#if I didn’t then ig whomp whomp for me lol
mathias-wanabe · 3 months
Do any of us know how mind got the mechanical hands??
[coming from someone who reads lotta fanfiction n that kinda stuff]
Like. His voice mod I kinda get. He was shot n needed a way to speak. But. What happened for him to get mechanical hands too?
For the ppl that headcannon mind is/always was a automaton I kinda understand, like being fully made of metal and all, but to yall (or if there even is anyone) with non all-robot mind designs w inspo from the mechanical hands, do you guys have any headcannons/ backstories as to why he has em?
Tw self mutilation mentioned just a SMALL bit in the beginning in the second paragraph
(Takes place before the Juno incident n all that ofc)
My hc is that with all the fighting and destructiveness of heart, at some point mind’s body wasn’t really healing the areas that he got hurt as well OR he got tired of physically feeling the hits.
So eventually, he designed himself either wearable mechanical gloves/coverings. Or like… bone drilled in prosthetics. Or somthing idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It being on his hands n arms would also kinda work out bc if ur blocking urself from an attack the easiest thing to use is your arms and hands. And with it being metal, I’d imagine it wouldn’t hurt nearly as bad. So it’d help with protection too.
Only downside would be that he couldn’t feel/ touch anything anymore. He has these new prosthetics but the hands have the most touch receptors. he can’t feel the softness of his pillow or the fragility of a small animal. And eventually, whether he can take it off but won’t, or if he just can’t at all… even the feeling of holding a loved one’s hand eventually becomes alien to him.
But he didn’t worry that much. It’s just touch. And how bad could losing touch be.
[Enter metaphor for losing touch=losing meaningful connections here]
by the end of adapting to it, he accepts the fact he just won’t feel things physically anymore. Learning from muscle memory how much pressure to hold things without breaking them. How to act like he can feel things so others won’t point it out when he’s in public.
Soul and heart, might not even know that mind can’t feel things anymore. They just notice him starting to act more repelled to physical touch as a whole. It annoys heart(bc no cuddles ): ) and worried soul but no one says anything about it anymore. Because whenever it’s mentioned mind just shuts the conversation down immediately. Because, he dosnt want the other’s help. He’s “completely fine” like this and why would he need to undo something he spent months working on??
No, he’s decided to die on that hill. Even though he might be denying his own need for touch and physical affection, and even falling into a unnoticed depression bc it. he did this himself and he’s going to stick with it… all while ignoring any and all downsides whatsoever. Making it near impossible to consider he might be better off without them.
Bc at the end of the day it’s just touch. And how bad could losing touch be?
I’m just throwing stuff at the wall here I might update it if I think of anything new feel free to just take this idea completely it’s just somthin’ to think bout
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pekodayz · 11 months
osoaini evil stupid dumb drabble. it was 3:30 in the morning. it’s not formatted so whatever was typed on da phone was typed with a night high .be warned ☆(≧∇≦)b
Christmas in Japan😨 god aini nor oso wouldn’t know how to function normally around all of these lovey dovey couples! They’re all so …romantic…..holding hands and getting close n stuffs. 😥 Aini finds oso grosso nastys but ummm hey…ur kinda the only person I’ve gotten so close with. But she isn’t gonna outright admit it. Oso is trying not to seem super obvious with his staring at other ppl bc he’s nervous as hell rn. They’re both in public, prob the one of the only sets of ppl who’s not holding hands or some shit. Like what the hell should I do????? This is the worst! I should’ve stayed h-no….he did want to go out with aini..to this place for a reason so ummm hahah. It’s cold. He peeks at aini, she’s still staring at the crowds of ppl too…is she cold? Maybe. She catches him staring at her and they both look away, she pulls her scarf up to cover her cheeks (erm hey r they red😅) They start walking again in silence, they literally haven’t even said a word abt how this is so stupid and ggggay. Just awkward intense silence as they walk ermmm side to side ish (aini purposefully starts to walk behind oso bc she’s getting embarrassed😔) he notices and looks at her and tries to smile at her (it doesn’t look natural at all god damn) and asks her why is she behind him. Aini just scoffs and says she had smth in her shoe, her voice is muffled bc of the scarf over her mouth. She picks up the pace and walks next to him, hands in her pockets. He glances at her, she glances at him..they both just look nervous and scared. Until oso speaks (voice cracking and all)
He tries to crack a dumb joke abt Christmas season and how it’s so dumb to be around these ppl. Like they’re probably not gonna last a minute in bed smth smth. Aini laughs a little and says some quip back at him and she would usually jab his arm but this time she didn’t get near him (ew). I’m going to assume oso noticed that bc he was bracing for her to hit him. Damn. Know he really knows this is a tense situation they’ve put themselves in bc she’s not even being herself.!. They kept walking, trying to keep their distance bc yknow. But they brushed hands and they both jolted and yelped aw wtf . Bystanders looked at them like they were crazy whomp whomp. A couple mins later after that embarrassing moment aini pokes oso’s arm without warning so he jumps a lil and looks at her. She looks terrifyingly embarrassed but she mentions how she usually clings onto him when she’s tired. but this time she kinda wants to ermm maybe do it when she’s self aware……..this place just happens to be romantic dont get it twisted u dog, blushing and stuff. I mean yeah obv she feels smth for him and he feels smth for her too. He sucks at making the first move in these kinds of situations (not like he’s ever been in this position b4 lol !!!!) He teases her but his voice cracked the whole time like ough wtfffff and that kinda lightened the mood bc aini started laughing at him. He shakily wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her closer to him. He’s tweaking but that’s okay! this isn’t ooc for aini but this behavior is rare, she’s ig extremely shy abt this like wtfffff WTF EWWW ARE WE DOING THIS mentally. Then she takes her hand out of her pocket and mumbles smth while shoving it into his pocket. Oso asked whyd she do that, aini says bc ur arm is around me, how r we gonna ..hold hands. 😒then he says Shut up. What😨that’s my line. They kinda fumble for a minute but now they’re holding hands, aini cursed herself for not bringing gloves bc her hand truly was sweaty like maybe I should kill. It’s okay bc he’s sweaty too. Back and forth abt their hands while walking, completely oblivious of where they’re going. Then they end up at some kinda secluded spot, there’s not as many ppl here. They stop bickering and look around like damn where r we.
