#small shushu
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dasisugarun · 2 months ago
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idk what is shinning more he or water around✨
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nosebleed-archive · 1 year ago
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celestialbruise · 5 months ago
for @dangerouslyxdelicate, for the Danmei Fanfic Nightclub~
prompt: BingJiuYuan with Shen Yuan as Bing and Shen Jiu's shizun (aka my fav flavor of bingjiuyuan <3)
Shen Qingqiu loved his disciples. Really, he did! Even if they were incorrigible scoundrels, they were his incorrigible scoundrels. 
But sometimes, as their Shizun, a little discipline was in order. 
“Why do you two only seem to see eye to eye when it comes to bullying your shushu?” Shen Qingqiu asks in his sternest tone of voice. “Why can’t any of that energy go into Night Hunts, hm?”
Shen Jiu and Luo Binghe were sat side by side each both refusing to look at other and not daring to even pass their eyes over Shen Qingqiu. Shen Jiu was glaring at his collapsed fingers as if they had committed some unforgivable sin against him, and Luo Binghe was staring out the window, eyes glassy with unshed tears.
“Because that little beast-” Shen Jiu cut himself off under Shen Qingqiu’s reproachful glare. “I mean, Luo-shidi,” he resumed, with gritted teeth. “Is so ferocious on Nigh Hunts. Killing that ghoul or that yao indiscriminately, it makes it hard to fight in a formation.”
“Oh, that’s rich,” Luo Binghe muttered underbreath, before straightening his spine and shooting Shen Qingqiu a pitful, watery look. “Shen-shixiong’s blows are so underhanded I never know who he’s targeting; Shizun, oftentimes I find myself having to defend myself from both the malicious spirit and my shixiong.”
“Oh it’s just like you to cry to Shizun-”
“You two need to learn how to work together,” Shen Qingqiu interrupted, resisting the urge to massage the headache attacking his temples away. That wasn’t very becoming of an immortal master. “Or, are you saying that I have failed you as a Shizun?”
Instantly, both of his disciples’ eyes widened, in incredulity, alarm, and vehement denial.
“Shizun, no!”
“Don’t ever even say that Shizun! That couldn’t be farther from the truth.”
Amidst his disciples’ protestations, Shen Qingqiu flipped open his fan, if only to hide a tiny, wry smirk. 
For some reason, Shen Qingqiu had noticed that while his disciples seemed to dislike each other - and loathe just about everyone else - they were always very eager to please their Shizun. It had confused Shen Qingqiu, at first. Luo Binghe was no mystery - he was Shen Qingqiu’s little sheep, a pure white lotus of a boy, pure and unsullied and eager to please. He only wanted love, and Shen Qingqiu could give that to him in droves. He could never run dry of his love for Luo Binghe, love that burned fire-hot in his veins. 
Shen Jiu was a bit more mystifying. Shen Qingqiu was sure the boy hated him, resented having a Shizun who had such a strong spiritual core, despised being told what to do, even though that was quite literally in his job description. But Shen Jiu did not act as if he hated Shen Qingqiu. Shen Qingqiu knew what it looked like when Shen Jiu hated a person, after all. Was quite intimately acquainted with it, since that hatred extended to pretty much ninety percent of the population. But with Shen Qingqiu, Shen Jiu was different. Shen Jiu’s kindness, his care, was like a secret no one else could know. But Shen Qingqiu saw it, uncovered it in small, quiet moments. When Shen Jiu would polish Xiu Ya for him, unprompted. When he would buy the expensive, specialty blends of tea Shen Qingqiu preferred that his allowance really couldn’t afford. When he would go ahead of Shen Qingqiu on Night Hunts, protect him, shield him, even though Shen Qingqiu was plenty capable.
Shen Jiu would listen to Shen Qingqiu, to everything he said, no matter if it was trivial or mundane, a worthless joke or a priceless piece of imparted knowledge. He would listen with shining concentration in his eyes and a kind of rapt focus that Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but find adorable - he’d never say such a thing aloud, though. Shen Jiu would probably throttle him. 
When faced with insult, Shen Qingqiu would counter with a smile and honey-sweet passive aggressiveness. Shen Jiu’s tongue would spin the most scathing, heinous words in the politest tone possible, in defense of his Shizun. Often, Shen Qingqiu thought it might be less painful for the other party were Shen Jiu to just kick them in the shins. Luo Binghe’s favored mode of attack was to simply stare at the offender until they nervously backed away. Sometimes, if the perceived slight against his Shizun was really too much for Luo Binghe to bear, he’d let a bit of demonic qi wisp out of the tips of his fingers. Only when he thought Shen Qingqiu wasn’t watching, of course. Whenever these two accompanied Shen Qingqiu anywhere, it was as if he walked with two bodyguards. Or, guard dogs. 
Shen Qingqiu thought the two had more in common than they realized. 
It had bemused Shen Qingqiu at first. How fiercely protective his disciples were. How strangely accommodating. Almost….doting? Now, he found it endearing, though his fellow peak lords would not agree. Shen Qingqiu surmised they were all just jealous of the deep, poignant bond he had with his disciples. What other master could boast having not one but two head disciples, hm? Who else could say they had disciples as devoted, as worshipful, as utterly and divinely made for Shen Qingqiu than his Luo Binghe and Shen Jiu?
“If Shizun wishes for his disciples to be more harmonious,” Shen Jiu spoke then, something cryptic about his tone that immediately raised Shen Qingqiu’s guard. “Then, there is something that could bring the two of us closer together.”
Shen Qingqiu was intrigued by this premise, despite the fact that he was probably going to regret it. “Oh?”
Shen Jiu and Luo Binghe traded conspiratorial glances - oh, so they had talked this over before?! - and then slowly, assuredly, both of them took each of Shen Qingqiu’s hands into their own. 
“You could accept these disciples’ hands in marriage,” Luo Binghe said, soft-spoken and earnest and sincere, breathtakingly so, and - what? What?? For a moment, Shen QIngqiu’s mind whited out. No, he must have misheard. Surely Binghe couldn’t mean-
“Beast! Didn’t we agree on courtship first?” Shen Jiu protested, shooting an entirely unrepentant Luo Binghe a glare, who simply shrugged. 
“We can’t court him after we’re married to him?” Luo Binghe retorted, tightening his grip. “Please, Shizun? I’d be the best husband.”
“Please Shizun, say yes,” Shen Jiu added, before Shen Qingqiu could stop to ask if Luo Binghe had been infected with one of those ridiculous magical flowers. 
And with those soft, glistening black eyes filled with so much love and care entreating, softly pleading-
Really, how could Shen Qingqiu have the heart to refuse his most beloved, devoted disciples?
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ducks-and-teapots · 1 month ago
The Great Wave Chapter 15 Review!
This is my review of the new chapter(i've never done a review before so dont expect much lol)
Spoilers under the cut!
Well, this chapter was great! from the art and all of the little details in each panel to the suspense that had me in the edge of my seat, truly amazing
I'm not really familiar with the Dofus lore(I havent finished Aux Tresors or seen the movie yet) but i have a general idea of what happens
So when i tell you that I ALMOST EXPLODED WHEN LILOTTE APPEARED I mean it
If you haven't read the chapter and/or dont know who Lilotte is, allow me to explain;
This chapter beggins in the city of Bonta, showing the crowded streets, until Kerubim's Bazaar(i wonder if its still called that?) appears, showing Kerubim and Atcham napping in the front.
I think its something curious how these two ended up being a rather lazy version of their former selves(again, i havent finished Aux Tresors so what im saying probably doesnt make sense but idk), in fact even Joris points it out in season 4 and in this chapter, which takes me back to the baazar.
A costumer appears and asks Kerubim if they are opened, and he responds that yes, she can enter and his "little salesman" will assist her, before he can finish, Joris can be heard(he actually can't be heard because its a webtoon, but for the purposes of this little review he can) shouting, calling both Atcham and Kerub.
Inside of the bazaar, Joris can be seen hilariously, although not unjustifiably, panicking over the many clients and questions he's being asked at the same time.
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Which leads him to calling his "sons", and seeing that they didn't come, having to go outside and suggesting them(or rather yelling) that they come to help him(their dinamic is so funny
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kind of doomed tho)
Atcham and Kerubim, instead, tell him that its the rheumatism, which, quoting Atcham, "hurts a lot". Joris, unbothered(or amused??? idk you tell me what this expression is
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At least he wasnt possesed lmao) asks them the rheumatism??? yesterday it was the gout, the day before yesterday arthritis and when it isnt digestion problems, its the motivation(damn, they rlly dont want to help 😭)
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BUT THAT CANT BE BECAUSE SHE DIED??????? WHAT IS HAPPENING????(btw, Lilotte is Joris' childhood friend, she was there when all the stuff with Julith happened, but i haven't seen the movie so thats what i know[feel free to put info about her in the comments/reblogs!], and the reason bc she's dead is because all of this happened in the Dofus era, meaning before Ogrest flooded the world and CENTURIES AGO)
SO OBVIOUSLY HE IS CONFUSED AND SHE TAKES THE OPPORTUNITY AND TAKES THE RING-THING AND RUNS AWAY[Though, now that im thinking abt it, Louis(the house/bazaar which is a shushu) must have recognized her too :( ]
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Sorry for writing most of it in all-caps but i wanted to convey the suspense lol
Here are the theories I made so far!
1- Lilotte is not Lilotte(obviously) its actually Julith or
2- She is that ecaflip/ouginak from the thumbnail of chapter 17, who apparently can change form???
3- Or maybe she is just a random ouginak who looks a lot like Lilotte(a descendant?)
4- The guy that likes shiny stuff is a dragon(bonus points if its one of the primordials)
They are all BAD theories but oh well
Overall, this is the chapter that enjoyed the most(though last chapter was really pretty visually, and it showed the relationship between Dathura and Amalia greatly)
And i think thats all! I hope that you liked it, and maybe i will write another one for the next chapter :)
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bluegumballmf · 6 months ago
🦋The Moonstone Twins🪷- an overveiw : 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖✩࿐࿔
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1/2 lore threads
Okay so basically In example to what the twins are, you know how in dofus book one: Julith, the two dofus are entrusted to joris to gaurd?? The Moonstone twins are like that but with the entirety of the eliatrope dofus in every life they live.
Basically, the two were originally created just to protect And nurture the dofus and the eliatrope council, but they could have lives outside of their jobs, which lasted for two lives and they were more appreciated and actually acknowledged by the eliatropes and dragons.
But qilby orchestrated a tragedy so awful, that the already intense need to protect the dofus got to a level so bad that it makes the moonstone twins sick whenever they are used. Now, the moonstone twins are spiritually connected to the eliatrope dofus, & the council by extent-
-& can track their location & power levels, as well as if they’re containing someone or not. The twins have a weird reincarnation cycle; only reincarnating whenever there is a danger to the dofus, no matter how small. This cycle is impacted by using the dofus excessively.
The use of the dofus before they are born delays their birth, sometimes by centuries, and throws them off kilter. However, in such lives, their own dofus will hold more power, & thus; they will too. Their dofus is special in the sense that it dissolves when not occupied.
Their dofus CAN be used like the other’s, but it harms the twins inside, and isn’t as powerful as the council’s. The moonstone dofus is a reoccurring legend in The eliatrope’s stories, and is generally considered a bad omen, and to be immediately given up to the council-
As it is born to different parents in every life time- always with at least one draconic parent.
The twins each have separate gifts that balance each other out. Nazalath has stasis transfer, & Cleomyn has foresight. Both twins share the ability to manipulate their respective energies into any kind of weapon they can think of, as long as they’ve seen it before.
They are also made up entirely of their respective energies, with Naz being entirely stasis, & Myn being entirely wakfu; a perfect balance. These gifts come with a price however, with myn having her sight sapped when she uses wakfu, doomed to go blind.
Naz’s situation is different, as he is continuously burning alive, at a temperature of 215 degrees Fahrenheit, burning anyone except myn, who’s grown used to his heat throughout reincarnations. Naz’s temperature zig-zags with his health & is EXTREMELY important to keep constant.
In the twins’ current life, they’ve very young, being roughly eight to nine years at the start and end. Their life takes place in an alternate timeline/reality, and is nicknamed the Cra arc, after the goddess, as she’s fallen from grace.
In this life, The twins are raised and mentored by Chibi and Grougal, until myn begins having dreams & visions about the dofus being used to reinstate a god back to power on the world of twelve. Chibi & grougal weren’t the best caretakers-
As the ancient texts about myn & naz are innexcessible, so only their legend remains, a legend promising doom & uncertainty for their people. Chibi & Grougal act accordingly, so Myn and Naz are semi-neglected, confined to a crumbling shrine. That is, until Myn has the visions.
Even with a reasonable excuse, the twins aren’t let go very easily, & end up escaping on their own, with little to no supplies. Basically, their season 1 arc starts with them wandering around the world of twelve, exploring and trying to find the dofus by sensation alone.
Along the way to find the dofus, the twins meet many people that they become friends with, forming a group that Naz jokingly names “The Arcane of the Dofus.”
This group consists of Pompona the eniripsa, Chekhovia the iop, Kronos the xelor, & Elinor the enutrof. Chekhovia & Elinor also have 2 shushus, named Iago and Phennex. The group has a ton of silly misadventures, & mess around until the twins fall ill from a spike in dofus usage.
The cra arc culminates in Myn losing her sight entirely and having her wings exposed to everyone without her consent, crushing her. Naz learns about their ability to form weapons out of their respective energies, & the twins agree to let cra re-ascend, just not using the dofus.
The arcane parts ways, with Myn & Naz reluctantly returning to the Eliatrope’s sanctuary with the dofus they had regained, only to find that there had been a raid, & Chibi & Grougal had been killed.
In an attempt to smooth things over, two demigods were sent, Odate Ombragé, a feca, & Atoroi, a ecaflip. They feel bad for the twins, and offer to take them in and care for them as their own. Having no other choice, the twins accept, & leave the only home they’d ever known.
This proves a good choice, as Atoroi and Odate genuinely love the twins, & treat them as if they were their own kids, eventually letting them serve as a ringbearer & flower girl in their wedding. The twins & Atoroi take on Odate’s surname, & later gain middle names of their own.
However, peace doesn’t last longer than their tenth birthday, as Myn suddenly gets multiple visions of an anonymous old eliatrope. She begs Naz to take a dofus & go to the woods nearby, & reluctantly, the dragonet agrees, stealing the dofus from the care of their parents.
They go out at midnight, & similarly to how yugo & adamai hatched chibi & grougal, end up hatching Mina & Phaeris, as well as releasing qilby from his second imprisonment in the white void. This feat is a difficult one, as the twins end up draining their own energy very rapidly.
Odate & Atoroi scramble to find their kids, after hearing a blast of wakfu, & when they find them, introduce themselves to Qilby after making sure the twins are okay.
They then give Mina & Phaeris to one of their neighbors, entrusting the responsibility of care to them, with Naz promising to visit phaeris often. Qilby is allowed to stay with The ombrage family, and he does so for around a year. He gets close with all of them besides Naz-
-who finds qilby to be suspicious and weird. This leads to Naz being isolated from his family for almost a year, as Atoroi & Odate are close with Qilby, friends even, & Myn is with him constantly. Eventually, Qilby offers to take Myn to see the zinit, & Naz snaps.
Him & Myn get into a huge fight, which culminates in Myn leaving with Qilby, rendering the rest of the Ombragé family shellshocked. The twins block their mental connection, & this continues for three years.
During that time, Qilby grows increasingly manipulative, even leading to Myn getting stuck in the white void for two years, while qilby acquires all the dofus. The twins grow more and more sick, with dofus fevers running rampant.
Eventually, with their mental states failing, their mental block falls, & Naz begs his parents to let him go after Myn. Begrudgingly, they do, & Naz calls the Arcane, & they go find the Zinit. The zinit has gained some guardians, & the arcane stays behind while Naz goes to Myn.
The twins have another confrontation which turns into a fight, & eventually, Myn breaks down crying, pausing the fight & telling Naz everything that had happened. Naz attempts to comfort her, & then says that it’s qilby’s fault, not hers, & that they should go fight him instead.
