#snowball is gay
idunnokys · 9 months
TPOT 9… discovery??/potential theory on TPOT 10
TPOT 9 spoilers ahead !!!
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so close to the end of TPOT 9 (like 21:07), we can see BH (black hole) smash ZSB (zombie snowball) into Gelatins steakhouse to set out the fire which was raging on inside it, yeah? Then the steakhouse gets covered in the snow that belongs to SB as seen here:
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Wait… what do is see? Zoom in rq…
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That obv snowballs face. Like look at him b4 being rolled up then smashed:
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That’s literally his face. And since it’s his zombie face, as he has only made it when he was a zombie, which means he is still a zombie. Everyone else has been cured except him. (Or they died or smth, but this is about SB. So it ain’t important)
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If you break the face down to three major parts, it’s easier to recognize:P. That’s just a quick like visual representation of like what I mean or whateva… I dunno actually. But not important ❌❌❌
we also know that barfbags barf + TD = cure, as it like cancels out the lava in the barf to begin with (am no scientist, correct if wrong). The mixture was applied to the steaks from the steakhouse where bottle uses all the mixture. They throw these strakes out on the field outside the steakhouse. It attracts the zombies and they eat it, which cures them. After eating and two exclaiming something (not really important), we don’t get to see the plate again, but since there was several zombies, I will have to assume they ate all the steaks. So on that assumption, there wouldn’t be any steaks left to cure snowball, as he is still in his zombie form. I know they didn’t include snowballs face for nothing or of the shiggles, but as something to grab on to and make predictions about it, aka like I’m doing now!
I predict that the next episode (TPOT 10), we will have something related to snowball still being zombified. Or maybe just wait a few more episodes for it to happen, as we also got 1 (the algebrarian) showing up out of the moon + some more exitors shots. But still, I know this will appear in a future episode and we can maybe get some more snowball and his team interactions (not implying that there isn’t any).
(Additional rambling about TSTOE, not important, you can skip)
I also feel that this will also add on more to TSTOE arc, YK. You already have robot flower acting up and bell and basketball disagreeing with each other about what to do with RF, but then we also have SB being a zombie in the mix. I have a feeling that the next, or any future challenge they will face, will include issues popping up because how bad the team is working together.
That bell disagrees with something basketball said which leads to them losing (in any way), them losing a challenge where they needed snowball’s or RF’s help, which wasn’t given because RF wasn’t following commands or snowball only wanting to attack other contestants to infect them, or them losing because basketball was burnt out from all the management she has to do alone, as she shared a bit of management with eggy b4 she was eliminated, which made her unable to respond to anyone and stopped her from cooperating with her team, etc. all seem like possible things that can happen in future episodes.
I’m really excited lol
I made a few edits :3
Another add on. Because I’m stable.
Okay, okay. So like… IM KINDA RIGHT.
I’m just scared that bell is gonna be eliminated… bc I love her… and her being voted out because she isn’t a part of any arc… is gonna hurt.
bye :(
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codecicle · 5 days
the slimecicle sexuality cinematic universe seems to be thriving
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jellyaibo · 10 months
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i wanted to test out some fancy colored pencils & these micro pen thangs i got SOOOOOO random nonsense doodles be upon ye
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reedenthusiest · 5 days
Ok guys this might be epic (WHY ARE YOU BLURRY)
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Someone on twitter said what if flint had teeth + said he could kinda look like a horse with a dogs mouth edited + I still cannot stop thinking and @/daily firestarter a flint with teeth and then I blacked out and woke up with this beast on my screen
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tmos-time · 21 days
who is shardasol who is eriware i am interested in hearing about this :0 no pressure of course
to give a simple answer; it's not a "proper" plurality if you're worried about categorizing that sort of thing, but they're pretty much eridan and sollux's respective introjects of each other! it's all erisolsprites fault <3
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for context, the premise of the au is that eridan has decided to self isolate on earth c, and erisolsprite has managed to end up with him due to sprite bullshit to make sure he doesnt do any Extremely stupid shit-- which blows up in his face when hes the reason eridan (and later sollux) end up getting an extra person in their brains
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so then THERE is where we get shardasol and eriware :) their entire gimmick is that they're formed from extra memories of eridan and sollux that erisolsprite put in their opposite heads, and they borrowed bits of their host's personality traits, interests, and perspectives of their other to grow into the people they are. they are their own people at the end of the day! even if they like to say they're like a manifestation of eridan and sollux's heart for the other-- which is. yknow. how i've ended up with four different versions of erisol in this damn au LOL.
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milos-mellow · 8 months
Its time for MY
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Welcome! This is my new project!
BALLER AU is a fan-project (made by me) inspired by Battle for Dream Island! Its simple enough! A couple fan stories and comics, pieces of art, animation if were feeling silly!
(This is basically a portfolio! I want to see my progress in writing and drawing!)
