#smitten lan wangji
wangxianficrecs · 2 months
🔒 Hoards and treasures by apathyinreverie
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🔒 Hoards and treasures
by apathyinreverie (@apathyinreverie)
T, 21k, Wangxian
Summary: If it hadn’t been for Wangji’s definite preoccupation with that one particular guest disciple, Xichen might never have noticed the… discrepancies. Kay's comments: Was craving some slightly dark Lan Clan and revisted this story recently. I really loved the angle that something was clearly a little off with Wei Wuxian's education. He's a celestial fox, who should have been seen as a boon by the Jiangs and yet, something was wrong. Not friendly to the Jiangs and the Lans are darker, since they are dragons and give in to their hoarding instincts. Featuring a smitten Wangxian during the Cloud Recesses Study Arc. Also, really fun to have the story from Lan Xichen's POV! Excerpt: He bows to Xichen like they were equals, like they were both heirs to one of the major sects. When Wei Wuxian certainly isn’t. Come to think of it… Xichen tilts his head in thought. Wei Wuxian bows to Xichen just as Jiang Wanyin does, the exact same angle and depth and time holding the bow. Almost like Wei Wuxian might have copied said bow straight off his brother. Almost like he might not have been taught differently and was certainly never corrected in his behavior. It is at that point, after their first few interactions, a few conversations full of bright, genuine laughter and just slightly off manners, that Xichen starts noticing the discrepancies. The discrepancies of someone supposedly raised amongst gentry – alongside an heir to one of the major sects, no less – but who so clearly doesn’t have the expected ease of a firm and steady education, certainly not in regards to sect politics. It is something anyone of the main houses would be expected to know, but which Wei Wuxian simply doesn’t, committing faux-pas after faux-pas, though never grave enough to be confronted about it and also clearly without intent, but rather because he simply doesn’t seem to know better.
pov lan xichen, canon divergence, shifters, not jiang family friendly, dark gusu lan sect, dragon lan wangji, fox wei wuxian, cloud recesses study arc, manipulation, smitten lan wangji, fluff, adorable wei wuxian, romance, courting rituals, falling in love
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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louscribbles · 2 years
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everything i ever wanted
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insanusnavicularis · 8 months
Sooooo how many of you would be interested in a wangxian disney descendants (loosely based, lots of creative liberties taken) AU? Asking for a friend
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gentil-minou · 1 year
Xiantober Day 11 - Courting
Based on my fic Wei Ying's Ten-Step Plan to Make Lan Zhan Realize He's In Love With Me
Rejected Ideas for Wei Ying's Plan to Woo Lan Zhan and Win His Heart:
Have a sleepover so that Lan Zhan and I can share a bed.
+ one bed 😳😳😳😳
- the Lan mansion probably has a guest room too...
Watch a horror movie together
+ we can cuddle and I can protect Lan Zhan from the scary monsters.
- we might get into a debate about the feasibility of said monsters being real and forget to cuddle.
- what if Lan Zhan gets nightmares and I can't protect him…
Find an excuse to bathe together….
REJECT (maybe when we're older though…)
Adopt bunnies!
+ Lan zhan liked the bunny themed stationary I got him, he stares at it every day!
- He'd be sooooo cute with a bunch of bunnies hopping around him.
- what if it becomes a custody battle 😥We can't traumatize the poor bunnies!
REJECT (revisit when we're married)
Follow Lan Zhan around and open every door for him and pull out all his chairs like in the movies.
+ Like a gentleman!
- But Lan Zhan already does that for me…
- I really like when Lan Zhan does it for me… 👉👈
Learn how to play that one song Lan Zhan hummed for me when I was sick
+ He really seemed to like that song
+ It'll show him I pay attention to him!
- When I mention the song Lan Zhan always changes the subject…
- Maybe he doesn't like the song after all…
Just listen to Jiejie and tell him your feelings you don't need this list and Lan Zhan isn't going to be a jerk even if he does turn you down you can still be friends, just trust him…
Expensive private aquarium date…
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
🌨️⭐️🪸 - @boredtxdeath (snow, star, coral)
Whew this one was a toughie. Ended up being long because i couldn't figure out an easy way to tie these together. super long for a prompt XD but i like how it ended up. gonna put a read more on this to prevent it from clogging up the dash too much.
Travelerji/Merxian AU (The Night We Met) - See the first six prompts here.
The Night We Met - Part Of Your World
Wei Wuxian smiled silently at his companion, unable to help himself now that he got to see the traveler so close. He hadn’t considered how unsettling this may be though.
