#so i absolutely dont understand wtf is the problem
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critterofthenight · 7 months ago
"i miss the old creepypasta fandom, it's full of weirdos now :/" my man. my guy. do you hear yourself.
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WIBTAH for sending my (21NB) SIL (20F) stuff to help with her pregnancy when her mom said she doesn't want us to?
✨️✨️✨️❣️✨️✨️✨️ <- so i can recognise the post
so for some context, SIL didn't tell us she was 2 months pregnant until last night. She'd been planning on moving across the country (we live in the USA so across country is 3000~ miles/4500~ km) to go live with her boyfriend (22M) for a while now. None of us wanted her to go regardless but now that we know she's pregnant we wish she were here even more so we could help with anything she needs. She left this morning for her flight across country with a guy our family barely knows - some of us only learned his name last night.
my MIL - her mom - says she was gonna send her a car before finding out about the pregnancy but since SIL said she's gonna go to school and work online cus she wants to stay home with the baby, the mom doesn't want to send her a car that the idiot who got her pregnant (and was the one who convinced her not to tell us about it) is gonna end up using instead of her.
so, i brought up sending her some stuff to show her that she has people here who will help her (even if she is across the country) and show she's not alone. MIL was worried it would convince her to stay there. My worry is that not giving her any help will push her to stay over there where she doesn't know anyone instead of staying with family or, at least, someone she knows better than her bf of a few months.
I know she doesn't like it here, and at first I supported her moving out before I found out it was across the country with a guy she met *This Year* (2023 when submitted - idk how long thisll take to post). I don't think she should have to stay in this house, I understand she has trauma here and I fully support her moving out but the thought of her alone and pregnant on the other side of the country where she has absolutely no one other than her bf (who doesnt seem to be taking this situation seriously At All) and his family - who none of us have ever met - is just terrifying.
I dont think what I want to send her is something that would end up being a present for the boyfriend instead of her like the car. I have a pregnancy pillow from a surgery I had last year and thought even if she ends up not wanting it, sending it to her would at least show her that she's not alone and we still love and care about her from all the way over here. It isn't much and I don't think it's anything that would convince her to stay over there so I don't see why it should be a problem.
For full transparency, I *do* hope sending her support might convince her to come back, even if she doesn't move back into the house, I hope she doesn't stay in a place with a guy who clearly isn't ready to help, people she doesn't know, new rules, new everything. It all just seems too stressful under regular circumstances, let alone during her first-ever pregnancy. That being said, her staying or going is her choice, all of us agreed that trying to force her to stay/come back would only stress her out more and would be bad for her and the baby.
for extra context- when i say we dont know the bf at all, i mean it. i met him yesterday, the rest of the family has met him 2, maybe 3 times. he made a speech last night at dinner that only made me worry more, "I may not be the best for her", "Yeah, I'm in school but I'm not studying anything right now" (wtf does that even mean????), apparently he wants to be a cop (which i dont like personally) but isnt doing anything to accomplish that? and when FIL asked if we could visit her, he completely waffled as if he had never thought of the fact that we would like to go see her?? and her child??? Everyone throughout dinner made it very clear to him that we Don't know him and we're entrusting the baby of the household, the Princess of the household, with him - all of this was before we even knew she was pregnant. He didn't even tell the dad about the pregnancy before they left, he made MIL do it.
tl;dr- SIL's bf convinced her not to tell her family she was pregnant until the night before she moves across the country to live with him. I want to send her stuff to help with her pregnancy & show her she's not alone & we're here to help with whatever she needs but MIL worries sending her things will convince her that she doesnt need to come back home, i worry that not sending her anything at all will make her not want to come back at all.
What are these acronyms?
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kayla-2 · 9 months ago
i dont get why feyre demolished her sisters apartment (+with all the other people there) and made her train, lock her up basically against her will with no escape except stairs which she could physically not do. Feyre had this massive ass breakdown when tamlin did the same to her. so why is she doing it to her sister. yes nesta had drinking problems and yes she was wasting money but don't act like feyre did anything to earn that money. they all live in velaris where nothing wrong goes on while other people in other parts of the court suffer and pay taxes because they arent seen as "dreamers" or wtv bs that is. personally i feel like nesta and feyre could have such a good relationship if rhys didnt keep coming in the middle of it. Also nesta's drinking problem was a problem but when the whole ic was drunk and im talking about mor when it says she's always drunk at rita's etc. so thats ok but when nesta does it, it's not?
i think each character could have had such a great story but sjm ruined it by going back on her own words. if acotar feyre saw acowar feyre she would murder herself. she became the thing she didnt want to be. its not even like any of the ic respect feyre. they hid the fact that she could die. thats so out of order because its feyre's body and she has the right to know. yes nesta told her out of her own spite but at least someone told her. and dont even get me started on acosf cassian because wtf was he even on.
sorry this was kind of me ranting. i would love to hear ur opinions on what i said and just ur thoughts in general (this isn't me sending hate btw) (it depends on my mood sometimes im anti ic sometimes im pro i think it depends on what specific media i see that day portraying those characters)
I don’t even think feyre should’ve helped n.esta, so I don’t know how to respond.
Feyre gave her an ultimatum, and she agreed to go to the house of wind. She wasn’t forced. Tamlin didn’t even speak to Feyre and abused her multiple times. It’s very irresponsible to compare the 2 situations as no one in the inner circle messed with N.esta like she asked until a year later and gave her unlimited money and her sisters tried to reach out and was pushed away. I know the fandom mysteriously forget n.etsas actions to vilify Feyre and the inner circle but I don’t.
Feyre wanted her train to help the powers that were tormenting her. I wish n.esta fans would actually understand her because you wouldn’t be upset about her training since lack of control is what was causing her pain. She ends up wanting to be trained and invited others because she didn’t want to feel weak anymore. Which she explicitly said like wtf?!?
She was drinking to escape and not dealing with her problems that different from causally drinking. If she had a job or money they wouldnt be able to do anything but Feyre has the right to say I’m not “funding anything that destroys you.” Which if you are a fan, why would you be upset??
Personally, Feyre did nothing wrong and n.esta would’ve died in that apartment if she didn’t do anything. Which she should not have. Especially since it’s bringing unnecessary hate to her. She’s not n.estas mom and don’t owe her anything. P.S it was not even n.estas apartment, she paid absolutely nothing and didn’t work. Why did feysand destroy their apartment they pay for?. They were already rebuilding old or destroyed buildings
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pomodoriyum · 4 months ago
Ok im really curious about your Goodsir/Des Voeux tag. I've never really considered this ship but now that you've mentionned it, i'm curious ! Take this ask as an opportunity to elaborate about them if you want, i want to read more :3
- @strogoff-era
Hi Earl! hope you're doing well!!
uhmmmmmm, well, you see, it's definitely a very nonsense ship. there is absolutely no reason for it, and it's not something I think about a lot...
HOWEVER. I do have some thoughts, especially around their few interactions on screen.