When they go do that, the arcane rushes in & helps them fight Qilby, who’s powered up by Shinonome’s dofus. Naz & Myn take the dofus back, & use them to put Qilby back in the white void. This much usage of the dofus takes it’s toll however, & the twins fall ill & are rushed home.
For the most part, the rest of the twin’s childhood is normal by village standards, & they help their parents with their shops- Naz learns to blacksmith & scuplt, & Myn learns how to scam people, &how to run a shop. Myn also shoplifts a beow meow named “Phay” because of Mina.
Multiple years later, Naz leaves the household in a rage. Months earlier, he’d discovered his other gift: stasis transfer. You see, Naz is not an ordinary stasis user, in fact, he is more akin to a Necrome, with stasis replacing plasma in his blood, which turns it purple.
He finds this fact out in a few ways- due to cuts and scrapes when he play-fights with Myn, Mina & Phaeris , & because of a more tragic event. In a particularly desperate time, Naz’s village is attacked by a few rogue eliotropes, who end up murdering Odate.
When he finds his mother dead, Naz flies into an uncontrollable rage and murders all of those eliotropes without a second thought, using his stasis in a gruesome display. Naz is injured in return, and when the eliotropes are dealt with, holds odate’s body and weeps.
In the midst of Naz’s smoky tears and grief, he doesn’t really see or feel one of his injured fingers slipping into odate’s wounds, and doesn’t realize that he transfuses stasis into her body, which is quickly converted to wakfu, reviving her, albeit giving her stasis poisoning.
Naz is so happy about his mother being revived that he neglects to see the village’s horror at the gruesome display, though when he comes to his senses, the villagers who he’d at one point helped, are now calling him an animal and savage, fearful of his display of stasis
This enrages Naz, and as a result he argues with the villagers until myn takes their side, defending them. Naz is shocked and betrayed and as such, declares that he doesn’t need this village and that it doesn’t suit a dragon anyway, deciding that he’s leaving-
-& won’t return until stasis is as normalized as wakfu is. He burns the dead eliotrope’s bodies, and goes to say goodbye to odate and atoroi, saying that he’s sorry, but he needs to do this, telling them that he loves them. He packs his bags & endures multiple arguments with myn-
but he doesn’t say goodbye, blocking off their mental connection and setting off. Naz’s anger and display of power catches the attention of a deity that he took after, the great dragon.
The great dragon remembers naz, who had consistently been one of his favorites, due to him openly using stasis, the energy that dragon was made of. He visits Naz in a dream and-
-offers him a solution; a way they can both benefit. Dragon wants to be known again, wants to be worshipped for once. He suggests Naz get stasis to be worshipped, so it may be normalized. Naz agrees, but says it will take time. Dragon agrees, and offers Naz a direction to go in.
Naz continues on his way, and begins to learn more about his gifts. Stasis transfer comes in handy a lot, and Naz begins to understand it more. For Naz to transfer stasis, He must cut open his flesh, and stick it in an open wound and wait until his blood goes into the wound.
This continues until a purple burn mark is evident in the receiver’s arm. Stasis transfer is tiring for Naz & for the receiver, but it can revive and heal, & so Naz uses it. It takes a bit, but the body sometimes converts the stasis injected into wakfu, or the stasis takes over-
-And the receiver finds themself feeling hungry, though they don’t know for what. Naz begins to become a legend- a dragon that can defy even death itself, & quickly forms a cult following, purely by chance. This cult begins to refer to themselves as “The Brotherhood of Stasis.”
He is quickly thrust into the role of a leader & a god at only fifteen, & fully ascends at sixteen years old. Naz grows up very quickly, & the brotherhood of stasis spreads even quicker, becoming an actual religious brotherhood. Naz is revered & loved, & he continues his pursuit.
But godhood is not what is promised- it turns Naz’s blood into molten gold, & burdens him with stasis chains that sap at his very being sometimes, & leads him into six relationships where Naz ends up being sexually coerced, multiple times. But he grows up & carries his burden.
Naz all but loses his mind, with all the pressure weighing on him, and he decides that it’s time to face myn, once and for all, so he gathers all of the eliatrope dofus, allowing myn to track him.
Now, myn has been tracking naz the entire time, as his brotherhood moves a lot. Myn’s gifts have been torturing her, leading to her being unable to eat, sleep or even function normally, her blood being mingled with wakfu and her tears pushed out of the way for her wakfu.
She’d been searching for naz nonstop, only sleeping for short increments of time. When she finally finds him, the two of them get into a battle, and Naz ends up using a stasis blast so powerful that it puts myn into a coma and permanently scars her. Ashamed and horrified by his-
-actions, hides myn in a shrine concealed in a cave, along with the eliatrope dofus, and stops the brotherhood from moving. He stays there with myn for about a year, until the great dragon finally gets bored and comes down to him, taking the form of Atoroi.
Dragon mocks Naz, encouraging him to keep going on their path, saying that they can help myn after Naz finishes. Naz is inconsolable however, & denies dragon’s offer. Dragon becomes furious, & in turn, the dofus react, sending Naz and myn back to the past, around three months-
-before the events of the wakfu ova. Myn wakes up a short while after, and her and Naz reconcile, right as harebourg spots them. Harebourg finds them interesting, and catches the two off guard, freezing myn, and tiring naz enough to the point where he’s unable to fight, due to-
-overusage of the dofus and the extertion of the fight. Harebourg freezes him too, and takes the two of them to frigost, right next to joris and his sons, where they remain until the first ova.
For the moonstone twins, the Ovas proceed pretty much the same, except for a few small details.
When the twins are unthawed, Naz helps warm myn up, & then they attack the brotherhood, Naz going for joris, his sons, & dally, & myn for the rest, mistaking them for people trying to harm them & the dofus. They only stop when Yugo, talking in shaky elialish, commands them to.
Now, Myn and Naz are from a different time, & thus there is a bit of a language barrier, but after a bit, Yugo manages to get them to stop attacking, & the dofus make their way to the guardians. After a while, they get accustomed to the dofus, & by extent, a bit of-
-Yugo’s language. Myn talks for the both of them, making sure that everything concerning the dofus is okay, and then informs the brotherhood that she & Naz are the guardians of the eliatrope dofus. Yugo is shocked, but seems to understand, & everything else continues normally-
Except Adamai and echo’s scene. Naz lands on the statue of cra, and when echo offers the dofus to Adamaï, he steals them away and reveals himself as the dofus’s sacred guardian. Echo smiles at him, then implies that he knows the dangers of the dofus, to which Naz nods.
Echo then proceeds to explain to adamai what those risks would be, & asks Naz to give the dofus to Adamaï. He refuses, & thus, him & Adamaï get into a brawl, in which echo & sipho take their leave. Eventually, Naz and Adamaï reach a truce, & fly back to the sadida kingdom
Everything else proceeds as normal, besides naz being talked about besides echo and yugo fighting him and myn after taking the dofus from adamai. At the end of the Ova, yugo entrusts the dofus to goultard, saying that it’s until the guardians can come and keep them safe.
After the ova, The twins attempt to make a home in the sadida forest, it isn’t easy, as Myn’s wakfu had been acting up since her coma, resulting in her being unable to form anything but a lance and a shield. Why yugo finds Myn, she almost ends up decapitating him.
Yugo apologizes for his actions, asking if Myn and Naz would like to come stay with him and alibert, as adamai had left, and grougal needed a dragon to mentor him, as well as being understaffed in the inn. Myn says she’d talk to naz about it, and reluctantly, he agrees.
The twins move in shortly after, & find out just how awful myn’s cooking is, so she sticks to helping serve the food alibert makes, & Naz helps in the kitchen when he’s at the inn. When he isn’t at the inn, him and yugo search for adamai & the dofus, & eventually, Naz finds him.
Naz confronts Adamai, and upon seeing that Adamai has a dofus with him, attacks him, interrogating him on where he got the dofus from. Adamai refuses to tell Naz, and only does so when Naz starts to strangle him. His answer is cryptic, and speaks of a better brotherhood.
Confused & a bit disgruntled, Naz lets Adamai go, but takes the dofus, refusing to give it back to Adamai. Adamai lunges at him, & they get into a brawl again, until Naz decides enough is enough. He burns a part of Adamai’s tail to get him off, & offers to make a compromise.
If Adamai tells him how & where he got the dofus, Naz would return it, & join the brotherhood Adamai had talked about, taking his place as the dofus’s rightful guardian. Adamai considers it for a bit, but agrees, telling Naz of how he got the dofus from Goultard’s care. Naz is-
-secretly pleased, still being upset about yugo’s handling of the dofus & entrusting them goultard, and says he’ll meet Adamai at this exact spot in two week’s time. Adamai agrees, & Naz returns the dofus, then goes back to alibert’s inn. He informs the others that he’s leaving-
& promises to stay in touch with Myn. When the time comes, he goes to Adamai, & is taken directly to the tower of dreams, where he is greeted by Echo. She recognizes Naz & welcomes him, saying he would be a valuable asset to the brotherhood, & commends Adamai for gaining his aid.
Naz is introduced to Oropo, and the two immediately clash heads, resulting in Naz having to share a level with Adamai. Naz doesn’t seem to care, and a year passes. Eventually though, when the time comes for Adamai to absorb the dofus, Naz takes on three of them-
-Hoping to lighten the burden. In doing so, him and Adamai get closer, and start to rely on eachother more, As Naz falls ill, and is forced to tell Adamai about his dofus fevers, and the stasis chains they sometimes trigger, inviting adamai to be vulnerable with Naz as well.
For season three, it basically plays out as usual besides the inclusion of Myn and Naz until the end, besides the pacing of the season and the weird love triangle plot being removed
Myn and Naz are reunited a bit before the finale, and this sets yugo and Adamai off, so they fight. But nothing changes besides that. In the end, when every member of the brotherhood of the forgotten has been gathered, oropo tells them his plan, and Myn sides with him
She wants to believe he is yugo & that he can help, as he had shown up in the temporal bubble & tried to comfort her, but she had lunged at him with her axe. Myn wants to give him one more chance, & she stays stubborn until echo decides to give in to her guilt & tell everything
Oropo is horrified, and Myn is too, trying to remain civil, but questioning him all the same. Naz loses his temper however, and yells at oropo, calling out all his mistakes. Naz and Oropo hadn’t had the best relationship throughout season three, with Oropo often treating Naz like he wasn’t there, or a stupid old dog. Naz is fed up, & decides to attack Oropo, but ends up being blocked by Adamai. The two argue intensely, but don’t actually physically fight. Adamai mentions a promise of shared tomorrows, & Naz yells at him that those tomorrows wouldn’t be achieved if Oropo did what he was planning, & states that he knows from his own experience what Oropo’s over-ambition would bring.
Oropo is fed up, and decides to silence Naz, but Echo gets a word in first. She confirms what Naz is saying, & Adamai is horrified & reacts in the same way as the show, leading Oropo to releasing the wakfu balls, restraining Naz, adamai & echo. Naz can’t seem to handle the overload of wakfu, but he struggles against it for a while until he inevitably passes out. Myn is horrified, & begs oropo to let Naz go & Oropo agrees on the condition that Myn would help him. Reluctantly, she agrees, and attempts to rush to Naz’s side, but Oropo restrains her, saying that there will be time later. Everything else plays out vaguely the same, & when a fight breaks out, myn rushes to Naz’s side
Naz has since regained consciousness,  & myn helps him get away from all the fighting, Naz takes a moment to rest, then decides that they should go help the brotherhood of the forgotten’s members, which is what they attempt to do until echo makes her final stand & the twins are sent to inglorioum. They pass out on the way there, and when they get up- far before anyone else, Naz’s chains have formed again, and he must go back to sleep to rest them away. This concludes the s3 arc. 
When Naz and Myn wake up again, everyone else is awake, exploring the area. The twins spot their parents, and run up to them, having a small reunion while everyone else is occupied with the books & Nora. Eventually, spotting Adamai, the Ombragé’s follow after the refugees And make their way to lokus’s temple. When lokus hurts adamai, Naz is immediately on the defensive, going as far to yell at yugo, asking what he’s done to Adamai. As Adamai comes out of it though, Naz calms down enough to mutter a reluctant apology to yugo, and Myn-
attempts to see if Lokus is sentient. Her attempts fail, and she ends up scouting around using wakfu vision. As they head into eliatrope’s temple, myn remarks that it looks familiar, and it probably does to her, as she has had a vision of meeting with eliatrope before, similarly to how Naz had dreams where he met with the great dragon. Eliatrope remarks on their changes, particularly over Naz having more of a spark then before. 
She calls him little godling, and remarks on his molten blood. He obviously doesn’t like that, and flies out of her grasp, wrapping his wings around himself. Myn on the other hand, is commented on, saying that she remembers myn from their conversation earlier. She sets myn down next to naz, and then everyone starts going back to their respective kingdoms. 
Later, when there’s the danger that Adamai and Nora go to face, Naz goes with them, and doesn’t help nora at all, simply watching. He leaves with adamai, sending myn a simple “take care” message through their mental connection, and then him and adamai go off on their own. 
I should mention that when qilby is brought forward, Naz and myn have differing reactions, with myn hesitantly going over to qilby to hug him, and Naz yelling at them both. Myn suffers from stockholm syndrome, and naz is aware of it, so he’s upset.
However, since myn and naz are from a future timeline and are now in the past, qilby doesn’t actually remember their current life, only the past ones.
Naz and adamai collect the eliatrope dofus, and Naz helps adamai get used to having them in his body again, however, he doesn’t split them with adamai this time, saying he doesn’t want to stop being alert for a second.
They have a moment together, & Naz tries to put a flower behind adamai’s ear & fails. They have a discussion over naz’s curse, & Naz asks Adamai if he really wants to share their tomorrows. They talk about the future and what they want for a while, and then they fall asleep.
When Adamai gets to the beach where the necromes are, Naz helps him fight the necromes, and then tries to break him out of the stasis bubble they trap him in. He doesn’t follow Adamai into the ocean when lance dur arrives, and stays silent but supportive most of the time.
Meanwhile, Yugo goes to alibert’s inn again, & Myn is there too. She says hello to alibert, but mainly is there for grougal & chibi, who greet her excitedly. Grougal asks where naz & adamai are, & myn has to say that they still aren’t back yet.
Yugo tells everything to alibert, & then the necromes attack. Myn struggles, as she’s used to attacking with wakfu, & freaks out when she realizes she can’t see the necromes’ wakfu. Yugo & myn try their best to hold off the necromes, & then qilby and nora come, bringing them 
Then, when Nora and yugo go to get all of the kingdoms, Myn comes with, as she misses exploring the world & hasn’t actually been in a kingdom before sadida. & When Yugo goes to the council’s meeting with eliatrope, Myn accompanies him, acting as a support for yugo’s story.
Amalia notices, & all three of them share a tender moment. The council of twelve’s meeting goes on as normal, with a lot of them questioning why Myn is there, leading to her declaring that she is the guardian of the eliatrope dofus alongside her twin brother.
The kingdoms clearly don’t like that, as the dofus have caused so many problems already, & Yugo has to smooth things over. Myn is understandably upset, & when the time comes for them to go to Sadida, she comes too, but refuses to speak to armand, only saying hello to amalia.
Myn helps them fight off the necromes when the time comes, & struggles a bit, as a few try to feed on her due to her excessive wakfu, leaving her terrified. After, she comes with yugo to retrieve adamai & naz, & hugs Naz, detailing what happened to her in their shared connection.
They all return to sadida, & go to the necrome portal. It all proceeds the same as canon, up until qilby uses the dofus. The twins instantly collapse, & Nora grabs her hand, hauling her back with her, but unfortunately, Naz is left behind, as no one saw him fall sick and pass out
Yugo is there with him, but Naz doesn’t realize until too late. Myn is unconscious when everyone returns to eliatrope’s temple, and she’s given to eliatrope to nurse, falling asleep in her hair, like the rest of her children.
Naz struggles to stay awake in the times he is in the necroworld, but he does stay awake for a bit, mainly because the necromes tear off part of his wing, as they can’t figure out if he contains wakfu or stasis. Toross realizes that Naz is similar to him & forces him to join him.
