#zombies tpot
idunnokys · 9 months
TPOT 9… discovery??/potential theory on TPOT 10
TPOT 9 spoilers ahead !!!
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so close to the end of TPOT 9 (like 21:07), we can see BH (black hole) smash ZSB (zombie snowball) into Gelatins steakhouse to set out the fire which was raging on inside it, yeah? Then the steakhouse gets covered in the snow that belongs to SB as seen here:
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Wait… what do is see? Zoom in rq…
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That obv snowballs face. Like look at him b4 being rolled up then smashed:
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That’s literally his face. And since it’s his zombie face, as he has only made it when he was a zombie, which means he is still a zombie. Everyone else has been cured except him. (Or they died or smth, but this is about SB. So it ain’t important)
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If you break the face down to three major parts, it’s easier to recognize:P. That’s just a quick like visual representation of like what I mean or whateva… I dunno actually. But not important ❌❌❌
we also know that barfbags barf + TD = cure, as it like cancels out the lava in the barf to begin with (am no scientist, correct if wrong). The mixture was applied to the steaks from the steakhouse where bottle uses all the mixture. They throw these strakes out on the field outside the steakhouse. It attracts the zombies and they eat it, which cures them. After eating and two exclaiming something (not really important), we don’t get to see the plate again, but since there was several zombies, I will have to assume they ate all the steaks. So on that assumption, there wouldn’t be any steaks left to cure snowball, as he is still in his zombie form. I know they didn’t include snowballs face for nothing or of the shiggles, but as something to grab on to and make predictions about it, aka like I’m doing now!
I predict that the next episode (TPOT 10), we will have something related to snowball still being zombified. Or maybe just wait a few more episodes for it to happen, as we also got 1 (the algebrarian) showing up out of the moon + some more exitors shots. But still, I know this will appear in a future episode and we can maybe get some more snowball and his team interactions (not implying that there isn’t any).
(Additional rambling about TSTOE, not important, you can skip)
I also feel that this will also add on more to TSTOE arc, YK. You already have robot flower acting up and bell and basketball disagreeing with each other about what to do with RF, but then we also have SB being a zombie in the mix. I have a feeling that the next, or any future challenge they will face, will include issues popping up because how bad the team is working together.
That bell disagrees with something basketball said which leads to them losing (in any way), them losing a challenge where they needed snowball’s or RF’s help, which wasn’t given because RF wasn’t following commands or snowball only wanting to attack other contestants to infect them, or them losing because basketball was burnt out from all the management she has to do alone, as she shared a bit of management with eggy b4 she was eliminated, which made her unable to respond to anyone and stopped her from cooperating with her team, etc. all seem like possible things that can happen in future episodes.
I’m really excited lol
I made a few edits :3
Another add on. Because I’m stable.
Okay, okay. So like… IM KINDA RIGHT.
I’m just scared that bell is gonna be eliminated… bc I love her… and her being voted out because she isn’t a part of any arc… is gonna hurt.
bye :(
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twosnails4eva · 9 months
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crawl on me, sink into me, die for me, living dead girl
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kurovaki · 9 months
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I loved TPOT 9,,,
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5tupidusrnam3 · 9 months
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My first marker drawing on marker paper yay
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Hey. Remember in Tpot 8 when Two accidentally killed Cake because they "forgot to turn (their) teleporting power on"? Which means Two has to make a conscious effort to teleport people?
Zombified Two was absolutely trying to protect Gaty, Tennis Ball, and Golf Ball. They did it all intentionally.
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gunk2d34th · 9 months
More tpot 9 spoilers fjfjdjm
I used to watch alotta katzun ok
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kels-orange-joe · 8 months
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requested by: no one
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tpot 9 hit hard.. still not over it
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static-errorcode · 8 months
this is beautiful
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I can see this in a bad ending of tpot 9
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xxkelgaming69xx · 15 days
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A sneak peak of what I'm working on!!! First chapter will be uploaded (hopefully) within the next week,, I hope the zombie genre isn't too oversaturated and that people will enjoy this still 🙏
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heartsfortwotpot · 9 months
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nikoforgot · 3 months
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i should draw them more
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clowd-009 · 9 months
“two . . .?”
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bfdifan26 · 9 months
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i love this tiny little moment where winner kinda looks at yellowface and they’re like huh maybe he isn’t so bad!! i really loved him this episode, to me it was such a good way of highlighting the type of character he is. he’s loud and chaotic and can be so selfish and cruel, but when it comes down to it and the people he cares about need him and are in actual danger, he risks getting himself trouble to keep them safe. (letting them hide in cloudys stash and eventually ruining it, yellowface being the one to blame for that) i would like if it he went back to being the way he was in tpot 8 though like, i dont want it to be a ‘character’s arc get solved just because they acted different for a moment some other time’ situation. i just want this to be a gentle reminder that yellowface isn’t a complete monster and he has a very soft caring side to him that just needs its own chance to shine
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orangeboogiewoman · 9 months
tried pixelizing my zomber 2 & x art + doodles idk anymo
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battlefordreamdiner · 10 months
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24. Fries
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0prettysugar0 · 9 months
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