Le Visconte toe removal scene: des voeux seems kind of impressed that goodsir can have a bit of a spine/waspish tongue
They are both very close in rank as far as I can tell; with Goodsir maybe being slightly above des voeux in the hierarchy of rank
Des voeux consistently looks to goodsir to gauge his reaction and to gain his support in the few scenes they're in. Specifically, in Gore (1x02), right as they discover the overturned boat, Des voeux switches from leading the men down towards the boat to hanging back nervously, and then he looks to goodsir (somewhat incredulously) when Goodsir suggests they go down together to check the boat out. I read this as CDV not wanting too appear "more chicken" (lack of a better term) than Goodsir, while also checking in with him to see about how they should proceed (<- i think this is definitely overanalysis/stretching the interpretation, because more likely than anything he was just looking at the person who happened to be speaking at the time, so take with a fistful of salt). Next scene they're interacting in is in 1x05 (First shot a Winner), where des voeux interrupts goodsir as he's tending to someone's wounds and demands his attention (rather rudely-- but it *is* near the realms of an emergency). He's very visibly nervous re: Jacko-- I imagine he's gone to fetch Goodsir b/c Jacko is goodsir's responsibility/goodsir told the crew that he wants to be informed if her behavior alters significantly. In any case, des voeux bends to Goodsir's directions/instructions re:Jacko, and again seems to keep looking at him for cues on how to proceed (the "are we going to bash its head in yet" looks until Goodsir makes him lower the tool he snatched from one of the mates). Overall this scene really conveys (to me!) that CDV relies on goodsir's authority and expertise when he's panicking/out of his depth. theres some age dynamics at play here i think, too, since CDV was in his very early twenties and i dont think many of his crewmates would've given him an easy time, given he's essentially their middle manager and yet also much younger than them. Plus, he's middle class, so there's going to be tension there. essentially, this reads to me as a scene where des voeux sprints to his nearest trusted senior and says WTF HELPPPP HELPPP b/c he doesnt wanna deal with the problem himself and is probably more than a little out of his depth (nepotism baby is not prepared for the frightening monkey death. also, if i wanted to sound completely off my rocker, I'd say it was a tie-in to how he asks silna for help later and is denied any mercy b/c of his own cruelty and hatred.)
Goodsir seems to be relatively well respected (and well liked!) by the crew, though i do think they rib him to his face quite a bit. I do not think CDV was very well liked (even if peglar laughed at his jokes in 1x02), esp given his age and (relative) position of power.
There's something in the way of the absolute disgust and hidden fright in CDV's voice when he tells crozier how Goodsir committed suicide-- CDV was similar to hickey in that he'd do anything to survive, so goodsir taking his own life was probably both confusing and disturbing, because CDV was unlikely to be able to understand that action at all.
at the same time, i think that both goodsir and CDV tend to view other human beings as objects. Goodsir in the sense that he's a curious scientist, CDV in that he just doesn't care to extend humanity to other people for his own mental convenience.
Absolutely none of this really means anything, but I do like to marinate on it.
Main takeaway from the show: they do not like each other and have very different values, esp about what it means to survive versus what it means to live (moral arguments fun times).
pom's conclusion: they should have bad sex about it. (something something CDV looking for a reassurance he's not going to get versus goodsir's 'what the fuck is this weird little freak on about now. i want to dissect him and hes a bad person so i wont even feel bad about it')
I did write a fic about them here, though i was trying to figure out CDV's characterization at the time & now there's a lot about the fic that bothers me. ive left it up for posterity though. enjoy? warning: it's mostly porn.
thanks for the ask!
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thedeadsun · 2 months ago
tw: spoilers, my opinion
So, in general it was really awesome. i loved seeing our girl queen aanya, more jamaya, ruthari reunion, rayllum, etc.
however, i have quite a few more negative thoughts than i usually would with this show. so here:
-i really like that ezran got mad at runaan for murdering(?) king harrow. it felt real, and im glad we got to see ez's more aggressive side. i also like how callum got stuck between choosing his BROTHER or the LOVE OF HIS LIFE. what i didn't like is that callum really quickly decided to go with rayla. it doesnt make sense, thats his little brother who - in the very first season - he was willing to risk his life for so that ez didn't get murdered by assassins. it felt wrong and i think there should've been more of cal's inner conflict.
-the moonberry surprise scene? yeah, it was funny but also kinda js wtf. it felt like they were meming just for the sake of having more jokes, but idk maybe its js me
-aaravos. you guys dont understand how much i dislike this guy. i swear everyone in the fandom has a crush on him or smth, but i dont. he's a manipulator who targets vulnerable people. im so glad terry ran away from them. on that note tho, claudia didn't seem nearly as affected by his leaving as i thought she would be.
-on the topic of claudia, i really liked her dragon-form thingy. it's a really cool concept! however i think it shhould've gotten more attention the first time it happened, like we get a transformation sequence or something and the other characters getting really shocked and stuff
-now, i love my girl aanya, she's criminally underrated imo. however, i feel like her character was kind of awkwardly implemented into the season. like she was there just for ez, which isnt a problem, because i think they could be great friends. but when she shows him the gems... like, yeah, i think its awesome that she's trying to help ezran, but we only see that cave and absolutely nothing of the rest of duren which i think sucks and makes it feel kinda rushed. i've seen some people say that they think aanya has a crush on ez because she's always trying to get closer to him or wtvr but i disagree. i think she just really wants to be a good friend and she's also not super used to talking to kids her age. so, yk, it might seem like that, but imo shes just reaching out for someone who understands her struggles. im ngl i really hope they dont end up together in arc three because i'd like them both to be friends and have a sibling like relationship. but maybe js me idk
-janai and amaya were just absolutely amazing as always. i really liked how they had to return to lux aurea to stop aaravos. i feel like we shouldve seen some of janai's inner conflict w that tho bc she losf her sister there and now she's bringing her little brother there.
-speaking of karim. dont get me wrong, i hate him, but his death was so... bad. aaravos just got bored of him and smushed him? like... im not too mad bc i hate karim, but i js think that was a quick way to get rid of a character.
-again, i wish we got to see more of janai being upset because now she's lost both if her siblings, to the same person and in the same place. its deja vu and she's probably going to refuse to ever return to lux aurea.
-speaking of getting to lux aurea, i loved astrid little scene, asking everyone if they were aunt amaya. i love astrid sm and i love that she refused not help ray and cal. however, i feel like it would've been interesting to see her deal with consequences for taking off her blindfold. also, i think it would've been nice for astrid and kosmo to have had a really sweet goodbye-hugging moment before astrid left. also, more of kosmo's visions would be interesting.
-i think the part where we see that akiyu was killed. that was really sad and i liked that claudia was there to confront cal. also runaan being protective of callum was so sweet.
-zym. specifically, zym speaking. what the fuck. that was funny, but also super uncalled for. also, no hate bc i love dante, but i think a different voice actor wouldve been better. idk, i always thought that if zym spoke then he'd sound kinda more like walker scobell in the adam project. idk its kinda specific but yeah. also, i wish that zym had spoken during the actual fight during aaravos. like, maybe he goes "you're not gonna hurt anyone else as long as im around" then blasts lightning at him.
