning everything. And then again when Alex hinted at love, leaving him in the lake with his heart carved out. Twice is not a pattern though, is it. Ever since the last time they were in this museum together, Henry had given his entire self to Alex. He had decided to be with Alex for real that night. That had been when they decided to love each other on purpose.
“I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words. How wonderful life is, now you’re in the world.”
For several beats of silence, he just looked at Henry. And Henry looked at him, and the museum disappeared. The whole world faded away except Henry and himself. It was now. He knelt down to one knee slowly, never losing eye contact. Henry’s loving smile showed no surprise as Alex spoke.
“Henry George Edward James Fox-Mounchristen-Windsor,” he said, making Henry roll his eyes. “I have a question to ask you. You see, my mom asked me, back in our early days, if I felt forever about you. I knew it then, and I know it now. I want to spend my life with you. So... ”
He paused, reached into his jacket, and pulled out the bedazzled box, rhinestones spelling out ‘love.’ Henry had probably guessed that it was never intended for June’s earrings, because he laughed like the box was an inside joke. Despite knowing what was coming, he inhaled audibly when Alex opened the box to reveal a simple silver ring.
“Will you marry me?”
Henry laughed again, a laugh like the birds of sunrise. “Yes, Alex. I will marry you.”
The prince reached into his pocket and pulled out a small leather box, the same size as the one Alex held. Then, he knelt down on one knee as well, mirroring his fiancé. He opened it to reveal a thick antique gold ring inlaid with a gem that Alex couldn’t identify. Beautiful. “Alex Claremont-Diaz, will you spend forever with me as your partner, confidant, and best friend?”
“I,” Alex choked, “yeah, fuck, of course-”
Henry cut him off with a swift and passionate kiss, both of them on their knees, fumbling the engagement rings onto their fingers. Alex felt like the deceased king that had probably worn his engagement ring. They kissed until their knees grew sore, and they collapsed on the tile.
“How did you think to bring a ring and everything?”
“Believe it or not, I somehow predicted that you might do this,” Henry teased.
Their buzzing bodies urged them to get back to the palace, to Henry’s room, to the bed. So they pulled each other to their feet, both dizzy and desperate. Before leaving the piazza they held each other for just a little longer.
“I love you,” whispered Henry.
“Fuck, I know you do.” It’s an amazing thing, to know completely and utterly that somebody loves you. “I love you too.”
“I know.” Henry held him around the waist and their foreheads pressed together. “Hey, so, I know we’re going to have to have a big, gay, traditional, royal wedding and all that -”
“Which we’ll make fun!” Alex said, with the positivity of a camp counselor. The world could really benefit from a big, gay, royal wedding. “There will be so many rainbows, even only if the crowd brings them.”
“And we’ll definitely have an adequate number of champagne fountains.” Henry winked at him. “But you interrupted-”
“-me. I was saying that I know we’re doing the public wedding for the audience, and the press, but...” Suddenly Henry looked nervous. “Well, would you maybe want to…”
“Spit it out babe,” Alex kissed Henry lightly on the lips before pulling back to show that Henry had his entire attention. “I’m listening, for real.”
“Would you, would you maybe want to elope first?”
“I… um. Would we, you know, still do the royal wedding afterwards?” Alex asked. “Keep it a secret?”
“Well, yes.” The words tumbled out. “But it would be a secret that we’re keeping for ourselves. We wouldn’t be keeping a secret for an election, or family expectations, or our god damned publicists. It would be ours, and we would keep it because we want to.
“Because I want to keep you to myself, just a little bit.” Henry shrugged, sheepish. “You give so much of yourself to your country, to the world, and I love that about you, but I want this to be just us. I’d be open to inviting Bea, Pez, June, and Nora, and our parents too, if you want.”
“And honestly, I don’t really want there to be a minister or priest… maybe Pez could do it?” Henry continued. “It doesn’t even have to be legal, so people don’t find out. I don’t know, I just thought, it could be just us, making a promise. Not with the crown, not with the church, not with all your adoring fans. Just the people that really matter.”
“I…” A grin spread slowly across Alex’s face. “I love it. Yes. Hell yes. Where? Not Vegas. Paris?”
“Paris.” Relief sweetened Henry’s smile. “And I could play my vows for you on the piano, if you’d like.”
“Yes I’d like! We could do it on a sailboat with a captain! Can you bring a piano on a sailboat?” Henry shook his head and kissed Alex’s grin, nuzzling their noses together. Alex whispered, “Okay, I’ll slow down and we can figure it out together. You and me.”
“You and me.” They fell into each other, a blissful act of entropy, all lips and hands.
“Besides,” Alex said as they stopped to catch their breath. “Secrets can be kind of hot if I remember correctly.”
AN: So, I thought I'd end with the proposal, but I feel like there's maybe more here? Like, this scene was kinda building up to some 'just got engaged' smut, or it could go on to show their elopement. I'm feeling a tinsy bit uninspired for their vows though, so if any of y'all feel like writing those, I could insert to the rest of the marriage scene that could be fun. If anyone feels like doing the post-proposal smut (or the wedding night smut lol) lemme know! Otherwise, thank you for reading! Check out my other rwrb fics, if you feel like it :)
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Penny/Oscar prompt(with trans!Penny and trans!Oscar): Still feeling confused by being chosen as the Winter maiden, she approaches Oscar about whether she can really be a Maiden when her soul came from a man. Oscar tries his best to answer as himself, saying they're not so different as Oz only reincarnates into men, and explains he wasn't born as one, but that it's their feelings towards their gender and own identity that matters more and is a true reflection of their soul.
I don’t think I’m ever going to be completely happy with this one.  It’s been through (at minimum 3-4) drafts and waaay too many read throughs.  I’m just gonna call it done here.  A part of me feels like I could still make it better somehow, but I already put all that I could into it.
That said, Penny and Oscar as valid af and anyone who disagrees can fight me behind Denny’s (sure I’ll probably lose because I’m basically Steve Rogers before he became Captain America, but yeah).
Also if it doesn’t come across that they’re valid af in this fic, I will just go and edit it some more.  I did my best, but I also am somewhat worried that’s not enough.
anywhoooo off to the fic!
There Are No Strings On Me (The Farm Boy Is Also A Cricket, Too)
Penny watches the airship lift off and fly away.  She hates staying behind like this.  She understands why.  What she is now, a Maiden—she’s too important to risk on a reconnaissance mission.  The fate of Atlas, Mantle, the entire world rests partially on her shoulders, and not just in an ‘Ironwood telling her that it will be her job to save the world one day’ way.  This is real.  Too real.
Penny holds one of her hands in the other.  She rubs circles with her thumb on her open palm.  Her father, the first chance he got, repaired the damage Cinder’s fiery blade caused when it exploded.  She’s glad for that.  There’s no doubt in her mind that there will be a battle in the near future she will take part in.  Going into a fight with sustained damages is no good.
Penny closes her eyes.  A part of her wants to playback that terrifying moment.  Hurtling through the air, her sensors alerting her to the incoming blade, catching it, her hands overheating.  Spinning out of control.  Falling.
Catching herself.
She refuses to let herself do more than think about it.  She survived the fight.  So did Winter.  That’s what really matters.  
Although, dying doesn’t necessarily scare Penny.  She’s done it once already.  She doesn’t remember it or the time between it and her reactivation.  She never felt pain, terror.  One moment she knew nothing more, and the next she was blinking awake in her father’s lab.  Penny knows truly dying means not waking up again, but she finds it hard to fear the moment when it’ll eventually happen definitively for her.
What she does fear, and what she would cry over if she had the capacity, is the possibility of an afterlife.  Penny has hard evidence now that, if an afterlife does exist, she doesn’t get to go there.  She doesn’t go anywhere.  She just shuts off.  Like any other machine.
She’s not real like actual people are.  She’s a very close replication of life, but there’s still a gaping chasm between her and everyone else.  One that she can never cross precisely because of what she is.
I have come too far to be stopped by some toy!
They’re words said in rage by someone whose opinion Penny knows she shouldn’t really be considering, but they’ve stuck with her since they were yelled at her.  Is that what she is?  A toy?  A puppet?  A plaything?  An imitation of life meant to explore humanity’s capacity for creation?
An imitation of humanity itself, one that deceived—stole—one of its greatest powers out from under it?
Penny can’t describe what having the Maiden powers feels like.  They’re just there.  A part of her, but one that’s somehow detached from her operating systems.  She controls them, can send commands and signals to them like she does literally every other aspect of her body, but they are distinctly separate from her machinery.  Like a magnet that got accidentally stuck to her and won’t come off.  Not truly a part of her.  Not really.
She shouldn’t have gotten them at all.  The Maiden powers were intended as a gift from an old wizard to four living girls, to aid mankind.  Penny isn’t alive, not like everyone else is.  The gift to the maidens was never meant for her.  She intervened in a process she should have stayed out of.  It was not her place to act like she had.
But if she hadn’t…
Penny can imagine what would have happened if Cinder won that fight.  Fria’s final moments would not have been peaceful.  Winter, out of aura and injured, would be in no condition to continue a fight against an even stronger opponent.  Penny herself…well, she already knew how little Cinder regarded her life.
She’d had no choice, hadn’t she?  To save all three of them.  To not waste the window of opportunity Winter gave her by distracting Cinder.  In those precious moments, there was only her.  Penny.
She could have told Fria to think of Winter, couldn’t she?  Fria knew Winter.  Thinking of her probably wouldn’t have been too hard.  But, Penny hadn’t.  Penny had taken Fria’s hand and held it.  Because no one should be alone in that final moment.  Because she couldn’t say she knew what awaited Fria on the other side and she wanted to give Fria whatever comfort she could to send her off.  Because, in that moment, the magical powers hadn’t mattered, but the old woman in Penny’s arms did.
Now, here she is, the Winter Maiden.  A thief of a gift to humanity.
“You okay?”
Penny nearly jumps.  She hadn’t heard Oscar come up behind her.  Her receptors had captured the echoing sound, sure, but her processors hadn’t been attuned to register it.
“I—I’m fine,” Penny says too hurriedly, and closes her lips firmly to prevent the hiccup from escaping her.
Oscar looks at Penny a long moment, and then sits down beside her.  “I hate staying behind like this,” he admits, gesturing to the cave opening the airship flew out of to exit the Crater.  “I know there’s more I can be doing but I…”
“Are too important,” Penny finishes for him.  And he is.  Ozpin can always reincarnate into someone else, yes, but there will only ever be one Oscar Pine.  Even if he stayed behind, like her, because of the special magic connected to him, that’s the truth Penny believes firmly in.
“I guess you know what that’s like.”  Oscar laughs quietly.
Penny doesn’t answer.  They settle into silence.  It’s an odd place to sit, really, the opening that looks out over the Crater.  They have an entire, somewhat comfortable, temporary hideout to go rest in, but neither really want to leave the spot where they can see the sliver of the sky where the airship will first appear when it returns.
“Penny, I…” Oscar begins, and Penny turns to him to listen.  “If it was going to be anyone, I’m glad you’re the Winter Maiden.  I know we don’t know each other well, but I do know you’re a good person.”
“Thanks,” Penny replies quietly.  She knows the words are supposed to be reassuring, but they fall flat to her.  Again, she’d been the only one there, in that moment with Fria.  If the Maiden powers could have gone somewhere else, they probably would have.