“…Is…there something on my face?”
Wei Wuxian was startled and laughed, “Aiyah, no- I’ve just never been this close to a human while not fearing for my life.” Close to you.
Lan Wangji furrowed his brow slightly. “Did something…happen with humans?” He gestures to the scar on the other’s wrist.
“Ahh…well…pirates.” Wei Wuxian smiled, “I got away as soon as they looked the other way. They stole my bands and a good majority of my pearls, though. The bastards.”
Lan Wangji frowned, reaching out to hold their wrist carefully. “How did they even manage to catch you?” He turned the other’s wrist and ran a thumb across the scuff that must have been from chains. “Or even…how did you get away?”
Wei Wuxian’s hand turned blue and slipped out of the other’s grip, solidifying once more once he pulled his hand up to wiggle his fingers at the other as if saying hello. He chuckled, “I’m not a human, so of course I'm not a one-trick pony.” He smiled at the traveler's amazement, letting him take his hand again and turn it over in his hands.
“How did you do that?”
“Magic. It is a bit complicated.” Wei Wuxian smiled and took the other’s hand. “You’ve got scars too, right?” He brushes the calluses and tilts his head.
“Oh…no, those are calluses. It’s from all the sailing I do.” Lan Wangji spread out his hand, allowing the other to rub the hardened skin and nicks in the skin. “You don’t get them because you’re underwater, probably…” He considers with a hum. The other’s skin was so soft and smooth…
Wei Wuxian nodded, placing their hands palm against palm. “We’re probably not that much older than each other…but look how different our hands are.”
Lan Wangji felt his stomach flutter from the gesture, swallowing softly. “They are quite…different. Our worlds must be pretty different as well…” He wonders if it’s dark and cold, as unforgiving as it was during the storms where he’d nearly drowned twice now.
“We live in the same world. Just different parts of it.” Wei Wuxian’s words made the traveler freeze for a moment. Well, he wasn’t wrong. But it felt very different. “At least, it feels like I’m part of your world.” He smiles.
Lan Wangji nodded subtly, “...Y….you are part of my world.” Saying it aloud made his ears combust with heat, turning his head away while his companion burst into laughter.
“You’re so much more shy than I thought you’d turn out to be! You haven’t even asked my name yet.” Wei Wuxian leaned over and smiled. “What can I call you, traveler?”
Lan Wangji kept his eyes trained elsewhere, still too flustered to meet the other’s eyes. “Lan Zhan…”
“Lan Zhan.” Wei Wuxian giggled quietly, crawling over to try to see his face even though the other kept turning it away. “Call me Wei Ying.”
Lan Wangji nervously peeked over at the other and felt his face instantly warm again. “Wei Ying…” He cleared his throat. “We should get you some clothes.”
Wei Wuxian turned his hips, trying to get a good look at the outfit his companion had put him in. “So much fabric. At least the shirt is breathable.” He waved his arms, smiling at the airflow against his arms.
Lan Wangji was smitten, thankful his clothes managed to fit the other with very little difference. Plus…now he didn’t feel so embarrassed looking at the handsome curves of the other’s body, and the shirt was just transparent enough that he could tell where his skin ended and the clothes began. “It looks good on you…”
Wei Wuxian beamed and grabbed the other’s hand, running out of the sea cave with the other. “It stopped raining! Come on, let’s go look at the stars!”
Lan Wangji stumbled as he was pulled along, quickly catching himself and running at the other’s side once he got his balance back. He smiled slightly, a helpless warmth spreading through his chest.
“What’s the ocean like? You know…further down.” Lan Wangji had his arms resting over his stomach, staring up at the now cloudless sky. The stars were breathtaking out here on an island in the middle of the ocean. The stars back home were nice, but nothing compared to stars out in the middle of nowhere.
Wei Wuxian turned his head to the other and hummed in thought, “The ocean is all sorts of things. It depends on where you go, really.” He smiled and rolled over to support himself on his elbows. “Coral reefs are beautiful. Full of dangers like any part of the ocean, but so beautiful. There’s so many colors and fish and at night- at night!! You get to see the bioluminescence and it's really something else. I know I’m a bit bioluminescent myself, but it's different seeing it.”
Lan Wangji turns his head too now, a thoughtful look on his face. “Bioluminescence?”
“It’s like…well, light. not a ton of it, but it's not like the sun.” Wei Wuxian rests his head on the other’s chest and smiles, “It can be a bit scary, but I can show you.”
“No thank you.”