-speaking of that scene, im annoyed we didn't get to see the novablade in use, i think that would've been awesome.
-also did domina profundis die? bc i swear we never saw that happen. or maybe i just have bad memory lol.
-harrow and pip. what. what do you MEAN he's in the bird. that- what the shit??? he- what?? i was never a big fan of that theory... but. what. also it kinda felt like they added that just so there would be more cliffhangers but maybe thats just me.
thanks for reading my rant! let me know what you thought about all this!
-Evrkynd is so cool tho ngl. i mean how much building they did in a few months is kinda crazy but go them ig.
All in all, this season didn't really feel like how tdp normall feels. i wish it didn't feel so fast apced and i wish we got more in depths of characters. also, sm felt like it was there just for comedic value which felt kinda stupid tbh.
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 1 year ago
IPKKND thought i would love your take on:
I think when it comes to Shyam's revelation scene the only disappointment i felt was in Arnav's reaction which we can chalk upto Barun's unavailability but its honestly not surprising that other members didnt respond very strongly. We have a bias as viewers since we are witness to everything so we are aggressively countering Shyam's arguments from our screen. But for everyone else its a massive shock and they dont wanna jump the gun about a decision which will possibly break the family. Even with Khushi, she was a victim and its very unfair for us to expect her to counter this logically like a debate. This took a heavy emotional toll on her which is why its understandable why she is mumbling even if she is in the right. Same with her confrontation scene with Arnav. For Khushi, these moments are too overwhelming to be able to answer the questions thrown at her with logical. Maybe once her emotions are settled down a bit but in the moment i totally understand it and i dont feel its OOC like many claim. I would've loved to see her actually sit through it and talk it out with someone who has the emotional bandwidth to help her or atleast listen to her. But yeah I don't understand when people expect her to be bold and bindass when she is confronting (kind of) her abuser.
Hi Anon,
This is an absolutely valid point. You see my issue with these scenes is actually not the characters but the INTENT of these scenes and the tightness of the writing and how well it delivers a payoff.
As you’ve aptly put out - expecting rationality from Khushi from either situations is unfair cause she’s in deep stress and there’s a HUGE shock for most characters when they come to hear what Shyam and Khushi have to say.
But the INTENT is what ruins both of these scenes.
During the final showdown between Arnav and Khushi on the terrace - the very fact that Khushi’s attempt to unalive herself is treated with comedy is disgusting and disparaging.
Out of everything that could’ve been a trigger for Khushi to demand the truth, for her to go with Arnav has married her to get rid of his fault on his astronomical birth chart is so stupid. The makers are going “lol, Khushi so crazy she can think anything!”
The show keeps branding Khushi as “crazy”, which, to be honest, after a point is offensive because Khushi’s inability to rationalize is a serious problem if it’s leading to her justification on unaliving herself over things that don’t exist at all.
She needs help, serious help.
It’s not even played for dark humour. Rather slapstick humor.
And when I talk about her and Arnav’s conversation - the dialogues aren’t veered towards an angst or angry conversation! In fact a few things are kept in mind for their showdown.
1. Arnav needs to insult Khushi’s character as much as possible (right after she tried to unalive herself for his happiness - WTF?)
2. Khushi has to be fulfill the necessity of a good bahu. That is, her motivation to hide Shyam’s truth is never the honest threat it posed to Payal’s impending marriage. Rather Khushi is such a nice bahu that she wants to preserve Anjali’s ideals of marriage and happiness. This is very very ITV sanskaar coded because Shyam has harassed Khushi at multiple points by this time and it’s never shown that she’s bound to preserve Anjali’s marriage by no choice but that she truly believes Anjali should be kept happy (because Arnav won’t be able to take the truth?) and that Khushi is perfectly fine with Anjali staying married with a harasser.
3. No acknowledgement of Khushi being harassed and absolutely nothing to show Khushi being at fault and nothing to indicate to Arnav he might be mistaken. This is critical. The show keeps wanting to maintain that Arnav’s terrible opinion of Khushi is unchanged! Arnav’s PTSD is conveniently forgotten (which they remember every other time) and Khushi will absolutely not clear anything that can give Arnav another perspective. The show, despite showing harassment multiple times, sidesteps from acknowledging Khushi is being harassed. So Khushi obviously has no “idea” of the terrace. And it’s not written that she’s so traumatized she has suppressed it.
4. Khushi needs to prove herself to Arnav. Arnav has emotionally and verbally abused Khushi multiple times in this marriage and they had to ensure that this is all about Khushi proving her character to a man who never believed she had one. It’s terrible because Khushi needs to prove that she’s not having a relationship with the man who has been sexually harassing her. No justification is expected from Shyam and he’s pretty much Scot free for sexually harassing Khushi.
This showdown was everything. We needed a PAYOFF. A payoff for why Arnav was quiet for three months. A payoff for the whole misunderstanding.
You realize this would’ve been perfectly angsty if Arnav came to the conclusion that Khushi ultimately chose to condemn Anjali in a terrible marriage because it would protect Payal’s marriage. This was a valid reason to be upset on Khushi that is non sexist.
And Arnav makes far more sense in these episodes than Khushi does. And this is important because for the show Arnav has to maintain his misunderstanding of Khushi.
Khushi dissociates in traumatic situations - again this is not addressed and this is a grave situation.
And now coming to the Shyam revelation scene. I feel this was a perfect situation to give the other characters dialogues to explain their utter confusion.
Because the intent of this episode was to show “oh Arnav believes her over everything” and the whole family needs to have doubts over Khushi’s character and I was just personally DONE with a female lead’s character come up in question multiple times.
And the intent is to make Arnav feel heroic for slapping Shyam.
That’s why it makes no sense why Khushi admits she said she hated Arnav and wanted his property to lure Shyam out. What is the intent of this?
To show Arnav still believes her and he’s hero?
Shyam had the best dialogues and Arnav had the least impactful. They needed to give Arnav dialogues (everyone else could have had more valid follow up questions). Arnav’s dialogue is so bleh and the things is Arnav KNOWS.
He isn’t blindly choosing Khushi - he just saw Shyam switch narratives because Shyam himself told Arnav that HE is obsessed with Khushi and he’ll do anything to get Khushi back!!
And it’s again to really horn in that “oh Arnav has defected towards his wife who we can’t quite trust,”
So you see these cause an issues.
It’s not a payoff to Arnav having misunderstood her so grossly. They tried to do it but it came out flat as best barring Shyam - man what amazing dialogues and it’s so in character because he IS a lawyer.
And like what was with NK behaving like as if he was going to flip on Khushi?
See moments like these heighten my issue with these scenes. Neither gives a payoff to the misunderstanding of the terrace night.
So these are my point of views.