It was unfair to them, and Fria.  There’s no way the previous maiden could have known Penny’s true nature.  Fria had much more important, pressing matters on her mind to truly take a second and notice the exposed metal of the palms of Penny’s hands, first when she touched her leg, and then when she held her hand.  Fria probably hadn’t had time to realize no ordinary person could have come through the freezing whirlwind of ice and snow.  She probably hadn’t seen how Penny’s legs were clearly synthetic and attached together at an artificial knee.
Despite being a Maiden who lived well into old age and was, therefore, arguably very clever,  Fria probably hadn’t noticed all the little hints that indicated what Penny is, even though she had every reason to critically examine Penny, since she’d been attacked for the power she was tasked with protecting mere minutes before.
Because that would mean Fria had known (or at least suspected) Penny’s true nature, and decided to choose her anyway.
And why would she do that?  Penny, as she keeps telling herself over and over again, isn’t actually real.  Not a real girl.  Not like Ruby and the rest of her team.  Not like Nora, or Winter, or even Cinder, who’s part Grimm now.  All of them were born, created as girls, and Penny was…well her father had been more focused on building something that functioned.  He’d never chosen a gender for her.  She did that herself, later on, after she gained consciousness.  But he’d given her his aura, and her father was a man.  So, following that line of logic, shouldn’t she too be a man too?
“What if it was a mistake?”  Penny asks Oscar in barely a whisper.
He looks at her.  “What if what was a mistake?”
Penny takes a breath she wholly doesn’t need, but the action she learned is one that people do when they need to prepare themselves to say something important.  “Me becoming the Winter Maiden.  I have my father’s aura.  I’m not a real girl.  I tricked some of the most important magic in the world and stole it from humanity and…” she trails off, unsure of how to finish her self-doubting argument.
At first, Oscar doesn’t reply.  Then, “I have Ozpin’s magic, and his memories,” he says slowly.  “Does that make me him?”
“Of course not,” Penny retorts.  “You’re your own person!”
Oscar grins, and Penny gets the feeling it was his ploy to get her to say that, for both their sakes.  “So, if I can still be me, even if I have a wizard living in my head, then why can’t you be your own person even if your father gave you some of his aura?” He posits.
Penny huffs.  “I know I’m not the same being as my father.  There is substantial evidence supporting the concept that we are two entirely separate entities, but I have his aura, and he is a man.  The maiden powers only attach to females.  Therefore, logically, they should not have come to me.”
“So, following that reasoning, aura and gender are linked,” Oscar muses.  He pauses and, if Penny weren’t so wrapped up in her own tumultuous thoughts, she’d recognize the signs that he’s mentally preparing himself to say something he considers very important.  “What if I had evidence to the contrary?”
“What do you mean?”  Penny asks, her curiosity getting the better of her.
Oscar doesn’t look at her.  His shoulders hunch in.  Instinctively, Penny reaches over and wraps a reassuring arm around his shoulders.  She doesn’t know what he’s going to say next, but she can still recognize it’s hard for him to say.
“I was…I am…Penny, do you know what being transgender is?”
Penny doesn’t reply.  The moment she heard the unfamiliar word, she immediately sent out an inquiry to the Internet to find its meaning.
“Transgender,” she finally says.  “Denotes or relates to a person whose gender identity and expression does not correspond with what it was at birth.”
Oscar lets out a sharp laugh.  “That’s one way of putting it, I guess.”  He pauses.  Sensing he’s not finished, Penny waits for him to continue.  He does.  “For me, it means, when my parents’ only child was born, they had a daughter.”  Oscar glances at her warily, but Penny doesn’t interrupt.  He gazes down at his hands, and sighs.  “And that they never got to meet their son either.  They died before he figured that out about himself.”  Hurriedly, he adds, “That’s not the point,” while wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
Penny hugs Oscar, hoping to communicate that he doesn’t have to explain further to her if he doesn’t want to.
Oscar leans into the hug.  He doesn’t wrap his arms around Penny in return, but he does rest his weight on her.  “The point is,” he starts again.  “I once had…doubts.  Kind of like you do.  But I learned aura and gender aren’t really related.  Aura is just aura.  It doesn’t really concern itself with any other part of you.  It’s just there.  Completely yours.  It’s what we believe about ourselves, our identities, that makes us who we are.”
“But my aura is my—”
“Yours.”  Oscar sits back.  “Penny, have you ever considered that all parents create their children’s auras when they conceive them?”
“It’s something Oz told me once.  We had a conversation kind of like this.”  Oscar inhales slowly and exhales.  “Oz told me everything comes from somewhere.  He has…interesting theories on the origins of Dust and semblances, for instance.  But he told me, our parents are always a part of us, because they gave a part of themselves to make us.  He said, because of that, mine will always be with me.”  Oscar stares down at his hands.  “Even if I never got to know them.  My aunt used to say the same, that I had my father’s laugh and my aura is nearly the same shade of green as my mother’s, but she’s not an ancient, mystical immortal, so I guess she was harder to believe.”
He smiles softly.  “It’s reassuring, in a way.  To know they gave me part of who I am.  My aura.  My laugh.  My appearance, to an extent.  But they didn’t decide who I am.  I’ve done that on my own.”  Oscar looks up at Penny.  “So have you.  You said it yourself.  You aren’t your father.  You have substantial evidence proving that.”
“But you’re human.  I’m not alive.  I don’t have a soul like—”
“How do you know?”  Oscar interrupts.  “How do you know you don’t have a soul?”
Penny hesitates, and then admits what she’s been thinking,  “I died.  I died and I didn’t go to an afterlife or anything.  I just shut down like any other old machine.”
There’s a long pause where Oscar doesn’t say anything.  Penny begins to think he doesn’t have an argument to refute her claim.  When she’s about to stand and walk away, Oscar finally speaks.
“What if you weren’t dead?”  He asks quietly.
“Your father recovered your core, you, from Amity Arena, and used it to rebuild you.  A part of you never shut down completely.  In your own way, you were still alive.”  Though the words seem more like an statement, Oscar speaks them like he’s asking a question.
“I guess.”  Penny frowns.  She’s never really thought of it like that before.  Everyone told her she died, so she assumed she had.  But, a part of her had still existed in the world, hadn’t it?  Vulnerable.  Weak.  But not snuffed out completely.
Penny thinks about it more deeply.  Maybe it was like she had been in a coma?  When people are grievously injured, they can go into comas.  They don’t necessarily remember what happens during them either.  They wake up on the other end still alive, just with a gaping hole of time they weren’t conscious for in their life.  Like her.
“That doesn’t mean I have a soul or will go to an afterlife like everyone else,” Penny mumbles, but she’s not as certain that she believes herself now.
“Penny, I’m not sure how else to tell you this, but no one knows what happens to us after we die.  Not even me, and I—well, Ozma—sort of died once.  Actually, it was more like a couple times.”  Oscar winces.  “But Ozma didn’t maintain memories of what happened to him after once the God of Light brought him back.”  He smiles at her.  “Wondering about it, I think, is one of the most human things someone can do.”
“Oh.”  Penny considers the idea that she’s just as alive as everyone else is, and lets that sink in.
“If it helps.”  Oscar leans back on his hands and looks up to the small sliver of sky that’s visible to them.  “We’re probably the only two people who can be completely certain about their identities.”
“How so?”  Curious, Penny cocks her head.
“I was chosen as the next life as an immortal who only reincarnates into men.  You’re the Winter Maiden, who can only be a girl.”  Oscar shrugs.  “We were each chosen by magic older than this incarnation of humanity itself based on the identities we decided for ourselves.  If that’s not validating, I don’t know what is.”
“I never thought about it like that.”  Penny sighs.  “I—I thought I tricked it.  That I looked enough like a girl that the maiden powers came to me because they had no place else to go.”
“The maiden powers are meant to go to those who will travel out in the world and make it a better place because they are able to.  I think that fits you pretty well.”
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noragami-ru-manga · 4 years
Calamity bears human face
These are my thoughts on the first half of 87-2. Spoilers ahead!
I really, really liked the second part of chapter 87. Adachitoka still refuse us Yukine’s entire past, but maybe that’s for the best. If what we’ve been shown so far causes this many emotions in the fandom, I’m scared to think what would have been if they revealed everything at once. But… this post isn’t about Yuknie. Not because I don’t like his character, but because I really want to discuss the first 10 pages of the new chapter.
As I expected, we got some of Father’s flashbacks this time. Except they were about the part of his life that had Yato in it, probably several years (?) after Sakura’s death.
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Yato not wanting to kill people isn’t that strange, since he started “slacking off” because of Sakura’s influence, and we know that by this point Hiiro would take initiative whenever Yato wouldn’t put his heart in performing Father’s jobs, as shown in chapter 47. Interestingly enough, when Yato suggested that Father should kill people himself, the former answered that he “was killing gods, at least” – implying that he didn’t kill humans with his own hands.  Father’s words about killing gods do sound sinister but as we’ve already seen and will see later in the chapter, not all gods are warriors like Bishamon, Takemikazuchi and Yato himself, so I wouldn’t be too intimidated by this phrase.
His line about the uselessness of killing gods without killing people though … The idea is obvious and logical, so I don’t see the point in developing it further, but even now I think that Father did not choose the most efficient way to do it. Even if Yato stayed under Father’s total control, one god of calamity doesn’t seem to be that big of a threat on a global scale, contrary to whatever Nora has to say later in the chapter.
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The thing that caught my attention on these pages is Father’s words about shrines. Yato already revealed before that someone would always tell him he didn’t need a shrine, that someone being Father. Up to this point I simply thought that this was needed to cultivate Yato’s fear of being forgotten – if he doesn’t have a shrine, it’s all the more easier for him to disappear without any chances to reincarnate. The idea that Father actually thinks that shrines are useless somehow never crossed my mind, although now that I see it on paper it makes total sense.
And since Yato raised the question, I’ll take it from here. He said he didn’t understand why did needed to destroy humans if life would be boring without them. I’ve always asked this question in regard to any character whose end goal is total annihilation – what’s the point? Sure, Father isn’t aspiring to be an evil overlord as to ask him a question “who are you going to rule over if there’s no one left”. But his goal, apparently, is killing all gods and also all humans so that old gods can’t reincarnate while new ones can’t appear. But what exactly is he going to do if he succeeds? Die while feeling the satisfaction of revenge accomplished? It’s just so hard to understand someone whose views  are so different than your own.
I wish I could say that the small local kami that attacked Yato proves that Father’s words about shrines are wrong, but what happens next actually corroborates his statement. Partially.
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One the one hand, the villagers’ prayer was heard, and the local kami attacked Yato for destroying the village. But Father just crushed her. So in the end, the kami wasn’t able to so anything about these humans’ problem, so yeah, their wish wasn’t granted.
This scene also demonstrates that yes, Father can actually kill gods. The more important thing about it though is that Yato sees it. We have already seen just how much Yato used to fear death for the majority of the series. However, knowing that Father has the ability to kill Yato by forgetting him is one thing; but witnessing him kill a kami just like Yato really drives it home. And it’s all the scarier how Father simply intercepted Yato’s weapon – he just summoned Chiki, who moments earlier was in the boy’s hands. Just look at Yato’s face, you can see the terror.
