#slime pet
rottenrodent0 · 1 year
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Forgot her name, but enjoy!!
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
Most of the Slimes in SMT games are ugly-cute at best, but the ones in Persona 2 are very adorable. They have a childish personality (which means they enjoy playing and being praised) and also they intersperse their dialogue with 'blort!' and 'squish!'
I want one as a pet
They sound adorable!! Slime pets (in a little slime terrarium for me) would be amazing!
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mic-check-stims · 2 months
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Cute shark board for anon
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myxomycota · 19 days
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plasmodial slime mold by Max Mudie
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pixxiecup · 12 days
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robo pup :D
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aprilsmabelmaple · 2 months
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Rainbow stimboard !!! :3
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transastronautistic · 5 months
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I can't handle how cute this is. i want a slime pet too
Link to the Tweets. And here's a link to the study. ID in alt text and below the readmore.
Image 1:
tweet by e. @MelytraMithra reading "oh my goddddd
researchers built a smartwatch heart beat monitor that uses a slime mold for its operation. the slime mold has to be fed and cared for, so the users in the trial… developed an emotional attachment to it [two sobbing emojis]"
The Tweet includes a screenshot from the paper, described in next image.
Image 2:
The tweet's screenshot, which reads:
Developing a connection.
All participants expressed various feelings of connection with our device. P1, P2, P4, and P5 all described it as a little friend and/or pet. P2 expressed, “it’s always good to be accompanied by some living creature, I really like different, animals or plants. (. . .) carrying this little friend also made me feel happy and peaceful”. P4 noted that she would be reminded by the slime mold’s presence by its smell, even stating that it felt endearing, “my cat’s kind of have a smell, dogs have a smell, the physarum, I recognize the smell and it smells kind of, organic, it’s kind of yeasty but not like decaying, it smells alive”. In recalling an experience where she had to take a long drive, P4 explained, “oh, I gotta bring my little pet mold friend, during the drive, I was also thinking about how I used to be really into Tamagotchis (. . .) with the physarum, (. . .) it has this smell to it which your Tamagotchis don’t have, it has a sense of physicality, (. . .) they’re definitely different”. P1 stated that their personal care routine ended up linked to the device’s care routine “I think every time I fed myself is when I would remember to at least check it, I think that was actually quite linked”. While she was sick, P5’s partner helped take care of her as well as helped to take care of her device. P5 recounts, “I was taking care of the slime and feeding it oats and stuff, my partner was also feeding me oatmeal because I was sick and so she was like you’re my little slime and I was like yeah, I am (. . .) then she started calling me her slime because I mean me and the slime, like, we were eating the same stuff, (. . .) we were both being fed and watered”. P2 & P4 also stated that the visual appearance of their device affected their mood. P2 explained that growth made them feel refreshed. P4 associated the bright yellow of the physarum with happy feelings, noting this affective quality several times in her diary entries and in her interview.
Image 3: A reply tweet from the original tweeter reading "well nourished. in my lane. lively. growing." There's a photoset from the study described as "a slime mold oscillating between living and dormant stages." There are four images of the slime mold, which is a yellow color. The first shows it "dried / dormant / not growing." Second shows it "water added / resuscitated / growing." Third shows the slime "well nourished / lively / growing." The fourth shows it once again "dried / dormant / not growing."
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cat-cosplay · 2 years
My Gelatinous Cube might be having digestive issues.
Should I take it to the vet?
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gummycatop · 21 days
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🫧 Bathtime Stimboard 🛁
CREDIT : @cheezitofthevalley
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9houses · 7 months
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🎂 LPS #520 stimboard !!
1 2 3 • 4 5 6 • 7 8 9
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projectmayhem-stims · 1 month
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🦋 🦋 🦋
🧚‍♀️ 🧚‍♀️ 🧚‍♀️
🌸 🌸 🌸
Fairy Type Miku with trans-themed stims for anon!
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cutiepieautistic · 2 months
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Brick stimboard
×/×/× ×/× ×/×/×
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daily-lps-posts · 10 months
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confetti & cake stimboard with rat #1830 for 'anon!' (hi silly!!)
requests open! ^v^
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deadboystims · 3 months
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lps 1683 stimboard!
ᯓ★ x x x , x x x , x x x
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We can all agree this is an abomination, right? Like the curly hair is cute, but the rest of it I am in no way here for. Molded plastic clothing? GTFO, MGA. I was willing to give this line a chance when I first heard about it--little sibs for RH could be cute!--but this is a road too far (-_-)
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bloomics · 1 month
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pastel nonbinary and sapphic stims for anon
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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