“That was too quick!” Wei Wuxian whined, rubbing his face on their chest now. “I’ll be with you the entire time and we don’t have to go too deep for that. I can show you the whales- or dolphins! Oh, there’s so much you can see that you can’t see from the surface.”
Lan Wangji furrows his brow, “Mmmn…I will think about it.”
“Okay then, what about you?”
“What’s land like? Not like this island, but…Where all the humans live.”
Lan Wangji turned his head so he could see the other a bit better. “...There’s not a lot to say, really. It's pretty boring.”
“Nothing at all?”
The subtle disappointment on the other's face had Lan Wangji backpedaling.
“Well…have you ever gone far enough to see snow?”
Wei Wuxian shook his head and perked up a bit. “What’s snow?”
“It’s this powdery ice that falls from the sky instead of rain. It's cold, but it's very soft and falls slower than rain.”
Wei Wuxian smiled, “Is it colder than the ocean?”
“Maybe a little bit.” Lan Wangji smiled subtly in return but stopped when he saw the amazement come over his companion’s face.
“You smiled…!” Wei Wuxian reached out to hold his face, eyes twinkling with wonder. For some reason, he had a feeling like Lan Wangji’s smile could be compared to something like the sun reflecting snow. No…maybe the moon? He’d be thinking of ways he could compare that smile for hours.
Check out art for this and other MDZS Projects on my masterpost! ❤
I created these two mermay au's for mermay prompts i'm writing. (check back to the prompt list for updates)
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carrotcouple · 2 years
It Feels Like We’ve Seen The Whole World (AO3)
Lan Zhan feels something soft brush against his face and cracks open his eyes. Jiang Cheng is leaning over him. There is soft gray light coming in through the window, filtering through the strands of his hair. Jiang Cheng is smiling softly, pressing feather light kisses to Lan Zhan’s jaw and humming softly. It’s a rare thing when Jiang Cheng wakes up before he does. Lan Zhan reaches out and finds his hands tangling in hair and cloth. He settles his hands on Jiang Cheng’s waist, tilting his chin up a little so that he can press a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s forehead.
Jiang Cheng lets out a breathy little chuckle.
“Good morning,” Jiang Cheng says.
Lan Zhan finds his wrist and sees the ribbon tied there over the watercolor he had painted there. They had waited for it to dry before they went to sleep. The rabbits there leap about Jiang Cheng’s skin. Lan Zhan brings Jiang Cheng’s wrist to his lips.
“Stay with me,” Lan Zhan murmurs.
“We have to get ready,” Jiang Cheng says, tracing the poem he’d written on Lan Zhan’s collarbone the night before. He had sat on top of Lan Zhan, straddling his chest, pressed his tongue between his lips and worked his art across Lan Zhan’s skin. Lan Zhan had stared up at Jiang Cheng, committing every detail of his face to memory. Jiang Cheng is the most beautiful person Lan Zhan has ever seen. He wants to paint him forever. “Your uncle and brother can’t figure out I’ve been spending my nights here.”
Perhaps, in another life, where Lan Zhan didn’t hide his painting from his family, he would have felt more appalled at his behavior. But Jiang Cheng is freedom and everything that Lan Zhan loves. The way Jiang Cheng holds his brush makes Lan Zhan forget every rule he’d grown up learning. They both keep each other’s secrets and every day a new secret is added.
Lan Zhan wants to keep Jiang Cheng.
“You do not have to worry about anyone wondering where you were during the night,” Lan Zhan takes a lock of Jiang Cheng’s hair in between his fingers. He regrets the words that come out of his mouth a moment later.
“True,” Jiang Cheng agrees, but doesn’t pull away from him. “A-Xian is gone now. It’s just me here. He won’t ask me where I’ve been.”
Lan Zhan doesn’t know how to feel about Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian is chaotic and slapdash but he is a good person. Jiang Cheng is quieter, but flooding over with emotions that no one sees. Wei Wuxian quite clearly adores and loves Jiang Cheng, but he takes him for granted, assuming he will always be there by his side.
Lan Zhan knows it is arrogant of him.
He doesn’t know that Jiang Cheng has given himself to Lan Zhan, he doesn’t know that Jiang Cheng steadily burns his life away with ink, he doesn’t know that Jiang Cheng is like water that will slip through their fingers.
Lan Zhan knows, figured it out without being close to Jiang Cheng.
How Wei Wuxian doesn’t know is a mystery to him.
So he holds Jiang Cheng close, trying to keep him to himself. Lan Zhan knows it’s impossible, because Jiang Cheng is always somehow distant, like he’s preparing himself for the end. He still cannot stop writing and so will disappear with the wind one day.