And Father didn’t really have the need to kill that kami. What could they have done with a chopstick anyway?  Maybe he god mad at this kami actually answering people’s prayer, disproving his point. Or maybe he just hates the gods so much he couldn’t stand even seeing one of them, so he just had to kill them.
(BTW, does anyone know what’s with the blindfold? I’ve tried looking it up but never found anything).
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Nora and Hiyori’s dialogue is my favorite part the chapter, there are just so many things to unpack here. First, “Father would praise the god called Yato”. Is it just me, or is Nora jealous? We saw in Yato’s memories that Father actually praised both his children. Then again, we also saw that he punished Nora when he wanted Yato to behave. Considering that Yato grew increasingly reluctant to kill humans, and Nora had to take the lead and finish Yato’s work, this kind of jealousy is unsurprising. Nora was Father’s right hand girl and supported him all the way, but between the two of them Yato would receive more attention.
“But at some point, Yato started mourning the deaths of other people”.  Yeah, we know at what point – Nora must be referring to the time when Sakura was still alive. I’ll just throw in a couple of pics from chapter 47 to remind you why Yato started mourning people.
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“When calamity strikes, people always become more devout”. This must be one of the most powerful quotes in the entire manga, because it encapsulates one of the foundations of the Noragami universe. Gods exist to grant human wishes, but who would have more reasons to pray – someone who has it all, or someone who’s in trouble? Remember the main reason why people start seeing the Far shore and things that relate to it.
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Of course humans would turn to gods if they can’t solve their problems themselves; that’s the reason they exist. I’ve already mentioned it in the post about memory and memories – the idea of a being that isn’t bound by human constraints, is immortal and can help out when there’s nothing else left takes shape of a person, and that’s how a god is born. Although there’s another reason, too – people hope that if calamity is sentient, you can bargain with it. That’s how people started worshiping Tenjin – not to ask for something they don’t have, but to beg him not to take something they already possess.
It may be that, by sending Yato to obliterate villages, Father was hoping not just for thinning out people, but for a somewhat different reaction from them.
“That boy loved people”. This line is just so heartwarming. And Hiyori already said it before. She saw Yato’s past and how even back then he tried to help humans – like making snow shoes for people in need. She understood him and accepted him.
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I don’t really have anything to add to Father wanting “to do something” though. I’ve already said before that Father is done with being the game master and wants to be an actual player. Apparently, he is waiting for Yukine to discover GGS completely before summoning him as a weapon.
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The line about natural disasters having human faces caught my attention before the chapter was even translated.  When people die because of natural disasters, it’s horrible, but there’s nothing you can do about it. We can say that “we need to build sturdier houses/dams/etc.”, “we need to take better precaution measures”, and we try, but you can’t possibly predict everything. But in a world where the sun, the moon, the lightning, etc. are personified as gods, a.k.a “have faces”, not only there’s a way for someone to direct their wrath at those faces, but there’s the question of why these sentient elements of nature do these things that hurt humans.
Let’s look at some of the examples of gods harming Nakatsukuni, the world of humans.
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Chapter 7 – Bishamon cuts down a grove to get to Yato
Chapter 8 – Kofuku’s vent releases a horde of ayakashi, which results in rising crime rates in Tokyo
Chapter 60 – Bishamon causes a local hurricane to locate Father
Chapter 66 – Takemikazuchi transforms into lightning to fight Yato
The gods harmed the world of humans, but it wasn’t for fun. Bishamon was guided by her thirst for revenge both times. Kofuku was helping her friend. Takemikazuchi became angry because his guide was hurt. All of them felt very human emotions. Except, since they are gods and their power surpasses that of an average human, the result of their outburst is a dead grove, rising crime rates, a damaged school. They aren’t actually trying to purposefully hurt humans but for those who suffer from these actions that’s hardly a consolation. And like I said, it’s one thing when you don’t really have anyone to blame, because the wind that destroyed your house doesn’t hear you, and another, when that wind has a face.
I think that when Father sent Yato to destroy villages, he hoped that the calamities would make people turn away from the gods. After all, people don’t always become more devout during trying times, sometimes they turn away from religion, which is what happened with Father himself. There’s a phrase going around the Internet – it was allegedly written on the wall of a Nazi concentration camp by a Jewish inmate: “If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness”. I don’t know how true this story is, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s real.
And even with all this in mind, I still don’t understand Father’s logic. Suppose he doesn’t destroy all of humanity, but does manage to kill all gods. I don’t think it would change that much. Amaterasu, for example, is depicted as the sun incarnate, but… if she’s killed forever, will the Sun go out, too? I understand that I’m going off the rails and into the cosmogenic myth territory here, but I can’t help it. If there are no gods left, but the forces of nature continue to destroy human lives, then Father’s actions hardly change anything. (Look at me, trying to find a reasonable explanation for an unhealthily long revenge plan). Also, don’t forget that gods of other religions canonically exist in Noragami – what is Father going to do about them, I wonder?
As for “someone” being killed by the Heavens, I’ve recently made an assumption that the pock-marked girl’s death could have been a payment of sorts to bring Father back from the dead. I made this assumption knowing that Father’s words in chapter 60 imply that gods were more involved than that. What Nora said here about Father hating attributing gods’ actions to natural disasters makes it obvious that the girl died because of one of such catastrophes. I’ve looked some more at that page from chapter 60, and I still don’t see any visible damage on the girl. However, Adachitoka emphasize a skeleton lying in a field near a dead tree. Also, I’ve turned the page upside down to get a better look, and now this skull haunts me.
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Was it a drought, a famine that killed her? Or the smallpox? If these are her remains, why didn’t Father bury them? Who then helped him return from Yomi? We know it was a soul summoning, after all. So many questions that are yet to be answered.
However, even if we didn’t get all the answers yet, these ten pages did reveal a lot.
-          Nora knows Father’s backstory, but not all of it. Apparently, it’s a thing so painful that Father can’t tell everything even to his most devoted supporter.
-          Sakura’s influence on Yato was even stronger than I thought.  It’s possible that Father changed his course of actions and started giving Yato jobs that involved punishing criminals soon after the scene we saw in this chapter.
-          Father, apparently, thinks of himself as some kind warrior of justice while ignoring the fact that he does as much harm as the gods, and that he is a calamity with a human face.
 P.S. that page with the human faces of nature absolutely rocks.
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real-jaune-isms · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 1 Review/Rundown
This volume is off to a STRONG start if I may say so myself. No big action scenes, nothing to get the blood boiling or freezing over yet, but this is just the first chapter and we have a lot of dreadful stakes and danger ahead of us. This is a setup premiere, and it promises us pain and stress like nothing before. And we’ve all been conditioned to the point that we actually look forward to that. What we got is plenty good, so why not dig in to this succulent appetizer?~
Right off the bat, we get something we knew we wanted but never quite realized how much we needed... A young black haired woman on her knees scrubbing a wood floor. Bandages on one of her fingers and right wrist, modest clothing, and so very little soul to be seen in her amber eyes. Ladies, gentlemen, and that technicolor rainbow in between, we are getting our first look at Cinder’s troubled Cinderella-style past. It’s just this one floor washing scene for now, but we see present day Cinder’s Grimm fingers scratching into the chair in front of her with the same rhythm so we can be pretty confident it’s really her. Hopefully we will get more as the volume progresses, especially with the opening showing her seem to be having trouble controlling her powers. Neo is flying an airship directly up to the giant whale, whom I will continue to nickname Monstro. Concerned by all the other Grimm flying around it, she nevertheless flies along its side and we find there are handily carved out landing pads for ships. Guess Salem modded this beast to be her mobile base. As Neo apprehensively follows Cinder up a staircase, we see these modifications include a throne which the Grimm queen is sitting in awaiting their arrival. This is Neo’s first time actually seeing the woman behind the dark curtain, and I don’t think she was expecting this. What she may have expected even less was that the prideful psychopath Cinder would actually bow down to this woman. Yet bow she does, and Salem greets her with smug condescension, asking if she’s lived up to the responsibility expected of her as Salem’s vessel for the maidens. Has she done as asked and brought a worthy gift for her goddess? Indeed she has, she’s brought her the Relic of Knowledge... and claims she acquired it all by herself, throwing all of Neo’s hard work out the window so she can have all the glory. [Neo will remember that...] But certain poisonous arachnids are unimpressed, as Tyrian emerges from the shadows to say that taking anything from Ironwood is less of a show of Cinder’s skill and more a sign of the General’s incompetence. With a dig pointed seemingly at both Cinder and Neo, he points out that James was not the first person to be outsmarted by Team RWBY and their friends. But unlike Volume 4, Cinder has her voice and claps back at Tyrian, reminding him that according to the Atlesian military radio chatter he too was outdone by Ironwood’s allies. So was Watts, for that matter, and which of them managed to get away unscathed again? Certainly not the good Doctor, and Tyrian agrees that he was a... necessary sacrifice. Speaking of, he sees Cinder brought a fresh face that could be kindling for the fires of their crusade. Salem finally acknowledges that yes, there is someone here she didn’t recruit herself, and she demands an explanation from Cinder. The Fall Maiden of course explains that Neo has powers that will be very useful to them, but refers to her only as an asset, not even a subordinate or teammate. [Neo will remember that...] 
And speaking of the “tools” Cinder has collected, in come Emerald and Mercury in fresh new outfits! I think they both look pretty good, and I especially like Merc’s new jacket with his winged boot emblem on the left side. Emerald looks quite fashionable and I like the necklace, but there’s still a lot of exposed skin for being in Atlas... Of course, some things never change and she excitedly rushes to Cinder’s side, only to be shut down with a single gruff word. Speaking of gruff, Hazel is here with a new look too. His hair’s been shortened/combed back and he has what I can really only describe as a tank top with the sleeves torn open all the way down to near the waist, that shows off the muscles and scars on his arms and up the sides of his torso. It’s a tough look, but again not very winter weather savvy, and I miss the wild man look he had before. Regardless of the new looks, Tyrian has the same old criticisms of Emerald’s loyalty to the ever so incompetent Cinder. He and Watts rained hell (and very cold snow) on Mantle and threw Atlas into chaos, while Cinder merely fixed her mistake from Haven instead of getting new Maiden powers here in Atlas. She blames Penny for that setback, and mark her words she will be going back to rend her limb from mechanical limb to get the Winter Maiden powers... except she won’t be. Salem has decreed no such action, and it seems clear she won’t be doing so for a good while. Cinder tries to object, but Salem exerts her control over Monstro merely by touching her throne and sending a glowing pulse through the entire throne room. Cinder needs to be reminded of the big picture and her very small place in it, so Salem makes a window. This is a game of chess, and Cinder should count herself lucky to even be considered above a pawn. She is still a tool for Salem to use in her own victory, and the only thoughts she should have are how to achieve what Salem tells her to do. Cinder seems to resign herself to this fate a bit, and says that she is indeed nothing without Salem’s help. In a sense, you do have to sympathize with Cinder’s situation. Clearly her childhood had her in a situation where she was forced to do as told and not given much praise or appreciation for it. She probably sided with Salem because she was promised more power than she could have ever dreamed, but now she’s back being stuck in a position of servitude and abuse. And she does what she can to feel strong and in control: pass on that abuse to her own minions. And poor Emerald does not deserve it. At least Mercury has enough self confidence to know he wants to be his own man in all this, and he seems to have the ambition to try and work his way up the ladder for more earned respect. Still, back to Cinder, she’s clearly conditioned to fear any reproach from Salem. Quieted at a raise of her hand, as if knowing that the witch could take away the maiden magic in an instant and she’d be left with nothing again, and just as easily dismissed with a passive wave. To be fair though, that was for everyone, and the others know what she can do to people who piss her off so they scram too. She ominously turns to take the lamp somewhere, but we’ll check in on that at the end. 
