#snd school in general
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heatsu · 1 year ago
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A lot of Aki because I love him, Hitsu (not a self insert) and unfinished art trade (giga flop)
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starrycassi · 4 months ago
The fact that there seems to be no schools on Zaun is so fucking sad. Like why is Silco doing allat to "better Zaun" instead of installing like two public schools. Baby get those children of the mines and start teaching them about the french revolution and I ASSURE YOU that you'll get an independent nation in no time. There's no one more radicalized that oppressed people realizing that populations before them HAVE managed to change their status in story. Like the week we covered this specific topic in class my group became completely different. We managed to get more budget for half of our activities. Actually made a formal complaint with signatures and all for a horrible teacher. Managed to get the principal to allow us to bring a DJ for prom (mind you this was a catholic, all-girls type of school)
Yes I know systemic issues and at the end is all piltover's fault but silco my darling dearest I assure you funding a school would be cheaper than those goddamn shimmer suits. ALSO he could've manipulated the next generation via completely modifying the curriculum! Like, Silco! Hear me out! This would give you control over most of the kids in the fucking place. Even if not all of the show up to class, you only need ONE of them spreading the bullshit you feed them to their friends who will spew it to their friends who will- one kid is enough!! Now imagine a hundred of them. You can actually poison families from the fucking inside.
Why do "villains" never go for the schools. Especially patient ones. Like give it ten years and you've got a small guerrilla. Shooting lessons instead of P.E. Get your goons to train them. Like you could be SO much more powerful. It would skew the public's perception of him. He could pull a "It was ME who brought education to the children of Zaun. I stand for its progress. Will you stand with us, too?" And people would EAT IT UUUUUP
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dinopant · 10 months ago
Kinda feeling like a forever child who's never going to be grown up enough
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wereweallyolddontbullyus · 9 months ago
CHONNY JASH song count eleven is actually so good, not only the rift bit when all the music goes woshshhhhh ookhhhhohhhhhhwwwoooovvmmm but also because it makes my head explode in a jumble of colours that make my brain turn to mush
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lorddeathofmurdermountain · 4 months ago
*Slavic accent* This is why Balkan school is best school. In Balkan, school fears you.
adults: oh silly children with no responsibilities no real trauma no life experience no worries and yet oh so dramatic about nothing
also adults: oh thank fucking GOD i am not in school anymore, i had another nightmare i was THERE again, i woke up in a cold sweat bc i didn't study for my TEST-there's nothing not anything like the sweet relief of realizing that you actually don't have one and you won't have one in a very very long time, i still remember what the hallways smell like, i graduated years ago but i don't feel safe yet
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techno-rat · 5 months ago
workin hard (writing a fic that feels like its been going on forever)
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 1 year ago
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𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Doll tips! ; Being the New Kid!! 🎀⭐️
Tip #1 ; Taking a Breath now speaking from experience being the new kid at school is very nerve racking ik ive done it so many times and just sitting back and just breathing snd relaxing can definitely help just calm you down!!
Tip #2 ; Making a Good Impression!! now for this one i not saying you have to be the most outgoing person ever bc it can be overwhelming especially if you have social anxiety or you just have trouble with interacting!! but definitely being as polite as possible can definitely help you in the long run!!! ⭐️
Tip #3 ; Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself
now since you are new to the school you may or may not have to introduce yourself and ik how nerve racking this can be but doing a simple “Hi! I’m _” is really good if you don’t wish to speak then a simple smile and wave is also just as good!!!
Tip #4 ; Recruiting Friends!!
if you wanna be friends with a particular person try going up to them and saying hi to them also helping people with something is a way to get to know a person or having desk/table mates is like a gold mine for making friends with people !!!
Tip #5 ; Not Everyone is a nice person
if you can tell someone is a mean person stay away from them have little to no contact with this person its will save you all the energy and time because people like this can be extremely draining trust ik that!
Tip #6 ; Be nice but don’t be a pushover
obviously being nice is ESSENTIAL but never let someone cross your boundaries or disrespect you call them out on it don’t make a huge scene obviously but definitely let them know that you’re setting a boundary and if they cross again then cut this person off because obviously they don’t respect your boundaries!!
Tip #7 ; Don’t be a Bystander!!
if you see someone getting bullied say something about it,defend them or just ask them if they’re okay being a bystander to the problem makes you part of the problem as well!!!
Tip #8 ; Don’t let others bring you down
again with making boundaries never let someone cross you or make snarky remarks call them out on it and remember this person words obviously don’t matter what other people say doesn’t define you
Tip #9 ; Join a Club!!
joining a club can be an amazing way to make friends while also doing something you enjoy and over all its just an amazing activity!!
Tip #10 ; Don’t overshare!!!
unless you genuinely trust a person don’t overshare because people switch up and anything you say can and will be used against you!
Tip #11 ; Have Main Character mindset
even if you have zero confidence fake it till you make it!! walk with good posture and some pep in ur step!!🎀
Tip #12 ; If u have a group assignment don’t do all the work
omg i can’t stress this enough only do your part if someone is failing to do their part don’t do it for them let them fail thats their own fault
Tip #13 ; Being popular isn’t everything!
social hierarchy in high school or middle school (idk what grade ur in im sorry!!) is so bleak okay being popular isn’t everything i mean sure by some chance you’ll be popular but still you don’t HAVE to fit in because ur made to stand out
Tip #14 ; Channel ur inner Elle Woods & Cher Horowitz
* apply ur self in ur academics
* if you need help ask its not a bad thing to need help!!