He paints Jiang Cheng’s skin instead, desperate to carve some of himself onto Jiang Cheng’s existence.
He’s still so grateful that Jiang Cheng let him close.
“Before you go,” Lan Zhan says softly, sitting up and pressing his forehead to Jiang Cheng’s bare shoulder. “Let me paint something.”
“Hm, where?” Jiang Cheng asks in assent.
Lan Zhan gently pushes Jiang Cheng back so he falls onto the bed. He grips his right calf with one hand and lifts Jiang Cheng’s leg, hitching it onto his shoulder. He presses a kiss to the side of Jiang Cheng’s knee. Jiang Cheng gazes up at him, hair spread across Lan Zhan’s bedding. His skin is already covered in ink and watercolor.
Lan Zhan has never seen anyone more beautiful.
“How bold, Lan Wangji,” Jiang Cheng says playfully, a smile spreading across his face. Lan Zhan pouts and retaliates by pressing kiss after kiss in the same spot until it blooms red. Jiang Cheng’s leg twitches against Lan Zhan’s hand and shoulder. A laugh escapes Jiang Cheng’s lips.
Lan Zhan reaches for the watercolors next to his bed. He knows very well that it is not a good place to leave his art supplies and painting on his bed is even worse, but he hasn’t been able to stop. The first time he’d painted on Jiang Cheng’s skin, he had been scared, feeling like he was committing the worst sin. Now, he cannot stop.
Jiang Cheng watches him with bright eyes as he rehydrates his brushes and then dips it in the paints. He lifts a wet brush and then brings it to Jiang Cheng’s skin. The kiss mark becomes the center of a flower, spiraling across Jiang Cheng’s leg, covered in dew and adorned by other small flowers and a tiny hummingbird. Lan Zhan knows he needs to finish quickly. His brother likes to invite him to take a short walk before breakfast and the watercolor needs time to dry.
He finishes up with quick strokes and then studies the paint. He’d been shallow, barely there lines of color, meant to decorate Jiang Cheng’s beautifully tanned skin, not cover it. They both stay completely still as the paint dries.
Lan Zhan tests it with a finger and once he’s satisfied that it’s dry he turns to look back at Jiang Cheng.
His eyes are half-lidded, staring up at Lan Zhan with pure fondness and desire. A rush of something warm fills Lan Zhan’s chest and he immediately leans forward. Jiang Cheng gasps as his leg is folded on top of him and then Lan Zhan presses a kiss to his lips. He wishes he was allowed to paint every inch of Jiang Cheng’s skin and show the world that he belonged to him. The hummingbird thrums under his fingertips, flutters and then races across the expanse of skin the flower stretches across.
Jiang Cheng whines into the kiss.
Lan Zhan had asked him once what it felt like to have his miracle on his skin. Jiang Cheng had said it felt like Lan Zhan was caressing him with his spiritual energy. It makes Lan Zhan’s heart soar. It makes him feel like Jiang Cheng will never forget him, always covered in traces of him.
“I need to get ready,” Jiang Cheng protests between kisses.
“You do,” Lan Zhan agrees, kissing him again.
This will end in a moment.
Lan Zhan will let Jiang Cheng go and he will get dressed, make his hair and sneak away. During the day they will be casual friends, close but not close enough. They will hide the brushes they carry in their sleeves and cover up the ink and paint on their skin. Lan Zhan wants to say it’s not fair.
It really isn’t.
He kisses Jiang Cheng one last time before pulling away and sitting back down on his ankles. Jiang Cheng sits up and stares at his knee and the plant crawling up his thigh. The hummingbird flits from one flower to another. He gently runs his finger over the painted skin.
“It’s beautiful,” Jiang Cheng says softly.
“Won’t you write on me?” Lan Zhan asks. He already knows the answer though. Jiang Cheng is very careful with what he writes, thinks about it, grinds the ink for a long time before he actually starts to write. They do not have the time for it now.
“Tonight,” Jiang Cheng promises, pressing a kiss to the corner of Lan Zhan’s mouth before getting out of bed and going for his clothes.
Tonight they will study together after dinner and then sneak back to Lan Zhan’s room. They will write and paint together, talk about mundane things, debate poetry, exchange touches and then put their brushes to each other’s skin.
Jiang Cheng hums as he puts on his clothes. Lan Zhan watches him fasten on his belt and make sure all his robes are tucked in tightly and then he reaches for the comb that Lan Zhan bought for him at Caiyi and starts to do his hair. He is looking out the window, watching the skin turn brighter. His eyes are distant and Lan Zhan feels as if he will slip away.