For now, we go down down down to a shanty town in Mantle. It’s clearly the slums for Faunus mine workers in the crater, and among them we see a familiar face. Oscar!! He’s sitting by a fire staring off in deep thought, until an old man with badger hands pushes a bowl in his direction and wordlessly indicates for him to sip some. Idk if it’s a hot soup or something, from the view inside we get it looks to just be water but that could be unintended, but Oscar is thankful. No sooner does the old fella walk away than Ozpin pipes in to tell Oscar to be on guard. An airship swoops in overhead, and most of the faunus scurry away (no pun intended). Oscar stands defensively, but the door opens to reveal Ruby!! She and Weiss came to get him, though I don’t know how they found out where he was, and Maria is flying. He gets onboard and we get an aerial shot of snowfall over Mantle followed by a much less pleasant sight. Sabyrs are still getting in through the holes in the wall, and Manticores still swoop through the skies. Oscar berates himself for thinking Ironwood would listen to reason, for so many of his choices ending up being wrong ones, and he clearly blames the current situation at least partially on himself. We see that current situation as people on the streets below continue to huddle around burning trashcans and wood piles for warmth. Ironwood seriously still hasn’t done anything to try and get Mantle’s heat back? Of course he hasn’t, he’s going to abandon them, what was I thinking? Ruby reassures Oscar that he did what he thought was the right thing, they all did. What’s important is that he’s still here. It might just be how hyped up for a certain posse of do-gooders a certain Miss @kdinjenzen has been getting a lot of us over the last few months, but I was genuinely excited to see Joanna Greenleaf come out from around the corner of a building and gesture Maria to land. She rushes the group inside a building and shoots down a camera drone that was about to turn around and spot them before heading in herself. We see sooner than hear May Marigold, coordinating civilian transportation efforts over comms while leaning over a kitchen stove. She’s sending Fiona to transport some folks from one of the sectors on a map we don’t get to see... to the crater. Oh boy, that’ll be something to get into in just a minute. Our girls and boy walk past her into a restaurant dining room. Guess non-essential services really were shut down due to this crisis... okay yeah that’s too topical. The other half of Team RWBY, as well as JNR, Penny, and Pietro, are sitting around tables idly waiting until they hear the doors open and their friends return. All eyes are on the farmboi, and Nora is the first to rise from her chair with a small smile. Oscar braces himself for an energetic tackle hug, or whatever he thinks Nora would be likely to do, but she just walks over and give him a gentle embrace. The poor kid definitely needed that. Ruby and Weiss smile from the sidelines, one of the only shots the two of them share much to my aching shipper’s heart. But it’s fine, this is a time from group joy and union. Blake voices the concerns everyone had for Oscar’s fate when he had run off to confront Ironwood alone, how they feared the worst. Weiss of course is the one to ask how in the world he got all the way down to the slums, but he avoids the question by saying its a long story, and clearly not the only one based on Penny being with them. Internally, Ozpin questions him on not telling the group that he has reemerged in his mind, but Oscar says the two of them have more to discuss first. Instead, he notes the absence of a certain sobering up bird, and that puts a frown on most of the group’s faces. Ruby says they don’t know, last they heard he was with Robyn, but beyond that no news apparently reached them. Clearly they fear he’s dead, and cannot begin to imagine he’s been accused of murder. We only infer this of course, because the convo is cut short by Joanna coming into the room to talk shop. They’re all reunited, now its time to put the group to work helping the people of Mantle. No heat, no military help, just Grimm hovering over the city in a horde unlike any they’ve seen before. Those people need help, and they are huntsmen and huntresses with the skills to provide that help. Ren is the one to question “How?” Ironwood’s not letting people up into Atlas anymore, and Salem’s forces around the perimeter have made escape from the city impossible. Joanna’s solution is to look down, to the crater right under Atlas. It’s not safe, but it’ll be warm and they can better protect everyone if they’re all gathered in one place. The teens seem hesitant, I might even say incredulous, but she assures them that May will send them where they are needed and with their skilled numbers it will be that much safer for the civilians. Their priority needs to be getting everyone into the crater by nightfall, because she believes they’ll stand more of a chance in the slums. As Joanna heads out the door, Weiss gripes that they’ll never sleep again with how busy they’re going to be, but Joanna retorts that you’re either helping or you’re baggage.
I have... some thoughts about the Happy Huntresses’ plan. Yes, evacuation of the cold city seems like a great idea, and getting everyone in a single easy to defend place is sound strategy. But there’s some Atlas sized problems with their choice of location to evacuate to, and I do realize they may not even be aware of the potential genocide they’re setting up. Salem wants the staff, which is currently in use holding up Atlas. If she takes it, as she so clearly intends to do, Atlas will fall. Atlas will fall back into the crater it rose from, where thousands of people are gathered. That is a big SQUISH that I really don’t want to see happen. I get that Joanna, May, and Fiona may not know about the Relic, I doubt even Robyn knows. But we the audience do, and that dramatic irony has us all wincing prematurely at what grim future we hope will not come to pass. Hopefully it won’t come to that, so let’s go back to what conversations are actually being had.
Yang steps up and says that they need to get out there and help the people of Mantle, but Ruby objects and says they need to do what they can for the sake of everyone. Her first thought is on getting Amity launched like Ironwood had initially planned, so the whole world can be warned about Salem being on the attack. They need help, cuz as it stands Mantle and Atlas do not have this handled. Blake, somewhat surprisingly, agrees with Ruby rather than Yang. The Happy Huntresses have a plan for Mantle’s evacuation, they’ve got that under control while these folks worry about the bigger picture. But, Yang points out, Amity isn’t actually finished and ready to be launched. Ruby considers that and turns to the smartest man in the room for an estimate on what it would take to launch Amity at this point. I’m unsure if she means send it up in its incomplete state or power through the process during this crisis to get it 100% complete before then also launching it in the midst of this warzone. Pietro admits they had made some strides in terms of construction and collecting fuel, “all potentially manageable”, so maybe that means it’s close enough to the completed product they had first planned that it can get done as things are now. Or maybe it means that with what they’ve already done its just good enough that they could probably send it up and it’d be okay? Either way, the biggest problem is actually launching it. They need it to be granted clearance from Ironwood’s terminal before it can be launched, such was the nature of its design. Yang rightfully points out the General isn’t about to give that clearance willingly, so this is a fools errand. But Ruby is thinking outside the box about the specific phrasing, and realizes they don’t need the man’s approval, just access to his terminal so they can grant the clearance themselves. That too would be suicide, requiring getting back into the academy... or does it? Pietro reveals there’s another useable terminal, within the main Atlesian military compound at the base of the city. You know, the very bottom of this floating fortress city, surrounded by airships and security drones. Even once inside, there’s a lot of hoops to jump through, more than the good Doctor can wrap his head around in this moment. Oscar notes how this is very convoluted for apparently being the easier option, but Yang rebuttals that it’s straight up impossible and pointless, not to mention they can’t guarantee any help would even come upon hearing the message. This is more than Ruby can take, and she snaps back at her sister. It’s not pointless if it’s warning the rest of the world that Salem will be coming for them next. They need to send this warning.
This is when Yang gets... personal. She brings up the rest of the team’s decision to defer to Ruby’s leadership once they got to Atlas, and how things took a real nosedive soon after that. It’s clear that she’s implying Ruby’s decisions were the reason for their situation being as bad as it is, and you can see the pain on Ruby’s face as that hits her. Some upset looks on the others’ faces show they may have thought similarly but never would have actually said so. Ren steps up and says that helping the evacuation in Mantle is a feasible action they can take here and now rather than a longshot hope. We had seen a short sequence of Yang running through the daylit streets of Mantle on this mission to evacuate groups, and now Ren is in the scene at her side to signify which mission he’s going to take. Likewise, his face visibly saddens as we hear Nora take Ruby’s side about this not just being a matter of helping Atlas, it’s about warning the other three kingdoms so they can prepare for what’s coming. And with that we see her on the rooftop with Ruby where she had been looking up at the base of Atlas. Jaune is thankfully a neutral voice of reason who says they have the numbers to be able to do both, but Ruby is really worried that being divided like this is what Salem wants. Oscar has gotten wiser from his time with Oz in his head, and points out that the division Salem really wants is emotional, not always physical. Disagreements and arguments like this are what she wants, so they need to realize they can be a united group of cooperating minds while still splitting up to accomplish different goals. Penny... has a depressing third option. Let her deliver the Staff to Salem now and hope it will make her leave Atlas before things get worse. Oscar says they really can’t trust Salem to actually do that, and that as soon as she uses it to create anything else... down drops Atlas. Yang acknowledges that at the very least they can all agree turning Penny over to any other forces will not be happening.
Ruby resigns herself to leading a small squad instead of the full team, and asks if Pietro can help them get up to the terminal. He acknowledges they WILL need someone to bypass security, but Penny is the one to offer. I’d like to note that this whole time she’s been almost lifelessly facing away from the group and staring directly forward, and her voice has been bereft of any emotion or enthusiasm. For the cheerful person she normally is, this is heartbreaking to hear. Pietro tries to raise objections, saying she’s too valuable for them to risk anything happening to her, but she looks over her shoulder and firmly repeats herself, Maiden fire burning around her eyes. I get why Pietro is a bit overprotective of his daughter, she was destroyed once and emotionally scarred during Volume 7, plus she now has powers they absolutely can’t afford to lose the use of. But she is her own girl and needs to be able to make her own choices. Coddling her like this won’t help, especially now. Yang accepts this decision with a sigh and heads for the door to start getting down to business. Blake watches her go with a rather pained look, and we see a similar one on Weiss’ face as Yang passes behind her. Team RWBY is splitting up again, and they’re worried. Understandable. Pietro stops her at the door and tosses her a set of keys, which we transition to seeing in that same hand as she’s back in the daytime alleyway with Ren. We pan over to see Jaune and Oscar decided to go with them, and hear Pietro explain there’s some new tools back at his pharmacy that he had been working on for them before the crisis. From the promotional clip we got a few months ago, we know this means the hover bikes.