Thank you and take care,
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impishtubist · 1 year ago
Hi Imp, I came to cry in your inbox :')
I dont interact with the marauders fandom on twitter/X (I do use it for other fandoms) but now the algorythm is broken or sth and it's suggesting me tweets from those ppl and. omg. why.
one person reposted an old tumblr post about hagrid being good/supportive to harry and that fandom shouldnt see sirius as the (only) parental figure (that alone is.. debatable) AND another person replied that "all sirius did was compare harry to his father, hug him, then die"
huh?? (I want to die after reading this)
another person (who claims to be a wolfstar shipper) had such a weird take on wolfstar... apparently the werewolf prank is absolutely unforgivable and also sirius has other sins to anwser for such as *checks notes*... loving james more then remus...
now i understand your frustration with remus apologists. i dont remember encountering any in the wild before.
and i really dont want this to turn into shitting on remus bc i do like him (with all his canon flaws) so before you say anything: yes, i know, i acknowledge he fucked up in canon, but its not about him. its about people not understanding sirius and shipping a ship if the hate half of the ship
My inbox is always open for crying!
But yes, this is what I'm talking about with the Remus apologists! They shit on Sirius all the time. I don't know why any of the Remus stans actually write Wolfstar, tbh. There's a hugely popular author out there (no one who follows me, so if you're reading this and you're a follower of mine, it's not you) who has posted on more than one occasion about how Sirius needs to make it up to Remus for the Prank, for believing he was the traitor, etc. What! How can you ship these two if that's how you feel about Sirius? Lmao. The problem is that all the Wolfstar shippers project onto Remus, so he becomes someone who has done nothing wrong ever and Sirius needs to grovel to him.
Alternatively, they just want to fuck Remus, which is why he becomes this hot alpha jock and Sirius becomes their self-insert character.
And lol, of course they hate that it's canon that Sirius was closer to James than to Remus. How dare Sirius not like their boy the best! That is a crime!
I'm getting off-track.
The point is, you're 100% correct, this is what I have been saying all along! The fandom hates Sirius so much! I don't understand why they're interested in writing a ship that he's part of.
(also wtf hagrid is NO parental figure and sirius did more for harry than literally any other character in the series)
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bubaboos · 1 year ago
hello, here to share my opinions on troye's new album (sorry if it gets too long) 😌 as i said im absolutely OBSESSED with this album. like i always enjoyed his music, but to show this level of iconography????? CMON????? there is one problem i have with the album tho: every time i try to listen to it from start to finish, i get delayed by the fucking masterpiece that is "one of your girls" :/ every time this song comes on, i have to listen to it at least 5 times. wtf troye???? i would say it's my fave on the album, but that's an understatement. that's the best song of the whole year for me. god. isnt this giving daft punk like hello????? THE MV ALSO?????? 🤯 okay moving on to the other songs sjsjdhdhf u know that i loved all the singles, and they sound even better in the context of the album!! there is not a song i dont enjoy in this album, i couldnt even make a ranking because they are all so good. overall, THE BEATS in this album got me floating in space and shaking my ass at the same time. THE LYRICS???? i reallllly love the lyrics too i feel like they elevate the experience a lot which is so cool. the songs i find myself replaying the most (other than the obviously stated one above jsjdhf): in my room, honey, got me started (this one is a grower tbh). also i really feel like the songs are really cohesive and work so well together. i feel like every song will have their turn of being my fave in the upcoming months, because i intent to keep this on rotation ABSOLUTELY. this will be a contemporary pop classic and now troye is one of the main pop girls, sorry i dont make the rules... anyway, what are your thoughts? 😌
hello my beloved, finally answering to this ask!😭 sorry for keeping you waiting for so long aaaaaah
okay, first of all, i love your thoughts and i couldn't agree more about everything you said! <3 i keep coming back to this album, idk what troye put in it but it's SO addicting aaah! oh i absolutely understand the obsession with "one of your girls" bc GOD, it's amazing. chef's kiss on every level, the lyrics are perfect, the production is 10/10, the mv!!! (and yeeees, the daft punk vibes!!) are you kidding me?!! imo, the mv perfectly shows the transition between this album and troye's previous albums, he's confident, he's serving and he knows what he wants! and that's actually something i love about the whole album, it's very touching to see him being even more mature with his music and SO confident and it feels so freeing! genuinely, i'm so happy and grateful that i grew up with his music, it was veery important to me in my teenage years and it makes me so happy to see him grow as an artist (and person) waaah🥹 and i think that's also why i love this album so much, bc it's another step! ANYWAY yeeees, that's something i love so much about troye's music - how lyrics elevate the sound and vice versa. and oh yeah, the sounds and beats got me ascending aslkfkdsjfkjsah like come oooon!! and yeees the album is cohesive but i also like that every song has it's own story bc that's another thing i really like about troye's music haha which is narration! and with this album, i really like that there are themes that connect everything together, but that it's also all pretty "loose" and bc of that the songs are both good on their own but also work very well together! what can i say, troye gets it and he's The pop girl! fr, i was so excited about this album and had high expectations and he did not dissapoint! i love every single, although yeah, i also wasn't convinced about "got me started" at the beginning but it's a really good sample and i enjoy it A Lot now. it's soo hard to choose a fave, but i love rush (i could write a whole essay on rush AND i'm OBSESSED with the mv), still got it, can't go back and what's the time where you are? (perfect "me and this song against the world and life horrors aka going to work/uni" song) the most i think. troye saved this year with that album and he saved me during winter semester lol i'm so devastated that he's not coming to poland on his tour WHY troye WHYYY😭 (like what do you mean you won't come to poland but there's 5! FIVE germany dates come oooon)
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meownikaa · 1 year ago
like she's mad at me, but I dont understand why? Like I told her about my trauma, and she acts like it happened to her, and it's giving her panic attacks cus she's overthinking about it. But it happened to ME, so I should be the one who is idk sad about it? But I moved on, and I don't really care about it that much anymore, but she do and it's making me crazy cus it happened to ME not her wtf do she doesn't have problems of her own? Like I get that she can get worried about me, but to stop texting to me because I moved on, and I can live with this? Absolutely lame
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wanderrlust0 · 9 months ago