Don’t go , Lan Zhan thinks.
But there is nothing he can do to stop Jiang Cheng.
He knows better than anyone else how the brush grips his heart and how he cannot stop once he starts. Jiang Cheng is beautiful when he writes. Lan Zhan would never take it from him.
“Aren’t you going to get ready?” Jiang Cheng turns to look at him.
“I will,” Lan Zhan says, getting up.
The day will soon start, the dream will soon end.
There is a far future that Lan Zhan still refuses to think about. Eventually Jiang Cheng will have stayed a year. Eventually he will go back home. Futures are not something they speak about. The both of them already know what awaits them in the future. One day, Lan Zhan will no longer be able to use his arms. One day, Jiang Cheng will have destroyed himself from the inside. They will part ways and Lan Zhan will be left alone, loving the empty space that Jiang Cheng will leave behind.
Some would say it would be better to not love Jiang Cheng then.
But how could Lan Zhan not.
Jiang Cheng is the most captivating person he has ever seen. Lan Zhan greedily consumes everything about Jiang Cheng that he can. He will keep to himself what he can and he will try his best to leave a permanent mark on Jiang Cheng’s soul.
He is possessive.
Much like his father.
But unlike his father, he would never clip Jiang Cheng’s wings.
“You’re not getting ready,” Jiang Cheng remarks.
“Will you continue to wear my forehead ribbon?” Lan Zhan asks.
Jiang Cheng blinks and then looks down at his wrist. He startles and tries to quickly unknot it with one hand. It’s impossible, of course. He looks up at Lan Zhan with a frown and Lan Zhan wants to kiss him again. He wants to pick him up and into his arms and undress him the way he did last night. He wants to paint every inch of his skin, cover him in so many things he cannot put into words. He wants to keep Jiang Cheng tucked into his side, always near him. He wants Jiang Cheng to be his.
“Let me,” Lan Zhan says and moves forward. He takes Jiang Cheng’s wrist and carefully undoes the knots tying the ribbon to Jiang Cheng’s wrist. The ribbon comes free and as it slips from his wrist, it feels like Lan Zhan has lost him.
“I’m going now,” Jiang Cheng says. He leans into Lan Zhan, pressing a kiss to his cheek and then he picks up his sword and walks away.
Lan Zhan watches him go, feeling like Jiang Cheng carved a hole in his chest and then left.
He needs to paint.
He needs to paint what Jiang Cheng looks like.
He only puts on his inner robes and then gets his watercolors. He paints his mind 's image of Jiang Cheng in his bed, gazing up at him with bright eyes. He covers him in flowers and butterflies that flutter in his hair.
He loves him.
He loves him so much.
He’s going to lose him.
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askew-d · 4 months
the wildest thing about lan wangji is the way he’s immediately enraged at his own feelings for wei wuxian. because we’ve seen wei wuxian fall in love slowly and surely, right? he goes from a quick interest to an oblivious attraction to liking lan wangji then being infatuated after his return to life, then to straight-up loving the guy intensely. we watch him develop his sexual and romantic attraction equally.
but lan wangji’s different. from the very first second he’s desperately smitten — all it took was one sly smile and he was going through the four stages of love: the desire to marry, kiss, bed and die with him. and he’s so goddamn outraged, because how dare this troublemaker trespass into his house and steal his heart so easily??
he was so conflicted that he didn’t see any other alternative if not to unsheathe his sword and fight the hell out of that idiot. feelings?? for a rebellious teenager?? right in front of my clan’s three thousand rules??? not today, devil.
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bi-the-wei · 8 months
Ok Pen and Paper derp prompt.
Smitten Lan Wangji with playful foxxian. I hope it is sweet and simple enough to satisfy your itch to draw.
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noenvyy · 1 year
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"Lan Wangji has a carefully crafted morning routine, he wakes at 5, makes his breakfast, goes for a run, returns home and showers, spends some time looking after his rabbits, and then heads to work to get to the shop for 7 sharp to start caring for the plants and be ready to open for customers at 8am.
His evenings vary slightly, coming home after closing up the shop and allowing the rabbits to roam his apartment, cooking dinner for himself and on occasion eating with his brother or friends, and then otherwise winding down by meditating or reading until it is time to shower and prepare for sleep.
His only other indulgence is his music, playing his guqin or composing songs to send out to his friends for their various projects.
He rarely deviates, doesn't have a reason to, his life is full no matter what his brother says.
He isn't lonely."