Heard but not seen is Ren asking Nora where she intends to go, and she affirms she’s sticking with Ruby. Of all people, she had been the one who was the most passionate about helping Mantle, so he asks her about it now, but she says that she’s absolutely saving Mantle. Because she actually believes Ruby’s plan can be done, and so we go back to seeing her on the roof, now joined by Weiss and Blake. Blake reassures Ruby that the group hasn’t been divided where it counts, but Ruby has concerns. Maria chimes in on comms to affirm that she’ll be taking Pietro up to Amity to finish what he can, but that leaves RWBNP without a way up to Atlas. Weiss starts to say she’s got that covered, but is interrupted by someone’s Scroll ringing. Blake, Ruby, and Nora all check theirs, but it turns out it’s Penny who’s getting a call... from General Ironwood. She hesitantly answers, and as soon as Ironwood’s voice comes through Nora starts scowling. Ruby seems rather neutral, but as Ironwood goes on with his very evenly toned request that Penny tell him where she is because he’s worried for her safety and wants to come pick her up, her eyes narrow. She’s been in an abusive relationship before, she recognizes gaslighting. Ironwood says that Atlas needs Penny since Salem is here. Before she can say anything, Ruby comes to her side and puts a supportive hand on her shoulder as she takes her Scroll. Penny’s not going anywhere, she says, not until Ironwood sees the error of his plans and change his mind about helping Mantle. It was a longshot, but at least she went for it. Ironwood starts losing his cool as he berates Ruby for still being hung up on saving Mantle when Atlas is the last hope Remnant has at salvation and Salem’s gathering forces are primed to destroy it. Unless Penny comes back and helps send it high into the sky. If she doesn’t, and Salem gets through their defenses, what comes next will be Penny’s fault. THIS is straight up psychological torment, he is manipulating her and dodging all blame for his actions by pinning them onto a poor girl already going through a crisis of identity. What absolute fucking garbage you are, James Ironwood. Penny retreats into Ruby’s arms, and she embraces her sympathetically. 
But enough of these poor suffering kids, let’s get some poor suffering adults. In an Atlas medical facility, what’s left of the Ace Ops are looking at the corpse of their leader lying cold and pale on a mortuary slab. Marrow is the only one who seems genuinely sad, Elm and Harriet just grumpy. To be fair, that anger could be pointed inward cuz they’re mad they weren’t there to help him in his time of need. Or maybe Ironwood told them that apparently Qrow did it, and they’re pissed they can’t kill him in revenge. Across the hall, Ironwood is watching them from Winter’s hospital room. The doctors have her left arm in a high tech looking cast, maybe it can speed up the healing beyond our normal medical science? Or maybe it’ll boost her strength so she can power through the pain and keep on fighting for the General and his crusade? I was initially worried they replaced the whole arm, given Ironwood’s tendency to substitute cyborg tech for his own human flesh in the event of great damage. Case in point, his burned up hand got the Skywalker treatment. But no, I think this really is just a cast. As Ironwood inspects his new sleek black limb, and the doctors test what Winter is currently capable of with her arms in the condition they’re in, a guard arrives to tell them some prisoners have arrived and are being processed in Stockade B. As the doctors test her right wrist for any tendon pains, and indeed there are some pains, she asks if the prisoners are in fact Robyn and Qrow the soon to be jail birds. He asks the doctors to leave the room, which they do, and Winter assures him she’ll be fine, though her inability to make a fist without pain says otherwise. As someone who got tendonitis in my wrist after a bad scrape on my bicycle, I know that pain. Ironwood thanks Winter for her dedication, and confides that faced with such unprecedented Grimm numbers he wouldn’t know what to do without her. Their hard light shields will hold the Grimm off, but only temporarily. FIRST OF ALL, you have enough money and resources for Hard Light Dust, the rarest and most expensive kind, to be shielding the entire kingdom... but not enough money to give Mantle a decent heating grid that’s not dependent on the SDC????? Or literally anything else that might have helped them now???? Eat the rich and defund the police, folks. Speaking of hot-button political statements, before he can answer Winter’s question about what he plans to do his musings are interrupted by his fellow council members Sleet and Camilla barging in demanding to talk to him. Mass evacuations, declaring martial law? They have several very pressing questions for him, but Ironwood has gone into tunnel vision and says he will be doing everything he can to defend the kingdom, no matter the cost to him or those around him. And he makes that abundantly clear as he strides out of Winter’s room and wordlessly shoots Sleet for daring to call him scared. Judging from Camilla’s screech and the looks on Elm and Marrow’s watching faces, it was fatal. This man is straight up executing his critics, but we kinda already knew this was gonna happen after he shot Oscar off the cliff. Clearly, Camilla will be too scared for her own life to speak up against Ironwood ever again. As the General strolls away, Winter and Harriet share a look through the open door. Harriet seemed shocked, but almost resigns herself to this. She’s in too deep, and as long as she’s loyal she’s got nothing to fear. Winter, on the other hand, let her sister go out into the world as Ironwood’s enemy. Not only is she worried Weiss will be in her boss’s crosshairs, but if he finds out she let her get away with the Winter Maiden then she might be executed for insubordination.
Finally, we get the tearing dripping shot of a portion of Monstro opening to reveal Salem holding the Lamp. Looking into it, she muses how she has questions she wants answered, but she needs the key to how to ask them first. To that end, she holds the Relic out in front of a mystery Grimm that emerged from the fleshy cage she just opened. It gets a good smell of the Lamp, and she instructs it to bring her the man who can show her how to get what she seeks. Oscar is in serious danger...
And so that’s it for Chapter 1! A strong start that doesn’t fill me with despair just yet but is definitely setting up some ways for me to really feel the aster down the line. I won’t review the opening much, because those are usually really abstract and vague about what’s actually gonna happen. We see there may be another encounter between Weiss and Winter now that they’re on opposite sides, and Watts seems to still be up to trickery. Ren and Nora miss each other, and things look particularly bad for Team RWBY. Also we get serious “Penny getting hacked and going evil” vibes, and I really don’t want such a horrible thing to happen to that mecha cinnamon roll. Looks like Oscar really will get captured, and maybe Salem can change her form a little since she has big cool bat wings as she looms over him. The song will take some getting used to, but it slaps hard and Casey is giving it 100% so that’s good enough for me.
Thanks thanks thanks for bearing with me for this long ass post, but I hope you got some joy from it.
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whispersafterdusk · 4 years
Lost in Time - ch 12
Spring was here; it was still cold but now it was a lot wetter.  He missed the snow in a way, since it was essentially a readily available cold pack for sore muscles.
And oh boy, were Arlo's muscles sore.
Eli had started them out easy; a couple weeks of basic work outs with her slowly introducing new techniques and exercises each Monday with the weekend set aside for rest and recuperation.  But by the second month of spring she'd started ramping things up: harder, more grueling exercises, longer sessions, diet requirements.  He could tell he was starting to put on muscle mass already but all the work left him so stiff and sore that he often got back to his room in the evenings, climbed into bed, and didn't move again until morning came.
He couldn't go straight home tonight though; his day had started bright and early with the group exercises, then he'd spent another afternoon down in the facility, and tonight he was supposed to meet Nora at the Round Table for dinner.  It was the first arranged meeting they'd had in...awhile.  No amount of sore muscles would have him missing this. ((Continued below cut))
The Barnarock Black was her Thursday evening drink of choice, and being as it was both a Thursday as well as right on heels of a several-hours-long social meet-up with Carol and Antoine, Eli was ready for a drink.
And food.  Being as she hadn't expected the meeting to last as long as it had she'd skipped lunch, and while there were snacks and tea she had to really restrain herself from eating a ton of junk food while trying her best to ignore the rumblings in her stomach.  Thankfully the chatter never really let up so she didn't think anyone had heard her gut screeching for sustenance but once they'd all parted ways she'd all but run down the street toward the Round Table.
On her way through the door she was almost knocked over by Nora leaving; the girl had thrown the door wide open and slammed it (accidentally) into Eli's hand as she'd been reaching for the handle to open it herself.  As Nora shuffled by with a half-apology and all but ran toward the hill leading toward the church Eli stood there both wondering what the heck had prompted her to rush out of there while also trying to awkwardly pinch shut the fresh cut over her middle knuckle before it started to really bleed.
Inside the Round Table she could see Asher at the long side of the counter, Dawa and Dana at the far end of the counter taking up the pair of stools there, Mars and his daughters in a back booth, and Gale and his family were sitting at the round table in the middle of the room.   Sonia was busy buzzing back and forth between tables and the back of the restaurant and Django was nowhere to be seen but based on the number of people in here he was probably up to his ears in food orders.  
"Evening," Asher greeted her as she took a seat next to him.  He tilted his head and got a look at her hand.  "Need something for that?"
"Nah.  It's just a scrape.  Did Django not have her favorite pie or something?"
"Nora, isn't it?  With the church?"
"Oh, yeah - that was Nora. No idea.  Didn't even know she was here until she left - I never seem to notice that side room there."
Eli knew what he was talking about; there was what looked like a newer addition on the front of the restaurant - it had a large bookcase stuffed full of books, a radio on a stand alone cabinet, and a single booth with a pair of loveseats (which wasn't so odd considering that instead of benches or chairs at the other booths there were plush couches that seated 3, maybe 4 if you piled in together).  It was easy to let your attention slide right passed it since you couldn't really see it or see into it unless you crossed the room to the tables on the back wall.
It looked like just Arlo was sitting-
Ah.  Ok then.
Eli inhaled through her teeth - an awkward hiss, of sorts - and sat down at the counter.  It took awhile for Sonia to make it over and take her order; the cut on her knuckle kept oozing and she'd resorted to periodically swiping the blood off with a thumb and then sticking said thumb into her mouth.
"You SURE you don't want something to wrap that in?"
"All the napkins here are cloth.  I'd rather not stain them with a bodily fluid."
Asher rolled his eyes and pulled a rumpled, dark green handkerchief out of his pocket and offered it.  "And before you ask, no, I haven't blown my nose into it.  It's clean but stained so don't worry about adding to it."
As he said the handkerchief WAS stained - looked like oil, and blood too - but she wrapped it around and tied it off.  "Well, at least I won't drip anywhere.  Thanks.  I hate how much hands bleed before clotting up."
"I agree - knees and shins too.  And no problem.  I've actually never, ever needed to blow my nose in one of those - my dad made me carry one around for that purpose and I always end up using it for something else.  It's a pretty gross concept, really...stuffing a crud-filled cloth back into my pocket.  And I'm supposed to use it several times over a day?"  Asher wrinkled his nose at that.  "And I say that after having gutted fish and food animals...guts and blood?   Totally fine.  Snot?  No thank you."
Eli chuckled; he had a point, after all.  He also still had a noticeable bruise across his cheek from a cross-country jog last week where he'd taken a tree limb right to the face when an end piece had snapped off and slapped the rest of it directly back into him as he'd gone to push passed it. "We usually had bandages and tissue glue on hand for little things like this.  I've even stuck industrial tape over cuts to hold it over until I got back to treat it properly.  Drove Peter absolutely insane doing that.  Was good times..."
"Peter?" Asher repeated.
She leaned forward and braced her elbows on the counter, putting her chin in her hands.  "Yeah - he was one of our team medics.  Him and Ashley, kept us pieced together and put all the blood and chunks back where they belonged."
Asher nodded slowly at that.  "Not a bad idea - having a dedicated medical person.  It's not something we typically do unless it's a big expedition.  But, we all have some basic first aid training so it's not like we're heading out without anything at all."
"Do you have assigned squads in your Flying Pigs?  I'm not even sure what an adventuring guild is."
"Not really," he answered.  "We're a sort of grab bag group - we pick and choose who goes where, unless someone was specifically requested for a contract job.  As for what we do we inspect old ruins for dangers and clear them out, protect those who need protecting, and we help map out areas that no one's been to in centuries.  We've been a bit focused on that lately - eventually we'll make better strides out into the Peripheries and the Great Begeondan and get some settlements in place there too but, no lie, those are some of the most dangerous places on the continent.  Full of monsters and rogue AIs, weird weather, extreme temperatures too."
"Sounds like my kind of place."
The look he gave her was somewhere between surprise and suspicion.  "You're...joking, right?"