* Make an Organizer to stay in top of ur work!!
* if you have an assignment with a rubric read it carefully to ensure you can get the highest grade possible!!
* if you unhappy with your grade or feel like you should’ve gotten a better one ask your teacher to review!!!
* wear cute clothes and style ur hair neatly not to for the lookism esque obviously but looking ur best and feeling your best are definitely good ways to feel better!!! 🎀⭐️
* have a “what? like its hard?” mindset
* Don’t Judge!!
* Pursue ur dreams!!
* Don’t be afraid of a challenge
* Be yourself!!
Tip #15 ; Don’t Leave people out!!!
say ur in a group setting and you see one particular person being left out and not getting their chance to speak make them feel welcome ask them about what they were gonna say and include them into the conversation!!!
Tip #16 ; Eat what makes you happy and don’t yuck someones yum
if someone has a cultural dish for their lunch DON’T EVER make them feel bad about it don’t care what it is that loser behavior! also eat the kind of food that makes you feel good inside and that nourishes your body i definitely suggest packing a lunch the night before!!!
Tip #17 ; Don’t hang around Slackers!!
be friends with people that actually apply themselves in their academic and working for what they want!!!
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I love you anon i hope you do AMAZING at ur new school!!! 🎀⭐️
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danieyells · 3 months ago
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From what I can tell looking at the files all of the bgs are AI generated with some touching up(but none of it is ever fully done, it's mostly to add effects and stuff) yeah. It'd be nice if they took some of the money they got and put it into actual background artists but that's a long shot.
Some of them are really bad lmao like anywhere with curved stairs or a shelf? Try and follow the stair railings or identify what's on the shelf lmao it's. . .very apparent
Even the images in Hyde's little house related quiz at the beginning are AI generated. U:
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Rui's room! ("bg_obscuary_ruiroom") Two screen PC setup, wall-length mirror behind the bed??? His VR headset on the desk too. Cologne on the bedside table? And lotion? Or alcohol? Or lube--
Way better lit than it looks
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acesspacee · 10 days ago
1.Question no.1
I've heard of people having "traits" like do things that is common is autistic people like stimming going non verbal , fidgeting alot, zoning out/ dissociating from what I've learnt dissociating is a more extreme case of zoning out. Out of all the things I've listed more included I can't really remember. the only one I do is non verbal? around my friend sometimes because of stress or anxiety, in general I'm not a talkative person as well so maybe it's anxiety or something else but I do end up going long periods of time of feeling like I can't speak so matter how hard I try
So in short my first question is can non autistic people have autistic "traits:?
2. I've been told autism is a spectrum refering to there's high functiong and low functioning but I'm still lost as to what that means, (my bad if this question sounds a bit rude in thr way I word it I'm not trying to be in any way so I apologize again😓) I know some things autistic people struggle with are like sensory issues, going non verbal , dissociating, stimming, but here's my question what's the difference between sensory issues with a normal person and an autistic person? Like let's say for example the issue is a certain material that feels uncomfortable to both people and causes them to feel uncomfortable, what would be the different between the issue for the autistic person rather than the normal person?
3. Lastly this is more for my own knowledge, what's the difference between Autism burn out and regular burn out?
Hello!! Genuine question so my apologies if I come of as rude or insensitive. I have a friend who has autism and I want to learn how to help her better more with different things but I'd also like to know the difference between Autism things and non- autism things?
Autism burn out may last for any periods of time, ip to months affect individuals socially mentally cause thrm to be more easily overwhelmed / sensitive to stress extreme exhaustion and difficulty functioning
Regular burn out can last for up to months affects people mentally snd socially more stressed out tired but I I'm guessing a lesser level of tired than autistic burn out? And I'm guessing on a general autistic burnout causes them to have a harder time functioning like for example a regular person is burnt out but still tries to get things done but is mostly burnt out an autistic person wouldn't be feeling well enough to do that?
(I'm vv sorry for long ass mwssage)
Oh i have been WAITING for these. no worries my friend, for I love answering questions. Tho, note that I am not a professional and will be refering to my experiences and those around me.
Question 1: From my experience, yes, some people may experience some autistic traits, it doesnt make them autistic, it may just be apart of their day to day like (like jumping when you're happy).
Question 2: Sensory issues for me is where every little thing may hurt. The lights, the air conditioner, people using *their phones* whilst a neurotypical person may not even notice these sounds. Also, with the material example you gave, a nerodivergent person may act more "dramatically" about it while a neurotypical person may just voice their hatred.
Question 3: Autistic burnout is way more than socially and mentally. It also impacts us physically, cognitive AND emotionally. Depending on how long the burnout lasts, the neurodivergent person may begin to avoid everything and everyone. Give up on dreams, quit school, quit work. Many horrible things happen the longer it stays and I have witnessed them. So you were right about that.