im home now and im glad me and him got high today bc i dont think i wouldve been able to be okay emotionally and pretend like everythings good. i just read my last journal post and i just started crying. like i gave him till the very last minute to say i love you to me and he didnt so i whispered it as i got ready to get out of the car and he then whispered it back. like, he wasnt gonna say it if i hadnt said it. he just said it bc i said it but i can tell it was like empty words like wtf i feel like he doesnt really love me anymore rn and ive done absolutely nothing wrong like its unfair and im tired of it. he hasnt been himself since tuesday. first he wasnt himself when i saw him sunday. then i forced him to talk about it a little. then he was good monday, saying good morning, goodnight, using :3 a lot. then tuesday he just went back to the dryness and sounding uninterested. stopped saying goodnight and goodmorning to me. its now thursday (technically) we hung out. i texted in caps goodmorning bc he again just started saying stuff. i feel like he was only okay today bc he was high. he was touching me a lot but mostly my ass bc i wore a skirt. i didnt mind it ofc but i did sorta feel like he was mostly touching me in a sexual way and less romantic way. he is so fixated on my friend who he doesnt like and thinks id cheat with. bunny stop being insecure..honestly. i feel like its def that and his inability to fully trust me is what the main problem is. like he was barely loving meD: i can tellll when he genuinely does bc he shows it but today and these past few days just felt so casual and not full of effort. like why the fuck am i really crying right now like idk how im feeling bc im like ofc hurt and im confused and tired and annoyed and upset and sad and it feels less fun. i always end up doing most of the talking when hes like this bc itll make me so uncomfortable to sit in silence. like theres a good silence and a weird silence. i used the bathroom and left my phone on the table. ik he most likely scrolled thru my notifications. like im sure he def did. he was standing right there. even tho it was locked and he cant see the details of the notifs ik i have nothing to hide. the thing is how long is it gonna take for him to have some faith in me and stop doubting me and treating me like im a copy of everyones past mistakes. i think now im really actually not gonna act like things dont affect me and show more dryness or annoyance or distance. whatever i feel towards him ill reciprocate or stop pretending like its nothing. he didnt answer my text where i sent him a video that i thought was cute and funny and i wanted him to see it too. no acknowledgement from that. he hasnt sent me an ig reel in days. he stopped saying goodnight and goodmorning. he did now. the edible made him happier today and same with me. we drank and it made us both sleepy. idk what hes feeling towards me. he doesnt really share everything bc he thinks that it doesnt make a diff if we talk about it or not bc he feels like nothing will change and its pointless. i obviously disagree and i feel like we def have to talk, whether itll make a diff or not. it will do something. itll help us understand each other more. itll help us see things in a diff perspective. itll help us clear the air and get rid of the elephant thats lowkey in the room. i wish he wasnt so insecure in times like these. i wish he was more confident with himself. i wish he would really just love me unconditionally and not question our love. i wish i didnt have to tiptoe around the topic of my friend. i wish hed pay attention to whats in front of him and realize how great we can be. hes like a part of me now and i cant see myself without him and i desperatelyy wish hed just understand thatD; im trying and doing my best. i love him to pieces, but if i feel that hes losing interest, it makes me lose interest and i emotionally feel less of a connection to who he is. its like i love him and want him close by but his energy isnt the same person and i miss him againnn. hes back to caring less
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lifeoflustandwonder · 8 months ago
Just a vent - ignore me (or don't).
Ive got such heavy imposter syndrome right now.
I am so very in love with my boyfriend, I love him so much it actually hurts my soul. He knows this, I know this. I know this to the depths of my being that nothing has ever felt so right so fast and I just cant believe it.
But i've been alone for the last year and a half, I am so very sure of myself when im alone its ridiculous. I have anxiety, but when im alone or not in a relationship I still have the anxiety, but it isnt there as heavily as there isnt any pressure.
Right now? I feel rife with it. Not because there is a problem, but my god the pressure of being with someone again is unmatched.
There is nothing this man does wrong, he dotes on me, he cares for me, he thinks of me in everything he does and vice versa, and I him. Ive been in two long term relationships. The first was 4 years, I left that relationship to be with my ex of 6.5 years.
The last year and a half is the first time ive been truly single and I have THRIVED. And its wild because I was ready to pack it in with dating until I met this man. Like id been fucking around and having a lot of fun, but id always been searching for a spark. Like I know I am happy on my own, so finding someone wasnt the end goal. Sure its nice to be with someone, I am a lover relationship girlie after all. However I enjoy dating and chatting and meeting people, Im also a huge nympho. So the random sex was always fun too. But I guess in my head I was like yeah i'll click with someone, itll happen. It got to the point where the meaningless sex was actually getting kind of boring. I was sick of explaining to people where Im from 1-3 times a week (Im currently living across the continent from home). I understand it comes with the territory of dating, but I was getting bored regardless because no one ever stuck.
But This man was actually my last stab at it, my thought process was 'go on this date, if it doesnt work out you can just continue to be on your own and itll all work itself out, its no stress, you're 27'. Naturally and weirdly it worked itself out with him being what feels like the literal love of my life.
I was going to delete all the apps and call off anything else I had going on after this date if it absolutely bombed or just wasnt anything special. It was the opposite, it was the best date Ive ever been on.
I've never been happier. But what I've discovered comes with this after being on my own and really thriving in being alone is that I just dont feel like I deserve him. I dont understand how someone like me, managed to get someone like him.
I am very sure of myself, I have so much love for myself and I know my worth. But its almost overwhemling how well he treats me, and maybe its because I dont feel like i've been in a healthy relationship until now. My last relstionship was pretty toxic by the end. So having him treat me this way I feel like I dont do enough for him.
Its actually fucking wild because I really pride myself on being a 'strong independant woman' as it was. One of the first times we met was because he didnt want me to walk home from work at 11pm in the rain for 40 minutes. He told me to stop being a 'strong independant woman for 10 minutes and let me come and pick you up and drop you home'. So I did, I let my guard down, and im really glad I did.
It just means Im in this really fucking weird headspace of whether or not I actully deserve this man. Like I KNOW I do, I deserve this kind of treatment so much. Much I just worry I'm not good enough for him because he's that good.
How backwards is that? Imagine not feeling good enough for your man because he treats you so well that you know you deserve the treatment but also he's so fucking great you don't think you deserves someone like him? like wtf is that? The heaviest conflict in my brain ever.
I would give him the entire world on a platter if I could. He gets princess treatment too. And rightly so, he deserves nothing less.
But that still doesnt stop my brain from telling me I dont deserve someone like him, even when I know I do.
I just hope I can gain the confidence in this to recognise that I do deserve this.
This is just my anxiety making me doubt if im treating him well enough, if he feels loved enough. Im going to ask him later for sure because I need to hear it from his mouth myself.
Honestly I dont have any doubt in the relationship, like I know he wants to be with me and I him. But I just want to know Im doing enough for him.
Im afraid of him leaving me, maybe thats what it is.
Every other man in my life has left me, why not another you know?
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lockedtowers · 1 year ago
Living Arrangements
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and again anything mentioning other characters unless you want it to apply to urs will only be applying to my npc versions i am not forcing anything on you
obviously, once cassie escapes the hearts the first time, she doesn’t really have a place so to say. the jabberwock takes her to a very beaten down cabin at the cusp of Forest of Wabe and the Tulgey Wood, theres holes in the wall, the roof is rotting away, but it’s still shelter. and honestly that’s pretty much where she lives.
technically, when miseris told dodo about her escape, meaning dodo is more aware of who she is than she is (miseris has more information due to him having a relationship with their older half brother who told him, again theyre boys they dont inherit anything because they have cassie as a sister, so) and dodo sees that as an opportunity. but rather than trap her in the library (which was his first plan, but it was made adamantly aware to him by caterpillar thanks to jack that she wont help them if she feels trapped), dodo essentially told hatter to find her and take her in.