"Not in the slightest.  Believe it or not there were a lot of wild, wide open places still left in the world back in my time period.  A lot of our training happened out in harsh areas, and sometimes we'd get called in to go track down some idiot tourist or terrorist that had disappeared out there.  Rangers had to be ready for just about anything, in any climate or location, for any reason."
Now he looked less like he thought she was joking and more just genuinely surprised.  "So - I mean.  It just seems weird to me that what survived through the ages were stories of humans living lazy, luxurious lives, with robots doing everything.  And then you say there were wild spaces and hard training and having to be ready at the drop of a hat.   Why was there any need for soldiers, or rangers?  At least, human ones anyway."
Eli shrugged.  "Each time I hear 'robots did everything' it surprises ME because it seems like no one actually gives thought to what that means beyond its surface.  Would YOU want your life in the hands of something that's one hack or power failure away from shutting off entirely, losing all your files, or turning on you?  Most people tended to act honorably and not target the innocent and whatnot but still, there were those who wanted their voices heard or wanted power and control no matter how many people they incidentally or purposely killed.  In hindsight the fact that the leaders of the world worked so hard to keep the nasty, dark, and terrible things out of the public eye seems to have...really slapped the rose colored glasses on, to the detriment of accurate historical record. Granted, "accurate records" were a bit of joke anyway - at least to those who knew what was being to told to military and what was sent out to civilians. Oh, a hospital got hacked? A train engine exploded for no reason? Power shut off mysteriously?  Nah, nothing serious - just "equipment failures" causing weird quirks and shutdowns," Eli said, raising her hands to stick air quotes around 'equipment failures' and all but oozing sarcasm.  "The world was...certainly something, compared to what it is now.  But there's no such thing as a utopia.  People are always going to be unhappy about something, or slip through the cracks of society and feel they have a justifiable reason to make their displeasure known in violent ways.   There's a reason all the nations still had standing armies even though we'd had peace for centuries, before I was even a concept in Fate's outline.  They kept us all busy with public works projects, organized war games - think big but friendly skirmishes with harmless paint-based or laser weapons with sensor suits - and, like I mentioned before, the occasional idiot tourist rescue, but it wasn't all sunshine and daisies unless you were a regular citizen."
Asher let out a soft noise - Eli thought it was 'geez' or something similar - and rubbed at his chin, going silent for a bit.  Sonia brought out Eli's usual beer then disappeared just as quickly as she'd popped up; Eli had half the bottle downed before Asher spoke again.
"Bet you never thought you'd be correcting history books, huh?"
She sat the bottle down and did a half-assed imitation of jazz hands.  "Ta da, I am full of surprises."  That rapid shaking movement dislodged the handkerchief around her knuckles a bit so she untied and then re-tied it back into place, using her teeth this time to help tighten the knot a bit better.
Over the chatter and sounds of cutlery on plates Eli made out the sounds of plodding feet, and shifted on her stool just enough to see Arlo slouching his way toward the door; right as he reached it it opened and Remington was framed in the doorway briefly before he stepped aside.
"Oh, hey - how'd it--" Remington was cut off as Arlo slipped passed him and kept going without a word; the man stared after him a moment.   "--go..." he finished his sentence with a frown, and a shake of his head.  He came inside and up to the counter to take the empty stool on Eli's left.  "Evening, guys."
"Evening.  How's the knee?" Eli asked.
Remington slid his legs around and flexed his leg a bit.  "Not as bad as I thought it'd be, by now.  It hurts but no more than it does when the weather is bad."
"Good to hear.  I wish flex-gel still existed...that stuff worked wonders."
"Well, we make do," Remington chuckled.  "What's tomorrow looking like?"
"Starting with a warm up run, then I have a couple new things to show.  They're...hard, so I won't keep you all too long at it, and you'll have the weekend to recover like normal."
"Something to look forward to, then," Remington replied.  
Sonia came back with Asher and Eli's orders, took Remington's, and disappeared again.
As she picked up her fork Eli offered the two men a small grin.  "I probably should have warned you both to eat light tonight.  It's going to be a rough morning."
"Before today...no idea...what a burpee was," Asher wheezed from where he was laying flat on his back on the grass.  "Can't say I care for them....or the reverse ones..."
"A sentiment I can get behind," Sam groaned.  She wasn't laying down but she was sitting a couple feet from Asher with her arms around her legs along with her head nearly between her knees.  
Remington was off to the side finishing up some additional push ups with a sack of sand on his back for weight; Eli had let him do a few burpees to see how his knee held up and had eventually decided not to risk blowing the joint out.  While Sam and Asher did regular and reverse burpees with one-pound sacks of sand in each hand Remington had to do lunges, sit ups, and push ups with a five pound sack.  
For whatever reason though Arlo wasn't present.  
Earlier, before they'd started on their run, Eli had caught Remington and Sam sharing a knowing look, and when asked neither of them owned up to knowing why Arlo had skipped today.  She'd decided not to press the issue and had gone about the morning as she'd planned; being as the burpees had wiped everyone out she was content to not do their cool down jog and was just settling on the top of the fence when she spied Arlo's figure coming toward them from Portia's gates. He was...slouching a bit, and looked a little tired.  
"Morning," she called when he was within not-quite-shouting distance.
"Morning.  Sorry, didn't mean to miss today."
"No problem.  I can do a repeat if you're still up for it."
From his spot still flat on the ground Asher raised a hand.  "Run - run while you still can."
Eli snorted.  "Well, yeah - running is part of the routine."
"Not what I meant," Asher chuckled.  He rolled over and groaned as he got to his feet.  "I've got to get back out to the facility...maybe lay down somewhere that isn't wet and muddy for a bit before I get dragged into the depths to watch some old folks fart around in piles of dust."
With a smile Eli slid off the fence.  "Remind them to leave things where they found it and to not try turning anything on.  Going to be hard enough as it is to unlock personal stations without them tripping the lock out mechanisms."
"They've been fairly good at keeping their hands to themselves now that they have Stewart to entertain them but I'll remind them.  See you guys later."
With that Asher headed out of the fence gate and headed toward town; he was walking in a slow, wincing manner, and Eli made a mental note to go a bit easy on them on the next couple of work days.  A few moments later and Arlo was standing at the fence - on the outer side - and after a pause he sighed.
"I have something I need to speak to you privately about, if you have time."
"Sure."  She hopped off the fence and looked to Sam and Remington.   "If you want to do your cool downs that's up to you but otherwise I'll see you guys Monday morning, or whenever I next run into you."
She left through the gate and walked alongside Arlo down the road heading toward the shoreline; by her estimate they were halfway to the harbor before he started speaking.
"I wanted your opinion on something because it technically involves you.  But first I need to ask - have you noticed anyone treating you differently, or rudely, lately?"
Eli shook her head.  "Not that I've noticed.  There's still some people that I think I make nervous but they're also not anyone I speak to or see often."  She paused and then let out a small huff of laughter.  "I think I'm doing a pretty good job proving I'm harmless to people I see on a day to day basis."
Arlo nodded at that and his pace slowed just a bit.  "Have you interacted with Nora or Lee much?"
"Ha, no.  Nora runs away from me and I think Lee would walk straight through the side of a building to avoid walking on the same street as me.  I do notice he gets a bit louder in his sermons in the plaza if he sees me nearby but he doesn't directly single me out."
"So, you don't think Lee has had too much influence on how others are treating you?"
Eli slowed to a stop; Arlo took a few more steps before stopping but he didn't turn around.  "Not that I can tell.  But I'm guessing he's got some sort of influence over YOU and I'm at the center of it, right?"
He sighed heavily, sounding annoyed.  "Yes, unfortunately."  For several moments he stood there silently, then finally turned around to look back at her.  "Nora and I were sort of dating.  I'm not really sure if we were officially a couple or not.  There's...something there, but I don't know what.  The thing is, she broke things off with me last night because of my association with you."
Eli raised an eyebrow at that.  "Don't tell me she thinks you were cheating?"
"No, nothing like that," he answered quickly.  "She's not happy that I'm openly associating with something the Church is so against."
"...the past," Eli sighed; Arlo nodded in response.  "You know that's a bit ridiculous, right?"
"The Church has its views, and I have my own regarding technology from the old world.  I agree that there's a lot of dangerous things left behind from your time period.  But I also agree that not all of it could possibly be bad.  If it was ALL bad I feel like there wouldn't BE a past for us to be studying.  I know Nora strongly believes we shouldn't be using things from the past but I also know she's changed her mind on a few things once she'd directly experienced it or learned about it.   Knowing that, I feel like Lee is responsible for her...stance, I guess, regarding associating with you."
"So confront him about it."
"That's...something I'm considering," he replied after a pause.  "But what I wanted to talk to you about was your own personal experience with Portia's townsfolk.  Gale was pretty direct about wanting to hear about any sort of trouble that Lee is causing, in the context of it causing YOU trouble.  But this doesn't directly affect you in any way, it just affects me.  If it's not your life he's interfering with then I don't know if I should tell Gale and risk rocking the boat."
"I think you should," Eli said, crossing her arms and glancing over a shoulder toward the distant and yet somehow looming pinnacle that the Church sat on.  "If she wanted to break things off it should be HER decision, not because some crusty evangelizer told her to. No preacher or employer or authority figure should be free to meddle to that degree in someone's personal life.  Not to mention that he's just asking for Balance to beckon and Judgement to come reckon..."
Arlo looked briefly confused by that last bit; Eli just shrugged - she could always explain the phrase to him later if he was interested.   "-look, even if it's not affecting me directly it's clear I'm being used as a sort of weapon here.  I could care less if someone is cursing my name up, down, and sideways, but I really don't like the idea that I'm essentially being used as a political bludgeon.  In fact, I think I'LL go talk to Nora and get the real story out of her."
"I'd rather she not know-"
"Do you really think she'd just expect you not to tell anyone?" Eli interrupted.  "Or that no one would notice you two split and not have questions?"
"I... I guess not."  He sighed heavily again and tilted his head back to stare up into the sky.  "I just don't want to cause a rift between anyone."
"Let me see what I can find out and THEN we can decide if we want to rock this particular boat or not.  Might be that IF Lee was behind this, and IF he thinks he got away with it, he might try it again with other people and then THAT might actually affect me directly.  If anything it's worth it to try and stop that before the metaphorical rocking ends up capsizing instead."
Arlo nodded. "All right, I guess.  I'm going to head back to the Corps building.  Let me know what you found out."
"Will do."
They walked back to town in silence and at the base of the hill near the plaza Arlo kept going while Eli took a sharp left to head to the path that spiraled up to where the church sat on top of a ruins (and if it was the location she thought it was it had once been several floors of administrative offices, a number of clothing boutiques, and a ground floor restaurant).  By the time she got to the top and was looking at the church's doors that familiar feeling of nostalgia had hit her...nostalgia felt like a strange emotion to be having but she supposed it was a step up from the usual soul-crushing gut punch she usually got when she let herself think about something she recognized.
"Knock knock, anyone home," she found herself muttering as she shouldered the door open and stepped into the quiet chapel.  
It was nice in here, at least - nothing opulent or over the top.   Pews, carpet down the aisle, banners and a chandelier, stained glass windows and murals on the walls.  There was a fountain near the back wall behind the pulpit (which was just a small podium with a book sitting open on it), and she thought she could see a piano back there too.