Dont be sorry! It's okay to ask questions about topics you want to learn about/dont know. I hope I was able to help and apologizes if they didnt help as much. Again, these are my experiences/opinions, I'm no professional.
Also side not, this may just be me, please dont call neurotypical ppl 'normal'. Autism is my normal so calling them normal feels weird..idk
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 2 years ago
a thought 🤔💭
Consider this post an offshoot of this one!
A lot of the world lore we receive comes directly from the 22-student main cast of NRC. However, this information they provide us with shouldn’t always be taken at face value 💦 Characters can be unreliable narrators; they won’t be 100% honest with us just because we’re the player.
There are points where they speak with sarcasm (so it negates the words they actually say). This happens a lot with Leona’s lines. Other times, characters intentionally say something to avoid implying something else or to cover up a less savory truth. An example of this may be Azul, who is highly concerned with maintaining his self image. Therefore, not everything he says may be entirely truthful, as the words may be intentionally changed to preserve his self image. We need to more carefully parse through and determine what is true and what is false or insincere of the information they disperse to us. It’s much easier, of course, to get a sense for their intentions by listening to their voiced home screen lines rather than just reading the text snd comparing it to their facial expressions, but voices aren’t always available.
Something else I was thinking about that goes hand-in-hand with this is how different backgrounds bias clouds the information given out or can provide an incomplete sample of the TWST population. For example, if you think about it, NRC only has ~800 students and we only see 22 of them. That’s a very small fraction of the total population of Twisted Wonderland (the whole world)—not to mention that almost 75% of those 22 come from at least upper middle class or at least “special” or privileged families:
Riddle’s parents are both medical mages, with his mother being particularly well-known in their hometown’s community. He had the privilege of studying magic since he was very young (which is notable since education is typically general and does not include magic unless you specifically go to a school for it like NRC).
Cater’s dad is a banker. I’m guessing he has to be pretty high up on the food chain to be traveling all the time (and far enough to separate Cater from his friends every time they do), as a regular low-level banker would stay put at one bank location and devote most of their time there.
Leona is a prince, and so is Malleus. Whether they are crown prince or not doesn’t matter because they still receive great educations and access to great funds either way.
Azul’s mom owns and operates the most famous restaurant in the ENTIRE Coral Sea. His stepdad is also a lawyer.
The Leech twins’ father has important connections and is highly influential in the Coral Sea; they are probably loaded because of this. (Popular fan speculation is the Leech mob family.)
Kalim’s dad is a wealthy trader and he is related to royalty; as the eldest son, Kalim is going to inherit the business. The Asim family’s enormous wealth is mention several times over in the main story, voice lines, vignettes, and events.
Jamil’s family is also said to be well-off.
Vil is an A-list celebrity and his father is as well.
We don’t know the specifics about Rook’s family, but they must be influential and deal in some kind of international business, as Rook mentions they have villas and warp pads (which require special clearance for) all over Twisted Wonderland.
Idia and Ortho’s family legit runs a secret government organization that studies blot. Idia himself is a child prodigy, and is set to become the next director after his father and grandmother.
Lilia is a renown war general and was close friends with his country’s crown princess and her spouse. He lives humbly, but he still has highly influential connections that a regular person wouldn’t.
Silver is Lilia’s adopted son, so by extension, he comes from a privileged background. Even if he technically grew up in a hut in the middle of the woods and didn’t live luxuriously, he still has Lilia’s social connections.
Sebek’s parents are both dentists and do you know how much money dentists make—
Ace, Trey, Jack, and Epel come from normal income families (excluding the portion in book 5 when Epel said his family’s farm has fallen on hard times).
Ruggie comes from extreme poverty while Deuce’s family has had financial issues due to being a single parent household.
And that’s not even to mention that NRC is all-male and mostly 16-18 year olds, thus skewing the perspectives we see in a “male” and “adolescent” direction. This will naturally limit the scope of how they see the world and how they speak about it, even if the characters themselves don’t intend for it to happen. In fact, I wonder if part of the reason the NRC boys aren’t open to accepting help or being open with others when they’re struggling isn’t purely a school-exclusive thing. Maybe it’s because 1) teenagers tend to be largely egocentric/focused on themselves anyway, and 2) society largely discourages men from showing “weakness” and NRC happens to attract particularly prideful students 😭 but the most obvious example of background limiting scope of perception are definitely the super sheltered, super wealthy characters (Malleus, Kalim, etc.).
Just getting our information from them won’t be entirely accurate to how the rest of the population acts or perceives things. We cannot 100% rely on what we know of the TWST boys’ behaviors to assess what everyone or everything else is like.
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asterrv0iid · 8 months ago
Wattpad fic ad 🕷️🖤
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Hello! I'm writing a wattpad fanfic about Katsuki Bakugou x female reader. the fic is called arachnoid 🥹 and theres currently only about 15-16 parts. right now, im writing about the sports festival and i already have a good idea of what im going to do for the internships. but to give you a better idea of what the fic is about ill give a little summary for you 🖤🕷️
Starting off with your quirk!!
Your quirk is basically like spiderman 2099 & miles morales combined snd some extra powers i added. If you don't know them from atsv, ill give you a quick rundown of some of the abilities they have !!