This is where naz’s curse comes into play. Naz’s temperature is extremely hot so that he can be distracted for the hunger for wakfu, as wakfu is physically impossible for him to touch or consume without hurting him. Essentially, Naz is a naturally occurring Necrome.
Toross recognizes this, and slowly begins to mold Naz to his side. Him and yugo stay in the necroworld for around a year together, before yugo breaks free, and Naz helps him escape.
As punishment, Naz’s hair is forcibly cut off, and he has a mental breakdown in front of toross, detailing everything he knows about everyone and everything he knows, desperate to remember his own identity, even without his hair.
He stays in the necroworld for a few more years, acting as Toross’s guardian prince, like efrim. Those are some of the worst years of his life, as Naz’s temperature decreases due to dofus fevers and a lack of actual food besides wakfu.
He gains a hunger for wakfu, and when he goes into the upper world, often kills his prey after draining their wakfu, consuming every part of them save for their bones.
Basically, he completely reverts to being feral. When toross decides to attack the sadida kingdom and eliatrope herself, Naz is right by his side, attacking anyone and everyone who isn’t a necrome.
Myn had only recently recovered & been let out of eliatrope’s hair when yugo returns, & she tries to help him get comfortable. She doesn’t know where Naz is, & she & Adamai have bonded over their shared loss, and when yugo comes back, they both dare to hope that Naz had returned.
They both have to realize that he had willingly decided to stay behind, as he didn’t feel he could atone for what he’d done to Yugo. When the necromes attack, she comes with Yugo to fight toross and find Naz.
This is where things get tricky, as I’m still figuring out the lore for myn, but , Eventually, Naz is pushed into a portal, and returns to the world of twelve, slipping into a coma from the nature of his imprisonment, where he sleeps for months on end.
Eventually, he recovers though, and leans on Adamai enough to be able to attend Yugo and Amalia’s wedding, and eventually become the Sadida-Eliatrope’s head general.
During this time, him and Adamai grow closer again, and eventually, Naz proposes in a playful sparring match, and they get married. 
And that is the story thus far! I’ll update it when I have more! i hope you enjoyed!
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poemsfor-her · 2 years ago
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French Girly (フレンチガーリー) is a substyle of Japanese girly kei fashion as well as an aesthetic created by and popular among young women in Japan. It is an elegant and feminine aesthetic that utilizes imagery associated with antique French Haussmann architecture and material culture, combined with whimsical and kawaii details. This type of fashion is largely inspired by luxury brands and prep, but takes on an extremely girly look that is fairly unique to Japanese culture. French Girly is also based on the clothing of various small brands which gained notoriety for creating and catering to this aesthetic, largely by the brand Épine.
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The aesthetic closely follows parisian fashion while also incorporating Japanese influence. The fashion style itself focuses on elegance and femininity, including colors like tan, black, white, gold, and pink. Outfits can consist of:
— bows and ribbons.
— gold or pearl jewlery.
— knee high skirts.
— high stocking.
— berets.
— dresses with lace adornments.
— épine.
— bibiy.
— miumiu.
— yesstyle.
— sandy liang.
— ozlana.
— wooyoungmi.
— shushu tong.
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— gossip girl.
— gilmore girls.
— scream queens.
— shitsuren chocolatier.
— why gentlemen prefer blondes.
— roman holiday.
— breakfast at tiffany's.
— national anthem, lolita, salvatore, young and beautiful, west coast, black beauty, money power glory, cinnamon girl and carmen by lana del rey.
— paris - sabrina carpenter.
— i am - ive.
— i'm so sick - apink.
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which one do you prefer? the y2k style or french girly? i personally prefer french girly because it's my own style and i am so in love with it. but i instead of taking inspiration from japan i really like chinese french girly! also, this is my third time editing this post so i am very MUCH TIRED OF THIS. all of the information is provided here
with love, 𝒯
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stiltonbasket · 2 years ago
For wen!wwx: "I may have made a mistake in taking you to Nightless City, A-Ying" were the last words Wen-shushu had spoken to him, a little more than a fortnight after he was slain in battle. Contrary to popular belief, it was Wen Zhuliu who saved A-Ying and took him to Nightless City. Wen Rouhan raised him to be a weapon, but Wen Zhuliu raised him as a son.
(link to part 1)
By the winter Wei Wuxian turned thirty-six, Qishan Wen had been at war for two years; but in those two years, very little had changed behind the walls of the Nightless City.
The wine ran as freely as it always did, and even the lowest-ranking guest disciples were allotted more treasures and fine foods than most well-to-do commoners would see in a year. The rare few of the clan who had spent time in the halls of the mortal emperor—Wei Wuxian among them, for his master wanted the emperor to know something of the raw power that lurked in Qishan, in case he ever thought of claiming even an inch of Wen territory for his own—were aware Wen Ruohan's sect banquets were far richer than anything the imperial court had to offer: and even if the war were to last another decade, the cities clustered around the great Sun Palace in Bu Ye Tian would flow with gold for ten times that span at the least.
Strength counted for much in the Jianghu, and for a great deal more outside it—and Wen Ruohan treasured the cultivators who labored for him as he treasured his own saber, so long as their younger selves had proved loyal enough to be permitted to reach adulthood.
Of the four children Wen Zhuliu brought back to Bu Ye Tian some thirty-odd years ago, only one had achieved that honor: the youngest, Wei Ying, plucked from the streets in upper Yiling some months before his fifth birthday.
He had grown up well, Wen Zhuliu thought, as he watched Wei Wuxian move across the banquet hall with a double-eared wine cup in his hand. The handmaidens at the Wei-fu had braided his hair with gold, so that the full, shining mass of it reflected the light from the lamps on the walls like a mirror; and though Wen Ruohan recalled him from Langya nearly six months ago now, he had not yet lost the watchful bearing of a general waiting under cover of darkness for his enemy to strike.
"Zhao-shushu," he said, toasting him with his half-empty cup of wine as Wen Zhuliu drew closer. "How have you been? I haven't seen you since..."
"It's been nearly a year, I think," Wen Zhuliu replied, inclining his head. "When we were stationed together in Jiangling."
A shadow crossed Wei Wuxian's face; and too late, Wen Zhuliu remembered that Jiangling was where his erstwhile ward bore witness to the execution of Yu Hengshan, in spite of Wen Zhuliu's best efforts to ensure that he was occupied elsewhere at the hour of Yu Hengshan's death.
He was absurdly soft-hearted for a man who had spent the last two years between war fronts and Wen Ruohan's great strategy chamber, and it discomfited Wen Zhuliu immensely.
"How is A-Yuan?" he said softly, for Wei Wuxian's yang son was one of the few subjects they could speak of without stirring the dreadful shuttered look in Wei Wuxian's eyes—though that had been present in some form or other from the day he was sworn into Wen Ruohan's service, and would likely never leave him throughout the remainder of his life.
"He is well," Wei Wuxian answered, nodding towards the artificial stream carved into the ground of the garden adjoining the feasting hall. Wen Zhuliu turned and saw a gaggle of youths and young girls kneeling by the water's edge, scribbling verses of poetry onto plain white lanterns; and then, following the line of his ward's outstretched hand, he saw that the boy at the front of the group looked like a smaller, light-hearted version of Wei Ying.
"How old is he?"
"Eighteen." Wei Wuxian's hand tightened around the base of his cup. "He's nearly old enough to wear a proper guan, if you can believe it."
Ah, Wen Zhuliu realized, with no small amount of pity—for if the war did not end within these next two years, Wen Yuan would be among the new soldiers sent to war, perhaps as part of his own father's regiment.
He reached out and grasped Wei Wuxian's arm.
"A-Ying," he said urgently. "This war will not last long enough to draw your A-Yuan into it. You know Lanling Jin cannot endure for much longer, what with Meng Yao—and once Lanling falls, Yunmeng will crumble soon after. Yu Hengshan was Yunmeng Jiang's greatest backer, and now that he has been slain—"
"Yes, but what then?"
Wen Zhuliu paused, confused. "What do you mean?"
"Once the Jianghu has been brought under our colors, what then?" Wei Wuxian murmured, before taking a long drink of wine. "The Jin might live peacefully under Junshang's rule—they will have no choice, for they are not strong enough to do otherwise—but the Jiang will abandon their clan seat if needs must, and flee to rebuild elsewhere. And once they rise to prominence again, what will our lord do next?"
And what will you do? his eyes seemed to say; and though Wen Zhuliu had vowed to murder Yu Hengshan when he was a child of sixteen, his ears were suddenly filled with the screams of the civilian woman who had discovered the man's decapitated corpse in a rowboat on Lake Lianhua.
He had not lingered long enough to listen to the screams of Yu Hengshan's sister, for fear that his heart would break at the knowledge that Yu Ziyuan grieved this brother of hers despite all he had done to them both—but now, the echoes of her cries were so clear in his mind that he was half-convinced he had heard them in truth, all those months ago.
"I will do whatever Wen-zongzhu commands me to do," Wen Zhuliu said at last. "I was sworn to him for life, just as you were."
In answer, the fingers of Wei Wuxian's right hand rose and fluttered restlessly over his shoulder: the left shoulder, where his wide collar hid the set of obedience sigils that Wen Ruohan carved into his flesh on the day he came of age.
"Yes," he whispered, his gaze straying once more to his son. "I am sworn to him for life—just as you are."
They parted not long after that, for Wen Zhuliu had only come back to the Nightless City for Wei Wuxian's birthday banquet, and he was due to return to Hejian early the next day. He had other generals to greet, and Wei Wuxian had gone off to judge the results of the winding-stream contest taking place in the garden; but shortly before dawn, Wen Zhuliu sought Wei Wuxian out once again and drew the younger man into his arms.
"Happy birthday," he said. "May you have ten lifetimes' worth of them, my child."
Wei Wuxian smiled tearfully—and suddenly, Wen Zhuliu was certain that after tonight, he would never lay eyes on this ward of his again.
"I wish it had not been like this," he blurted. "If I had not brought you back to the Nightless City all those years ago, then perhaps..."
Wei Wuxian's eyes flickered toward the throne at the front of the hall.
"What other purpose could I have served than this one?" he said quietly. "You had your revenge, and I was given the honor of serving Junshang. That is the end of it."
And with that, he kissed Wen Zhuliu on the brow, and vanished into the night.
Wen Zhuliu never did see him again, for he met his death on the Hejian front within the next fortnight; and when his jian was brought back to the Bu Ye Tian, it was sent to Wei Wuxian's residence, the High General's manor, where it would remain until the Wei-fu went up in flames with its master still locked inside it.
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ruanbaijie · 3 months ago
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During the Republican Era, Shen Zhiheng, a member of the Tianjin gentry who happened to be a vampire, offended the Japanese and became the target of an assassination attempt. He was saved by a blind young lady, Mi Lan, and his best friend Situ Weilian. When he went to repay Mi Lan for saving him, he discovered the terrible family situation that Mi Lan was in, and so began to pay more attention to her. Meanwhile, Shen Zhiheng’s plan to take revenge on Li Yingliang, the mastermind behind his assassination, fell short of success thanks to Li Yingliang’s Japanese superior, raising suspicions about his identity. Since then, Li Yingliang and the Japanese were in hot pursuit of Shen Zhiheng, determined to dig out the truth about his secret.
Please do not repost this anywhere else or retranslate it!
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Mi Lan stood on a wooden stool as she leaned against the wall at the back of the Shen mansion, revealing a pair of eyes that looked at the outside.
Beyond the wall was a small street. There was an endless stream of pedestrians on the street, and it was a little busy, like a large world that had been condensed into a small bonsai. Mi Lan loved this form of “looking” that was half-peeping. She could look for a good half of the day without getting tired and without a sound. She would simply look without any expression, as if she were a bystander that had descended from the heavens, using cold eyes to look at the world.
When the sun shined on her until she started sweating, she finally jumped off the stool and turned around to walk towards the long corridor on the lawn. In the long corridor was a lounge chair, atop which Shen Zhiheng lay, with a neat stack of used paper placed on top of his abdomen. He looked at them one by one. Mi Lan bent down beside him, lifting the loose strands of hair beside her ear as she glanced at him curiously.
“Is this a book?” she asked.
Shen Zhiheng replied, “It’s not a book, these are documents.”
Mi Lan had already learned how to read illustrated magazines, and she could understand a portion of the explanatory text in illustrated magazines. But when it came to proper books, she could not understand them. Documents were neither books nor illustrated magazines, and so, she asked again, “Are documents interesting?”
Shen Zhiheng smiled, “To be honest, I stole these from your Li-shushu’s office. They’re all written in Japanese and I don’t really understand them. In the afternoon, I’ll find an interpreter to come and have a look, and then I’ll know if they’re interesting or not.”
“Why did you steal them? Is it to take revenge on Li-shushu?”
Shen Zhiheng nodded at her, “Yeah!”
Then, he added on, “But stealing is not right. Don’t learn from me.”
Mi Lan squatted down, using her skirt to cover her knee. She smiled and gazed at the lawn, “I’m not a young child, I know.”
Upon saying that, she glanced at him again. He had just bent his body and sat up, one hand collecting the documents on his thigh while the other holding a piece of paper, looking at it leisurely with lowered eyes. With his straight thick black eyebrows and beautiful slender lips, he had quite an elegant air about him.
Mi Lan thought that he was very beautiful, and when she looked at him, her icy eyes would thaw and her expressions would become fluid. She would even have a slight smile fixed on her face, as if he was so beautiful he could move hearts and souls.
On the second day after Shen Zhiheng had received the documents, the first three parts of these documents were published in the newspapers.
The contents of the documents touched upon several confidential pieces of information and plots of the Japanese North China Garrison, as well as two plans of the secret service. The moment the newspaper was published, there was a huge public outcry, and the English and French newspapers immediately republished the news. On the third day, again, new contents of the documents were leaked out, and the second the newspapers hit the market early in the morning, they were completely sold out.
On the evening of the third night, Shen Zhiheng brought a roll of newspaper and went to see Li Yingliang.
Locked in the empty room, isolated from the world, and left hungry and starving for three days, Li Yingliang had sunk into despair, believing that Shen Zhiheng intended for him to starve to death in that place. So, when the little door opened and Shen Zhiheng walked in, he automatically lunged towards him with a whoosh.
Then, he hugged Shen Zhiheng’s thigh tightly, as if he wanted to breathe the same fate as this thigh, if it wanted to go, he would go together with it, if it wanted to stay, he would stay together with it. Shen Zhiheng locked the small door, passing that roll of newspaper clasped under his arm down to him.
“Want to have a look?”
What mind did Li Yingliang have to read the newspaper now? Hugging the thigh as if he was hugging a big tree, he only glanced at the newspaper from the corner of his eye, and after that glance, he realised that something was wrong.
Without letting up, he hugged the thigh with one hand and took the newspaper with the other. Shaking the newspaper open with one hand, he read the headline of the one right on top. After reading it, he threw it aside, and then looked at the next. After scanning through the roll of newspapers, he looked up, glaring. 
“You did this?”
Shen Zhiheng lowered his head and looked at him, “Yes. I went to your office and house and walked around. Besides these documents, I also took your bank book. How is it that your entire net worth is only one hundred and eighty thousand dollars in the Yokohama Specie Bank?”
He patted Li Yingliang’s head. “I had originally planned to withdraw some money and give it to you. If you could survive and escape, you could have taken the cash and just roamed far and wide. It’s a pity that your account has already been frozen. So, the biggest problem now is not what I will do to you, it’s what the Japanese will think about you given that the secret documents have leaked from your hands and into the press.”
He told Li Yingliang, “Your future is already destroyed. Even if I don’t kill you, the Japanese will.”
Li Yingliang stared at him in a daze. “Are you saying that I have absolutely nothing now?”
He shoved Shen Zhiheng away forcefully, and with both hands clutching his thighs, he knelt on the floor with his back arched, panting with deep gasps. But even panting like that did not work, he felt his vision going blurry and his heart was no longer beating. The last bit of water in his body became cold, sticky sweat, seeping out of the sweat glands throughout his body like an explosion.