The only thing breaking up the silence was the gurgle of water and the rhythmic sounds of sweeping coming from somewhere to her left; Eli walked up the small ramp into the sanctuary proper and from that spot she spied Nora off in the corner with a broom in hand.
The girl looked up to her and Eli saw her tense up.
"Morning. If you've got a moment I'd like to speak with you," Eli said.  Not much of a greeting but the girl already didn't like her so no amount of politeness was probably going to change much.
"I uh...I need to finish sweeping."  The girl was gripping her broom like she thought Eli was going to attack her; Eli wondered what exactly Lee had been telling her.
"That's fine.  I can wait."
It was clear Nora had been hoping Eli would just leave but instead she watched silently as Eli moved a bit further into the room and sat down on the back pew there.  Eli kept looking forward, admiring what she could see of the murals on the nearby wall; eventually she heard the sweeping start up again and could track Nora by sound as the woman finished up in that corner and moved down to the entryway, then back up and across into the corner on the right.  She heard the scrape of a metal dust pan and the clatter of what she guessed was the top of a trash can opening and closing, and then silence.  Eli let the silence stretch on for a bit before turning around; Nora seemed like she was debating whether she should run out the door or not but froze when she noticed Eli looking at her.
"Good to go?"
"I figured we could just step outside so if your minister shows up he can't yell at me for being on church property."
Nora inhaled and exhaled slowly then nodded, and mutely headed out the door; Eli followed along as the girl headed off to the right, to a wooden platform that was similar to the other wooden platforms that made up sections of the path that led up here -- it lined up with the path, in fact, and made it look like whoever had built it had intended to keep going up and around into the sky.  She had a slight twinge of discomfort from the fact the platform gave a clear view of the land around Portia which included quite a few destroyed buildings.
 Don't think about it.
"All right," she said then, blowing out a breath.  "I'll get right to it: Arlo told me.  And I want to know if that was YOUR decision or if Lee put you up to it.  Because he's not sure and I'm not happy to be in the middle of this."
Nora winced slightly and rubbed at an arm, and at first didn't respond.  Eli stuck her hand in her pockets and purposely looked to the left and down into the tree farm while trying to ignore the ruined observatory that she could still see out of the corner of her eye.
"We talked about it...and I agreed, so it was my decision," Nora finally said.  "The relics of the past are dangerous, we shouldn't be embracing anything from that time period."
Eli turned her attention back to the girl.  "Including me?"
"Look, I get it - you church folk aren't going to like that I exist. I'm a living reminder of how humanity almost wiped themselves out.  I'm not asking you to like me.  I am asking you if YOU made the decision to break things off with Arlo, on your own, for your own reasons, or if Lee convinced you to do it because in his mind it was the right thing to do because of Arlo's associating with me."
Nora's shoulders slumped a bit and again she was silent for a long period.  "...I guess it's a bit of both.  Lee's said that-"
"-let me stop you right there.  Lee hasn't bothered talking to me, period.  Whatever he's said I intend to do or teach is something he pulled directly out of his own ass."  At that Nora's eyes widened a bit but Eli didn't know if it was due to the language or because of some possibility that she'd exposed Lee for lying.  "Here's the thing.  I know a lot about a lot of dangerous things everyone seems afraid of - AIs, weapons, computers, devices.  Just because I know how something works, or worked, doesn't mean I can replicate it here.  For every one thing I could maybe manage to write up a technical readout for there's fifty others that I can't.  I know how to put a plasma pulse rifle together but I couldn't begin to tell you how to make one starting from a raw material base; I could describe step by step how to troubleshoot an anti-grav propulsion unit but hand me every single separate part, down to the nuts and bolts, and I'd have no clue how to assemble it.  There's a lot of things that, if it already exists, I could probably get it working again but there's no way I could build it from the ground up because even if I knew everything about everything, the fact remains that your technological level just isn't where it needs to be to MAKE anything."
Nora simply stood and listened silently, and was staring at some indeterminate point on the horizon past the tree farm.
"...so," Eli said into the silence that followed.  "Was it Lee, or was it your choice?"
Nora hung her head.  "You already know the answer to that."
"I was hoping I was wrong.  So, barring Lee's meddling, WOULD you have made that choice?"
To her surprise Nora lifted her head and answered immediately.  "Yes.  I think so, anyway.  Just...not like I did, or when I did."
Eli nodded approvingly at the admission.  "All right, we're getting somewhere then.  What's the ACTUAL reasoning then?"
"I just... I don't know.  I'm attracted to him - he's brave, and handsome, and kind. But I feel so...  I love his stories, and love spending time with him, but there's so many times where once he runs out of stories it gets...it's like we run out of things to talk about.  We don't have much in common it seems.  I try to find things to talk about but its usually the same things each time - the weather, the news.  I've even tried telling him about books I like but I feel silly trying to explain an entire book's plot. And..."
Eli raised an eyebrow.  "And?" she prompted - she wasn't going to let her clam up now that the proverbial dam had apparently burst.
"-I was only supposed to stay in Portia for two years.  I asked to stay longer and was granted an extension to my mission with the Church, and while I love Portia I can't stay here forever.  I have schooling to finish in Atara and then I'd like to settle down and start a family, and Arlo wants to join the Flying Pigs and would be traveling all over.  I don't think either of us can stay with the other unless someone wants to give up a dream."
"Aha..." Eli muttered.  "That I can understand.  Mine and my husband's jobs kept us apart quite a bit but neither of us would have ever asked the other one to give up their career."
"How...did it work out, then?"
Eli gave her a small smile.  "We enjoyed every moment we got together, when we had the time. Truth be told, my marriage was arranged - I just got super lucky in that I actually fell in love with the person my parents picked."  At Nora's shocked look she held up a hand.  "I know, it sounds weird - arranged marriages weren't at all popular back then, and were even against the law in a lot of places.  But all the men I was around were all soldiers or rangers, and I didn't want to marry another serviceman.  My parents picked someone I knew in gradeschool so he wasn't a total stranger, and we ended up fitting together nicely."
"Phyllis ran away from an arranged marriage...I didn't think one could be successful."
"Don't get me wrong - I thought long and hard before I asked my parents to do that for me, AND asked them to make it clear to whoever needed to hear it that I wouldn't be putting my boots away if I got married.  It's not something I would ever suggest to another person.   But, to get back on track, I'm only mentioning my marriage and circumstance because it's entirely possible you and Arlo could make it work even if you're apart for long periods of time.  It just boils down to, do you think that's what you'd want?"
Again Nora fell quiet, and Eli stayed where she was while the other walked over to the edge of the platform and leaned against it with  her arms folded across the top plank of the fence. Standing there, in the quiet, Eli could hear footsteps coming up the path and assumed they were about to be interrupted - probably by Lee.  She gave Nora a couple more minutes before clearing her throat to grab her attention.
"Give it some thought, and be honest with yourself.  And when you have your answer, walk your happy little butt down to the Corps building and be honest with Arlo.  You're still welcome to dislike me," Eli added after a moment, smiling slightly.  "I hear someone coming though so I should probably make myself scarce."
"All right...I'll do that," Nora replied, voice quiet.
Eli nodded to her and then turned to plod back down the path.  As she expected she passed Lee coming up; he gave her a brief sour look then turned his nose up to her and sped up to get by her faster.  She managed to keep from rolling her eyes until she had her back to him and once she'd circled around enough to put him entirely out of sight she sped up into a trot -- may as well get her cool down jog done.  She would check in with Arlo later this afternoon instead (it made more sense to give Nora time to go talk to him on her own, before Eli went to tell him what she'd said -- it'd also mean a lot more for him to hear it from Nora).
As she passed under Portia's gate she paused at the split in the road; ordinarily she'd jog down to the harbor and back with the others for their cool down run.  If she hung a right here she'd go up to the tree farm and she could easily keep going and check in at the facility - today was supposed to be one of her free days to do...whatever she felt like, but she didn't have much in mind to do.  Maybe she could get back to rummaging through the spare parts and start the onerous duty of stripping down and re-working the auxiliary power bank to see if they could convert it over to wind power.
Yeah, that would probably be a better use of her time today.
She paused to stretch and then continued on, jogging up the road; there was someone coming down the road toward her - someone she didn't recognize.  She offered the man a smile and moved off the road into the grass, and the man returned the smile and offered a little wave as she went by.
As she got to the tree farm's gate it swung open and out came Dawa, and when he saw her he waved at her and gestured for her to pause.
"Hey, Eli!"
"Hello Dawa.  You need something?"
"Was Selene home when you left?"
"Uh...  I actually have no idea.  I usually get up and out of the house before she does and I spent the morning out exercising with the Corps folks."
Dawa nodded and grunted.  "Ah, all right.  Was hoping to possibly save myself a trip down there.  But no big deal - it's not like I'm walking across the continent," he chuckled.
"I'm just out for a jog, I could turn around and see if she's there and then send her your way."
Dawa considered that a moment, then nodded.  "If you don't mind.   I've got a lot of work I need to get done by tonight and any minute I can save is worth it."
Eli raised an eyebrow.  "Yeah?  Need a hand with anything?"
"Nah, it's just a lot of chopping and getting things delivered on time.  I can manage it...I think."
"Fair enough.  I'll go have a look and come back up this way if she's not there."
"Thanks Eli!" he called after her as she turned around and jogged back down the path.
She caught up to that same man from before on the way back; he'd stopped not too far from where she'd first passed him, and was sitting on a bit of broken stone off the side of the road watching her approach.  With how he had his feet propped up she could see his brown leather boots were worn and had a few holes in them, and they matched his equally worn duster coat; the man himself also looked weathered and old.
"Hello again," she said as she came up.
"Hey," was the man's response.
When she got back to the house she did in fact find Selene working in her factory and let her know Dawa was looking for her.  She got a sort of distracted, non-committal promise to go talk to him and then Eli left the builder to whatever it was she was piecing together and once again jogged up the path toward the tree farm.
The man was still sitting there; he'd taken his coat off and had it draped over the rock beside him.  His clothes were baggy but were in considerably better condition than his coat and boots were.
"You stuck in a rut?" was the man's gravelly greeting as she jogged near him for a third time.
She laughed quietly.  "Just playing messenger for a bit."
She heard him chuckling behind her as she kept going; it didn't take long to let Dawa know Selene would be along in a bit and then she continued on out to the facility.  Down there it was easy to lose track of time and before she knew it it was early evening - far later than she'd actually intended to be down here...she REALLY needed to recreate a damn Hi-Def or, bare minimum, get a pocket watch or something.
At the very least the tourist man wasn't still sitting on his rock when she went by there again; she did spot him sitting at the nearest booth in the Round Table though, and offered him a nod when she thought he was looking her way.  He didn't respond but that wasn't a big deal - at least no one could claim she wasn't friendly to strangers.  
She paused, halfway to a stool at the counter, and turned when she heard Arlo.  He looked to be in better spirits and was waving her over to the table where he, Remington, Asher, and Petra were sitting together.
As she headed over Arlo slid to the side to make room for her on the end of the couch next to him and Petra shifted around to the other side; in the few seconds it took to cross the room and sit down Sonia had come over to the table for her order.  Remington, Petra, and Asher all had half-finished drinks in front of them.
"Did you find that sensor thing you were looking for?" Asher asked as she sat down.
"Nope," she answered.  "Granted, I didn't spend too much time looking for it though.  Started in on tearing down the aux unit and making a list of what needs replacing.  We're going to need an amp converter for sure but I'm fairly confident we can manage to make it work."