So starting off with some basic spiderman powers. Peter parker has the ability to generate webs from his wrists, and so do you. But in the story, theres a little twist. You can obviously swing around and hold massive amounts of weight, but you can also form objects with a lot of firmly packed webs. It takes a lot of energy out of you though.
Spiderman also has the skill of sticking to walls and ceilings. Or just any surface that gravity doesnt allow the normal human being to stay upright on. So of course you have that included with your quirk !!
Let's not forget about the spidey sense. Spidey sense is basically just a 6th sense for telling if danger is near, and where it is coming from. But in my fic, when youre either overwhelmed and worked up or really focused on something, your brain kind of turns off the ability to sense danger. But farther into the story you'll be able to multitask.
Okay moving onto the powers you have that are similar to Miles Morales! So we know that he can turn camouflage or turn invisible, and that he has electricity powers. Now you might not have the electricity ability he has, but if you hold your breath, you can turn invisible snd camouflage into any surface.
Okay couple more things about the benefits of your quirk im pretty sure. Venom immobilization. I added the power to immobilize an opponent by protracting your fangs and emitting an immobilizing venom into someone. Yes you have to bite them for it to work, and yes it can be inconvenient. 😭
Next is how you can generate 6 extra limbs and 6 extra eyes, giving you 8 of each. So like an actual spider, you have the skill to grow six extra arms out of your shoulder blades like Shoji :) (he's such a sweetheart i love him) but also you can grow 8 eyes to enhance your range if vision and also the ability of night vision, since spiders are mainly nocturnal.
Okay i think thats it for your quirk but now its time for backstory !!
Basically the fic stated that you have an identical twin brother, Koji L/n, and both parents present. It starts off with it being the day of your brother's birthday party. Your neighbors down the street, The Bakugou family, show up to introduce themselves.
Shortly after the party ended, your brother Koji went missing, then was pronounced deceased and left a cold case. Your mother thought another baby would be enough to distract her from the loss of her child. It ended up adding more pressure onto her so she left.
You were forced into growing up too fast having to raise your little sister to the best of your ability as your dad slowly turned into a deadbeat. As you were about to finish your last year of middle school, a biy introduced himself to you and he ended up being your boyfriend for a short amount of time.
He scarred and traumatized you for life and you promised yourself to not show vulnerability and naivety towards anyone ever again, until a special someone weaseled back into your life.
Hopefully you like this story as it continues on! The link unfortunately isnt working for me, or maybe im just stupid. But my user on wattpad is 'astervoiid' and the fic is called 'Arachnoid || K.B. x reader'
Thanks so much for reading! Posting this in hopes it gets more reads and plot suggestions! Have a good day xx 🖤🕷️🕸️
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ippolita324 · 1 year ago
Why Bellatrix Lestrange was so crazy (Most Noble and Ancient House of Black Headcanon)
• As someone who descended from generations of inbreeding, she suffered from mental instability from birth, which only worsened as she got older
• She inherited her Aunt Walburga’s explosive and dangerous temper, and extreme attitude on blood purity
• She had an inherently dominant and forceful personality, and excelled in anything that required adrenaline
• Her family environment was oppressive and as the eldest daughter she was given the most responsibilities snd expectations
• As Sirius and Regulus were both much younger, she was raised like a firstborn son and treated with little affection by her father
• However she was still a woman and could not escape the patriarchal values of the Black family which expected women to be submissive and continue the bloodline
• On the other hand she was also told the Blacks were the most illustrious family ever and thus she developed a high opinion of herself
• Her loud, argumentative and boisterous attitude did not sit well with her parents, who as a result constantly punished her
• Unlike her more suave sister Narcissa she was unable to hide her opinions and often got into trouble for it
• Despite being a top notch student, her parents paid little compliment to her achievements, instead expecting her to marry a pure blood heir as soon as she graduated
• Her parents cared little about her feelings and desires, but merely expected her to unquestionably follow their orders and honor the family name
• This authoritarian upbringing was what later endeared her to Voldemort’s authoritarian regime, and she gradually adopted her family’s cold and ruthless attitude
• As a teenager she was also insecure, craving for praise and validation that she never received, and having to shoulder her family’s responsibilities without having anyone to confide in
• She felt deeply betrayed by Andromeda’s elopement with Ted Tonks, as it was kept a secret, and despite herself taking the responsibility to protect her sisters, Andromeda did not appreciate it at all
• She fell in with the wrong crowd at school, many of her friends being the children of the first generation of Death Eaters, and they delved deeply into dark magic
• Her marriage with Rodolphus was arranged by their families, with little love or attachment, the main purpose being to forge a beneficial alliance
• Being ‘forced’ into a loveless marriage was partially what made Bellatrix so bitter, and she vowed never to have children and instead devoted herself entirely to Voldemort
• Despite fervently championing her family’s beliefs, she also had a rebellious streak, and refused to be a broodmare like other pure blood women, regarding it as something beneath her status as a female warrior
• Her hostile attitude towards traditional gender roles and motherhood made her an outcast amongst pure blood women, and she fell in deeper and deeper with male Death Eaters
• She didn’t have a single caring or nurturing bone in her body and was serious about sacrificing any hypothetical sons to the Dark Lord
• Voldemort gave her the attention her father never did, saw her as a truly brilliant witch superior to the men around her, and gave her free rein to unleash her frustration and rage
• She fell head over heels for Voldemort, partially in awe of his magical prowess and charming demeanor, and partially to spite her family for forcing her into a loveless marriage
• In her twisted mind, Voldemort also gave her a gateway to freedom, as no one else could ever tell her what to do with his protection, and Voldemort would never want his best lieutenant to be out of action due to pregnancy
• She was secretly jealous of Narcissa for marrying someone she loved, but also saw her as the only remaining sister and family she could confide in
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verysmolnerd · 11 months ago
The mysterious medallion
Ares x reader
(Based off a dream that I had)
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(Lmfao my first impression of Ares was him decking Diana in the face. So I’ll put the gif here too)
You hold up a medallion with uncertainty. Some stranger pushed it in your hands and walked away without a trace. It’s made of solid gold too, the ribbon on it had to be made with the finest silk too. The design on it is unheard to you… it’s essentially priceless.