BALLER is a Snowball POV story for the most part, lovingly named "Uninhabitable Zone", but there are seperate stories from other POVs!
Blocky POV - snowy, bric-a-brac
Firey POV - somewhere burning, free fall, him and i
Gelatin POV - donut disturb
Basketball POV - like a family
Of course, all of these stories are still in progress (except snowy), but as soon as i finish them all, they are going RIGHT on to ao3, Tumblr, and Twitter! Its an exciting story that im, well, EXCITED for!!!
Ships included: Snowblock, Fireiony, Fireafy(complicated), Gelanut, Bubblepop, Leafpin, ect, ect...
There will ALSO be some gijinka art of these guys! Those aren't canon though, theyre only for fun.
Hard to say how long this will take, but hopefully i'll have the motivation to drag this out a couple years.
See you all then! Happy travels everyone!
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rochenn · 2 months
"reach" for the wip word guessing game :) --catboydogma
Ayyy that's a bingo for the 1872 cowboy fic!! :D The title changes constantly, but for now, it's called Ways from Sundown. Here are the opening lines:
A rattle rose from the brush, barely audible over the thumping of thousands of hooves. Cody heard it all the same, one hand on his revolver, the other by his mouth. Whistling a warning through his fingers—for his fellow drovers, not for the snake—he took aim.
The shot ripped through the air that was just beginning to warm, and in the light of the early morning he saw the rattler’s tail flop and twitch. Dead. Tendrils of sunshine reached past San Antonio's chimneys in the East. From the South, a mild breeze carried onward a mixture of smells that brought a smile to Cody's face.
Cow shit and promise.
I did so much research for this one man. The 1872 AU verse research document is massive. I'm becoming an insular encyclopedia of all sorts of events that happened in 19th century Texas, England, Ireland and Italy. I can't ever write anything short 🧎🏼
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4channerguy · 7 months
let loose / kunidazai
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hayyyy so im just gonna repost this from my ao3 because ive been lacking in tumblr posts lol!! i hope you enjoy :3 xoxo (。・∀・)ノ i used this prompt when writing this: person B tossing snowballs at person A's window, not knowing the window is open and has no screen. also this is probably ooc but idgaf! and also kind of cringe but i also dgaf!
wc: 1057
warnings ✎ : boyfaliures (´・ω・`)  ➜ ┊ pairings: dazai x kunikida
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𓂃 ☆ ⋮ doppo kunikida thinks of himself as a precise and sharp man.
he gets a full seven hours of sleep with no distractions, eating a full breakfast precisely at 6 AM, and then meditating. today was his free day off, and all he could think about was doing work. he’d offered fukuzawa to do more paperwork, to discard the load that was on the old man’s shoulders, but he at first declined saying, “you shouldn’t do too much. this day is possibly your only day off.” kunikida only shook his head, pulling his notebook and pointing at it. “i must follow my ideals, sir,” he said firmly. “i must retain the quota of doing seventy-two pages of work.” fukuzawa stared at him for a moment before sighing slightly. He opened his drawer to obtain a tuna can from his secret-stray-cat-stash (SSCS), because it was his free day too. The man didn’t even bother to protest against the golden-blond, and only wished him luck in his assignments.
now at his apartment, kunikida was prepared. he had a neat stack of paperwork with his laptop and of course, his notebook. he adjusted his glasses while gazing out the window. it had snowed last night, with inches of thick snow covering the pathway. since his desk faced the window, decided to open it to at least have some cool breeze in while he worked. it would give me some form of productivity, he thought while also fully opening the window screen as well. He sighed contently, opening his laptop and started typing.
unbeknownst to him, a troublemaker was walking by.
osamu dazai, who just had a typical failed suicide attempt, was mopeing around like a teenager on a winter break, tossing his empty can of tomato juice around his hands. he was thinking about what he wanted for dinner. canned crab probably. with cheap beer. ten cans of beer, maybe. he whistled to himself and then stopped.
he saw kunikida. But, alas, kunikida did not see him. dazai felt his heart skip slightly, seeing him with a furrowed brow working diligently. His glasses were perched on top of his head, which made dazai slightly swoon-
nah. dazai thought. maybe my body is just wired to tease and bother the shit out of him. typical dazai-centric thoughts. dazai crept up towards kunikida’s apartment and started to slowly form a snowball (with his bare hands of course, because he hoped to also catch hypothermia). “KUNIIIIIKIDAAAAAAA!” dazai yelled, which caused kunikida to snap up his head to see the perpetrator. unfortunately, the snowball hit him.
square in the face.
the snowball slowly dripped from his face and onto his desk. dazai only grinned.