An excerpt from chapter 1 of the adorable fic "Love in Bloom" by the lovely KikiDoesFanfic. I had the absolute pleasure of getting to draw this piece as a part of the WIP BIG Bang. I think my absolute favorite part of it was Lan Wangji's soft pining. He cooks for Wei Wuxian ya'll! He does all the little things that shows he cares. We have all these intimate little moments around family and food. If you love fluff, seeing Wangxian's burgeoning romance in a modern AU, single father Wei Wuxian and smitten florist Lan Wangji, tattooed hottie NMJ with a swooning LXC on the side then you gotta check out their fic!! To be finished soon!
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wangxianficrecs · 2 years
No Strings Attached by stiltonbasket
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No Strings Attached
by stiltonbasket
G, 3k, wangxian
Summary: "Who can I go to for the sake of righting the Jin sect’s wrongs, Senior Lan? There’s no one, and that’s why I fled to the Burial Mounds.” “All the same,” Lan Qiren says, looking around at the dank cave and then at the child nodding towards sleep in Wei Wuxian’s lap, “you can hardly stay here, Wei Wuxian. I saw that your people were trying to farm on the slope behind the forest, but I doubt their efforts will bear fruit. What will you eat?” “When people are hungry enough,” Wei Wuxian says distantly, “they will eat anything.” __ After Wei Wuxian's flight from the camp at Qiongqi Dao, Lan Qiren visits the Burial Mounds and discovers that he has bigger problems than his nephew's broken heart. Naturally, this changes things.
Mojo's comments: This was so satisfying. In which lqr comes to the burial mounds, figures everything out, and then works to put it right.
canon-divergence, fix-it, good uncle lan qiren, nielan, smitten lan wangji, golden core reveal, matchmaking, burial mounds settlement days, @stiltonbasket
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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essekknits · 5 months
Writing a sort of Mulan AU with lesbians Wangxian, and I figured out the funniest ending for them: they get married twice, and take turns being the husband.
They spend half the year in Gusu, where the story is that their lovely young jade Lan Zhan, who had been evacuated south to protect her during the war, found herself falling for a war hero from Yunmeng named Wei Wuxian, who was so smitten with her that he left behind his birthright as the eldest son of Lotus Pier (although he is only a ward) to his younger brother and followed her to her family.
In the rest of the year, they live in Yunmeng, where the story is the exact opposite. Wei Ying, sent up north to be educated under the strict hand of the fabled Lan educators after the madam of the house had enough of her shenanigans, had caught the eye of one of the twin jades of Gusu, a dashing young man by the name Lan Wangji. He, in turn, had fallen for her head over heels, which is why he is so kind as to come with her to spend half the year with her family, knowing her deep love for her siblings.
I just think they’d both have a lot of fun with that.
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That's why he's making six figures (working three days a week)
This is just self-indulgent sugar baby WWX thirst fic (and me inspiring myself to work hard and become Lan rich).
Warnings: slight suggestive implications
Wen Ning watches, splayed onto the newly acquired leather couch in his and Wei Wuxian's living room, as his roommate picks up yet another suspiciously unmarked box from his doorstep.
"New order?"
"Mhm!" An excited smile, "Lan Zhan tore through all my lingerie last week, so I ordered some more... among other things. Wanna see?"
"No, thank you!"
"Aw, come on, I thought you liked lace?" Wei Wuxian smiles, teasingly, and Wen Ning resolutely hides his face in a throw pillow. "Don't play innocent now, didn't you just buy a Victoria's Secret thong for-"
"Please stop talking!"
Wei Wuxian laughs, plopping the box onto the glass coffee table (which is also new, by the way, the sleek, fancy kind that has a hanging tray and double glass) and tears into the box like a feral cat.
Wen Ning looks, in spite of himself, and is surprised to see very few pieces of... well, it can't be called clothing, in the package, and a little black box that he does not want to know the contents of.
"That's... it? I expected... I don't know, a lot more of these... items, maybe. Wasn't this 1500$?"
"2500$, A-Ning." Wei Ying replies, playfully rolling his eyes as he scans through the items, assessing the sizes and the quality, and Wen Ning is scandalized how those... strings cost three times his highest ever wage.
"And Lan Wangji is... okay with this?"
"He massively encourages it." Wei Wuxian smiles, a bit too dreamy. "He likes it when I spend his money, says it's why he works for it."
Wen Ning looks at his friend, incredulous. "He works for it so someone else could spend it?"
"No. So I could spend it. It's a difference, A-Ning."
"Of course there is." he deadpans. "I'm just too poor to understand it."