What do you do with it precisely? Well, you slide it into your pocket and go about the rest of the convention. It’s one where inventions of all kinds come and present. You’ve been looking forward to see the one coming from Octavius industries.
You socialize, talking about your first few years wearing a lab coat. You’re relived that your predecessors are far kinder than you expected, that they had set their egos aside in order to aid in hurting the next generation of bright minds.
You ended up sticking with a group of college grads, talking about the scientific industry bits and bobs. What to do after getting that doctorate, dissertation strategies, etc.
“I never got to ask, what school do you lot come from?” They seemed very eager to answer, but all had the same answer, “M.I.T.” You gave them a muted applause, to which they bowed slightly and snickered.
“What college did you come from? You’re a chemist, right?” You nodded, “Yes! And I graduated from Harvard. That full ride made it easy, that’s for sure.” That gained you some silence applause, to which you mimicked the bow that they did moments ago.
“Now how are-“ whatever you were going to say was cut off with a hiss. You felt something heat up in your pockets that it was borderline about to burn you. You his and pull out the medallion, holding it exclusively by the ribbon. It’s practically glowing and heat is radiating off it.
There’s a moment of shocked silence between you and your new friends. Until one stepped forward and their fingers ghosted the burning metal, “That’s…. That’s the symbol of a god.” You eyes widened, “What?!”
“You heard me,” they said, continuing their observation, “There was a way for gods to pick their favorite mortal, and they did that by sending some sort of wealthy apparel.” You weren’t sure what to make of it.
“What god do you think sent me this?” You ask and they furrow their brows, looking at every single detail in it. Their face went dark, “Ares.” You felt like gagging, your stomach felt uneasy and your legs felt weak…. But that doesn’t mean the gods are real! Right?
Someone came running into the convention hall, “There’s a bunch of people on Greek getup and they’re attacking the center!!!” You panicked and decided to throw the medallion under a table. You then whip around to retrieve your friends.
Just because the entire room is full of the smartest individuals in the world does not mean that they are wise. They lack in athletics and street smarts, both of which you’re fairly versed in.
You waved them over snd started running for the emergency exit. Only for the door to burst wide opens and a bunch of Greek solders to come pouring in. A bunch had taken prisoners to a lot of the scientists. It’s a little ironic that a lot do them make powerful weapons and they’re too afraid to use them because of the fragility they’ve developed for them in their mind.
So you grab ahold of a metal pipe, you have a gut feeling that you might have to fight a few soldiers that don’t belong in modern times. You take for the second floor in the center. You stay low when walking on the roof, not wanting to bring any attention to yourself.
You also dial the authorities, knowing full well that others have not because they’re currently being taken out of the convention center. The sheer panic in their eyes makes you turn away. You can’t bear to see them hurt.
However, you did notice that all the solders report to one much larger and mentor muscular, one with hair of white. That must be Ares…. And just looking at him from the back, he could snap you like a twig.
He whipped around and you made eye contact with his cold eyes. You stagger back and he smiles, even from a great distance away, just a mere glance sends you spiraling.
You run back inside, hiding in one of the smallest offices rooms you can find. The center was empty, considering that everyone that occupied the space before was either captured or holding said occupants hostage.
The entire room is silent, with no really other way out than the way you came in. You just hope that the mindless warriors will over look the room you’re hiding in and leave you be. Not to mention, that the authorities should be showing up soon.
Speaking of which, you heard the noises of sirens, and all sorts of unspeakable violence. You shudder, hoping that you can just wait it out. The at everything will pan out in your favor.
However, your hopes were soon shoot dead when the office door was ripped off its hinges and thrown to the side as if it were mere paper. You bite down on your had to suppress a scream and tuck further into your hiding spot.
“Come out now,” Ares said, his voice shook your to your very core, “I can smell your fear.” You choke down any subconscious noise you could make, but he still found you.
His eyes pierced through your entire body and very soul. His smile was sinister and hungry. You find it odd when he kneels down to your level, “You shouldn’t be, mortal. For I have spared you.”