He had absolutely nothing!
He had worked hard for so many years for nothing.
He was still alive, but he could feel death crushing him inch by inch, crushing him till his liver and cuts were torn to pieces [1] and his bones were broken. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly glimpsed Shen Zhiheng’s feet walking towards the door. He frantically lunged over again, “Take me, take me together–”
He was late by a step, falling flat onto his face as he watched the small door close before his eyes once again.
Shen Zhiheng locked this small iron door.
Once the small iron door was closed, it blocked out not only light, but also sound. Outside the door was an iron staircase that went straight up to the upper level. The upper level was a warehouse which was located in the pier near the Hai River [2] . The previous year, Shen Zhiheng had dabbled in a transportation business with a partner and had rented this warehouse to store goods. After that business had come to an end, the warehouse and the small underground room beneath the warehouse had become empty - it would not have been empty for long; at the end of the next month, the rental term would come to an end.
Before returning the lease of the warehouse, he would first take care of Li Yingliang’s corpse. At one point, he had wanted to kill this jerk directly, but when it came to it, when he faced that pair of red eyes very much like a trapped animal’s, he did not know how to go about doing it. Li Yingliang was different from all his enemies. Shen Zhiheng always felt that this person was overly emotional, pouring out such overwhelming emotions by himself, either hating him to death or fearing him to death, or “admiring him for a long time”.
Originally, Shen Zhiheng did not want to fight with such a neurotic enemy too seriously. However, Li Yingliang seemed to be an omen for him. This person was clearly of average ability, yet, due to many unforeseen causes, could always harm him nearly to the point of death. Even if he did not kill him, he had to cause his little benefactor to become a vampire, and had to turn his close friend into a stranger.
The sky was already completely dark. Shen Zhiheng left the warehouse and as the summer night wind blew, he walked towards the road outside the pier. The warehouse was surrounded by more warehouses, and the surroundings were filled with dark shadows. In the distance was the sound of waves splashing onto the shore, splashing lazily and carelessly. Forgetting about Li Yingliang, he thought about Mi Lan instead – there was nothing much to think about Mi Lan, she was like an upright stem of narcissus, contently living in his house. She really lived like a flower, neither speaking much nor asking for much. Perhaps, when she grew a little older, she would become more troublesome, but just what trouble she would bring, he currently could not imagine. He had been a single bachelor for too long and could no longer really understand how young ladies passed their days.
At this moment, a hand lightly tapped on his shoulder.
His senses had always been sharp, and wherever he was, he seemed to always be in control, so now, this hand that had suddenly descended from the heavens came as a sudden shock. He might have been shocked, but he did not even shiver once, but ground to a halt instead and turned his head around.
Turning his head, he nearly shared a kiss with Situ Weilian. Situ Weilian planted his face right before his eyes, and gave him a wide smile, “Da-ge, I’ve finally caught you!”
Shen Zhiheng hid to one side. “What do you want from me?”
Situ Weilian raised his arm and wrapped it around his shoulders, affectionately pulling him along as he walked forward, “Can’t I come and find you even if there’s nothing up? Are you really estranged from me?”
Shen Zhiheng ignored him.
Situ Weilian was silent for half a minute. Then, he suddenly said, “I know! Originally, I was so precious to you because you had no other family. Now that you have Mi Lan, you don’t need me anymore, isn’t it? It just happens that Mi Lan is also a lady, it just happens that she also likes you very much. After two years, the two of you will get married and might even have a few young children!”
As he had expected, Shen Zhiheng was now so agitated that he had to open his mouth, “Are you insulting me or insulting Mi Lan?”
“I’m only being honest, don’t tell me that isn’t the case? It’s precisely because of this that you have severed ties with me. You don’t need me anymore.”
Shen Zhiheng walked forward slowly, asking, “Do you not have any more money?”
Situ Weilian looked at him suddenly - as soon as he turned to the front, he exhaled a breath, “Yes, I don’t have any more money, I’m here to blackmail you.”
“How much do you want?”
“One hundred thousand!”
Wanting to see how Shen Zhiheng would reply, Situ Weilian blurted an exorbitant amount. Unexpectedly, Shen Zhiheng nodded without any hesitation, “Okay.”
As soon as he heard that “okay”, Situ Weilian’s face practically became black on the spot.
He really did not understand just how Shen Zhiheng could always be so heartless. He needed Shen Zhiheng, just like how Shen Zhiheng also needed him. The two of them shared a cooperation that was equal and reciprocative, and for the past three years, he had always been dedicated and responsible to Shen Zhiheng, he had not let him down!
Letting go of Shen Zhiheng’s shoulder, his voice became colder, “Then when are you going to give me the money?”
“Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll send someone to pass you the cheque at your apartment. You just have to wait.”
“Who knows if you’ll trick me with a dishonoured cheque.”
“I won’t go so far as to do this kind of thing.”
Situ Weilian was at a loss for words, but he was still unwilling to just let him go, and so he said, “I want a promissory note.”
“I want two hundred thousand!”
“I’ve changed my mind. I want all of your property. Tomorrow, tell your lawyer to prepare the documents and transfer all that can be transferred to me. Then, you can scram out of Tianjin yourself!”
Shen Zhiheng ignored him and just walked. Situ Weilian followed closely behind him, unable to decipher his thoughts. The two of them walked to the roadside, and Shen Zhiheng stopped in front of his car, turning around to face him, “Is Situ He also one of your servants?”
Situ He was Situ Weilian’s adoptive father. In human years, Situ Weilian had already lived for a fairly long time. Counting back seven or eight years, when Situ He had adopted Situ Weilian, Situ Weilian should not have appeared too different from what he looked like now, and would definitely have not been just a child in his teens.
If he had never really adopted an older boy, then there was definitely something suspicious at play. Situ Weilian shook his head without hesitation, “He’s not. He doesn’t have the qualifications.”
Shen Zhiheng looked at him suspiciously.
Situ Weilian stuffed both of his hands into the pockets of his pants, lowering his head and kicking a stone on the road.
“Actually, I’ve also always been looking for you, but I just couldn’t find you. I returned to the north, thinking that perhaps one day, you would think of home. Besides, I didn’t have anywhere else to go either, and might as well just stay and wait for a while and try my luck. But I can’t survive by myself, and I don’t know what’s wrong with me, in any case, I often can’t understand how humans think. I always offend people, and there are a lot of things that I don’t understand… I need someone to take care of me, I need to spend money, I need–a lot of things.”
At this point, he shot Shen Zhiheng a smile, “Originally, you should be the one doing all of these things for me.”
Shen Zhiheng also smiled, “Mm.”
“So, I caught Situ He in the spur of the moment… in any case it was a matter of coercion and enticement…” He seemed a little embarrassed, lowering his voice, “I just needed an identity, needed somewhere to have a foothold. Ever since I got to know you, I’ve never disturbed Old Man Situ, and have never spent the Situ family’s money.”
Shen Zhiheng nodded, “I understand.”
Situ Weilian gazed at him eagerly, “Then, do you forgive me?”
Shen Zhiheng opened the door and got into the car, slamming the door shut. “No.”
Then he started the car and drove off, leaving Situ Weilian in the dust.
Having decisively cut the Gordian knot tonight, Shen Zhiheng felt somewhat happy and satisfied. After that night, when he descended the stairs and entered the parlour, full of energy, he saw Mi Lan listening to the radio, and asked casually, “Have you had your breakfast?”
Mi Lan lifted her head and looked at him with a soft smile, “Yes.”
Seeing her squatting beside the radio and listening quite enthusiastically, he asked, “What news is there?”
Mi Lan’s smile became vacant. “It seems like war is going to break out.”
Shen Zhiheng stopped in his path. “War?”
“The broadcast said that the Japanese army is having drills at Lugou Bridge [3] and fired at Wanping County at night.”
When he heard this, Shen Zhiheng still did not take it seriously. It was only when he went out later that morning that he realised the severity of the situation. At noon, he sat at home making numerous phone calls. Mi Lan sat aside and listened, and got quite some information - the students in Tianjin city were organising a field service corps with the intention of going to the frontline to save the wounded. So, Shen Zhiheng forked out some money and bought a batch of Western medicine to support this field service corps. His behaviour was not unique, there were many people like him who donated or volunteered their strength. Indignation and stirred up emotions were spreading throughout even the concession zone.
As she listened, panic grew in Mi Lan’s heart, but she did not know what she was panicking about. She suddenly thought of a person, and asked Shen Zhiheng, “If the Japanese devils win, will Li-shushu come and trouble us again?”
Shen Zhiheng replied, “He no longer has the chance.”
Mi Lan heard someone shouting in the distance, and asked, “Can I go out and see?”
Shen Zhiheng immediately rejected her, “No. You stay here at home. As long as you’re safe, I won’t have to worry.”
He patted her head and thought of Situ Weilian. In the afternoon, he still had to send someone to give Situ Weilian money.
The person he sent ended up being greeted by a locked door at Situ Weilian’s apartment. This was because Situ Weilian had already forgotten completely about the money and was currently trying to find Jin Jingxue.
At noon, seeing everyone panicking, he had wanted to be the brave companion by Jin Jingxue’s side. Little did he know that as soon as he had arrived at the Jin mansion, he had learned that the second young mistress had left early that morning without saying what for, and had yet to return till now.
However, Jin Jingxue had always gotten out of bed at noon, and had never before left the house early in the morning.
Putting aside for now how Situ Weilian was now running around everywhere, Jin Jingxue had been reading the newspapers for a few days, and she had always been unable to contact Li Yingliang. Panic had filled her heart such that it was like a burning fire, worrying that he had been killed by the Japanese or that he had been killed by the Chinese. After staying up for the whole night last night, she felt that if she were to continue waiting stupidly at home like that, she would become mentally ill, and so she steeled herself and ran out of home.
She first went to the Japanese concession zone. To enter the Japanese concession zone at this point of time required some courage, but the ignorant are fearless. With her head held high, she headed directly to Li Yingliang’s house. The main door of that little house of Li Yingliang’s was open. As soon as she set one foot in, she saw a man standing on the steps in front of the house. That man had his hands behind his back and appeared to be strolling back and forth. Hearing sounds approaching, he looked up at her, and was evidently startled.
As a young lady of a wealthy family since birth and naturally full of confidence, Jin Jingxue dared to talk to anyone, “Who are you? What are you doing at Li Yingliang’s house? Where is Li Yingliang?”
That man replied, “I’m also here to find him. Don’t you know? He’s missing.”
Hearing his accent, Jin Jingxue froze, becoming suspicious. “You’re… Japanese?”
That man replied, “My humble surname is Yokoyama, Yokoyama Akira. I’m Li Yingliang’s boss. Would this young lady grace me with her fine name? [4] ”
“I’m Jin Jingxue.”
Yokoyama Akira had really heard of Jin Jingxue before. He had forgotten where he had heard it, in any case, he had wanted to meet her for a long time, and now that he was seeing her in person - even though Jin Jingxue had not slept for a night and her messy, curly hair was stuffed into her hat - he thought that she lived up to her reputation and was indeed a haughty great beauty.
“Oh, an honour, an honour–”
Before he could continue honouring, Jin Jingxue had already opened her mouth, “I’ve heard people say that Li Yingliang is not actually a Chinese traitor, but a spy who had gone undercover among your subordinates in order to steal your secret documents. Now that he’s missing, it’s actually because he has fallen into your hands and you have killed him in secret, isn’t it?”
Hearing this, Yokoyama Akira was instantly indignant. “Ridiculous, we are also looking for him.”
“You really didn’t kill him? Liars will get struck by lightning!”
Yokoyama Akira thought it felt like she was cursing him. To prove that he was not enamoured by female beauty, he started scolding honestly and with no holds barred, “You great beauty, you’re truly too crude!”
Seeing how he was fretting so much that his countenance was awful, just based on her intuition, Jin Jingxue actually believed him a little.
Yokoyama Akira asked, “What relationship do you have with Li Yingliang?”
“My father is his adoptive father, he’s my adoptive brother. Why?”
Yokoyama Akira was not asking about this. He knew about the relationship between Li Yingliang and the Jin family. But based on his observations, Li Yingliang bore no feelings for the Jin family, but Jin Jingxue evidently cared a lot for Li Yingliang.
He first suspected that Li Yingliang was hiding the truth from him, but he immediately shook his head - it was not possible, this was not something that was worth hiding, besides, General Jin was also close to the Japanese.
Then the other possibility, was that the beautiful Jin Jingxue bore an unrequited love for Li Yingliang.
This conjecture made more sense. Yokoyama Akira always thought that Li Yingliang was quite handsome, was not considerably old in age, and was compatible with the great beauty Jin Jingxue. But, then again, while the beauty was the falling flower that bore love in her heart, Li Yingliang was the flowing stream that bore no feelings. Then…
Yokoyama Akira was also someone who once had youth, especially when he was younger and full of love, harbouring crushes everywhere. He understood the actions and thoughts as a result of one-sided love the most. If Jin Jingxue had fallen in love with Li Yingliang, then her entire heart was filled with him and could not let go even if she wanted to. If Li Yingliang had been exhibiting any odd behaviour, others might not have noticed, but it might had already long caught her eye.
So, trying to soften his face, Li Yingliang sighed at Jin Jingxue, his face becoming melancholic, “To be honest, Yiliang-kun is my most loyal subordinate. Now, everyone is saying that Li Yingliang tricked me, but I’ve never been willing to believe it. Based on my understanding of Yingliang-kun, perhaps he has met with something unexpected, and can neither show his face nor make a sound. And as his boss and friend, I really want to find him and save him. Firstly, it’s for his life and future, secondly, it’s for my own reputation. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
After hearing this, Jin Jingxue was so scared her hairs were standing. When she opened her mouth to speak again, her voice actually held a hint of a sob, “What could have happened to Liang-gege? If he made any enemies, he made them because of you Japanese, you are the ones who forced him to do bad things, that’s why he offended people everywhere. Now that he has gotten into trouble, you can’t not care about him!”
Yokoyama Akira turned his body and extended an arm into the house. “Young Mistress Jin, please come in and have a seat, I have some questions I want to ask you. Perhaps, as you understand Yingliang-kun better, you can help me find him.”
Jin Jingxue immediately stepped into the house and had a chat with Yokoyama Akira. She did not hide anything she knew, but it was a pity that what she knew was limited, and so after exchanging only a few lines, she had run out of things to say.
Yokoyama Akira listened attentively, waiting for her to finish speaking before he asked, “Are you saying that he once wanted to find Shen Zhiheng through Situ Weilian?”
Jin Jingxue looked at Yokoyama Akira. After looking for three seconds, she suddenly slapped her thigh forcefully. “Aiyo, how am I so silly? How could I have forgotten Shen Zhiheng? He’s so terrified of Shen Zhiheng, it’s definitely because Shen Zhiheng has threatened him. He has disappeared without any rhyme or reason, it must be because Shen Zhiheng has kidnapped him!” She stood up, “I am going to find Shen Zhiheng, in the worst case, I will fork out money and buy him back!”
Yokoyama Akira hurriedly stood up and blocked her, “No, don’t act carelessly, you don’t know his background.”
“How can I not know? He has influence, but our Jin family is not one of freeloaders that sponge off others!”
Yokoyama Akira never knew that this great beauty had such a fiery temper and a robust gait, leaving when she wanted to, and already stepping out of the yard with a few big steps. When he caught up with her, she had already stepped out of the main gate, gotten into the car, and left.
肝肠寸断 (gān cháng cùn duàn)’s literal meaning is as translated, but it figuratively means to be grief-stricken or heartbroken.
The river connecting Beijing to Tianjin.
卢沟桥 (lú gōu qiáo), Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge is a stone bridge located 15 km southwest of Beijing's city centre in the Fengtai District. It was where the Marco Polo Bridge Incident happened from 7-9 July 1937, which triggered the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Basically, he asked for her name in a very polite and very formal manner in Chinese so I was trying to also make it sound very polite and very formal in English.
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sandontshengshou · 17 days ago
"Random tangent, but this is something she did entirely on her own, no evil uncle leaning over her shoulder, no threat of violence looming over her- she did it all by herself, she achieved a miracle with her own hands and a few manuscripts that she and wwx dug out of some old archive. Of course she’s proud of that!"