Wei Ying shrugs as unpacks a... whatever that is. Wen Ning can't tell, it looks very intricate. "I don't understand it either, to be honest. But I get money and sex, so why bother?"
"You guys aren't official?"
Wei Wuxian tilts his head. "Official?"
"He hasn't - you guys are still... transactional?"
There is a ping, and Wei Wuxian picks up his brand new iPhone (that replaced his first generation knock-off smartphone, courtesy of a certain millionaire Lan), a smile on his face and eyes sparkling as he types a response quickly.
"Why would we be anything but that?" Wei Wuxian answers distantly as he takes a picture of the contents of the box, presumably to send to Lan Wangji.
He looks entirely smitten, and only an edge excited. Wen Ning gives him a flat look. "He... took you to Aruba, all expenses paid, just because you liked a picture of a beach on Instagram."
"All sugar daddies do that. Ask Huaisang."
"He gave you your own limitless black card."
"Again, that's regular sugar daddy behavior."
Wen Ning is trying not to become frustrated. "You met his family! On a yacht trip!"
"I was arm candy."
"Wei Wuxian! You've been with him and his son to Disneyland for the kid's birthday!"
Wei Wuxian falters ever so slightly. "Okay, yeah, that's sus, but consider this - he needed help with-"
"I'm calling Qing-jie."
Wei Wuxian throws a pair of panties at him. "You complain way too much for someone who got new furniture and a motorcycle just for being my best friend."
Wen Ning picks up the item off his head with the very tips of his fingers. "It's a full time job, Wei-gongzi."
"At least it pays better than your regular one!"
"Oh, by the way, the boss asked about you. Are you quitting or...?"
"Nah, I need something to do when Lan Zhan is busy or I start missing him."
Wen Ning stares, judgmentally. "And you guys aren't anything but client and provider."
"I don't know why you'd think-"
The phone rings and Wei Wuxian's face lights up as he immediately picks it up and skips to his room. "Lan Zhan! Are you coming back yet? I'm so lonely without you and I was thinking-"
Wen Ning sinks back into the plush sofa and sighs. Maybe he could ask Nie Huaisang about this sugar baby business one of these days, he's had quite enough of his workplace after all... It can't be that hard to manipulate people into giving you money, right?
And anyway, he's going to be needing it soon. Once Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji realize they're actually in love, they'll immediately get married and he'll need to get them a good wedding gift.
It's bad taste to use the money Wei Wuxian's given him to buy a gift for his wedding, right?
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insanusnavicularis · 1 year
We should really talk more about
When everyone admired my power and wanted to flatter me , you’re the only who scolded me. Now, when everyone wants me to die or hates me, you’re the only one standing by my side.
This is such a powerful quote as a whole, with a very sincere and honest sentiment, but I wanna talk about the first part.
When everyone admired my power and wanted to flatter me, you’re the only who scolded me.
And look, I know we all love a smitten and indulgent Lan Zhan, I love him too! But! This right here, this quote, this sentiment, this is literally the baseline to any long lasting, healthy relationship.
Like, yeah, you’ve got to negotiate and surrender some things for the relationship to actually work, but unless you want an unstable, unhealthy relationship then you’ve also got to be firm and stubborn about other things. You’ve got to have your own opinion and most importantly, you’ve got to trust the other person enough to share that opinion.
I cannot emphasize enough just how much trust in your relationship it actually takes to disagree with someone you care about, to scold that someone.
And I’m not saying that you should go around starting petty arguments with everyone you care about just because, neither I’m saying you should put up with someone when the only thing they do is scold or criticize you, because that’s also unhealthy. All I’m saying is that it takes an enormous amount of trust and love to care enough to tell someone no, to tell them when you think they’re making the wrong decision- not because you want them to feel less or insecure, but because you know they’ll be hurting in the end and you do not want that- which is exactly what Lan wangji did, considering all the information at his disposal.
I’m not saying he didn’t make any mistakes because he did and there were a lot of times when he was the one in the wrong, but I am saying that I believe he did that out of care and love and concern. And Wei Ying seeing that? Accepting that? That’s like a huge step in their relationship if you consider that before his resurrection he was convinced Lan Zhan hated him and was actively trying to antagonize him.
Lwj was brave enough to sacrifice one of the things he cherishes the most (aka his relationship with wwx) if it meant that wwx would listen to him, would not be hurt by the choices he was making (because that’s what lwj thought the end result would be, and it was). He was willing to argue and fight and make wwx hate him but he was not willing to let wwx be hurt, even if it was wwx himself the one inflicting the injury.