but even upon meeting hatter ( because dodo didnt know where she was, nobody really did, but the arrangement for doormouse to play her ‘relative’ for any who would ask had already been arranged for when she arrived) she wasnt just gonna go live with him, and honestly he probably didnt even actually ask like wtf was dodo thinking in the first place, people dont really know this girl, she might be ‘helpful to the resistance’ but theres no guarantee shes in any way shape or form gonna be decent to be around. it took awhile, but she did agree to work with hatter, and did agree to pretending to be a relative of doormouse, but she also didnt entitely understand why he would help her. her trusting him came pretty easily though because even though march made sure she forgot him to save his own skin, that familiarity due to their resemblance still pulled through, she had no problem trusting him between that ‘strange familiarity’ and just the fact he wanted to ‘help’ her.
but that didn’t translate to her living with him. she has stayed in the tea shoppe before in his office though, but for the most part she stayed in that debilitated cabin, even through weather events that she did not look good or healthy or anything afterwards of. the river in the forest is her bath and otherwise source of water, the forest provides the sustenance she needed and she didn’t know if she needed any better since, even though shes used to the absolute wreck that is what the queen gives her people, she’s never had to take care of herself to that degree before. even getting absolutely ill from something she didn’t really get that thats what caused it. he has seen her cabin though, its pitifulness definitely offended him but seeing as the jabberwock was only not eating him because cassie told him no, but everytime he made a face it looked ready to bite him, he kept his mouth shut. it kind of takes hatter teaching her how to care for herself for her to learn, but upon escaping wonderland altogether that habit of pretty shit self care does return.
in post wonderland verses where she meets others, she does not have any real living conditions. if theres a forest nearby shes probably staying in there. if theres abandoned housing she’d be hiding away inside as long as she can. she doesn’t have a home and really never did, that abandoned, debilitated, broken and rotted cabin was the closest to a home she ever knew outside of hatter, and that’s not an option anymore. none of it is. so she doesnt actually have anywhere, and cameras and the like are things shes aware of so she knows she cant just manipulate people at hotels for free housing, she doesnt know what a hostel is, and shes not technically a citizen anywhere, so while she can glamor people to get into places without an id or to get free food, she doesnt have much to go off outside of that.
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callmeteci · 2 years ago
Dont get scammed buying a SM7B
I had a discussion yesterday with someone searching for a new mic and i was baffled how many people seemingly dont know that the market for SM7Bs is absolutely flooded with fakes. (also used)
People are buying fakes for 50-90 bucks and sell them as "used" originals for ~150.
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Here the comparison video the previous picture is from. But there are even better fakes out there.
So whats the solution?
imo people have to stop their obsession with the mere looks, because there is a much better and cheaper alternative out there...
And that is the SM57. - can be easily EQd to sound like the SM7B - needs less gain to work properly - costs a quarter of its big brother - much more versatile - smaller
Here a video on how to EQ the SM57 into an SM7B:
It is so good that people even DIY there own fake SM7Bs with them... like wtf? Thats not how that works.🤦
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The problem is, there are also SM57 fakes... BUT being a much cheaper microphone it is much easier and safer to simply buy it new from a reputable seller that gets their mics from official sources.
And together with a windscreen and a cheap shockmount like the t.bone SSM 5 or 6 its a real working horse.
There is a reason why the US presidents and many musicians are using this mic for decades already!
Also with the original parts - the A2WS and A55M - it looks sleek af.
So unless you are going for the SM7B just as a status-symbol or you KNOW how it benefits you over the SM57, there is no reason to go for it and in the worst case cheap out and get a fake.
Of course its up to you, but dont pretend afterwards, i havent warned you. :)
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Also... if you want to have good individualized audio for your voice+mic combination, you have to understand basic post-processing anyway and especially EQ.
I like to use Steelseries Sonar for that and to split my audio lines for streams.
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Have a nice day! ✌️
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years ago
#i genuinely cant think of anything i want for Christmas. maybe skin tone copics but that's literally the only thing#im like the worst person to do things for honestly. there r so many rules and the things i want r so specific that its really not worth it#like i already have too much stuff. the amount of stuff i have rn in this tiny apartment stresses me out#i dont need more. i only work and draw so like i really dont need anything???#so i honestly dont kno wtf to tell my family. like idk give me 25 bucks and ill buy a game on steam#except i wanna get games when break starts and now after Christmas so actually dont do that#idk just dont buy me anything. and dont make me buy anything. im already spiraling#and i might b moving across the fucking ocean in the next year so like idk i dont need more stuff#uuuugh im just avoiding doing things. like interview practice. and writing. and lab work#im just tired. maybe ill go to bed at like 9 lmao. avoid my problems until tomorrow#i would like to be excused from Christmas on account of having a breakdown. or just being a whiny brat#i really need to practice for the interview. bc im underqualified so i need to pretend it hasnt been 4 years since itook molecular genetics#and that i totally absolutely know lots about photosynthesis. definitely absolutely know what im doing. can i read? yes absolutely i can#understand words. ive never been sick in the head ever in my life and its a miracle. so pls give me money#uuuuuuuugh y brain? y dont u listen to me??? we have tasks! do them! pls!#unrelated
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years ago
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 3: Gang of Secret
(Spoilers below)
-So they just beat a villain, and Ladybug is acting SUS. Like she doesn't Want to leave yet. Hmm
-Chat noir YOU SLICK MOFO. (I dare not ruin it, because I am laughing at it)
-She is still not over her break up. So I guess Lukanette stans, get whatever remains of your juice while its there.
-Ladybug ... sweetie. Do you need a hug? Cause you look like you need a hug.
-Chat noir realizing his idea was NOT very smart after that.
-Ladybug ruining experiences for a LOT of couples today
-Chat noir trying to help, but Ladybug aint telling him
-They are going swimming now. Chat noir for once, is not thrilled about hanging out with Ladybug... thats a YIKES.
-She has goggles and a towel, so she did go swimming.
-The Kwami see her in pain, QUICK, TEAR DOWN THE PHOTOS.
-She said no tho, but clearly sad about it.
-So Alya is giving the girl posse the rundown on Marinette. Claiming she is lovesick.
-Rose thought they were cute, and Juleka says nothing. Is it wrong that I want Juleka to have an opinion? Whether positive OR negative
-Juleka is like "Yea, he is sad." shows picture of sad Luka. Though to be fair, that is a decent pic of him.
- So Alya is LAST to know. Double ouch.
-Marinette was crying in the bathroom, baby girl no!
-Alya out here trying to be a good friend. By showing Marinette she has support. (She aint even mad that she was last to find out. She is more concerned about her friend)
-They calling her now
-She didn't answer. She is too sad
-So she won't detransform and talk with tikki. Can I PLEASE give her a hug. She needs it.
-Yo... Marinette has zero concern for herself and only detransformed when she thought it was causing strain on Tikki.
-Mylene offering friendship bracelets. Never change dear.
-Okay so are they witches now?
-Alix is like 'Can I not be in a ritual, Id rather give her some juice'
-Marinette sad cause Ladybug can't have a boyfriend. Cause even if she dated Adrien, it would be the same as it was with Luka.... Tikki knows that aint true but can't say why. UGH! This is pain
-Did Tikki just confirm Kwami can't fall in love? NO! MY CHEESECAKE!