You opened your mouth but no words came out and he only laughed, “I sent my medallion to you, we are bound to be wed.” You rear your head back, appalled, “We?” He smirked, “Indeed. I will give you what no mortal man can be capable of doing.”
He leans in, his breath ghosting your lips, “Make you a god.” Your heart stopped beating, you’re surprised the constant state of shock you’ve been in hasn’t made you queasy. “You can’t tell me that I don’t intrigue you. If it makes you feel better, I find you absolutely fascinating.”
That’s the thing, being a point of interest to any god is not good. It never ends well for any human stuck under their blazing gazes. And you? You are cornered like a wild animal and the hunter deduced to pamper you, put you on display for all those unfortunate enough to cross his path.
You were so caught up in your mind that you helped when he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. All you could do was appear puzzled as he declares you to be his newly beloved… in front of a bunch of alders and scientists.
He takes off with you, holding on tight in… specific areas. “We will marry at the gates of Olympus, to which you watch me slaughter my father and take his throne!”
Who knows what’s going to happen to you? You’re certainly stumped.
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changbinsboobs · 7 months ago
thats what I mean there is difference huge difference between chans work ethic and IN, IN who seems to have a playful outlook on life in general and in his work environment whereas bangchan seems verg hardcore focused 1000% on his work so much so that he doesnt really see the fun in whats going on around him, doesnt take enough time to rest or sleep.
so im now curious where it stems from cause a lot of the families surrounding idols can both negatively and positively affect an idols choice to go into the kpop world so im wondering if thats why or if its his birth chart or just his natural personality?
ngl I really would want INs personality the most fr. please could you do the bangchan reading for the other members as well? i loved how in depth it was and gave more insight into his personality or what he doesnt really show. good for him though for not being afraid ro argue for his rights i suppose. a lot of idols would probably never put their foot down or be kind of submissive or even overworship their company if they think theyre in the better position than other groups
Hi:) im gonna do the reputation readings individually upon request. Since i already did chan and have one for lee know in gonna use this request to do Changbin (going chronologically).
Changbin's Reputation
His overall reputations good, although i notice its much different than chan's, as in with chan, his reputation was based more on other idols' opinion or on people he has worked with, while with changbin its much more distant. With Chan is like opinion based on first hand experience, while with changbin its like "word is he..."
So based on that i think he's actually not that extroverted and vastly popular as it may look (or at least as it looked to me). I think he is indeed very sought out by others and popular and in demand - but among HIS people. Among his close circle.
People's overall view of him is that he's loaded AND generous and people close to him get a taste of that. This is the thing that gives the strongest impression. Idk if he's indeed that loaded that even idols are impressed by his wealth...or is it rather his generosity with it that is talked about? Or both? Or is this just something people associate him with? I mean, u know one day you wear pink shoes in school and people gave u a nickname that one day and remembered you by it, u have literary worn those shows just once to school but 5 years later everyone still calls you "pink shoe wearer" (ik very uncreative), even if it's not at all who you are and even if others have started to wear shoes like that by now too, ur still that one thats got that nickname and association with it. This could also be similar for Changbin's case. Orrrrr he is indeed loaded🤷🏻‍♀️
Another thing is that elders really like him. I think he's way more popular with a maturer crowd. So again i don't think he's all that popular within the idol crowds but rather with the staff, family etc.
Another big significance is his strength. It is indeed something thats talked about, im seeing rumours being whispered/thrown around how that and that has happened to him, and then people being like "omg but i would've never guessed." "Ik right he seemed like nothing's happened." Or a different scenario would be where there was a problem and people are "omg do you know what happened" and then they talk about it snd then they're like "he did that and that, and talked with this and this person, and they made a deal" or whatever - like theres a problem that seems so huge, but he has taken care of it. And thats really impressive to orhers. I think this is more concerning idols' view of him, rather than staff etc what i was talking about earlier.
I wouldn't say he's like a celeb among celebs, cuz the oomph's missing, but he definitely is someone rumors are made about. Someone thats often talked about - often in an admiring manner. He seems distant to other idols, like he's not IN their crowds, even if he still belongs to them. He feels like he's on another step or so, and they can't quite see in. I don't think there's really any interest towards him tbh, like people feeling the need to get to know him. I think he's a bit intimidating to them. Rather than that he's just someone thats there that you observe from the distance and hear a good thing or two from time to time.
He seems diligent st his work, good in his work, focused and with a good m, trustable work ethic. Respectful - im hearing. Thats why elders like him so much. And this card again shows how he's not IN their society but rather there. And he's doing his own thing, within his own bubble and his own circles. I think i have the word - he seems unapproachable, which isn't a problem for most people cuz they don't feel the need to approach him anyway. But ughh...no, unapproachable has a negative connotation and also seems like he's unapproachable cuz of something he's actively doing or not doing - which is not the case. Maybe instead if unapproachable i shouldn't say unreachable? Out of reach? But thats also somehow wrong, he is reachable, but people just don't feel to bother to reach out? Ugh idk i hope u get the vibe im feeling here.
I think people fear his sharp tongue a bit. And have a prejudice that he's sharp tongued and straight up no bullshit guy - which IS true, but he's not mean. I think some people really like this quality of his while so e feel intimidated and turned off by it.