CORRECT. one of the first times she acts without a metaphorical gun pointed directly at her head and our girl pulls off a medical miracle that had flip-a-coin odds of killing one or both of her patients. this is *fucking extraordinary*. she should be metaphorically drinking for free at surgeons' conferences for the rest of her life. the only reason wen qing died in canon is because they kept quiet about the core transfer; if it had been common knowledge, no sect leader would've been dumb enough to kill her. different tangent, sorry, moving on!
"And Wwx, he’s been weighed down by so much guilt for that entire month when Jc was bedridden and broken, and as terrible as it is to live without his core, he finally feels like he’s kind of made up for it! He’s done as Jiang Shushu and Yu furen said, he protected their son, he saved his shidi from certain death, the Jiang sect is going to be rebuilt now, he’s achieved the impossible like Jiang Shushu said he would! This is the greatest thing he’s ever accomplished and all he’s gotten in return is Jiang Cheng losing his mind at him.
So he’d probably be insanely bitter (which is a mood, I would too) that JC is just repulsed and broken over the fact that he did what he did. He managed to fix everything at the cost of his soul and this is how his shidi repays him? It’s like no matter what he does, Jiang Cheng finds a way to blame him, he can never win!"
yeah. yeah. you give someone the closest equivalent to your beating heart in your hands and they yell at you for tearing it out? hah!
"Ooh and the wen ning comparison omfg. I’ve seen so many people say this same thing online. Wen Ning himself also thinks that Jiang Cheng is arrogant and ungrateful and makes it heard during the core reveal.
And on that note, I feel like the subject of Jiang Cheng’s insecurity and inferiority complex would definitely come up and wouldn’t that messy? Because it’s true, even if it’s only a small part of why it bothers Jiang Cheng so much. And Wen Ning would definitely bring it up if Jiang Cheng ever got mad at his sister."
oh yeah plenty of people smarter and more eloquent than me have discussed how wen ning is absolutely furious about jiang cheng's lack of gratitude (wwx gave him the kind of intimate gift everyone thought was impossible (and here he is, achieving the impossible once again?) and jiang cheng is bitter and heartbroken (secretly devastated by the enormity of the gift and hey, like you said, the inferiority complex is rearing it's ugly head because jc was willing to die for wwx, but here's his shixiong, figuring out how to sacrifice himself so totally and keep both of them alive? even when jc makes a great sacrifice wwx is ready to lap him)!
"And they should definitely fuck about it. I’ve read a fic where they try to dual cultivate some of Wei Wuxian’s spiritual energy back into himself with Wen Qing directing them. That’s the good stuff!"
*cheerfully* look i just think. if i can be lewd for one minute. that in this specific pretend where jc is aware of the core transfer and Really Fucking Mad about it and wq and wwx are both standing their ground on the basis of it was a genius procedure executed perfectly and they don't necessarily feel Bad about it, JC shows up to visit at the burial grounds and wq is like "strip. we're checking our work. you can shelve the complaints until later," and wwx puts his hand over jc's ~lower dantian~ to "check on the core" and things. progress. at some point either wq or wwx tells jc to say thank you for what they've done (hnur hnur hnur bow chicka wow wow etc) ANYWAYS.
CORRECT. one of the first times she acts without a metaphorical gun pointed directly at her head and our girl pulls off a medical miracle that had flip-a-coin odds of killing one or both of her patients. this is fucking extraordinary. she should be metaphorically drinking for free at surgeons' conferences for the rest of her life. the only reason wen qing died in canon is because they kept quiet about the core transfer; if it had been common knowledge, no sect leader would've been dumb enough to kill her
Wen Qing was such a remarkable character. He had a moral code (what's in the code is a different matter) and she stuck to it no matter what. She never got recognition for her genius. She died at the stake for the sake of her family when she could have aligned herself with literally anyone willing to see her very obvious talent and i love her so much oh my god.
But like. Leaning more into point number three from last post. ("c) really fucking excited and proud about pulling off this shit that should've been impossible") A slightly more unhinged Wen Qing would be stung by jc's reaction.
This is the apex of her talent, the genius that she's had to hide away so she couldn't be manipulated and blackmailed into committing war crimes. She's finally had the chance to show the world who is she is, what she has to offer. I would think she'd want some appreciation for the literal magic she worked to save jc's life, so wouldn't it sting that Jc is looking at her like she's alien to him?
(another damn tangent but wouldn't it be spicy if someone who finds out about the tortures says something to the effect of "you really are wen ruohan's niece"? devastating)
yeah. yeah. you give someone the closest equivalent to your beating heart in your hands and they yell at you for tearing it out? hah!
oh and especially when he's just had his golden core slowly and excruciatingly torn out of him and then gotten tossed out into the burial mounds? devastating. he's all sorts of fucked up right now, trying to cling onto any sanity that might be left in him and now his terrible shidi who he loves to literal death is furious with him about it.
and jiang cheng is bitter and heartbroken (secretly devastated by the enormity of the gift and hey, like you said, the inferiority complex is rearing it's ugly head because jc was willing to die for wwx, but here's his shixiong, figuring out how to sacrifice himself so totally and keep both of them alive? even when jc makes a great sacrifice wwx is ready to lap him)!
Like imagine the devastation. The sacrifice was for nothing. The torture, the humiliation, seeing his parent's bodies hanging from the ceiling, rotting in misery for weeks, it all amounted to nothing- and here's wwx frolicking around like it's NOTHING. It would burn him up. Both the fact that Wwx is better at him than even this and the fact that he will never be able to repay wwx for this gift that he never wanted, would never have even thought to take. Wwx has torn himself apart for him and there's no way jc can ever make up for it. Ouch.
cheerfully look i just think. if i can be lewd for one minute.
any and all lewdness about slj is very, very welcome on this blog, so do please continue <3
in this specific pretend where jc is aware of the core transfer and Really Fucking Mad about it and wq and wwx are both standing their ground on the basis of it was a genius procedure executed perfectly and they don't necessarily feel Bad about it, JC shows up to visit at the burial grounds and wq is like "strip. we're checking our work. you can shelve the complaints until later," and wwx puts his hand over jc's ~lower dantian~ to "check on the core" and things. progress.
duuuuude yes. Jc coming up to the burial mounds to have it out with wwx because he doesn't know how else to communicate. He reaches Wwx's cave and sees the two of them- both thin and gaunt, but especially wei wuxian, he looks more like a phantom than a man.
He's enveloped in guilt and anger for a moment, starts going off about how stupid wwx was to do the transfer, how he's going to die if he continues to rot here- is wwx really so stubborn that he'd rather die than come back to lotus pier?
And then he's shoved onto the nearest wall by a burst of spiritual energy, wwx slowly walking towards him with a bored, dead look in his eyes, saying that jiang cheng really does talk too much
And then the man is putting his palm right on top of jiang cheng cheng's- wei wuxian's golden core, staring at it like a starving man. Before jc can ask him what the hell he's doing, he's leaning all into jc's space, examining~ jc's spiritual energy "just to make sure it's still in there" and jc stays still, blood roaring in his ears when that hand moves a little lower than it should-
And what can jc do but let him, savoring the little bit of closeness between them- he's probably not going to feel it again for a while. And then they let their hands roam and one thing leads to another yk
And then maybe Wen Qing joins in, desperately wanting to feel the golden core she put into him, to feel the success with her own hands and whoop, now they're all feeling up jiang cheng!
at some point either wq or wwx tells jc to say thank you for what they've done (hnur hnur hnur bow chicka wow wow etc) ANYWAYS.
i'm sorry i'm imagining them bringing this up while they're doing it and i'm losing my mind? Terrible, terrible business, i need to see this writing!
Okay i don't know how lewd i should get on main but a very disheveled jc being ordered to say "thank you shixiong/wen guniang" is... a mental image indeed, wow-
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bitter-panacea · 11 months ago
About Goultard's Dissociative Identity Disorder
This post is a collection of thoughts, analysis, wild extrapolating, reading too much into small details, and pure speculation. Please forgive how messy this is, this whole post might be uncomprehensible.
Some things Goultard says about the system
- he created it to make immortality bearable
I truly dont believe he means he consciously created his alters. He can hardly control them. They were a creation of his mind as a means of coping with / surviving the various traumas he faced throughout his life.
- it's a curse given by his father
Either the "curse" he speaks of is immortality itself, or he holds his father and god responsible for what he's had to go through (without him ever protecting or saving him)
The Alters
Goultard : Apparently Normal Part, Host. He's aware of the system. But sometimes partially forgets about it and how it functions.
I assume he has pretty unreliable memory. Sometimes forgets where he is, how he got there, what he was supposed to do, he can forget about things that happened or that he did etc...
Classic dissociation + can enter a kind of hibernation/complete dormancy and sleep for weeks, months, years, when needed or out of boredom.
Vlad : Emotional Part. Formerly unaware of the system, now aware of it (or at least aware of goultard being the host) embodies anger, exteriorizes unresolved rage and resentment by violently lashing out until the body has calmed down.
Somewhat naturally takes a protective role without really meaning to, taking control when certain emotions become too much to bear for the host, redirecting the violence outward instead of inwards.
First fronting triggered by Algathe's death.
Vald : Between Fragment and Apparently Normal Part. Not aware of the system. Too little experience and time fronting to pass as a fully formed individual (but people usually assume he's just stupid). In a way, his role IS to be too stupid to feel sadness, or anything much. But could develop into a real ANP if given the chance.
Born out of a desire for numbness. Possibly related to missing the crimson dofus after it was taken away from the system?? The whole system seems very attached to the crimson dofus, yearning for its warmth, letting its power consume them from the inside out.
How they form
Vlad and Vald didnt suddenly appear because of a single event each triggering them into existence. Rather they formed slowly and over extended periods of time from more or less specific needs, locked away in the confines of the mind before being awakened and forced to front by a triggering event causing a switch.
The underlying cause of the disorder being the hundreds of years spent inhabitated by a symbiotic shushu, manipulating his emotions and sense of self, slowly fracturing it over time.
Other Alters ?
There could potentially be more alters staying in hiding, unbeknownst to Goultard (and the rest of the system)
The differences between the way goultard acts in dofus and in wakfu, specifically emotionally, could imply a split happened between dofus and wakfu. A new identity that hasnt fronted yet would have taken these aspects that the host no longer has.
Most probably caused by losing arty, goultard's love for him was what freed him from the demon after all.
Goultard now hides in order to cry, when he used to feel no shame crying nuzzled in Arty's arms.
This would have been exacerbated by Goultard being put into a role of mentor and caregiver to Tristepin, worsening his emotional repression (that a new emotional part could have formed to embody instead).
Tristepin being the reincarnation of his father, whom he has conflicted feelings about, and having his children brutally murdered in the past, explain why he'd want/need to keep him at a distance, wanting him to not think of him as family, only as his mentor/master.
Edit : I forgot to mention his habit of self-isolation, just imagine I did
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dasisugarun · 3 months ago
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guys 2025 is coming... somehow, we made it through 2024. we welcomed jin and hoseok back, and we’re so close to the moment when bts will finally be together again. let’s hope for amazing things in 2025!
wishing you all a very happy new year. stay warm, stay healthy, and take care of yourselves. 💜
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nosebleed-archive · 1 year ago
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rosethornewrites · 1 month ago
Fic: the gentle light that strays and vanishes and returns, ch. 2
Relationships: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji
Characters: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Lan Yuan | Lan Sizhui
Additional Tags: POV Third Person, POV Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Grief/Mourning, Anger, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Reconciliation, Snark, Regret, Past Character Death, Podfic Welcome
Summary: Jin Ling arrives and they visit the ancestral shrine.
Notes: See end
AO3 link
Part 4 of the try to praise the mutilated world series.
Chapter 1
He somehow survives dinner, at which Wei Wuxian is oddly quiet, dressed in robes he had the servants put in his wardrobe so he knew damn well he found them, carrying both Chenqing and Suibian, and no he doesn’t feel any particular way about either except… good. He should wear those clothes and carry his sword. But Jiang Cheng sure as hell isn’t going to address either, not with Lan Wangji around. 
He makes sure to mention Jin Ling’s eminent arrival, probably the next day, asks that they not visit the ancestral shrine until then, and escapes as quickly as he can. 
Not quickly enough to avoid Lan Sizhui, who shows up at his office all polite to ask questions about growing lotuses. Jiang Cheng doubts they’d survive on that damnable mountain, but he thought the same thing about the Burial Mounds and Wei Wuxian got them to grow anyway. 
And so Jiang Cheng gives him a brief lecture on the growing of lotuses, and offers to introduce him to a local farmer. 
“They may not survive the winters in the Cloud Recesses,” he warns. “Though if you throw the problem to Wei Wuxian he’ll probably develop a brand new talisman to ensure they will.”
That gets a small chuckle from the boy, and he feels weirdly proud to have elicited it. Probably he has the same mental image Jiang Cheng does, of Wei Wuxian hunched over talisman paper, ink staining his fingers and probably his nose from his habit of rubbing it with one finger when he thinks. 
“Thank you, Jiang-zongzhu,” Lan Sizhui says with a bow. 
“Jiang-shushu, if Wei Wuxian is your die,” he corrects.
The boy should have always been his nephew, had things gone differently, but they can’t change the past; they can only move forward. If that’s even an option. 
Lan Sizhui’s smile widens and for a moment he is transported back to the Burial Mounds, the kid attached to his leg and grinning up at him. 
“Of course, Jiang-shushu,” the kid says, before exiting and leaving him blessedly alone to decidedly not tear up over the whole thing. 
He feels strangely lighter, something that barely makes sense even as it makes total sense, nonsensical in its contradiction. 
Hopefully he can get through the next few days with his sanity intact. 
He spends some time dealing with correspondence, then runs the late evening remedial training he instituted to help disciples struggling with forms. Both provide distractions, though with a letter from Yao-zongzhu he had to reply to, he can’t say they were all good. 
Jiang Cheng knows he can’t avoid Wei Wuxian forever, nor does he want to, and so he’s not entirely surprised to see his brother sitting at the edge of a pier overlooking the lotus ponds, his form lit up by the light of the waning half moon reflecting off the water. He has a servant retrieve some Lotus Breeze for them to share, knowing full well it’s better to do this with drink, too many emotions not to. It’s past Lan Wangji’s bedtime, so they shouldn’t be disturbed. 
He doesn’t know what to say, so he settles for saying nothing, just sitting down by Wei Wuxian and placing one of the bottles next to him. Wei Wuxian gropes for it without looking and takes a long drag, letting the alcohol spill from his mouth down his chin, and it’s such a familiar picture that Jiang Cheng could be back before the war, drinking on the pier with his brother. 
“You still wear your wine instead of drinking it,” he finds himself saying. 
Wei Wuxian only grins at him, taking the ribbing for what it is, and something in Jiang Cheng relaxes. 
“It’s about time you came home,” he says, purposefully looking at the moon instead of his brother. 
“I didn’t know if you’d want me here,” Wei Wuxian responds after a moment. 
“You’re an idiot,” he mutters, taking a deep swig of his own wine. “I should’ve just invited you, I guess, but you’ve never needed an invitation before.”
That receives a short laugh, but something in Wei Wuxian goes distant, like he’s many li away from Lotus Pier, and Jiang Cheng knows he’s thinking about A-Jie. 
He wants to kick himself—of course Wei Wuxian would think he needed an invitation; he probably still thought A-Jie’s death was his fault. Not that Jiang Cheng is any help there, having blamed him very publicly for the sixteen years of his death. 
But even if he wasn’t proven innocent, the victim of a smear campaign and a second flute, A-Jie pushed him aside to take that sword, gave her life for him. And Jiang Cheng had gone and cheapened that all these years, even trying to kill him as Lan Wangji tried to save him. 
No wonder the other man hates him. 
He pushes himself out of the spiral, knowing it does no good. What’s done is done, separate from what he does now. 
“Anyway, you’re home now. That’s what matters,” Jiang Cheng says, nudging his brother to get him out of his own spiral. 