-OH S***! So now she gonna be Perma ladybug?!
-So the girls showed up as soon as ladybug left. This isn't good.
-And of course Marinette is TOO GOOD at making s***, so they curious about the new dollhouse
-And things going to s*** in 10, 9, 8
-Oh no... this... this is not good. Marinette sweetie no. No please.
-Look can we take a second and APPRECIATE HOW HARD ALYA AND THE GIRLS ARE GOING FOR MARINETTE! Did the writers see all of the alya salt and say 'Yea f*** that noise'? Cause I feel like they did.
-Okay so I know Marinette just didn't want to expose her secret... but damn girl... THAT was harsh.
-Marinette literally going scorched earth for being Ladybug... Okay, this episode PHYSICALLY hurts me. SHE DOESNT MEAN IT GIRLS. PLEASE DONT HATE HER.
-Shadowmoth could you not. Like seriously?! COULD YOU F***ING NOT! MY BABY GIRL IS IN PAIN AND I WILL GO THROUGH MY SCREEN AND [Redacted]
-And then you'll have to f*** sideways.
-So first 5 way akumatization
-So can we talk about how the last 3 akuma were after the secrets of Marinette. well 2, but the other one was Adrien. But still. A Lot of Hawkmoth saying 'F*** this individual in particular'
-I wish I could understand Juleka. Can someone please just translate with what she is saying. It was funny in truth, but I want to know
-OH Timebreaker and Horrificator are BACK. Yay, I missed them
-Just realized how AMAZING their Gang of akuma are. Like damn, thats like a super team of evil. Yea sure
-Not to nitpick, but Marinette, you should have led with that box.
-Damn that was a really boss illusion trixx. But question, how was that out of control? Like if anything, that was BETTER then when the user used it.
-Trixx makes a really good point. WHY DOES HE NEED A HOLDER AGAIN?!
-Trixx is now my second favorite Kwami.
-PLAGG! MY SON! HE IS IN THE EPISODE! I MISSED HIM. Also, surprisingly knows.
-Plagg cares about other Kwami.
-Adrien just chilling, watching tv. XD
-Timebreaker casually committing murder
-Hold it, Okay so why are so many people in school right now? Ivan is there, chloé and Sabrina? Oh my tomato son too. Can someone tell me wtf is up with this school schedule?
-Fragrance/Reflekta Power combo is amazing.
-Wow, this gang is MEGA DANGEROUS
-So yea Ladybug. Maybe... idk... TALK WITH CHAT NOIR ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS!?
-So they really gotta plan this time.
-Ladybug smart to disarm Ladywifi.
-Ladybug trying to get lady wifi to fight the akuma. This is touching
-No, shadow moth, you's a b***
-Loving this Alya- Ladybug friendship
-Chat noir looking boss by fighting 3 akuma at once while on the phone. Chat noir Leveled up.
-So Ladybug can now pull the miraculous out of anywhere because she has guardian status. Thats a cool trick. Makes it much easier.
-Thats a secret tho, Alya got trusted with a big secret.
-And Chat noir is captured... but in his defense. He did have to fight 4 at once this time. So that took longer than usual. So no shame kitty. You did well.
-Lucky charm is an inner tube
-Clever illusion. POINTS! Using the goal of the akuma to distract. Alya gets gull points!
-Ladybug suave catch of rose tho.
-So that was probably the best Group akuma attack since Heroes day (and honestly it probably tops it)
-Marinette patches things up with her friends. That is a relief. She was able to somewhat explain her issues up to the point. Without spilling the details.
-Marinette has some really good friends.
-Alya knows that not everything has been told... Hold on DONT TELL ME.
-Oh wow, Marinette is breaking down.... My poor baby girl is hurting real bad.
wow this episode... This one hurt. This one hurt a LOT. But also, it was really good.
Okay so, 10/10.
I haven't been this enthralled with an episode in a long time.
Are there one or two nitpicks? Absolutely.
Do I wish somethings were not mentioned? A little bit.
Am I glad Alya knows? Out of everyone, she is the second person I wanted Marinette to tell.
(The first one being chat noir, but lets face it, we kind of knew that won't be happening for a while.)
So can Alya salt stop now? Cause Alya CLEARLY showed how much of a motherf***ing boss she is.
But damn I didn't feel this emotional since Chat blanc.
That was OBJECTIVELY, one of the best episodes in the entire series.
This made me rethink my favorite episode. THATS HOW GOOD IT WAS.
Season 4, You keep doing what you are doing. Your writing (minus some very minor nitpicks) has been pretty damn good.
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just-some-random-blogger · 2 years ago
meow meow, angel!! 'isn’t that what happened to GoT?' i haven't seen it too but have an impression that the whole internet was furious with it's ending. i do remember how i was still a kid and a friend recommended this show (which has been just out) to my mom. for some reason she thought it was i good idea to watch it with me lol? so after about 10 or so minutes there was a sex scene and my mom was like '... no i don't like it let's turn it off' HFHDJD what? when? why? only wrong answers..... i'd love to watch it in the future though bc like... yeah 'its hard to sustain good plotlines' dk i just have this feeling like they wanted to show too much and, although it's obvious what they meant and the storyline is clear, in the end showed too little. more like incomplete. and i didn't mean like i'm a bitch for it? more like overcritical with no reason. 'i dont think its you being bitchy' but thank you) not like i'm worriedly bothered but i indeed could miss or misunderstand smth. i can be rather inattentive and i also was in a hurry. also!! it's reallyreally meaningless but i perfectly understood like 80% of their talking and tbh? i'm proud of myself. it's pretty nice for the first english series i've watched in the original. 'you mean the illigitimate thing' not really. but still yes TT i don't want to seem cruel or inhuman but i'm really concerned and conflicted about this thing. rhaenyra's children are cuties and harwin is pretty, i understand her choice but... it's a complicated topic for me. my bestie ignored me when i wanted to talk about it so i wanna scream TT but it's more about the desire to save the past and the historical greatness. bc the history of the whole europe (esp continental)... (sorry, i can't speak for asian countries bc here we mostly study european history and i don't want to say smth wrong) so 'literally the story of humanity' hurts. as in hotd, as in the reality, our nearly 1 (one) goal is to save what we have and try to make it better. not spoil TT esp hotd. the royal family? it's like your goal #2 to protect and continue the glory of your kin why are you so stupid guys... my strong sense of duty is disappointed. 'best example i have is hitler' yes absolutely agree. also it's obvious but about this photo. he didn't want to kill all people. yes he was a murderer. but he still had criterias for this shit. like daemon did.. ok i feel sorry about it. sorry. all people have their own truth. even if it's wrong. REALLY fucking wrong. 'i felt the helplessness of him' no but how excited he became after the crowd had started applauding?? 'you can always you know' not to be a bad person but these rare af times i want to watch smth i usually win wink. but i haven't found hotd TT THEY STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ME *angry emoji pls* i appreciate all these cat media sm TT thanks my love 'she keeps my braincells alive' TRUE!! i also unintentionally had a sympathy for corlys bc 1) he's with rhaenys and this couple!!! love them, 2) the actor was speaking so clearly TT 'come on she’s an ancient dragon' i had a feeling she had hearing problems sorry TT 'GIRL UR ALL MY ANONS AT THIS POINT' NO OMG HOW DO YOU KNOW!!?!??!! 'IM BAD AT MATH' hmmm 'im kinda good at math' HMMMM 30 is... a lot... good luck sis TT not to be overbearing but i was thinking abt modern au and just... no but daemon and reader calling each other 'wife' and 'husband' in high valyrian as pet names bc they ARE a wife and a husband but only in valyrian way TT daemon being eager to go out together "to show off my dear treasure" and reader looking at him like 'wtf?' "husband, you know there's going be a huge scandal if we do?" "i've done it with a thousands of chicks before why can't i do it with my wife??" "we're still not married" "then just marry??" i also imagine reader leaving some small hints for daemon on their past?? he does some shit and reader's like "oh last time you did it viserys was furious" thanks for reading this much!! good morning ig! love you!! take care<з