"That's good news," Petra said.  "We already have the wind generator blueprints and have several up near South Block that are working just fine.  If you can give us an idea of the power output that's needed we can see if we need to alter those blueprints."
"I'm still working on that.  The main hitch is deciding what numbers to use and how to get them - we won't be using the same amount of power that the facility did in its hey day but I also don't know of any other number to use just yet.  I might have to ask Stewart to set aside a week and just run everything from lights to toasters down there to see what consumption level it can even hit, then add some zeroes to account for potential future increases and then see what I get."
Petra nodded.  "That makes sense. I just hope the wind coming down from the bluffs would be enough."
"Well, if its not sufficient then my backup plan was water turbines instead.  There's that waterfall that's not too far away...biggest hurdle then would be waterproofing all the equipment."
At that Petra rubbed at her chin.  "Water turbines and waterproofing... It might work so long as we can avoid altering Portia's water quality."
"Shouldn't be any different from the motorized boats I see out in the harbor with the exception that there won't be any fuel runoff in the equation," Eli replied.  "That ought to make it pretty clean."
Further discussion was interrupted as Sonia and Django brought out all of their orders together and they got to eating; when they finished Petra and Asher excused themselves, paid, and headed out.  As Remington ordered a second lemonade Eli subtly leaned toward Arlo.
"Did she come find you?" It was barely above a whisper, and neither Sonia nor Remington seemed to have heard it.
Arlo nodded.  "She did.  We worked it out.  Still friends."  His voice was equally as quiet.
Eli straightened and flashed him a brief smile - she didn't need details; she was just glad Nora had followed through and Eli wouldn't have to have that conversation in her stead.
"So..." Arlo said then, voice loud and clear.  "I hear I missed learning what a burpee is."
The three of them ended up sitting and chatting for quite awhile, then moved on to the back room for a couple games of darts (Remington won every single game).  As they'd stood and headed back Eli again nodded to the old man in the booth and this time got a half wave and smile in response. When they came out of the game room later the man was still there nursing a single coffee.  He offered them a quiet good evening and was digging in his coat pocket for gols as they were filing out through the door.
"Any plans for tomorrow?" Arlo asked, as they stood together just beyond the edge of the extended patio roof outside of the Round Table.
"Sleeping, hopefully," Remington chuckled.
Eli shrugged. "Not really.  I was thinking of seeing if Selene had a rod and reel I can borrow.  I'm determined to see a live frog fish for myself - it's still so hard to wrap my head around the idea of bizarre animal hybrids."
"You should talk to Qiwa - I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you all about the native fish in this region," Remington said.  "He's the one who usually wears purple, if that helps."
She considered that a moment, then nodded; on her To Do list was checking with the local school to see if they had books they could lend her on wildlife, geography, and cultures of the current time period but she kept forgetting about it until it was too late in the evening to catch anyone there.  "Probably a good idea.  I need to start making time to learn about the world as it is, instead of focusing on telling everyone on how it was."  She paused for a breath then looked to Arlo.   "If you'd like to make up for today I'll have time tomorrow."
"Sounds good.  In the morning, as usual?"
"Works for me.  See you tomorrow," she said, smiling and heading off.
The lights were still on in Selene's factory - had she ever gone to talk to Dawa?  Eli hoped so.  Inside the house it was quiet; Eli took a quick bath and tiptoed into her room wrapped in just a towel.  Her pajamas were not on the edge of her bed though, which where she swore she'd left them this morning.  Maybe she'd overshot the edge when she'd tossed them there?  As she came around to the other side of the bed to check she saw a strange pink lump partially sticking out from under the bedskirt, and under it was a single pajama pantleg.
She reached out with one bare foot, grabbed the pantleg fabric with her toes, and pulled; sliding out from under the bed came the biggest, roundest, pinkest cat she'd ever seen.  It was lounging on top of her pajamas and seemed not at all disturbed by the fact it had been dragged out of its little hiding spot.
"...excuse me, who are you and also I need those."  Eli had to let the towel flap open as she bent down to roll the rather sausage-shaped cat off her clothing; when she had retrieved the pajamas she dropped the towel over the animal and heard a rather confused "mrrp" noise from under it.
Selene hadn't mentioned that she owned a cat, much less a neon pink one.
The world was a very weird place nowadays.
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rwbyvein · 4 years
Arc-en-Ciel: Power
RWBY: *wakes up to a loud slamming noise coming from the hallway*
RWBY: *stack up in their doorway, to find out the sound is coming for JNPR's room*
Ruby: Uh?
Yang: Maybe when you are a bit older, Rubes.
Ruby: Huh?
Blake: *blushes*
Weiss: Oh, my.
* * *
Ruby: Hey, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: *walks awkwardly up to Ruby*
Pyrrha (warmly): Hello, Ruby.
Ruby: Are... you okay?..
Pyrrha: I am... quite alright... I'm sorry...
Ruby: Did something happen?..
Pyrrha: Something wonderful.
Ruby: *questioning look*
Pyrrha: *bright smile*
Ruby: As long as you are okay...
Pyrrha: *even more brilliant smile*
* * *
Ruby: Pyrrha was walking funny today. Is she alright?
Weiss: *coughs up her coffee*
Weiss: *tries to elegantly wipe her lips*
Yang: Trust me, she's more than alright.
Ruby: Wait...
Yang: Shit, she's on to us.
Weiss: It was only a matter of time.
Ruby: But... but... but... Jaune...
Yang: Who knows what she sees in him.
Weiss: *scoff*
Yang: What?
Weiss: The pot calling the kettle black.
Yang: *looks about nervously*
Yang: I don't know what you are talking about.
Blake: You can lie to us, but not yourself.
Yang: It's not like he is reliable enough for me to relax in front of... and I've spent my whole life trying to relax... and...
Ruby: I loved him since the first day! He was the only one to talk to me... without... shouting...
Weiss: *huff*
Weiss: Perhaps if you had not exploded.
Yang: *snickers*
Blake: The heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, and a kid from Patch.
Weiss: I... certainly... was not expecting it to work so well.
Yang: What about you?
Blake: What about me?
Yang: I've seen you checking him out when you thought no one was looking.
Blake: . . .
Blake: I have just... not had... the best relationships... and don't really know what I should do...
Weiss: It seems it's a bit too late...
Yang: Hey, Snow Angel?
Weiss: Yes?
Yang: *starts laughing*
Yang: On, man, that was too easy.
Weiss: *questioning look*
Weiss: Do you care to share your discovery?
Yang: You've got it as bad as the rest of us.
Weiss: I... do not...
Weiss: . . .
Yang: Can't even say it, can you?
Weiss: *scoff*
Blake: So, what, we all?..
RW_Y: *nods their heads*
Blake: So, what do we do?..
R_BY: . . .
Weiss: Assuming it is not too late...
Ruby: *quickly stands up*
Ruby: It's not too late!
Yang: You got a plan, Ruby?
Ruby: Kind of... I'm going to confess!
Yang: *stands up*
Yang: Not without me, you're not.
Blake: *quietly stands up*
Weiss: *stands up and clears her throat*
* * *
RWBY: *walks up to Jaune and Pyrrha on the couch, who were stealing periodic glances from each other*
Yang: I really hate to do this to you, Pyr, but... Look, Ladykiller, we all...
Ruby: I love you!
Blake: WE. Love you.
Weiss: *affirmative huff*
Jaune: Uh?..
Pyrrha: *claps her hands together in front of her face*
Pyrrha: Wonderful!
Jaune: HUH?!
Pyrrha: He is a bit much for me to handle on my own.
Jaune: *coughs*
Pyrrha: He also has tremendous love for you all.
Yang: Huh?
Weiss: I believe... we have succeeded...
Pyrrha: Would you kindly join us in our room?
* * *
RWBY + JP: *walked into JNPR's room*
Weiss: *freezes as she sees Ren and Nora*
Yang: *wraps her arm around Weiss' waist, tugging her in*
Blake: *comes in last and closes the door*
Weiss: *nervously glances at Ren and Nora*
Nora: Don't mind us. Pyrrha doesn't.
Weiss: *freezes up*
Yang: I had no idea you guys were so?..
Blake: Close?..
Nora: We're like wicked cool.
Weiss: *blinks as some semblance of life returns to her*
Weiss: And you do not mind that... Pyrrha...
Weiss: . . .
Blake: Shares?
Ren: I do believe it makes it all the easier.
Nora: We didn't want to have to pick between any of you.
Yang: And who said you had to pick between us?
Ren: She meant we did not want to see a winner and loser in this race.
Nora: I mean, you all care about Jaune, and he cares about all of you... and... I mean... you guys are the first friends we ever had and...
Ren: We did not want any discord to disrupt that friendship.
Yang: I suppose that makes sense.
Pyrrha: I'm sorry...
Ruby: What for?
Pyrrha (meekly): For stealing Jaune out from under you.
Yang: You were planning on sharing him, so we can't exactly stay mad at you.
Weiss: *scoff*
Pyrrha: *holds her hand out towards Weiss*
Weiss: *hesitantly moves her hand towards Pyrrha's*
Pyrrha: *gently, sensuously takes Weiss' hand*
Pyrrha: *seductively pulls Weiss to her bed*
Blake: *nervously watches*
Ruby and Yang: *rush Jaune, each grabbing and arm and pushing him back to his bed*
Blake: *nervously looking about*
Pyrrha: *alluringly waves Blake towards her*
Blake: *hesitantly walks towards them*
* * *
Nora: Oh... Leader...
Weiss: *looks towards Nora from her mount atop Jaune*
Nora: *masturbating while watching them*
Ren (from behind her): *mastubating while watching them*
Weiss: *eyes roll in the back of her head*
* * *
Weiss: *wakes up nude in a bed, not her bed*
Weiss: *looks around to find herself in Nora's bed*
Weiss: *feels Nora snuggled up to her*
Weiss: *sits up as much as she can without disturbing Nora to look around as much as she can*
Weiss: *sees Blake and Yang cuddled up to Jaune*
Weiss: *sees Ruby snuggled up to Pyrrha*
Weiss: *rests her head back on the pillow*
* * *
Weiss: *wakes to the sound of movement*
Nora: *tries to slip out of her bed, only to be grabbed by Weiss*
Weiss: And just where do you think you're going?
Nora: Uh, breakfast? Figured I would let you guys sleep in. The first time with Jaune is pretty intense.
Weiss: The first time with... what?!
Ren: Oh, did you not know?
Nora: Yeah, Jaune fucks as well well.
Weiss: He what?!
Weiss: *looks at Ren*
Weiss: He... also?..
Ren: I do have to dress up like a woman and put on make-up.
Nora: Luckily Renny is already girly enough. I mean, okay, I was never going to say it, but if it let's Jaune fuck him in the ass like Renny wants... then it's a good thing, right?
Weiss: I... have no words...
Yang: I have never felt like this... and it's not like it's my first time...
Blake: Concur.
Blake: *snuggles up to Yang*
Ruby: *pants from Pyrrha's bed*
Ruby: All in favour of a team sleep in, groan.
WBY: *groans*
Pyrrha: *kisses Ruby on the cheek*
Pyrrha: Just relax your little head.
Nora: Relax other things as well, as Jaune's probably going to want some, later.
Weiss: *weak scoff*
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