Wei Wuxian looks at him with startled eyes, then smiles and has another sip of his wine. 
They sit and drink together until it’s clear to Jiang Cheng that Wei Wuxian is falling asleep where he sits, and then he bullies him to his feet and escorts him to the quarters he’s sharing with Lan Wangji. 
Tomorrow is another day, and Jin Ling will be arriving before midday. 
Wei Wuxian looks like a painted ghost at breakfast, having clearly slept poorly despite Jiang Cheng’s best intentions, and he can only hope his brother doesn’t fall asleep right into his congee. Lan Sizhui keeps to Lan expectations about silence during meals, and Jiang Cheng almost wishes they’d brought the loud Lan just so it wouldn’t be so quiet. 
Lan Wangji makes sure Wei Wuxian eats at least a little. 
Jiang Cheng arranges a boat for them to take on the lakes, even though there are no lotus seeds to eat this time of year. He hopes Wei Wuxian enjoys it, at least—he could care less about whether Lan Wangji enjoys it. By the time they’re back Jin Ling should have arrived. 
Lan Sizhui demurs rather than go on a boat, and Jiang Cheng recalls he gets seasick, or at least did on the trip to Lotus Pier after the failed siege of the Burial Mounds, so instead he introduces him to a lotus farmer so he can learn about the planting and cultivation of lotuses for what he presumes is a secret project for Wei Wuxian. 
That leaves Jiang Cheng to his own devices until Jin Ling arrives, and he focuses on answering correspondence and not losing his temper at Ouyang-zongzhu’s ridiculous letter about walking corpses supposedly being the work of Wei Wuxian, who clearly is in no condition to fuck around with the undead right now, and who was in Gusu until yesterday besides. 
Afterward, he spends his time going through the routine of Jiang moves, calming himself through the fluid movement, until he’s interrupted by a familiar voice, “Jiujiu.”
He hopes Jin Ling won’t mind Wei Wuxian’s presence for his mother’s birthday, and is relieved when his nephew only nods and asks if they brought Jingyi or Sizhui with them. 
Of course Jin Ling abandons him to go find Lan Sizhui, and they’re having lotus and pork rib soup for lunch and Jiang Cheng has no idea how Wei Wuxian will handle it because it’s not perfect like Jie’s. Because he’s not handling it, clearly, looking like a damn walking corpse and too quiet, and Jiang Cheng isn’t able to handle a Wei Wuxian who isn’t handling it well. 
Because his brother is supposed to bounce back. 
Only he remembers that first year after Jie died and his chest felt as hollowed-out as it did after Wen Zhuliu crushed his core all over again, even with Wei Wuxian’s spinning in its place. And he’d had two sets of anniversaries happening, two siblings dead, a sect to run, and a colicky nephew to take care of on top of it all. 
It’s not even just Jie for Wei Wuxian, who’d gone to Nightless City because Wen Qing and Wen Ning had been killed, one for real and the other faked, along with the other Wens he’d lived with for those last years; his brother who’d lost so much more that awful year, enough for Jie’s death to finish breaking him when he’d always bounced back before.  
Or maybe he hadn’t, but he hid it when he could, and Jiang Cheng didn’t look closely because he didn’t, and still doesn’t, know how to handle a Wei Wuxian who isn’t handling it. But this time he’s looking closer, trying to do something about it, because the alternative is to watch his brother break again, and that’s not happening. 
He stops spiraling with the help of some tea and meditation, and by that time Wei Wuxian is back with Lan Wangji, and Jin Ling is back with Lan Sizhui, and it’s lunchtime. At least Wei Wuxian looks a little less like a walking ghost, though the soup may mess that up. 
The worst thing about his relationship with Wei Wuxian is that Jiang Cheng doesn’t know how to fix it, how to help him. Before, they had A-Jie, and she always had the right words, was always there to warm them with her soup and affection, but Jiang Cheng always has the wrong words.
All he can do is offer no words at all, letting the soup speak for him. 
Wei Wuxian’s eyes go glassy as he’s served the soup, but he turns to Jin Ling instead of breaking down. 
“Your niang used to make this soup for A-Cheng and me, growing up.”
He relates the time Jie went to find Wei Wuxian because Jiang Cheng had chased him away with threats of dogs, though he doesn’t mention that part, just tells him of their strong sister, carrying the both of them home and then making them the best soup he’d ever had. 
“She made it all the time, just her way of showing she loved us.”
Jin Ling is rapt, a hungry look in his eyes to hear a story of his mother, and Jiang Cheng is so glad Wei Wuxian is back and can tell him these stories—he always was the better storyteller, with a knack for putting events in a sensible order. Jiang Cheng has tried, but he’s only one person who knew Jie, and Wei Wuxian makes two. 
“We should talk to Mianmian, see if she’ll tell you stories about your father,” Wei Wuxian comments. “We ran into her just before the second siege, so we know where to find her.”
“Mianmian?” Jin Ling asks doubtfully. 
“Luo Qingyang,” Lan Wangji supplies, “was close to your father, a friend.”
“I bet she’d be happy to tell you about him,” Wei Wuxian adds.
Jin Ling looks almost hungry at the idea, but speechless, so Jiang Cheng speaks for him, even as he beats himself up for not thinking of that years ago: “Contact her and see if she’ll go to Jinlintai.”
Wei Wuxian does that thing where he smiles and his eyes become half-moons, a true grin, and Jiang Cheng lets out a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. 
“I’m sure she will now,” Lan Wangji says.
The “now” is fraught with implications, but all of them are against the Jin, so it’s funny snark instead of the jabs he sometimes hits Jiang Cheng with. Suddenly he can see why Wei Wuxian insists he’s funny. 
Now that Jin Guangshan is dead, and Jin Guangyao as well, with A-Ling working to root out the old corruption so that the Jin could be one day known for illuminating the world instead of just their wealth, Luo Qingyang will have no reason to avoid Jinlintai. She may even be willing to help A-Ling with rooting out that corruption.
Eventually, though, it is inevitable; lunch ends and the time has come to pay respect in the family shrine, where he had placed a tablet for Jie—there was also one in Lanling, but Jin Ling preferred to honor her at Lotus Pier for her birthday. 
Jiang Cheng has honored her like this sixteen times since her death, and this will be a first anniversary for Wei Wuxian, for whom those years had blinked by in his death, he imagined. His once-brother’s grief had been too raw for it to be any other way. He sees his first year in Wei Wuxian’s grieving. 
The piers twist around the various pavilions as Jiang Cheng leads the way to the shrine, letting him see how Wei Wuxian seems to shrink as they near; for all he’d been there before Guanyin Temple, this is different. 
He can only hope this visit will give Wei Wuxian some peace. 
They wind up not even seated near each other, with Wei Wuxian seated between Hanguang-Jun and his son, something that leaves him feeling blocked away. He doesn’t acknowledge the distance, though, knowing the Lans mean to offer him support through this, support Jiang Cheng should be responsible for, not that he’s shown himself trustworthy of that. 
While he could wallow in self-pity and make this visit all about himself, Jiang Cheng chooses instead to take a deep breath and push away the negative intrusive thoughts—this visit is about Jiejie, and about Wei Wuxian. 
Even Jin Ling is looking at Wei Wuxian with worry by now, and Jiang Cheng can feel him elbow Lan Sizhui, seated on the other side of Jin Ling, looking for an explanation that isn’t forthcoming. 
Seconds of a terrible pregnant silence pass, and Jiang Cheng can’t stand it, can understand how Wei Wuxian might need to fill it with chatter all the time. 
“A-Jie, we’ve come to visit you. A-Xian came home.”
The words spill from his lips before he can think, the affectionate version of Wei Wuxian’s name that Jiang Yanli had preferred feeling natural in his mouth. 
It would be perfect, except that Wei Wuxian starts crying, a sort of convulsive sob that sounds like a dam breaking lose. 
Lan Wangji immediately starts fussing, as does Lan Sizhui, while Jin Ling just freezes, looking like he’d rather run away than deal with a crying Wei Wuxian. 
Jiang Cheng knows exactly how he feels. 
“Don’t be a mess in front of A-Jie,” he hisses. “You’re a grown man.”
“Xianxian is three,” Wei Wuxian practically wails. 
The routine is comforting but A-Jie isn’t here to baby him like she used to, and Jiang  Cheng doesn't have that kind of patience.  
“Grow up, Wei Wuxian! If you’re only three, how are you supposed to have your wedding at Lotus Pier so A-Jie can be there?”
Okay, so Jiang Cheng absolutely doesn’t expect Wei Wuxian to cry harder, and if he doesn’t stop, he doesn’t trust himself not to fucking bawl; he can feel it itching in his chest.
“I swear, if you don’t stop ugly crying, I will—”
He suddenly becomes uncomfortably aware that Lan Wangji’s attention has alit on him—he isn’t afraid of the man! He just has a well-developed sense of self-preservation, one that makes his go-to threats unwise.
“—I will toss you right into the lake and hope you bothered to teach that body to swim!”
Dammit… now his brother is ugly laughing, too. 
When Wei Wuxian eventually stops laugh-crying, he turns to Jiang Cheng with a vulnerable expression that makes him shift uncomfortably. 
“You want me to get married at Lotus Pier?” he asks softly. “Even though we already eloped?”
Jiang Cheng huffed. Of course they eloped, probably the last time they were at Lotus Pier. At least they’re actually married. 
“Do you think one bow is enough for A-Jie? She deserves to see you in wedding red.”
Wei Wuxian’s face does something complicated. 
“Jiang Cheng… we didn’t elope here. We weren’t together then.”
He almost protests that of course they were together, but he stops short, glancing at Lan Wangji, who nods to confirm. So he misunderstood—they’d only been venerating his sister and parents, not taking their bows. Well, that’s one thing to not be upset about anymore. 
Lan Sizhui is watching them with a soft smile. Jin Ling nods, to urge him on. 
“Then, a real wedding. Here at Lotus Pier. What kind of brother would I be if I let you elope like it’s some disgrace?”
A wide smile spreads across his brother’s face, one that used to be frequent, one Jiang Cheng rarely sees anymore, and he decides right then to make Wei Wuxian smile like that more often, if he can. 
“I’d like that,” Wei Wuxian says softly. 
Lan Wangji looks almost approving, which wasn’t one of Jiang Cheng’s goals, but he’ll take it. 
“Good. We’ll get you measured for robes while you’re here. And start planning. I remember A-Jie’s ideas for your wedding.”
With a misty smile, Wei Wuxian turns toward Jiang Yanli’s tablet. 
“Shijie, did you hear? Xianxian is getting married!”
“And he’s going to visit more often,” Jiang Cheng adds firmly, catching Lan Sizhui’s eye to let him know he’s included. 
“Definitely,” Jin Ling adds, grinning, so excited he’s tugging on Lan Sizhui’s sleeve. “Dajiu.”
The laugh from Wei Wuxian, happy and not unlike the chiming of bells, tells him he said the right thing and reminds him to prepare clarity bells for the lot of them. 
He’ll claim them all for Lotus Pier, even the former Wen, and hopefully it will be enough to make up for everything, his abandonment when it mattered, in this incredible second chance. 
So a two-shot here. I already have a wedding to write for “rain falls and soaks into the earth,” so unless this one insists on being written, I won’t write it. I’m sensing there’s some Lan Xichen POV to be written, though, so this series isn’t finished yet. 
Got into a clinical study for long Covid. We’ll see how it goes. 
a-jie / jie = elder sister
dajiu = eldest uncle, specifically younger brother of mother
die = dad
jiujiu = mother’s younger brother 
li = half a kilometer 
niang = mom
shijie = martial older sister
shushu = uncle
zongzhu = sect leader
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traincarsandstars · 5 months ago
Bailu AU: Mithridate Hidden Among Golden Roots.
The first step to creating antidotes and antivenom is injecting small amounts of the toxin or venom into an animal, like a horse or sheep, and then extracting the antibodies produced from the animal's blood. Bailu was born in a similar manner.
In his attempt to resurrect his friend—Baiheng—Dan Feng used the Transmutation Arcanum (a method of transferring powers and appearance from one High Elder to the next) on her remains, along with his blood mixed in. During the process another friend, Yingxing (who was assisting Dan Feng), used the remains of ShuShu—an emanator of the Abundance—to aid in the resurrection only for it backfire tremendously. With the addition of Shushu's remains it triggered something within their friends DNA created a "monster". This "monster" went out of control and almost destroyed the seal on Arbor's roots; however, the "monster" was quickly delt with before anymore damage could be done. But from this creature's remains an egg was formed, and from this egg would eventually emerge Bailu.
Effectively, Bailu is a walking counteragent to Mara. Her cloudhym can slow the effects of Mara and, in some cases, reverse it to some degree. Her cloudhym can slow the effects of Mara and, in some cases, reverse it to some degree. At the same time, her antibodies can potentially eradicate Mara within someone. The use of Shushu's remains during the resurrection was like injecting the subject with a small amount of toxins. The subsequent transformation into the "monster" can be seen as the subject's immune system attempting to fight off these toxins. When it died and turned into an egg, a mutation occurred thanks to the water from the Lunarescent Depths and the land where the beast fell. This mutation allowed Bailu to start producing Mara antibodies, and why she hatched safely despite being partly born from an emanator of the Abundance.
Despite being a natural response to Mara, her abilities and potential remain unknown to all. This is partly do to the shackle on her tail. It suppresses a large amount of her powers, so despite her elixirs being effective against Mara, they are not as effective as they could be. The other reason is that she looks like a normal Vidyadhara. The only way to tell is have some of her white blood cells go against those who have developed Mara.
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ruanbaijie · 6 months ago
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During the Republican Era, Shen Zhiheng, a member of the Tianjin gentry who happened to be a vampire, offended the Japanese and became the target of an assassination attempt. He was saved by a blind young lady, Mi Lan, and his best friend Situ Weilian. When he went to repay Mi Lan for saving him, he discovered the terrible family situation that Mi Lan was in, and so began to pay more attention to her. Meanwhile, Shen Zhiheng’s plan to take revenge on Li Yingliang, the mastermind behind his assassination, fell short of success thanks to Li Yingliang’s Japanese superior, raising suspicions about his identity. Since then, Li Yingliang and the Japanese were in hot pursuit of Shen Zhiheng, determined to dig out the truth about his secret.
Please do not repost this anywhere else or retranslate it!
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That very day, outside the chapel, Mi Lan got her wish and met Shen Zhiheng.
Shen Zhiheng arrived in a hurry, asking the moment he alighted from the car and saw Mi Lan, “What’s the matter?”
There was anxiousness in his voice, and Mi Lan immediately suspected that she had given him a fright. When it came to Shen Zhiheng, she “treasured” him a lot, as if she had saved him once, and he was now hers. Or at least, she owned a small share of his person. Ever since she was a child, it always felt as if she was just temporarily staying in this world, with nothing to her name, and could leave whenever she wanted to. Shen Zhiheng was the one who gave her a small connection to this world. To a certain extent, Shen Zhiheng himself seemed like her private property.
She smiled softly at Shen Zhiheng, replying, “I’m fine. It’s not about me.”
Shen Zhiheng measured her, noticing that there were no new wounds on her face and hands, and that her complexion was not that bad. It was only then when he guided her into the car.
“If it’s not about you, then who is it about?”
“It’s Li-shushu,” she replied. “The one we met at the entrance of Victoria Hospital.”
Shen Zhiheng stared at her suspiciously, “What… about him?”
 If Mi Lan could see, that suspicion in Shen Zhiheng’s eyes would have probably made her heart run cold. It was blatant suspicion, accompanied by blatant scrutiny, as if she were a slowly unravelling mystery in the midst of revealing its true face one layer by one layer.
Her blind eyes protected her at this moment, and she answered honestly, “He came to find me, asking me to pass a message to you. He said that he wants to reconcile with you, and even wants me to mediate.”
“Then how do you intend to mediate?”
“I’m only passing his message, I won’t mediate.”
“Why are you doing as he asks? That brat is not a good person.”
“He’ll ultimately find someone else to pass you his message. Instead of someone else, it might as well be me. At least, I won’t be in cahoots with him and lie to you.”