Then they glance over at some couples again and grimace but ermmmm heyyyyy they’re kissing. UGH . Oso looks away but idk idk idk hey this is kinda a special day????????? Maybe aini wouldn’t mind this time????? She wouldn’t kill me right????? She looks okay to be here …..So he starts pulling her closer and to his surprise, she doesn’t back away bc honestly she started to feel some sort a way abt this. Idk she yearned a little, even tho that’s osomatsu, she maybe whatever..wouldn’t mind a moment like this with him (even if it’s super rare) They’re both blushing and shit like GODDDdd thank goodness there aren’t a lot of ppl around bc this would look jank💔Ok they quickly give each other a kiss. Then they’re silent with the deadest look in their eyes like wow uh well that just happened😂😂😂😂😂😂 ok srs mode. Aini tries to look at him and say smth but she’s Uber nervous neow. Like hey ummm ur not as bad as u were before .. Then he’s like well I’ve been the only one you’ve kissed b4 .hey dont fucking RUIN THE MOMENT. but she quietly asks for another bc it really did make her feel better with that inner turmoil of being idk held for.
Like lol merry christmas..so they do it again. Then like 4 more times . Ew, this will not happen again until another special day. They look embarrassed as hell but oso mentions kfc since that country loves fried chicken on Christmas :3! But Aini just pulls him into a hug and thanks him like oughhh ur disgusting but I really do like u and ur stupid company and ur stupid laugh and ur stupid voice and ur stupid warm sickening smile I want u DEAD. And he’s kinda speechless 🧐 but he hugs her back really tight chuckling and shit GrRRRRR STILDID ahem . They do end up going to kfc together and aini took him back to her place so they can stare at the tv like a couple of babies while eating and being normal (acting like they didn’t just do that whole thang, but deep down that was very enjoyable for the both of them…..yay)
ok the end hope u enjoyed my tearful bloody word dump. cocomelon and dinner💕🩷💗💞💝💖💖🎀🐟🐟🐟🐟
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10.16: a certain doom
spoilers (both general and caryl) under the cut:
the episode iiiiiissss not super worth the six month wait (like in general, not vis a vis caryl) 
it’s marginally more exciting than the penultimate episode
i think the problem is they utilized time poorly, so the attack on hilltop was Amazing, but then they accidentally forgot to make the end of the war suspenseful or interesting lol
that being said, it had its moments, so let’s break it down, shall we?
first off, caryl have a brief scene in the beginning in the stairwell where daryl is telling carol that michonne left, and he’s like “everybody leaves and then i never see them again :( “ and carol is like “...i haven’t left” and daryl goes “-sure jan-” and leaves carol looking like a hurt puppy bc she thinks he still hasn’t forgiven her/never really will, more on that later
lydia and carol have a scene where lydia is like:
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and carol was like “that’s cuz you should hate me and shouldn’t try and look to me for advice, go find your own way in life” and lydia says “k i’m not asking you to be my mom, i’m asking if we can be bros, but w/e, i’m sure this conversation isn’t foreshadowing to an event that will happen later” 
more on that later
princess & crew broke their bikes so they were running late to the rendezvous, and eugene was about to give up, but zeke gave an empowering speech about Never Giving Up (which is kinda weird coming from a dude with cancer whose wife left him and whose son got murdered, but w/e, you get on with your optimistic self, zeke) and convinced him to carry on, more on that later
(here’s an exclusive sneak peek at the scene tho:)
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there’s a two hour long scene of our main peeps walking through the giant horde covered in guts, which would be more interesting if they didn’t do that all the time
beatrice got eaten which would have been more of a bummer if i remembered who beatrice was
it did get lydia involved in the fight tho, so that’s something
side note: negan gave lydia alpha’s mask as if it was supposed to be symbolic or something, instead of incredibly traumatizing to this little girl whose abusive mother just got her head chopped off, like couldn’t she have just put guts on like the other people? ok, my dude, way to be a surrogate father figure ig
while carol is still stuck in the horde daryl asks where carol is, which has been the majority of his lines this season
they try to lead the horde away by blasting talking heads, which is a little on the nose but entertaining nonetheless, but then carol had to go and say “protect the horses,” which is a guarantee that the horses will get eaten, bc it’s twd, so whomp whomp, they lose their apparently only plan for leading the horde away
(how have they not learned better by now?)