kunikida slowly got out of his chair, grabbed his coat, scarf and gloves, put on his snow boots and walked calmly outside where dazai was waiting with a cheshire-like smirk. he took and breath and screamed, “DAAAAAAZAAAAAAIIIII!” he started forming half-assed snowballs and started pelting dazai with him. dazai, on the other hand, was laughing maniacally like a person high on drugs, with a grin reaching his ears. the snow-covered ground became a battle-ground, the two engaging into a chaotic snowball fight. kunikida’s annoyance gradually turned into amusement as he threw, turning uncharacteristically carefree. the two laughed like children on a playground, the chunks of snow glistening, making it look like a hallmark christmas card. to a passerby’s eye, it looked like two grown assed men who were on drugs.
as the snowball fight continued, it got more competitive. kunikida had the sudden urge to outwit dazai, and started to become strategic, hiding behind various things and even building a snow fort. He began a pattern of throwing each snowball while dazai skillfully dodged his attacks and snapped back with his own. in the midst of the laughter, they found a shared joy of letting go of their burdens (well, mostly on kunikida’s part) and embracing the lightness of the moment. kunkida’s mind shifted away from his ideals, and dazai from his future suicide attempts. they just became two individuals enjoying each other’s company in the purest form of fun. Eventually, fatigue caught up to them, leaving their laughter to only breathless chuckles, with fog coming out of their mouth. they stood facing each other covered in snow with comfortable silence. dazai’s grin turned into a warm smile, brushing snow out of his hair. kunikida did the same with his coat.
“you know, kunikida,” dazai began, still trying to get a chunk of snow on his coat. “it’s good to let loose sometimes.” kunikida nodded, cleaning his glasses. “yes, I suppose you’re right,” he paused and cleared his throat, “for once.” dazai only laughed and went towards him, making kunikida hesitant and step back a little. he brushed more snow out of kunikida’s face which caused him to slightly flush. “you’re always being so uptight,” dazai said softly. “you should loosen up more.”
“...well, um, i-”
“also I have a confession to make,” dazai said seriously, which caused kunikida to twitch, making his ears turn red. “since you were (assuming) doing work, could you do…mine?”
“okay here me out, so, um, i was busy having-”
“a one night stand,” kunikida interrupted. “or a suicide attempt. or drinking beer and zoning out.”
“...that’s not true! i was fooling around-, no, wait, um, i mean MENTORING, atsushi for his job with kyoka-”
kunikida turned around and started walking away. “H..Hey! Wait, PLEASE KUNIKIDAAA,” dazai went on his knees. “PLEASEEE, I PROMISE I’LL-”
kunikida sighed and stared back at him, his expression unreadable. “i’ll do it for you. but you have to do something, for once.” dazai beamed and dusted off the snow on his pants. “thanks, kunikida.”
awkward silence.
“...i’ll have to get going.” kunikida said, breaking the silence. “hm? oh, yeah.” dazai replied, sort of red-faced. probably the cold. kunikida guessed. “see you tomorrow! we should do this again,” dazai grinned. kunikida nodded.
they both go to their respective apartments, both smiling (kunikida’s almost barely noticeable). kunikida arrived back, taking off his shoes and closing his window for any further cautions. he was about to start his work, but he decided to take a small break, because after all, maybe the troublemaker, osamu dazai, was right.
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⋆。𖦹 °✩ 06.09.23, do not repost or translate my content :^)
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scribledon · 5 months
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Snowball in Hell reference?? Yes!
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spencery22 · 7 months
2AM doodles! 😎
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paintingformike · 2 years
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something something mike’s beliefs about dating and growing up always being based off of societal norms and what he’s “supposed” to do...something something the fact that him saying things of this nature has been a recurring theme since s1...something something forced conformity...
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itsbrucey · 3 months
Oh yeah au time. Accidentally made another based on the premise of Knight Darryl and Dragon Glenn.
Basically it's Knight Darryl, Dragon Glenn, Prince Henry, Jester Ron, and Paladin/Royal Guard Jodie. I think the current lore/idea(?) is that Glenn stole Henry and Ron on Darryl's watch so he's disgraced and talked with getting them back alongside Jodie. Gay things ensue.
Glenn has 2 forms: Dragon-Dragon and Dragon-Glenn ( more humanoid with hair n skin with the scales, horns, claws, wings, tail, etc.) and he got cursed by Willy after a Dragon Deez Nuts incident.
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that-pineapple154 · 1 month
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y’all my furbys are being gay again. what should i do?
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strangertheories · 1 year
Recently, I have realised I prefer bi Mike because I enjoy the idea that Mike romantically likes Eleven, but romantically loves Will. Because theoretically, El was perfect; she's funny, she's pretty, they got on, she likes him, he likes her. And, best of all, she's female, meaning he faces much less social stigma than if he followed his feelings for Will. Considering he likes her, it should be the perfect relationship, right? No.
Because the relationship is not sustainable. They are not compatible. No amount of liking El or cute moments or crushes can help Mike can outrun his love for Will.
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spaghetti-aldente · 10 months
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The sanctioned action is to bleed
OC belongs to @thatspazz
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milos-mellow · 6 months
see the snowblock vision
blocky is a peculiar specimen
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