“This is not something you should be interfering in.”
Mi Lan grew silent.
Shen Zhiheng spoke again, an undercurrent of anger faint in his voice, “You’re right, he’ll ultimately find someone else to pass me his message. Even if it’s not you, it’ll be someone else. But you were willing to do it for me, and so he now knows that both of us still remain in contact with each other. He’ll also know that your opinions and words matter to me, and he’ll even be able to find out that you were the one who saved me that night! Do you believe or not that his eyes and ears are hiding outside right now? Do you believe or not that he’ll continue coming to you in the future, and even use you to threaten me?”
Mi Lan froze. She had never considered what Shen Zhiheng had just said.
“I won’t let him use me to threaten you,” she said. “I won’t go for choir classes in the future. I’ll hide at home and refuse to leave. He wouldn’t dare to barge into my house to find me.”
Shen Zhiheng sighed. “I arranged the choir classes for you with the hope that you could come out and see the world, make some friends, and live well. In the future, when you leave your family, you can also pass your own days happily.”
“I know,” Mi Lan replied softly. “But, in the past, I hid in the house because I had nowhere else to go. Now, I’ll hide in my house because I want to help you. Both cases are similar because I’m hiding at home, but they’re different because my feelings are different. I’m willing.”
“Do you still remember my phone number?”
“Yes, you gave it to me in the past.”
“If there’s a need, find a way to call me. If it’s not convenient at home, then find a random store. A café or a grocery store. As long as it’s a place that has a telephone installed, you can borrow it, just give them some money. The money that I gave you after you left the hospital, have you kept it well?”
Shen Zhiheng extended his hand to ruffle her hair. He really wanted to save her, but her father was General Mi, and if he were to really abduct her and flee, General Mi would be humiliated and would definitely not spare him. Besides, after abducting her and fleeing, what next? Would he set up a residence and support her like a mistress [1] , letting her live alone? Or would he keep her by his side? This young lady seemed to have a third eye. If he kept her by his side, it wouldn’t take her a few months to discover all of his secrets.
Shen Zhiheng suddenly felt a twinge of regret. He should not have been so friendly with her these few days. His intentions were good, but the outcome might end up harming her. He was destined to be a harbinger of misfortune and destruction for his entire life. That he could get to know a dumb, happy-go-lucky Situ Weilian was already an unexpected joy, he should have been satisfied with that.
“Run along. Cry as you go back, pretend that I just scolded you.”
Understanding what he meant, Mi Lan pushed the car door open and fumbled out herself. Just as the wind hit her face, she opened her mouth and lowered her head, starting to heave in huge sobs. As she walked alone to the chapel, she even specifically used her sleeve to wipe her eyes. Shen Zhiheng watched her enter the chapel in amazement, because he realised that Mi Lan was both beautiful and intelligent, understanding him in a second and not needing any further explanation, as if she were his close friend who could implicitly understand his thoughts and feelings [2] .
However, Mi Lan did not make good on her promise. The afternoon of the second day, she went to the chapel again.
Li Yingliang found a chance to get a hold of her outside the chapel. In a daze, she froze, and spoke with her head lowered, “Li-shushu, don’t come and find me anymore. I can’t help you.”
Li Yingliang asked her, “Did you pass my message to Shen Zhiheng?”
Mi Lan’s face was ashen. “Mr. Shen is not happy.” She sobbed, “He said I was a busybody and scolded me.”
Extending her walking cane, she found where Li Yingliang was standing, and looped around him in a hurry to return to the little classroom where her choir class was held. 
Then, starting from the third day, she no longer left the house. Li Yingliang did not know just how Shen Zhiheng had scolded her, he only felt that this Young Mistress Mi had suffered a terrible blow. He could not get over this line of thought. This Young Mistress Mi had always lived a miserable life, and had finally gotten the chance to leave her house everyday to go to the choir and have some fun, but this had all been ruined by him, who had not gained anything out of the process either. If he had known earlier that she did not have much say with Shen Zhiheng, he would not have approached her.
Li Yingliang gave up with Mi Lan, and decided to try to find a new path. When it came to Shen Zhiheng, the closer he got to him, the harder it was for him to disentangle himself from him. All day long, he would be brooding over this demon surnamed Shen.
Unexpectedly, one afternoon, Shen Zhiheng invited himself, showing up on initiative at the main gates of his Development Committee.
Hearing that Shen Zhiheng had come, Li Yingliang could not believe it at first. Shen Zhiheng was always very cautious and rarely left the concession zone. He had no reason to take the risk and run over to where he was; what difference did this have from walking straight into a trap?
It was only when he went to take a look and welcome him that he realised that Shen Zhiheng had not gone insane. This time, he had brought with him some twenty to thirty people, and their cars, parked outside the Development Committee, made up a huge contingent. The backseat window of the car in the lead opened, and Shen Zhiheng himself hung his elbow outside the window, tilting his head and looking up. As a pair of glasses, tinted the colour of smoky quartz, sat on his nose bridge, no one knew exactly what he was looking at. 
Li Yingliang revealed a smile in advance, welcoming loudly, “Mr. Shen, what a rare guest.”
Shen Zhiheng raised his hand to remove his glasses, nodding at him, “Chairman Li.”
Li Yingliang looked at him with a smile. His smile was so wide that his eyebrows were curved, the corners of his lips were upturned, and his teeth were revealed. There was nothing but joy on his face. Judging by his smile that was so full of delight, Shen Zhiheng figured that this would be followed by a round of pleasantries, and so he waited quietly, intending to let him speak his fill before he started talking himself. After all, he knew that in negotiations, striking first did not necessarily give one the upper hand.
He thought this way, and so too did Li Yingliang, so the two of them stared at each other. Li Yingliang stood still in the cold wind, smiling till his front teeth were freezing, yet still not knowing why Shen Zhiheng kept staring at him without saying a word. Meanwhile, Shen Zhiheng was equally clueless, and began to suspect that this smile of Li Yingliang’s had become frozen on his face because of the freezing wind.
In the end, Li Yingliang’s smile slowly faded, and neither could Shen Zhiheng bear with it any longer, “Why don’t you invite me in to have a seat?”
Li Yingliang opened the door of the car, his attitude still as respectful as before, “I couldn’t ask for more. Please, Mr. Shen.”
Shen Zhiheng extended a hand towards the driver in the front, who understood and immediately pulled out a Browning pistol from under the seat and handed it to him. He tucked the pistol into his coat, and then got out of the car.
“Chairman Li, this time, I’ve come prepared. If you still dare to pull any tricks inside, I’ll kill you.”
Li Yingliang laughed loudly, “Based on Mr. Shen’s abilities, do you still need a gun to kill me?”
Then, he gestured towards the gate, “Please.”
Shen Zhiheng strode in as Li Yingliang guided him to his office. Meanwhile, Li Guisheng led a group of men to hide in ambush outside the windows. If anything happened in the room, they would immediately smash the windows and barge in. Even so, after Li Yingliang closed the door, his heart still slowly rose to his throat.
Shen Zhiheng walked one round around his office. Since he was here, he might as well take a look at the headquarters of this Chinese traitor.
Li Yingliang personally poured a cup of hot tea and placed it on the coffee table, saying, “Mr. Shen, please have a seat. I’m truly very pleasantly surprised that you’ve taken the time to come today. I was of the impression that Mr. Shen hated me, and we would never have the chance to resolve our misunderstandings and shake hands and speak in peace.”
Shen Zhiheng turned around in front of the large desk, facing Li Yingliang, “Whether we make peace or not, that’s something that’s between you and me. You should not have urged Young Mistress Mi to be a middle-man. If General Mi found out about this, how do you think he would react?”
Li Yingliang replied, “Mr. Shen wouldn’t complain about me to General Mi, would you?” Then, he grinned, “But, even if General Mi found out about this, I would have an explanation for him. After all, Mr. Shen’s and Young Mistress Mi’s relationship is a little… how do I put it? Haha, not that normal!”
At this point, he stared directly at Shen Zhiheng, “Mr. Shen, it’s rare for us to get the chance to have a peaceful conversation like this. I once dealt you a heavy blow, and neither did you spare me. That you didn’t die is proof of your good fortune, that I didn’t die is also proof of my good fortune. Since the heavens have arranged it such that you and I are both alive to stand here today to speak to one another, I think that we should accept and treasure this chance. I know you look down on me. That’s okay. Many people look down on me, you’re not the only one. You’ve never pointed at my nose and scolded me before, that’s already proof of you giving me face. Recently, you’ve also seen my attitude; I was really trying every method to get close to you, to mend ties with you, but you never gave me the chance. So, I had no choice but to try anything in desperation and seek out Young Mistress Mi. I know that you give her face, and you owe her a favour. But you can rest assured that I’ve never threatened or scared her. What’s the point of me scaring a young lady? I just asked her to help me pass you a message. But it seems like you didn’t give her face. These few days, Young Mistress Mi has not appeared in public at all.”
Shen Zhiheng said, “You’ve gotten it the wrong way round. It’s not that I owe her a favour, she is the one who owes me a favour. Without me, she would have died in the hospital last month.”
Li Yingliang raised his head and thought, and then smiled, “Yes, yes, you have a point. If you hadn’t been there to take care of her, perhaps she really would have died of her illness. And that night, if she hadn’t been there to save you, you probably would still be able to live.” He waved his hands towards Shen Zhiheng, “Don’t be mistaken, I’m being frank here, I mean you absolutely no ill intention.”
Shen Zhiheng could hear through it, Li Yingliang was testing him. This rascal was not stupid. Everything he said was accurate, yet, Shen Zhiheng was just the type of person who was not afraid of being tested.
Meeting his gaze, Li Yingliang took a few tentative steps in his direction. “Mr. Shen, can you tell me, how on earth did you… why are you…”
For a moment, he did not know how to phrase his question. “What I mean is… logically speaking, you definitely died without a doubt. But after disappearing for a month, you reappeared, having not died at all. How?”
Shen Zhiheng shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I’m truly extremely curious.”
Shen Zhiheng suddenly smiled. “Do you really want to know?”
“Yes! Can you tell me?”
Shen Zhiheng sighed, “Then you must keep it a secret for me.”
“Of course!”
“I don’t trust you, you must swear on your life.”
Li Yingliang raised his hand and straightened three fingers, “I, Li Yingliang, swear that whatever Mr. Shen tells me today, I will keep it a secret until the end. If I go back on my word, I will be punished by the heavens and get struck by lightning!”
Shen Zhiheng raised a finger and pointed at him, “You will also die without descendants and be sent to the eighteenth level of hell when you die, never to reincarnate for eternity.”
Li Yingliang really used all of his patience on Shen Zhiheng. “Okay, okay, I’ll die without descendants and be sent to the eighteenth level of hell, never to reincarnate for eternity.”
Shen Zhiheng turned his head to glance at the windows, then walked towards Li Yingliang. Li Yingliang suspected that he could sense the people waiting in ambush outside the windows. Seeing him approach him closer and closer, Li Yingliang’s calves seemed to cramp a little. But if he turned around and ran now, everything he had done these past few days would go down the drain.
Shen Zhiheng stopped in front of him. Because he was taller than him by half a head, Li Yingliang pretty much just fell into his shadow. Shen Zhiheng lowered, moving to the side of his ear, and said in a low voice, “Actually, I’m a demon.”
Then, he straightened his body, stared at Li Yingliang, and nodded his head once with certainty. “A demon.”
Li Yingliang was tongue-tied. “No–Mr. Shen, can you stop joking around with me? I’ve even already sworn on my life, and yet you’re telling me now that you’re a demon. You’re not being serious.”
Shen Zhiheng said seriously, from the bottom of his heart, “I’m really a demon. If you don’t believe me, come to my house tonight, I’ll reveal my true form to you.”
“That I don’t dare.”
“What’s there to be scared of, it’s not like I can eat you.”
Upon saying that, he could not help but swallow his saliva. He was due for a meal tonight, and so now, the second he smelled the breath of a live person, his hunger would grow. Li Yingliang glanced at the way his Adam’s apple moved up and down, and immediately felt his hairs standing. Until now, he did not believe a single word of what Shen Zhiheng said. Perhaps, demons really existed in this world, but Shen Zhiheng was definitely not something as simple as a demon.
His mouth dry, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, “Then, what’s your true form?”
“I’ve been human for so long, I can’t remember. If you’re interested, why don’t you just see for yourself?”
Shen Zhiheng’s tone was lively, and so Li Yingliang also put on a false smile, “But to tell you the truth, I really feel like you want to eat me.”
Shen Zhiheng extended a hand and patted his shoulder. “It’s good that Chairman Li is so cautious. It’s better to be safe than sorry. But Chairman Li can rest assured, if you just concern yourself with rising through the ranks, while I just concern myself with making money, both of us minding our own business, then I wouldn’t eat you. But if you really can’t contain your curiosity and insist on playing tricks on me, then don’t blame me for a moment’s rashness.”
At this point, he lowered his voice, “Chairman Li, let me tell you, what person I am isn’t important; what’s important is whether you can live well or not.”
Li Yingliang raised his head to look at him, “So, you came here today to warn me.”
Shen Zhiheng shook his head continuously. “I’m not that kind. I never give any warnings before doing things. Wouldn’t you be wary once I give you a warning? I’m not that stupid.”
As he said this, his voice bore traces of anger as he smiled, and it was fairly gentle and kind, as if he were nagging at his little brother about the housework. Li Yingliang’s character was already quite volatile; who knew that Shen Zhiheng was actually one level above him.
Seeing Shen Zhiheng retrieve that pair of tinted glasses from his pocket, as if he was about to leave, he said in a hurry, “Can I invite you again for dinner? It just happens that it’s no longer early now, it’s just the right time.”
Shen Zhiheng put on his glasses. “I don’t eat food, I eat people.”
Then, he raised his hand and pulled Li Yingliang by his shoulder, making him turn around. With his arm draped across his shoulders, he pushed the door open, saying, “I’ll trouble you to see me out.”
The force he exerted was startlingly large, and Li Yingliang could not help but walk forward. “Mr. Shen, I feel that we should continue talking. The Japanese really want to be friends with you. I, too, personally–”
“Shut up!”, Shen Zhiheng suddenly turned towards him and roared.
With his abrupt change in demeanour, even though Li Yingliang could not see his eyes, he could see his ferocious expression, like he had lost his temper. Previously, he had been babbling pleasantly and amicably, and his temper had been better than anyone else’s. Li Yingliang had not thought that he would roar in anger without any warning. Stepping out of the doors of the committee, he watched agape as Shen Zhiheng slid into his car and left.
Li Guisheng ran up from behind him, muttering angrily, “Sir, he actually dared to yell at you.”
Li Yingliang glared. “Is it strange that he yelled at me? He even dares to kill me!”
Leaving the Japanese concession zone, Shen Zhiheng went straight to Keats Hospital.
Every alternate day, Situ Weilian would bring blood for him. And every two days, just before having his meal, he would be starving. At this time, if he was alone in a quiet place and did not get agitated by anything, nothing much would happen. But if he was suffering from starvation and a warm, fragrant live human was put in front of him, the flames of hunger would burn him to madness.
Earlier, Li Yingliang’s endless chatter had made him see red. He had tried to endure it, but in the end, he had still snapped, and had shut the bastard up with a single roar.
Seeing Shen Zhiheng’s car from inside the hospital, Situ Weilian immediately grabbed his canvas satchel and ran out, two heavy glass bottles knocking against each other in it. He opened the car door and looked at Shen Zhiheng, and as if he could read Shen Zhiheng’s mind, he placed the satchel in the car.
“You go first, I’ll come and find you tonight!”
Shen Zhiheng only glanced once at him, before instructing the driver to drive off. Arriving home a short while later, he held the canvas satchel and raced up the stairs, dashing into his bedroom.
Taking deep gulps, he drained the two large bottles of icy cold blood.
Then, he went limp in satisfaction and bliss. In the middle of his daze, he faintly felt a twinge of sorrow. He knew that he was deteriorating at an increasing rate. Perhaps, one day, he would lose his wisdom, his thoughts, his speech, leaving behind only a bloodthirsty hunger.