Side note - but i think for the average idol he would be a real hit or muss cuz he has a very specific energy and personality (which in my opinion is great i don't understand how the whole world doesn't kiss his feet!!!😤🤌🏻💗) which would either put people off (which i think its sadly the case for most, at least in the beginning) straight away, or u immediately get obsessed with him. Bo in between. And i think for the people that initially are turned off by him, if given enough time they would actually really love him. They just need to get warmed up towards his more sharp/dark energy to be able to look past it and see his soft warm lovely heart💗. I can talk so much more about that topic, about people's perception of energy and how one neutral / balanced thing can be perceived in so many different ways depending on the beholder and its just so fascinating🤌🏻 but anyways i got carried away.
And lastly i think people view him as a creative "genius"/artist that can't be understood by everyone but no one can deny his talent. Wether you agree with him or don't its visible how good he is in what he does and regardless of your opinion on him u just have to enjoy the art he's making. This again has quite polar opposites to itself. I've gotten that in a few cards already, again this hit or miss feeling. I think (for Korean standards) he might be too sharp and real for most people, so, they don't necessarily dislike him - but they don't approve of him either. Omg yes thats exactly what I've been feeling for a while. Disapproval! I think quite a few people don't approve of his approach or way, just because they don't know him, and because he seem so unreachable and just on another plane it makes it even easier for lots of people to be disconnected from him and to feel weird around him and disapprove. I think he is too genuine for some people. That being said, he's very talented and everyone agrees on that no matter if they like his ways and approve of them. Because of his money and status people also keep more quite and don't go all out on him.
Ugh i think this reading got all over the place sadly, i think there's quite a few different groups of people and opinions on him and one one hand im talking about this, then in the next point about that, then about something completely different and so on. I hope you can kinda sense the differences in opinions/groups of people "talking".
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primaviva · 2 years ago
my experience with rashad.
tw: racism, use of the n-slur (hard r for context) proceed with these things in mind and also don’t go and bring him attention by going to his page as he should not be on the internet for his own peace and everyone else’s. this is going to be long and have a lot of receipts/descriptions. do not send him shit on my behalf i ain’t move like that.
before i start, i want it to be clear that this is not confirmed. however, he has a history of doing fake anons to himself and to his (ex) moots from what i learned to either start drama, topics, or fw them so he can act as a supporter or victim if he sent the anon to himself. and this is NOT me jumping on the rashad toxic gossip train of tumblr 2023 but this type of behavior is disgusting and inexcusable. i am very convinced that it was him and want to share it to you all while leaving it open to criticism and speculation but PLEASE be careful and pick up the warning signs with these people from everyone coming out with stories about him.
now let’s get tf into it cus it’s a lot…
me snd rashad became moots after he noticed me like a post of his i think. his first inbox to me was him trying to do self promo for a fic of his he was writing which i thought was odd and a little weird so i ignored it but he ended up continuing to inbox me random things (which i don’t generally mind) so we ended up building some mutual association or sum on here.
however, around 9-10 days ago, rashad had got “sent” something in his inbox about afro latinos. this was the ask:
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now, i am not going to invalidate afro latinos who have experienced this. as a latino, i have experienced prejudice but that is never comparable to a black latino or a black person in general who is mixed/has another ethnic group of origin. these things are said to people and have been said to me in a different context. however, this ask was directly after he had posted it and on top of that it simply is not something someone would say as an ask. i don’t know how to describe it, but it’s too directed, crafted in a way that it’s wording seems like someone trying to be racist, and so on. we had never talked one on one either so i was confused when i first saw he had tagged me in a post since i hadn’t seen what it was about yet. i don’t know how to describe it but there’s something in the wording and just the context of it all that made this ask so in genuine almost as if it was something he had asked himself on another account.
this was me tagged in it:
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i of course reblogged and said my peace and now disgusting and ignorant it was because afro latinos are a minority even in their own community because of generationally taught racism from colonization and just our traditional way of life and teaching stripped from us and our culture. but at the time, i had no idea of his “track record” of doing this type of thing or even the drama he was getting messy with behind what everyone knew of him.
i wanna say this as it’s very important as to what i have to show next. i am not black. i have never stated that and my day one followers and moots know that i have black family and in fact most of my relatives are afro latino but i, myself, am a lightskin latina which is something i feel i have always made known at least in sum damn context clues. i also want to add that this took place september 18th and that’s alway really important to the story.