And that’s just. So much love. You’ve got responsibilities when you’re in a relationship and one of them is protecting your beloved even if it’s from themselves- especially if it’s from themselves-.
Lwj knew that if he didn’t try to protect wwx from himself no one else would because they all were or too afraid of him or depended on him too much to actually pick a fight with him.
That also says a lot about how lwj sees their relationship.
In this fandom we talk a lot about wangxian being equals in everything, but this just goes and gives it a whole new meaning.
They’re equals in strength and in mind, yes, but even when wwx chose the ghost path and separated himself from lwj’s path, lwj still considered him an equal, he considered them well enough matched to know that he could confidently tell him things as they were, bluntly, that he could be upfront and frank with him.
And that’s just !!! And it all really comes full circle with post redirection lwj, who’s so willing to indulge wwx not because he’s just following him blindly, but because now he’s got the full information and realizes that wwx is in the right- if he really thought that wwx was in the wrong he would’ve told him.
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oneeyedoctogod · 7 months
A little later than usual, but this WIP Wednesday, have some more of my huli jing!wwx with Wei Wuxian being his usual badass and teasing self and Lan Wangji being smitten.
All his life, Lan Wangji had never found a reason to question his uncle’s teachings. Yet now, he couldn’t help but wonder: like the tale of the Yiling Patriarch, could it be that somehow, these lessons might be wrong? The dead never went close to him, only coming after the bandits. They walked, hopped and ran. One or two had their legs broken in such a way that they could only crawl. Their jaws snapped and bit like animals and their hand tore out both clothes and skin. These weren’t very fierce dead and overall shouldn’t have posed a big threat — but to common people like these bandits, their very appearance was terrifying. One man tried slashing at a corpse, again and again, yelling like a man possessed; without success of course. You can’t kill what is already dead.
In the chaos, Wei Ying stood with a satisfied smile. Even covered in the blood of his enemies, he looked handsome enough to take Lan Wangji’s breath away. When he noticed he was being stared at, he winked.
“Look Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying waved. “Aren’t I so strong? Handsome and strong, that’s me!”
Lan Wangji didn’t bother that with an answer, not even a muttered shameless. Wei Ying laughed anyway, as if he knew his thoughts.
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cactusspatz · 1 year
May recs
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Family Photos by KelpieCodyne (DCU, gen)
“I thought you quit your photo stalking?” “In my defence, I never said I was quitting, and you never asked if I would,” Tim immediately counters. “So really, this is kind of on you.” Just because Tim became a bat, doesn’t mean he stopped taking photos of bats. Several times Tim took photos of the batfamily, and one time they took photos of him.
This delightful fic features my OTPs of Tim/the batfam, Tim/photography, and Tim/being a little weirdo.
In Service by @smilebackwards (DCU, gen)
Tim rings the doorbell of Wayne Manor for the third time in as many days, and for the third time, Mr. Pennyworth opens the heavy oak door. He looks tired and careworn and Tim knows for certain that he’s choosing the right thing now. Mr. Wayne isn’t going to let him anywhere near the Robin suit, but maybe Tim doesn’t need it. There’s another tack he can try. Or: When Bruce refuses to accept Tim as the new Robin, Tim takes the next best option. He apprentices to Alfred.
Such a clever premise, and a sweet execution!
To Preserve the Life of Others by romantic_drift (Nirvana in Fire, gen)
Lin Jingyi has always been a doctor. "Her heart stutters. She thinks for one wild second of just breaking into a mad dash, running out of this accursed palace, Jinling, Da Liang itself. She is insignificant, an orphan, a wandering doctor. They would never chase after her, surely. But there is her family."
Consort Jing's backstory is only glancingly described on the show, and this fic does a brilliant job of putting all the odd fragments together into a complex whole with great characterization.
Zeitnot by decayaslife / @the-ronan-cycle (Captive Prince, Laurent/Damen)
"Zeitnot (chess): German for time trouble. Zeitnot occurs when a player needs to play several moves in a very short period of time in order to reach the time control defined for the game." When twenty-three-year-old Laurent wakes up on the morning of the Battle of Marlas in his adolescent body, he has to figure out how to keep Auguste and Damianos alive through the end of the day.
Ooh, very fun and well done time-travel fix-it.
Su She Eats his Heart Out by @KizuKatana (Untamed/MDZS, Wangxian)
The (bitter) third party pov of the epic college romance between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, as told from the pettiest NPC to ever exist.
Extremely funny use of an unreliable narrator, and the sequel/companion from Lan Wangji's POV is hilariously horny and smitten - so very in character!
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ladysunamireads · 3 months
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