But he had not been born a monster. When he was fourteen, he had passed the first examination to be an official, and he had once been a talented youth with a bright future.
It was a pity that he had been a human only until the age of fourteen.
After getting off work, Situ Weilian went straight to the Shen mansion. When he entered, Shen Zhiheng had just regained his consciousness, coming down the stairs to welcome him. Situ Weilian brought the cold in with him as he stood in the building, looking around. He saw that Shen Zhiheng had evidently just taken a bath, and was now adjusting the collar of his changpao as he descended the stairs.
Looking down, Shen Zhiheng nodded and asked, “Have you had your dinner?”
“No, I ran over as soon as I got off work.”
Shen Zhiheng lifted a hand and pointed at the telephone on the wall beside the door. Situ Weilian understood. He turned around to grab the telephone, giving the nearby restaurant a call and ordering a table of dishes.
Putting down the phone, he saw that Shen Zhiheng had already walked to the sofa and was seated down there. He moved over, asking, “You were hungry in the afternoon?”
Shen Zhiheng was busy finding his cigar and a matchstick. “I was hungry.”
Situ Weilian ruffled his curly hair with a hand. “You got hungry early?”
Shen Zhiheng lit his cigar, inhaling deeply. “Weilian, one day, if, because of my hunger, I end up attacking a live person, what would you do?”
Situ Weilian felt that he was saying this a little decorously and stiffly. He smiled at once, “What would I do? What else could I do? Of course I would think of a way to find you food!”
“You won’t be afraid of me?”
Situ Weilian immediately shook his head. “You won’t suck my blood, I trust you.”
Shen Zhiheng laughed. “I don’t even trust myself, on what basis do you trust me?”
“Because we’re good friends, we care for each other [3] .”
Shen Zhiheng suddenly changed the topic, “Do you have enough money?”
“What? Are you offering me financial assistance?”
“I can offer you financial assistance, but you must help me think of an idea.”
“Go ahead!”
“When Mi Lan is at home, she can’t pass her days well. I arranged it such that she could attend choir lessons everyday and relax, but because Li Yingliang found out about our relationship and wanted to target her, it’s no longer convenient for her to leave the house. I’m very worried that she’ll get bored at home, and that she’ll also get abused by her mother.”
Situ Weilian slouched on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling. After staying silent for some time, he slapped his thigh. “Why don’t you go and tell Mrs. Mi that if she beats her daughter again, you’ll give her a taste of how formidable you are!”
“Nonsense, what do you mean taste? Do I give her a beating as well?”
Situ Weilian revealed a cunning smile. “Who said anything about beating her? Isn’t it enough to just give her a fright?”
Shen Zhiheng thought, I’ve done nothing much today, but I’ve just been scaring people. I scared Li Yingliang this afternoon, and now could it be that I’ll have to go and scare Mrs. Mi?
Situ Weilian began animatedly narrating his ingenious plan, and the more he listened, the deeper Shen Zhiheng’s frown grew.
“No way, no way. That’s a child’s game. I can’t do that.”
“Do it or not, it’s up to you. In any case, I’m not friends with Mi Lan. If her mother beats her child, I’m not the one who feels the pain.”
Shen Zhiheng laughed bitterly, still feeling that this plan of Situ Weilian’s was like a child’s prank and he was simply too embarrassed to carry it out.
Situ Weilian added on, mumbling, “Actually, you’re treating the symptoms, but not the cause. As long as she still stays in that house, you won’t be able to save her.”
“I’m simply repaying a favour,” Shen Zhiheng said.
“Without her, you won’t die. If you could die, you would have died a long time ago.”
Shen Zhiheng stared at the burning end of the cigar, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with him.
The restaurant waiter sent the dishes over and Situ Weilian had a huge feast. Full and tired, he stayed the night at the Shen mansion. At dawn, he was pushed awake by Shen Zhiheng. Then, as if they were playing around, the two of them got to work.
As they were preparing, Shen Zhiheng still felt fairly embarrassed. After busying themselves for a while, he stopped, and said to Situ Weilian, his face reddening, “Actually, I’m quite old.”
Situ Weilian laughed and “tsk”ed, “It’s alright, you look young.”
“For an old man like me to do something like this, it’s really unseemly.”
Situ Weilian squatted on the floor, laughing so hard his face had also become red. “Stop nagging, if you nag any more the sun is going to rise. Besides, what’s wrong with this? The Westerners celebrate Halloween, and even put on make-up like this on purpose!”
Shen Zhiheng stood in front of the full-length mirror. The person in the mirror was dressed in a white gown [4] , which was stained with streaks of blood. This blood happened to be the remnants from the blood bottles. Other than that, his usually meticulous hair had been messed up by Situ Weilian, and Situ Weilian had used the leftovers from his own meal to put on make-up for him. After soaking some dry bread in soup and mashing it into a glutinous paste, Situ Weilian had spread it across his face, and then dug out a packet of white powder from his leather bag and blown it across his head and face. Once the make-up was complete, Shen Zhiheng truly no longer looked like a human. He also kept gagging, the smell of food making him extremely uncomfortable.
Finally, after drenching half of his face with bright red strawberry jam, Situ Weilian turned off the lights, suppressing his snickers as he and Shen Zhiheng went their separate ways. He had driven the hospital car over, so he drove the car when he left now. He appeared to be leaving, but he actually drove the car to the back door of the mansion to pick Shen Zhiheng up.
The two of them hid from the patrol officers, driving speedily to the Mi mansion. Situ Weilian’s driving skills were quite good, and before long, he was already quietly parking the car by a wall behind the Mi mansion.
With one hand on the steering wheel and the other clamped over his mouth, he said, laughing, “Haha, Shen-xiong, go, quickly. Haha! If not, you’re going to lose your face!”
Shen Zhiheng did not dare to make any expression, but even when he was expressionless, there were still half-dried flecks of bread that dropped off from his face. He clearly knew that Situ Weilian was making use of this opportunity to find joy at his expense. Pointing at him, he made a warning gesture, and then pushed open the car door and got out of the car. Situ Weilian collapsed onto the passenger seat, extending his neck to see his silhouette. He saw him walk up to the wall. That wall was higher than him, he had to raise both of his arms high up in order to reach its top.
So, he raised both of his arms high to reach the top of the wall, and easily jumped across it, flipping himself over the wall.
For Shen Zhiheng to enter the Mi mansion, it was really effortless.
The security of this area was very good, and under Mrs. Mi’s lead, everyone in the Mi mansion lived their days muddle-headedly. If the old maids remembered to close and lock the main gates at night, that could already be considered as something done conscientiously. Shen Zhiheng pried open a window and jumped in. Previously, when he was chatting with Mi Lan, he had gained a slight understanding of the Mi mansion. So, he went directly to the second floor, entering Mrs. Mi’s bedroom.
He carefully opened the door and closed the window, and the cold wind instantly blew the curtains around, the window shutters banging around noisily as they opened and closed. In her drunken sleep, Mrs. Mi opened her eyes, only to see that a dark wind was blowing around in her room and in the pale moonlight, a tall and large figure stood before her bed. His face was an uneven mess of blood and flesh, and he was looking at her with his head lowered.
Terrified out of her wits, she opened her mouth and was about to scream, but that person suddenly raised his hand and single-handedly covered her mouth. His other large, cold hand wrapped around her neck.
That person said in a trembling, strange voice, “I am the great-grandfather of the Mi family. You evil, poisonous wench, torturing my Mi family’s descendant every day and night. Tonight, my spirit has returned just to take your wretched life.”
Mrs. Mi shook her head as if her life depended on it, becoming a shivering ball on her bed.
Then, that person said, “Since you are my descendant’s biological mother, if you repent and mend your ways, I will spare you this one time. If you dare to do it again in the future, I will definitely bring you before the ancestors of the Mi family and make you suffer in the Hell of the Blood Pool [5] !”
Then, the large, cold hand was gone, and that person flew up and out of the window. When Mrs. Mi was able to move her muscles and drag herself off the bed, the area outside the window and outside the building had long become silent again. Occasionally, a few sounds rang out as cars drove past in the distance.
Shen Zhiheng was extremely embarrassed. The second he escaped back to the car, he used his lapel to madly wipe his face and hair. After wiping for some time, he suddenly realised that Situ Weilian had disappeared.
The next second, the car door opened, and Situ Weilian jumped into the car, bringing the cold wind with him. “You’re back? So fast?”
Shen Zhiheng relaxed, and continued to wipe himself madly. “What were you doing?”
Situ Weilian started the engine, and first drove off the small lane that the Mi mansion was on. “I went to pee–”
He suddenly noticed what Shen Zhiheng was doing.
“Ai, ai, ai, stop, stop, stop. You’re making my car dirty. How can I drive it back to the hospital later? Our hospital only has this one car, my cousin would eat me!”
Shen Zhiheng ignored him, pushing the door open and jumping out. Bending down, he started retching. Just as his insides were doing somersaults, patrol whistles suddenly started echoing from nearby. He dove back into the car in a hurry.
Situ Weilian was also shocked. “They can’t be here to catch us, right?”
Shen Zhiheng was too weak to reply. Just at this moment, a patrol officer on a bicycle rode past them at the speed of lighting, shouting loudly as he went, “Guards! A demon’s on the loose!”
Situ Weilian waited until the patrol officer disappeared, before asking in a whisper, “A demon? It can’t be the one in the newspapers? What’s that, the weasel demon? The one that sucks blood.”
Shen Zhiheng paused. “I don’t know. Perhaps?”
“Sucks blood… Say, this so-called weasel demon, do you think it could be that brother you’ve been trying to find all along?”
“I still don’t know.”
Situ Weilian suddenly became spirited. “I have an idea! From tomorrow onwards, don’t sleep at night. You should come here and saunter around, and wait for that demon to come over and suck your blood. When he makes his move against you, you’ll make use of the opportunity to catch him and clarify things with him.”
Shen Zhiheng sighed, casually saying, “But what if he’s really just a demon, then what?”
“Aiyo, this old brother, what do you mean ‘just a demon’? You’re already in this state, and you’re still looking down on demons?”
“What do you mean ‘this state’? I’m even lesser than a demon?”
“You’re a vampire–”
“Shut up!”
Situ Weilian shut his mouth, driving the car straight back to the Shen mansion. When the car came to a stop at the back door of the Shen mansion, he could not help but turn around again to Shen Zhiheng, “Have you ever thought that you’re also a demon?”
Shen Zhiheng also turned to him. “No.”
The two of them stared at each other for a moment. Finally, Shen Zhiheng opened his mouth, “It’s just that my luck is bad, and got struck by this rare misfortune–”
Situ Weilian finished his words for him. “Fortunately, you met me, and all things considered, you gained a friend who knows your heart like you do.”
Shen Zhiheng nodded his head earnestly. “Yes.”
With Shen Zhiheng, Situ Weilian was never serious, and never expressed his personal thoughts. Now, in the silence of the night, he turned back to the front, and suddenly said, “I will always be a doctor. If I can’t be a doctor, I’ll be a butcher. I will supply you with blood, and I won’t let you starve to the point that you’ll attack people. I will… I will be responsible for you until the end.”
Shen Zhiheng smiled, one hand pushing open the door while the other patting Situ Weilian’s shoulder. “Okay, okay, I know. Even if you don’t say it, I know.”
I translated 外宅 (wài zhǎi) very loosely as “mistress” as this is probably the closest word in modern day. It literally means “external house” and refers to the women that some men “kept” and supported during the days when they could still marry one wife and have multiple concubines. These women and their children usually did not live together with the man’s main family in the same compound, hence “external”.
My wordy attempt at translating 知音 (zhī yīn), which I’ve seen translated as “bosom friend” or “soulmate” before, but I felt that none of these really accurately reflect Shen Zhiheng’s and Mi Lan’s relationship here. 知音 literally means “know sound”, and refers to someone who knows you so well, more than you know yourself. It does not necessarily have a romantic connotation. It originated from the legend of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi from the Spring and Autumn Period (~770-481 BCE). Yu Boya was very good at playing the qin, while Zhong Ziqi was very good at listening to the qin, and Zhong Ziqi could always understand what Yu Boya was thinking of just from how the latter played the qin alone. When Zhong Ziqi died, Yu Boya destroyed his precious qin and snapped its strings, vowing to never play the qin again, because he no longer had a zhiyin and there was no longer anyone who could understand him.
The phrase used here was 有感情, which literally means “have feelings” for each other. However, I did not use this as a translation because in Chinese, it does not necessarily have a romantic connotation like it does in English.
As in changpao.
The thirteenth level of hell in Chinese mythology, where those who disrespect others are thrown into and submerged in a pool of blood.
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wangxianficrecs · 2 years ago
💙 A-Ying Lives Alone by DizziDreams
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💙 A-Ying Lives Alone
by DizziDreams
T, WIP, 33k, Wangxian
Summary: Lan Qiren approaches, trying not to frown as he looks down at the young boy in his strange clothes. “Young man, are your parents at work? They should not have left you home alone without a caretaker." "No, shushu!" The boy shakes his head vigorously, large eyes growing wide. "A-Ying lives alone!" Kay's comments: This story is based on the Japanese manga series/TV series Kotaro Lives Alone and it's absolutely heart-wrenching. In the beginning, we follow modern AU Lan Qiren, who is trying his best to raise his nephews and also care for their mother, who is in the hospital right now. Enter, little A-Ying, who introduces himself as the new neighbor and gifts him two loquats. Soon, he realizes, that little A-Ying seems to live all alone and tries to understand what the litte boy's circumstances are as he also has to balance his own problems. It's just. So much hurt/comfort, my poor little heart. Of course, A-Zhan and A-Ying are immediately taken with each other and it's just. How can I best describe this? This story feels like a tender heartbreak, like someone delivering your bad news while hugging you tightly. There are also so many sweet moments and I'm just so invested and so worried, not just for A-Ying, but for all the various characters who inhabit the apartment complex where the main part of the story takes place. And when I say this story is heart-breaking, it's definitely the good kind of heart-break and I can't wait to see where this story goes next and learn more about who left A-Ying all alone and why. Excerpt: Lan Qiren approaches, nodding to Nie Mingjue cordially, before he turns to A-Ying. “Young man, are your parents at work? They should not have left you home alone without a caretaker." "No, shushu!" The boy shakes his head vigorously, large eyes growing wide. "A-Ying lives alone!" "What?" Nie Mingjue's voice is gruff, but his manner is kind as he crouches down to the boy's level, meeting him eye-to-eye. "A-Ying. Where are your parents?" A-Ying's smile falters as his eyes dart from Nie Mingjue, to Lan Qiren, to the floor, and then back to Nie Mingjue. He pins his smile back in place, the effort behind it making something in Lan Qiren's chest tighten. A-Ying leans forward to whisper in Nie Mingjue's ear, and Lan Qiren leans in to hear as well. "Mama and Baba are on a mission!" he announces in a carrying whisper. "They’re spies! A-Ying lives here until they come back!" "Is that so?" Nie Mingjue looks sideways at Lan Qiren, no doubt seeking his guidance. But Lan Qiren isn't sure what to say. He doesn't know what to make of this. He straightens, looking past A-Ying into the apartment. It's sparsely furnished, with no decorations. But it seems to have the essentials, and it is well maintained. There are no piles of dishes or trash, no indication of pests or difficult living. Lan Qiren looks down at A-Ying again. He looks healthy, though Lan Qiren knows that looks can be deceiving. And there are some small signs of hardship that Lan Qiren had failed to notice that morning: the boys hair is a little overgrown, and there are stains on his clothes that look as though they have been there for a while. Within the home, an alarm begins to ring. "Ah!" A-Ying jumps. "I have to go. It’s time for Huluwa! Goodnight, shushu! Goodnight da-ge!"
wip, wip rec week, pov lan qiren, pov granny wen, pov alternating, good uncle lan qiren, kotaro lives alone, good sibling nie mingjue, fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, found family, modern setting, modern no powers, podfic available, character death, lan family feels, granny wen, children, child wei wuxian, child lan wangji, child abandonment, child lan xichen, child wen qing, child wen ning, @dizzi-dreams
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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