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ok now lemme get into why this is even a post.
shortly after this, i had gotten sick and ended up going on a break from just the internet in general because i needed to rest my ass up before even doin a thing like school and writing n allat. i was gone for around 3-4 days. so this post was long “old” or at least not being seen by anyone. and the thing is my spam posts never get hella reblogs unless i add hashtags or say something that makes everyone and they mama wanna join in on the conversation. so tell me why, exactly three days later, around the day i came back, i receive this in my inbox:
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what the fuck is this? like genuinely.
i had not seen this the first day i came back because my inbox was flooded with my actives rambling to me, compliments, requests, etc until yesterday morning when i was taking the time to reply to some stuff and it had come up. i was gagged like this language was so vile, nasty, ignorant, and dumb as fuck. why? for starters, i am not afro latino or black. me and others believe that rashad was under the impression that by the few posts he saw of me talking about the issue that he just assumed i was afro latino as well. i am not and people that follow me from long before all this know that.
and like let’s really read the text and what it says because it’s speaking about black latinos not being latino because they have no “true” spanish or indigenous blood, which is something that this man is always talking about and presents, to me, as an insecurity (a valid one DONT get it twisted) as a afro latino. he, or “anon,” goes on to call me the n word with the hard r multiple times and tells me i should have stayed a slave and then goes on to bring up taino ancestors (my ancestors) which i just found beyond disrespectful and crossing a big ass fucking line. im not sure if im describing this well, but just by the way that these anon asks are worded they seem very “fake” as in not that this couldn’t happen or hasn’t been told to anyone, but it doesn’t feel organic and just feels like forced racist comics to give you content.
he also texted me for the first time in tumblr dms the same day as this post or the day after the ask was sent to me, i believe, so coincidence or not …
i am 85% sure this is rashad.
to me, it feels like he did this as a way to maybe validate how he feels as a afro latino with other mixed latin im him since afro latinos face so much prejudice. however, to seek validation by doing an anon to yourself about your own post to get others to hype you up and validate YOUR ethnicity is completely unhealthy especially in this way. THIS was vile. THIS was uncalled for and beyond einstein level comprehension skills. THIS is inappropriate and a sign you shouldn’t be on tumblr.
rashad has been involved in a lot of drama public and not and has a constant thing to blame it on his “episodes” and such. while i think that self diagnosing is valid because people, especially poc, can’t get proper mental care rn, to state it as a fact is something that self diagnosers do not do and acknowledge it isn’t right. even so, it is not valid to blame bad behavior on your mental health. and even if you did “take accountability,” in your so called apologies rashad, you go from saying you don’t use your mental health as an excuse but at the same time use it in that context for why you shouldn’t get hate and we should all stop criticizing you and your actions because it should all be forgivable in a way where we can just move on with no consequences.
yes, rashad does suffer from mental illnesses or some type/types of mental issues whether they are underlying or not but the problem is that the internet is literally his scapegoat from this and is feeding into his problems which is why he does the anons, the posts putting people on blast, etc. if you have not seen he has taken this drama from tumblr to discord to instagram. but it is clear he does not feel any microscopic ounce of guilt or genuine sorry in this specific situation. he says he’s “acting like the big person” but goes to attack people who tried to talk some sense into him in his petty onika miraj type posts sayin shit about shoving ice dildos into peoples puss puss and sneak dissin mfs who have a right to see what he’s doing when he is continuing to be petty in the heat of this whole thing by talkin abt people.
he’s struggling with so much and the internet is not for him and it shows in the way he handles confrontation, parasocial relations w people online, and how he copes with his issues by running to tumblr or any other social media. he has stated before he is an ex manipulator and so on and a place like this is not where he needs to be. so do not feed into the anons he sends, do not feed into the petty and compulsive posts he puts together, and just don’t interact with him. he needs to find his own inner peace on some preacher to the church type shit like this a tyler perry movie and not effect those around him with his own internal mess.
so don’t take this as me trying to like ride off this situation or just me saying these things just because all my moots or in it and i wanna be involved on some nosy bitch shit. but something like this is very serious and i was gonna be quiet on my suspicion but something as disgusting as this being said to me and not put on some blast by my classy ass just didn’t feel right. do not go to his page like he his “gone” just take this in a way to educate yourself on the typa person he is and as an example of why you shouldn’t get emotionally attacked to the internet or get involved with people like this.
pay attention to how ppl act and the red flags so you can just cut them off and save y’all both the “i survived” trauma. again, this isn’t confirmed (the racism post) because i have no way to prove it but he has a history of it and i just wanted to come out with this because it made me uncomfortable and disgusted.
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kick-a-long · 23 days ago
Every so often I try and convince myself that trump getting elected over Harris wasn’t country ruining, that there’s some sort of … not silver lining, but less than catastrophic consequence.
And then I look at what’s happening and what’s going to be the result. I look at the breakdown of international democratic institutions and alliances. I look at the breakdown of American legal norms and international reputation for reliability and stability. I look at the needless terif wars which will decrease living standards for ourselves and anyone in trade with us. I look at the fear my sister in law has about whether her upcoming marriage will be legal. I look at how scared Jews are of sending their kids to school and how many people are opting for homeschooling and not vaccinating and how often I hear conspiracy theories irl from parents and grandparents and the younger generations and just this CONSTANT MYASMA OF HARE SND ANGER AND SAVAGERY TOWARDS STRANGERS.
And I try to cope by asking… four years of Biden didn’t heal America. Would four more years without trump in power have helped if Americans were already so far gone?
And unfortunately I have to conclude that, yeah. Yeah, it would have been better for the runaway train to be using an emergency brake instead of speeding up then handing the PIN numbers and steering to a guy with a golden parachute and a history of embezzlement and collusion with our number one enemy.
All is !actually! lost. Not as a future hypothetical. The quality of life for a few billion people will be much worse for many years. And it all could have been avoided by voting in just one election. Damn.
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