(better question: how are there any horses left??)
daryl has an unintentionally funny line where he’s like, “k so this is a super shitty idea, and i am aware of that, but let’s just go fucking kill all of the whisperers”
lydia then volunteers to go throw herself off a cliff to get rid of the horde, and daryl brushes her off, more on that later
anyway they go and just. kill all the whisperers ig? including beta? whose death took like two seconds and involved a brief flashback montage and was incredibly anticlimactic for how fucking badass he was (negan draws him away, daryl stabs him the eyes, which was kinda cool, and then he goes and stands in the middle of the horde and smiles wistfully while he’s eaten alive, like a normal person would do)
up at headquarters gabriel is about to get murdered by whisperers, but then maggie and her masked friend somehow make it past the entire horde and up the stairs in time to save him
cut to lydia leading the entire horde to the cliff, but then carol jumps in and tells her to go and that she’ll do it, and is about to go for a fun tumble, BUT THEN lydia pulls her away and they have a brief argument about it
their whole plotline this episode is very:
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what follows is what’s meant to be a heartwarming scene between the two of them where they put aside all their baggage and hug each other and realize they’re stronger together than at odds, and objectively it’s a good scene, but i couldn’t stop laughing bc they kept showing the walkers falling off the cliff and it looked SO STUPID, it was hilarious
they just. literally kept just stepping off the cliff and falling like bricks askdfljs
and then lydia went and threw alpha’s mask off the cliff and that Did Not make it less funny
idk, i’m probably just a bad person, but it was super fucking funny, anyway
maggie reunited with judith, which was actually very sweet, esp when you remember that she delivered her (in the most traumatic way possible)
the caryl scene was nice. i had to watch it a couple times before i decided how nice, bc like everything else in the episode it felt kind of rushed, but essentially carol and lydia return, and daryl is standing in the exact position he was standing in “no sanctuary”, bc apparently that’s how he leans on trees, and carol approaches him super warily, and they both stare at each other, and carol asks him if he’s good, and he is visibly trying not to cry when he goes “yeah. it’s over. right?” and she says yes, and he asks her if she got what she wanted, and she says no, and he tells her she still has him, and she’s like “yeah?” while crying, bc, per earlier interaction, she was p sure she was never gonna get him back entirely, and he says yeah, and then they hug, and carol makes a little sob noise, and daryl buries his face in her shoulder and is teary, too, and then daryl brings up new mexico, and carol says “maybe someday” and daryl deffo looks disappointed but agrees, and then carol has her “we still have things to do, i’m clearly saying this as a set up for dramatic scenes that are about to follow” line
cue dramatic things following
connie is alive (we been knew), but is banged tf up, and runs into virgil. or more like collapses on the ground and virgil finds her and they stare blankly at each other until connie passes out
and then we jump back to princess & crew, who are sitting there bummed out bc stephanie isn’t there, and eugene is like, “bc of zeke’s wise words, i am Not Giving Up, we set out to find and recruit people (did they? i literally don’t remember) and so that’s what we’ll do!” 
and it’s a Big Moment of Solidarity and Strength
for all of five seconds, bc they are then accosted by stormtroopers, who presumably work for commonwealth. whether or not commonwealth is building a death star is unclear at this time, but i suppose we’ll find out soon
cue end credits!
so overall: the episode occurred. it wasn’t like, devastatingly disappointing, in that the penultimate episode didn’t really set me up for any sort of big anticipation, and also i had spoilers ahead of time. i wish there had been more time for things like beta’s death to be played out properly, but i wonder also if they were limited on what they could do bc of pandemic shit and trying to get it edited as quickly as possible
as it stands, even tho the whisperers are my favorite twd villains, i’m glad they didn’t do what they did with the saviors and have it drag on for ten million years for no reason
the bottle episodes should be interesting, and prob will lead us into commonwealth, which, again, not sure on the status of the death star, but i’m excited to see what happens regardless
on the caryl front i’m about where i was before, which is fully anticipating canon coming, and my guess is the season will really heavily set up their departure, which means we will have many more scenes to come
the end
as usual, stay hype, stan kang, and get daryl to call carol sweetheart 2k20 (i still have three months left, i’m not giving up yet, zeke wouldn’t want me to),
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