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you know what it is (also this ai augmented ? yes i think lol)
meow meow, angel!! 'isn’t that what happened to GoT?' i haven't seen it too but have an impression that the whole internet was furious with it's ending. i do remember how i was still a kid and a friend recommended this show (which has been just out) to my mom. for some reason she thought it was i good idea to watch it with me lol? so after about 10 or so minutes there was a sex scene and my mom was like '... no i don't like it let's turn it off' HFHDJD what? when? why? only wrong answers..... i'd love to watch it in the future though bc like... yeah
LOL i think its mostly about destroying daeneyrs as a character, like they suddenly just made her mad for no reason apparently lol. i also remember my parents watching it but then a sex scene would come up and then 😐😶 yeah theyd be ok 'aite enough of that' idk if i'd ever watch it but like yeah i hope you like it when you come around to watching it <3
'its hard to sustain good plotlines' dk i just have this feeling like they wanted to show too much and, although it's obvious what they meant and the storyline is clear, in the end showed too little. more like incomplete.
capitalism. i think they overstretched it/watered it down for idk what lol i cant really speak about it cos i didnt watch it lolol ??? isn't the author still not done with his book ???
and i didn't mean like i'm a bitch for it? more like overcritical with no reason. 'i dont think its you being bitchy' but thank you) not like i'm worriedly bothered but i indeed could miss or misunderstand smth. i can be rather inattentive and i also was in a hurry.
i see lol
also!! it's reallyreally meaningless but i perfectly understood like 80% of their talking and tbh? i'm proud of myself. it's pretty nice for the first english series i've watched in the original.
that's great !! similarly you know i tried watching doctor who with my mom but the audio was too soft and there was a scene were he was getting emotional and started whispering and i couldn't watch it on my mom's pc from my bed so i just didnt watch it
'you mean the illigitimate thing' not really. but still yes TT i don't want to seem cruel or inhuman but i'm really concerned and conflicted about this thing. rhaenyra's children are cuties and harwin is pretty, i understand her choice but... it's a complicated topic for me.
so true. which is why i totally get why alicent is pissed off about it/with rhaenyra cos she had to carry the king's babies and rhaenyra got away with her boy toy, but then this would divulge into a whole other thing and lahsfas imma zip about it lol
my bestie ignored me when i wanted to talk about it so i wanna scream TT
oof. [pats head] maybe your bestie wasnt in the mood for it hahah
but it's more about the desire to save the past and the historical greatness. bc the history of the whole europe (esp continental)... (sorry, i can't speak for asian countries bc here we mostly study european history and i don't want to say smth wrong) so 'literally the story of humanity' hurts.
its ok im not really a history buff. but yeah humanity sucks for that boo tomato tomato
as in hotd, as in the reality, our nearly 1 (one) goal is to save what we have and try to make it better. not spoil TT esp hotd. the royal family? it's like your goal #2 to protect and continue the glory of your kin why are you so stupid guys... my strong sense of duty is disappointed.
'best example i have is hitler' yes absolutely agree. also it's obvious but about this photo. he didn't want to kill all people. yes he was a murderer. but he still had criterias for this shit. like daemon did..
HAHHAHAAHAHAHHAH daemon i think had less criteria more motive as in 'idc who you are but if you stand in my way i will kill you'
ok i feel sorry about it. sorry. all people have their own truth. even if it's wrong. REALLY fucking wrong.
'i felt the helplessness of him' no but how excited he became after the crowd had started applauding??
T_T are you faulting him for that ? for receiving adoration ? that he was always wanted ? HHAHH to be fair there is a power to cheers so id have felt the same way if people started cheering for me even if they had no reason to lol
'you can always you know' not to be a bad person but these rare af times i want to watch smth i usually win wink. but i haven't found hotd TT THEY STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ME *angry emoji pls*
😡😡😡👿👿👿🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹👺👺👺 here you go HAHAHA
i appreciate all these cat media sm TT thanks my love
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'she keeps my braincells alive' TRUE!! i also unintentionally had a sympathy for corlys bc 1) he's with rhaenys and this couple!!! love them, 2) the actor was speaking so clearly TT
HAHAHHAH SLAY WE LOVE GOOD SPEAKERS and so true i love that couple so much. #powercouple
'come on she’s an ancient dragon' i had a feeling she had hearing problems sorry TT
SHE PROBABLY DOES T_T but also i feel like she dgaf cos she like 100000 HAHAH
👿 cos im smart no but youre clearly not all of them but im shocked you send me a lot of asks LOL
'IM BAD AT MATH' hmmm 'im kinda good at math'
HAHAHAH I KNEW YOUD SAY THAT HAHAHAH i meant im good at math (cos i am) but as a bad person at math ?? if that makes sense HAHAHH like im good at it if u teach me but also not ASL:FASFHAS HAHAHHAH
HMMMM 30 is... a lot... good luck sis TT
praying for myslef
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not to be overbearing but i was thinking abt modern au and just... no but daemon and reader calling each other 'wife' and 'husband' in high valyrian as pet names bc they ARE a wife and a husband but only in valyrian way TT
ALSO ALSO ALSO i have starrted writing the witch prompt you talked to me about i think i called it 'the copper woods' or something i got super excited about it so pls pls read it T_T
daemon being eager to go out together "to show off my dear treasure"
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and reader looking at him like 'wtf?' "husband, you know there's going be a huge scandal if we do?" "i've done it with a thousands of chicks before why can't i do it with my wife??"
"we're still not married" "then just marry??"
dude cant understand english "SCANDAL DAEMON S-C-A-N-D-A-L" [throws a slipper to his face]
i also imagine reader leaving some small hints for daemon on their past?? he does some shit and reader's like "oh last time you did it viserys was furious"
thanks for reading this much!! good morning ig! love you!! take care<з
i love you <3 i went to school today and was so happy to read this when i got back. i mean i saw it before leaving and i was excited to be able to reply to it when i got back
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