#so like Whomp Whomp
ophernelia · 2 months
seeing the copying convo rehashed when i've been saying it's uncouth is so odd but like girl finally! like yes, we all have the same game for sure. but using the same shots, editing the same way, etc. is like over the threshold lol. and it's mad rude when you're doing it when a creator is actively in the midst of making their content. running their series. (be it an lp, a machinima, etc.) and again, i feel like this only applies to creators tho fr. if you're playing your game for your own personal enjoyment then cool. but if you're like specifically curating content, develop a personal style. it makes you as a creator stand out more. stop biting 'cause you see something's hot and it's working for someone else. when all you gotta do is brainstorm a little and i'm very sure you could come up with something just as hot too.
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ill admit folks…
i think the reason i havent identify as asexual yet is cause of my hypersexuality.
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hptrash-lookaway · 14 days
Can’t stop thinking about how much that “your parents died in a car crash and that’s how you got your scar” lie would’ve affected Harry and his relationship with cars
And even tho he knew the truth finally, I still think it would’ve had some impact on him still when he and Ron crashed the car into the whomping willow
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freakxwannaxbe · 1 year
[gets hit with intense, overwhelming jealousy, anger and uncontrollable doomer thoughts about both mine and the demise of my loved ones]
Me: Uhhh-
[gets period one day later]
Me: Oh okay that explains it godspeed you funky fucked up hormones
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samwhichstuff · 1 year
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goodmorning everypony i am finally dropping more art here so here is a grumpsona :0]
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mathias-wanabe · 3 months
Do any of us know how mind got the mechanical hands??
[coming from someone who reads lotta fanfiction n that kinda stuff]
Like. His voice mod I kinda get. He was shot n needed a way to speak. But. What happened for him to get mechanical hands too?
For the ppl that headcannon mind is/always was a automaton I kinda understand, like being fully made of metal and all, but to yall (or if there even is anyone) with non all-robot mind designs w inspo from the mechanical hands, do you guys have any headcannons/ backstories as to why he has em?
Tw self mutilation mentioned just a SMALL bit in the beginning in the second paragraph
(Takes place before the Juno incident n all that ofc)
My hc is that with all the fighting and destructiveness of heart, at some point mind’s body wasn’t really healing the areas that he got hurt as well OR he got tired of physically feeling the hits.
So eventually, he designed himself either wearable mechanical gloves/coverings. Or like… bone drilled in prosthetics. Or somthing idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It being on his hands n arms would also kinda work out bc if ur blocking urself from an attack the easiest thing to use is your arms and hands. And with it being metal, I’d imagine it wouldn’t hurt nearly as bad. So it’d help with protection too.
Only downside would be that he couldn’t feel/ touch anything anymore. He has these new prosthetics but the hands have the most touch receptors. he can’t feel the softness of his pillow or the fragility of a small animal. And eventually, whether he can take it off but won’t, or if he just can’t at all… even the feeling of holding a loved one’s hand eventually becomes alien to him.
But he didn’t worry that much. It’s just touch. And how bad could losing touch be.
[Enter metaphor for losing touch=losing meaningful connections here]
by the end of adapting to it, he accepts the fact he just won’t feel things physically anymore. Learning from muscle memory how much pressure to hold things without breaking them. How to act like he can feel things so others won’t point it out when he’s in public.
Soul and heart, might not even know that mind can’t feel things anymore. They just notice him starting to act more repelled to physical touch as a whole. It annoys heart(bc no cuddles ): ) and worried soul but no one says anything about it anymore. Because whenever it’s mentioned mind just shuts the conversation down immediately. Because, he dosnt want the other’s help. He’s “completely fine” like this and why would he need to undo something he spent months working on??
No, he’s decided to die on that hill. Even though he might be denying his own need for touch and physical affection, and even falling into a unnoticed depression bc it. he did this himself and he’s going to stick with it… all while ignoring any and all downsides whatsoever. Making it near impossible to consider he might be better off without them.
Bc at the end of the day it’s just touch. And how bad could losing touch be?
I’m just throwing stuff at the wall here I might update it if I think of anything new feel free to just take this idea completely it’s just somthin’ to think bout
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just-call-me-moran · 3 months
Is anyone else chronically on tumblr as well as an art major???? Like what do you mean I have an unfinished drawing of the doctor Gregory house sitting next to my bed staring at me… he’s been there for weeks. Staring at me. Judging me.
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ravenmoodle · 4 months
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Was supposed to go to wear this cute fit out today, but plans where CANCELED. so im making you look at it
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mad-c1oud · 8 months
I wish I was a much better drawer so I could show you guys certain scenes in full and how I’m imagining them like the panic attack in fingers and then the fight, the shower scene from letters, everything in immi, everything from twaho, and so much more
The greenhouse oh my god I want you all to see
maybe maybe maybe who knows
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tranakin-skywalker · 2 years
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cipher-the-sidhe · 4 months
I have never so badly NOT wanted to work on a tattoo as the one I have to do tomorrow. Which is honestly a shame. But sometimes the artist’s vision and what the client wants just aren’t the same thing.
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im-diseased-but-cool · 6 months
If I had a nickel for every time I saw a post where someone is comparing Invincible to Steven Universe I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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digitaldollsworld · 7 months
Ok admittedly I’m so sick of being alone and doing everything alone I want a Shawty of any and or multiple/indeterminate gender(s)
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 1 month
read your tags on your latest post (adorable drawing btw) and congrats on graduating!!!!! hope your break year was relaxing!!
Awww, thank you, dear Anon (I’m really pleased with how it came out, so the compliment is much appreciated by me <3 <3)!
This past year has definitely been… an interesting one to say the least, haha, but the amount of white hairs I started my break with has significantly decreased since; I’m definitely not missing any of the deadlines and studying and all that other jazz that comes with uni life, haha 😮‍💨
My break year was definitely much needed, though, I do think I’ll ultimately be prolonging it—at least a little bit. Been ruminating very much on it, and the conclusion I’ve come to is that I currently feel more and more of an inclination to pursue something creative primarily rather than taking on the structure and pain that comes with academics for a more stable career—for the moment, at least. I ultimately want to try and get a first draft of a manuscript finished first at least and see how I feel about it. 
I can still go back to school if I decide this path’s not ultimately right, though I’m not sure if, when/if I do, it will still be veterinary/medicine-focused. We shall see, we shall see…
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allieisacrybaby · 10 months
absolutely nobody fucking asked or fucking cares but I need to say it. 15 was my number throughout my volleyball career and seeing danny in the number 15 car🫠🫠🫠🫠
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zouisalmightie · 3 months
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